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Identificación del material AICLE · Tabla de programación AICLE . OBJETIVOS. CONTENIDOS DE CURSO...

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Page 1: Identificación del material AICLE · Tabla de programación AICLE . OBJETIVOS. CONTENIDOS DE CURSO / CICLO TEMA MODELOS DISCURSIVOS TAREAS - Reconocer los efectos del ejercicio físico,
Page 2: Identificación del material AICLE · Tabla de programación AICLE . OBJETIVOS. CONTENIDOS DE CURSO / CICLO TEMA MODELOS DISCURSIVOS TAREAS - Reconocer los efectos del ejercicio físico,

Identificación del material AICLE







The human body

A1.2 - A1.3


Educación Física

Esquema corporal


Las actividades de juegos y canciones que contribuyen desarrollo físico se desarrollan en lengua inglesa (L2). La puesta en común, la escucha y la participación en las actividades, incidirán en la función comunicativa.

- Conocimiento de la importancia del control corporal y postural en reposo y en movimiento.

- Realización de ejercicios de control del esquema corporal. - Dominio de las situaciones de desequilibrio. - Reconocimiento de la lateralidad sobre otros. - Asumir las características del propio cuerpo y respetar el de los demás.










Además del propio del área de Educación Física, utilizaremos la ficha del alumnado para crear de diccionario de acciones, visionado de una película para la explicación de un juego y/o canciones, y flashcards para explicar verbos de acción o movimiento (actions words).

3º y 4º de Educación Primaria.

Rosa Mª Herencia Castillejo.

5 semanas

Competencia en el conocimiento y la aceptación del propio cuerpo, de sus posibilidades y limitaciones. Competencia en el conocimiento y la aceptación de la realidad corporal de los demás. Competencia en comunicación lingüística. Competencia para la autonomía e iniciativa personal. Competencia para aprender de manera autónoma.

Referencias http://kidsmusictown.com/ http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/body_basics/bones_muscles_joints.html - Atención a la diversidad: Las actividades tendrán diferentes grados de ejecución adaptándose a las necesidades individuales del alumnado. Para ello se utilizarán ayudas visuales, grupos de nivel y grupos heterogéneos con diferentes niveles de competencia.

3º y 4º de Primaria: The human body 2

Page 3: Identificación del material AICLE · Tabla de programación AICLE . OBJETIVOS. CONTENIDOS DE CURSO / CICLO TEMA MODELOS DISCURSIVOS TAREAS - Reconocer los efectos del ejercicio físico,

Tabla de programación AICLE









- Reconocer los efectos del ejercicio físico, de la higiene y de los hábitos posturales sobre la salud,

manifestando una actitud responsable hacia uno mismo y las demás personas.

- Tomar conciencia de la simetría corporal, afirmando la lateralidad en sí mismo y en relación con otros.

- Tomar conciencia de las partes del cuerpo y sus posibilidades de acción, apreciando la movilidad de la

cintura escapular y de la pelvis.

- Vivenciar la adaptación del mecanismo cardiorespiratorio a diferentes esfuerzos de carácter aeróbico.

- Vivenciar la relajación global y segmentaria, identificando las variaciones del tono muscular en distintas situaciones.

- Adquirir en una lengua extranjera la competencia comunicativa básica que les permita expresar y

comprender mensajes sencillos y desenvolverse en situaciones cotidianas.

- Conocimiento de la importancia del control corporal y postural en reposo y en movimiento

- Dominio de las situaciones de desequilibrio

- Control neuromuscular para el justo desarrollo de las habilidades y destrezas

- Selección del movimiento preciso en las que la precisión, la anticipación, etc., estén presentes.

- Resolución motriz (toma de decisión) de problemas previstos e imprevistos

- Aceptación de las características del propio cuerpo y el respeto al de los demás

- Respeto hacia las personas que participan en el juego y rechazo hacia los comportamientos antisociales.

- El esquema corporal: global y segmentario.

- Las funciones orgánicas: la respiración, el tono y la relajación.

- La lateralidad: reconocimiento sobre sí mismo y los otros.

- La actitud postural.

- La respiración.

- Analizar diferentes problemáticas planteadas, participar de forma activa y crítica en el análisis de las

actividades propuestas.

- Observar, analizar, discutir y resolver los problemas motrices planteados.

- Expresar mediante movimiento la respuesta requerida.

- Proponer dentro del grupo soluciones a la las tareas propuestas.

- Actividades de escucha de la tarea propuesta.

- Actividades de posiciones básicas con apoyo visual de Flashcards.

- Elaboración de un diccionario de acciones propias de la clase.

- Discusión y puesta en común de las diferentes estrategias utilizadas para la resolución de cada uno de los

problemas motrices. - Realización y resolución de fichas teóricas sobre las partes del cuerpo - Discusión sobre la problemática y puesta en común de las soluciones.



FUNCIONES: Atender a direcciones en el espacio. Dar

instrucciones para mover partes del cuerpo. Contar hasta el 20.

ESTRUCTURAS: The joints are where our bones are joined together. With the joints we can move our body. Don’t leave the court! Gather the materials. Imitate your partner’s slow movements as if he/she was a mirror...


Catch, touch, team, remember, rules, games,

breathe in, breathe out, help, choose, run, jump,

push, lay down, support hold hands, crawl,

balance, crouch, asleep, ankles, grab, upside,

hips, kneel, toes, neck, shoulders, head, trunk,

limbs, flying, stand up, on your knee, squat,




- Participa del juego mostrando una actitud de aceptación hacia las demás personas. - Diferencia posturas simétricas y asimétricas. - Disocia conscientemente los segmentos del cuerpo con ritmos diferentes. - Reconoce los movimientos asociados a la cintura escapular y a la cintura pélvica, en distintas acciones


- Se sitúa a la derecha o a la izquierda de compañeros y objetos orientados en función de estímulos. - Es capaz de correr de forma continuada durante un período de 6 a 8 minutos. - Diferencia los diversos ritmos cardíacos asociados a distintos esfuerzos. - Mantiene una actitud postural correcta en distintas situaciones, con el ajuste postural requerido. - Contrae y relaja de forma consciente segmentos corporales, relacionando la inspiración-espiración. - Muestra interés en el cuidado del cuerpo.

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Page 4: Identificación del material AICLE · Tabla de programación AICLE . OBJETIVOS. CONTENIDOS DE CURSO / CICLO TEMA MODELOS DISCURSIVOS TAREAS - Reconocer los efectos del ejercicio físico,




Become aware of body symmetry.

Become aware of the mobility of the shoulder girdle.

Become aware of the mobility of the pelvis.

Become aware of body parts and their possibilities for action.

Experiencing the mechanism of cardiorespiratory adaptation to various stresses.

Experiencing efforts primarily aerobic in nature.

Affirm the laterality in relation to others.

Identify changes in muscle tone in various situations.

Experiencing the global and segmental relaxation.

Difference symmetric and asymmetric postures.

Consciously dissociates the body segments at different rates.

Recognizes the movements associated with the shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle in various simple actions.

It lies to the right or left of partners and objects oriented in terms of stimuli.

Able to run continuously for a period of 6 to 8 minutes.

Differentiate the different heart rates associated with different efforts.

Maintains proper postural in various situations.

Contract and relaxes consciously body segments, linking this mechanism with the inspiration-expiration.





The human body.

Breathing, tone and relaxation.

Right and left: recognition on the other


Repeat the procedures and activities developed in the first level by encouraging consolidation.

Perception of heart functions after exercise.

Perception and differentiation of heart function after various efforts.

Perception and differentiation of heart function after various efforts, related to the respiratory function.

Perform movements with the pelvis in relation to the spine (lying, kneeling, "four legs" and seats).

Situations involving the control of muscle contraction and stretching of various body segments.

Implementation of past activities relating them to the respiratory mechanism.

Conduct of racing games, persecution, etc…

Activities of imitation (mirror technique).

Continuation of activities that develop flexibility.

Assessment and acceptance of one's body, its possibilities and limitations.

Assessment and acceptance of the physical reality of others, their possibilities and limitations.


Moral and civic education.

Health education.

Education for peace.

Education for equal opportunities for both sexes.

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Page 5: Identificación del material AICLE · Tabla de programación AICLE . OBJETIVOS. CONTENIDOS DE CURSO / CICLO TEMA MODELOS DISCURSIVOS TAREAS - Reconocer los efectos del ejercicio físico,


Don’t talk!

Be silent!

Don’t move!

Now it’s circle time.

Who wants to explain the

game to the others?

Do you understand?

Can you repeat?

Are you ready?

Stand in the line.

Make a circle.

Sit down on the ground.

Look at the cards.

Make two teams.

Don’t leave the court!

Go to a hoop.

Get into pairs.

Go to the center.

Go to the line.

Go back.

Ready, set, go.

Say a color.

Touch something that is…

Stand on this side of the


Leave the hoop.

Listen to the song.

Guess what I saw.

Run around the circle.

Chase the class.

You’re “it”!

W i l l t a k e i t !

Catch other players.

Touch your mate’s back

Hold hands.

Don’t separate.

Don’t break the chain.

We have to start again.

Get on the bench, tyre…

You are the winner.


Be careful

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Page 6: Identificación del material AICLE · Tabla de programación AICLE . OBJETIVOS. CONTENIDOS DE CURSO / CICLO TEMA MODELOS DISCURSIVOS TAREAS - Reconocer los efectos del ejercicio físico,



Cabeza (Head)

Oreja (Ear)

Frente (Forehead)

Nariz (Nose)

boca (Mouth)

Lengua (Tongue)

Pelo (Hair)

Cuello (Neck)

Garganta (Throat)

Barbilla (Chin)

Hombros (Shoulders)

Pecho de hombre (Chest)

Pecho de mujer (Bust)

Pantorrilla (Calf)

Estómago (Stomach)

Brazo (Arm)

Mano (Hand)


Uña (Nail)

Pulgar (Thumb)

Culo (Bottom)

Pierna (Leg)

Muslo (Thigh)

Pie/pies (Foot/feet)

Talón (Heel)

Dedo del pie (Toe)

Espalda (Back)








Muñeca. (wrist)

Cuello.(Neck) PARTS OF THE FACE:

Cabeza (Head)

Oreja (Ear)

Frente (Forehead)

Nariz (Nose)

boca (Mouth)

Lengua (Tongue)

Pelo (Hair)

Cuello (Neck)

Garganta (Throat)

Barbilla (Chin)


Sentarse: sit down

De pie: stand up

Tumbarse: lie down

Tumbarse bocabajo: lie down on your back

De rodillas: on your knees

Encogidos (acurrucarse): curl up

Saltar: jump

Piernas abiertas: open your legs

A cuatro patas: on all fours

Pata coja: lame leg

En cuclillas: squat

Cuadrupedia dorsal, ventral y lateral: back, front and side four footy


Amarillo: yellow

Verde: green

Marrón: brown

Rojo: red

Naranja: orange

Azul: blue

Violeta: violet

Morado: purple

Rosa: pink

Negro: black

Gris: Grey

Plata: silver

Blanco: white

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Page 7: Identificación del material AICLE · Tabla de programación AICLE . OBJETIVOS. CONTENIDOS DE CURSO / CICLO TEMA MODELOS DISCURSIVOS TAREAS - Reconocer los efectos del ejercicio físico,


MATERIALS: poster about the joints (Nº1). The teacher explains that the students should communicate in English.


Who can touch more backs? The players spread out on the playground. Everybody tries to touch someone’s back. The student who had the most points says a part of the body in the next game. Stay close to the wall to avoid a classmate touching you

- Don’t leave the court! - Touch your classmates back…! - Be careful! - Stay close to the wall to avoid a classmate touching you.

Where is your ____? All of the players run inside the playground. One says a part of the body. The other players stop running and touch the part of the body named. The student chooses another player to say the name of the new part of the body.

- Don’t leave the court! - Touch your back/head/leg...! - Touch your shoulders/elbow/wrist...!


Make a circle and move your joints: Turn, bend, raise… Where are our joints in the body? How do the joints in our body work?

Play a singing game standing in a circle to review the parts of the body.


Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes and eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

(Repeat, getting faster each time)

RELAXATION: -Breathe in -Breathe out

What has changed? : Everybody get into pairs and stand face to face. Look at your partner’s clothes for 30 seconds. Then, you turn around and change something about your clothes (in his right/left). Now look at your partner’s clothes and guess what has changed.

-Get into pairs and stand face to face. -Look at your partner’s clothes for 30 seconds. -Turn around and change something about your clothes.

-Guess what has changed (in his right/left).

Card nº 1

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Gather the materials.

Stand in the line.

Go to the toilet.

Wash your hands and your face.

Drink some water.

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SESSION 2 THE HUMAN BODY MATERIALS: song “Hokey Cokey”, pencils crayons, poster with the diagram of the human body and face, cards whit the name of joints and other body parts (nº2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).


Complete the diagram whit the name of the joints and the other body parts. - Please, get into pairs. - Look at the blackboard. - Indicate the part that is named. - Now, complete you diagram whit your partner. - Colours the drawing.


Play a singing game standing in a circle to review the parts of the body: “Hokey Cokey”.

You put your right foot in, You put your right foot out, You put your right foot in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Cokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about.

You put your left foot in, You put your left foot out, You put your left foot in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Cokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about.

You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out, You put your right hand in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Cokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about.

You put your left hand in, You put your left hand out, You put your left hand in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Cokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about.

You put your right shoulder in, You put your right shoulder out, You put your right shoulder in,

And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Cokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about.

You put your left shoulder in, You put your left shoulder out, You put your left shoulder in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Cokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about.

You put your right hip in, You put your right hip out, You put your right hip in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Cokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about.

You put your left hip in, You put your left hip out, You put your left hip in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Cokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about.

You put your whole self in, You put your whole self out, You put your whole self in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Cokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about.

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Complete the diagram whit the name of the parts of the face: - Please, get into pairs. - Look at the poster. - Indicate the part that is named. - Now, complete you diagram whit your partner.


Cabeza (Head)

Oreja (Ear)

Frente (Forehead)

Nariz (Nose)

boca (Mouth)

Lengua (Tongue)

Pelo (Hair)

Cuello (Neck)

Garganta (Throat)

Barbilla (Chin)

Gather the materials.

Stand in the line.

Go to the toilet.

Wash your hands and your face.

Drink some water.

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MATERIALS: CD player and the song “Hokey Cokey” and “Clap your hands” The teacher explains that the students should communicate in English.


Who can touch more backs? The players spread out on the playground. One says a part of the body. The other players stop running and touch his part of the body named. The student chooses another player to say the name of the new part of the body. Everybody tries to touch the most body parts of classmates. The student who has the most points says a part of the body in the next round. Stay close to the wall to avoid a classmate touching you

- Don’t leave the court! - Touch your mate’s back…! (Leg, shoulders…) - Be careful! - Stay close to the wall to avoid a classmate touching you.

Animal walk The children go to the starting line and get in crab position (sitting, with their hands and feet on the floor). At the teacher’s signal the children walk like crabs to the finish line. The first student to cross the line becomes the teacher. Now we imitate another animal: elephant, rabbit, kangaroo, frog...

Make a circle and move your joints: turn, bend, raise…


Play the singing game “Hokey Cokey” and “Clap your hands”, standing in a circle:

CLAP YOUR HANDS Clap your hands, One, two, three.

(Clap hands three times.)

Then like this, Shake 'em free.

(Shake hands loosely in front of body.)

Bending forward, touch your toes, (Bend down and touch toes.)

Then reach up and touch your nose! (Stretch arms way up high, then touch nose.)


Breathe in / Breathe out

The mirror: In pairs, imitate your partner’s slow movements as if he/she was a mirror. Swap the roles.

Gather the materials.

Stand in the line.

Go to the toilet.

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MATERIALS: CD player and the song: “Hokey Cokey”, “If you're happy and you know it” and “Clap your hands”, poster with the diagram of the human body, cards whit the name of joints and other body parts. (Nº2, 3, 4 and 5)

The teacher explains that the students should communicate in English.


Where is your ____? All of the players run inside the playground. One says a part of the body. The other players stop running and touch the body part named. The student chooses another player to say the name of the new part of the body.

- Don’t leave the court! - Touch your back/head/leg...! - Touch your shoulders/elbow/wrist...!

Make a circle and move your joints: turn, bend, raise…


Play the singing game “Hokey Cokey” “If you're happy and you know it”and “Clap your hands”, standing in a circle:


If you're happy and you know it,

Clap your hands

(Clap hands twice)

If you're happy and you know it,

Clap your hands

(Clap hands twice)

If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it,

Clap your hands.

(Clap hands twice)

If you're happy and you know it,

Tap your toe

(Tap toes twice)

If you're happy and you know it,

Tap your toe

(Tap toes twice)

If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it,

Tap your toe.

(Tap toes twice)

If you're happy and you know it,

Nod your head

(Nod head)

If you're happy and you know it,

Nod your head

(Nod head)

If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it,

Nod your head.

(Nod head)

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If you're happy and you know it,

Clap your hands

(Clap hands twice)

If you're happy and you know it,

Clap your hands

(Clap hands twice)

If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it,

Clap your hands.

(Clap hands twice)

If you're happy and you know it,

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it,

Clap your hands.

(Clap hands twice)


Breathe in /Breathe out

Puzzle (flashcard about the parts of the body and joints) Make two or four teams. Each player read correctly a card and put that card on the poster. The winner is the team that finishes first and correctly.

- Please, make two/four teams. - Shuffle the cards. - Read the name. - If the name is correct, you put that card.

Gather the materials

Stand in the line.

Go to the toilet.

Wash your hands and your face.

Drink some water.



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MATERIALS: pencils, cards nº 8-13, a tambourine and a drumstick The teacher explains that the students should communicate in English.


Statues: We’re going to play a tambourine. Everyone walks around the gym when they hear the music start. When the music stops, everybody has to stop and form the statue that the teacher says. No one can move until the music starts again. Some example of statues: Only one foot on the ground. Two hands and two feet on the ground. One hand and one leg on the ground.

Commands: - Walk along the line around the court. - If you leave the line, you are eliminated. - Move around freely - Stop and keep still as a statue. - If you move you are eliminated - Leave the court and sit down, please. - Keep on moving. - And the three winners are....


Key positions: Walk along the line around the court and when I blow a long whistle:

sit down

stand up

lie down

lie down on your back

on your knees

curl up


open your legs

on all fours

lame leg / hop


back, front and side four footy

Follow the lines of the court and move your arms:


swimming backstroke

swimming breaststroke



SHADOW: All are grouped in pairs. One child (the shadow) is behind his partner. The shadow repeats everything (running, jumping, walking, crawling ...). After a couple of minutes, swap roles (shadow / child).

- Please, get into pairs and stand in the line. - Repeat what your partner does. (like a shadow) - Don’t leave the court! - Swap the roles.

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Breathe in /Breathe out

Bingo:All are grouped in pairs. Each pair has a bingo’s card and fills up all the lines. One player reads correctly a card with the name of the parts of the human body. All of the players must tick the correct box. The winner is the pair that finishes first and correctly.

- Please, get into pairs. - Tick the part that is named. - Fills in the diagram. - The first pair to finish is the winner. - Pairs exchange drawings. - Continue playing.

Gather the materials.

Stand in the line.

Go to the toilet.

Wash your hands and your face.

Drink some water.

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MATERIALS: pencils, card “The main joints”, 4/6 tyres and 2 bench.


High Bull: One student is “it”. He chases the other students. To be safe from being caught, the students must climb up onto an object (ex: chair, bench, wall bars). If a student is caught while on the ground, he/she is “it”.

- Try to catch one mate! - Raise your feet into the air or on something higher than the floor. - You are it!

Following the lines of the court, Move your arms:


swimming backstroke

swimming breaststroke



climbing the bench

rolling the tyres


Key positions: Walk along the line around the court and when I blow a long whistle:

sit down

stand up

lie down

Lie down on your front

Lie down on your back

on your knees

curl up


open your legs

on all fours

lame leg


back, front and side four footy

English Chicken: One student is “it”; he/she stands facing a wall and covers his/her eyes. The other students begin at the starting line. The students walk towards the student who is “it”. The person who is “it” says, “One, two, three, English chicken!” The other players must stop. The student who is “it” turns around to see if any of the players are moving. If a student moves he/she must return to the starting line. The first player to reach the finish line is “it”.

- Please, make a line. - Move around freely - Stop and keep as still as a statue. - If you move you are eliminated - Leave the court and sit down, please. - Go to the wall to win - Swap roles.

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Tick the correct box:

“On my way to the school I see…” All of the players sit down in a circle. A volunteer sits in the middle of the circle and sings: “on my way to the school I see…”, then he/she imitates what he/she saw. The students guess the answer then sit in the centre (will take it…)

- Sit down in a circle

- A volunteer sits in the middle of the circle.

- Sing: “In my way to the school I see…”

- Imitate what you saw and guess.

- The student guesses the answer then sits in the centre (will take it…)

Gather the materials

Stand in the line and go to the toilet.

Wash your hands and your face.

Drink some water.






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MATERIALS: 5/6 mats, colours cards (Appendix 2). The teacher explains that the students should communicate in English.


The colours: One student is “it”. This student stands in front of the class, two meters away. One player from the class asks the student, “What colour?” The student says a color. The class must look for an object of that color and touch it. The student who is “it” chases the class. If he/she catches a player before they touch an object, that player is “it”.

- Don’t leave the court!

- Move around freely

- You must touch an object that is the same colour that is called.

- Touch “red” colour! (Touch something that is red) Variation:

One player reads a card with the name of the colour and shows.

Name two colours.


Puppets: Make a circle around the mats:

- Flex and rotation of the head.

- Raise your shoulders up to touch your ears.

- Rotate the trunk.

- Stretch to one side, then the other side your trunk.

- Leaning from your trunk, bend towards.

- Balance an arm in one and another sense / Stretch one arm and then the other.

- Shake out your hands.

- Turn your knees and stand with feet together.

- Stand on two feet, balance on one foot and stretch one leg, and then the other.

- Shake out your legs.

Crabs combat: Make four teams. In pairs, sit down on the mat. Stay inside the mat, If you leave the mat, you are eliminated. Do not use your hands. Back to back, push until your partner leaves the mat. Variation:

Do this in the squatting position.


Lie down on the mat. Breathe in /breathe out.

- Raise an arm /Lower your arm.

- Raise a leg /Lower your leg.

- Raise both arms /Lower both arms.

- Raise both legs /Lower both legs.

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Gather the materials.

Stand in the line and go to the toilet.

Wash your hands and your face.

Drink some water.

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MATERIALS: 25/30 hoops


The Chain One pair is “it”. When they catch another pair they hold hands and chase the other pairs. When they catch another pair, those players hold hands with the others. They continue catching pairs until all of the students make one long chain. Only the players on the ends of the chain can catch other players. If the chain breaks, the players cannot chase any students until the chain is back together again. The last pair to join the chain is “it”.

- Run in pairs joined by the right hand. Hold hands. - Run in pairs joined by the left hand. - Try to catch another pair. - Don’t separate. Don’t break the chain. - We have to start again. - Be carefull!


Playing with the hoops:

- Move around freely with the hoops

- Roll the hoop along the ground whit your right/left hand

- Put your right foot in the hoop

- Run near the hoops

- Sit down at the signal, far from the hoops

- Run putting your right foot in the hoop

Place the hoop on the ground:

- Jump in of it with both feet.

- Jump out with both feet.

- Jump out with both feet to the right/left side

- Jump the hoop to the front/ back

MUSICAL CHAIRS: Make a circle with hoop. The number of hoops should be one less than the number of players. When the music starts the children dance around the circle of hoops. When the music stops the children sit in a hoop. The player that does not have a hoop is “out”. The teacher takes away one hoop and the game begins again. The student who sits in the last hoop is the winner.


The alarm: Go to the bed on your hoop to sleep. On the signal, stretch you and get up. Tidy up, dress, and we go to the school.

Gather the materials.

Stand in the line and go to the toilet.

Wash your hands and your face.

Drink some water

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MATERIALS: 6/8 rhythm balls

The teacher explains that the students should communicate in English.


Wolves and sheep: Make two teams (Wolves and sheep).Both teams separated by one or two metres. At the teacher’s signal the wolves chase the other students. To be safe from being caught, the sheep must reach the finish line (a yard). If a student is caught, he/she changes team. Now, swap the roles.

- Please, make two teams (wolf/wolves and sheep).

- Stand in the line.

- Wolves catch to sheep.

- Sheep have a yard.

- Swap the roles.


The blind person: All are grouped in pairs. One child is behind his partner; he is the blind man’s guide. This student presses the right / left shoulder of your partner and walk together. Don’t speak. The partner closes his/her eyes. When they arrive to the finish line, swap the roles (blind person / blind man’s guide).

- Please, get into pairs and stand in the line.

- Close the eyes.

- Press the right or left shoulder of your partner.

- Don’t speak.

- Walk where your mate say.

- Don’t leave the court!

- Swap the roles. Variations:

Take hold for the hip.

Astride on the partner.

Walk in zigzag.

Relay: Make teams of 4/6 players. In pairs, transport a ball with the part of the body that the teacher says. They must go to the end and return. Walk and don’t drop the ball. Relay; now, other pair repeats this action.

- Place the ball between the chests (breasts) of the players.

- Place the ball between the bellies of the players.

- Place the ball between the backs of the players.

- Place the ball between the heads of the players.

- Place the ball between the legs of the players.

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Everybody lie down on the ground, they breathe in /breathe out slowly.

- Raise an arm /Lower your arm.

- Raise a leg /Lower your leg.

- Raise both arms /Lower both arms.

- Raise both legs /Lower both legs.

- Breathe in

- Breathe out

Gather the materials.

Stand in the line and go to the toilet.

Wash your hands and your face.

Drink some water.

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MATERIALS: 25/30 globes

The teacher explains that the students should communicate in English.


Spider! One or two children stand in the middle of the court, while the rest stand on either side of the court (by the goal). When the teacher says go, they must cross the court without being touched by the spider.

- Two players in the middle of the court. - The other half of the class place in the side of the court. - Cross to the opposite side. - Try to catch one mate! - Don’t leave the court!


Put obstacles on the field.

Please, make two teams. Each wolf is from one team and only goes after the other team.

Change the dimensions/size of the field of play.


Games with globes: Each player has a globe. Inflate the globe. Everybody release the air from the globe doing noise. Finally, inflate and knot the globe.

- Hand out the globes.

- Inflate the globes.

- Release the air from the globe so it makes a noise.

- Go back and inflate the globes and knot them.

Balances with the globe:

- Support the globe in the right arm, (…in the left-handed, in the head...)

- Throw the globe into the air and catch it before it bounces on the floor.

- Throw the globe, jumps and take it in the highest point.

- Throw the globe, jumps and catch it in the lowest point, before it bounces on the floor.

Blowing race: Make four teams, the first in fours foot, made a tour that will blow the globe at ground level.

- Please, make four teams. - On all fours, blow and move the globe to evenness of the floor.

Bowlegged race: Make four teams that will place the globe between the knees of the player. The first made a

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tour. They must go to the end and return. Walk and don’t drop the ball. Relay; now, other pair repeats this action. The team that finishes first wins!

- Please, make four teams.

- Place the globe between the knees of the player.

- Don´t touch it.

- Walk and don’t drop it.

- When the player returns the next person does the same, until the last person has gone

- The team that finishes first wins!


TELEGRAM: All of the players sit down in a circle. The first person presses the shoulder of the person to the right to pass the message and so on… A volunteer sits in the middle of the circle has to determine where the message is. If the students guess where the message is then sit in the circle and other player sit in the centre (will take it…).

- Sit down in a circle.

- Put your hand on the shoulder of the person on your right.

- Press the shoulder of your partner.

- A volunteer sitting in the middle of the circle has to determine where the message is.

- If he/she is correct, switch places

- Where does the message go?

Gather the materials.

Stand in the line.

Go to the toilet.

Wash your hands and your face.

Drink some water.

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