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PAG 3-7 ingles - sener.es · Ricardo Lacruz, Lope Seco, Pablo Querol, Ángel Fernández Llata,...

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Page 1: PAG 3-7 ingles - sener.es · Ricardo Lacruz, Lope Seco, Pablo Querol, Ángel Fernández Llata, Ramón Vilardell, Gorka González, Luis Mª San Martín, Fernando Mosquera, J.R. Bartolomé,
Page 2: PAG 3-7 ingles - sener.es · Ricardo Lacruz, Lope Seco, Pablo Querol, Ángel Fernández Llata, Ramón Vilardell, Gorka González, Luis Mª San Martín, Fernando Mosquera, J.R. Bartolomé,



CorporateSpaceAeronautics and vehiclesControl and Actuation SystemsPower and ProcessCivilArchitectureMarine



In Brief






Large movable mirrors structures forsolar thermal power plants


ArticleSENER celebrates its 50th anniversary



InterviewJorge Sendagorta, SENER President



Luis Bazán, Juan Seijas, Luis Vázquez, Sergi Ametller, Jose Mª Fernandez Ibarz, Ignacio Santos, Eduardo Urgoiti, CarlosCompostizo, Manolo Rodríguez, Jose Mª Jiménez Torrecilla, Carlos Ramos, Felix David Hernandez, Sergio Aladrén, RosaSacristán, Jesús Mª Lata, Amador López Pina, Rafa Rebolo, Luis Vázquez, Daniel Schmitt, Roberto Felipe, Arturo Olivé,Ricardo Lacruz, Lope Seco, Pablo Querol, Ángel Fernández Llata, Ramón Vilardell, Gorka González, Luis Mª San Martín,Fernando Mosquera, J.R. Bartolomé, Alfredo Arnedo, María Ugarte, J.A. Gómez Tabarra, Antonio Rodríguez, AlexisSánchez, Fernando Sánchez Jiménez, Antonio Valderrama, Francisco Soria, Juan Carlos Salas, Fernando Suárez Mejido,Ignacio Ortega Basagoiti, Mirko Tomán, Miguel Domingo Osle, Juan Francisco Paz.

Published by Corporate Communication Departament of SENEREdit staff: Begoña Francoy, Carolina Tébar, Antonia Gutiérrez,Sonia Calvo, Olivia Cid.Photographic documentation: Carolina Tébar.Layout: Miriam Hernanz Rasero.Advertising: Lourdes Olabarría.Legal deposit number 1804. Imprenta Garcinuño.

Page 3: PAG 3-7 ingles - sener.es · Ricardo Lacruz, Lope Seco, Pablo Querol, Ángel Fernández Llata, Ramón Vilardell, Gorka González, Luis Mª San Martín, Fernando Mosquera, J.R. Bartolomé,

04 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

SENER, the leading Spanish engineering company, commemorates the 50th anniversary of its foundationin Bilbao by Enrique de Sendagorta. Always a pioneering company in the sector, SENER is proud of its fiftyyears of intuitive tenacious work and its commitment to maximum quality. The company now employs 1,500professionals, with offices in Bilbao, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Lisbon, the Canary Islands, Buenos Airesand in Mexico and Poland in the very near future.

SENERcelebrates its fiftiethanniversary

Page 4: PAG 3-7 ingles - sener.es · Ricardo Lacruz, Lope Seco, Pablo Querol, Ángel Fernández Llata, Ramón Vilardell, Gorka González, Luis Mª San Martín, Fernando Mosquera, J.R. Bartolomé,

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1956, A DATE TO REMEMBER. Spain began to breathe internationalair when, in 1955, it joined the UN and later the OEEC (antecedent of theCommon Market), the key to enter the International Monetary Fund andthe World Bank. Shortly before, relations with the government of theUnited States and the Vatican had been strengthened and Spain was nolonger a political enemy but a strategic ally for controlling southern Europeduring the Cold War. Despite this significant progress, SENER was bornin a country of deficiencies and shortage. The Spanish market was isolatedand tiny, the economy was not very dynamic, with enormous trade deficitsand a high level of state interventionism. Everybody worked towardsmaking the “economic miracle” possible, the key driver being first industry,and later the service sector, thanks mainly to tourism. In general, a positivespirit reigned and the first contacts with the world outside held the promiseof a positive future. Spanish industry had to improve and adapt to thelatest advances if they wanted to win the battle.Just before the 1959 Stabilization Plan, Naval Engineer Dr. Enrique deSendagorta constituted the first Spanish company devoted, in its origin,to the execution of naval and industrial engineering projects and studies.The activity began with projects for ship design and export business inArgentina, Brazil and Paraguay. As already mentioned, although SENER’sfirst intention was to undertake projects in the naval field, very soon Doctorin Aeronautical Engineering Jose Manuel de Sendagorta, brother of thefounder, joined the company and opened the door to other fields ofactivity, such as space, industrial processing plants, the petrochemicalsector and civil engineering.TWO BROTHERS AND A COMMON PROJECT. Enrique and JoseManuel de Sendagorta, both engineers but in different fields, havedeveloped their own particular career paths which have led them to thesame place, SENER. Enrique de Sendagorta has always been very close

to the company that he founded albeit from the outside. After more thana year and a half centred on the commercial development of SouthAmerica, another three years as General Director of Foreign Trade andafter the merger of the Shipping company, where he was the first director,with the Euskalduna and Cadiz shipyards, Enrique became the managerfor PETRONOR, the Bilbao refinery which SENER played a very importantrole in defining and developing. In the meantime, Jose Manuel, “Manu”to his friends and colleagues, became the manager of SENER in 1960.In order to take this step, he had to put to one side his facet of engineerand researcher in INTA, (the Spanish Aerospace Institute) and the workinggroups organized by Professor Von Karman to study combustion, butthe project was worthwhile. After this short introduction to who foundedSENER and how, we shall review the main landmarks in the company’shistory. This will take us down several routes, reflecting the four elementsthat form our corporate identity; earth, sea, air and fire.A COMPANY THAT EMERGED FROM THE SEA TO TOUCH THESKY. In 1967 SENER begins its “space adventure” by being the firstSpanish company to win a tender organized by the European SpaceAgency (formerly ESRO) for the design and construction of the rocketlaunch tower in Kiruna (Sweden). More than ten proposals were presented,but the finalists were from England, France and the proposal by a teamof Spanish engineers from SENER, headed by Jose Manuel Sendagorta,Jose Rivacoba and Carlos Sanchez Tarifa, whose novel design finallyconvinced European Agency experts. For the first time ESRO awardeda contract directly to Spain.Now, with “almost” 40 years of experience in this field, SENER pioneersaerospace research and engineering, with a great vocation for innovationthat has successfully been applied in the most important initiatives frominstitutions and international industry. Four decades forging a close



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1.Cranes designed by SENER for Santurce Port(Bilbo, Spain). 2. First launch Skylark rocket fromKiruna Tower (Sweden). José Manuel deSendagorta, Carlos Sánchez Tarifa and ChechuRIvacoba took part, among others, of the workteam on site. 3.Their Majesties King Juan Carlosand Queen Sofia, then Prince of Asturias, withEnrique de Sendagorta during their visit toPETRONOR Refinery. 4.FORAN System officialpresentation in 1967 with José Manuel deSendagorta and Jaime Torroja. 5.Enrique deSendagorta. 6.José Manuel de Sendagorta.7.José Manuel de Sendagorta, in the middle,awarded with La Gran Cruz de Alfonso X ElSabio together with his son Andrés. From rightto left, Enrique de Sendagorta, Juan Gardoki,Jesús de Sendagorta, Alejo Aramburu andManuel Ruiz de Velasco.


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06 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

relationship with universities and research centres, as well as with themain protagonists of Space, the astronauts.SENER has demonstrated its technological ability in flagship projectssuch as the Hubble telescope and the International Space Station andover 30 satellites and space vehicles currently in orbit have equipmenton board developed by the company. Today SENER is working on someof the largest projects underway at present: the Herschel & Planck scientificsatellites, the Spanish satellite for Earth observation, Spainsat, the studyof combustion under microgravity conditions, and the ConeXpress vehiclewhich will be launched to prolong the working life of satellites in orbit.And the company continues to accumulate experience in Aeronauticsand Vehicles as it participates in the development of the AIRBUS A380and A340, as well as with the work to provide greater levels of safety,performance and cost reduction to manufacturers of cars and railwayrolling stock.AND THE SEA AGAIN. A year after it was introduced in Kiruna, SENERofficially presented its FORAN System, acronym from the Spanish forANalytical FORms, a computer programme for the design and constructionof ships that is currently used by more than a hundred shipyards in overtwenty countries (China, Russia, U.S.A., Brazil, Italy, France, UnitedKingdom,…) and version 60 was brought out in 2005. This all started in1964 when Manuel Sendagorta insisted on identifying and mathematicallyrepresenting the different types of ship hulls. This task culminated in thebirth of the FORAN System, a CAD/CAE/CAM tool for ship design andconstruction. FORAN is not just a happy accident but the result of manyworking hours and the curiosity of aeronautical engineer Manu deSendagorta to improve the traditional ship building methods with JaimeTorroja, Ricardo Minguez, Diego Abal, Eduardo Martinez-Abarca and

Jorge Grases as fellow travellers. It soon became clear that an explicitmathematical formulation for representing ship hulls in association witha computer, could be used not only to represent existing keels but alsoto generate new forms from a set of main dimensions.IN SEARCH OF THE MOST EFFICIENT ENERGY SOURCE. Duringthis period and until the nuclear moratorium of 1982, SENER also workedintensively in nuclear plants where, in addition, it stood out for being oneof the first companies to pay some attention to this energy source. Bya quirk of fate and history, now many experts consider these plants asway of meeting the Kyoto Agreement guidelines. Nuclear power plantengineering, due to the duration of the works and the link up of somepower stations with others, promised a period of activity hitherto unheardof. Unfortunately the moratorium and other sad vicissitudes in Spain’shistory meant that that promise was never fulfilled. Since then, thisdepartment has obtained experience and an important reputation inseveral energy-related sectors, such as in refinery or combined cyclepower plants. With outstanding “know-how” in gas projects, particularlyin liquefied natural gas regassification plants, and in everything related tosolar thermal energy, where for some time now SENER has been developingits own technologies, taking out several patents in both design softwareand main components for building this type of plant.KILOMETRES AND KILOMETRES. SENER is a point of reference fortransportation infrastructures, railway and road networks, airports andseaports, hydraulic works and coastal recovery. In more than 15 yearsof experience in this area, SENER is now one of the flagship companiesin the Civil Engineering sector, both at home and abroad. Proof of thisis our work in Algeria, where SENER is extending an underground trainline in the capital city, a tram line in Oran, and building a new railway

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8.PETROLIBER, Compañía Ibérica Refinadora de PetróleoS.A. 9. Muon drift chambers for nuclear applications 10.Outside of Warsaw Airport dike. 11.Aerial image of LemonizPlant building works (Vizcaya, Spain). 12.Parabolic collectorfor termosolar plants

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connection further south. And this in a country where most of the businessgoes to French engineering companies, but where we have also foundroom thanks to the good work done on underground systems such asthose in Lisbon, Porto, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and Buenos Aires,among others. A long list of well thought-out works in keeping with thesaying coined by Enrique de Sendagorta, “the most practical thing is tohave a good theory”. A multidisciplinary team that in High Speed linesalone has designed over 1,000 kilometres of informative studies anddrafts and more than 100 kilometres in construction projects. SENERsees Civil Engineering, infrastructures, the territorial distribution andenvironment as determining elements for society’s well-being. Architectureis currently faced with the need to incorporate technologies other thanthose traditionally used in construction. A great building or urban workrequires construction and design solutions from disciplines such asaerodynamics, naval and port engineering, aerospace structures, energyand hydraulic engineering, among others. SENER is proud of havingparticipated actively in singular buildings such as the Euskalduna Palace,the Marine Museum of Bilbao and Warsaw airport.EXPANSION. In 1984 SENER joined the European consortium to developthe EJ 200 engine for the Eurofighter/Typhoon, and started to providetelecommunication engineering services and promote the creation ofIndustria de Turbopropulsores (ITP), the only Spanish aeronautical engineand gas turbine company. In 1986 SENER began a strategy of participatingin industrial initiatives based on own technological developments, whichculminated in the creation of SENER Grupo de Ingenieria, a holdingcompany with, in addition to engineering activity as such, interests inengineering companies working in the fields of Aerospace, Energy andthe Environment, (Industria de Turbopropulsores ITP, Hisdesat, GalileoSistemas y Servicios, Orbital Recovery Limited, Exitt, Zabalgarbi,Tracjusa…). Furthermore, other areas of engineering have beenstrengthened and SENER has undertaken a new business line focusedon the “craft” production of series of up to one hundred units per yearof extremely precise electromechanical systems and subsystems which

guarantee the correct positioning of critical elements such as satellitesand industrial vehicles such as trains and coaches, etc. A further steptowards defining SENER which now has an Integration and Test Centre,a highly qualified “workshop” for the assembly, integration and testingof this type of mechanisms with very sophisticated checking and testingequipment. The Performance and Control Systems Department, withinits line of R+D in electromedicine, has just signed a framework agreementwith the University of Malaga to develop a robot for laparoscopic surgery.The prototype was recently presented at a medical conference in Ceutaand was highly praised by doctors as it facilitates and speeds up thistype of operation..PRESENT AND FUTURE. Projects like the Lexan plants for GE Plasticsin Cartagena, more than 1,000 ships with SENER engineering, thirtysatellites with equipment designed by SENER on board, the Eurofighter,the regassification plant in Sagunto, the plant for treatment of SUW inZabalgarbi, etc., etc., have made the people who work in SENER proudto belong to a company that has actively participated in solving needsin the surrounding environment.THE SENER FOUNDATION. Five years ago, the Sendagorta family andSENER Grupo de Ingenieria started up a new project, a foundation whosemain objective is to award and to support the academic excellence ofengineering students in countries that do not have so many resources.A follow-on to the spirit of the founders Enrique and Jose Manuel, whothroughout their professional life have been remarkable for constantlyseeking scientific and technological knowledge to meet the needs of ourenvironment and our time.The SENER Foundation awards combined grants for study and work.After the period of academic specialization the grant holders join theSENER workforce for the next two years. Since the Foundation started,and as we have been able to verify in previous editions of SENER News,the numbers of grant holders is getting bigger all the time. Elisa, Edgar,Claudius, Marcela, Jakub and Sebastián are just some of their names.Bulgaria, Mexico, Chile and Poland, their countries of origin.





13.Rocket aim and launch tower of Kiruna, Sweden. 14. A380 CentralBelly Fairing designed by SENER in the integration tool of Puerto Real.15.Extension of Line 9 of Barcelona Metro. 16.Gloria Vessel designed bySENER

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Founded In 1956 by Enrique de Sendagorta, SENER celebrates its 50thanniversary this year. Although initially focusing on naval design, Enrique’sbrother Jose Manuel “Manu” soon joined the company and began acontinuous process of embarking on different fields of activity. The resultof this is a trajectory of 50 years of exciting technological challenges, inwhich SENER has maintained its character as a family company, combinedwith highly professional management. After the first handover to the newgeneration, the current President and Chief Executive is Jorge SendagortaGomendio. Born in Madrid 53 years ago, Jorge has a Doctorate in NavalEngineering and has specialised in oceanic engineering at the prestigiousMIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). He joined SENER in 1986,after founding SEAPLACE IBERIA, S.A. an offshore and naval engineeringcompany combining marine platform projects with nine years as professorof applied hydrodynamics in the Naval Engineering Department at thePolytechnic University of Madrid.

As a 34 year old engineer did you find it awe-inspiring to take chargeof a company with such a prestigious track record? Of course I did!The company had extraordinary directors, with enormous experience, whoshared the same convictions, values and ways of doing things (SENER“culture”) which had made it a leader among Spanish engineering companies.The new organization that we soon adopted, changed many things, butretained all the key players from the previous period and was strengthenedby the introduction of some new ones, all in-house. I tried to maintain andto strengthen the “culture” I found without attempting to change it, becauseI needed no convincing of its value and great effectiveness.

Joining SENER meant a radical change in your career path… Ofcourse. My previous orientation was completely technical, focused on thespecific field of offshore oil platforms, where SEAPLACE had a goodreputation that allowed us to participate in many projects in Brazil, Spainand the North Sea. Luckily, Manuel Moreu was there, a colleague fromuniversity and MIT and partner in SEAPLACE right from the start. Heprovided continuity for the company and took it to where it is today. In

SENER, it was a question of firstly, restoring the link between the companyand its shareholders, damaged by Manu Sendagorta´s serious illness, andsecondly to restore confidence in the company, which had gone throughsome very difficult years after the nuclear moratorium. I had to forget aboutstructures, naval architecture and waves and devote myself to reorganizingSENER and boosting its new growth.

What is the difference between the old SENER and the new? Manythings have changed. First, the company has become very institutionalised,equipping itself with a professional, competent board of directors, withfour members of the family out of a total of ten. Also, relations betweenthe shareholders and the company have been regulated in a Family Protocol.Thanks to this institutionalisation, we have obtained a stability that we didnot have in 1986. Internally, we eliminated the lack of communicationbetween SENER Tecnica Industrial y Naval, SENER Ingenieria y Sistemasand SENERMAR, establishing a clear organization that has allowed us togrow considerably and to develop all the areas we are interested in. Movingthe offices from Madrid to Tres Cantos enabled us to build a unique teamthat was not there before. Expansion to Barcelona, Valencia, Lisbon andBuenos Aires meant dispersal again, but that has been compensated withnew communication methods and networking, and in particular the SENEttool. SENER Group was also created and is solidly growing on thefoundations of ZABALGARBI, ITP, TRACJUSA, etc. I would like to thinkthat, in spite of all these changes, we have been able to maintain the bestthings the company had, those values and the approach to engineeringthat differentiates us from the rest.

What was the objective in forming SENER Group? Engineering is avery exciting business, in which you are always running out of work becausethe projects do not last for long. So we decided to participate in industrialprojects, promoting them and keeping stable shareholding positions byforming SENER Group. It was a way of providing the business with greaterstability and a vehicle for giving life to some ideas which arose during ourengineering projects. The Group has three Divisions, Engineering and two


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“We have maintained an approachto engineering that differentiatesus from the rest”

An interview withSENER´S president,Jorge Sendagorta

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others: Energy and Environment and Aerospace, with important companiesin each one. The group has been developing and growing in importancein terms of the investments made, the employment generated and theeconomic results of the companies in the holding.

What are SENER’S short term objectives? We are making a great effortto internationalise over this three-year period, developing the Buenos Airesand Warsaw divisions and setting up in Mexico.

The current Strategic Plan (2005 - 2008) emphasises this objective.Evidently, globalisation is spreading worldwide and opening markets andit is necessary to take advantage of that opening. We opened offices inArgentina 3 or 4 years ago and that division has grown extraordinarily andis one of the pillars of our activity in Energy and Processes, with veryimportant EPC projects on offer, both in Argentina and Brazil. In Mexicoat the moment, SENER has a collaboration agreement with a localengineering company, in which we shall probably become a stakeholder.It is an important company, the second largest engineering company inMexico, with almost 300 people, and very well positioned to take advantageof the predicted spectacular development in all the country’s energy andoil infrastructures. In Poland we have just opened an office, while a groupof Polish engineers work in our Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid and BilbaoDivisions, receiving training in SENER’S work procedures and corporateculture. We will use this team to form a division in Warsaw which is ableto make the most of the enormous task Poland faces to update itsinfrastructures and also to cover other areas in Eastern Europe.

And the future prospects? Very good. Engineering companies are ridinghigh at the moment. A lot of work is being done on infrastructure in Spainat the moment, and is on-going. In the civil and architectural field, whichrepresents approximately a third of our business, we are in importantprojects both at home and abroad. Some examples are the undergroundtrain systems for Porto, Algiers and Oran, a railway line in Algeria and thenew terminal for Warsaw airport.

Are the prospects in Energy and Processes just as good? The energyand environmental problems in the world at the moment, beginning withSpain, have meant that over the last five years, combined cycle plantshave been developed to diversify power generation towards natural gas.SENER has participated in at least half a dozen of these projects, someof which were turnkey projects. With reference to the development of gasinfrastructures, at the moment we are finishing the regassification plant inSagunto and doing a project for REPSOL in Mexico, and we are hopingto be awarded new contracts in Italy, Canada and Spain.And, as is to be expected bearing in mind our track record, we are workingon nuclear projects, such as the ITER (International Tokamak ExperimentalReactor), where we have been making an ongoing contribution over thelast few years. In the petrochemical field, globally, at the moment there isa clear lack of capacity in engineering, equipment and construction. Weare helping REPSOL to enlarge the PETRONOR refinery, providing theengineering for the property and taking charge of some units. The officein Buenos Aires (with 150-160 people) is working extremely well and isalso providing process projects to REPSOL, PETROBRAS and othercompanies in the area. In the chemical industry, we continue working forGeneral Electric in Cartagena, making the new ULTEM plant.

And what about Space? The CDTI (Spanish centre for technologicalindustrial development) is in the process of significantly increasing theSpanish contribution to the European Space Agency and that will meana greater volume of Space activities. At present we continue makingequipment, mainly AOCSs (attitude and control systems), as well asstructures and complex mechanisms for large projects and satellites, suchas HERSCHEL & PLANCK, GAIA, etc. But we feel the Spanish NationalProgramme of Earth Observation is particularly promising, and are leadingthe feasibility study for a National Observation Satellite with an opticalinstrument that we hope will come to fruition sometime this year.

With respect to the naval industry, have the recent pessimisticpredictions been fulfilled? Has the Asian giant devoured everything? The

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Asian shipyards seem prepared to continue increasing their share of theinternational market, while Europe defends its present levels of activity.But the fact is that FORAN, our CAD/CAE/CAM system for naval designand construction, has been fighting successfully for 35 years to becomea world leader and it is not limited to any region. Every year we investsignificant resources to extend it and developing a superior product tocompete anywhere in the world. The latest version, V60 which waslaunched late last year, is already being used in the design and constructionof the S80 submarines by Navantia and in an oil platform for the AKERgroup of shipyards. With FORAN we are present throughout most ofEurope, and also in Chile, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, the USA, Japanand China. The Asian market is one of the main objectives of our commercialactivity, as shown by the fact that FORAN was recently chosen by theJapanese group IMABARI.Furthermore, and with regard to the number of projects for medium andsmall ships currently in progress, our experience does not match thosepessimistic predictions. We are working on container ships for Naval Gijon,several chemical ships with Astilleros de Huelva and Factorias Vulcano,tugboats for Union Naval de Valencia and on an innovative passengership with Balearia.

That just leaves SENER’S other two business areas… In a new effortto extend our activity, some years ago we created the Actuation andControl Systems department to develop electro-mechanical systems thatare able to move “things” with a high degree of accuracy and reliability.They can be used in all types of applications, but we are concentratingon the most critical, in the technologies where they are very valuablemechanisms. We do not want to get into automated production lines orthose requiring cheap manual labour. We want to produce things whichrequire more craft-like production, to put it simply, with high technologicalcontent and very specialised staff. That means relatively small productionseries, in the thousands, hundreds or tens. We are developing, for example,a new assistant for laparoscopic surgery and we are also testing broadbandantennas to provide Internet on high speed trains, although the mostimportant projects are for military purposes. In barely four years we haveachieved a significant level of activity, with sales worth 40 million ¤ thisyear, and portfolio of orders for more than 150 million. This is a businessline that, in a short period of time, will be large enough to become anindustrial company. In Aeronautics, an area which a few months ago wemerged with Vehicles, we are in a good position to undertake the newnational and international Airbus projects, where we will be able to benefitfrom the experience acquired with the belly fairing for the Airbus 380 andour work on the A400M military transport aircraft.

And how is SENER Engineering Group preparing for the future? Atthe moment we are already working on the plans for the second Zabalgarbi

SUW evaluation line which must be started sometime this year and whichis likely to be operative in 2010-2011. At the same time, we are promotingan important solar project, and are looking for sites in southern Spain.The plant will have a central tower and heliostats, a technology which wehave made important contributions to and which allows steam to begenerated at a much higher temperature than with parabolic collectorsand therefore provide greater power production.

You have told us that engineering is riding high at the moment andthat the future perspectives look good but, from your point of view,what is key to customer confidence in SENER? Confidence is earnedday by day by providing good work first time round and by being committedto find a solution when there are problems. SENER does it like nobodyelse.

What indicators tell a company that it is doing its job well? There aremany. Of course the yearly accounts and growth are obligatory indicators(that is why in SENER, it has always been said that profits are a measureof how well we do things). But there is also prestige, innovative capacity,people’s professional satisfaction, returning clients, quality levels, etc.

SENER’s capital is 100% family. Will this change in the future? No,we consider the present formula the best one for the company.

Have you got time for other things apart from working in SENER?Naturally. I have a wonderful family, great friends and many hobbies: golf,skiing, sailing, listening to music, reading, travelling… All that requirestime.

How would you tell the small children of people working for SENERor your grandson about what we do? Well, my grandson is only a yearold and will have to wait for a little. I suppose that I would tell the olderones what I have told my children: One day you tell them that we aremaking a plant to recycle car engine oil, and another day that a SENERengineer who knows more than anyone else in the whole of Spain aboutoptics and images, has invented a system so that the Police can recognisethe model of a pair of trainers from a photograph of the print they leave.Examples are much clearer than a complicated explanation.

Is the 3rd generation getting ready to manage the company? Or arethey not old enough yet? In the next generation there are vocations inengineering: There are already several engineers and aspiring engineers.But company management is always going to be professional. Therefore,they will have to demonstrate many things before they are allowed to join.

And now what…. going for the next 50? Of course. SENER is veryyoung. In addition, after having learned how to do things well over theselast 50 years, everything is “a doddle”.

Aerospace Industry Power and Environment

SYX (12,13 %)




GALILEO S.S. (14 %)


GESTEC (100 %)



ITP (53,2 %)


SOTRANS (20 %)

SENERPOR (100 %)
















160.000 horas

SENER KEY FIGURE - Provisional Data 2005



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S P A C E U P - T O - D A T E

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The ESA Aurora program is dedicated to the human and robotic exploration of the Moon, Mars andthe asteroids. The second flagship mission is the Mars Sample Return mission (MSR) the objective ofwhich is to return a sample of the Martian soil to Earth. This mission will test technologies required fora human presence on Mars and it is considered a necessary precursor for such a mission. The baselinemission concept is to launch two spacecrafts; a Mars orbiter and a descent spacecraft. The descentspacecraft will land on the Martian surface to take soil samples. These samples will be protected in aspecial container and launched into Martian orbit. Once in Martian orbit, the container with the sampleswill be transferred to the orbiter spacecraft that will return to Earth. The orbiter spacecraft include are-entry capsule in which the sample container will be inserted for its return to the Earth’s surface.This robotic mission includes several technological challenges that are still not mature in Europe;atmospheric re-entry, rendezvous in orbit, landing on other planets, etc. As part of the preparatorytechnology projects to start the MSR mission, ESA has selected SENER to develop a landing systemfor the descent spacecraft that fulfils the mission’s requirements, taking advantage of our previousexperience in similar projects (X-38, TLL, Euro-moon). The project includes the definition of the landing gear configuration and the design, manufactureand testing of a prototype to test the critical aspects of the landing. The landing gear’s main requirements are the attenuation of the shock attouchdown and the achievement of a stable platform to allow the acquisition of samples, that is compatible with different scenarios of touchdownlocations and conditions, and the subsequent launch of the sample container

Launchers are one of the pillars of the space race and are one of the mainelements in the success of a mission. At present, there is a wide rangeof this type of vehicle which are adapted to the requirements of eachmission. SENER is carrying out several types of research for Ariane5, aheavy loads launcher. In particular, it is analysing the behaviour of fuelsduring the SCAR and ballistic phases of the second stage (ESCA), as wellas pre-flight research to predict the influence of the fuel residues on thedynamics of the vehicle. Once the flight ends, the actual results from thebehaviour of the stage, obtained by means of telemetry, are analysed andthe thermal atmosphere in the cavity formed by the upper and lowerstages calculated. SENER is also responsible for the research regardingthe atmospheric re-entry of the second stage of the Jules Verne Mission,

w h i c h h a s i n c l u d e d t h edevelopment of a three party(CNES, EADS-ST and SENER)certified software known as ABRAX.In relation to medium or small sizesatellites, research concerning theanalysis of the separations has beencarried out in Vega, as well asresearch into the separation of thenose cone and the payload.Research has also been carried outon the dynamic behaviour of theparts involved and the minimumdistance between any point of thestages in order to identify possibleinterferences and collisions. Inaddition, the sensitivity analysis andMonte Carlo studies have beencarried out to take into account alluncertainties and dispersions in thenominal values of the parameters,enabling conclusions on collisionprobabi l i ty to be obtained.

Large space vehicles

Landing gear of the Mars Sample Return Mission

The future nationalground observation system

In the last Council of Ministers of the European Space Agency, held inBerlin in December 2005, Minister of Industry, Tourism and CommerceJose Montilla confirmed that Spain is going to develop its own satellitefor the observation of Earth. It will be the first satellite completely developedand made in Spain. It is a system of ground observation via satellite,independent, managed from Spanish territory, and interoperable with allother European systems. It is aimed at satisfying the demands of a widevariety of users: cartographic applications, environmental managementand land use, as well as for security and civil defence, including theprevention and management of natural disasters, such as forest fires.The viability study for this 100% Spanish project has been coordinatedby CDTI and INTA jointly. EADS-CASA, SENER and other companies ofthe sector have actively participated in it from the beginning. The futurenational system of ground observation, that will be full operative in 2010,will be part of the European GMES initiative (Global Monitoring forEnvironment and Security), together with the contributions of Germany,France, Italy and the United Kingdom.

Landing Gear design

Ariane 5 main gryogenic stage.Source: ESA

Satellite constelation structure

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U P - T O - D A T EC O R P O R A T E

NEW FINANCIAL MANAGERFOR THE SENER GROUPJose Ignacio Morales hasentered SENER EngineeringGroup as Financial Manager.Economist and MBA by IESE,he has deve l oped h i sprofessional career to the presentt ime in PriceWaterhouse,pharmaceutics Roche and theBBVA.

NEW DIRECTOR OF SPACEDiego Rodriguez has beennamed D i rec to r o f theDepartment of Space in orderto develop the Space activitiesand to develop the importantperspectives already existing inthis field, for which he can counton the support of ÁlvaroAzcárraga as a consultant.

NEW ASSISTANT MANAGER FOR THECIVIL AND ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENTJuan Herrera, President and General Directorof Euroestudios S.A. until end of 2005, hasbeen named Assistant Manager of the Civiland Architecture Department in SENER, inthe area of Highways and Hydraulic Works.A Doctor in Civil Engineering since 1966, JuanHerrera was President and member of theBoard of Directors of TECNIBERIA Federation,

being an important spokesman during the fusion of TECNIBERIA andASINCE and from which arose the present Employer Association of thesector, the Spanish Association of Engineering Companies andTechnological Services.

CHANGE OF COMMAND IN THE AERONAUTICAL SECTIONSergio Aladrén is to take charge of the aeronautical section substitutingFernando Quintana, who after years on detachment in Madrid returnsto SENER Bilbao to resume his activity in space projects. Aladrén, witheleven years of experience as an aeronautical structures design engineer,entered SENER in 2002, after having worked in both CADTECH and theProfessorship of Alternative Engines of ETSI Aeronauticos in thePolytechnical University of Madrid.

SENER appointments

Six of Spain’s most important engineering companies, and competitors in their field, have startedup an interesting project that hopes to strengthen the presence of this sector in sustainabledevelopment. The Engineering and Sustainability Foundation has been promoted by SENERtogether with AYESA, EPTISA, EUROESTUDIOS, IBERINSA and TYPSA. Two of its objectives areto emphasize the role of technology as a motor of the society and the defense of the engineeringcompanies as guarantors of sustainable development. This Foundation advocates for a newmanagement model of infrastructure works in which the suitability of the project is valued basedon the social interests.Also, a committee of experts with specialized representatives from each company has beenorganized to write up a white book of subjects related to sustainability.

SENER Fundation: a commitment to trainingThe SENER Foundation has granted three new scholarships to foreign students. On this occasion twograduate students from the Polish University of Wroclaw, Jakub Sokolinski and Sebastián Maksym, and onefrom the Technological University of Monterrey (Mexico), Marcela de Leon, have been selected. Jakub is aCivil Engineer, specialized in underground civil structures and transport systems. He will simultaneously attenda Master’s degree course on public infrastructure management, and at the same time he will be working toimprove his knowledge of Spanish. On the other hand, Sebastian, just like Elisa Bobolina, the first personto receive a grant from the Foundation, will study a master’s course on communication networks at CranfieldUniversity (United Kingdom). Once he finishes these studies, he will join SENER to continue his scholarship.Marcela de Leon, the third scholar, is a graduate in chemical and environmental systems engineering andis attending a Master’s course on Technology and Management of Energy Companies in Spain, after which,she will work for one year within the area of Energy and Processes in SENER. Aeronautics Engineer ElisaBobolina has started working in SENER Aerospace Division after succesfully finishing a Master’s course inAstronautics and Space Engineering at the University of Cranfield. Her work at SENER will consist of developingsystems for satellite orbit control. Electronics Engineer Edgar Zambrano, from Mexico and Chilean CivilEngineer Claudio Barrientos, both granted scholarships last year, have finished their training period and nowthey continue their education working at SENER for one year. This is the final reward for the efforts of ourscholarship holders. This it is the finishing touch for the effort of our scholarship holders.

Engineering and sustainability foundation.The best of the futures

Frrom left to right: Elisa Bobolina, Marcela Morenoy Juan Aguado.

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Europe has vast experience in rendezvous missions thanks to developmentsmade in the ATV (Automated Transfer Vehicle) programme, with its triedand tested technology. However the docking systems are based onRussian technology. In order to reduce this dependency, the ESA isinvestigating the docking field and in particular soft-docking, as this wouldbe ideal technology for the ISS, since by ensuring minimum impactbetween vehicles the microgravity environment would not be disturbed.SENER is participating in the Rendezvous and Docking DemonstrationMission’s feasibility study. The objectives of this mission are to developthe technologies for the automatic rendezvous of two spacecraft withoutusing a global positioning system (e.g. GPS) and the in-flight demonstrationof the IBDM (International and Berthing Docking Mechanism) soft-dockingsystem. To assess the feasibility of the IBDM, a preparatory mission hasbegun in which a demonstration in LEO orbit will take place of the dockingof two satellites (PROBA and SMART-1) together with other tests suchas long-distance navigation (100 km) without the use of GPS. SENER,Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) and Verhaert are participating to anequal extent on this project, intended to analyze the feasibility of themission, the system requirements, and provide an estimate of the costs.Specifically SENER is responsible for the Mission simulator and the GNC(Guidance, Navigation and Control) for the rendezvous and docking.SENER is also currently involved in the development of a prototype of theIBDM, for ground experimentation purposes, providing the avionics, whichincludes designing the control system that operates the mechanism, andits implementation in HW and SW components. SENER is also designingand building the linear actuators that are the core mechanical componentsin the IBDM, and finally SENER will perform the integration and verificationof the prototype as a whole.

Rendezvous and docking mission GALILEO IOV,starting pistol fired

SENER is carrying out the development and verification of a high precisionlineal actuator for the ESA. This project includes the concept selectionand the manufacture of both engineering models (EM) and qualificationmodels (QM) in order to design a mechanism able to provide a highresolution lineal movement when rotation is added. At present, a minimuminterval of microns has already been obtained in aerospace applications.Therefore, the next step that is needed is to achieve a quantitativelysignificant improvement in tenths of microns. This project will solve theirreversibility problems that occur after the appendages have been unfoldedby means of an actuator which is simple in concept and use, economic,highly efficient and of unlimited life, with a system of high resolutiontransformation and high load capacity. In summary, a very low advanceis required, with a suitable efficiency in a compact and light mechanism.

High precision Lineal Actuator

The GIOVE-A satellite was successfully launched, at the end of December2005. It was the first prototype in the Galileo constellation, to use thefrequencies allocated by the International Union of Telecommunications,and to test the payload technologies for future satellites or Earth receivers.Following this, last January saw the signing of the start-up documentationof Galileo IOV (In-Orbit-Validation), the first four satellites of a constellationof 30, in the offices of the German Ministry of Transport. This is afundamental phase of the Galileo programme in which the orbiting satellitestogether with all their component parts are tested to ensure that theywork correctly, thereby equipping future users with more precise systemsfor positioning and navigation on the earth’s surface. The signing waspresided over by Wolfang Tiefense, German Minister of Transport, Jean-Jacques Dordain, president of ESA and Matthias Route, director of theEuropean Commission for Energy and Transport. The Spanish industrialrepresentation in this project was the responsibility of Alvaro Azcárraga,a SENER consultant and the current president of Galileo Systems andServices, the group of Spanish participants in the development of thefuture European satellite navigator.

Linear Actuator

Soft docking for the ISS © Verhaert

Galileo IOV signing ceremony. At the end, second by the left, Álvaro Azcárraga, consultantof SENER an GSS President.

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S P A C EU P - T O - D A T E

ESA and EADS Space Transportation have selected SENER to design the combustion module TEMSEN4(Texus Experimental Module SENer),as a consequence of their experience in the design of three previousmodules. In two of them, TEMSEN1 and TEMSEN3, the principal researcher was Prof. Carlos SánchezTarifa of Madrid Polytechnic University (UPM) and in the case of module TEMSEN2 the principal researcherwas Prof. Joulain of Poitiers University. The TEMSEN4 module is also a Prof. Joulain project as it is anextension of the TEMSEN2 module. The idea is to study the particularities of a flame in the boundarylayer. Two rectangular slabs of PMMA (polimethilmetacrilate) are burnt in presence of an air stream ofvariable velocity (5, 10 and 15 cm/s) and with different oxygen concentrations (35 and 25 %).As the module will be launched on the rocket TeXus 42 which provides microgravity conditions for sixminutes, the experiment carried out on the TEMSEN2 module will be repeated during the first threeminutes but with more diagnostics than in the past. During the second three minutes a new slab ofPMMA will be burned. As the optics vision area is fixed, the slabs will be located in this vision area.Consequently, the slabs support has been designed to allow the movement of the second slab into the vision area. Two movable soot collectionprobes, backlighting, a radiation flux meter, a probe to measure the oxygen concentration downstream of the flame, movable thermocouples tomeasure the flame temperature, and a new PIV have been incorporated into the module (in addition to the laser, video cameras and an infraredcamera, and fixed thermocouples to measure the slab temperature at different thicknesses). The module is now at Trauen (Germany) and EADSSpace Transportation is working on the interfaces with the rocket. The launch is expected at the beginning of May.

May 2006: New launch to study fireperformance in microgravity

Since 2001 the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB) and SENER have beenworking on the development of an instrument for the detection ofbiomarkers based on the protein microarray technique. This programhas been named SOLID (Signs of Life Detection). The microarray techniqueis based on the interaction of organic molecules with specific antibodieslocated on a solid substrate microarray. This technique allows theidentification of hundreds or even thousands of different organic moleculesin one single test. The CAB selected this technique as the most suitablefor the search of past or present signs of life on other planets. In thisprogramme SENER is responsible for the development of all the mechanicaland optical components including fluid handling while the CAB hasdeveloped the electronics and software as well as defining the biologicalprocesses and managing the programme. The first prototype of theconcept, called SOLID 1 was designed and manufactured to evaluatethe possibility of carrying out all the detection processes: extraction,labelling, hybridisation and readout with one instrument. Based on thegood results obtained with SOLID 1 a second prototype called SOLID2 was developed, with the aim of carrying out extensive field tests.STEP BY STEP. SOLID 2 is a portable instrument developed to processup to eighteen samples automatically without operator intervention. Thecomplete process starts when the soil sample is inserted in the instrumentthrough a dedicated inlet hole which leads to the selected reactionmodule. The carrousel rotates the reaction module with the sample tothe analysis position. In this process, the solid sample is mixed with asolvent and lysed to extract its organic components. The mixture issubsequently moved to the hybridisation chamber through an intermediatefilter. After labelling and hybridisation the chamber is washed and thechip is read with a laser-CCD system. The analysis of the image allowsthe identification of the different organic molecules in the sample. A fewmonths ago, the CAB moved to Río Tinto where it carried out an extensiveseries of field tests using the SOLID V2, as part of the MARTE project,a CAB-NASA collaboration project. The Rio Tinto area is considered tobe a very suitable area for carrying out the field tests as they have foundorganisms able to develop in the extreme acid environments of the riversoil. This environment could be as extreme for the life development asthe one found on Mars.

SOLID V2, from Rio Tinto to MarsMETEOSAT-9, improving theweather forecast

Last December, the Meteosat-9 was launched, the last in the constellationof Meteosat geostationary meteorological satellites, from the Kourou basein French Guyana on board a generic Ariane 5. This new launch willimprove weather forecasting because it transmits twenty times moreinformation than its predecessors and with a three fold improvement inquality. This satellite carries an important radiometer called SEVIRI, whichis considered to be the "heart" of the satellite. SENER has participatedin its design and manufacture. SENER’s work has been centred on thefollowing equipment: the calibration unit, the refrigeration system’s ejectablecover, the visual system’s optical screen and cover and the lineal actuatoror Drive Unit. SEVIRI obtains the images in twelve spectral channels or"eyes", as opposed to the three that its predecessors had, and canphotograph the atmosphere to a maximum distance of up to one kilometrein the visible region, as opposed to the 20.5 kilometres of the previousone. Meteosat-8, the first satellite of this second generation, was launchedin 2002 and it is predicted that in 2009 Meteosat-10 will enter geostationaryorbit, and Meteosat-11 in the following year.

First color image captured by Meteosat 9.Source: EUMETSAT

Fourth microgravitymodule.

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A E R O N A U T I C S & V E H I C L E SU P - T O - D A T E

SENER is working on the design of different structural components ofthe horizontal stabilizer (HTP) of the A400M, the new military transportaircraft developed by Airbus. The design is being made in a CATIAenvironment and ranges from the modelling of structural componentsof the HTP, both in carbon fibre (CFRP) and metal, to the implementationof the documentation associated with the AIRBUS’s informationmanagement system. The components they are working on includeseveral items in compound material: the upper and lower skins, stringers,rib cores, "cleats" for connecting the ribs to the skin and spars; as wellas metal components of the torsion box: actuator lever assemblies andthe torsion box closing arm. Within the same programme, the proportionsof the metal components located in ribs 1 (pivot point) and 6 & 7 (actuators)have been finalised in accordance with stability, resistance, fatigue andtolerance to damage criteria, for which it has been necessary to createdetailed FEM models. The resistance of the upper and lower skins andthe rib cores to which the metal components are connected has alsobeen tested. The dimensions of the supports of the HTP careening tothe vertical stabilizer are currently being determined.

The A400M military transport AIRBUS

Superjumbo A-380

SENER is very involved in the A-380 international programmeOnce the “Belly Fairing” was successfully finished, the certificationwork began on both the undercarriage traps and the horizontal stabilizerbox (HTP). These components have been designed by AIRBUS-ESPAÑA. It is SENER’s aim to certify this design using the new recordsobtained from the flight checks. They are also carrying out certainmodifications of the horizontal stabilizer for the Freighter version of theA380. This project ranges from the creation of models in 3D to theimplementation of all documentation associated with the AIRBUSinformation management system.

A small size supersonic transport aircraft

HISAC (Environmentally Friendly High Speed Aircraft) is an R & D projectaimed at evaluating the viability of a small, environmentally friendly andeconomically viable supersonic cargo plane. The main problem of this airplaneis its compatibility with the environmental standards, in terms of the noisegenerated, the emissions (NOx, CO2, H2O, HCS), shock waves and theelevated altitude of flight. It is these factors that will determine the viabilityof the airplane. Dassault Aviation is the coordinator of the HISAC, which isformed by a partnership of 37 companies from 13 countries including Russia.It has a total budget of €26m (€14m subsidized by the European Commission).SENER is the only Spanish company participating in this project and isinvolved in two areas of work. One is the design from the mechanical point

of view of variable cycle engine technologies in which the cycle of the engine can be varied as required. The other concerns the technologies of noisereduction in nozzles, where SENER will undertake, in collaboration with Volvo Aero, the design of a mixer-ejector for the noise reduction of exit gases.Special attention will be paid to the design of a movable mixer, able to reduce the noise of the engine at take-off, but deactivated when cruising to avoidany aerodynamic loss that could reduce the benefits of the engine.


Picture from the supersonic aircraft

A 400M horinzontal stabilizer.

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Currently, SENER is developing a prototype Microheat Spreader for dense heat fluxes andsmall hot spots. Typical values for heat fluxes and hot spot footprints are 100 W/cm2 y9 cm2, respectively, which are the values expected for future electronic components (CPUs,power electronics, sensors, etc.). This device is based on microchannels (a set of conduitswith hydraulic diameters about 100 to 500 microns) and uses a liquid without phase changeas working fluid. The main difference with other similar devices is that it fulfils a set of operationalrequirements for its possible use in space or military applications.The first prototype has already been successfully tested with the objective of verifyingexperimental and manufacturing techniques, and computational tools. The device has aglass cover which allows the priming process and uniformity of flow to be observed. It wasmanufactured by TEKNIKER, and the testing was performed by the Laboratorio de Mecánicade Fluidos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos (The Fluid Mechanics

Laboratory of the Superior Technical School of Aeronautics Engineering) . This research, development and innovation (RDI) work has been funded outof SENER’s own resources and with grants from the Spanish Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Science and Technology (PROFIT) and The AutonomousRegional Community of Madrid (IMADE). SENER is continuing to develop this concept through a contract with ESA with the addition of its own funds.In the short term the objective is to have a spreader fully operational within the first four months of 2006, and in the medium term research will be carriedout on the possibility of using phase change in the working fluids.

New MEM’S technology prototype

Small unmaned vehicles

Robot for operations using LaparoscopesThe Rector of the University of Malaga Adelaida de la Calle and thedirector of SENER’s Department of Control and Actuation Systems RafaelQuintana have signed an outline collaboration agreement to carry outjoint activities, with special reference to activities related to research,development, innovation and training, especially in the field of robotics.Through this agreement, one of the main activities will be the manufactureand marketing of the robot designed by researchers at the University ofMalaga. This will be employed in operations which require the use of alaparoscope. UMA will transfer to SENER the results of the researchcarried out from 1998 onwards by professors of the Department ofAutomation and Systems Engineering at the Superior Technical Schoolof Industrial Engineers and the first Surgery Chair of UMA’s Faculty ofMedicine. This will result in the creation of the first completely Spanishrobot of this type. Rafael Quintana has announced that the first prototypeswill now begin to be made, so that by the end of 2006 it will be possibleto have a marketable unit. The results obtained by this robot guaranteeits success, since more than 50 operations have been carried out on patients between May 2004 and May 2005. This device offers a morestable and higher quality image, providing better vision for the doctor operating. In the operations, the robot is voice activated by the surgeongiving it simple orders (up, down, left or right) to move and to locate the camera that it carries. Since it is a stable system, the image ispermanently motionless and is very precise, avoiding the disadvantages that occur when the camera is held by a person.


SENER is participating in the development of a small (50 cm. maximum), portable, unmanned aerial vehicle,as part of a consortium comprising companies from four countries: France (ONERA, the consortium leader,and ALCORE), Italy (OTO MELARA and the Celin Group), Norway (Tellmie) and Spain (SENER). The developmentof the MAVDEM (Mini Aerial Vehicle DEMonstrator) is included in the research activities of the WEAO (WesternEuropean Armament Organization), with the participation of the Departments of Defence of the aforementionedcountries. This organization will transfer its activities in March 2006 to the European Defence Agency, whichwill oversee this project from then on. This project involves important technological challenges: propulsion andenergy systems, low Reynolds numbers aerodynamics, micro components -MEMS, micro actuators, payload,data transmission with reduced available power and antenna size, navigation and control, system autonomy(automatic piloting, stability against wind gust, obstacle avoidance and detection, etc.). SENER will participate in all these tasks at different levels, withspecial focus on conceptual design, navigation and control engineering, and flight testing. The design will consider a wide spectrum of possible solutions(such as the concept of the figure, developed by the ENSMM, France), out of which a trade-off and selection will be performed for its final developmentand integration.

MAVDEM design

MEMS prototype

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E N E R G Y A N D P R O C E S SU P - T O - D A T E

Combined cycle power station in Aceca (Toledo)

SENER has been awarded the basic engineering contract for the constructionof the new Papelera Peninsular cogeneration plant in Fuenlabrada (Madrid)which is owned by Holmen Paper. This plant will feed the new paper productionline (PM62) that will start running at the beginning of 2006, which will be theresponsibility of Peninsular Cogeneración. At the moment, the facilities ofPapelera Peninsular are equipped with one paper production line (PM61) andone of co-generation. With the new production line PM62, it is anticipated thatthe annual production of 170,000 tons of paper for press and magazines willbe increased to 300,000 tons/year. They will aim to use it to feed the newfacilities and to reduce the paper factory’s power costs. The new 50MWe co-generation installation will be based on a combined cycle and will have a gasturbine, a recovery boiler to generate steam at two levels of pressure and oneback pressure steam turbine as its main features.

Co-generation plant for Papelera Peninsular

Environmental Quality in the Canary IslandsThe Council for Environmental and Territorial Planning of the Canary Islands Governmenthas contracted SENER to draw up the Canary Islands Environmental Quality PlanningGuidelines (DOCAC). The Guidelines pay particular attention to atmospheric, acoustic, lightand water contamination because of both their impact on the quality of life and on environmentalawareness in the Canary Islands. To formulate the guidelines, SENER has followed theprinciples of the Kyoto Protocol and the norm established by the EU with respect to theIntegrated Prevention and Control of Contamination. The Government of the Canary Islandswill be able to: identify measures that will guarantee the islands’ sustainable development;define the criteria for the planning and management of their natural resources; determinethe general objectives of measures and activities concerning their territories; establishstrategies for the definition of the basic territorial model, and act on the basis of achievinginter-territorial balance. With regard to environmental quality, measures for the reduction ofnoise will be established, mainly in urban and tourist areas and in the transport infrastructure.An inventory of the atmospheric contamination of the islands will also be carried outperiodically. This will identify the most important sources of contamination emission andtheir causes. The Government of the Canary Islands will continue to monitor light levels inthe islands, establishing levels that will enable the night sky to be seen under optimalconditions, leading to the saving and optimal use of energy and respect for the environment.At the same time, they will establish the water quality monitoring, control and informationsystems that need to be established in the archipelago.

UNION FENOSA GENERACIÓN awarded the ACS Consortium and GENERAL ELECTRIC aturnkey project for the 400 MW Thermal Combined Cycle Plant in single-shaft layout powerisland to be located in Aceca (Toledo).This combined cycle technology is one of the most efficient and has very low environmentalimpact. In order to comply with the Kyoto protocol, the Spanish electricity companies arebuilding this type of plant. In its turn, ACS subcontracted the power island in the form of anEPC turnkey project to UTE COBRA Industrial Plants and SENER, with the exception of thedesign and supply of the HRSG, GT, ST and Generator equipment which are within GE’scapabilities. The work to be developed by SENER comprises the detail engineering, operatortraining, commissioning and start-up management and the production of operation andmaintenance manuals. Likewise, within the UTE’s responsibilities, SENER is participating inthe project management, procurement, activation, inspection, quality assurance, health andsafety, environmental control, construction supervision, commissioning and start-up activitiesfor the power island. The construction and commissioning activities have now been completedand the first firing of the gas turbine was successfully carried out in November 2005. Thecommercial operation date of the power plant is scheduled for the end of 2006.

Papelera Peninsularfacilities design

Aceca combined cyclepower station

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E N E R G Y A N D P R O C E S S U P - T O - D A T E

Last November, the pre-commissioning activities for the Sagunto liquefiednatural gas (LNG) regasification plant began, as part of the start up phasedirected by SENER. The electrical powering of the plant’s substationshas already been completed and, at the moment, the control system(ICS) is being put into service. With regard to the processing, the inertingand drying stages of the different line systems which make up theregasification station have been started.Once the pre-commissioning has been concluded, the commissioningprocess will begin with the cooling of the first tank of LNG by means ofliquid nitrogen moderation (at -196º C) and, after the arrival of the firstboat loaded with “continuation gas”, the cooling of the plant with theavailable LNG will start. In addition, the plant guarantee tests will becarried out from the end of the start up and provisional acceptance by

the client SAGGAS (a company consisting principally of UÓN FENOSAGAS, IBERDROLA and ENDESA) for a guarantee period of two years.

Sagunto regasifier plant. Beginning of the start up process

Significant progress in la Plana del VentSince work began on the construction of the La Plana de Vent Combined CyclePower Station, significant progress has been made, above all in civil engineeringwork, in particular the excavation and ground works on the site. This has includedthe laying of foundations of buildings and facilities and alterations to subterraneanservices obstructing the construction of the plant, such as telephone lines,electricity supply lines and the Tarragona industrial estate water supply, all ofwhich have been diverted. In addition, new subterranean services have beeninstalled, such as fire protection systems and power cables. The assembly ofwater pipes that surround the cooling towers and facilities outside the plot havealso been installed. At the end of October, the overall progress in the contractfor the design, provision and construction of the plant was 36.7%, as opposedto the 27.8% that had been programmed. With respect to the work of SENER,two noteworthy situations have taken place. The first one concerns the qualityof the ground under the base of the group I turbine, where it was decided, afterseveral analyses and extensive verification, to substitute part of the land whereit had been affected by flowable fill. The contractor General Electric has proposedvarious possible modifications, even concerning the implementation of the project.The second case concerns modifications in the axes of the high steam turbinesdue to mechanization errors. The final decision is pending the acceptance ofextensions in the guarantees of the affected equipment on the part of GE.

Plana del Vent CombinedCycle Power Station

1 2


1,2,3 Several pictures from the first LNG carrier

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N O T I C I A S S E N E R 19

C I V I LU P - T O - D A T E

The regional government of Aragón, through the public firm “Suelo y

Vivienda de Aragón”, (Aragon Land and Dwellings) is studying the possibility

of transforming the site of the old Caudé aerodrome and firing range into

the future Platea-Caudé (Teruel) airport. The project, supported by a wide

institutional and social consensus, has as its main objective the improvement

of the social and economic development of both the provincial capital and

the province of Teruel. At first, the airport is not expected to attract either

passenger traffic or cargo traffic. It will therefore focus its activity instead

on long term aircraft storage, recycling and maintenance. Initially, the airport

will have a 2,500 metre runway, a large apron for long-term aircraft storage,

recycling and maintenance, and an industrial area for the construction of

other installations related to the airport’s activity. SENER is carrying out

the consultancy and technical assistance for the master plan, management

and exploitation model, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), special

land use plan and business plan for the new airport.

The new airport in Platea-Caudé

Poland´s New Central Airport: Feasibility study

Maintenance Hangar at Palma de Mallorca Airport

Palma de Mallorca airport is the base for a largenumber of airlines. There is, therefore, a need tobuild a hangar where companies will be able toundertake their maintenance operationsindependently of one another. The companyGlobalia Mantenimiento decided to take on theconstruction of an aircraft maintenance hangarand has contracted SENER to carry out this work.The facilities built by SENER will be able to handleprogrammed and non-programmed maintenanceworks and operational maintenance work, as wellas repairing breakdowns, updating equipment,carrying out configuration changes, etc. Initially,the hangar will be 118.5 m long and 75 m wide,and it will be able to be enlarged in the future. Thetotal constructed area will be 12,144m2, of which5,955m2 will be used for aircraft stands. It is a turnkey project with an overall investment of14,472,154 euros.

The Republic of Poland’s Civil Aviation Office (ULC), with resources from the Aid Development Fund,(Sub-dirección General de Fomento financiero de la Internacionalización) has engaged the Consortiummade up by INECO and SENER to carry out a viability study of Poland’s new central airport (NCAP).The present Frederic Chopin International Airport in Warsaw cannot be enlarged and the constructionof a new airport that will enable Poland to process the anticipated rise in traffic is not only neededbut also represents a golden opportunity for Poland, enabling the country to enter into the competitiveair transport market and thereby contributing significantly to the economic development of theregion. The work contracted includes choosing between two potential locations for the NCAP outof a list of places previously selected by the ULC and the later conceptual development of severalalternatives, thereby analysing the technical and economic viability of each of the locations. Thecharacteristics of the airport will be as follows: 3 parallel runways, 4,000m long and 60m wide,maximum capacity of 70 millions passengers and 500,000 operations annually.

Design from the future hangar


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20 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

C I V I L U P - T O - D A T E

Souther Detour for Freight Transport

The construction of the Southern Detour for Freight Transport in Bilbao will avoidthe passage of the present railroad transport through densely populated townssuch as Santurtzi, Portugalete, Sestao, Baracaldo, Ortuella, Trapaga and Bilbao.In the first stage it will link the Serantes tunnel with Bilbao and the ACB factory;and in the second stage it will join up with Basauri. This new track, about 18 kmlong, will connect the Port with: the ACB factory, the main centres of demandfor transport, the RENFE Bilbao-Orduña-Miranda de Ebro line, the High SpeedVitoria-Bilbao-Saint Sebastián Line and the FEVE Cantabria and Robla lines. Andfinally, the EUSKOTREN Bilbao-Saint Sebastián line, from the new terminal inBasauri. This Detour will allow access by rolling stock of different widths - metric,Iberian and international – to the Port of Bilbao. Also, it will communicate ACB- in both metric and Iberian widths - with the Port as well as with the currentrailway network.

Underground line extension for the City of Algiers

Entreprise du Metro d'Alger (Algiers Metro Company), a publiccompany that is responsible to the Algerian Ministry of Transport,has been working for some time on establishing an undergroundtrain system in the city of Algiers. At the moment, the first 9.5 kmof Line 1, between Tefourah and Haï El Badr, are in an advancedstate of construction. For the extension of this first section, proposalsfor two branches, in the shape of a Y, starting from the Haï El Badrstation have been put out to tender. ENSITRANS was awarded thecontract and SENER, as a partner, has an important role in thecontract. This includes carrying out the development studies forthese branches using demand analysis and drawing up the preliminarydesign and the design of all the elements, that is to say, theinfrastructures, facilities and systems. Although the layouts of theseextensions were studied some time ago, one of SENER’s activitiesis to review and to validate them so as to adapt them to the changesin city-planning that have occurred in the area. The work will becarried out at their offices in Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao and Lisbon,as well as at the client’s main office in Algiers.

Bilbao view


Accessibility improvements at El Clot Interchanger

The Catalonian public company GISA, Gestió d'Infraestructures, has contractedSENER to act as consultants to draft the construction project for improvementsin accessibility for people with reduced mobility, their evacuation in emergencysituations and alterations to the El Clot interchange, Barcelona, to meet thestandards required by current regulations.It is a multidisciplinary project which includes civil engineering work, structures,electrical and ventilation systems, equipment and architecture. There are severalareas that require demolition work, the installation of new fixed stairs, the provisionof lifts and inner footbridges, screens, galleries and additional exits. Prior to thebeginning of the design process, a geotechnical survey was carried out. Thiswas necessary in order to be able to measure the performance of the newscreens, galleries and structure reinforcement. A particularly important aspectof this project has been the use of materials and procedures that save time andprovide ease of construction, since a large part of the work requires the interruptionof services at the interchange. A careful architectural design was necessarywhich had an influence on both the qualities of the finish and facilities such asthe physical dimensions involved in the evacuation analysis. Models and advancedcalculation codes were used in this analysis.

Clot interchanger

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N O T I C I A S S E N E R 21

C I V I LU P - T O - D A T E

The Italian company Costa Cruceros has begun theconstruction of a new terminal in the “Adosado” dockthat will replace the current Terminal D at the BarcelonaSea Port. Palacruceros, the name given to the newTerminal, will be 300 m long and 20 m wide. The terminalwill have four levels, with a total area of 10,000 m2, morethan half of which will be covered. It will be able to receivelarge cruise ships able to carry more than 3,000passengers. The project, completely led and financed bythe lead European company Costa Cruceros, has involvedarchitects from both "Studio Vincini" and SENER. SENER’swork consists of drawing up the basic project and theconstruction project, supporting the bid, management ofthe work and the coordination of health and safety. Theterminal will be operative at the end of the 2006 summerseason.

Costa Cruceros new terminal in Barcelona

Palacruceros new therminal artist imagen

ZARAGOZA gets ready for EXPO 2008

The Societé Nationale des Transports Ferroviaires (The NationalRailway Transport Company) (SNTF), Ministère de Transports(Ministry of Transport) and République Algerienne Démocratiqueet Populaire (The Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria) hasrecently awarded SENER the contract, after public tender, for thestudy of the Saida-Moulay Slyssen railway corridor, which is 120km long and located in the north east of Algeria. This projectconsists of elaborating the preliminary study, the preliminary plansummary, the basic design, the detailed design and the companyconsultation dossier for the new railway corridor. This study includesthe topography and railway corridor land survey, railway layout,structures, bridges and viaducts, stations and associated installations,signalling and telecommunications.

Saïda-Moulay Slyssenrailway corridor

In 2008, the city of Zaragoza will be the venue for the Expo 2008 InternationalExhibition. For this great occasion, important new infrastructure, amongstwhich in particular is the new airport terminal, is being built. AENA (AeropuertosEspañoles y Navegación Aérea) has chosen SENER to draft the "Extensionand Remodelling of the Terminal Building and related building work at ZaragozaAirport" project. The building work in this project consists of demolishing alarge part of the present terminal building, the creation of a new one of 8,250m2,the full renovation of the old terminal for AENA to use as a technical building,the remodelling of the accesses and the construction of new parking spaces.A characteristic feature of the new terminal will be its modern architecture, itsoverall appearance being unified by means of a unique roof that will help createa variety of spaces delineated by means of natural light. The authors of thisdesign were architects from the Luis Vidal and Associates Studio, who arecollaborating with SENER in this project.

ZaragozaAirport design

Saïda-Moulayrailway line

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C I V I L U P - T O - D A T E

Light Underground Train linefor Seville

V.S. Ingeniería y Urbanismo and SENER, which formed a temporary

joint venture, are in charge of carrying out the construction of the

infrastructure and superstructure of the track, together with the installations

and the urban integration of a light railway metro line for Seville’s metro,

“MetroCentro”. The new line will have a total length of 3 km. This project

will serve as a reference point for the future transformations to be made

in the city, since it gives special importance to the insertion of the system

into the urban environment, remodelling the urban layout of the areas

it passes through, including the refurbishment of urban infrastructures

and services. This line will be integrated into the future underground

and tram metropolitan network.

Quality water in themediterranean basins

Seville centre

The A.G.U.A. Programme is the result of a change in water policy andincludes the specific measures designed to ensure the availability andquality of water in the Mediterranean basins. These measures are aimedat optimizing the current storage and distribution infrastructures, purificationand reuse of sewage,desalination, brackish watertreatment, environmentalmeasures and ecosystemregeneration. The statesociety ACUAMED (Aguas delas Cuencas Mediterráneas)(Waters of the MediterraneanBasins) will be in charge ofcarrying out more than 80%of the measures to becompleted in the hydrologicbasins in the South, Segura,Júcar, Ebro and Catalonia’sinner basins. The estimatedtotal budget is 3,165 millioneuros. SENER, together withG .O .C . , w i l l s uppo r tACUAMED in coordinatingthe different consultancycompanies and in theverification of the designs andconstruction projects carriedout. In addit ion, it wil limplement and maintain acomputer system to controlthe documentation andadmin is t ra t ion o f themanagement of the projectand construct ion worktogether with the verificationo f t h e “ c h e m i c a ldecontamination of the Flixreservoir” project.

22 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

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N O T I C I A S S E N E R 23

A R C H I T E C T U R EU P - T O D A T E

A hospital can be defined as a great humanizedfacility, where functionality is fundamental toobtain a good product. And this it is thescheme followed by SENER for the First draftof construction of the new Naval Hospital ofCoyoacán (Mexico). It consists of building ahospital centre with 150 beds in a lot of about26,500 m2 with three unfinished constructions.The good state of conservation of thesestructures has allowed remodelling thebuildings without demolition. The new hospitalcentre, located in the greatest structure, willhave areas for urgencies, external consultations(pr imary and special ized attent ion),hospitalization, surgical zone, diagnosis zoneand clinical support. For the design, it hasalso been taken into account the differentiationand rationalization of the circulations, bothhorizontal and vertical, thanks to the schemeof welfare combs that are generated from acommon axis where the communication nucleiare located. The typology of combs withintermediate yards grants a series of

advantages to the building as a greater luminosity when introducing the light in the complex. In addition, the small yards isolate the hospital from thenoises and vibrations of the outside, all the rooms have natural light, the spaces have greater richness and the orientation of the users in its interioris facilitated. SENER has designed the facilities with sustainability criteria, integrating all of a series of bioclimatic elements that try a greater advantageof the renewable energies and the conditions of the lot.

Last December the inauguration of the Ribera de Galindo Park inBaracaldo took place. Bilbao Ria 2000, a society for the urbanregeneration of Bilbao and its surroundings, has been charged withrecovering the lands located on the sides of the rivers Nervió'97nand Galindo, under the Inter-institutional Agreement signed by theMinistry of Public Works and Transport, the Basque Government,the Leasehold Delegation of Viscaya and the City Council of Baracaldo,From the end of the last century until recently the lands of the LaVega Nueva de Galindo (New Fertile Valley of Galindo River) wereoccupied by the facilities of the Altos Hornos de Viscaya (Tall Furnacesof Viscaya). At present, Altos Hornos de Viscaya occupies only onesmall part of the area. The limits and topography of the interventionarea have varied from the beginning of the project in 1998, since ithad become a place for dumping all the inert waste material fromthe adjacent works. SENER’s design for the park is centred on amain pedestrian path with a twisting layout that imitates the patternof a piece of string shaken in the air. The path crosses the stripbetween the canal and the route taken by the road, from theunderground to the Baracaldo – Sestao road bridge. In addition,there are three other types of paths that help to define the area.The perimeter path, a bike-track in the form of a towpath, runs alongpractically the full length of the Galindo River and finally, a secondary path is planned that will link up with the main path. This configuration of pathscreates a series of areas and spaces that are treated differently depending on their use and location. This design tries to define different spaces,protected to a greater or lesser extent by small green areas, created without using soil from elsewhere. Two leisure and entertainment areas havealso been created: the skating rink and a service area. The latter has a large terrace next to which is the children’s playground.

Ribera de Galindo Park inaugurated

Naval hospital In México

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M A R I N E U P - T O D A T E

24 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

There is a continuous expansion of off-shore constructions. This demandaffects ports, breakwaters, sea walls and protection for sheltered waters,shore installations, berthing facilities and docks as well as bridges and othercoastal installations (artificial islands, floating and off-shore plants, etc,). Asystem for this kind of construction is based on the use of floating caissons,which are made of a honeycomb of prefabricated reinforced concrete whichare sunk in their final location, fill up and remain fixed in place. This formsthe base of the construction.These caissons are built in special dedicated floating docks where theygradually sink as they are constructed. Once they reach a certain heightthey float and are ready to be towed to their final destination.SENER is carrying out a floating dock project for CYES, (Construccionesy Estudios S.A.), which builds caissons in Valencia using a different systembut it wants to improve its facilities. The new dock will allow the constructionof concrete caissons up to 46 m. in length and 27 m. in height, weighingmore than 23,000 t.

SENER is currently collaborating in a container ship project which is beingbuilt in the ITAJAI Shipyard, in the town of Itajaí (Brazil). The project involvesthe building of a series of 4 vessels. The P&O Nedlloyd Company is theowner of the ships. SENER’s contribution is to carry out part of the engineeringaspects of steel development, modelling part of the ship using the FORANV50 CAD/CAM tools recently acquired by the shipyard. The contract includesthe model definition, using an ORACLE data base, of two hold areas, engineroom, aft & forward areas and funnel. build strategies for every block willalso be defined. FORAN users from the Shipyard, using the same data base,will also be able to produce the required information for production workshops,including nestings & stiffener sketches, sequence cutting information andInterim Product sketches for the intermediate and final construction stages.Ship dimensions are adequate to carry 1721 TEU, 754 TEU in the innercargo area and 967 TEU above Main Deck. ISO standard TEU dimensionis 20’X8’X8’6”. With 30000 HP engine, the ship will be capable of sailingat a speed of 21 knots with 10.5m of draft.

Container ship for Itajaí (Brazil)

SENER participates at the “CAS Initiative”

Floating dock for concretecaissons construction for CYES

Condition assessment of aging ships for real-time structural maintenancedecisions The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has devised aCondition Assessment Scheme (CAS) for single hulled oil tankers. The aimof the scheme is to ensure that the tankers remain environmentally friendlyuntil their compulsory withdrawal and replacement by double hulled tankers,for which a similar scheme is being developed. The CAS initiative will savetime and reduce costs because the results of the assessment will be availablewhen the tanker is still in dock. Until now these have not been availableuntil the tanker is at sea again and this results in its compulsory return tothe dock if repairs are needed. The project is based on a digital modelcapable of adapting itself to the requirements of each inspection and ofautomatically updating information. It carries out a simplified analysis of theinformation, using virtual reality and robotics to take measurements. Thisanalysis will be able to be accessed worldwide in real time. The model willbe based on an XML lexicon and will enable the corrosion history to berecorded in order to perform preventative maintenance based on techniques

of statistical analysis. Repair decisions and residual lifetime of the structure will be calculated with modern methods of risk based on maintenancemodelling, with the interesting feature that the model will be updated after each measurement cycle. SENER’s contribution is based on its wide experiencein the definition and management of digital models of ships. These models, oriented towards maintenance and repair, will be able to be generatedautomatically from the FORAN System, extending the use of the system to the whole lifecycle of the ship.

A finished caisson waiting to be towed.


Length Overall 194,5m

Length between Perpendiculars 182,8m

Breadth 27,8m

Depth 16,4m

Draught 10,5m

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N O T I C I A S S E N E R 25

M A R I N EU P - T O D A T E

Last July MARIN TEKNIKK AS, a Norwegian ship design office, chose FORAN as theirmain CAD CAM CAE application to be used in all aspects of ship design. This includeseverything from the very basic model of the 3d structure used for classification to thefinal isometric sketch for pipe mounting. The company has therefore become a memberof the extended community of FORAN users in Norway. At present, the system hasalready been installed and basic training has been undertaken. Everything is ready forthem to start building their first vessel using FORAN v60R1.0 MARIN TEKNIKK AShas been a reference point in the shipbuilding world since it was founded in 1981. Asa specialist in the design of ships with a significant value added, it has developed asuccessful series of supply vessels for the offshore industry in addition to more specificcable and pipe layers, seismic vessels and ocean-going fishing vessels. Their staff ismade up of highly skilled naval architects and marine engineers. As a result, they areat the cutting edge of technology in terms of technical know-how and leading designcomputer programs.

Marin Teknikk As goes for Foran

Last July Astilleros de Huelva S,A signed a contract with SENER for two chemicalcarriers of 119m and 140m length, They will begin with the 119 m vessel, later alteringthe design to extend the cargo area by 21 m for the second. The double hull vesselsare designed for the transport of oil and chemical products (IMO 2 and 3). They arepropelled by two 4 strokes engines of 2x3600 KW, driving two shafts with a variablepitch propeller and shaft alternator. SENER is in charge of the steel and outfittingdetail engineering, as well as the supervision of the tasks to be carried out by thecompany working on the basic engineering. The scope of the steel detail comprisesthe following tasks: Definition of the 3D structural model of the ship, plate nestings by block, information for plate conformation, cutting and curving profilesand drawing of plans. In terms of the ship’s outfitting architecture SENER´s work consists, amongst other things, of creating the FORAN 3D model, drawingup all types of plans, making the piping spools and isometric lines for mounting piping.

Two Chemical Carriers for Astilleros de Huelva

Barge for Unión deValencia

SENER has recently collaborated in a project to build aself-propelled barge to carry fuel. Because of the functionit serves, this kind of ship is not designed to sail at highspeeds. It serves as an auxiliary ship designed for shortdistance sailing. In structure the vessel has a double hull,one longitudinal bulkhead along the centre line and seventransverse bulkheads distributed in the cargo area producingtwelve fuel storage tanks. This project has been carried outfor UNV S.A. (Unión Naval de Valencia). SENER is in chargeof the Steel Detail Engineering, in the cargo area betweenframes 14 and 99. The work includes both the modellingand subsequent use of the information gained to create,for example, the nestings & profile sketches, cuttingsequences and the traditional block drawing with marksand details. All this information is defined and generatedusing FORAN CAD/CAM software tools. The UNV shipyardone of the shipyards that have been using this software forsome time. For the type of vessels built here it is useful tomake frequent reference to the FORAN data bases fromprevious projects. Updates are easily added to model andproduction outputs. In this particular case, previousinformation about the aft and forward areas is still validwhile the cargo area is being updated.

Last March SENER signed a contract with Naval Gijón, S.A. to carry outthe complete basic engineering for four 925 TEU “Feeder” type containervessels for the German ship owner Komrowsky. The project not onlyincludes the design and naval architecture calculations; steel scantlings;outfitting; safety and fire-fighting, incline testing experiment, deliverymanuals; etc., but also the coordination with the suppliers of the mainpieces of equipment fitted on board, such as the main engine; hatchcovers and guides and fastening or lashing devices for containers; deckmachinery; rudder; bow thrusters; etc. The work has been managed andcarried out by the Valencia office with the participation in the engine roomscantling of the Tres Cantos office in Madrid. Afterwards, and as aconsequence of the above, SENER signed a contract to complete thedetail engineering of steel and the outfitting of the engine room blocks;the aft peak, superstructure and funnel. The vessel has 6 cargo holds,designed for 20’, 30’ and 40’ containers, as well as for High CubeContainers. It is also able to transport refrigerated containers and thosecarrying dangerous or inflammable goods. In addition it has been reinforced

for navigation in severe ice conditions, with the engine room unattendedand with a single man on the navigation bridge to control the vessel. Theship complies with the requirements for passage through the main channels,the United States standards concerning pollution prevention, health andsafety and the latest international requirements referring to NOx emissionsand treatment of ballast water.

Contract with Naval Gijón: Four container vessels

The main features of the vessel are: Length overall (LOA): 140.40 m -Length between perpendiculars (Lpp): 131.00 m. - Breadth (B)= 22.80 m. - Heightto Main Deck (D): 11.90 m. - Design draught (T): 7.60 m. - Dead weight at designdraught (DWT): 9000 mT - Project speed: 19.30 kn.

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G R O U P U P - T O - D A T E

26 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

ORBITAL RECOVERY LIMITED has signed a preliminary agreementfor a first mission of its innovative ConeXpress Orbital Life ExtensionVehicle (CX-OLEV) in 2009. Launched on board an Ariane 5 rocket,the CX-OLEV will be placed in geostationary orbit and will dock withcommunications satellite in orbit in order to supply it with fuel andmaintain it in its correct position, prolonging its operative life for anotherfive years. When a satellite is more than ten years in geostationaryorbit, it would have consumed practically all its fuel and would beunable to keep its position fixed. It is at this point when the CX-OLEVwould maintain the appropriate orbit of this satellite for a minimum ofother five years by delivering additional propulsion and assuming theguidance and navigations functions. The CX-OLEV is designed toprovide other additional services like the rescue of satellites that don’treach their destination orbit for failure of the launch vehicle or problemswith their propulsion systems, or to transfer the satellites to parkingorbits at the end of their working life. SENER is shareholder of ORBITALRECOVERY LIMITED and is also responsible for the development ofthe Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem of the CX-OLEV, a vehiclemarketed by the British company. Also participating in this businessproject is a substantial group of companies from the Europeanaerospace sector, such as DUTCH SPACE - main contractor -SWEDISH SPACE CORPORATION, KAYSER-THREDE,ARIANESPACE, SNECMA and CONTRAVES SPACE. The EuropeanSpace Agency (ESA), which oversees the program technically, financespart of the development through the ARTES 4 program.

The first mission of the CX-OLEV space tug

ITP increases their participation in Industrial Turbines

Industria de Turbo Propulsores, S.A. (ITP) has signedan agreement with General Electric (GE) to increasetheir participation to risk (RRSP) in the programmeLMS100®, aero derived industrial turbine, in whichit reaches a quota of 5.8%. The LMS100® is aturbine that consumes gas and generates electricity.It is considered the most efficient gas turbine insimple cycle of the market and generates more than100 mega watt. electricity. The agreement supposesan important milestone in the relationship with GEand is an indicator of the position of ITP as aworldwide provider of both turbines and radialstructures. The agreement marks the first time thatITP has responsibility in the design, manufactureand development of a GE component (TRF, TurbineRear Frame), as well as in the complete managementof a GE module (Turbine of Power). The TRF willbe made mainly in the facilities of ITP in Zamudiowhereas the assembly of the turbine module will becarried out in the factory of Ajalvir. With respect tothe extension in the agreement, Director General ofITP Ignacio Mataix has affirmed that "this newcontract in the LMS100® is an important landmarkfor ITP. It reinforces our relation with GE in industrialturbines through the design and manufacture of acomplex component, as well as by the integrationof a complete module."

ConeXpress vehicle

ITP capabilities in Zamudio (Spain)

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N O T I C I A S S E N E R 27

G R O U PU T - T O - D A T E

TRACJUSA showed an excellent economic performancein 2005 fiscal year, as a consequence of the goof electricitymarket prices and the satisfactory complementary pricepremium introduced by the Government at the end of2004. During 2005, TRACJUSA improved the pig manureanaerobic digestors aimed at increasing the biogasproduction performed the extraordinary maintenancework of the electricity gas engine generations (300.000hours). Although these operations implied productioninterruptions, the plant was able to generate 126 of KWhand to treat 87.000 tons of pig manure (88% of thenominal cacity) while producing 5900 tons of anorganomineral fertilizer. The improvements of the anaerobicdigester have already resulted in 20% increase in biogasproduction, saving an equivalent amount of natural gas.The fertilizer is being well accepted by the farmers. Totalsales of fertilizer (from TRACJUSA and from the identicalnearby plant of VAG) amounted to 11.000 tons.

TRACJUSA: brillant 2005 economic results

The used oil rerefinig plant built by SENER in Fuenlabrada(Madrid, Spain), first unit to use the SENER-Interline process,in being visited by prospective customers of the technologyfrom diferents costumers (Great Britain, Belgum, France,Romania, Ukraine, USA, Japan, Brazil, etc.). Due to the crudeoil rising prices, these plants are now economically attractive.The technology, which incorporate important improvementintroduced by SENER in the original Interline technology(Utah, USA), competes worldwide with other rerefiningprocesses showing lower investment, moderate operationalcost and full respect to the environment. An internationalpatent protecting was granted to SENER in 2004, that hasbeen an European patent on October 2005.

On September 2005, a patent, protecting a new thermal cycle for theconversion if biomass into electrical energy, was granted to SENER. Thisnew technology was disclosed by SENER on May 2005 during a congressmeeting for the forestry biomass in Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Thenew thermal cycle notably increases the energy efficiently, allowingeconomically attractive plants to be built, even under the present electricitytariff regulation. This was not the possible until now, with the conventionaltechnologies. The process is able to process biomass from forestry(branches and other waste from woods), agriculture origin (straw or wastefrom other crops) or from energy crops (cinera, carduncus, etc). The patentthermal cycle of SENER can use any biomass boiler type, although theresults may be obtained with high efficiency boilers.

New patent for Biomassconversion to energy

The SENER-INTERLINE rerefining process avises worldwide interest

in perspective costumers

Oil rerefining plant in Rumanía

TRACJUSA engine room

Biomass conversion to energy diagram

Page 27: PAG 3-7 ingles - sener.es · Ricardo Lacruz, Lope Seco, Pablo Querol, Ángel Fernández Llata, Ramón Vilardell, Gorka González, Luis Mª San Martín, Fernando Mosquera, J.R. Bartolomé,

By: Mirko Toman, marine engineering

New version ofFORANThe culmination of several years of investment in R+D, has been the presentation by SENER of version 60 of FORAN at the Nor-Shipping Fair, whichwas celebrated n Lillestram, Norway.This new solution incorporates the latest techniques in software engineering and is probably the best CAD/CAM system currently available for thedesign and construction of ships.


Vessel perspective close-up 3D design

Structure detail viewVessel perspective

As a consequence of the collaboration between the creators of theprogram and the users, who contribute with their practical viewpoint inthis complex world of 3D computer models, the System provides usefuland beneficial solutions to real problems. Some of the most noteworthyadvantages of the new version of the system are:

Revolutionary method to define the internal structure of the ship, allowingthe designer to work in any zone, from a single piece to the completeship, with information from the complete project being provided automaticallyin real time. This possibility avoids errors of design and production andgives rise to significant increases in productivity. In addition, multiple

Page 28: PAG 3-7 ingles - sener.es · Ricardo Lacruz, Lope Seco, Pablo Querol, Ángel Fernández Llata, Ramón Vilardell, Gorka González, Luis Mª San Martín, Fernando Mosquera, J.R. Bartolomé,

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(1 ) Eng ine noom des ign room(2 ) Fp ipe modu le(3 ) Fhu l l modu le(4 ) Foran de ta i l des ign(5 ) Aux i l i a r y s t ruc tu res o f the eng ine room

1 2 3

4 5

access is allowed, whereby several designers work simultaneously in thesame zone. The new tools for definition of the internal structure are basedon simple but very powerful concepts, and the information of the modelin all the design phases is available for later reuse.- New module for the definition and layout of trays and cables, workingwith innovative methods in a 3D environment.- New module to generate, understand, verify and control the informationfor production of structures, with new methods for shell plate expansion,fabrication jigs, etc.- Greater volume of components in diagrams and drawings, morefunctionalities to draw and to model in 2D and 3D, more automatism forthe generation of 2D drawings directly from the model 3D.- Automatic generation of production drawings linked to the build strategy.- More commands and tools for mechanical design.- New possibilities in the programming environment, with more functionsto directly manipulate and to create the 3D model and to generateinformation in user defined formats.- Document Generation in MS Windows formats, through COM interface,or with the new FORAN documentation system.- New module for probabilistic calculation of damage stability, includingthe latest rules of the International Marine Organization (IMO).- New components for outfitting, more possibilities to define user attributes,new definition of auxiliary structures and many more functions for pipesupports.- Oracle 9i, improvements in the administration tools, automatic andintelligent control of versions.- More possibilities to import and to export the model (Catia, Pro Engineerand others).- More tools to facilitate concurrent engineering and for connection withPDM systems.- Improvements in control of symmetries for build strategy products, moreefficient tools for the automatic definition of the manufacturing plane.- Significant Improvements in the visualization of the ship forms, withmore options to define corrugated bulkheads and more parametricpossibilities to define (associatively) the surfaces of the ship.All the phases of the project of the ship can be handled with a single tool,

which not only improves quality, but also saves time in each phase. Asthe new version is based on build strategy, this allows for the easy, quickand accurate generation of production information according to thespecific requirements of the client. With FORAN V60 it is possible todesign in 2D or 3D in all the phases from initial through to detail (orproduction) design. Throughout the design process automatic generation(or regeneration) of drawings is obtained from the 3D model and thusrepetitions are eliminated.New definition of the internal structure of the ship with FORAN. To behighlighted among the new features of version 60 of the FORAN System,recently launched on the market, are the tools for the definition of theinternal structure. The new process is carried out completely within themodule FHULL, which replaces the old IPANEL and is based on a newtop-down concept. Starting with initial or basic design, the structure isrefined according to the advance in the project spiral, until attaining thefinal level of detail required. This continuity, together with significantimprovements in the topological associations between structural elements,allows for three-dimensional modeling and a much more efficient reuseof the information.The new user interface also includes functions to facilitate the work ofthe designer, such as the massive copy of elements, global modificationsand automatic control of thicknesses. In addition, the designer can worksimultaneously in several sections, whether in 2D schemes or directly inthe 3D model.Another important aspect of the application is the powerful Oracle searchcapabilities, that provides in real time the updated information of any areaof the ship, independently of whether it is visualized on the screen or not.This capability of having the latest information of the 3D model availablein real time is extremely important for concurrent engineering.In the new FHULL module SENER has also introduced severalimprovements to automate frequently used procedures in structuraldesign. Among these improvements are the division of pieces based onthe passing/no-passing attribute, the union of adjacent pieces in a simpleoperation, or the insertion of notches considering their water tightness.In conclusion, FORAN continues improving to simplify the work of thedesigner and to increase their effectiveness

Page 29: PAG 3-7 ingles - sener.es · Ricardo Lacruz, Lope Seco, Pablo Querol, Ángel Fernández Llata, Ramón Vilardell, Gorka González, Luis Mª San Martín, Fernando Mosquera, J.R. Bartolomé,
Page 30: PAG 3-7 ingles - sener.es · Ricardo Lacruz, Lope Seco, Pablo Querol, Ángel Fernández Llata, Ramón Vilardell, Gorka González, Luis Mª San Martín, Fernando Mosquera, J.R. Bartolomé,

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By: Miguel Domingo Oslé. Msc Mechanical Engineer

Large movablemirrored structures for

Solar thermalpower plants


Page 31: PAG 3-7 ingles - sener.es · Ricardo Lacruz, Lope Seco, Pablo Querol, Ángel Fernández Llata, Ramón Vilardell, Gorka González, Luis Mª San Martín, Fernando Mosquera, J.R. Bartolomé,

32 N O T I C I A S S E N E R


The collector field of a solar power station, which concentrates solar

radiation by means of mirrors, is the component which has the

greatest impact on the total cost of the plant and, therefore, it is on

this system that the greatest effort has to be focused in order to

improve its performance. The SOLAR TRES, plant, promoted by

SENER, has more than 260,000 m2 of movable mirrors on two axes,

and ANDASOL-1, in which SENER is in UTE with ACS-Cobra, has

510,000 m2 of movable curved mirror on one axis. Following this

strategy, SENER has designed, made and tested some prototypes

of heliostats and parabolic cylindrical collectors by using their own

software, called SENSOL, to establish the design criteria.

The programme, developed for the technical and economic analysis

of projects in the area of solar power and their optimization provides,

in addition, the optimal design in each case from the point of view

of plant yield. The main differentiating characteristic of SENSOL lies

in the optical “model making” of the field collector and in the

parameterization of the costs. In this way, not only is the output of

each component taken into consideration but also its cost and how

this varies in relation to the performance of the component.

SENER’s new heliostat, which has more than 115 m2 of useful mirrors,

has been tested by Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA) and it has

been verified that its operating mechanism has an excellent “cost

per unit of moving mirror surface” ratio. The basis of this improvement

is the development of a strategy of intelligent control of the mechanism

that positions the inner reduction stages in the configuration, thereby

increasing the capacity to cope with the most unfavourable load

situations. The design criterion of the heliostat (mechanism, structure

and facets) has been the plant’s overall performance through the use

of SENSOL. The structural rigidity and the optical quality of the facet

have been evaluated in order to study their influence on the plant’s

productivity and thereby be able to choose the optimal design for

the equipment.

SENER’s Parabolic Cylindrical Collector, also tested in PSA, significantly

reduces the costs of manufacture and assembly of the collector’s

metallic structure without diminishing its optical yield.

For the mass production of this type of collector in commercial plants,

SENER is developing its own technology "supporting arm, cylindrical-

parabolic solar collector support and arm manufacturing procedure".

The second prototype, which includes the tooled arms, will begin a

series of tests in the middle of February 2006.

(1) Parabolic Collector view. (2) SENER´s heliostat assembled at the plataforma solar de Almería (PSA), Spain. (3) Parabolic Collector structure. (4) SENER´s heliostat mechanism.

1 2

3 4

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34 N O T I C I A S S E N E R


2005 GIMOR Price


“Condensación de agua y formación de hidratos en transporte dehidrocarburos” (“Condensation of water and hydrate formation in hydrocarbontransport”) received the GIMOR prize which is awarded every year by theSociety of Petroleum Engineers in Buenos Aires. Christian Romano, fromSENER, participated in collaboration with Fernando Pillon (TGN), FacundoCocco (ENARGAS) and Carlos Robacio (TGN). GIMOR - Grupo de Interésen Modelado y Simulaciónde Redes (Modelling andSimulation of NetworksInterest Group), was createdin 2001 to promote the studyand exchange of experiencesin model l ing and thesimulation of hydrocarbonf low in condui ts andnetworks.

Last November 30th Proespacio, an association of the main

companies in the Spanish space industry, commemorated its first

ten years of activity. The celebration was held in the Palacio Fortuny,


Proespacio celebrates its10th Anniversary

SENER has again won the “Válvula de Oro” (Golden Valve) competition organized bythe Intergraph Company, this time for two categories, best image and best computeranimation. The former, called “Un paseo por Sagunto” (“A walk around Sagunto”) takesa virtual visit to the regasification plant in this Valencian town. The latter, “Mantenimiento”(“Maintenance”), shows a pump room at the RSU incineration plant in Zabalgarbi (Bilbao).This competition recognises the leading designers in the industry and, during thepresentation, the jurors praised the winning image for its technique and the creativenessof the design and also praised the video for its originality and effort.

Extraordinary award for

materials engineeringNuria Noguera Ferrer received the Extraordinary Awardfor “Materials Engineering” presented by Lluís FerrerCaubet, Rector of the Universidad Autónoma deBarcelona (Independent University of Barcelona). Theevent took place on 16th December at the Rectorateof the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Nuria,who has a degree in physics, joined SENER in themiddle of 2005 to work on new developments andprojects in the field of Biomedical Systems.
