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Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas...

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Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa. Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría
Page 1: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje

Base de Cuarto Año

Ronald Vargas Chavarría

Page 2: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.


Este documento es un apoyo a las Guías de Aprendizaje Base (GAB) de inglés de primaria. No corresponde a un cambio en la

plantilla, la cual se mantiene de 4 columnas que son: aprendizaje esperado base, aprendizaje esperado, indicador del aprendizaje

esperado y algunas actividades sugeridas.

Esta es la plantilla oficial de las GAB:

El propósito de este documento es relacionar los aprendizajes esperados e indicadores del aprendizaje esperado con los temas

(themes) y funciones lingüísticas (functions) del programa de estudios. Esto le permitirá al docente contextualizar mejor las

actividades que diseñará en las Guías de Trabajo Autónomo (GTA).

Para lo anterior se incluyó la columna Scope & Sequence, en la cual se puede ver de manera horizontal la concordancia entre los

“goals” u “objetivos lingüísticos” y los correspondientes temas o cognitive targets y funciones lingüísticas establecidas en el

programa de estudios para dicho nivel.

Page 3: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

a. Plantilla priorizada de aprendizajes esperados, curso lectivo 2020.


Aprendizaje esperado base


Scope & Sequence

Aprendizaje esperado

(Componente del programa de


Indicador del aprendizaje


Algunas actividades sugeridas

Unit 1 Weather Wise Themes: 3. What to Wear? 4. “Walking in the Rain”- .Indoor and Outdoor Activities


Oral comprehension Listening

Written comprehension Reading

Theme: 3. What to wear? Function:

Describing activities and clothing during varying weather conditions and seasons

R.2. follow a set of clear-cut instructions, especially if there are pictures or diagrams to illustrate the most important steps. R.1. understand much of what is written in

R.1. Recognizes much of what is written in short, simple texts. R.2. Follows a set of clear-cut instructions.

Students brainstorm information about seasons and type of clothes with the teacher´s support. They participate in choral reading of a short text related with clothing and seasons. Students identify key words and main details in a short

Page 4: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

short, simple texts on subjects with which they are familiar and/or in which they are interested.

descriptive text about clothes and seasons and distinguish its main features (e.g. capitalization, ending punctuation, beginning, middle and end) Students transfer the information read into a chart/ graphic organizer or arrange a set of pictures from a story. Students read a text about the type of clothes a person likes to wear according to season and weather and the types of activities they can practice. Students elaborate a handcraft related with the clothes this person wears according to weather following the information in the text. Students in pairs show their handcraft to their partner and explain what the person wears according to season based on the text.

Page 5: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

R.PA.1. decode English graphemes and phonemes using knowledge of word parts, syllabification and phonemic awareness

R.PA.1. Reads words by decoding English graphemes and phonemes.

Students listen to the teacher explaining what an onset is and examples of word families with the –ot word family ending Students play games where they have to combine onsets and rhymes to create new words that belong to the –ot family. Students identify in a series or three words one word that does not belong to the –ot family

Oral production Spoken Interaction

Theme: 3. What to wear? Function:

Describing activities and clothing during varying weather conditions and seasons

SI.2. provide one-word answers to basic questions.

SI.2. provide one-word answers to basic questions during a dialogue, exchange, interview, or survey.

Students with the support of the teacher brainstorm learned key vocabulary phrases and sentence frames related to weather, seasons, type of clothes and activities they can practice. Teacher sets the goal of the task goal of the task. Students create a chart with the days of the week; they draw the type of weather of each day of the week and the type of clothes they wore.

Page 6: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Students in pairs participate in a role-playing, an information exchange or survey about how the weather was like each day of the week and the type of clothes they were wearing. They use expressions like: How as the weather like last Monday? It was… What did you wear? I wore… Using key words and learned expressions. Students continue exchanging information with other group members or family members.

Spoken Production Theme:

4. “Walking in the Rain”- Indoor and Outdoor Activities


Expressing likes and dislikes

SP.1. talk about a familiar topic in a short presentation, prepared in advance.

SP.1. Talks about a familiar topic in a short presentation.

Students with the support of the teacher brainstorm learned key vocabulary phrases and sentence frames related to weather, seasons, type of clothes and activities they can practice. Teacher sets the goal of the task goal of the task. Students identify their favorite type of weather, the clothing they like to wear and the activities they can practice. It can be related with Costa Rica´s

Page 7: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

weather or weather and seasons in other countries. They make a short oral presentation describing their preferences using drawings, photographs or cut out from magazines. They can also create a video instead and share it with their family and friend. Students participate in self-assessment at the end of the task.

Written production Writing


4. “Walking in the Rain”- Indoor and Outdoor Activities


Expressing likes and dislikes

W.1. label charts, diagrams, and maps. W.2. Applies conventions of standard English when writing sentences and paragraphs.

W.1. Labels charts, diagrams, and maps. W.2. apply conventions of standard English.

Students brainstorm key words and phrases related to weather Teacher shares the task goals. Students classify key vocabulary and sentences related to weather, seasons and clothes into a graphic organizer or chart. Students describe their favorite season and the type of clothes they like to wear using correct capitalization of the pronoun “I” and period at the end of each of the sentences. Students participate in self-assessment.

Page 8: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Plantilla priorizada de aprendizajes esperados, curso lectivo 2020.


Aprendizaje esperado base (Fundamental)

Aprendizaje esperado

(Componente del programa de


Indicador del aprendizaje


Algunas actividades sugeridas

Unit 2 Natural Treasures

Places and People at the Park

Wildlife at the Park

A Trip to a National Park

Protecting our National Parks


Oral comprehension Listening

Theme: 1. Places and People

at the Park Function:

Describing people, places, and things

L.1. understand short and clear, explanations when delivered slowly (e.g. The description of a national park).

L.1. Recognizes short and clear, explanations when delivered slowly.

Students with the support of the teacher brainstorm key words and phrases for identifying flora, fauna and people in a national park and describing it using graphic organizers/videos/photos/illustrated books.

Page 9: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Theme: 2. Wildlife at the

Park Function: Asking for and giving information about places and things

L.2. understand the main points in short, simple stories and reports when there is some previous understanding of the topic and if they are read slowly, clearly and possibly repeated and accompanied with drawings and/or diagrams.

L.2. Recognizes the main points in short, simple stories and reports.

Teacher shares the goals of the lesson. Students Identify key words related to the national parks after a first read aloud or listening to real-life conversations/ videos.


ch?v=qTnTlECDO6w In a second listening the students can fill out a series of sentences with the things they can see and hear in the video or the conversation about a national park using a word bank. In a third listening students circle from a set of sentences the ones that represent the main ideas presented in the video or the conversation heard. Students solve a multiple choice activity based on the information heard. Students’ self-assess their work at the end of the task with the teacher´s supports.

Written comprehension Reading

Theme: 1. Places and People

at the Park Function:

R.1. understand much of what is written in short, simple texts on subjects with which they are familiar and/or

R.1. Recognizes much of what is written in short, simple texts on subjects with which they are

Teacher shares the goal of the lesson with the students. Teacher uses a poster/video/ pictures about a national park in order to

Page 10: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Describing people, places, and things

Theme: 2. Wildlife at the

Park Function: Asking for and giving information about places and things

in which they are interested. R.2. comprehend readings and enjoy texts. R.3. Follow a set of clear-cut instructions.

familiar and/or in which they are interested. R.2. Comprehends a reading by analyzing it and enjoy texts. R.3. Follows a set of clear-cut instructions.

review/clarify vocabulary and structures before reading. Students match new vocabulary and sentence frames with pictures. Students guess which is the national park they are going to read about based on pictures. Students after first reading answer a set of questions about the reading. After second reading students show comprehension of the reading by deciding from a set of sentences which ones are true or false. Students express their understanding of the text by drawing the main ideas in a mind map. Students match pictures with messages to show comprehension of a set of instructions when visiting a national park. Students participate in peer and self-assessment with instruments provided by the teacher.

R.PA.1. distinguish short vowel sounds in medial positions of words. R.PA.2. decode English graphemes and

R.PA.1. Distinguishes short vowel sounds in medial positions of words.

Teacher activates prior knowledge of students by reviewing the sounds of short vowels using pictures and set of words that contain those sounds. Teacher shares the goals.

Page 11: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

phonemes using knowledge of phonemic awareness.

R.PA.2. Reads words decoding English graphemes and phonemes using knowledge of phonemic awareness.

Students watch some videos like:


ch?v=RUSCz41aDug https://www.youtube.com/wat

ch?v=jh11mx9tF9o Students identify short vowel sounds in medial position of words by circling them when heard. Students write the letter of the sound heard to complete a word in proper order. Students listen to a short story that contains the words studied and read it along with the teacher and then on their own. Students review the –at and –ot ending word family. Students play a game to create new words with the –ot and –at ending. In groups, students are given sets of onsets and rhymes. The groups that create the most words in a minute wins two points.

Oral production Speaking Spoken Interaction

Theme: 3. A Trip to a National Park

SI.1. ask straightforward questions in familiar situations and

SI.1. Asks straightforward questions in familiar situations and understands the

Students brainstorming learned key vocabulary phrases and sentence frames in past tense. Teacher shares the goal of the lesson.

Page 12: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Function: Describing past experiences Theme:

4. Protecting our National Parks

Function: Making suggestions

understand the responses.

responses in an info-gap activity.

Teacher presents Wh-Qs by using pictures of the different places someone visited. (Where did he go? What did he see?) Teacher gives learners pictures from different places so they ask and answer simple questions to their partners/ family members using the information in the pictures. Students select three pictures and generate questions about it like? What place is this? When did you go? What did you see?) Students participate in self-assessment.

Spoken production Theme: 3. A Trip to a National Park Function: Describing past experiences Theme:

4. Protecting our National Parks


SP.1. express common feelings.

SP.1. Expresses common feelings during an oral presentation.

Students brainstorming learned key vocabulary phrases and sentence frames in past tense. Teacher shares the goal of the lesson. Students receive two pictures and they have to tell a story in past tense about a visit to a national park/ natural place including some feelings about the experience. (e.g., “I was cold”; “I was excited”, “I was happy”) Students using pictures tell an experience in past tense about an experience visiting a national park or

Page 13: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Making suggestions

natural place and make suggestions when visiting a place like this. Students participate in self-assessment

Written production Writing

Theme: 3. A Trip to a National Park Function: Describing past experiences Theme:

4. Protecting our National Parks

Function: Making suggestions

W.2. use simple sentences and expressions to describe such things as their surroundings, their daily activities, and the people around them. W.1. engage in the writing process: pre-drafting, drafting.

W.2. Uses simple sentences and expressions to describe people and things. W.1. Engages in the writing process: pre-drafting, drafting when writing sentences.

Teacher shares the goal with the students. Students are expected to write a short text/paragraph within a patterned sentence structure given by the teacher to describe a visit they did to a natural place or a national park. First, students brainstorm ideas and organize them in a graphic organizer or mind map provided by the teacher. Students write the story under pictures or images they choose using a sentence/patterned text frame. Students revise that they use correct punctuation and capitalization in each sentence using a rubric provided by the teacher as a guide. Students report their texts virtually or using a wall mural.

Page 14: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Plantilla priorizada de aprendizajes esperados, curso lectivo 2020.


Aprendizaje esperado base


Aprendizaje esperado

(Componente del programa de


Indicador del aprendizaje


Algunas actividades sugeridas

Unit 3 Farm to Table At the Farm Let´s Go to the Farmers’ Market Let´s Make a Meal May I Have your Order?


Oral comprehension Listening

Theme: 1.At the farm Function:

Describing farm activities, habits and routines

L.1. understand the main points in simple, clear, and short audio announcements and messages. L.2. understand the most important points in a straightforward talk or presentation, accompanied with

L.1. Recognizes the main points in simple, clear, and short audio announcements and messages. L.2. Recognizes the most important points in a straightforward talk or presentation.

Students with the help of the teacher are introduced or brainstormed to key words and sentence frames about the farm and farming using videos/photos/illustrated books or a power point. Teacher shares the goal of the task. Students listen to a video and identify some farming activities or they identify farming activities from

Page 15: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Theme: 2. Let´s Go to the Farmers’ Market Function:

Describing things and places

drawings and/or diagrams, provided there was some previous familiarity with the topic.

pictures as they are said by the teacher.


tch?v=WtH7hNKyOD8 Students make a list of things/ activities and people heard in a conversation/ description/ video or read aloud during second listening. Teacher activates students´ prior knowledge using visuals. Teacher shares the goal of the task. Students identify key vocabulary words and phrases after first listening to a video or teacher´s description.


tch?v=GlNbzAGZC2M Students find the answer to specific information questions in present simple or present continuous (what-where-when-how) after second listening. Students participate in self-assessment of tasks.

Written comprehension Reading

Theme: 2. Let´s Go to the Farmers’ Market

R.1. understand much of what is written in short, simple texts on subjects

R.1.Recognizes much of what is written in short, simple texts.

Students activate their background knowledge about the farm and farm activities by using videos, pictures,

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Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.


Describing things and places

Theme: 3. Let´s Make a Meal Function:

Giving and following directions

with which they are familiar and/or in which they are interested. R.2. locate important information in simple text (e.g., greetings on the bulletin board, or times and dates on a class notice).

R.2. Locates important information in simple text.

films, power points, graphic organizers before reading. Teacher shares the goal of the lesson. Teacher clarifies the use of discourse markers in sequencing a text. Students read short recipes about how to prepare healthy food using fresh vegetables from the farmer´s market. Students identify signal words that indicate sequential/ chronological order (i.e., first, next, finally) by pointing to or circling the words in a text. Students identify the main ingredients from the recipe by circling them. Students unscramble the recipe by ordering it or by matching pictures with short descriptions. Students participate in self-assessment.

R.PA.3. decode English graphemes and phonemes using

R.PA.1. Reads words and sentences blending

Students activate their background knowledge about sounds and letters (A, H, L, J) using a power points or pictures.

Page 17: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

knowledge of word parts, syllabification and phonemic awareness.

English graphemes and phonemes.

Teacher shares the goal of the lesson. Students pronounce and Identify specific words with the letter and sounds (A, H, L, J) in short texts after choral reading. Students circle the words and sounds (A, H, L, J) in sentences after they are pronounced by the teacher. Students play games like bingo to identify words that contain the sound and letters (A, H, L, J). Teacher introduces pronunciation of contractions in English in present and past tense for affirmative and negative sentences using a power point. Students practice with the help of the teacher the pronunciation of contractions in English. Students identify contraction forms in short texts as it is read aloud by the teacher. Students participate in reading aloud with the teacher focusing on contractions (e.g., doesn’t, didn’t aren't, it's...) and the sounds of the graphemes (A, H, L, J)

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Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Teacher introduces pronunciation and examples of spelled two-syllable words including consonant blends. (pl, st, and tr). Students identify and circle two syllable words including consonant blends. (pl, st, and tr) in a text read by the teacher. Students practice the regular reading of spelled two-syllable words including consonant blends. (pl, st, and tr). Students participate in reading aloud. Students self-assess their performance.

Oral production Speaking

Theme: 3. Let´s Make a Meal Function:

Giving and following directions

SI.1. ask others about what they like to eat or drink. SI.2 exchange information about everyday matters

SI.1. Asks others about what they like to eat or drink. SI.2 Exchanges information about

Students activate prior knowledge of key vocabulary and sentence frames related with farming, buying food and cooking food. Teacher shares the goal of the lesson. Students following a guide for the task prepare an information exchange at the restaurant / at home using information questions. (May I have your order? Can I have a menu? What do you want to drink? What do you want to eat?)

Page 19: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Theme: 4. May I Have your Order? Function:


preferecences for

ordering food

using simple vocabulary (e.g., favorite food, recipe).

everyday matters using simple vocabulary (e.g., favorite food, recipe).

Students rehearse at home and perform or video type the conversation. Students activate prior knowledge of key vocabulary and sentence frames related with farming, buying food and cooking food. With a task guide, students prepare an information exchange using pictures or a video about their favorite recipe. Students rehearse and perform the conversation at home or in class. Students participate in self-assessment.

Theme: 1.At the farm Function:

Describing farm activities, habits and routines

SP.1. talk briefly about familiar topics, such as food growing and harvesting. SP.2. describe basic aspects of their day-to-day life, such as favorite foods and daily activities.

SP.1. Talks briefly about familiar topics. SP.2. Describes basic aspects of their day-to-day life.

Students review learned key vocabulary and sentence frames related to farming and personal routines. Students guided by the teacher plan an oral presentation related to farming and another one related with personal routines. Students prepare it following a pattern or model provided by the teacher. Teacher helps with the pronunciation of new words.

Page 20: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Theme: 2. Let´s Go to the Farmers’ Market Function: Describing things and places

By video or using pictures, students rehearse and act out the presentation using notes as support. Students self-assess their work using an instrument.

Written production Writing

Theme: 1.At the farm Function:

Describing farm activities, habits and routines

Theme: 2. Let´s Go to the Farmers’ Market Function: Describing things and places

W.1. use simple sentences and expressions to describe such things as their surroundings, their daily activities, and the people around them. W2. copy dates and facts from short, simple text.

W.1. Uses simple sentences and expressions to describe things. W.2. Composes short sentences and notes for describing activities at the farm and food preferences.

Students activate prior knowledge of key vocabulary and sentence frames related with unit themes. The teacher introduces a model of a descriptive paragraph and the process to elaborate it. Students are given a task where they have to write a short text/paragraph within a patterned sentence structure given by the teacher about activities people do at the farm and another about their food preferences. Students revise the punctuation marks, capitalization, spelling and structure of sentence frames in the text. Students report the text in a classroom book or mural. Students participate in self-assessment and co-assessment using technically designed instruments.

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Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Page 22: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Plantilla priorizada de aprendizajes esperados, curso lectivo 2020.


Aprendizaje esperado base (Fundamental)

Aprendizaje esperado

(Componente del programa

de estudio)

Indicador del aprendizaje esperado

Algunas actividades sugeridas

Unit 4 Take Care Not Feeling Well! Doctor, Doctor! Pharmacy: Injections, Pills, and Creams… Oh, My! I Went to the Doctor Yesterday


Oral comprehension Listening

Theme: 1. Not Feeling Well! Function:

Describing common diseases, symptoms and treatments

L1. understand short, clear, and simple instructions and explanations when delivered slowly (e.g., getting a prescription and some medical advice)

L1. Recognizes short, clear, and simple instructions and explanations.

Students with the help of the teacher are introduced or brainstormed to key words and sentence frames about diseases and symptoms using videos/photos/illustrated books or a power point. Teacher shares the goal of the task. Students listen to a video and identify some common diseases and symptoms or they identify them from pictures as they are said by the teacher. ( first listening)

Page 23: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Students identify key phrases related to the theme by performing two-step instructions, arranging pictures or filling in a graphic organizer or chart during second listening. Students participate in self-assessment by filling out a self-assessment instrument.

Written comprehension Reading

Theme: 1. Not Feeling Well! Function:

Describing common diseases, symptoms and treatments

R1. Recognizes and enjoys different types of texts. R2. understand much of what is written in short, simple texts on subjects with which they are familiar and/or in which they are interested.

R.1. Recognizes and enjoys different types of texts. R.2. Recognizes much of what is written in short simple texts by identifying main points.

Students activate prior knowledge of key vocabulary and sentence frames related with unit theme using videos, films, pictures, graphic organizers or Power point. Teacher shares the goal of the lesson. Teacher reviews the use of discourse markers in sequencing a text, conversation or story. Students read short descriptions or conversations of diseases, symptoms an types of treatments Students identify signal words that indicate sequential/ chronological order (i.e., first, next, finally) by pointing to or circling the words in a text. Students identify key vocabulary or main details by circling them. Students complete a graphic organizer or conceptual map with the information in the text.

Page 24: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Students participate in self-assessment by filling out a self-assessment instrument.

R.PA.3. decode English graphemes and phonemes that sound different in Spanish using knowledge of phonemic awareness.

R.PA.1. Reads words by decoding English graphemes and phonemes.

Students activate their background knowledge about sounds and letters (V, SH, U, Z) using a power points or pictures. Teacher shares the goal of the lesson. Students pronounce and Identify specific words with the letter and sounds (V, SH, U, Z) in short texts after choral reading. Students circle the words and sounds (V, SH, U, Z) in sentences after they are pronounced by the teacher. Students play games like bingo to identify words that contain the sound and letters (V, SH, U, Z) Students participate in reading aloud with the teacher focusing on the sounds of the graphemes (V, SH, U, Z). -Students participate in self-assessment by filling out a self-assessment instrument.

Oral production Speaking

Theme: 2. Doctor, Doctor! Function:

SI.1. state single directions, advice / commands using words and phrases. SI.2. provide and accept advice.

SI.1. States single directions, advice / commands. SI.2. Provides and accepts advice.

Students activate prior knowledge of key vocabulary and sentence frames related with what to do when being sick. Teacher shares the goal of the lesson and introduces sentences frames about how to give advice when being sick using a video or a power point.

Page 25: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Describing actions that you can do to stay healthy

Students following a guide for the task, prepare an information exchange at the clinic or hospital. One person is the doctor and the other the patient. The doctor gives some advices to the patient to get healthy again. Students rehearse at home and get ready for performance. They can videotape the performance if possible. Students participate in self-assessment by filling out a self-assessment instrument.

Theme: 3. Pharmacy: Injections, Pills, and Creams… Oh, My! Function: Giving advice

SP.1. present with a group, a topic sentence and two to three details SP.2. describe common diseases, symptoms and treatments.

SP.1. Presents with a group, topic sentence and two to three details related to being healthy. SP.2. Describes common diseases, symptoms and treatments.

Students activate prior knowledge of key vocabulary and sentence frames related with two or three advices about how to be healthy if gotten a disease. Teacher shares the goal of the lesson. Students guided by the teacher plan an oral presentation related to providing advice to someone who is sick about how to get healthier. Students using pictures or a video rehearse and act out the presentation using notes as support. Students self-assess their work using an instrument. Students activate prior knowledge of key vocabulary and sentence frames related with diseases, symptoms and treatments

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Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

using videos/photos/illustrated books or a power point. Teacher shares the goal of the lesson. Students review discourse markers for sequencing text specifically when recommending a treatment. Students guided by the teacher plan an oral presentation related with explaining a common disease, its symptoms and the possible treatments. Students using pictures or a video rehearse and act out the presentation using notes as support. Students self-assess their work using an instrument.

Written production Writing

Theme: 4. I Went to the Doctor Yesterday Function: Retelling/relating past events

W1. prepare simple reminders or notes for personal use (e.g., diary, journal, homework book).

W.1. Prepares simple reminders or notes for personal use.

Students activate prior knowledge of key vocabulary and sentence frames related with diseases, symptoms and treatments using videos/photos/illustrated books or a power point. Teacher shares the goal of the lesson. Teacher introduces ways write a short note and reminder to someone about a medicine or doctor´s appointment. Students follow a pattern given by the teacher and write simple notes and reminders. Students edit their notes by revising sentence word order, punctuation and capitalization.

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Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

The notes are reported in a book or class mural. Students self-assess their work using an instrument.

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Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Plantilla priorizada de aprendizajes esperados, curso lectivo 2020.


Aprendizaje esperado base


Aprendizaje esperado

(Componente del programa de


Indicador del aprendizaje esperado

Unit 5 What a


1. Was that an


2. It was Raining Cats

and Dogs

3. Calling 911

4. Getting Ready for

a Natural Disaster



Oral comprehension


Theme: 1. Was that an

Earthquake? Function:

L.2. understand

others’ expression of

feelings (e.g.,

whether they are

indicating they are


L.2. recognizes others’

expression of feelings.

Students with the help of

the teacher are

introduced or

brainstormed to key words

and sentence frames

about natural disasters

Page 29: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Describing natural disasters and feelings

relaxed, and


L.1. recognize basic

phrases that denote

position (under,

over, beside) and

can understand

simple instructions

including directions

(e.g., on the second

floor, near the

window, after the

next person).

L.1. recognizes basic

phrases that denote

position and can

understand simple

instructions including


common feelings. related

with it using


books or a power point.

Teacher shares the goal of

the task.

Students listen to a video or

the teacher describe some

feelings that people

commonly experience

when there is a natural

disaster like an earthquake

or hurricane and match

them with actions or


Students listen to people´s

stories about how they felt

during a natural disaster

and they identify their

feelings in a chart.

Students participate in self-

assessment by filling out a

self-assessment instrument.

Students with the help of

the teacher are

introduced or

brainstormed to key words

and sentence frames

about what to do and

Page 30: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

where to go when there is

a natural disaster using


books or a power point.

Teacher shares the goal of

the task.

Students listen to a video or

to the teacher general

instructions about what to

do or where to go when

there is an earthquake or

hurricane ( first listening)

Students identify key words

and phrases related to the

theme by performing two-

step instructions, arranging

pictures or filling in a

graphic organizer or chart

during second listening.

Students participate in self-

assessment by filling out a

self-assessment instrument.

Written comprehension


Theme: 2. It was Raining

Cats and Dogs Function:

R.1. recognize short

text messages as

well as short

greetings (e.g.,

“make a plan”,

R.1. recognizes short

text messages as well

as short greetings.

Students activate prior

knowledge of key

vocabulary and sentence

frames related with how to

get ready when there is a

natural disaster using

Page 31: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Describing past events

“build an

emergency kit”).

videos, films, pictures,

graphic organizers or

power point.

Teacher shares the goal of

the lesson.

Teacher reviews the

structure of short texts and

messages for people when

there is a natural disaster.

Students identify the

characteristics of short texts

like announcements,

warnings, descriptions, and

dialogues from other types

of texts.

Students match short texts

or diagrams with


Students participate in self-

assessment by filling out a

self-assessment instrument.

R.PA.3 produce

English sounds /ed/

/-ing/ /s / /θ/ with

verbal modeling

and visual cues.

R.PA.1 produces and

reads English sounds

/-ed/ /-ing/

/ s/ / θ/

Teacher introduces the

endings and sounds of/-

ed/ /-ing/ and / s/ / θ/.

using a power point with


Teacher shares the goal of

the lesson.

Page 32: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Students pronounce and

Identify specific words with

the endings and sounds /-

ed/ /-ing/ and / s/ / θ/ in

short texts after choral


Students circle the word

endings and sounds/-ed/

/-ing// s/ / θ/ in sentences

after they are pronounced

by the teacher.

Students play games like

domino to match the word

ending with the sound.

Students participate in

reading aloud with the

teacher focusing on the

ending sounds of past

tense verbs in English.

-Students participate in

self-assessment by filling

out a self-assessment


Oral production


Theme: 3. Calling 911

SI.1. ask others

simple questions

concerning their

SI.1. aks others simple

questions concerning

Students brainstorm

learned key vocabulary

and sentence frames to

Page 33: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Function: Asking for help


(village/town) or

personal information

(e.g., what is your

name? Where do

you live?).

SI.3. express

common feelings

personal opinions or

their interests.

SI.3. expresses

common feelings

during an event.


ask for personal opinions

and interests.

Teacher shares the goal

of the lesson.

Teacher reviews and

introduces a series of

questions needed to ask

for personal information

and opinions.

Students take roles, one

person has been affected

by a natural disaster and

the other comes to help.

The one that comes with

help asks a series of

personal information

questions to the person

affected. The participants

change roles.

Students participate in self-


Teacher activates students

prior Knowledge about

common feelings people

experience when there is

a natural disaster.

Students look at three

pictures of natural disasters

and pictures of different

Page 34: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

feelings. They match

feelings they experience

and the natural disaster

that cause it.

They practice sentence

frames like: How do you

feel when there is an

earthquake? I feel …

Students make a family

survey or a survey in the

classroom to practice the

sentence frames.

Students report their

findings using a sentence

pattern provided by the


Students participate in self-

assessment by filling out a

self-assessment instrument.

Theme: 4. Getting Ready

for a Natural Disaster


SP.1. talk about a

familiar topic in a

short presentation,

prepared in


SP.2. state single

step directions/

SP.1. talks about a

familiar topic in a

short presentation.

SP.2. states single step


commands using

words and phrases in


Students activate prior

knowledge of key

vocabulary and sentence

frames related common

natural disasters in Costa

Rica and some

recommendations about

what to do.

Page 35: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Giving and following safety procedures

commands using

words and phrases

dialogues or oral


Teacher shares the goal of

the lesson.

Students guided by the

teacher plan an oral

presentation related to

what to do in natural


They describe five steps to

follow to be safe.

Students using pictures or a

video rehearse and act out

the presentation using

notes as support.

Students self-assess their

work using an instrument.

Written production


Theme: 4.Getting Ready for a Natural Disaster Function: Giving and following safety procedures

W2. compose short

messages like

instructions, signs

and warnings.

W.2. composes short

messages like

instructions, signs and


Students activate prior

knowledge of key

vocabulary and sentence

frames related with natural

disasters and what to do in

an emergency using


books or a power point.

Teacher shares the goal of

the lesson.

Teacher reviews ways write

short messages, warning

Page 36: Scope & Sequence para las Guías de Aprendizaje Base de ......Base de Cuarto Año Ronald Vargas Chavarría . Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

Año 2020: Transformación curricular, una apuesta por la calidad educativa.

signs and instructions in the

case of a natural disaster.

Students follow a pattern

given by the teacher and

create small brochures

and warning signs to

provide to people in the


Students edit their

messages and signs by

revising sentence word

order, punctuation and



Students make a brochure

a display for the class.

Students self-assess their

work using an instrument.

La unidad 6 completa será retomada en quinto grado y articulada con otros escenarios del Programa

de quinto grado.
