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RIWC_Adrian Went presentation

Date post: 07-Jan-2017
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Click to edit Madfg d title style Enter your text here… Griffon Hoverwork Hovercraft for disaster response

PowerPoint Presentation

Griffon Hoverwork

Hovercraft for disaster response

Click to edit Madfg d title styleEnter your text here - the organisers asked me to provide a presentation on the hovercraft designed and manufactured by Griffon Hoverwork because - they are a practical tool that are used all over the world in disaster response - but they are not well understood - therefore this could stimulate some thought amongst the delegates1

Hovercraft can reach locations inaccessible to boats

Shallow Water

Transition Zone


Marshland / Water Plants


No infrastructure

Why hovercraft?

Click to edit Madfg d title styleEnter your text hereHovering on a cushion of air, the hovercraft can travel over a variety of surfaces, all year round, in all water levels and reliably move your personnel and equipment at high speed to where they are needed for operations. Surfaces include: i.e. land, sand, mud, swamps, rocks, ice, etc. Climates can be arctic to tropical. Air and water can be polluted or pure and the operation of the hovercraft itself wont cause environmental deterioration.

Hovercraft do not require any complicated infrastructure for operations. They can carry payloads of people or freight from small teams of 6 to 200 passengers or about 1Tonne to 500 Tonnes or more. The technology can also be applied to moving structures such as storage tanks to relocate tank farms. Designs are also in progress for moving LNG up waterways to give clean energy sources to remote communities.2

How does a hovercraft access the inacessible?

Accelerating (10-15 Kts)High speed (20 Kts +)Low speed / StaticDisplaced WaterPlanes over the surfaceUnaffected by obstacles / pollution in the waterCan access 60% more beaches than conventional landing vesselsLeaves flora / fauna in the water untouchedSimple and robust mechanical systemsExtremely low footprint (1.1 atmospheres)

Click to edit Madfg d title styleEnter your text herecritical to understand that the hovercraft planes over the surface and that way it can transition from water to land and is not effected by shallows or obstaclesNote the picture in the lower right hand corner, this is taken from underneath the skirt and you can actually sea daylight shining in throught the small gap between the bottom edge of the flexible structure and the surface underneath


180 craft, 41 countries primary or secondary disaster relief roles

Click to edit Madfg d title styleEnter your text hereexperience from applications of over 180 craft in operation with over 40 countries in a wide variety of climatic, geographical, economic and security conditionsNote the areas where hovercraft are particularly applicableIce areas and at a time of global warming areas where the ice is recedingJungle / tropical / riverine areasIsland nationsAreas where the tidal range is particularly significant (like S Korea)


Airport rescue

Changi Airport

Korean Coastguard

Auckland Airport

Click to edit Madfg d title styleEnter your text heresearch and rescue - inter-tidal zone - ice or marsh - shallow / marsh areas in airport jurisdiction - excellent platform for launching or controlling rescue operations including specialist swimmer and rpv.

By virtue of its cushion, it travels high above the surface but when it comes off cushion it does not have high freeboard so recovering casualties or loading freight is made much easier5

Tidal mud and ice rescue

Click to edit Madfg d title styleEnter your text heresearch and rescue - intertidal zone - ice or marsh - areas where there is no prepared launching or recovery facility or a dockside or jetty 6

Oil spill response

Click to edit Madfg d title styleEnter your text herequick reaction capping solution / damming off immediate area. Two traditional problems are:Long travel distances & travel times to scene of the disaster, andLong response times which increases oil / gas loss, pollution and consequently clean up and litigation costs

In Nigerias delta, the features are 70,000 sq km area of oil and gas pipes criss-crossing uncharted, tidal and increasingly unnavigable waterways as they silt upThe limited access by small conventional vessels becomes the advantage to hovercraft; by using pipeline routes as hovercraft super-highways, reducing travel distances and response times, and increasing relative endurance on task7

Logistic and conservation support

Changi Airport

Click to edit Madfg d title styleEnter your text hereversatile platform that can be equipped with ro-ro or crane gear8

Medical and evacuation

Click to edit Madfg d title styleEnter your text hereThe background of this picture shows typical south american jungle terrain that cannot be accessed by land hovercraft can access unprepared sites and regions of the river that vary in depth across the seasons down to no water at all

We already have craft in operation in Peru, Colombia and Venezula and with Hover-aid in Madagascar and other areas in Africa

Critically we are planning with The UK and Colombia governments to provide an outreach medical and social care service based on hovercraft that will make an immediate difference to the population as peace replaces the enduring war in Colombia9

Flood rescue

1/6 cost of helicopter

Click to edit Madfg d title styleEnter your text here - Hovercraft really come into their own in significant flood rescue situations - significantly cheaper and with more capacity than helicopters - unaffected by varying water depth, speed of movement of water and by obstacles floating in the water10

Flood rescue

Click to edit Madfg d title styleEnter your text hereIll leave you with this self explanatory news film clip11
