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Nuestra Maqueta - Domenico Scarlatti · 2015-07-16 · hecho el relieve de la maqueta. Para hacer...

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Page 1: Nuestra Maqueta - Domenico Scarlatti · 2015-07-16 · hecho el relieve de la maqueta. Para hacer la presa, siguiendo los planos originales, se cortaron a escala las piezas con madera
Page 2: Nuestra Maqueta - Domenico Scarlatti · 2015-07-16 · hecho el relieve de la maqueta. Para hacer la presa, siguiendo los planos originales, se cortaron a escala las piezas con madera



D. Francisco Villar DiezDirector del IES Domenico Scarlatti

Como corresponde al final de curso, es hora de repasar lo sucedido a lo largo del mismo. De

un vistazo por todos los acontecimientos del curso, a nuestra memoria vienen algunos momentos divertidos, curiosos y espectaculares en los que nos hemos visto envueltos. A mí, como director, me sucede lo mismo. Cómo olvidar el concierto de los coros de la Hudson High School y del Voces para la Convivencia de Ciempozuelos. Fue una velada espectacular tanto por lo abarrotado del salón de actos, como por la calidad del espectáculo sobre el escenario.

Cómo borrar de la memoria las representaciones del grupo de teatro con la obra de Shakespeare,

El sueño de una noche de verano cuando los duendes revoloteaban juguetones alrededor de los distintos personajes. Qué espera larga y tensa hasta que supimos los distintos resultados de la participación de nuestros alumnos en el certamen de teatro. Qué alegrías. Qué chascos.

A estos dos ejemplos podemos sumar la espectacularidad de Ilustrarte en la visita de

la delegación polaca a nuestro centro en el marco del Programa Comenius Regio, la gymnkhana cultural por toda nuestra villa en el mismo contexto, las exposiciones de alumnos de Artes, las de fotografías, las presentaciones de libros, los campeonatos deportivos, etc.

Sin duda, desde nuestro centro nos preocupamos porque el

IES Domenico Scarlatti sea algo más que un centro de estudios, un lugar de formación integral de la persona y trabajamos para que todos nuestros alumnos encuentren su sitio para poder desarrollar aquello que llevan dentro.

Sin embargo, no debemos olvidar que la labor más importante no

es tan espectacular y no encuentra ni el aplauso del público, ni la espectacularidad del resultado. Es aquella en la que día a día, con gran dedicación y esfuerzo, vamos realizando en nuestras clases, en nuestros estudios, en nuestros quehaceres cotidianos. Este es el campo de batalla en el que los héroes anónimos, sin llamar la atención, dais lo mejor de vosotros mismos cumpliendo con el deber que os marcáis y, muchas veces, con la única recompensa de la satisfacción por aprender o la superación personal.

Este patrimonio personal es el que debemos preservar porque

serán estos valores los que os llevarán a disfrutar, entender y, por todo ello, conservar el Patrimonio que se presenta ante nuestras vidas.

A todos los héroes del IES Domenico Scarlatti: ¡Enhorabuena!.


Maquetación: José Félix MorenoCoordinación: Eduardo Arias

Agradecimientos a todos los participantes: profesores, alumnos y miembros del AMPA

Saludo del Director ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1

CIENCIASEl Mar de Ontígola �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2Nuestra Maqueta ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3

CULTURA Y ARTEExposición Villa de los papiros ����������������������������������������������������������������������4Ventana al Aranjuez ilustrado ����������������������������������������������������������������������6Comenius Regio Activities �����������������������������������������������������������������������������7

VARIOSCuenca y el Nacimiento del Río Cuervo� ������������������������������������������������������8El Monasterio del Escorial ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11Excursión a la fábrica de Mahou� ��������������������������������������������������������������� 12La Azuda ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132o de ESO en la Nave Cambaleo����������������������������������������������������������������� 13

BIBLIOTECAValoración del libro Maldita adolescente������������������������������������������������� 14Coolman y yo� ¡Sálvese quien pueda! ������������������������������������������������������� 15

VARIOSGraduación de Bachillerato y Ciclos���������������������������������������������������������� 17

ENGLISHThe Assistants ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 18New Students at Domenico Scarlatti �������������������������������������������������������� 21Extracurricular Activities ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22Domenico Scarlatti´s Choir ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23Domenico Scarlatti´S Writing Competition ��������������������������������������������� 24The Making of a Midsummer Night´s Dream ������������������������������������������ 252o Bachillerato Logs ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29

DEPORTESJuegos Municipales de Aranjuez ��������������������������������������������������������������� 30III Carrera Domenico Scarlatti ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 30

VARIOSPasatiempos ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31

Saludo del Director

Page 3: Nuestra Maqueta - Domenico Scarlatti · 2015-07-16 · hecho el relieve de la maqueta. Para hacer la presa, siguiendo los planos originales, se cortaron a escala las piezas con madera


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El Mar de Ontígola es una laguna artificial que forma parte de la reserva Regajal-Mar de Ontígola, un humedal situado entre los términos de Ontígola y Aranjuez en la Comunidad de MadridLa construcción de la laguna se inicia con la firma el 17 de mayo de 1552, del entonces todavía príncipe Felipe de Austria, luego Felipe II, de la orden para construir en el arroyo de Ontígola una laguna con fines recreativos. La obra se

terminó en 1572. Aunque la obra de la presa se atribuye generalmente a Juan de Herrera, el proyecto inicial es de Juan Bautista de Toledo y a la muerte de éste lo continuó Gustavo Gili y solamente al final de su construcción recoge el testigo Juan de Herrera como arquitecto del reyLas características constructivas más importantes de la presa son el uso de un núcleo de relleno entre dos muros resistentes de piedra de sillería y el uso de contrafuertes.La presa de Ontígola se considera como una de las obras más importantes de la épocaLa maqueta del Mar de Ontígola se comenzó a construir en el curso 2012-2013 dentro de las actuaciones del programa Comenius Regio desarrolladas por el IES Doménico

Scarlatti de Aranjuez.Constituye la aportación del Departamento de Tecnología al Programa.

El objetivo.

Con la realización de este trabajo los alumnos conocen elementos de dibujo topográfico y el uso de escalas. Conocen técnicas c o n s t r u c t i v a s utilizadas en las presas. Aprenden a utilizar distintas herramientas de taller como son las de corte, limado y unión. Comienzan a conocer distintos materiales tanto naturales con artificiales: madera, papel, plásticos, metales, fibras vegetales. Finalmente aprenden a trabajar siguiendo unas normas de seguridad y lo más importante aprender a trabajar en grupo planificando su trabajo.Además adquieren conocimientos relacionados con otras materias como ciencias naturales e Historia.

El Mar de OntígolaNuestra Maqueta

La maqueta del Mar de Ontígola se comenzó a construir en el curso 2012-2013 dentro de las actuaciones del programa Comenius Regio desarrolladas por el IES Doménico Scarlatti de Aranjuez.Constituye la aportación del Departamento de Tecnología al Programa.Para la elaboración de la maqueta se partió de un mapa topográfico. Se dibujaron las sucesivas curvas de nivel del mapa sobre poliestireno expandido1 . Posteriormente se cortaron varias superficies cuyo contorno era la

línea de cada curva de nivel y se fueron superponiendo unas superficies encima de otras yendo de las de menor cota a las de cota más elevada de forma se iba conformado el relieve. A continuación se sujetaron los distintos planos con alambre y se cubrieron con papel mojado en cola de carpintero con lo cual ya estaba hecho el relieve de la maqueta.Para hacer la presa, siguiendo los planos originales, se cortaron a escala las piezas con madera samba y se fueron pegando con cola de carpintero.Para dar más consistencia a la maqueta y hacer posible una imitación del Mar llenando una parte con agua, se cubrió todo el relieve con fibra de vidrio2 y resina de poliéster 3.Para dar un aspecto más real se fue añadiendo tierra a la resina, con lo cual se quedaba pegada a ella. Para imitar la vegetación se añadió perejil triturado. Hicimos árboles y retamas utilizando hilo de cobre que pintamos de color marrón y verde.Para imitar el carrizo que bordea todo el embalse utilizamos esparto de escayolista.Para que la presa tuviese un aspecto más real pegamos

encima papel con dibujo de piedra. Para hacer la carretera que bordea el mar y que comunica Ontígola con Aranjuez, utilizamos una tira de alquitrán utilizado como aislante en terrazas y tejados.

Los participantesEste proyecto fue iniciado en el curso 2012/2013 por el profesor Santiago Alba. En el presente curso ha sido máxima la dedicación del profesor Damián Talavera que ha contado con la colaboración de los alumnos:

Daniel Calle GómezRubén Fernández NovilloGonzalo Pedraza SánchezJavier Granado BenitoMiguel Patiño LorenteRaúl Manzano RodríguezDaniel Carrión SáezDaniel Villares PachecoMateo Díaz VélezSantiago Alises VidegaínRocío Cartas FernándezAlberto Couso AparicioJosé Expósito ÁvilaLourdes Valentina Reyes.Hillary Abreu Castañeda

1 Plástico termoplástico que se utiliza como aislante térmico y como protector de golpes en embalajes.

2 Fibra artificial constituida principalmente por sílice, cal, alúmina, caolín y magnesio. Entre sus aplicaciones están su uso como ais-lante térmico de depósitos de almacenamiento, material deportivo,…

3 Plástico termoestable utilizado como aislante térmico y protector en embalajes

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En una nave de la Casa del Lector de Madrid se encuentran expuestos objetos que pertenecieron a la famosa Villa de los Papiros. Dichos restos quedaron sepultados en su día a causa de la erupción volcánica que asoló violentamente Pompeya y Herculano en el año 79 D.C. La villa era propiedad de Lucio Calpurnio Pisón, suegro del mismísimo Cayo Julio Cesar.

El miércoles 26 de febrero, los alumnos matriculados en Latín de nuestro instituto tuvimos la magnífica oportunidad de analizar tanto aspectos de la vida cotidiana y las cuestiones que planteaen la sociedad de la Antigua Roma, como la filosofía epicúrea representada por Filodemo de Gádara. Pues desciframos epitafios de lápidas funerarias y mensajes propagandísticos de carácter político.

Nada más empezar la visita nos encontramos con uno de los muchos bustos que adornaban las salas. Era el de Epicuro y sus frases inscritas en las paredes de la nave nos acompañaron durante todo el recorrido. Aunque no toda la exposición presentaba

In aula Domi Lectoris, Matriti, res quae in Villa Papyrorum fuerunt exponuntur. Has enim reliquias olim propter montis ignivomi eruptionem quae Pompeiam Herculanumque urbes -anno DCCCXXXII ab urbe condita- ferociter vastavit sepultas sunt. L. Calpurnio Pisoni, C. Iulii Caesaris socero, villa erat.

Die Mercurii, a.d. IV Kalendas Martias, discipuli secundae educationis instituti nostri qui Linguam Latinam et Graecam discimus splendidam occasionem arripuimus non solum ad prospectandam quotidianam vitam et quaestiones quas eadem praebebat in Antiquae Romae societate, verum etiam epicuream philosophiam a Filodemo Gadarense eodem tempore actam. Expedivimus nam sepulchrales epitaphios atque civiles inscriptiones.

Mox discursatio coepit, unam multarum imaginum cum quibus has aulas ornabantur invenimus. Haec Epicuri philosophi imago erat et orationes eius in parietibus aularum inscriptas integro itinere comites nobis fuerunt. Ex Italia tamen non omnes res, sed etiam ex romanis Hispaniae oppidis pars insignis rerum proveniebat.

In illo tempore villa imaginum simulacrorumque plena erat. Visitatores enim eorum exempla videre potuimus. Quod tandem mirabillimum ipsi papyri visum est, quibus comites instrumenta scribendi fuerunt: aurea atramentaria, styli variaeque formae papyri, eximio papyro duodecim pedes ex toto explicato inclusive. In eadem aula alterum exemplum machinae quae a villa reperta usque ad haec tempora suscipit papyros explicandos.

Exposición Villa de los papiros

Visit to the Villa of the papyriLast February humanities students went to the Villa of the Papyri in Madrid. They spent a good day there and they saw the costumes and traditions of the Ancient Romans.This place is an exhibition about a library of Classical Antiquity at Herculaneum (near Naples, Italy). It was discovered in the mid eighteenth century and it is the only library of classical antiquity we know.Pupils were interested in what they were looking at. They saw walls taken from Herculaneus and coins, statues, papyrus and videos that showed the daily life of Ancient Romans.On this tour pupils were led by a guide that told pupils some curiosities about Romans and the history about the objects in the exhibition.According to our Latin and Greek teacher, the main goal of the event was to approach several as-pects of Greek and Latin culture.After the exhibition, pupils went for a walk around the area near the place of the exhibition. They mounted on slides that were in the parks and went to a zip lining near the park. Students also went to El Palacio de Cristal and finally the pupils went back to their homes.I think it is a good place to visit. I recommend it to all people that want to spend a good day with their friends or family.

Alba Mª Castro 1º Bach

objetos traídos desde la península itálica, pues una parte considerable provenía de ciudades romanas de la Península Ibérica. La villa en su tiempo estuvo repleta de bustos y estatuas. Los visitantes tuvimos la ocasión de ver sus reproducciones. Y lo más sorprendente al fin y al cabo fueron los papiros en sí, que venían acompañados de instrumentos de escritura, como tinteros de oro, punzones y diferentes tipos de papiros. Incluso una reproducción del único papiro desenrollado totalmente, de un tamaño considerable. En la misma sala, se encuentra

otra reproducción de la máquina que desde el descubrimiento de la villa y hasta hace poco se encargó de desenrollarlos.

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Ventana al Aranjuez ilustradoLos escolares de todos los centros educativos de Enseñanza Secundaria de Aranjuez han salido a las calles el día 30 de abril con el fin de conocer y apreciar el valor patrimonial de nuestra localidad, dentro del Proyecto “Comenius Regio” entre la villa de Aranjuez y la ciudad de Mikolow (Polonia).Para ello, dos de los centros, el Colegio “Salesianos Loyola” y el IES “Domenico Scarlatti“organizaron una Gymkana con el título “Ilustrarte”. El objetivo era acercar a los alumnos de 4º de Secundaria al siglo XVIII o Siglo de las Luces. La actividad se centró en ocho localizaciones de nuestra villa que se ambientaron con personajes y diálogos de la época. El recorrido transcurrió en el Jardín de la Isla (con dramatizaciones en la fuente de Baco y de Hércules con la Hidra), Jardín del Príncipe (con representaciones del Mito de Apolo y de Narciso), Colegio Sagrada Familia (Palacio de Godoy), Pla-za de Toros, Iglesia de San Antonio, Palacio de

Medinaceli y Palacio Real de Aranjuez. En este úl-timo lugar y coincidiendo con el final del recorrido participamos todos en un juego de época: la Galli-nita Ciega.A lo largo de toda la actividad, pudimos apreciar el valor de la cooperación y la más que positiva puesta en común de todos los alumnos. No que-ríamos una actividad competitiva, sino participati-va; para ello organizamos cuatro equipos en los que hubiera estudiantes representativos de todos los centros arancetanos, Todos ellos disfrutaron, al mismo tiempo que aprendieron, en un día de convi-vencia. Aranjuez se convirtió durante ese día en un aula viva de la Ilustración del siglo XVIII.Además, aprovechando la visita de algunos profe-sores de Mikolow, cada centro organizó una acti-vidad de acogida. El Instituto “Domenico Scarlatti” la preparó junto con el Colegio Salesianos Loyola el martes 6 de mayo, para lo cual, y tras la inau-guración oficial en este último centro, se revistió y

ambientó el salón de actos del instituto en un auténtico cua-dro musical, literario, histórico, paisajístico y urbanístico diecio-chesco. En él no faltó la música de la época (minuetos, sevilla-nas, boleros, malagueñas…), dramatizaciones propias de la corte de Isabel de Farnesio, ambientaciones de los jardines con representaciones mitoló-gicas, ponencias sobre la to-nadilla escénica y botánica de los jardines, danzas griegas… Todo ello coordinado y repre-sentado por alumnos y profe-sores de los dos centros orga-nizadores.En definitiva, una puesta en di-recto y una aproximación al Aran-juez ilustrado del XVIII. Más allá de todo esto y de mostrar a nues-tros alumnos una ventana abier-ta al pasado, está la experiencia enriquecedora de la cooperación y el trabajo en común.

Comenius Regio Activities Here are are some activities that our school prepared in the frame of the Comenius Regio programme:

Baroque scenery at Domenico Scarlatti Theatre

1st Bachillerato Arts students in collaboration with their Volume teachers, Ana Hernán and Natividad, and the moral support from Art and non-Art teachers created the scenery and decoration of Domenico Scarlatti theatre, which offered several activities in the frame of the European Project, Comenius Regio. This European project links the secondary schools of Aranjuez with the Polish city, Micolow. This project was possible especially thanks to Ana and Nati, who organized, supervised, collaborated and helped in every possible way. The work done by the students in a 13- school-day period was ba-sed on a study of Baroque art and ornamentation. The elements that they wanted to highlight were, among others: colour and twisted dynamic forms.The students created some elements for this project.They were based on Baroque painting. Some of them included three pairs of Solomonic columns, clouds, and two little angels playing musical instruments. Other elements created by the students were golden chandeliers, the corners of the projection screen, “wall art”, and a table decorated like a baroque table. The last element created was a type of “sunlight”, like the one in Saint Teresa’s ecstasy. The materials used were: EVA foam, wadding, cotton, foam, cardboard, plaster bandage, golden fabric, wire, newspa-pers and a wide variety of paints and sprays, above all the golden one.In conclusion, the students and teachers did a great job, creating a baroque space and making the scene turn into a higher and bucolic place among the clouds.

Silvia Botella 1º Bach

Greek myths at Domenico Scarlatti Theatre

When most people think about myths, they think of boring ,old fashioned stories. But myths aren´t that at all! In Domenico Scarlatti some of the students and teachers prepared a great Greek myth to to be performed as part of the Comenius Regio activities. It was a success! The activity was prepared for weeks and they all worked very hard learning their scripts and roles. Also, Arts students made a great effort and they created all the scenery to make the play look awesome. Colourful beautiful clouds, candles and white columns decorated the stage. The best thing about this activity is that everyone could learn something about myths and Greek culture by watching an amusing play, which was interesting and educational at the same time. I think that it would be a good idea to perform another myth next year!

Anabel Galiano 1º Bach

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Cuenca y el Nacimiento del Río Cuervo.Objetivo: confraternizar.

El pasado miércoles 8 de mayo, algunos alumnos de Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior y Grado Medio, junto con otros del Bachillerato Nocturno, realizaron una salida hacia la provincia de Cuenca. Con la iniciativa del profesor de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web, Paco Muñoz, a la excursión se apuntaron además la profesora de Gestión Administrativa, Carmen Fadrique y Jefa de Estudios de esos niveles: Maite Viana. En total, un grupo de unas 35 personas que se subieron al autobús para conocer un paraje natural extraordinario: el Nacimiento del Río Cuervo, y de paso visitar una localidad no por humanizada, menos asombrosa: Cuenca. Tenían un día para ello y un objetivo principal: pasar un día entre amigos, confraternizar.Situado a unos 220 Kms. de Aranjuez, el grupo salió del Instituto a las ocho y media de la mañana. La carretera les fue acercando hasta Vega de Codorno, localidad donde nace el río, primero de una manera cómoda y luego más enrevesada según se transitaban las constantes curvas que cruzan la Serranía de Cuenca. Precisamente por lo largos que se iban haciendo los 81 Kms. que separan Cuenca del manantial, se decidió parar en el llamado “Ventano del Diablo”, un mirador natural doble, colgado a 200 m. sobre el cauce del río Júcar, desde donde se disfruta de unas vistas espectaculares sobre su hoz o cañón. (fotos 1,2 y 3)

Después de disfrutar de las impresionantes vistas, airearse un poco y recuperar el tono, el grupo continuó camino por la sierra de Cuenca hasta llegar, hacia las doce y media del mediodía, a Vega del Codorno, la localidad más cercana al Nacimiento del Río Cuervo. Allí se orientó a los chicos y chicas sobre varias rutas de paseo a realizar por los alrededores, todas ellas muy sencillas, y durante un par de horas pudieron disfrutar del lugar, declarado Monumento Natural en 1999. Pudieron ver cómo el agua brota de un manantial travertínico, abundantemente ese año, y cómo va creándose un arroyo que escurre por enormes estalactitas de roca calcárea –toba- recubierta de musgo, formando unas cascadas que llenan un estanque natural. El conjunto es espectacular.

Foto1: Ventano del Diablo

Foto 2: Alumnos junto al mirador Foto3: Vistas desde el mirador

Foto 4: Manantial, nacimiento del río

Foto 5: Arroyo Foto 6: Roca calcárea Foto 7: Estanque natural

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Después de comer en uno de los merenderos que están habilitados entre los pinos, el grupo se dirigió hacia Cuenca, aunque esta vez la hora de la siesta hizo más llevaderas las curvas de la carretera. Desde las cinco de la tarde, se pasearon por la monumental ciudad, que conserva un original patrimonio histórico y arquitectónico del que la Catedral o las Casas Colgadas son ejemplos paradigmáticos. Pero no solamente callejearon por la tranquila ciudad antigua, declarada en 1996 Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, sino que también tuvieron tiempo para sentarse en las rocas que rodean los restos del Castillo y deleitarse con el original paisaje rocoso que forman las hoces del Júcar y del Huécar. Hacia las siete de la tarde, el grupo emprendió la vuelta a casa. Fue un día en que todos disfrutaron, con los amigos, de los pétreos y serenos paisajes de Cuenca y alrededores.

Visita de 2o de Bachillerato

El Monasterio del Escorial

El pasado 31 de enero, dieciséis alumnos de 2º de Bachillerato acompañados por mí, profesor de la materia de Historia de España, visitamos la localidad de San Lorenzo de El Escorial. A pesar de la exigencia del último curso, agradezco personalmente esta iniciativa de los alumnos que, en un día de fiesta escolar, no se ahorraron el “madrugón” mañanero, ni el frío, ni la amenaza de lluvia.

Con los ojos pegados todavía, salimos en tren y, con buen ánimo, llegamos a El Escorial. El paseo desde la estación al Monasterio sirvió para despejarnos y poder disfrutar de la visita. Esta duró en torno a las dos horas en las que pude disfrutar de otra manera de enseñar distinta y, por ello, especialmente estimulante. He de destacar la buena disposición del grupo, que demostró saber apreciar la inmensa riqueza

histórica, espiritual y artística que encierra esta maravilla de la creación humana.Pero más allá de la visita, fue un día de convivencia: comimos juntos un bocadillo y algunos se atrevieron con un indigesto postre de “porras” -o algo así- que chorreaban aceite por los cuatro costados. Desde luego demostraron tener un estómago a prueba de bomba. A la digestión contribuyó sin duda el

buen paseo entre castaños y robles que nos dimos hasta la “Silla de Felipe II”, en compañía del sol, ¡por fin!. Posteriormente regresamos hasta la estación más tarde de lo previsto por lo que tuvimos que esperar al siguiente tren. El buen día pasado permitió que esta contrariedad no nos hiciese perder el ánimo y, cansados pero contentos, llegamos de nuevo a nuestras casas.

Joaquín Gómez

Foto 8: Alumnos merendando y disfrutando de las vistas

Foto 9: Paisaje desde el castillo Foto 10: Vistas de Cuenca

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2o de ESO en la Nave CambaleoValoración de la actividad realizada por los alumnos.

En este apartado vamos a comentar una de las actividades que hemos hecho este año en la clase de lengua, la excursión a Cambaleo. Fue muy divertida. Hubo dos actividades. Nos dividieron en dos grupos y cada uno hizo primero una actividad y luego la otra. Una trataba sobre hacer el decorado de un teatro. El decorado lo hicimos sobre una pequeña interpretación de El Quijote. Así que hicimos espadas, lanzas, vasos, un trono… La segunda actividad era representar una obra teatral. En ella utilizamos los objetos hechos en la anterior actividad. En definitiva, fue una excursión totalmente recomendada para todo el mundo. Nos lo pasamos muy bien y aprendimos algunas curiosidades del teatro. Le damos un 8 a esta maravillosa actividad.

Roberto Cebrián Abascal E2D y Adrián Zamora Medina E2D

Excursión a la fábrica de Mahou.Ciclo de Gestión Administrativa y Bachillerato

La AzudaLa Azuda fue construida en Aranjuez el siglo XVIII con el objetivo de hacer llegar el agua hasta el monte, debido a que las aguas del Tajo no se podían utilizar por motivos de desnivel, para el regadío de las zonas más altas. Esta noria esta dotada de una estructura de barras de hierro de 14 metros de diámetro que esta compuesta por una rueda con 12 radios y una corona circular triangulada sosteniendo un total de 48 cangilones, unas cavidades en este caso con forma de pala. También posee un acueducto construido con ladrillos, de una longitud de 87 metros.El mecanismo de la noria es hidráulico, utiliza la fuerza del agua que fluye por un canal construido en la base de la noria. El agua del canal también llena los cangilones para después, al llegar a la parte más alta, verterla en el acueducto, dejando una parte de la misma en el cangilón para que con la fuerza de la gravedad la noria pueda completar la vuelta.Esta ingeniosa estructura permitió el desarrollo de la agricultura en el monte de Aranjuez (La Montaña) y permitió el abastecimiento de agua en las casas cercanas.

Mario Navarro Serván (1º E, ESO)

Me encantó el viaje a la Mahou. Fuimos todos los compañeros de primero y de segundo del ciclo de administrativo, junto con algunos de bachillerato. Fue un día muy divertido para todos. Nos sirvió para conocernos mejor y aumentar la confianza entre nosotros y con los profes, aprendimos y nos divertimos mucho, tanto en el autobús como en la fábrica.Fue un gran día que re-cuerdo con cariño. Espe-ro que todos lo recuerden igual y que no perda-mos el contacto unos con otros, porque somos un grupo muy especial.

Tania Calle Mayorga(Ciclo de Gestión Administrativa)

El pasado 9 de noviembre los alumnos del turno vespertino: primero y segundo de grado medio junto con bachillerato nocturno, se fueron de visita a la fábrica de cervezas de Mahou, localizada en Alovera provincia de Guadalajara.En esta visita pudieron, además de conocer la historia de la familia Mahou y su cerveza, aprender de primera mano cómo funciona el proceso productivo en una gran empresa. Desde la recepción de materias primas, su inclusión en la linea de producción, el desarrollo de este proceso productivo , hasta la etapa final de envasado, etiquetado y almacenaje de los productos terminados.

También conocieron cómo la marca se expande y se da a conocer a través de su departamento de marketing y cómo actualmente ha aumentado su cartera de productos mediante la fusión, compra y acuerdos nacionales e internacionales con otras marcas cerveceras.El día estuvo muy bien aprovechado por todos (alumnos y profes) que no pararon de mostrar su interés y bombardearon a preguntas a la persona encargada de acompañarlos en la visita. Además fue un viaje muy divertido, tanto en el trayecto de autobús como en la propia fábrica, porque al final de la visita les esperaba

una sorpresa. La marca de cerveza tiene un espléndido bar dentro de la fábrica en el que todos pudieron degustar los diferentes tipos de productos de la marca. Los menores de edad cerveza sin alcohol y los mayores una muestra del surtido de las diferentes cervezas. Como despedida se obsequió a cada visitante con un regalo por parte de la fábrica, unas copas de cristal de promoción de Mahou.

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Durante dos semanas, la clase de 2ºDE estuvimos leyendo el libro Maldita adolescente, un libro impactante que nos gustó a todos.Con la historia de Adriana nos sentimos un poco identificados, sobre todo las chicas. Mientras que en la historia de Adrian no esperábamos un desenlace tan duro. Nos gustó mucho ver cómo Adriana, siendo tan tímida, llegó a tener mucha confianza en sí misma como cuando conoció a Javier.Después de esta breve explicación, os invitamos a leer este libro que tiene mucha pasión, diversión, tristeza, aventura…Encuentro con la autoraEl día 24 de mayo de 2014 tuvimos un encuentro con María Menéndez Ponte, la autora de Maldita adolescente.En este acto nos explicó las horas que pasaba dedicadas a escribir sus libros. Antes de esto les enseñamos un tráiler-book, una actividad que hicimos en parejas para que después votásemos y elegir el mejor de ellos. El que más votos tuvo fue el de las alumnas Elena García y Elena Rodríguez, que fue el que le enseñamos a la autora. Nos gustó mucho conocer a la autora y mantener una charla con ella

Danae Castro Flores E2E e Inma Martín Llave E2D

Valoración del libro Maldita adolescenteEl libro de Coolman y yo. ¡Sálvese quien pueda! es apto para todas las edades. Es de aventura y comedia, también incluye viñetas de cómic bastante divertidas.

La historia trata de Kai, un chico que tiene un amigo imaginario desde muy pequeño, llamado Coolman. Coolman, es un superhéroe, y le acompaña a todas partes.

Kai se va de excursión a Londres a pasar una semana con una familia de acogida. Y cómo no, Coolman le acompaña. Allí tendrá muchas aventuras, y una de ellas es por un encargo de un viejo amigo.

El libro está bastante bien, es muy divertido, ya que al protagonista le ocurren una serie de problemas por culpa de Coolman.

Elena García García E2E y Elena Rodríguez Elvar E2E

Maldita adolescente es un libro que va dirigido fundamentalmente a adolescentes. A través de la lectura la autora transmite a los lectores muchas emociones que pueden hacer reflexionar sobre la importancia que tiene valorar a los demás. Nos embarca a través de la mente adolescente.La novela trata sobre cómo una adolescente llamada Adriana se enfrenta a los problemas que le trae la adolescencia y cómo se desenvuelve ante ellos. Le escribe un diario a su ídolo Nick de los Back Streetboys contándole todo lo que la sucede. El libro también cuenta con un muchacho llamado Iván compañero de Adriana el cual está enamorado de ella. Durante algunos capítulos del libro podemos ver los fuertes sentimientos que tiene hacia ella.Bajo nuestro punto de vista es un gran libro ya que esconde muchos sentimientos y emociones. No solo nos cuenta la historia de unos personajes ficticios si no que la autora plasma a través del papel un ejemplo de la realidad adolescente.

Carolina González Cordero E2D y Mireya Fernández Fernández E2D

Coolman y yo. ¡Sálvese quien pueda!

Inmaculada Martín LLave - Maldiita Adolescente

David Coya - El último trabajo del señor Luna

Elena Rodríguez - Coolman y yo

Adrián García

Coolman y yo: ¡Sálvese quien pueda!

Hace unas semanas, durante la Se-mana Santa, leímos la segunda par-te de Coolman y yo: ¡Sálvese quien pueda! Este libro trata sobre las nuevas aventuras de Kai, un mu-chacho que vive constantemente con un superhéroe imaginario: Cool-man. En esta nueva entrega, Rudi-ger Bertram relata un alocado viaje a Londres de Kai, siempre junto a Coolman.

Esta segunda parte de las idas y venidas de Kai supera a la primera con su humor tanto gráfico como narrativo. Las ocurrencias de Cool-man, la compañía de Alex y Justin, la personalidad de Anti, hermana de Kai y las meteduras de pata de este, contribuyen a que la historia atraiga al lector.

Os invitamos a leer este apasionan-te libro, no sin antes disfrutar de la primera saga, que tiene tanta fuerza como la segunda entrega de Coolman y yo.

Adrián García-Gango Moreno E2E y Malena Hernández Martín E2E

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Como en la primera entrega del libro Coolman y yo esta secuela está carga-da de entretenidas y divertidas aven-turas protagonizadas por Kai y su amigo invisible. Esta vez, nos mues-tra cómo un error de Coolman lleva a Kai junto a sus amigos, a Londres. Allí pasaran todo tipo de aventuras que nos mantendrán intrigados hasta acabar la historia. Nuestra valoración personal hacia este libro es muy bue-na. Tiene todo lo que un buen libro necesita: acción, aventura y diversión. Recomendamos leerlo a cualquier edad y esperamos que lo disfrutes tanto como nosotros.

Pablo Díaz-Heredero García E2E y Miguel Yubero Martínez E2ELa novela de El último tra-

bajo del señor Luna de Cé-sar Mallorquí trata de unos narcotraficantes que contra-tan a un sicario profesional y veterano para liquidar a la sirvienta que trabaja en una casa adinerada. El hijo de los jefes de la sirvienta se hace muy amigo de la sirvienta y le cuenta las aventuras que ha vivido y lo que está viviendo. En este contexto sucederán cosas muy emocionantes, di-vertidas e interesantes.En mi opinión este libro está lleno de acción y tiene cier-tos matices de acción. Es un libro muy inquietante tanto para los jóvenes como para los adultos. No dudaría en recomendárselo a gente de mi entorno. Te dejará con buen sabor de boca.

Leonardo Carrera Bloise. E2D

Graduación de Bachillerato y Ciclos

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New language assistants arrived at Domenico: Gavin from Northern Ireland and Monika from Canada.



Every year we have an English assistant and this year one of our assistants was Gavin from Belfast.Gavin spoke to me about his life since he left Belfast and came to Madrid. When he left Belfast, he felt excited and a bit nervous. He was looking forward to living in Spain because he had lived in Spain before and he had had a great time (his girlfriend is Spanish).His life in Ireland was sad because it rains a lot. He had a bad job working in promotion for a fish and chip shop, he had a low pay, he had to wear a costume and in addition, he missed his girlfriend a lot.Gavin had a lot of friends but very few were close. His relationship with his family was really good but he didn’t live with them because he lived near his university. At university he studied Spanish and Ancient History because he found it really interesting. There are four members in his family. He only has one sister who is younger than him and she lives in Dublin. This leads to his parents living alone. Gavin was absolutely more excited about living in Spain with his girlfriend than living in Ireland and he is very happy to stay here.

Paula Herrada 1º Bach

We wanted to know a little more about Gavin´s life in Spain. Here is the interview we did.• So Gavin, What are the things you love about

Spain?.I love Spanish people, the culture and the lifestyle.

• Where are you living? I´m living in Alcala de Henares.

• What time do you usually get up in the mor-ning?6 a.m

• Do you feel strange about the people?I know you so I´m feeling confident and comfor-table.

• What do you think about Spanish language? Do you think it´s difficult?Yes, it is because it has a lot of grammar but I have studied a lot and people have helped me to learn too.

• How do you travel to this school?I use my bike to go to the train station, then I take two trains to arrive in Aranjuez. When I´m at the train station of Aranjuez I ride my bike to Domenico Scarlatti, therefore, I take two hours to get here.

• Do you think you will go back to Ireland?I will go back because I must finish my uni-versity studies in Ireland. Then I will go to Japan or Spain.

• Do you have time to visit other cities in Spain?Yes, because I work six days a week so I have

time for a holiday and to travel around Spain.• Where have you been in Spain?

I have been to Granada, San Vicente (Canta-bria), Cadiz and Tenerife.

• What is the place in Spain you like the most?I love Andalusia.

• Would you like to live in Andalusia?Yes, I would like to live there.

• How do you feel about your life in Spain?I´m very happy working here. I love Spanish people. I´m with my girlfriend here and I´m learning a lot.

• Thank you, goodbye Gavin.You´re welcome, goodbye Dani.

José Daniel Sánchez 1º Bach

What will Gavin do when the course finishes?

He would like to stay in Spain as long as possible. However, he has to finish his university degree so he will have to go back home in September.When he finishes his university degree, he doesn´t know what he will do. He thinks that he´s going to leave Ireland. He would like to travel to Japan with his girlfriend if he has the chance. Apart from this, he´s saving some money for the future but he hasn´t made any plans.In five years, Gavin would like to live in a warm country like Spain with his girlfriend. He will be happy with his life.But now, Gavin only knows that he´s going to leave our high school in several weeks and that the memories will make him feel happy. Good luck, Gavin!

Pedro García- Talavera 1º Bach


Monika is Canadian. She has got blonde and long hair. Her parents are living in Canada and Monika was living with her parents before coming to Spain. Monika has got a sister, named Paulina. Her parents are Polish and the rest of her family is living in Poland. Monika usually goes to Poland once a year, in the summer. She studied Sociology and Criminal Justice at Ryerson University in Toronto. Now, Monika is living in Madrid. She loves Spain: the people, the weather, the life style, the food, the culture, etc. Monika is working as an assistant teacher at Domenico Scarlatti High School. She likes teaching in Spain because the teachers and the students are friendly. When she arrived at Domenico Scarlatti High School, she was so surprised because schools are different from schools in Canada. The teachers teach in a different way and the culture is different too. She will continue teaching at Domenico Scarlatti High School next year. She has a hard time learning Spanish, but she hopes to keep living in Spain. Her favorite food is Mexican food. Her favorite types of music are house, electronic and reggae. Her favorites hobbies are sports: she loves kickboxing, volleyball and badminton.

Javier García García 1º Bach


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Monika has been our English assistant this course and she has given us an interview in which we have been able to know her a little more.

We wanted to know why she came to Spain and she answered us that she had been to Spain before on a trip and she had liked Spain a lot. When she realized that she didn´t want to live in Toronto for the rest of her life, she decided to sign up to become an English assistant in a Spanish school. The program allows her to spend two years in the same school. She would like to stay with her boyfriend in Madrid and teach English in an English language school. To my surprise, she prefers living in Madrid than living in Toronto because she thinks that Madrid is a lovely city and in addition to that, she wants to live in the centre of the city. Finally, she tells us that she sees her future in yellow because it is her favourite colour and it is a fun and positive colour, as is her

future as well. From here, we hope she has a lot of luck and a yellow future.

Alejandra Tercero 1º Bach

In her first year at Domenico Scarlatti school, Monika has had many good experiences as an assistant teacher and also at a personal level. It all started a few years ago when Monika went on a holiday to Spain and thought that it might be a good place to start a new life. When she finished her studies in sociology and criminology, she decided to take the test to become an assistant teacher.This year she has been living with two flat mates and working as an assistant teacher at our school. The program lasts two years and then if she wants to continue with her job as an assistant teacher, she will have to go to another region. It would be difficult for her to leave because she loves Madrid. Madrid is big and pretty similar to Toronto. She has made her life here. So when she finishes, she will probably work in an English language school and at the same time complete her studies of Spanish, a language that she thinks is a little bit difficult. She misses her family and friends from time to time, but she has many friends and a boyfriend here.Monika sees her future in yellow because it is her favourite colour and conveys the idea of a bright future, full of projects and positive in all aspects of her life.

Valeria Suárez 1º Bach

What was monika´s life like at domenico?The first feeling monika had was one of surprise. She felt a little bit shocked. She received a warm welcome from both teachers and students. At first, it was a little bit difficult for her to get used to the new language. The weather was also different from the weather in Canada.She has enjoyed the experience of working in a foreign country because she has learned a lot about our culture. She has been very happy with the teachers and they have made her work easier because of their good level of English. The same has happened to the students.She hopes to come back to work here next year. She thinks that everything is well organized and there are enough materials to do a good job with the students.Although she has given only clases two days a week, she has been able to check the different levels of English of the students at our school. In general, she has enjoyed the experience of spending this year here among us.

Fátima Villarta 1º Bach


This year has been very important and nice to me because I changed schools to study the Arts Bachillerato. I am very happy to have learned and enjoyed doing what I like. I have met many people and made many friends. All my classmates are very friendly. It has been a year of changes: a new city, new schedules, new teachers, new subjects, new routines. At first I was afraid of this big change, but once I started school, I felt very proud to have made the decision to come to Domenico Scarlatti.All experiences outside school have been great as well: school trips, projects, exhibitions and parties. We have had a great time and I can tell you that some of them have been unforgettable. I hope that next year I will be as lucky as this one. I've enjoyed, I've learned and I've met great people. A good teacher is a work of art, the key to success, a good teacher can change your life. This year I've learned that you can approach knowledge from amazement and amusement. Thanks to all my teachers and mates for this course.

Clara González Jiménez 1ºBach


This is my first year at Domenico Scarlatti. I came from Apóstol Santiago School so everything was different. On my first day, I was very nervous because I was “The New”. One of my best friends was in the same class as I

was in and this made things easier, although the nerves were there.When my friend and I went to class, there were a lot of new people that we didn´t know. With time we made new friends and I can say that this year I like my new class. One of the different things about this school is that we have to move from one class to another. I like this, anyway. In my opinion, this school is more difficult than my last school because I think that here the teachers are more serious than there. In many subjects last year I didn´t have problems but this year I have to study harder.So, this year has been one of the best. The teachers are very good and I like their way of teaching. In general the people are very nice, so I´m very happy to be here.

Andrea Oro 1º BACH

Last year, I changed schools and came to Domenico Scarlatti. It was my new high school for the school year. On my first day, I was very embarrassed

and a bit frightened because I hadn’t met anybody and at that moment I thought that no one would want to be my friend. However, when I got into the first class, some students asked me why my voice was so low! I told them that it was because I was very nervous.Then, they asked me why I had changed schools. The reason was that only Domenico Scarlatti offers the Arts bachillerato program. This year I have met a lot of friends. They are very friendly, active, generous, and they help me when I need them. Furthermore, the Art teachers have impacted my school year positively because they have taught me how to draw a lot of pictures, how to correct paintings, and other things that were incorrect. In this way, I can avoid making mistakes in the next drawings. I would like to thank the high school because they gave me the best thing that I can possibly enjoy in my whole life: Art

Lele Yang 1ºBACH

New Students at Domenico Scarlatti

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GETTING TO KNOW OUR HERITAGEIn most cases, we are not aware of the beauty and harmony of the place where we live. Blanca Salcedo, the Biology teacher, had the great idea of taking us on an excursion to one of the Royal Gardens: The Prince´s Garden. We started our visit at the main entrance of the garden at 8:00 am. It is located on Queen Street, just behind the Palace of Godoy. We had to hurry because we only had three hours and the garden is huge. Blanca, our teacher, decided to begin the visit telling us the history of these gardens and the Royal Palace. She told us that the garden was created by Fernando VI in the dock area of the Tagus. Architect Juan de Villanueva and gardener Pablo Boutelou were the ones who created this garden in which harmony and art prevail. Blanca showed us the variety of trees that the garden has. I loved the tree of love, whose flowers are pink or white. I was also impressed when I saw trees more than 25 meters high. The experience was worth . Now I know a little more about the place where I live. Thank you Blanca for guiding us through the walk and thank you nature for making this place magical.

Patricia Rocha 1º BACH

Extracurricular Activities


Domenico Scarlatti´s Art Exhibition took place in Aranjuez at Isabel de Farnesio (Juan de Villanueva room) on April 23. The exhibition lasted from 23 to 30 April and was open from 18.00 to 20.00. The students of Arts set up the showroom on April 22 during school hours but it took longer to create the exhibited works . These works were done throughout the year by the students of this modality. Most of the works belonged to first year students. There were many pieces created in Volume class including, masks based on paintings by artists such as Picasso, Dalí and Kandinski, and books turned into sculptures representing a story or a metaphor about the book. Also, pieces of linear structures and models were included.The artistic drawing class shared all kinds of paintings: landscapes based on color contrasts, abstract paintings, colored pencil drawings... Furthermore, many design posters were also shown. Both students and teachers placed the works by their aesthetic and plastic criteria. The exhibition was visited by many people and it also received good reviews. Now you will see some of the works that were highlighted by the visitors.

Cintia Aliseda 1º Bach

Domenicanticum choir is an extraordinary and unique place of coexistence between

students, teachers, parents, and music fans. The same enthusiasm to sing and make

music becomes a communication method that we all can understand.

The choir helps us to relate with others and makes us realize that we are all equal,

in spite of the great diversity among us, we become mates sharing the same dreams.

Thanks to the brilliant idea that the principal of Domenico Scarlatti, Paco Villar, and

Teresa García Sierra a music teacher had, this project has been carried out since last

year very successfully. But like any other thing in life the negative side exists when

there are commitments and work absence. Although, the humorous

side is always present to ease the tension and

make things easier.

The choir is directed

by Teresa G a r c í a

Sierra in her music

c l a s s r o o m

e v e r y T u e s d a y

from 2:20 pm to

3:20 pm. D u r i n g

that time the involved

components are rehearsing

some of the scores that are

going to be sung in the next performance

including the main theme, ''The travel from Spain to North

America, Union through the music''. This is taking place in the auditorium, the 6 of

June at 7.00 pm (Free admission).

You are going to enjoy works including, the famous Spanish song ''Caminemos'',

the popular Andalusian one ''Con el vito'', and other amazing songs such as '' Balaio'',

''Carnavalito Quebradeño'' etc... But undoubtedly the most desired ones are spiritual

songs, also known as Gospel music composed by ''Joshua fight the battle of Jericho''

and ''We have good reason''.

It is expected for this project to continue next year. If you want to join this unique

experience, make sure to take part of this musical phenomenon, and let the magic of

music overcome.

Domenico Scarlatti´s Choir

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Domenico Scarlatti´S Writing CompetitionThis year two ESO students won Scarlatti´s writing competition, Mario Navarro (1º ESO), in short stories and Helena Reinbold (3º ESO), in poetry.

I was able to talk to them about their expe-riences. Mario Navarro won the prize be-cause of his fiction story, “The thinker”. This story talks about a man who lives in the Paleolithic Age and he discovers another tribe. He was very surprised, be-cause he thought his tribe was the only one. When he meets the other tribe, he shows withdraws to the tribe to show his tribe´s history. This story teaches us the power of greed in people.

He told me that he wanted to write it, and he had the ideas for the story since the beginning. His story looks very interes-ting.

On the other hand, Helena Reinbol won the second prize due to her poetry, called “Inspiration”. It tells us about different ways of inspiration and ideas of people. She told me that she wanted to write this type of poetry and, just like Mario, she had her own ideas. One thing that I liked was that Mario and Helena didn´t lose confidence in themsel-ves; they always had the feeling that they were going to win. This is an aspect which all of us should have to be successful in any situation in our lives. GREAT JOB!

Guillermo Albelda 1º Bach

Scarlatti Writing Competition: Two Scar-latti students won some of the awards Most people consider literature a boring thing which is based on writing, but it is more than that. It is considered to be a beautiful art in which you can show your feelings or your thoughts in a different way. Domenico Scarlatti School has gi-ven a good opportunity to all those peo-ple who love writing and challenges.

The competition became a success. Here, at Domenico, we have two well-deserved winners: Rebeca Lopez and Jacob Kevin Sosa. They are both students at Domeni-co. Rebeca won the first award in poetry. In her poem, she talks about life and how life is insignificant after death. This poem was written one night when she felt alone and useless. As a hobby, she loves wri-ting. Jacob won two awards! One of them was the third award in poetry and the other one was the second award in short sto-ries. In the poem he wanted to show us what relationships are like nowadays, whereas, in the short story he wanted to make us think about existence. He loves using his imagination and creating new things.Both of them are glad with this opportu-nity and they would like to take part in this competition again. So, if they have been able to write beautiful work and win an award, why don´t you try next time?

Laura Aguilar 1º Bach

The Making of a Midsummer Night´s DreamThis year we performed a play at Domenico Scarlatti: A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. Our students did a great job. We even got through to the final! We wanted to know everything about the play.Carmen Roldán, the director of the play talks to us about A Midsummer Night´s Dream• How did the theatre workshop start?We wanted to perform a play in English because we had never done it. Our experiences were only in Spanish and we wanted to know what it would be like. Our main goal was to show our students the world of performing arts.• How was the script made?I proposed Mila Esteban (English Department) to work with a script in English and she liked the idea. The worst thing was to find it because I have never read anything in English and I don´t know the language. I had read A Midsummer Night's Dream, in Spanish, of course. It was funny, it worked well on stage and it had a lot of characters. The thing was that there was a big group of students interested in the project.Naturally, we started from a simple adaptation of the original text of William Shakespeare. Aaron Greyson, last year´s assistant teacher wrote and adapted the script. The English Department translated the new adaptation into Spanish so that I could understand it.• How about the experience?It was hard, really hard. This workshop meant staying an extra hour at school and it was exhausting for the workshop students and for the teachers too.The experience was wonderful. I love drama. I loved to see how the students suffered, how they tried to get over their own limits or how they laughed and had a good time. It´s been a great experience.Despite the fact that we didn´t win, we have had a good time. I also think that speaking to an audience is very good and educational for students.• Carmen, thanks a lot for for your collaboration! This theater workshop couldn´t have been carried out

without your help.You're welcome! It has been a pleasure to help you and to share really good moments with all the students who have taken part in it.

Raphael Sleam 1º Bach


Three different worlds appear in this play: the world of the fairies, the world of the mechanicals and the world of the court.The magical world in this play is very important because without it there won´t be so many romances. There are some important characters like Oberon, Titania, and Puck. Oberon is the fairy king and he is angry with Titania, his wife. This character is played by Jacob Sosa Nielsen. He confessed that it was his first performance. Titania is the fairy queen. She tries to show that she isn’t less than her husband. Titania is played by Nidia Bárcena Póveda. For Nidia it was a lot of fun to play Titania´s role. There are three fairies that always follow Titania. They only do what the queen says. They are played by Paula Olaran Mateos, Iara Rossetti Musso, and Sara Yuste Montero. One of them, Sara, sings a song: "Greensleeves".We can’t forget Puck. Puck is a mischievous fairy who puts magic juice on the eyelids of everybody. He is Oberon´s servant. Puck is played by Priscila Motte Hernández. For Priscila, it has been a great challenge to play Puck. This character has a lot of energy and is very biting. She tells us it has been really fun. She feels the character will be inside her forever.Last but not least, as you can see, all the performers played a very important part in the play. Personally it has been a pleasure to work with them, because they are real artists.

Almudena Cano Soriano 1ºBACH

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This group is composed of 7 characters: Theseus ( Simo Hinni), Hyppolita (María García), Egeus (Álvaro López) Hermia (Edla Altamirano), Helena (Almudena Cano), Lysander (David Moreno) and Demetrius ( Rafa Sleam).These actors have told us how they felt when they started to work with the theatre company "Man On The Moon". They felt weird at the beginning because they didn't know many people, but, as days went by, they felt more and more comfortable. They started to feel something similar to a family. They also coincided when I asked them if they had learnt something about acting in this time .They replied that they had learnt all they knew about acting during the play. When they started to work together two years ago, nobody knew how to act but now, they all know how to play a character who is just the opposite to their real personalities.The last rehearsal was a complete disaster. Everyone forgot several lines, even the singer, Hermia, started to cry because she was nervous. They were really disappointed. But, as they say," If the last rehearsal is really bad, the real performance will be awesome". In the end it was. The performance was a success.

Nidia Bárcena 1º Bach


These characters gave the play its comical tone. The characters were played by 6 students.Their names are Ana García ( Quince), Juan Pablo Tamargo (Nick Bottom), Isidora Castro (Thisbe), Adrián Altamirano (Starvelling),Elena Puerta (Snoutl) and Mariam Sobti (Snug).We asked the actors and actresses about their experience. They loved playing these characters. Their roles had funny parts that made everybody laugh. They also liked the responsibility and commitment of the theatre group and the atmosphere in the rehearsals. They hope to repeat this experience next year.In conclusion, after watching the play, speaking to the actors, and discovering all their work ,all we can say is: congratulations guys, you did a great job!

Sara Yuste 1ºBach


During all the rehearsals, Lysander and Demetrius put their thumbs in the mouth of the girl they were going to kiss so that their lips couldn´t touch each other. But the day of the performance they didn't do it! Hermia and Helena were completely surprised. The name of the company, “Man On The Moon”, comes from the little boy in the group. It took him almost two months to learn one sentence: 'This lantern is the moon, I am the man on the moon.' And when he said it so well, they all burst out laughing and into applause.

Nidia Bárcena 1º Bach


The world of A Midsummer night's dream is a mix of fantasy and real life, fairies, magic, love, comedy, and drama. We needed to reflect that on the make-up and hairstyles.The characters needed to show who they were and all of this seemed like hard work in the backstage.The make- up, from my point of view, was the most difficult part, because we had three main magical characters: Oberon (Jacob Sosa), Puck (Priscilla Motte) and Titania (Nidia Barcena). These types of characters needed to stand out. Jacob wanted make-up inspired by a character, David Bowie, from a film called Labyrinth. He wanted an outlandish and fantastic make-up. It was inspired by Rafiki, The Lion King's monkey, and it was a success. Everybody loved his make-up. Titania was the queen of the fairies and her make up showed this idea. She looked really beautiful. The three fairies (Lara Rosetti, Sara Yuste and Paula Olaran) wore simpler make-up but it was fantastic too!The hairstyles were the easiest part. The most elaborated was the Athenian girls´ hairstyle: Hermia (Edla Altamirano), Helena( Almudena Soriano) and Hippolyta (Maria Garcia). They did an upsweep on top of their head. The artisans were a little bit difficult because four of them were girls with long hair and we had to braid their hair to hide it.

Edla Altamirano Dos Santos 1º Bach


It was Carmen Roldán Montero, our director,

who chose and designed the costumes of the

actors and dancers. Costumes were inspired

by the classic style of Ancient Greece and the

clothes that they wore. This included cloaks,

tunics and colourful dresses. It is worth

mentioning Puck´s costume, which was

made by Carmen Roldán.

All men wore tunics, but the men who were

more important also wore cloaks. Men and

women wore many accessories like belts,

sticks, bracelets, necklaces, headbands and

hair ornaments. They also wore a special

type of footwear: sandals.

Antonio Martínez Laredo 1º Bach



A Midsummer Night´s Dream offered us not

only good actors and actresses but also good

musicians, singers and dancers.

That’s what our singers told us about their


The singers of the play were Edla Altamirano

and Sara Yuste. We asked them about their

feelings when they were on stage ready to

sing. Both of them were nervous and after

the play had started, they were completely


Elda’s song (Scarborough Fair) was difficult

at first but as she was practicing the song, it

became easier for her. One of Edla’s concerns

during the play was that nobody would clap

their hands when she finished singing. The

day before the play was a nightmare for her

because she forgot the song and she couldn’t

sing properly. Sara’s song was “Greensleeves”.

Sara also felt insecure the day before. We

asked them to rank their nerves from 1 to

ten: Sara said 5 and Edla said 25!

In the future Sara is going to sing in another

play (The miserables) from her old school

and Edla is looking forward to performing

A Midsummer Night´s Dream again.

Congratulations to each one! You did a great


Sole Carvajal 1º Bach

The Musicians

The musicians in the play belong to a

music band called CamerataDirindina. It is

composed by students and musicians from

Domenico Scarlatti School. In this “camerata”

we can listen to three violinists Teresa García

Sierra ( the music teacher), Juan Jimenez

Ojeda and Jorge Arriaga Fernández, who are

4º ESO and 1º Bachillerato students .

Other instruments from the “camerata”

are the clarinet, which is played by Sara

Cartas Sanz (3º ESO), the flute played by Rita

Tanarro (3º ESO) and the guitar played by

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A log is a written record of events, es-pecially of a journey on a ship or in a plane. No doubt 2º Bachillerato is a long and perilous journey, so this school year students have been writing their own logs. They have written about their memories, expectations, feelings, opinions, likes and hates...... Some other times, logs were just an excuse to write great micro-stories. Here you have some of their entries. We hope you like them.

DATE: 16/10/2013A day I won't forget.....

A day I won't forget is my wedding day. It was a sunny day with no clouds, and everybody I love was waiting in the church. When the Pope finished the ceremony, we invited him to eat ice-cream cones, but he preferred lollies.

Lorenzo Carrera Bloise 2º Bach B

DATE: 17/12/2013

“THE TOYS ARE GONE!!”, cried the elves

“What??”, shouted Santa “The toys room, it's completely empty!. There are only black things and it smells weird”, explained the elves. “What??”, shouted Santa again. “My fault!”, said one of the elves, “I was smoking in the toys room and I didn't know they were blowing the balloons- Suddenly, everything started burning!”. “Take this elf to the dungeons!”, ordered Santa.

Lorenzo Carrera Bloise 2º Bach B

DATE: 14/01/2014

“My worst present ever was.....”

Last Christmas all the presents I got were good, but I remember one the year before that I didn't like. It was a boardgame, difficult to play and, in my opinion, very boring.

Marcos Mellado Román 2º Bach C

DATE: 22/04/2014

“And at last, the end was getting closer and clo-ser...”

Suddenly she came into my room with a necklace that belonged to Mrs Thomson, the old woman who had been murdered last night. I star-ted thinking about the case. If the old woman's daughter had come into my bedroom with the missing necklace, it meant that she had killed her mother!!!

Laura Yáñez Barnuevo del Sastre 2º Bach C

The lights faded and so did the pain in his chest. The bullet had pierced his left lung and I coughed frantically, fighting to breathe. The man in the brown coat walked to his car in the middle of the empty alley as he hid the gun.If only I had never met him....A young man died that night while a car disap-peared in the fog, his dreams drowning in his own blood.“At last, the end is getting closer”, was his last thought.

Yolanda Martín García 2º Bach C

DATE: 07/05/2014

“What's done, is done”

W. Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act III, SceneII

You cannot change the past, so it's useless to get obsessed with it. The only thing you can do is to learn about it and not to make the same mistakes again. You must not forget it, though: Remembering what you have done is the only way to learn.

Yolanda Martín García 2º Bach C

Sometimes we act and we don't think about how we act. We only act for some reason like anger, love or thirst of power. But later, we think about it and we realise that it is too late to regret it. Sometimes we can apologize and say “sorry” to the other person, but we can't always do that. This sentence is from Macbeth, by William Shakes-peare. Macbeth couldn't go back when he killed the king and Banquo, but he regretted it. Because we can't always apologize, we should think about things and about our acts before ac-ting.

Saray Villarino Becerra 2º Bach B

If you made a decision in the past, you have to be responsible for your choice. Whether it was good for you or whether it wasn't, you have done it and you can't change the past. Therefore, you have to take your responsibility for the result whatever it was.

Laura Yáñez Barnuevo del Sastre 2º Bach C

I think that, if you decide to do something and you do it, you must accept later what you have done and continue with your life. If you spend your days thinking about what you did, you can't continue with other important things in your life. So, forget about it and think about better things that you can do.

Africa Cobos Gómez 2º Bach

2o Bachillerato Logs

Andrés Sánchez Robleño, who was a student

at Domenico Scarlatti and now is playing in

the camerata.

Sometimes, this camerata has other

students who help them to play in some

shows and events. The students are Helio

Santos Serrano, Sergio Rocamora Jiménez

and Tasio Sánchez Rubio. They play the

drums and the sound effects in the play, ‘A

Midsummer Night’s Dream’.

The camerata started in 2009 because they

loved music and they wanted to create a

band which could be open to all students

interested in playing music with their

instruments or even performing with their


The band practices in their free time. Their

goal is to play for all of us music composed

by Bach, Telemann, Boccherini, Fauré… and

more types of music!

Jorge Arriaga 1º Bach

Domenico Scarlatti dancers

The group of dancers is composed of 7 girls

from 1 and 2 ESO: Andrea, Inés, Laura, Esther,

Xiao, Oneyda and Marta. it´s been a great

experience for these young dancers. The

dances in the play were Greek. They were a

bit difficult because the rhythm was very

quick and they had to move their feet really

fast. There were some problems with the

slippery floor too. In fact, they had to put

lacquer on their shoes.

The girls would like to keep dancing next

year because they love it. One of the keys to

their success is that they get along well and

they have no problems between them.

They were directed by Paqui Sánchez. She had

been teaching the girls and helping them.

She loves everything related to dancing and

singing although for her all of this has been

a challenge because she had never taught

it. She wants to repeat the experience next


She is delighted with the girls because they

have not had any problems and they were

always willing to come to the rehearsals

even though they had exams or there were

extra-rehearsals. She would like to thank

Carmen for trusting her, Teresa and Mila for

embracing her as well and of course the girls

for the fun and good things she has learnt

from them.

Blanca Casado 1º Bach

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El IES Domenico Scartlatti y su AMPA han organizado el próximo 20 de junio a las 9.30 de la mañana la III Carrera IES Domenico Scarlatti en el Jardín del Príncipe de Aranjuez. Pueden participar todos los miembros de la comunidad escolar, alumnos, padres, profesores, personal laboral y antiguos alumnos y profesores del centro. La inscripción es gratuita.

Habrá dos recorridos, uno corto de 3Km y otro largo de 5Km. Ambas partirán de la puerta principal del Jardín del Príncipe. Para los alumnos de 1º y 2º de ESO la participación será obligatoria, pudiendo elegir entre uno u otro recorrido. Habrá un premio para los tres primeros clasificados femeninos y otros tres para los masculinos de cada recorrido.

Pasatiempos¿A cuantos personajes famosos reconoces?

Un año más, nuestros alumnos y alumnas, han participado con esfuerzo y deportividad en las diferentes modalidades en los Juegos Escolares de la localidad.

La alcaldesa de Aranjuez Doña MªJosé Martínez entregó al director del centro Don Francisco J.R.Villar una placa conmemorativa agradeciendo la participación a nuestros deportistas.

Este año hemos ampliado nuestro medallero siendo campeones en Baloncesto Infantil Femenino, subcampeones en Fútbol 7 Infantil y terceros en Baloncesto Cadete Masculino y Fútbol Sala Junior.

Como colofón, la participación en el desfile en el estadio “El Deleite” del cual nos queda este recuerdo.

Juegos Municipales de AranjuezParticipación de nuestro Centro en la XXXVI edición.

III Carrera Domenico Scarlatti

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