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preparándote_Guía Defensa Programación Didáctica

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  • 7/28/2019 preparndote_Gua Defensa Programacin Didctica






    PRIMARIA/SECUNDARIAForeign Language Area:


    Mara Dolores Molina Muoz


  • 7/28/2019 preparndote_Gua Defensa Programacin Didctica





    Gua Defensa Programacin Didctica


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    BIENVENIDA! En primer lugar me gustara darte las gracias por haber adquirido la Gua deDefensa de Programacin Didctica de preparndote. Esta gua ha sido elaborada

    teniendo en cuenta todos los aspectos necesarios (tanto bsicos como extras) a la hora

    de realizar una defensa de programacin didctica.

    ! La presente gua tiene la funcin de ayudarte a realizar tu programacin sin ayudade nadie, ya que los materiales adicionales en el Pack de Preparacin de preparndote

    son el complemento esencial para poder trabajar de forma autnoma.

    MODO DE USO! A partir de ahora puedes seguir los pasos que te muestro para elaborar tu defensa.Para ello, ser necesario que ya tengas elaborada tu programacin, y a partir de ella

    podrs elaborar una defensa que logre captar la atencin del tribunal.

    Si sigues los pasos tal y como estn explicados te ser bastante sencillo. No obstante,

    puedes aadir informacin si as lo deseas, en caso de que quieras ampliar algn punto

    por tu cuenta. Esta gua didctica ha sido diseada para la creacin de

    programaciones en la especialidad de lengua extranjera, pero puede ser fcilmente

    adaptable a cualquier otra programacin.

    NOTA: En el caso de las programaciones para el rea de Lengua Extranjera, la

    programacin tendr que ser realizada en el idioma para el que se programa.

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    L NDICE DE CONTENIDOS! Esta gua es especialmente til si has realizado la programacin siguiendo la guade preparndote. Si has realizado la programacin por tu cuenta siguiendo otro ndice de

    contenidos, tienes la opcin de variarlo o adaptar la gua a tu programacin.

    ACTITUD ANTE EL TRIBUNAL! Lo primero a tener en cuenta es la actitud ante el tribunal. Debemos mostrarnosseguros y relajados (en la medida de lo posible) y no realizar excesivos gestos para no

    poner nervioso al tribunal.

    COMENZAMOS: Presentacin e introduccin! Comenzaremos por saludar al tribunal y presentarnos, para luego continuar conuna breve presentacin de la introduccin de nuestra programacin. En este punto no es

    aconsejable extenderse mucho, ya que el tribunal sabe de sobra qu es una

    programacin y porqu programamos, pero s hay que captar la atencin del mismo

    desde el comienzo, por lo que se aconseja indicar que el diseo de nuestra

    programacin cuenta con ms puntos de los incluidos en la convocatoria para

    obtener una programacin ms completa y que hemos incluido puntos a destacar

    como El Proyecto TIC o el Plan de Lectura.


    Good morning. My name is __________and I would like to start by saying that the didactic

    planning that I have designed is a useful and necessary tool in the learning-teaching

    process, as I have organized and sequenced all the work for the current course.

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    Before explaining every point, I would like to say that I have decided to include more parts

    of those that are mandatory in the announcement, with the purpose of getting a more

    complete didactic planning in which each one of the parts is going to condition the others.

    RESUMEN DE LOS PUNTOS PRINCIPALES! A continuacin vamos a realizar un breve resumen de los puntos de los que vamosa hablar. En este momento podemos aprovechar para escribir el ndice de contenidos en

    la pizarra o dar una copia del ndice en papel al tribunal. Otras opciones es realizar la

    presentacin en formato PowerPoint of Keynote para que el tribunal vaya viendo los

    puntos de los se va a hablar y le resulte ms sencillo seguir la exposicin.

    CONTEXTOA quin va dirigida nuestra programacin? Caractersticas del grupo para el que vamos

    a programar? Cmo es el centro para el que hemos programado?

    Breve descripcin del grupo y del centro educativo, as como de la legislacin que hemos

    utilizado para realizar nuestra programacin.

    To start, the main part would be to put into context my didactic planning, to

    whom it is addressed, so the didactic planning that I am presenting here is

    addressed to students of ...

    The school in which this didactic planning is developed is....

    The programme I am introducing here follows the legal dispositions established

    by ....

    METODOLOGA Este apartado lo tenemos dividido en Metodologa general y especfica. Os

    aconsejamos que hagis un resumen muy breve de la metodologa general, ya que es

    muy terica y lo que el tribunal quiere or es vuestra prctica docente, por lo que es

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    aconsejable que hagis hincapi en la metodologa especfica y mostris los aspectos

    que consideris ms destacables, como la introduccin de las TIC el tipo de actividades

    que vais a realizar.


    En este punto sucede algo similar, hay que hablar de la legislacin referente a la

    atencin a la diversidad, ya sea citando la LOE o el curriculum de nuestra comunidad. No

    obstante, es mucho ms importe que resaltemos con qu tipo de alumnado vamos a

    trabajar y qu actividades vamos a realizar para cubrir la atencin a la diversidad.

    COMPETENCIAS BSICAS Y TEMAS COMUNES Una vez decidido cmo vamos ensear (considerando todas las distintas

    capacidades) tenemos que empezar a establecer unas bases de lo que nuestros alumnos

    tienen que alcanzar, y es aqu donde entran las Competencias Bsicas.

    Se aconseja nombrar ejemplos de competencias bsicas que sern trabajadas en las

    distintas unidades y con qu tipo de actividades. No vale con incluir solo el listado de

    competencias bsicas, porque el tribunal ya lo conoce de sobra. Incluid un par de

    ejemplos de actividades en las que se trabajarn distintas competencias bsicas y dejad

    claro que todas las competencias sern trabajadas en la medida de lo posible a lo largo

    de las unidades.!OBJETIVOS! Una vez decididas las competencias bsicas, vamos a establecer los objetivos,estos vienen definidos en la legislacin vigente. Para mayor efectividad de nuestra

    exposicin, os recomendamos hacer referencia a los objetivos espefcos creados para la

    clase. Antes, un breve resumen de los objetivos de etapa y de rea es recomendable,

    pero sin nombrar los objetivos tal cual, sino reformulndolos para mostrar qu aspectos se

    van a trabajar en clase.

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    En lugar de nombrar los objetivos uno por uno, es mejor decir que los objetivos van

    a cubrir todos los aspectos necesarios de listening, speaking, reading, writing, etc...

    CONTENIDOS! Una vez que hemos establecidos los Objetivos, vamos a necesitar unosContenidos, los cuales vienen reflejados en el currculum, adems, realizaremos una

    secuenciacin de dichos objetivos.

    Aqu es recomendable nombrar los bloques de contenidos sin entrar en ellos

    directamente, solo indicando brevemente qu se trata en cada bloque, para luego pasar a

    explicar cmo vamos secuencia dichos contenidos a lo largo del curso.

    EVALUACIN! El siguiente punto lgico va a ser la Evaluacin, empezando por los Criterios deEvaluacin, los Tipos de Evaluacinque vamos a hacer y las Herramientasque vamos a


    Igualmente, pasar brevemente por los criterios y centrarnos en las herramientas que

    vamos a utilizar, dando ejemplos siempre que sea posible.!ACTIVIDADES COMPLEMENTARIAS! Tras haber visto los puntos fundamentales de nuestra programacin, ahora vamosa introducir otros aspectos que tambin son de gran importancia, y para ello vamos a

    empezar con las Actividades complementarias, teniendo en cuenta las que se realizan

    dentro y fuera del centro, as como durante el horario escolar o fuera del mismo.

    Os recomendamos nombrar las actividades y explicar si es posible cmo se van a realizar,

    dando ejemplos.

    RECURSOS Y MATERIALES DIDCTICOS! Tambin es importante hablar de los Recursos didcticos y los materialesnecesarios para llevar a cabo nuestra programacin.

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    Si hablamos de los recursos, sera ms que interesante que si nombris algn recurso

    TIC expliquis cmo lo vais a utilizar y en qu unidades.

    UNIDADES DIDCTICAS! En este apartado lo que tenemos son las tablas resumen. Vamos a explicar quinformacin se muestra en las tablas, indicando que incluimos objetivos, contenidos, etc.

    Adems, vamos a coger una tabla a modo de ejemplo para que el tribunal pueda ver qu

    informacin hay en ella.

    CONCLUSIN! Para cerrar de manera completa nuestra programacin, es necesario ofrecer unaConclusin de lo que hemos pretendido con ella, de lo que esperamos que nuestros

    alumnos puedan lograr gracias al trabajo con esta programacin.

    BIBLIOGRAFA! Finalmente, hay que incluir la Bibliografa que hemos utilizado para realizar laprogramacin. En este ltimo punto lo que vamos a hacer es indicar los apartados en los

    que hemos dividido la bibliografa y ejemplos de cada apartado. Si el tiempo nos lo

    permite, indicar en qu unidad se ha utilizado alguno de los recursos bibliogrficos sera

    ms que recomendable.


    Como es normal, hay que informar al tribunal de que hemos terminado la

    exposicin y dar las gracias al tribunal por la atencin prestada.


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    * Dar todos los ejemplos posibles, tenemos que mostrar nuestra programacin de la

    manera ms prctica, y no dando datos tericos interminables.

    * Mirar al tribunal en todo momento, para que as podamos captar su atencin.

    * No tocarse el pelo, anillos, pulseras, o hacer gestos que puedan delatarnos de nuestro

    estado nervioso.

    * Confiar en nuestro trabajo.


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    First& of& all& I& am& going& to& offer& an& introduction,& in& this& introduction& I& talk&about&the&basis&of&teaching&English&as&a&Second&Language,&also&I&will&explain&



    the&methodology&that&am&following,&parting&from&the&general&principles&and&getting& closer& to& the& most& characteristic& features& of& my& teaching& in& the&

    classroom.&&Then,&I&will&talk&about&attention&to&diversity,&common&curricular&elements,& objectives,& contents,& and& evaluation.& Later,& I& will& explain& the&

    complementary&activities,&materials&and&didactic&resources,&summary&tables&of&the&didactic&units,& to&end&with&a& conclusion&the&bibliography&that&I& have&


    To begin with my syllabus, it is necessary to say that the fact of being amember of EC implies the necessity of having a command in foreign languagesin order to make communication among the different members of the

    community easier.The European council establishes a Common European Framework ofReference for Languages putting forward what language learners have to learnin order to use a language for communication and what knowledge and skillsthey have to develop so as to be able to act effectively.

    My aim in this document is to design a syllabus for the first year course ofBachillerato, the third level of definition of the Curricular Design.

    The first level, CORE CURRICULAR DESIGN (DCB), is statutory forschools and designed by the Educational authorities. Nowadays, the LOE

    2/2006 (Educational Organic Law) regulates all the different structures ofEducation. Thus, the Bachilleratos syllabus designs is framed on the OrganicLaw 2/2006 of the 3rd May of Education (LOE) and developed by the RoyalDecree 1467/2007 of 2nd November (BOE 6TH November) by which theStructure in Bachillerato is established and the Minimum teachings arefixed . Subsequently, it is further developed by the Decree 85/2008 of 17thJune, by which the curriculum that corresponds to Bachillerato in Castillala Mancha is developed. (DOCM 20/06/2008).

    On a second level of definition, in the SCHOOL CURRICULARPROJECT (P.C.C.)

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    The fourth level includes all the SYLLABUS ADAPTATION FORSTUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS and modifications based on ATTENTIONTO DIVERSITY.

    Now that I have established the legislative and curriculardevelopment foundations, I would like to talk about the context of thecentre. This syllabus has been designed for students in the 1st year ofBachillerato. The high-school is located in a rural area placed at approximately30 km from the main city.

    The sociocultural level in this village is medium / low, something that willinfluence on the characteristics of the students. The main source of income formany families in this village is agriculture; although and due to the proximity ofthe main ticity, many inhabitants are professionally linked to this capital. Wemust also consider that there is an increasing number of immigrants in the areain general, reason why the attention to diversity must be carefully developed tocope to such a varied amount of needs.

    Now that the context has been defined, it is necessary to talk about themethodology, in this case, I will provide students with communicative situationsthat connect with their previous knowledge by designing activities that allowestablishing connections between previously acquired knowledge and the newinput (the so called pre-teaching activities orwarm ups).

    The activities I have designed fulfil different purposes. There areevaluation activities (initial, formative and summative), motivating activities (to

    attract students or to show them the practical application of what they havelearnt); learning activities (intended to teach); feed-back (to help students toreach the other students level) and follow-up activities (to expand further theacquired knowledge). I have provided a wide range of activities to cater fordiversity. All these activities aim to develop the four skills: listening, writing,reading and speaking, together with the topic and contents of each unit.

    Some examples are: multimedia-based activities, filling in charts or gaps,board games, odd word out, jumbled sentences, role plays, class discussions,oral presentations, dramatic activities, quizzes, simulations, games,discussions, essays, projects, crosswords, preparing surveys, writing differenttext types, WebquestsThese are just some instances but Ill mention themmore specifically within each unit.

    The main space will normally be the classroom and the computerlaboratory, but some activities will require others, such as the auditorium. In theclassroom, desks may be arranged for different purposes: desks in rows, ingroups, in a U shape, of specific arrangement depending on games, cross-curricular topics, etc. An alternative space to the school will be the State-runLanguage School in a visit.

    In general, all the units of work are planned to last two-weeks; extra timeis left to do other activities, as evaluations and feed-back and follow-upactivities in case it is necessary. Within these two weeks, I have planned the

    activities for the units distinguishing five stages: warm-up, presentation, practiceor accuracy practice, free-production and feedback. Within each session of 50

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    minutes there will be a review of previous knowledge, introduction and practiceof new knowledge and a final review (including the Reading Club session),except for session 6 (devoted to the Computer lab activities) and session 7

    (reserved for the examination). Finally, I need to mention the fact that I havegiven more importance to Speaking, as the main aim of language iscommunication and I want my students to use the language as much aspossible in class.

    When talking about attention to diversity, this comes regulated in the OrganicAct of Education 2/2006 of May 3rd, (LOE), in its Title II Equity in Education,and its subtitle Pupils with specific necessities of educative support, itdistinguishes three groups:a) Students with special educational needsb) High ability studentsc) Late entries into the education system

    Considering these groups, I will try to adjust different types of tasksand activities to match different learning styles. There are four modalities ofactivities to suit to different learning styles:

    - Visual: Use many visuals in the classroom. For example, walldisplays posters, flash cards, graphic organizers etc.

    - Auditory: Use audio files and videos, storytelling, songs, jazzchants, memorization and drills and allow learners to work in pairsand small groups regularly.

    - Kinesthetic: Use physical activities, competitions, board games,role plays etc. and combine activities which require students to sitquietly with activities that allow them to move around and be active.

    - Tactile: Use board and card games, demonstrations, projects, role-plays etc. and use while-listening and reading activities. For example,ask students to fill in a table while listening to a talk, or to label adiagram while reading.

    Other measures are:

    ! To start from students previously acquired knowledge related to this andother areas through an initial evaluation and using warm ups as a bridgebetween their previously acquired knowledge and the new contents.

    ! To anticipate the linguistic and non-linguistic needs for the final task

    ! To adapt the tasks to the different levels and abilities of the group by meansofgraded activities.

    ! In mixed-ability classes, we can pay attention to diversity by means of pairand group work. Varying the way students work in the class will help meet the

    variety of levels in the class.! Extra work and homework

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    ! Error correction: In a mixed level class, there are different expectations ofthe language the different students produce.

    ! Students who didnt reach the objective in 4th of CSE will also have very

    useful activities for these students because they are graded activities whichprovide the weaker students with help.

    Now, I would like to talk about the common curricular elements, these arelinked to the education in values and fomenting reading aspects.

    The official curriculum recognises the importance of promoting thedevelopment of new attitudes and values. It should be flexible enough to reflectthe new training needs which are characteristic of a plural society and inconstant change. Therefore, it contains a set of teachings that integrated intothe program of the subjects itself, cross it or impregnate it. They receive thegeneric denomination of common or cross teachings. The LOE, in its article

    24.7, establishes that without damage of the specific educational treatment insome of the stage subjects, the reading comprehension, the oral and writtenexpression, the audiovisual communication, the information technology andcommunication and the education in values will be worked in all subjects.

    These topics have an important value not only for the personal and integraldevelopment of the pupils, but also for a project of a society which is freer andmore peaceful and respectful towards people and also towards nature itself,which forms the surrounding environment of human society.

    Now, it is the moment to establish the aims that our students have to

    teach, first I am going to talk about the general aims of Post-CompulsorySecondary Education. The have been defined in Decree 85/2008 of 17 thJune, and some of them are: he general aims of the Post-CompulsorySecondary Education (Bachillerato) are the following:

    a. Exercising democratic citizenship from a global perspective, and acquire aresponsible civic awareness inspired by the values of the Spanish Constitutionand human rights, encouraging responsibility in building a just and equitablesociety and promotes sustainability.b. Strengthen personal and social maturity that allows them to act responsiblyand autonomously and develop their critical thinking, and anticipate and resolve

    conflicts peacefully personal, family and social.c. Effectively promote equal rights and opportunities between men and women,critically analyze and assess existing inequalities and promote real equality andnon-discrimination against people with disabilities.

    With regards to the objectives of the Foreign Language Area, some ofthem are:

    1. Orally express themselves and interact spontaneously, understandable andrespectful, with fluency and accuracy, using appropriate strategies to situationsof communication.2. Understand global and specific information of oral texts and follow the plot ofcurrent issues in common communicative contexts issued and the media.

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    3. Write various types of texts in a clear and well structured in a styleappropriate to the readers for whom they are directed and communicativeintent.

    In addiction to these general and official objectives, Ive includedthree additional goals I consider highly relevant when learning a ForeignLanguage, apart from the linguistic abilities. This personal adaptation ismaterialised in the following:1. To develop a positive attitude towards learning the foreign language2. To foster personality development3. To Use of ICT as a key resource of learning

    Now that we have the objectives, we need some contents, and they havebeen divided into four main blocks which are:

    Block 1. Listening, speaking and talking:Block 2. Reading and writingBlock 3. Knowledge of language:Block 4. Socio-cultural and intercultural awareness.

    These general contents for the 1st Course of Post-Compulsory SecondaryEducation have been concreted in 15 teaching units which have beendistributed along the course.

    Very related to contents we have interdisciplinary, by this way, in theSecond Language Area: English, an interdisciplinary relationship isestablished with other areas of the Curriculum, for this I have designed aconnection table in which you can see that some areas have a very close andconstant connection with English, such as Spanish Language and CitizenEducation.

    Now that objectives and contents have been established, we need to setevaluation, first, we have the evaluation criteria defined by Decree 85/2008 of17th June, some of them are:

    1. Express themselves fluently and with appropriate pronunciation andintonation in narratives, arguments, debates and exhibitions previouslyprepared, using communication strategies necessary.2. Understand the main idea of oral messages, issued in communicativesituations face to face or by the media on familiar topics, current or generalrelated to their studies and interests, or cultural aspects associated with theforeign language, provided they are clearly articulated in standard language andspeech development is provided with explicit markers.3. Write clear and detailed texts for different purposes with the formalcorrectness, cohesion, coherence and proper registration.

    Evaluating means measuring the progress of students. To achieve this wewill develop continuous assessment, which consists on three different types of

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    evaluation:- Initial evaluation At the beginning of all units, I may issue a task (brainstorm

    or warm-up) to assess the students' knowledge about the topic and/or thelevel of language required.

    - With formative evaluation the teaching-learning process itself and not onlythe end product will be subject to evaluation i.e., activities, methodology,materials that are used in the class. I will mainly do this by using observationand note taking.

    - Summative evaluation is done at the end of the process and determines ifthe objectives have been fulfilled. If some students have not accomplished theaims of the unit we can devote some time to remedial tasks. The students whohave achieved the aims can work meanwhile on follow-up tasks to expand thetopic or contents of the unit.

    The assessment will be carried out by means of tests which will be as objectiveas possible: tests, class exercises, effort, attitudes, etc. The main purpose ofsuch tests will be assessing the learners comprehensive progress in thelanguage and, consequently, in the use of the four skills. From this we can inferthat the tests, both written and oral, will be based on the students workthroughout the whole school year, both in the classroom and at home.

    wont be any extraordinary tests in June except for some exceptional cases.The tests will be divided into the following parts corresponding, likewise, to thefour skills:

    Reading comprehension test.

    Listening comprehension test. Speaking and writing tests.

    An objective test including grammar, vocabulary and phonetics.

    The above mentioned parts, as well as the students work throughout the term,will be given the following values:

    Reading 15%

    Writing 20%

    Grammar and Phonetics 20%

    Vocabulary 15%

    Listening 15%

    Speaking 10%

    Students work 5%

    The students who have not passed in June will have an extra test inSeptember, including grammar, vocabulary and phonetics, a listening andreading comprehension test and a writing. They will also have to pass a testabout the reading books mentioned above. There wont be any oral tests.

    Now, I would like to explain the complementary activities that I am going tocarry out:

    - Complementary Activities: These take place during school timetable andthey have been design to complement the curriculum. Students will

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    participate in British and American festivities such us Halloween, BonfireNight, Aprils Fool Day, and Thanksgiving.

    - Extra Curricular Activities: These activities can take place in the centre or

    out the centre. They are design to reinforce values and attitudes instudents. In these case students will take place in Comenius Project,thanks to this project they will have opportunity of spend a week in GreatBritain, studying in a British high school. They will also participate in tripsto watch movies and plays in English.

    With regards to the reading plan, I have chosen two mandatory graded-books, Dracula, and Thirty Nine Steps. These books will be worked in classduring the Reading Club, that will take place in the sixth session of every unit.

    Evaluation for this activities will be done by observation and note-taking.

    Also, at the end of each book, there will be a formal assessment activity that willconsist on a comprehension questionnaire for Dracula and a story-writing forThe Thirty Nine Steps.

    When considering ICT implementation in the classroom, I have designed ateaching planning in which the ICT will be implemented through three differentways:1. Every lesson: Every lesson includes a session that takes places in the

    computer lab, where the students will participate in different activities andexercises. The structure of a session in the computer lab includes activitiesabout the vocabulary, grammar, phonetics and spelling taught in class, also,

    there will a test about the topic of interest2. ICT Project: The students will have to create a blog.

    3. Twitter: Social networks are a very up-to-date topic in young people lives.The most popular are Facebook, Tuenti and Twitter. A Twitter account has beencreated (http://twitter.com/englishclasslog) that will inform them aboutblogupdates, classroom news, and any other interesting issues.

    Now, its the moment to talk about materials, they are varied. I have donethis to fit every students needs, interests and learning styles. For example

    linguistic students need materials such as books, stories or diaries.

    To continue, the units of work have been designed taking into account theneeds, level and interests of the students. As well as dealing with the specificcontents of the area, they also deal with educational values and basiccompetences. All of them have been elaborated following the objectives,contents and evaluation criteria defined in the current curriculum for Post-Compulsory Education in Madrid.

    In order to show a close and fast view to the units I have designed 15summary tables that show: aims, contents, basic competences, attention to

    diversity, and evaluation.

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    To conclude, I would like to say that

    Being a teacher is a lasting job, as Eugene P. Bertin said:

    Teaching is leaving a vestige of one self in the development of another. Andsurely the student is a bank where you can deposit your most precious


    Therefore, the aim I have tried to achieve is to create in every singlestudent the interest and skill needed to become communicatively competent inthe foreign language. In order to do this, I have taken into account the currentcurriculum for Post Compulsory Secondary Education in Castilla-La Mancha,but adapting it to a specific educative centre and group of students. Therefore,each unit contains the objectives, contents and evaluation instruments and

    techniques established in the curriculum but adapted to a specific unit, a groupof students and their needs.

    To finish, I have included the bibliography that it has been used to preparethis teaching planning, and it has been divided into legislation, onlinedictionaries, reference books, graded books, and webpages.

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