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Metode numerice și de simulare în fizicăphys.ubbcluj.ro/~tbeu/NMP/Laborator.pdf · 2020. 10....

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Metode numerice și de simulare în fizică Laborator Prof. Dr. Titus Beu http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781466569676 http://www.phys.ubbcluj.ro/~titus.beu/INP/index.html
  • Metode numerice și de simulare în fizică


    Prof. Dr. Titus Beu




  • http://www.phys.ubbcluj.ro/~titus.beu/INP/programs.html


  • Laborator 1

    Technici de programare în Python și C/C++

    1.1 Returnarea argumentelor din funcții

    # Returning swapped arguments from a function

    def Swap(x, y): # scalar arguments passed by value

    temp = x; x = y; y = temp

    return (x, y) # return interchanged values

    # main

    a = 1e0; b = 2e0 # values to be swapped

    (a,b) = Swap(a,b) # left side - return values; right side - input values


    1.2 Operații elementare cu matrice: identitatea matricială (A B)T = BT AT

    # Checks identity (A B)_trans = B_trans A_trans for random arrays A and B

    from random import *

    from matutil import *

    # main

    n = int(input("n = "))

    A = [[0]*(n+1) for i in range(n+1)] # define arrays

    B = [[0]*(n+1) for i in range(n+1)]

    C = [[0]*(n+1) for i in range(n+1)]

    D = [[0]*(n+1) for i in range(n+1)]

    for i in range(1,n+1): # array A: random sub-unitary elements

    for j in range(1,n+1): A[i][j] = random()

    print("Array A:")


    for i in range(1,n+1): # array B: random sub-unitary elements

    for j in range(1,n+1): B[i][j] = random()

    print("Array B:")


    MatProd(A,B,C,n,n,n) # A*B

    MatTrans(C,n) # (A*B)_trans

    MatTrans(A,n) # A_trans

    MatTrans(B,n) # B_trans

    MatProd(B,A,D,n,n,n) # B_trans* A_trans

    MatDiff(C,D,D,n,n) # (A*B)_trans - B_trans * A_trans

    print("Norm ((A*B)_trans - B_trans * A_trans) = ",MatNorm(D,n,n))

  • Laborator 2

    Elemente de grafică științifică

    2.1 Crearea unui Canvas widget cu pachetul Tkinter

    from tkinter import * # import Tkinter module

    root = Tk() # create Tk root widget


    # create canvas: child to root

    w = Canvas(root, width=300, height=200, bg = "white")

    w.pack() # resize and make canvas visible

    root.mainloop() # enter Tkinter event loop

    2.2 Plotarea unei funcții de o variabilă

    # Plot a function of one variable

    from math import *

    from graphlib0 import *

    def Func(x): # function to be plotted

    return pow(x,3) * exp(-x)

    # main

    xmin = -0.8; xmax = 7.8 # limits of the plotting interval

    n = 50 # number of points

    x = [0]*(n+1) # coordinates of points

    y = [0]*(n+1)

    h = (xmax-xmin)/(n-1) # argument spacing

    for i in range(1,n+1):

    x[i] = xmin + (i-1)*h # arguments

    y[i] = Func(x[i]) # function values

    GraphInit(800,600) # create canvas

    Plot0(x,y,n,"blue",0.15,0.95,0.15,0.85,"x","y","x^3 * exp(-x)") # create plot

    MainLoop() # enter Tkinter event loop

  • Laborator 3

    Sortare și indexare

    3.1 Metode de sortare: Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Quicksort

    3.2 Indexarea unui șir în quartile

    # Sorting the elements of an array into quartiles

    from sort import *

    from random import *

    # main

    n = 12 # number of values to be sorted

    x = [0]*(n+1) # array to be sorted

    ind = [0]*(n+1); rnk = [0]*(n+1) # arrays of indexes and ranks

    print("Original array:")

    for i in range(1,n+1):

    x[i] = random() # random sub-unitary values



    Index(x,ind,n) # create array of indexes

    Rank(ind,rnk,n) # create array of ranks

    print("Quartile 1")

    print(" i ind rnk x")

    for i in range(1,int(n/4)+1):

    indi = ind[i]


    print("Quartile 2")

    print(" i ind rnk x")

    for i in range(int(n/4)+1,int(n/2)+1):

    indi = ind[i]


    print("Quartile 3")

    print(" i ind rnk x")

    for i in range(int(n/2)+1,int(3*n/4)+1):

    indi = ind[i]


    print("Quartile 4")

    print(" i ind rnk x")

    for i in range(int(3*n/4)+1,n+1):

    indi = ind[i]


    3.3 Compararea metodelor de sortare

  • Laborator 4

    Evaluarea funcțiilor

    4.1 Evaluarea armonicelor sferice

    # Plot squared spherical harmonics

    from math import *

    from specfunc import *

    from graphlib import *


    lmax = 2 # maximum value of l

    maxplotx = 3 # max. no. of plots along x

    h = pi/180 # theta angle spacing

    n = int(2*pi/h) + 1 # no. of theta values

    x = [0]*(n+1); y = [0]*(n+1)

    nplot = 0

    for l in range(0,lmax+1): nplot += (2*l+1) # total no. of plots

    nplotx = min(nplot,maxplotx) # no. of plots along x

    nploty = int(nplot/nplotx) # no. of plots along y

    if (nplot % nplotx): nploty += 1 # incomplete row of plots

    dplotx = 1e0/nplotx # fractional width of a plot along x

    dploty = 1e0/nploty # fractional width of a plot along y

    xplot = 0; yplot = 0 # lower-left corner of plot

    for l in range(0,lmax+1): # l-loop

    for m in range (-l,l+1): # m-loop

    for i in range(1,n+1): # theta-loop

    theta = i * h

    (ReY,ImY) = SpherY(l,m,theta,0e0) # spherical harmonic

    f = ReY * ReY + ImY * ImY # squared norm

    x[i] = f * sin(theta) # Cartesian projections

    y[i] = f * cos(theta)

    fxmin = xplot + 0.1*dplotx; fxmax = xplot + 0.9*dplotx # viewport

    fymin = yplot + 0.1*dploty; fymax = yplot + 0.9*dploty

    title = "l = " + repr(l) + ", m = " + repr(m)


    xplot += dplotx

    if (xplot >= 1): # reached the right margin

    xplot = 0 # begin a new row of plots

    yplot += dploty


  • Laborator 5

    Ecuații algebrice și transcendente

    5.1 Rezolvarea ecuației lui Kepler

    # Solution of Kepler's equation

    from math import *

    from roots import *

    from graphlib import *

    pi2 = 2e0 * pi

    def Func(E):

    global e, M # eccentricity, mean anomaly

    f = E - e * sin(E) - M

    df = 1e0 - e * cos(E)

    return (f, df)

    # main

    n = 101

    x = [0]*(n+1); y = [0]*(n+1)


    # Halley comet (Mottmann 1986):

    e = 0.9672671e0 # eccentricity

    T = 75.96e0 # period

    t0 = 1986.1113e0 # time at perihelion


    t = 1986.2491e0

    M = pi2 / T * (t - t0) # mean anomaly

    Emax = 1e0 # eccentric anomaly vs. Kepler's function

    h = Emax / (n-1)

    for i in range(1,n+1):

    E = (i-1)*h

    x[i] = E; (y[i],df) = Func(E)


    "E (rad)","f(E)","Kepler's function")

    (E,ierr) = Newton(Func,0e0,Emax,E) # solve Kepler's equation

    print("E = ",E," rad at t = ",t," years")


    h = T / (n-1) # time dependence of eccentric anomaly

    x[1] = t0; y[1] = E = 0e0

    for i in range(2,n+1):

    t = t0 + (i-1)*h

    M = pi2 / T * (t - t0)

    (E,ierr) = Newton(Func,0e0,pi2,E) # solve Kepler's equation

    x[i] = t; y[i] = E


    "t (years)","E (rad)","Eccentric anomaly")


  • Laborator 6

    Sisteme de ecuații liniare

    6.1 Soluția sistemelor cu matrice tridiagonală prin factorizare LU

    # Solves system with tridiagonal matrix by LU factorization

    from linsys import *

    n = 4 # order of system

    a = [0]*(n+1) # lower diagonal

    b = [0]*(n+1) # main diagonal

    c = [0]*(n+1) # upper diagonal

    d = [0]*(n+1) # constant terms and solution

    a[1] = 0; b[1] = 1; c[1] = 2; d[1] = 1

    a[2] = 2; b[2] = 1; c[2] = 2; d[2] = 2

    a[3] = 2; b[3] = 1; c[3] = 2; d[3] = 3

    a[4] = 2; b[4] = 1; c[4] = 0; d[4] = 4 # Solution: -3.0, 2.0, 3.0, -2.0

    TriDiagSys(a,b,c,d,n) # solve tridiagonal system


    for i in range (1,n+1): print('{0:10.3f}'.format(d[i]),end="")


    6.2 Soluția ecuațiilor matriciale prin factorizare LU

    # Solves multiple linear systems by LU factorization

    from random import *

    from linsys import *

    from matutil import *

    n = 5 # order of system

    a = [[0]*(n+1) for i in range(n+1)] # system matrix

    a0 = [[0]*(n+1) for i in range(n+1)] # backup matrix

    b = [0]*(n+1) # constant terms

    x = [0]*(n+1) # solution

    ipivot = [0]*(n+1) # pivots

    for i in range(1,n+1): # random matrix

    for j in range(1,n+1): a[i][j] = a0[i][j] = random()



    det = LUFactor(a,ipivot,n) # LU decomposition of a

    print("LU decomposition:")


    for k in range(1,n+1): # loop over constant vectors

    for i in range(1,n+1): b[i] = x[i] = random() # random constant terms



    LUSystem(a,ipivot,x,n) # solve linear system

    err = 0e0 # check max(Ax-b) = 0

    for i in range(1,n+1):

    erri = -b[i]

    for j in range (1,n+1): erri += a0[i][j] * x[j] # element i of (Ax-b)

    err = max(err,fabs(erri))

    print(" max(Ax-b) = {0:.1e}".format(err))

  • Laborator 7

    Probleme de valori proprii

    7.1 Modurile normale ale unei corzi vibrante încărcate, fixate la capete

    # Normal modes of a loaded string with fixed ends

    from eigsys import *

    from graphlib import *

    n = 100 # number of point masses

    a = [[0]*(n+1) for i in range(n+1)] # coefficient matrix

    x = [[0]*(n+1) for i in range(n+1)] # eigenvectors = displacements

    d = [0]*(n+1) # eigenvalues ~ frequencies^2

    xp = [0]*(n+1) # mesh points for plotting

    yp = [0]*(n+1) # function values for plotting

    for i in range(1,n+1): a[i][i] = 2e0 # build coefficient matrix

    for i in range(2,n-1): a[i+1][i] = -1e0; a[i][i+1] = -1e0

    Jacobi(a,x,d,n) # solve eigenvalue problem

    EigSort(x,d,n,1) # sort eigenvalues and eigenvectors


    h = 1e0/(n-1)

    for i in range(1,n+1): xp[i] = (i-1) * h # mesh points for plotting

    mode = 1 # normal mode 1

    omega = sqrt(d[mode])*(n-1) # frequency

    for i in range(1,n+1): yp[i] = x[i][mode] # displacements

    title = "omega({0:d}) = {1:6.2f}".format(mode,omega)


    mode = 2 # normal mode 2

    omega = sqrt(d[mode])*(n-1) # frequency

    for i in range(1,n+1): yp[i] = x[i][mode] # displacements

    title = "omega({0:d}) = {1:6.2f}".format(mode,omega)


    mode = 3 # normal mode 3

    omega = sqrt(d[mode])*(n-1) # frequency

    for i in range(1,n+1): yp[i] = x[i][mode] # displacements

    title = "omega({0:d}) = {1:6.2f}".format(mode,omega)


    mode = 4 # normal mode 4

    omega = sqrt(d[mode])*(n-1) # frequency

    for i in range(1,n+1): yp[i] = x[i][mode] # displacements

    title = "omega({0:d}) = {1:6.2f}".format(mode,omega)



  • 7.2 Rotația unei molecule în sistemul principal de axe

    # Rotation of a molecule to the system of principal axes

    from math import *

    from eigsys import *

    from coords import *

    from matutil import *

    from graphlib import *

    n = 5 # number of particles

    m = [0,12.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000] # masses

    x = [0, 0.000, 0.635,-0.635,-0.635, 0.635] # positions

    y = [0, 0.000, 0.635,-0.635, 0.635,-0.635] # [0] not used

    z = [0, 0.000, 0.635, 0.635,-0.635,-0.635]

    r = [0, 0.300, 0.200, 0.200, 0.200, 0.200] # radii

    col = ["", "red", "blue", "blue", "blue", "gray"] # colors

    dmax = 1.5e0 # cutoff distance for bonds

    m[5] += 1e-10 # "mark" last particle to set principal symmetry axis


    title = "Initial configuration"


    MovetoCM(m,x,y,z,n) # move to CM system

    MomInert = PrincipalAxes(m,x,y,z,n,1) # align main symmetry axis to x

    print("Structure aligned to x-axis:")

    VecPrint(x,n); VecPrint(y,n); VecPrint(z,n)

    print("Principal moments of inertia:")


    title = "System of principal axes - main x"


    MomInert = PrincipalAxes(m,x,y,z,n,-1) # align main symmetry axis to z

    print("\nStructure aligned to z-axis:")

    VecPrint(x,n); VecPrint(y,n); VecPrint(z,n)

    print("Principal moments of inertia:")


    title = "System of principal axes - main z"



  • Laborator 8

    Modelarea funcțiilor tabelate

    8.1 Interpolarea Lagrange și Neville

    # Lagrange interpolation and Neville's algorithm

    from modfunc import *

    from graphlib import *

    # main

    nn = [0]*4 # end indexes of plots

    col = [""]*4 # colors of plots

    sty = [0]*4 # styles of plots

    n = 8 # number of data points

    ni = 50 # number of interpolation points

    n1 = n + ni; n2 = n + 2*ni # end indexes

    x = [0]*(n +1); y = [0]*(n +1) # data points

    xp = [0]*(n2+1); yp = [0]*(n2+1) # plotting arrays

    err = [0]*(n2+1) # interpolation errors

    x[1] = 0.15; x[2] = 0.2; x[3] = 0.3; x[4] = 0.5 # uneven abscissas

    x[5] = 0.8 ; x[6] = 1.1; x[7] = 1.4; x[8] = 1.7

    # h = (x[n]-x[1])/(n-1)

    # for i in range(1,n+1): x[i] = x[1] + (i-1)*h # equally spaced abscissas

    for i in range(1,n+1):

    xp[i] = x[i]

    yp[i] = y[i] = 1e0/x[i]



    h = (x[n]-x[1])/(ni-1)

    for i in range(1,ni+1): # fill in plotting arrays

    xi = x[1] + (i-1)*h # interpolation argument

    xp[n +i] = xi; yp[n +i],err[n+i] = Neville(x,y,n,xi) # interpolant

    xp[n1+i] = xi; yp[n1+i] = 1e0/xi # original function

    nn[1] = n ; col[1] = "red" ; sty[1] = 0 # observed data

    nn[2] = n + ni; col[2] = "blue" ; sty[2] = -4 # interpolant

    nn[3] = n + 2*ni; col[3] = "black"; sty[3] = -1 # model


    0.57,0.97,0.15,0.85,"x","P(x)","Neville interpolation")


  • 8.2 Interpolarea cu funcții spline

    # Interpolation with cubic splines

    from modfunc import *

    from graphlib import *

    def sinc(x): return (sin(x)/x if x else 1e0)

    # main

    xmin = 0e0; xmax = 5*asin(1e0) # tabulation interval: [0,5*pi/2]

    n = 6 # number of data points

    ni = 100 # number of interpolation points

    n1 = n + ni; n2 = n + 2*ni; n3 = n + 3*ni; n4 = n + 4*ni # end indexes

    nn = [0]*6 # end indexes of plots

    col = [""]*6 # colors of plots

    sty = [0]*6 # styles of plots

    a = [0]*(n+1); b = [0]*(n+1) # spline coefficients

    c = [0]*(n+1); d = [0]*(n+1)

    x = [0]*(n+1); y = [0]*(n+1) # coordinates of data points

    xp = [0]*(n4+1); yp = [0]*(n4+1) # plotting arrays

    nn[1] = n ; col[1] = "black"; sty[1] = 0 # data points

    nn[2] = n1; col[2] = "black"; sty[2] = -1 # original function

    nn[3] = n2; col[3] = "blue" ; sty[3] = 1 # interpolant

    nn[4] = n3; col[4] = "red" ; sty[4] = -1 # 1st derivative

    nn[5] = n4; col[5] = "green"; sty[5] = -1 # 1st derivative

    h = (xmax-xmin)/(n-1) # generate data points

    for i in range(1,n+1):

    xi = xmin + (i-1)*h

    xp[i] = x[i] = xi

    yp[i] = y[i] = sinc(xi)

    h = (xmax-xmin)/(ni-1)

    for i in range(1,ni+1):

    xi = xmin + (i-1)*h # interpolation arguments

    xp[n3+i] = xp[n2+i] = xp[n1+i] = xp[n+i] = xi # plotting arguments




    for i in range(1,ni+1):

    xi = xp[n+i] # interpolation argument

    ip = 1

    while (ip < n-1 and xi > x[ip+1]): ip += 1 # index of spline

    yp[n +i] = sinc(xi) # original function

    yp[n1+i] = ((a[ip]*xi + b[ip])*xi + c[ip])*xi + d[ip] # spline

    yp[n2+i] = (3*a[ip]*xi + 2*b[ip])*xi + c[ip] # 1st derivative

    yp[n3+i] = 6*a[ip]*xi + 2*b[ip] # 2nd derivative


    "x","S","Spline interpolation - clamped splines")


  • Laborator 9

    Modelarea funcțiilor tabelate

    9.3 Analiză Fourier prin regresie multiliniară

    # Fourier analysis using multilinear fit

    from math import *

    from modfunc import *

    from graphlib import *

    def Func0(x, func, npar): # sine basis functions

    for i in range(1,npar+1): func[i] = sin(i*x)

    # main


    x = [0]*(n+nfit+1) # x-coordinates of observed data

    y = [0]*(n+nfit+1) # y-coordinates of observed data

    sigmy = [0]*(n+1) # standard deviations of observed data

    func = [0]*(npar+1) # values of basis functions

    a = [0]*(npar+1) # model parameters

    sigma = [0]*(npar+1) # uncertainties of parameters

    xmin = -pi; xmax = pi # generate data points

    h = (xmax-xmin)/(n-1)

    for i in range(1,n+1):

    x[i] = xmin + (i-1)*h

    y[i] = -1e0 if x[i] < 0e0 else 1e0 # periodic step function

    # y[i] = x[i] # "sawtooth" function

    # y[i] = x[i] - pi/2 # shifted "sawtooth" function

    iopt = 0 # least squares fit: equal errors sigmy

    chi2 = MultiFit(x,y,sigmy,n,iopt,a,sigma,npar,Func0)

    h = (x[n]-x[1])/(nfit-1)

    for i in range(1,nfit+1): # append model points

    xi = x[1] + (i-1)*h

    Func0(xi,func,npar) # evaluate basis functions

    f = 0e0

    for j in range(1,npar+1): f += a[j]*func[j] # evaluate model

    x[n+i] = xi; y[n+i] = f


    nn[1] = n ; col[1] = "red" ; sty[1] = 1 # observed data

    nn[2] = n + nfit; col[2] = "blue"; sty[2] = 1 # fitted model


    0.10,0.45,0.15,0.85,"x","y","Multilinear fit")

    for i in range(1,npar+1): x[i] = float(i)

    Plot(x,a,npar,"red",3,0.60,0.95,0.15,0.85,"n","a","Fourier coefficients")


  • Laborator 10

    Integrarea funcțiilor

    10.1 Integralele Fresnel și spirala Cornu

    # Fresnel integrals and Cornu spiral

    from math import *

    from integral import *

    from graphlib import *

    def CosF(u): return cos(0.5*pi*u*u) # integrands of Fresnel integrals

    def SinF(u): return sin(0.5*pi*u*u)

    # main

    eps = 1e-6 # relative integration precision

    xmin = -3.5; xmax = 3.5 # interval of upper limits

    h = 0.05; # plotting mesh spacing

    n = int((xmax-xmin)/h) + 1 # number of upper limits

    x = [0]*(2*n+1); c = [0]*(2*n+1); s = [0]*(n+1)

    for i in range(1,n+1):

    x[i] = xmin + (i-1)*h; x[i+n] = x[i] # upper limit

    c[i] = qRomberg(CosF,0e0,x[i],eps) # Fresnel integrals

    s[i] = qRomberg(SinF,0e0,x[i],eps); c[i+n] = s[i]


    nn = [0, n, 2*n]; col = ["", "red", "blue"]; sty = [0, 1,-1]



    "x","C, S","Fresnel integrals")

    Plot(c,s,n,"green",1,0.60,0.95,0.15,0.85,"C(x)","S(x)","Cornu Spiral")


    10.2 Integrală 3D pe domeniu toroidal

    # Evaluates a 3D integral on a torus using Cartesian coordinates

    from math import *

    from integral import *

    def Func(x, y, z):

    global R, r

    Rp = sqrt(x*x + y*y) # major radial distance

    dR = R - Rp

    rp = sqrt(dR*dR + z*z) # minor radial distance

    return (exp(-rp/r) - exp(-1e0) if rp

  • R = 3e0; r = 1e0 # major & minor torus radii

    ax = ay = az = 0e0 # bounding box: 1st octant

    bx = by = R+r; bz = r # multiply results with 8

    nx = ny = 200 # equal density of mesh

    nz = int(nx * r/(R+r)) # points along x, y, z

    I = 8e0 * qTrapz3D(Func,ax,bx,nx,ay,by,ny,az,bz,nz)

    print("I Trapezes = ",I)

    I = 8e0 * qSimpson3D(Func,ax,bx,nx,ay,by,ny,az,bz,nz)

    print("I Simpson = ",I)

    I = 8e0 * qGaussLeg3D(Func,ax,bx,nx,ay,by,ny,az,bz,nz)

    print("I GaussLeg = ",I) # result = 9.510516...

    10.3 Integrare 3D adaptativă pe domeniu toroidal

    # 3D adaptive quadrature over 1st octant of a torus

    from math import *

    from integral import *

    #------------------------------------------------------------------ integrand

    def Func(x, y, z):

    global R, r

    Rp = sqrt(x*x + y*y) # major radial distance

    dR = R - Rp

    rp = sqrt(dR*dR + z*z) # minor radial distance

    dr = 1e0 - rp/r

    return (dr*dr if rp > ================================ RESTART ================================


    Integral = 9.869605239572653


  • Laborator 11

    Ecuații diferențiale ordinare

    11.1 Probleme Cauchy pentru ecuații diferențiale ordinare de ordinul doi

    # Solves a Cauchy problem for a 2nd order ODE by Euler's method

    # y" + y = 0, y(0) = y0, y'(0) = y0'

    from math import *

    from ode import *

    from graphlib import *

    def Func(t, y, f): # RHSs of 1st order ODEs

    f[1] = y[2] # y[1] = y, y[2] = y'

    f[2] = -y[1]

    # main

    y0 = 0e0; dy0 = 1e0 # initial values => y(t) = sin(t)

    tmax = 100e0 # time span

    ht = 0.05e0 # step size

    n = 2 # number of 1st order ODEs

    nt = int(tmax/ht + 0.5) + 1 # number of time steps

    y = [0]*(n+1) # solution components

    y1 = [0]*(nt+1); y2 = [0]*(nt+1) # plotting arrays


    t = 0e0; it = 1 # Euler method

    y[1] = y0; y[2] = dy0 # initial values

    y1[1] = y[1]; y2[1] = y[2] # store for plotting

    while (t+ht

  • 11.2 Mișcarea unghiulară a unui pendul prin metoda Runge-Kutta

    # Angular motion of a nonlinear pendulum by the Runge-Kutta method

    # u" = -g/l * sin(u) - k * u', u(0) = u0, u'(0) = u0'

    from math import *

    from ode import *

    from integral import *

    from graphlib import *

    def Func(t, u, f): # RHS of 1st order ODEs

    f[1] = u[2] # u[1] = u, u[2] = u'

    f[2] = -g/l * sin(u[1]) - k * u[2]

    def Kel(m):

    eps = 1e-7 # relative precision

    def fKel(z): return 1e0 / sqrt((1e0-z*z)*(1e0-m*z*z)) # integrand

    return qImprop2(fKel,0e0,1e0,eps)

    # main


    for iu in range(1,nu+1):

    u0 = u0min + (iu-1)*hu # initial displacement

    t = 0e0; it = 1

    u[1] = u0; u[2] = du0 # initial values

    if (iu == 1 ): tt[1 ] = t; ut[1 ] = u[1] # for smallest u0

    if (iu == nu): tt[1+nt] = t; ut[1+nt] = u[1] # for largest u0

    nT = 0 # number of half-periods

    t1 = t2 = 0e0 # bounding solution zeros

    us = u[1] # save solution

    while (t+ht

  • Laborator 12

    Ecuații diferențiale ordinare

    12.1 Stări proprii ale oscilatorului armonic cuantic 1D prin metoda “shooting”

    # Eigenstates of the 1D Schroedinger equation for the harmonic oscillator

    from math import *

    from ode import *

    from graphlib import *

    def Pot(x): return 0.5e0*x*x # Potential for harmonic oscillator

    # main


    iE = 0 # index of found E

    par = 0 # parity of ground state

    Ew = Vmin # lower limit of search window for E, [Ew,Ew+dE]

    while (Ew < Vmax and iE < nE): # loop over eigenvalue windows

    # initial values at x = 0

    if (par == 0): y0 = 1e0; dy0 = 0e0 # even y

    else: y0 = 0e0; dy0 = 1e0 # odd y

    # shoot in [Ew,Ew+dE]

    (E, exist) = ShootQM(Ew,Ew+dE,V,x,y,nx,nc,y0,dy0,eps)

    Ew += dE # shift [Ew,Ew+dE] for next shoot

    if (exist):

    iE += 1 # found new E

    par = 0 if par else 1 # parity of next y

    f = 0e0 # normalize y by trapezoidal rule

    for m in range(1,nc+1): f += y[m]*y[m]*hx # norm for [0,+inf]

    f = sqrt(2e0*f)

    if (int((iE-1)/2) % 2): f = -f # sign correction

    for m in range(1,nx+1): y[m] /= f; y2[m] = y[m]*y[m]

    title = "E{0:1d} = {1:4.2f}".format(iE-1,E)

    xtext = "x" if (iE == 1) else "None"



    fy += hy # fractional y-position of next plot

  • 12.2 Polinoame Legendre și Cebîșev prin metoda diferențelor finite

    # Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials by the finite-difference method

    from math import *

    from ode import *

    from graphlib import *

    def Func(x): # RHS of Legendre ODE

    p = 2e0*x/(1e0-x*x); q =-n*(n+1)/(1e0-x*x); r = 0e0

    return (p, q, r)


    # main

    nmax = 5 # max. order of polynomial

    xa = -1e0; xb = 1e0 # domain boundaries

    hx = 1e-3 # x-mesh step size

    nx = int((xb-xa)/hx + 0.5) + 1 # number of x-mesh points

    x = [0]*(nx+1); y = [0]*(nx+1) # x-mesh, solution

    xp = [0]*(nx*nmax+1); yp = [0]*(nx*nmax+1) # plotting arrays

    nn = [0]*(nmax+1) # ending indexes of plots

    sty = [0]*(nmax+1) # styles of plots

    col = [""]*(nmax+1) # colors of plots

    color = ["blue", "cyan", "green", "orange", "red"]

    for m in range(1,nx+1): x[m] = xa + (m-1)*hx # generate x-mesh


    # Legendre polynomials

    for n in range(1,nmax+1): # loop over polynomial order

    alf1 = -1e0 if n % 2 else 1e0; bet1 = 0e0 # Dirichlet conditions

    alf2 = 1e0; bet2 = 0e0


    nn[n] = n*nx; col[n] = color[(n-1)%5]; sty[n] = 1

    m0 = (n-1)*nx

    for m in range(1,nx+1): xp[m0+m] = x[m]; yp[m0+m] = y[m]

    MultiPlot(xp,yp,yp,nn,col,sty,nmax,10,0e0,0e0,0,-1e0,1e0,1, \

    0.10,0.45,0.15,0.85,"x","Pn", \

    "Legendre polynomials - finite-differences")

    # Chebyshev polynomials

    for n in range(1,nmax+1): # loop over polynomial order

    alf1 = -1e0 if n % 2 else 1e0; bet1 = 0e0 # Dirichlet conditions

    alf2 = 1e0; bet2 = 0e0


    nn[n] = n*nx; col[n] = color[(n-1)%5]; sty[n] = 1

    m0 = (n-1)*nx

    for m in range(1,nx+1): xp[m0+m] = x[m]; yp[m0+m] = y[m]

    MultiPlot(xp,yp,yp,nn,col,sty,nmax,10,0e0,0e0,0,-1e0,1e0,1, \

    0.60,0.95,0.15,0.85,"x","Tn", \

    "Chebyshev polynomials - finite-differences")


  • Laborator 13

    Ecuații diferențiale parțiale

    13.1 Rezolvarea ecuației căldurii în domenii rectangulare, circulare și triunghiulare

    # Steady-state temperature distribution in a thin square conducting plate

    from math import *

    from pde import *

    from graphlib import *

    def Func(x, y): # RHS function for PoissonXY

    return 0e0

    def CondX(y): # Coefficients for left and right boundaries

    alf_min = 1e0; bet_min = 0e0; gam_min = 10e0 * (10e0 - y)

    alf_max = 1e0; bet_max = 0e0; gam_max = 0e0

    return (alf_min, bet_min, gam_min, alf_max, bet_max, gam_max)

    def CondY(x): # Coefficients for lower and upper boundaries

    alf_min = 1e0; bet_min = 0e0; gam_min = 10e0 * (10e0 - x)

    alf_max = 1e0; bet_max = 0e0; gam_max = 0e0

    return (alf_min, bet_min, gam_min, alf_max, bet_max, gam_max)

    # main

    xmin = 0e0; xmax = 10e0; ymin = 0e0; ymax = 10e0 # domain boundaries

    nx = 41; ny = 41 # number of mesh points

    eps = 1e-5 # relative solution tolerance

    u = [[0]*(ny+1) for i in range(nx+1)] # solution

    x = [0]*(nx+1); y = [0]*(ny+1) # mesh point coordinates

    hx = (xmax-xmin)/(nx-1)

    for i in range(1,nx+1): x[i] = xmin + (i-1)*hx # x-mesh points

    hy = (ymax-ymin)/(ny-1)

    for j in range(1,ny+1): y[j] = ymin + (j-1)*hy # y-mesh points

    for j in range(1,ny+1): # initial approximation of the solution

    for i in range(1,nx+1): u[i][j] = 0e0



    umin = umax = u[1][1] # minimum and maximum of the solution

    for j in range(1,ny+1):

    for i in range(1,nx+1):

    if (u[i][j] < umin): umin = u[i][j]

    if (u[i][j] > umax): umax = u[i][j]


    Contour(u,nx,ny,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,umin,umax, \

    0.15,0.85,0.15,0.85,"x","y","Plate temperature")


  • Laborator 14

    Ecuații diferențiale parțiale

    14.1 Împăștierea pachetelor de undă cuantice pe bariere și gropi de potențial

    # Reflexion/transmission of quantum wave packet using tridiagonal solver

    from math import *

    from cmath import *

    from pde import *

    from graphlib import *

    def Pot(x, a, V0): # Potential

    return V0 if fabs(x)

  • 14.2 Rezolvarea ecuației clasice a undelor

    # Solve 1D wave equation by the explicit finite-difference method

    from math import *

    from pde import *

    from graphlib import *

    def Init(u0, u1, x, nx, c, dk, hx, ht):

    for i in range(1,nx+1): # time step 0

    u0[i] = sin(dk*x[i])/(dk*x[i]) if dk*x[i] else 1e0 # initial solution

    lam = c*ht/hx; lam = lam*lam # time step 1

    lam2 = 2e0*(1e0 - lam)

    u1[1] = u0[1]; u1[nx] = u0[nx] # constant boundary values

    for i in range(2,nx):

    v0 = 0e0 # initial time derivative

    u1[i] = 0.5e0*(lam*u0[i-1] + lam2*u0[i] + lam*u0[i+1]) - ht*v0

    # main


    nx = 2*(int)(xmax/hx + 0.5) + 1 # odd number of spatial nodes

    nt = (int)(tmax/ht + 0.5) # number of time steps

    nx2 = int(nx/2)

    u0 = [0]*(nx+1) # initial solution

    u1 = [0]*(nx+1) # first propagated solution

    u = [0]*(nx+1) # solution

    x = [0]*(nx+1) # spatial mesh

    for i in range(1,nx+1): x[i] = (i-nx2-1)*hx # spatial mesh

    Init(u0,u1,x,nx,c,dk,hx,ht) # initial wave packet


    for it in range(1,nt+1): # time loop

    t = it*ht

    PropagWave(u0,u1,u,nx,c,hx,ht) # propagate solution

    for i in range(1,nx): u0[i] = u1[i]; u1[i] = u[i] # shift solutions

    if (it % nout == 0 or it == nt): # output every nout steps

    fname = "wave_{0:4.2f}.txt".format(t)

    out = open(fname,"w")

    out.write("t = {0:4.2f}\n".format(t))

    out.write(" x u\n")

    for i in range(1,nx+1):




    title = "Wave propagation t = {0:4.2f}".format(t)



