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Ingles 1 GUIA FORMATIVA B/P Agosto 2012

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Ingles, pachuca, cecyteh, guias, formativas, basicas, propedeuticas, gobierno, hidalgo, colegio, estudios, cientificos, tecnologicos











Mtra. Maricruz Berenice Tllez Vigueras L.C. Gloria Lucia Arteaga Ros Profra. Maricela Martnez Domnguez


General. Comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso muy frecuente, as como frases sencillas destinadas a satisfacer necesidades de tipo inmediato. Presentarse a s mismo y a otros, as como pedir y dar informacin personal bsica sobre lugares y/o pertenencias mediante el desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades del idioma en entornos relativos al contexto donde se desarrolla. Especficos. Utilizar el vocabulario aprendido en cursos anteriores. Expresarse de manera oral y escrita acerca de s mismos, su entorno y sus actividades. Aplicar estructuras para expresarse de manera oral y/o escrita acerca de s mismos, su entorno y sus actividades. Reconocen similitudes y diferencias entre su lengua materna y la lengua extranjera.


En el marco de la nueva reforma en la educacin es necesario crear nuevos recursos didcticos que nos permitan ser facilitadores del aprendizaje y al mismo tiempo formar en nuestros alumnos personas competentes que puedan destacar en un mundo globalizado. Debido a los cambios y nuevos retos a los que nos enfrentamos en nuestro pas es necesario desarrollar en los jvenes las capacidades, habilidades y actitudes que les permitan desarrollarse en un mundo productivo, profesional y personal, para as interactuar en la sociedad de forma responsable y respetuosa. Por ello los docentes de la materia de Ingles I en el estado de Hidalgo nos dimos a la tarea de disear actividades en las que puedas expresarte de manera oral o escrita en una segunda lengua, en un contexto real que te apoye, no solo a facilitarte el aprendizaje, sino a apropiarte a cada una de las actividades aqu propuestas y sobre todo queremos retomar tus ideas, creatividad y sentimientos, para lo cual se ha dedicado un espacio donde puedas realizarlo. Este es el resultado del esfuerzo de todas las personas que formamos la gran familia CECyTEH que preocupados por ofrecerte una mejor educacin nos esforzamos cada vez ms y esperamos que esta gua te sea de mucha ayuda en tu proceso formativo y te siga adentrando al mundo de las competencias del idioma Ingls.


En sus marcas, listos...

Bienvenido! Ha llegado el momento de aventurarte en el idioma Ingls, as como el valorar las oportunidades que se te pueden presentar si sustentas el dominio de la lengua Inglesa en tu vida cotidiana. La decisin es tuya, el reto te pertenece, el mundo del conocimiento te est esperando. No tardes en integrarte al fantstico mundo de la comunicacin global.


Estructura general de la asignatura


Secuenci a 1 Who are you? (15 hrs)

Concepto Fundamental

Concepto Subsidiario Como individuo Fsica Axiolgicam ente Sociolgica mente

AGO Temas 1 To be Personal pronouns Possessive adjectives Wh-questions Adjectives Articles (a,an,the) 2 3

SEPT 4 5 6 7 8

OCT 9 10 1 1

NOV 1 2 1 3 1 4

DIC 1 5 1 6

Mi persona Quin soy?

2 Where are you? (9 hrs)

El entorno y yo Dnde vivo?

Ubicacin Geogrfica: Global, Nacional y Local

Demostrative (this,that,these, those) There is-are Prepositions Singular and plural

3 What do you do? (12 hrs)

Mis actividades Qu hago?

4 What do you like? (9 hrs)

Actividades Individuals Socials Econmicas

Simple Present Present progressive or continuous Frequency adverbs Comparative Superlative Like, dislike Auxiliar can / cant


Who are you?


Competencias Genricas a las que contribuye la asignatura Competencias

1. Se conoce y valora a s mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en cuenta los objetivos que persigue. 3. Elige y practica estilos de vida saludable 4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilizacin de medios, cdigos y herramientas apropiados. 8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos. 10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prcticas sociales.

Atributos Interpreta Identifica ordena

Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura respecto a la competencia

Proporcionar informacin personal y de terceras personas de manera oral y escrita.

Relacin con otras disciplinas

CTSyV II. Usa las TIC's como recurso de investigacin, as como para expresar ideas en forma creativa y real. LEOyE II. Lectura, comprensin y redaccin de textos para la resolucin de preguntas. Matemticas. Utiliza nmeros como indicador de distancias, fechas y tiempo.


Tema integrador Who are you? Concepto fundamental

Mi persona: Quin soy?Concepto subsidiario

Como individuo: Fsicamente Axiolgicamente SocialmenteCategoras Diversidad Espacio Tiempo

Tiempo programado

15 hrs./claseMapa de contenidos de la secuencia formativa

Conceptual (aprender a conocer): Pronombres personales Verbo to be Wh questions Adjetivos posesivos Adjetivos calificativos Verbo to have Artculos definidos e indefinidos Procedimental (Aprender a hacer): Listening: Interpretar informacin personal Speaking: Pedir y dar informacin personal Reading: Comprender e interpretar personal Writing: Describir aspectos personales Actitudinal (aprender a ser): Creatividad Colaboracin Respeto Responsabilidad14

Dimensiones de la competencia

Desarrollo de la Secuencia Formativa Actividades de apertura

Activity 1 Exercise A. Look at these photos of famous people and describe what do you know about them? Exercise B. Match the pictures with their names.



1. Madonna 2. Shakira 3. Javier Chicharito Hernndez 4. Justin Bieber 5. Antonio BanderasEjercicio

( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) )

Mexican Spanish Colombian American Canadian

Exercise C. Work in small groups. Ask and answer to the following questions. (4 or 5 students) Who is your favorite actor, actress or player? Who is your favorite singer, group or band? Where are they from?15


Activity 2 Exercise A. Write in the columns the following answers and words.

My name is Paul, Im fifteen years old, good morning, Im from France, she is a nurse, she is an English teacher, Im from Italy, Mexico, Im Mexican, she is an actress my age is sixteen, he is an American, England, doctor, her name is Teresa, Im Marco, Japan, Hi Im Anna, carpenter, Im a taxi driver,

Whats your name?

Where are you from?

Whats your nationality?

How old are you?

What do you do?

Ejercicio Exercise B. Write F (formal) and I (Informal) and compare your answers with your teacher.

Good morning hi! Good afternoon Hello! So long So so

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Good bye See you later How are you? Whats up? Thanks Fine thank you

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Ejercicio: Actividades de desarrollo An International english

Activity 1 TRACK 1 Exercise A. Listen and complete the conversation. Whats your name?

Teresa: Henry: Teresa: Henry:

Teresa: Henry: Teresa: Henry:

Good morning ____________________ Whats your name? Teresa. My name is Teresa Lpez, and you? Henry Brandon. Nice to meet you, ___________ _____________________, Teresa? Im from Spain. Are you from France? No, Im not. Im ________________. Im from Rome. Oh! Its my bus, good bye. _________________ Teresa.16

Vocabulary 1: Greetings Exercise B. Complete the information about some classmates Ejercicio

_______ is Luis Perez. He s from Mexico __________ name is Margaret. I__________ from Canada.

Hes Edward Smith. __________ from Chicago. They ________Robert and Laura. ____________from Brazil.

Ejercicio 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Exercise C. Complete with the verb to be. She _____ an American girl. _________you a new worker? He _______ not my brother. What_________your nationality? Where_______you from?

Target grammar: Be

Personal pronouns I You

To be Affirmative am are

Contraction Im Youre

Question Am I? Are you?

Negative I am not Im not You are not You arent Youre not He is not He isnt Hes not She is not She isnt Shes not It is not It isnt Its not We are not We arent Were not You are not You arent Youre not They are not They arent Theyre not

He is She is It is We are You are They are

Hes Is he? Shes Is she? Its Is it? Were Are we? Youre Are you? Theyre Are they?



Exercise D. Find the countries and color them. COUNTRY 1. In this country you ___________________ eat pizza and paste. 2. The mariachi is ___________________ famous in 3. Hot dog and ___________________ hamburger 4. Chips and fish ___________________ 5. Sushie ___________________ 6. The Effel towel ___________________ 7. Pyramids ___________________ 8. The wall chine ___________________ 9. Beer ___________________ 10. Samba dances in ___________________

NATIONALITY ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________











Vocabulary 2: Countries and NationalitiesEjercicio

Exercise E. Ask and answer about peoples names and countries. Then complete the chat information. (You can invent your nationality)Whats your name? Whats your surname? Where are you from? Whats your nationality? How old are you?

Exercise F. Choose one classmate and present him or her. Example: He is Sam, he is from Canada, her nationality is.


Target grammar: Possessive adjective

Personal pronouns I You He She It We You They

Possessive Example: adjective My name is Sammy. ( I ) Your nationality is France. (you) His surname is Santos. (he) I have her book. (she) Can you see the car? It is red and its window broken. (it) They have our notebook. (we) Tannya have your colors. (your) Where is their homework? (they)

Activity 2 Exercise A. Read the text and answer the questions. Ejercicio Check the answer with your teacher.

WelcomeWe are happy to welcome three new students to Cecyteh High School this year. They are Alonso, Patsy and Danny Smith, and they are from Chicago, USA. Alonso and Patsy are 15; theyre twins!, and Danny is 17 years old. Danny says, Mexico is very different from Chicago, but the people are really nice. Patsy says, of course I miss my friends from Chicago, bu t the students at Cecyteh High School are very friendly.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The text is about. a) new students b) new friends Where are Alonso, Patsy and Danny from?________________________ How old is Danny?___________________________________________ How old are the twins?________________________________________ Where does their parents work?________________________________

Exercise B. Write about some your classmate on your notebook and spell their name and surname (last name). The Alphabeth Ejercicio

A (ei) G (yi) M (em) S (es)

B (bi) H (eich) N (en) T (ti)

C (si) I (ai) O (ou) U (yu) Y (ui)19

D (di) J (jei) P (pi) V (vi) Z (zi )

E (i) K (kei) Q (kiu) W (dobliu)

F (ef) L (el) R (ar) X (eks)

Target grammar: Alphabeth1. If you are spelling a word, you will pronounce one by one letter. Example: S-m-i-t-h (es, em, ai, ti ,eich) 2. If you are spelling a word with two similar letters together, you will pronounce double. Example: A-pp-l-e (ei- double p-el-i)

Exercise C. Time to play Ejercicio Play with your teacher hangman and you can play by internet. Then practice your pronunciation. http://www.manythings.org/hmf/8985.html Activity 3 Exercise A. Complete with the articles a, an, the. Then read it. Ejercicio


1. 2. 3. 4.

It is ________ lovely day. It is________ old building. He is________unusual man. It is________ exception to the rule. 5. It is________ long trip, but it is________ easy trip. 6. It is________ large building. 7. He is ________ honest man. 8. She is________ happy child. 9. The cat is ________used car. It is ________ tall tree. 10. It is ________ tall tree.

11. It is ________ egg. 12. It is ________ apple. 13. I want ________ orange. 14. It is ________ empty milk carton. 15. It is ________ windy day. 16. The gift ________ new book. 17. I have ________ umbrella. 18. It is ________ hour till lunch. 19. The circus has ________ elephant. 20. It is ________ opposite word.


Target grammar: Indefinite Articles

Article A An

Use First consonant sounds (singular) First vowel sounds letter (singular)


Example a dentist She is a dentist. an actor He is an actor in the new movie. The restaurants in Mexico City arent expensive. She is in Paris.


Zero article

It referes to one or more specific people, things, feelings or ideas. It does not change for singular or plural nouns. +city/countries/ languages

Activity 4 Vocabulary 4: Cardinal Numbers Ejercicio Exercise A. Look at the examples. Then write the numbers. (You can practice your spelling with the numbers)

20 twenty 12 twelve

55 fifty five 3 three 40 forty 90 ninety 76 seventy-six80 eighty 65sixty five

99 ninety-nine 100 one hundredg. 43______________ h.78______________ i. 22______________

a. 33______________ b. 14______________ c. 17______________

d. 82______________ e. 13______________ f. 50______________

Ejercicio Exercise B. Listen and circle the numbers you hear. TRACK 2 a. 15 / 50 b. 66 / 60 c. 14 / 40 d. 22 / 12 Ejercicio Exercise C. Answer the following mathematical problems and write the answer with letter and their respective number. Check the answer with your teacher.

3X8= 35 + 52 = 42 7 = 49 / 7 =

55 + 12 = 8 X 11 = 72 + 28 = 13 6 =

61 + 10 = 6X2= 8X5= 6 +7=



Exercise D. Match the columns (use colors) What time is it? = whats the time? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ten oclock Its eight thirty Its one fifteen Its four forty five Its three twenty Its six oclock 03:20 06:00 04:45 10:00 08:30 01:15

Exercise E. Read the ads and answer the questions.

Ejercicio Exercise F. Complete the sentences

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What time is the Madonna concert?______________________________ When is the Romantic Film Festival?_____________________________ Where is the Diego Riveras Exhibition?__________________________ What day is the Julia Roberts film?______________________________ The Madonna concert is ______________________________________

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

My birthday is on_________________________ Valentines Day is ________________________ Christmas Day is _________________________ New Years Day__________________________ Mothers Day is on ________________________

Ejercicio Exercise G. Work in small group. Ask and answer about birthdays. You can write your answer on your note book. (5 classmates)

Example: When is your birthday? Its on August 22nd.



Exercise H. Choose the words from the box and write them in the correct column. Six oclock, Friday, May, night, noon, the weekend, August 1st, spring, summer, the morning, Christmas, the moment, minutes, dinner time In On At

Vocabulary 4 Ordinal numbers Target grammar: Numbers Number Cardinals Use We use them in a sequence, spelling telephone numbers, address, years, math series, etc. Example: One, two, three, Whats your telephone number? Its 775-102-234 Whats your address? I live in Santiago Avenue # 25. My birthday is on February 13th . (thirtieth) She is the first student in the school.(1st)


We use them when we order or give a grade, birthdays, date.

Target grammar: Prepositions Preposition Use In Place (with months, seasons, years, in the house, etc) On Date (days of the week, parts of a particular day and dates) At Time (the weekend, night and noon, hour) Example: She is in the class room.

Her birthday is on January 2nd.

The math subject is at 8:00 a.m.

Note: we never use at, in or on before yesterday, next, this, tomorrow, last, every.etc.



Example: They go to Spain every summer. Activity 5 Exercise A. Look the picture and write the number with the correct part of Lindas body Body ( ( ( ( ( ( )Face )Head )Hear )Check )Mouth )Lips ( ( ( ( ( ( )Eyes )Arm )Hand )Palm )knee )Toes ( ( ( ( ( ( )Eyes brow )Eye lashes )Nose )Tooth (teeth) )Ear )Shoulder ( ( ( ( ( ( )Tonge )Elbow )Leg )Wrist )Finger(s) )Foot (feet)


Ejercicio Vocabulary 5: Body Exercise B. Match the opposite adjectives. (You can use colors)

Bad Happy Long Thin Fast Expensive Ugly New Busy Bored Wet

short good slow sad handsome dry fat interesting cheap old lazy

Vocabulary 6: Adjectives Ejercicio Exercise C. Read and label Pacos family. Then underline with different colors the words. Possessive adjectives Have- has COLOR Body Adjectives Family Numbers

Pacos family

I dont have a very big family. I have one sister, Alice and a brother, Jorge. Alice is married, she has a beautiful baby. Her baby is one year old, she has blond hair and her eyes are green, is short. Her husbands a lawyer. His name is Alejandro and he is from Spain, he is a tall man. Hes cool. My father is great, his name is Raul, he is a mechanic, and my mom is Eva, she is a teacher in a elementary school. They are the best parents for me. My brother Jorge is a cute boy, he is nineteen years old. Hes a student in the University. His girl friend is an American girl, She is slim and tall. She is eight years old. Our grandpa Miguel is a happy man, he is a short and fat man but, our grandma Helen is 65! , she is tall and thin. She has two sons and a daughter - our dad (Raul), our uncle Mario and aunt Rose.Mario is a pilot, my grandma says he is the most handsome pilot because, he is tall, intelligent, his hair is black , his eyes are green and he looks good. He has two sons, they are twins. Their names are Miguel and Mario, they are six years old. Theyre my cousins. We are good friends. My aunt Rose doesnt have any children. She is a nurse in an important hospital in


Exercise D. Locate the people they belong to the family tree.Ejercicio

Vocabulary 7: Family Target grammar: have /has Affirmative I have You have He has She has It has We have You have They have Question Do I /you have..? Do you have..? Does he have..? Does she have..? Does it have..? Do we have..? Do you have..? Do they have..? Negative I dont have You dont have He doesnt have She doesnt have It doesnt have We dont have You dont have They dont have Example Do you have brothers? - Yes, I have I have long hair. She has a nice sister. He doesnt have a book.

Exercise E. Complete with have or has 1. Do you _______________ a new car? Yes, I do 2. She _______________one sister and two brothers. 3. You and I _______________ many things in common. 4. John _______________ an expensive wristwatch. 5. We _______________many friends in Mexico City. 6. Does Helen ___________ a headache? 7. Grace ______________ a date with George tonight. 8. They dont ______________ strong accents. 9. Both brothers _______________ red hairs. 10. The car _______________ a broken window. 11. The dog _______________ a long tail. 12. The office _______________ three large windows. 13. The building _______________ two entrances. 14. Dr. Smith _______________ many patients. 15. They dont _______________my money.26


Activity 1 Exercise A. Look the bubbles and invent a conversation.



Role-play Exercise B. Work in pair and make an interview. Then complete the chat information. You are going to get a new job


Activity 2. Ejercicio Exercise A. Read the following description and draw a monster on your notebook.

I would like to talk about my best friend monster. I am so lucky to have her/him. Without her/him I would not be as happy as I am now. I have known her / him for my whole life. We are neighbors so I see her/him often. My monster is small is and quite. It has got an oval face with three bright blue eyes and a big mouth with only two teeth. Her/his nose is small. It has long brown hair. It is quite beautiful, especially when she smiles. Her/his two ears are sharp.Ejercicio Exercise B. Guess who is?

Describe some of your classmate and read it in front to the blackboard then they have to guess who is..?

Activity 3. Time to sing! Listen to the song and complete it.

James Blund You are beautiful My life is brilliant. My love is pure. I saw ___________ angel Of that I'm sure. She smiled at me __________ the subway. She was with another man. But I won't lose no sleep ____________ that night 'Cause I've got __________ plan. You're ____________, You're beautiful, You're beautiful, it's true. I saw your __________ ____ a crowded place, And I don't know what to do 'Cause I'll never be with you. Yes, she caught my eye


Where are you?


Competencias Genricas a las que contribuye la asignatura Competencias

Practica estilos de vida saludable Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes Participa y colabora en equipos

Atributos Identifica Interpreta Relaciona

Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura respecto a la competencia

Expresarse de manera oral y escrita acerca de sus actividades cotidianas y lo que sucede en su entorno.

Relacin con otras disciplinas

CTSyV II. Usa las tics como recurso de investigacin, as como para expresar ideas en forma creativa y real. Taller de lectura y Redaccin. Redaccin de escritos, comprensin de lectura para la resolucin de preguntas. Matemticas. Utiliza los nmeros como indicador de distancias, fechas y tiempo.


Tema integrador Where are you? Concepto fundamental

El entorno y yo Dnde vivo?Concepto subsidiario

Ubicacin Geogrfica: Global, Nacional y LocalCategoras Tiempo Espacio Diversidad Energa Materia

Tiempo programado

9 horas / claseMapa de contenidos de la secuencia formativa

Dimensiones de la competencia

Conceptual (aprender a conocer) Adjetivos demostrativos There is / there are Preposiciones (tiempo y lugar) Partes de la casa Mobiliario Direcciones Lugares pblicos (local, nacional y mundial) Procedimental (aprender a hacer) Pedir y dar informacin y direcciones Interpretar ideas Crear escritos simples en una segunda lengua Actitudinal (aprender a ser) Libertad Justicia Solidaridad Responsabilidad Respeto Participacin32

Desarrollo de la Secuencia Formativa

Actividades de apertura

Activity 1. Exercise A. Read the dialogue and practice with a classmate. Sam: Hi, Lisa! Lisa: Hey, Sam. Sam: What are you doing? Lisa: Tidying my room give me a minute. Sam: OK oh! Photographs! These are your parents, right? Lisa: My parents? Yes, those are photographs from Puebla! Sam: This is a letter from Tom, right? Lisa: Eh right! Thats his last letter Sam: Mmm these are postcards from Mexico! Lisa: Ah those postcards are for my friends in Guadalajara. Sam: And this is your diary Lisa: No, thats not my diary. Its my address book! Sam: Oh, I see.

Exercise B. Complete the columns looking for the words in the conversation.



Personal pronouns

To be

Demonstrative adjectives


Actividades de desarrollo Activity 1. Exercise A. With your teacher read again and complete the next table.Target Grammar: Demonstratives Adjectives Demonstrative Nearby Far Examples



Exercise B. Circle the correct demonstrative and draw the noun.

1. 1. Look this / that picture! 2. Dont use these / those stairs! 3. Close that / those closet! 3. 4. Wash these / this plates!



Exercise C. Read the conversation, and practice it with a partner. Then choose true, false and does say it. Sammy: Peter: Sammy: Peter: So this is your new office? Well, its not only mine. I share it with Karol. Thats her desk. Wow! Theres so much equipment in here. Is it all yours? No, its not all ours. Some in front the teachers and secretaries. The photocopier and fax are theirs. Mmmmmm.. Nice electronic organizers! Be careful Its Karols. Wheres yours? Thats mine. Its there on my desk.34

Sammy: Peter: Sammy: Peter:

True 1. Sammy, Peter, and Karol share and office. 2. Peter has an electronic organizer on his desk. 3. Theres a fax machine in the office. 4. Sammy has an office. 5. The photocopier and fax are from Peter. 6. Peter works in a library. 7. Sammy has a new office. 8. Sammy and Peter work in the same office.Activity 2. Exercise A. Find as many furniture words as you can.

False Does not say X

c x p o z m i r r o r p s b t e l i o t

u j s q e w O a c R s k R e a l h n s D

P b o a S o f a A h r z V l w o B g y k M i s o T e b q D g f d K m s i H i j s N f k h O l t w P a e a D j r s U h u h H r t e C d c r U r i a O u p e C g q m

r y w b j a e v o t s p y p s c x h n p

d b j t h d f i u f h q e f z u a c i h

J k q e v a w o r c i X z k w b j v l m z k R e f r i g e r a t o I u r f z f a v y k f F l e h s r y w m j l S v r e d n e l b p d K m p c w s t d i y f B o o k s h e l f v m Z u y l r w p t o a l C o t i z l r b l o r Z u a y p e a s l m v A h z t x t c o w t x C v v i l u o p a g d E l x a m t a b q t i T q o k s b l z h r o F p m s p e o w r s t Z d p n e h p o j k p M r a r g t r t p z s H c a m g n i h s a w B d r e s s e r s l o

m n r m g k p i i z p t m f r E W O H S

Exercise B. Classify the words in the correct room. Living room Dining room Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom


Exercise C. Complete the description with the box words.

vase, material, this, dolls, has, bedroom, fresh, homework, wall, bed, family, armchair, shelf, chat, bookshelf. litter

Hi! Im Samantha and ________ is my __________. I like it very much because it ______ all I need. There is a comfortable _____ next to the window, there are two tables, the little one is to the right of my_____, there is a ________ with _______ flowers and a _________ photograph on it, the biggest table is on the corner across the window, there, I do my ______________ and _______ with my friends, in front of it, there is an ______________ between the tables on the _______, there is a _______ with all my _______ and teddy bears and more photographs! I love read, there is a _____________with many books and _________to do my school projects.

Exercise D. On your notebook draw the description. Target Grammar: There is / There are Affirmative There is / Theres There are / Therere Negative There is not / There isnt There are not There arent Question Is there? Are there?

Singular Plural

Example: There is a red carpet on the floor. /There are two beds in that bedroom. Exercise E. Match the columns a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) There are apples There is a book There is an elephant There are students There are airplanes There is a sandwich There are some bedrooms There is a cap There is a doctor There are trains ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) House Caf Police station Hospital Library Zoo Railroad School Supermarket Airplane

Vocabulary 6: Places


Activity 3. Prepositions of Place

Exercise A. Look for the meanings of these words and phrases in the dictionary, then number the pictures. 1. CD rack 5. filing cabinet 2. corkboard 6. keyboard 3. drawer 7. memory stick 4. file


Exercise B. Complete the sentences using last vocabulary and prepositions. 1. The blue book is ________________ the red and yellow books. 2. The scissors are ________ the ___________. 3. There ________ five _________ ________ the ____________. 4. The computer is _______ the ______________. 5. There _____ a _________________ in the ____________. Exercise C. Look again the picture and circle T (true) F (false) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There is a book in the filing cabinet. There are pictures in the drawer. There is a box between the computer and Pc. There are scissors on the shelf. There is a computer next to the CD rack. T T T T T F F F F F

Exercise D. Complete the sentences and answer the questions.

1. Where is the lamp? ____________________________________________ 2. What is there between the vase and the glasses? _____________________ 3. Are there two pictures? ___________________________ 4. There is a __________ ________ the floor. 5. There is a fruit bowl _____________ the _________________. 6. How many chairs are there? _____________________________________ 7. Where is the window? __________________________________________ 8. The plates are _______________________ the fruit bowl. 9. There is a picture _______________ the lamp. 10. The ______ flowers are ______ the __________.


Activity 4: Exercise A. Translate to Spanish next words. English Street Block Avenue Corner Spanish English Roundabout Bridge Traffic light Road Spanish


Go straight

turn right

turn left

Exercise B. Look at the map read the example and answer the questions.


You are in Pizza Hut

1. Excuse me. How do I get to the bank? Go out the Pizza Hut. Turn right on Second Street. Go straight ahead and the bank is in front of the department store. 2. Excuse me. Is there a coffee shop near here? 3. Excuse me. How do I get to the market?

Exercise C. Draw the buildings following the instructions. Use the last map. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Draw a school in front of the coffee shop. Color it blue Draw a bakery next to the market on John Street. Color it pink. Draw a restaurant between the hotel and the museum. Color it brown Draw a park on Water Street in front of the hotel. Draw a police station on Second Street next to the bank. Color it yellow. Draw a gym between the bookstore and the coffee shop. Color it red.

Exercise D. Listen and complete the dialogues. TRACK 3 1. A: _________, can I help you? B: Yes, please. Where is the Pumas Stadium? A: Um Its __________________________. B: Thank you. 2. C: Excuse me. D: Yes? C: _____________________ Universum? D: Its ________________ from here. C: Thank you. 3. E: Is there ________________ to Chapultepec? F: Yes, its bus number 115. E: Thank you very much. F: ___________________


Ejercicio: Actividades de cierre

Activity 1. Exercise A. Read and write the apartments rooms.

Exercise B. Follow the instructions with a red color. Youre in the bedroom next to the yard. Go out of the bedroom. Turn right and go through the dining room. Now you enter into the studio.

Exercise C. Choose a partner, with a different color write and draw another route. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. _____________________________________.


Activity 2: Exercise A. Read the postcard and circle the prepositions.

Exercise B. Answer the questions about the postcard. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where is the postcard from? ____________________________________ Where does the Lopez family live? ________________________________ Whats the name of the museum? ________________________________ Why is an interesting museum? __________________________________ What day is the museum closed? ________________________________

Activity 3. Exercise A. Complete the dialogues bellow with information about your town or city. A: Excuse me. Is there a ____________ around here? B: Sure, Theres one on _______________________. A: On _________________. Thanks. B: Youre welcome. C: Excuse me. Are there any _____________ near here? D: ______________? No, ____________ any. C: OK. Thanks anyway. D: No problem. E: Excuse me, is _________ a __________ around here? F: A __________ ? No, there ________ one. E: OK. __________anyway. F: _______________.Exercise B. Make a map of your city and do a presentation.42

What do you do?


Competencias Genricas a las que contribuye la asignatura Competencias

Practica estilos de vida saludable Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes Participa y colabora en equipos

Atributos Identifica Interpreta Relaciona

Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura respecto a la competencia

Expresarse de manera oral y escrita acerca de sus actividades cotidianas y lo que sucede en su entorno.

Relacin con otras disciplinas

CTSyV II. Usa las tics como recurso de investigacin, as como para expresar ideas en forma creativa y real. Taller de lectura y Redaccin. Redaccin de escritos, comprensin de lectura para la resolucin de preguntas. Matemticas. Utiliza los nmeros como indicador de distancias, fechas y tiempo.


Tema integrador Daily routines Concepto fundamental

Mis actividades Qu hago?Concepto subsidiario

Individuales Sociales EconmicasCategoras

Diversidad Espacio Tiempo Energa MateriaTiempo programado

12 horas / claseMapa de contenidos de la secuencia formativaDIMENSIONES DE LA COMPETENCIA Conceptual (aprender a conocer): Presente simple Presente progresivo Adverbios de frecuencia Procedimental (Aprender a hacer): Listening:Comprensin de dilogos Speaking: Hablar sobre actividades cotidianas Reading: Comprensin y anlisis de textos. Writing: Describir rutinas Actitudinal (aprender a ser):

Dimensiones de la competencia

Creatividad Colaboracin Respeto Responsabilidad


Desarrollo de la Secuencia Formativa Actividades de apertura Present Simple: Routines

Activity 1. Exercise A. Match the pictures with one of the expressions below.

A. eat / have dinner (with my parents) B. walk to school C. get on the bus/take the bus D. get off the bus E. get up F. have (Br)/take (Am) a shower G. ride a motorcycle to school H. ride a bike to school I. drive to school J. study at a desk K. get to school / arrive at school L. do (my) homework M. play soccer (Am) / football (Br) N. go to the swimming pool O. go to bed P. eat / have lunch46

Exercise B. Write the correct word in the space to complete the spidergrams.

Exercise C. Listen the conversation and write the time next to the each activity. TRACK 4 WHAT DOES SHE DO USUALLY AT? 6:30get up and have a shower

have breakfast go to schoolpractice with her team go to the gym do homework watch TV go to bed

Actividades de apertura Present Simple: Routines

Activity 1. We use the present simple for things you do every day, week, etc. Exercise A. Write your timetable about your daily activities. My timetable Time Activity


Exercise B. Now write a paragraph with the information of your timetable. Example: Every morning I wake up at 7:15. Then I have a shower and I have lunch at 8.00. During the week I go to work and I get to work at 9.00. But at weekends I

Activity 2. Look at the examples and study the tables. Exercise A. Then complete the sentences below. Karen doesnt play soccer I dont read a book Luis doesnt visit his friends We dont go shopping Target grammar: Simple Present

Subject I/ You / We /They He / She / It

Verb Live Lives Main verb Live Live

Object in Santiago. in Santiago. Object in Santiago? in Santiago ? Yes, I do No, I dont Yes, she does No, she doesnt

Auxiliary Subject verb Do I/ You / We /They Does He / She / It

Subject I/ You / We /They He / She / It

Negative form of auxiliary verb dont doesnt

Main verb Live Live

Object in Santiago. In Santiago.

1. When is it necessary to use do? Use do in a_________________________ 2. When is it necessary to use dont? ________________________________ 3. When is it necessary add s to the verb? ___________________________


Exercise B. Complete Pattys schedule with a verb. Pattys schedule

She ____________ cereal for breakfast. She ____________ to school at 7:30. She ____________ Math and English at school. She ____________her homework in the library.Exercise C. Complete the table asking people in your class what they do in their free time. Ask them: Do you ? Example: Do you play soccer? Write the names of the people that you ask on the left and put either a tick or a cross for each reply:STUDENTS NAME PLAY SOCCER VISIT FRIEND COOK READ A BOOK SURF THE INTERNET

Exercise D. Now write the activities that your classmates dont do in their free time. Example: Alan doesnt play soccer. Gabriel and Anahi dont read a book. 1.___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________

EXPRESSION OF FRECUENCY: ADVERBS100% always usually sometimes rarely never


have breakfast



Adverbs of frequency go before the verb. Adverbs of frequency go after verb be. Examples: I never go to the cinema. He is always tired. Activity 3. Exercise A. Rewrite the sentences using adverbs in the correct place. Example: I do the homework on Sunday1. I am late for class. 2. Our teacher is absent. 3. Our teacher gives homework for the weekend. 4. My grandmother tells funny stories. 5. My classmates come to class on time.

I always do the homework on Sunday

HOW OFTEN?How often do you cook? go to the theatre?

Exercise B. In pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example. Then write a short paragraph about your partner. go to the movies? clean your room? go out with your family? play computer games? play boar games? watch TV meet your friends? Never every day /month /evening, etc every two / three days/ Sunday, etc. Sometimes once/twice a week/ a year, etc.

Example: Student A: How often do you go to the theatre? Student B: Twice a week Tony goes to the theatre twice a week, but .50

PRESENT PROGRESSIVEActivity 4. Read the cartoon

Exercise A. Write down the verb forms that you find in the cartoon. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

These verb forms are in the ____________________ Target grammar: Gerunds

For many verbs we make the ING form by simply adding -ING to end of the verb. When the main verb ends in e (with the exception of verbs ending in -ee and -ie) Verbs ending with ee Verbs ending with one vowel and one consonant (with the exception of w, x, and y) For one syllable verbs when the verb ends in ie Change the -ie to -y and add -ING51

eat eating make making.

Drop the -e and add ING Just add ING double the consonant and add -ING

agree agreeing win winning.

tie tying.

Exercise B. Make the ing form of the verbs and put them in the correct part of the chart carry go put hit hitting close come draw drive get leave run sit open play ride swim stop study write writing give

work working

Target Grammar: Present progressiveAffirmative Negative

Interrogative Am Are Playing Is I you we they he she it

I You We They He She It

am (m) Are

I You Playing We They He She It

am not are not Is not



We use the present continuous to talk about: Things that are in progress now. Hes having breakfast in the kitchen. Temporary situations. Were staying with friends for a week. Future arrangements. Were leaving at 8.30.


Exercise C. Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous. 1. I ____________________________. to my friend at the moment. (talk) 2. They ____________________________ letters to their friends. (write) 3. Mum ____________________________ ready. (get) 4. They ____________________________ to the cd. (not listen) 5. You ____________________________ any work. Come and help me! (not do) 6. The children ____________________________ hard for the test. (study) 7. She ____________________________ how to use a computer. (learn) 8. We ____________________________ fish for lunch. (not have) 9. We ____________________________ in France at present. (live) 10. Wheres dad? He ____________________________ on the balcony. (sit)Exercise D. Write sentences with the Present Continuous.


Exercise E. Put the following sentences into the negative form. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Rita is writing a letter. Sally is reading a book. Lucys husband is cooking dinner. Catherine is singing a song. Mark is mending his friends bike. My aunt is decorating her house.

Exercise F. Complete the sentences below writing the verbs in brackets in the present continuous. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _______ you _______ (read) a book? _______ she _______ ( watch)?. Yes, she _______ a cartoon. _______ the sun _______ (shine)? _______ the birds _______(sing)? Why _______ he _______ (cry)? _______ the woman _______ (have) a shower?

Activity 5. What are they doing? Exercise A. The teacher prepares some action card and two students have to perform actions then the rest of the group provides the correct statement to describe what the students are doing.Exercise B. / Pairwork Work with a partner. Write five sentences about your classmates performs

Activity 6. Reading activity Family Vacation The Suarez family is on vacation. They are staying in Hawaii for five days. They rented a hotel room on the beach in Maui. Everyone is excited. The kids want to go on a submarine tour and see the fish in the Pacific Ocean. Mrs. Suarez wants to go shopping and take a sunrise tour of Haleakala Crater. Mr. Suarez wants the family to go hiking in the morning, visit museums in the afternoon, and have a barbecue on the beach in the evening. He is worried about spending too much money. Mrs. Suarez thinks her husband worries too much about money. She wants him to relax and forget about money while they are on vacation. What should Mrs. Suarez do? How can she solve her problem?54


Exercise A. Reading Comprehension. Complete the table with information from the text . Vacation destination Duration Childrens activities

Exercise B. Read the following statements and write true, false, or not mentioned. 1. The children are fond of fishing. __________ 2. Mr. Suarez is concerned about the familys budget. ____________ Exercise C. Find in the text words that have the following definitions. 1. A fixed period of holidays, especially one during which school or business activities are suspended. ______________ 2. Occupied or used in return for periodic payments. __________________Ejercicio: Actividades de cierre

Activity 1. SIMPLE PRESENT Exercise A. What do you usually do in the morning? 1. I get up at six thirty in the _________________ . 2. I _____________ my teeth before breakfast. 3. I _____________ my face in the morning. 4. When do you __________ to bed? 5. I usually_______________ my hair after taking a shower. Exercise B. Read about Paul and his family. Write the correct form of the verb shown in brackets in the space provided Paul__________ (live) in a small village in the south of England. He _______ (have) an older brother and two sisters. His brother is at university in Scotland, but his two sisters still ______________ (live) at home. Pauls mother is a journalist for the local newspaper but she __________________ (not work) at the moment. Pauls father _______________ (teach) French in a college and so he ____________ (go) to France quite often with his students. They are going to fly to America but Paul _____________________.(not want) to go because he ______________ (not like) flying!55

Exercise C. Complete the description of London. Use the Present Simple

London, the capital city of the UK, _______ (have) a population of eight million. It is a 24 - hour city. Some people say the city never _______ (sleep), so it's an exciting place to visit. There are many interesting things for tourists to do and see in London the London Eye, for example. The London Eye _______ (to be) a big wheel. It _______ (have) 32 capsules and each one _______ (hold) 25 people. The wheel _______ (not move) very fast a ride _______ (take) 30 minutes. A ticket _______ (cost) 11.50 pounds for adults. You _______ (not pay) for children under 5 years old. It is better to book your tickets before if you_______ (not want) to wait for hours. The London Eye _______ (not work) late at night, but it is open every day, usually until 10 pm.Activity 2. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Exercise A. Answer the following questions building logical sentences using the verbs in brackets in the present continuous. 1. 2. 3. 4. What are you doing at 1 p.m.? What are the students doing at 4 p.m.? What are you doing at the moment? What is your mother doing at the moment?

Exercise B. Complete the postcard with the correct form of the Present Continuous.Dear Mary Well, here we are in Jamaica, and the sun ______________ (shine). I ____________(lie) on the beach and ______________ (watch) people in the sea. Most of them ______________ (swim), but two of them ___________ (not swim) they __________ (stand) in the water and ___________ (watch) the little fish around their feet. A group of people ______________ (play) volleyball on the beach. The sun is very hot, so Julia ______________ (not lie) with me on the beach she ______________ (sit) under a tree. She ___________ (wear) a big sun hat and ______________ (eat) a piece of watermelon. When _______ you _______ (come)? Love, Josie.

Maricela Hernandez 65 Juarez Street Z.P 43760 Santiago Tulantepec Hidalgo Mexico


Exercise C. Read the following e-mail and circle the correct form of the verbs (Present Simple or Present Continuous).

Hi, Stefan It rains/It's raining, so I write/I'm writing to yo. I'm hating/I hate rain! Do you remember/Are you remembering my Lorenzo, my cat? At the moment he lies/ he is lying on the floor. He is really old now. My mum and dad watch/are watching an old black and white film. I've got a new job! Every Saturday I work/I'm working from 9 to 5. It's a good job, but I don't want/I'm not wanting to stay there forever. What do you do/ are you doing at the moment? Love, Maggie.

Activity 3 / Pairwork. One student should describe a picture using the present continuous tense and other student should draw what he/she hears. Then they compare their pieces with the original paintings.Activity 4. Bee movie. Listening

BEE MOVIE: Berry B. Benson, a recent college graduate, wants more of life than the inevitable career that awaits him and every other worker in the New Hive City a job at Honexmaking honey. Barry jumps at the chance to venture out of the hive, and soon encounters a world beyond his wildest dreams. When Barry meets a florist named Vanessa, he breaks one of the rules of the bee dome he talks to her. A friendship soon develops. He discovers that anyone can purchase honey in any grocery store shelf then he realizes that hes got to stop this injustice and set the world right by suing the human race for stealing the bees precious honey.


Exercise A. Watch a scene from the movie and write down sentences with the words given (Scene 5) Arrive ____________________________________________________________ Talk ______________________________________________________________ Fly - _____________________________________________________________ Rain - ____________________________________________________________ Eat - _____________________________________________________________ Scream - _________________________________________________________ Try - _____________________________________________________________

Exercise B. Now listen and complete: (Scene 5) Barry: I gotta say something. She saved _________________. I gotta say something All right, here it goes. What would I ___________? I could really get in _______________. Its a bee law. You are not supposed to ____________ to a human. I cant believe Im doing this. Ive got to! Oh, I cant do it. Come on! No, Yes, No. Do it! I cant. How should I _____________ it? You like Jazz? No, thats no good. Here she comes! Speak, you fool! Hi! Vanessa: Hannnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barry: Im sorry. Vanessa: Youre talking! Barry: Yes, __________________. Vanessa: Youre talking! Barry: Im so sorry. Vanessa: No, its OK. Its fine. I know _______________________ but I dont recall going o bed. Barry: Well, Im sure this is very disconcerting.


Vanessa: Yeah, I mean ____________________.






a surprise





Barry: Yeah, I am a bee. And, you know, Im not supposed to be doing this but they were all trying to _____________. And if it wasnt for youI mean I had to thank youIts just the way I was raised. Ohthat was a little weird. Vanessa: Im __________________ ______________________________. And they continuous talking to a bee. And the bee is


What do you like?


Competencias Genricas a las que contribuye la asignatura Competencias

Practica estilos de vida saludable Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes Participa y colabora en equipos

Atributos Identifica Interpreta Relaciona Actitud de respeto

Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura respecto a la competencia

Compara y expresa de forma oral y escrita informacin sobre actividades cotidianas, preferencias y habilidades.

Relacin con otras disciplinas

LEyOE Comparte el propsito de que el estudiante, a travs de estrategias de comprensin, desarrolle habilidades que le permita comunicar en forma oral y escrita lo comprendido. TICS Utiliza las tecnologas de la informacin y comunicacin para investigar


Tema integrador Free time activities Concepto fundamental

Mis actividades Qu hago?Concepto subsidiario

Individuales Sociales EconmicasCategoras Diversidad Espacio Tiempo Energa Materia

Tiempo programado

9 horas / claseMapa de contenidos de la secuencia formativa

Dimensiones de la competencia

Conceptual (aprender a conocer): Likes / dislikes Auxiliar can / cant Comparativos Superlativos Procedimental (Aprender a hacer): Listening: Conversacin Speaking: Trabalenguas, hablar a cerca de preferencias y habilidades Reading: Comprensin Writing: Escribir a cerca de actividades y preferencias. Actitudinal (aprender a ser): Creatividad Colaboracin Respeto Responsabilidad


Desarrollo de la Secuencia Formativa Actividades de apertura

Activity 1. Individually classify the pictures below and list them accordingly on the chart.

Difficult subjects

Hard sports

Easy chores

Interesting hobbies

With the help of the teacher verify that your classification was done right. Activity 2. Individually read the following sentences and mark with a X whether you agree or disagree. Agree 1. Emailing friends is more interesting than collecting things. 2. Math is more difficult than English 3. Ironing the laundry is easier than sweeping the floor. 4. Football is harder than ice hockey Share your opinions and discuss the answers with the whole class.63


Actividades de desarrollo

Activity 1. Work in pairs. Exercise A. Look at the examples and try to find the rules that are used for the comparative adjectives.

Target grammar: Comparatives1 One syllable adjective Example: hard - harder Example: large larger Example big bigger: add "___"


One-Syllable Adjective with Final -e

add "_____"


One-Syllable Adjective Ending with a Single Consonant with a Single Vowel before It

double the ________and add " ______" add "___" before adjective


Two or more syllable adjectives

Example: difficult- more difficult Example: easy easier


Two-Syllable Adjective Ending with -y

change the " y " to "___" and add "___" add "___"


Two-Syllable Adjective Ending with -er, -le, or -ow

Example: narrow narrower

Discuss your ideas and check answer on the board with the whole class. Attention


In Spanish can divide the words by syllables, but in English the words are separated for sounds. We use the comparative form + than to compare two people, things, etc. Example: My brother is taller than you. His new car was more expensive than mine. We use the + superlative form + of/in to compare one person, thing, etc., with more than one person, thing, etc.in the same group. Her dress was the prettiest of all Which is the most beautiful country in the world?64

The superlative is formed in the same way as the comparative.Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives Irregular Adjective Good Bad Far Little Comparative Form Better Worse further / farther Less Superlative Form Best Worst furthest /farthest Least

Exercise B. The teacher will show some adjectives and in pairs will pass to the board with some fly sweater to hit correct Exercise C. Write the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.

Adjective 1. old 2. strong 3. happy 4. modern 5. important 6. good 7. large 8. serious 9. bad

Comparative Older

Superlative oldest

Activity 2. Make a group and listen to the tongue twister fill the gaps. TRACK 5 Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said "this butter's ________! But a bit of ______ butter will but make my butter ______" So she bought some ______ butter, ______ than the _______ butter, and it made her butter _____ so 'twas _______ Betty Botter bought a bit of ___________ butter!


Compare your answers and repeat it several times, as quickly as possible. Activity 3 Complete the conversation with appropriate words. Then listen and check. TRACK 6 Mother: That cell phone is good! Daughter: Yes, but this one is better! Mother: Thas one is small. Daughter: But this one is _________________________________! Mother: That is nice! Daughter: But this one is __________________________________! Mother: But its more expensive, so forget it!

Activity 4. Extra class and individually research information about your favorite CD: Name Length Release time PriceExercise A. In groups of 5 students compare the information about the CDs and discuss different aspects that are listed below.

Which is the?bestCheapestworst


is better than

Is more expensive than

Exercise B. Write down your conclusions.

Exercise C. Each team will share your conclusion with the class


Likes/dislikesActivity 5 Read and discuss What is the mean of part time job? Do you hay a part- time job?

Exercise A. Listen and circle the activities you hear in the ad. Track 7 Exercise B. Read and write who say what. I Interviewer F - Fernando

So, Fernando. Youre a student, right? And I love rock climbing and hiking. And why do you want to work for us? Yes, I am. Great! Can you start this weekend?

What is your major? Archeology. Well, I like meeting people. English and a little French and German. What languages do you speak?

Exercise C. Complete the sentences with the verbs love like dont like hate

1. I _____________ English class.67

2. She ____________ math.


Target grammar: likes/dislikes Noun ing form of a verb I like tennis I like playing tennis

like / dont like / love/ hate

Exercise D. Which of the following activities do you do and how do you feel about them? Fill in the table then compare and discuss with your classmates hate love Like Arts and crafts Work with people History Animals Be outdoors Science Exercise E. Discuss about your preferences and choose some possible alternatives of a part-time job for you.

Can / CantActivity 6. Exercise A. Label the pictures with the words in the box.

1. Basketball 2. skating 3. surf 4. running 5. tennis football 6. climbing 7. sailing 8. boxing 9. parachute jumping 10. weight lifting swimming68

Can is always followed by a verb in the infinite form without to. Example: He can play football. Can express ability or capacity. Exercise B. Look at the pictures again and ask to your classmates about their abilities. Example: Can you play basketball?Exercise C. Write sentences with can and cant

Example: He can play football but he cant swim.

Target Grammar: Can/cant

Affirmative and Negative I You He She It We They Can't swim (= cannot) Can Can swim

Question I You He She It We They Swim? No, Yes, I You He She It We They




Exercise D. Complete the sentences with can or cant. 1. Cats __________ talk. 2. Babies __________ play chess. 3. Mary __________ swim very well. 4. Mark __________ swim. He is afraid of water. 5. You __________ on vacations. Its too expensive. 6. Susan makes great food. She __________ cook very well. 7. I __________ speak Chinese because its too difficult. 8. Peter __________ go to work today; he is feeling sick. 9. Mary doesnt like music. She __________ play the piano. 10. Bill __________ dance tonight because he broke his leg.69

Exercise E. Answer these questions 1. Can you play football?__________________________________________ 2. Can your father drive a bus? _____________________________________ 3. Can your English teacher speak English? ___________________________ 4. Can you run fast? ______________________________________________ 5. Can your best friend play the piano?_______________________________ 6. Can your parents speak English?_________________________________Ejercicio: Actividades de cierre

Activity 1. Read the following text and answer the questions below.My family Hi, my name is Eric. I am 10 years old. I want to talk about my family. I have two sisters. Their names are Rachel and Carrie. Rachel is 18 years old. Carrie is 15 years old. She likes cheese sandwiches. Rachel is 178 centimeters tall. She is tall and slim. Carrie is short. However, she is overweight. Only, Carrie has long and curly hair in my family. She has got the most beautiful hair. She can play the guitar pretty well but She cant sing. My sisters are very nice. My mother's name is Julia. She is 40 years old. My mother is short and slim. She has short brown hair. My mother is also very nice but she never goes dancing. My father's name is Richard. He is smart. He is an engineer. He is 45 years old. My grandparents live with us. My grandfathers name is Tom. He is 70 years old. My grandmothers name is Sam. She is 65 years old. She has got blue eyes. Also, she is a tall and slim woman. She is 170 centimeters tall. Rachel looks like my grandmother. They travel a lot. We live in a big house. I also have two dogs. Their names are Paw and Snoopy. Paw is a big dog. He is a brown dog. He is a big brown dog. Snoopy is smaller than Paw but also faster because Paw is old. I like playing with my dogs in the garden. It is the most beautiful thing I do in my spare time. I love my family.

Exercise A. Questions 1. How many sisters does Eric have? 2. Who can travel a lot? 3. Is Rachel taller than Carrie? 4. Is Rachel fatter than Carrie? 5. Is Erics mother younger than his father? 6. Is Paw smaller than Snoopy? 7. Is Snoopy faster than Paw? 8. How old is Erics grandfather? 9. Why does Paw run more slowly?70

Exercise B. Write true or false 1. Rachel can play the guitar _______ 2. Eric like playing with his dogs _____ 3. Julia is older than Sam ______ 4. Erics mother loves dancing _____ 5. Rachel likes cheese sandwiches? _____ Exercise C. Now write a description of your family using the comparative form, likes, dislikes and can. (30-45 words)



1. Murphy Raymond, (2004) English Grammar Use, Cambridge University Press. 2. Taylor, Dames, Gramtica de la lengua Inglesa,Mc graw Hill 3. Downie, Michael (2011). Chatting (student`s books and teacher`s books from 1 to 5 level). (1.Ed.). Mxico: Richmond. 4. Gontow Cris ,(2008) English Express 1 , (student`s book 1) (1.Ed.). Mxico: Richmond. 5. Stempleski Susan, (2004), World Link Developing English Fluency (1.Ed.). Mxico: Thomson. 6. Roger Mickey, (2005) , Style 1 (1.Ed.). Mxico: Macmillan Publishers . 7. Taylor, J., Stanley, N.,(1993). Gramtica Delti de la lengua inglesa (2da ed). Mxico: Delti Fuentes electrnicas http:// www.mes-enlgish.com http:// www.eltcafe.net http:// www.saberingles.com.ar http://eslflow.com http://busyteacher.org



VERB TO BEAFFIRMATIVE I am (I'm) soy, estoy you are (you're) eres, ests he is (he's) she is (he's) ella es, est it is (he's) es, est we are (we're) somos, estamos you are (you're) son, estn they are (they're) ellos son, estn NEGATIVE I am not (I'm not) no soy, no estoy you are not (you're not) no eres, no ests he is not (he's not) she is not (he's not) ella no es, no est it is not (he's not) no es, no est we are not (we're not) no somos, no estamos you are not (you're not) no son, no estn they are not (they're not) ellos no son, no estn am I? soy yo?, estoy yo? are you? eres t?, ests t? is he? is she? es ella?, est ella? is it? es?, est ? are we? somos?, estamos? are you? son?, estn? are they? son, estn ellos? INTERROGATIVE


Vocabulary 1: Greetings English Good morning Good night Hello / hi So long Whats up? Spanish English Good afternoon Good evening Good bye See you see you later How are you? Spanish

Vocabulary 2: Countries and Nationalites Country Argentina Australia Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Denmark Egypt England France Germany Greece India Ireland Israel Nationality Argentinian Australian Brazilian Canada Chilean Chinese Colombian Danish Egyptian English French German Greek Indian Irish Israel Nationality Italy Italian Japan Japanes Mexico Mexican Morocco Moroccan Norwegian Norway Peru Peruvian Portugal Portugese Russia Russian Scotland Scottish Spain Spanish Sweden Swedish Switzerland Swiss Turkey Turkish The United Kingdom British USA (United States American of America) Country

Vocabulary 3: Jobs and profesions English A shop assitant An electrician A mechanic A doctor A teacher A painter A cleaner A Baker A politician A taxi driver A lawyer A plumber An accountant A computer programmer An athlete Spanish English A secretary A musician A builder An actor A driver An artista A nurse A cook A singer A player A butcher A model An engineer A graphic designer A writer75


Vocabulary 4: Cardinal and ordinal numbers Cardinals 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five 6 Six 7 Seven 8 Eight 9 Nine 10 Ten 11Eleven 12 Twelve 13 Thirteen 14 Fourteen 15 Fifteen 16 Sixteen 17 Seventeen 18 Eighteen 19 Nineteen 20 Twenty Ordinals 1st First 2nd Second 3rd Third 4th Fourth 5th Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Seventeenth Eighteenth Nineteenth Twentieth Cardinals 21 Twenty one 30 Thirty 31Thirty one 40 Forty 50 Fifty 60 Sixty 70 Seventy 80 Eighty 90Ninety 100 One / a hundred 101 One hundred one 1000 One thousand 10000 Ten thousand 1000000 One million 22 Twenty two 23 Twenty three 24 Twenty four 32 Thirty two 33 Thirty three 42 Forty two Ordinals 21st Twenty-first 30th Thirtieth 31st Thirty-first 40th Fortieth 50th Fiftieth 60th Sixtieth 70th Seventieth 80th Eightieth 90th Ninetieth 100th One / a hundredth 101st One hundred first 1000 th One thousandth 10000th Ten thousandth 1000000th One millionth 22nd Twenty- second 23rd Twenty-third 24th Twenty-fourth 32nd Thirty-second 33rd Thirty-third 42th forty-second

Vocabulary 5: Body

English Face Head Hear Check Mouth Lips Eyes Arm Hand Palm Knee Toes


English Eyes brow Eye lashes Nose Tooth (teeth) Ear Shoulder Tonge Elbow Leg Wrist Finger(s) Foot (feet)76


Vocabulary 6: Adjectives English Spanish Bored /boring Happy Angry Sad Lazy Young New Old Ugly Handsome Good Bad Slim /thin Fat Fast Narrow Dirty Fun Cold High Attractive Vocabulary 8: Places

English Slow Tall Short Long /large Near Far Shy Cute Cheap Expesive Rich Poor Crazy Heavy Light Wide Wet Hot Beautiful Famous Smart


Spanish Gasolinera Carnicera Restaurante Hospital Museo Supermercado Iglesia Zoolgico Escuela Cine Estacin de tren


Spanish Estacin de autobuses Panadera Parque Biblioteca Gimnasio Estacin de polica Centro comercial Banco Hotel Esttica Aeropuerto77


Vocabulary 9: Verbs SpanishAmar Aprender Beber Caminar Cantar Comer Comprar Correr Decir Despertar Dormir Ensear Entender Escribir Estar Estudiar Gustar Hablar Ir Jugar Leer Limpiar Mirar Odiar Tener AyudarCocinar Contestar Dar Dibujar Empujar

Base Formlove learn drink walk sing eat buy run say wake up sleep teach understand write be (is, am, are) study like speak go play read clean watch hate have helpcook answer give draw push

Spanishmanejar nadar oir olvidar pagar parar pintar platicar salir sentar terminar trabajar vender venir ver hacer hacer llorar mandar necesitar obtener pasar pensar poner prestar quererromper saber tomar traer usar vivir

Base FormDrive Swim Hear Forget Pay Stop Paint Talk go out Sit Finish Work Sell Come See Do Make Cry Send Need Get Pass Think Put Lend WantBreak Know Take Bring Wear Live


AUDIOSCRIPTSecuencia 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 Audio 1 Fase Desarrollo Desarrollo Desarrollo Apertura Desarrollo Desarrollo Desarrollo Actividad 1-A 4-B 4-D 1-C 2 3-A 5-A Audio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Teresa: Henry: Teresa: Henry:

Teresa: Henry: Teresa: Henry:

Good morning Good morning Whats your name? Teresa. My name is Teresa Lpez, and you? Henry Brandon. Nice to meet you, Teresa Where are you from, Teresa? Im from Spain. Are you from France? No, Im not. Im Italian. Im from Rome. Oh! Its my bus, good bye. Good bye, Teresa.

Audio 250,60,14,12

Audio 3 1. A: Excuse me, can I help you? B: Yes, please. Where is the Pumas Stadium? A: Um Its on Insurgentes avenue. B: Thank you.

2. C: Excuse me. D: Yes? C: Where is Universum? D: Its two blocks from here. C: Thank you.

3. E: Is there a bus to Chapultepec? F: Yes, its bus number 115. E: Thank you very much. F: Youre welcome.79

Audio 4 Interviewer: Im talking to Susan, a young woman with an unusual profession. Susan is a motorcycle racer! Susan : Im 17. Interviewer: Do you ride your motorcycle every day? Susan: Yes. I ride for about two hours a day. Interviewer: So whats a typical day for you? Susan: I get up at about 6:30. I eat a small breakfast at 7:15. Then I go to school at 8:30 and after practice with the team for two hours. In the afternoon at 3:00 p.m., I usually go to the gym from about 4 to 6 p.m. Interviewer: And what do you do in the evening? Susan: I usually watch TV or a DVD. I always go to bed at 9:00 oclock.Audio 5 Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said "this butter's bitter! But a bit of better butter will but make my butter better" So she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her butter better so 'twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter! Audio 6 Mother: That cell phone is good! Daughter: Yes, but this one is better! Mother: That one is small. Daughter: But this one is smaller! Mother: That one is nice! Daughter: But this one is nicer! Mother: But its more expensive, so forget it!

Audio 7 A: So, Fernando. Youre a student, right? B: Yes, I am. A: What is your major? B: Archaeology. A: And why do you want to work for us? B: Well, I like meeting people. And I love rock climbing and hiking. A: What languages do you speak? B: English and a little French and German. A: Great! Can you start this weekend? B: Sure!80


Nombre del alumno: Asignatura: Tema: Competencia: Actividad: Construccin de un texto Ingles I Comparativos Semestre /Grupo: Fecha:

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACINCoherencia en las ideas presentadas. Uso de estructuras gramaticales. Sintaxis y ortografa. Uso de vocabulario acorde al tema.

NIVEL DE EVALUACIN Requiere Excelente Bueno Satisfactorio Observaciones mejora

_______________________ Nombre y firma facilitador

_________________________ Nombre y firma del alumno


GUA DE OBSERVACINNombre del alumno: Asignatura: Tema: Competencia: Actividad: Comprensin auditiva y expresin oral Ingles I Semestre /Grupo: Fecha:

CRITERIOS DE EVALUACINComprensin de palabras o enunciados. Atencin de instrucciones verbales Fluidez Pronunciacin Volumen y entonacin

NIVEL DE EVALUACIN Requier Excelent Buen Satisfactori Observacione e e o o s mejora

_______________________ Nombre y firma facilitador

_________________________ Nombre y firma del alumno




Niveles de dominio: Competente (10) Independiente (8) Bsico avanzado (7)Resultado de aprendizajes Actividades Evidencias de producto, desempeo, actitud) Momentos de evaluacin (diagnstica, formativa y sumativa) Instrumentos de evaluacin Niveles de dominio del Resultado de aprendizaje. C I B B A A N

Bsico (6) An no competente (5)

Proporcionar informacin personal y de terceras personas de manera oral y escrita.

Actitud Conocimiento Apertura

Diagnstica Formativa Sumativa


Actividades Actitud Conocimientos

Formativa Sumativa

Productos Cierre Formativa Sumativa

Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( ) Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( ) Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( )

Nota: las evidencias de conocimiento se evala con el examen y las actividades pueden variar de acuerdo al grupo.



Niveles de dominio: Competente (10) Independiente (8) Bsico avanzado (7)Resultado de aprendizajes Actividades Evidencias de producto, desempeo, actitud) Momentos de evaluacin (diagnstica, formativa y sumativa) Instrumentos de evaluacin Niveles de dominio del Resultado de aprendizaje. C I B B A A N

Bsico (6) An no competente (5)

Ubica lugares y objetos haciendo uso de preposiciones de tiempo y lugar en conjunto con adjetivos demostrativos para describirlos en entornos locales, nacionales y mundiales.

Actitud Conocimiento Apertura

Diagnstica Formativa Sumativa


Actividades Actitud Conocimientos

Formativa Sumativa

Productos Formativa Sumativa cierre

Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( ) Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( ) Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( )

Nota: las evidencias de conocimiento se evala con el examen y las actividades pueden variar de acuerdo al grupo.



Niveles de dominio: Competente (10) Independiente (8) Bsico avanzado (7) Bsico (6) An no competente (5)

Resultado de aprendizajes


Evidencias de producto, desempeo, actitud)

Momentos de evaluacin (diagnstica, formativa y sumativa)

Instrumentos de evaluacin

Niveles de dominio del Resultado de aprendizaje. C I B B A A N

Expresarse de manera oral y escrita acerca de sus actividades cotidianas y lo que sucede en su entorno.

Actitud Conocimiento Apertura

Diagnstica Formativa Sumativa


Actividades Actitud Conocimientos

Formativa Sumativa

Productos cierre Formativa Sumativa

Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( ) Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( ) Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( )

Nota: las evidencias de conocimiento se evala con el examen y las actividades pueden variar de acuerdo al grupo.



Niveles de dominio: Competente (10) Independiente (8) Bsico avanzado (7)Resultado de aprendizajes Actividades Evidencias de producto, desempeo, actitud) Momentos de evaluacin (diagnstica, formativa y sumativa) Instrumentos de evaluacin Niveles de dominio del Resultado de aprendizaje. C I B B A A N

Bsico (6) An no competente (5)

Compara y expresa de forma oral y escrita informacin sobre actividades cotidianas, preferencias y habilidades

Actitud Conocimiento Apertura

Diagnstica Formativa Sumativa


Actividades Actitud Conocimientos

Formativa Sumativa

Productos cierre Formativa Sumativa

Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( ) Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( ) Rbrica ( ) Lista de cotejo ( ) Gua de observacin ( )

Nota: las evidencias de conocimiento se evala con el examen y las actividades pueden variar de acuerdo al grupo.



RBRICA PARA MEDICIN DE ACTITUDESNombre del alumno: Asignatura: Tema: Competencia: Ingles I Semestre /Grupo: Fecha:






Dimensin axiolgica

El alumno siempre interacta con el grupo y con el mediador, con disciplina, respeto y tolerancia.

El alumno, en la mayora de sus interacciones con el grupo, se comporta con disciplina, respeto y tolerancia. El alumno cumple entre el 80 y menos del 100% con los trabajos asignados, entrega fuera de tiempo, tiene causa justificable y atiende la mayora de los requerimientos de stos. El alumno la mayora de las veces participa en la clase por decisin propia, contesta bien la mayora de las veces y a veces argumenta sus respuestas. El estudiante la mayora de las veces participa con entusiasmo, solidaridad y en un marco de respeto. Su interaccin con el equipo es buena.

El alumno realiza sus interacciones en el grupo con altibajos, no obstante su conducta no es reprobable; cumple medianamente con el reglamento escolar.

El estudiante no interacciona adecuadamente con el grupo, propicia y genera situaciones incmodas para el buen desempeo del grupo; la mayor parte del tiempo incumple el reglamento escolar.

El alumno cumple al 100% con los trabajos asignados, los entrega en tiempo y forma. Seguimiento de tareas

El alumno cumple entre el 60 y menos del 80% con los trabajos asignados, a veces los entrega a tiempo pero atiende la mayora de los requerimientos de los trabajos, o los entrega a tiempo y atiende un porcentaje aceptable de los requerimientos.

El alumno cumple con menos del 60% de los trabajos asignados e incumple con los requerimientos de stos.

Trabajo individual

El alumno siempre participa en la clase por decisin propia, contesta con propiedad y acertadamente, es capaz de argumentar sus respuestas.

El alumno rara vez participa por decisin propia, slo lo hace si se le requiere, contesta bien la mayora de las veces y rara vez argumenta sus respuestas.

El alumno no participa por decisin propia, rara vez lo hace an si se le requiere, sus respuestas rara vez son acertadas y muy espordicamente o nunca argumenta sus respuestas.

Trabajo en equipo

El estudiante siempre participa con entusiasmo, solidaridad y en un marco de respeto. Su interaccin en el equipo es altamente productiva y persuasiva.

El estudiante a veces participa con entusiasmo, solidaridad y en un marco de respeto. Su interaccin en el equipo es aceptable.

El estudiante rara vez participa con entusiasmo, solidaridad y en un marco de respeto. Su interaccin en el equipo no es la adecuada, incumple y genera distractores.

_______________________ Nombre y firma facilitador

_________________________ Nombre y firma del alumno


Rbrica Role- Play Criterio EXCELENTE (10) MUY BUENO (9) BUENO (8) REGULAR (7) NECESITA MEJORAR (5) No incluye los tiempos gramaticales durante su roleplay

Uso de los tiempos gramaticales

Aplica correctamente los tiempos gramaticales durante su role-play, integrando vocabulario diverso Utiliza todas sus expresiones de forma coherente y lgica, comprendiendo lo que dice. Se expresa de manera clara y entendible Muestra fluidez durante todo el roleplay

Utiliza de forma parcialmente correcta los tiempos gramaticales durante su roleplay Utiliza la mayora de sus expresiones de forma coherente y lgica.

Utiliza en algunas partes de su roleplay los tiempos gramaticales

Menciona pocas veces los tiempos gramaticales durante su roleplay


Integra algunas expresiones de forma coherente.

Tiene poca coherencia en lo que est expresando

Hay incoherencia en lo que est expresando en su role-play


Muestra pocos errores en su pronunciacin Muestra pocos errores en su fluidez

Se expresa con algunos errores de pronunciacin Se expresa con muchos espacios silenciosos

Se expresa con dificultad

Muestra problemas al pronunciar No muestra fluidez


Se expresa con lentitud


Lista de cotejo Role-PlayDATOS DE IDENTIFICACIN Nombre del alumno: Carrera: Asignatura: Nombre de la actividad: Tema/ subtema: Objetivo de aprendizaje: Evidencias por producto: Fecha de entrega:


Uso correcto de los tiempos gramaticales Vocabulario referente a la actividad Utilizacin de las Tecnologas de Informacin Presentacin del role-play Creatividad Originalidad Recursos utilizados



CRITERIOS Secuencia 1 Apertura Actividad 1 Actividad 2(a,b) Desarrollo Actividad 1(a,b,c,d,e,f) Actividad 2 (a,b,c) Actividad 3(a,b) Actividad 4 (a,b,c,e,f,g,h) Actividad 5(a,b,c,d) Actividad 6(a,b,c,d,e) Cierre Actividad 1 (a,b) Actividad 2 (a,b) Actividad 3(a)



CRITERIOS Secuencia 2 Apertura Actividad 1 (a,b) Desarrollo Actividad 1(a,b,c) Actividad 2 (a,b,c,d,e) Actividad 3 (a,b,c,d) Actividad 4 (a,b,c,d) Cierre Actividad 1 (a,b,c) Actividad 2 (a,b,) Actividad 3 (a,b)



CRITERIOS Secuencia 3 Apertura Actividad 1 (a,b,c) Desarrollo Actividad 1(a,b) Actividad 2(a,b,c,d) Actividad 3(a,b) Actividad 4 (a,b,c,d,e,f) Actividad 5 (a,b) Actividad 6 (a,b,c) Cierre Actividad 1(a,b,c) Actividad 2 (a,b,c) Actividad 3(a) Actividad 4 (a)



CRITERIOS Secuencia 4 Apertura Actividad 1 (a,b) Actividad 2 (a) Desarrollo Actividad 1(a,b) Actividad 2 (a) Actividad 3 (a) Actividad 4 (a,b,c,d) Actividad 5 (a,b,c,d) Actividad 6 (a,b,c,d) Cierre Actividad 1 (a,b,c) Actividad 2 (a,b,) Actividad 3 (a,b)








