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Mejores prácticas en mitigación, tecnologías, financiación y una economía más baja en carbono

Date post: 16-Apr-2017
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Mejores Prácticas-Mitigación, Tecnologías, Financiación Economía Baja en Carbono Carlos Vargas, MSc Ecólogo Senior AECOM Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadá
Page 1: Mejores prácticas en mitigación, tecnologías, financiación y una economía más baja en carbono

Mejores Prácticas-Mitigación, Tecnologías, Financiación Economía Baja en CarbonoCarlos Vargas, MScEcólogo SeniorAECOMVancouver, British Columbia, Canadá

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> Población en crecimiento> Instituciones y mejores practicas

• Agrupaciones industriales clave (petróleo, gas, minería)> Documentos guía

Mejores Prácticas-Mitigación, Tecnologías, Financiación Economía Baja en Carbono

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> Gerland, P., Adrian E. Raftery, Hana Ševčíková, Nan Li, Danan Gu, Thomas Spoorenberg, Leontine Alkema, Bailey K. Fosdick, Jennifer Chunn, Nevena Lalic, Guiomar Bay, Thomas Buettner, Gerhard K. Heilig, John Wilmoth 2014. World population stabilization unlikely this century. Science 346: 237. https://www.popcenter.umd.edu/resources/scholar-dev/working-groups/jc_papers/jc_20141114_gerland; Supplementary Materials, http://www.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2014/09/17/science.1257469.DC1/Gerland.SM.revision.1.pdf

World population stabilization unlikely this century

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> Key technology for delivering significant emission reductions during this century. Without it, deep cuts in emissions are likely to be more costly and, at worst, unachievable.

> CCS comprises a number of technologies that are widely used in the oil and gas industry and are readily available from a range of suppliers, companies and service providers.

> Deployment of CCS on a scale that makes a material contribution to reducing CO2 emissions requires

> addressing current barriers, which include: cost, complexity along the value chain, regulatory/policy uncertainty, public acceptance, large-scale storage sites and long-term liability issues.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS)

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> Natural gas is the cleanest-burning fossil fuel and is increasingly accessible, affordable, abundant and flexible.

> Natural gas will continue to play a pivotal role in a global shift towards a low-carbon economy.

> There is a significant near-term opportunity to reduce global emissions by fuel-switching from coal to natural gas.

Natural gas: Into the future

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> In 2014, BC Ferries, the government-owned ferry> service in British Columbia, Canada, announced it

would convert two of its largest vessels to operate on natural gas and purchase three new vessels with the same capacity to be ready for 2016/2017.

> For BC Ferries, this represents a reduction in operating expenses of $9.2M/year and reductions in carbon, nitrogen oxide and sulphur oxide emissions by approximately 25%, 85% and 100% respectively

Natural gas: Transportation

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> IPIECA 2015 The Paris Puzzle-The pathway to a low-emissions future. http://www.ipieca.org/paris-puzzle#puzzle; http://www.ipieca.org/sites/default/files/The_Paris_Puzzle_collection_0_0.zip


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OGCI commitments:> a) Facilitating the shift from coal to gas> b) Minimizing flaring and reducing methane

emissions> c) Improving energy efficiency in operations and

product use> d) Mitigating emissions through carbon capture and

storage> e) Preparing oil and gas companies for a low

greenhouse gas future> f) Integrating climate change into corporate strategy> g) Investing in renewable technologies> h) Investing in future energy research and start-ups


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> OGCI 2015a Oil and gas CEOs jointly declare action on climate change. http://www.oilandgasclimateinitiative.com/news/oil-and-gas-ceos-jointly-declare-action-on-climate-change/

> OGCI 2015b More energy, lower emissions Catalyzing practical action on climate change. http://www.oilandgasclimateinitiative.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/OGCI-Report-2015.pdf

> OGCI 2015c Oil & Gas Climate Initiative Joint Collaborative Declaration October 16th, 2015. http://www.oilandgasclimateinitiative.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/OGCI-CEO-Declaration-2015.pdf


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> Tom Butler, CEO of ICMM, has written to Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to offer support for an international climate change agreement.

> The letter included the following statement on climate change, endorsed by the CEOs of the 23 ICMM member companies which collaborate to promote responsible mining.


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> Mining and metals companies are already taking action to adapt to a changing climate. As a recent example, ICMM 2013 states that

> A) A changing climate presents a range of physical risks for the mining and metals sector. Higher temperatures, rising sea levels, shifting patterns of precipitation and increases in the frequency and intensity of weather events will have impacts across the mining and metals cycle globally.

> Several particularly vulnerable aspects of mining and metals companies’ operations include:

> a) Access to critical climate-sensitive inputs, such as energy and water


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> b) Supply chain reliability, including the delivery of inputs such as fuels, electricity and materials to the facility or site, and the delivery of ore or processed metals to market – risks at these stages may be particularly acute when owned and operated by an external party over which a mining or metals company does not have direct control

> c) Operational exposure to extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfall, flooding, storm surge, tropical cyclones and storms, and heatwaves

> d) Operational resilience to changes in the water balance over the operating life of mines or facilities

> e) Long-term management of mine sites and wastes post-closure


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> f) Cost implications that affect the return on investment and the profitable operating life of mines or facilities

> g) Company reputation and relationships with local communities, civil society groups and governments in the areas where companies operate.

> B) The mining and metals industry exhibits particular characteristics that increase the industry’s exposure to physical climate risks

> C) The mining and metals sector is very experienced at identifying and managing risks

> D) The expectations of external stakeholders are changing in relation to climate risks


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> E) Adaptation activities provide a suite of opportunities to strengthen reputations with key external stakeholders in local communities, state/provincial and national governments, and the investment community; they are also a way to achieve sustainable development objectives

> F) A changing climate also holds financial and business opportunities for the mining and metals sector

> G) Mining and metals companies are already taking action to adapt to a changing climate but will need to increase their focus on the risks over time

> H) A key next step is to identify ways to further incorporate, or enhance the treatment of, climate change considerations within existing risk management and planning procedures


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> ICMM 2015 ICMM issues statement on climate change. http://www.icmm.com/document/9504

> ICMM 2013. Adapting to a changing climate: implications for the mining and metals industry. https://www.icmm.com/document/5173


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