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Malifaux Errata

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    Updated on Thursday, 31st May, 2012

    Malifaux removes a lot of the complexity of playing a game with 2D or 3D terrain by abstracting

    measurements as top-down. When measuring between two points, all measurements are either

    made horizontally (parallel to the table) or vertically (perpendicular to the table). This allows

    players to stand over the table, draw the line of measurement between the points, and move the

    game along without worrying about distances varying based on the angles the points are at. When

    a model moves, measure the horizontal distance the model traveled, even if the model is moving up

    or down an incline. Models moving vertically via Climbable terrain combine the vertical distance

    moved with the horizontal distance.

    In this example, Rafkin moves up a ramp, ignoring any change to the distance

    moved due to the angle of the elevation. (also see Spirits Clarification below for

    an example of a flying model moving up distances)

    In this example, the Onryo moves 4 and then climbs 2 for a total of 8

    moved. (note the Onryos base is placed in contact with the edge it climbed)

    When measuring the distance from a model for Shooting, Auras, Pulses or Summons, you again

    measure horizontally.

    In this Example Rafkin is throwing a flask at the Crooligan. Rafkin is 6 away

    from the Crooligan when measuring Range.

    In this case you measure the distance from Seamus to the summoned Belle

    ignoring any height differences. (Note that Summoned models have to be

    completely within 6")

    The following entries are clarifications and errata to the core game rule, such as measuring and burying models. Each entry is specified as either an Errata or a


    CLARIFICATIONS: Action Modifiers | Area of Effect | Companion | Damage Resolution | Death & Slow to Die | Manifesting Avatars | Measuring | Moving Toward | Paralyze | Spirit Demystified

    ERRATA: Buried Errata | Poison Errata | Pushes Errata |

    RM p6 - Clarification

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  • Spirits, like Undead and Constructs, are non-living, and immune to Morale Duels. Where they

    differ from most models is the way they interact with terrain, LoS, and the fact their ability to

    reduce incoming damage.

    Line of Sight

    Spirits don't block Line of Sight so you can freely target a model behind a Spirit.


    Spirits take half damage from non-magical sources. Magical sources include Spells that inflict

    direct damage and Weapons with the Magical Characteristic, but don't include Spells that increase

    the damage on a mundane Weapon (eg. Samual Hopkins Flaming Bullets adds 2 to the damage

    from his gun, but won't make it cause Magical damage.)

    If a model has both Spirit and Armor. Carry out the damage reduction in arithmetic order, so half

    the damage for the Spirit and then lower it by the Armor. For example, a Spirit model with Armor

    +1 suffers 4 damage. First, Spirit halves the damage from 4 to 2, then Armor reduces it by 1 more

    to a total of 1 damage.


    When Spirits move they follow the same rules for movement their non-Spirit counterparts do other

    than their ability to ignore movement modifiers and pass through terrain. For example, a Spirit

    without Float cannot move up or down vertical surfaces without climbing/jumping.

    In this example the Onryo moves through the barrels and the Walls without

    being slowed by them.

    When you Push a model it can only move in a manner that is normally legal for the type of model

    being Pushed. This applies to Spirits being moved by other models Talents and Spells as well.

    Another model can push a Spirit through a balcony floor since the Spirit is allowed to pass through

    terrain. The Spirit would then fall once its base passed through the floor if it lacked some means of

    preventing the fall, such as Float. Spirit models do suffer damage from falling like other models.

    The Flesh Construct can Fling the Onryo back through the wall, or could Fling

    it through the floor and send it skidding along the ground. Both are legal

    moves for the Onryo to make.

    Because Spirits can move through but not end their movement within impassible terrain, when

    another model moves a Spirit into impassible terrain the Spirit must move completely through the

    terrain with the move or it ends the move at the point it would enter the terrain.

    Spirits can't end their movement inside Impassible Terrain so the Onryo would

    have to climb over the terrain like any other model as it does not have Flight or


    Models with Flight or Float ignore vertical movement, you just measure the

    horizontal distance moved. In this case the Hanged floats up to the second

    level and so can move much further than a Spirit without Float.

    Interactions with other Models

    Spirits can freely move through other models and non-Spirit models may freely move through

    them. Note however that you cannot end your movement on top of another models base.

    Spirits can be targeted normally by Disengaging Strikes like any other model. Disengaging Strikes

    are made when a model leaves a models melee range or LoS, so if a Spirit attempts to escape

    through a wall the opponent can attempt to make a Disengaging Strike as it leaves. If the Strike

    hits the Spirit it fails to pass through the wall.

    The Onryo attempts to escape from Teddy by walking through the wall. Teddy

    performs a Disengaging Strike, if it hits the Onryo can't escape and remains on

    the same side of the wall as Teddy.

    Some models may begin an Encounter buried, or become buried as a result of a Talent or Spell

    during the Encounter.

    To bury a model:

    1. Resolve any immediate effects on it.

    2. If the model is buried outside its activation, remove it from the table.

    3. If the model is being buried during its activation:

    Resolve any effects which occur before the models

    activation would end


    End its activation.b.

    Remove the model from play.c.

    Models that were activated through a simultaneous activation (Companion, for example) but have

    not yet spent their AP are considered to have started their activations, and therefore their

    activations end immediately when buried.

    While buried, a model is out of play (remains removed from the table), but is still in the game.

    Effects on a buried model resolve as indicated in their descriptions. However no new Effects may

    be generated while buried (eg. If a Lilitu is buried Two Sided can't create a wounding Effect, so

    Lilitu does not take 3 Wd from it).

    If an effect would remove a buried model from the game:

    That model is still counted toward victory conditions as normal.

    Any Counters the model carries are discarded.

    Any Talents or Spells the model would be able to use when removed from the game, such as the Slow to

    Die Ability, do not occur.

    A model is immediately unburied and returned to play when an effect would allow it to do so - even

    if that effect was generated by another model than the one which buried it.

    RM p10 - Clarification

    RM p13 - Errata

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  • Auras and Pulses

    For Auras and Pulses imagine an infinitely high cylinder around the model which is putting out the

    effect. If you can trace a route from the originating model to another model which is at all times

    inside this cylinder then it is affected. This route doesn't have to be a straight line but can't pass

    through blocking terrain.

    In this diagram Jack Daw is putting out his 6" Severed Ties Aura. Both Jack

    and Lady Justice are within a structure with a roof. As a line can be traced

    between Jack Daw and Lady Justice without leaving the Aura's cylinder or

    passing through a wall Lady Justice is affected.

    The same is true in 3D. An aura can go over a wall and then under a bridge as long as all parts of

    the route are inside the Aura's cylinder.

    Again Jack Daw has Severed Ties up. In this case the Aura can enter the house

    through a hole in the roof so Lady Justice is affected.

    If a model moves to a point where you can trace a route from the originator of the aura it becomes

    affected by the aura, likewise if he moves to a point where you can't trace a route it's no longer


    Lady Justice closes the door to the building. As there is no longer a valid route

    to her she is no longer affected by the Aura.


    Blasts work in exactly the same way as Auras. In the case of Blasts, however, they are only Ht 3

    rather than infinitely tall. Because of this you can only trace routes up to Ht 3. If you have multiple

    blasts the route between the originator (eg. the target of the attack) and other models affected by

    the Blast must pass between the Blasts at the point they touch.

    In this example the wall is Ht 3, therefore it is impossible to trace a route over

    it to hit the orange model. If the wall was only Ht 2 he would be damaged by

    the Blast.

    Obscuring Aura

    In the case of models that can create Obscuring Auras like Crooligans, Steamborgs or Stitched

    Together any point which you can trace a route to counts as Obscuring.

    As there is no way to trace a route to the top level due to the ceiling, you could

    target a model on the second level without worrying about The Mist.

    However if the Crooligan walked forward a bit it is now possible for The Mist to

    seep up to the second level (You can now trace a route to the second level

    without leaving the Auras cylinder). The Mist however still can't seep into the

    last part of the second level as it does not have enough height to flow over the


    RM p20 - Clarification

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  • If a model cannot be affected by, or is immune to an Action Modifier that means the Modifier is

    not applied to the model. For example, a Shikome affected by Fast could not have the Fast

    negated by an application of Slow because it cannot be affected by Slow due to its Relentless


    Multiple applications of the same Action Modifier do not stack. Each application of the Modifier

    replaces the current one. Example: A model already affected by Fast receives a second Fast. The

    first Fast is replaced by the second one.

    Example: The Alp's Feed on Dreams Ability can be used each time a model receives Slow. If a

    model already affected by Slow receives Slow again it will suffer from Feed on Dreams.

    When it is your turn to activate a model, you may choose a model with Paralyzed. Instead of

    activating the model you forfeit (skip) its activation.

    Paralyzed models can be included in Companion chains. When it is their opportunity to activate,

    they are skipped, and their Paralyzed ends -unless somewhere along the way in that chain the

    Paralyzed is removed by a Talent or Spell.

    Models which have Poison Tokens don't suffer Wd or remove Tokens when they forfeit an

    activation to clear Paralyzed as they are not activating.

    Toward / away from something (another

    model, a specific point, table edge, etc.) must

    move by the shortest route. A model moving in

    this manner cannot end the movement further

    (for toward) or closer (for away from) from the

    thing than it began. However, the model may

    move in such a way as to avoid any terrain or

    impassable items.

    Directly toward / away from something

    move as far as the effect requires in a

    straightline. Models will stop this move if they

    come into contact with other intervening models

    or terrain they could not move through or over.

    Models forced to move

    Definitions from the Rules Manual


    When you declare a Charge you must move in a straight line but it doesn't necessarily have to be

    directly toward your target. You do, however, have to observe the following criteria:

    You must enter combat with the model you declared the Charge against, if at all possible.1.

    If you can't get into combat you must take the route which will get you closest to the model you're




    So theres a fine looking gal beckoning to you from across the table, how do you work out which

    route you take to reach her? The rules say you move towards her, but how does this work in

    practice when the routes clogged with terrain?

    There are really three parts to toward.

    The model moves toward the destination by the shortest route possible. In most

    situations the shortest route is directly towards the destination. However, in some cases, other routes

    may get you there faster.


    It may move around terrain and obstacles, if this will allow the model to get to its final

    destination faster. Sometimes you need to walk around a model in your way, or taking a small

    detour around difficult terrain instead of moving through it will allow you to get closer to your



    The model can't end its move further from the destination than it started. No matter

    what happens you can't end your move further away from your destination than you started your move.

    If there is no route that will get you closer to the destination you dont move.


    Colette has Lure cast on her by the Belle, and so must move her Wk toward

    the Belle. The most direct route is through the lava, but by avoiding the lava,

    she can get closer to the Belle. Therefore she will take this route.

    Again Colette is being Lured by the Belle. This time she walks into the river

    rather than trying to avoid it, because even slowed by the water, she gets closer

    to the Belle than if she walked along to the bridge.

    Colette is in a cell. The Belle Lures her through the barred window. Though

    there is a route she could take that would eventually get her to the Belle, she

    remains where she is. Walking out the door and around the cell to get to the

    Belle, would leave her further away from the Belle than she started her Lure

    move, so she can't take that route.

    RM p34 - Clarification

    RM p35 - Clarification

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  • Pushes into Base to Base

    When an Ability tells you to Push a model into Base to Base, simply Place the model so it's

    touching the base of the target model.

    In this example three Sorrows are Linked to Pandora, when Pandora finishes

    her Activation Link allows them to Push into base contact with Pandora. So

    you pick up the Sorrow and Place it directly into contact with Pandora.

    Push to Within

    When an Ability tells you to Push a model to within x" of another model. Place the model at any

    point where a portion of its base is within x" of the target model.

    If it says Push to completely within x", you must Place the model so no part of the base is more

    than x" away from the target model.

    In this example Bounty Hunter Viktoria uses Sisters in Spirit to Push Sword

    Mistress Viktoria to within 3" of her. So you pick up Sword Mistress Viktoria

    and Place her so she is within 3" of Bounty Hunter Viktoria.

    1. Total the Damage being inflicted.

    First, determine the amount damage being inflicted;

    including performing a Damage Flip if one is required. If

    the initial Damage Flip is the Black Joker, skip to Step 6



    Then, add any applicable damage bonuses.b.

    Then, any Triggers which occur when damage is inflicted

    occur now.


    Finally, reduce the amount of damage being inflicted by the

    above amount.


    2. Apply damage reduction.

    First, total all damage reducing effects that apply.a.

    Then, any Triggers which occur when damage is resisted

    occur now.


    Finally, reduce the amount of damage being inflicted by the

    total amount of damage reduction above.


    3. Convert the inflicted damage total into wounds. If wounds were being inflicted

    instead of damage, begin here instead of Step 1.

    4. Apply wound reduction.

    First, any Characteristics or Abilities which reduce wounds

    do so now.


    Then, any Triggers which occur when inflicting wounds

    occur now.


    A model able to Use Soulstones may now spend one to

    prevent wounds.

    First, the model spends one Soulstone.i.

    Then, the model performs a Wound Prevention Flip. If any

    wounds remain, continue on to Step 5, if no wounds

    remain, skip to Step 6.



    5. The model suffers any wounds remaining.

    First, reduce the models current Wounds by the number of

    wounds it has suffered.

    Any Triggers which occur after inflicting one or

    more damage/wounds occur now.



    Then, if the model has been reduced to 0 Wounds check to

    see if it is Killed.

    First, any Triggers which occur when the model is

    reduced to 0 Wd occur now.


    Then, any Abilities which occur when the model

    is reduced to 0 Wd occur now.


    Finally, if the model now has more than 0

    Wounds remaining it remains on the table and is

    not Killed. If it has 0 Wounds remaining it is




    6. Any Triggers which occur after resolving damage/wounds occur now.

    RM p37 - Errata

    RM p44 - Clarification

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  • How does companion work?

    Short answer: Almost everyone overthinks it.

    Longer answer: Heres how Companion works.

    You have models with the Companion (X) Ability and models with the X Characteristic (or

    whatever is required by Companion). To simultaneously activate two models with Companion, one

    of the pair must have Companion (X), the other must have X and they must be within 6" of each


    In this example, Sybelle can form a companion pair with a Rotten Belle as the

    Rotten Belle has Companion(Sybelle) and they are within 6" of each other.

    Companion can be chained out across multiple pairs as long as each link in the chain is a valid

    Companion pairing. You nominate all the models you wish to simultaneously activate using the

    chain as a group and announce they are simultaneously activating.

    You can build up a complex web, the only thing you need to be sure of is each

    link in the web is made up of a valid companion pair.

    The models you nominate are all considered to have started their activations when the group is

    announced. In an order of your choosing you then complete the activations for each of those


    Thats how Companion works. The sample diagrams show some of the common ways models can

    and cant Companion and typical chaining do's and don'ts. You should be able to extrapolate larger

    chains from these samples.

    Womanizer and Companion

    In the case of Seamus' Womanizer Action, he creates an activation opportunity for a Belle after his

    activation ends. Before that Belle activates it can Companion with Sybelle as normal. If Sybelle is

    within 6" of other Belles those models can also use their Companion to activate as well. See sample

    3 in "Examples of Companion Chains". The Womanized Belle would be model A, Sybelle would be

    model D, and the other Belles would each be a C.

    Example using multiple Companion Traits

    Four of these models may form a Companion group and Simultaneously Activate as they form an

    unbroken chain. Each link of the chain consists of a model with Companion(trait) and the

    corresponding trait. The order in which you decide who is in the chain is unimportant as they are

    being chosen simultaneously.

    Nino can Companion with Papa Loco since at least one of them has

    Companion(Family) and the other has the Family Characteristic.


    Perdita can Companion with Nino since he has Companion(Family) and she

    has the Family Characteristic.


    The Enslaved Nephilim can Companion with Perdita since it has

    Companion(Master) and she is its attached Master.


    Santiago can't join the group even though he has Companion(Family) as

    Perdita is not within 6" and the Enslaved Nephilim does not have the Family



    Breakdown of timing for Simultaneous Activation

    1. Nominate models selected to be Simultaneously Activated.

    2. All Models selected count as having Activated at this point. (Abilities like 'On the

    Trail' check now as it says 'if it activates within')

    3. Select each model in the Simultaneous Activation to perform its individual

    Activation. Repeat a-e below until all of those models have activated

    If the model is Paralyzed it forfeits its Activation. (Skip to

    next model)


    The model's individual Activation Begins/Starts (Poison,

    Terrifying, Regenerate, and other effects that say 'Begin

    their activation' happen now)


    The model's AP is generated.c.

    The model spends AP.d.

    The model's individual Activation Ends.e.

    Examples of Companion Chains

    For the graphic, models A and C have Companion (Dude)

    and the Dude Characteristic, model B has the Dude

    Characteristic, and model D has Companion (Dude), but

    not the Characteristic.

    RM p115 - Clarification

    Sample 1: Basic Companion. A and C can

    simultaneously activate with B since A and

    C have the Companion Ability and B has the

    Dude Characteristic.

    Sample 2: Basic Companion. All can simultaneously

    activate as sample 1 since A has Companion

    and C has the Dude Characteristic, likewise

    the same goes for C and B respectively.

    Sample 3: All can simultaneously activate as A and B

    have the Characteristic D needs for its

    Companion Ability.

    Sample 4: This sample answers the OP's question

    directly. A and B1 can activate

    simultaneously, but B2 cannot be included

    in the simultaneous activation because

    there is no model with Companion within

    6 of it.

    Sample 5: This expands on samples 1 and 2. All

    models can simultaneously activate because

    in each pairing one of the models has

    Companion (A in the A/B, C in the B/C, and

    D in the C/D) while the other has the

    Characteristic required.

    Sample 6: In this sample there are two legal

    simultaneous activation groups, but only

    one can be nominated during this

    activation. A and B1 can simultaneously

    activate, likewise B2 and D can

    simultaneously activate, but there is no

    Companion linking the two chains into one

    continuous chain.

    Sample 7: Since D has the Companion Ability, but not

    Dude, D2 cannot be included in the chain

    as there is nothing on the model for D1s

    Ability to Companion with.

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  • Poison #

    When a model is hit by an attack with Poison # or affected by an Ability with Poison #, increase

    the number of Poison Tokens the model has to the # indicated either after resolving the attack, or

    as indicated by the Ability. Each time the model begins an activation it suffers 1 Wd per Poison

    Token it has, and then discards one Poison Token.


    When a model dies, it remains on the table while any abilities and effects caused by its death are

    resolved. During this time it can't be affected by effects or healing.

    Example: Sonnia has cast Inferno on herself. When Sonnia is killed she generates a Pulse which causes

    6 damage. If this Pulse kills a Desperate Mercenary, the Desperate Mercenary can't heal Sonnia as she

    already counts as killed. The Desperate Mercenary would then be removed, followed by Sonnia.

    Slow to Die

    If a model with Slow to Die suffers an effect that would kill it (eg. Headshot) or has its Wounds

    reduced to 0, its death is postponed and it may immediately perform a (1) Action. If the models

    current Wounds remain 0, or the effect that killed it has not been negated, it is killed and only

    then would you resolve events that occur after a model is killed such as dropping Counters,

    removing it from the game, etc.

    Simple Example: An Alps attack reduces a Punk Zombie to 0 Wounds. This activates the Punk

    Zombies Slow to Die Ability. It performs a (1) Action to attack the Alp and then is removed from the


    An expanded example of the above sequence:

    Alp attacks

    Alp inflicts enough damage to reduce the Punk Zombies current Wounds to 0.

    Punk Zombie's Slow to Die

    Punk Zombie announces it is using its Slow to Die Ability

    Punk Zombie uses his Slow to Die Ability to perform a Strike targeting the Alp

    The Strike is resolved.

    Punk Zombie's Slow to Die Action is complete

    Punk Zombie's state is checked

    Punk Zombie's current Wound total is 0, so it is killed and removed from the game

    Complex Example: Both players have Executioners who are nearly dead. Executioner 1 (Ex1) attacks

    Executioner 2 (Ex2) this is how Slow to Die would be resolved:

    Ex1 attacks

    Ex1 inflicts enough damage to reduce Executioner 2 to 0 Wounds.

    Ex2's Slow to Die

    Ex2 announces it is using its Slow to Die Ability

    Ex2 uses his Slow to Die Action. Die Action to perform a Strike targeting Ex1. The Strike

    inflicts enough damage to Ex1 to reduce him to 0 Wounds.

    Ex1's Slow to Die

    Ex1 announces it is using its Slow to Die Ability

    Ex1 uses his Slow to Die Action to perform a Strike targeting Ex2. The Strike inflicts

    no damage because Ex2 is already at 0 Wounds

    Ex1's Slow to Die Action is complete

    Ex1's state is checked

    Ex1s current Wound total is 0, so it is killed and removed from the game

    Ex2 announces it is using its Love the Job Ability

    Ex2 Heals itself to its starting Wounds total, completing Love the Job

    Ex2's Slow to Die Action is complete

    Ex2's state is checked

    Ex2 has more than 0 Wounds remaining, so it remains in play

    In this Example Ramos is surrounded by models which prevent placement of

    his Avatar. Two of the models cannot be shifted because they are would be

    shifted into a wall (Lady Justice) and lava (Executioner).

    The players leave those two models where they are and instead agree to shift

    the other models surrounding Ramos directly back until theres room to place

    the Avatar.

    RM p116 - Errata

    RM p118 - Clarification

    TF p42 - Clarification

    `When Manifesting an Avatar where there is not enough room to place the model, center the Avatar over your Master and shift any models backward just enough so

    that there is room for it. If any of the models run into other models or terrain that they could not enter, including Dangerous terrain, players should shift the remainingsurrounding models and Avatars placement in a mutually agreeable way, leaving those models which couldnt be moved where they are.

    If there is still no way you could place the Avatar after shifting models and the Avatar, then the Manifest Action cannot be performed. (eg. If Ramos is in a 30mmcorridor, there would be no way you could place the Avatar.)

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