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Inglés II - Com208

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  • 7/23/2019 Ingls II - Com208


    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

    Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproduccin. Derechos reservadosAIEP.


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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

    Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproduccin. Derechos reservadosAIEP.

    Estimado Estudiante de AIEP, en este Cuaderno de Apuntes, junto a cada Aprendizaje Esperado que se te presenta y quecorresponde al Mdulo que cursas, encontrars Conceptos, Ideas Centrales y Aplicaciones que reforzarn elaprendizaje que debes lograr.

    Esperamos que estas Ideas Claves entregadas a modo de sntesis te orienten en el desarrollo del saber, del hacer y del ser.

    Mucho xito.-

    Direccin de Desarrollo Curricular y Evaluacin


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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

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    Mdulo: INGLS IIUNIDAD: Desarrollo de Habilidades Receptivas y Productivas

    1. Aprendizaje esperado:

    Participan de situaciones comunicativas orales y escritas relacionadas con la descripcin degustos y hbitos alimenticios propios y de terceros, haciendo uso de las estructuras delPresente Simple correspondientes.


    - Pirmide alimenticia: grupos y alimentos

    que la conforman

    - Uso de Some /Any y sustantivoscontables y no contables

    - Uso de adverbios de frecuencia: always /usually/ often/ sometimes/hardly ever/never

    - Tiempo verbal presente simple.

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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

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    1.1 Food Pyramid

    For a Healthy life, eat a lot of grains, vegetables and fruit. Eat some dairy, meat and other

    protein. Eat very little fat, oil and sugar. Complete with more examples:

    Meat andother Protein Dairy

    Fat, oil, sugar

    Fruit Vegetables


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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

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    Classify the food according to the group they belong to: Write Ffor Fat, oil and sugar;Mfor Meat and other protein; Dfor Dairy; Frfor Fruit; Vfor Vegetables and GforGrains:

    broccoli ___ cheese ___

    noodles ___ strawberries ___

    potatoes ___ beef ___

    grapes ___ rice ___

    butter ___ cake ___

    candy ___ bread ___

    eggs ___ French fries ___

    ice-cream ___ almonds ___

    celery ___ cereal ___

    Fruit Vegetables

    Complete the circles with more examples!

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    1.2 Talking about food.

    To talk about what we like and dislike, we can use different verbs and expressions. Canyou think of two expressions to express likesand two to express dislikes? Follow theexamples:


    I like I dont like

    Answer these questions about you:

    1. Whats your favorite fruit? ____________________________________

    2. Whats your favorite vegetable? _______________________________

    3. Is fast food healthy? ________________________________________

    4. Is seafood healthy? _________________________________________

    What foods do you like? / What foods dont you like?

    I like . I dont like .

  • 7/23/2019 Ingls II - Com208


    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

    Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproduccin. Derechos reservadosAIEP.

    1.3. Count and noncount nouns

    A) Find the mistakes and correct the dialogues according to count and uncount nouns


    Present Simple: we use the present simple for things w hich happenregularly.


    I/ You/ We/ They eat a lot of fruit.

    He/ She/ It eats bread in the morning.


    I/ You/ We/ They dont eat

    He / She / It doesnt eat


    We can count some nouns: 1 apple, 2 apples, 3oranges, 4 carrots, etc. these words are called

    countable nouns.(Also you can use a / an/ some/any with countable nouns)There are some nouns we cant count such as milk

    and bread,these words are called uncountable ornoncount nouns. (Also you can use some / anywith noncount nouns, but you cant use a or an).

    Is it OK? Would you like abread?

    Yes, please! And Id like a

    cheese, too.

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    B. Answer these questions about your best friend:

    1. Does he/ she like fruit? ______________________________________________________

    2. Does he/ she like to eat chocolate? ____________________________________________

    3. Whats his /her favorite meal? ________________________________________________

    4. Does he/ she like to drink coffee in the morning? __________________________________

    5. What kind of food does he/ she hate? __________________________________________

    6. Does he/ she have dinner? ___________________________________________________

    7. Does he / she have breakfast? Why? ___________________________________________

    1.4. Expressing what we need and dont need.Answers (Act. A):Would you like some bread, Id like some cheese, would you like some wine, Id likesome orange juice (all of

    them are noncount nouns)

    Would you like anapple for dessert?

    No, thank you. Id like an

    orange juice and someice-cream, please.

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    SOME AND ANYWe use somewith uncountable and plural nouns in affirmative sentences and an yin negativesentences and questions.

    C) Complete the sentences with some or any.

    1.- I want to buy _________ food, because I dont have _________ food in the fridge

    2.- I want to make ____________ sandwiches. The problem is that I have ________ cheese,

    but I dont have __________ butter.

    3.- Can I have ________ oranges, please? I want to make ___________ orange juice.

    4.- Mary is in the garden. She is drinking _________milk and eating ________ apples. Her

    sister is eating ________ sandwiches, but she isnt drinking _______ juice, because she

    doesnt like it.

    5.- I dont have __________ Onion, so I have to buy ___________.


    Some:We use some for unspecific number with count and Noncount

    nouns in positive sentences.I want to buy some eggs / Lets have some bread

    Any: With count and noncount nouns in negative sentences andquestions.

    I dont have any apples / Do you have any apples?

    SOME Affirmative Ses.

    Negative Ses.

    ANY Interrogative Ses.

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    6.- Do you have ___________ butter in the fridge? No, I dont. But

    I have ________ cheese If you want to eat ____________

    What ingredients do y ou n eed to make pizza?

    Use some. And also name ingredients you

    dont need, usingany.

    (+) I need _____________________



    (-) I dont need ____________



    Answers (act. C):

    1.some, any 2. Some, some, any 3. Any, some 4. Some, some, some, any 5. Any, some 6. Any, some, some

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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

    Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproduccin. Derechos reservadosAIEP.

    What ingredients do you need to make hot-dogs?

    Use some. And also name ingredients you dont need,

    using any .



    (-) _____________________________________________________________________________

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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

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    1.5. Having breakfast

    It is very interesting to talk about food, because you can give your opinion and describe your

    eating routines, answering questions like: what kind of food do you often eat for breakfast,lunch, dinner? or what kind of food do you usually avoid, for health or other reasons?

    A) Answer these questions:

    1. How often do you have breakfast?


    2. What do you have for breakfast?


    3. What do you have for Lunch?


    4. How often do you eat meat for lunch?


    5. How often do have dinner?

    ________________________________________6. What do you have for dinner?


    How often ?

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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

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    Adverbs of Frequency

    Important!Adverbs of frequency come before the verb except for verb to be (am, is, are)







    Hardly ever


    Expressions of frequency:

    Once a week (month, year)

    Twice a week (month, year)

    Three times a week

    Sometimescan go at thebeginning of a sentence, too.

    For example: SometimesIeat seafood

    For example:1) She alwayslistens to music in the

    morning,2)I usuallyplay soccer,3)Weneverwatch T.V. at night,4) Peter and Mary hardly evergoout.But we have to say: She is always happy.

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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

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    B) Complete the conversation giving more examples about adverbs of frequency:

    (usually and hardly ever) (sometimes and never)

    C) Complete the conversation with complete answers using the correct expressions:


    (1)How often do youmake phone calls?

    (3)How often do youeat out?



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    (5)How often do you

    drink coffee?

    Answers (Act. C):

    1. I never make phone calls. 4.- I eat out once a week. 6.- I usually drink coffee in the morning.


    We usually say or write these adverbs in the middle of the sentence, between the subject and theverb:

    Subject + adverb + verb

    Expressions of frequency (every day, twice a week, once a month, etc.) usually go at the end of asentence.

    We say or write these Adverbs of frequency AFTER the verb to be (am, is, are).

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    C) How often do you do these activities? Write sentences using adverbs of frequency

    _______________________ ________________________ ____________________

    _____________________ ________________________ ____________________

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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

    Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproduccin. Derechos reservadosAIEP.

    2. Aprendizaje esperado:

    Interacta con terceros en contextos orales y escritos diversos, solicitando y entregandoinformacin sobre actividades deportivas que se realizan en tiempo libre y haciendo uso delas estructuras gramaticales correspondientes.


    - Deportes y actividades al aire libre

    - Uso de los verbosplay/ go+ deportes

    - Preguntas que comienzan con Wh:What

    / Who/ - Where/ How often/ When/ What


    - Tiempo verbal presente simple

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    2.1 Sports and outdoor activities

    Sport and physical activity are crucial for a healthy life. Sport and play improve health

    and well-being, extend life expectancy and reduce the diseases including heart disease.

    There are lot of outdoor activities and sports such as climbing, skiing, surfing, white-

    water rafting, biking, horse-riding, swimming, volleyball, soccer, etc.

    A. Complete the questions according to the pictures and answer them:

    1. Do you play ____________?


    2. Do you go ________________?


    3. Do you play _______________?


    4. Do you go _________________?


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    2.2 How to use PLAY, GO and DO with sport and outdoor activities


    Playis used with ball sports or competitive games where we play against another person.

    - Alexis Sanchez plays footbal l.


    Dois used for a recreational activity or a non-team sport that does not use a ball.

    - Toms Gonzlez does gym nast ics.


    Gois used with activities that end -ing. We gosomewhere to do something.

    - Kristel Kbrich goes swimming .

    Answers (Act. A):

    1. Soccer/ 2. Swimming/ 3. Volleyball/ 4. skiing

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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

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    A. Write play, door goaccording to each activity or sport:

    1. The boys like to _________ karate .2. Peter usually _________ table tennis.3. Peter _________ rugby.4. The girls_________ jogging.5. He _________ hiking.6. They sometimes_________ judo.7. Mary usually _________ basketball.8. My friend and I usually_________ cycling.

    B. Complete the questions with the correct verb. Then, answerthem with yourinformation:

    1. Do you ever __________________ surfing?


    2. Do you ever ______________ yoga?



    In Present Simple

    he, she, it = plays



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    2. Do you __________________ chess?


    Answer the questions about the text:

    1.- Do you think that sport is important for children?


    2.- Is sport important to relieve stress? Why?


    3.- Do sports help to develop self-steem?_________________________________________________________

    Extra web pages about sports and outdoor activities

    Links: http://www.roughguides.com/destinations/south-america/chile/things-not-to-miss/#/0

    Why is sport important for children?

    Children have to be active every day, physical activitystimulates growth and leads to improved physical and emotionalhealth. Today, a new research shows that the importance of physicalactivity in children is stronger than ever. For example, medicalresearchers studied that children are less likely to suffer from highblood pressure, diabetes, cancer of the colon, obesity and coronaryheart disease later in life.

    Exercise is also known to relieve stress. Some Children have as much stress, depression, andanxiety as adults. Exercise improves health and skills at arithmetic, reading and memorization. Evensport can affect a childs development of self-steem and self-worth.


    Act. A: 1. Do 2. Play 3. Play 4. Go 5. Go 6. Do 7. Play 8. GoAct B 1. Go 2. Do 3. Play

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    2.3 Wh-Questions


    A. Write the questions for these answers


    He plays on weekends

    2. ______________________________________?

    He gets up at 6:30in the morning

    3. ______________________________________?He lives in Manchester

    4. ______________________________________?

    He usually plays soccer


    Use Simple Present with Wh Questions:

    What? things, objects

    When? days, months, years, seasons

    Where? places

    What time? time

    Who? people

    How often? frequency

    Why? reason

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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

    Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproduccin. Derechos reservadosAIEP.

    B. Complete the dialogue with the correct questions


    Act. A: 1. When does he play? 2. What time does he get up? 3. Where does he live? 4. How often does heplay soccer? Act. B: 1. When do you study? 2. How often do you practice? 3. Who do you play soccer with?



    2. Well, I always studyon Sundays. I work onweekdays.



    2. We practice onceor twice a week.

    2. I play soccer withsome friends. And




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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

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    3. Aprendizaje esperado

    Intercambia informacin relacionada con talentos y habilidades propios y de terceros envariados contextos laborales y coloquiales escritos y orales, haciendo uso de estructuraslingsticas apropiadas.


    - Talentos y habilidades (musicales oartsticas, atlticas, tcnicas omecnicas, entre otras)

    - Uso del verbo modal canpara

    expresar habilidad

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    3.1 Talents and abilities

    Do aerobics Dance Salsa Fix a computer

    Make desserts Play the guitar Climb a Mountain

    More examples

    - Play basketball

    - Write poetry

    - Swim

    - Drive a car- speak a foreign language

    - Play cards

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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

    Cuaderno de Apuntes de uso exclusivo de los estudiantes del Instituto Profesional AIEP. Prohibida su reproduccin. Derechos reservadosAIEP.

    3.2 CAN for ability

    Can is an auxiliary verb or a modal verb to talk about an ability:

    Structure: SUBJECT + CAN + MAIN VERB(infinitive without to)

    SHE CAN DANCE flamingo.

    Affirmative sentences

    Kristel Kobrich CAN swim very fast.

    Angelina Jolie CAN act.

    Madonna CAN sing really well.

    Arturo Vidal CAN play soccer.

    Usain Bolt CAN run.

    Rafael Nadal CAN play tennis.

    Michael Jordan CAN play basketball.

    Mahani Teave CAN play the piano.

    Negative sentences

    A baby CANT speak.

    A cat CANT swim.

    An elephant CANT climb.

    An ostrich CANT fly.

    A penguin CANT fly.

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    Vicerrectora AcadmicaCuaderno de Apuntes2014

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    Interrogative sentences

    Can you use a computer?

    Can you dance?

    Can you drive?

    Can she sing?

    Can they act?


    A. Write sentences according to the pictures using can or cant





    Image taken from:http://www.messianicjudaism.me/yinon/2013/06/12/10-reasons-superman-is-jewish/

    Image taken from:htt ://www.reocities.com/ ason.kirk/ files/flash3.html

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    B. Complete the dialogue:

    A: Hi Mary, I am asking some questions for a survey, can you help me?

    B: Yes, of course!

    A: Can you dance?

    B: __________________________________________

    A: What kind of music can you dance?

    B: _________________________________________

    A: Can you drive a car?

    B: _________________________________________

    A: Can you drive a car or a truck?

    B: __________________________________________

    Image taken from:http://www.comicvine.com/images/1300-3847551

    Image taken from:http://sciencefiction.com/2014/04/20/infographic-reveals-many-masks-spider-man/

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    A: Can you fix a car?

    B: _________________________________________

    A: Can you swim?

    B: _________________________________________

    A: How many languages can you speak?

    B: __________________________________________

    A: OK! Thats all! Thank you so much! When I have the results, I am going to call you to tellyou about it.

    B: Sure! If you need to ask me more questions, I dont have any problems, just call me


    you soon, bye bye!


    Act. A: 1. Goku Can Fly / 2. Flash can run very fast / 3. Batman cant fly. Act B: I can .. I cant

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    4. Aprendizaje Esperado:

    Intercambia informacin con terceros sobre fiestas y fechas importantes y las actividadesasociadas a cada una de ellas, utilizando el tiempo presente simple en contextos laborales einformales escritos y orales.


    - Fechas: meses del ao y nmerosordinales

    - Cumpleaos, celebraciones y feriados

    - Tiempo verbal presente simple

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    We use the month and the correct ordinal number for dates,

    Example:A: When is your birthday?

    B: My birthday is on September eighteenth

    A: Wow! We celebrate national holidays, too.

    So, how do you celebrate your birthday?

    B: I usually go to parties with my friends

    A: What do you do there?

    B: We eat and dance a lot!

    A: Thats great!

    B: And when is your birthday?

    A: Its on December twenty- fifth

    4.1 DATES






    Ordinal numbers

    1st= first 11th=eleventh 21st=twenty-first2nd= second 12th=twelfth 22nd=twenty-second3rd=third 13th=thirteenth 23rd=twenty-third4th=fourth 14th=fourteenth 24th=twenty-fourth5th= fifth 15th=fifteenth 25th=twenty-fifth6th= sixth 16th=sixteenth 26th=twenty-sixth


    = seventh 17th

    =seventeenth 27th

    =twenty-seventh8th= eighth 18th=eighteenth 28th=twenty-eighth9th= ninth 19th=nineteenth 29th= twenty-ninth10th= tenth 20th=twentieth 30th= thirtieth

    31th =thirty-first

    REMEMBER!07 / 07 = July seventh

    09 / 21 = September twenty-first

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    B: Thats great, too

    A: Not really! because I just get a Christmas present and they usually forget my birthday.


    A. Look at Annas schedule and write the dates:

    My schedule

    go out with my friendson _______________



    go to the cinema on________________



    go to the beach on_________________



    go to study for myexams on




    Birthdays calendar

    Arturo Vidals birthdayis on




    05/ 22

    Claudio Bravosbirthday is on




    04/ 13

    Alexis Sanchezsbirthday is on




    Eduardo Vargassbirthday is on





    Gary Medels birthday

    is on



    Mauricio Pinillas

    birthday is on




    Jean Beausejoursbirthday is on




    Gonzalo Jaras

    birthday is on




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    4.2 B. Complete the Conversation with the correct dates (write the dates):

    Mary: Hello! How are you?

    Peter: Hi! Im a little worried, because I have to finish my homework about important dates likeholidays or celebrations.

    Mary: Can I help you?

    Peter: Thanks a lot! I really need it!

    Mary: Well, tell me

    Peter: When is Christmas Day?

    Mary: its on ________________________________

    Peter: When is Labor Day?

    Mary: its on __________________________________

    Peter: When is Fathers Day?Mary: its on ___________________________________

    Peter: When is Mothers Day?

    Mary: its on ___________________________________

    Peter: When is Independence Day in USA?

    Mary: its on ___________________________________

    Peter: When is Valentines Day?

    Mary: its on ___________________________________

    Peter: When is Halloween?

    Mary: its on ___________________________________

    Peter: When is New Years Day?

    Mary: its on ___________________________________


    Act. A: April fourteenth, May second, August twentieth, October ninth.May twenty-second/ April thirteenth/ December nineteenth/ November twentieth/

    August third/ February fourth/ June first/ August twenty-ninth



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    Peter: Ufffff, Thanks a lot! Im going home now.

    Mary: Youre welcome Peter, if you need any help just tell me.

    Answer these questions about you and your family:

    When is your birthday?_____________________

    When is your fathers birthday?


    When is your mothers birthday?


    When is your brothersbirthday?



    Act. B: December twenty-fifth/ May first / June twenty-first / May tenth / February fourteenth/October thirty-first/ January first

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    Complete the invitation card with the correct information:

    4.3 A.- Read the text about holidays


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    - Answer the questions about the text:

    1.- When is the Night ?


    2.- How do Children celebrate it?


    3.- What do they do in Spring?


    4.- What do people celebrate in autumn?


    5.- How do they celebrate it?


    B.- Read the text about holidays2

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    - Answer the questions about the text:

    1. How many public holidays are there in Britain?


    2.- What are the Bank holidays?


    3.- What do people do to celebrate Christmas?


    4.- What do they eat for Christmas dinner?


    5.- What do people do in Scotland to celebrate New Years Eve? ___________________________________________________________________________

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    5. Aprendizaje Esperado:

    Interacta de manera oral y escrita con terceros en contextos formales e informales,solicitando y entregando informacin sobre planes futuros a travs del uso de las estructurasgramaticales correspondientes.


    - Uso de la estructuraBe going toconintencin de futuro.

    - Expresiones de tiempo para expresarfuturo: tomorrow/ tonight/ next week/next month, entre otras.

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    5.1 GOING TO

    Use the structure going to to talk about future plans.

    Affirmative sentences

    I am going totravel to France next year. (I plan to travel, and I am saving money)

    She is going tohave dinner with her family. (She plans to have dinner tomorrow)

    They are going tosee a movie. ( They plan to go to the movies tomorrow)

    Negative sentences

    I am not going totravel to Italy next year.

    She is not going tohave dinner with her friends.

    They are not going tosee a movie at home.

    Interrogative sentences

    ?) Are you going totravel next year to France? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

    ?) Is she going tohave dinner with her family? Yes, she is. / No, she is not.

    ?) Are they going tosee a movie? Yes, they are. / No, they are not.

    5.2 TIME EXPRESSIONS for future

    - Tonight - Next winter

    - Tomorrow - Next year

    - Next week - Next month

    - Tomorrow night - Next summer

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    A. Look at Annas schedule and complete with going to:

    My schedule March

    I ____________

    start my Englishclasses

    My friends and I______________

    go to the cinema

    I ______________

    study for myEnglish tests

    I ______________

    do my homework

    I ______________

    go to the beach


    come home

    My friends and I______________

    Celebrate mybirthday

    My sister_______________

    Call me from Spain

    5 10 12 13

    20 25 26 31


    Act. A: I am going to start my English classes/ My friends and I are going to go to the cinema/ I am going to study formy English tests/ I am going to do my homework/ I am going to go to the beach/ I am going to come home/ My friendand I are going to celebrate my birthday/ My sister is going to call me from Spain.

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    We use going to to talk about future plans, as you can see in the first activity about Annasschedule.

    B. Write the examples from the first activity

    1. Anna is going to go to the cinema

    2. ________________________

    3. ________________________

    4. ________________________

    C. Think about your future vacations and answer these questions using going to

    D. Read this short text about future plans





    Im going to = I AM going to

    Hes going to = he IS going to

    Theyre going to = they ARE going to

    Where are you going to go?


    When are you going to go?


    Who is going to go with you?


    What are you going to do, buy or see?


    How are you going to get there?


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    Now write a short text about yourfuture plans,

    E. Read about Peters future plansand answer the questions about it:

    1.- Where is he going to go?


    2.- What is he going to do there?









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    F. Now complete the chart with correct information from the text. Use the going to structure.

    Country Places Activities there Food






    Act. E: hes going to travel to Europe/ hes going to visit some museums and important cities, also hesgoing to visit important monuments and eat delicious food.

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    6. Aprendizaje Esperado:

    Se comunica con terceros en contextos escritos y orales, formales e informales, sobre temasrelacionados con problema de salud y soluciones mdicas y caseras, haciendo uso deesquemas lxicos y gramaticales adecuados a cada situacin particular.


    - Partes del cuerpo- Problemas de salud: headache /stomachache / sore eyes / backache /sore throat, entre otros- Uso de los verbos Have y Feel paraexpresar problemas de salud- Uso de adjetivos que expresanestados de nimo y de salud- Medicamentos comunes- Expresiones para demostrar empata:Thats good / Im glad to hear that /Thats too bad/ Im sorry to hear that- Uso del modo Imperativo para darconsejos y sugerencias

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    6.1 A. Parts of the body

    Write the correct number to each picture




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    B. Answer the questions about common health problems,

    Whats the

    matter?I have a__________________

    Whats wrong?I have a


    How do youfeel?

    I feel_______________

    The flu - a fever - a backache - a toothache - sore eyes - homesick -

    a headache - a cold - an earache - a cough - sore throat - a stomachache

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    6.2 To talk about health problems, we usually use have

    I have a cold.

    I have a stomachache.

    I have the flu.

    I have an earache.

    I have a fever.

    6.4 To talk about the way we feel, we use positive or negative adjectives:

    I feel fantastic

    I feel miserable

    I feel fine

    I feel awful

    I feel great

    6.3 Remember

    Positive Adjectives Negative Adjectives

    Fine X Sick

    Great X Awful

    Terrific X Terrible

    Fantastic X Bad

    Happy X Sad

    Good X Miserable

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    6.5 Common Medications

    Cold pills

    Muscle cream

    Cough drops Cough syrup


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    6.6 Useful Expressions

    Thats good!

    Im glad to hear thatThats too bad

    Im sorry to hear that

    Look at the common medications and complete the Word map with the correctsentences:

    6.7 Giving suggestions

    Dont drink coffee at night

    Go to the doctor

    Take an aspirin

    Call a dentist

    Rest in bed


    I have a


    Im going to buy

    some aspirin

    I have a Sore




    I have sore






    I have a


    I have the flu

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    Read the conversation and complete the box about it:

    Mary: Hi Peter! How are you?

    Peter: Hi Mary! I feel terrible

    Mary: Whats wrong?

    Peter: I have the flu

    Mary: I have a good idea.

    Rest in bed and drink a lot of orange juice

    Two weeks later

    Mary: Hi Peter!

    Peter: Hello Mary!

    Mary: How do you feel?

    Peter; I feel much better and you?Mary: I feel awful

    Peter: Whats the matter?

    Mary: I have a cough and a sore throat, I think that I have a cold

    Peter: Ups! I have a great idea, Take some cold pills and dont go to work

    Whats the problem?


    Whats the advice?


    First part

    Whats the problem?


    Whats the advice?


    Second part

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    7. Aprendizaje Esperado

    Describe establecimientos que se encuentran en un vecindario o ciudad indicando suubicacin en el mapa y dando instrucciones para movilizarse entre uno y otro, haciendo usode los esquemas lxicos y gramaticales adecuados al contexto en situaciones orales yescritas diversas.


    Tiendas y lugares de una ciudad.

    Productos y servicios segn tienda o lugar.

    Uso de preposiciones de lugar para entregarubicacin especfica de lugares de una ciudad:

    on/ on the corner of/ across from/ next to/between

    Estructuras para solicitar direcciones: How do Iget to?/ How can I get to?

    Expresiones para entregar direcciones: walk up/ walk down/ go up/ go down/ turn right on/turn left on

    Modo Imperativo

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    7.1 Places and stores in a city.




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    7.2 Where can I ?

    - Get some aspirin You can get some aspirin in a drugstore

    - Buy some bread ____________________________

    - Buy a dictionary ____________________________

    - Get some gasoline ____________________________

    - Buy a sandwich _____________________________

    - Buy a pair of pants _____________________________

    - Deposit a check _____________________________

    - Mail a letter _____________________________

    - Eat chinese food _____________________________

    7.3 Preposition of place



    On the corner of


    Next to

    Across from

    On Main street

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    The Department store is behindtherestaurant

    The Caf is betweenthe Gas station and the bank

    The Post office is acrossfromthe Drugstore

    The Bookstore is on the

    corner ofMain and FirstStreet




    The Movie Theater is next totheHotel

    The Park is onMain Street

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    A. Look at the map and complete the sentences with the correct preposition:

    1. The Hospital is __________ River Street

    2. The Post office is _________ the Drugstore and Stadium

    3. The Gym is ______________ the Hospital

    4. The Supermarket is _______________ Main and First streets

    5. The Chinese restaurant is ______________ the Barber shop

    6. The Gas station is ____________ the Caf

    7. The Park is ________________ First and Second Street

    8. The Post office is _________________ second Street












    GYM Barber shop

    River Street

    Movie TheaterHospital

    Post office






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    B. Complete the conversation with the correct place or preposition

    First, I have to go to the ___________,its on the corner of Firstand MainStreet, next to the Italian restaurant and

    ____________ Department store.



    Third, I have to go to the ___________,its next to the Stadium,

    ______________Drugstore and Stadium

    and across from the Chinese restaurant

    Second, I have to go to the___________, its next to the Post

    office, across from the Park and_________ second Street.



    Fourth, I have to go to the ___________,its______________ the Stadium, onsecond street and on the corner of Riverand second streets

    AnswerAct. A: on/ between / across from / on the corner of / behind / next to / between / on.Act B: 1- Supermarket / across from 2- Drugstore /on 3. Post office /between 4. Hotel / across from.

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    7.4-5 Giving directions

    Go up /Walk up 1stStreet



    Turn right on Main Street


    The Chinese Restaurant is on the right

    How do I get to the

    Chinese restaurant?

    How do I get to theDepartment Store?








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    Giving directionsHow do I get to theHospital?



    Go down /Walk down 1stStreet Turn Left on River Street



    The Hospital is on the right

    How do I get to theMovie Theater?







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    8. Aprendizaje Esperado

    Intercambian informacin sobre actividades ocurridas en el pasado reciente en contextoscomunicativos escritos y orales formales e informales, haciendo uso de las estructuras depasado correspondientes.


    Actividades que se realizan en el tiempo libre

    Tiempo verbal pasado simple

    Verbos regulares e irregulares

    Discurso descriptivo

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    8.1 Common activities

    Clean the house do the laundry Exercise

    What do you usually do in your free time? Write four activities.

    _______________________________ _______________________________

    _______________________________ _______________________________


    We used Simple Past to talk about finished actions in the past.

    Affirmative sentences

    I watchedTV last night

    I atepizza last night

    She studiedfor her exam yesterday

    He boughtsome milk yesterday

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    Negative sentences

    I didnt watchTV last night

    I didnt eatpizza last night

    She didnt studyfor the exam yesterday

    He didnt buysome milk yesterday

    8.3 VERBS


    We usually add ed to the verb

    -Walk = Walked

    - Cook = Cooked

    If the verb ends in e we add d

    - Live = Lived

    If a short verb ends in vowel +consonant, we double theconsonant and add ed

    - Plan = Planned

    If the verb ends in consonant + y,we change the y to i and addied

    - Study = Studied


    They do not follow the simple rules,we do not add d or ed to the endof the word to form simple past.They simply change.

    - Eat = Ate

    - Have = Had

    - Buy = Bought- See =Saw

    - Think = Thought

    - Come = Came




    verbs in their present form

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    Interrogative sentences

    ?) Didyou watch TV last night? Yes, I did / No, I did not.

    ?) Didyou eat pizza last night? Yes, I did / No, I did not.

    ?) Didshe study for the exam yesterday? Yes, She did / No, she did not.

    ?) Didhe buy some milk yesterday? Yes, He did / No, he did not.


    Time expressions

    last year

    last month

    I did it five years ago

    yesterday morning

    In 1985

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    Write the past simple forms

    B. Complete the sentences with the affirmative form of the verb

    1. I didnt go to New York, I __________ to Chicago.

    2. We didnt meet Jim, we ____________ Max.

    3. He didnt leave last Tuesday, he __________ last Thu rsday.

    4. We didnt see Jim, we ____________ David.

    5. They didnt buy a Volvo, they __________ a Saab.

    6. You didnt know the answer, Tom __________ the answer.

    Regular verbs

    Present Past

    Irregular verbs

    Present Past

    Arrive = ___________________

    Ask = _____________________

    Borrow = __________________

    Call = _____________________

    Change = __________________

    Clean = ____________________

    Collect = ___________________

    Cry = ______________________

    Dance = ___________________

    Enjoy = ____________________

    Exercise = _________________

    Hate= _____________________

    Help = _____________________Listen = ____________________

    Swim= _____________________

    Buy = ______________________

    Break = _____________________

    Can = ______________________

    Come = ____________________

    Choose = ___________________

    Drive= ______________________

    Drink = _____________________

    Do= ________________________

    Feel = ______________________

    Find = ______________________

    Get = _______________________

    Give = ______________________

    Go = ________________________Know =______________________

    Leave = _____________________

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    7. I didnt lose my passport, I ____________ my ticket.

    8. We didnt have white wine, we _____________ red wine.

    9. He didnt write a letter, he _____________ a postcard.

    10. The film didnt begin at 6:30 p.m., it ___________ at 7:30 p.m.

    Read the text

    Answer the questions about the text

    1. What do you know about the tree? ___________________________________________

    2. How long was Julia up the tree? _____________________________________________

    3. Who cook her food for her? _________________________________________________

    4. How did she talk to when she was in the tree? ____________________________


    5. Who tried to stop her? How? ________________________________________________



    Julia Hill, an American woman, was born in 1974.She was 23 years old when she discovered that acompany wanted to cut down part of a forest in California.

    In the forest there were lots of redwood trees. One of thetrees was 70 metres tall and 1,000 years old.

    Julia wasnt happy about this. She travelled to

    California and climbed up the tree. If I sit in the tree, she

    said, the company cant cut it down. At the beginning,

    Julia planned to stay in the tree for two weeks. She lives ina small tree-house and her friends were very helpful they cooked food for her every day. She used her mobilephone to talk to her family and to news reporters. Shestayed in the tree day and night.

    Environmental organizations supported her, but other people werent on her side and they triedto stop her. The company used a helicopter that stayed near her tree-house for a long time.The helicopter was very noisy and there was a lot of wind. Julia didnt like it , but she stayed inthe tree.

    In the end, she was successful. The company agreed not to cut down the redwood. Finally,after two years and eight days in the tree, Julia Hill climbed down and walked on the groundagain. She and her friends were very happy.


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    6. What do you think Julia did after she climbed down from the tree?


    Complete the newspaper articles with the past simple of the verbs

    Hands up, Ive got a burger!Last Tuesday a man armed with just a hot hamburgerin a bag ________________(1) $1,000 from a bankin Danville, California.

    Police Detective Bill McGinnis ____________(2)thatthe robber entered the Mount Diablo National Bank atabout 1.30 p.m. and _________________(3)thecashier a note demanding $1,000. He claimed thathe ______________(4) a bomb in the bag. Thecashier said she ______________(5) smell a distinctodour of hamburger coming from the bag. Even so,she handed the money to the man, and then hedropped the bag with the hamburger and escaped ina car.

    have can steal give say

    Teenage party ends in tears

    When Jack and Kelly Harman ______________(1)away on holiday, they ________________(2) theirteenage daughter alone in the house. Zoe, aged 16,wanted to stay at home. Her parents said she couldhave some friends to stay. However, Zoe decided tohave a party. Things started wrong. Forty uninvitedguests arrived. They _____________(3) furniture,smashed windows, and stole jewelry.

    When Mr. and Mrs. Harman ______________(4) thenews, they ______________(5) home immediately.

    Break Hear Come Leave Go

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    9. Aprendizaje Esperado:

    Solicitan y entregan informacin sobre hitos en su historia personal y en la de terceros encontextos comunicativos escritos y orales formales e informales, haciendo uso de losesquemas lxicos y gramaticales correspondientes.


    - Fechasda, ao.

    - Informacin bibliogrfica bsica

    - Tiempo verbal pasado simple, verbo Be

    - Materias escolares y reas del conocimiento

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    9.1 Years

    1906= nineteenoh six 1975 = nineteenseventy-five

    19 0 6 19 75

    1917 = nineteenseventeen 2005 = two thousandand five

    19 17

    9.2 Biographical information

    I was born in nineteen twenty-six,so I am eighty-eight years old.

    I was born in nineteen sixty-one,

    So I am fifty-three years old

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    Where were these people born?

    Complete the bubbles with the correct information and write countries and years

    I was born in _____________ (country)

    I was born in ____________________1977

    I was born in _____________ (country)

    I was born in________________(1954)

    I was born in ________________(country)

    I was born in __________________(1981)

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    9.3 Past of be

    Affirmative sentences

    I was born in 1974, so I am 40 years old

    You were in Brazil last year. You are in Chile now

    He was a student last year. He is a Doctor now

    She was studying two hours ago. She is listening to music now

    It was in the house. It is in the yard now

    We were students. We are teachers now

    They were in Europe. They are in USA now

    Negative sentences

    I wasnt born in 1974

    You werent in Brazil last year

    He wasnt a student last year

    She wasnt studying two hours ago.

    It wasnt in the house

    We werent students

    They werent in Europe

    Interrogative sentences

    ?) Were you in Brazil last year? Yes, I was / No, I was not

    ?) Was he a student last year? Yes, he was / No, he was not

    ?) Was it in the house? Yes, it was / No, it was not




    AnswerAct. A: Colombia / nineteen seventy-seven - China nineteen fifty-four - USA / nineteen eighty-one

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    ?) Were they in Europe? Yes, they were / No, they were not


    Correct the mistakes

    A. In each sentence there is a mistake, underline it and write the correct sentence:

    1. They were happy when you arrived?


    2. Is your friend at school yesterday?


    3. They was at the party last night


    4. Where are you born?


    5. We wasnt living here in 2003


    6. Where are you last week?


    B. Choose the correct form of the verb

    Charles Darwin1) Charles Darwin ____________ (was/were) born on February 12, 1809

    2) He ___________ (was/were) a British naturalist who became famous for his theories of

    evolution and natural selection.

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    3) In South America, Darwin found that the fossils of extinct animals____________ (was/

    were) similar to modern species.

    4) Many people ______________ (was/were) strongly opposed to the idea of evolution

    because it conflicted with their religious beliefs.

    5) Throughout his life, Darwin ___________ (was/were) a reserved, thorough and

    hardworking student.

    Wh questions with did, was and were


    Act. A: Were they / Was your friend / They were / Where were you / We werent / Where were youAct. B: was/ was / were / were / was

    1. Where did you grow up?1. I grew up in Via delMar

    2. When did you come to this

    city?2. I came here last year

    3. Why did you come tolive here?

    3. Because my momand I moved here.

    4. How old were you last year? 4. I was twenty-two

    5. What was your favoritesubject at school?

    5. It was English and Art

    6. How was high school?6. It was great! I had agreat time and very goodfriends.

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    Write sentences about you

    9.4 Memories / School days

    Complete the word map with the words from the box.







    Extra information

    chool days

    Classes SchoolsPlaces

    Playground / Gym / Art / Lunchroom / Science / College / Physical Education (PI) / History /

    High / Elementary / Math / Religion / English / Library / Junior high / Kindergarten

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    Complete the conversation with the correct verb form in past tense

    Anna:Where ________ you grow up Christopher?

    Christopher:I ___________ up in Rome

    Anna: When ________ you come to San Diego?

    Christopher: I ____________ here in 2004

    Anna: How old were you?

    Christopher: I __________ twenty years old

    Anna: Where ___________ you learn English?

    Christopher: I ____________ to school in New York for 3 years. (go)

    Anna: Well your English is very good now!__________ you go to college in New York?Christopher: Yes, I _________ to college in New York.

    Anna: What was your major in college?

    Christopher: My major was accounting.

    Anna: Thats interesting!

    Answer the question about the conversation :

    Wh- quest ionswith Simple Past and the past of be.

    1. Where did Christopher grow up? ________________________________

    2. Where did he learn English? ___________________________________

    3. When did he come to San Diego? _______________________________

    4. How old was he? ____________________________________________

    5. What was his major degree? ___________________________________

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    Answer these questions about you:

    1. When were you born?


    2. Where were you born?


    3. Where did you grow up?


    4. When did you start school?


    5. How old were you then?


    6. Who was your best friend at school?


    7. What was he/she like?


    8. What was your favorite subject at school?________________________________________________

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    10. Aprendizaje Esperado:

    Interactan de forma escrita y oral en el contexto dialgico de una conversacin telefnicasimple formal e informal, utilizando las expresiones apropiadas de acuerdo a la situacinparticular que enfrenta.


    Frases preposicionales para indicar donde seencuentra una persona en el momento: at home/ in the shower/ at the library/ on a trip/ in bed,entre otras.

    Uso de Subject & Object pronouns

    Expresiones frecuentes en una conversacin

    telefnica: Can I speak with?/ Do you want toleave a message?/ He cant come to the phone,entre otras.

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    10.1 Telephone Conversations

    All ie Jack

    Read this conversation. Allie is talking to her friend, Jack.

    Allie: Hello?

    Jack: Hi Allie. It's Jack.

    Allie: Hi!

    Jack: Are you okay? I phoned you two times today, but you didn't answer your phone.

    Allie: Oh sorry. When?

    Jack: I phoned you at ten o'clock this morning.

    Allie: At ten o'clock I was in the shower.

    Jack: Then I phoned you again at three o'clock in the afternoon.

    Allie: Umm, at three o'clock I was at the Library. My phone was in my bag so maybe I didn'thear it ring. Sorry about that.

    Jack: That's okay. Anyway, do you want to have dinner at Pierres?

    Allie: The little caf in my town near my house? Yes please!

    Jack: Okay. I'm at the hotel very close. See you at 7 o'clock in the hotel lobby

    Allie: Okay, bye!

    Jack: Bye!

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    - She isin

    the shower

    - He isin


    - They are inclass

    - My sister is inMexico

    - My mom is inthe kitchen

    - The dog is inthe yard

    - He is inthe hospital*

    At- My dad is twork

    - Peter ist


    - They are tthe beach

    - I am tmy parents house

    - They are tschool

    - He is tthe bank

    - We aret

    the mall

    - He is tthe hospital*


    - She is onVacation.

    - They are onbreak.

    - He is ona trip.


    * Hes inthe hospital (he is hospitalize)

    * Hes atthe hospital (hes visiting someone)


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    10.2 Object pronouns

    Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns















    Subjectsare what the sentence is about.

    (they always go before verbs)

    Objectsare what is affected by the action of

    the subject.(they always go after verbs)

    10.3 Examples:


    Can you call me in

    twenty minutes?

    Please call me at home.

    Leave us a

    message, please

    More examples:

    - Can I call you later?

    - Give her a call tomorrow

    - Ask her to call me tonight

    - Give me the number please!I dont have it

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    A. Complete the conversation with the correct Subject or Object Pronouns.


    A: Do you know Andy?

    B: Sure, __________'s in my class, I study with __________. Why?

    A: Oh, nothing. I want _______ to help __________, that's all.

    B: I have his 'phone number. Call __________! Or if you want I can call _______ and we can

    study together for the exam

    A: OK! Thanks.

    2nd Conversation

    A: Hey Tyler, do _______ like lemons?

    B: Yea, I really like ___________.

    A: And do you like rice?

    B: Sure, I like __________.

    A: And how about chicken?

    B: Yeah, I like ________ too. Why do you ask _________?

    A: Because, I want to make lemon chicken for dinner.

    B: Sounds great!

    3rd ConversationA: What's that?

    B: Oh, it's a photo of my family. Look, ________'s my mum.

    A: Oh yeah, I know _______. Who's he?

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    B: _______'s my brother, everybody likes ________. Look, that's my father.

    A: Wow, he looks like _______. And look at the big dog!

    B: Yea, he's really big. He looks like ________!

    AnswerAct. 1st: he/ him / him / me / him / him 2ndyou / them / it / it / me 3rdshe / her / he / him/ you/ you

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    11. Aprendizaje Esperado:

    Realiza y responde afirmativa o negativamente a invitaciones a diversas actividades,adaptndose a la situacin comunicativa correspondiente, y haciendo uso adecuado de lasestructuras gramaticales aprendidas.


    Actividades que se realizan en el tiempo libre: go tothe movies/ go to a concert/ see a sports event,entre otras.

    Uso de estructuras para realizar invitaciones: Do youwant to?/ Would you like to?

    Uso de estructuras para aceptar y rechazarinvitaciones: Id love to /Id like to / I want to /I have

    to/I need to

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    11.1 Popular activities

    Go to the movies Visit an amusement park Go to a concert

    See a movie

    Go dancing See a sports event Go to an art festival

    11.2 Invitations

    Making an invitation Accepting an invitation

    Do you want to go to the

    movies with me tonight?Yes, Id really like to goto the movies with you.


    I would = Id

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    Making an invitation Refusing an invitation/ making an excuse


    A. Complete the conversation with would, want to, need to , have to. There are morethan one answer.

    1. A: Do you ____________ go to a party with me tonight?

    B: Id like to go, but I ______________ study for an exam

    2. A: __________ you like to go to a party with me?B: Im sorry, but I _____________ sleep, I have a headache

    3. A: Do you _______________ have dinner with me?

    B: Yes, Id love to, but I ___________ go tobed early

    Would you like to visit an

    amusing park with me? Yes, Id love to go

    Would you like to go

    to an art festival with


    Im sorry, but I cant. I

    have to study


    - I would like TO

    STUDY (Correct)

    - I would like studying(INCORRECT)

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    4. A: Do you ____________ go to the beach?

    B: I __________, but I __________ work

    5. A. __________ you like to go to a Museum tomorrow?

    B. Im sorry, But I ___________ to visit my family

    B. Answer the invitation according to the instructions in parenthesis

    1. Do you want to go to a Chinese restaurant this Friday night?

    ____________________________________________________________ (accept)

    2. Would you like to go to swim this Sunday Morning?

    _______________________________________________ (refuse and make anexcuse)

    Would you like to go to

    see a movie?_____________________



    Do you want to go

    to play soccer?



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    AnswerAct. A: 1. Want to /have to 2. Would /need to 3. Want to /have to 4. Want to/want to/ have to5. would/ want to

    Would you like to go to dance

    with me tonight?



    (Refuse and make an excuse)

    Do you want to have a

    picnic with me thisSunday afternoon? ___________________



    Do you want to have lunchtomorrow?



    (Refuse and make an excuse)

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    - Richards, Jack. Interchange, third edition, intro students book with self-study audio CD 2004(Cambridge university press)

    - Herbert Puchta and Jeff Stranks. Engl ish in mind. (1A) Students Book with self-study audio 2007(Cambridge university press).

    - English in Mind from Cambridge course book.

    - Newspaper stories from oxford, New Headway English course














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    Equipo de centro de estudios vector, Sabine Buda/



    http://books.google.cl/books?id=J0xkAwAAQBAJ&pg=PT19&dq=texto+going+to&hl=es&sa =
















