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IES Abastos. 2014-15. Anexo Proyecto DAW.

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Código fuente de Labyrinth Runner y Square Ninja, juegos en Javascript que emplean la librería Phaser.js para funcionar.Labyrinth Runner usa también gyro.js para el uso del giroscopio en dispositivos portátiles.
 Raúl Pastor Clemente Ciclo Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web Tutora: Patri cia Guerrero Boluda Memoria del Proyecto de DAW IES Abastos. Curso 2014/15. Grupo 8U. 18 de Mayo de 2015 Anexos del proyecto CÓDI GO FUENTE DE LOS JUEGOS LABYRINTH RUNNER Y SQUARE NINJA
  • Ral Pastor Clemente Ciclo Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web

    Tutora: Patricia Guerrero Boluda

    Memoria del Proyecto de DAW IES Abastos. Curso 2014/15. Grupo 8U. 18 de Mayo de 2015

    Tutor individual: Patricia Guerrero


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    Tabla de contenido ANEXO A: CDIGO DE LABYRINTH RUNNER....................................................................................................................... 3

    ANEXO B: CDIGO DE SQUARE NINJA ................................................................................................................................. 7

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    Anexo A: Cdigo de Labyrinth Runner

    window.onload = function () { //crea el juego var game = new Phaser.Game(512, 512, Phaser.AUTO, "game", { preload: onPreload, create: onCreate, update: onUpdate }); game.state.add('main', game); //variables var ball; var level = 1; var lives = 3; var title; var matriz; var startX; var startY; var backgroundGroup; var wallGroup; var spikeGroup; var holeGroup; var obj; var totalLevels=5; //funcion que se ejecuta en la precarga function onPreload() { game.load.image('ball', 'assets/ball-medium.png'); game.load.text('level1', 'assets/lvl1.txt'); game.load.text('level2', 'assets/lvl2.txt'); game.load.text('level3', 'assets/lvl3.txt'); game.load.text('level4', 'assets/lvl4.txt'); game.load.text('level5', 'assets/lvl5.txt'); game.load.image('wall', 'assets/wall.png'); game.load.image('background', 'assets/bg.png'); game.load.image('hole', 'assets/hole.png'); game.load.image('spikesr', 'assets/spikesr.png'); game.load.image('spikesd', 'assets/spikesd.png'); game.load.image('spikesl', 'assets/spikesl.png'); game.load.image('spikesu', 'assets/spikesu.png'); } //escala el juego a pantalla completa function goFullScreen() { game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true; game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true; game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL; game.scale.setScreenSize(true); } //funcion principal del juego

    function onCreate() { //iniciar sistema de fisicas

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    game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); goFullScreen(); //pantalla completa cursor = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); //creamos los grupos en orden de renderizado backgroundGroup = game.add.group(); wallGroup = game.add.group(); spikeGroup = game.add.group(); holeGroup = game.add.group(); makeLevel(); //crea el nivel a partir de un archivo de texto makeUI(); //crea el marcador ball = game.add.sprite(startX,startY,'ball'); ball.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); game.physics.arcade.enable(ball); ball.body.bounce.set(0.4); //controles giroscopio gyro.frequency = 10;

    //iniciar deteccin giroscopio gyro.startTracking(function (o) { //valocidad de jugador ball.body.velocity.x += o.gamma / 4; ball.body.velocity.y += o.beta / 4 }); } function makeSprite(coordX,coordY,resource,center,physics,gravity,immovable){ this.spr = game.add.sprite(coordX,coordY,resource); if(center){this.spr.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5)}; if(physics){game.physics.arcade.enable(this.spr)}; if(gravity){this.spr.body.allowGravity = true}; if(immovable){this.spr.body.immovable = true}; } function onUpdate() { //arcade.collide(objeto,objeto,funcion,[callback]); game.physics.arcade.collide(ball, wallGroup); game.physics.arcade.collide(ball, holeGroup, endLevel); game.physics.arcade.collide(ball, spikeGroup, restart); //controles cursor if (cursor.right.isDown) { ball.body.velocity.x += 10; } else if (cursor.left.isDown) { ball.body.velocity.x -= 10; } else if (cursor.up.isDown) { ball.body.velocity.y -= 10; } else if (cursor.down.isDown) { ball.body.velocity.y += 10; } } //crea el marcador con los datos obtenidos al cargar nivel function makeUI() { var style = { font: "20px Arial", fill: "#ff0044", align: "center", fontWeight: "bolder" }; var t = game.add.text(0, 10, level+" - "+title, style);

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    } //crea el nivel a partir de los datos cargados (ver format.txt y template.txt) function makeLevel() { currLevel = game.cache.getText('level'+level); currLevel = currLevel.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); matriz = currLevel.split(";"); for(i=4;i

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    holeGroup.setAll('body.immovable', true); } } } //activa colisiones para los muros game.physics.arcade.enable(wallGroup); wallGroup.setAll('body.immovable', true); wallGroup.setAll('body.mass', 100); //activa colisiones para los pinchos game.physics.arcade.enable(spikeGroup); spikeGroup.setAll('body.immovable', true); } //reinicia el juego function restart() { lives--; game.world.removeAll(); //elimina todos los objetos del mundo onCreate(); //ejecuta de nuevo el mtodo principal }

    function endLevel() { if(level

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    Anexo B: Cdigo de Square Ninja

    var Phaser; var game; var fruitTime = 2; var fallos = 0; var max = 100; var min = -100; var isMousePressed = false; var puntuacion = 0; var dificultad = 1; var bmd; var bmdCounter = 30; var ancho = 800; var alto = 480; var color; var sprite; var oldLineX, oldLineY, newLineX, newLineY; var bdrawLine = true; //var frutas = Array('orange', 'apple', 'mellon', 'pineapple', 'bomb', 'grapes', 'peach', 'banana', 'fruitspree'); var frutas = Array('orange', 'apple', 'mellon', 'pineapple', 'bomb', 'grapes', 'peach', 'banana'); // Define our main state var main = { preload: function () { "use strict";

    game.load.image('orange', 'assets/orange.png'); game.load.image('orangetop', 'assets/orangetop.png'); game.load.image('orangebottom', 'assets/orangebottom.png'); game.load.image('apple', 'assets/apple.png'); game.load.image('appletop', 'assets/appletop.png'); game.load.image('applebottom', 'assets/applebottom.png'); game.load.image('mellon', 'assets/mellon.png'); game.load.image('mellontop', 'assets/mellontop.png'); game.load.image('mellonbottom', 'assets/mellonbottom.png'); game.load.image('pineapple', 'assets/pineapple.png'); game.load.image('pineappletop', 'assets/pineappletop.png'); game.load.image('pineapplebottom', 'assets/pineapplebottom.png'); game.load.image('grapes', 'assets/grapes.png'); game.load.image('grapestop', 'assets/grapestop.png'); game.load.image('grapesbottom', 'assets/grapesbottom.png'); game.load.image('peach', 'assets/peach.png'); game.load.image('peachtop', 'assets/peachtop.png'); game.load.image('peachbottom', 'assets/peachbottom.png'); game.load.image('banana', 'assets/banana.png');

    game.load.image('bananatop', 'assets/bananatop.png'); game.load.image('bananabottom', 'assets/bananabottom.png'); game.load.image('bomb', 'assets/bomb.png'); game.load.image('bg', 'assets/bg.jpg'); game.load.image('particula', 'assets/particula.png'); game.load.image('linea', 'assets/line.png'); //fuente this.load.bitmapFont('ninjafont', 'assets/font/font.png', 'assets/font/font.fnt'); //audio this.load.audio('sfxcut', 'assets/snd/cut.mp3'); this.load.audio('sfxbomb', 'assets/snd/bomb.mp3'); //manchas

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    game.load.image('stain0', 'assets/stain/ink-stain-texture-0.png'); game.load.image('stain1', 'assets/stain/ink-stain-texture-1.png'); game.load.image('stain2', 'assets/stain/ink-stain-texture-2.png'); game.load.image('stain3', 'assets/stain/ink-stain-texture-3.png'); game.load.image('stain4', 'assets/stain/ink-stain-texture-4.png'); game.load.image('stain5', 'assets/stain/ink-stain-texture-5.png'); game.load.image('stain6', 'assets/stain/ink-stain-texture-6.png'); //marcador de fallos game.load.image('0fail', 'assets/fail/0fail.png'); game.load.image('1fail', 'assets/fail/1fail.png'); game.load.image('2fail', 'assets/fail/2fail.png'); game.load.image('3fail', 'assets/fail/3fail.png'); game.load.image('4fail', 'assets/fail/4fail.png'); game.load.image('5fail', 'assets/fail/5fail.png'); }, create: function () { "use strict"; var background = game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, ancho, alto, "bg"); //Inicializa motor fsicas

    game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); game.physics.arcade.gravity.y = 900; //Inicializa teclas this.cursor = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); //grupo manchas (se renderiza antes de las frutas, el marcador o la estela) this.manchas = game.add.group(); //crea frutas this.fruitGen = this.game.time.events.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * fruitTime, this.fruitGenerator, this); this.fruitGen.timer.start(); game.input.onDown.add(this.isPressed, this); game.input.onUp.add(this.isNotPressed, this); //crea el marcador this.marcador = this.game.add.bitmapText(this.game.width / 2, 10, 'ninjafont', puntuacion.toString(), 64); this.marcador.visible = true; this.basuraGrp = game.add.group(); this.frutasGrp = game.add.group(); this.fallos = this.game.add.sprite(game.width, 10, '0fail'); this.fallos.x = game.width - this.fallos.width / 2; this.fallos.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0); //efectos de sonido this.sfxcut = game.add.audio('sfxcut'); this.sfxbomb = game.add.audio('sfxbomb'); //pantalla completa //this.goFullScreen(); //linea recolectora de basura this.linea = game.add.sprite(game.width / 2, game.height + 50, 'linea'); this.linea.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); game.physics.arcade.enable(this.linea); this.linea.body.allowGravity = false; this.linea.body.immovable = true;

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    //inicia la estela bmd = game.add.bitmapData(ancho, alto); color = '#b30303'; bmd.ctx.beginPath(); bmd.ctx.lineWidth = "4"; bmd.ctx.strokeStyle = color; bmd.alpha = 0.1; bmd.ctx.stroke(); sprite = game.add.sprite(0, 0, bmd); newLineX = game.input.x; newLineY = game.input.y; oldLineX = game.input.x; oldLineY = game.input.y; //hace que las manchas generadas al cortar la fruta se desvanezcan this.mrProper = this.game.time.events.loop(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * 2, this.donLimpio, this); }, update: function () { "use strict";

    this.drawLine(); //if (!isMousePressed && drawLine) { if (!isMousePressed && bdrawLine) { bdrawLine = !bdrawLine; bmd.clear(); } else { bdrawLine = !bdrawLine; } //las frutas se destruyen al salir de pantalla, afectando a la puntuacion this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.frutasGrp, this.linea, function (spr, mmb) { fallos++; this.actualizaFallos(); mmb.kill(); }, null, this); //las bombas o pedazos se destruyen al salir de pantalla, pero no afectan a la puntuacion this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.frutasGrp, this.linea, function (spr, mmb) { mmb.kill(); }, null, this); }, goFullScreen: function () { game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true; game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true; game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL; game.scale.setScreenSize(true); }, drawLine: function () { oldLineX = newLineX; oldLineY = newLineY; newLineX = game.input.x; newLineY = game.input.y;

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    if (isMousePressed) { if (oldLineX != newLineX || oldLineY != newLineY) { bmd.clear(); bmd.ctx.beginPath(); bmd.ctx.moveTo(oldLineX, oldLineY); bmd.ctx.lineTo(newLineX, newLineY); bmd.ctx.lineWidth = 3; bmd.ctx.stroke(); bmd.ctx.closePath(); bmd.render(); bmd.refreshBuffer(); } } }, isPressed: function () { isMousePressed = true; }, isNotPressed: function () { isMousePressed = false;

    }, fruitGenerator: function () { "use strict"; // Crea un nmero aleatorio de frutas var numFrutas = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5); if (numFrutas == 0) { numFrutas = 1; } //angulo de lanzamiento de las frutas var posInicX = ancho / 2; var posInicY = game.height; var velInicY = 0; var rotInic = 0; while (numFrutas) { var selecPos = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (selecPos == 1) { //izquierda posInicX = 0; posInicY = game.height; velInicY = 250; rotInic = 15; } else if (selecPos == 2) { //cebtri posInicX = ancho / 2; posInicY = game.height; velInicY = 0; rotInic = 0; } else if (selecPos == 3) { //derecha posInicX = ancho; posInicY = game.height; velInicY = -250; rotInic = -15; } var fruta = frutas[Math.floor(Math.random() * frutas.length)];

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    this.frutaObj = this.game.add.sprite(posInicX, posInicY, fruta); this.frutaObj.tipo = fruta; this.frutaObj.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); game.physics.arcade.enable(this.frutaObj); this.frutaObj.rotation = Math.floor(Math.random() * (30) - rotInic); this.frutaObj.body.velocity.y = -((Math.random() * 250) + 600); this.frutaObj.body.velocity.x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min + velInicY; this.frutaObj.inputEnabled = true; //this.frutaObj.checkWorldBounds = true; //this.frutaObj.outOfBoundsKill = true; if (this.frutaObj.tipo == 'bomb') { this.basuraGrp.add(this.frutaObj); } else { this.frutasGrp.add(this.frutaObj); } /*if(this.frutaObj.tipo == 'bomb') { //crea particulas var emitter = game.add.emitter(0, 0, 100); emitter.makeParticles('particula'); //emitter.lifespan = 1000;

    emitter.maxParticleSpeed = new Phaser.Point(-100,50); emitter.minParticleSpeed = new Phaser.Point(-200,-50); //emitter.y = 0; //emitter.x = this.frutaObj.width/2; this.frutaObj.addChild(emitter); emitter.start(); emitter.x = 0; emitter.y = 0; emitter.emitX = 500; emitter.emitY = 500; }*/ //this.frutaObj.events.onInputDown.add(this.hit(this.frutaObj.tipo, this.frutaObj.x, this.frutaObj.y), this); this.frutaObj.hit = function (origen) { if (origen.tipo == 'bomb') { //si le damos a una bomba if (isMousePressed) { this.sfxbomb.play(); fallos++; this.actualizaFallos(); //TODO: animacin de explosin origen.kill(); } } else if (origen.tipo == 'fruitspree') { //si se inicia el evento 'fruit spree' :-) } else { //si es una fruta normal if (isMousePressed) { //reproduce efecto de sonido this.sfxcut.play(); //aumenta la puntuacin en 1 y actualiza el marcador puntuacion++; this.marcador.setText(puntuacion.toString()); //crea una mancha al azar

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    var tipomancha = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); //escoge una de las manchas al azar this.mancha = this.game.add.sprite(origen.x, origen.y, 'stain' + tipomancha); //crea la mancha en la posicion de la fruta cortada this.mancha.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); this.mancha.tint = Phaser.Color.getRandomColor(); //tinta la mancha de un color al azar this.manchas.add(this.mancha); //aade mancha al grupo (por prioridad de renderizado); this.mancha.alpha = 0.8; //mancha semitransparente this.mancha.rotation = Math.floor(Math.random() * 359); //rota la mancha al azar //crea los pedazos de la fruta this.frutaS = this.game.add.sprite(origen.x, origen.y, origen.tipo + 'top'); this.frutaI = this.game.add.sprite(origen.x, origen.y, origen.tipo + 'bottom'); game.physics.arcade.enable(this.frutaS); game.physics.arcade.enable(this.frutaI); this.basuraGrp.add(this.frutaS); this.basuraGrp.add(this.frutaI);

    origen.kill(); //destruye la fruta golpeada //trayectoria e inclinacin de los pedazos this.frutaS.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); this.frutaI.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); this.frutaS.body.velocity.x = -30; this.frutaI.body.velocity.x = 30; this.frutaS.body.velocity.y = -200; this.frutaI.body.velocity.y = -10; //this.frutaS.outOfBoundsKill = true; //this.frutaI.outOfBoundsKill = true; this.frutaI.rotation = Math.floor(Math.random() * (30) - 15); this.frutaS.rotation = Math.floor(Math.random() * (30) - 15); } } } this.frutaObj.events.onInputOver.add(this.frutaObj.hit, this); numFrutas--; } }, marcadorOnline: function (puntuacion, dificultad, juego, fecha, invitado) { //guarda la puntuacion si NO es invitado, en caso contrario slo lee los datos //devuelve un listado de los cinco primeros O devuelve un mensaje de error var resul = "ERROR"; if (!invitado) { //guarda en BBDD } //consulta a la BBDD mediante AJAX if (resul.length == 5 || (resul.length < 5 && resul.length > 0)) { //CONVIERTE RESULTADOS EN UN STRING SEPARADO POR PUNTO Y COMA } else { //NO HAY RESULTADOS PARA HOY } return resul; }, guardaPuntuacion: function () {

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    $.ajax({ data: { "userid": parent.document.getElementById('userid').value, "idjuego": location.search.split('id=')[1], "idjuego": 7, "puntuacion": puntuacion, "dificultad": dificultad, "guardar": "ok" }, url: '//localhost/prj/puntuaciones.php', type: 'post', beforeSend: function () { //alert("antes"); }, success: function (response) { parent.refreshRanking(); } }); }, //asigna a todas las manchas un tween con fadeout

    donLimpio: function () { var len = this.manchas.children.length for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var tween = game.add.tween(this.manchas.children[i]); tween.to({ alpha: 0 }, 5000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None); tween.onComplete.add(function () { //this.manchas.children[i] = null; //obj.kill(); }); tween.start(); } }, actualizaFallos: function () { this.fallos.loadTexture(fallos + 'fail'); if (fallos == 5) { this.findelJuego(); } }, findelJuego: function () { this.guardaPuntuacion(); fallos = 0; puntuacion = 0; game.state.start('main'); } }; // Initialize Phaser, and start our 'main' state var game = new Phaser.Game(ancho, alto, Phaser.AUTO, 'gameDiv'); game.state.add('main', main); game.state.start('main');

    Anexo A: Cdigo de Labyrinth RunnerAnexo B: Cdigo de Square Ninja
