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GRADE 9 MATHEMATICS TEACHERS’ PCK REGARDING TEACHING AS REFLECTED IN THEIR PRACTICES by Ruan Kapp Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education Faculty of Education University of Pretoria Supervisor: Dr. JJ Botha October 2015 © University of Pretoria



Ruan Kapp

Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

Faculty of Education

University of Pretoria

Supervisor: Dr. JJ Botha

October 2015

© University of Pretoria


SMP780 2015

Topic: Final Research Report


I (full names): Ruan Kapp

Student number: 15378129


1. I understand what plagiarism entails and I am aware of the University’s policy in this regard.

2. I declare that this assignment is my own original work. Where someone else’s work was used

(whether from printed source, the internet or any other source), due acknowledgement was given

and reference was made according to the departmental requirements.

3. I did not make use of another student’s previous work and submitted it as my own.

4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of presenting it as

his/her own.

Signature ____________________________________________________________

Date: 27 October 2015


Table of Contents Title: .............................................................................................................................................................. 1

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1

2. Problem statement ................................................................................................................................... 2

3. Rationale ................................................................................................................................................... 2

4. Research Question: ................................................................................................................................... 3

4.1. The main question that guides this study is: ..................................................................................... 3

4.2. Sub-questions: ................................................................................................................................... 3

5. Research Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 3

6. Literature review ....................................................................................................................................... 4

6.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 4

6.2. The school subject Mathematics in a South African context ............................................................. 4

6.3. Mathematics teacher’s knowledge .................................................................................................... 5

6.4. Overview of the different domains of teachers’ knowledge ............................................................. 5

6.4.1. Shulman’s (1986) categories of knowledge ................................................................................ 6

6.4.2. Hill, Ball and Schilling’s (2008) domain map for mathematical knowledge for teaching ........... 6

6.5. Teachers’ instructional practices ....................................................................................................... 8

6.5.1. Tasks ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Modes of representation ......................................................................................................... 9 Sequencing and difficulty levels ............................................................................................... 9

6.5.2. Learning environment ................................................................................................................... 10 Modes of instruction and pacing ........................................................................................... 10

6.6. Chapter summary............................................................................................................................. 11

7. Methodology ........................................................................................................................................... 11

7.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 11

7.2. Research paradigm .......................................................................................................................... 11

7.3. Research approach........................................................................................................................... 12

7.4. Research design ............................................................................................................................... 12

7.5. Research site and sampling .............................................................................................................. 13

7.6. Data collection techniques .............................................................................................................. 13

7.7. Data analysis strategies .................................................................................................................... 14

7.8. Quality assurance criteria ................................................................................................................ 14

7.9. Trustworthiness of the study ........................................................................................................... 14


7.10. Validity and reliability of the study ................................................................................................ 15

7.11. Ethical considerations .................................................................................................................... 15

7.12. Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 16

8. Presentation of the results ..................................................................................................................... 16

8.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 16

8.2. Data collection process .................................................................................................................... 16

8.3. Data analysis strategies .................................................................................................................... 17

8.3.1. Transcribing the data ................................................................................................................ 17

8.3.2. Coding the data ......................................................................................................................... 17

8.4. Information regarding the two participants .................................................................................... 22

8.4.1. The school ................................................................................................................................. 22

8.4.2. Elize ........................................................................................................................................... 23

8.4.3. Alisha ......................................................................................................................................... 23

8.5. Lesson dimension 1: Tasks ............................................................................................................... 24

8.5.1. Elize’s instructional practices: Tasks ......................................................................................... 24

8.5.2. Alisha’s instructional practices: Tasks ....................................................................................... 28

8.6. Lesson dimension 2: Learning environment .................................................................................... 31

8.6.1. Elize’s instructional practices: Learning environment .............................................................. 31

8.6.2. Alisha’s instructional practices: Learning environment ............................................................ 31

8.7. Findings from interviews .................................................................................................................. 33

8.7.1. Elize’s interview ........................................................................................................................ 33

8.7.2. Alisha’s interview ...................................................................................................................... 34

8.8. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 34

9. Conclusions and Implications .................................................................................................................. 35

9.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 35

9.2. Summary of the sections ................................................................................................................. 35

9.3. The research questions .................................................................................................................... 36

9.3.1. To what extent did the teachers base new knowledge on the learners’ prior knowledge? .... 37

9.3.2. Which forms of representation did the teachers use? ............................................................. 37

9.3.3. How can the sequencing of content by the teachers during the lesson be described? ........... 38

9.3.4. How appropriate were the teaching strategies used by the teachers? .................................... 39

9.4. Summary of my findings .................................................................................................................. 40

9.5. What would I have done differently? .............................................................................................. 40


9.6. Limitations of the study ................................................................................................................... 40

9.7. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 41

9.8. Possible implications of the findings ................................................................................................ 41

9.9. Recommendations for future study ................................................................................................. 42

References .................................................................................................................................................. 43

Appendices .................................................................................................................................................. 48


List of acronyms














Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement

Common Content Knowledge

Department of Basic Education (South Africa)

Further Education and Training

General Education and Training

Knowledge of Content and Students

Knowledge of Content and Teaching

Mathematical content knowledge

Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching

Mathematical Literacy (the subject)

Pedagogical content knowledge

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study

University of Pretoria


List of figures

Figure 6.1 Hill, Ball and Schilling’s (2008) domain map for mathematical

Knowledge for teaching


Figure 8.1 Mathematics teachers’ instructional practices: Tasks 26

Figure 8.2 Mathematics teachers’ instructional practices: Learning




List of appendices

Appendix A Letter of consent to the Mathematics learners

Appendix B Letter of consent to the principal

Appendix C Letter of consent to teachers

Appendix D Ethical clearance certificate

Appendix E Observation sheet for observing Mathematics teachers’ lessons

Appendix F Interview schedule


Grade 9 Mathematics teachers’ PCK regarding teaching as

reflected in their practices

1. Introduction

In many countries around the world there is a general belief that to live a “normal life”

requires the use of mathematics on an everyday basis (Dörfler & Mclone, 1986, p. 49).

This viewpoint is supported by the South African school curriculum as it states that:

“Mathematical problem solving enables us to understand the world (physical, social and

economic) around us, and, most of all, to teach us to think creatively” (Department of

Basic Education, 2011). Dörfler and Mclone (1986) continue by saying that today there is

a heavy emphasis on the importance of mathematics and a worldwide belief that children

should excel in their knowledge and skills in this subject. From my experience as a

teacher I have also experienced that the subject mathematics is heavily emphasised at

school level. These expectations place a big responsibility on mathematics teachers and

it begs the question as to what skills and practises create a good mathematics teacher?

Adedoyin (2011) suggested that good mathematics teachers should possess apart from

basic content knowledge, a substantial amount of specialised knowledge which is known

as pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). At the PCK summit in Colorado, Springs, USA

in October 2012, a group of experts on PCK proposed a description that entitles PCK to

be a personal attribute of a teacher, considered both a knowledge and an action (Gess-

Newsome & Carlson, 2013). They believe that it is: “the knowledge of, reasoning behind,

planning for, and presentation of teaching a specific topic in a specific way for a specific

reason to specific students for enhanced student outcomes” (Gess-Newsome & Carlson,

2013). Since PCK consists of multiple domains of knowledge, it is not possible to address

all these aspects in a study of limited scope. This study will look at a teacher’s knowledge

of how to teach within a classroom setup. It seeks to examine senior phase mathematics

teachers’ PCK regarding teaching as it is reflected in their classroom practises.


2. Problem statement

Nationally senior phase learners are underachieving or not performing well in

mathematics. This is evident from the poor Annual National Assessment (ANA) results

achieved over the last few years. In 2014 the ANA Grade 9 average for mathematics was

a shocking 10.9% (Department of Basic Education, 2014). The Trends in International

Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is an international assessment of Grade 8

learners’ mathematics and science content knowledge. TIMSS is administered every 4th

year and in 2003 South Africa was listed last. For 2007 there is no results as we did not

partake in the study and in 2011 we improved to take up second last place bearing in

mind that the tests was administered to Grade 9 learners (Reddy, et al., 2012). These

results support the above claim. The poor performance could be due to a number of

reasons; according to Spaull (2013) one specific reason may be associated with the

content knowledge and more specifically the in-depth PCK of teachers. According to

Shulman (1986) a teacher needs proper subject matter knowledge and a high level of

pedagogical content knowledge to assure effective teaching.

3. Rationale

A rationale addresses how the researcher developed an interest in the topic and why the

study is worth doing (Vithal & Jansen, 1997). As a trained mathematics teacher, but

currently in teacher education, I can relate to the factors that the young mathematics

teachers entering into the teaching profession must deal with. Working alongside my

senior teachers, I see the differences in teaching beliefs, knowledge, approaches and

methods. I therefore developed a personal interest in the extent to which teachers’ PCK

contributes to their classroom practises. Engaging with teachers at subject meetings I

noticed how the more experienced ones came across as confident and in control of the

situation; whilst I faced the many new challenges of a young teacher. These challenges

for me included aspects such as pacing an overfull curriculum, classroom discipline,

subject knowledge and preparing a good lesson. Understanding how teachers’ PCK

influences their teaching is thus a personal interest of mine as Koellner, Jacobs, Borko,

Schneider, Pittman and Eiteljorg, (2007) mention that no factor is more important than the

teacher in achieving the vision for school mathematics.


4. Research Question:

4.1. The main question that guides this study is:

How can Grade 9 Mathematics teachers’ PCK regarding teaching as reflected in their

practices be described?

To answer the main question, the following sub-questions are stated:

4.2. Sub-questions:

1. To what extent did the teachers base new knowledge on the learners’ prior


2. Which forms of representation did the teachers use?

3. How can the sequencing of content by the teachers during the lesson be


4. How appropriate were the teaching strategies used by the teachers?

5. Research Objectives

The objective of this research is to gain a deeper understanding into Grade 9 mathematics

teachers’ PCK regarding teaching. If we could describe how teachers’ PCK influences the

lesson planning process we could gain significant grounds in pre-service teacher training.

The research attempts to describe teachers’ PCK by looking at several factors such as

content sequencing, activating a learner’s prior knowledge, use of appropriate teaching

strategies and various representations. Once we are able to formulate a successful

description it could be used to improve many future teachers’ abilities and approaches to

quality education.


6. Literature review

6.1. Introduction

This section focuses on the literature review, which attempts to address the theoretical

issues related to pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) as one of the knowledge domains

of a mathematics teacher. The literature review gives a background of mathematics as a

school subject in the 21st Century worldwide, as well as in South Africa. An overview is

given of different domains of teachers’ knowledge with specific reference to Hill, Ball, and

Schilling (2008) as it forms part of the conceptual framework. Teachers’ instructional

practises are also discussed in depth with an emphasis on the framework of Artzt,

Armour-Thomas, and Curcio (2008).

6.2. The school subject Mathematics in a South African context

In the 21st Century, there is an ongoing drive to make the subject mathematics accessible

to all people. According to Adler, Ball, Krainer, Lin and Novotna (2005), mathematics is

globally viewed as not just a necessary subject, but a necessary skill that is required for

social responsibility, and what we are witnissing now is a “massification” of this school

subject. In South Africa there has also been a determination to make mathematics

accessable to all learners. An article from the Deparment of Basic Education’s (2015)

website states that: “Whereas mathematics was not compulsory under the previous

system, under the new system all candidates must take either Mathematics or

Mathematical Literacy” In the Further Education and Training band (Department of Basic

Education, 2015). Therefore making any form of mathematics accessible to all learners

has consequences.

Adler, et al. (2005) argue that an increase in the demand for mathematics proficiency also

has an increase in the need for quality mathematics teaching. More teachers and quality

mathematics teaching is thus a prerequisite if we wish to increase mathematics

proficiency amongst the majority of South Africans. There are many aspects that influence

quality mathematics teaching in South Africa. One such aspect is the number of learners

in classes. According to Setati and Adler, (2000, p. 243), South African mathematics

classrooms are relatively large with more than 35 learners in a single mathematics class


and in rural areas this number is likely to increase. Quality Mathematics teaching requires

that learners receive as much individual attention as possible and large classes

complicate the teacher’s role of attending to all learners’ needs. Another aspect

influencing the quality of mathematics teaching in South Africa, is the language of learning

and teaching (LOLT) as many South African learners receive schooling in their second or

even third language (Setati & Adler, 2000, p. 243). Research shows that mother tongue

education is crucial for mathematical development (Adler, 1995; Austin & Howson, 1979;

Mji & Bothes, 2010)

6.3. Mathematics teacher’s knowledge

The most fundamental aspect however in effective and proficient mathematics teaching

is a high level of knowledge (Kilpatrick, 2001; Taylor, 2008). A common finding across

studies shows large numbers of South African mathematics teachers who lack

fundamental and conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts (Carnoy,

Chisholm, & Chilisa, 2012; Taylor & Taylor, 2013; Venkat & Spaull, 2015). Teachers

cannot help learners with content clarification if they do not understand the content

themselves. A teacher needs proper subject matter knowledge and a high level of

pedogogical content knowledge (PCK) to assure effective teaching (Shulman, 1986; Ma,


According to Venkat and Spaull (2015) there is an agreement amongst studies that PCK

rests firmly on a well-developed content knowledge base. PCK is considered as

knowledge that is unique to teachers; knowledge that can only be developed over time

through experience in the classroom or practice and can therefore not be taught (Ball,

1988; Ball et al., 2005; Koellner et al., 2007; Ma, 1999; Shulman, 1986). This study is

interested in understanding of the PCK that Grade 9 mathematics teachers illustrate

through their instructional practises.

6.4. Overview of the different domains of teachers’ knowledge

Taylor (2008) found that teachers in South Africa clearly do not have the knowledge that

the curricula require to proficiently teach the learners. To address this problem of

teachers’ inadequacy, the school system has to re-establish the emphasis on expert

knowledge. This section discusses some of the research on teachers’ domains of


knowledge. Shulman’s (1986) categories of knowledge as well as Hill, Ball and Schilling’s

(2008) domain map for mathematical knowledge for teaching are now described.

6.4.1. Shulman’s (1986) categories of knowledge

Shulman (1986) indicated three categories of knowledge a mathematics teacher needs.

These categories are: “subject matter content knowledge, pedagogical content

knowledge (PCK) and curricular knowledge”. Botha, (2011) explains that subject matter

content knowledge goes beyond knowledge of the facts or concepts of a domain to

understand the structures of the subject matter. According to Shulman (1987), the second

category of knowledge namely PCK, depends on how the teacher transforms subject

matter knowledge into various forms that enable students in different learning

environments to understand the subject matter. PCK includes teachers’ knowledge of

various analogies, representations, explanations, demonstrations and will later be

discussed in more detail. The third category of knowledge is curricular knowledge, which

refers to the knowledge of curricular materials that teachers use to teach specific topics

and ideas to a particular group of learners (Cogill, 2008). It requires understanding of

children’s learning potential, as well as knowledge of national syllabi for previous and later

years taught and school planning documents.

6.4.2. Hill, Ball and Schilling’s (2008) domain map for mathematical knowledge for


Researchers (Ball, Thames & Phelps, 2008; Hill, et al., 2008; Delaney, Ball, Hill, Schilling

& Zopf, 2008) extend Shulman’s construct of PCK. These researchers use a model

(Figure 1) which links their domains of content knowledge for teaching onto two of

Shulman’s (1986) initial categories for PCK, those of subject matter knowledge and

pedagogical content knowledge.


Hill et al. (2008) as indicated in Figure 1 add additional subdomains under each of

Shulman’s (1986) domains. Under subject matter knowledge they include: 1) Common

Content Knowledge (CCK); 2) Specialised Content Knowledge (SCK); and 3) Knowledge

at the mathematical horizon. According to Hurrell, (2013, p.57), Common Content

Knowledge is mathematical knowledge and skills that is used not only for the teaching

discourse, but in any general setting. Specialised Content Knowledge explained by Botha,

(2011) is the mathematical knowledge used in the teaching profession. Teachers need to

be able to explain why certain mathematical concepts work the way they do. Knowledge

at the mathematical horizon is described by Ball, et al. (2008) as that knowledge where a

teacher has to identify how the topics of mathematics they teach at this point fit into the

mathematics which comes at a later stage.

Under pedagogical content knowledge Hill et al. (2008) include: 1) Knowledge of content

and student (KCS); 2) Knowledge of content and curriculum (KCC) and 3) Knowledge of

content and teaching (KCT). According to Hurrell, (2013, p. 57), Knowledge of content

and students (KCS) is the knowledge about the level of the learners and the mathematics

to be taught. Knowledge of content and curriculum is explained as the knowledge of the

teacher regarding the structure of the mathematics curriculum (Hurrell, 2013). The third

Figure 6.1 Mathematical knowledge for teaching (Hill et al., 2008, p. 377)


domain of knowledge namely Knowledge of the content and teaching (KCS) is a

amalgamation of knowing about teaching and mathematics (Hurrell, 2013, p. 57). This

domain includes aspects such as the sequencing of mathematical content and the

selection of appriopriate representations to explain and illustrate the content. This study

is based on the PCK domain that focuses on the knowledge of content and teaching as it

tries to examine Grade 9 mathematics teachers’ PCK regarding teaching as it is reflected

in their classroom practices.

6.5. Teachers’ instructional practices

There are many pedagogical aspects associated with the process of teaching and

learning. This study is however interested in the instructional practices of the teacher

within the classroom. According to Artzt et al. (2008) it is inside the classroom where

teachers’ goals, knowledge and beliefs are the driving forces behind their instructional

efforts to guide and tutor learners in their acquisition of knowledge. The term ‘instructional

practice’ best describes the focus of this study being Grade 9 mathematics teachers’

actions in presenting their lessons. There are different views concerning the components

of a teacher’s instructional practice. Artzt et al. (2008) advocates the use of a phase

dimension framework to examine a teacher’s instructional practice. The framework is

guided by three observable aspects of a mathematical lesson, namely tasks, discourse,

and the learning environment.

Franke, Kazemi, and Battey (2007) in their framework make use of discourse, norms and

building relationships as the three features of classroom practices. Botha (2011, p. 54)

concludes that from these two views the teachers’ practices could be illustrated as a social

environment. Every stakeholder in the classroom is in a relationship with one another,

where they have the opportinity to widen their knowledge through communicating and

engaging in challenging tasks. This follows the research paradigm of social constructivism

which suggests that all knowledge is constructed and not only based upon prior

knowledge, but also includes the cultural and social context (Ollerton, 2009). For the

purpose of my study the two observable dimensions of tasks and learning environment

as discussed by Artzt et al. (2008) are used, since they address the practical issues of


classroom practice in this scenario. What follows is a brief discussion of the important sub

dimensions under the two dimensions of tasks and learning environment.

6.5.1. Tasks

According to Artzt et al. (2008) the purpose of tasks within the classroom is to provide a

platform for learners to engage in significant problem solving and connect their prior

knowledge to new information. Tasks handed to learners must be formulated in such a

way that it connects the classroom mathematics with that of real world problem-solving.

The researcher is particularly interested in two sub dimensions and they are: 1) Modes of

representation and 2) Sequencing and difficulty. Modes of representation

Modes of representation according to Artzt et al. (2008, p.12) are the practices for

representing mathematical concepts through the use of oral or written language,

diagrams, graphs, manipulatives, computers, or calculators. The National Council of

teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) has advocated the importance of technology in the

mathematics classroom and state that: “technology is essential in the teaching and

learning of mathematics; it influences the mathematics that is taught and enhances

student learning” (Kaput, 1992). According to Bransford, Brown and Cocking (2000), there

are also those who believe that technology is a waste of money and time whereas others

regard the presence of computer technology in schools as enhancing the learning in the

school. The recent interest in open source mathematical software and cellular phone

applications has made it easier and affordable for schools and teachers to acquire.

Mathematical software like GeoGebra could enhance the teaching of mathematics topics

such as geometry and functions. Sequencing and difficulty levels

Artzt et al. (2008, p. 13) explain that the sequencing and difficulty levels of tasks must

allow students to make use of their prior knowledge and experiences to help them

understand the requirements of the tasks at hand. According to Kilpatrick et al. (2001) the

quality of teaching depends on whether the teachers select cognitively demanding tasks,

and whether these tasks unfold in such a way that it allows the student to elaborate and


learn through the task. This point is emphasized by Bransford et al. (2000) who mention

that tasks must be set at an appropriate level of difficulty so that learners would stay

motivated. If the task is too easy, learners might become bored whilst a too difficult task

causes frustration amongst the learners.

6.5.2. Learning environment

The foundation for a learning environment in this study is based on the work of Artzt et

al. (2008). They state that a learning environment comprises a particular social and

intellectual climate, the use of effective modes of instruction and pacing of the content

and attending to certain administrative routines. My study is however only interested in

the modes of instruction and pacing that the teacher uses as it is directly linked to a

teacher classroom practices. Modes of instruction and pacing

Included here are teaching strategies that teachers use in the classroom to help learners

attain the objectives of the lesson (Artzt et al., 2008). In general, different kinds of

instructional strategies, representations and activities are used in teaching mathematics.

Knowledge of instructional strategies requires understanding ways of representing

specific concepts, in order to facilitate student learning. Representations include

illustrations, examples, models, and analogies. Each instructional strategies has a

conceptual advantage and disadvantage over others (Ibeawuchi, 2010). According to

Wood and Sellers (1997) the teaching of mathematics concepts and skills should be

structured around problems to be solved. Learners should also be encouraged to work

co-operatively with each other in the classroom (Johnson & Johnson, 1975). Other

researchers propose the use of discussions and group work within the mathematics

classroom (Venkat & Graven, 2008).

All learning activities should be paced in such a way that learners have sufficient time to

participate and construct new knowledge. Hence PCK in this area includes attentiveness

of the relative strengths and weaknesses of a particular instructional strategy. PCK of this

type incorporates teachers’ knowledge of the conceptual power of a particular activity

(Magnusson et al., 1999). For any strategy to be powerful, the teacher must know the


learners’ prior knowledge about a particular topic, and the possible difficulties they will

experience during the teaching and learning of the topic.

6.6. Chapter summary

In this section, the notion of different domains of knowledge and in particular PCK were

discussed with reference to the work of many scholars. With this study’s focus on

teachers’ PCK regarding content and teaching (Hill et al., 2008), different pedagogical

approaches, strategies and representations, use of meaningful sequencing of content and

appropriate instructional material were discussed. Furthermore, the framework for this

study is based on the domain map for mathematical knowledge for teaching and the

categories of an instructional practice, namely tasks and learning environment (Artzt et

al., 2008).

7. Methodology

7.1. Introduction

In this section the research methodology that was used to investigate the research

problem is described with reference to the research paradigm, approach and design. The

research site, sample selection and data collection techniques are carefully described as

well as the data analysis strategies. Lastly I discuss critical issues such as the

trustworthiness of the study and ethical considerations applicable to the study.

7.2. Research paradigm

A social constructivism paradigm was chosen for this study. This paradigm suggests that

all knowledge is constructed and based upon not only a learners’ prior knowledge, but

also the cultural and social context (Botha, 2011). A social constructivist philosophy of

mathematics is based on the fact that knowledge is not passively received, but actively

built (Ollerton, 2009). According to Ollerton (2009), most people do not operate

individually for the bulk of time, but in the classroom setup students might be encouraged

to work individually at first and then later share and compare their information. I strongly

share this view as I believe learners need to construct their knowledge through

meaningful problem-solving by engaging with each other as this is what happens most of


the time in the cooperate world. Social interaction, group work, problem solving and

learner-centred approaches play significant roles in learners’ construction of their own

knowledge. The teacher must therefore guide and mentor the learners in developing their

own understanding.

7.3. Research approach

The research approach for this study is qualitative. A qualitative research approach is

appropriate as the researcher endeavours to describe an event in the social world from

the viewpoint of the individuals who are part of the ongoing event (Sinkovic, Penz, &

Ghauri, 2008). According to Hogan, Dolan, and Donnelly, (2009), qualitative research is

about researching specific meanings, emotions and practices that arise from the

interactions between participants. Therefore, in this study, the research interest is to study

the PCK of the teacher regarding their way of teaching as it is held by the participating

teachers. This will be done by observing crucial interactions with learners and lesson

presentations as the teachers teach various mathematics lessons. The qualitative

research approach in education, according to Mason (2010), allows the researcher to

understand and explore the richness, depth, context and complexity within which teachers

in the research context operate. As the interactions between teacher and learner vary

every time, qualitative research gives the researcher the ability to understand each

interaction independently.

7.4. Research design

This is a case study and according to Edwards and Talbot (1999, p. 51), the idea of a

case study is to allow a fine-tuned exploration of complex sets of inter-relationships. In

order to gain insight into this phenomenon of how teachers’ PCK influences their

classroom practises, an in-depth study of a small number of teachers are required and

that is why the case study method is chosen. The case study method allows the

researcher to gain insight into the PCK of the teachers as they teach their lessons. The

Grade 9 mathematics teachers are regarded as the ‘unit’ that is studied in order to

determine their PCK through their instructional practices. The researcher’s involvement

in the case study gives a sense of being there (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2001, p. 79).


7.5. Research site and sampling

A case study involves collecting high quality data. Edwards and Talbot (1999) point out

that the inductive approach requires small sampling that is information-orientated and at

the same time also representative. Due to the small scale nature of this research, the

sample consists of two South African Grade 9 Mathematics teachers at an urban school

in the Tshwane metropolitan. For this reason it is also not possible to choose a

representative sample. The sampling process is both convenient and purposeful. The

sampling is partly convenient as the school was chosen from schools in Tshwane that

were easily accessible. Two Grade 9 mathematics teachers will be purposefully chosen.

The participating teacher must have at least 1 year teaching experience. Grade 9 is

chosen because of the logical assumption that a larger variation in learners’ mathematical

ability would be plausible. The Senior Phase in the GET band concludes with Grade 9.

As previously mentioned, Mathematics is compulsory for all learners in the GET band in

South Africa.

7.6. Data collection techniques

Case studies tend to be time-consuming because the focus is on meanings and the

complexity of all the interrelations that exists (Edwards & Talbot, 1999). The advantage

however of case study research is the fact that multiple sources of data collection can be

used (Verwey, 2010). Consequently, two sources of data collection namely observations

and interviews, will be used in this research project. The method of data collection

consisted of two observations in two consecutive days. These observations of the teacher

will be done in an effort to obtain a relatively true account of the teacher’s instructional

practices. The type of observation I will use is that of the observer as participant

(Nieuwenhuis, 2007). The purpose of the classroom observations is to be able to describe

the teachers’ instructional practices according to the tasks handed to learners as well as

the explanations given for questions that learners might have. For this purpose an

observation schedule will be compiled based on the conceptual framework and research

questions. The observations will be audio recorded so that minimal disruption for the

learners can be assured and an observation sheet based on the framework will be used

on which field notes can be made.


A written, semi-structured interview, in the format of a questionnaire, with the questions

formulated and organized in advance, will be conducted the period before the lesson.

According to Nieuwenhuis (2007, p. 87), the aim of qualitative interviews is to see the

world through the eyes of the participants and to learn more about the participants’

behaviours, beliefs and knowledge views. The two interviews will be based on the

teacher’s planning of the lessons, with specific reference to the way they teach (such as

the strategies they have chosen etc.) in order to gain insight in their PCK regarding


7.7. Data analysis strategies

The observations for this study will be digitally voice recorded. The digital voice-

recordings shall be downloaded onto a computer. These recordings will be used in

conjunction with the researcher’s field notes to evaluate the teachers’ responses to

learners’ questions. It gives the researcher the ability to describe the nature of the

teacher’s PCK as information from interviews can be compared with new findings from

observations. A limitation of the digital voice-recordings however might be the inaudibility

of some of the learner contributions. All the contributions will also be transcribed.

Interviews will also be digitally voice recorded. Participants will be asked questions and

answers will be categorised accordingly. I will use DEDUCTIVE-inductive (uppercase

denotes the preference given to the style of analysis) qualitative data analysis as my

analysis will initially be deductive and then inductive. My raw data will be analysed

according to the categories that have been identified in the conceptual framework.

7.8. Quality assurance criteria

In this study I consider the different quality assurance aspects that are linked to qualitative

research. What follows is a description of aspects such as the trustworthiness and the

validity and reliability.

7.9. Trustworthiness of the study

According to Nieuwenhuis (2007, p.80), qualitative researchers use the term

trustworthiness when they are referring to research that is credible and trustworthy.

Although this research study makes use of a small sample size and the number of lessons


observed are also small; the trustworthiness of this study is still enhanced through the

use of several data collection strategies such as multiple observations and semi-

structured interviews.

7.10. Validity and reliability of the study

Internal validity according to Lincoln and Guba, (1985) is a degree of consistency between

the research phenomenon and the research findings: “What is being observed are

people’s constructions of reality, how they understand the world.” (Merriam, 1991, p. 167).

On the other hand, reliability refers to the consistency and re-applicability over time, over

instruments and over groups of respondents (Cohen et al., 2001, p. 117). I attended the

learning periods as a direct observer, while giving undivided attention to the classroom

events. My mathematical background and past experience of the classroom setup,

enhanced the persistent quality of the observations (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). I enhanced

the reliability of my study by consequently observing the teachers every time I visited the

classrooms (Cohen et al., 2001, p. 119).

7.11. Ethical considerations

Ethical clearance was obtained from the Ethics Committee in the Faculty of Education at

the University of Pretoria (UP) as well as from the DBE, prior to the commencement of

my research. The purpose for granting permission to the researcher for creating the roles

of observer and interviewer is to collect data (McMillan & Schumacher, 2001). All parties

involved in my research will be approached, including the headmaster, head of

mathematics at the school and the participating teachers. The participants will be invited

to take part in the study and they will be informed of the purpose of the study. Aspects

that will be addressed include: voluntary participation, informed consent, confidentiality,

anonymity and risk. There was no obligation to take part in the study an after joining the

study, the participants signed a letter of informed consent. The letter explained the

purpose of the study, the procedures to be followed as well as the advantages and



7.12. Summary

In this section I discussed the social constructivism philosophy as my research paradigm.

I also motivated my choice of qualitative research and the use of an exploratory case

study. Mention was also made of the research site and sampling. The data collection

instruments and process as well as the analysing strategies were discussed coupled with

quality assurance and ethical considerations.

8. Presentation of the results

8.1. Introduction

In this chapter I will briefly report on the data collection process as well as the data

analysis strategies. This is followed by an explanation regarding the coding of the data

based on my study’s conceptual framework. I also present the findings from each

participant involved in this study.

8.2. Data collection process

The data collection took place in Pretoria during the third quarter (August) of 2015. I setup

a meeting with the principal of the school as well as the head of department for

mathematics to discuss my study and request their participation. At the meeting a letter

of consent was handed to the principal and the two Grade 9 teachers that were identified

by the head of department to participate. The two participants1 were Elize and Alisha,

both from the same school. During the data collection period all communication and

arrangements were made through the head of department.

I kept to the data collection process2 of two observations with one interview conducted at

the end of the second observation. The duration of the interview was approximately 35

minutes. I only observed Grade 9 mathematics lessons and all participants had at least

one year experience of teaching Grade 9 mathematics3.

1 Pseudonyms were used for ethical purposes 2 The data collection process is discussed in Section 7.6: Data collection techniques. 3 The other selection criteria are discussed in Section 7.5: Research site and sampling


In Table 8.1 a timeline is given indicating the dates on which both participant’s lessons

were observed and interviews conducted.

Table 8.1: Timeline of the data collection process

Data gathering instrument Participants Date

Observation 1 Elize & Alisha 19 August 2015

Observation 2 Elize & Alisha 26 August 2015

Interview 1 Elize & Alisha 26 August 2015

8.3. Data analysis strategies

In Section 7 of the study, the DEDUCTIVE-inductive approach and analytic strategies

used in analysing the data were discussed. In this section however I only discuss the

transcribing and coding of the data. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for coding the

data are also given in table form 8.3.

8.3.1. Transcribing the data

I transcribed my video data verbatim to text directly after the data had been collected. For

both teachers I also had to translate the data from Afrikaans to English. After each

observation all hand-written field notes made during the observations as well as insights

that were thought of afterwards which had not been noted were written on a template

form. Uncertainties that emerged were cleared by watching the videos again.

8.3.2. Coding the data

I used a deductive approach based on my conceptual framework for coding the data. The

main theme of mathematics teachers’ instructional practices together with the subthemes

were chosen according to the work of Artzt et al. (2008). According to the raw data

analysed, I ascribed codes to the different lesson dimension indicators of each subtheme

by using the software program Atlas.ti 6.2, I coded the transcripts according to a set of

pre-determined categories of the lesson dimension indicators. These codes are given in

Table 8.2 that follows below. After the data were coded I created coding families which

are according to Archer (2009) clusters comprising codes that are related to one other.


According to my conceptual framework, families were created by selecting from the list of

all codes those codes that were related to the subthemes. Main theme: Mathematics teachers’ instructional practices

For this study there are two subthemes identified which could best describe the teachers’

instructional practices namely tasks and learning environment (Artzt et al., 2008). The

first column in Table 8.2 below indicates the two subthemes or lesson dimensions with

their different categories. In the second column are the descriptions of the lesson

dimension indicators with the codes created for them. All data were collected from the

observations only.


Table 8.2: Lesson dimensions and dimension indicators as inclusion criteria for coding the data (Adapted from Artzt et al., 2008)



Building on pre-knowledge TPK1. There should be a logical flow in the lesson such as revising prior knowledge before introducing new content.

Modes of representation

TMR1. Uses representations such as oral or written language, symbols, diagrams, graphs, tables, manipulatives, and computer or calculator representations to accurately facilitate content clarity.

TMR2. Provides multiple representations that enable learners to connect their prior knowledge and skills to the new mathematical situation such as graphs, tables, formulae.

Sequencing of content

TSC1. Sequences tasks and learning activities so that learners can progress in their cumulative understanding of a particular content area and can make connections between ideas learned in the past and those they will learn in the future such as working from easy to difficult and known to unknown tasks.

TSC2. Uses tasks, including homework that is suitable to what the learners already know and can do and what they need to learn or improve on. Tasks should involve past work, reinforce current work and set the stage for future work such as tasks where opportunity is given to practice identified or predicted learners’ misunderstandings.

Learning environments

Modes of instruction/pacing

LEIP1. Uses various instructional strategies that encourage and support student involvement as well as facilitate goal attainment such as cooperative learning, learners explaining work at the board, direct instruction (lecturing), abstract procedural, group work, active learning, discussion, problem solving, inquiry and team-teaching.

Source: Adapted from: A Cognitive Model for Examining Teachers' Instructional Practice in Mathematics: A Guide for Facilitating Teacher Reflection, by A.F. Artzt and E. Armour-Thomas, 1999, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 40(3), p. 217. Copyright © 1999 by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Adapted with kind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.


Using Atlas.ti 6.2, networks of the code families, according to Archer (2009) are now

illustrated and explained. The data for the coding families were collected from the

lesson observations. The code family created for the first subtheme Tasks appear in

Figure 8.1 below. The broken line arrows indicate the sub categories under the lesson

dimension linked to the code family Tasks. Atlas.ti 6.2 uses solid line arrows with

double equal signs to indicate the codes associated with the different lesson

dimensions (Archer, 2009). For example codes TMR1 and TMR2 are associated with

lesson dimension Tasks: Modes of representation. A full description of each code such

as TMR1 and TMR2 is provided in Table 8.2 above.

Figure 8.1: Mathematics teachers’ instructional practices: Tasks

At the end of each code, for example TPK 1, there is a pair of numbers in parentheses

{4-1}. The 4 refers to the occurrence with which the code was attached to quotations

in the observation transcripts for a specific participant. This means that there were four

incidents during the two lessons observed from a specific participant where there was

evidence of the teacher building on the learner’s prior knowledge. Notice that at the

end of the three categories in Figure 8.1, namely: Tasks: Building on pre-knowledge

(TPK). Tasks: Modes of representation (TMR), and Tasks: Sequencing of content


(TSC), the numbers in parentheses are {0-2}, {0-3} and {0-3}. This indicates that the

codes TPK, TMR and TSC were not associated with quotations in the transcripts.

These are sub categories that were not coded as such. Instead their different lesson

dimension indicators were coded.

The code family created for the second category learning environments appears in

Figure 8.2 below. The broken line arrows again indicate the lesson dimension being

linked to the code family Instructional practices: Learning environment. The solid line

arrow with double equal signs indicates the code associated with the different lesson


Figure 8.2: Mathematics teachers’ instructional practices: Learning

environment Inclusion criteria for coding the data

Table 8.2 indicates the inclusion criteria for coding the data. The table consists of the

different lesson dimensions, namely tasks and learning environment and the

respective lesson dimension indicators. The descriptions of the lesson dimension

indicators serve as inclusion criteria for coding the data from the observations.

Examples of each code are provided. These codes were used to analyse the raw data

and reporting of the data.

22 Exclusion criteria for coding the data

In the course of coding the observations, some of the events and dialogue were not

relevant and did not form part of my prescribed lesson indicators whereas others were

inaudible. These were excluded when the data were coded. In Table 8.3 below I listed

these exclusion criteria as well as examples of text that were excluded from coding.

Table 8.3: Exclusion criteria for coding of the data

Exclusion criteria Examples of text excluded from coding

Incidents during class observations when I could not hear what was said.

This occurred when the teacher attended to individual learners’ at their desks. Some of the data were inaudible when I did the transcribing.

Interruptions Teachers had to attend to people who knocked on the door or walked in.

8.4. Information regarding the two participants

In the section that follows I give some biographical information regarding the two

participants Elize and Alisha. I also provide some background information on the

school4 and the observed lessons. Pseudonyms were used to protect their identities.

8.4.1. The school

Due to the nature and small scale of this research both teachers were from the same

school. The school is a Section 21 (former model C) school in Pretoria. The language

policy of the school is Afrikaans and it accommodates a diversity of learners from all

cultures. The school is ’n quartile 5 school and has 1647 learners. Of these learners

91% are white, 6% are black and the rest are learners of other ethnic groups

represented in South Africa. The school has a teaching staff of 83 that are active in


4 Pseudonyms were used to protect their identities


8.4.2. Elize

Elize is 34 years old and completed a Bachelors of Commerce degree in financial

management in 2004 with Mathematics and Accounting as her major subjects. She

also completed her B.Com. Honours in 2009. She obtained both degrees from the

University of North West. She has eleven years’ teaching experience with two years’

experience specifically in Grade 9 mathematics teaching. Her Grade 9 mathematics

class consists of 31 learners and she teaches two subjects namely Mathematics as

well as Accounting.

The first lesson I observed were concerned with algebraic expressions as indicated in

the CAPS document under the content area of patterns, functions & algebra. This

lesson particularly focused on the multiplication of binomials. The second lesson I

observed was related to the drawing of linear graphs, which is still part of the same

content area. Elize was knowledgeable in her subject and her lessons included many

entertaining commentaries so that learners participated and enjoyed her classes.

Learners were involved by solving problems collaboratively in class and answering


8.4.3. Alisha

Alisha is 28 years old and completed her Bachelors of Education in the Further

education and training band with Mathematics and Mathematics didactics as two of

her major subjects. She also attended some courses on mathematics from the

Department of Education and the Society for Afrikaans Mathematics teachers. She

has six years’ experience of teaching Mathematics and it is her fourth year of teaching

Grade 9 specifically.

The first lesson I observed in her class were concerned with the drawing of linear

graphs that is part of the content area of patterns, functions & algebra as stated in the

CAPS documents. This lesson was an introduction to linear functions and how to draw

them on the Cartesian plane. The second lesson I observed a week later was intended

to be a summary of all the components and knowledge needed to draw linear


equations. This was particularly good as the researcher could follow the learners from

the introduction to where they would be able to draw linear equations on their own.

8.5. Lesson dimension 1: Tasks

In this section I will present the findings from the observations of Elize and Alisha. All

discussions on the sub-theme Tasks are organized according to the specific order of

the lesson dimension descriptors (codes) as it is indicated in Table 8.2 (Artzt, et al.,

2008). All the quotes from both teachers used in this section have been translated

from Afrikaans, as the school has a single medium language policy.

8.5.1. Elize’s instructional practices: Tasks Tasks: Building on pre-knowledge

In the first lesson I observed, Elize started by marking homework given the previous

day. The marking of the homework which was multiplication of a monomials was used

as an introduction to the multiplication of binomials (TPK1). In her second lesson Elize

started the new topic, graphing of linear functions, with a revision of linear equations

and completing tables. This was done to show learners how to generate values for

variables 𝑥 and 𝑦 so that it may later be linked to co-ordinates for graphing on the

Cartesian plane (TPK1). Picture 8.1 below shows how Elize revised both the linear

equation with the table method in an attempt to link it with the concept of co-ordinates.

Picture 8.1: Illustrating linear equations and the table method.

25 Tasks: Modes of representation

In both lessons observed, Elize facilitated content clarity to her learners by using

representations such as written work on transparencies, tables, symbols, formulas and

calculators (TMR1). In the first lesson Elize showed learners multiple strategies for

multiplication of binomials including the table format, using the so called FOIL (Fists,

Outsides, Insides, Last) strategy as well as multiplying all the values with each other

(TMR1). In Picture 8.2 an example is shown where Elize used the table method for


One formula that learners needed to use was y = mx + c. A learner also asked Elize

how she could use a calculator to determine the value of y for a given x value from the

table. Elize responded orally explaining to the learner how to insert brackets with the

given value from the table (TMR1). Another learner asked Elize to please explain why

one of the co-ordinates had a negative value. This question came from the following

examples calculating a value for the 𝒚 co-ordinate if x = 1 in y = 2x - 3:

y = 2(1) - 3 y = 2 - 3

y = -1

Picture 8.2: Illustrating the table method for multiplication.


Elize went on explaining to the learner, which knew the substitution and multiplication

part, that to get to −1 he has to think moneywise. “If you only have a R2 coin but need

to pay someone R3 for their product, how much money do you still need?” The learner

replied that he still needs a R1. Whereby Elize replied “So needing or owing a R1 is a

negative thing as you cannot get the product that you want, thus we say it is -1”. This

was interesting for me as Elize drew on her accounting background knowledge to

explain a very difficult concept (TMR1). Elize generally drew the learners’ attention to

the required prior-knowledge needed for understanding the content of the specific

tasks (TMR2). To draw a linear equation on a Cartesian plane required values for

variables x and y.

She showed them how they could use their previous knowledge of products, equations

and tables to find values for these variables. To connect the learners’ prior knowledge

with the new knowledge she alternated between discussions with questioning and

classwork, of which the answers were discussed in class and self-assessed by

learners (TMR2). The picture below shows a class example used by Elize to link the

concepts of equation form, table and plotting a graph. Tasks: Sequencing of content

Elize sequenced the tasks in both her lessons by progressing from easier to more

complex tasks (TSC1). She also sequenced her class activities: for example during

the first lesson on products she first checked homework and together with the class

she marked it. The homework progressed from introductory examples to more

complex tasks. The final questions as shown in Picture 8.4 below incorporated the

product of a quadratic function as well as the distributive law for a number in front of

the brackets.


Elize used the homework in both situations as a basis to build on what was done in

the lesson (TSC2). She appropriately applied the content of the work to more complex

situations, giving learners the ability to not only reinforce their prior knowledge, but

Picture 8.3: Illustrating how to plot a linear graph with co-ordinates.

Picture 8.4: Homework example incorporating all the elements of products


also link it to their current situation (TSC2). In her interview Elize stated that she

develops her lesson and subsequent tasks to incorporate the learner’s prior

knowledge as introduction for new knowledge (TSC2). This was evident in her second

lesson where she used the learners’ prior knowledge of products, equations and tables

to build the idea of co-ordinates and the graphing of a linear function.

8.5.2. Alisha’s instructional practices: Tasks Tasks: Building on pre-knowledge

In the first lesson I observed Alisha introduced a new topic. This was on the graphing

of a linear equation. Her introduction started with a PowerPoint slideshow listing all the

different ways of representing a relationship between two variables. Although an

attempt was made to link the new work with real life examples such as graphs from

the daily newspaper; she made no attempt to access learners’ prior knowledge of

products, equations or tables. The second lesson was a revision lesson that started

with the checking of learners’ homework, but no marking the homework at all. This

lesson followed the same trend as the first lesson. Learners were bombarded with a

list of steps and procedural mathematics to copy from the slideshow into their

textbooks bearing in mind that learners have access to these slideshows on their

tablets. In Pictures 8.5 and 8.6 respectively it shows the procedural steps (in bullet

form) that learners had to copy and follow.

Picture 8.5 and 8.6: Respectively illustrating the list of steps for the method of drawing linear


29 Tasks: Modes of representation

In both lessons observed, Alisha attempted to clarify the content to her learners by

using representations such as written work on the board and a PowerPoint slideshow

containing examples of tables and formulas (TMR1). She also encouraged learners to

make use of their calculators for finding the values of the variables x and y , however

she made no attempt to physically show learners how to do it (TMR1). She had the

technology to her disposal as the Casio calculator emulator was on her computer, but

failed to utilise it to connect to learner’s prior knowledge (TMR2). In another instance

Alisha attempted to clarify the use of a straight line graph by linking it to the Rand

Dollar exchange rate. This however was incorrect as any exchange rate graph will

never be a straight line because of currency fluctuations and validations occurring

almost every minute.

In the second lesson on the methods of drawing a linear graph the following was taught

within a single 35 minute period: 1) Using a table method for graphing co-ordinates by

selecting appropriate values that includes a zero, without explaining why the zero was

there; 2) Plotting of points (co-ordinates) on a Cartesian plane; 3) Connecting the

points to draw a graph; 4) The difference between a discrete and continues function;

5) Making use of the dual intercept method for graphing, that includes solving both

equations by making 𝑦 = 0 and 𝑥 = 0 to get the values of 𝑥 and 𝑦 and plotting both

intercepts on the axis as shown in Picture 8.7; 6) The difference between a positive

and negative gradient; 7) When the function was increasing or decreasing; and 8)

Showing learners how the graph of quadratic function would look like by drawing the

one in Picture 8.8 that was not according to standards.


Including all of the above, five minutes were also given to copy the slideshow from the

interactive board or the learners’ tablets into their workbooks. The learners complained

throughout the lesson that they did not understand the work (TMR1). Alisha used

technology together with these various representations in an attempt to have the

learners connect their prior knowledge with the new content, but the extent of the

content and the way she presented the work was too much for the learners to absorb

and led to learners’ confusion (TMR2). In many instances learners raised their hands

to ask questions and often times Alisha replied that that specific body of work was

dealt with in Grade 8 already, without giving a clear explanation. Some learners just

withdrew from all activities during the lesson and were looking out the window (TMR2). Tasks: Sequencing of content

Alisha did not give much attention to the sequencing of tasks in order for the learners

to obtain cumulative understanding of the content (TSC1). In her first lesson the table

method was introduced, but no logical connection to products or solving equations

was established (TSC1). This was followed by her first example being that of y = 2x + 3

to draw a linear graph. She then moved directly into the negative graph of y = -2x + 1

Picture 8.7: Illustrating the dual intercept Picture 8.8: Illustrating a graph of a quadratic function


in her second example (TSC1). When learners asked why the graph was now in the

opposite direction she replied: “We will get to that part later, for now all you need to

know is how to graph a function” (TSC1). In both lessons that were observed, Alisha

used a PowerPoint slideshow to show tables that were already completed with values.

She thus did not give learners a chance to draw and complete a table on their own so

that they could revise prior work, but also reinforce the new concept of co-ordinates

(TSC2). In the second lesson Alisha gave homework on the graphing of a linear

function using the dual intercept method. This was suitable for only one aspect of the

current work covered in the lesson. There was no evidence of different examples that

could have incorporated both the table as well as the dual intercept method to help

identify learner misconceptions (TSC2).

8.6. Lesson dimension 2: Learning environment

Presented in this section is the findings from the observations of Elize and Alisha

related to the subtheme of learning environment, as indicated in Table 8.2 (Artzt, et

al., 2008). All the quotes have been translated from Afrikaans as mentioned


8.6.1. Elize’s instructional practices: Learning environment

Elize’s teaching style varied between being a facilitator and mediator of learning

(LEIP1). She proficiently used instructional strategies such as class discussions and

direct instruction (LEIP1). The use of these strategies provided opportunities for the

involvement of the learners and facilitated goal attainment (LEIP1). However in the

second lesson Elize could not finish the final example and homework was handed to

learners in a rush because of poor pacing of the lesson.

8.6.2. Alisha’s instructional practices: Learning environment

Alisha used direct instruction (lecturing), a teacher-centred approach as well as a little

discussion with a few learners in front of the class (LEIP1). On one occasion in the

first lesson learners worked on the board. All three learners showed three different co-

ordinates on the Cartesian plane so that Alisha could plot the points and draw the


graph (LEIP1). The direct instruction strategy Alisha used, did not always support

learner involvement and goal attainment and she was not aware of the learners’ lack

of knowledge and skills regarding the topic she covered. Alisha assumed that if she

understood the work, the learners would understand it too (LEIP1). No assessment of

the learners’ knowledge was done and there was no evidence that Alisha’s goals had

been reached (LEIP1).

Table 8.4: Summary of both teacher’s instructional practices and learning








Building on prior knowledge (TPK1)

In both lessons Elize accessed her learner’s prior knowledge and used it as a platform to build on new knowledge. She attempted to move from the known to the unknown.

Alisha seldom accessed her learner’s prior knowledge. Although she made attempts to do so in her slideshow, her teacher-centred approach left little room for discussions so that learners could access their prior knowledge.

Modes of representation

Elize made use of representations such as written work on transparencies and calculators These representations allowed her to link learners’ prior knowledge with the new content of the day.

Alisha used representations such as a slideshow, written examples on the board, symbols, formulae, tables, graphs and calculators. She could not proficiently use the various representations to connect learners’ prior knowledge with the new mathematical situation.

Sequencing and difficulty levels

The given tasks were sequenced over the different lessons and were Appropriate.

The tasks chosen were appropriate and on Grade 9 level, but were not presented logically or in context to ensure that learners were motivated.


Modes of strategies and pacing

She used instructional strategies such as discussions and direct instruction. The use of discussions provided opportunities for the involvement of learners and facilitated goal attainment. Learners had enough time to express themselves and explore their ideas and solutions and there was a logical flow in her lessons.

Her teaching was that of an authority style. She used direct instruction (lecturing) as instructional strategy and only once allowed three learners to work on the board. Typical of teacher directed lessons, learners were involved copying work from the board, listening to explanations of the teacher and answering basic low level questions.

8.7. Findings from interviews

8.7.1. Elize’s interview

In an interview, after the two observed lessons, Elize explained that she always

attempts to access her learner’s prior knowledge in all her lessons (TPK1). “I believe

in moving from the known to the unknown. Building on what learners know already.

This is how my children really learn.” Elize believes that her tasks are sequenced to

attain this goal i.e. moving from the known to the unknown (TSC1). Elize believes that

with time, every teacher develops the ability to assess their learners. This enables her

to determine what tasks are suitable during instruction and which ones are best for

homework (TSC2). She also indicated that she would more resources and training to

incorporate technology into her classroom presentations (TMR1). “Learners need to

be able to connect their classroom mathematics with the outside world and I think this

can be done with technology like internet in my class (TMR2). Elize explained that her

school is in the process of upgrading classrooms to become more technologically

friendly. It is however expensive and her class would be on the next phase of

installations, but she also stated that incorporating technology into teaching must be

accompanied by quality teacher training and that she would have to attend courses to

improve her understanding of educational technology.

When asked how she feels about different teaching strategies, Elize indicated that she

enjoys co-operative learning and wants all her learners to participate in whole class

discussions (LEIP1); but with such a full CAPS curriculum and discipline also being a


problem, she often reverts to direct instruction (LEIP1). Barriers which Elize identified,

was the big administration load placed on teachers and also the intercom system in

the classroom that often disrupts her lessons.

8.7.2. Alisha’s interview

In Alisha’s interview when asked what she would change in her practise, she indicated

that she would want to incorporate even more multimedia in her classroom (TMR1).

She also believes that learning takes place trough interactive lessons. “I believe that

learners need to active in the classroom i.e. they must participate. Doing multiple

questionnaires on their tablets is something that I am incorporating now” (TMR1

&LEIP1). When asked how she develops her lessons, Alisha replied that she starts

with an introduction, then remind them (her learners) of previous lessons and let the

lesson flow into the new work (TSC1). Alisha also indicated on the topic of sequencing

that she strongly believes in three steps to teaching. Firstly teach the theory, secondly

do enough examples and lastly practise at home (TSC2). Barriers Alisha identified in

her teaching of mathematics were: 1) the time limit according to CAPS for certain

topics which in practice is not sufficient time to cover the topic and 2) learner motivation

towards Mathematics as a subject being very low.

8.8. Conclusion

In this chapter, I discussed the data collection process that took place at a school in

Pretoria. Data were collected from the two participants by means of two lesson

observations with an interview conducted after the second lesson. As previously

mentioned, I adopted a deductive approach to coding the data as I had identified two

themes under Mathematics teachers’ instructional practices namely tasks and the

learning environment. Different categories for each theme were chosen according to

the work of Artzt et al. (2008). In this chapter I also presented the data and findings of

the two participants.


9. Conclusions and Implications

9.1. Introduction

In this section I provide a short summary of the previous sections up to this point,

answer the research questions that guided this study and also reflect on my research

as to what I would have done differently. Furthermore this is followed by the

conclusions, recommendations and limitations of my study.

9.2. Summary of the sections

In sections 1 to 5 I introduced and contextualised the research study. The purpose of

this research was to investigate, by means of a case study, the way in which

Mathematics is taught to Grade 9 learners. This was done with the view to determining

the teachers’ PCK as it is reflected in their instructional practices. I also deliberated

the state of Mathematics teaching in South Africa, drawing on the results of relevant

tests like TIMMS and the ANA. The problem statement and the rationale of my study

are also discussed followed by the research questions.

Section 6 presented an in-depth analysis of the findings in the relevant literature as

well as the conceptual framework on which the study is based. I discussed the demand

for the subject Mathematics within the South African school system as well as the

increased demand for quality mathematics teachers. Following this was a discussion

of the meaning of teachers’ instructional practices and the value of various approaches

to teaching. Attention was given to the different domains of teachers’ knowledge and

their instructional practices. The conceptual framework, which is based on concepts

and theories from relevant work in the literature, was then discussed.

A description of the qualitative methodology used in this study was reported in Section

7. I discussed social constructivism as my research paradigm, and the nature of my

study as subjective and interpretive. This is an exploratory case study. Observations

were used to examine teachers’ instructional practices and to study demonstrations of

their PCK. Interviews were used to determine why teachers do what they do in class

and to determine how they apply their PCK during their instructional practice. ATLAS.ti

6.2 was used to analyse the video data. I lastly discussed the trustworthiness of the

study and the ethical considerations that were taken into consideration.


In section 8 I briefly reported on the data collection process and presented the findings.

A DEDUCTIVE-inductive (uppercase denotes the preference given to the style of

analysis) approach to coding the data was used as I identified two lesson dimension:

Tasks and Learning environment. After this deductive phase of analysis, inductive

analysis was done when I studied the organised data in order to explore new patterns

and trends. I presented the findings from the data obtained through class observations

and interviews according to the different categories provided in Table 8.2.

9.3. The research questions

Based on the rational that a teacher not only needs high-quality content knowledge,

but also a high level of pedagogical content knowledge to assure effective teaching of

mathematics. I decided to explore Grade 9 Mathematics teachers’ PCK, regarding

teaching as reflected in their instructional practices. In order to do so, the following

main research question was formulated: How can Grade 9 Mathematics teachers’

PCK regarding teaching as reflected in their practices be described? To address this

main question, the following four sub-questions guided the enquiry:

1. To what extent did the teachers base new knowledge on the learners’ prior


2. Which forms of representation did the teachers use?

3. How can the sequencing of content by the teachers during the lesson be


4. How appropriate were the teaching strategies used by the teachers?

I used an adapted version of the theoretical framework provided by Artzt et al. (2008)

on teachers’ instructional practices to contextualise and interpret my results. To

answer the above questions, the participants’ instructional practices were described

according to the lesson dimensions as indicated in this study’s conceptual framework.


9.3.1. To what extent did the teachers base new knowledge on the learners’

prior knowledge?

The novice teacher in my study

Alisha attempted to no extend to access her learner’s prior knowledge. There was no

clear indication of her attentions to link new knowledge to that of her learner’s prior

knowledge. In both her lessons she never referred back to previous mathematical

concepts that were already dealt with in the curriculum. For instance, in her attempt to

explain the graph of a linear function to her Grade 9 learners, there was no evidence

of revisiting or even mentioning the link between solving linear equations using tables

etc. and now graphing them.

The expert teacher in my study

Elize had a clear understanding of what her learners knew and where she wanted

them to be in terms of knowledge by the end of each period. In both her lessons she

linked the learner’s prior knowledge to a big extend with the new knowledge presented.

In her explanation of the linear graph Elize started with simple examples just generate

values for variables x and y so that it may later be linked to co-ordinates for graphing

on the Cartesian plane

In this research, the novice teacher (Alisha), unlike experienced teacher (Elize) did to

no extent determined nor used her learners’ prior knowledge to facilitate the

assimilation of new content knowledge. This finding strongly confirms Sidiropolous’

(2008) finding that one of the two teachers in her research group did not determine his

learners’ prior knowledge or use his learners’ prior knowledge to facilitate the

assimilation of new content knowledge. Carpenter, et al. (1988) also agrees that

novice teachers tends to make broad pedagogical decisions without assessing

students' prior knowledge, ability levels, or learning strategies.

9.3.2. Which forms of representation did the teachers use?

The novice teacher in my study

Alisha used multiple representations such as a slideshow, written examples on the

board, symbols, formulae, tables, graphs and calculators. From the observations one


could conclude that Alisha spends time in gathering and developing technological

resources for her lessons. However multiple resources does not constitute for learner

understanding alone. Alisha could not proficiently use the various representations to

connect learners’ prior knowledge with the new mathematical situation thus leaving

many learners not being able to understand and seemed uninterested.

The expert teacher in my study

Elize made use of representations such as written work on transparencies and

calculators. Although Elize was not as technologically savvy what she did very well

with her learners was keeping them interested by linking their prior knowledge with the

new content of the day and using real life examples to generate discussions. Her

learners actively engaged in the class and was interested in learning new concepts.

This revealed that high-quality subject knowledge needed to be supplemented by

knowledge of the learners and general knowledge of the real world, in order to

generate meaningful discussions and keep learners actively involved.

In this study both participants used various representations during their classes as

was also found with all the participants in the other research studies (Sidiropolous,

2008; Venkat & Graven, 2008; Venkat, 2010). Elize had also expressed a need for

more resources and adequate training to increase the use of technology in her

Mathematics classroom. This finding correlates with that of Landry (2010) were

several participants identified more resources and training to assist them in being more

effective at teaching mathematics using technology.

9.3.3. How can the sequencing of content by the teachers during the lesson be


The novice teacher in my study

The tasks that Alisha chose were appropriate and on Grade 9 level, but were not

presented logically or in context to ensure that learners were motivated. According to

Artzt et al. (2008) meaningful tasks can provide opportunities for learners to connect

their knowledge to new information and to build on their knowledge and interest


through active engagement. Alisha’s sequence of content could thus be described as

not meaningful as it was based on content only, not incorporating learners’ prior

knowledge or providing any opportunity for learners to actively engage.

The expert teacher in my study

Elize chose her content and tasks meaningfully. This correlates to Artzt et al. (2008)

as he explains that meaningful tasks can provide opportunities for learners to connect

their knowledge to new information and to build on their knowledge and interest

through active engagement. In her interview she explained that she believes in moving

from the known to the unknown. Thus she developed her lessons and tasks to help

her learners move progressively, building on prior knowledge, setting the stage for

future work and at the same time giving ample practise to reinforce the necessary

content. This was also evident from the observations, as Elize started her class with

questions and marking of previous homework. Both her class examples and

homework given incorporated previous knowledge before moving to new knowledge.

9.3.4. How appropriate were the teaching strategies used by the teachers?

The novice teacher in my study

Alisha’s teaching strategies could be described as not appropriate as it was of an

authoritative style. She used direct instruction (lecturing) mode as instructional

strategy. Her lessons were teacher-centred as she believed that her role as teacher

was to transmit mathematical content, demonstrate procedures for solving problems

and explain the process of solving sample problems. However, Artzt et al. (2008)

suggests that this approach is not ideal as the teacher-centred approach can serve as

a mask for teachers who do not fully understand the content, the learners or the

pedagogy, as was found in her practices.

The expert teacher in my study

Elize used instructional strategies that was more appropriate as it included discussions

and direct instruction. Her teaching strategy could be described as a combination of

teacher- and learner-centred as she started both observation lesson with probing

question to involve learners in providing answers. According to Artzt, et al.(2008) a


learner-centred approach to teaching requires the teacher to create opportunities for

learners to achieve understanding through active engagement with each other and the

problem-solving process. Elize facilitated whole class discussion that learners actively

engaged in.

9.4. Summary of my findings

In summary: My study seems to provide evidence, from both teachers’ instructional

practises, that the experienced teacher’s (11 years’ experience) PCK could be

described as sufficient whilst the novice teacher (4 years’ experience) only had

superficial PCK. My finding that the experienced teachers had developed PCK

confirms the findings of Ball (1988), Ball et al. (2005), Koellner et al. (2007), Ma (1999)

and Shulman (1986) that PCK can be developed only over time through experience in

the classroom.

According to my findings, it also seems that a teacher’s PCK may play a significant

role in the variety and quality of their instructional practices. Elize, with 11 years’

experience of teaching Mathematics and sufficient PCK, had used a combination of

teacher- and learner-centred approach compared to Alisha (with 4 years teaching

experience and superficial PCK) which included only a teacher centred, lecture style


9.5. What would I have done differently?

During the write-up stage, I realised that I had missed valuable dialect between the

teacher and the learners at their desks as I did not want to impose by moving around

in class with a video camera. More information regarding the teachers’ PCK would

possibly have emerged from this discourse.

9.6. Limitations of the study

Due to the small nature of this study, data were gathered from a very small number of

Mathematics teachers and generalization of the results is impossible. Another

limitation is the fact that only two observations per teacher were carried out and they

were all done in the second part of Term 3. I am also acutely aware that different


researchers may interpret my data differently. My own perspective is bound by space,

time and personal experience.

9.7. Conclusion Some conclusions with regards to a Grade 9 Mathematics teachers’ PCK as reflected

in their instructional practices appear below.

Grade 9 Mathematics teachers’ instructional practices should be predominantly

learner-centered, including the use of active learning instructional strategies

such as cooperative learning and discussions.

Grade 9 Mathematics teachers need ample time for building PCK through

hands-on experience in class. Initial teacher training programs must take this

into consideration.

9.8. Possible implications of the findings

This research indicates that instructional practises are linked to PCK and the

development thereof. The instructional practices and teaching strategy of Alice, the

novice teacher, proved to be unproductive resulting in discouraged and uninvolved

learners. Elize on the other hand who had more years teaching experience, was

knowledgeable and competent and illustrated more productive teaching. Initial teacher

training programs must therefore focus on giving pre-service teacher sufficient

classroom experience so that they can develop their PCK. This finding is supported

by Ball (1988), Koellner et al. (2007), Ma (1999) and Shulman (1986) were they

conclude that PCK can only be developed over time through experience in the

classroom or practice and can therefore not be taught. Effective and purposeful

training of pre- and in-service Mathematics teachers is of utmost importance in South

Africa, a finding that was also reported by Sidiropolous (2008).

Some key factors that should be part of all Mathematics teacher’s instructional

practises are:

Using a learner-centred approach and appropriate instructional strategies.

Engaging learners in discussions thereby enabling them to communicate their

thinking through the use of appropriate terminology.


Using various instructional resources to connect learners’ knowledge with new


These key factors were also confirmed by Artzt et al. (2008).

9.9. Recommendations for future study

From this study several aspects of the teaching and learning of Grade 9 Mathematics

require further research. These include investigation into:

The knowledge required to engage learners in such a manner as to explore the

depths of their prior knowledge during teaching.

Identification of authentic and relevant 21st Century technologies that can be

incorporated to enhance Mathematic teachers’ PCK through quality

collaborative platforms.

Identification of appropriate technologies that would improve a Mathematics

teacher’s instructional practises.


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Appendices Appendix A Letter of consent to the Mathematics learners

Appendix B Letter of consent to the principal

Appendix C Letter of consent to teachers

Appendix D Ethical clearance certificate

Appendix E Observation sheet for observing Mathematics teachers’ lessons

Appendix F Interview schedule


Appendix A: Letter of assent to the learners FACULTY OF EDUCATION

FACULTY OF EDUCATION Dr. J.J. Botha Natural Science Building 4-13 Groenkloof campus, UP

e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012 420 5623

1 July 2015

Dear ………………..………………

Letter of assent to the learners

You are invited to participate in a research project aimed at investigating teachers’ instructional

practices. This research will be reported upon in my honours research report conducted at the University

of Pretoria under the supervision of Dr JJ Botha. Your parents also have to grant consent for your

voluntary participation, but you should also declare yourself willing to participate in this study.

Your participation in this research project is voluntary and confidential. You will remain anonymous and

will participate as usual during the lessons and you will have no contact with me. I would like to observe

your mathematics teacher during the third term of this year while teaching mathematics to your class.

Two observations will be done and it will not interrupt your school timetable or your subject progress.

The lessons will be audio recorded.

You may decide to withdraw at any stage should you not wish to continue with your participation. Your

decision to accept/decline involvement in this research will not affect your studies. If you are willing to

participate in this project, please sign this letter as a declaration of your assent, i.e. that you participate

in this project willingly by allowing me to observe your Mathematics teacher and that you understand

you may withdraw from the research project at any time. For any query or more clarification please

contact Dr Botha on the cell phone number provided above.

Yours sincerely …………………………………………………………. Date:……………………………… Co-researcher: …………………………………………………………. Date:…………………………… Researcher: Dr. J.J. Botha


…………………………………………………………. Date:……………………………… Acting HOD: Dr. L.S. van Putten _________________________________________________________________________________ I the undersigned, hereby grant assent to the co-researcher to observe my Mathematics teacher when presenting our Mathematics classes as part of a research programme. Learner’s name: ……………………………………………………………………………..…….. Learner’s signature: ........................................................... Date:………………………………


Appendix B: Letter of consent to the Principal


Dr. J.J. Botha Natural Science Building 4-13 Groenkloof campus, UP e-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 012 420 5623 1 July 2015 Dear Dr/ Mrs/ Mr ………………..………………

Letter of consent to the Principal

I hereby request permission to use your school in a research project aimed at investigating the relationship between Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy teachers’ mathematical content knowledge and their instructional practices. This research project is funded by the Research Development Programme (RDP) and conducted by Dr JJ Botha at the University of Pretoria. My research project forms part of Dr Botha’s project and is entitled: Mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge regarding teaching as reflected in their practices. I would like to invite a Senior phase Mathematics teacher to participate in my research project. The teacher’s participation in this research project is voluntary and confidential. It is proposed that the teacher forms part of this project’s data collection phase by being observed two times when teaching one of the Senior phase classes and being individually interviewed once afterwards. The observations will be done at a time convenient to you and should not disrupt your timetable. The interview should be conducted at a time and place convenient to you and should not take longer than 45 minutes. The lessons and the interviews will be audio-taped by me in order to have a clear and accurate record of all the communication that took place. Only audio-recordings will be done so that minimal disruption for the learners is assured. During my observation of the lessons, I will make field notes on an observation sheet that has been prepared in advance based on the research questions to be answered. Should you declare yourself willing to participate in this study, confidentiality and anonymity will be guaranteed at all times. You may decide to withdraw at any stage should you not wish to continue with your participation. Your decision to accept involvement in this research project will hopefully contribute to the improvement of Mathematics teachers’ instructional practices. If you are willing to allow a member of your staff to participate in this project, please sign this letter as a declaration of your consent. Yours sincerely …………………………………………………………. ........... Date:……………………………… Co-researcher:

…………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………

Researcher: Dr. J.J. Botha


…………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………

Acting HOD: Dr. L.S. van Putten


I the undersigned, hereby grant consent to the co-researcher to observe a Senior phase

Mathematics teacher’s classes and conduct an interview with the teacher as part of a research


School principal’s name ……………………………………………………………………………..…….. School principal’s signature ............................................... Date:……………………………… E-mail address ………………………………………………. Contact number …………………….


Appendix C: Letter of consent to the parents


Dr. J.J. Botha Natural Science Building 4-13

Groenkloof campus, UP e-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 012 420 5623 1 July 2015

Dear Dr/ Mrs/ Mr ………………..………………

Letter of consent to the parent(s)/guardian(s)


I am enrolled for my Honour’s degree at the University of Pretoria at the Department of Science,

Mathematics and Technology Education, under the supervision of Dr JJ Botha. I hereby request you to

grant permission for your child to participate in my research project.

The topic of my research project is: Mathematics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge regarding

teaching as reflected in their practices. The aim of this study is to determine how teachers plan their

lessons, but also to observe the teaching strategies used when presenting their Mathematics lessons.

The findings of this study may contribute to teachers enhancing their practices to ensure learners’

developing mathematical understanding in order to contribute and understand the world they are living


To collect my data, I have to observe your child’s Mathematics teacher teaching two different lessons.

I want to emphasise that my observations will not interrupt the school timetable or the mathematics

classes. I will not have any direct contact with the learners, as the focus is on the teacher’s instruction

in class. The lessons will however be audio-recorded, but the audio recordings will only be used by me

and should my supervisor want to listen in order to assist with the analysis of the data. All learners will

remain anonymous and no names will be revealed. Learners’ participation in this study is voluntary and

they may withdraw from the study at any time without any consequences. Should your child want to

withdraw from the study, I will just position myself in class in such a way that your child will sit behind

me and will his or her contributions in class not be considered in any way as part of the data being



Yours sincerely …………………………………………………………. ........... Date:……………………………… Co-researcher: …………………………………………………………. ........... Date:………………………………. Researcher: Dr. J.J. Botha …………………………………………………………. ....... Date:……………………………… Acting HOD: Dr. L.S. van Putten _________________________________________________________________________________ I, ______________________________________________________ hereby give permission for my

child, _______________________________________________________, to participate in this

research study, by allowing the co-researcher to observe my child’s Mathematics teacher and to also

make audio recordings of the two lessons. I am aware that my child will remain anonymous and that

the findings of this research will be used to promote teaching and learning.




Appendix D: Ethical clearance certificate

Ethics Committee 5 August 2015

Dear Dr. Botha, REFERENCE: UP 14/04/01 We received proof that you have met the conditions outlined. Your application is thus approved, and you may continue with your fieldwork. Should any changes to the study occur after approval was given, it is your responsibility to notify the Ethics Committee immediately. Please note that this is not a clearance certificate. Upon completion of your research you need to submit the following documentation to the Ethics Committee: 1. Integrated Declarations form that you adhered to conditions stipulated in this letter – Form D08 Please Note:

Any amendments to this approved protocol need to be submitted to the Ethics Committee for review prior to data collection. Non-compliance implies that the Committee’s approval is null and void.

Final data collection protocols and supporting evidence (e.g.: questionnaires, interview schedules, observation schedules) have to be submitted to the Ethics Committee before they are used for data collection.

Should your research be conducted in schools, please note that you have to submit proof of how you adhered to the Department of Basic Education (DBE) policy for research.

Please note that you need to keep to the protocol you were granted approval on – should your research project be amended, you will need to submit the amendments for review.

The Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Education does not accept any liability for research misconduct, of whatsoever nature, committed by the researcher(s) in the implementation of the approved protocol.

On receipt of the above-mentioned documents you will be issued a clearance certificate. Please quote the reference number: UP 14/04/01 in any communication with the Ethics Committee.

Best wishes, Prof Liesel Ebersöhn Chair: Ethics Committee


Faculty of Education

Appendix E: Observation sheet for observing Mathematics teachers’ instructional practices

OBSERVATION SHEET (To be used for both observations per teacher)

Name of school

Name of co-researcher

Subject observed Mathematics

Grade observed

Number of learners in class list (present in class)

Topic of the lesson

Name of teacher

Date of observation

Observation number

Table 1 below provides the Description of the codes, while Table 2 is an open observation sheet where field notes can be made.


ASSESSING TEACHERS’ INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES THROUGH OBSERVATIONS (Audio-record lessons and make field notes during observations) Table 1: Description of codes



Building on pre-knowledge TPK1. There should be a logical flow in the lesson such as revising prior knowledge before introducing

new content.

Modes of representation

TMR1. Uses representations such as oral or written language, symbols, diagrams, graphs, tables, manipulatives, and computer or calculator representations to accurately facilitate content clarity.

TMR2. Provides multiple representations that enable learners to connect their prior knowledge and skills to the new mathematical situation such as graphs, tables, formulae.

Sequencing of content

TSC1. Sequences tasks and learning activities so that learners can progress in their cumulative understanding of a particular content area and can make connections between ideas learned in the past and those they will learn in the future such as working from easy to difficult and known to unknown tasks.

TSC2. Uses tasks, including homework that is suitable to what the learners already know and can do and what they need to learn or improve on. Tasks should involve past work, reinforce current work and set the stage for future work such as tasks where opportunity is given to practice identified or predicted learners’ misunderstandings.

Learning environments

Modes of instruction/pacing

LEIP1. Uses various instructional strategies that encourage and support student involvement as well as facilitate goal attainment such as cooperative learning, learners explaining work at the board, direct instruction (lecturing), abstract procedural, group work, active learning, discussion, problem solving, inquiry and team-teaching.

Evaluation scale: Description of the scale. 3 = commendable (strong presence of indicator); 2 = satisfactory (indicator is somewhat present); 1 = needs attention (there is very little presence of indicator); N/O = not observed or not applicable.


Table 2: Researcher’s comments



Building on pre-knowledge


Modes of representation



Sequencing of content


Learning environments

Modes of instruction/pacing


Evaluation scale: Description of the scale. 3 = commendable (strong presence of indicator); 2 = satisfactory (indicator is somewhat present); 1 = needs attention (there is very little presence of indicator); N/O = not observed or not applicable.


Appendix F: Interview schedule (Conducted after the observations)


Semi-structured interview


Name of school

Name of researcher

Name of teacher

Date of interview

Teacher’s qualification

Level of Mathematics education

Number of years teaching Mathematics

Number of years teaching the specific grade

Courses attended on teaching Mathematics

This interview consists of two sections and gives the teachers an opportunity to reflect on their

practices. The interview is a discussion on teachers’ planning of their lessons and how the teachers

experience their instructional practices.

1. What do you want to change in your practice? How will you change it?

2. How does learning take place?

3. Tell me how do you plan the development of your lessons?

4. How do you choose which tasks the learners should do in class and which they should do at home?

5. How do you feel about creating opportunities for learners to discuss the work with you, but also

with other learners during the lesson?

6. Do you plan the oral questions prior to the presentation of your lesson? If so, how do you plan

the questions as part of the development of the lesson?

7. Which teaching strategies do you value important in teaching Mathematics? When teaching the

specific topic you did? Why? (Give prompts if required)

8. What barriers do you experience that keep you from having the ideal classroom situation?
