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Oracion tipos (1)

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Page 2: Oracion tipos (1)

La 0ración

Una oración es un grupo de

palabras que se componen por un

sujeto y un predicado. Algunas

veces el sujeto se sobreentiende,

como por ejemplo en el comando:

"[You] go next door and get a

cup of sugar."

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Tipos de oración

En cuanto a los tipos deoraciones de acuerdo a la actitud delhablante, éstas se clasifican endeclarativas ( se utilizan con muchafrecuencia), interrogativas (las querealizan una pregunta, "What's yourname?"), exclamativas ("There's afire in the kitchen!"), e imperativas("Don't drink that!"). Tipos

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Tipos de oración

• De acuerdo a su composición:

• Oración simple (O.S)

• S+V+C

• Oración compuesta (O.C)

• O.S+Enlace+O.S.

• Oración compleja (O.CJ)

• O.C+Enlace+ O.S.

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Oración simple (O.S.)

Es un grupo de palabras

que se componen por un

sujeto, un verbo y un

predicado, es llamada cláusula

tambièn. Se le considera una

oración simple porque tiene un

solo verbo, por ejemplo:

“The teacher explained the

test. The students didn't

listen to the instructions.

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Oración compuesta (O.C)

Oración coordinada.

Se pueden unir dos cláusulas

independientes al colocar una coma en el

medio de ellas o a través de una conjunción

coordinada, como por ejemplo:

“The teacher explained the test, but the

students didn't pay attention”

Las oraciones compuestas tienen dos o

más verbos y tienen sentido completo, es

decir, no depende una de la otra. Pueden estar

unidas por el conector de adición and, o por

for, or, yet, but, nor, so. Ejemplo: “I tried to

speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak


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• For: The child hid behind his mother`s skirt, for

(because) he was afraid of the dog.

• Let's go to the hospital today, for it's necessary

in our preparation as future doctors.

• Or: Susan washed her hands or her face.

• Yet y But: : He did no study, yet (but) he

passed the exam.

• Nor: That book is neither interesting nor bored

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Cuando están dos oraciones simples unidas por “o, u” (or)

también podrían ser una oración compleja.

La oración compleja (O.CJ)

• Una oraciòn compleja tiene una oraciònindependiente unida a una o dos màsdependientes de la primera. Una oraciòncompleja tiene siempre un subordinadorcomo: because, since, after, although, owhen o un pronombre relativo como that,who, where or which. Ejemplo:

• “ The teacher returned thehomework after she noticed theerror. ““ The students are studying becausethey have a test tomorrow.”

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La oración compleja (O.CJ)

• Algunos ejemplos de conjunciones

subordinadas son:

• after, (después), because (porque)

• since (desde), whenever ( siempre que),

• although (a pesar de ), before (antes),

unless ( a no ser que/ a menos que ),

whereas (mientras),

• as (if)(como si) , until ( hasta),

• while (mientras).

El orden de las oraciones no cambia el significado, solo

cambia la puntuación.

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• After I ate dinner, I took a walk.

• I took a walk after I ate dinner.

• Because he was sleepy, he went to bed

• He went to bed because he was sleepy,

• Since he left this morning, I haven`t seen him.

• I haven`t seen him since he left this morning,

• Whenever I see her, I say hello.

• I say hello whenever I see her.

• Although it was cold, I went swimming.

• I will leave before he comes.

• Unless it`s cold, I`ll go swimming tomorrow.

• Mary is rich, whereas Jhon is poor

• It looks as if it is going to rain.

• Until we finished our work, we stayed there.

• While I was walking to class, I ran into an old man

• Lemon tree . The reason


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Diferencias entre las oraciones

Oración Simple Oración Compuesta Oración Compleja

Tiene un sujeto, un

verbo y un predicado

La componen dos O.S. Puede tener dos y más

O.S. y O.C.

No tienen conectores. Tiene palabras de

enlace: and, for, or, yet,

but, nor, so

because, since, after,

although, when, that,

who, where or which,

after, since, whenever,

although, before,

unless , whereas, as (if),

until , unless y while.

-- La puntuación puede

unir dos oraciones sin

necesidad de conector.

La puntuación puede

unir dos y más

oraciones sin

necesidad de conector.

Es independiente. Ambas oraciones son


Una oración

independiente y una

oración dependiente de

la primera.

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Organic food is very popular. It is also

expensive. Some organic food costs twice

as much as non-organic food. New

parents and pet owners pay up to 200

percent more for organic food.

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Continúa O.S

O. S.

O. S.


O. S.

O. S.

Organic food is very popular. It is also

expensive. Some organic food costs twice

as much as non-organic food. New

parents AND pet owners pay up to 200

percent more for organic food.

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Some people think organic food is a waste

of money. There is one main difference

between organic and non-organic food.

Organic farms do not use agricultural

chemicals, such as pesticides. In many

countries organic foods have special labels.

These guarantee that the products are


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O. S.

O. S.



Continuación O.C


Continuación O. CJ

O. S.

O. S.

Some people think organic food is a waste

of money. There is one main difference

between organic AND non-organic food.

Organic farms do not use agricultural

chemicals, such as pesticides. In many

countries organic foods have special labels.

These guarantee THAT the products are


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Are Cell Phones Dangerous?

Do you think cell phones are bad for your health?

Find out why some health professionals

are worried about cell phone use.

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Are Cell Phones Dangerous?

O. C

Continuación O. C

O. C

Do you think cell phones are bad for your health?

Find out why some health professionals are

worried about cell phone use.

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The main problem with the current research is that

mobile phones have only been popular since the 1990s.

As a result, it is impossible to study the long term exposure

of cell phone use. This concerns many health

professionals who point out that many cancers take at

least 10 years to develop.

Another concern about these studies is that many have

been funded by those who benefit financially from the cell

phone industry.

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The main problem with the current research is THAT

mobile phones have only been popular since the 1990s.

As a result, it is impossible to study the long term

exposure of cell phone use.

This concerns many health professionals WHO point out

THAT many cancers take at least 10 years to develop.

Another concern about these studies is THAT many have

been funded by those WHO benefit financially from the

cell phone industry.

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The Human Respiratory System

1. Includes 16. Lungs

2. Pathways 17.Outside

3. Environment 18. Enters

4. Involved 19. nose

5. Warmed 20.passed

6. Filtered 21. Epiglottis

7. Through 22.Tissue

8.nasal cavity 23.Bronchi

9. Pharynx


11. across

12. Chest


14. Ribs

15. clusters

( ) Costillas ( ) Epiglotis

( ) Abarca ( ) Laringe

( ) Incluir ( ) Ambiente

( ) Entrar ( ) Faringe

( )Tejido ( ) Nariz

( ) Pasar ( ) A través

( )Cavidad nasal

( ) Filtrar, filtrado

( ) Calentado

( ) Pecho ( ) Fuera, afuera

( ) Atravesar ( ) Bronquios

( ) Epitelio ( )Pulmones

( )Grupos ( ) Senderos, vias

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The Human Respiratory System

This system includes the lungs, pathways

connecting them to the outside environment, and

structures in the chest involved with moving air in and

out of the lungs.

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The Human Respiratory System





Toda es una O.C

This system includes the lungs,

pathways connecting them to the outside environment,

and structures in the chest involved with moving air in

and out of the lungs.

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Air enters the body through the nose, is warmed,

filtered, and passed through the nasal cavity. Air passes the

pharynx (which has the epiglottis that prevents food from

entering the trachea).

The upper part of the trachea contains the larynx. The

vocal cords are two bands of tissue that extend across the

opening of the larynx. After passing the larynx, the air

moves into the bronchi that carry air in and out of the lungs.

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Air enters the body through the nose, is warmed,

filtered, and passed through the nasal cavity.

Air passes the pharynx (which has the epiglottis that

prevents food from entering the trachea).

The upper part of the trachea contains the larynx.

The vocal cords are two bands of tissue that extend across

the opening of the larynx.

After passing the larynx, the air moves into the bronchi that

carry air in and out of the lungs.

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• Bronchi are reinforced to prevent their collapse and are

lined with ciliated epithelium and mucus-producing cells.

Bronchi branch into smaller and smaller tubes known as

bronchioles. Bronchioles terminate in grape-like sac

clusters known as alveoli.

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• Bronchi are reinforced to prevent their collapse and are

lined with ciliated epithelium and mucus-producing cells.

Bronchi branch into smaller and smaller tubes known as


Bronchioles terminate in grape-like sac clusters known

as alveoli.

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Modificadores de la oración

Los modificadores son palabras que

acompañan al sujeto, al verbo, al

adjetivo o a otro adverbio para agregar

algo a su significado.

Tipos de modificadores:

- Adjetival

- Adverbial

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Modificador Adjetival (adjetivo)

• Acompañan al sujeto, al verbo, al adjetivo

o a otro adverbio. Cuando acompañan al

sujetos concuerdan con el género y

número. Ejemplo:

“Their tired bodys walked until the


Tired es el adjetivo modificador


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Modificador Adverbial (adverbial)

• Acompañan al sujeto, al verbo, al adjetivo

o a otro adverbio . Ejemplo:

“Their tired bodys walked until the end

difficulty ”

Difficulty es el abverbio modificador


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Understanding Trunk Anatomy

• To begin a discussion on the bones of the trunk, we

have to start with the spinal column, which is the basis or

core for our entire body. The bones that form the spinal

column are the cervical vertebrae (neck), the thoracic

vertebrae (upper back to midback), and the lumbar

vertebrae (low back). Sandwiched between vertebrae

are the intervertebral discs that provide shock absorption

and stability to the spinal column. These discs can

become injured and cause significant pain and disability.

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• The top of the spinal column is attached to the skull, and

the lower end of the column attaches to the sacrum and

coccyx. The sacrum is encircled by the pelvis, which has

a receptacle on each side for the head of the femur

(thigh bone). The ribs attach to the thoracic vertebrae in

the back and the sternum in the front. However, some

ribs are called false or floating ribs, because they do not

attach directly to the sternum but attach by cartilage to

the other ribs to help form the entire rib cage

Read more: http://www.healthline.com/hlbook/strt-


Healthline.com - Connect to Better Health

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• Organic food is very popular.

• It is also expensive. Some organic food

costs twice as much as non-organic food.

• Modificador tipo: Adjetivo

• Modificador tipo: Adverbial

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• Some people think organic food is a waste of

money. There is one main difference between

organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do

not use agricultural chemicals, such as

pesticides. In many countries organic foods

have special labels. These guarantee that the

products are natural.

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• Some people think organic food is a waste of

money. There is one main difference between

organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do

not use agricultural chemicals, such as

pesticides. In many countries organic foods have

special labels. These guarantee that the products

are natural.

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• Some people think organic means locally grown.

Originally this was true.

• Over time organic farming became more difficult.

The demand for organic food grew larger than

the supply. Small companies had to sell out to

large companies.

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• Some people think organic means locally grown.

Originally this was true.

• Over time organic farming became more difficult.

The demand for organic food grew larger than

the supply. Small companies had to sell out to

large companies.
