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  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    Microsoft ®


      ffice 365

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    2  © 2013 CustomGuide, Inc. CustomGuide 2

    © 2013 por CustomGuide , Inc. 3387 Brownlow Avenue; !int "ouis #!r$, %& ''(2)

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    "os nom/res de los productos de sotw!re mencion!dos en este m!nu!l pueden ser m!rc!s comerci!les de sus respectiv!s comp!:6!s.CustomGuide es un! m!rc! reistr!d! de CustomGuide , Inc.

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    3  © 2013 CustomGuide, Inc. CustomGuide 3

    Tabla de Contenidos

    Los fundamentos.................................................................................................................................................. 7ision ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8

    istem! #................................................................................................................................. 1

    >ice p!r! dispositivos mviles..................................................................................................................................... 18

    "os und!mentos de l!opinin .................................................................................................................................. 20

    La Web de Lync App..............................................................................................................................................22

    Coniur!cin de l! e/ de "-nc App................................................................................................................................ 23

    so "-nc............................................................................................................................................................ 2

    "-nc *9tr!s........................................................................................................................................................... 2

    Col!/or!cin .......................................................................................................................................................2

    s!ndo el #ror!m!dor e/"-nc............................................................................................................................ 31

    C!ts......................................................................................................................................................... 32

    *l "-nc e/ App

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    4  © 2013 CustomGuide, Inc. CustomGuide 4





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    #ste manual está dise$ado para los usuarios de

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    %e dirá el nombre de cada lección " subtemas

    Que Est !iciendo La "ente

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    tephanie immerman%ancaster Count" %ibrar"

    )1emos sido capaces de personali'ar nuestras sesiones

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    de estas guías es grande ) .

    manecer Calvin%as 6irgenes 7istrito 0unicipal de gua

    )#n general , el más simpático , más abierto " fácil de

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    herrill 8a"landt. Charles Communit" College

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  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    COMO #$C%O&A

    1. Abra Microsoft Word 

    *ara el curso personali'able se proporciona comosimple de

    usar, editar documentos de 0icrosoft 8ord, si se puede usar

    0icrosoft 8ord puede crear su propia formaciónmateriales en cuestión de minutos=

    2. Seleccione sus temas

    eleccione el contenido &ue usted necesita de nuestro


     biblioteca de cursos. >ncluso puedes me'clar " combinar

    temas entre títulos, como 0icrosoft 5utloo? " 0icrosoft


    3. Personalizar

    5rgani'ar los temas en el orden &ue &uieras, el material del


    actuali'a automáticamente para refle:ar los cambios. #l

    nombre " el logotipo de su organi'ación por un profesional

    la mirada )inhouse). 4. Imprimir y distribuir 

    >mprima tantas copias como sea necesario en susitio, sin tener &ue pagar ninguna regalía por

    unidad o el mantenimiento físico

    inventarios. *uede imprimir una sola página

    limosnas, un grupolecciones de la relación, o un manual completo.

    #s rápido, cómodo " mu" ase&uible.

    5. nse!ar y Aprender

    %e encantará tener su propio material de

    formación a medida, " sus usuarios tendrán

    apreciar el colorido

    ilustraciones de estilo con los pies en la tierra, " laescritura

    conveniencia de contar con una guía de referencia

    &ue se puede utili'ar dentro o fuera del aula.

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    Caracter'sticas de Material de Ense(an)a

    @r!/!!r con orm!s - otos pla'a

    *osiciones de las fotosCada ve' &ue se inserta un gráfico en un documento,

    &ue se inserta en línea con el te!to por defecto. #sto

    significa &ue el te!to en el documento se mueve a finde acomodar el gráfico. #sta lección le mostrarácómo a:ustar el a:uste de te!to " cómo utili'ar la red

     para colocar ob:etos.


    i desea utili'ar un gráfico con otros gráficos uob:etos, deben estar en un lien'o de dibu:o. 6er la

    lección sobre la inserción de formas para obtener más información

      D E+ercicios

     Arc,i-o de e+ercicios merican1istor"@3.doc! E+ercicio eleccione la fila de encabe'ado

    &ue contiene las eti&uetas de mes, la fila de

    ingreso, la #!p total. Ao;, " la fila et >nc.Busar la tecla Ctrl para seleccionar varias

    filas. Crear un gráfico Columna agrupadaen 27.

    Table 7/2 *stilos de !uste de te9to

    #sto coloca el ob:eto en la inserción.

    n l#neacon te$to

    puntar en una línea de te!to en el documento.

    A+ustar el a+uste de te0to*ara a:ustar te!to reacciona a los ob:etos en sudocumentos, cambie el a:uste de te!to del ob:eto.

    D. 1aga doble clic en el ob:eto cu"o a:uste dete!to &ue desea a:ustar 

      #l ob:eto permanece en la misma capa&ue el te!to.

    Plaza #l te!to se a:usta alrededor de todos loslados de la ca:a de contorno cuadrado para el ob:etoseleccionado.

    %a ficha conte!tual

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.




    6ision deCon+unto.................................................................

    *leccin de suscripcin............................ 8uscripcin de not!s ..................................10

    8istema de re9uerimientos ...............

    :istorial.......................................................... 5*lectrnicos - coniur!cin de >ice

    3)'......... 13La cuenta de usuario Office 5;

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    #l primer paso para empe'ar es elegir el tipo de

    suscripción &ue usted necesita. 6er (abla DD-

    5ffice 3LM 1ome uscripciones " (abla D2-

    5ficina 3LM uscripciones de egocios para undesglose de las opciones disponibles.

    Cada suscripción tiene diferentes tarifas " opciones

    de pago &ue se le atribu"e. *ara saber los gastose!actos " tipos de pago para cada uno, por favor

    consulte en

    ; ; ; .o f fice 3L M .co m.

      D E+ercicio

    O Ac,i-os de E+ercicios no re&uiere.

    O E+ercicio  >r a travs de algunas de las opciones "características de suscripción correspondientes.

    Tabla / Office 5;< :ome 8ubscriptions

    ,ome Premium ,ome - Student ,ome - usiness %ffice


    /umero de Instalaciones Up to M *Cs0acs1

     plus select mobile D *C D *C D *Cdevices


    Suscripcion anual

    Bincludes ongoing access to

    version updates and 5ffice on7emand


    0incencia por Usar en Casa Usar en Casa Casa o egocioCasa o negocio

    Word $cel PoerPoint -%ne/ote




    - Access4

    Sy(rie B2+Gb capacidad

    Acceso instantaneo  

    %ffice on (emand  

    Sype World Minutes BL+minutesmth in 4+J  

      "rampa' 1a" algunas restricciones a las &ue lassuscripciones " los servicios se pueden combinar con el

    uso de 5ffice 3LM. *ara saber más acerca de estas

    restricciones en el sitio ;eb de 5ffice 3LM.


  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    @e =und!ment!ls

    Table /2 Office 5;< @usiness 8ubscriptions










    %0P 16







    /o. of 7sers 2M 2M 3++ Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited8 8 9 9

    %ffice Applications

    B>nstallation on up to M*Cs0acs per user


    ,osted mail BM+Gbstorage space


    Web conferencin+presence - IM

    Sy(rie Pro B2MGbpace


    Public Website

    Bo additional hosting


    Spam and Malare


  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    @e =und!ment!ls

    8ubscription &otes

    Aefer to theuperscripted

    numbers on "able 1@1' %ffice 385,ome Subscriptions and "able 1@2' %ffice 385 usinessSubscriptions to see important notes and conditionsapplicable to the corresponding subscription features.

    Table /5 &otes on A-ailable 8ubscriptions

    1 P %t*er Mobile Apps- pps that allo; "ou to access, edit, vie; 8ord, #!cel and *o;er*oint on 8indo;s

     phones and apps li?e 5neote, 58, %"nc 0obile and hare*oint e;sfeeds do not necessaril" re&uire a

    subscription, ho;ever, the" ma" have other re&uirements attached to them.


      >n addition to the #!change 5nline

    subscription, there are also individual servicesfor hare*oint and %"nc 5nline. Sios? plans

    are also available for Troaming users.

    (;o options are available for businesses

    re&uiring 5ffice ;ithout >( services-9usinesses ;ho need applications for a larger 

    emplo"ee base and 5ffice 3LM *ro*lus R a

    version offering additional capabilities.

    *lans that do not include a 7es?top version of

    5ffice ;or? ;ith the latest *C version of5ffice, 5ffice 2+D+ and 5ffice 2++@ Blimited

    functionalit", or 5ffice 2++N2+DD for 0ac.

    8ith #nterprise plans "ou can combine #D, #3

    and #4 *lans, the SD plan Bfor Sios? users,

    and the full range of standalone offers for

    individual services.

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    © 2013 CustomGuide, Inc.

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    @e =und!ment!ls

    D2  © 2013 CustomGuide, Inc. CustomGuide D2

    ?e9uerimientos de 8istema

    0icrosoft tiene algo &ue se llama una *olítica de

    5ffice 3LM Ae&uisitos del sistema cliente, " establece

    los re&uisitos para el uso de 5ffice 3LM.

    *ara obtener el má!imo partido de 5ffice 3LM, esta

     política establece &ue usted debe tener las Eltimasaplicaciones, navegadores, clientes, así como losdispositivos móviles, " &ue debe instalar las

    actuali'aciones " nuevas versiones de este soft;are

    tan pronto como se publi&uen.

     uevos 5ficina 3LM características " funciones

     pueden no funcionar correctamente en las versiones

    anteriores de cliente de 5ffice o navegadores vie:os.

      "ip- 8hen using 5ffice 3LM *ro *lus, updates andversions are automaticall" streamed to "ou.

    (he main t;o B2 re&uirements for 5ffice 3LM are-

    •  Current or immediatel" prior versions of >nternet #!plorer, Chrome,

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    @e =und!ment!ls

    @ac>4round o; that "ou ?no; all the features and services

    available to "ou on an 5ffice 3LM subscription, "ou canget started ;ith actuall" using "our account.

    9efore "ou get going, letVs &uic?l" ta?e a brief loo? at

    ho; "ou ;ould normall" get to this point.

    8ourcin4 and 8ettin4 up Office 5;<

      D E0ercise

    O E0ercise #ile one re&uired.

    O E0ercise Go through the steps from purchasing asubscription to receiving a User >7 and pass;ord.

    1 Purc*ase an %ffice 385 Subscription"rial

    (his can be done b" an individual for 1ome use, or b" acompan" representative ;ithin an 5rgani'ation.

    2 mail Setup9usiness and #nterprise subscriptions have an #mail

    1osting feature. et;or? dministrator ;ould

    normall" be responsible for setting this feature up so thatusers can ma?e use of their compan" email address ;ith

    the 1osting service on 5ffice 3LM.

    #i4ure /5 *m!il etup

    3 Settin+ up t*e "eam

    gain, this ;ill be the responsibilit" of the individual;ho purchased the subscription R for 1ome to add

    famil" members as users, or a et;or? dministrator to

    add emplo"ees as users so that the users can connect to

    and ma?e use of all the features and services availableon their chosen subscription. dministrators ;ill send

    users their User >7 and a temporar" pass;ord to sign in

    ;ith, as part of this process.

    4 ntranet in order to coordinate and share compan";ide

     pro:ects, documents, tas?s, and more. %ast but not least,users can also access their documents and files from

    an";here b" using online tools li?e 0obile and 8eb


    et;or? dministrator ;ould usuall" ma?e sure that

    these features are also setup and accessible to users.

    #i4ure /= ettin up te @e!m

    5 Softare Installation

    (his brings us to ;here ;e ;ill be starting. 7epending

    on ;hether or not the subscription "ouVll be using

    includes 5ffice, soft;are installations can be done b"

    "ou, the user, or if "ou ;or? for a large organi'ation thatis setup to do so, soft;are installations ma" be arranged

    as a deplo"ment, or a (echnician ma" be sent to assist

    users ;ith this process.#i4ure /

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    @e =und!ment!ls

    D4  © 2013 CustomGuide, Inc. CustomGuide D4

    T,e Office 5;< $ser Accountt this point, "ou ;ould have received an email ;ith a

    User >7 and temporar" pass;ord from "our et;or?


     o;, "ou can log in to "our ne; User ccount ;hereall "our ne; apps, soft;are, tools, and features are

     based and begin setting up "our account and devices.

    Accessin4 your Account

    . 5pen "our >nternet 9ro;ser, t"pehttps://login.microsoftonline.com/h

    ttp-;;; .o ff ice3 L M .c o m in the address bar and

     press BnterC.

      "ip- Qou ;ill use this lin? a lot, so consider

    adding it to the bro;ser 7 and temporar" pass;ord inthe fields provided.

    5. Clic? Si+n in.

    =. Qou ;ill need to update "our pass;ord to replace

    the temporar" one "ou ;ere given.

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    #i4ure /7 ser Account Gettin t!rted p!e F >ice 3)' m!ll Business #remium

    Table /= $ser Account Options

    Settin+s Clic? the ettings button to change "our 5ffice 3LM ettings.

    7ser Menu Clic? the User 0enu to ign out or edit "our *rofile.

    Instructional nstructional Callouts ;ill help "ou get started ;ith setting up and using "our account.

    /ai+ation arUse buttons on the avigation bar to access "our #mail, Calendar and Contacts on the5utloo? 8eb pp. ccess "our hare*oint site and ?"7rive ;here applicable. et;or? 

    on e;sfeed, or purchase more 5ffice apps b" clic?ing the 0ore button BW.

    Dettin+ Started pane%earn more about 5ffice 3LM, install soft;are or set up "our mobile device using optionsavailable on the Getting tarted pane.

    "ools Use available tools in this section to further customi'e "our account and features.

    C,an4e your 8ettin4s

    >f "ou need to ma?e an" basic changes to "our 5ffice

    3LM ccount, access "our account settings and ma?e thenecessar" changes.

    . 5n the User ccount Getting tarted page, clic? theSettin+s button and select %ffice 385 Settin+s.

    2. elect one of the options and ma?e "our changes as


    #i4ure / >ice 3)' settins p!e

    Table /f at an" time "ou ;ant to return to the User ccount Getting tarted page, selectthis option.

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    @e =und!ment!ls@e =und!ment!ls

    DL  © 2013 CustomGuide, Inc. CustomGuide DL

    Office for !es>top1Laptop

    Qou have logged onto "our ne; User ccount. o; itVstime to set up "our soft;are. 7epending on the 5ffice

    version "ou currentl" have installed, "ou ma" need to

     perform "our des?top installation in one of t;o ;a"s.tandard 7es?top >nstallation Bif "ou have the latest5ffice or no 5ffice at all, or 7es?top etup Bif "ou have

    5ffice 2++@ or 2+D+.

    "rap- 8hen installing or accessing some 8ebapps, "ou ma" need a 0icrosoft account. n 5ffice3LM ubscription provides "ou ;ith a User account,;hich gives "ou access to features and appsrelevant to "our subscription. 0icrosoft accountis an email address and pass;ord "ou use to signinto other 0icrosoft services. >f "ou use an" of thefollo;ing, "ou alread" have a 0icrosoft account-1otmail, 5utloo?.com, Gmail, Qahoo, Xbo! %ive,

    ?"7rive, 0, 0essenger and others.

    8tandard !es>top %nstallation

    >f "ou donVt have 5ffice installed, or "ou have the latestversion installed, "ou can use the tandard 7es?top

    >nstallation instructions belo;. >f this is not the case,

    refer to the 7es?top etup lesson that follo;s.

    . Clic? P< - Mac on the Getting tarted pane.

    2. elect "our language, "our s"stem version B32bit isrecommended, and clic? install.

    5. QouVll be prompted to run or save the etup files,select Eun.

    =. 5n the User ccount 7ialog bo!, clic? Fes to


    7epending on "our connection speed, installationma" ta?e some time.

    nstall 5ffice 3LM oft;are on "our 7es?top%aptop.

    #i4ure / ome services t!t m!$e use o ! %icrosot Account

    #i4ure /3H t!nd!rd es$top otw!re Inst!ll!tion

    #i4ure / Inst!ll!tion i!rd

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    !es>top 8etup

    >f "ou currentl" have 5ffice 2++@ or 5ffice 2+D+installed, "ou ;ill need to first update 5ffice so that "ou

    can save documents to the ?"7rive and use 5utloo?

    ;ith 5ffice 3LM for mail and other features.

    . Clic? the Settin+s button on the top right and select

    %ffice 385 Settin+s.

    2. 5n the ettings page, select softare.

    5. elect destop setup from the menu listed on theleft.

    =. Clic? set up.

    nstallation lesson above to install the latest 5fficeversion on "our des?top.

    #i4ure /2 otw!re %enu or es$top etup

    #i4ure /5 otw!re Inst!ll!tion or es$top etup

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    Office for Mobile !e-ices

    (here are a fe; confusing terms related to 5ffice

    pplications in general. *hrases include- 5ffice 0obile,8eb pps, 0obile pps, Client pps, 5ffice 0obile,

    and 5ffice on 7emand. 8ith so man" different names,it can sometimes be hard to ?no; ;hatVs ;hat and ho;

      D E0ercise

    O E0ercise #ile one re&uired.

    O E0ercise 7iscuss the different t"pes of applications.

    it relates directl" to "ou and 5ffice 3LM.

    9efore ;e go an" further, ;eVre going to have a loo? at

    the different t"pes of applications not installed on "our 

    des?top and ho; the" ma" relate to "ou-

    Web App- (his refers to an" application that uses a

    8eb 9ro;ser as the client. B Tclient in la"manVs

    terms is the channel responsible for delivering a

    serviceapplication from a server. o "ou could, fore!ample, use an" device ;ith an >nternet connection to

    log on to "our 5ffice 3LM ccount and chec? "our

    email, using the 5utloo? 8eb pp from "our User

    ccount. 8eb pps are also free=

    Mobile Web App- (his is basicall" the same thing as a8eb pp, e!cept itVs specificall" optimi'ed for a phone,

    so the screen si'e is a lot smaller and the bro;ser ma"

    ;or? a little differentl".

    nternet #!plorer is a perfect e!ample of a Client pp.


  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    Mobile %nstallation

    5nce "ouVve installed soft;are on "our des?top, "ou canset up 5ffice 3LM apps on "our martphone as ;ell.Qou need an i*hone, 9lac?berr", ndroid, or a o?ia

     based B"mbian 5 device.

    . 5pen the >nternet bro;ser on "our phone, t"pe inwww.office.com/business-apps in the

    address bar and select BnterC or the relevant

    e&uivalent on "our phone.

    2. elect the app "ou ;ish to do;nload from the list of available options for "our device, and clic? Installor the relevant e&uivalent on "our phone. nternet bro;ser, and clic? p*one - tablet on the

    Getting tarted pane. Choose the t"pe of phone or

    tablet that "ou have and clic? the applicable +et

    app. #nter the email address that "ou have setup on

    "our phone Bor tablet and clic? Submit. (his ;ill

    send the lin? for . o ffice.c o mbusiness@ apps to

    "our phone or tablet.


  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    2+  © 2013 CustomGuide, Inc. CustomGuide 2+

    The Fundamentals Review

    Qui) Questions

    1. >n order to use 5ffice 3LM, "ou must have 8indo;s @ or N as "our operating s"stem. B(rue or

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    2D  © 2013 CustomGuide, Inc. CustomGuide 2D

    Qui) AnsBers


  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    22  © 2013 CustomGuide, Inc. CustomGuide 22

      2The Lync e!


    8ettin4 up t,e Lync Web App .............................25

    -stem tVs an application that allo;s "ou to open

     persistent chat rooms, send instant

    messages, and hold video and audioenabled meetings. >n addition to that, "ou

    can also share documents and "our

    des?top R all from a central, userfriendl"


    >n this chapter, ;e ;ill sho; "ou ho; to

    access and use the %"nc 8eb pp on

    different devices.

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    @e "-nc e/ App@e "-nc e/ App

    8ettin4 up t,e Lync Web App

    %"nc is a great tool for an"one ;ho is regularl"

    travelling or needs to sta" connected to colleagues ;ho

    are not based in the same location. e; features in the

    2+D3 version allo; "ou to invite meeting attendees fromoutside "our organi'ation, and the best part is, users

    donVt even have to have %"nc installed on their device.

    8hile use of %"nc 2+D3 re&uires a %"nc account, the%"nc 8eb pp does not re&uire a %"nc account.

    /%"- Qou cannot schedule meetings in %"nc, but "ou

    can :oin meetings scheduled in 5utloo? or %"nc 8eb


    8ystem ?e9uirements

    %"nc ;or?s on 8indo;s @, 8indo;s N, 8indo;s6ista, 8indo;s X*, 8indo;s erver and 0acintosh.

    upported 9ro;sers include- >nternet #!plorer, N, K,and D+, as ;ell as afari, Chrome, and top 8et up

    %"nc 2+D3 is alread" included in the latest 5ffice

    version, so if "ou have selected a subscription that

    includes 5ffice, "ou ;ill alread" have %"nc 2+D3

    installed on "our des?top as part of the des?top soft;are

    installation.. (o start using %"nc, launch the application from

    "our des?toplaptop.

    2. Use "our 5ffice 3LM credentials to ign in, and

    "ouVre read" to go.

      "ip- >f "ou selected a subscription that does not

    include 5ffice, donVt ;orr", "ou donVt have to have

    %"nc installed in order :oin meetings.

      D E0ercise

    O E0ercise #ile one re&uired.

    O E0ercise %aunch %"nc 2+D3 on "our des?top.

    #i4ure 2/H "-nc es$top Console

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    Mobile 8et up

    . 5pen the >nternet bro;ser on "our phone, t"pe in

    www.office.com/business-apps in the

    address bar, and select BnterC or the relevant

    e&uivalent on "our phone.

    2. elect the 0ync pp R also called %"nc for 0obile


    5. nstructions, prompts, and commands ma" differ

    from phone to phone.

    =. Qou ma" be prompted to allo; %"nc 2+D3 to access

    "our contacts. elect (onHt Allo or %

    depending on "our re&uirements.

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    $sin4 Lync

    >n an organi'ation, using >nstant 0essage B>0 tomessage colleagues can often be faster and more

    effective than email, simpl" because email often piles up

    and can ta?e a ;hile to get through. Unli?e other >nstant

    0essaging services, %"nc is part of the 5ffice suite, so it

    can also be used in con:unction ;ith other 5ffice products, such as 5utloo? Calendar, to ma?e it an even

    more effective organi'ational tool.

    Aemember though, not all of these features ;ill beavailable on "our device or for "our subscription.

    Add a &eB Contact

    5ne of the most basic actions "ou can perform is find

    and add a contact to "our %"nc account.

    Qou ;ill use these contacts to send instant messages,

    invite to meetings, etc. Unfortunatel", "ou can onl"

    modif" Contacts on %"nc 2+D3 B7es?top version.

    . %aunch %"nc 2+D3 and use "our 5ffice 3LMcredentials to sign in.

      D E0ercise

    O E0ercise #ile one re&uired.

    O E0ercise dd t;o contacts and send an instant messageto one of "our ne; contacts.

    "ip- B5ptional (o improve accessibilit", clic?

    the Settin+s list arro; and select S*o

    Menu ar.

    2. tart t"ping a contactVs name, number, or email

    address in the earch bo!. (he s"stem ;ill

    automaticall" return potential matches. BContacts in

    "our organi'ation that are online ;ill automaticall"appear under the e; tab as potential contacts "ou

    can add.5. elect the contactVs name and rightclic?.

    =. elect ;hich group to add the ne; contact to b"

    selecting Add to Gaorites or selecting the relevantgroup under Add to

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    8end an %nstant Messa4e

    nother fre&uentl" used service on %"nc is >0 or >nstant0essaging.

    %i?e tal?ing facetoface, %"ncVs >0 ;or?s much li?e

    ?"pe, 990, or iChat, ;here the conversation isinstantaneous.

    . %aunch %"nc from "our mobiletablet device or

    des?top and use "our 5ffice 3LM credentials to sign

    in. (hen-

    • Gor (estop 7sers' 7oubleclic? the

    ContactVs name "ou ;ant to send an >nstant0essage to.

    Anot*er ay to Send an IM from a

    (estop (eice' Aightclic? the ContactVs

    name "ou ;ant to send an >nstant 0essage to

    and select Send an IM from the conte!tual

    menu. 5r, point at the ContactVs profile

     picture and select the nstant

    0essage to and clic? the

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    @e "-nc e/ App@e "-nc e/ App

    Lync E0tras1aving an audiovideo enabled device can add that littlesomething e!tra to "our use of %"nc.

    Seep in contact ;ith team members and colleagues from

    ;herever "ou are. 8hen sending an >0 :ust isnVtenough, "ou can also verball" communicate using %"nc.

    C,ec> Audio16ideo 8ettin4ss mentioned before, "ou ;ill need to have an

    udio6ideo enabled device if "ou ;ant to use %"nc for 


      "ip- >f "our device has a camera, it ;ill

    automaticall" enable the video feature in %"nc.

    • Gor (estop 7sers' Clic? the Audio?ideo

    icon on the bottom left of "our %"nc console.

    Clic? Audio (eice Settin+s to select an audio

    device or select ncoming Call otification and clic? Accept to ta?e

    the call. (o ignore the call, clic? I+nore or clic?%ptions if "ou ;ant to Aepl" b" >0 or set "our

     presence to 7o ot 7isturb.

    • Gor Mobile"ablet 7sers' elect the Contact "ou;ant to call and clic? the

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    Collaboration(his is definitel" one of the best features of %"nc.

    9eing able to share "our des?top or a program ;ith

    meeting attendees, or share a *o;er*oint presentationma?es %"nc a fle!ible, invaluable meeting or training

    tool to have.

    "rap- %i?e man" of the other 8eb pps availablein 5ffice 3LM, not all the features are available for

    all devices.

    (he collaboration tools can be utili'ed ;hen a des?topuser hostspresents a %"nc 0eeting or Conference call.

    (his is not to be confused ;ith using the Call icon to

    call a contact.

    meeting can be scheduled using 5utloo? Calendar or 

    %"nc 8eb cheduler. lternativel", "ou can use the

    0eet no; feature available on %"nc to start a meetingimmediatel".

    . Clic? % to confirm using %"nc for full

    audiovideo e!perience.

    2. >n the 0eeting ;indo; clic? the Present iconand select the collaboration feature "ou ;ant to use.

    ee "able 2@2'

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    Table 2/2 Collaboration #eatures on t,e Lync Web App


    (estop >f "ou have something "ou need to share ;ith meeting attendees that is best sho;n visuall", and

    "ou need to s;itch bet;een programs in order to do so, "ou can share "our 7es?top ;ith them.ttendees ;ill receive a notification that "ou are read" to present and the" ;ill need to accept

    the presentation in order to vie; "our des?top.

    Pro+ram >f "ou have something "ou need to share ;ith meeting attendees that is best sho;n visuall", but

    "ou donVt ;ant attendees to see an"thing else on "our *C, "ou can share specific programs ordocuments ;ith attendees. ttendees ;ill receive a notification that "ou are read" to present and

    the" ;ill need to accept the presentation in order to vie; the program or document.

    PoerPoint Qou ma" have a *o;er*oint presentation "ouVd li?e to ;or? through during "our meeting.elect this option to locate and open "our presentation. ttendees ;ill receive a notification that

    "ou are read" to present and the" ;ill need to accept the presentation in order to vie; it.

    W*iteboard 9rainstorming is great, and :ust li?e using a ph"sical ;hiteboard, "ou can share a ;hiteboard;ith "our meeting attendees and ever"one can scribble and dra; their Tt;o cents ;orth on it.

    Poll 8ant to get feedbac? on the meeting or a specific topic/ Qou can easil" create a poll that

    meeting attendees can respond to, "ou can save poll results, and choose to hide or share

    responses ;ith ever"one.

    J - A Create an effective session b" opening a P Z , allo;ing participants to post &uestions that "ouor another presenter can ans;er.


    S*ared /otes dd notes to the meeting that can be shared ;ith all participants.

    My /otes dd "our o;n notes regarding the meeting.


  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    $sin4 t,e Lync Web8c,eduler 

    s mentioned before, "ou can use 5utloo? to schedule

    meetings, but if "ou donVt have 5utloo? or 8indo;s,

    "ou can still arrange meetings using the %"nc 8ebcheduler. (o use the 8eb cheduler, "ou ;ill need to

    log on to "our 5ffice 3LM ccount.

    . %og on to "our 5ffice 3LM User ccount.

    2. Clic? the Settin+s button and select %ffice 385Settin+s.

    5. Clic? softare.

    =. elect 0ync from the oft;are menu on the left.

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    (he 0" Aooms page ;ill


    =. Clic? the

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    Mana4e a C,at ?oom

    >f "ou have created a Chat Aoom, or "ouVve been given

    the correct permissions, "ou can edit a Chat AoomVsdetails, change privac" settings for a Chat Aoom, and

    disable a Chat Aoom, among other things.

    . Clic? the

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    34  © 2013 CustomGuide, Inc. CustomGuide 34

    The Lync e! "## Review

    Qui) Questions

    1. (he %"nc 8eb pp re&uires a %"nc ccount. B(rue or nviting ttendees7. Calling BSe"pad

    5. Qou can add contacts using the %"nc 8eb pp. B(rue or f "ou donVt have 5utloo?, "ou can still schedule %"nc 0eetings using the %"nc 8eb cheduler. B(rue or

  • 8/16/2019 Traducción - MANUAL O365.


    Qui) AnsBers

