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PART III - xtec.cat · cantants o personatges que participen en la història del clip i que fan ......

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Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O. 356 PART III: Crèdit variable d’ampliació per a segon cicle d’E.S.O.

Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.356


Crèdit variable d’ampliació

per a segon cicle d’E.S.O.

Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.357



'Music Clips: A Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans' és un crèdit variable

d'ampliació per alumnes de segon cicle d'E.S.O. És un crèdit interdisciplinari que

combina activitats musicals de tota mena amb aspectes socials, ètics, morals així com la

pràctica de la llengua anglesa. De la mateixa manera, també pot ésser utilitzat per reforç

de continguts impartits en crèdits comuns en aquells centres que no adaptin o utilitzin

crèdits variables.

El tipus de música que presenta compren tota classe d'estils musicals de les

dècades dels 80-90. La major part de les cançons han estat triades per la lletra i el

videoclip pel seu contingut visual, el qual es força atractiu. Alguns d'ells inclouen

cantants o personatges que participen en la història del clip i que fan monòlegs o diàlegs

que poden motivar als estudiants. La varietat d'estils fa que re els estudiants

s'identifiquin amb més d'un estil.

Tots els clip tenen activitats multimèdia o webs d'internet per accedir i buscar

diferent tipus d'informació. Tanmateix, cada història treballada identifica a l'alumne

amb un problema concret d'una societat i el fa reflexionar sobre els fets diversos que

succeeixen al nostre entorn.

A l'última lliçó, els alumnes han de triar d'entre dues activitats per realitzar el seu

projecte. Ambdues activitats són interessants. Cal tenir en compte la capacitat del centre

per poder oferir creació de pàgines web als alumnes, ja que el projecte B inclou aquesta


Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.358


This credit is about music and videoclips. What do you know about them? What do you

know about music?


a) Write down as much styles as you remember.

b) Relate one singer/group with each music style if possible.

c) Discuss all these facts with your partners and your teacher.


Do the following quiz and check your answers with your teacher at the end of the activity.

1) What is the main language used to sing commercial songs worldwide?

a) Hindib) Englishc) Spanish

2) Who was the first person in using the word Rock’n’roll?

a) Elvis Presleyb) The Beatlesc) An American DJ

3) What is a vinyl record?

a) A plastic record used in discotheques by DJs.b) The most popular format for record until the 90’sc) A gold record award

4) What is a chart?

a) The logo of music groupsb) The list of the most successful songs/albumsc) The most famous airplay songs every week

5) What is the main purpose of a fan club?

a) To sell CD’s and cassettes of the group they are supportingb) To promote group activitiesc) To give up-to-date information and sell merchandise

6) What is a fanzine?

a) Amateur mags made by fansb) Commercial magazines about pop groupsc) Fan clubs

7) What is a platinum record?

a) A record-award when achieving 1 million single copiesb) A record-award when achieving 2 million single copiesc) A record-award when achieving 500,000 single copies

8) What is exactly the Eurovision Song Contest?

Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.359

a) An annual music festival grouping world countriesb) A two-year-period European music festival grouping countriesc) An annual music festival grouping European countries

9) What is a Grammy Award?

a) An annual award ceremony that takes place in L.A. each yearb) A BBC award that takes place in Londonc) An MTV award

10) Videoclips started to becorme famous in:

a) The 90’sb) The 60’sc) The 80’s

8-10 Great! Your knowledge about music is very good.

4-7 Not bad! You’re going to know a lot of new things about music in this credit.

1-3 Well, if after correcting this quiz you have understood why did you make a mistake

that is fine. Let’s work a lot to improve this knowledge!





Follow up

Record label

Peak position


Drug overdose


Gold record

Platinum record














1. It means ’popular’ and it’s especially oriented to teens. _____________

2. It comes from American urban centres. Lyrics are spoken

Rather than sung. Usual themes are violence and discrimination _____________

3. Afro-Caribbean origin. Bob Marley was one of his best singers _____________

4. Mixture of R&B, gospel with pop structures. Aretha Franklin

Became one of the best singers in this style _____________

5. Social and fashion branch of rap music _____________


Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.360

6. Cowboy music of the American South and West _____________

7. Abbreviation of ’discotheque’. Music style comprising some

Sub-genres like techno and house _____________

8. Loud Music of the 70’s, offering rage and revolt. Their members

coloured their hairs and used combs _____________

9. Term coined in the 50’s. Elvis Preysler and Bruce Springsteen are

A good example of this powerful style _____________

10. Caribbean sounds and rhythm of jazz _____________

11. Loud rock music started in the 70’s _____________

12. Traditional music passed through generations _____________

















Troyal Garth Brooks was born in Oklahoma, USA. Brooks’s mother was a

country singer and from his childhood he was attuned with his future life. Brooks, while

studying at college, entertained playing in clubs at night, but instead of continuing his

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’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.361

studies he preferred his music career and soon was playing full-time. He learned over

350 songs while he was working in a club.

His first album, GARTH BROOKS, had an old-time, western swing. His second

album, NO FENCES, was even better, and the album sold ten million copies in the USA

and he won several awards.

Brooks’s outstanding success in the Country Music Association’s Awards in

October 1991 was followed by his album, ROPIN’ THE WIND, selling four million

copies in its first month of release and topping both the US pop and country charts.

Brooks chooses his songs carefully and his mother plays and important role in

his life. He says, ‘My mother has told me to take care of myself. In that way, I'll be

around in 10 or 15 years and I can pay back the people who have invested time in me.’

Brooks' survival as a commercial singer is evident, but during 1992 it was said that he

was planning to quit the music business to concentrate on raising a family (his first

daughter, named Taylor in honor of James Taylor, was born that spring). In the event,

Brooks cancelled his touring engagements for the summer, but re-emerged before the

end of the year with a Christmas record, BEYOND THE SEASON.


1) Which were Garth's activities while studying at college?

2) What album was sold extremely well? Which were its figures?

3) Did he plan to quit the music industry in 1992? Why?

4) Why did he christen 'Taylor' to his daughter?


1. We call them cools

2. Those hearts that have no scars to show

3. The ones that never do let go

4. And risk the tables being turned

5. We call them fools

6. Who have to dance within the flame

7. Who chance the sorrow and the shame

Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.362

8. That always comes with getting burned

9. But you got to be tough when consumed by desire

10. ’Cause it’s not enough just to stand outside the fire

11. We call them strong

12. Those who can face this world alone

13. Who seem to get by on their own

14. Those who will never take the fall

15. We call them weak

16. Who are unable to resist

17. The slightest chance love might exist

18. And for that forsake it all

19. They’re so hell bent on giving, walking a wire

20. Convinced it’s not living if you stand outside the fire


21. Standing outside the fire (2)

22. Life is not tried it is merely survived

23. If you’re standing outside the fire

24. There’s this love that is burning

25. Deep in my soul

26. Constantly yearning to get out of control

27. Wanting to fly higher and higher

28. I can’t abide standing outside the fire


As you could see, the boy in the clip is suffering from Down’s Syndrome. Let us know

some more about this illness.

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’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.363


- It is a congenital malformation accompanied by mental underdevelopment.

- It is caused by a genetic abnormality, specifically in the 21st chromosome.

- The risk factor varies with the age of the mother. The older is the mother, the

higher is the probability. Though for mother over 40 the risk is less than 1 %.

- A Congenital heart disease affects around 40 per cent of babies.

- In the absence of this heart defect, most of the children can expect to live into their

sixth decade.

- Hearing and visual impairments are common and should be checked every year.


1) Do you know anybody who’s suffering from Down’s Syndrome?

2) What are their specific problems?

3) After watching the clip, which are the main difficulties of that boy?


1) Look up the following words in a dictionary if you don’t know it:


Make a sentence with each word:

2) As you can see, some ending words in the lyrics have a rhyme. Pay attention to this

rhyme and copy the words with the same sound.

e.g. Line 2: VKRZ Line 3: JR

3) Garth Brooks’s lyrics are defining four different kinds of people: cool, fool, strong

and weak ones. Form sentences including those four features.

e.g. (cool) Cool persons have hearts with no scars to show, and never let go.

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The boy in the clip is writing in the wrong chart. Improvise a short dialogue taking into

account this mistake.

Useful words:

Enroll/put one’s name on High School Olympics name/surname


Listen to the video again and try to fill the empty spaces with the appropriate words.

[Mother and son about to leave the house]

- Mum: are we ________ yet?

- Son: No, not yet Mum.

- Mum: How about now?

- Son: Not yet.

- Mum: you can still see now. Son, all clear. Come on let’s have some _______.

[Parents arguing]

- )DWKHU: He’s just going to _____________ himself.

- 0RWKHU: No, you’re just afraid that you’re gonna be embarrassed.

- )DWKHU: I don’t want the kid to ______ ________.

[Son on the ground, Daddy talking to him]

- )DWKHU: Get away from him. Don’t you touch him. He’s not ___________. Come on

Randy, you gotta get up. Come on, get up, come up, you can ________ it.

��� ,17(51(7�$&7,9,7<�

Check the Web Site of the Special Olympics International Committee at


Follow these instructions:

1- Read the Welcome message about this organization.

2- Check the individual profiles: Choose a male athlete and a female one. Click on

his/her name and summarize their life.

Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.365

3- Click on the Corporate Sponsors. Write the name of at least three official sponsors

and three supporters.

4- Choose one bar of your choice and summarize its content .



Born as Reginald Kenneth Dwight in 1947, this English singer and songwriter

started taking piano lessons when he was four years old. He is considered the most

successful rock pianist in the world. John formed his first band Bluesology in the early

’60s and turned professional in 1965. He changed his real name for another one more


Between 1972 and 1975 he had seven consecutive number 1 albums, and a lot of

famous hits topping the chart like ’Rocket Man’, ’Candle in the Wind’ and an apparently

suicide message, ’Someone Saved My Life Tonight’. In 1976 he topped the UK charts

with a duet with Kiki Dee, ’Don’t Go Breaking My Heart’. His sensitivity made him a

popular character. Trying to protect the interests of the people, he rescued his favourite

football club, Watford, purchased the club and invested money in it.

In the early 80’s, his albums were considered random. Towards the end of 1986,

Elton collapsed onstage in Australia and was hospitalized for throat surgery. During this

time the UK yellow press speculated on Elton's possible throat cancer. In 1988 he

released the excellent REG STRIKES BACK. As a presumably attempt of closing a

chapter of his life, Elton made a public sale at Sotheby's, selling 2,000 items of his

personal memorabilia including his boa feathers, boots and hundreds of pairs of

outrageous spectacles that were used in his concerts.

In 1993 many guest musicians appeared on John's DUETS. Five new songs were

included in the soundtrack The Lion King, reaching number 1 in the US charts. In 1991

the Sunday Times announced that he had entered the top 200 wealthiest people in

Britain. At the end of the century, he had financial problems that made him to quit the

list. With no doubt, he is nowadays considered one of the world's greatest rock stars.

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1) What’s Elton’s real name?

2) What outstanding feature for a singer happened in the early 70’s?

3) Is he considered a rich person?

4) What kind of clothes did he sell? Where?

5) Which was his first band?


1) Fill in the blacks while listening to the song again:

1. Hey Nikita is it _______

2. In your little corner of the world

3. You could roll around the world

4. And never find a warmer soul to ________

5. Oh I saw you by the wall

6. Ten of your tin soldiers in a row

7. With eyes that looked like ice on _______

8. The human heart a captive in the _______


9. Oh Nikita you will never know

10. anything about my home

11. I’ll never know how good it feels to hold you,

12. Nikita I need you so

13. Oh Nikita is the other side

14. of any given line in ________

15. Counting ten tin soldiers in a row

16. Oh no, Nikita you’ll never know

17. Do you ever dream of me

18. Do you ever see the letters that I __________

19. When you look up through the wire

Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.367

20. Nikita do you count the stars at night

21. And if there comes a time

22. Guns and gates no longer hold you in

23. And if you’re free to make a _________

24. Just look towards the west and find a friend



- Elton’s first UK hit was in the early 1970’s.

- At the end of the 70’s he openly admitted his bisexuality and his personal

insecurities about his weight and baldness and tried to commit suicide twice.

- For this video, he used his own Bentley car, valued at more than 1,2 million ∈.

- Nikita, is in reality a man’s name, and there were never females as guards.

- The photograph on his passport wouldn’t be valid because hats and sunglasses are

not allowed in passport photos.



1) Who is Nikita?

2) Where does she apparently live?

3) Who is Elton John in this clip?

4) What is Elton doing at night in front the wire?

5) Can he finally cross the border again? Why?

6) Where is Elton John’s home?

7) What is Elton doing at home to remember Nikita?

Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


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8) What kind of things, according to the videoclip, can you do in a free world?

9) You have seen more things they can do to enjoy themselves. Write 3 more actions.



___ Elton John is drawing a heart in the snow by night

___ A ‘superior’ official replaces Nikita at the border

___ Elton meets Nikita when crossing the border with his chauffeur

___ He imagines a happy life with her, watching some slides

___ Nikita requires him the passport

___ But she is still living in the Eastern World

___ Elton is not allowed to enter and comes back

___ And he will live without her.

____ At the beginning, the border is kept by soldiers who are marching along the wall.




Hat, camera, jacket, glasses and face


You are a custom/border officer. Your job is stopping the people who want to

cross the border and ask them the reasons and so on. Work in pairs.

Useful words:

Holidays, purpose, how many days, things to be declared, place of staying, rental car,

amount of money..


Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.369

- Tourist 1 /Tourist 2:


We are going to find specific information about The Berlin Wall.

- Take Encarta 99 Encyclopedia. Look at the presentation and click on Media Features.

- Click on Media Gallery and type Berlin

- Select information about the Wall (Rally at Berlin Wall & Berlin Wall Watch Tower)

- Answer the following questions:

(About Rally at Berlin...) a) What happened on November 9, 1989?

b) When was the Wall built?

(About the Berlin Wall Watch-Tower) a) What’s a watch Tower? (give a synonym)

b) Where was the tower placed?



3DXO� 0F&DUWQH\ was born in 1942 in Liverpool, started playing with The

Beatles in 1957 and their success continued until 1970. Paul formed ‘The Wings’, along

with his American wife Linda Eastman, who died from a cancer in 1998. They shared a

musical career. BAND ON THE RUN, released in 1973 was highly successful.

However, if his international success was maintained through duets with Stevie Wonder

(‘Ebony And Ivory’) and Michael Jackson (‘Say Say Say’).

FLOWERS IN THE DIRT was in the record-stores in 1989, and their singles failed in

the chart. OFF THE GROUND in 1993 received more or less the same treatment.

0LFKDHO�-RVHSK�-DFNVRQ was born in 1958, in Gary, Indiana. He was a founder

member of the Jackson Five who later were reborn as The Jacksons, at the age of four.

In 1982 THRILLER, Michael's second album, was released. It remains the most

successful album of all time, having sold more than 42 million copies by the early '90s.

Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


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For many years, it was said he was taking drugs to change his skin colour to

white, he had undergone plastic surgery to alter his appearance and that he slept in a

special chamber to prevent himself ageing.

The following album BAD appeared in 1987 and released eight singles. The new

release DANGEROUS came in 1992. Until this year, he was described as a figure

trapped in an eternal childhood, surrounded by toys and pet animals, and isolated from

the traumas of the real world. He was interviewed in 1992 and the TV program was

shown all over world. So, the viewers saw his personal side an the way he spoke of his

domineering father.

In 1993, allegations of sexual abuse were made by one of Jackson’s young

friends and the consequence in the media was enormous. Police raided Jackson’s home

while he was on tour in the Far East, but finally no charges were made. Additionally, he

confessed to being addicted to painkillers and was seeking treatment. After this

admission, Jackson's long-time sponsors Pepsi Cola decided to cancel their deal with

Michael. Further nonsense prevailed when he married Lisa Marie Presley in an act to

recover his favor with the world. His marriage collapsed a few months later.


1) How many singles did BAD release? Do You know any of his songs?

2) Why did Pepsi decide to cancel the contract with Michael?

3) There are many speculations and rumors about his life. State some of them.

4) What happened with Paul's wife?

5) Did Paul ever collaborate with any other artist?


1. Say, say, say what you want

2. But don’t play games with my affection

3. Take, take, take what you need

4. But don’t leave me with no direction

5. All alone I sit home by the phone

6. Waiting for you baby (baby)

7. Through the years

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’Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans’ Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O.371

8. How can you stand to hear my pleading for you dear

9. You know I’m crying

10. Ooh, ohh, ooh, ooh, ooh

11. (Now) go, go, go where you want

12. But don’t leave me here forever

13. You, you, you stay away to long girl

14. I see you never

15. What can I do girl to get through to you?

16. ‘Cause I love you baby (baby)

17. Standing here baptized in all my tears

18. Baby through the years

19. You know I’m crying

20. Ooh, ohh, ooh, ooh, ooh

21. You never ever worry

22. And you never shed a tear

23. You're saying that my love ain’t real

24. Just look at my face

25. These tears ain’t drying

26. You, you, you can never say

27. that I’m not the one who really loves you

28. I pray, pray, pray every day

29. That you’ll see things girl like I do

30. What can I do girl to get through to you?

31. ‘Cause I love you baby, baby)

32. Standing here, baptized in all my tears

33. Baby through the years

34. You know I’m crying

35. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

36. Say, say, say...

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- The black man was Elvis Presley’s former bodyguard.

- Michael fell for the ranch where Paul and Linda stayed at during the shooting of the


- Michael bought it in 1988 and renamed it as ‘Neverland’.

- In this video, Michael fell in love with a black girl of the clip, who is actually his

sister Latoya.

- Michael doesn't speak to his sister since 1993 due to personal problems.



��3DXO: Step ______ ___, come on, ladies and gentlemen, gather around.

Let me tell you all about the Mac and Jack wonder ________, guaranteed to give you

unbelievable power. Yes, my friends, it can give you the strength of a raging ______.

- 0LFKDHO�� Ooh, I got one.

��3DXO: Oh, here’s a young ______________. You’d like to try one. Check it up.

[Michael tries to open the potion]. Let me help you with that my _______. [Paul opens

the potion quite easily]. ________.

- 0LFKDHO: [drink it]. Uuhhh.

[He proposes an arm-wrestling fight with the black man] Sir...


a ) Michael and Paul are in the WestIn New YorkThe 18th century

b )They are good-heart murderers rip-off artist


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c) Their team is formed by 5 members 4 members only two persons

d) The money that they collect is paid into the bank gone partly sent to an orphanage

e) Michael falls in love with a black girl who bought the wonder potion black who works in the place they perform white girl

3) Prepare a chart including the following information in order to compare both artists:










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This English singer was born in 1956. Before being a solo singer, he belonged to the

UK groups ’Streetband’ and ‘Q Tips’, but they split up because of tiredness and lack of


Paul’s smooth voice captured the people with some chart-topping hits like

‘Wherever I Lay My Hat’ or his album debut ‘NO PARLEZ’ (including the single

‘Come back and stay’), which remained in the charts over two years. Nowadays, this

album is his most appreciated work, having sold several million copies.

His persisting voice troubles have been disturbing his musical career. In 1988

he made an encouraging return singing at the Nelson Mandela Concert at Wembley and

then, he remained silent until two years later, declaring to the press that ‘he was

‘decorating his house’.

In 1990 he returned with OTHER VOICES and an accompanying tour. He was

one of the better performances of the Freddie Mercury tribute concert at Wembley

Stadium in May 1992.


1) What problem has been the main obstacle in his musical career?

2) How long was 'No parlez' in the charts?

3) Why did his other groups split up?


&+25861. Hope in a hopeless world

2. Love in such hateful time

3. Hope in a hopeless world

4. Ease my mind (2)

5. Baby's born in New York City,

6. Wrapped in a blanket that's tattered and worn?

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7. Mama’s doing the best she can

8. Finding hope in a hopeless world

9. Her eldest boy

10. Well he stayed in school

11. Listen to Mamma

12. Didn’t drink or use

13. And every job he wants he gets refused

14. Is there hope in a hopeless world

15. Looking for hope in a hopeless world

16. Searchin’ for love in such hateful times

17. Trying to stay strong

18. While the minds gets weak

19. I’m lookin’ for hope in a hopeless world

20. On a corner stands a young girl

21. The home she left was from a better part of town

22. Daddy did things she’d rather not talk about

23. Is there hope in a hopeless world

24. You gotta quarter for the homeless

25. Spare some change for a soldier who fought the war

26. Put some money in those hands and in those tins.

27. Give them hope in a hopeless world

28. Got to find hope in a hopeless world

29. Lookin’ for love in such hateful times

30. Lookin’ for hope in a hopeless world

31. I got to ease my mind

����Ease my mind

33. You got to listen to the voice inside ya

34. That speaks of love

35. Don’t compromise , realise

36. The time is quickly passing by

37. There are mountains to climb

38. You can’t be standing still

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39. The churches are full but the prayers are not heard

40. Saturday's child don’t wanna go to Sunday school

41. Whatever happened to the 'golden rules'

42. Teach them hope in a hopeless world

43. Somebody out there's got to listen

44. Somebody out there's got to know what I'm talking about

45. Raise your hand if you’re with me

46. Give them hope in a hopelesss world

47. Got to find love in a hopeless world

48. Got to find love

49. Gotta find love in hateful times

50. Gotta find love

51. Gotta find love and free your mind

52. Gotta find love

53. Is there hope in a hopeless world

54. Is there hope in a hopeless world


1- David. 32. Recovering addict. There’s no hope with dope.

2- Our son’s name is Joshua after the bible.

3- Alfred. This is my home.I live here.

4- Bubba. 49. I’m a mayor, psychiatrist and doctor to everybody in Dogtown.

5- Earl. 38. I feel safe with a lot of metal around me.

6- Rosa. I’ve worked here for seven years and I’m happy.

7- Rockie. 43. Ex-chef. I don’t eat out of the trash.

8- Acy. 53. Everyone says I have a beautiful smile.

9- Sylvia. I don’t know what’s wrong with the world. I have 4 locks on my door.

10- Mario. 16. I want to be a police officer.

11- Frankie. 19. My baby is everything to me.

12- Mario. 24. I expect nothing from life.

13- Bianca. 38. Without God, I wouldn’t survive.

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14- Lola. I like doing this. I get a couple of bucks here and there.I live.

15- Armand. HIV positive. I take good care of myself. I go to the doctors everyweek.

16- Memo. 40. I’m single, and I’m looking for a wife.

17- Shirley, 60. I have a dream right now. I’ve just stopped dreaming temporarily.

18- Dominique. Homeless. I am four years old.

19- Alejandro. 59. I just want to be happy, but I think I would be happier in Mexico.

20- When you help someone it feels good.

21- Ted. Guardian angel.

22- Kamal. 41. Jumping rope keeps me out of jail.

23- Lawanna. 20. Homeless.

24- Kathleen and Robert. 24. Homeless. Married 4 months.

25- Steven. 23. Ran away from home at 17.

26- Martin. 50. Nobody wants to give me work because I’m too old.

27- Harno. MBA. I want to be a good role model for my kids.

28- My name is Angelo.I see a lot of gang members and taggers.I would like to work in

a hospital.

29- Al. 58. Washing trucks for 26 years.

30- Lee. 25.I like to go dancing.

31- Roger and Anthony. Recovering addicts.

32- Red Sand Hand. We want to tour the world.

33- Brian. 21. I don’t think about the future.

34- Ariel. 18. Homeless. I get scared when I think about the future.

35- Zachary. 20. Homeless. I want a wife, a kid and a white picket fence.

36- Chris. 9. I want to be a pro basketball player.

37- Charles. 3. I want to be a firefighter.

38- Kawl. 41. Fireman.The best thing you can think of is saving lives.

39- Eddie. I want to be an artist like my uncle.

40- Dean. 42. I’m here for one purpose only, to do the good job.

41- James. Mission volunteer for the homeless.

42- Mario and Masel. This is our own business. It’s better than working for a factory.

43- Shorty. 50. I want to move to the country.

44- Jack. Hunger gets me up in the morning.

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45- Marlie. 5. I want to be a nurse and help people.

46- Artie. 16. Gangs are stupid, I want to help kids in the hood.

47- Amber. 6. I want to be a movie star. A famous one.

48- Sebastian. 62. My dream is to go back to Italy and buy a boat.

49- Chet. 67. I still work 10-14 hours a day, I love it.

50- Danielle. 26. Hairdresser. I want to be a success in my business.

51- Fremont High. Hoping to win the championship.

52- Darryl. 16. Just say no to drugs.

As you could see, many people appearing on the video belong to different North

American communities.


- The population of the U.S. in 2000 will be about 271,000,000 inhabitants.

- The estimated black population was about 34 million by 1997.

- The Hispanics were about 30 million by that year, and Asians about 10 million.

- Whites constitute about the 80% of the whole population.

- There are more than 3 million homeless in America.

- About 60 million have no adequate basic coverage insurance









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1 David. 32. Recovering addict. There’s no hope with dope.

2 Sylvia. I don’t know what’s wrong with the world. I have 4 locks on my door.

3 Mario. 16. I want to be a police officer.

4 Mario. 24. I expect nothing from life.

5 Bianca. 38. Without God, I wouldn’t survive.

6 Armand. HIV positive. I take good care of myself. I go to the doctors everyweek.

7 Memo. 40. I’m single, and I’m looking for a wife.

8 Dominique. Homeless. I am four years old.

9 Alejandro. 59. I just want to be happy, but I think I would be happier in Mexico.

10 Kathleen and Robert. 24. Homeless. Married 4 months.

11 Martin. 50. Nobody wants to give me work because I’m too old.

12 My name is Angelo. I see a lot of gang members and taggers. I'd like to work in a hospital

13 Al. 58. Washing trucks for 26 years.

14 Ariel. 18. Homeless. I get scared when I think about the future.

15 Zachary. 20. Homeless. I want a wife, a kid and a white picket fence.

16 Charles. 3. I want to be a firefighter.

17 Dean. 42. I’m here for one purpose only, to do the good job.

18 Shorty. 50. I want to move to the country.

19 Jack. Hunger gets me up in the morning.

20 Artie. 16. Gangs are stupid, I want to help kids in the hood.

21 Sebastian. 62. My dream is to go back to Italy and buy a boat.

22 Chet. 67. I still work 10-14 hours a day, I love it.

23 Danielle. 26. Hairdresser. I want to be a success in my business.

24 Fremont High. Hoping to win the championship.

25Darryl. 16. Just say no to drugs.



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What is a tagger?

What is a MBA?

What is a hood?

What is a guardian angel?




Useful words:

Adj: lucky, sad, happy, etc.

H�� ,17(51(7�$&7,9,7<�

Use the World Wide Web and type the address http://www.shelter.org. It is an

international organization about homeless and world troubles. Follow these instructions:

1) Read the Welcome message. Summarize how many millions of people have

specific problems and which ones are they.

2) At the top of the page, click on Projects. Choose two countries and summarize

their problems and solutions (projects).



Born in 1950 in London, after seven years as a main vocalist in Genesis, he was

tired of touring with the group and left the group in 1975. Until PLAYS LIVE, released

in 1983, his four solo albums were all called PETER GABRIEL. His first album was

considered extravagant and the second contained experimental music. The sales were

not good at the beginning, but fortunately they improved. However, the record company

refused to distribute his third album in the USA because they thought it was not a

commercial album.

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His fourth album, PETER GABRIEL (SECURITY), was not released until 1982.

The journey to complete commercial acceptance finished in 1986 with SO, containing

the US number 1 single ’Sledgehammer’. This clip received an award for its originality.

Throughout the ’80s, Gabriel dedicated much of his time to absorbing world

music and in 1982 sponsored the WOMAD (World of Music and Dance) Festival. He

also became heavily involved in Amnesty International and recorded with Senegalese

star Youssou N’Dour. They toured the USA and raised money for Amnesty. He invited

musicians from all over the world to record at his self-built studios in Bath and

incorporated many African ideas into his own music.

The track ’Biko’, about the murdered South African activist Stephen Biko,

became an anti-racist anthem. In 1989 he wrote the music for the film, The Last

Temptation of Christ. Virgin Records released a Greatest Hits collection in 1990,



1) Was Peter always a solo artist?

2) Why was not his 3rd album released in the U.S.?

3) What common feature shares his first four albums?

4) What does WOMAD mean?

5) What ethnic influences did he have?



I’m going to preach non-violence, in a state which has racism,

enshrined in its constitution. A man without reason was tortured

and killed in South Africa. This is for Steven Biko.

1. September '77

2. Port Elizabeth weather fine

3. It was business as usual

��� In police room 619


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5. Oh Biko, Biko, because Biko (2)

6. Yihla Moja, Yihla Moja

7. -The man is dead

8. When I try to sleep at night

9. I can only dream in red

10. The outside world is black and white

11. With only one colour dead


12. You can blow out a candle

13. But you can’t blow out a fire

14. Once the flames begin to catch

15. The wind will blow it higher


16. And the eyes of the world are

17. watching now (2)

There’s no longer Apartheid in South Africa, but...


- On 27 April 1994 South Africa celebrated the first free elections in its history.

- Until then, the black population was not allowed to vote.

- Only the 13% of the population are white.

- In 1964, Nelson Mandela, the current South Africa’s president, was sentenced to life

imprisonment and he was released in 1990.

- In 1994 he became the first black president of South Africa.

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1) Did you find some data that you think it is relevant?



Listen to the final words of the clip and fill in the blanks

[ at the end]

But you, the black ______, smart or ______, you are born into this and smart or



When I try to sleep at night

I can only dream in red

The outside world is black and white

With only one colour dead


1) What does ’red’ mean in this case?

2) Why is the world white and black?

3) What colour is the one who’s dead?


Listen to the video again and improvise a dialogue between the policeman and Steve

Biko. As you could see, some questions were asked.


- Take Encarta 99 Encyclopedia. Click on Encyclopedia Articles.

- Type the words NELSON MANDELA.

- Listen to the video and write at least 3 words that you understood. Play the video

several times if necessary.

- Check the whole article paying special attention to the words in red.. Answer the


a) What was exactly the apartheid?

b) Who was Winnie Mandela?

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c) What’s the ANC?

Extra Activity:

- Watch the Video about Mandela’s Electoral Victory.

- Check its caption

- Type Apartheid and find the origin and meaning of this word




The Heartbreakers were formed from the remains of Petty’s first band, Mudcrutch, in

1971. The singer was born in Florida in 1953, and his band comprised Mike Campbell

(guitar), Benmont Tench (keyboards), Stan Lynch (drums) and Ron Blair (bass).

Petty's debut was accepted more in England. Singles like ‘American Girl’ and

‘You’re gonna get it’, modeled his basic rock formula and were also important in the

US charts. His rock songs were more famous in the American West Coast. His new

album, DAMN THE TORPEDOES came out after a long legal battle and he almost was

in bankruptcy. But this period improved when the album was sharing the top of the

charts with Pink Floyd. His subsequent albums have been satisfying although not so


In 1985, during the recording of SOUTHERN ACCENTS Petty, while he was in

anger, smashed his hand on the recording console and broke his bones. A metal splint

was constantly fixed in his hand.

Two albums are especially relevant, FULL MOON FEVER (a solo project) and

INTO THE GREAT WIDE OPEN, which combined much of Petty's melodic songs

with influences from The Beatles and R.E.M.

A ‘Greatest Hits’ album was released in 1993 and became a smash hit in his

country (more than 3 million records sold). After that period, WILDFLOWERS was

probably his most satisfying album.

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1) Write the name of the Heartbreakers’s bassist

2) What kind of influences does the album ’Into the Great Wide Open’ have?

3) In what place were their rock songs especially known?

4) When was ’The Greatest Hits’ released?


Listen to this song and try to fill the empty spaces with the right word:

1. Eddie waited til he finished high _________

2. He went to Hollywood, got a tattoo

3. He met a girl out there with a tattoo _____

4. The future was wide open

5. They moved into a place they both could _______

6. He found a nightclub he could work at the door

7. She had a guitar and she taught him some chords

8. The sky was the _______


9. Into the great wide open

10. Under them skies of ________

11. Out in the great wide open

12. A rebel without a clue

13. The papers said Ed always played from the _________

14. He got an agent and a roadie named Bart

15. They made a record and it went in the chart

16. The sky was the _______

17. His leather ________ had chains that would jingle

18. They both met movie stars, partied and mingled

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19. Their A&R man said, "I don’t hear a ________."

20. The future was wide open



Roadie: person who loads hard weights

Clue: an idea Afford: able to be spent

To jingle: to make sounds

To party: to enjoy a party

A&R man: person who looks for new singers

To mingle: to associate one another

Now, you are going to know the people who works in the music industry


� 7KH�$5�0DQ: The ‘$UWLVW�DQG�5HSHUWRLUH’ (‘singers & songs) is the person who

works in a record company. He listens to demos and goes to gigs.

� 7KH�$FFRXQWDQW gives advice on buying new equipment, bank accounts, taxes...

� 7KH�$JHQW is the person who finds job for the singers (concerts, radio sessions,

shows), he usually receives at least 15% fee.

� 7KH�'-�9-�decide what songs we hear/see on the radio/TV.

� 7KH�/DZ\HU�is necessary to sing a good contract with the record company.

� 7KH�0DQDJHU� controls the important matters and financial results. He receives a

percentage about the 20%.

� 7KH�7RXU�3URPRWHU�organizes concerts and important events.

� 7KH�6W\OLVW creates music’s clothes and their looks.

� 7KH�6HVVLRQ�0XVLFLDQ is the music that is hired by a band temporarily. He works

for more that one band.

� 7KH� 5RDGLH is the person who do the hard work (transportation, loading and

unloading before and after the concerts).

� 7KH� 3URGXFHU� takes care of the instruments that a song needs rhythm and

performance of a song, etc.

� 7KH�3XEOLVKHU controls that nobody can record music’s work without authorization.

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� 7KH� 3URPRWLRQV� 3HUVRQ� organizes appearances in record shops, radio & TV

stations, interviews, commercials, etc.


1) Is the Session Musician a steady member of a band?

2) Who is the main responsible for the organization of tours/events?

3) Who takes care of the transportation?

4) Name the differences between a Manager and an Agent.

5) Who is in charge of the singer’s appearance?

6) Why is a lawyer necessary?


Your Agent has found a job for you and two more friends (That’s your band!). Invent

one name for all 3 and make the arrangements about the different fees that you are

going to pay to all these members. The whole benefits of the gig will be 3000∈.You

must differentiate the members directly paid by you and the ones you work for the

Record Label.




a) Eddie Rebel is a Rock singer.SoulRap

b) He wants to live in Hollywood goes to Hollywood to be famous goes to Hollywood for a vacation

c) He meets a girl who makes him a tattoo meets a girl who plays the guitar meets a girl who teaches him how to play the guitar

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d) His agent finds him a job in a restaurant agent is fired when he becomes famous

agent is his roadie

e) At the end of the story, Eddie is still famousIs not rich but he’s happily marriedis not famous anymore



Buy expensive luxury drunk interview

To show off award to get angry to quit

Comment the following images with your partners:

Pay attention to the newspaper title, the newspaper headline and the messages.


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1) Where is Eddie at the beginning?

2) Where is he heading?

3) Who does he meet?

4) Where are they moving?

5) What is a chart?

6) Who is the blond lady in the video?

7) What does Eddie behave when he becomes famous?


[At the beginning]

7RP�3HWW\: This is the story of _______, out in the great wide open

[At the end]

7RP�3HWW\��and they all lived _________ ever ________.


We are going to deal with charts and albums/singers. Type the WWW address

http://www.billboard-online.com Find the following information:

a) Look at the main page and copy the Music News of the Day

b) Name the Artist of the Day

c) Look at the left side of the page and Click on The BillBoard Hot 100. Copy the

following information:

d) Choose the position #1 and answer this information:

How many weeks on chart:

How many weeks on that position:

1) Singer/song of the 2nd position

2) Last week position of the Second best single

3) Peakest position achieved by the song #3

e) Back to the main page click on All the Charts and select the chart of your choice.

Look for this information:

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1) Name the 2 main singles of this week



This group is considered one of America’s most successful heavy metal bands.

They were formed in Pasadena, California, in 1973. They toured bars and clubs of L.A.

during the mid-’70s. First, their first name was Mammoth, but when they discovered that

the name was already registered they had to find an alternative and they opted for Roth’s

suggestion of simply Van Halen. When a producer saw one of their club JLJV� their energy

and the extravagance of Dave amazed him and the group had the chance to produce a

‘demo’, which was refused by many major labels in the USA. The group recorded their

self-titled debut in 1978. They sold over two million units in twelve months., peaking at

number 19 in the Billboard chart. The follow-up, simply titled VAN HALEN II, was

successful too. WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST included the exploring of synthesizers

and different rhythms. DIVER DOWN was the band's weakest album, with the cover

versions of '60s standards being the strongest songs. Launched by ‘Jump’, a Billboard

number 1 hit single, the album stored at number 2 in the US chart for five weeks during its

one-year release. David Lee Roth, their vocalist, left the group in 1985 to concentrate on

his solo career, and Sammy Hagar eventually filled the vacancy. For UNLAWFUL

CARNAL KNOWLEDGE, written with the acronym F.U.C.K., inspired some controversy

at the time of release, but the music proved their category. The band had defined their

identity again and rode into the '90s on a new creative wave.


1) When was Van Halen formed?

2) What was the name of their famous vocalist?

3) What was their original name?

4) Write the name of three Van Halen albums and relate the kind of music they use.

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1. Don’t wanna wait til tomorrow

2. Why SXW�LW�RII another day?

3. One more walk through problems,

4. Built up, and stand in our way, ah

5. One step ahead one step behind me

6. Now you gotta run to JHW�HYHQ�

7. Make future plans of faith about yesterday, hey

8. C’mon turn, WXUQ this thing DURXQG�


9. Right now, hey, it’s your tomorrow

10. Right now, c’mon, it’s everything

11. Right now, catch a magic moment, do it

12. Right here and now,

13. It means everything

14. Miss the beat, you lose the rhythm,

15. And nothing falls into place, no

16. Only missed by a fraction,

17. Slipped a little off your pace, oh

18. Of all things you get, the more you want,

19. Just take it, one or the other,

20. Working so hard, to make it easier, whoa,

21. Got to turn, c’mon WXUQ�WKLV�WKLQJ�DURXQG


22. Send a light to me, right now

23. Send a light to me, right now

24. What are you waitin’ for?

25. Oh, yeah, right now (solo)

26. Right now, hey, It’s your tomorrow

27. Right now, C’mon, it’s everything,

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28. Right now, Catch a magic moment, and do it right,

29. Right now, right now, oh, right now

30. So what’s happening?

31. Right here and now

32. Right now, It’s right now

33. Oh, tell me, what are you waiting for

34. Turn this thing around


1 get even: revenge2: turn around: face in the opposite direction


- Eddie and Alex Van Halen grew up in the Netherlands where their dad played sax

and clarinet.

- They played in wet T-shirt clubs.

- David Lee Roth was their most famous vocalist and he quit the group to become a

solo artist.


Pay attention to every single message














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a) Van Halen is presenting different problems in our society by means of different

messages. Let’s pay attention to some of them. Read them in pairs and give your

opinion. Write down different possibilities.






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b) Classify the following messages according to this criterion:

086,& 6(;� -867,&( 5$&,60 81,9(56( 32:(5 )22'

'($7+ 18',7< ,16$1,7<

0(66$*( &5,7(5,$





















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Bruce was born in 1949 in New Jersey. He was the son of a cab driver. He has been

considered the world’s greatest living rock star. His beginnings were not easy and he

had to work hard in local bands around New Jersey before he settled as the Bruce

Springsteen Band with a group of fellows. They were renamed as the E-street Band.

Their debut was GREETINGS FROM ASBURY PARK, NJ but this album sold poorly.

Springsteen’s origins, from an American working class made him to write songs with a

plain language, easily understood, directly to his fans. He wrote about his job, his

vehicles, his girlfriend and his hometown.

BORN TO RUN in 1975 immediately put him into rock's main row. The album

was a bomb both in American and in Europe. In 1976 he jumped the gates of Graceland,

Elvis Presley's mansion, hoping to see him, but the security guards put him out.

Other albums were THE RIVER and NEBRASKA, but the arrival of BORN IN

THE U.S.A. in 1984 was considered the artist's best work. It sold over 12 million

copies, stayed in the UK charts for two-and-a-half years. Numerous hit singles were

released including the title of the album, ‘Cover Me’ and ‘I'm On Fire’. That year he

also married Julianne Phillips, and support political and social issues as Human Rights

or Amnesty International.

In 1987 was released TUNNEL OF LOVE; After months of paparazzi’s

surveillance, Springsteen's affair with his back-up singer Patti Scialfa was confirmed,

and his wife asked him to divorce. During the late '80s he performed numerous gigs in

bars and clubs.� In 1989 he recorded 'Viva Las Vegas' as part of a benefit album, and

reached the age of 40. During the inactivity the E. Street Band disintegrated upon

Bruce's suggestion. During the early '90s Springsteen continued to enjoy life,

occasionally appearing with other famous musicians. In 1992, he issued two albums

simultaneously: HUMAN TOUCH and LUCKY TOWN and both fans and critics

welcomed him back.

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1) What is the artist best work? Give some details.

2) As you read in the text, his origins were very humble. Can you explain something

about his relatives?

3) Has he supported any International Organization?

4) What is the E Street Band? How did it end?

5) What kind of language does Bruce use in his songs?


1. Born down in a dead man’s town

2. The first kick I took was when I hit the ground

3. You end up like a dog that’s been beat too much

4. Till you spend half your life just covering up


5. Born in the U.S.A.

6. I was born in the U.S.A. (2)

7. Born in the U.S.A.

8. Got in a little hometown jam

9. so they put a rifle in my hand

10. Sent me off to a foreign land

11. to go and kill the yellow man


12. Come back home to the refinery

13. Hiring man says, "Son if it was up to me."

14. Went down to see my V.A. man

15. He said, "Son, don’t you understand now."

16. Had a brother at Khe Sahn

17. fighting off the Viet Cong

18. They’re still there he’s all gone

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19. He had a woman he loved in Saigon

20. I got a picture of him in her arms now

21. Down in the shadow of the penitentiary

22. Out by the gas fires of the refinery

23. I’m ten years burning down the road

24. Nowhere to run ain’t got nowhere to go


25. I’m a long gone Daddy in the U.S.A.

26. Born in the U.S.A. (3)

27. I’m a cool rocking Daddy in the U.S.A.

As you have read in the article, Bruce has been considered the greatest living rock star.

Now, you are going to now some more about The King of Rock: Elvis Presley.


- Elvis Preysler weighted 160 kgs. Before dying.

- -By the early 70’s, with his personal relationships in ruins, food was his main


- A ‘typical’ day started at 5 p.m. with breakfast in bed, consisting of 6 large

overcooked eggs with butter and salt, a pound of burnt bacon, 1/2 pound of sausages

and 12 buttermilk biscuits. By midnight he would be hungry again.

- His gluttony contributed to his death, caused by a heart attack.



Yellow men Penitentiary

Prison Employment man

V.A. Vietnam

Foreign land Asian people

Hiring man Veteran’s Administration

Check the words you don't know and make a sentence with them

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These men are queuing to get a ticket for a movie

These men are unemployed waiting to find a job

They are just fooling around

This is a cemetery in Vietnam

This is Arlington’s cemetery in Washington D.C.

This is a typical American cemetery

This tattoo symbolizes that war is death

This tattoo means anything. It’s for personal reasons.

It may symbolize the soldiers who died in Vietnam


Pay attention to the lines in brackets and answer the questions:

(lines 12-13) 1-What is he going and what does he want?

(line 1) 2-Where was he born?

(Lines 23-24) 3-What is his current situation?

(Lines 8 to 11) 4-According to him, which was the Government's policy?


Here you have some words to help you:

I’d like to.... Can I have...

I need... Signature

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- Take Encarta 99 Encyclopaedia. Click on Encyclopædia Articles and type Vietnam


- Select the animation and watch it very carefully. Look at the map and the legend to

understand the signs.

- Answer the following questions:

a) What does the x (red x) mean?

b) How many U.S. bases there were from 1965 to 1968?

c) What happened on January 1973?

d) What countries surround North and South Vietnam?



Diamond Rio, is comprised of lead singer Marty Roe, lead guitarist Jimmy Olander,

mandolin player and vocalist Gene Johnson, drummer Brian Prout, bassist and vocalist

Dana Williams and keyboard player Dan Truman. This group made its recording debut

in 1991 with the platinum-selling DIAMOND RIO.

Diamond Rio's sensitivity and their good heart is evident in their music, but

those features are more evident in the band’s charity work. During four years, the band

sponsored a celebrity golf tournament. In 1998, the event raised $50,000 for the Middle

Tennessee Chapter of the American Lung Association.

Looking at the past, all six members started from a very humble position before

becoming famous and receiving the eight Group-of-the-Year honors, five Grammy

nominations, four million-selling albums and being adored by millions of fans.

None of the six knew their way around the music industry when they arrived in

the Nashville scene in the mid 1980s. Jimmy enrolled in Belmont University's music

program; Marty attended University to study business management and Dana worked

for several country stars. After Dana completed the lineup in 1989, they officially

changed its name to Diamond Rio. By 1992 Diamond Rio was Gold and a year after it

went Platinum.

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The band’s life completely changed: media interviews, award shows, photo

sessions, video productions and 200 concerts a year. The pressures were intense, but the

boys proved they were tough.


1) Is the band involved in any kind of social work?

2) How much did they raise in 1998? For what purpose?

3) Is Diamond Rio the name of a solo artist?

4) Which words according to the text define their music style?


1. Momma died young giving birth to a son

2. In a home for wayward girls

3. Daddy was a sidewalk, soapbox preacher

4. Looking forward to the end of the world

5. Every Friday night he’d pick Jesus a fight

6. Down at the local pool hall

7. Racking up souls condemning all those

8. Caught behind the eight ball

9. He said, "I preach the light - the light shows the way

10. Don’t ever trust what the governments say

11. We never walked on the moon, Elvis ain’t dead

12. You ain’t going crazy, it’s all in your head."

13. Lucy was a messed up, dressed up waitress

14. With a slightly tarnished heart of gold

15. She wasn’t half bad for a new step momma

16. As far as step mommas go

17. Daddy knew she was the one as he baked in the sun

18. In a parking lot preaching the truth

19. Up shot her hand and she cried, "Oh man!

20. I feel it, yes I feel, I do!

21. It’s been revealed to me down deep in my soul

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22. There were two shooters on the grasy knoll

23. We never walked on the moon - Elvis ain’t dead

24. You ain’t going crazy, it’s all in your head

25. Let us sing."


26. It’s all interpretation

27. To find the truth you gotta read between the lines

28. Work out your own salvation

29. That narrow path is hard to define

30. Heaven’s more than a place

31. It’s a state of mind

32. In his quest for truth, daddy was moved by the Spirit

33. To take up a snake

34. In a moment of doubt the venom turned out

35. Stronger than daddy’s faith

36. I’ll never forget in his dying breath

37. The last words that he said

38. "We never walked on the moon, Elvis ain’t dead

39. You ain’t going crazy, it’s all in your head

40. Let me tell ya"


41. State of mind

The members of Diamond Rio worked very hard to be successful. Their origins were



- Gene Johnson arrived in Music City, Nashville, in a 1972 Ford pick-up that was

packed with everything he and his family owned.

- Marty lived in a bug-infested basement apartment and worked hard to pay the $70


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- Jimmy Olander had made a living teaching banjo back home in California. He came

to Nashville in a fully restored 1953 Chevy. After some months, the car was totally

in a wreck.

- Drummer Brian Prout had a 1975 Buick with such a big hole in the floor that his

heel poked out�every time he put on the brakes.



'RFWRU� Doctor, this is Gordon ____________.

Gordon, say hello to Dr. Lucy.

Gordon is _____ years of age, he’s been diagnosed a posttraumatic stress


He’s catatonic and also suffers from ________________.

He’s been institutionalized here since he was 8 years of _____.

No known relative, in fact, I’m probably his closest ________.

Is that right Gordon?

He just sits here all day staring into Space.

It's anyone's guess what’s he __________?

With that doctor it's entirely possible, there’s nothing in this boy’s head.

Isn't right Gordon?

Ya all can take him off now




Loop up the following information:

a) Click on the What's New

b) Choose Links of Interest. At the left side of the page choose Music. Check All

Events: choose two events in the future and refer to them naming when and what.

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c) Click on All Groups. Choose two groups and summarize the content by naming

where are they, their phone number and their brief profile.

d) Back on the main page. Click on Highlights. Comment its content.



This Chicago singer/songwriter was born in 1963. He began his career at the age

of five, singing on US advertising jingles. This was his professional vocation until he

became a backing singer for Lionel Richie and he also sang on commercials.

Afterwards, Marx embarked on a solo career. A string of hits began with ‘Don't

Mean Nothing’ before he put together a run of three successive US number 1 hits with

‘Hold On To The Nights’, ‘Satisfied’ and ‘Right Here Waiting'. All these songs were

included in the 1989’s album REPEAT OFFENDER. His follow up album was RUSH

STREET in 1991.

With his big ballad formula, he assured his success especially in the US market.

In fact, in just a few short years Marx has sold more than 20 million records worldwide

and has performed live before sold-out audiences all over the world. He accomplished

figures that many singers would like to achieve. He scored 13 Top 5 singles, which also

includes three #1 hits.

Despite the Top 10 hit single "Now and Forever," 1994's PAID VACATION

disappeared from the charts quickly, and Marx entered a period of retirement, returning

in 1997 with FLESH & BONE.


1) Which was his first single hit?

2) Name his major occupation before becoming a professional singer

3) How many records did he approximately sell?

4) What kind of songs are the most famous ones?


Fill in the blanks when listening to this ballad song.

1. My mother came to Hazard when I was just _______

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2. Even then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyes

3. That boy’s not right...

4. Three years ago when I came to know ________

5. First time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the lies

6. And saw the man inside...

7. We used to walk down by the _________

8. She loved to watch the sun go down

9. We used to walk along the river

10. And dream our way out of this town...

11. No one understood what I felt for Mary

12. No one cared until the night she went out walking alone

13. And never came home...

14. Man with a badge came knocking next __________

15. Here was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenly

16. Pointed right at me...


17. I swear I left her by the river

18. I swear I left her safe and _________

19. I need to make it to the river

20. And leave this old Nebraska town

21. I think about my life gone by

22. And how it’s done me _________

23. There’s no escape for me this time

24. All of my rescues are gone, long gone



- Hazard is the real name of a U.S. town.

- There are four towns in the U.S. named the same way. They are in the states of NE,

GA, KY and PA.

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- Nebraska is the 37th state, which is mainly agricultural.

- There is a low population density of 8 inhabitant per square km.



Complete the dialogue when listening to this conversation

6KHULII�±�(kicks the chair) _________ the question!!

%R\��5�0���±�I, I didn’t BBBBBB

6KHULII�– didn’t dare? She made you BBBBBBBBB, didn’t she?

0DQ�UHFRUGLQJ- Ok, Reggie, what’s the BBBBBBBB?

6KHULII – This is the _______! [Show her clothes], you recognize this? How did you tie

it around Mary’s BBBBBBB?


You know, _________ should be __________ of you, but I’m not



What is the sheriff doing? What happened? Why? Who do you think is this man?


1. Man with a badge a) corpse drowned

2. Hazard b) sheriff

3. River c) army officer

4. Mary d) Richard’s home

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5. Bungalow e) fiancée

6. Father f) sheriff district

7. Precinct g) Nebraska town


WKH�PLVVLQJ�ZRUGV�� (spies, detained, river, boy, lives, drowned, love, burnst, precint,


Richard ________ in Hazard. He is in ________ with Mary. The used to walk by the

_______. The sheriff _________ Mary. Richard finds her with another _______. Mary

is found __________in the river. Richard is __________by the police. He is

questioned in the ___________. His bungalow is ___________. Finally he _______the




Who are the suspects of Mary’s murder? Write their names.

Give the reasons to kill her according to the suspects:

Is there any other possibility?


Explore Microsoft ENCARTA 99 ENCYCLOPEDIA.

Press: Start / Programs/Microsoft Reference / Encarta 99 Encyclopedia

Press: Media features/Atlas /Find a place

Type: Nebraska and press RETURN

Answer the following questions while exploring this American State.

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2) Click on the 6&$/(�/(*(1' button DQG� FRPPHQWV� DOO� WKH� QDPHV� ZULWWHQ

WKHUH. Close the screen by pressing the X square.


��� Click on the name of the capital�


��� Return to the Atlas (Nebraska) by pressing the 3sign.

Click the mouse on the name Nebraska. Click on GO TO ARTICLE.



��� Click on the Outline (left side) POPULATION /SPORTS AND RECREATION.




8) Click on LAND AND RESOURCES / Physical geography..


Which is the main river?

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Grammy nominated artist, Skee-Lo, hit it big with his debut single "I Wish", reaching

#13 on Billboard’s Hot 100 and #1 on Billboard’s Rap chart In 1996. It was also #1 on

MTV’s playlist for weeks. Skee-Lo was one of the first to set the trend in "positive" rap.

The album, containing "I Wish" and "Top Of The Stairs" from the Columbia Pictures

film "Money Train", combines powerful tracks and positive lyrics into a very unique

style. "I Wish" was also Grammy-nominated for Best Rap Album.


1) Did Skee-Lo achieve any Grammy Award?

2) His songs have been considered different. What kind of rap does he sing?

3) What remarkable position did the ’I wish’ accomplish?


1. Hey, this is radio station W-S-K-E-E

2. We’re takin’ calls on the wish line

3. Making all your ZDFN\� wishes come true

4. Hello

5. I wish I was little bit taller,

6. I wish I was a EDOOHU�,

7. I wish I had a girl who looked good

8. I would call her

9. I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat

10. and a six four ,PSDOD�

1 great 2basketball player 3 fast animal 4 to date

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11. I wish I was like six-foot-nine

12. So I can JHW�ZLWK�� Leoshi

13. Cause she don’t know me but yo she’s really fine

14. You know I see her all the time

15. Everywhere I go, and even in my dreams

16. I can scheme a way to make her mine

17. Cause I know she’s livin SKDW�

18. Her boyfriend’s tall and he plays ball

19. So how am I JRQQD6 compete with that

20. ’Cause when it comes to playing basketball

21. I’m always last to be picked

22. And in some cases never picked at all

23. So I just lean up on the wall

24. Or sit up in the EOHDFKHUV� with the rest of the girls

25. Who came to watch their men ball

26. Damn \DOO��! I never understood, black

27. Why the MRFNV9 get the IO\10 girls

28. And me I get the KRRG�UDWV��

29. I tell ’em VFDW12, skittle, scabobble

30. Got hit with a bottle, and I been in the hospital

31. For talkin’ that mess

32. I confess it’s a shame when you livin’ in a city

33. That’s the size of a box and nobody knows yo’ name

34. Glad I came to my senses

35. Like quick-quick got sick-sick to my stomach

36. Overcommeth13 by the thoughts of me and her together

37. Right?

38. So when I asked her out she said I wasn’t her type

5 great 6 going to 7 concrete seats 8 you all 9 riches 10 attractive 11 easy girls

12get away (col.) 13 affected 14 car with a sloping back

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39. I wish I had a brand-new car

40. So far, I got this hatchback14

41. And everywhere I go, yo I gets laughed at

42. And when I’m in my car I’m laid back

43. I got an 8-track and a spare tire in the backseat

44. But that’s flat

45. And do you really wanna know what’s really wack

46. See I can’t even get a date

47. So, what do you think of that?

48. I heard that SURP�� night is a bomb night

49. With the hood rats you can hold tight

50. But really WKR�� I ’m a ILJDUR17

51. When I’m in my car I can’t even get a hello

52. Well so many people wanna FUXLVH18 Crenshaw on Sunday

53. Well then I’ma have to get in my car and go

54. You know I take the 11019 until the 10519

55. Get off at Crenshaw tell my KRPLHV20 look alive

56. Cause it's hard to survive when you’re livin'

57. In a concrete jungle and

58. These girls just keep passin' me by

59. She looks fly, she looks fly

60. Makes me say my, my, my


61. I wish I was a little bit taller...

62. I wish I was a baller...

63. I wish I was a little bit taller y'all

64. I wish I was a baller (3)

15 School Ball (col) 16 thought 17 very shy 18 having a joyride 19 road number20 close friends

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65. Hey, I wish I had my way

66. ’Cause everyday would be a Friday

67. You could even speed on the highway

68. I would play ghetto games

69. Name my kids ghetto names

70. Little Mookie, big Al, Lorraine

71. Yo you know that’s on the real

72. So if you’re down on your luck

73. Then you should notice how I feel

74. Cause if you don’t want me around

75. See I go simple, I go easy, I go greyhound21

76. Hey, you , what’s that sound?

77. Everybody look what’s going down

78. Ahhhh, yes, ain’t that fresh?

79. Everybody wants to get down like dat22


81. I wish, I wish, I wish...

21 US Coaches 22 That


Rap lyrics are very complicated because they use a lot of slang and colloquial

vocabulary. In this case, we are going to help you.


1) Check lines 5,6 and 11 and discover Skee-Lo’s wishes about his physical appearance.

Write them down:

2) What radio station is he listening to? What is the radio station purpose?

Where is he? �&KHFN�OLQHV���WR���

3) Who is Leoshi?

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What does Skee-Lo wish?


What is her boyfriend like? &KHFN�OLQHV����WR���

4) What is his car like?

What does he wish?


5) What happens when he wants to play basketball?


What does he do then?

6) What happened to him to call names to the ‘fly’ girls? �&KHFN�OLQHV����DQG����

7) How does Skee-Lo define the city he’s living in? �&KHFN�OLQHV�����������WR����


- In L.A. a car is a must.

- L.A. is the most unplanned spreading metropolis, with more than 46 square miles.

- Hollywood Blvd. has 6 lanes and Sunset Blvd. is 40 miles long.

- Only socially marginal take public transport in L.A.


- Do you know the longest street or Avenue in a big city or in your town? Compare its

length with Hollywood Blvd.

- Why do you think mainly marginal people takes public transport in L.A.?


Check the address http://www.ci.la.ca.us about the City of Los Angeles in California

(USA). Follow these instructions:

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a) Click on the right side of the page and search information about the L.A.’s Major . Go to

the bottom of the page and click on Biography. Summarise his life.

b) Return to the Home Page. Go to the bottom of the page and click on LINKS.

Find and Click on L.A.’s Streets. Select 2 streets of your choice and summarise their


Find Rodeo Drive and copy the information provided in the text

c) Return to the main page and go elsewhere of your choice inside this website

Suggestion: Find the L.A. Rock’nRoll Map for sub sections of L.A. streets and areas

(Hollywood, The Valley, etc).



Nicknamed Snoop by his mother because of his appearance, Calvin Broadus was born

in 1972 in Long Beach, California. Snoop began recording homemade tapes with his

friend Warren G. Warren gave a tape to Dre, who was considerably impressed with

Snoop’s style and began collaborating with the rapper.

He frequently ran into trouble with the law. Not long after his high school

graduation, he was arrested for possession of cocaine, beginning a period of three years

where he was often imprisoned. He quickly became the most famous star in Hip Hop,

G-Funk and West Coast Rap because of the violence that his lyrics implied seemed real

and especially after he was arrested for being implied in a murder. All those reasons

helped his debut album, 1993’s DOGGYSTYLE to enter the charts at number one. His

lyrics were accused of being exceeding violent and sexist but the album had gone

quadruple platinum one year later.

While he was recording the album, Snoop was arrested in connection with the

death of a man made by his bodyguard. He claimed self-defense alleging that the victim

was following the rapper. He was detained after a performance for the MTV Music

Awards in 1993.

During an English tour in 1994, the yellow Press and a Tory minister pleaded for

the government to kick the rapper out of the U.K., based on his arrest. In February 1996,

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he was cleared of all charges and he began working on his second album THE

DOGGFATHER� which was released in November 1996.


1) What does Snoop mean? Who put that nickname and why?

2) Were the lyrics of ’Doggystyle’ especially aggressive?

3) What happened after the performance in the MTV Music Awards?



1. I think it’s bout’ time that we hit these n***as upside

2. the head with some of that west coast

3. gangsta’ sh......... Ooh.....Wee!!!!!!!!!!

4. It’s a whole ’nother day

5. I’m back up in ya’

6. Snoop D-O-Double G

7. I representa’

8. Been away for a while but you all know

9. I’m still doggystylin’ on Death Row

10. Got shit locked down

11. Sewed up

12. So If you plan on comin’ out nigga hold up.

13. This a stick up

14. dick up

15. They got yo’ shit on the shelf, oh mine is too

16. and guess who they gon’ pick up?

17. Some niggas think they know they shit

18. But they don’t

19. Some M-A’s escape

20. Some won’t

21. Bumpin’ heads with niggas

22. Where you from?

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23. East Side Long Beach, nigga, 2-1

24. The homie just got paroled

25. And he got more stories than the highway patrol

26. Tellin’ me about the money Suge Knight stole

27. But I’ll make that shit late

28. Cause nigga I get swole

29. Niggas tryin’ to get in, to get out.

30. Put me up on game tellin’ me who gon’ jack me

31. But ever since

32. I was a puppy

33. till I was paroled

34. I never had no other dog pullin’ on my chrome.


Say Snoop’s upside yo’ head (5x)

35. Niggas in the game be doin’ way too much

36. Akin’ tough with this east-west coast stuff.

37. See Me

38. I’m all about my money mane

39. I stay fly and dry

40. I don’t get caught up in the rain

41. Cuz game recognize game

42. No matter where you from

43. We all can get dumb, insane and

44. turn the party out

45. without a doubt

46. Unless you them niggas who ain’t got no clout

47. LBC and B what?

48. Uh, my crew

49. Cuz uh, we out there smokin’ on the krazy glue

50. Upside yo’ head like oops

51. Snoop’s

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52. The shit, that you hear them bumpin’ in the hoops.

53. Can’t afford it

54. homeboy

55. This is finished

56. I represented

57. From V-A to Venice

58. So when it’s timid

59. And cold outside

60. Rely on the Doggy Dogg

61. To put the heat in yo’ life


62. It takes a whole lot

63. to be number one

64. I can’t walk down the street

65. without my gun

66. I can’t trust these niggas fool

67. It ain’t no fun

68. I’m sittin’ up in court

69. Cuz somebody got dumped

70. What really counts is how the crowd bounce

71. Go home and say

72. Snoop rocked the parte‘

73. Nobody got kilt

74. It’s what got announced

75. I guess they got a chance to see Dr. Bombay

76. But I keep my heat in case niggas get cold

77. Warm you up with the sheet

78. Zip you up and roll

79. Now Doggystyle records is now official

80. Gettin’ money at the Pliz-ate with my initials

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81. Shippin’ weapons overseas

82. I’m makin’ G’s

83. What who you make call enemies

84. But I See nothing funny about

85. makin’ money

86. Cuz uh We all know it don’t grow on trees

87. So I Gotta’ get what I gotta’ get when I can

88. Up homie in the mo’ning wit’ the gat van

89. Burning rubber down to get a new car

90. So don’t get jealous when you see me in the

double R.



- Snoop is a convicted drug dealer accused of murder and nowadays is one of the

fastest rising star in the American music world.

- His music called gangsta-rap and his first LP glorified ghetto violence and degraded


- The Death penalty in the U.S. is established in 38 states. Only in 12 doesn’t exist.

- The electric chair and the lethal injection are the most common ways of dying,

followed by the gallows and the firing squad.

- The gallows and the firing squad are still used in some states.


- After reading Snoop's life, what is your opinion about his life and lyrics?

- Give your personal opinion about the death penalty.

- Investigate how many countries still use Death Penalty in its penal code.




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Hi, this is _______ May reporting to you live from Fulthon State ________. As you

can see, supporters and protestors are assembling for the _____________ of the Gangsta

rapper at the stroke of ___________. The warder will escort Mr. ..... [Snoop kidnaps



Current Status: Still doggystylin’


Now, answer the following questions:

1) Where is he in the first picture?

2) What’s up at the entry of the prison?

3) What does Death Row mean?

4) Why does the picture show the year 2021?





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Where you from?

East Side Long Beach, nigga, 2-1

The homie just got paroled

And he got more stories than the highway patrol

Tellin’ me about the money Suge Knight stole

Answer the questions?

a) Where is he from?

b) What’s his current status?

c) What did Suge Knight do?


It takes a whole lot

to be number one

I can’t walk down the street

without my gun

I can’t trust these niggas fool

It ain’t no fun

I’m sittin’ up in court

Cuz somebody got dumped

As you can see, to possess guns are unfortunately important in ghettos. Answer these


a) What does he need to walk down the street?

b) Why?

c) Is he enjoying?


Take Encarta99 Encyclopedia.


Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions:

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1) What does lynching mean? INTRODUCTION

2) How old is capital punishment? HISTORY

3) How many different crimes prescribed death in the Bible?

4) What about in the 15th century?

5) State the different methods used in the U.S.? METHODS OF EXECUTION

6) State 2 reasons for and against this punishment according to the written text




The Kemps founded the group in 1979, comprising Tony Hadley (vocals), Steve

Norman (rhythm guitar, saxophone), and John Keeble(drums). They started playing

nightclubs in London using extravagant fashionable clothes and makeup. The Press

labeled them as New Romantics, using a synthesized techno-pop.

Their first single, ’To Cut a Long Story Short’ shot to number five in Britain upon its fall

1980 release. About one year later, they released their debut album JOURNEY TO


During the 80’s, they shared a commercial success with Duran Duran. Their main

success was in 1983 with TRUE. The title ballad reached number one in Britain and

became a hit in America. "Only When You Leave," the first single from 1984’s

PARADE, was number three hit in the UK, yet it only reached 34 in the US, being their

last American hit ever. In 1985, they sued Chrysalis, claiming the label wasn’t providing

enough support in promotional activities. So the group changed their record label to

CBS/Columbia (Epic in the US), releasing THROUGH THE BARRICADES in 1986.

The group disbanded in 1990.


1) When did they split up?

2) Prepare a list of the different singles the text includes as well as their highest

position in the charts.

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3) Why did they go to Court with their record label?

4) What kind of appearance did they have when started playing?


1. This is the song of little Yo,

2. She’s not the girl I used to know

3. forever screaming all the day and night

4. She used to be a diplomat


6. They washed her mind and now she finds it hard.


7. I know her name,

8. but now she never seems the same

9. she don’t talk to me

10. cause she can’t take no sympathy

11. because she’s KLJKO\�VWUXQJ2

12. highly strung, VKH¶V�XQGRQH3 (2)

13. she’s stepping but upon the OHGJH4

14. she’s got a gun against her head

15. she’s wired up to blow the power line

16. she’s walking out upon the knife

17. she’ll take you to the edge of life

����just like the song, the pressure’s on again


.H\�ZRUGV��1 she’s not famous anymore 2 very nervous 3 to be upset 4 window shelf


- Supermodels are the most well paid women, earning up to 1500∈ a minute!

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- A catwalk show with one of the world’s top models can cost 4,500∈ for only 30


- In the 70’s, they had to provide their own shoes, do their hair and make-up.

- You have to be 5ft 10in and to be bone thin.

- Some use silicone implants because they don’t get big breasts if they are 5ft10’’.

- A photographer can take about 30 rolls of film in a catwalk show.

- That’s around 1,000 pictures in 40 minutes.

Questions about this information?

1) What do you think about top models' salary?

2) Do you think that to become a model you need to be 5ft 10in?

3) What is your personal opinion about cosmetic and plastic surgery?



Check the lyrics very carefully and find what kind of things does little Yo does and the

way she feels. First, find the line where this information is located and then write the


��� 7UXH� RU� IDOVH�� UHDG� WKH� IROORZLQJ� VHQWHQFHV� YHU\� FDUHIXOO\� DQG� WLFN� WKH� ULJKWPHDQLQJ� 7 )a) Little Jo is a famous TV show womanb) She works as a fashion model girlc) Spandau Ballet is visiting an Asian countryd) Little Jo tries to commit suicide by taking many pillse) Little Jo falls in love with a member of the groupf) The group departs Hong Kong by planeg) A paparazzi takes a picture while talking



What does a girl or a boy need to be a model? Design the necessary rules to become a

model filling up the information on the chart.

DietEat sweets

Go to public places Eat everything


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FatGet fatBe slimAttractiveHandsome

ExoticUglyPrettySleep few hoursTake drugs

Go to photo sessionsGo to catwalk showsTo have rings under the eyes

)($785(6 *,5/6 %2<6








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This credit is over, but now you and your group are going to design the final project.

You have two options, A and B. Your teacher will help you to decide the best option for



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a) Decide on a name for your fanzine magazine.

b) Organise your group work and the different sections of your magazine:

1) front cover

2) contents

3) Articles/Interviews

4) Lyrics

5) Songs and Albums

6) Commercials

7) Stories

8) Entertaining sections: puzzles, crosswords...

c) After planning all these sections, you must decide:

1) Who is going to do each section?

2) Timing of the content



a) Decide on a name for your web page.

b) Ask your teacher for help. He/she will show you different web-sites about fans of

some groups. He/she will also help in the design of the site.

c) Organise your group work and the different sections of your web site:

1) Scanning pictures

2) Contents

3) Articles/Interviews

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4) Lyrics

5) Songs and Albums

6) Stories

d) After planning all these sections, you must decide:

3) Who is going to do each section?

4) Timing of the content



1. Open answer

2. Quiz results:

1b 2c 3b 4b 5c 6a 7a 8c 9a 10c

3. Teacher’s help in their comprehension

4. Pop (1), Rap (2), Reggae (3), Funky (4),

Hip Hop (5), Country (6), Disco (7), punk (8),

Rock (9), Soul (19), Heavy metal (11), Folk (12)

5. Open answer


2.2 Reading Comprehension

1. He was playing in club at night

2. NO FENCES was a very important album and it sold ten million copies in the


3. Yes. He wanted to concentrate on raising a family

4. She was christened Taylor in honour of James Taylor.

2.4. Did you know that...?

Questions1 and 2 are personal. Question 3, about the boy in the clip refers to

running properly, motor co-ordination and handwriting.

2.5 Activities

1. Open answer

2. Show/Go Flame/Shame Desire/Fire Alone/Own Resist/Exist Wire/Fire


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3. a) Fool persons have to dance within the flame and chance the sorrow and the


b) Strong persons can face the world alone and seem to get by on their own and

they will never take the fall.

c) Weak persons are unable to resist the slightest chance love might exist and

for that forsake it all.

4. Dialogue: Open answer

5. Fill in the blanks:

Clear, fun, embarrase, get hurted, finished, make.

6. Internet activity: Open answer depending the file they want to check up.


3.2 Reading Comprehension

1. His real name is Reginals Kenneth Dwight

2. Between 1972-75 he had seven consecutive #1 albums

3. Yes he was one of the wealthiest persons in the U.K.

4. He sold his boa feathers, boots and hundred of pairs of spectacles. At


5. His first band was called Bluesology.

3.3. The Lyrics. Fill in the blanks.

Cold, know, fire, snow, time, write, choice

3.5. Activities:

a) Questions about the clip:

1. She is a Russian border guard

2. She apparently live in Berlin (Berlin’s Wall)

3. Elton John is a tourist who wants to cross the border

4. He’s drawing a heart in the snow.

5. No he can’t. Because another guard says no.

6. In England, in a Western country.

7. He’s watching some slides.

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8. You can enjoy yourself: they play chess, going to discos, going bowling,

going to see a football match...

9. Open answer

b) Text order:

At the beginning, the border is kept by soldiers who are marching along the

wall. Elton meets Nikita when crossing the border with his chauffeur. Nikita

requires him the passport. Elton John is drawing a heart in the snow by night. A

‘superior’ official replaces Nikita at the border. Elton is not allowed to enter and

comes back. He imagines a happy life with her, watching some slides, but she is

still living in the Eastern World and he will live without her.

c) Open answer

d) Open answer

Multimedia Activity:

(About Rally at Berlin...)

a) East German Government restricted travel and emigration to the West

b) In 1961

(About the Berlin Wall Watch-Tower)

a) It's a surveillance tower

b) It divided the line between East & West Berlin

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4.2. Reading Comprehension:

1. Bad released eight singles.

2. Because of his problems about the allegations of sexual abuse.

3. Some speculations stated are: he took drugs to change his skin colour to

white, he underwent plastic surgery and he slept in a special chamber

to prevent himself ageing.

4.She died from cancer in 1998.

5. Yes he did. Paul collaborated with Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson.

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4.5. Activities:

1.Fill in the blanks: right on, potion, bull, gentleman, friend, try.

2. Multiple choice:

a) in the West

b) rip-off artists

c) 4 members

d) partly sent to an orphanage

e) black girl who works in the same place they perform




Jackson McCartney


Gary (Indiana) Liverpool (England)



Thriller, Bad, Dangerous,

Beat it, say say say,

My Brave Face, Flowers in

the Dirt, Off the Ground,

Say say say



The Jackson Five, The


The Wings



Married Lisa M. Presley and got

divorced, he was fully interviewed

on TV in 1992

Former component of The Beatles,

Married Linda Eastman

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5.2. Reading Comprehension:

1. His voice troubles

2. ’No parlez’ remained in the charts over two years

3. Because of lack of investment and tiredness.

5.4 Did you know that...?

Questions about the information: the answers are free, but the idea is to

highlight that only 13% were white population, that Nelson Mandela was

imprisoned for more than 26 years and that white people ruled a country

where more than 85% of the people were black and with no right to vote.

5.6. Activities


1- Hope 2- fear 3- jobs/desire 4- despair 5- hope 6-illness 7-

marriage 8- living status 9- desire 10- living status/marriage 11-

refusal 12- desire 13- living status 14- fear 15- desire 16- desire/jobs

17- desire 18- desire 19- others 20- desire 21- desire 22- jobs 23-

jobs/desire 24- desire 25- others/refusal

b) Check every line for details

c) Tagger: person who sells drugs

MBA: Master of Business Administration

Hood: abbreviation of Neighbourhood

Guardian Angel: member of an organization to protect people

d) Writing: Open text

e) Internet Activity:

Open answer depending on the files selected

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6.2. Reading Comprehension

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1. No, before starting his solo career he was the lead vocalist of Genesis.

2. Because the record label considered that the album was not commercial.

3. All them were entitled PETER GABRIEL

4. WOMAD means ’ World of Music and Dance

5. His ethnic influences were mainly African.


a) Listening: Fill in the blacks

Child, dumb, dumb

b) Answer the questions:

1) red means blood

2) Because both races are fighting each other

3) Black (Biko)

c) Pair work: Open answer

d) Multimedia activity:

Answer the questions:

a) The Apartheid was a white minority government’s policy of

rigid racial segregation which officially ended in 1991.

b) Winnie was Nelson Mandela’s wife.

c) The ANC means African National Congress


7.2. Reading Comprehension:

1) Ron Blair

2) The album combines melodic songs and influences from The Beatles

and R.E.M.

3) His rock songs were more famous in the American West.

4) Their Greatist Hits album was released in 1993.

7.3. The Lyrics. Fill in the blanks.

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School, too, afford, limit, blue, heart, limit, jacket, single

7.4. Did you know that. Answer the questions.

1) No. He’s hired temporarily.

2) The main responsible for the organization of tours and events is the

tour promoter.

3) The Roadie takes care of the transportation.

4) A manager controls the financial affairs and an agent fings job for the


5) The stylist is in charge of the singer’s appearance.

6) A lawyer is necessary to sign a good contract with the record label.


Open project to be discussed with the teacher and the rest of the groups.

7.6. Activities:

1) Multiple choice:

a- rock b- goes to Hollywood to be famous

c- meets a girl who teaches him how to play the guitar

d- his agent is fired when he becomes famous

e- Eddie is not famous anymore

2)The sentences to be created are free

Answer the questions:

1) Eddie is in a sandy road

2) He’s going to Hollywood

3) He meets a girl with a tattoo too

4) They are moving to a place that both can afford

5) A chart is a list of important songs for a week...

6) The blond lady is his agent

7) He starts drinking more and more and he forgets his friends and

becomes rude.

2- Fill in the blanks.

Eddie, happily, after

INTERNET ACTIVITY: Open answer depending on the date.

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8.2. Reading Comprehension:

1- The group was formed in 1973

2- David Lee Roth

3- Their original name was Mammoth

4- Only two albums gather some comments about the music they play:

’Diver Down’ (mainly cover version of the 60’s) and ’Women and

Children first’ (explore the use of synthesisers and different rhythms.

8.6. Activities: racism universe power food death nudity insanity

a) Open answer

b) 2- sex 3- justice 4- racism 5- universe 6- universe 7- justice

8- music 9- power 10- sex 11- justice 12- food 13- power

14- food 15- death 16- death 17- racism 18- insanity 19- nudity

20- food


9.2. Reading Comprehension

1) His best work is Born in the U.S.A. He sold more than 12 million copies


2) His father was a cab driver in New Jersey.

3) It was his band. They split up during Bruce’s inactivity in the late 80s.

4) He uses plain language easily understood. He talks about his job, his

vehicles, his girlfriend, his hometown, etc.

9.5. Activities


Yellow men- Asian People

Penitentiary- prison

V.A.- Veteran Administration

Foreign land - Vietnam

Hiring man - Employment man

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1st picture: These men are unemployed waiting for a job

2nnd picture: This is Arlington’s cemetery in Washington D.C.

3rrd picture: This tattoo symbolizes that was is death

c) Understanding the lyrics:

1- He is going back to a refinery to find ajob.

2- He was born in a dead man’s town

3-he’s unemployed. He has nowhere to go

4-The Government’s policy is to put a rifle in a soldier¡s hand and send him

off to Vietnam.

d) Open answer

e) Multimedia activity:

a) The red x means the Guerrilla activities during the war.

b) There were five bases from 1965 to 1968.

c) On January 1973 fire was ceased.

d) North Vietnam is surrounded by Laos, and South Vietnam by



10.2. Reading Comprehension:

1) Yes, they raised money for some associations.

2) They raised more than $50,000 in 1998 for the Middle Tennessee

Chapter of the American Lung Association.

3) Diamond Rio is a group of six members

4) His music style is defined with a word: sensitivity

10.5. Activities:

a) Waterspoon, twenty-eight, schizophrenia, age, friend, thinking

b) Internet Activity: open answer

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11.2. Reading Comprehension

1) His first single was ’Don’t mean nothing’.

2) He was singing on US advertising jingles.

3) He approximately sold about 20 million records worldwide.

4) His most famous songs are ballads.

11.3. The Lyrics. Fill in the blanks.

Seven, Mary, river, morning, sound, wrong

11.5 Activities

a) Listening

Answer, dare, jealous, point, neck

Everybody, afraid

b) The sheriff is spying Mary

His house was burned up. Because the people in town thought he was a


It’s his father.

c) Hazard - Nebraska town

River - corpse drowned

Mary - fiancée

Bungalow - Richard's home

Father- Army Officer

Precinct - Sheriff district

d) lives, love, river, spies, boy, drowned, detained, precinct, quits

11.6. Open answer

11.7. Multimedia activity:

1) The capital of this State is Lincoln. Important towns are Norfolk,

Freemont, Grand Island, Kearney, North Platte.

2) Read the name in the scale button. Understanding of the sign.

3) Rivers: Platte, Niobrara, Elkhorn, North Platte.

4) Important places of interest: Platte River valley, routes of the Pony

Express, Union Pacific railroad, Agatte Fosil Beds National Monument,


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5) Surrounding states: South Dakota, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa.

6) The main sports are swimming, boating, fishing.

7) -43.9° C (-47° F) in 1899 to 47.8° C (118° F) in 1936

8) Nebraska is drained entirely by the Missouri River and its tributaries.

The state’s principal river is the Platte.


12.2. Reading Comprehension

1) No, he doesn't. He was only nominated.

2) He usually sings what is called a 'positive' rap.

3) He accomplished #1 position on Billboard's Rap.

12.4. Activities:

1) He would like to be a little bit taller, a 6ft 9''basketball player.

2) This is Radio station W S K E E, taking wishes and making them come


3) Leoshi is the girl he likes. He wishes to date her

Because he dreams about her. Her boyfriend is tall and he

plays basketball.

4) His car is a hatchback. He wishes to buy a convertible.

5) He's always the last one to be picked to play basketball. Then he goes to

the bleachers with all the girls.

6) He was hit with a bottle.

7) The city is defined having the size of a box. He thinks he lives in a

concrete jungle.

12.5. Did you know...?

Questions about the information: open answer

12.6. Internet Activity: open answer.


13.2. Reading Comprehension

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1) Snoop means to pry, to browse. His mother put his this name because of

his appearance.

2) Yes, they were.

3) The police detained him.

13.4. Did you know that...? Questions about the information

Open answers

13.5. Activities:

a) Fill in the blanks: Kathy, prison, execution, midnight

b) Open answer taking special care of every single line.

c) 1) He’s about to be fried in the electric chair.

2) There’s a demonstration of people for and against the Death Row.

3) The Death Row is referred to the people who is waiting in prison

to be executed by different methods.

4) Because it seems the period of time that Snoop has been waiting

to be still executed.

d) Nigger: (slang) black person



e) a) He’s from Long Beach, East side

b)He’s just got parole

c) Suge Knight stole some money

a) He needs a gun.

b) Because he can’t walk the street without it.

c) No, it’s no fun.

Multimedia Activity:

1) 8Lynching is the unauthorised, illegal use of death as a punishment.

2) Capital punishment was already mentioned in the Code of Hammurabi

(1750 BC).

3) The Bible prescribed death as the penalty for more than 30 different


Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O. 357

4) By the end of the 15th century, English law recognised seven

major crimes: treason, murder, larceny, burglary, rape, and arson.

5) In the United States, the death penalty is currently authorized in

one of five ways: hanging, electrocution, the gas chamber, firing

squad or lethal injection.

6) Defenders insist that taking an offender’s life is a more severe

punishment than any prison term, Supporters also argue that without

capital punishment there is no adequate deterrent for those already serving

a life term who commit murder while incarcerated, or for those who have

not yet been caught but who would be liable to a life term if arrested, as

well as for revolutionaries, terrorists, traitors, and spies.


14.2. Reading Comprehension

1) They split up in 1990

2) To cut a Long Story Short (#5 in UK) Only when you leave (#3 in UK, #34

in US), True (#1 in UK, ? in US).

3) Because they thought the label was not providing enough support in

promotional activities.

4) They looked extravagant, using fashionable clothes and makeup.

14.4. Did you know that...?

Question about this information: open answer. The reflection is about high fees,

alteration of the body by artificial methods, anorexia, etc.

14.5. Activities:

1) She's now down the laundromat

She's finding it hard

She never seems the same

She can't take no sympathy

She's highly strung

Llicència d'estudis Febrer-Juny 1999 Departament d'Ensenyament Autor: Lluís Figueras


Music Clips: a Cross-curricular Activity for Music Fans Crèdit Variable d'ampliació per a 2n cicle d'E.S.O. 357

She’s stepping upon the OHGJH

She’s got a gun against her head

She’s wired up to blow the power line

She’s walking out upon the knife

She’ll take you to the edge of life

2) a) F b) T c) T d) F e) T f) F g) F

3) Rewriting false sentences:

a) She's a famous top model

b) She tries to commit suicide by jumping from a high building

c) The group is leaving Hong Kong by helicopter

d) A paparazzi takes a picture while they are kissing each other


Open answer based on students' personal opinions.


Both projects are designed to provide pupils the chance of improving the

knowledge of one/some group(s) they like. At the same time the activities are

revised and also extended.
