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Parte 2 de inglés básico

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  • 8/18/2019 Parte 2 de inglés básico


    Hails = granizo



    In English, the present continuous tense describes temporary situations and actions that arehappening now (the moment of speaking).

    The present continuous : I am reading .


    Present continuous - afrmative

    Verb "to be" in the present tense + base form of the verb '-ing':

    Singular Plural

    I am read ing we are read ing

    you are read ing you are read in

    she/he/it is read ing they are read in

    • I am painting.

    • He is playing the piano .

    • They are reading.

    For base forms that end with 'e', remove the 'e' before adding '-ing':

    • write I am writing

    • take she is taking

    To ma e senten!es less formal, we use !ontra!tions:

    • I am reading I !m reading

    • you are reading you !re walking

    • he"she"it is reading he"she"it !s working

    • we are talking we !re talking

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    • they are watching they !re watching

    Present continuous - negative

    Verb "to be" in the present tense + not + base form of the verb'-ing':

    Singular Plural

    I am not read ing we are not read

    you are not read ing you are not rea

    she/he/it is not read ing they are not re

    • I am not eating.

    #erry is not talking on the telephone.• $aura and I are not taking the afternoon train.

    To ma e negative senten!es less formal, we use !ontra!tions:

    • I am not reading I !m not reading

    • you are not walking you aren!t walking or you !re not walking

    • he"she"it is working he"she"it isn!t working or he"she"it !s not working

    • we are not talking we aren!t talking or we !re not talking

    • they are not watching they aren!t watching or they !re not watching


    se to tal about an a!tion happening at the moment ofspea ing:

    • I!m playing tennis.

    • #essica and %ark aren!t coming to the meeting.

    • It is raining outside.

    se for an a!tion happening in the present but not at themoment of spea ing:

    • He !s taking &panish classes in the e'ening.

    • I!m reading Moby Dick.

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    In English the present continuous tense describes temporary situations and actions that takeplace at the moment of speaking.

    Present continuous : re you reading


    Present continuous afrmative questions = verb "to be" in the presenttense + subject + verb '-ing':

    S#$% & ( ) * person P& ( & ) peopl

    Am !or ing# Are !e !or ing#

    Are $ou !or ing# Are $ou !or ing

    s he%she%it !or ing# Are the$ !or ing#

    • m I doing this right

    • Is #ohn playing the trumpet

    • re they coming to dinner

    *ontractions are not possible.

    Present continuous negative questions = verb "to be" in the presenttense + subject + not + verb '-ing':

    • re you not eating in the canteen

    • Is she not buying a laptop

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    *ontractions are possible in present continuous negati'e +uestions, but their use changes theorder of the sentence:

    Aren't you writing the memoIsn't she buying a laptop


    sed to as about an a!tion happening at the moment ofspea ing or a temporar situation:

    • -hat are you doing

    • re you watching the news

    re you li'ing with your sister• ren!t you arri'ing later than usual


    &o straight ahea' = siga recto

    (rafc circle = roton'a

    (a e a le)t = girar a la izquier'a

    (urn right = 'obla a la 'erecha

    make a turn hacer una 'uelta en


    -e use the imperati'e form to make a re+uest or gi'e an instruction.

    /ass me my ticket.

    0e on time.

    Note : se a +uestion form to make a polite re+uest, or add please.

    • *an you pass me my ticket, please

    • /lease be on time.

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    The imperative is the in.nitive form of a verb without 'to':

    • Infiniti'e: to talkImperati'e: Talk to the the waitress about your meal.

    • Infiniti'e: to goImperati'e: 1o to work now2

    • Infiniti'e: to beImperati'e: 0e there at 3:44 a.m.

    • Infiniti'e: to takeImperati'e: Take a coat.

    • Infiniti'e: to turn

    Imperati'e: Turn the tele'ision off.

    To use the imperative in the negative form, we add 'don't' beforethe verb:

    • Infiniti'e: to talk5egati'e imperati'e: 6on!t talk during the show.

    • Infiniti'e: to go5egati'e imperati'e: 6on!t go outside, it!s raining2

    • Infiniti'e: to be

    5egati'e imperati'e: 6on!t be late.• Infiniti'e: to turn

    5egati'e imperati'e: 6on!t turn the music up.


    /e use the imperative to give instru!tions or dire!tions:

    • Infiniti'e: to turnImperati'e: Turn right at the end of the corridor.

    • Infiniti'e: to goImperati'e: 1o straight to the airport.

    • Infiniti'e: to turnImperati'e: Turn off the lights before lea'ing.

    /e use the imperative to give an order:

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    • Infiniti'e: to runImperati'e: 6on!t run by the pool.

    • Infiniti'e: to knockImperati'e: 7nock before entering.

    • Infiniti'e: to lea'eImperati'e: $ea'e the room +uietly.

    /e use the imperative to ma e an informal o0er:

    • Infiniti'e: to ha'eImperati'e: Ha'e a slice of pi88a.

    • Infiniti'e: to takeImperati'e: Take my pencil.

    /e use the imperative to ma e an e1!lamation:

    • Infiniti'e: to lookImperati'e: $ook at the weather2

    • Infiniti'e: to smellImperati'e: &mell the flowers2


    Eli8abeth se ha perdido. n hombre +ue pasa por all9 le ayuda a encontrar su camino.

    Elizabeth: "Excuse me, can you please tell me where Liberty Street is?"

    Man: "Liberty Street...oh yes...go down Trophy Street, which is the irst street on the le t, thencontinue until you reach the second street on the right."

    Elizabeth: "Than! you ery much#"


    Para pe'ir in'icaciones

    • E cuse me, could you tell me where the closest subway station is

    • /ardon me sir, where can I find the %useum of &cience and Industry

    • 6o you know where I can rent 6;6s

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    • How do I get to

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    • I will know the results tomorrow. I!m knowing the results tomorrow. ( &abr' losresulta os mañana.)

    el 'simple present'

    El !simple present! en ingl?s se puede utili8ar tambi?n para hablar de planes o hechospre'istos en un futuro prA imo.

    • -hat time does the meeting finish ( A qu' ora acaba la reunión*)

    • Th *hicago %adrid flight arri'es at B4 o!clock in the morning. ( +l vuelo , ica-oMa ri lle-a a las /0 e la mañana .)


    $as construcciones con will no se emplean con mucha frecuencia.&e emplean sobre todo para e presar acciones espontCneas +ue hemos decidido en elmomento en el +ue hablamos (acciones no premeditadas), para hacer predicciones o hablarde acciones futuras en el lengua@e formal.

    a* Para e presar 'ecisiones espont,neas

    &e utili8a muy a menudo en lengua@e oral (para hacer propuestas y promesas).

    • *an you send me the document as soon as possible ( Me pue es man ar elocumento lo antes posible*)

    • =es, I will send it now by fa . (&"1 te lo 2man ar'3 man o a ora mismo por !a4.)• I will get you some coffee. (5e voy a traer un ca!'.)

    • I!ll connect you. ( 6e paso con 'l 7 ella .)

    • I!ll ha'e a steak please but I won!t ha'e a dessert. ( 8e ir' un bistec1 pero notomar' postre .)

    b* Para hacer pre'icciones

    • House prices will go up in the future. (+l precio e la vivien a aumentar9 en el!uturo.)

    • It will be worth a fortune in a year or two. ( Val r9 una !ortuna en uno o os años.)

    • I!ll probably arri'e late. ( 8ue e que lle-ue tar e. )

    c* Para hablar 'e acciones )uturas en el lenguaje )ormal

    ill se utili8a mCs a menudo en el registro formal (o escrito) y muy poco en el ingl?s hablado.

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    • The /resident will be in Italy this weekend. (+l presi ente estar9 en :talia este !in esemana.)

    • -e will release the information ne t week. ( Daremos a conocer la in!ormación lasemana que viene.)

    Shall I % we(

    Shall I( % Shall we( son e presiones +ue ya no se utili8an con 'alor de futuro pero s9 cone presiones interrogati'as para proponer o sugerir algo.En espaDol e+ui'alen a una pregunta con el 'erbo principal en presente.

    • &hall I open the window ( Abro la ventana*).

    • &hall I get you a coffee ( 5e voy a buscar un ca!'*).

    • &hall we start the meeting ( +mpezamos la reunión*).

    one way ticket boleto de ida

    round trip ticket boleto de ida y 'uelta

    suitcase maleta


    -e use ! would ! and ! could ! to make polite re+uests.

    *ould you please bring me a glass of water-ould you prefer the window or the aisle seat-ould you be able to call me tomorrow


    The words !would! and !could! do not change.


    !ould + sub2e!t

    • *ould I...

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    • *ould you...

    • *ould he"she"it...

    • *ould we...

    • *ould you...

    • *ould they...


    would + sub2e!t

    • -ould I...

    • -ould you...

    • -ould he"she"it...

    • -ould we...

    • -ould you...

    • -ould they...


    Polite requests

    • *ould you close the door

    *ould I use your pen• *ould we go to the supermarket before the cinema

    • *ould you tell me how to get to the train station

    • -ould I be able to help

    • -ould you bring me my book, please

    • -ould #ohn and &arah like to come with me

    • -ould we be able to come

    /0ering an' inviting

    se 'would' to o0er someone something:

    • -ould you like a drink

    • -ould you like to go shopping

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    se 'would' to invite someone somewhere:

    • -ould he like to go to the beach today

    • -ould you be interested in coming to my house tonight

    .oul' li e

    se 'would li e' instead of 'want'3 '/ould li e' is more polite:

    • I would like a table for four at :44 pm.

    • I would like a cup of tea, please.

    !-ould! has a contracted form. -e * 55FT say !it!d!.I!d...=ou!d...He!d"&he!d"It would...


    • They!d like to go home now.

    • I!d like some books about the moon, please.

    • -e!d like three sandwiches, please.


    &andra goes to the train station to book a train ticket.

    Sandra: "$ood a ternoon, I would li!e to buy a return tic!et in second class romLondon to %righton, please."

    Clerk: "&hen would you li!e to lea e?"

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    Sandra: "Tomorrow morning, i possible. 'nd I would li!e to return on the e ening o(ay )*th, please."

    Clerk: "Smo!ing or non+smo!ing?"

    Sandra: " on+smo!ing, than! you."


    1eserving a table in a restaurant

    You Restaurant host

    I would li!e to reser e a table or six people at se eno- cloc!.

    course, under what name?

    Is it possible to reser e a table or two people at eighto- cloc!?

    o, I-m sorry but we-re ully boo!ed.

    2oo ing a hotel room

    You Receptionist

    • !oul' li e to boo a room*• s it possible to boo a room )or

    tonight#• Hello3 !oul' li e to boo the

    hone$moon suite )or the night o) the 45tho) April*

    • !oul' li e a 'ouble room )or the!ee o) 6a$ 47th to the 89th*

    • .hat is the price o) a single room#• .hat is the cost )or one night#

    • For !hen#• For ho! long#• .oul' $ou li e a single or

    'ouble room#• For ho! man$ nights#• .oul' $ou li e brea )ast


    • an $ou please con:rm $ourreservation b$ either )a or e-mail#

    2oo ing a plane tic et

    You Ticket agent

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    • !oul' li e to boo a tic et to6anchester3 please*

    • !oul' li e a roun'-trip tic et )rom;on'on to

  • 8/18/2019 Parte 2 de inglés básico


    1egular verbs

    To form the past simple, add E-e'E to the base form:

    Singular Plural

    I coo!ed we coo!ed

    you coo!ed you coo!ed

    she/he/it coo!ed they coo!ed

    • -e watched T; last night.

    • The mo'ie started late.

    • It rained yesterday.

    • /eter and Tom worked on the train.

    #f the verb ends in 'e' , add 'd':

    • arri'e They arri'e d late to the meeting.

    • sha'e #oe sha'e d this morning.

    #f the verb ends in ' ', remove the ' Eand add '-ied':

    • study The teenagers stud ied for the e am.

    • carry I carr ied my luggage to the hotel room.

    #f the verb ends in vowel + a !onsonant, the !onsonant at theend is doubled:

    • stop The car sto pped at the red light.

    • plan -e pla nned a party.

    • wrap &he wra pped the children!s presents for *hristmas.


    /e use the past simple to des!ribe a .nished a!tion in the past:

    • I baked a cake yesterday .

    • They 'isited a museum in 5ew =ork last week .

    • 0ill li'ed in $ondon for three years .

    • I started a new @ob last year .

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    • %ary and I played soccer on the weekend .

    • The play finished at BB:44 p.m .

    • I cried when I watched the mo'ie last night .


    -e use the simple past to talk about past e'ents. -hen we use the negati'e form, we talkabout what did not take place:

    I did not open my birthday card.He did not "inish until late last night.-e did not in#ite 0ill to the party.


    To ma e the negative simple past, use E'i' notE + the base )orm@

    S#$% & ( ) * person P& ( & ) people

    'i' not coo !e 'i' not coo

    $ou 'i' not coo $ou 'i' not coo

    he3 she3it

    'i' not coo the$ 'i' not coo

    • They did not study for the dri'er!s e am.

    • &arah did not go to meeting.

    -e did not read the email.• =ou did not follow the rules.

    To ma e negative senten!es less formal, we use !ontra!tions:

    did + not = didn't

    • I did not work. " I didn!t work.

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    • #oe did not eat the dessert. " #oe didn!t eat the dessert.

    • %ary and I did not take the bus to work. " %ary and I didn!t take the bus to work.


    /e use the negative simple past to tal about things that didnot happen3

    • I did not tra#el by airplane.

    • He did not pay for the ticket.

    • &he did not wor$ last night.

    • They did not wash the dishes after dinner.


    To put regular 'erbs in the past simple, add ! ed! to the end. Irregular 'erbs do not end in ! ed!in the past simple, but change in different ways.

    I bit the apple.&he bought milk at the store.

    They told us a story.


    (o be

    Singular Plural

    I was we wereyou were you were

    she/he/it was they were

    • I was late to work today.

    • =ou were on 'acation last month during the meeting.

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    • $ily was sick yesterday.

    • 5ancy and I were the first ones at work today.

    • %arcus and -ill were in &pain last week.

    /ther common irregular verbs

    Base form past simple



    beginha etell




    • eat I ate my breakfast at home this morning.

    • go They went to the hospital to see the baby.

    • see I saw the mo'ie last week.

    • buy &he bought a new dress for the party.

    • ta$e He took a slice of cake.

    • begin I began my new @ob last %onday.

    • ha#e They had a great trip.

    • tell &he told me a story.


    /e use the past simple to tal about a!tions in the past:

    • The mo'ie began at G:44 p.m.

    • I took a large suitcase on 'acation for my sou'enirs.

    • -e ate dinner in a restaurant yesterday for my birthday.

    • &he went to the supermarket last week.
