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Modulo Ingles Tecnico

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INSTITUTO DE PROFESORADO DEL CONSUDEC "Septimio Walsh" (V-5) INGLÉS TÉCNICO Material para Alumnos a Distancia Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial. Derechos reservados.
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"Septimio Walsh"



Material para

Alumnos a Distancia

Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial. Derechos reservados.

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico

Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

Introducción Hemos recorrido juntos los primeros tramos que nos conducen al logro de los

objetivos que nos habíamos propuesto al comenzar la asignatura: comprender, interpretar y

traducir manuales, folletos y textos específicos de informática del inglés al castellano. Se que la tarea no fue fácil, también se del empeño puesto para llevarla a cabo. Quizás aún hoy esos objetivos parezcan difíci les de lograr. No se desanimen. Los

conocimientos adquiridos son el cimiento sobre el cual continuaremos nuestra obra. En el primer cuatrimestre continuaremos con ejercicios de Comprensión y

Traducción, mientras que en el segundo cuatrimestre nos abocaremos

exclusivamente a ejercicios de comprensión de mayor complejidad. Requisitos para aprobar la materia:

Dos Trabajos Prácticos aprobados (deberán ser ent regados en la fecha solicitada)

Un parcial escrito presencial.

Examen final escrito presencial.

En ambos casos se podrá consultar el diccionario ylos apuntes sobre gramática.


Para lograr un buen aprendizaje les aconsejo (nuevamente) tener en cuenta:

Cuando se realiza una traducción lo que se transfiere de un idioma a otro son ideas

y no palabras.

Se debe ser fiel al original; dejar de lado lo superfluo, lo que nada agrega al

texto, conservando lo sustancial; evitar la repetición.

Usar el diccionario: no dejarse llevar por la similitud de las palabras (recuerden

los falsos cognados); buscar lo que no se sabe o lo que no se sabe bien.

Antes de realizar la tarea solicitada para evaluar la comprensión o de realizar la

traducción tienen que leer todo el texto, aún cuando haya palabras que


Trabajen en grupos (si así lo desean) para practicar con los ejercicios pero realicen los Trabajos Prácticos en forma individual ya que me permite controlar los adelantos que realizan y las dificultades que aún d eben superar.

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

Como ya no encontrarán la resolución de los ejercicios, les recuerdo que pueden

consultarme cada vez que lo consideren necesario.

Una sugerencia : No realicen los trabajos prácticos sin h aber antes practicado los


"The primary task of a teacher is to permit the student to learn"

(Carl Rogers)

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo


La formación de nuevas palabras en inglés, lo mismoque en otras lenguas, se

produce por medio de la derivación y de composición principalmente. A. LA DERIVACION

Es un procedimiento que consiste en formar nuevas palabras mediante la adición

de prefijos, sufijos y flexiones a palabras ya formadas o a raíces de palabras. 1.- PREFIJOS (Prefixes): Son partículas que se anteponen a las palabras

provocando un cambio en su significado. Algunos prefijos más c omunes son: a- : Es un prefijo negativo que indica ausencia de una cualidad y se añade a

adjetivos y sustantivos.

amoral: amoral

asymmetry: asimetría ante- : (ante ; delante de)

antechamber: antecámara antedeluvian:

antediluviano, cavernícola anti- : Indica actitud de oposición (anti- ; en contra de)

antisocial: antisocial anti-clockwise: en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj

bi- : Indica número (dos)

bilingual: bilingüe

bicycle: bicicleta co- : Indica compañía, conjunto. Suelen escribirse con guión, pero también se encuentran en una sola palabra.

co-operate, cooperate: cooperar

coeducation: coeducación

de- : (des-) Es un prefijo que expresa privación o inversión de una acción.

to decode: descodificar o decodificar to defrost: descongelar

deforestation: deforestación

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

dis- : (des-)

dishonour: deshonor

disobedient: desobediente

disbelief: incredulidad

discoloured: descolorido to

dislike: desagradar

fore- : (ante-; pre-)

forearm: antebrazo

foresee: prever

foreground; primer plano mis- : Es un prefijo peyorativo con el sentido de "mal" "equivocado".

misconduct: mala conducta

misfortune: desgracia to mismanage: dirigir o administrar mal

non- : Prefijo negativo que expresa la misma idea que a-

non-existent: inexistente

non-scientific: no científico

non-smoker: no fumador

non-stop: sin parada, directo over- : (exceso de)

overdose: sobredosis

overestimate: sobrestimar re- : (re-; volver a; de nuevo)

to rebuild: reconstruir to reconsider: reconsiderar

un- : (des-; in-; im-). Este prefijo tiene dos acepciones:

a) Es el prefijo negativo más corriente en inglés.

unforgettable: inolvidable unemployment: desempleo unrest: inquietud, malestar

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Inglés Técnico

Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo Año: 2014

A veces, el adjetivo toma el prefijo un-, mientras que el sustantivo toma el prefijo in-

unable: incapaz

inability: incapacidad

unjust: injusto

injustice: injusticia

En algunos casos el mismo adjetivo con un- indica un significado neutro,

mientras que con in- tiene significado desfavorable.

unmoral: amoral

immoral: inmoral

b) Es un prefijo privativo utilizado para indicar la acción contraria del verbo.

to unbutton: desabotonar

to undress: desvestirse

to undo: deshacer

2.- SUFIJOS (Suffixes): Son partículas que se añaden a las palabras o raíces de

palabras. La diferencia con los prefijos está no sólo en la posición que cada uno toma

en la derivación, sino en que el prefijo tiene un significado por sí solo mientras que el


modifica el significado del primer elemento

blue (azul) bluish (azulado) child (niño) childish (niñez)

forman una palabra que pertenece a otra categoría gramatical

kind (amable) kindness (amabilidad) quick (rápido ) quickly (rápidamente)

-able. Se añade a verbos para formar adjetivos. Algunos adjetivos se derivan

de nombres.

acceptable: aceptable

exchangeable: intercambiable

agreeable: agradable

comfortable: cómodo

reasonable: razonable

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico

Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

-ation. Se añade a verbos principalmente para formar sustantivos abstractos o

colectivos.También puede presentarse como -tion, -sion y -xion.

education: educación exploration: exploración organization: organización occasion: ocasión connexion/connection: conexión section: sección

-ee. Indica la persona afectada por la acción del verbo o sustantivo al que se añade.

employee: empleado payee:

tenedor, beneficiario

refugee: refugiado -eer. Se añade a los sustantivos para indicar la persona relacionada con ellos.

engineer: ingeniero

auctioneer: rematador -er. Se añade a verbos o sustantivos para indicar la persona que realiza la

acción denotada por el verbo o por el sustantivo.

writer: escritor

driver: conductor hatter: sombrerero

-ess. Se utiliza para indicar el género femenino.

count (conde) countess (condesa) actor (actor) actreess (actriz) tiger (tigre) tigress (tigresa)

-ist. Se añade a sustantivos, adjetivos y verbos para indicar personas que practican

una ciencia o arte, que ejercen una profesión, que siguen un principio o sistema u

otro tipo de personas.

novelist: novelista

archeologist: arqueólogo

dentist: dentista socialist:

socialista antagonist:


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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

-ful. Se añade principalmente a sustantivos abstractos para formar adjetivos que

indican "lleno de", "que tiene", "que proporciona". También puede agregarse a algunos verbos.

useful: útil successful: afortunado, que tiene éxito helpful: servicial, provechoso beautiful: bello forgetful: olvidadizo

resentful: resentido

-ism. Se añade a sustantivos y adjetivos para formar sustantivos abstractos que

indican condición, conducta, punto de vista, doctrina, movimiento político o artístico, peculiaridad de la lengua.

alcoholism: alcoholismo

despotism: despotismo

imperialism: imperialismo

impressionism: impresionismo

anglicism: anglicismo

euphemism: eufemismo -less. Es un sufijo que se añade a los sustantivos para indicar "ausencia de", "sin".

endless: sin fin childless: sin niños, sin hijos

-ly. Este sufijo forma adverbios principalmente de modo (terminados en "-mente")

greatly: enormemente

happily: felizmente

decidedly: decididamente -ment. Se añade a los verbos para formar sustantivos abstractos o también concretos.

argument: discusión

treatment: tratamiento

equipment: equipo

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

-ness. Se añade a casi todo tipo de adjetivos para formar nombres abstractos.

happiness: felicidad

kindness: amabilidad

goodness: bondad

-ship. Se añade a sustantivos, generalmente personales, para formar nombres abstractos que indican estado, condición, arte, destreza o acción.

friendship: amistad salesmanship: arte de vender censorship: censura

3.- FLEXIONES (Inflections): Son partículas que se añaden a las palabras para

indicar los accidentes gramaticales que pueden sufrir las mismas.

Número: singular y plural

device (dispositivo) devices (dispositivos) child ( niño) children (niños)

Género:masculino y femenino

prince (príncipe) princess (princesa) hero (héroe) heroine (heroína)

Caso: posesivo (genitivo)

the girl's doll (la muñeca de la niña)

Grado: comparativo y superlativo

Big (grande) bigger (más grande) bigg est (el más grande)

Tiempo y persona:

Presente Simple (3ª. Persona del singular)

I eat (como) he eats (come)

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico

Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

Pasado Simple y Participio Pasado

I live here (vivo aquí) I lived here (viví / vivía aquí)

El conocimiento de los procedimientos de derivación ayuda en la búsqueda de palabras en el diccionario y favorece la comprensión y, por consiguiente, la traducción.

B. LA COMPOSICION Es la unión de dos o más palabras para formar una nueva.

1.- Sustantivo + sustantivo

bathroom: baño

glasswool: lana de vidrio

airhostess: azafata 2.- Gerundio + sustantivo; sustantivo + gerundio

operating system: sistema operativo

washing-machine: lavarropas air-

conditioning: aire acondicionado

chewing gum: goma de mascar

3.- Adjetivo + sustantivo

blackboard: pizarrón

shorthand: taquigrafía 4.- Adverbio + sustantivo

afternoon: tarde

underground: subterráneo 5.- Sustantivo + adjetivo

tax-free: libre de impuestos

colour-blind: daltónico

worldwide: mundial

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6.- Adjetivo + adjetivo

socioeconomic: socioeconómico

dark-blue: azul oscuro 7.- Adverbio + adjetivo

oversensitive: hipersensible all-important: de suma importancia

8.- Verbos compuestos

to ill-use: maltratar to overcome: vencer, superar to give in: rendirse to pay back: reembolsar

Al traducir generalmente el orden es:

local area network 1 2 3

red de área local 3 2 1


En inglés se denomina conversion lo que en español recibe el nombre de sustantivación, adjetivación, etc., es decir, el hecho de que una palabra perteneciente a una parte de la oración se utilice en las funciones de otra parte de la oración. Es

importante no confundir la transposición con el uso de determinadas palabra que tienen la misma forma en sus diferentes funciones. Por ejemplo:

hope: es verbo y sustantivo

long: es adjetivo y adverbio

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

En cambio, si empleamos blind (adjetivo) como sustantivo estaremos sustantivándol o, es decir que en este caso se habrá producido una tr ansposición.

the blind: los ciegos

Transposición de verbos en sustantivos La raíz del verbo con el artículo indeterminado (a, an) se utiliza como sustantivo a

continuación de los verbos to give, to have, to make y to take.

She made a sudden move. Hizo un movimiento repentino

Let me have a look at it. Permíteme darle un vistazo/ echarle una ojeada

Las formas finitas de los verbos también se sustantivan.

A few don'ts: unas cuantas prohibiciones Is that a must?: ¿Es una obligación? ¿Es imprescindible?

Transposición de sustantivos en verbos

La transposición de sustantivos en verbos puede realizarse en todas sus formas,

personas, tiempos y modos.

to hammer: martillar

to salt: salar to bicycle: andar en bicicleta

to number: numerar

He elbowed his way through the crowd. Se abrió pasos a codazos entre la multitud.

The water cascaded on the rocks. El agua caía en forma de cascada sobre las rocas.

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

We had to queue for a long time. Tuvimos que formar fila/ hacer cola durante mucho tiempo.

She fooled him. Lo ridiculizó.

She mothered all the children around her. Hacía de madre de todos los niños de su alrededor.

Transposición de adjetivos en verbos

Her hair was beginning to gray. Se le estaba empezando a poner el pelo gris. When the rain started, the streets emptied. Cuando empezó la lluvia, las calles quedaron vacías.

Transposición de adjetivos en sustantivos

the poor: los pobres

the dead: los muertos the accused' s condition: la condición del acusado He's a dear: Es un encanto

Transposición de sustantivos en adjetivos

London bridges: los puentes de Londres

the top shelf: el estante superior

a copyright book: un libro protegido por la propiedad intelectual


Cuando el sujeto de una oración es un infinitivo o una oración, se usa it como

sujeto preparatorio y luego se coloca el infinitivo o la proposición.

It is wrong to lie. Mentir está m al.

It was surprising that he could come. Fue sorprendente que pudiera venir.

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

También se usa it como sujeto preparatorio cuando el sujeto es un gerundio.

It is no use trying to explain. Es inútil tra tar de explicar.

It is worth visiting Argentina. Vale la pena visitar la Argentina.

It puede usarse además como objeto preparatorio.

He made it clear that there was no agreement. Dejó claro que no había trato. I think it strange that she had not written. Creo que es extraño que no haya escrito.

THERE PREPARADOR O ANTICIPADOR (PREPARATORY THERE) There como sujeto preparatorio puede utilizarse con verbos como to appear, to seem, to come, to enter, to remain, etc.

There remain two ways in which you can try to solve the problem.

Quedan dos formas con las que puedes intentar resolver el problema.

There appeared two elephants on the stage. Aparecieron dos elefantes en el escenario.

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Son oraciones que por lo general se introducen con if. Existen tres tipos clásicos de oraciones condicionales: oraciones condicionales reales, necesarias o probables (probable conditions); oraciones condicionales irreales o improbables (improbable conditions) y oraciones condicionales hipotéticas o imposibles (impossible conditions).

Oraciones condicionales probables

Expresan una condición que tiene todas las probabilidades de cumplirse (lo que

ocurrirá si..). La estructura es:

If you come, you will see him. Si vienes lo verás.

If you come to B.A., ring me up. Si vienes a Bs. As., llámame por teléfono.

If he gets up early, he can catch the train. Si se levanta temprano, puede tomar el tren

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico

Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

Oraciones condicionales improbables

Expresan una condición que no es probable que se cumpla (lo que ocurriría si..)

If I had the money, I should pay you. Si tuviera dinero, te pagaría.

If it was not raining, we could play tennis. Si no estuviera lloviendo, podríamos jugar al tenis. It would be quicker if you used the computer. Sería más rápido si usara s la computadora.

Oraciones condicionales hipotéticas o imposibles

La suposición o hipótesis establecida por este tipo de oraciones hace referencia al pasado, consecuentemente, se deduce que es imposible que se cumpliera la condición (lo que habría ocurrido si..)

Condition Result

Could have + past participle

If + Past Perfect Would have + past participle

Might have + past aprticiple

If you had been there, I would have seen you. Si hubieras estado allí, te habría visto. If the had not cut the electricity, I could have finished my work. Si no hubieran cortado la electricidad, podría haber terminado my trabajo.

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El estilo directo (direct speech, también llamado lenguaje directo) es la forma de reproducir lo que una persona dice, es decir las mismas palabras que empleó. Se representa entre comillas.

He said, "I will tell you the truth". Dijo: "Te diré la verdad."

She asked "¿ Do you like this place?" Preguntó: "¿Te gusta este lugar?"

El estilo indirecto es la manera como la misma persona u otra diferente informa a

otra de lo que se dijo.

Directo: "It is very nice." "Es

muy bonito."

Indirecto: She said that it was very nice. Dijo que era muy bonito

Directo: "Will you marry me?" "¿Te

casarás conmi go?"

Indirecto: He asked her if he would marry her. Le preguntó si se casaría con él.

Es conveniente dividir el estudio del estilo indirecto en cuatro partes: a) en las oraciones enunciativas, b) en las oraciones interrogativas, c) en las oraciones

imperativas, y d) en las oraciones exclamativas.

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Oraciones enunciativas (statements)

Los verbos introductores suelen ser to say, to tell, to remark. Estilo directo Estilo Indirecto


Simple Present Simple Past Present Continuous Past Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Simple Past Past Perfect Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Simple Future Conditional

Pronombres personales

I - you he-she

We they

Pronombres posesivos

mine - yours his - hers ours theirs

Pronombres reflexivos

myself - yourself himself - herself

ourselves themselves

Pronombres objetivos

Me - you him - her

Us them

Pronombres y adjetivos demostrativos

This that These those

Adjetivos posesivos

My - your his - her Our their


Now then Here there Today that day Yesterday the day before The day before yesterday two days before Tomorrow the next day; the following day

Next week (year, etc.) the following week (year, etc.) Last week the week before Ago before

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Direct: "I am learning French." "Estoy

estudiando Francés" Indirect: She told me that she was learning French.

Me dijo que estaba estudiando Francés.

Directo: "I'll see you tomorrow".

"Te veré mañana" Indirecto: He said that he would see me the next

day. Dijo que me vería al día siguiente.

Directo: "It is cold here".

"Hace frío aquí" Indirecto: She said that it was cold

there. Dijo que hacía frío allí.

Oraciones interrogativas (questions)

Los verbos introductores para el estilo indirecto de las oraciones interrogativas son to ask,

to inquire, to want to know, etc.

Preguntas con pronombre o adverbio interrogativo

Al convertir el estilo directo en estilo indirecto, el pronombre o adverbio interrogativo sirve

de nexo de unión entre las dos oraciones.

Directo: "¿What's your name?" "¿Cuál es tu nombre? (¿Cómo te llamas?)"

Indirecto: She asked him what his name was. Le preguntó cuál era su nombre (cómo se llamaba)

Directo: "¿Why didn't you read the books?

"¿Por qué no leíste los libros?" Indirecto: The teacher wanted to know why he had not read the books.

La maestra quería saber por qué no había leído los libros.

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Preguntas sin pronombre o adverbio interrogativo

El estilo indirecto de estas interrogaciones se forma poniendo la pregunta en forma de oración enunciativa, es decir, sujeto + verbo, introducida por la conjunción whether ("si" dubitativo) o if ("si" condicional) que es la que más se emplea.

Directo: "¿Can I pay by cheque?".

"¿Puedo pagar con cheque?" Indirecto: She wanted to know if she could pay by cheque.

Quería saber si podía pagar con cheque.

Directo: "¿Must he come at once?" "¿Tiene que venir inmediatamente?"

Indirecto: I asked him if he had to come at once. Le pregunté si tenía que venir inmediatamente.

Oraciones imperativas ( imperative sentences)

Los verbos de introducción suelen ser to tell, to ask, to order, to command, to

advise(aconsejar), etc. dependiendo del significado de la oración en estilo directo.

Una orden, mandato, ruego, petición, solicitud, etc. formada en lenguaje directo por

un imperativo se convierte en una oración de acusativo + infinitivo con to en estilo


Directo: "Go away, Mary". "Vete, María"

Indirecto: He told Mary to go away. Le dijo a María que se fuera.

Directo: "Please, help me".

"Ayúdeme, por favor" Indirecto: He begged me to help him.

Me rogó que lo ayudara.

Directo: "Don't do it".

"No lo hagas" Indirecto: She asked me not to do it.

Me pidió que no lo hiciera.

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Oraciones exclamativas (exclamatory sentences)

Las exclamaciones no suelen emplearse a menudo en estilo indirecto, pero, si se produce la transformación, es necesario utilizar verbos que indiquen el estado de ánimo expresado en ellas como to greet (saludar), to wish (desear), to shout (gritar), to exclaim (exclamar), etc.

Directo: "Happy birthday!".

"Feliz cumpleaños!" Indirecto: He wished me a happy birthday.

Me deseó un feliz cumpleaños.

Directo: " Liar!".

" Mentiroso!”

Indirecto: She called him a liar. Lo llamó mentiroso.

Direct: "Thank you".

"Gracias" Indirect: He thanked me.

Me dio las gracias (Me agradeció)

Formas mixtas de estilo indirecto

A veces no sólo se encuentran enunciaciones, interrogaciones u órdenes aisladamente,

sino dos de estas formas en una expresión de estilo directo. Cuando esto sucede, cada una de ellas irá introduci da por los verbos correspondientes (say, tell, explain, remark, etc., para las enunciativas; ask, inquire, want to know, etc., para las interrogativas; tell, order, etc., para las imperativas) unidas generalmente por and (o por otra conjunción como as, because, etc., dependiendo de la connotación de la expresión) o por adding that (añadiendo que) cuando se trate de una pregunta y una


Directo: "I'm learning English. Can you speak English?" "Estoy aprendiendo inglés. ¿Sabes inglés?"

Indirecto: She said she was learning English and asked if I could speak English.

Dijo que estaba aprendiendo inglés y me preguntó si yo sabía hablarlo.

Directo: " Do you think it will rain? It's very cloudy".

"¿Crees que lloverá? Está muy nublado" Indirecto: He asked me if I thought it would rain as it was very cloudy.

Me preguntó si creía que llovería, ya que estaba muy nublado.

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

Directo: "Hurry up! We are late". " Date prisa! Llegamos tarde"

Indirecto: She told me to hurry up because we were late. Me dijo que me diera prisa porque llegábamos tarde .


Las coletillas interrogativas se utilizan en todos los idiomas, aunque también es cierto que en la mayoría de ellos han quedado reducidas a frases estereotipadas como en

español, en el que se emplean las formulas "¿no es cierto?", "¿no?", "¿no es verdad?", sin tener en cuenta lo que expresa la oración precedente ni la forma del verbo. En inglés la coletillas interrogativas tienen fórmulas variables según el tiempo de verbo

empleado y su forma. Por lo tanto es necesario tener en cuenta lo siguiente:

Si la oración principal está en forma negativa

La coletilla interrogativa se construye mediante una forma interrogativo-afirmativa,

construida con el verbo auxiliar empleado en la oración principal y el sujeto en forma

de pronombre personal.

- +

This coffee isn't very hot, is it?

Doctor, I'm not ill, am I? Doctor, no estoy enfermo, ¿no es cierto?

You don't like fish, do you? No te gusta el pescado, ¿ verdad ?

It isn't warm, is it? No hace calor, ¿no?

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Si la oración principal está en forma afirmativa

La coletilla interrogativa se construye mediante una forma interrogativo-negativa contraída, compuesto por el verbo auxiliar empleado en la oración principal y por el sujeto en

forma de pronombre personal. Si el verbo principal no es un verbo auxiliar o especial, la

coletilla interrogativa se construye mediante una forma interrogativo-negativa compuesta por los auxiliares do, does, did y el sujeto en forma de pronombre.

+ - -

He is an architect, isn't he?

You will come to my party, won't you? Vendrás a mi fiesta, ¿no?

You're working hard, aren't you? Estás trabaja ndo mucho, ¿no es cierto?

He gave her a cheque, didn't he? Le dio un cheque, ¿verdad?

She loves music, doesn't she? Le encanta la música, ¿no es cierto?

REFERENTES Las frases u oraciones de un texto pueden estar vinculadas entre sí porque comparten un contenido.

Viruses are programs which are written deliberately to damage data. They can

hide themselves in a computer system. Ambas oraciones se refieren a viruses es decir que éste es el elemento que comparten. Para evitar la repetición, en la segunda oración se utiliza they para referirse a viruses. Lo mismo sucede con which en la primera oración que evita la repetición

del sustantivo programs que es al que se refiere.

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Las palabras que pueden funcionar como referentes son: Los pronombres personales sus derivados

I my me myself mine

You your you yourself yours He his him himself his She her her herself hers It its it itself its We our us ourselves ours You your you yourselves yours They their them themselves theirs

Los pronombres relativos that, which, who That: que Who: que, quien, a quien, quienes, a quienes. Which: que, el cual, la cual, los cuales, las cuales.

This is the only book that I could get. Este es el único libro que pude conseguir.

The microprocessor is a chip which processes data and instructions. El microprocesador es un chip que procesa datos e instrucciones.

The teacher who is responsible for the computer centre has just arrived

El profesor responsable del centro de cómputos acaba de llegar.

Los auxiliares

En algunos casos los verbos auxiliares se utilizan para reemplazar una frase verbal


He speaks English as well as she does. (evita la repetición de speak) Habla inglés tan bien como ella.


El sujeto precede habitualmente al verbo, sin embargo, algunas veces el orden se

invierte y este hecho se denomina inversión. Esta estructura en que el verbo precede al

sujeto se utiliza en los siguientes casos:

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En oraciones que comienzan con adverbios o frases adverbiales

Never have I seen such a thing. Nunca he visto (nunca vi) semejante cosa.

Only then did he realize his mistake. Sólo entonces comprendió su error.

En oraciones que comienzan con palabras enfáticas omoc much, many,

little, no.

Little help will you get from him. Poca ayuda obtendrás de él.

No consideration did you give to the matter. No prestaste ninguna consideración al asunto.

En oraciones condicionales con los verbos were, should o had,

reemplazando a if.

I would go should it be necessary. Iría si fuera necesario.

Were John here he would explain the whole matter. Si Juan estuviese aquí explicaría todo el asunto.

Had you asked me I would have told you the truth.

Si me hubieras preguntado te habría contado la verdad.


Son palabras que tienen la misma forma y significado en inglés y español.

Taxi Detective Animal Kilo

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Falsos cognados (False cognates ) Son palabras que tienen la misma o similar forma en inglés y español pero

distinto significado.

Ability: capacidad, destreza, aptitud Actual: verdadero, real Advice: consejo Agenda: orden del día Acomodate: ayudar, complacer Actual: verdadero, real Apparent: claro, evidente Application: solicitud Argument: discusión Assist: ayudar Assume: suponer Attend: concurrir, asistir Audience: público Billion: mil millones Candid: franco, sincero Carpet: alfombra Check: comprobar, verificar, revisar College: facultad Command: orden, mandato Compass: brújula Compromise: arreglo, acuerdo Consistent: constante, consecuente, coherente Crime: delito Discuss: conversar, debatir Elaborated: complicado, complejo,detallado Eventually: finalmente Exit: salida Facilities: instalaciones, servicios Fault: culpa File: archivo, fichero Gentle: tierno, suave Gracious: cortés Idiom: modismo Implications: consecuencias, efectos, repercusiones Imply: insinuar, denotar Large: grande Lecture: conferencia Library: biblioteca Motion: movimiento Notice: aviso Ordinary: común, normal Parents: padres Petrol: nafta Pretend: fingir, simular

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Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo Preservative: conservante

Proper: correcto,adecuado

Prove: demostrar

Qualification: título, aptitud

Question: pregunta

Regular: habitual, normal

Requirements: Requisitos

Remove: quitar, borrar, extraer

Report: informe

Resignation: renuncia, dimisión

Resume: reanudar

Run (a program): ejecutar (un programa)

Scheme: plan, proyecto, ardid, treta

Simple: sencillo, ordinario

Succeed: tener éxito

Summary: resumen

Support: apoyar, sostener, financiar

Tentative: provisional, indeciso

Translate: traducir

Hemos ampliado la lista de estos "falsos amigos" que pueden llevarnos a cometer graves errores no sólo de traducción sino de comprensión. Recordemos en estos casos que "las apariencias engañan".

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A Little Terminology

Computer program - A computer program is a set of instructions that tell a

computer exactly what to do. The instructions might tell the computer to add up a

set of numbers, or compare two numbers and make a decision based on the result,

or whatever. But a computer program is simply a set of instructions for the

computer, like a recipe is a set of instructions for a cook or musical notes are a

set of instructions for a musician. The computer follows your instructions exactly

and in the process does something useful -- like balancing a checkbook or

displaying a game on the screen or implementing a word processor.

Programming language - In order for a computer to recognize the instructions

you give it, those instructions need to be written in a language the computer

understands -- a programming language. There are many computer programming

languages -- Fortran, Cobol, Basic, Pascal, C, C++, Java, Perl --

just like there are many spoken languages. They all express approximately the

same concepts in different ways.

Compiler - A compiler translates a computer program written in a human-readable computer language (like Java) into a form that a computer can execute.

You have probably seen EXE files on your computer. These EXE files are the

output of compilers. They contain executables -- machine-readable programs

translated from human-readable programs. TEXTO Nº 2

Programs and programming languages

Here is a brief description of some of the many high-level languages: FORTRAN acronym for FORmula TRANslation. This language is used for solving

scientific and mathematical problems. It consists of algebraic formulae and English

phrases. It was first introduced in the United States in 1954. COBOL acronym for COmmon Business-Oriented Language. This language is used for

commercial purposes. COBOL, which is written using English statements, deals with

problems that do not involve a lot of mathematical calculations. It was first introduced in


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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo ALGOL acronym for ALGOrithmic Language. Originally called IAL, which means International Algebraic Language. It is used for mathematical and scientific purposes. Algol was first introduced in Europe in 1960.

PL/I Programming Language I. Developed in 1964 to combine features of COBOL and ALGOL. Consequently, it is used for data precessing as well as scientific applications.

BASIC acronym for Beginners's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Developed in

1965 at Dartmouth College in the United States for use by students who require a simple

language to begin programming. C developed in the 1970s to support the UNIX operating system. C is a high portable

general-purpose language. Resuma la información sobre los distintos lenguaje s de alto nivel,

completando el siguiente cuadro:

Lenguaje Fecha Función Características



What is hypertext? The term sounds complicated, but it is really a very simple concept.

The word hypertext was coined many years ago, and refers to a set of documents where

various parts of the text can be selected to follow a specific concept other than the topic

under discussion. Using a computer's resources, users can move from one document to

another with the use of visual links. The linked documents are usually boldfaced,

underlined, highlighted, and/or in a different color of text to differentiate them from

unlinked documents. A user can move to another document simply by selecting (clicking on) a new link. Random selection of these links is what is called "surfing the net.”

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After connecting to the linked documents, if the hypertext is well constructed, the user should be able to select a link that will return him or her to the original document. However, it is not always possible to return to the original link due to an error by the hypertext author, or because of the enormous number of links available on the WWW. In other words, one link cannot be linked to everything else.

In order to describe hypertext documents, a document-formatting language was created called Standard Generalized Markup Language. But, SGML is much too complex to be commercially used so a derivative of this language, HyperText Markup Language, was created. Most of the documents you see on the Web are written in HTML, and then read and formatted by your "browser" according to the HTML codes.

Learning to write documents in HTML is not difficult, although some users feel it can be tedious and the layout options can be limiting. However, when surfing the net you can often find new ideas and ways to utilize the HTML to make your pages stand out on the Web. TEXTO Nº 6

NSA CONSULTANT'S SON IS COMPUTER SABOTEUR "Worm" came from graduate student A court heard today how a Cornell University graduate student, Robert T. Morris Jr. (25), infected a host of government and educational computer centres with a

computer virus, known as a "worm", which literally brought all computational

activities to a halt in over 6,000 installations. Morris, the son of a prominent National Security Agency computer consultant, was

sentenced for his offences yesterday. As punishment, he was required to spend no time in

prison but, instead, serve three years' probation, contribute 400 hours of community

service, and to pay a $ 10,000 fine along with associated court and probation costs.


1.- ¿Quién es Robert T. Morris Jr.? ............................................................................................................................. ..............

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2.¿Qué delito cometió? ............................................................................................................................. .............. 3.- ¿Qué consecuencias tuvo este delito? ........................................................................................................................................... 4.-¿Qué castigo recibió? ........................................................................................................................................... 5.- ¿Cuál es el referente de "which"? ...........................................................................................................................................

TEXTO Nº 7 TRANSLATE Laws of Secure Computing

1. Delete executable e-mail attachments There's a common myth that a virus can infect your computer by you opening and reading an e-mail message. That's not true. There's no problem with reading the text of a message, but if it contains an attachment, and that attachment contains a virus, you can get the virus by opening the attachment. Now before you start deleting every e-mail message with an attachment, please understand that most e-mail attachments are safe and don't contain viruses. The only safe policy is to only open attachments if you know they are safe. Start by looking at the full file name of the attachment, and look at the last four characters, which should be a dot followed by three letters, which indicate the file type. If the file name is not in this format, it's not safe to open it, so delete it even if it comes from somebody you know. Why? Because it may not actually come from that person. One of the most recent virus programs works by sending itself to you by e-mail, masquerading as somebody else!

2. Back up important stuff

It doesn't matter how much care you take, there's always the possibility of something going

wrong. Apart from malicious viruses, you could fall foul of a power surge, a programming error or faulty

equipment. When this happens, you need to recover all your precious data. So it's essential that you "back up" all your important things,

especially documents that you work with regularly. "Backing up" is just a fancy name for copying. Some people copy their files to floppy disks,

which works well for a few files, but becomes cumbersome if you need to back up

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo a lot of information. In this case, invest in a ZIP drive, JAZ drive or CD writer, all of which give you much more space than floppy disks. Whatever method you adopt, put a procedure in place now and make sure you follow it.


Classification of types of robot

One way of classifying robots is in terms of their similarity to humans. An automaton is

any machine capable of operating independently, such as a clothes dryer. A flexible

machine is a special case of an automaton with different capabilities, that can be

programmed as the need arises. An example is a welding robot on the factory floor that can be programmed to participate in other production operations. A mobile robot is a

flexible machine capable of moving freely in its own environment. It can partly select its own goals and communicates with other agents, including humans. An android or

humanoid is a mobile robot whose structure approximately resembles a human structure.

Finally a cyborg is a humanoid with organic structures. Cyborgs have some physiological

structures similar to those of humans. Lea atentamente el texto y luego complete el siguiente cuadro ordenando

los tipos de robot de los más complejos a los más simples.

Tipo de robot Características


An intelligent distributed environment for active learning (Journal of Educational Resources in Computing)

It is believed by many that active learning, in other words learning by doing,

produces results that are superior to those achieved by passive learning. Shang and others

discuss the creation of an intelligent environment that would enable students to experience

active learning. In their system, each student is assigned a personal agent that records the student’s background knowledge and learning style, and the other

courses the student is enrolled in. This teaching agent acts as an intermediary between

the student and course agents, which provide course materials in several forms and using

different teaching methods. This model of delivery is well suited to the Web environment, and would enable large numbers of students to take courses that have been personalized for them. Ideally, this could create a learning community.

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo There are some statements that people may disagree with in this paper. For example, the authors state that there is an optimum amount of time for all students to study each page in a module. This does not correspond with my experience. Similarly, they state that

students who frequently review material have not learned it. Students who want to learn material extremely well, however, will often spend much more time reviewing

material than students who merely want to get the course over with. Overall, the author’s ideas are interesting. The real test of these ideas, however, will come

when their system is completely implemented and it can be seen what impact it has on student performance and student satisfaction.

Review by: Kent A. Campbell

TEXTO Nº 10 High level languages A high level language is a language geared towards solving problems. This means that

rather than taking notice of how the computer was designed to solve the problem, we take more notice of the type of problem to be solved. So high level languages are problem orientated. The low languages take account of design features and are machine orientated. High level languages are much easier to write than low level languages because the program instructions are similar to instructions written in English. Because high level languages work independently of the machine, it is fairly easy to modify (adapt) the program so that it will run on a completely different computer.

Low level languages Low level languages are usually machine dependent. This means that one computer's low level language is different from another's. This means that it is not easy for a programmer to move from one machine to another as she will have to learn a completely new language. Low level languages are machine orientated and one low level program instruction has to be written for every machine instruction. This tends to make the programs very long and tedious to write.

Supongamos que pueda elegir entre un programa en un lenguaje de bajo nivel

y otro en un lenguaje de alto nivel. Cada uno tiene sus desventajas y ventajas.

Lea atentamente el texto y luego complete el siguiente cuadro con las

ventajas/desventajas de cada uno de ellos.

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Lenguaje de bajo nivel Lenguaje de alto nivel

TEXTO Nº11 National Council for Educational Technology The Council's purpose is to bring beneficial change to the process of learning in education and training through the development and application of educational technology.

Educational technology - or learning technology, as it is sometimes known, embraces

everything from the way computers, satellites, and interactive video are used in schools,

colleges, and industry to issues of copyright and flexible learning. Focusing on the learner, our purpose is to support change in the ways we learn by applying the

benefits of educational technology - especially the new information technologies - to the

process of learning. We design and produce materials in all subjects to support education and training. We

carry out research and manage projects, offer consultancy on technical matters,

support training for trainers and teachers, and offer expertise in areas such as open

and flexible learning, resource management, and educational software. We provide a

comprehensive information and enquiry service. Information Technology in schools Through its I.T. in Schools Programme, NCET's Schooling Directorate is pursuing

four priorities:

To identify and promote and spread good practice in the use of new technologies

To provide professional guidance to teacher trainers so that the can help teachers and schools in managing I.T. and in applying it to all areas of study

To develop high-quality curriculum materials and encourage other publishers to do the same

To give particular support for those concerned with children and young adults with

special educational needs. Learning after school and at work

NCET's Training Directorate focuses on the needs of those wishing to learn after the

school-leaving age. Projects under the Vocational Training programme include looking into the training needs of women, older workers, and those who use information

technology to work from home. In further education, lecturers and senior managers are

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being helped to plan for I.T. and changing client needs. For industry, our work has included language training in the run-up to 1992, and the application of artificial intelligence

systems to training. The directorate also takes the lead in important trans-sectoral issues

such as open and flexible learning, copyright, and the use of computers in careers guidance.

Lea atentamente el texto. Imagine que es un representante de NCT y que está siendo

entrevistado por un periodista. Utilizando la información que está en el texto,

escriba el diálogo de la entrevista. TEXTO Nº 12 The robotics revolution

Many of the robots in use today do jobs that are especially difficult for human workers.

These are the types of jobs that require great strength or pose danger. For example, robots

are particularly useful in the auto-manufacturing industry where parts of automobiles must

be welded together. A welding tool used by a human worker weighs about 100 pounds or more and is difficult to handle. As mechanical supermen, robots may

be called upon to do anything from moving heavy components between workstations on a

factory floor to carrying bags of cement. Spray painting is another task suited to robots because robots do not need to breathe.

Unlike human painters, they are unaffected by the poisonous fumes. Robots are better

at this task, not because they are faster or cheaper than humans, but because they work in a place where humans cannot. Third in the list of useful jobs for robots is the assembly of electronic parts. Robots shine at

installing chips in printed circuits boards because of a capability that robots have and

people don’t. A robot, once properly programmed, will not put a chip in the wrong place.

This automatic accuracy is particularly valuable in this kind of industry. Earlier robots were usually blind and deaf but newer types of robots are fitted with video

cameras and other sensing devices that can detect heat, texture, size, and sound.

These robots are used in space projects, nuclear reactor stations, and underwater

exploration research. In their efforts to expand the range of robotic applications, researchers are looking

beyond traditional designs to examine a variety of potential models from the biological

world. The industrial arm is a classic example. Scientists have been able to model

robots to imitate the vertebrate spine of a snake in order to paint the interior of

automobiles. They have simulated the muscle structure and movement of an elephant’s

trunk in an attempt to create a robotic arm capable of lifting heavy objects. Scientists have also emulated the flexibility of

an octopus where the tentacles can conform to the fragile objects of any shape and hold

them with uniform, gentle pressure. A variation of this design can be used to handle

animals, turn hospital patients in their beds or lift a small child.

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Lea atentamente el texto y luego resuma las razones que hacen a los robots

adecuados para la realización de ciertas tare as, completando el siguiente


Tareas Razones


New features + lower cost + need = more notebooks As a result of several technical and market conditions, the market will grow 5 percent to 7 percent in the notebook segment through 2004 (0.8 probability). Operating systems prior

to Windows 2000 were inhibitors to notebook acceptance. Improvements that were not

available in Windows NT or Windows 9x include support for wireless networking

(802.11b), advanced power management, "true" plug-and-play functionality, and suspend

and resume. In addition, the market has grown during the past three years because of

lower price; notebook average selling prices have dropped from approximately $3,500 to

$2,500 for typically configured two-spindle corporate systems. Another factor is that the type of work done by many employees (such as e-mail) no longer

requires the top-end processors, making notebooks more than desktop equivalents for

most users. Gartner believes that additional real-time business requirements, wireless

local-area network "hot spots" and home networks, and better security features will

increase demand for notebooks. Explique los factores que determinarán un aumento ne la demanda

de computadoras portátiles.


Programmer's Creed The first thing that we need to do is discuss the Programmer's Creed. Computer programming requires a certain mindset, and it helps to get into that mindset early. There are three parts to the programmer's creed.

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Part 1: I, [state your name], do solemnly swear that I will read directions

carefully and follow them. This is extremely important, because much of computer

programming requires that everything be set up perfectly for anything to work. Here is an example of what I am talking about. In a moment we are going to go out on the

Web and download the Java compiler. In one part of the process you are going to have

to unpack a file. If you don't read the instructions and you unpack it improperly, nothing

will work. Then you are going to have to change your PATH environment variable. If

you do that incorrectly nothing will work. Then you will be warned NOT to unzip a

second file. If you instead unzip it, nothing will work. Finally, you will have to unzip the

documentation files. If you do that improperly you will have no documentation.

Everything you need to do will be clearly stated, but if you do not read the directions

carefully you will miss a step and nothing will work. When things don't work, many, many people simply give up. They fail to become computer

programmers as a result. Don't let that happen to you. Don't give up -- read

directions carefully. If something does not work, assume that it's because you

misread something and try again before you blame someone else or give up. Part 2: I, [state your name], do solemnly swear to read the documentation and

attempt to work out problems myself before I go pestering someone else with

questions. This is a very hard thing to do at first because it requires discipline. Nonetheless, get yourself into the habit of trying to solve your own problems by reading

before you go find someone and pester them with questions. The reasons this is

important are, first, because you will learn more that way, and second, because you will

gain much more respect that way. There is nothing worse to an experienced

programmer than a whiney new programmer pestering you with questions that the new

programmer could have easily answered by reading for five minutes. On the other hand,

there is nothing more rewarding to an experienced programmer than helping a hard-

working new programmer who has done a lot of research and legwork but is truly stuck

on a tough problem. Get yourself into that "rewarding" category and you will earn a lot

of respect from the programmers that you work with.

Part 3: I, [state your name], do solemnly swear that I will help other programmers

once I become one. It would be impossible for you to learn to

program unless someone (like me) helped you to get started. You will read things

written by other programmers, use code created by other programmers, ask questions

of other programmers. You have to do your part by contributing back to the community. Once you figure it out, help others.

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En el texto se indican las consecuencias de no realizar correctamente

ciertas tareas. Léalo atentamente y luego complete el siguiente cuadro:



Leer las instrucciones

TEXTO Nº 15 Visions of Tomorrow First, safety. Radiation screens are available, and have been for some years. Most of them place an emissions barrier between you and the front of your display, while others

encase the entire monitor, protecting you from side and rear emissions as well. Many offices already have these screens available for their workers. The paperless office is still a dream, but the basic tools are in place. We receive mail in

two basic forms: on paper in an envelope, or electronically on our computers. Most of us

have access to e-mail in one form or another. That's half the battle won. The other half is

a bit more difficult, and it can be, and is being, done. All the mail can be opened in the mail room and scanned into the computer using optical character recognition

(OCR). Then a document-image-processing program takes over and lets you

accomplish electronically what you would normally do with paper. Various personal

computer products are available for this purpose. Pen-based computing is coming into its own. Pen-input capabilities are beginning to show

up in hardware, applications, and operating systems. You can't take notes that will go

directly into your computer, and the technology wouldn't know what to do with your

doodles, but it would know that a doodle isn't a valid word. And that's a start - a good one. Multimedia really needs no explanation. There are many packages that help you create multimedia presentations, and the tools to create customized multimedia training programs are also plentiful. CD-ROM disks, such as Ziff-Davis's Computer Select and Microsoft's Bookshelf, let you access mountains of information with ease. Speaking to our computer will be a major factor in the office in the future. In some locations, it is

already a major factor in the office of today. Stock is traded in some Brokerage houses by

verbal command from the broker to the computer. So, you ask your computer a question, and

it answers you - verbally. Depending on the rate of speech sampling used and the resolution

the A/D converter uses for each sample, we can already create a credible approximation of human speech with digitized sound.

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Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

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Netplan Eazy Kit From as little as £ 215

This is not the only way to share software. If your idea of sharing software is looking over a colleague's shoulder, then Netplan

may have the ideal solution. To benefit from a network you only need two PCs. The Netplan Eazy Kit costs just £215 and gives you all the hardware, software, and

cabling you need to link two PCs. And for £100 per PC you can extend the network to up to six users. With Netplan Eazy even the smallest business can save time, money, and effort.

Página N° 40

Page 41: Modulo Ingles Tecnico

Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico

Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

Extra efficiency It's so Eazy

The Netplan Eazy Kit allows PCs to If you can use a screwdriver, you

share the same data and software can install Netplan Eazy yourself.

without having to copy That's all it takes. And once

and transfer disks. So whether you're installed, it runs on all popular

dealing with customer enquires or software.

updating accounts, you can do it We also offer our customers

from the same machine. You can

even send a message from one PC unlimited access to our

to another by e-mail. Freephone Helpline as part of the

Netplan Eazy will also save you package. So why wait? Contact

your nearest Netplan dealer

money on expensive resources today. Details are on the back

like printers. cover of this magazine.

Lea atentamente el texto. Imagine que es un representante de los fabricantes de

Netplan Eazy Kit. Describa a un posible comprador las ventajas del producto.

Página N° 41

Page 42: Modulo Ingles Tecnico

Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico

Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

Página N° 49

Page 43: Modulo Ingles Tecnico

Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico

Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo

Página N° 50

Page 44: Modulo Ingles Tecnico

Profesorado del CONSUDEC Inglés Técnico Año: 2014 Modalidad a Distancia – Módulo


� FREEDMAN, A. Diccionario de computación. (Inglés /Español), MC Graw

Hill, 1984.

� SIMON & SCHUSTER, International Dictionary (Inglés/Español), New York, 1973.

� SWAN, M. & WALTER, C.: How English works, Oxford University Press, l997.

� THOMSON & MARTINET, A practical English grammar for foreign students,

Oxford University Press, 1986.

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