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TALLER DE REPASO ESTADÍSTICA GRADO OCTAVO II PERIODO 1. Un matrimonio tiene tres hijos, basándose en el siguiente diagrama de árbol. ¿Cuál es la probabilidad de que los tres sean del mismo sexo? a) 2/8 b) 3/5 c) 2/4 d) 7/8 PARA ELABORAR UN POSTRE EN EL CUAL SE REQUIERE HARINA, QUESO, CREMA, FRUTA Y AZÚCAR, SE DAN LAS SIGUIENTES OPCIONES: Harina: de trigo o fécula de maíz Queso: para untar o ricota Crema: entera o baja en grasa Fruta: Fresa, banano o Durazno Azúcar: blanca o morena 2. Teniendo en cuenta la información anterior realiza un diagrama de árbol 3. ¿De cuántas maneras distintas se pueden usar los ingredientes para preparar el postre? 4. Si se decide hacer una mezcla de las tres frutas para incluirlas en el postre, hallar la probabilidad de que en su preparación se use azúcar blanca 5. Determine si la siguiente definición es falsa o verdadera El diagrama de árbol es una estrategia que nos permite conocer el número total de elementos de un espacio muestral especificando cuales son dichos elementos. ________________ MISS JENNY VÁSQUEZ DOCENTE DE MATEMÁTICAS
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1. Un matrimonio tiene tres hijos, basándose en el siguiente diagrama de árbol.

¿Cuál es la probabilidad de que los tres sean del mismo sexo?

a) 2/8

b) 3/5

c) 2/4

d) 7/8



Harina: de trigo o fécula de maíz

Queso: para untar o ricota

Crema: entera o baja en grasa

Fruta: Fresa, banano o Durazno

Azúcar: blanca o morena

2. Teniendo en cuenta la información anterior realiza un diagrama de árbol

3. ¿De cuántas maneras distintas se pueden usar los ingredientes para preparar el postre?

4. Si se decide hacer una mezcla de las tres frutas para incluirlas en el postre, hallar la

probabilidad de que en su preparación se use azúcar blanca

5. Determine si la siguiente definición es falsa o verdadera

El diagrama de árbol es una estrategia que nos permite conocer el número total de

elementos de un espacio muestral especificando cuales son dichos elementos.




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Taller Bimestral Geometría Octavo

Segundo Periodo

1. Hallar el área de las siguientes figuras

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Taller Bimestral Matemáticas Octavo

Segundo Periodo

1. Lea atentamente la siguiente situación, responda la pregunta y justifíquela.

Un granjero tiene una finca en forma de trapecio, él ha decidido dividir este terreno en

dos partes iguales para cultivar dos tipos de cereales, si las dimensiones de la finca son

de base mayor, de base menor y de altura. ¿se puede

afirmar que el área donde va cultivar cada uno de los cereales es de

? Justifique su respuesta.

2. Halle el área de las siguientes figuras (área sombrada cuando sea el caso)



3. Determine el producto notable apropiado resolver las siguientes multiplicaciones y encierre los

errores que encuentre en sus respuestas y escriba la respuesta correcta.

a. ( )( )

b. ( )( )

c. (

) (


d. (

) (


e. ( )

4. Resuelva las siguientes potencias utilizando triangulo de Pascal

a. ( )

b. (


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5. Halle el área de las siguientes figuras sombreadas buscando directamente sus medidas

a. b.

c. Halle el área del cuadrado

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1. De acuerdo con Curtis, et al (2007), a pesar de todas las evidencias a favor de que el DNA es el material genético, quedaba sin respuesta una pregunta crítica: ¿De qué manera está codificada la información en el DNA? La respuesta a esta pregunta estaba en la misma estructura de la molécula de DNA y sería develada por el biólogo estadounidense James D. Watson y el físico inglés Francis H. Crick (1916-2004). Para desempeñar su función biológica, el material genético debía satisfacer, por lo menos, cuatro requisitos: A. Llevar una gran cantidad de información genética de célula madre a célula hija y de generación en

generación. B. Producir una copia de sí mismo, previo a cada división celular con gran precisión. C. Ser químicamente estable para justificar el hecho de que la información idéntica pasa de generación

en generación y que la progenie se parece a sus progenitores. D. Ser capaz de cambiar, o mutar. Los “errores de copia” también debían transmitirse fielmente a la

siguiente generación. Ésta es una propiedad muy importante dado que, sin la capacidad para replicar los “errores”, no habría variación genética a lo largo de la historia de la vida.

1.1 De acuerdo con el enunciado anterior y con las temáticas que se han abordado en clase, responde las siguientes preguntas de selección múltiple:

• El armazón de la hélice está compuesto por las subunidades: A. Azúcar-Fosfato. B. Azúcar-Glucosa. C. Fosfato-Nucleótidos. D. Purinas-Pirimidinas.

• Los peldaños están formados por: A. Azúcar. B. Grupo fosfato. C. Bases nitrogenadas. D. ADN.

• Las purinas corresponden a las bases nitrogenadas: A. Adenina-Timina. B. Guanina-Citosina. C. Timina-Citosina. D. Adenina-Guanina.

• Las purinas se caracterizan por tener: A. Un anillo sencillo. B. Un anillo doble. C. Un anillo triple. D. Cuatro anillos.

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• Las pirimidinas corresponden a las bases nitrogenadas: E. Adenina-Timina. F. Guanina-Citosina. G. Timina-Citosina. H. Adenina-Guanina.

• Las pirimidinas se caracterizan por tener: E. Un anillo sencillo. F. Un anillo doble. G. Un anillo triple. H. Cuatro anillos.

• Cuando de un lado de la molécula de ADN se encuentra A (adenina) del otro lado se encuentra: A. A (adenina) B. T (timina) C. C (citosina) D. G (guanina)

• Las bases de ambas hebras de ADN se unen entre sí por A. Uniones covalentes B. Puente de hidrógeno C. Valencias de coordinación D. Bases nitrogenadas

• Cómo se denomina el proceso por el que se obtiene una molécula de DNA a partir de otra preexistente A. Replicación B. Transcripción C. Traducción D. Mutación 1.2 Completa la siguiente tabla:

Componentes de los ácidos nucleicos Base

Fosfato Azúcar Purinas Pirimidinas ADN Desoxiribosa Guanina Citosina

ARN Presente Guanina Citosina

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2. Señala las partes que conforman la siguiente cadena de ADN y las direcciones correspondientes (5’ y 3’).

3. Realiza una historieta donde se evidencie el proceso de transcripción (del DNA al RNA) y traducción

(del RNA al polipéptido).

4. En la meiosis, ¿las células hijas son genéticamente iguales a la madre? ¿esto tiene algún tipo de ventaja para los organismos? Justifica tu respuesta.

5. Observa la siguiente imagen, ordénala, escribe a qué corresponde cada etapa y describe qué ocurre en cada una de ellas.

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6. Completa el siguiente cuadro:

7. Realice un mapa mental donde describa el proceso de ovogénesis y espermatogénesis.

7.1 En los siguientes esquemas correspondientes a la ovogénesis coloca los nombres específicos:

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WORKSHOP SECOND TERM LEVEL 8th NAME:____________________________________________________________________________________________ GROUP: _____________________ DATE: ____________________________________________________________ By: Astrid Johanna Beltrán. VOCABULARY 1. Complete the sentences with words related to city life.

A. I live in the and can cycle to school in the centre in about 20 minutes. B. We live in a and have great views. But if the lift isn’t working properly it’s a nightmare! C. The police say that there is more crime in city areas than in the suburbs. D. In many cities only taxis and buses can drive through the , to cut down on pollution. E. One of the advantages of living in a is that you don’t hear much noise from the neighbours.

2. Complete the text with these adjectives. There are two extra adjectives.

My town is very old and (1)_____________ there are lots of buildings and monuments to look at. It has an old quarter which has lots of bars and restaurants. At the weekend the atmosphere there is always fun and (2) ____. I would recommend Donatello’s restaurant as it has great pasta dishes. But on Friday evenings it’s very popular and it gets really (3) _________ , so sometimes it’s difficult to get a table. Also it’s impossible to have a conversation with your friends because it’s really (4) with all the people talking at once. The town centre is very different to the old quarter. It was built quite recently so the buildings are more (5) _____ and it has a great shopping centre.

3. Replace the words in italics with extreme adjectives.

A. The city of Bath is very old. It is a spa town and has some Roman baths and beautiful stone buildings.

B. After cycling through the country roads in the rain, our bikes were very dirty.

C. On the first day of the summer sales the shops were very full. It was impossible to move.

D. My last essay was very bad. I wrote it in a rush and it was full of mistakes.

E. We climbed up to the top of the volcano and when we looked down the views of the landscape around

werevery pretty.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C.

1. Tuna is a type of A. fish. B. meat. C. a bakery product.

2. A pie is

A. a cake. B. a dish made of rice.

crowded dirty historic lively modern noisy quiet

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C. a dish made of meat and pastry.

3. Turkey is A. a type of cheese. B. a type of fruit like a pear. C. a type of meat like chicken.

4. Sweetcorn is __ __

A. a vegetable. B. a snack. C. a drink.

5. Semi-skimmed milk is

A. milk with less fat in it. B. milk for babies. C. milk with sugar in it.

5. Complete the sentences with adjectives related to food.

A. We’ve got some vegetables in the freezer, if the fresh peas are finished. B. It’s dangerous to keep meat in the fridge for a long time. You should cook it as soon as

possible. C. I think these sandwiches were made yesterday. The bread is really . D. ___________food is very convenient and often very tasty, but it’s not good for you. E. I love cooking and I grow my own herbs. herbs have a lot more flavour than dry herbs.

6. Complete the sentences with the correct noun form of the words given.

A. The manager sent letters to all the (employ). B. They’re looking for a new (technical) for the laboratory. C. My driving (instruct) picked me up after school today. D. The (journal) wrote a good story for the magazine. E. My brother would like to be a (science).

7. Complete the sentences with these words and phrases. There are two extra options.

A. In you learn how to program computers. B. In you learn about the legal system of a country. C. In you learn about working with television, radio and film. D. In you learn about the building of machines and structures. E. In you learn about designing and creating buildings.

GRAMMAR 8. Complete the sentences with the correct present perfect or past simple form of the verbs given.

A. you (have) that headache for a long time? You should see a doctor about it. B. Where you (be)? Your clothes are really dirty! C. Where you (stay) when you were in London earlier this year? D. We (visit) my cousins while we were in Rome last month. E. I have finished the assignment, but I (not give) it in yet.

architecture business studies computer science engineering law media studies medicine

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9. Put these words in the correct place in the sentences.

A. We’ve watched an English DVD in class. I’d love to, though!

B. I’m sorry, but I haven’t finished the book you lent me. Can I give it back to you next week?

C. I’ve known my best friend we were at playgroup together when we were three years old.

D. Sorry I’m late for class. I’ve arrived and I’m a little out of breath!

E. Have you been on a plane by yourself in your life?

10. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the dialogue.

Amy: Hi, Maria. Sorry I’m late. I’ve (1) helped/been helping Jim with his history homework. Maria: Don’t worry, I’ve only just arrived myself. I’ve(2) worked out/been working out in the gym. That’s why I’m so tired. Amy: I’m really hungry. Shall we have a pizza after the film? Maria: We can go back to my house. I’ve just(3) bought/been buying a chicken and chilli pizza and I’ve got lots of salad at home. Amy: That would be great. Thanks. I’ve never(4) eaten/been eating a chicken and chilli pizza before. Maria: I’m glad that you can come. I’ve (5) made/been making enough salad for at least four people.

11. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1. Be careful! That chair is going to/will fall over. 2. It’s your birthday today Mum, so Iam going to/will cook dinner! 3. I am going to/will see you tomorrow. Have a good evening. 4. I’’m going to/’ll help you with those bags. They look very heavy. 5. I don’t think weare going to/will ever stop global warming.

12. Write complete sentences. Use the future continuous or the future perfect.

A. what/you/do/this time next week?

B. I/start/my exams/by the time the exchange students arrive

C. I/definitely/not play football/here/this time next year

D. this time tomorrow/I/sit/on a plane

E. the chef/open/two new restaurants in Paris/by the end of the year

ever just never since yet

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13. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of these verbs given.

Mark: Hi Angie. I’m just calling to remind you about the arrangements for tomorrow. We (travel) to London in the afternoon. Angie: I remember! The train (2) (get) in at 3.30, so we should be home by 4.00. Mark: Great! If you can’t come for any reason, then just give me a call. I(3) (be) at home until half past two, but then I have to go out. Angie: OK, I will. (4) you (meet) your cousin on Sunday? Mark: I’m not sure yet. If I speak to him today, then I(5) (phone) you to let you know.

14. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

A. You mustn’t/don’t have to bring a dog in here. B. We can/should leave early to avoid the traffic. C. You mustn’t/don’t have to learn Spanish. You can learn French instead if you want to. D. You can/have to come to dinner at our house if you want to. E. I’m afraid you can’t/don’t have to wait for the doctor here. Please go into the waiting room over there.

15. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the dialogue.

Alana: Hi Rob, what’s wrong? You look worried. Rob: I’ve got a test tomorrow at school and I’m nervous. If the test is difficult, I know I(1) fail. Alana: Stop worrying about it! If I(2) you, I (3) spend some time revising and then forget about it until tomorrow. Rob: It’s easy for you to say that because you never find tests difficult. If I(4) your brains, I (5) ____ the exam easily.

1 A B C

Will would shoul

2 A am B was C were 3 A will B would C wouldn’t 4 A have B had C will have 5 A pass B

C will pass

would pass

16. Rewrite the sentences using the modal verbs given. A. I think it would be a good idea for you to take a break. (should)

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B. Students are allowed to buy cheap meals in the cafeteria. (can)

C. It’s not possible for students to use the library after 4.30 because it’s closed. (can’t)

D. It’s not necessary for us to hand in our homework before Friday. (don’t have to)

E. It’s important that I remember to print out my essay. (must)


ALL YOUR OWN WORK? A Chrissie I think cheating has always existed and always will. In my day – a long time ago! – some students used to cheat in tests at school by hiding notes in their books or writing things on their hands. If they wanted good marks for their homework, they copied their friend’s work, or asked their parents to help them out. It was risky because if your teachers found out you had cheated they would fail you, so you wouldn’t pass the exam at all – but some people thought it was worth the risk. I never cheated – I was too scared I’d get found out! B Mark I think people do still cheat at school or university but the whole thing has become a lot more high tech now. It seems that although the Internet has brought enormous benefits, like giving students access to unlimited information, it’s also created a highly successful industry for helping students to cheat very effectively. There are two main ways that students can use the Internet to help them get better marks at school. Firstly, they can access information and simply copy whole chunks of articles or reports into their own homework assignments and pretend it’s their own work. Secondly – and I think this is a more worrying development – there are now specialist websites that supply original essays on demand. This means that a student can actually send money to a website to provide an essay with a certain title. The website employs a qualified writer to write the essay but the teacher marking it doesn’t know where the work has come from and believes the student has written it him or herself. Research has shown that some university students are prepared to pay up to £300 for a good essay. It’s completely dishonest. C Maddy I’m a secondary school teacher and I know that teachers have been aware of the problem of students copying information from the Internet for a while now. Most of us use software to find work that’s been copied from Internet sources. However, this only detects chunks that are copied exactly, not paragraphs that have been edited, or specially commissioned work. Teachers mostly rely on their knowledge of their students’ abilities and the type of work they normally produce. They have to be alert to new types of phrasing or style that suddenly appear in a student’s writing – this is often an indication that it’s not all their own writing. Teachers can also scan the Internet for similar essay titles and check whether there are any that the student may have copied, but this is time-consuming and not very efficient. Another way to discourage copying is to give personalised essay titles such as, ‘Compare the plot of … with your own experiences.’ This means each student has to give a personal answer. Despite all of these techniques though, I think it’s inevitable that the lazier student will always try to find an easy way around hard work, whereas the more conscientious student will do his own. It’s human nature. D Hamish I’ve read that experts say the way to eliminate cheating in schools is to start teaching students from as young as 11 years old the dangers of copying work. A lot of young people don’t really think about the long term effects of not doing the work themselves – they just want to get the assignment finished as quickly as possible. Cheating is pointless because you don’t learn anything from it. Homework assignments are supposed to help you remember and process what you have learned

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and present the information in a structured way. If you don’t go through the process of planning, drafting and editing your work, you’ll never learn to do this. 17. Read the article about cheating and the Internet and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

1. Techniques for cheating at schools in the past were A different to those used now. B the same as those used now. C not permitted.

2. Students’ access to the Internet has created A more online exams. B more ways of cheating. C more e-marking systems.

3. Using the Internet students are able to A hack other students’ work. B buy essays written by other people. C see exam papers before an exam.

4. Some students have been fined for A writing essays. B buying essays online. C developing software for copying.

5. Teachers who are familiar with their students’ work A are likely to give them better marks. B don’t check whether they have copied it. C know if they have cheated from the writing style.

6. Cheating is pointless because A you don’t learn anything from it. B it’s not effective in exams. C cheaters usually get caught.

WRITING 18. Read this advert for a summer job at a leisure centre and write your letter of application.

Help run our summer playgroup for under-fives and earn some money, too! Write a letter to Kate Smith to tell us why you would be good for the job.

Write 150–180 words.
