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NO. 13-14/2018 - fao.org · institucionales y sus muy ricos programas de eventos paralelos se...

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NO. 13-14/2018 Previous issues Números anteriores Éditions précedentes Go to your favourites Ir a las secciones de su interés Allez à vos favoris Forestry events FAO Forestry announcements Anuncios del Departamento Forestal de la FAO Annonces du Département des Forêts de la FAO New FAO publications Nuevas publicaciones de la FAO Nouvelles publications de la FAO Forestry vacancies FAO in the news News review 01-18 Jul FAO en las noticias Informe de prensa 01-18 jul FAO dans l’actualité Revue de l’actualité 01-18 juil Dear Reader, Welcome to this new issue of Infosylva! The 24 th Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry opened its doors on 16 July, along with the 6 th World Forest Week, and continues through 20 July. Their institutional segments and their very rich programmes of side events focus on how to scale up the contribution of the forestry sector to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change. (In English, Spanish and French Daily highlights) To this end, FAO has just released its State of the World’s Forests 2018, which urges countries to take action to stop deforestation and to implement an all-inclusive approach to save forests, aimed at benefitting both the trees and those who rely on them. A series of successful case studies illustrates how a landscape restoration approach and other strategies to manage forests sustainably and to halt deforestation can have a positive impact on forests, forest communities and humanity. (In English, Spanish and French)

NO. 13-14/2018

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Forestry events

FAO Forestry announcements

Anuncios del Departamento Forestal de la FAO

Annonces du Département des Forêts de la FAO

New FAO publications

Nuevas publicaciones de la FAO

Nouvelles publications de la FAO

Forestry vacancies

FAO in the news

News review 01-18 Jul

FAO en las noticias

Informe de prensa 01-18 jul

FAO dans l’actualité

Revue de l’actualité 01-18 juil

Dear Reader, Welcome to this new issue of Infosylva! The 24th Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry opened its doors on 16 July, along with the 6th World Forest Week, and continues through 20 July. Their institutional segments and their very rich programmes of side events focus on how to scale up the contribution of the forestry sector to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change. (In English, Spanish and French – Daily highlights) To this end, FAO has just released its State of the World’s Forests 2018, which urges countries to take action to stop deforestation and to implement an all-inclusive approach to save forests, aimed at benefitting both the trees and those who rely on them. A series of successful case studies illustrates how a landscape restoration approach and other strategies to manage forests sustainably and to halt deforestation can have a positive impact on forests, forest communities and humanity. (In English, Spanish and French)

In other forestry news, Michelle Yeoh, a Malaysian-born film star and a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), took part in the High Level Political Forum in New York on 16 July to support an initiative by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)/FAO and UNDP aimed at drawing public attention to sustainable manufacturing of clothing. Forest-based fabrics from sustainably managed forests can contribute to making the fashion and clothing sectors more environmentally friendly. (In English) Stemming from a local project in Kosovo, new guidelines have been published by FAO to help farm workers and forest contractors manage chainsaws safely and to provide them with guidance on safety equipment, chainsaw maintenance and tree-cutting techniques. The publication is also available Albanian and Serbian. (In English) To celebrate 10 years of collaboration, the International Cooperation Programme between Brazil and FAO is promoting a new multi-million dollar project to foster the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in Latin America and the Caribbean. (In Spanish) And don’t forget to have a look at the openings for high-profile positions which FAO is currently offering in its Forestry Department. This news and much more in this new issue of Infosylva, Enjoy your reading! Estimado lector/a, ¡Bienvenidos a este nuevo número de Infosylva! La 24ª sesión del Comité Forestal de la FAO abrió sus puertas el 16 de julio, junto con la 6ª Semana Forestal Mundial, y continuara hasta el 20 de julio. Sus segmentos institucionales y sus muy ricos programas de eventos paralelos se centran en cómo aumentar la contribución del sector forestal, con el objetivo de alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y el Acuerdo de París sobre el cambio climático. (En inglés, español y francés – Destaques del día) Con este fin, la FAO acaba de publicar El Estado de los Bosques del Mundo 2018, que insta a los países a tomar medidas para detener la deforestación y aplicar un enfoque

global para salvar los bosques, con el objetivo de beneficiar tanto a los árboles como a quienes dependen de ellos. Una serie de estudios de casos exitosos ilustra cómo un enfoque de restauración del paisaje y otras estrategias para gestionar los bosques de manera sostenible y detener la deforestación pueden tener un impacto positivo en los bosques, las comunidades forestales y toda la humanidad. (En inglés, español y francés) En otras noticias forestales, Michelle Yeoh, estrella de cine de origen malayo y Embajadora de Buena Voluntad del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), participó en el Foro Político de Alto Nivel en Nueva York el 16 de julio para apoyar una iniciativa de La Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (CEPE) / FAO y el PNUD, que tiene como objetivo llamar la atención del público sobre la fabricación sostenible de prendas de vestir. Las fibras provenientes de bosques gestionados de manera sostenible pueden contribuir a que los sectores de la moda y el vestido sean más respetuosos con el medio ambiente. (En inglés) En relación con un proyecto local en Kosovo, la FAO ha publicado nuevas directrices para ayudar a los trabajadores agrícolas y contratistas forestales a administrar las sierras de cadena con seguridad y proporcionarles orientación sobre los equipos de seguridad, el mantenimiento de motosierras y las técnicas de corte de árboles. La publicación está también disponible albanés y serbio. (En inglés) Para celebrar 10 años de colaboración, el Programa de Cooperación Internacional entre Brasil y la FAO está promoviendo un nuevo proyecto multimillonario para promover la gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques en América Latina y el Caribe. (En español) Y no se olvide de echar un vistazo a los puestos vacantes de alto perfil que la FAO ofrece actualmente en su Departamento Forestal. Descubran estas noticias y mucho más en este nuevo número de Infosylva, ¡Buena lectura! Chère lectrice, cher lecteur, Bienvenu(e)s à ce nouveau numéro d'Infosylva!

La vingt-quatrième session du Comité des forêts de la FAO a ouvert ses portes le 16 juillet, parallèlement à la sixième Semaine mondiale des forêts, et se poursuivra jusqu'au 20 juillet. Leurs segments institutionnels et leurs très riches programmes d'événements parallèles se concentrent sur la manière d'augmenter la contribution du secteur forestier à la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable et de l'accord de Paris sur le changement climatique. (En anglais, espagnol et français – Points forts du jour en anglais) À cette fin, la FAO vient de publier son rapport intitulé La Situation des forêts du monde 2018, qui exhorte les pays à prendre des mesures pour arrêter la déforestation et à adopter une approche globale qui profitera aux arbres et à ceux qui en dépendent. Une série d'études de cas réussies illustre comment une approche axée sur la restauration du paysage ainsi que d'autres stratégies pour gérer durablement les forêts et arrêter la déforestation peuvent avoir un impact positif sur les forêts, les communautés forestières et l'humanité en général. (En anglais, espagnol et français) Michelle Yeoh, une star de cinéma née en Malaisie et ambassadrice de bonne volonté du Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD), a participé au Forum politique de haut niveau à New York le 16 juillet pour soutenir une initiative de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (CEE-ONU) / FAO et PNUD visant à attirer l'attention du public sur la fabrication durable de vêtements. Les fibres de bois issues de forêts gérées durablement peuvent contribuer à rendre les secteurs de la mode et de l'habillement plus respectueux de l'environnement. (En anglais) La FAO a publié de nouvelles directives issues d'un projet local au Kosovo, pour aider les travailleurs agricoles et les entrepreneurs forestiers à gérer les tronçonneuses en toute sécurité et leur fournir des conseils sur les équipements de sécurité, l'entretien des tronçonneuses et les techniques de coupe d’arbres. La publication est disponible également en albanais et en serbe. (En anglais) Pour célébrer 10 ans de collaboration, le Programme de coopération internationale entre le Brésil et la FAO promeut un nouveau projet de plusieurs millions de dollars visant à promouvoir la gouvernance des régimes fonciers applicables aux terres, aux pêches et aux forêts en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes. (En espagnol)

Et n'oubliez pas de jeter un coup d'œil sur les postes de haut niveau que la FAO offre actuellement dans son Département des forêts. Retrouvez ces nouvelles de l’actualité forestière et bien plus encore dans ce nouveau numéro d'Infosylva, Bonne lecture! Luigi Baldassari Coordinator of Infosylva

Forestry events July 2018 HLPF 2018 – High-Level Political Forum 2018 New York, USA 09-18 July 2018 24th Session of the FAO Committee on Forestry and 6th World Forest Week Rome, Italy 16-20 July 2018 August 2018 2018 World Conference on Timber Engineering Seoul, Republic of Korea 20-23 August 2018 GLF Nairobi 2018 - Landscape Restoration in Africa: Prospects and Opportunities Nairobi, Kenya 29-30 August 2018 September 2018 Cool forests at risk? – 2018 IBFRA Conference Laxenburg, Austria 17-20 September 2018 Forests: Interconnecting Sustainable Development Goals to Action. Scientific Seminar Alghero, Italy 27 September 2018 October 2018 Adaptive Management for Forested Landscapes in transformation

Posadas (Misiones), Argentina 01-05 October 2018 4th Annual FLARE Meeting Copenhagen, Denmark 17-20 October 2018 World Mountain Forum – Mountains in a Changing World Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 23-26 October 2018 November 2018 76th ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI) Vancouver, Canada 05-09 November 2018 COP 14 -Fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt 17-29 November 2018 World Forum on Urban Forests: Changing the nature of cities: the role of urban forestry for a green, healthier and happier future – Save the date! Mantua, Italy 28 November – 01 December 2018 December 2018 24th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 24) to the UNFCCC Katowice, Poland 03-14 December 2018 – Save the date! May 2019 4th World Congress on Agroforestry Montpellier, France 20-22 May 2019

FAO Forestry announcements SOFO and COFO Forests and trees are key for a sustainable future FAO News 06/07/18 Time is running out for the world's forests, whose total area is shrinking by the day, warns a new FAO report urging governments to foster an all-inclusive approach to benefit both trees and those who rely on them. Halting deforestation, managing forests sustainably, restoring degraded forests and adding to worldwide tree cover all require actions to avoid potentially damaging consequences for the planet and its people, according to The State of the World's Forests 2018. Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Italian Forests crucial to meeting Sustainable Development Goals and climate change commitments

FAO forestry newsroom 16/07/18 Without the world’s forests and the multiple benefits they provide, it will be difficult to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Forests and trees must therefore be central to plans and programmes aimed at meeting these international commitments, according to discussions during side events Monday on the opening day of World Forest Week at FAO headquarters in Rome. Maximizing the benefits of urban forests and trees for sustainable development FAO forestry newsroom 17/07/18 Sustainable management of urban forests and green spaces makes cities and their inhabitants more resilient to climate change and helps to achieve the global sustainability goals. This was the main message of an urban forestry event held today during World Forest Week at FAO headquarters in Rome. Protecting and sustainably managing the planet's forests is crucial for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals FAO News 16/07/18 Senior government officials from around the world today gathered at FAO to focus on ways to step up global efforts in the forestry sector aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on climate change. "Urgent action is needed to sustain and preserve the planet's forests in order to achieve our global goals," FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said in a video message to the opening of the week-long Committee on Forestry meeting. Arabic, Chinese 7 secrets that forests have been keeping from you FAO News: Stories 16/07/18 For too long we have seen trees as purely functional or ornamental, objects in the backdrop or on the sideline. However, some of their other benefits are almost invisible to the naked eye. Forests are quietly working in the background, secretly cleaning our water, filtering our air and protecting us from climate change. Arabic, Chinese, Russian Smallholder production a powerful tool to achieve sustainable global development FAO forestry newsroom 17/07/18 The gross annual value of smallholder production worldwide is some 60 percent greater than that of the world’s 10 largest food companies combined, demonstrating the significance of small producers, said a report launched Tuesday at World Forest Week. Time is running out for the world’s forests: total area is shrinking by the day FAO News Latin America and the Caribbean 06/07/18 Latin America is one of three regions where deforestation continues, according to The State of the World’s Forests 2018, published today by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO. The FAO report indicates that between 1990 and 2015, the world's forests decreased from 31.6% of the world's land areas to 30.6%, although the rate of loss has slowed down in recent years. This loss occurred mainly in developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia. Portuguese 2018 The State of the World’s Forests FAO in Focus 06/07/18 SOFO 2018 shines a light on the profound interlinkages that exist between forests and many other goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda, enabling policymakers to strike the right balance in actions, investments and partnerships directed towards food security, poverty alleviation, ecological conservation and,

ultimately, to find pathways to sustainable development. Other news FAO and partners gear up for Land and Water Days FAO News Near East and North Africa 09/07/18 The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has hosted the first preparatory meeting for the second Near East and North Africa (NENA) Land and Water Days, in attendance of numerous key partners. The event is an opportunity to review policies, technologies and approaches to secure sustained improvements in support to activities on the ground and foster exchanges of experience amongst countries in the region. FAO offers guidelines for chainsaw safety FAO News Europe 02/07/18 FAO’s new publication on working safely with a chainsaw is now available in three languages to help self-employed farmers, farm workers and contractors stay out of harm's way when using the powerful tools. The guide – available online in English, Albanian and Serbian – presents good operating techniques and safe handling practices for working with chainsaws. It includes guidance on related safety equipment, chainsaw maintenance, and tree-cutting techniques. FAO and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia sign three-year cooperation agreement FAO News Europe and Central Asia 11/07/18 Increased competitiveness of the agricultural sector, enhanced rural livelihood through sustainable rural development, and sustainable management of natural resources are the main priority areas of the three-year cooperation agreement inked today between FAO and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Institutional forestry structure in Ukraine: What lies ahead? FAO News Europe and Central Asia 06/07/18 Reforming the institutional structure of Ukraine’s forestry sector has long been high on the political agenda of leaders here. To that end, more than 80 stakeholders gathered at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv on 5 July to discuss the prospects and implications of forestry reform in Ukraine. The meeting was organized by the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine with the support of the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section. Made in Forests: Eco-friendly "Star Threads” for Award-winning Actor Michelle Yeoh in new UN video “ FAO News Asia and the Pacific 17/07/18 Malaysian-born film star and UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Michelle Yeoh will attend the High Level Political Forum in New York today to put the spotlight on the role that clothing manufacture and consumer fashion can have for a better planet with a new video, called “Made in Forests.” To defeat hunger, protecting agriculture from climate-related shocks must be central to disaster risk reduction measures in Asia and the Pacific FAO News Asia 04/07/18 Governments and other stakeholders must place sustainable and productive agriculture front and centre in their attempts to reduce the impact of disasters and climate-related shocks in the world’s most disaster-prone region, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said today. The warning was made on the sidelines of the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, underway this week in the Mongolian capital, Ulaanbaatar.

Anuncios del Departamento Forestal de la FAO SOFO y COFO Los bosques y los árboles son claves para un futuro sostenible FAO Noticias 06/07/18 El tiempo se acaba para los bosques del planeta, cuya superficie total se reduce día tras día, según alerta un nuevo informe de la FAO que insta a los gobiernos a fomentar un enfoque integral que beneficie tanto a los árboles como a quienes dependen de ellos. Detener la deforestación, gestionar los bosques de forma sostenible, restaurar los bosques degradados y aumentar la cobertura arbórea mundial requieren medidas para evitar consecuencias potencialmente dañinas para el planeta y sus habitantes, según la última edición del informe El estado de los bosques del mundo 2018 (SOFO, por sus siglas en inglés). Proteger y gestionar de forma sostenible los bosques del planeta es crucial para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible FAO Noticias 16/07/18 Altos funcionarios gubernamentales de todo el mundo se reunieron hoy en la FAO para estudiar formas de redoblar los esfuerzos mundiales en el sector forestal, con el objetivo de alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y el Acuerdo de París sobre el cambio climático. “Es necesario actuar con urgencia para mantener y preservar los bosques del planeta a fin de alcanzar nuestros objetivos globales”, afirmó el Director General de la FAO, José Graziano da Silva, en un mensaje en video en coincidencia con la apertura de la reunión del Comité Forestal de la FAO (COFO), de una semana de duración. Se acaba el tiempo para los bosques: su superficie sigue reduciéndose FAO Noticias América Latina y el Caribe 06/07/17 América Latina es una de tres regiones donde continúa la deforestación, según El Estado de los Bosques en el Mundo 2018, publicado hoy por la FAO. El informe de la FAO indica que entre 1990 y 2015, la superficie forestal del planeta disminuyó del 31,6 % de la superficie terrestre mundial al 30,6 %, aunque el ritmo de pérdida se ha ralentizado en los últimos años. La mayor parte de esta pérdida tuvo lugar en países en desarrollo, en particular en el África Subsahariana, América Latina y Asia Sudoriental. Siete secretos que los bosques te han estado ocultando FAO Noticias: Historias 16/07/18 Durante mucho tiempo hemos visto a los árboles como algo puramente funcional u ornamental, como objetos con un rol marginal. Sin embargo, algunos de sus otros beneficios son casi invisibles a simple vista. Los bosques trabajan silenciosamente, en un segundo plano, limpiando en secreto nuestras aguas, filtrando nuestro aire y protegiéndonos del cambio climático. Otras Noticias

FAO y Brasil firman nuevo proyecto de USD 3.4 millones para impulsar la gobernanza de la tierra, los bosques y la pesca FAO Noticias América Latina y el Caribe 02/07/18 El Programa de Cooperación Internacional entre Brasil y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) celebra una década de trabajo conjunto con un nuevo proyecto de USD 3.4 millones para promover la gobernanza de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques en América Latina y el Caribe. Países de América Latina y el Caribe validan indicadores para políticas agroambientales FAO Noticias América Latina y el Caribe 12/07/18 América Latina y el Caribe tiene una relevancia global en términos de disponibilidad de tierra agrícola, bosques, recursos pesqueros, agua y biodiversidad. El 37% del área disponible se utiliza para la agricultura y otro 47% está cubierta de bosques. Para avanzar en la implementación y seguimiento de políticas agroambientales en convergencia a los desafíos de la Agenda de Desarrollo 2030, representantes de ocho países de la región estarán reunidos en Asunción para un taller, días 12 y 13 de julio.

Annonces du Département des Forêts de la FAO Il est essentiel de protéger et de gérer les forêts de manière durable afin de réaliser les Objectifs de développement durable FAO Nouvelles 16/07/18 Des membres des gouvernements de plusieurs pays se sont réunis aujourd'hui à la FAO afin de réfléchir aux différents moyens d'intensifier les efforts mondiaux liés au secteur forestier et visant à réaliser les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD), ainsi que l'Accord de Paris sur le climat. «Il est nécessaire d'agir de manière urgente afin de soutenir et de protéger les forêts de la planète en vue d'atteindre nos objectifs mondiaux», a déclaré M. José Graziano da Silva, Directeur général de la FAO, dans un message vidéo diffusé à l'occasion du lancement du Comité des forêts qui se tiendra sur une semaine. Les forêts et les arbres sont essentiels pour parvenir à un avenir durable FAO Nouvelles 06/07/18 Selon un nouveau rapport de la FAO appelant les gouvernements à adopter une approche globale qui profitera aux arbres et à ceux qui en dépendent, le temps presse pour les forêts mondiales dont la superficie totale diminue jour après jour. D'après la Situation des forêts du monde 2018, le fait de stopper la déforestation, de gérer les forêts de manière durable, de restaurer les forêts dégradées et d'étendre le couvert végétal à travers le monde requiert certaines mesures afin d'éviter les conséquences potentiellement néfastes qui pourraient advenir pour la planète et sa population. Les 7 secrets que les forêts vous cachent FAO Nouvelles: Histoires 16/07/18 Pendant trop longtemps, nous avons considéré les forêts comme des objets purement fonctionnels ou ornementaux, d’arrière-plan ou de second ordre. Mais les forêts nous rendent d’autres services qui sont pratiquement invisibles à l’œil nu. Elles travaillent en coulisse, en purifiant notre eau, en filtrant notre air et en nous protégeant contre les effets du changement climatique.

New FAO publications The State of the World’s Forests 2018 The State of the World’s Forests 2018 provides an assessment of the contribution of forests and trees to our landscapes and livelihoods. The purpose of this publication is to provide a much wider audience with an understanding of why forests and trees matter for people, the planet and posterity. Arabic, Chinese, Russian The State of the World’s Forests 2018. In brief This booklet contains the main points of the publication The State of the World’s Forests 2018. Moving Forward: Selected achievements of the FAO Forestry programme in 2016–2017 Moving Forward presents highlights of FAO’s work in forestry in 2016 and 2017 to put the Organization’s Strategic Objectives into action. During the period, in addition to extensive activities under the regular programme, the FAO Forestry programme had more than 170 ongoing projects in over 60 countries aimed at achieving transformational impacts that benefit FAO member countries. There is a strong need in forestry for coordinated global responses involving best practices, peer-to-peer learning, capacity development, technology development and transfer, expert analysis and multistakeholder involvement – in short, for the services that FAO and its partners are striving to provide. As the stories in this publication show, FAO is committed to moving forward with its members and partners to achieve a sustainable world.

Working safely with a chain saw The leaflet presents good operating techniques and safety handling practices for safe working with chainsaws and gives guidance on safety equipment, maintenance and tree cutting techniques. Albanian, Serbian Other FAO new publications: here FAO eBooks: here To receive a monthly update on all of FAO’s latest publications, subscribe here

Nuevas publicaciones de la FAO El estado de los bosques del mundo 2018 El estado de los bosques del mundo 2018 presenta una evaluación de la contribución de los bosques y los árboles a nuestros paisajes y medios de subsistencia. La finalidad de esta publicación es brindar a un público mucho más amplio la posibilidad de comprender por qué los bosques y los árboles son importantes para las personas, para el planeta y para la posteridad. El estado de los bosques del mundo 2018. Versión resumida Este folleto recoge la información y mensajes clave de la publicación El estado de los bosques del mundo 2018. Construyendo el futuro: Algunos logros del programa forestal de la FAO en 2016-2017 Construyendo el Futuro presenta los puntos destacados de la labor de la FAO en el sector forestal en 2016 y 2017 a fin de poner en marcha los Objetivos Estratégicos de la Organización. Durante el período, además de las extensas actividades del programa regular, el Programa Forestal de la FAO contó con más de 170 proyectos en ejecución en más de 60 países con el objetivo de lograr impactos transformacionales que beneficien a los países miembros de la FAO. Existe una gran necesidad en el sector forestal de coordinar respuestas mundiales que involucren prácticas óptimas, aprendizaje entre colegas, fortalecimiento de capacidades, desarrollo y transferencia de tecnologías, análisis de especialistas y participación de múltiples partes interesadas; en resumen, los servicios que la FAO y sus asociados se esfuerzan por proporcionar. Tal como muestran las historias de esta publicación, la FAO está comprometida a avanzar con sus miembros y asociados para lograr un mundo sostenible. Hacia concesiones forestales en las zonas tropicales que contribuyan a la consecución de la Agenda 2030: Directrices voluntarias Las Directrices voluntarias forman parte de la labor de la FAO para apoyar la producción forestal sostenible y facilitar las contribuciones a los ODS y al cambio climático. La aplicación de estas directrices en contextos locales específicos debería ayudar a generar beneficios socioeconómicos para mejorar los medios de subsistencia locales, a la vez que suministra productos madereros aprovechados que contribuirán al cambio transformacional necesario para el logro de la Agenda 2030. Manual de Campo: Inventario Forestal Nacional de Colombia Con el fin de que el IFN levante información con la mejor calidad posible, es necesario contar con una forma estandarizada, eficiente y apropiada, para que las brigadas forestales establezcan las unidades de muestreo o conglomerados. Este documento es un manual que presenta el proceso metodológico y operativo de campo, describe la estrategia y estructura del IFN y detalla la planeación y ejecución en cada una de sus etapas en campo (actividades y diligenciamiento de formatos). Otras nuevas publicaciones de la FAO: aquí Libros electrónicos de la FAO: aquí Para recibir una actualización mensual de todas las últimas publicaciones de la FAO, suscríbase aquí

Nouvelles publications de la FAO La situation des forêts du monde 2018 Ce rapport sur La situation des forêts du monde 2018 fournit une évaluation de la contribution des forêts et des arbres à nos paysages et à nos moyens d’existence. Cette publication vise à permettre à un public beaucoup plus large de comprendre en quoi les forêts et les arbres sont si importants pour les personnes, la planète et la postérité. La situation des forêts du monde 2018. Résumé Cette brochure reprend les éléments clés de la publication La situation des forêts du monde 2018. Aller de l'avant: Une sélection de réalisations du programme forestier de la FAO 2016-2017 Aller de l'avant présente les points saillants du travail effectué par la FAO en 2016 et 2017 dans le domaine forestier pour traduire en actes les objectifs stratégiques de l'Organisation. Au cours de cette période, outre les activités extensives du programme ordinaire, le Programme forestier de la FAO avait plus de 170 projets en cours, répartis dans plus de 60 pays, visant à obtenir des effets transformationnels bénéfiques pour les pays membres de la FAO. Il existe un fort besoin dans le secteur forestier de réponses coordonnées à l’échelle mondiale en matière de meilleures pratiques, apprentissage entre pairs, renforcement des capacités, développement et transfert de technologie, analyse d'experts et engagement multipartite - en d’autres termes, les services que la FAO et ses partenaires s’emploient à fournir. Comme le montrent les récits d’expérience présentés dans cette publication, la FAO s'est engagée à aller de l'avant avec ses membres et ses partenaires pour parvenir à un monde durable. D’autres nouvelles publications de la FAO : ici Livres électroniques de la FAO : ici Veuillez Vous inscrire ici, pour recevoir une mise à jour mensuelle sur toutes les dernières publications de la FAO.

Forestry vacancies Director, Forest Policy and Resources Division (FOA) – Rome, Italy – 2 years

Senior Forestry Officer (Team Leader) – Rome, Italy – 2 years

Forestry Officer (Forest Policy) – Rome, Italy – 2 years

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FAO in the news The articles do not reflect the views of FAO and some of them may no longer be available on the internet after a period of time. Authority looks into better managing forest resources Post-Courier 05/07/18 The PNG Forest Authority ensures there is credibility in its timbers and the country’s forest resources are properly managed and traded, says PNG Forest Managing Director. Deforestation rate slowed down: FAO Down to Earth 10/07/18 State of World’s Forests Report 2018 says that, “There is quantitative evidence to show that forests are being managed more sustainably.” The report underscores the importance of trees and forests in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, as these goals are interlinked and forests play an important role in many of them. Dress the world in wood, UN says in its ‘Forests for Fashion’ initiative UN News 16/07/18 The fashion industry is valued upward of 2.5 trillion dollars, and employs some 75 million people globally – so it makes good sense to shift textile production from fossil fuel-based synthetic fibers to renewable, biodegradable textiles, made from wood, according to a new United Nations initiative that aims to make forests literally more fashionable. FAO and Norway to scale up forest monitoring platform IISD 05/07/18 FAO and Norway are collaborating to enhance the scope and power of an open-access forest monitoring program, building on FAO's partnership with Google. The platform is expected to support countries in monitoring and reporting on forests and land use, as well as in monitoring progress towards the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. FAO Forest Committee examines contribution to sustainable development Prensa Latina 16/07/18 The Forestry Committee (FOCO) of FAO starts today its 24th period of sessions focused on the contribution of forests to reach the Objectives of Sustainable Development (ODS). The United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) is holding in its headquarters here the five-day event attended by officials of

forestry services and high government officials from throughout the world. Forests and marine resources continue to shrink IPS 12/07/18 Deforestation and unsustainable farming are depriving the planet of forests, while destructive practices in fishing are limiting the chance to sustainably manage our oceans. According to United Nations estimates, the world’s population is projected to increase from 7.6 billion today to close to 10 billion people by 2050. The global demand for food is estimated to grow by 50 percent, placing productive land and seas under huge pressure. Forests and trees: Pathways to sustainable development – Editorial by Hiroto Mitsugi, FAO Reuters 16/07/18 Millions of people depend on forests for food and income, but forests also soak up 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide each year, a third of the total CO2 released from burning fossil fuels. Global forest areas shrinking at slower pace: FAO report Xinhua 06/07/18 Areas covered by forest shrank at global level from 31.6 percent of total land in 1990 to 30.6 percent in 2015, but "the pace of loss has slowed in recent years," the Food and Agriculture Organization (FEO) said on Friday. In its report "State of the World's Forests 2018", FAO said "there is quantitative evidence to show that forests are being managed more sustainably." Improving forest management and institutional structure in Ukraine DevDiscourse.com 05/07/18 The event, organized by the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine with the support of the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section, was held in Kiev on 5 July at the National University of Life and Environment Science. KFRI plans to train Myanmar scientists The Hindu 12/07/18 Researchers of the Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI), Peechi, will train scientists of the Forest Research Institute, Myanmar, on a wide range of forest research activities including seed conservation, nursery techniques, biodiversity conservation, forest dynamics and climate change. The FAO and the KFRI have entered into an agreement for the training purpose. ‘Managing veld fires must be community-driven’ The Herald 10/07/18 Managing veld fires is complex and requires a holistic and multi-stakeholder approach, including local communities, as they are the occupiers and users of land, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has said. Speaking on the sidelines of a community training workshop on fire management at Forest Industries Training Centre (FITC) in Mutare recently, FAO forests project coordinator Mr Maxwell Phiri said it was essential to engage the local community in coming up with fire management strategies and guidelines. National forest inventory started Azer News 12/07/18 The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan hold a meeting on July 11 titled “Renewal of the national forest program and reconstruction of forest institutions in Azerbaijan,” in the framework of the National Dialogue on Forests.

Sierra Leone: FAO emphasises importance of forest All Africa 09/07/18 The Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations has emphasised the importance of forest in its State of the World's Forests (SOFO 2018) report. The report released on Friday 6 July analyses the role forests and trees - and the people who use and manage them - can play in helping countries achieve their objectives and bring about a brighter future. SOFO 2018 evinces contributions of forests to SDGs, livelihoods IISD 10/07/18 FAO’s flagship report, 'State of the World’s Forests 2018,' documents the role of the world’s forests in achieving the SDGs. The report illustrates the linkages between sustainable forest management and progress on biodiversity conservation (SDG 15), tackling climate change (SDG 13), improving urban habitats (SDG 11), providing safe drinking water (SDG 6), supporting food security (SDG 2), reducing inequalities (SDG 10) and ending poverty (SDG 1). UNECE/FAO Report: Wood Energy Can Help Achieve SDG 7 IISD 03/07/18 The UNECE/FAO report discusses types of wood energy fuels such as firewood, sources and users, policy instruments that support and hinder use, and ways to sustainably source wood. According to the report, wood energy provides the majority of total energy supply in many developing countries, and nearly 25% in some developed countries, including in Europe where it is the leading renewable energy source. UN flags up forests for fashion initiative Ecotextile News 17/08/18 An ongoing event at the United Nations headquarters in New York during the 2018 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on sustainable development is linking forest-based materials from sustainably managed forests, with the world of fashion.

News review 01-18 July

The articles do not reflect the views of FAO and some of them may no longer be available on the internet after a period of time. Brazil Brazilian forests fall silent as yellow fever decimates threatened monkeys Scientific American 05/07/18 Researchers are scrambling to understand the virulent outbreak, and backing policies to save several already beleaguered species. Canada Growing Innovation Canadian Architect 10/07/18 The 2015 change in the Ontario Building Code that permits wood structures up to six storeys and the resulting surge in the construction of these buildings, seems to indicate that there is considerable support for larger wood structures in Ontario.

Colombia Can bird watching help save Colombia's forests? Deutsche Welle 03/07/18 Colombia teems with birds, but until recently fighting between the government and guerilla groups scared visitors away. Now, former war zones are fast becoming bird-watching hotspots. And that could help preserve them. Indonesia Can the palm oil sector do more with less to save Indonesia’s forests? Eco-Business 10/07/18 A ban on the expansion of Indonesia’s palm oil sector has yet to take effect. What’s the hold-up, and what can the sector do to improve productivity to safeguard the region’s precious rainforests? Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran attending 24th session of FAO Committee on Forestry Tehran Times 18/07/18 The Head of Iran’s Forests, Range, and Watershed Management Organization, heading the Iranian delegation, has explained that over the course of the event Iranian officials are scheduled to meet with FAO officials and discuss issues related to fighting forest pests and tree diseases as well as efforts needed to be exerted to combat desertification. Iran, FAO have joint plan on protecting forests Mehr News Agency 17/07/18 The role of forests for food security and nutrition, inland and outsourced forestry, key role of forestry and objectives of sustainable development are among the main topics which will be discussed in this five-day meeting. Liberia Watchdogs strategize to protect Liberia’s remaining forest Daily Observer 05/07/18 The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) with funding from the British Government have begun a three-day workshop to draft a strategic plan that will help to conserve the 40 percent forest belt the country has in the Guinea tropical rain-forest zone. Kenya In Kenya, no progress on progressive 30% gender quota Forests News 03/07/18 Talking about local resource management in the context of rural African communities means talking about the specific role of women and gender differentiation in resource rights and responsibilities. This affects aspects of control over and access to resources, different types of resource use, divisions of responsibilities, local leadership participation and environmental knowledge. Wood product prices soar as logging ban cuts supplies Business Daily 04/07/18 Manufacture prices of wood and wood products rose sharply in the three months to June, revealing the effects of a nationwide logging ban to reverse fast depleting forest cover.

Latvia Mushroom alert! First delicious funghi spotted in Latvia's forests! LSM.lv 09/07/18 It's official - mushrooming season is underway in Latvia, so expect a massive population movement in the direction of the forests in coming days and weeks. Madagascar Forest conservation efforts in Madagascar making poor people even poorer RFI 10/07/18 New research investigating conservation efforts in Madagascar says some 27,000 people are suffering from restrictions aimed at maintaining tropical forest. The study, published in the Peer J journal, suggests that people living in the protected area have not been fully compensated and their incomes are affected as a result. Malaysia CM: S’wak will not sacrifice environment in pursuit of devt Borneo Post 02/07/18 The Sarawak government recognises the importance of protecting, preserving and conserving the environment even as it tries to industrialise the state’s economy. The Chief Minister said the government has formulated various policies and legislations to sustainably manage and conserve Sarawak’s forests and wildlife to ensure that economic developments in the state conform to the globally accepted principle of sustainable development. Mexico Payments for ecosystem services can boost social capital in addition to forest management: Study Mongabay.com 03/07/18 New research finds that a national payments for ecosystem services (PES) program in Mexico not only benefits the environment but supports social relationships in local communities, as well. New Zealand National forest policy needed, sector body says Otago Daily Times 16/07/18 The New Zealand Institute of Forestry proposed introducing a national policy for the industry at the sector's annual conference in an effort to help the Government "develop sound long-term strategies for forestry development". Pine forests could incubate kauri dieback, scientists warn RNZ 03/07/18 The government should be cautious about planting pine trees near northern kauri forests because they may be incubating kauri dieback, some scientists say. Norway ‘Norway cannot stop deforestation alone’, says environment minister Climate Home News 03/07/17 Through Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI), the country has committed to spend up to NOK 3 billion ($366m) each year rewarding rainforest countries that meet agreed targets. The Scandinavian country leads funding to save the world’s tropical forests, but cannot do it alone, say past

and present environment ministers. Serbia

Domestic pigs help protect Serbia's forests Deutsche Welle 10/07/18 While in many countries, pigs are brought up in confined spaces, Serbia has a long tradition of rearing the animals in the forest. Efforts are underway to ensure this ecologically friendly tradition doesn't die out. Sri Lanka Forests are vital for you and me Daily Mirror.lk 17/07/18 Forestry being a vital part in the battle against climate change or global warming, President Maithripala Sirisena in Rome yesterday made the keynote speech at the 24th session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO) and the 6th World Forest Week organized by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). President left for Rome to attend 24th session of the Committee on Forestry & 6th World Forest Week PMD News 14/07/18 The President of Sri Lanka left for Rome today (14) to attend the 24th session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO) and the 6th World Forest Week organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The 24th session of COFO and the 6th World Forest Week will explore the contributions that forests can make to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sweden Biorefining has small impact on wood product, feedstock markets Biomass Magazine 12/07/18 A new report from researchers from IIASA, Luleå University of Technology, and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden has shown that more biorefineries, which produce biobased fuels and chemicals, will have only a small effect on the availability and pricing of wood products and feedstocks. Foraging in Sweden's forests: what to look out for and when to pick them The Local 09/07/18 Foraging for seasonal berries during summer is a Swedish tradition that's as old as time. Ready to set off into the forest, wicker basket in hand, and start scouring for some sweet treats? This guide from The Local should get you started. United Kingdom The hearts of oak in England’s forests The Guardian 02/07/18 The Forestry Commission in England over the past eight years has planted almost 1.7m oak trees (on top of those that we encourage to grow naturally from self-set acorns), the vast majority with the aim to supply high-quality timber and all in places expertly selected by our professional foresters to see them thrive. United States of America NASA flies over Puerto Rico to assess forest damage after hurricanes Space.com 13/07/18 Category 5 Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in September 2017 very shortly after Hurricane Irma, another

Category 5 hurricane, hit the island. This caused severe damage and casualties from which the island's residents are still working to recover. A new flyover survey, described in a video from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, shows how Puerto Rico's lush forests were impacted by the hurricane. Trolls stand guard over the nature haven of Morton Arboretum in Illinois, USA Star2.com 12/07/18 The troll dubbed Joe peers out over the Ronald Reagan Memorial Tollway and the suburban sprawl beyond, one hand shielding his brow as he scans the horizon, the other holding a giant spear. He is a handmade, deliberately secondhand thing, his body pieced together from discarded shipping pallets, his hair a tangle of trimmed branches, the spear a ramrod-straight trunk of a conifer that had to be chopped down. Viet Nam Agro-forestry-fishery posts highest GDP growth in decade Viet Nam News 01/07/18 The gross domestic product (GDP) value of agriculture, forestry and fishery is estimated to expand from between 3.95 per cent to 4.05 per cent in the first six months of 2018, the highest level in the last 10 years. World All the forests in the world from a single layer of cells Pursuit 02/07/18 From ancient European beech trees to gigantic Californian redwoods and Australian mountain ashes, new research has found the enormous trunks of these trees are all formed from a single layer of cells no wider than the tip of a needle. This discovery by our research team at the University of Melbourne’s Creswick Campus, brings opportunities to increase the growth potential of trees and possibly grow and produce more wood, faster. Birds get through THIS many million tons worth of insects each year Express 10/07/18 They get through around an astronomical 500 million tons of flies, bugs and creepy-crawlies every year. Such are their ravenous cravings, the combined feasting of the known 6,000 species of insectivorous birds weighs heavier than all the fish and meat consumed by humanity. Forests comprise large part of climate solution but receive meagre investment IDN – In-Depth News 02/07/18 “Even though science tells us that forests represent thirty percent of the solution to climate change in terms of the mitigation potential of greenhouse gas emission, we are only spending less than two percent of climate finance on forest,” according to senior fellow Frances Seymour of the World Resources Institute (WRI). Forests: The greenest pastures? Forests News 10/07/18 ‘Sustainable agricultural intensification’ seeks to find another way, and a new study has found promising evidence that retaining forests in agricultural landscapes can have a dramatic effect on the productivity, resilience, sustainability and social equality of nearby farms. How farms are feeding the extinction of the world’s wildlife Eco Business 09/07/18

The expansion of farmland has pushed endangered species out of their natural habitats. To stop them from going extinct, farmers in developing countries must practice sustainable farming to get higher yields from existing acreage. Indigenous communities practice effective forest conservation, but remain excluded from policy First Post 06/07/18 The world today is in the grip of an existential crisis in more ways than one. The future of the Blue Planet has never before been clouded with more ominous portents. Yet some of its oldest inhabitants and indigenous peoples perhaps have been the best guardians of its natural resources, and a new report only confirms this. It is the indigenous peoples who have “long stewarded and protected the world’s forests, a crucial bulwark against climate change.” Insectivorous birds consume annually as much energy as the city of New York Phys.org 09/07/18 Insectivorous birds, represented by more than 6,000 species, are found across the world in all major land ecosystems. The fact that they are extremely useful as natural enemies of herbivorous insects had been known for some time. Zoologists at the University of Basel, the University of Utah (Salt Lake City), the University of Illinois (Chicago), and Koç University (Istanbul) have now used calculations to highlight their global ecological importance. Investing in indigenous communities is most efficient way to protect forests, report finds Mongabay.com 02/07/18 A new report adds to the growing body of evidence that indigenous peoples are the best protectors of the forests they call home. The report compares conservation outcomes in lands controlled by indigenous groups against those in government-managed “protection zones” in 28 countries. The rate of deforestation on customary lands is half what it is elsewhere, the report finds. Looming water crisis a threat to growth goals The Star 10/07/18 A report has warned of a looming water crisis linked to the massive forest destruction. Forest and Water on a Changing Planet: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Governance Opportunities’ says no attention has been paid to the importance of forests and trees in the water cycle. It warns that the problem will complicate attainment of sustainable development goals. Measuring the carbon dioxide capturing prowess of urban forests Pacific Standard 06/07/18 New research shows that even temperate forests in cities may be able to sequester nearly as much carbon as a similarly sized area of rainforest. Report calls for more attention on global water, forests Xinhua 12/07/18 A report about the situation of water and forests said Wednesday that a global water crisis "is looming on the horizon," while urging more attention be given to forests. "In many places around the world it (water crisis) is at the doorstep, exacerbated by a growing global population and accelerated climate change," said the report from the Global Forest Expert Panel (GFEP) on Forests and Water. Report warns of looming global water crisis The Himalayan Times 10/07/18

A global water crisis is looming on the horizon. In many places around the world, it is at the doorstep rather than the horizon, exacerbated by a growing global population and accelerated climate change. The solution may come, at least in part, from paying more attention to forests.

Repositioning forests in rural economic development Forests News 12/07/18 Rising incomes and ensuing changes of lifestyle and consumer demands, particularly in the world’s skyrocketing Asian markets, don’t come without taxes on the environment – unless we change our strategy, says Jack Hurd, Asia-Pacific Conservation Director for The Nature Conservancy. At the 2018 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit, we spoke to him about rethinking how forests factor into development, if they are to keep giving us the things we want and need. Retaining forests benefits African farmers, new study finds Landscape News 12/07/18 The closer a farm is located to a forest, the better it performs in terms of livestock productivity and long-term soil sustainability, according to a recent study conducted in southern Ethiopia. Additionally, proximity to a forest increases the ability to deal with shocks and equality between households. Some of the world's poorest people are bearing the costs of tropical forest conservation EurekAlert.org 05/07/18 Global conservation targets should not be met at the cost of the world's poor; the first study to evaluate a policy aiming to compensate local people for the costs of conservation has revealed that, despite good intentions, the poor have lost out. Success stories brighten Asia’s bleak forestry picture Business Mirror 08/07/18 Although the record of deforestation in the Asia-Pacific region is dismal, several success stories—in the Philippines, South Korea, India and China—have kindled new hope among environmentalists and tree growers. The reason is not hard to find. Many of the projects feature innovative approaches that may find wide use in the world, particularly in developing nations. 13 Plastic Packaging Alternatives Innovation Excellence 03/07/18 Plastics is one of the biggest challenges the world is facing right now. Thanks to David Attenborough’s Blue Planet, consumers are suddenly aware of the thousands of tonnes of plastic filling the ocean. As plastic is so prolifically used, especially in packaging, brands are going to need to act quickly to find plastic alternatives. Welcome to the latest edition of eco@africa Deutsche Welle 06/07/18 This week on eco@africa we once again travel across Africa and Europe to bring you the latest and most innovative ideas to help make our world a greener place. We start off in Zimbabwe where it's estimated that over 330,000 hectares of forests are lost each year. What you need to know from the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum Devex.com 02/07/18 The aim of the Forum, hosted by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, was to take stock

of the first 10 years of the inclusion of forests in climate negotiations; to shine a light on their role in achieving the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals; and to put forward strategies to halt large-scale forest loss.

FAO en las noticias Los artículos no reflejan necesariamente el punto de vista de la FAO y algunos de ellos permanecerán en Internet sólo un tiempo limitado. Cobertura destacada en Google: https://tinyurl.com/y8c46seb Evaluará FAO aporte del sector forestal al desarrollo sostenible Prensa Latina 13/07/18 La contribución de los bosques para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y a la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, ocuparán la agenda del próximo Comité Forestal (FOCO) de la FAO, anunció hoy ese ente. FAO alerta sobre la reducción de superficies de bosques en el mundo AM de Querétaro 06/07/18 Se requieren medidas que ayuden a evitar consecuencias potencialmente dañinas para el planeta y sus habitantes, según la más reciente edición del informe “El estado de los bosques del mundo 2018”. FAO asume discusión sobre silvicultura urbana y desarrollo sostenible El Ciudadano.com 18/07/18 Responsables de los servicios forestales y altos funcionarios gubernamentales del mundo entero debaten sobre el aporte esencial de los bosques urbanos y los espacios verdes para el logro del desarrollo sostenible FAO y Brasil firman nuevo proyecto para impulsar gobernanza de tierra, bosques y pesca El Mundo.cr 02/07/18 El Programa de Cooperación Internacional entre Brasil y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) celebra una década de trabajo conjunto con un nuevo proyecto de USD 3.4 millones para promover la gobernanza de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques en América Latina y el Caribe. Gestionar bien los bosques es posible y en América Latina hay pruebas Noticias ONU 06/07/18 Se acaba el tiempo para los bosques: su superficie sigue reduciéndose. Sin embargo, Costa Rica, México,

Guatemala y Bolivia han puesto en marcha proyectos exitosos contra la deforestación que son capaces de invertir la tendencia que se vive tanto en la región como a nivel mundial. Informe de la FAO dice que se acaba el tiempo para los bosques porque su superficie sigue reduciéndose Hoy Digital 08/07/18 América Latina es una de tres regiones donde continúa la deforestación, según El Estado de los Bosques en el Mundo 2018, publicado hoy por la FAO. El informe indica que entre 1990 y 2015, la superficie forestal del planeta disminuyó del 31,6 % de la superficie terrestre al 30,6 %, aunque el ritmo de pérdida se ha ralentizado en los últimos años. Insta FAO a los gobiernos a adoptar medidas para salvar los bosques Prensa Latina 06/07/18 Se está acabando el tiempo para los espacios verdes del mundo y con vistas a conservarlos debemos tomar medidas urgentes, instó a los gobiernos la FAO en su informe El estado de los bosques del mundo 2018, presentado hoy aquí. La agroecología, con el esfuerzo de la familia y pequeños productores Prensa Latina 01/07/18 La agroecología se presenta hoy como la solución para lograr un sistema alimentario más saludable y sostenible con el decisivo auxilio de la agricultura familiar y pequeños productores. La fórmula para frenar la deforestación que los gobiernos siguen ignorando El Espectador 08/07/18 Dos informes publicados recientemente señalan que el secreto podría estar en quienes llevan décadas conviviendo con los bosques: los indígenas y las comunidades locales. La leña, el petróleo de muchos latinoamericanos Panamá Online 11/06/18 Cerca del 16 por ciento de los latinoamericanos dependen hoy de la leña, como fuente de ingresos económicos y para cocinar y otras necesidades, según un informe de la FAO.

Informe de prensa 01-18 de julio Los artículos no reflejan necesariamente el punto de vista de la FAO y algunos de ellos permanecerán en Internet sólo un tiempo limitado. Dinamarca Los gigantes escondidos en los bosques de Dinamarca El Universal 07/07/18 En una nueva versión del juego infantil “la búsqueda del tesoro”, niños y personas de todas las edades participan, en las afueras de la capital de Dinamarca, Copenhague, en el descubrimiento de un buen lote de esculturas de madera. España

Investigan los bosques de coníferas para reducir su vulnerabilidad al cambio climático Ecoticias.com 10/07/18 Investigadores del grupo Ecología Forestal y Dinámica del Paisaje de la Universidad de Jaén (UJA) analizan los diversos factores que modulan la vulnerabilidad de los bosques forestales del Sur de España frente al cambio climático. El objetivo es generar protocolos de intervención y tratamientos que mejoren la adaptabilidad de los bosques. Un estudio detecta qué zonas de los bosques de pino carrasco en la península se verán más afectadas por el cambio climático Ecoticias.com 11/06/18 La revista Ecosistemas de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre ha publicado un estudio en el que se evalúan los posibles impactos del cambio climático sobre el pino carrasco, la tercera especie arbórea más abundante de la península Ibérica, especialmente en el Levante peninsular. Guatemala Fundación guatemalteca labora para proteger bosque nuboso y al quetzal 20 Minutos 09/07/18 La Fundación Defensores de la Naturaleza (FDN) alertó hoy sobre los riesgos que amenazan al bosque nuboso, un ecosistema vital para la población guatemalteca, y al quetzal, ave que es símbolo nacional. México Las abejas contribuyen a salvaguardar la biodiversidad La Verdad 30/06/18 Las abejas contribuyen a salvaguardar la biodiversidad en México. Un ejemplo de la conservación y apicultura son los ejidos Mocontun y Pccheil del municipio de Tekax, Yucatán, quienes cosechan miel de las colmenas inmersas en sus bosques tropicales. Saben que para continuar con esta actividad económica es indispensable conservar la selva maya. SEMARNAT promueve protección de bosques submarinos en el país AM de Querétaro 08/07/18 Se conocen también como bosques de Kelp, bosques de sargazos o bosques de laminariales, que están formados principalmente por algas pardas de gran tamaño y algas de tonalidades rojas y verdes. En México se desarrollan principalmente en las costas de la península de Baja California, Golfo de México y Mar Caribe. República Popular Democrática de Corea Concretan la cooperación intercoreana en el sector forestal KBS 08/07/18 La cooperación intercoreana en el sector forestal ha comenzado a materializarse después de que las dos Coreas alcanzaran una serie de acuerdos a tal efecto en una reunión ejecutiva celebrada el jueves 4, en la Casa de la Paz en el lado sureño de Panmunjeom. Serbia

El pastoreo de cerdos ayuda a proteger los bosques de Serbia Deutsche Welle 10/07/18 En Serbia, los cerdos se crían en el bosque. Esto beneficia a los animales, a la biodiversidad y, por supuesto, a los pastores. El gobierno también lo ha reconocido y apuesta por un futuro agrícola tradicional.

Mundo Depredación de los bosques tropicales La Razón 06/07/18 Los árboles, sobre todo los que se encuentran en los trópicos exuberantes, extraen dióxido de carbono del aire mientras crecen y almacenan ese carbono en su madera y el suelo. Cuando los humanos derriban o queman árboles, el carbono se libera en la atmósfera, lo cual calienta el planeta. Según algunos cálculos, la deforestación representa más del 10% de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono cada año. Incendios forestales, minería y desastres naturales: los enemigos de los bosques tropicales en 2017 The New York Times 02/07/18 En total, los bosques tropicales del mundo perdieron casi 15,7 millones de hectáreas de árboles el año pasado, un área casi del tamaño de Bangladés, de acuerdo con un informe publicado el 27 de junio de Global Forest Watch que utilizó nuevos datos satelitales de la Universidad de Maryland. Proteger los bosques para cuidar la salud El Plural.com 03/07/18 Uno de cada cuatro fármacos actuales está elaborado a partir del material biológico procedente de los bosques antiguos. Los laboratorios de los países occidentales importan cada año miles de toneladas de material vegetal procedente de las arboledas más relictas del planeta para investigar sus propiedades medicinales. Sufrieron bosques tropicales pérdidas casi récord en 2017 El Diario de El Paso 02/07/18 En total, los bosques tropicales del mundo perdieron casi 15.7 millones de hectáreas de árboles el año pasado, un área casi del tamaño de Bangladesh, de acuerdo con un informe el miércoles de Global Forest Watch que utilizó datos satelitales de la Universidad de Maryland. Global Forest Watch es parte del World Resources Institute, un grupo de defensa del medio ambiente. Todos los bosques del mundo están hechos de una mínima capa de células Ecoticias.com 03/07/18 La madera y la corteza de todos los árboles del planeta están formadas por una única capa de células no más ancha que la punta de una aguja, este descubrimiento realizado en la Universidad de Melbourne ofrece oportunidades, según sus autores, para aumentar el potencial de crecimiento de los árboles y posiblemente para crecer y producir más madera, más rápido.

Un nuevo mapa subraya la importancia de los bosques vírgenes en Europa Radio Praha 03/07/18 Un proyecto a escala europea, que ha contado con participación checa, ha registrado y situado los pocos bosques vírgenes que quedan en el continente, lo que resulta fundamental para su protección.

FAO dans l’actualité

Les articles suivants ne reflètent pas nécessairement le point de vue de la FAO. Elle n’est pas non plus en condition d’en garantir la disponibilité dans le temps sur Internet. FAO : Les forêts et les arbres sont essentiels pour parvenir à un avenir durable Le Vert.ma 08/07/18 Un nouveau rapport de la FAO appelle les gouvernements à adopter une approche globale qui profitera aux arbres et à ceux qui en dépendent. Or, le temps presse pour les forêts mondiales dont la superficie totale diminue jour après jour. La FAO dévoile les 7 mystères que cache la forêt VivAfrik.com 17/07/18 Selon les experts, les forêts qui nous servent de supermarchés et de fontaines d’eau fournissent près de 50% des fruits que nous mangeons et une grande partie des ressources en eau potable de quelques-unes des plus grandes villes de la planète. Ci-dessous, les 7 services répertoriés par l’agence onusienne qu’elles nous rendent et qui figurent parmi leurs secrets les mieux gardés. Norvège : une base de données génétiques des arbres pour sauver les forêts ID, L’Info Durable 06/07/18 Le gouvernement norvégien a annoncé en juin le lancement d'un projet international consistant à répertorier les données génétiques des forêts. L'objectif de cette initiative est de lutter contre l'exploitation illégale du bois provenant de forêts protégées. Situation des forêts du monde : Les forêts et les arbres sont essentiels pour parvenir à un avenir durable (FAO) Média Terre 06/07/18 Un nouveau rapport de la FAO appelle les gouvernements à adopter une approche globale qui profitera aux arbres et à ceux qui en dépendent. Or, le temps presse pour les forêts mondiales dont la superficie totale diminue jour après jour.

Revue de l’actualité 01-18 juillet Les articles suivants ne reflètent pas nécessairement le point de vue de la FAO. Elle n’est pas non plus en condition d’en garantir la disponibilité dans le temps sur Internet. Belgique La moitié du charbon de bois vendu en magasin provient de forêts tropicales, selon le WWF La Libre Afrique 05/07/18 Sur 18 sacs de charbon de bois distribués dans les grandes surfaces et les magasins de bricolage belges,

neuf contenaient uniquement ou en partie du bois d’origine tropicale, rapporte jeudi le WWF. La provenance du bois n’est d’ailleurs ni spécifiée, ni certifiée par un label de gestion durable et légale des forêts, souligne l’organisation internationale de défense de l’environnement. Canada Feux de forêt au Québec : plus de 200 pompiers en renfort Ici Radio-Canada 08/07/18 Plus de 200 pompiers canadiens et américains ont été déployés au Québec, depuis la fin de juin, pour prêter main-forte à leurs collègues de la Société de protection des forêts contre le feu (SOPFEU). Congo Forum sur la gouvernance forestière en Afrique centrale en octobre prochain à Brazzaville Info Plus Gabon 06/07/18 La capitale congolaise, Brazzaville, abritera, en octobre prochain, un forum en vue d’échanger et partager des expériences sur la gouvernance forestière régionale, a-t-on appris auprès du ministère congolais de l’Économie forestière. Côte d’Ivoire La Côte d’Ivoire investit près d’un milliard d’euros pour sauver ses forêts Paris Match 03/07/18 La Côte d'Ivoire va investir près d'un milliard d'euros sur dix ans pour réhabiliter ses forêts presque entièrement détruites par la cacaoculture, dont le pays est numéro un mondial, a annoncé lundi le gouvernement. La Côte d’Ivoire va investir massivement dans le remplacement des forêts qui ont été rasées pour cultiver le cacao Afrik.com 07/07/18 La Côte d’Ivoire, premier producteur mondial de cacao, a annoncé en début de semaine dernière qu’elle allait investir près d’un milliard d’euros sur 10 ans pour remplacer les forêts qui avaient été rasées. France Drôme : la campagne feux de forêts est lancée France Bleu 05/07/18 Ce jeudi, une quarantaine de pompiers de la Drôme ont procédé à Rochegude à des démonstrations d'interventions sur feu de forêt. Une façon de sensibiliser aussi à l'importance du débroussaillement. La France détient la 4e forêt européenne, mais elle la sous-exploite Novethic.fr 03 /07/18 Pourquoi importer du bois, parfois exploité illégalement, alors que nous détenons l'une des plus grandes forêts d'Europe? La forêt française, qui couvre près d'un tiers du territoire métropolitain, pourrait être plus largement sollicitée car aujourd'hui le taux de bois récolté et commercialisé est bien inférieur au taux de renouvellement biologique des arbres. Tokyo, Rio, Singapour ou Toronto valorisent leurs forêts urbaines, faisons de même! Libération 04/07/18 La luxuriante forêt de la Corniche des forts, située à 2 kilomètres de Paris, doit être défrichée pour devenir une «base de plein air et de loisirs». Mais ce «poumon vert» de la Seine-Saint-Denis est un écosystème précieux qu'il faut préserver.

Gabon AEAFFB : Une revue pour la valorisation de la filière forêt-bois Direct Infos 08/07/18 L’Agence d’Exécution des Activités de la Filière Forêt-Bois (AEAFFB) vient de faire paraître sa deuxième lettre d’information bilingue. Une approche communicative rendue permanente par les responsables de l’Agence en collaboration avec les Directions générales de l’Administration centrale des Eaux et Forêts, les autres administrations et les opérateurs économiques de la filière, dans l’optique de mieux valoriser les activités menées dans le secteur sur l’ensemble du pays. Madagascar Les plus pauvres de Madagascar supportent les couts de la protection des forêts tropicales Actualité Houssenia Writing 06/07/18 Malgré les intentions louables pour protéger les forêts tropicales, une étude montre que ce sont les plus pauvres qui payent le cout le plus élevé. Ainsi dans l’indemnisation des populations locales pour protéger les forêts tropicales, les plus pauvres perdent au change. Mozambique Google Earth a permis de découvrir une forêt cachée dans un volcan FZN 08/07/18 Depuis qu’il est disponible, Google Earth a permis de nombreuses découvertes. Le logiciel de Google offre la possibilité d’accéder à une vue de la Terre à travers un assemblage de photographies aériennes ou satellitaires. Il y a six ans, un chercheur avait fait la découverte d’une forêt tropicale cachée dans un cratère volcanique au nord du Mozambique. Turquie La nouvelle forêt d’Istanbul se dressera dans le nord de la ville Red Action 08/07/18 Dans sa volonté d’étendre la verdure dans la jungle de béton pour des millions de personnes, la municipalité d’Istanbul devrait ouvrir une nouvelle forêt urbaine en septembre. Monde 16 millions d'hectares de forêt tropicale ont disparu en 2017 Politis 02/07/18 D'importantes disparitions d'espaces forestiers ont été observées en une année dans une vingtaine de pays du Sud, à commencer par le Brésil, le Congo et l'Indonésie.

Newsroom/Salle de presse/Sala de prensa: http://www.fao.org/forestry/newsroom/en/news/index.html Infosylva keeps readers informed of the latest news, research articles, publications, upcoming meetings and other events, as well as job postings, on forests and forestry-related issues. Infosylva was first launched in 2005. It is sent twice a month to about 30 000 stakeholders in the forestry sector worldwide. It is available in English, French and Spanish. Links are provided to articles and other materials that may be of interest to stakeholders. Sections such as the Press Review also include concise summaries of articles. Although FAO manages the service, the designations employed and the presentation of material in the Infosylva website do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. We are very interested in your feedback regarding Infosylva. Please send it to [email protected] To subscribe, send an email to [email protected], leave the subject blank and then write only the following message in the text: SUBscribe INFOSYLVA-L full name. Your information is secure: we will never sell, give or distribute your address or subscription information to any third party. To unsubscribe from the list, send an email to [email protected] leaving the subject blank and write only the following message in the text SIGNOFF INFOSYLVA-L Contributions to the Infosylva list should be sent to the following address: [email protected] Infosylva tiene como objetivo mantener sus lectores informados de las últimas noticias, artículos de investigación, publicaciones, reuniones y otros eventos, así como ofertas de trabajo, relacionados con el tema forestal. Infosylva fue lanzado por primera vez en 2005. Se envía dos veces al mes a cerca de 30.000 interesados en el sector forestal en todo el mundo. Si recopila información en inglés, español y francés. La sección ‘Informe de prensa’ incluye un breve resumen del artículo. Aunque la FAO administra la lista, las designaciones empleadas y la presentación del material en Infosylva no implican la expresión de ninguna opinión por parte de la FAO sobre la condición jurídica o el desarrollo de cualquier país, territorios, ciudades o zonas, o de sus autoridades, ni respecto de la delimitación de sus fronteras o límites. Estamos muy interesados en sus comentarios sobre Infosylva. Por favor, envíaselos a [email protected] Para suscribirse, es necesario mandar el siguiente mensaje sin sujeto a [email protected]: SUBscribe INFOSYLVA-L nombre y apellido. Su información personal está segura: su dirección o la información de la suscripción no se comunicará, cederá o distribuirá a terceros. Para dejar de participar en la lista en cualquier momento es necesario mandar el siguiente mensaje sin sujeto a [email protected]: SIGNOFF INFOSYLVA-L Para contribuir a la lista, envíe su mensaje a: [email protected]. Infosylva informe les lecteurs sur les dernières nouvelles, les articles de recherches, les publications, les prochaines réunions et autres événements, ainsi que sur les offres d'emploi, et les questions relatives aux forêts et à la foresterie. Infosylva a été d'abord lancée en 2005. Elle est envoyée deux fois par mois à environ 30 000 parties prenantes dans le secteur forestier dans le monde entier. Elle existe en anglais, espagnol et français. Chacune inclut, à la section ‘Revue de presse’, un résumé succinct de l'article. Bien que la FAO gère la liste, les désignations employées et la présentation de matériel dans le site web Infosylva n'implique en aucun cas l'expression de toute opinion de la part de la FAO concernant le statut légal ou de développement d'aucun pays, territoire, ville ou zone ou de ses autorités, ou concernant la délimitation de ses frontières ou confins. Nous sommes très intéressés de connaître vos impressions quant à Infosylva. Veuillez les adresser à [email protected]

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