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Languages corner at Llanes

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Magazine written in English, Spanish and French by students of 4th ESO
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Esta revista plurilingüe es el resultado de un interesante trabajo realizado a lo largo

del curso 2009 / 2010 con el curso de 4º ESO Bilingüe en tres asignaturas: Lengua Castellana y Literatura, Inglés y Francés

Este trabajo forma parte del Currículo Integrado de las Lenguas que nos comprometimos a desarrollar desde que fuimos seleccionados como centro bilingüe en el año 2005.

Nuestra idea era elaborar una revista, bien digital o bien en papel, que incluyera artículos en las tres lenguas.

Al resultarnos imposible incluir los artículos de todo el alumnado del grupo, llevamos a cabo un proceso de selección interno, es decir, serían los propios alumnos y alumnas de 4º ESO los que seleccionarían los mejores trabajos de sus compañeros/as.

Para ello, cada mes se nombraron a cinco alumnos/as evaluadores distintos. Los trabajos de los demás se repartirían

entre ellos y siguiendo unos parámetros de coevaluación escrita previamente consensuados, elegirían un trabajo de los cinco o seis que les habían sido asignados. Esos artículos son los que aparecen a continuación.

Agradezco a la compañera de Lengua Castellana y Literatura, Esther Puerto Rodríguez y al compañero de Francés, Diego Gil de Agustín, por su colaboración entusiasta.

También me gustaría felicitar al alumnado de 4º Bilingüe por su trabajo, paciencia y constancia. Ellos y ellas son los protagonistas de esta revista.

Mª Dolores Aceituno Laguna

Coordinadora Bilingüe del I.E.S. Llanes, Sevilla

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The disaster of a city

by Fco Javier Carmona

This was the dramatic scene of an earthquake in Yakarta last week. When the earthquake occurred, the entire city was destroyed and a lot of people were dead. The incident began at ten o’clock. When the earthquake began the people didn’t notice the earthquake at first, but later in the city, there was panic because the buildings were starting to fall down. At first the people continued with their lives, but when the earthquake increased everybody left the streets and they began to scream and to run all over Yakarta while the city was being destroyed.

CHILD LABOUR in THE 21st Century

By Setefilla Caballero This was the dramatic scene of children working in construction. The photo was taken when we were exploring the world to see how people lived in each country. This photo was taken in 2005 when we were in Africa. We were walking around a city called Lilongwe. It is located in South Africa. We stopped, and we saw this terrible image; little boys and girls working with bricks at a building side. They were between 6 and 8 years old. Their families were poor and they worked to bring money to their homes. They didn’t have any money for anything. Their clothes were damaged; they didn’t have anything to eat. They were so poor.

The government sent the police to evacuate Yakarta and the government built camps for people around the city with all the facilities. After four hours the firemen arrived in the city to rescue the survivors and some people returned to Yakarta like the man in the photo and he could see this appalling landscape. At this moment Yakarta is a big ruin with a lot of sadness. We were speaking with one of the children and he said that they started work at 6:00am and they finished at 22:00 pm. They didn’t have time to rest. They had not right to go to school because they must work.

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Dorothy Counts By Fco José Pérez

This photo was taken in 1957, by Douglas Martin, a photographer of the Associated Press.

With this image he cached the first day at school of a girl called Dorothy Counts. Like her, some black people started the course that day at the recent made “interracial” Harry Harding High School, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Dorothy’s family received threatening calls from everyone days after going to school. The 5th

THE CRUEL REALITY By Alejandra Criado

This photo was taken by Henry Williams in July, 1998 in a little village of South Africa. This photo hasn't got an interesting story, but in my opinion I think that is very moving and dramatic, because as you can see the boy is very ill. I felt very sad when I looked at it because sometimes we say “I don't like my life” or things like that, and I don't really know why we say that because thanks God, we have everyday food on the table, we have comfortable houses, a very good education.. And those poor children don't have anything!!! They are always ill, because they eat very badly, and most of them die when they are very young.

of September of 1957, Dorothy arrived at school in front of a crowd of white people who taunted her, spat on her harassed her and threw pebbles at her too. The wife of John Z. Warlick (the leader of the White Citizens Council) told the boys and girls from the school to “keep Dorothy out” and “spit on her, spit on her…” At school the problem didn’t change, the teachers ignored her. She met other girls but they stopped the friendship because of the harassment from other students. After four days like that the family decided to move to other place, so they took his daughter out of the school and moved to another school in Pennsylvania. I chose this photo because the defiant eyes of Dorothy express the repression of black people during those ages. This photo won the World Press Award in 1957.

I think that this world isn't fair. The world must change, because we don't know how lucky we are, and we must be in their skins to know how they feel. Those poor persons don't have good food or great houses but they DON'T LIVE THEIR LIFES THINKING IN MONEY, BUT THINKING IN HAPPINESS and for me this is more important than other stupid things...

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PANIC AT THE ZOO By Maribel Pedersen

This striking picture was taken in 2007 in a zoo in Taiwan. The arm in the picture belongs to veterinarian Chang Po-Yu, who worked at the zoo. This crocodile, which reached 5 meters in length and 200 kilograms in weight, had not eaten anything for a week. The animal was shot with a tranquilizer dart because it was going to be examined by the vet. At first, when Chang approached the animal, it seemed asleep, but then, when he was trying to take the dart off, the crocodile bit him and took his arm off. The animal released the arm after being shot again. Chang was taken to the hospital as soon as possible. Finally, after seven hours of surgery, he got his arm back and he was smiling and happy again.

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Mayte’s life story By Jose Daniel Verdejo

She was born in a village of Hessen, in Germany, in 1963. She’s 46 years old. Her first childhood memory was when her mother was living

birth to her first brother, Antonio, and Mayte was in her grandparent’s house. Her father was a “Paradores” manager and they had to move house constantly. She has four brothers and one sister. In order, Antonio was born in Córdoba, Domingo was born in Mérida and Mariló was born in Mérida too. Marcos in the Sahara, because Morocco was a Spanish territory in those days, and there was a “Parador” there. Finally, Jaime was born in Santa Cruz de la Palma, in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. Mayte has been in a lot of schools, ten or eleven approximately. She has always liked to travel, to see new places and taste new food. She also likes reading, but she reads very little, because she always has something to do. She married 17 years ago, to her current husband, Pepe. Two and half years later they had their first son, José Daniel. After two years they had a girl, called Laura. Mayte would like to visit Ireland sometime in her life. Now, Mayte lives in Seville with Pepe and her two children. She usually travels with her family and friends to other countries, for example Portugal or Austria. She’s always doing something at home, and she often says: “The

clothes to hang get bigger and bigger”

Mari Carmen’s life Story By Marta Sirodey Mazón

My name is Mari Carmen Mazón, I am 42 years old. I was born on 10th October 1966 in Seville and I have lived here since I was born. I left the Secondary Education because I was helping my parents at their bar because we were seven children and it was a difficult time for us, but I have good memories of this time too. For example one of my first memories is in my courtyard with one of my sisters playing with our dolls. In my life I've had special moments, for example when my father died. I was very young and it was difficult for the family. When I was born I lived in Triana but when my mother left the bar we went to live to another house in a different part of Seville. Some years later, my husband and I had our first son Adrián, and when he was 6 or 7 years old we moved to live together to another house and when our second daughter Marta was 8 years old we moved again, until now. My father was from Santander and one of my wishes has always been to go there, but I have never been able to. This is one thing that I want to do before I'm sixty. Other thing is to have a robot that makes the housework like tidying or washing.

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My Grandfather, Manuel

By Fco José Pérez

I’ve chosen my grandfather because he is the person with the most different experiences in a not very long life that I’ve ever known. I’ve always said that someone should write a book with my grandfather’s anecdotes…maybe I’ll do it one day… My grandfather, Manuel, was born in Monesterio, Badajoz, the 3rd of May, 1928 in his parents’ house, located at Templarios Street. My grandfather has worked looking after pigs, cows…in the countryside, there in Monesterio. He has worked as a milkman and he tells me that he used to spend hours and hours working in the fields. Lots of cold nights, he had to sleep on the floor without blankets. He had a raven as his pet, a raven born free but which was always near him. One day, two policemen shot the bird just for fun… My grandfather lived the civil war; there were 6 members in his family so everyone had to work to earn money.

His father was killed by the “police” because he was a republican counsellor at the town hall. My grandfather met my grandmother, Teresa at the weekends dance party in the town. Manuel went to do the military service in Madrid. He was in a Calvary regiment and he tells that, he and his friends used to eat the horse’s food because they were terribly hungry. After that, he moved with Teresa to Seville where he worked in a farm in Aljarafe and every single day he had to go by bike from Seville to the farm because he didn’t have a car. During those ages, my mother and my uncle were born. My grandfather went to Germany to work in city called Nuremberg. He remembers his stay in Germany with only two words. One is “cold” because it was snowing there and the other…”! Continue!” the only word that the director in Nuremberg used to say. When he came back, he brought a TV, but a TV where images were coloured and lots of presents for the family. He found a permanent job in a metal factory here in Seville and the time passed…My mother and my uncle grew up and my grandfather retired. At the moment, he is living in Burguillos with my grandmother. He is 81 years old now, but he is still taking care of his fruit trees, flowers… Something that he has always loved…

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My grandma’s life story. Marcos Ibáñez

Gordillo Lérida


My father’s mother, Pastora Lérida Lérida (she prefers to be called “Pastori”) was born on 1931 in Seville. Her family was

really poor and she could just go to a church as a “school”. There, she and her sister learnt the 4 main operations, read and write. When the war started she was glad because she wouldn’t have to return to school where the nuns were unfair to them. After sometime, she didn’t think so at all. She’s told me several times chapters of her life: She’s always said that war was so short and post-war too long, as long as many years with no bread, actually. During that period they were really hungry although her mother worked as a seamstress and her father as a blacksmith. When she was 6 she usually played onto an ancient Arab wall which was used as her room wall too. She was so tall when she was young that she refused lovers who where shorter than her. She first met my grandfather (who measured more than 170 cm) in spring and they kissed for the 1st time the next spring; when this happened in 1956 a police officer saw them and asked for a fine of 6 “reales”. She married him in 1962.

In 1963 my father was born. Two years later my first uncle. Three years later my second uncle and five years later my last uncle. And after she had two male grandchildren. My grandmother was not happy with this situation because she had always wanted to have a girl... She wasn’t lucky at all. My grandmother’s got a really good memory and she likes spending hours, and hours telling us her life. She was disappointed with her education so she has recently studied in a school for aged people. She has become a poet and she’s learnt all her poems by heart. That has improved her memory. My grandfather is now dead, and she’s often sad. But she’s still young (I think so) she’s very brave; she sometimes goes out for walks even with two operated legs.

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My LIFE STORY By Maribel Pedersen Fernández

I was born the 4th of June of 1961 in Skive, a little village in Denmark. I lived there with my parents for two years, until my sister, Helene, was born. Then, we moved to Lime, where I lived until I was 7. I remember my first memory very clearly. I was 4 years old and I was at home. I fell asleep and, when I woke up, it was dark and I couldn’t find my parents. So I called my neighbour and I told her that I was frightened because it was dark and I was alone at home. At the age of 7, I moved to Skørring, where I started primary school. There, I met my best friend during school, Johannes. My first girlfriend was called Mette. I started to go out with her when I was 8 years old. At school, I played football and I was

very good at that. I also rode horses and played badminton until I was 15. I went to high school when I was 16. I had to take the school bus, because it was 27 km away from home. At high school, I met Niels, who is still my best friend. My marks at school weren’t too bad. After high school, I started the Cavalry military service. After nine months of service I left, and I went to Norway to work in a hotel near the Skiing Resort. This was my first job. Before I went to the University, I travelled a lot and I worked in different countries. When I was 21, I went to Copenhagen to study at the University and I stayed in a residence for young people who studied at University. I finished my studies at the age of 26. I met my wife on a train during a trip to Germany and I invited her to come with me to Denmark. After a time, we moved to Spain and we lived in Malaga for a while. Then we came to Seville, where we still live. In 1994, we had a daughter, and a year after, I bought my own shop in Denmark. Now I am quite old, 48, but before I am even older, I’d like to win the Spanish championship of badminton for old boys.

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Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to comment about the difficulties that people who are in wheelchair can find. There are very few ramps where they can get off the sidewalk. So to get off the sidewalk they have to take a long way to find a ramp. Sometimes they try on the step and this can cause an accident. The ramps are almost occupied by cars and the police don’t act when they see this situation. If they put more fines and higher prices I think they would stop parking cars on the ramps for the disabled. Another very important thing that we don’t take into account happens in shops. Very few the shops have ramps and what happens to disabled people? They have to stay out because the shops don’t have the necessary facilities. Many of the shops are small and this produces that the wheelchair can not pass. I request you to publish this complaint to make people reflect and take action. Yous faithfully, Carolina Pino

Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing because I would like to give my opinion about the state of the public bicycles in my city. The bicycles called “Sevici”, most of them are in bad conditions. I am giving up using the bicycles because when I am at the station, for example there are three bikes and when I am at the machine, it says to me that there are no bikes available, or in other cases, the brakes don’t work, they have the wheels punctured, etc. I think that the problem is not in the bikes, because they are made of good materials, but the society isn’t educated to respect that type of public transport. When we see teenagers destroying them, we don’t say anything, so they continue doing it. On the other hand, I am very happy because thanks to this, we have cycle lane, but people don’t respect it, so we are in the same situation. I hope that people will change their mentality and we will have better coexistence. Yours faithfully, Helena Moreda Boza

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Costumbres de los españoles de hoy en día.

Aníbal Ibáñez Gordillo Hoy en día ya no se puede hablar de las actividades de ocio refiriéndose al “español medio” pues hay muchas clases de españoles que sólo comparten unos pocos vicios o costumbres: El Niño: Últimamente todo niño parece sumergido en un variopinto mundo de superrevoluciones, monstruos parlantes y ataques mágicos especiales, todo esto

viniendo, por supuesto, de la televisión uno de los pocos vicios comunes a todos los españoles, y a medio mundo en realidad. Y

esto sin contar con los “kitkats”, los flanes y las gomitas por no nombrar muchos otros que están convirtiendo a los futuros españoles en unos obesos obsesivos. Las niñas, a su vez, ya van cambiando a las princesitas rosas de Disney por sicodélicas muñecas adolescentes que son, supuestamente modelos, actrices, cantantes, etc, etc. El Joven: Éste tiene principalmente, 2 vicios. El primero resulta ser una pantalla con montones de píxeles unida a un mando o teclado de cualquier tipo para descargar su ira tanto con los desgastados como con el tío que hay que cargarse en la pantalla. El segundo consiste en que todo aquello que sea

ruidoso, repetitivo y/o critique normas establecidas pasa automáticamente a “ser chulo” o “estar flama”, y cuantos más “tíos” metas en la frase, mejor. Esto desemboca en un rechazo total a toda prohibición y/o código de conducta, sobre todo si de lo que tratan es de limitar sus libertades que, desde luego, son demasiadas. Además, se le pierde el respeto a todas las figuras El No-Tan-Joven (pues no siempre puede hablarse de adultos aquí) : Aquí es prácticamente imposible hablar de todos los tipos de españoles que abarca esta categoría porque cada individuo tiene ocupaciones distintas, condicionadas sobre todo con el trabajo que desempeñan ya que éste, a su vez, condiciona toda la vida del individuo. A no ser que éste viva de sus padres, cónyuge o consiga el dinero por otros medios. Hay algunos que realmente siguen sumidos en la adolescencia o incluso la niñez, con sus mismas obsesiones e ilusiones y no aceptan la realidad que constituye su vejez. Otros, por el contrario prefieren sumergirse en uno de los irreales y maravillosos mundos como pueden ser los libros, las películas, o incluso los videojuegos; en resumen cualquier elemento que pueda evadirte de la realidad, algunos van más allá y crean este material ilusorio con el que, en contadas ocasiones, se gana mucho dinero. En ambos casos suelen ser gente ya madura físicamente que lo pasa muy mal o es, simplemente,

nostálgica. Los hay inmersos en la rutina y el día a día, éstos no suelen ser demasiado felices, aunque si sepan

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divertirse cuando tienen la ocasión. Tampoco hay que olvidar a los que sólo saben divertirse y no tienen, ni quieren tener responsabilidad alguna. Aparte, están aquellos que, siendo realistas, no han perdido ni la ilusión ni la alegría de vivir y combinan tanto vida laboral como vida social y personal. El Anciano: De éstos los hay de 3 tipos principalmente: El amargado [que no tiene porqué vivir solo, se pasa el día quejándose sobre cómo van las cosas [aunque para eso no hace falta ser anciano)y es especialmente cabezota], el sabio ( éste suele realizar actividades culturales, ir a pasear, etc. Sobre todo le gusta charlar) y el venerable viejito (al cual le encanta recibir cariño y da tanto como puede). Aparte de todo esto cabe recalcar tres vicios españoles por excelencia, los cuales son: La Televisión: todo español que se aprecie ha de pasar varias horas diarias delante de este magnífico invento dependiendo el programa, por supuesto, de la edad del sujeto que dirija su vista hacia él. Éste es, además, lo único capaz de atraer tanto y durante tanto tiempo, la concentración de un español.

Los Deportes (por no decir el deporte) La principal atracción que refleja este evento es fácilmente palpable en

cuanto escuchas un anuncio relacionado con él: ¡Final de la copa del Reyyy! ¡El Barça contra el Madriiid!¡Batalla épica por la diputa

del líder españoool!¿Te lo vas a perder? No hay acontecimiento que mueva a más personas en nuestro país sino es el fútbol, sobre todo si se suceden partidos supuestamente importantes. Además éste acontecimiento se retransmite por televisión por lo que une dos vicios en uno.

El Alcohol: Éste es el mayor vicio pues, si no todos los españoles fuman, todos ellos (salvo los niños) beben alcohol con mayor o menor regularidad. Los hay que empiezan con el vicio de muy jóvenes, y éstos rara

vez no acaban convirtiéndose en adictos ya sea en mayor o menor medida. Hay dos tipos de borrachos: los borrachos discoteca (los que anteriormente he descrito) que suelen combinar, desgraciadamente, el alcohol con otras drogas. Y los borrachos de taberna, más viejos y verdaderos alcohólicos que no beben para divertirse sino para satisfacer una necesidad ya demasiado arraigada. También están los que no se emborrachan sino en ocasiones puntuales y no suelen beber demasiado. En resumen: las costumbres españolas en relación al ocio son más distintas en relación a la edad y éstas se van volviendo cada vez menos aconsejables para los practicantes de dichas actividades si dichos practicantes pertenecen a los dos primeros tramos de edad. E incluso entre las pocas actividades comunes a todos ellos se encuentran las más desaconsejables.

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Rosario Romero Donaire Aquí en España, tenemos diversas actividades con el fin de entretener o satisfacer a los ciudadanos. Entre estas actividades de ocio podemos encontrar el deporte, los toros, la gastronomía y como no la siesta, que de vez en cuando no viene mal. El deporte se está poniendo cada vez más de moda, sobre todo, en la juventud obsesa con el culto al cuerpo o solo para cuidarse. Entre los deportes más populares de la población, podemos encontrarnos con el fútbol, que gusta tanto a jóvenes como a mayores, aunque estos últimos prefieren verlo más que jugarlo; también podemos ver el baloncesto que cada vez va haciendo más mella en esta sociedad debido además a la entrada de Pau Gasol, jugador actual de los Lakers, a la NBA estadounidense; en este deporte, no hemos llevado también una grata sorpresa con Ricky Rubio de 18 años, un joven jugador del Regal FC Barcelona, que apunta maneras para convertirse en uno de los mejores jugadores de baloncesto junto a su compañero Gasol. Además, mientras pasan los años más personas dejan el coche para algo mucho más saludable, la bicicleta, de la cual hemos podido notar más su uso gracias a la novedad del carril bici, en ciudades como Sevilla (SeVici), Barcelona (BCN) o Madrid (MTB), además de en otras muchas ciudades. El culto al cuerpo se aprecia más en los gimnasios, en donde la gente practica diversos circuitos, como el cardiovascular, el más recomendado y el menos dañino.

También, los toros, para muchas personas es más que una afición. El arte de los toros es muy antiguo y es más común ver a nuestros abuelos interesados en este tema, que a personas de menor edad, pero aún así es una de las actividades más frecuentadas, pues quién no se ha estremecido viendo una cogida a un torero o ha sacado un pañuelo blanco cuando la faena lo merecía. Por otra parte, el mejor cocinero del mundo es español, por lo que eso tenía, cómo no, que hacer mella en nuestra sociedad, y es que uno de los mayores placeres de los españoles es comer, pero comer bien y si conseguimos a la vez hacerlo de manera saludable más que mejor. Entre nuestra gastronomía podemos encontrar una rica mezcla de carne, pescado, legumbres y vegetales, muy importante este último, para llevar un estilo de vida saludable. El pescado es uno de los mejores alimentos de la gastronomía mediterránea, por su gran valor energético y sus múltiples beneficios, además, somos el primer país consumidor mundial por número de habitantes. La siesta es muy típica en Andalucía, pues, con los horarios de trabajo y la vida tan estresada de los españoles, algunos, necesitan descansar aunque sea solo media hora. Viendo las diversas actividades de los españoles, sería difícil ver quien las llevará todas a cabo.

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Actividades de ocio de los españoles en la actualidad.

Marta García Muñoz

En la actualidad los españoles tenemos diferentes actividades de ocio, pero depende de la persona, de la edad, etc, se dedican a realizar diferentes pasatiempos. Ahora cada uno se dedica a realizar lo que le gusta, como los jóvenes. Los jóvenes requieren realizar unos entretenimientos sociales donde cuánta más gente mejor, pero no todos son iguales, pues algunos desean la tranquilidad del campo, les gusta más pasar el tiempo en casa, estar solos escuchando música, pasar el tiempo con el ordenador, etc, pues cada uno es como es. Las actividades de ocio que realizan los jóvenes son salir con sus amigos, ir al cine, ir a patinar, jugar con los videojuegos, etc. Sin embargo con sus familias realizan otras actividades como: dar una vuelta, visitar a tus otros familiares, ir de compras, etc. Todo esto también depende de como te lleves con tu familia. Cada actividad que realicemos depende de las personas con las que estemos. Otra cosa son las actividades de ocio de los españoles en general. Depende de la zona del país en la que vivas las actividades son diferentes, por ejemplo aquí en el sur no hay tantas pistas para esquiar como en el norte, por culpa del clima, etc. También depende de las costumbres, como por ejemplo aquí celebramos la feria, la semana santa, etc. Pero en realidad aunque seamos de diferentes zonas somos todos iguales, porque nos gusta pasar el tiempo divirtiéndonos.

Costumbres españolas Eva Ballesteros Romero

Las costumbres españolas son muchas, por ejemplo: los domingos bastantes personas van a los toros, a otros les gusta ir a tapear por los bares del centro, también hacemos celebraciones por todo tipo de cosas, es algo que no podemos evitar, nos encanta reunirnos con nuestras familias y amigos. Aquí en Andalucía estas celebraciones suelen acabar con cantes, acompañados por unas palmas y las cuerdas de alguna guitarra.

Una costumbre que se celebra en toda España es La Semana Santa, desde el Domingo de Ramos hasta el domingo de Resurrección, la gente sale a las calles para ver pasar las imágenes de la Virgen y de Jesucristo, estos pasos van acompañados de bandas de música, nazarenos, y son llevados por los costaleros.

Pero no todo son celebraciones, que nosotros también tenemos nuestros momentos de tranquilidad, al mediodía, después del almuerzo nos echamos en el sofá y de ahí no nos mueven hasta las seis de la tarde, por lo menos, porque para nosotras la siesta es muy importante. Los médicos la aconsejan porque la siesta es uno de los mejores reparadores naturales con los que contamos. Dormir la siesta nos ayuda a llevar el resto del día con mejor humor y de esta manera estamos más descansados. Por eso a nosotros nos gusta tanto la siesta, porque no hay nada mejor que estar descansado para continuar el día con la misma energía

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My name is Sally, I’m 17 years

old. I’m from England but I live in Seville with my parents and my brother. My brother is 12. I have had a disability for 3 years. Before the accident that I’m going to tell, I was a person who had a lot of friends. I had been a swimmer for 6 years. I won too many gold medals and too many trophies. Well, I’m going to tell the story.

I will never forget that day. We were on holidays, so my family and I decided to go to the countryside. We were swimming in a lake, playing football and lying on the grass. All was going well, but suddenly, my brother asked me to go to have a walk through the forest. In spite of being tired, I said yes. At the moment when we were walking, a car was coming to us, so I pushed my brother to other side of the car direction. We fell down on the grass. At the same time as we fell down, my leg was caught by an animals’ trap. So my brother ran to my parents and they called an ambulance.

And unfortunately they had to cut my leg. After that, I was in a depression because I didn’t accept the idea that I would never swim again. I became very pessimistic and I didn’t want to do anything. All the friends I had disappeared. Life was completely different. I needed help in many ways. Nowadays, I still have too many difficulties, for example, when I have to have a shower, I need someone or something to hold on , it’s like when you try to get into the bathroom “on lame leg” it’s very complicated. About swimming, I’m in a special swimming pool for people who are disabled and I hope that one day I will be the good swimmer that I was. At the moment I have only with me two of all the friends that I had. One of the things that I have learnt is that you think that you have a lot of friends, but in hard moments, no one is with you. Raquel Barragán Vera 4ºB

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My name is Tony Meléndez, I am singer and guitarist. I was born in Nicaragua but I have lived in USA all my life. We have moved to USA because in Nicaragua there weren’t enough medicines. I was born without arms, because when my mother was pregnant of me she took a medicine called “Taridomina” and for that reason I haven’t got arms. When I was a little child I didn’t understand why I didn’t have arms, but when I was older, the other children started at laugh of me, and it was terrible. When I was a young man, I had to learn to do things alone, for example to write with my feet, to drive a car, to eat.. I always have to use my feet like hands. I have a

brother and two sisters, my mum is still alive, but my dad is dead. Now I am aware that they have sacrificed a lot, they have moved to another country for me, they have always supported me. I dreamed that I could get married, but when the girls saw me, they started to shout. Now I am married to Diana, she is all my life. We had to adopt, because we couldn’t have children. I started to play the guitar when I was a little child, because my mum sang and my father played the guitar. At first it was like a game for me, but later I started to practise six hours every day, and now I am a professional musician. When I see anyone that is saying I can’t do that, I say, yes you CAN, so you cannot tell me you CAN’T. My life is a bit different, but I am a person, like you. Helena Moreda Boza

Juan was born in Zafra, after the Civil War in Spain. When he was born He was healthy and he didn´t have any problem in his sight.

One day, after the school he saw some friends playing with an extrange object so he decided to go to know what the object was, but suddenly that object exploded and hurt his eyes. It was a grenade of the civil war.

After the accident he became blind. The parents, who were very poor thought in the future of their son, in a

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little village and living in the country, so they decided to take him to a special school for blind people in

Seville, that was called San Luis Gonzaga. Here, he learnt to read and to write a special language called Braille.

After some years later he became the headmaster and worked as a teacher in the school to help blind people. Here he met Estela and some years later they got married.

Nowadays Juan is 64 years old and he is a retired person. He lives in Zafra with his wife, Estela. He wanted to return to the place where he was born.

Now he has to be very careful walking and he has to walk with a stick. There are some difficulties in his life like some computer programs, webs, new technology or buildings which are not adapted to blind people.

For him life is not too different, only that he can not drive or read normal books but for him these things are not a problem in his life.

He loves going to the countryside and hear the birds singing. He

normally spends hours reading special books for blind people and training his little dog to guide him in the street.

Sometimes he needs help and the people have to know that. For example, in the street he needs help to cross a street, people have to situate him in a strange place or say to him were is the food and more things like that.

But his situation has never stopped him in the society. He has been the director of a school, he has been a good teacher and the relation with the people is like the relation of a person without a disability. He thinks that this situation has made him strong and he is very happy with that.

María Lorenzana Martínez

I started playing the violin when I was 7. In my family, there are other musicians and I always wanted to copy everything around me. My family didn’t have to insist much, but one thing is to start and the other thing is to continue, because all artistic things need mayor efforts… I started playing in the group in 1989, because I met Carlos Soto. We were together at the conservatory. He proposed me to be the new

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violinist and I accepted delighted. Although my intention was to continue with my classic studies and I did it, but I like to do new things and Celtas hasn’t needed much time yet. Since then the group has been my first dedication. I have psoriasis arthritis. It appeared when I was 25, but the symptoms weren’t clear and the doctors couldn’t tell me exactly my illness until I was 30, it was when I had more pain. When I was 30, the pain was only in my feet when I walked and in my back. But when I started with the medicaments, the story changed and it was worst everyday in my life. They changed my medication lot of times. I tried almost everything: homeopathy, acupuncture, orthomolecular food… But nothing could cure me. I became disabled even to walk. When I was 33 and very depressed I had to abandon the violin, thinking in then that it would be for ever. After visiting lot of doctors around Spain and some cities of Europe, I found a medication, it’s aggressive to my liver but it’s very effective and my body accepts it.

I have been taking that for 5 years. I feel like life gave me a second opportunity. Now I’m going to start a physiotherapeutic treatment. As well I’m lucky to share with my mates the possibility of making a living from a group, which is not a steady job. But when luck goes bad and I have seen the difficult of not being able to do this, in spite of being just musician, music is the only place I feel slightly qualified. Even with my big limitations. I have imagined other professions and it might be that I probably could do one, but undoubtedly I feel the luckiest for being where I am and for doing what I do. Cristina Olveira Olveira

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Pour améliorer notre ville. Francisco Javier

Carmona Molero

Pour améliorer notre ville je crois que nous devons organiser une meilleure communication d´autobus. Je pense aussi que nous devons construire des centres pour les jeunes ou d´autres formes de recréation parce qu´ils ne peuvent pas réaliser beaucoup de choses. Maintenant je comprends que les jeunes fassent choses de vandalisme. J´aimerais plus d´espaces verts dans le centre de Séville. Je souhaiterais que la mairie fasse de nouveaux parkings pour les voitures. Il faut que les personnes ne peignent pas dans les bâtiments et que la nuit les gens ne puissent pas faire de bruits très forts. J´aimerais que toute Séville ait plus de sécurité pour toutes les rues. Pardessus je veux que les travaux publics finissent et que la mairie fasse plus d´espaces sportif pour les différents événements et conditionner les théâtres et les cinémas mieux. Finalement je veux construire une bonne bibliothèque.


Propositions pour améliorer ma ville

Maribel Pedersen Je crois que Sevilla a besoin d’un mètre qui

traverse toute la ville. De cette façon, nous pourrions nous déplacer plus facilement et sans polluer l’environnement. Je pense aussi qu’il n’y a pas assez de transport public, comme les bus ou les vélos. On devrait promouvoir l’utilisation de ces moyens de transport, pour réduire la pollution et le trafic. On manque des places en plein air où les personnes qui ont animaux puissent y aller avec eux. Il devrait y avoir des toilettes pour les chiens dans la rue et les parcs. Les gens qui ne les utilisent pas ou qui ne prennent pas les cacas devraient payer une amende.

J’aimerais qu’ils soient crées des endroits où on puisse écouter de la musique gratuitement, tandis qu’on parle et discute avec des amies. Les installations sportives ne suffisent pas. Une bonne idée serait qu’il aurait un espace pour faire du sport dans chaque quartier ou zone. Les gens qui habitent dans cette zone peuvent entrer dans l’installation gratuitement.

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Helena Moreda Boza

• Je voudrais que les vélos publiques ne soient pas abîmées.

• Il faudrait que nous

utilisions moins les voitures et utilisions le transport

public pour diminuer

l’émission de CO2.

• J’aimerais que les papeteries fussent plus utilisées, ainsi la ville ne serait pas sale.

• Les points propes dans Sevilla ne sont pas suffisants, il devrait avoir plus au centre de la ville.

• Une bonne idée, ce serait des discothèques gratuites et que les mineurs puissent boire de l’alcohol.

• Je souhaiterais qu’il y ait plus de parc et d’espaces verts.

• J’aimerais qu’il ait comme minimum deux excursions dans le trimestre.

• Je voudrais que tous les élèves de ESO puissent sortir dans la récréation.

• On a besoin de plus d’activités extraescolaires pour les jeunes.

• Je construirais plus de stationnements souterrains.

• J’amerais que le bonobús puisse être utilisé pour le métro.

•On a besoin de plus de stations de métro par toute la ville.

Liste de


1- On grabait les stations de sevici pour empêcher que les personnes détruissent les vélos. 2- Une bonne idée, ce serait faire plus larga les trottoirs du centre. 3- Toujours il y aura de la musique partout. 4- Je voudrais fortes amendes pour les personnes qui ne recueillent pas les déjections de leurs chiens. 5- On finisait le métro du Seville et on faisait plus de stations de métro. 6- J’aimerais que l’Internet soit gratuit. 7-Je voudrais plus de parcs et moins de maisons inhabités. 8- Je mettrais partout petites bennes à ourdes de recyclage. 9- Je crois que faire plus d’expositions d’intérêt pour les jeunes est une grande idée. 10- Il faudrait pouvoir construire plus de parkings souterrains gratuits.

Jose Daniel Verdejo Romero

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Carolina Pino Pour améliorer la ville où J'habite et mon quartier J'aimerais faire quelques chose mais avec l'aide de gens. Parce que si Je fais quelque chose pour améliorer le lieu et les gens ne font rien, Je pense que c'est une perte de temps et ils ne sauront pas respecter le travail. Ensuite, il serait plus productif l'aide de plus de gens. Je voudrais que nous fassions:

• Un groupe de personnes pour nettoyer le quartier. Donc, le lieu pourrait être mieux et nous pouvonts voir sa beauté.

• Je pense que les établissements ne son pas pour désordre avec Graffiti, mais les personnes ont besoin de l'expression, puis Je crois que le gouvernement peut laisser une zone avec la liberté d'expression qui ne côute pas d'argent. Les propiétaires seront hereux et les gens aussi et ça peut éliminer des problémes.

Une chose que nous pouvons faire mais non dans l'aspect de la ville par contra das l'aspect des personnes serait:

• Un groupe de personnes pouvons aller dans le quartier et aller dans la maison d'autres personnes et demander pour les besoins qu'ils ont. Si une personne dans le groupe peut offrir son aide, l'autre la recevra. Par example: le rêpas, l'habilletement ou l'aide pour maladie. Je crois que cette idée peut changer les gens.

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Dear Sarah, I’m writing because I have a problem: I have been invited to

two different birthday parties on the same day. One of my mother’s and the other is my best friend’s. On the one hand, I want to go to my mother’s party because she is really excited about the fact that I’ll be at her party, but I don’t really want to go because my mother’s friends are such bore!! However I wouldn’t like to hurt her feelings. On the other hand, I really want to go to Laura’s party, who is my best friend. Her party is going to be the best, all students from high school are going.. There I can have a goods time with my friends who are such fun, not like my mother’s friends. I don’t want to hurt Laura’s feelings either… I don’t know what to do. I’m asking you for your help and your advice. A worried daughter and friend, Marta García Muñoz Dear Marta, If I were you, I would try to be in both parties. First, I would go to your mother’s party only to say hello to her friends and give her a nice present. She would be proud of you in front of her friends. Then, you could go to your friend’s party because, I think that arriving early could be boring, while if you arrive a little bit late, the party would be in its best moment. I hope you’ll decide the best thing for everybody. A strong hug Sarah (Alberto Raposo)

Dear Sarah, I have a terrible problem and I can’t live with it. I’ve got a friend who is going out with my best friend. He is 12 years older than her, but they are really in love and that doesn’t seem a problem. The problem is that the other day, I was on the beach and saw him: he is married and has two children!! Well, he says he is getting divorced, but he’s still married. The thing is that my best friend didn’t know anything about this, so I told her everything and now she is not angry with him, but with me!! I don’t understand! I have tried to speak to her and she doesn’t want to know anything about me. What can I do? Please, help me, I’m driven to despair. A desperate friend, Elena Alba Carmona Dear Elena, I know that you are worried about that and I’ll try to help you. I think that the problem is that she has been manipulated by him. He can have told her that you are changing your point of view about him. Also, she could think you are jealous of her because she is happy now. There are different possibilities, but they can be true. You could wait a few weeks, you have to understand she probably suffered when she heard the news and you have to leave her a time to think. Don’t try to call her or text her because I’m sure, one day she will forgive you or will explain her feelings about you. Yours sincerely Sarah (Cristina García Muñoz)

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Dear Sarah, I’m writing because I have a serious problem. My friend Emma is now depressed because her grandmother has just died. They have been all the time together since Emma was born, they never argued and they were best friends. Last week, I was walking along the street when I saw her with strange people, smoking and taking drugs. I don’t know what to do, because, if I tell it to her mother, Emma will get angry with me, but if I don’t things may get worse.. What shall I do? Yours sincerely Cristina Olveira Olveira Dear Cristina, I understand you perfectly and I have also received letters similar to yours before. In my opinion, the first thing you should do is speak to her, not to her mother. If you spoke to her first, she could react in different ways: she might get angry with you, or she would understand and would try to stop smoking. If she reacted badly, you should tell it to her mother then and try to solve it together. Don’t worry if she gets angry with you, in the end she will understand what is best for her. I hope I have been able to help you Sarah Carlos López Viñuelas.

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TÍTULO ORIGINAL Entre les murs

AÑO 2008

DURACIÓN 128 min.

PAÍS Francia

DIRECTOR Laurent Cantet

GUIÓN François Bégaudeau, Robin Campillo, Laurent Cantet

REPARTO François Bégaudeau, Nassim Amrabt, Laura Baquela, Cherif Bounaïdja Rachedi, Juliette Demaille

PRODUCTORA Haut et Court


SIPNOSIS: Eva María Ballesteros

François y sus compañeros de trabajo se preparan para empezar un nuevo curso, en un instituto de un barrio problemático.

Aunque François tiene muchas ganas de enseñar y hacer que sus alumnos aprendan, las culturas y los malos comportamientos de los alumnos se enfrentan en el aula y esto corta de raíz el entusiasmo del profesor.

CRÍTICA: Eva María Ballesteros

Es una película muy buena sobre la educación basada en Entre le murs,

un libro escrito por François Bégaudeau que es coguionista y además interpreta al profesor.

El centro de la acción es un instituto conflictivo de París, en el que conviven chicas y chicos de diferentes culturas.

En esta película me da la impresión de estar detrás de una cámara oculta, testigos de lo que pasa en las clases o en las reuniones de los profesores. Es una forma de saber, de comprender como se siente un profesor cuando se da cuenta de que sus alumnos no lo aceptan o al menos no como a él le gustaría.

Todo lo que vemos ocurre dentro del instituto, nada se ve de lo que ocurre fuera, aunque se habla un poco de los padres de los alumnos y de sus vidas, nosotros no sabemos que es lo que ocurre con ellos pues la película solo está centrada en profesores, alumnos y las relaciones que tienen entre ellos.

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Crítica: Aníbal Ibáñez Gordillo

Esta película constituye (al

igual que el libro en el que se basa) una dura crítica al sistema de enseñanza francés y occidental en general, pues las escenas ahí representadas no están, ni mucho menos, lejos de ser reales a pesar de que a muchos nos gustaría olvidar y hacer como si esa situación no fuese más que un invento para una bonita película. Pero es algo verdadero pues la película se basa en el libro, el cual cuenta la experiencia personal de un profesor de lengua francesa en Francia. La película está muy bien hecha y ambientada, además el título: “Entre les murs” (Entre las paredes en francés) es bastante apropiado pues lo verdaderamente importante no está en el patio o en los pasillos o en la dirección el colegio, sino en las aulas, donde profesor y alumno se encuentran y relacionan, donde uno ha de mostrar su autoridad y saber y el otro su sumisión y su impresión.

Es cierto, que en la película podrían aparecer escenas de las otras clases pero un buen modo que tiene de solucionar este problema que podría quitar tanto tiempo a la trama principal es demostrar lo que sucede fuera del horario de François hablando también de la relación de éste con el resto de profesores que comparten sus mismos problemas. La película en general es muy convincente e interesante a quienes les importa éste tema o se enfrentan a ello día a día

Sinopsis: Esta película está basada en el libro de François Bégaudeau. Trata de un profesor que enseña la lengua francesa en un instituto que está en una zona conflictiva. Él pretendía enseñar a los alumnos de una forma constructiva, dándoles a entender que el mejor método para solucionar las cosas es por medio de las palabras y de comprensión mutua. Los alumnos tienen problemas de actitud y de convivencia, por este motivo los profesores temen a los alumnos. Se dan diversos conflictos entre los propios alumnos, debido a las diferentes nacionalidades, puntos de vista y falta de respeto entre ellos. A medida que va transcurriendo la película algunos alumnos cambian su actitud porque anteriormente le habían ocasionado algunos problemas. Crítica: Me parece una película con un reparto no muy bueno, debido a la apariencia de los personajes. Pero tiene un buen argumento, ya que nos está intentando demostrar que con un buen diálogo podemos cambiar la actitud e intentar ser mejores en el trato hacia los demás. También nos muestra cómo deben sentirse los profesores que están en la situación de los personajes que son interpretados, como la pérdida de paciencia porque los estudiantes no paran de hablar o cuando les faltan al respeto. Lo único malo que le encuentro a la película es que el final no queda muy claro, pero da a entender que la vida sigue.

Carolina Pino Lozano

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Criado Castro

Sinopsis: Durante el

viaje de inauguración del

nuevo transatlántico

Titanic, dos jóvenes, Jack y Rose, se conocen. Él es un pintor de tercera

clase que intenta volver a Estados Unidos, mientras que ella es una chica de clase alta a la que su familia está forzando para que se case con un chico también de clase alta por conveniencia. Tras su primer encuentro en una situación complicada, ambos comenzarán una relación amorosa a escondidas. A ella le prohíben relacionarse con gente de clase baja, pero el amor que siente por Jack es más poderoso de lo que ella pudiera pensar. La noche en la que el Titanic choca contra un gran iceberg, ambos tendrán que iniciar una desesperada carrera por sobrevivir.

Crítica: Titanic ha sido una película

impresionante desde el momento de su estreno. Tiene una gran calidad sonora y emocional. Esto no quiere decir que sea la mejor película del mundo, pero si ha ganado 11 oscars quiere decir que es una película que merece la pena.

La historia en la que se basa la película puede gustar o no,

eso depende de la persona,

pero tiene un buen argumento y se desarrolla de una manera en la que todos los espectadores pueden comprenderla. Los guiones están bien encajados a todos los personajes y su estructura está bien realizada. Tiene un deslumbrante montaje, una puesta en escena muy cuidada y sus efectos están perfectamente integrados en la historia. Es una película que ha emocionado y cautivado a un alto porcentaje de los espectadores que la han visto y es una de las mejores películas románticas, ya que se basa en una historia en la que una mujer consigue contar su trágica y joven historia de amor. Podemos decir que es una gran obra maestra que no pasará de desapercibida durante muchos años y seguirá emocionando a todos sus espectadores. También es una película muy completa, ya que nos proporciona una historia de amor, acción, aventura, drama y humor, todo muy bien enlazado. Se divide en dos partes muy diferentes: antes del choque con el iceberg, y después. La primera parte es el comienzo de un amor “prohibido” entre personas totalmente diferentes. En la segunda parte podemos ver que la película cambia de una “prohibida historia de amor” a una unión muy fuerte entre dos enamorados que están desesperados por mantenerse unidos siempre aunque para ello tengan que hundirse con el barco. Todo esto unido a su gran banda sonora hace que los espectadores se emocionen.

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Aníbal Ibáñez Gordillo L'objet que je vais décrire c'est une chose qu'on emploie souvent mais qu'à mon avis on en pènse assez bien à l'importance de son éxistance. On dit que quand un enfant de ceux qui vivent dans des pays pauvres

(comme ceux de l'Afrique) vient en France ou à un autre pays

européen, il dit que cet objet c'est ce qu'il a mieux aimé. C'est une chose très nécessaire sans laquelle on devait aller

tous les jours faire de la randonée plusiers fois. Il est, l'objet, parfois d'une couleur métallique ou quelque fois ilest blanc ou doré. C'est quelque chose que maintenant qu'on l'a, on en l'apprécie pas comme il faudrait l'apprécier mais s'il nous manque un jour on va mal le passer. C'est plutôt petit et cela n'a pas la possibilité de bouger, non plus si ce sont nous qui le tente. On peut le trouver dans la cuisine, ou dans la salle de bains. Qu’est-ce que c’est ?

José Daniel Verdejo L’objet que je décris est moderne. Il est très utile et normalment toutes les familles en ont un dans leurs maisons. Il peut servir pour travailler ou s’amuser, pour écrire ou chercher une information. Il est formé par des parties: -Une fait fonctiònner l’objet. -L’autre reproduire des images. -Avec l’autre nous pouvons écouter des sons. -Avec l’autre nous pouvons écrire. -Pour finir, avec l’autre nous le contrôlons. L’objet est utilisé sur la table et relié à AC, mais maintenant nous pouvons acheter l’objet portabile. Qu’est-ce que c’est ?

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Fco Javier Carmona Molero Mon objet mystérieux est plutôt grand, il est rectangulaire. Quand tu vois l´objet tu peux voir un rectangle et à l´interieur autre. Il pèse à peu près 20 kilos et il mesure environ 50 centimètres. J´utilise beaucoup cet objet et tu peux voir toutes les choses qui passent en Espagne dans cet objet, mais tu peux voir d´autres choses aussi. Tout le monde a cet objet dans sa maison. Il est très intéressant parce qu´il distrait beaucoup. Il est complètement noir mais il peut être argenté. Il est une espèce de boîte ou ça ressemble à l´ordinateur moderne. Il est construit en plastique et il a un ecrán en verre. Cet objet est utilisé pour les personnes de tous les âges.

Qu’est-ce que c’est ? Carolina Pino Lozano

Je le porte de Lundi à Vendredi et quand Je sors. Cet objet me l’a offert ma mère et Je l’ai pris beaucoup d’affection. Ma mère dit qu’il te protege des malheurs des yeux. C’est une espèce d’amulette. Je ne crois pas en cette classe des choses et pur cela quand Je l’ai porté Je pense

que c’est ma mère qui me protege. Il pèse très peu et Il mesure environ 5 cm si tu le mets à la longue. Il est composé par le violet et le noir. Dans les parties violets il a dessiné une espèce d’yeux. Qu’est-ce que c’est ?

Eva Ballesteros Moreno Cet objet est utilisé depuis l'antiquité. C'est l'un des instruments les plus populaires de l'actualité et la majorité de personnes

en ont un ou divers. Beaucoup de gens les portent comme signe de distinction, par cela il y a des marques très fines et luxueuses.

Dans les maisons il y a divers et différents types de cet objet, quelques appareils électroménagers les passent incorporés et tous les ordinateurs en ont un.

Il y a une grande variété de différents types: montre, pendule, montre de gousset, cadran, sablier…

Cet objet nous sert à mesurer le temps.

Qu’est-ce que c’est ?

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A Band Profile. Amigos de Guinness.

By Marcos Ibáñez Gordillo

“Amigos de Guinness” wasn't a group formed to play music, compose original pieces or investigate the roots of Irish music (the type of music they love and play) nothing of the sort. They were just a group of friends that joined up in 2002 to have free beer in Seville's pubs! So, some days and always on S. Patrick's day they play their mixture of Irish and Spanish music and drink for free! At the beginning of 2004 they thought that they should release a proper disc. However, when they had the necessary money, they spent it on a trip to Ireland! There, they played in different pubs and waited for the citizens’ reactions... As they weren't kicked out of the pub we can consider it a great success. In December of 2005 they released their first album, Ardmore shores.

The group is composed of 7 members:

� Eduardo Maestre, who plays the fiddle and the lute.

� Juan Carlos Aragón (also known as Hamelín) plays the flute, the whistle and the bagpipe.

� Eliseo Gómez, the percussionist.

� Ray Moreno, who plays the acoustic bass and the electric acoustic bass.

� Héctor Sanjuan plays the lute and the mandoline.

� Jesús Pérez sings and plays the guitar.

� And José Luís Taboada, who plays the acoustic guitar.

Most of their songs are written by two of them, Juan Carlos Aragón and Eduardo Maestre; but others are original Irish songs adapted by the whole group.

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Sete Caballero Aranda

Pignoise was

formed in 2002, when Álvaro Benito (vocals and guitar) met Héctor Polo (drums) in a hospital. They began to be friends and they decided to form a band. Then, a new member joined the band: Pablo Alonso (bass). In 2003, their first two discs were released by an independent record company and the discs were called: ‘’Melodias Desafinadas’’ and ‘’Esto no es un Disco de Punk’’. The discs were unsuccessful. Their great leap to fame was when a productor chose their song ‘’Nada que Perder’’ for a T.V programme, ‘’Paco’s men’’. That song was included in their record. Pignoise is a pop rock music band and their influences were Ramones, Blink-182 and Green day. They have been awarded twice by ‘’40 principales’’ for their song ‘’Sube a mi Cohete’’ that was the soundtrack of a film.

Michael Joseph Jackson

was born in Gary, Indiana (EEUU), the 29th August in 1958. He died the 25th June of 2009 in Los Angeles, California. He was known in the artistic world as Michael Jackson. He was a pop music singer, composer and dancer. In the 60s, he formed a group called “The Jackson Five”, with his brothers and in the 80s, he became a pop star, “The pop music’s new king”, because of his album “Thriller” (1982), the best sold CD in the history of music. Michael Jackson was known as “The king of the Pop”. His music developed in this way: 1st, he started with soul or funk “Thriller” (1982), then, hard dance “ Bad” or “Smooth Criminal” (1987) and later, soul or funk with hip hop “Remember the Time” (1991). Other songs were “Beat it” (1982), “Black or White” (1991) “Give in to me” (1991), “Morphine” (1997). Michael was a prodigious boy. He sold more than a hundred million CDs. Michael missed the childhood that he didn’t have, so he wanted to create it when he was an adult. He did it, buying toys and getting children’s friendship. The morning of the 25th June of 2009, Michael was found apparently dead. He was taken to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical centre (Los Angeles). He was in a coma, but, finally he was considered dead, at 2.26pm. Raquel Barragán

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Rammstein is a german band who was created in 1994. The Band´s components are Till Lindemann (vocals), Richard Kruspe (guitar), Oliver Riedel (bass), Paul Lenders (guitar), Christian Lorenz (keyboard) and Christoph Schneider (drums). They play a music based in industrial metal. They call themselves with the appellative of Tanzmetal (“dance metal”). The name of the group is inspired in the name of the german city Ramstein, whose airbase was destroyed by an accident in a air show. More than seventy persons died. “Rammstein” is an invented word, “ramm” is a verbal tense of the verb charge, and “stein” means stone. So, literally, Rammstein means “charging stone”. Their songs are always

like stories that they tell to us. Till Lindemann is the one who write the lyrics. In live concerts, they use fireworks and all types of flame towers. Till Lindemann is who used the flamers, normally with the hands and, sometimes, with masks that spit fire. Almost all theirsongs are in German, except some one or two songs in English and one in Spanish. They have recently released a new album called “Liebe ist fur alle da” (love is for everybody the same). Pablo Delgado Caraballo 4ºB

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