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Instituto de Ciencias Económico Administrativas · Objetivo de la unidad de trabajo • Conocer y...

Date post: 11-Jul-2018
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UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE HIDALGO Instituto de Ciencias Económico Administrativas



Instituto de Ciencias Económico


– Área Académica: Inglés

– Tema: Passive Voice (all tenses)

– Profesor(a):

L.E.L.I Cristina López Mejía

– Periodo: Enero Junio 2018

Objetivo general de la asignatura

• El alumno podrá entender y compartirinformación acerca de experiencias ylogros, expresar sentimientos y cantidades,enfatizar hechos, expresar situaciones queevidencian una relación causa-efecto, asícomo describir acciones y vincular sus ideasen el discurso, manteniendo unainteracción social de sucesos pasados enrelación con el presente, de acuerdo alcontexto socioeducativo.

Objetivo de la unidad de trabajo

• Conocer y utilizar las estructurasapropiadas para enfatizar hechos quehan ocurrido en el presente y en elpasado, así como vincular las ideas quese expresan de manera adecuada através de conectores.

Topic: In the news

What do these letters mean?

• Identify the following programs...

• Guess the TV program…


• Read aloud the news …


This year´s Best Young Musicians Awardwas won by a local band, The smilers, lastnight. The award was presented by MayorJenkins, who said he was a great fan of theband and that he wasn´t surprised thatthey were the winners.

RICH, BUT NOT FOR LONG !The National United Bank on West 47 th streetwas robbed yesterday. Three men entered atthe bank at noon and forced the bank managerto open the safe. The thieves escaped with morethan two million dollars in cash. Their car wasspotted by a police helicopter, and the menwere arrested on Ocean Boulevard. All themoney was recovered by the police.

AN UNEXPECTED VISITORA whale was discovered in White Sands Bayyesterday morning by John Hollins. The whalewas trapped in shallow water and could notswim out to sea. Mr.Hollins immediately calledAnimal rescue. The whale was given special foodwhile experts waited for the tide to come in. Theropes were attached to the whale, and it waspulled out to the sea. Eventually. It swam offvery happily.

Answer the following questions…

1. What time was the bank robbed?2. How much money was stolen?3. Why was the whale trapped in the bay?4. What was done to the whale?5. What award did the band win?6. Who was the Smiler´s award presented by?

Complete the following sentences…

“Gorilla escapes from the zoo”

What is happening on theprevious picture?



Downie, Michael. Lighthouse teacher´s book. 1ra Edición. , México DF, 2009.
