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Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito · Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de...

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Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito Sunday, April 1, 2018, Easter sunday Domingo, abril 1, 2018 Domingo de pascua English Mass Times Monday: 9:00AM, at Sacred Heart Wednesday: 9:00AM, at Sacred Heart Thursday: 9:00AM, at Sacred Heart Saturday: 4:30PM, at St. Benedict’s Sunday: 8:45AM, 10:30AM, 5:00PM, at St. Benedict’s Latin Mass Times Tuesday: 6:30PM, at Sacred Heart Wednesday: 7:30AM, at Sacred Heart Thursday: 12:00PM, at Sacred Heart Friday: 6:30PM, at Sacred Heart Saturday: 8:00AM, at Sacred Heart Sunday: 10:30AM, at Sacred Heart Horarios de Misa en Español Lunes: 7:00PM, en Sagrado Corazón Martes: 9:00AM, en Sagrado Corazón Miercoles: 7:00PM, en Sagrado Corazón Viernes: 9:00AM, en Sagrado Corazón Sabado: 7:00PM, en San Benito Domingo: 7:00AM, 12:30PM en San Benito English Confessions Saturday: 3:30PM-4:15PM, at St. Benedict Confesiones en Español: Sabado: 6:00PM-6:45PM, en San Benito Contact Information & Office Hours Horario y Telefono de Oficina del Centro Pastoral 680 College Street Hollister, Ca 95023 www.catholichollister.org (831) 637-9212 (phone) 637-7299 (Fax) [email protected] Monday - Friday, 9:00AM-12:30PM, 1:30PM-5:00PM Lunes a Viernes, 9:00AM-12:30PM, 1:30PM-5:00PM St. Benedict’s Church: 1200 Fairview Road, Hollister, Ca

Sacred Heart-Saint Benedict Catholic Church

Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón y San Benito

Sunday, April 1, 2018, Easter sunday

Domingo, abril 1, 2018 Domingo de pascua

English Mass Times Monday: 9:00AM, at Sacred Heart Wednesday: 9:00AM, at Sacred Heart Thursday: 9:00AM, at Sacred Heart Saturday: 4:30PM, at St. Benedict’s Sunday: 8:45AM, 10:30AM, 5:00PM, at St. Benedict’s Latin Mass Times Tuesday: 6:30PM, at Sacred Heart Wednesday: 7:30AM, at Sacred Heart Thursday: 12:00PM, at Sacred Heart Friday: 6:30PM, at Sacred Heart Saturday: 8:00AM, at Sacred Heart Sunday: 10:30AM, at Sacred Heart Horarios de Misa en Español Lunes: 7:00PM, en Sagrado Corazón Martes: 9:00AM, en Sagrado Corazón Miercoles: 7:00PM, en Sagrado Corazón Viernes: 9:00AM, en Sagrado Corazón Sabado: 7:00PM, en San Benito Domingo: 7:00AM, 12:30PM en San Benito English Confessions Saturday: 3:30PM-4:15PM, at St. Benedict Confesiones en Español: Sabado: 6:00PM-6:45PM, en San Benito Contact Information & Office Hours Horario y Telefono de Oficina del Centro Pastoral 680 College Street Hollister, Ca 95023 www.catholichollister.org (831) 637-9212 (phone) 637-7299 (Fax) [email protected] Monday - Friday, 9:00AM-12:30PM, 1:30PM-5:00PM Lunes a Viernes, 9:00AM-12:30PM, 1:30PM-5:00PM St. Benedict’s Church: 1200 Fairview Road, Hollister, Ca

Fr. Claudio Cabrera Carranza: pastor Fr. Dennis Peterson: parochial vicar Fr. German Rodriguez: parochial vicar Fr. Hugues Beaugrand: Latin Mass Chaplain Fr. Heibar Castañeda: in residence Rachel McKenna Ed.D., Sacred Heart School Principal Mark Lema: Sacred Heart School Business Manager Isabel Romero: Sacred Heart/St. Benedict Business Manager Sr. Mary Kelly: RCIA, Liturgy Coordinator Silvia Sierra : Front Office Nancy Lopez: Director of Religious Education (English) Maria S. Villegas: Director of Religious Education (Spanish) Ellen Emma: Wedding & Quinceañera Coordinator Karla Perez: Wedding & Quinceañera Coordinator

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord is risen (Acts 10:34a, 37-43). Psalm — This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118). (1) Second Reading — All who are bap zed, set your hearts in heaven (Colossians 3:1-4) or (2) Second Reading — Christ our Passover is sacrificed; therefore let us celebrate (1 Corinthians 5:6b-8). Gospel — Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John; each responds to the empty tomb (John 20:1-9) or Mark 16:1-7 (or, at an a er-noon or evening Mass, Luke 24:13-35).

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Pedro es un tes go: el Señor ha resucitado (Hechos 10:34a, 37-43). Salmo — Este es el día en que actuó el Señor: sea nuestra ale-gría y nuestro gozo (Salmo 118 [117]). (1) Segunda lectura — Todos los bau zados, eleven su corazón al cielo (Colosenses 3:1-4). (2) Segunda lectura — Cristo nuestra Pascua fue sacrificado; por tanto celebremos (1 Corin os 5:6b-8). Evangelio — Tres tes gos, María, Pedro y Juan; cada uno res-ponde a la tumba vacía (Juan 20:1-9) o Mc 16:1-7 o (en misas de la tarde o la noche) Lc 24:13-35.

Director Of Liturgy, Adult Faith Forma on, Love Ministry & RCIA— Sr. Mary Kelly 637-9212 Sacred Heart Altar Society– Rose Davis 776-3270 St. Benedict Art & Environment– Mary Ellen B. 637-2879 Bap sm prepara on-Mariela Carmona 637-9212 Bible Studies– 637-9212 Choir-Music Ministries– 637-9212 Divine Mercy Devo on – Connie Perreira 637-1316 Eucharis c Minister Training– Sr. Mary 637-9212 Faith Forma on– 637-9212 Fishes and Loaves– Kathy Hough 801-0265 Lector training– 637-9212 Lectors– Charlie Gallegos 637-4951 Eucharis c Ministers– Kathy Hough 801-0265 Altar Servers– Sean Hagge 634-0900 Migrant Campo Ministry– Graciela Garcia 245-5460 Ministry to the Elderly & Homebound Sr. Mary 637-9212 Sacred Heart Thri Store– Marcella 637-7998 Serra Interna onal– Charlie Gallegos 637-4951 Youth Group– Ana Gomez 594-4469 Knights of Columbus – David Gu rez 537-8305 Respect Life Ministry – John & Tess Ucovich 630-1898

Hora Santa — Renovados en Cristo 673-0664

Adoradores del San simo– Amparo Chavez 637-7783

Coros Efrain Parra 245-9900

Irene Casas 637-7036

Linda & Lupe 637-5117

Divina Msericordia– Ana Monteon 637-6072

RICA para adultos– Sr. Mary Kelly 637-9212

Formacion de Fe– Maria Socorro Villegas 637-8291

Encuentro matrimonial– Jesus y Suri Claudio 664-6792

12 Apostoles– Irma Rivas 245-9206

San Juan XV– Epifania 637-6089

Saludadores– Ana & Alejandro Mar nez 637-2358

Lectores– Carmen Pardo 530-701-2967

Ministros de Eucaris a– Humberto Q. 637-9125

Monaguillos– Rosie Lopez 637-4368

Sociedad Guadalupana– Marlene Salcido 637-3694

Tienda Sagrado Corazon– Marcella 637-7998

Cristo La Buena Nueva— Gerbacio Roque 537-3580




SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Easter Sunday of the Resurrec on of the Lord Monday: Monday within the Octave of Easter Tuesday: Tuesday within the Octave of Easter Wednesday: Wednesday within the Octave of Easter Thursday: Thursday within the Octave of Easter Friday: Friday within the Octave of Easter; First Friday; Julian Calendar Good Friday Saturday: Saturday within the Octave of Easter; First Saturday

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor Lunes: Lunes de la Octava de Pascua Martes: Martes de la Octava de Pascua Miércoles: Miércoles de la Octava de Pascua Jueves: Jueves de la Octava de Pascua Viernes: Viernes de la Octava de Pascua; Primer viernes; Viernes Santo en el calendario juliano Sábado: Sábado de la Octava de Pascua; Primer sábado

†=Deceased / Difuntos Saturday / Sábado, March 31/Marzo 31 4:30pm †Danielle Dooling 7:00pm †Eliseo Medina C, bienestar de Praxedes Herrera, Alicia Cortes, Eliseo Medina, cumpleaños de Jose Luis y Claudia Olvera Sunday / Domingo, April 01/Abril 01 7:00am Bienestar de Maria Isabel Olvera y Familia Por las almas benditas del purgatorio y por sacerdotes y religiosas 8:45am †Jose Guardiola, Joseph Tai, Anna, Uyen, and souls 10:30am †Father Lester Mitchell, wellbeing of Lukony Family and in thanksgiving for Wirsy Agnes 12:30pm †Teresa Esqueda, †Oscar Coreas, †Juan Zendejas †Juanita ruiz 5:00pm NO MASS Monday / Lunes, April 02/Abril 02 9:00am No inten ons 7:00pm †Maria Aviles Tuesday / Martes, April 03/Abril 03 9:00am †Familia Lopez Mercado, Medina Cortes y almas benditas del purgatorio Wednesday / Miércoles, April 04/Abril 04 9:00am No inten ons 7:00pm Salud de Celia Angelica Maya Garcia Thursday / Jueves, April 05/Abril 05 9:00am †Emma Perreira Friday / Viernes, April 06/Abril 06 9:00am Bienestar de Fernando Guerrero y familia

Prayer for the Sick & Homebound Loving God, Jesus your Son, went about doing good and healing all,

your gifts of love are countless and your goodness infinite.

We ask your blessing on the members of our parish who are ill and those who are homebound.

Give them strength in body, courage in spirit and patience in pain. We give you thanks for the gift of their lives.

Sustain those who suffer the loss of well-being, mobility, and freedom. We place them into your hand in the name

of Jesus your Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Please Pray for the Following:

Grelia Samame Leon

Maria Vargas

Michelle Hernandez

Celene Ochoa

Eileen Poelker

Jose Flores

Herminia Flores

Christine Ramage

Dolores Alvarez

Maria Prado



Fundamentalists often criticize the Catholic Church’s prac-tice of baptizing infants. According to them, baptism is for adults and older children, because it is to be administered only after one has undergone a “born again” experience—that is, after one has “accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior.” At the instant of acceptance, when he is “born again,” the adult be-comes a Christian and his salvation is assured forever. Baptism follows, though it has no actual salvific value. In fact, one who dies before being baptized but after “being saved” goes to heaven anyway. As Fundamentalists see it, baptism is not a sacrament (in the true sense of the word), but an ordinance. It does not in any way convey the grace it symbolizes; rather, it is merely a public mani-festation of the person’s conversion. Since only an adult or older child can be converted, baptism is inappropriate for infants or for children who have not yet reached the age of reason (generally considered to be about age seven). Most Fundamentalists say that during the years before they reach the age of reason infants and young children are automatically saved. Only after a person reaches the age of reason does he need to “accept Jesus” in order to reach heaven. Since the New Testament era, the Catholic Church has al-ways understood baptism differently, teaching that it is a sacra-ment that accomplishes several things, the first of which is the remission of sin—both original sin and actual sin (only original sin in the case of infants and young children, since they are inca-pable of actual sin, and both original and actual sin in the case of older persons). Peter explained what happens at baptism when he said, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). But he did not restrict this teaching to adults. He added, “For the promise is to you and to your children and to all that are far off, every one whom the Lord our God calls to him” (2:39). We also read: “Rise and be bap-tized, and wash away your sins, calling on his name” (Acts 22:16). These commands are universal, not restricted to adults. Further, these commands make clear the necessary connection between baptism and salvation, a connection explicitly stated in 1 Peter 3:21: “Baptism . . . now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

Christ Calls All to Baptism

Although Fundamentalists are the most recent critics of in-fant baptism, opposition to infant baptism is not a new phenome-non. In the Middle Ages, some groups developed that rejected infant baptism, such as the Waldenses and Catharists. Later, the Anabaptists (“re-baptizers”) echoed them, claiming that infants are incapable of being baptized validly. But the Christian Church has always held that Christ’s law applies to infants as well as adults, for Jesus said that no one can enter heaven unless he has been born again of water and the Holy Spirit (cf. John 3:5). His words can be taken to apply to anyone capable of belonging to his kingdom. He asserted such even for children: “Let the chil-dren come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 19:14). More detail is given in Luke’s account of this event, which reads: “Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them; and when

the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God’” (Luke 18:15–16). Now Fundamentalists say that this event does not apply to young children or infants since it implies that the children to which Christ was referring were able to approach him on their own. (Older translations have, “Suffer the little children to come unto me,” which seems to suggest they could do so under their own power.) Fundamentalists conclude that the passage refers only to children old enough to walk, and, presumably, capable of sinning. But the text in Luke 18:15 says, “Now they were bring-ing even infants to him” (Greek: Prosepheron de autō kai ta brep-hē). The Greek word brephe means “infants”—children who are quite unable to approach Christ on their own and who could not possibly make a conscious decision to “accept Jesus as their per-sonal Lord and Savior.” And that is precisely the problem. Fun-damentalists refuse to permit the baptism of infants and young children, because they are not yet capable of making such a con-scious act. But notice what Jesus said: “To such [referring to the infants and children who had been brought to him] belongs the kingdom of heaven.” The Lord did not require them to make a conscious decision. He says that they are precisely the kind of people who can come to him and receive the kingdom. So on what basis, Fundamentalists should be asked, can infants and young children be excluded from the sacrament of baptism? If Jesus said “let them come unto me,” who are we to say “no,” and withhold baptism from them?

In Place of Circumcision

Furthermore, Paul notes that baptism has replaced circumci-sion (cf. Col. 2:11–12). In that passage, he refers to baptism as “the circumcision of Christ” and “the circumcision made without hands.” Of course, usually only infants were circumcised under the Old Law; circumcision of adults was rare, since there were few converts to Judaism. If Paul meant to exclude infants, he would not have chosen circumcision as a parallel for baptism. This comparison between who could receive baptism and circumcision is an appropriate one. In the Old Testament, if a man wanted to become a Jew, he had to believe in the God of Israel and be circumcised. In the New Testament, if one wants to become a Christian, one must believe in God and Jesus and be baptized. In the Old Testament, those born into Jewish house-holds could be circumcised in anticipation of the Jewish faith in which they would be raised. Thus in the New Testament, those born in Christian households can be baptized in anticipation of the Christian faith in which they will be raised. The pattern is the same: If one is an adult, one must have faith before receiving the rite of membership; if one is a child too young to have faith, one may be given the rite of membership in the knowledge that one will be raised in the faith. This is the basis of Paul’s reference to baptism as “the circumcision of Christ”—that is, the Christian equivalent of circumcision. To be continued... Souce: The essential Catholic Survival Guide, Catholic Answers


Bautismo de Infantes Los fundamentalistas a menudo critican la práctica de la Iglesia Católica de bautizar infantes. Según ellos, el bautismo es para adultos y niños mayores, porque debe administrarse solo después de que uno haya experimentado "nacer de nuevo", es decir, después de haber "aceptado a Jesucristo como su Señor y Salvador personal". instante de aceptación, cuando "nace de nue-vo", el adulto se convierte en cristiano y su salvación está asegurada para siempre. El bautismo sigue, aunque no tiene un verdadero valor salvífico. De hecho, uno que muere antes de ser bautizado pero después de "ser salvo" va al cielo de todos mo-dos. Como lo ven los fundamentalistas, el bautismo no es un sac-ramento (en el verdadero sentido de la palabra), sino una or-denanza. No expresa de ninguna manera la gracia que simboliza; más bien, es meramente una manifestación pública de la con-versión de la persona. Como solo un adulto o un niño mayor puede convertirse, el bautismo es inapropiado para bebés o para niños que aún no han alcanzado la edad de la razón (generalmente se considera que tienen alrededor de siete años). La mayoría de los fundamentalistas dicen que durante los años anteriores a que alcancen la edad de la razón, los bebés y los ni-ños pequeños se guardan automáticamente. Solo después de que una persona alcanza la edad de la razón necesita "aceptar a Jesús" para alcanzar el cielo. Desde la era del Nuevo Testamento, la Iglesia Católica siem-pre ha entendido el bautismo de manera diferente, enseñando que es un sacramento que cumple varias cosas, la primera de las cuales es la remisión del pecado, tanto el pecado original como el pecado real (solo pecado original en el caso de bebés y niños pequeños, ya que son incapaces de cometer un pecado real, y tanto el pecado original como el real en el caso de las personas mayores). Pedro explicó lo que sucede en el bautismo cuando dijo: "Arrepentíos, y bautícese cada uno de vosotros en el nombre de Jesucristo para perdón de los pecados; y recibirás el don del Es-píritu Santo "(Hechos 2:38). Pero él no restringió esta enseñanza a los adultos. Él agregó: "Porque la promesa es para ti, para tus hijos y para todos los que están lejos, para todos los que el Señor nuestro Dios llama" (2:39). También leemos: "Levántate y sé bautizado, y lava tus pecados, invocando su nombre" (Hechos 22:16). Estos comandos son universales, no están restringidos a adultos. Además, estos comandos dejan en claro la conexión necesaria entre el bautismo y la salvación, una conexión expuesta explícitamente en 1 Pedro 3:21: "Bautismo. . . ahora los salva, no como una eliminación de la suciedad del cuerpo, sino como un llamado a Dios por una conciencia limpia, a través de la resurrec-ción de Jesucristo ".

Cristo quiere que todos sean bautizados

Aunque los fundamentalistas son los críticos más recientes del bautismo infantil, la oposición al bautismo infantil no es un fenómeno nuevo. En la Edad Media, algunos grupos desarrol-laron el rechazo del bautismo infantil, como los valdenses y los cátaros. Más tarde, los anabautistas ("re-bautizadores") se hici-eron eco de ellos, alegando que los bebés son incapaces de ser bautizados válidamente. Pero la Iglesia Cristiana siempre ha sos-tenido que la ley de Cristo se aplica tanto a los niños como a los adultos, porque Jesús dijo que nadie puede entrar al cielo a menos que haya nacido de nuevo del agua y del Espíritu Santo (véase Juan 3: 5). Sus palabras se pueden tomar para aplicarse a cualquier persona capaz de pertenecer a su reino. Afirmó que

incluso para los niños: "Dejen que los niños vengan a mí, y no los estorben; porque a los tales pertenece el reino de los cielos "(Mateo 19:14). Más detalles se dan en la cuenta de Lucas de este evento, que dice "Ahora le traían incluso niños para que los tocara; y cuando los discípulos lo vieron, los reprendieron. Pero Jesús los llamó a él, diciendo: "Dejen que los niños vengan a mí, y no los estorben; porque a los tales pertenece el reino de Dios '"(Lucas 18: 15-16). Ahora los fundamentalistas dicen que este evento no se aplica a niños pequeños o infantes ya que implica que los niños a los que Cristo se estaba refiriendo pudieron acercarse a él solos. (Las traducciones anteriores tienen, "Sufren los niños pequeños para venir a mí", lo que parece sugerir que podrían hacerlo bajo su propio poder.) Los fundamentalistas concluyen que el pasaje se refiere solo a niños lo suficientemente mayores para caminar, y, presumiblemente, capaces de pecando Pero el texto en Lucas 18:15 dice: "Ahora le traían incluso niños" (griego: Prospente de autō kai ta brephē). La palabra griega brephe significa "infantes", niños que son completamente incapaces de acercarse a Cristo solos y que posiblemente no puedan tomar una decisión consci-ente de "aceptar a Jesús como su Señor y Salvador personal". Y ese es precisamente el problema. Los fundamentalistas se niegan a permitir el bautismo de bebés y niños pequeños, porque aún no son capaces de hacer un acto tan consciente. Pero fíjense en lo que dijo Jesús: "Para los que [refiriéndose a los niños y los niños que habían sido traídos a él] les pertenece el reino de los cielos". El Señor no les exigió tomar una decisión consciente. Él dice que son precisamente el tipo de personas que pueden acudir a él y recibir el reino. Entonces, ¿sobre qué base se debe preguntar a los fundamentalistas? ¿Pueden los bebés y niños pequeños ser excluidos del sacramento del bautismo? Si Jesús dijo "que vengan a mí", ¿a quién debemos decir "no" y les negamos el bau-tismo?

En lugar de la circuncisión Además, Pablo nota que el bautismo ha reemplazado a la circun-cisión (véase Col. 2: 11-12). En ese pasaje, él se refiere al bautis-mo como "la circuncisión de Cristo" y "la circuncisión hecha sin manos." Por supuesto, por lo general, solo los infantes fueron circuncidados bajo la Ley Antigua; la circuncisión de adultos era rara, ya que había pocos conversos al judaísmo. Si Pablo quería excluir a los infantes, no habría elegido la circuncisión como un paralelo para el bautismo. Esta comparación entre quién podría recibir el bautismo y la circuncisión es apropiada. En el Antiguo Testamento, si un hom-bre quería hacerse judío, tenía que creer en el Dios de Israel y circuncidarse. En el Nuevo Testamento, si uno quiere ser cris-tiano, uno debe creer en Dios y en Jesús y ser bautizado. En el Antiguo Testamento, aquellos nacidos en hogares judíos podrían ser circuncidados en anticipación de la fe judía en la cual serían criados. Por lo tanto, en el Nuevo Testamento, los nacidos en hogares cristianos pueden ser bautizados en anticipación de la fe cristiana en la que serán criados. El patrón es el mismo: si uno es adulto, uno debe tener fe antes de recibir el rito de la membresía; si uno es un niño demasiado pequeño para tener fe, se le puede dar el rito de la membresía en el conocimiento de que uno se criará en la fe. Esta es la base de la referencia de Pablo al bautis-mo como "la circuncisión de Cristo", es decir, el equivalente cristiano de la circuncisión. Continuara…. Fuente: The essential Catholic Survival Guide, Catholic Answers

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Glitz & Glam Fashion Show Fundraiser The Glitz & Glam Fashion Show is a FUNdraiser for El Gabilan #172, Young Ladies' Ins tute in Hollister. Proceeds to benefit the 2017-2018 Grand President's Program PAWSi vity helping service animals & shelters, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Relay for Life, Fishes & Loaves, Sacred Heart Thri Store, Semi-narians & many other worth causes. $25 dona on includes lunch Advanced Reserva ons Only: www.glitzandglamfashionshow.com or email elgabilan172@a .net Raffle Prizes including a San Francisco 49ers Football! Fashions by: Dress Barn, Mrs. B's Z-Place & Irma's

Oficina Pastoral Cerrada por unos dias La oficina pastoral permanecerá cerrada desde el jueves 29 de marzo hasta el lunes 2 de abril debido a la Semana Santa y los días fes vos de Pascua. Volverá a abrir el martes 3 de abril.

1st Saturday Fa ma/Pro-Life Rosary Devo on Please join us at the 1st Saturday Fa ma/Pro-Life Rosary De-vo on service at St. Benedict’s Church at 3:45 p.m. prior to the 4:30 p.m. Mass.

Sacred Heart School Update We are happy to announce that Sacred Heart School had a wonderful review from the Western Catholic Educa on Asso-cia on. This could not be done without the hard work, dedica-

on and many, many hours spent on it by our Teachers. Thank you to all!!! We are truly grateful for your hardwork and dedi-ca on.

Grupo Cristo La Buena Nueva Grupo Cristo La Buena Nueva los invita a sus reunions los martes de 7:30PM a 9:30PM donde tenemos oración, alabanza y predicación. ¡Los Esperamos! Dios los bendiga

Pastoral Office Closed The Pastoral office will be closed from Thursday, March 29th to Monday, April 2nd due to Holy Week and Easter Holy days. It will reopen on Tuesday, April 3rd.

We have a new domain! We have a new easier-to-memorize domain, it’s simply catholichollister.org Now let us live up to that domain! Our old shsbparish.org will only work for a limited amount of me so please update your bookmarks on your web browser!

La n Mass Sacred Heart Church is the site for the Tradi onal La n Mass in the Monterey Bay Area. This is the Mass at it was celebrat-ed for over a thousand years, it is celebrated in the same way as most of the saints in the Catholic Church experienced it, not to say most of our ancestors. There’s confessions every Sun-day prior to this Mass from 9:45-10:15 a.m., and a Sung High La n Mass begins at 10:30 a.m. The La n Mass Chaplain is Fr. Beaugrand. For more informa on, email La [email protected] or visit www.shsbparish.org/la n-mass. See the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MontereyLa nMass. Sung High Mass will be held every Sun-day at 10:30 a.m., Holy Days schedules may vary (see weekly bulle n for updates). We have coffee and snacks a er each Sunday Mass unless otherwise posted. Please come by and say hello; there is always plenty to share.

Message from Hollister Downtown Associa on Dear Valued Community Member, It's almost me for our annual Downtown Spring Clean Up and we could use your help! We will have trash bags and garbage/recycling cans available. Everyone is encouraged to bring brooms, dustpans, gloves, clippers and shovels to help us get our Downtown in p-top shape! We will meet at HDA on the morning of Saturday April 21, 2018. Our address is: 514 Monterey Street. The event will begin at 8:30 am and end at 11:30 am. Bring your family, friends and co-workers and let's partner to make Downtown sparkle. A flyer for this event has been a ached to this email. Please feel free to print and post this flyer in your classrooms, breakrooms, or wai ng areas. It is definitely okay to foward this email to anyone you know that may be interested. Please call 831-636-8406 if you have any ques ons. Groups and individuals, please RSVP to: [email protected] Thank you for your dedica on to our community. We look forward to making a difference with you!

Bookstore next week! The Parish Open Air bookstore will be on the pa o in the front of St. Benedict's church on Sunday, April 8th, the Feast of Di-vine Mercy from 8 am un l 2 pm, weather permi ng. Come browse the newest arrivals, pick a good read, find that perfect gi ! Our bookstore will be selling as well a limited-edi on book about the history of our beau ful Diocese of Monterey.


Easter Lily Request The Art and Environment Commi ee at St. Benedicts is asking for monetary dona ons or Easter Lilies during the Easter Season for the beau fica on of the church on Palm Sunday, the Chapel of Repose on Easter Thursday, and Holy Satur-day and Easter Sunday. There are dona ons envelopes available on the side table as you enter the church. Along with the Sacred Heart Alter Society we accept Dona ons of Easter Lilies during Easter Week. If you wish them as memorial gi s you may list the names on a clip board at the Pastoral Center when you deliver them. Please deliver them to the Pastoral Center Monday through Thursday of Easter week (not earlier) during normal business hours (check the me in the Bulle n) OR you may bring them directly to St. Benedicts on Palm Sunday or Easter Week. If the door is locked leave them by the large door. THANK YOU VERY MUCH




Sacred Heart Parish School Preschool to 8th Grades

Office Hours / las horas de oficina: 7:30am to 3:30pm 670 College Street, Hollister CA 95023

Phone: (831) 637-4157 FAX: (831) 637-4164

Principal: Dr . Rachel McKenna [email protected] Business Office: Mark Lema [email protected]

Second Collections 2018 April 1st weekend: Fishes and Loaves

Thank you for your generosity!

Segunda Colecta 2018 Fin de Semana de April 1: Pan y Peces Gracias por su generosidad!

Eucharistic Adoration Adoracion al Santisimo Come and spend time with the Lord!

Sacred Heart Church Every Sunday from 1pm to 3 pm

Wednesdays after 9 am Mass to 7 pm. Mass 7-8 p.m.

We need adorers for the Blessed Sacrament from 9:45am to 5 pm. Sign up for a time of

worship at Sacred Heart Church.

¡Ven adorar al Señor! Iglesia de Sagrado Corazón

Todos los domingos a las 1:00pm—3:00pm Miercoles después de misa de 9:00am—7 pm Necesitamos adoradoras para el Santísimo Sa-

cramento 9:45am—5 pm. Por favor, regis-trarse para un momento de adoración en la

Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón.


Wednesdays in Spanish after the 9:00am mass Thursdays in English at 2:00pm (at Pastoral Office Chapel)

First Wednesday of each month in Spanish at 3:00pm (with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament)

St. Benedict Church Saturdays in Spanish before the 7:00pm mass

Sundays in Spanish before the 7:00am & 12:30pm masses


Miércoles en español después de la Misa de 9:00am. Jueves en ingles a las 2:00pm

Primer Miércoles de cada mes en español a las 3:00pm (junto con Hora de Adoración al Santísimo)

Iglesia de San Benito Sábados en español antes de la Misa de 7:00pm

Domingos en español antes de Misa de 7:00am y 12:30pm

Pray the Rosary Pray the Rosary and the Novena to our Mother of Perpet-ual Help every Tuesday at 3:15 pm in the Meeting Room of the Pastoral Center, 680 College St. Everyone is welcome!

Oración del Rosario En Ingles en el Centro Pastoral,

680 College St. Martes a las 3:15pm Todos Bienvenidos!

Deadline for bulletin requests is, MONDAY the week prior by 2:00pm. E-mail Address: [email protected] Thank you for includ-ing the date, time, location and contact phone num-ber as well as the name of the sponsoring ministry, organization or group.

Nuestro plazo para recibir anuncios es Lunes de la semana previa a las 2:00 dé la tarde. Esta disponible este correo electrónico: [email protected]. Por favor incluir su nombre, teléfono y grupo organizador en el correo electrónico.


Plate Collections—Saturday / Sunday Latin Mass

Second Collection Sacred Heart Masses

$9,175 $676 NA


Colecta Sábado y Domingo Misa en Latin Segunda Colecta Misas del Sagrado Corazón

2018 AMA Report Goal: $40,000 Total Promised (including one-time pledges): 18,284 Total Received (including one-time pledges): $10,411

FINANCIAL REPORT Weekend of March 17/18

2018 REPORTE FINANCIERO Fin de semana 17/18 de Marzo

#852400 Sacred Heart Church Hollister, CA Contact: Email: [email protected] Software Microsoft Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat XI Windows 7 Printer Adobe PDF Transmission Time Tuesday 3:00pm Sunday Date of Publication September 20, 2015 Number of pages sent 1 through 7 Special Instructions
