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Idiomatic expressions

Date post: 26-Jul-2015
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FRASES Y EXPRESIONES ÚTILES PARA HABLAR COMO UN NATIVO María José Suárez Marzo 2015 SPA14-0023 Esto es “pan comido”.


María José Suárez Marzo 2015SPA14-0023

Esto es “pan comido”.

Nuestros objetivos

En esta hora nuestro objetivo es aprender expresiones útiles para poder hablar como los nativos.

Para alcanzar estos objetivos, vamos a: Familiarizarnos con diferentes

expresiones que se usan comunmente entre nativos.

Practicar las diferentes expresiones en contexto.

Explicar su significado y asociar las frases con nuestra lengua materna.


Todos los días se aprende algo NUEVO.3

Los sabios son los que buscan aprender cada día algo nuevo.

Los tontos piensan que ya lo saben todo.

Expresiones útiles.4

“Hablar hasta por los codos” literally means talking even through your elbows, and it is used when somebody is talking and saying too much. So, if you friend has been talking for 15 minutes without stopping you can say: “Él habla hasta por los codos…”. (Talks up a storm).

“Hablar hasta por los codos”

Expresiones útiles.5

“Tomar el pelo” literally means “to take the hair,” and is used when someone is tricking or making fun of someone else, but in a good-natured way. So if a friend tells you he won $10 million, you might say: “Me estás tomando el pelo.” (You’re pulling my leg / are you kidding me?.)

“Tomar el pelo”

Expresiones útiles.6

The literal translation of “ser pan comido” is “to be bread eaten,” and it means that something is very easy to do. It is the English equivalent of saying something is a piece of cake. For example: “El trabajo es pan comido.” (The job is a piece of cake.)

“Ser pan comido”

Expresiones útiles.7

The literal translation of “no tener pelos en la lengua” is “not to have hairs on your tongue.” This Spanish idiom means that someone is a straight shooter and will always speak their mind. For example: “Mi amigo no tiene pelos en la lengua.” (My friend tells it how it is.)

“No tener pelos en la lengua”

Expresiones útiles.8

“Tirar la casa por la ventana” is literally translated as “to throw the house through the window,” and it means that no expense has been spared or that money is no object. For example: “Tiré la casa por la ventana cuando compré mi nuevo coche.” (I spared no expense when I bought my new car.)

“Tirar la casa por la ventana”

Expresiones útiles.9

“Tenemos un humor de perros” is literally translated as “to have a mood of dogs,” and it means to be in a bad mood. For example: “Ellos tienen un humor de perros porque no aprobaron los exámenes en la universidad.” (They’re in a bad mood because they didn’t pass their exams at the university.)

“Tener un humor de perros”

Expresiones útiles.10

“Se me hace agua la boca” is a common Spanish idiom translated as “it makes my mouth water,” meaning that an item of food or a meal is so delicious it makes the saliva flow in a person’s mouth. For example: “Se me hace agua la boca solo pensar en la paella.” (It makes my mouth water just thinking about paella.)

“Hacerse agua la boca”

Expresiones útiles.11

“Vete a freír espárragos”

A ustedes les toca.

A ustedes les toca a ustedes: En estas situaciones…¿Qué podemos decir?


Situación1: Your best friend tells you that he inpreganted a girl. You say:...?Situación2: One of your peers never stop talking during and after class. You say:…?Situación3: You are going to present your OPI. Someone asks you how the test is. You say:…?Situación4: Your wife wants to do a quinciañera for your daughter. She wants to hire Ricky Martin and Shakira. One of your friends ask about the party. You say:…?Situación5: Your wife is in a bad mood because she is tired. You say:…?Situación6: Your Spanish instructor starts the lesson about food. She shows a lot of pictures of your favorite food. You say:…?Situación6: Your best friend is bothering you because you misspronounce a word. You say:…?

He dicho.13

Sea cortés, ande con cuidado,

edúquese lo más que

pueda, respete para que lo

respeten y que Dios los ampare.


¡Excelente trabajo!

¿Alcanzamos (did we reach) nuestro objetivo?

What was the most interesting part of this lesson?

What was the most difficult part for you? When do you think you could use this



He dicho. CASO CERRADO.15
