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Tratamento superficies

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Informe preliminar del tratamiento de superficies y protección contra la corrosión marina perteneciente al 4º trimestre de 2009
T4/09 Tratamento de superficies e protección contra a corrosión mariña Informe preliminar para Aux Navalia Táboa de contidos 0. Prefacio...................................................................................................................................................... 2 1. Introducción................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Ámbito terminolóxico............................................................................................................................ 3 2. Patentes..................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Patentes. Tratamento de superficies................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Patentes. Anticorrosión...................................................................................................................... 10 2.3 Patentes. Antifouling.......................................................................................................................... 14 3. Artigos...................................................................................................................................................... 19 4. Oferta-demanda de tecnoloxía................................................................................................................. 35 Tecnoloxías. Solicitudes e ofertas........................................................................................................... 36 5. Informes................................................................................................................................................... 41 Outros informes xerais............................................................................................................................. 46 6. Proxectos................................................................................................................................................. 49 6.1 Proxectos. Ámbito europeo................................................................................................................ 49 6.2 Proxectos. Ámbito estatal.................................................................................................................. 53 6.3 Proxectos. Ámbito galego.................................................................................................................. 54 7. Lexislación................................................................................................................................................ 55 8. Eventos.................................................................................................................................................... 58 Anexo I. Centros Tecnolóxicos e Universidades.......................................................................................... 61 Centros tecnolóxicos e de investigación. Ámbito estatal......................................................................... 62 Universidades. Ámbito nacional............................................................................................................... 66 Centros Tecnolóxicos e de Investigación. Ámbito internacional .............................................................. 68 Anexo II. Empresas...................................................................................................................................... 73 Empresas de tratamento de superficies e pintado................................................................................... 73 Oferta de empresas na web..................................................................................................................... 77 Estaleiros................................................................................................................................................. 78 Talleres de reparación............................................................................................................................. 82 Anexo III....................................................................................................................................................... 84 Documentación adxunta.......................................................................................................................... 84 Estado do documento: Actualización Informe Tecnológico Identificador e versión: Trimestre T4/09. Tratamento de superficies e protección contra a corrosión mariña Data de publicación: 07/10/2009 Periodo que abrangue: 2005-2009 Contacto técnico: Eva García Rivera ([email protected] )
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T4/09 Tratamento de superficies e protección contra a corrosión mariñaInforme preliminar para Aux NavaliaTáboa de contidos0. Prefacio......................................................................................................................................................21. Introducción................................................................................................................................................3

1.1 Ámbito terminolóxico............................................................................................................................32. Patentes.....................................................................................................................................................4

2.1 Patentes. Tratamento de superficies...................................................................................................52.2 Patentes. Anticorrosión......................................................................................................................102.3 Patentes. Antifouling..........................................................................................................................14

3. Artigos......................................................................................................................................................194. Oferta-demanda de tecnoloxía.................................................................................................................35

Tecnoloxías. Solicitudes e ofertas...........................................................................................................365. Informes...................................................................................................................................................41

Outros informes xerais.............................................................................................................................466. Proxectos.................................................................................................................................................49

6.1 Proxectos. Ámbito europeo................................................................................................................496.2 Proxectos. Ámbito estatal..................................................................................................................536.3 Proxectos. Ámbito galego..................................................................................................................54

7. Lexislación................................................................................................................................................558. Eventos....................................................................................................................................................58Anexo I. Centros Tecnolóxicos e Universidades..........................................................................................61

Centros tecnolóxicos e de investigación. Ámbito estatal.........................................................................62Universidades. Ámbito nacional...............................................................................................................66Centros Tecnolóxicos e de Investigación. Ámbito internacional..............................................................68

Anexo II. Empresas......................................................................................................................................73Empresas de tratamento de superficies e pintado...................................................................................73Oferta de empresas na web.....................................................................................................................77Estaleiros.................................................................................................................................................78Talleres de reparación.............................................................................................................................82

Anexo III.......................................................................................................................................................84Documentación adxunta..........................................................................................................................84

Estado do documento: Actualización Informe TecnológicoIdentificador e versión: Trimestre T4/09. Tratamento de superficies e protección contra a corrosión mariñaData de publicación: 07/10/2009Periodo que abrangue: 2005-2009Contacto técnico: Eva García Rivera ([email protected])

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T4/09 Tratamento de superficies e protección contra a corrosión mariña

0. PrefacioO obxecto deste informe é describir o estado actual das técnicas e métodos de tratamento de superficies en barcos e a protección contra a corrsión mariña e mediambiental.

A corrosión mariña e a incrustación de microorganismos, que se coñece como biofouling, fai que cada ano sexa necesario gastar miles de euros en limpeza, mantemento, reparacións e demáis. Unha boa protección e prevención fronte a corrosión mediante pinturas e diversos productos axudaría a un gran aforro económico. Hai que ter en conta que aparte dos gastos xerados polas reparacións propias dun barco debido á corrosión hai que sumarlle o tempo que estea parado, tempo no que deixa de producir

Os actuais métodos de limpeza de superficies pretenden ser menos abrasivos e máis repsetuosos cos materiais. Por outra banda as pinturas e productos antifouling e anticorrosión buscan a máxima eficacia repetando o medio mariño e evitando o uso de sustancias contaminates moitas delas prohibidas por diversas leis.

Nota: As informacións que se relacionan neste documento teñen carácter referencial. Se desexa o texto completo de calquera delas, pode solicitalo ao servizo de recuperación de documentos: diríxase ao contacto técnico que figura na portada deste informe indicando o título(s) ou referencia(s) se se indican. Para unha óptima visualización do informe e funcionamento das hiperligazóns recoméndase a utilización de Adobe Acrobat 8.0


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T4/09 Tratamento de superficies e protección contra a corrosión mariña

1. IntroducciónO obxecto deste documento é describir os novas técnicas de tratamento de superficies en buques e a protección contra a corrsión mariña e os métodos antifouling

Decidíuse seguir o seguinte esquema para a realización do informe:● técnicas de preparación de superficies● pinturas● técnicas de aplicación

Polo tanto, as patentes e artigos seguen este esquema de traballo.

1.1 Ámbito terminolóxicoPara delimitar o obxecto da busca de información, definiuse o ámbito terminolóxico mediante a extracción dos identificadores en linguaxe natural:

● [GL] chorreado, granallado, tratamento de superficies, fouling, antifouling, corrosión mariña, anticorrosión.

● [ES] chorreado, granallado, tratamiento de superficies, fouling, antifouling, corrosión marina, anticorrosión, pinturas antifouling, pinturas anticorrosivas

Os identificadores foron complementados coa selección de termos controlados multilíngües, sinónimos e complementarios, utilizando a ferramenta IATE. Esta primeira acotación resultou na elección dos seguintes termos:

● [EN] blasting, sand blasting, surface treatment, fouling, antifouling, marine corrosion, antifoluling paints, anticorrosive paints

Resultando a análise anterior na cadea de interrogación (query) seguinte:

(ship) AND (blasting OR antifouling OR anticorrosion OR surface treatment)

A query xenérica foi adaptada ás características da sintaxe e limitacións na busca de cada fonte de información utilizada, de cara a obter os resultados óptimos en cada caso.


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T4/09 Tratamento de superficies e protección contra a corrosión mariña

2. PatentesAs patentes que se amosan a continuación proceden da base de datos especializada Derwent Innovation Index. Pinchando no título pódese acceder a unha ficha co resumo e debuxo nalgúns casos. Dita ficha obtívose da base de datos de patentes Espacenet que é de acceso público.Para clasificar o listado de patentes seguíuse o proceso natural de tratamento de superficies. Este proceso comprende os seguintes pasos:

● Primeiramente límpase unha superficie mediante técnicas de granallado (chorreado con area), chorreado con auga ou incluso con productos químicos.

● Despois aplicanselle pinturas ou diversos productos antifouling ou/e anticorrosión.

Dentro das patentes de tratamento de superficies están recollidas tanto técnicas de limpeza como equipos de chorreado. Igualmente, as patentes referidas a antifouling e anticorrsión, inclúen tanto pinturas como outros productos e incluso aparatos (como por exemplo o novidoso inhibidor do biofouling mediante ultrasonidos).

Innovamar publica unhos boletíns de intelixencia tecnolóxica. O boletín nº2 titulado “Pinturas y tratamiento antifouling” recolle por un lado, as patentes en materia antifouling desde o ano 2000 e por outro ofrece unha selección de importantes artigos publicados que tratan dito tema. Este informe recóllese no apartado de Informes e pódese acceder a el na seguinte URL. http://www.innovamar.org/descargas/N2%20Antifouling.pdf

Destacar o proxecto HISMAR , que se recolle tanto no apartado de patentes como de proxectos, no que se crea un robot capaz de limpar autonomamente o casco dun barco e detectar posibles defectos na superficie.


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T4/09 Tratamento de superficies e protección contra a corrosión mariña

2.1 Patentes. Tratamento de superficiesO proceso de tratamento de superficies consiste principalmente na limpeza da superficie para o que tradicionalmente se utilizou o granallado. Este método básase no chorreado con area a gran presión sobre a superficie o que fai que se elimine os restos de pintura e demáis. O inconvinte é que é moi abrasivoTamén se utiliza chorro de auga, paletas para rascar, golpes de electricidade e demáis. O método que se escolla dependerá do tipo e nivel de incrustación da suciedade a limpar.. Por exemplo para eliminar restos de pintura será suficiente con chorros de auga pero para eliminar antifouling moi incrustrado é posible que teñamos que recurrir a métodos máis abrasivos.O elemento común a tódolos métodos é tentar que sexa o menos abrasivo posible coa superficie do barco.Máis recentemente inventaronse robots que realizan este proceso automáticamente. Cabe destacar o proxecto HISMAR de creación de robots de limpeza e o proxecto EFTCOR recollido no apartado de proxectos.

As últimas novidades en limpeza de barcos refírense á limpeza crioxénica. En lugar de disparar area o que se dispara é xeo seco, ou o que é o mesmo, micrcristais de dióxido de carbono conxelado que teñen a particularidade de sublimarse e desparecer unha vez efectuado o impacto abrasivo. A principal vantaxe na pouca abrasión do xeo seco.Pinche na seguinte imaxe ou na URL facilitada máis abaixo e accederá ó video demostrativo da limpeza crioxénica

Vídeo demostrativo

A continución cítase o proxecto de robots de limpeza para despois citar distintas patentes sobre técnicas de limpeza de superficies


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T4/09 Tratamento de superficies e protección contra a corrosión mariña

HISMAR Project: Hull Identification System for Marine Autonomous Robotics

HISMAR is a multifunctional robotic platform for specific inspection or maintenance tasks such as structural integrity monitoring of the ship’s hull or cleaning operations. This project offers a means for effectively and efficiently undertaking hull inspection and maintenance thereby potentially extending the safe working life of the vessel, and reducing maintenance and fuel costs. A unique patented navigation system has been developed for HISMAR that allows the robot to map the ship’s hull and, subsequently, autonomously guide the robot through a defined maintenance path. As part of this project, HISMAR aims to perform two hull maintenance task; 1. Cleaning of the hull surface 2. And hull integrity monitoring

The following sections aim to explore the various technologies that are currently being used by the ship maintenance industry to carry out hull cleaning and inspection. Pinche na seguinte imaxe se quere ver o vídeo demostrativo:

Video demostrativo

Infome en formato pdf


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T4/09 Tratamento de superficies e protección contra a corrosión mariña

Nº Patente Título Solicitante



Blasting apparatus for ship, has separator that includes filter segmented by separate unit, and fuel ash discharged in lower part of bucket elevator after being inhaled by vacuum system, where ash is separated from dust and recycled



Direct pressure type polishing apparatus for steel metal structure of ship, has collection tank collecting projection materials, and shut-off valve body isolating projection materials from collection tank to pressure tank



Flow adjusting structure for abrasive material i.e. sand, classifying apparatus of blast system, has horizontal outer tube with outer tube hole, where flow rate of material is continuously adjustable by rotating horizontal outer tube




Iron structure's surface processing method for ship, involves forming and selecting crushed material in constant individual size, and spraying rough grinded material on surface of iron structure of ship


WO2005068287-A1; US2008229994-A1

Hull surface cleaning assembly, at a ship, has a buoyancy unit with a flat surface for exchangeable cleaning brushes operated by a handle through a swivel joint



Washing apparatus for bottom surface of ship, has nozzle to inject cleaning liquid stored in tank on vehicle to bottom surface of ship and return apparatus to return filtered cleaning liquid to tank


CN101108383-A Remote digital ultrasonic antifouling and descaling device has electrical wire that is wound around pipe and connected to frequency converter circuit



Blasting machine for polishing e.g. ship, marine structure, includes forced sending machine which forcedly discharges blast materials out of pressure vessel through discharge port and in fixed amounts


JP2008088725-AAsbestos removal method for wall surface of building, involves spraying polishing material from



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nozzle accommodated inside brush assembly on working plane, and sucking powder dust through suction cover with polishing material



Mobile blasting apparatus for ship, has operator chair in upper end of body, battery to supply driving power to operating unit, control unit to move body in all directions, and tilting unit to adjust blasting nozzle



Multi-functional surface cleaning and pre-treatment apparatus for use in ship, has valve opened to permit grinding chips to move along flexible pipe, and electric power distribution cable equipped in control box


KR440999-Y1 Shot blasting machine for polishing processing object i.e. warped surface of ship, has horizontal tubes and spray nozzle provided in cart part, which is connected to storage tank and air tank



Sponge blasting machine used for e.g. removing foreign material e.g. rust, stain, old coating on surfaces has suction opening, which is provided in casing to suck blast medium were ejected from inner side of casing with negative pressure



KR665873-B1Blasting system in which vacuum cup is movable in forward and rearward directions and movable on main frame by moving unit to effectively remove foreign substances from surface of ship


BR200601335-A Spraying equipment for vertical walls, has chassis located in back of tanks or ships, hoisted by crane and auto-propagated by device




Ferrous surface treating method for use in e.g. dry cargo ship, involves attracting treating apparatus to ferrous surface, and moving apparatus through application of maneuvering force by user from location spaced from carriage


KR2006114564-A Method for suppressing rust on the surface of shipbuilding steel by spraying quicklime on the steel surface in blowing air



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KR2006030546-A Mobile blasting apparatus for overhead preparation of ship, capable of performing blasting operation and movement of travel unit at same time



Target surface coating treatment apparatus for coating ship hull, positions guide support at different locations along linear paths of movement of guidance assembly from which ejection of coating material on target surface is performed


2005CN1583661-A Ceramic blast nozzle and preparation UNIV SHANDONG

WO2005044657-A1; NO200304978-A; NO319207-B1; EP1685022-A1; US2007051392-A1; JP2007510588-W; KR2006129184-A

Cleaning device for surface of object under water e.g. ship hull, sets tangential velocity component for liquid discharged from half of nozzles to have same direction as selected rotation direction of disc in relation to nozzle inclination



Upward polishing apparatus for slag skimming of welded portion of ship's bottom in shipbuilding yard, has coil springs which are interposed between elastic section and nozzle-head elevating device



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2.2 Patentes. AnticorrosiónCorrosión é a interacción dun metal co medio que o rodea, producindo o conseguinte deterioro nas súas propiedades tanto físicas como químicas.Tipos de corrosión.

● Corrosión uniforme: onde a corrosión química ou electroquímica actua en toda a superficie do metal

● Corrosión galvánica: cando metais diferentes se atopan en contacto, ambos metais poseen potenciais eléctricos diferentes.

● Corrosión por picadura: aquí producense furados por un axente químico● Corrosión intraganual● Corrosión por esfuerzo

A protección catódica é unha técnica de control da corrosión, que está sendo aplicada cada día con maior éxito no mundo enteiro.Na práctica pódese utilizar protección catódica en metais como o aceiro, cobre, plomo , latón... contra a corrosión en casi todolos medios acuosos.

Moitas das patentes aquí recollidas tratan sobre a protección catódica. Tamén se recollen patentes de pinturas que retardan a aparición da corrosión.


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A continuación amósanse gráficos que analizan as patentes dos últimos catro anos segun inventor e país de orixe obtidas mediante a ferramenta de análise de patentes Mateo Patent.Os países que lideran son Dinamarca e Xapón

Patentes anticorrosión según inventor:

Patentes anticorrosión según país de orixe:


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T4/09 Tratamento de superficies e protección contra a corrosión mariña

Nº Patente Título Solicitante


JP2009097049-A KUMAI T

Anti-corrosion material for concrete structure comprises porous material containing electrolytic solution with sufficient pH to avoid passive production of blister-like metal surface in surroundings of blister-like metal


WO2008038828-A1; JP2008106235-A; TW200829657-A; EP2070995-A1; KR2009060312-A; NO200901042-A

Anticorrosive paint for ferrous materials used for industrial machines and vehicles, contains zinc metal particles containing fine granules and coarse grains, having preset peak particle size, dispersed in inorganic/organic binder



Anti-rusting process for vessel steel materials involves coating inorganic primer consist of inorganic binder as base layer and zinc alloy particles which contains magnesium, zinc and unavoidable impurity



Corrosion protection system for use in marine engine system comprises components subject to corrosion where the component forms a cathode element, anode element, reference element, and engine control module



Organic siloxane composite material for applying to field of conductivity and corrosion protection comprises polyaniline/carbon black composites distributed in siloxane, where material contains polyaniline/carbon black in specific amount


2007RU2299273-C1 Apparatus for protecting against corrosion


WO2007104121-A1; US2007232749-A1

Organopolysiloxane rubber composition, useful e.g. as anti-corrosion, cathodic protection coating, comprises product obtained by mixing polyorganosiloxane fluids, sacrificial metal, conductive fillers, catalyst and cross linking agent



CN1789492-A Anode assembly with large discharge capacity for cathodic protection



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CN1844454-A Metal oxide anode assembly for cathode protection of ship


US2006065551-A1; US7238263-B2

Meter for testing marine corrosion, comprises reference electrode element, alligator clamp, and housing mechanism comprising input jack receptors, light emitting diodes, central processing unit, multiplexer and micro-processor chip



US2005000831-A1; US6896779-B2

Corrosion sensor system for shipboard tanks, includes electronic module connected to reference module for monitoring and storing potential and current data to allow for analysis of tank coatings degradation



Electrolytic-protection method for protecting marine structural steelwork, coastal structure and ship, involves using structural material whose preset portion is stainless steel material of preset surface roughness


WO2005116148-A1; JP2005336432-A; JP2005336431-A

Paint for steel product, contains flakes-shaped metal or alloy, whose electric potential in aqueous solution is baser than steel


KR2005086129-A Structure of a temporary sacrificial anode fabricated as a band or a wire to prevent corrosion of ship



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2.3 Patentes. AntifoulingA incrustación ou biofouling é o crecemento de organismos mariños sobre a área en inmersión do casco da embarcación.Hay tres tipos de incrustacións:

➢ Algas: de cor verde, marrón ou vermello➢ Limos: barro, bacterias e algas microscópicas➢ Orgánicas: poden ser de dous tipos: non calcáreas (esponxas, briozoas..) ou calcáreas ( con

cáscara), moluuscos...A aparición de unha ou outra clase de incrustación, así como o seu desenrolo, dependerá de factores como a temperatura, luz e salinidade da auga. Estas incustacións teñen efectos na embarcación que debemos considerar:

✗ Pérdida de velocidade✗ Aumento do consumo de combustible✗ Dificultade para a realización de maniobras de emerxencia.

As pinturas antifouling ou antiincrustantes teñen por obxetivo evitar a incrustación dos organismos anteriormente citados no casco da embarcación sumerxida.A forma de actuar de calqueira antiincrustante é a liberación de compostos activos chamados biocidas que crean un ambiente hostil para organismos incrustantes. A incrustación será polo tanto previda e calquer crecemento de organismos será inhibido.As pinturas con compostos de estaño, en foma de tribulilestaño, eran moi eficacies, pero os seus efectos nocivos nos moluscos levaron a súa prohibición para as alicacións mariñas. Dita prohibición quedou totalmente plasmada na INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE CONTROL OF HARMFUL ANTI-FOULING SYSTEMS ON SHIPS, 2001. En Xaneiro de 2008 entraba totalmente en vigor dita prohibición

Os diferentes tipos de antifouling que existen difiren entre sí na forma en que liberan as sustancias biocidas. A sua durabilidade dependerá do espesor da capa aplicada, ó que se unen outros factores que se relacionan directamente coa auga con son a súa riqueza, temperatura, nivel de polución da mesma.

Podemos falar de tres tipos principales de antiincrustantes:● Autopulimentables: Reciben este nome porque se van desgastando co roce da auga. Mentras

haxa pintura, hai biocida (o casco está protexido). Son de máxima eficacia, polo cal hai un coste superior.Presentan unha superficie moi lisa, polo que as suas propiedades hidrodinámicas son excelentes

● De matriz dura: Estos antiincrustantes absorben a auga, mentras a parte solubre da resina se vai desistengrando, deixando unha estructura insolubel que vai disolvendo os productos biocidasÉ aconsellable para zonas de maior desgase, nas que o autopulimentable se desgastaría axiña (hélices, eixes...)

● De matriz branda: É unha mezcla dos anteriores. Nelas a pintura vaise disolvendo. Te o inconvinte de que solo poden estar expostos á intemperie unha semana


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As técnicas máis innovadoras de eliminación de biofouling discorren por sistemas de ultrasonidos. Existen no mercado diversos equipos. Por exemplo Boatsonic consistente nun emisor de ultrasonidos que emite vibracións ultrasónicas en gama baixa de frecuencias de ultrasonidos . O sistema incapacita a adherencia de organismos vivos tanto animais como algas ó casco. As vibracións emitidas polo sistema protexen creando unha película de moléculas de auga vibrando ó “son” da ultrafrecuencia o cal impide a fixación de calquer forma de vida.URL do producto Boatsonic: http://www.fp-nautic.com/inicio.html


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A continuación amósanse gráficos que analizan as patentes dos últimos catro anos segun inventor e país de orixe obtidas mediante a ferramenta de análise de patentes Mateo Patent.Igual que ocorre coas patentes anticorrosión, Xapón situáse como un país lider.

Grafíco de patentes antifouling según inventor:

Gráfico de patentes antifouling según país:


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As patentes que se amosan a continuación recollen tanto productos tales como pinturas que inhiben o crecemento de organismos, materiais que repelen o biofouling como aparatos que eléctricamente fan que o biofouling se desprenda da superficie.

Nº Patente Título Solicitante


WO2009011990-A1; US2009022899-A1

Antifoulant coating useful for inhibiting the growth of marine foulants e.g. barnacles, algae on marine vessels comprises polymer, marine biocide and preservative



Epoxy composite material preparing method for e.g. marine antifouling coating field, involves dispersing polyaniline/carbon black composites in epoxy resin to produce epoxy composite material containing polyaniline/carbon black


2008US2005178286-A1; WO2006025857-A2; US7117807-B2; EP1716451-A2; AU2005280637-A1; JP2007529090-W; AU2005280637-B2; AU2005280637-B8

Dynamic polymer-based coating useful in e.g. non-toxic bio-fouling preventing system and in electrowetting-based pumps comprises a patterned polymeric layer for attachment to a surface containing electrically conductive polymer


WO2005056699-A1; US2005152869-A1; EP1699885-A1; AU2004297396-A1; BR200417488-A; JP2007514035-W; CN1902289-A; EP1699885-B1; DE602004014978-E

Marine anti-fouling coating for, e.g. hulls of ships, comprises, sequentially, primer adhesive to be applied to surface to be coated, binder adhesive, and metallic component comprising metal(s) that oxidizes when in contact with water


IN200602162-I1 Apparatus for prevention of biofoulingCOUNCIL SCI & IND RES INDIA



Fiber-coated marine material with antifouling properties for immersed structures, such as platforms, oil rigs, mooring posts, ships, boats, and buoys, is at least partially covered by piles of fibers having certain thickness-to-length ratio


JP2007055568-ALow frequency electric current type ship's bottom anti-fouling system, has electric current control unit that controls supply of low frequency electric current to several electrodes at ship's bottom



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EP1801169-A2; EP1801169-A3

Paint/coating composition, useful to protect surface exposed to aqueous environment from fouling organisms present in aqueous environment, comprises menthol and/or isopulegol; compound e.g. menthyl esters; and film forming agent


FR2894974-A1; WO2007080271-A1

Sprayable antifouling product for protection of ships' hulls, contains a high proportion of particles of copper or copper-nickel alloy, plus a small amount of binder and a volatile diluent to enable application by spray gun



WO2006045161-A1Marine antifouling system for marine surfaces e.g. boat hull, marine vessel, underwater structure, has partially magnetic transducer having polar axis in parallel to marine surface


WO2006121937-A1; US2007042199-A1; EP1879972-A1

Substrate, e.g. ship surface such as hull, has antifouling coating comprising polymeric material including polyamine cross-linked polysiloxane and/or its salts


2005SE200400934-A; SE527064-C2 Film for preventing propeller fouling, comprises

layer for bonding to propeller and outer PTFE layerWINBERG R

US2005096407-A1; WO2005042649-A1; EP1675919-A1; MX2006004325-A1; BR200415537-A

Marine self-polishing antifouling coating composition, useful to protect ship hulls, underwater structures, fish nets and ship bottoms, comprises at least one biocidally active material and a polymer binder



Removable and replaceable antifouling laminate to provide protection to water submersed object e.g. boat/vessel hull comprises protective layer having blended mixture of synthetic rubber and cuprous oxide


CN1557896-A; CN1279132-C

Environmental protection composite antifouling paint comprises organic resin, hot natural plant material, non-toxic mildew-preventing disinfectant and inorganic pigment



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3. ArtigosO seguinte listado de artigos proceden da base de datos especializada Web of Science que inclúe tanto artigos científicos publicados en revistas especializadas como en conferencias, congresos , simposios e demáis eventos.A grandes rasgos os artigos recollidos tratan os seguintes puntos:

● Técnicas electroquímicas como a que recolle o informe “Estudio de la corrosión en ambiente marino de aleaciones del sistema fermanal mediante técnicas electroquímicas”

● Robots de limpeza para a posterior aplicación de pinturas● Productos químicos ou pinturas que preveñen o biofouling e a corrosión

Hai que destacar que artigos relacionados con tratamentos antifouling ou anticorrsión non proceden de eventos relacionados co mundo naval ou marítimo senón de congresos ou conferencias de ámbito químico. Esto débese a que os productos utilizados para inhibir o crecemento de microorganismos mariños ou protexer contra a corrosión son productos químicos .

Hai que sinalar que son artigos novidosos Butyltin compounds, sterility and imposex assessment in Nassallus reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758), prior to the 2008 European ban on TBT antifouling paints, within Basque ports and along coastal que trata sobre a prohibición do TBT en costas Vascas, Exposure and protective measures during the application of antifouling paints que trata sobre a protección que hai que ter en conta á hora de usar pinturas antifouling e protectoras.


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Oxygen-depleted surfaces: a new antifouling technology Autor:

J. Fredrik Lindgren; Mikael Haeffner; Claes T. Ericsson; Per R. Jonsson Data:

JYU 2009Fonte:

Biofouling, Volume 25, Issue 5 Páxs 455 - 461 Resumo:

A novel, non-toxic strategy to combat marine biofouling is presented. The technology is paint with additions of up to 43% of industrial protein. Through microbial degradation of the protein component, an oxygen-depleted layer rapidly forms in a 0.2 mm layer close to the paint surface. With the present paint formulations, a stable, O2-depleted layer can persist for 16 weeks. Barnacle larvae (cyprids) did not settle on panels where oxygen saturation was <20%, and cyprids were killed when exposed to O2-free water for more than 1 h. It is also shown that the O2-depleted layer will rapidly reform (within 15 min) after exposure to turbulent flow. Field exposure of panels for 16 weeks showed that paint with protein reduced fouling by barnacles and bryozoans by 80% and close to 100%, respectively. The results suggest that this novel technology may be developed into a non-toxic alternative to copper-based antifouling paints, especially for pleasure boats in sensitive environments. There is clearly potential for further development of the paint formulation, and a full-scale test on a boat-hull suggested that service-life under realistic operations needs to be improved.

Butyltin compounds, sterility and imposex assessment in Nassallus reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758), prior to the 2008 European ban on TBT antifouling paints, within Basque ports and along coastal

Autor: German Rodriguez, J. ; Tueros, Itziar ; Borja, Angel ; Franco, Javier ; Garcia Alonso, J. Ignacio ; Mikel Garmendia, Joxe ; Muxika, Inigo ; Sariego, Cristina ; Valencia, Victoriano

Data: APR 2009

Fonte:CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH , Vol. 29, Issue 8; Páxs. 1165-1173

Resumo:Levels of imposex (superimposition of male characters, upon females) and the presence of sterile females are assessed in the gastropod Nassarius reticulatus (L), at 35 locations in the Basque Country. At 18 of these localities, organotin bioaccumulation (tributyltin (TBT); dibutyltin; monobutyltin) was evaluated, using isotope dilution GC-ICP-MS. Higher imposex levels and TBT body burden were found in confined harbours, with large vessel traffic or the presence of an offshore fleet. The highest values were found for the port of Pasaia, near to a shipyard (a relative penis size index of up to 92%, and TBT body burden up to 405 ng g(-1) - given on a dry weight basis as Sn). Imposex effects were evaluated also in parasitized females, at some of the sampling sites. The percentage of presence of c-type Vas Deferens sequence stages (i.e., with vas deferens beginning at the oviduct opening) was higher in parasitized females. In turn, there was an absence of highly convoluted oviduct in parasitized females


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Characterization of chemically active antifouling paints using electrochemical impedance spectrometry and erosion tests

Autor:Bressy, Christine ; Hugues, Christelle ; Margaillan, Andre

Data:JAN 2009

Fonte:PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS, Vol. 64, Issue 1, Páxs. 89-97

Resumo: The water sorption and solubility parameters of chemically active paints were studied by electrochemical impedance spectrometry (EIS) measurements. Erodible acrylic-based coatings containing biocidal tertiary amines were investigated. Results from EIS measurements show that both the water sorption at saturation and the apparent water diffusion coefficient decrease as the alkyl chain length of the biocidal amines increases from 8 to 16 carbon atoms. The increase of the hydrophobic character of the resulting coatings results to a higher resistance to erosion. Erosion tests performed under static and dynamic conditions show that the seawater conditions can markedly affect the performance of chemically active paints.

Corrosion Protection Mechanism of Polyaniline Blended Organic Coating on Steel

Autor: Sathiyanarayanan, S.; Jeyaram, R. ; Muthukrishnan, S. ; Venkatachari, G.

Data: 2009


Resumo: Epoxy-coal tar coatings are widely used to protect steel structures exposed to marine atmosphere due to their good barrier property. However, the presence of micropores and microcracks formed during the coating formation leads to failure of the coating due to permeation of corrosive ions. In recent years, it has been established that the coatings containing polyaniline (PANI) is able to protect pinholes and defects due to its passivating ability. Hence, a study has been made on the effect of polyaniline content (1 and 3%) in epoxy-coal tar coating on the corrosion protection of steel in 3% NaCl solution by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) studies. Both phosphate- and chloride-doped polyanilines were prepared by a chemical oxidative polymerization method. From EIS studies, it has been found that the resistance value of the coatings containing 1 and 3% phosphate-doped polyaniline and 3% chloride-doped polyaniline pigmented coatings are similar to 10(9) Omega cm(2) even after 90 days exposure to NaCl solution, which are two orders high in comparison to that of conventional coal tar epoxy coatings. Besides, the conducting state of polyaniline has been found to be decreased after exposure to NaCl solution due to redox property of PANI. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies have shown that polyaniline forms a complex layer with iron beneath the coating along with iron oxide.


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Autor: Alejandro Vargas Uscategui, William Aperador Chaparro, Cesar Ortiz Otalora, Juan David Betancur , Chaur-Jeng Wang

Data: 2009

Resumo: Suplemento de la Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales, Páxs. 251-257En este trabajo se estudia la corrosión en ambiente marino simulado de las aleaciones Fe- 22.6Mn – 6.3Al – 3.1Cr – 0.675C (F1), Fe- 28.0Mn – 5.2Al – 5.1Cr – 2.8 Si – 0.95C (F2) y Acero AISI 316, mediante espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS), pulso galvanostático (GPT), curvas de polarización Tafel y difracción de rayos X (DRX). Para la simulación del ambiente marino se empleó una solución al 3,5%wt. de NaCl. A través de DRX se encontró que los principales productos de corrosión fueron Mn2O3, Fe2O3 y Fe(Mn, Al)2O4, para las aleaciones F1 y F2, respectivamente

Documento orixinal

Exposure and protective measures during the application of antifouling paints

Autor:Bleck, D. ; Mueller, A ; Holthenrich, D. ; Schlueter, U. ;

Data:MAY 2009

Fonte:GEFAHRSTOFFE REINHALTUNG DER LUFT, Vol. 69, Issue 5, Páxs 215- 221

Resumo:Information on exposure and protective measures during the application of antifoulants was gathered by interviews and dockyard inspections. The different tasks and exposure parameters were determined and best practise examples were identified. Mixing and loading of airless spray-guns with large amounts of antifouling paint was associated with high exposure of hands, feet and fronts of legs. Predominant exposure factors were the diligence of the user and the general working conditions. The spraying direction in relation to the workers and the tightness of the working space were important factors for the amount and the patterns of aerosol-deposition onto the sprayers' bodies. Contact with contaminated surfaces during the spraying process resulted in considerable exposure of both hands and body. Personal protective equipment was generally worn according to the instructions if frequent controls by a supervisor were to be expected.

Fouling control using air bubble curtains: protection for stationary vessels

Autor:Scardino, A. J. ; Fletcher, L. E. ; Lewis, J. A.

Data:JAN 2009

Resumo:JOURNAL OF MARINE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Issue A 13 Páxs. 3-10There is an increasing need by the marine industries for effective non-toxic control of fouling. One of the major limitations of new fouling release coatings is that they cannot protect structures whilst stationary and will not release certain fouling organisms when vessels are operating at low speeds. This is a major problem for slow or infrequently


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moving vessels and for vessels docked in tropical waters where fouling pressure is extreme. This paper describes novel technology (provisional patent # 2008905482) to protect vessels whilst stationary using air bubble curtains. The results of several panel tests and one hull patch trial demonstrate that this technique is a simple, cost-effective means to complement fouling release coatings whilst vessels are in dock

Implications of the ban on organotins for protection of global coastal and marine ecology

Autor:Sonak, Sangeeta ; Pangam, Prajwala ; Giriyan, Asha ; Hawaldar, Kavita

Data:FEB 2009


Resumo:Organotin-based antifouling paints are highly effective against most fouling organisms, and their application results in a large amount of savings for the shipping industry. On the other hand, TBT (tributyltin) in antifouling paints is described as the most toxic substance ever introduced into the marine environment. Consequential environmental impacts of TBT led to its regulation in many countries, although concerns were raised regarding the complete prohibition of organotin-based compounds in antifouling paints. Serious concerns were also raised regarding the complete banning of organotins. After long deliberations, the AFS Convention (convention to control the use of harmful antifouling systems on ships) was adopted on 5 October 2001. The Convention, which prohibits the use of harmful organotins in antifouling paints used on ships, will enter into force on 17 September 2008. In view of the concerns raised against the prohibition of organotin-based compounds in antifouling paints, this paper focuses on a review of the AFS Convention, with a gap analysis on the difficulties in implementation of the Convention. It also offers some recommendations for improved policies


Autor:Kamaitis, Zenonas

Data:DEC 2008


Resumo:Corrosion is a serious problem for the durability of reinforced concrete structures. These structures need to be protected from corrosion in a variety of exposure conditions ranging From atmospheric to continuous immersion ill water or chemicals. One of the ways to protect reinforced concrete structures from corrosion is 10 use protective coatings. The surface barriers of non-degradable materials are able to slow down considerably the rate of deterioration of concrete structures and to overcome most durability problems associated with external attack. Design of durability of concrete structures with protective coatings needs to be established. In this paper a general framework for service life prediction and reliability evaluation of anticorrosion protective system (CPS), which is represented by protective surface barrier, concrete cover, and steel reinforcement itself of reinforced concrete structures, is presented. This approach


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is based oil a reasonable understanding of the main degradation processes of all components ensuring protection ability and durability of concrete structures.

A multipurpose compound for protective coatings Autor:

Del Amo B, Blustein G, Perez M, et al.Data:

JUL, 2008Fonte:


Resumo:International regulations concerning the protection of both the environment and industrial workers have prompted paint manufacturers and end users to look for suitable replacements for traditional pigments.One of the aims of this investigation was to study the inhibitive properties of ferric benzoate-based paints in simulated marine corrosion condition (3% NaCl solution). Anticorrosive paints containing ferric benzoate were formulated and their performance was evaluated by accelerated (salt fog chamber) and electrochemical (corrosion potential and ionic resistance) tests.In addition, the action of ferric benzoate as a probable antifouling agent was studied through laboratory tests and marine exposure. Ferric benzoate hydrolyzes in seawater producing a pH decrease. In this sense, the effects of the pH and the anion benzoate dissolved in seawater and leached from an antifouling paint were evaluated on Balanus amphitrite nauplii. Although benzoate anion showed an intense narcotic effect on nauplii, the results of this research clearly demonstrated that the antifouling activity is due to the combined action of this anion and the pH decrease, i.e. there exists a synergic effect. Field trials confirmed laboratory assays; paints containing ferric benzoate were effective for inhibiting organism settlement and as corrosion of metal.

Component oriented development of robot control units: Service robots for hull cleaning applications

Autor:Iborra A, Pastor JA, Alvarez B, et al.

Data: APR, 2008


Resumo: A critical operation in the ship maintenance is the hull blasting before it is repainted. In the last decade several solutions have appeared in the market that pretends to solve this problem. They are focused on robotizing this operation. Despite it, the hull cleaning operations are usually being carried out by manual means in shipyards. This article presents a robot family that supposes a good solution for the outlined problem. It reasonably satisfies all the requirements related to operatibility, efficiency, safety and environmental protection. For the design of the control systems we have followed an approach based on components, in order to reuse the code and to minimize the development times. The work here presented has been developed inside the EFTCoR project, funded by VFP of the EU


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Marine paint fomulations: Conducting polymers as anticorrosive additivesAutor:

Armelin E, Oliver R, Liesa F, et al.Data:

APR, 2007Fonte:

PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS, Vol. 59, Cap. 1, Páx. 46-52Resumo:

Within coating technology, there is increasing interest in the development of efficient anticorrosive additives able to replace the conventional inorganic anticorrosive pigments usually added to paints, which may have detrimental effects on both environment and health. A number of recent studies have evidenced that the modification of a paint formulation by the addition of a low concentration of conducting polymer (0.2-0.3%, w/w) increases significantly the protective properties of the coating. Here we focus on the principles of anticorrosive additives based on conducting polymers for marine paints. The article reviews the most important findings achieved in recent studies. The relevant factors that are determinant for the anticorrosive protection imparted by conducting polymers, as the doping level, the miscibility with paint, the electrochemical stability, etc., are discussed in detail.

Marine paints: The particular case of antifouling paints Autor:

Almeida E, Diamantino TC, de Sousa OData:

APR, 2007Fonte:

PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS, Vol. 59, Cap. 1, Páx. 2-20Resumo:

The authors present a general overview of marine paints, paying particular attention to the case of antifouling paints. After locating these paints in the anticorrosive protection systems used on the underwater parts of ships and/or other moving structures, a summary is made of the main types of antifouling products used through history up to the present time. This is complemented by a systematic assessment of the main types of living organisms that fix themselves to the underwater parts of ships. Consideration is also briefly made of the main basic mechanisms by which the different types of antifouling paints work. Finally a number of current research lines on antifouling technologies are mentioned.


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Reinforcing aluminium with cerium oxide: A new and effective technique to prevent corrosion in marine environments

Autor:Ashraf PM, Shibli SMA

Data:MAR, 2007


Resumo:Cerium oxide (CeO2) is one of the potential choices to be explored for the protection of aluminium from corrosion. However, usage of cerium ions for surface modification of aluminium would not yield any potential effect in aggressive marine environments. Metal matrix composites of aluminium can have all the merits of aluminium such as density, strength, ductility and cost. In the present study, corrosion of aluminium in saline environment was significantly suppressed by means of reinforcing the aluminium with cerium oxide. The presence of cerium oxide in the matrix did not facilitate the formation of Al2O3 which would cause potential reshift after few days due to the onset of pitting. The present results strongly lay emphasis on the potential scope of use of CeO2 for protection of aluminium in marine environments.

Laser ablation and competitive technologies in paint stripping of heavy anti-corrosion coatings - art. no. 634633

Autor:Schuocker GD, Bielak R


Fonte:XVI International Symposium on Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-Power Lasers, Pts 1 and 2 Book Series: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE), Vol. 6346, Cap. , Páx. 34633-34633

Resumo:During the last years surface preparation prior to coating operations became an important research and development task, since tightened environmental regulations have to be faced in view of the deliberation of hazardous compounds of coatings. Especially, ship-yards get more and more under pressure, because the environmental commitment of their Asian competitors is fairly limited. Therefore, in the US and in Europe several technology evaluation projects have been launched to face this challenge. The majority of coating service providers and ship yards use grit blasting; this process causes heavy emissions as of dust and enormous amounts of waste as polluted sand. Coating removal without any blasting material would reduce the environmental impact. Laser processing offers ecological advantages. Therefore thermal processes like laser ablation have been studied thoroughly in several published projects and also in this study. Many of these studies have been focused on the maintenance of airplanes, but not on de-coating of heavy protective coatings. In this case the required laser power is extra-high. This study is focused on the maintenance of heavy anti-corrosion coatings and compares the industrial requirements and the opportunities of the innovative laser processes. Based on the results of this analysis similar approaches as e.g. plasma jet coating ablation have been studied. It was concluded that none of these methods can compete economically with the conventional processes as grit blasting and water jetting since the required ablation rate is very high (> 60 m(2)/h). A new process is required that is not based on any blasting operation and which does not depend strongly on the


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coating's characteristic. The delamination of the coating where the coatings is not removed by evaporation, but in little pieces of the complete coating system meets these requirements. The delamination can be accomplished by the thermal destruction of the primer coating by an intense heat pulse generated by inductive heating of substrate's surface. After this operation the coating can be peeled off.

Robots for hull ship cleaning Autor:

Ortiz F, Pastor JA, Alvarez B, et al.Data:



Resumo.A critical operation for ship maintenance is periodical hull blasting before re-painting. Up to date some partial solutions exist like blasting turbines for vertical surfaces or water blasting units for striping. This paper presents the EFTCoR family of robots, designed by DSIE, that represent an integral solution for hull blasting that achieves the efficiency, safety and environmental requirements of shipyards. The paper also shows the results of the tests performed under real working conditions and a brief summary of the architectural framework for the robotic systems development.

Application of electrochemically produced and oxidized poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) as anticorrosive additive for paints: Influence of the doping level

Autor: Liesa F, Ocampo C, Aleman C, et al.

Data:OCT, 2006

Fonte:JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, Vol. 102, Cap. 2, Páx. 1592-1599

Resumen:This work investigates the resistance against marine corrosion of an epoxy-based coating modified by the addition of electrochemically produced and oxidized poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT). For this purpose, electrodeposition of PEDOT was performed on steel electrodes by electrochemical polymerization of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene. The doping level of the resulting material was increased by chronoamperometry and chronopotentiometry (CP), three different oxidation degrees being achieved. The electrochemical and electrical properties of such three samples, which were used as anticorrosive additives, were examined. Furthermore, the physical properties of the coating before and after addition of the conducting polymers were characterized using FTIR, thermal analyses, and mechanical properties evaluations. Accelerated corrosion tests indicated that the polymer with the highest amount of positive charge per monomeric unit, which was achieved by CP, enhances considerably the anticorrosive protection imparted by the coating.


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Recent studies on antifouling systems to artificial structures in marine ecosystem

Autor:E. Ergía López, A. Trueba Ruíz, B. Río Calonge, M.A. Girón Portilla an C. Bielva Tejera


Fonte:Journal of Martime Research, Vol. III, nº1, Páxs 73-89

Resumo:Any artificial structure in contact with seawater is rapidly coated by a microbiological biofilm, which serves as a base for macro-orgnisms to grow on. It tis known the biofouling phenomenon, as well as the negative consequences that it means for the artificial structures in contact with seawater in form of structural defects and of additinal expenses for the companies which develop their work in the marine scope due to the processes of cleaning and prevention, the evolution in th world of the technology of antifouling pintings, once we analysed the serious environmental problems caused by an indiscriminate use of bicides of high toxicity in its composition as they ar the organic derivatives of in compounds made up and of the uncontrolled emission of volatile orgnaic compounds (VOC) to the atmosphere, accoding to the present environmental norm, has as only aim to develop environmentally innocuous coverings based on water in wihich extracts of very same marine world ar used as biocides compunds.

Documento orixinal

Water-borne versus solvent-borne paints for protection of steel to atmospheric exposure

Autor: Fragata F, Almeida E, Santos D, et al.

Data:SEP, 2006


Resumo.Water-borne anticorrosive paints are acquiring increasing relevance for the anticorrosive protection of steel surfaces exposed to the atmosphere, mostly due to the restrictions imposed by environmental and health protection agencies. However, some companies continue to be reluctant to use paints of this type to protect steel against atmospheric corrosion. Part of this reluctance may be attributed to low confidence, mainly due to a lack of knowledge of the performance of water-borne paint systems compared with traditional organic solvent-based paint systems. This paper presents results of experimental studies and includes technical considerations on the anticorrosive performance of paint systems using water-borne or solvent-borne paints when exposed to atmospheres with different degrees of corrosivity. On the basis of the practical results and the considerations presented in this paper, it may be stated that water-borne paint systems are currently available which present excellent anticorrosive behaviour, even in highly corrosive atmospheres.


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Conducting polymers: Influence on the anticorrosive properties of marine paints

Autor:Aleman C, Ocampo C, Armelin E, et al.

Data:JUL, 2006

Fonte:CIENCIAS MARINASConference Information: 12th Iberian Marine Chemistry Symposium, 2004 A Coruña., Vol. 32, Cap. 2B, Páx. 361-368

Resumo:This work compares the resistance against marine corrosion of several paints before and after being modified by adding a conducting polymer. The physical properties of the paints were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, thermal analyses and mechanical assays. Corrosion experiments were carried out by immersion of metallic substrates in a 3.5% NaCl solution. The effects of the degradation on the coating surfaces were analyzed using both optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. An important improvement in the protection was found after adding a small amount of conducting polymer to the epoxy resin paint.

A study of the effects of pigments and fillers on the properties of anticorrosive paints

Autor:Kalendova A, Vesely D, Kalenda P


Fonte:PIGMENT & RESIN TECHNOLOGY , Vol. 35, Cap. 2, Páx. 83-94

Resumo:Purpose - To investigate the properties of coatings containing various types of fillers from the point of view of their physical-mechanical properties and anticorrosive properties.Design/methodology/approach - Research used fillers of different types varying in morphology and/or chemical composition; these were then compared with selected pigments and zinc phosphate, an anticorrosive pigment. The following parameters were observed for all of the fillers and pigments: oil absorption, CPVC value, density, extract pH, specific surface, particle size, and water-soluble substances. The morphology of particles was observed by means of an electron-scanning microscope. The coatings of these fillers and pigments were formulated on an epoxy resin binder basis cured with a polyamine hardener. The coatings prepared were subjected to the measurement of physical-mechanical properties such as hardness and deepening resistance, flex resistance, adhesion to steel, and the gloss of the coatings. The coatings containing the fillers and pigments studied underwent corrosion tests in a condenser chamber and in a salt-spray cabinet.Findings - The results obtained through the tests allowed the selection of the optimum filler for an epoxy coating with barrier anticorrosive properties. As per respective findings, some fillers in these coatings of significant thickness can be comparable to their zinc phosphate counterparts.Research limitations/implications - The anticorrosive properties of the coatings studied can also be tested in paints by means of atmospheric exposure, for instance, with the aid of a Florida test.


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Practical implications - The findings are helpful towards applications in the formulations of anticorrosive coatings of significant thickness that offer an effective barrier mechanism.Originality/value - The research presents the results of the properties of a whole range of industrially employed fillers and pigments contained in paints. Based on this study, the formulation of steel protecting coatings can be optimised.

A systematic approach to developing safe tele-operated robotsAutor:

Alonso D, Sanchez P, Alvarez B, et al.Data:


RELIABLE SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES - ADA - EUROPE 2006, PROCEEDINGS Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, Vol. 4006, Cap. , Páx. 119-130Resumo: Tele-operated service robots are used for extending human capabilities in hazardous and/or inaccessible environments. Their use is undergoing an exponential increase in our society, reason why it is of vital importance that their design, installation and operation follow the strictest possible process, so that the risk of accident could be minimised. However, there is no such process or methodology that guides the full process from identification, evaluation, proposal of solutions and reuse of safety requirements, although a hard work is being done, specially by the standardisation committees. It's also very difficult to even find in the literature examples of safety requirements identification and use. This paper presents the engineering process we have followed to obtain the safety requirements in one of the robots of the EFTCoR1 project and the way this requirements have affected the architecture of the system, with a practical example: a crane robot for ship hull blasting.

Evaluation of fatigue strength improvement of ship structural details by weld toe grinding

Autor:Kim MH, Kang SW, Lee JM, et al.


Fonte:Fracture and Damage Mechanics V, Pts 1 and 2 Book Series: KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS , Vol. , Cap. , Páx. 1079

Resumo:In order to strengthen or repair the welded structural members or fatigue damaged areas, various surface treatment methods such as grinding, shot peening and/or hammer peening are commonly employed among other methods available. While the weld toe grinding method is known to give 3 similar to 4 times of fatigue strength improvement, this improvement may significantly vary according to weld bead shapes and loading modes. In this context, a series of fatigue tests is carried out for three types of test specimens that are typically found in ship structures. Weld burr grinding is carried out using an electric grinder in order to remove surface defects and improve weld bead profiles. The test results are compared with the same type of test specimen without applying the fatigue improvement technique in order to obtain a quantitative measure of the fatigue strength improvement. Moreover, structural stress method is employed to evaluate the effectiveness of the method in evaluating the fatigue strength improvement of welded structures.


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Teleoperated visual inspection system for hull spot-blastingAutor:

Navarro P, Suardiaz J, Alcover P, et al.Data:


ECON 2006 - 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, Vols 1-11, Vol. , Cap. , Páx. 3117-3122

Resumo:This paper presents a robotized teleoperated visual inspection system for spot-blasting applied to hull cleaning in ship maintenance tasks. It consists of a cleaning head, a robot body, a remote control unit, and a teleoperation platform connected to a computer vision system. This solution allows a reliable and cost effective operation for hull grit spot-blasting. A prototype of this robot has been developed and tested in the Spanish IZAR shipyards.

Understanding material interactions in marine environments to promote extended structural life

Autor:Shifler DA

Data:OCT, 2005

Fonte:CORROSION SCIENCEConference Information: International Symposium on Corrosion and Protection of Marine Structures, AUG 29-31, 2004 Muroran Inst Technol, Muroran, JAPAN, Vol. 47, Cap. 10, Páx. 2335-2352

Resumo:Corrosion in marine environments is affected by how and to what extent seawater interacts with materials, by the choice of material, and by design of components, systems, and structures. Seawater is a complex, naturally buffered fluid that covers much of the Earth's surface. The chloride content and the dissolved oxygen content in seawater promote competing processes of passivation and the breakdown of passivity. Seawater is a living medium where microbiological organisms thrive and attach to virtually all materials leading to biofilm formation and micro- and macrofouling. Microbiological activity may accelerate corrosion processes or act as a passive barrier. Biofilms have been shown to ennoble materials in seawater after an induction period.The behavior of materials, particularly metals and alloys, in marine environments generally depend on the chemical composition, the stability of the oxide film, metallurgical and processing parameters, and the effectiveness of any applied protection and mitigation measures.Materials selection and appropriate design can avoid, delay, or minimize the occurrence of several forms of corrosion. The proper choices require an complete understanding of materials, design factors, the type of marine environment, and the relevant corrosion control methodologies in order to promote increasing service life to marine structures.This paper will discuss some of the parameters that affect materials performance and some effective measures by which alloys can be protected in selected marine environments.


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Marine corrosion and protection of aluminum alloys according to their composition and structure

Autor:Sinyavskii VS, Kalinin VD

Data: AUG, 2005

Fonte:PROTECTION OF METALS, Vol. 41, Cap. 4, Páx. 317-328 Resumo: Based on long-term tests of aluminum alloys in seawater of various climatic zones from the Arctic to the tropics, the peculiarities of their corrosion behavior are revealed. In contrast to other alloys, hydrogen sulfide has a beneficial effect on their corrosion resistance due to the passivation. However, deep in the Black Sea, the alloys, which are susceptible to structural types of corrosion, were subjected to strong exfoliation corrosion, because hydrogen sulfide excluded fouling with microorganisms that inhibits exfoliation corrosion. Alloys of the Al-Mg system exhibit the highest corrosion resistance in seawater. Alloy of an AMr61 type (sigma(ul) = 340 MPa, sigma(0.2) = 180-210 MPa, delta = 11-15 %) has shown a good performance. Alloying with scandium and thermo-mechanical treatment make possible further simultaneous improvement of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. It is shown that crevice corrosion is more typical of corrosion-resistant low aluminum alloys possessing lower free-corrosion and pitting potentials compared to high alloys, which are susceptible to structural types of corrosion, in particular, exfoliation corrosion. The methods of the aluminum alloys protection against marine corrosion are considered. It is shown that, in contrast to carbon steels, the anodic-cathodic protection is used for aluminum alloys.

Application of a polythiophene derivative as anticorrosive additive for paints

Autor:Ocampo C, Armelin E, Liesa F, et al.

Data: JUL, 2005

Fonte:PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS, Vol. 53, Cap. 33, Páx. 217-224

Resumo:This work compares the resistance against marine corrosion of several paints before and after being modified by adding a conducting polymer derived from polythiophene. The selected paints, which were applied to the naval steel St F111, are primers specially indicated for protection in marine environments. The physical properties of both the unmodified and the modified paints were characterized using viscosity measurements, FTIR and thermal analyses, and mechanical properties evaluations. Results show that the addition of a low concentration (0.2%, w/w,) of poly(3-decylthiophene-2,5-diyl)-regioregular greatly improve the performance of the epoxy-based resin. Thus, laboratory immersion tests in NaCl solution showed irregular surface and composition degradations of the film without conducting polymer, after 3 days, while the polymeric film with the conducting polymer did not suffer any change until 30 days. The effects of the degradation on the coating surfaces were analysed using both optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).


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Corrosion of the marine infrastructure in polluted seaports Autor:

Wiener MS, Salas BVData:

JUN, 2005Fonte:

CORROSION ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , Vol. 40, Cap. 2, Páx. 137-142Resumo: Corrosion affects both fixed and mobile marine installations and equipment made from two basic engineering materials: steel and reinforced concrete. Typical cases of corrosion appear in the retaining walls of marine ports and in the floating docks of shipyards. This situation has been aggravated in recent decades by the discharge of municipal, industrial, and agricultural effluents which contain and/or produce by biological and chemical decomposition, toxic and highly corrosive components. The corrosive substances include hydrogen sulphide (H2S), oxygen (O-2), carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia (NH3) and heavy metals. In this brief review, contaminated ports are described and typical cases of marine corrosion and methods of corrosion prevention and protection are discussed.


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Application of natural materials in marine paint formulations Autor:

Tadros ABData:


PIGMENT & RESIN TECHNOLOGY , Vol. 24, Cap. 6, Páx. 340-346Resumo:

Purpose - Trials to develop environmentally friendly marine paints based on natural materials as replacement for copper and tin compounds for fouling and marine corrosion control.Design/methodology/approach - Green algae, tubeworms in dead powder form and garlic were used as natural anti-fouling components in the paints developed. Electrochemical technique was employed for testing the potential of both tubeworms and garlic in terms of inhibition of steel corrosion in seawater. Marine paint formulations containing each of the three selected natural materials were applied onto PVC and un-primed steel surface, which were immersed in natural seawater for the assessment of their anti-fouling and anti-corrosion properties. The results of visual assessment and seawater analysis were also used for such an evaluation.Findings - Tubeworms act as mixed type inhibitor while garlic affects the potential cathodic process of steel in seawater Tubeworms-based paint, with 25 per cent in the dry paint film, could protect steel surface from marine corrosion up to 7 months. The paints containing algae and garlic, and the corresponding algae/garlic free paints, resisted slime film formation. Steel and PVC coated surfaces with paint containing algae showed the best antifouling potential within the prepared series.Research limitations\implications - The investigation only involved the application of the dead form of green algae and tubeworms as effective pigments in the developed paints. It is recommended that further research should focus on extracting and identifying the active components in each organism against fouling and marine corrosion.Practical implications - The paint formulations developed (containing 25 per cent by weight tubeworms in the paint film) could be used to protect un-primed steel surface against fouling and marine corrosion for a reasonably long duration.Originality/value - The application of one paint formulation on un-primed steel surface for its protection from both fouling and marine corrosion is novel. The electrochemical studies of steel in natural seawater in presence of tubeworms and garlic are original.


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4. Oferta-demanda de tecnoloxíaA continuación preséntase unha lista de intercambio de tecnoloxía a nivel europeo obtida da Europe Enterprise Network. Esta gran rede dá apoio en materia tecnolóxica, política, e de posibilidades de financiación na UE ás empresas.

Para ampliar información sobre algunha demanda ou oferta de tecnoloxía hai que poñerse en contacto coa Unidade de Vixilancia e Transferencia Tecnolóxica que a través do Consorcio Galactea Plus, membro da Europe Enterprise Network, actúa como intermediario cara a Europa na difusión de calquera demanda ou oferta tecnolóxica. Email: [email protected]: 981 33 71 46

O gráfico que se amosa a continuación amosa que as tecnoloxías que se ofertan e demandan, maioritariamente a oferta, pertencen a métodos para tratar superficies ou eliminar biofouling e outra parte similar pertence a productos como poden ser as pinturas.





Tipoloxía das ofertas e solicitudes de tecnoloxía


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Tecnoloxías. Solicitudes e ofertas

Method to prevent and control the biofouling on objects immersed or partially immersed in water

Tipo: OfertaReferencia: 09 IT 54V8 3ELW País: ItaliaData: 10/08/2009Resumo:

An Italian micro-SME has developed a new technology/product that refers to a method to prevent and control biofouling on objects immersed or partially immersed in water, where one or more organic and inorganic compounds capable to generate gas, including the application of a composition (a paint or coating containing one or more enzymes) on the surface of that object are present. The company is looking for industrial partners interested in further development and production.

Innovative Method for Removing/Destroying Polychloinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Painted Surfaces

Tipo: Oferta:Referencia: 09 US 87GA 3EDQPaís: USAData: 10/07/2009Resumo:

A US government agency has developed a new way to remove/destroy polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on painted surfaces. Despite a global ban on PCB production due to human-health risks, many surfaces are still coated with PCB-laden paints. Disposing of these paints has proven to be complex and expensive. To solve disposal limitations, researchers developed the Activated Metal Treatment System (AMTS). The sponsoring agency seeks partners interested in licensing/commercialising AMTS.

Technology for anticorrosion tape coatings of different isolation classes used to secure steel pipes

Tipo: OfertaReferencia: 09 PL 64BD 3CMVPaís: PoloniaData. 19/06/2009Resumo:

A Polish medium-sized company is a specialist in anticorrosion coating, elements of steel pipelines for gas, oil, heat distribution and others. The company is authorised to offer technology for anticorrosion tape coatings of different isolation classes used to secure steel pipes in underground and ground gas, waterworks, fuel installations and other. The company is seeking for partners from the renovation /construction branch willing to cooperate with the corrosion prevention in pipelines.


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Anticorrosive and antistatic pigments modified with conductive polymers Tipo: OfertaReferncia: 06 ES BCAV 0EJDPaís: EspañaData de actualización: 31/03/2009Resumo:

A Spanish technology centre, together with other European partners (SMES and research centres), has developed a pigment based on inorganic particles and conductive polymers. The high-tech coating achieves effective use of the expensive conductive polymers for corrosion protection and electrostatic damage repair. Other applications can be EMI/RFI shielding and energy storage in batteries. Pigment manufacturers are sought for manufacturing agreements and joint venture.

Environmentally friendly materials for sandblasting applications Tipo: DemandaReferencia: 09 GR 49Q4 3CTJPaís:GreciaData: 10/03/2009Resumo:

A Greek SME active in the field of metal cleaning/coating service sector is looking for innovative environmentally friendly materials/processes for sandblasting applications. The company is seeking partnerships for license agreement, commercial agreement and technical cooperation.

Eco-friendly bio-inspired antifouling agents, e.g., for submerged surfaces of ships

Tipo: OfertaReferencia: 07 DE NRXE 0INGPaís: AlemañaData: 20/08/08Resumo.

German University offers bio-inspired anti-fouling agents as protective agents against bio-fouling, e.g. as coating for submerged surfaces of ships. A patent has been applied. The agents are characterized by high bioactivity and are required only in small concentrations. They are eco-friendly. Tests have been carried out successfully. Licensees are sought.

Innovative ecological anti-corrosive coating Tipo: OfertaReferencia: 07 CZ CZBO 0HYSPaís: República ChecaData: 02/05/08Resumo.

A small Czech firm has developed an environmentally friendly reactive coating composition with great anti-corrosive protection. This coating composition is characterised by good adhesion, elasticity and hardness. It protects iron objects against corrosion, and especially those that are already rusted. The company is looking for a commercial agreement with a technical assistance or a license agreement.


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Production of biologised metal surfaces with the simultaneous immobilisation of biological function

Tipo: OfertaReferencia: 07 DE NDTU 0HM7País: AlemañaData: 08/01/08Resumo.

A German university has invented biologised metal surfaces that also operate with simultaneous immobilisation of biological functions. With this new innovation, the metal surface will be free of rust and oxidation all along the manufacturing process. Hitherto impossible achievements, in terms of functionalisation, will be made feasible by this new method. Industrial partners interested in further co-development or licensed development are sought.

Use of corrugated steels in construction applications Tipo: OfertaReferencia: 06 ES MADG 0GKEPaís: EspañaData: 27/12/07Resumo.

A Madrid-based research group in Materials Performance works in the study of several corrugated steels, especially stainless steels. Different aspects are developed such as corrosion tests and evaluation of welded joints between similar and dissimilar materials. They seek construction companies interested in the application of this technology.

Mobile technology for cleaning metal surfaces from rust and coating them with anticorrosion materials

Tipo: DemandaReferencia: LIC-corrosionPaís: LituaniaData: 23/10/07Resumo.

A Lithuanian construction company active in construction, assembling and inspection works of metal construction in harbour territory is looking for mobile technology designed for cleaning of metal surfaces from rust and coating them with anticorrosion materials. The metal surfaces are affected by harbour conditions: salt water, earth. The company is interested in a commercial agreement with technical assistance.

Climbing robot for jobs in structures and surfacesTipo: OfertaReferencia: OO/UPM/93 País: EspañaData: 08/10/07Resumo.

A research group from a Spanish public university has developed a climbing and sliding parallel robot that allows to replace human beings in risky jobs in sites difficult to access as building facades, nuclear power stations, ship`s hulls or airships, etc. The group would like to license the patent and/or to adapt its technology to the specific needs of the company.


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Self-cleaning surface coatingsTipo: OfertaReferencia: 06 GB EAST 0GDIPaís: InglaterraData: 30/09/07Resumo.

Researchers at a university in the East of England have developed a coating technique that can be used to create self-cleaning surfaces. The university is looking for partners for joint further development and/or licensing of this technology.

Eco-friendly bio-inspired antifouling agents, e.g., for submerged surfaces of ships

Tipo: OfertaReferencia: 07 DE NRXE 0INGPaís: AlemaniaData: 23/08/07Resumo.

German University offers bio-inspired anti-fouling agents as protective agents against bio-fouling, e.g. as coating for submerged surfaces of ships. A patent has been applied. The agents are characterized by high bioactivity and are required only in small concentrations. They are eco-friendly. Tests have been carried out successfully. Licensees are sought.

Siliconing Anti Fouling CoatingTipo: OfertaReferencia: 05 IT ONUC 0D9KPaís: ItaliaData: 02/07/07Resumo.

An Italian SME is introducing a new non-biocidal, non-leaching antifouling coating. An Italian marine institute studied the product properties, including the coating’s smoothness before and after seawater immersion, and the ease and completeness of removal of any marine fouling. The product results to be top performing for applications on the hull of vessels. The company is interested in cooperating with operators able to further study the coating technical properties and create new value added.

Innovative submersible working and carrying platform for boats maintenance

Tipo: OfertaReferencia: 07 FR FMMT 0HEHPaís: FranciaData: 16/06/07Resumo.

A French company has developed a totally new concept in boat services/ maintenance. This innovative system 100% ecological is able to treat the complete hull of a boat weighting up to 15 tons within one hour, with only one working people. The company is looking for organisation/companies for commercial agreement as franchising and/or supplying this new naval equipments and services.


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Technology of anticorrosive protection by thermal pulverisation for marine and industrial environment

Tipo: OfertaReferencia: 07 RO RISC 0H4RPaís: RumaníaData: 16/06/07Resumo.

A Romanian research institute elaborated a technology of anticorrosive protection by thermal pulverisation for marine and industrial environment. It also supposes the experimental checking of protection lifetime. The Romanian institute is looking for industrial partners to develop similar technologies.

Unique environmentally friendly method for removal of surface coatings Tipo: OfertaReferencia: 06 GB EAST 0G1PPaís: Reino UnidoData: 09/01/07Resumo.

A UK company has developed & patented an environmentally friendly low pressure cleaning technology for the removal of a wide range of coatings from a variety of surfaces. A gentle abrasive system of heated water & fine volcanic rock media produces a controllable power that varies enough to handle applications as diverse as lifting grime from historic buildings to stripping layers of paint from boat hulls with no damage to the underlying surface. Licensing or commercial agreements are sought.

Anti-fouling paint for ships Tipo: OfertaReferencia: 05 RO ROSM 0CWTPaís: RumaníaData: 20/07/05Resumo.

A Romanian R&D organisation, with expertise in coatings, paints, enamels, varnishes and anticorrosion products, developed a new anti-fouling paint for ships. This paint might be used for both manufacturing and repair shipyards of river and sea ships. The main advantages of the paint are: reduced quantity of released toxic (biocide) substances in the aquatic environment and reduced time for painting on dry dock. The company is looking for partners for technical co-operation or license agreement.


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5. InformesEstes informes son froito da búsqueda en Market Research. Esta páxina contén informes de investigación de mercado, de marketing ou doutros sectores sobre diversas materias. Outros informes obtiveronse de Research & Market, páxina moi similar á anterior.A listaxe está ordeada cronolóxicamente de máis a menos recente.

Destacar os dous primeiros informes “Pinturas y recubrimientos antifouling” de acceso gratuíto elaborado pola fundación Innovamar e “Advances in Marine Antifouling Coatings and Technologies” que xa ten un custo económico pero que recolle moi ben os avances feito neste campo recentemente.

INNOVAMAR. Pinturas y recubrimientos antifoulingAutor: Fundanción InnovamarData: Decembro 2007Resumo:

Este boletín presenta ás últimas patentes aparecidas ata finais do 2007sobre pinturas e recubrimentos antifouling. Admeáis recolle artigos e fai un análise da investigación deste campo nos últimos anos.

Para acceder ó informe pode pinchar na segurinte imaxe ou no texto de abaixo.

Documento orixinal


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Advances in Marine Antifouling Coatings and Technologies Data: May 2009Autor: Dr Claire Hellio is Senior Lecturer in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Portsmouth, UK. Dr Diego M Yebra works for Hempel A/S, Denmark. Prezo: 317€Resumo:

Assesses marine antifouling organisms and their impact, including a historical review and directions for future research

- Summaries developments in antifouling coatings examining chemically-active and new surface approaches

- Reviews the environmentally friendly alternative of safer active compounds and the progress of non-toxic compounds

Marine biofouling can be defined as the undesirable accumulation of microorganisms, algae and animals on structures submerged in seawater. From the dawn of navigation, marine biofouling has been a major problem for shipping in such areas as reduced speed, higher fuel consumption and increased corrosion. It also affects industries using off-shore structures such as oil and gas production and aquaculture. Growing concerns about the environmental impact of antifouling coatings has led to major new research to develop more environmentally-friendly alternatives. Advances in marine antifouling coatings and technologies summaries this wealth of research and its practical implications.

This book is divided into 4 sub-sections which discuss: marine fouling organisms and their impact, testing and development of antifouling coatings, developments in chemically-active marine antifouling technologies, and new surface approaches to the control of marine biofouling. It provides an authoritative overview of the recent advances in understanding the biology of fouling organisms, the latest developments on antifouling screening techniques both in the field and in the laboratory, research on safer active compounds and the progress on nontoxic coatings with tailor-made surface properties.

With its distinguished editors and international team of contributors, Advances in marine antifouling coatings and technologies is a standard reference for manufacturers of marine antifouling solutions, the shipping industry, oil and gas producers, aquaculture and other industries using offshore structures, and academics researching this important area.

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An Overview of the Global Marine and Protective Coatings Market 1st Edition Part 1 & Part 2

Data: July 2008Prezo: 6000€Resumo:

- The global marine paint market is estimated at 700,000 tonnes in 2007 and is expected to grow at 8% pa until 2012. Despite the high concentration of shipbuilding in the Far East, pockets of growing demand for marine paints have been identified in many parts of the world.

- The worldwide protective coatings market is estimated at 1.85 million tonnes in 2007 and should grow by 10% pa until 2012. Much of this growth is related to emerging economies witnessing the implementation of new infrastructure plans.

Typical overview-level data included in the separate marine and protective volumes includes:

- Market size for marine/protective coatings as % of total demand

- National statistics relating to pipelines, oil and gas production and power generation

- Market splits by technology: high solids, solvent-based, water-based etc

- Market splits by chemistry: epoxies, alkyds, polyurethanes etc

- Significance of different application sectors in the protective segment

- Market by application (newbuild, ship repair, yacht) for the marine segment

- Ranking of top players in the marine and protective sectors by nation

- Summary tables of all statistics relating to technologies, market sizes and forecasts

All of the data for this study has been gathered by interviews in appropriate languages with senior marine/protective coatings executives in all 24 countries. The interview programme was undertaken between February and June 2008.

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Advances in Coatings and Surface Modification TechnologyData: June 2008Prezo: Hard Copy: 258€ Electronic: 387€Resumo:

Practically every manufactured component requires a coating, for either decorative or protective purposes.

A coating plays an important role in determining a product’s commercial viability. A coating, or thin film, may help determine whether a product is successful in the marketplace. Coatings and thin films are of significant industrial importance, and they are used in a large number of products.

Coating products are the first line defense in the control of wear and rust. Producers of industrial coatings are faced with a key challenge: develop new coatings and processes that are economically competitive. Moreover, they must achieve this goal without creating an adverse impact on the environment.

With these concerns in mind, we have published a new detailed report: Advances in Coatings and Surface Modification Technology. This report analyzes several scientific and technological advances that have been achieved and which are leading toward new applications for industrial coatings and thin films. With this report, you’ll get an advanced look at key developments in the field of surface modification.

A significant gap exists between basic materials science and the ability to bring new coatings and thin film systems to fruition in microelectronic and other applications. Future coatings research is critical to overcoming obstacles to successful substrate deposition, especially at the atomic level. And Advances in Coatings and Surface Modification Technology will put you at the forefront of this and related research.

Documento orixinal

Paints and Coatings: Global Markets & Advanced TechnologiesAutor: BCC Research Código: WA1644602Data: 30/11/07Prezo.$4850Resumo:

This report contains: Descriptions of various types of paints and coatings including architectural, decorative, industrial and special purpose coatings; The current market status for paints and coatings, trends, and forecasts for growth over the next 5 years; Discussion of new technologies including nano coatings and vapor permeation of injection-cured coatings, along with efforts towards improved environmental performance; Analysis of the paints and coatings industry on a worldwide basis, from a market and application perspective; Industry structure and competitive analysis with profiles of top international coatings companies.


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Abrasive Blasting Market for 2008Autor: Gardner Publications Código: GD1610047Data: 10/11/07Prezo.$350Resumo:

A comprehensive report, which provides detailed information about how much money, will be spent on Abrasive Blasting Market in 2008. Plus, who will be purchasing Abrasive Blasting Market. The report breaks down spending intentions by Industry segment, 4-digit SIC, plant size and geographic region.

Surface Coatings for Protection against Wear Data: June 2006Prezo: 264€Resumo:

As wear is a surface or near surface phenomenon it has long been realised that the wear resistance of a component can be improved by providing a surface of different composition from the bulk material. Although this book concentrates on surface coatings, the distinction between surface coatings and the process of modifying the surface by changing its composition is not always clear, so some useful surface modification techniques are also considered.

“Surface Coatings for Protection Against Wear” consists of twelve chapters written by different authors, experts in their field. After a brief introductory chapter wear phenomena and the properties required from a coating are addressed. Chapter three covers coating characterisation and property evaluation relevant to wear resistance with an emphasis on mechanical testing of coatings. The next chapter provides an introduction to the various methods available to deposit wear resistant coatings. The following six chapters describe in detail wear resistant coatings produced by various deposition routes. Emphasis is placed on the microstructure property relationship in these coatings. Chapter 11 addresses coatings and hardfacings, produced from welding processes, specifically modern developments such as friction surfacing and pulsed electrode surfacing techniques. The final chapter is dedicated to future trends in both coating materials and coating processes.

“Surface Coatings for Protection Against Wear” is essential for anyone involved in selecting coatings and processes and will be an invaluable reference resource for all engineers and students concerned with the latest developments in coatings technology.

Key Features:

- Essential for anyone involved in selecting coatings and processes, engineers and students– Written by an international team of experts in the field

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Outros informes xerais

Ship Building and Repairing Industry in the U.S. and its Foreign TradeAutor: Supplier Relations US, LLCCódigo: SUPR2007299Data: 08/11/08Prezo.$599Resumo:

Find in this new report complete 2007 data and outlook into year 2012 for the industry represented by the 6-digit NAICS code 336611. This 155-page report includes the most recent information on the global market and overseas growth opportunities, that takes into account of industry shipment and foreign trade data released on November 4th, 2008. This detailed information resource contains at least 5 years of independently researched industry statistics cross-referenced with the relevant U.S. and international economic indicators. All data have been verified to ensure the highest quality.This 155-page report contains unparalleled research on this industry in breadth and depth. With a macroeconomic perspective, the report provides a fresh and comprehensive view of the industry. The report’s supply and demand data covers both U.S. shipments and international trade while taking into consideration of the industry's capacity utilization. The industry level income statements, balance sheets, and capital expenditure analysis contain all the elements needed for financial benchmarking. In the cost analysis section, 68 upstream industries are analyzed to offer insight into the supply chain cost structure. For the channel and pricing structure, 9 downstream industries are analyzed. The competitive landscape section provides the number of companies and their revenue share within the industry, the market concentration, and a list of major players. All related trade associations, industry standards, and trade publications are also listed.

Shipbuilding and RepairAutor: First Research, Inc. Código: FRRS1927561Data: 20/10/08Prezo.$129Resumo:

The US ship building and repair industry includes about 500 companies with combined revenue of about $15 billion. Major companies include Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Todd Shipyards, and Conrad Industries. The industry is highly concentrated: the largest 50 companies account for about 90 percent of revenue.

The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Ship Building and RepairingAutor: Icon Group International, Inc.Código: ICON1965908Data: 27/09/08Prezo.$795Resumo:

This econometric study covers the world outlook for ship building and repairing across more than 200 countries. For each year reported, estimates are given for the latent demand, or potential industry earnings (P.I.E.), for the country in question (in millions of U.S. dollars), the percent share the country is of the region and of the globe. These comparative benchmarks allow the reader to quickly gauge a country vis-à-vis others. Using econometric models which project fundamental economic dynamics within each


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country and across countries, latent demand estimates are created. This report does not discuss the specific players in the market serving the latent demand, nor specific details at the product level.

The study also does not consider short-term cyclicalities that might affect realized sales.The study, therefore, is strategic in nature, taking an aggregate and long-run view, irrespective of the players or products involved. This study does not report actual sales data (which are simply unavailable, in a comparable or consistent manner in virtually all of the 230 countries of the world). This study gives, however, my estimates for the worldwide latent demand, or the P.I.E., for ship building and repairing. It also shows how the P.I.E. is divided across the world’s regional and national markets. For each country, I also show my estimates of how the P.I.E. grows over time (positive or negative growth). In order to make these estimates, a multi-stage methodology was employed that is often taught in courses on international strategic planning at graduate schools of business.

An Overview of the Global marine and Protective Coatings MarketAutor: Information Research Ltd. Código: CABQ1924711Data: 01/07/08Prezo.$4000Resumo:

The global marine paint market is estimated at 700,000 tonnes in 2007 and is expected to grow at 8% pa until 2012. Despite the high concentration of shipbuilding in the Far East, pockets of growing demand for marine paints have been identified in many parts of the world.The worldwide protective coatings market is estimated at 1.85 million tonnes in 2007 and should grow by 10% pa until 2012. Much of this growth is related to emerging economies witnessing the implementation of new infrastructure plans.

Shipbuilding and repairing: Industry Cluster ReportAutor: BizMiner Código: BIZM1797793Data: 01/06/08Prezo.$580Resumo:

20 industry segments are analyzed over a 3-year time series in this industry market analysis; The report applies data from 939 firms, examing industry segment sales, small business vitality, failure and startup rates, sales per employee and other critical market research measures.

The 2006-2011 World Outlook for Marine, Industrial, Construction, and Maintenance Coatings, Traffic Marking Paints, and Other Special Purpose Coatings

Autor: Icon Group International, Inc. Código: ICN1111480Data: 05/04/05Prezo.$795Resumo:

The latent demand for marine, industrial, construction, and maintenance coatings, traffic marking paints, and other special purpose coatings is not actual or historic sales. Nor is latent demand future sales. In fact, latent demand can be lower either lower or higher than actual sales if a market is inefficient (i.e., not representative of relatively competitive


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levels). Inefficiencies arise from a number of factors, including the lack of international openness, cultural barriers to consumption, regulations, and cartel-like behavior on the part of firms. In general, however, latent demand is typically larger than actual sales in a country market.

For reasons discussed later, this report does not consider the notion of “unit quantities”, only total latent revenues (i.e., a calculation of price times quantity is never made, though one is implied). The units used in this report are U.S. dollars not adjusted for inflation (i.e., the figures incorporate inflationary trends) and not adjusted for future dynamics in exchange rates (i.e., the figures reflect average exchange rates over recent history). If inflation rates or exchange rates vary in a substantial way compared to recent experience, actually sales can also exceed latent demand (when expressed in U.S. dollars, not adjusted for inflation). On the other hand, latent demand can be typically higher than actual sales as there are often distribution inefficiencies that reduce actual sales below the level of latent demand.

As mentioned in the introduction, this study is strategic in nature, taking an aggregate and long-run view, irrespective of the players or products involved. If fact, all the current products or services on the market can cease to exist in their present form (i.e., at a brand-, R&D specification, or corporate-image level) and all the players can be replaced by other firms (i.e., via exits, entries, mergers, bankruptcies, etc.), and there will still be an international latent demand for marine, industrial, construction, and maintenance coatings, traffic marking paints, and other special purpose coatings at the aggregate level. Product and service offering details, and the actual identity of the players involved, while important for certain issues, are relatively unimportant for estimates of latent demand.


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6. ProxectosOs seguintes proxectos están dividos por ámbitos: europeo, estatal e galego.Dentro do ámbito europeo, estos proxectos pertencen ó Séptimo Programa Marco de Investigación y Desarrollo tecnológico (7PM) que agrupa todas as iniciativas comunitarias en materia de investigación. A búsqueda fíxose en Cordis que é o portal oficial do 7PM.Os proxectos de ámbito estatal forman parte dos aprobados en 2005, 2006 e 2007 polo Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación dentro do Plan Nacional de I+D.Os proxectos galegos están baixo a Dirección Xeral de Investigación, Desenvolvemento e Innovación (I+D+i) da Consellería de Innovación e Industria.Estes proxectos pertencen ó INCITE - Plan Galego de I+D+i 2006-2010 e encadránse dentro dos “Programas Sectoriais de Investigación aplicada, PEME I+D e I+D Suma do Plan Galego de Investigación, Desenvolvemento e Innovación Tecnolóxica (INCITE)”. Conceden axudas a proxectos tanto de organismos públicos (universidades e centros de investigación) , de centros tecnolóxicos como de servicios I+D de empresas privadas.

6.1 Proxectos. Ámbito europeoEncadrados no Séptimo Programa Marco de Investigación y Desarrollo tecnológico (7PM) a excepción do proxecto Hismar no que participa a Universidade de Newcastle.

NANOXID: NanoPorous anodic oxides for functionalization of metal surfaces

Promotor:University of ManchesterPrograma: PEOPLE-2007-2-1.IEF Marie Curie Action: "Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development"Período: De 15/04/2008 a 14/04/2010Resumo:

The project examines the mechanisms of formation of nanoporous anodic oxides. Nanoporous anodic oxides are important to the protection of metals against corrosion and wear. They have attracted renewed interest due to the potential for long range ordering of pores, with applications in nanotechnological systems. Currently, long-range pore order is achieved empirically. However, the proper understanding of growth mechanisms will enable systematic tailoring of oxide properties. The researcher will participate in a collaborative activity, involving the host organization, The University of Manchester, and Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, located within Universités Paris 7 et 6. The experimental work will focus on the relative contributions of oxide dissolution and oxide flow in the generation and ordering of pores.



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HISMAR Project: Hull Identification System for Marine Autonomous Robotics

This project offers a means to effectively and efficiently undertake hull inspection and maintenance thereby improving the potential safety of the vessel. Cleaning of the hull ensures the vessel maintains the lowest possible resistance which has an extremely large impact on the hydrocarbon fuel consumed. Therefore, ensuring a clean and smooth vessel surface reduces vessel emissions and reduces operating costs. The abbreviation HISMAR stands for Hull Identification System for Maritime Autonomous Robotics.HISMAR is a multifunctional robotic platform for specific inspection or maintenance tasks such as structural integrity monitoring of the ship’s hull or cleaning operations. This project offers a means for effectively and efficiently undertaking hull inspection and maintenance thereby potentially extending the safe working life of the vessel, and reducing maintenance and fuel costs.A unique patented navigation system has been developed for HISMAR that allows the robot to map the ship’s hull and, subsequently, autonomously guide the robot through a defined maintenance path. As part of this project, HISMAR aims to perform two hull maintenance task;1. Cleaning of the hull surface2.And hull integrity monitoringThe following sections aim to explore the various technologies that are currently being used by the ship maintenance industry to carry out hull cleaning and inspection.URL: http://hismar.ncl.ac.uk/home.htm Documento en formato pdf


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EFTCoR: Environmental Friendly and cost-effective Technology for COating Removal

Promotor: IZAR Construcciones Navales (ES, Coordinador), Eder Strahltechnik Gesellshaft (AU), Hempel Marine Paints (DK), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES), ByG Systems Ltd (UK), Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (ES), Iapetós, S.A. (GR), Lisnave Estaleiros NAvais SA (PT), Doulopoulos Shipyards Ltd (GR), Industrial de Acabados, SA (ES)Programa: GrowthPeríodo: 01/10/2002-31/03/2006Resumo:

EFTCoR pursuits the development of a new industrial technology for hull coating removal to be applied for ships maintenance. Present technology, grit blasting, is very pollutant and it is progressively being forbidden in most environmental sensitive European countries. Coating removal technologies must satisfy the requirements specified by most of ship owners (quality of the steel surface -SA2 1/2, SA2-). A considerable effort will be put on environmental care, concerning waste separation and disposal, coating removal material recycling, and use of less pollutant paints. To improve the working conditions and reduce vessel operation costs the cleaning process will be automated (substitution of manual tasks by a family of coating removal systems capable of working in a cooperative way). OBSERVACIÓNS: O obxectivo do proxecto é desenvolver unha nova tecnoloxía para a limpeza de carenas de buques que permita mellorar a preparación da superficie do casco, reducir substancialmente o volume de residuos, e eliminar completamente a vertedura de residuos ao medio ambiente. Para iso é necesario:- Combinar diferentes tecnoloxías de limpeza de cascos.- Desenvolver novos materiais (granallas) reciclables para a limpeza de cascos, de envellecemento limitado e custo adecuado, que permitan reducir o consumo de materiais até un 90%.- Desenvolver novas cabezas de limpeza con recipientes pechados que permitan reducir a emisión de po á atmosfera até nun 90%, e a recuperación do material de granalla.- Desenvolver un sistema orixinal de reciclaxe e recuperación dos residuos resultantes da limpeza e granallado do casco, co fin de permitir un tratamento adecuado dos mesmos, a reutilización da granalla, e a eliminación doutros residuos.- Desenvolver sistemas robóticos de custo reducido para a limpeza de superficies planas, superficies curvas e manchas, co fin de automatizar as tarefas de limpeza e reducir os custos de explotación.- Desenvolver un sistema de visión fiable que permita verificar o acabado da superficie do casco e guiar as operacións de limpeza.- Investigar no desenvolvemento de novas pinturas mariñas cunha mellor adherencia.Pertence Fifth Framework Programme (1998-2002). En España a Universidade Politécnica de Madrid participou no desenrolo do software para o sistema de visión. A Universidad de Cartagena levou a cabo un traballo chamado “Desarrollo orientado a componentes de unidades de control de robots: aplicación a robots de limpieza de cascos de buques” que se enmarca dentro de dito programa europeo. Este traballo da Universidad de Cartagena adxúntase como anexo.



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Informe en formato pdf acerca do proxecto:

Resumo: Actualmente, la mayoría de las operaciones de reparación que se llevan a cabo enastilleros no están automatizadas. Un ejemplo es la limpieza de cascos de buques. Este trabajodescribe una solución: el sistema EFTCoR. Se trata de un conjunto de robots cuya misión es larealización de diferentes operaciones de mantenimiento en los cascos de buques como granallado, pintura, etc. respetando el medio ambiente. Para ello, se combinan técnicas de diferentes disciplinas con la experiencia en el desarrollo de sistemas teleoperados.


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6.2 Proxectos. Ámbito estatalEncadrados no Plan Nacional I+D do Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

Mejora de las propiedades tribo-mecanicas y de corrosion de superficies de niquel electroquimico tratadas con implantacion ionica

Coordinador: Gonzalo García FuentesOrganismo. Asociación de la Industria de Navarra / Centro de Ingeniería Avanzada de superficiesData: 2007Referencia. MAT2007-66550-C02-01

Mejora de las propiedades tribologicas y de corrosion del niquel electroquimico tratadas con implantacion ionica

Coordinador: Ana Conde Del CampoOrganismo. CSIC / Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (CENIM)Data: 2007Referencia. MAT2007-66550-C02-02

Eliminacion del biofouling en sistemas de refrigeracion industriales que minimicen el impacto ambiental en los efluentes

Coordinador: Emilio Erguía LópezOrganismo. Universidad de Cantabria /Departamento de Ciencias y Técnicas de Navegación y Construcción NavalData: 2006Referencia. CTM2006-05471

Estudio de nuevas estrategias de tratamiento antifouling basadas en el estudio molecular de la biopelicula. Aplicacion a condensadores refrigerados con agua de mar

Coordinador: Enrique Nebot SanzOrganismo. Universidad de Cádiz / Departamento de Ciencias del Mar y AmbientalesData: 2005Referencia. CTM2005-02658

Pigmentos de intercambio ionico como alternativa ecologicamente aceptable al empleo de compuestos hexavalentes de cromo en pinturas anticorrosivas

Coordinador: Manuel Morcillo LinaresOrganismo. CSIC / Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (CENIM)Data: 2005Referencia. MAT2005-06261


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6.3 Proxectos. Ámbito galegoOrde do 26 de abril de 2007 pola que se establecen as bases para a convocatoria, en réxime de concorrencia competitiva, das subvencións correspondentes aos Programas Sectoriais de Investigación aplicada, PEME I+D e I+D Suma do Plan Galego de Investigación, Desenvolvemento e Innovación Tecnolóxica (INCITE), e se procede á súa convocatoria para o ano 2007.

Automatización de torres de granallado de buquesSolicitante: Industrial de Acabados Galicia S. A INDAGASAReferencia: IN841C 2007/222

Diseño del proceso de soldeo y método de protección contra la corrosión de tanques de acero inoxidable dúplex soldados a estructuras de acero al carbono utilizados en el sector naval

Solicitante: Factorías Vulcano, S.AReferencia: IN841E 07/15

Diseño y desarrollo de un sistema automático de repasado y pulido mecánico para hélices de buques

Solicitante: Fundiciones Adrio S.LReferencia: IN841C 2007/186

Mellora da capacidade de innovación das organización do sector naval galego: Implantación dun modelo de diagnóstico que evalúa o potencial innovador dunha empresa

Solicitante: ACLUNAGA: Asociación Cluster Naval GalegoReferencia: IN828A-2007/2


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7. LexislaciónRecopilación da lexislación máis relevante en materia de contaminación producida polo uso de productos antifouling e de tratamento de superficies. Destaca o Reglamento 782/2003 que prohibíu o uso de compostos organoestánnicos nos buques. Ningunha pintura pode conter compostos organoestánnicos xa que danan gravemente o medio marino.

Guidance on best management practices for removal of anti-fouling coatings from ships, including TBT hull paints. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE CONTROL OF HARMFUL ANTI-FOULING SYSTEMS ON SHIPS, 2001

Ámbito: InternacionalData: July 2009Descrición: Recente aprobación das guías para a aplicación dos acordos CONVENTION ON THE CONTROL OF HARMFUL ANTI-FOULING SYSTEMS ON SHIPS, 2001Documento orixinal

Orden PRE/2986/2008, de 14 de octubre, por la que se publica el Acuerdo de la Comisión Delegada del Gobierno para Asuntos Económicos por el que se establece el procedimiento para la concesión de avales del Estado para la financiación de operaciones de crédito destinadas a la renovación y modernización de la flota mercante española.

Ámbito: NacionalData: 21/10/08Fonte: Boletín Oficial Estado nº 254Descrición: Recentemente publicouse esta orden na que o estado concederá avales para facilitar a renovación da flota mercante.Documento orixinal

Reglamento (CE) n o 536/2008 de la Comisión, de 13 de junio de 2008 , por el que se da cumplimiento al artículo 6, apartado 3, y al artículo 7 del Reglamento (CE) n o 782/2003 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, relativo a la prohibición de los compuestos organoestánnicos en los buques, y se modifica dicho Reglamento

Ámbito: EuropeoData: 14/06/08Fonte: Diario Oficial Unión Europea nºL156Documento orixinal

INSTRUMENTO de Adhesión de España al Convenio Internacional sobre el control de los sistemas antiincrustantes perjudiciales en los buques, hecho en Londres el 5 de octubre de 200

Ámbito: NacionalData: 07/11/07Fonte: Boletín Oficial Estado nº 267Descrición: España adhírese ó Convenio Internacional sobre el control de los sistemas antiincrustantes perjudiciales en los buques, feito en Londres o 5 de outubro de 2001.Documento orixinal


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Real Decreto 543/2007, de 27 de abril, por el que se determinan las normas de seguridad y de prevención de la contaminación a cumplir por los buques pesqueros menores de 24 metros de eslora (L).

Ámbito: NacionalData: 01/06/07Fonte: Boletín Oficial Estado nº 131Documento orixinal


Ámbito: InternacionalData. 2006Documento orixinal

Convenio Internacional sobre el control de los sistemas antiincrustantes perjudiciales en los buques

Ámbito: InternacionalData: 29/01/04Fonte: Diario Oficial Unión Europea C 25E/156Descrición: Convenio feito en Londres o 5 de outubro de 2001 onde se prohíbe o uso de organoestánnicos en pinturas antiincustantes e establécese o mecanismo para previr no futuro o uso doutras sustancias perxudiciais.Documento orixinal

Reglamento 728/2003 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 14 de abril de 2003 relativo a la prohibición de los compuestos organoestánnicos en los buques

Ámbito: EuropeoData: 09/05/03Fonte: Diario Oficial Unión Europea L 115Descrición: Reglamento importante que prohibíu a utilización de compostos organoestánnicosDocuemento orixinal

Pregunta escrita E-1793/99 de Ria Oomen-Ruijten (PPE-DE) a la Comisión. Prohibición de las pinturas antiincrustantes (anti-foulings) a base de cobre.

Ámbito: EuropeoData: 11/10/99Fonte: Diario Oficial Unión Europea nº 225EDescrición: Mediante estas preguntas escritas que se fna unhos comisarios a outros podemos ver o panorama lexislativo relativo a pinturas antiincrustantes.Documento orixinal


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Norma ISO 14001. Medio ambienteÁmbito: InternacionalDescrición: A Asociación Española de Normalización e Certificación (AENOR) publicou en 1996 a norma ISO 14001 sobre sistemas de xestión medioambiental previamente aprobada polo Comité Europeo de Normalización.. ISO 14001 é unha norma aceptada internacionalmente que establece como implantar un sistema de xestión medioambiental (SGM) eficaz. A norma concibiuse para xestionar o delicado equilibrio entre o mantemento da rentabilidade e a redución do impacto medioambiental. O compromiso de toda a organización, permite lograr ambos obxectivos. Documento orixinal

CÓDIGO internacional de gestión de la seguridad operacional del buque y la prevención de la contaminación (Código Internacional de Gestión de la Seguridad CGS). Resolución A.741(18) adoptada el 4 de noviembre de 1993, por la Conferencia de los Gobiernos Contratantes del Convenio Internacional para la Seguridad de la Vida Humana en el Mar 1994

Ámbito: InternacionalData: 22/06/1998Fonte: Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 122Descrición: Este código ten unha enmenda de 2005 publicada no BOE de 25 de novembro de 2008 que se pode atopar na seguinte dirección:URL: http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2008/11/25/pdfs/A47014-47014.pdf URL Código: http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/1998/05/22/pdfs/A16923-16927.pdf

Resolución MEPC 46 (30). Medidas para controlar impactos adversos asociados con el uso de Tributilestaño en pinturas antriincrustantes.

Ámbito: InternacionalData: 16/11/90Documento orixinal

Convenio Internacional para prevenir la contaminación por los buques (MARPOL)

Ámbito: InternacionalData: 02/11/73Fonte: Páxina da Organización Marítimo Internacional (OMI)Descrición: Este convenio é un conxunto de normativas internacionais co obxetivo de previr a contaminación polos buques. Marcou un hito no ambicioso proxecto de previr a contaminación por buques. O seu obxetivo é preservar o medio ambiente mariño mediante a completa eliminación da polución por hidrocarburos e outras sustancias perxudiciais, así como a minimización das posibles descargas accidentais.Tivo diversas enmendas como por exemplo: enmiendas de 2006 al anexo del protocolo de 1978 relativo al convenio internacional para prevenir la contaminación por los buques, 1973, (publicado en el “boletín oficial del estado” n.º 249 y 250 de 17 y 18 de octubre de 1984), adición de la regla 13 al anexo iv del marpol 73/78), adoptadas el 24 de marzo de 2006 mediante resolución mepc 143 (54).Convenio en páxina IMOConvenio orixinal


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8. EventosListado de eventos, tanto pasados pero que con continuidade como os previstos para finais de 2009 e 2010Os eventos son un bo xeito de saber como se atopa un determinado sector. Distintas empresas punteiras poñen común as súas últimas experiencias e previsións de futuro.

NAVALIA 2010: Feria Internacional de la Industria NavalOrganizador:Data: 18-20 maio 2010Lugar: Vigo (A Coruña)Observacións: Feira bianual de caracter internacional que se celebra no Instituto Feiral de Vigo e que reune ós profesionais da industria naval. Celebrouse en maio de 2008 e volverá a celebrarse en maio 2010. URL

Corrosion Solutions® 2009Data: 20-24 setembro 2009Lugar: Utah(EEUU)Observacións: The 2009 Corrosion Solutions® Conference brings industry leaders from around the world to present and discuss various aspects concerning corrosion challenges and prevention, materials selection and fabrication advances in relation to chemical processing, mineral processing, and petrochemical as well as other industries. Attending the Corrosion Solutions® Conference provides you many opportunities to interact with experts, colleagues and industry leaders in an open and collaborative environment. The beautiful mountains and valley surrounding the conference location in Park City, Utah enhances the learning process, by enabling you to relax, enjoy the surroundings and take in all that is being presented.URL

EUROCORR 2009: The European Corrosion CongressOrganizador:European Federation of CorrosionData: 6-10 setembro 2009Lugar: Nice (Francia)URL

CORROSION 2009Data: 22-26 marzo 2009Lugar: Atlanta (Georgia. EEUU)Observacións: Importante apartado sobre corrosión marina: “Marine Corrosion: Ships and Structures - STG 44” URL


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Sinaval-Eurofishing: Feria Internacional de la Industria Naval, Marítima y Portuaria

Organizador:Comité Técnico Asesor de Sinaval-EurofishingData: 21-24 abril 2009Lugar: Bibao (España)Observacións:

• Gran encontro de sectores naval, marítimo, portuario e pesqueiro. Dentro da industria naval participarán sectores da construcción, reparación, industria auxiliar e investigaciónContacto: Bilbao Exhibition CentreTel:94 404 00 00Fax: 94 404 00 01Email: [email protected] URL

Corrosión en el entorno marítimoOrganizador:Fundación Ingeniero Jorge JuanData: 27-28 novembro 2008Lugar: MadridObservacións: Curso que oferta a fundación Ingeniero Jorge Juan que colabora na formación de enxeñeiros navales e oceánicos. Este curso analiza os principales factores que interveñen no proceso de corrosión e mostra as solucións existentes.Contacto: Tel: 91 575 10 24Fax: 91 577 16 79Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.ingenierojorgejuan.com/ URL ficha curso:http://www.ingenierojorgejuan.com/fichaactividad.asp?id=126

The 14th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and FoulingOrganizador: Japan Institution of Marine EngineeringData: 27-31 xullo 2008Lugar: Kobe (Xapón)Observacións: Congreso mundial bianual celebrado en edición anteriores en Río de Janeior (2006), San Diego(20002) totalmente dedicado á corrosió mariña, a cómo previr o biofouling e demáis.URL

5th International Congress of Maritime Technological Innovations and Research

Organizador:Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña/ Departamento de Ciencias naúticas e IngenieríaData: 21-23 novembro 2007Lugar: Barcelona (España)Observacións: Este congreso trata de examinar as innovacións tecnolóxicas derivadas da investigación sobre actividades marítimas e transporte.URL


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International Conference on Recent Advances in Marine Antifouling Technology

Data: 6-8 novembro 2006Lugar: Chennai (Madras), INDIAObservacións: Marine biofouling problems of industrial cooling systems, shipping industry and oceanographic instruments have assumed considerable importance in recent years. Biofouling and its control require careful evaluation both from the operational and environmental point of view. Estimates of fouling damage in tropical waters like in India seem to be stupendous.National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai and International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society U.K. have come together to organize an international conference RAMAT 2006 to focus on Marine Antifouling Technology. URL

48º Congreso de Enxeñería Naval e Industria MarítimaOrganizador:AINE: Asociación de Ingenieros Navales y Oceánicos de EspañaData: 25-26 xuño 2006Lugar: Vigo (A Coruña)Observacións: Congreso xeral de enxeñería naval no que se vai falar de estratexias de negocio para o futuro, de novas tecnoloxías e demáis.Contacto: Asociación de Ingenieros Navales y Oceánicos de EspañaTel: 91 575 10 24Fax: 91 577 16 79Email: [email protected] URL

International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships

Organizador:Data: 18 outubro 2001Lugar: Londres (Inglaterra)Observacións: Esta convención é importante debido a que o seu obxetivo era a prohibición do uso de compostos orgánicos que actúan como biocidas nas pinturas antiincrustantes nos buques, especialmente o tributilestaño (TBT). Os acordos desta convención plasmaronse no Commonwealth Protection of the Sea (Harmful Anti-fouling Systems) Acta publicada en 2006. No apartado documentaicón adxunta, adxúntase a súa dirección.Documento en formato pdf


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Anexo I. Centros Tecnolóxicos e UniversidadesNa seguinte lista inclúense centros tecnolóxicos e universidades tanto a nivel estatal, europeo como internacionalTéntase, así, dar unha guía de centros punteiros na investigación sobre tratamento de superficies en barcos e protección frente á corrsión tanto no ámbito estatal como fóra das nosas fronteiras. A nivel internacional téntase reflectir a panorámica mundial mediante un mostra de centros e universidades repartidos de forma xeográfica moi distinta.

Cabe destacar que a maioría destes organismos non se dedican exclusivamente ó estudo de técnicas de tratamento de superficies ou anticorrosión senón que son centros que estudan aspectos importantes no mundo marítimo como seguridade no mar, evitar a contaminación Tampocuo hai un grupo específico que estude dito tema pero sí que estuden temas relacionados, como recubrimentos anticorrsión e demáis.

Na listaxe sinálase os apartados nas páxinas web onde está ubicada a información interesante sobre proxectos ou grupos de investigación. Se nalgunha páxina web pode ser complexo chegar ó apartado descríbese máis detalladamente cómo chegar. Ademáis no apartado descrición resúmese brevemente a qué se dedica cada organismo e proporcionánse medios de contacto (no caso de haber un coordinador ou director especifícase e senón o contacto xeral)

Séguese un criterio de ordenación alfabético dentro de cada sección.


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Centros tecnolóxicos e de investigación. Ámbito estatal

APEAM: Asociación Provincial de Empresarios de Actividades Marítimas de Baleares

Descrición: Esta asociación é importante xa que Baleares é un centro neurálxico no Mediterráneo. O final da páxina de inicio un dos apartados é Astilleros y Reparación de Buques onde se ofrecen servizos de pintura, mecánica, tratamento de osmosis e demáis. Trae unha lista con empresas que poden realizar traballo de mantemento e reparación de buques.Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.apeam.com/esp/comisiones/astilleros_esp.htm

CENIM: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones MetalúrgicasDepartamento/ Apartado: Deterioro de los materialesDescrición: O CENIM é un centro que pertence ó CSIC encadrado na Área de Ciencia y Técnología de los Materiales. No apartado de liñas de investigación atópase a de Deterioro de los materiales onde estudan acerca de corrosión en medios naturais e demáis.CSICTel: 91 585 50 00Fax: 91 411 30 77URL: http://www.cenim.csic.es/

Centro de Ingeniería Avanzada de SuperficiesDescrición: Centro pertencente á Asociación da Industria Navarra no que crean materiais con superficies para aplicacións máis diversas e resolven problemas de deterioro superficial de útiles industriais tales como a oxidación e a corrosiónJosé-Antonio García LorenteEmail: [email protected] Tel: 948 421 190 URL: http://www.ain.es/que_hacemos/servicio.aspx?ms=1&s=14

Centro Tecnológico de los astilleros medianos y pequeños SOERMAR S.ADescrición: O seu obxectivo é contribuír mediante o perfeccionamento tecnolóxico e a innovación, á mellora da competitividade das empresas de construcción naval, realizando actividades de investigación e desenrolo.Tel: 91 597 00 78Fax: 91 597 00 78


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CIDETEC: Centro de tecnologías electroquímicasDepartamento/ Apartado: Líneas de actuaciónDescrición: Fundación que presta servicio a diversos sectores industriales en campos tales como a enerxía, tratamento superficiales e novos materiais. No apartado de lineas de traballo atópase tratamiento superficiales no que hai unha unidade de corrosión-caracterización onde ensaian sobre novos recubrimentos anticorrosivos. Posúen outra liña de traballo interesante que é a de nuevos materiales.Tel: 943 30 90 22Fax: 943 30 91 36Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.cidetec.es/lineas/01corrosion_pop.htm

Cluster Marítimo EspañolDescrición: Ten por misión a mellora da competitividade das empresas mediante a cooperación, a complementariedade e a comunicación. Busca aumentar a competencia das empresas españolas no mercado global, mellorar a eficacia da xestión industrial e comercial das empresas, impulsar o desenrolo profesional dos traballadores.Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.clustermaritimo.es/

CTN: Centro Tecnológico Naval y del MarDepartamento/ Apartado: Investigación y DesarrolloDescrición: Asociación sen ánimo de lucro para impulsar as accións de empresas que teñen relación directa ou indirecta co sector marítimo. Dentro do apartado de Servicios en Investigación y Desarrollo hai proxectos no área de novas tecnoloxías para o tratamento de superficies.Tel: 968 19 75 21 Fax: 968 19 75 16 Email:[email protected] URL: http://www.ctnaval.com/

CTN: Centro Tecnológico Naval y del MarDepartamento/ Apartado: RecursosDescrición: Neste apartado hai acceso a patentes, a lexislación, artigos e demáis.Tel: 968 19 75 21Fax: 968 19 75 16 Email:[email protected] URL: http://www.ctnaval.com/


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Fundación Ingeniero Jorge JuanDescrición: Fundación autónoma e independente, situada en Madrid que ten por obxectivo a promoción de actividades educativas e científicas para a formación académica de Enxeñeiros Navales e Oceánicos e de outros profesionales dentro do Sector Marítimo.Contén importantes cursos como “Tratamiento de pintura en tanques de lastre y doble casco en los buques según Resolución IMO MSC 215 (82)“ celebrado 21 de maio de 2009 e “Inspecciones de casco en buques existentes, requerimientos, averías y sus tratamientos“ a celebrar 4-6 de novembro de 2009Tel: 91 575 10 24Fax: 91 577 16 79Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.ingenierojorgejuan.com/

Gerencia NavalDescrición: Entre as suas competencias está a elaboración de boletíns trimestrais e informes anuais sobre lexislación, axudas, programas de colaboración e demáis que poidan afectar a estaleiros, empresas auxiliares e a empresas relacionadas co entorno naval.URL: http://www.gernaval.org/Informes/informes.htm

INNOVAMAR: Fundación instituto tecnológico para el desarrollo de las industrias marítimas

Departamento/ Apartado: Boletines de inteligenciaDescrición: Fundación que fomenta a investigación e desenrolo na industria de construcción naval, realiza actividades de formación e protexe o medio ambiente no sector marítmo. No apartado de Boletines de inteligencia o segundo boletín refírese a pinturas e tratamentos antifouling. No apartado Documentación adxunta, recóllese a dirección web.Tel: 91 747 21 16Fax: 91 329 07 13 Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.innovamar.org/ Boletín Pinturas y Tratamiento Antifouling: http://www.innovamar.org/descargas/N2%20Antifouling.pdf

Plataforma Tecnológica MarítimaDescrición: Plataforma tecnolóxica do sector marítimo español que pretende ser un lugar de encontro e diálogo de todos os axentes relacionados co mar e cos demais medios acuáticos, cuxo futuro depende en gran medida da capacidade de manter e crear vantaxes competitivas mediante o desenvolvemento de actividades de investimento e innovación mediante á que se pode acceder a dito boletín.Tel.: 91 747 21 16Fax: 91 329 07 13Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.ptmaritima.org/


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UNINAVE: Unión Española de Constructores NavalesDescrición: É a asociación de constructores e reparadores navales españoles entre as suas actividades están a de velar polos intereses da construcción e reparación naval española, representar os astilleiros ante o goberno e administración entre outras.Tel: 91 417 04 37Fax: 91 729 36 47Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.uninave.es/


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Universidades. Ámbito nacional

Universidad de CádizDepartamento/ Apartado: Tecnologías de la ProducciónDescrición: Dentro do punto de Investigación- grupos de investigación aparece unha lista cos ditos grupos. Entre eles está o de Tecnologías de la Producción que se subdivide en distintos grupos entre os que está o de Corrosión y Protección Responsable:Francisco Javier Botana PedemonteTel :956 01 61 54Fax: 956 01 61 54Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.uca.es URL grupo de investigación: http://www.uca.es/grupos-inv/TEP231

Universidad de CantabriaDepartamento/ Apartado: Ciencia e Ingeniería del terreno y ciencia de los materialesDescrición: Dentro apartado Investigación-Grupo de I+D+i aparece a lista cos grupos de investigación por departamentos. Dentro do citado departamento está o grupo “Deterioro de materiales. Corrosión” que estuda a corrosión mariña, microbiolóxica e o deterioro dos materiais.Responsable:María Victoria Biedma MoraledaTel: 942 20 13 25Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.unican.es/WebUC/Unidades/Investigacion/grupos/grupo_idi.asp?Id=96/

Universidad de OviedoDepartamento/ Apartado: Departamento de Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería MetalúrgicaDescrición: No apartado de Investigación-Grupo de i+D+i, atópase o grupo de de Comportamiento en servicio de materiales metálicos no que unha das súas liñas de investigación é a protección contra o desgaste, a oxidación e a corrosiónCoordinador:Francisco Javier Belzunce VarelaEmail: [email protected]: http://www.uniovi.es/vicinves/Web_investigacion/unidades/gruposInv/DptoMatIngMetalurgica/CompMatMetalicos/main.htm

Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaDepartamento/ Apartado: Proyecto Tecnología NavalDescrición: Dentro da Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Naval atópase un único proxecto de Tecnología navalEmail: [email protected] URL: http://www.upct.es/ugi/grupos/centros.php/


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Universidad Politécnica de CataluñaDepartamento/ Apartado: CDAL: Centro de Diseño y aleaciones y aleaciones ligeras y tratamiento de superficiesde CataluñaDescrición: Na Universidade Politécnica de Cataluña dentro dos departamentos atópase o Departamento de Resistencia de Materiales y Estructuras en la Ingeniería (RMEE).Colaborando con dito departamento atopase o Centro de Aleacións Lixeiras e Tratamento de Superficies no que hai un proxecto (dentro do apartado de proxectos) denominado “Nano-Recubrimientos Resistentes al Desgaste y a la Corrosión en Aleaciones de Aluminio” no que o obxetivo é contribuír á mellora da resistencia ó desgaste e á corrosión de compoñentes fabricados con aleacións de alumninio.Outro proxecto relacionado é Optimización de Propiedades de Aleaciones de Aluminio URL: http://www.cdaltec.com/home.htm


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Centros Tecnolóxicos e de Investigación. Ámbito internacional

CcorrSE: Center for Corrosion Science & EngineeringÁmbito: EstadounidenseDescrición: Centro incluído no U.S. Naval Research Lab que pertence ó departamento de defensa dos EEUU. Este centro leva a cabo unha ampla labor científica mediante programas de investigación para comprender e reducir os efectos do medio ambiente mariño nos sistemas navales. URL: http://chemistry.nrl.navy.mil/6130/

CEFRACOR: Centre Français de l' anticorrosionÁmbito: FrancésDescrición: É membro da Federación Europea de Corrosión (EFC). O seu obxectivo é dar información acerca da corrosión e da durabilidade nos materiais no entorno industrial e organizar o coñecemento científico, normas e demáis sobre o tema. Un dos seus departamentos é o Conçeil Français de la Protection Cathodique (CFPC) especializado en protección catódica.Tel: 01 47 05 39 26Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.cefracor.org/

CEMT: Confederation of European Maritime Technology SocietiesDescrición: Federación das principais sociedades de arquitectos navales, enxeñeiros navales e demáis no campo da tecnoloxía marítima en Europa. Ámbito: EuropeoURL: http://www.cemt.eu/

Center de corrosion marina et biologique CorrodysDepartamento/ Apartado: BiocorrosionÁmbito: Francés/EuropeoDescrición: Centro de investigación con experiencia en corrosión. Xunta a enxeñeiros, microbiólogos e físicos-químicos. O apartado de Biocorrosion estuda todo o referente a este fenómeno.Xerente:Beatrice KOPCZYNSKITel: +33 233 018 355Mobile: +33 672 820 545Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.corrodys.com/

CESA: Community European Shipyards Associations Ámbito: EuropeoDescrición: Asociación que promove os intereses da construcción naval europea, da reparación de buques e da industria mariña.Secretaría Xeral: Dr. Reinhard LükenTel: +32 2 230 32 87Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.cesa-shipbuilding.org/


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CMT: Center of Martitime TechnologyÁmbito: AlemánDescrición: Centro alemán no que tratan entre outras cousas medidas innovadoras anti-corrosión, pinturas e revestiementos así como a súa repercusión no medio ambiente. CMT é membro do “Protection of the Marine Enviroment” traballando no grupo “Norm departement for ship and marine technology”Tel: +49 -(0) 40 - 691 99 47Fax: +49 -(0) 40 - 691 99 73Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.cmt-net.org/

EFC: European Federation of CorrosionDepartamento/ Apartado: Working PartiesÁmbito: EuropeoDescrición: É unha federación con intereses en corrosión con presenza de vintecinco países de Europa e fóra das fronteiras europeas. Promove a ciencia da corrosión e a protección dos materiais mediante a cooperación europea e internacional. No apartado Working Parties un dos grupos de traballo é orientado á corrosión mariñaPresidente:Tel: 0046-2-63 64 930Fax: 0046-2 62 57 140Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.efcweb.org/

EMEC: European Marine Equipment CouncilDepartamento/ Apartado: Marine EquipmentÁmbito: EuropeoDescrición: No apartado de Marine equipment descríbese o obxetivo que perseguen. O sector de equipos mariños comprende tódo-los productos e servizos suministrados para a construcción, conversión e mantemento de buques. Esto inclúe os servizos técnicos no campo da enxeñería, a instalación e a posta en servicio e mantemento do buque (incluida a reparación)Tel: +32 2 230 90 64Fax: +32 2 280 30 01E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.emecweb.eu/

ERAMAR: The European Maritime Research AreaÁmbito: EuropeoDescrición: É a plataforma común de comunicación e fonte central de información marítima en torno a I+D. Hai que rexistrarse para acceder á rede temática ou ós proxectos.Mr Paul SuinatTel: +33 (2) 5110 4828Fax: +33 (2) 5110 4398Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.eramar.net/


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European Maritime Safety AgencyDepartamento/ Apartado: Environmental ProtectionÁmbito: EuropeoDescrición: Axencia localizada en Lisboa que se dedica entre outras cousas a velar pola protección ambiental pola contaminación dos buques. Dentro do punto Environmental Protection unha das suas áreas de actividade é a relacionada coas pinturas anti-fouling e a normativa que prohibe a utilización de estaño nos seus compoñentes.Tel: +351 21 1209 200Fax: +351 21 1209 210URL: http://www.emsa.eu.int/end185d012.html/

NACE International: National Association of Corrosion Engineers.Departamento/ Apartado: NACE Resource CenterÁmbito: EstadounidenseDescrición: NACE Internacional é a organización mundial máis grande comprometido co estudo da corrosión. Entrando no apartado de Resources atópase un enlace ó NACE Resource Center que ofrece unha das maiores fontes de información sobre corrosión a nivel mundialTel: +1 281 228 6223Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.nace.org/

OMI: International Maritime OrganizationDepartamento/ Apartado: Marine EnvironmentÁmbito: InternacionalDescrición: IMO é unha organización a nivel mundial que loita pola seguridade ambiental e marítima facendo cumprir a normativa vixente.No apartado Marine Environment está o subapartardo Anti-fouling systems que nos fala da normativa que rexe os productos antifouling. No IMÓ está o Comité de Protección del Medio Marino (MEPC) que se ocupa da preservación do medio ambiente mariño e especialmente da contaminación por hidrocarburos e outras cargas, pero tamén de outras materias como a eliminación de pinturas antiincrustantes que poidan dañar a fauna mariña.Tel: +44 (0)20 7735 7611URL: http://www.imo.org/ URL lexislación: http://www.imo.org/Newsroom/mainframe.asp?topic_id=1773

Technology Platform WATERBORNEDepartamento/ Apartado: Ámbito: EuropeoDescrición: Plataforma tecnolóxica europea que ten por obxectivo agrupar os esforzos da Unión Europea para seguir no liderado en transporte marítimo e na producción eficiente e segura de buques.Secretaría:Michael Vom BaurTel: +32 2 282 03 53Fax: +32 2 230 43 32Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.waterborne-tp.org/


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Florida Atlantic UniversityDepartamento/ Apartado: Center for Marine MaterialsÁmbito: EstadounidenseDescrición: Na pestaña Research atópase Center for Marine Material onde se ofrecen cursos sobre áreas de corrosión e ciencias dos materiais. Boca Ratón CampusTel: 561 297 3430Fax: 561 297 3885 URL: http://www.oe.fau.edu/center_marinemat.htm


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Anexo II. EmpresasListado de empresas que dedican a súa actividade ó tratamento de superficies e pintado. Como información adicional amósase listado dos asteleiros máis importantes en España e dos talleres de reparación de buques. Seleccionaronse únicamente os estaleiros e talleres que expresamente ofrecían servizos de chorreado, tratamento de superfices ou pintado.

Empresas de tratamento de superficies e pintadoA continuación amósase un listado de empresas que ofrecen servizos de chorreado, tratamento de superficies, pintado e demáis. A búsqueda centrouse en empresas galegas pero tamén hai empresas de toda España. Como é obvio en Galicia onde máis empresas hai que se dediquen a este traballo é Vigo pola forte presenza de astaleiros.Tamén se presentan unhas empresas que ofertan os seus servizos mediante Internet e ofrecen pinturas antifouling e anticorrosión.

Aitamar groupDescrición: Grupo de empresas dedicado exclusivamente ó sector naútico, enxeñería naval e xestións marítimas. Integra asesoría naval, enxeñería naval e mantemento e reparación de barcos. Dentro do apartado reparación de barcos teñen tratamentos antifoluing, chorreado e demáis servizos.Dirección: Sede en AlicanteTel: 902 929 932Fax: 965 630 976Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.aitamar.es/

Chorro navalDescrición: Empresa auxiliar de estaleiros e armadores con experiencia no tratamento de superficies.Dirección: Dirección: Avenida Beiramar, 171 – 36208VigoTel: 986 29 87 11 - 986 213 547Fax: 986 29 40 91Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.chorronaval.com/

Gaditana de chorro y limpieza, S.L Descrición: Dentro das suas actividades atópase: preparación de superficies, aplicación de tratamentos anticorrosivos, chorreado, pintado e demáis.Dirección: Polígono Industrial de Tres CaminosPuerto Real (Cádiz)Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.gaditana.com/

INDAGASA: Industrial de Acabados Galicia S.ADescrición: Especializada no tratamento de superficies de estruturas metálicas, esta empresa ofrece solucións innovadoras e eficaces a todos aqueles problemas do metal que afecten tanto a particulares como a empresas de construción, obras públicas, naval, calderería, forxa e maquinaria industrial


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Dirección: Especializada no tratamento de superficies de estruturas metálicas, INDAGASA ofrece solucións innovadoras e eficaces a todos aqueles problemas do metal que afecten tanto a particulares como a empresas de construción, obras públicas, naval, calderería, forxa, maquinaria industrialTel: 981 39 09 91Fax: 981 35 81 16Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.indagasa.com/

Jotún IbéricaDescrición: Empresa internacional con presencia en España.Jotun Ibérica presenta en España SeaQuantum, o verdadeiro comportamento autopulimentante e autosuavizante dun antiincrustante sen estaño, considerado como 'o mellor sistema do mundo' para reducir a rugosidade do casco dos buques e, xa que logo, os seus custos de combustible.Pintura de alta tecnoloxía para a protección de superficies. Antifoulings autopulimentantes e autosuavizantes para 60 meses de navegación. Epoxys alto espesor para superficies tratadas deficientemente (surface tolerant).Dirección: C/ Estática, 3 P.l. Santa Rita08755 -CastellbisbalBarcelonaFax: 937 71 19 91 URL: http://www.jotun.eu/

Lapin, S.LDescrición: Empresa que fai limpeza de bodegas, desoxidado de superestructuras e costados traballos de pintura e demáis. Pinchando en menú e seleccionando naval móstrase unha ampla lista dos traballos que realizan.Dirección: Dirección: c/ la paz, 10 interiorVigoTel: 986 20 77 98URL: http://www.lapin.es/

MpaDescrición: Empresa que ten unha gran gama de abrasivos. No apartado Abrasivos- novedades ten os últimos tipos de abrasivos. Teñen tamén alquiler de maquinaria para chorreado e limpeza.Presentan ademáis os novos sistemas e equipos de chorreado.Dispoñen de de instalacións de ensaio e demostracións. Ademáis os equipos de chorreado incluen formación dos operarios.Ofrecen solucións de tratamento superficial para unha extensa gama de aplicacións, mediante:* proxección de abrasivos por aire comprimido (tamén coñecido como chorreado, chorro de area, arenado, chorreo de area, chorreado de area, sand blasting, etc.)* granallado por turbina* láser* sistemas de lavado e secado Dirección: Oficinas centrales e almacénC/ Energía 2, Polígono Industrial FamadesE-08940 - Cornellá de LlobregatBarcelona Tel:933 77 82 55Fax: 933 77 05 73Email: [email protected]ón norte


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Sr. Juan MedinaTel: 656 793 197Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.mpa.es

Pinturas MeldorfDescrición: No sector naval teñen un amplísimo catálogo de antiincrustantes, imprimaciones, acabados e diversas pinturas especiais.Dirección: Rúa das Paxariñas s/nCulleredo ( A Coruña)Tel: 981 648997Fax: 981 677931Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.meldorf.es/

Saito Marine Service Canarias S.LDescrición: Reparación e mantemento técnico de buques, e máis concretamente, chorrear, pintar, limpar e suministrar.Dirección: C/ Doctor Juan Dominguez Pérez, 44Las Palmas de Gran CanariaTel: 92 846 51 91Fax: 92 846 23 98

Satma S.LDescrición: Empresa dedicada á rehabilitación de edificación como do sector naval. Pertence a APRI (Asociación de aplicadores de pinturas y revestimientos industriales) e tamén a AEDIMAR (Asociación Española de Industrial Auxiliares Marítimas). Dentro do apartado servicios de área naval descríbese que preparan superficies do buque para a sua posterior pintura.Dirección: Dirección: Sorolla Center, local 10Av. de las Cortes Valencianas, 5846015 ValenciaTel: 963 540 300Fax: 963 540 340Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.satma.es/ser_anaval.php/

Serviname S.L Descrición: Empresa dedicada á limpeza, mantemento de naves industriales, talleres, limpeza mediante auga a presión e chorreo con granlla, de buques e o seu pintado. Construcción, reparación, mantemento industrial de buques e industrias.Dirección: C/ Moll Llevant, 308039 BarcelonaTel: 93 225 78 10Fax: 93 225 78 10


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Vigra, S.L Viguesa de granalladosDescrición: A actividade de Vigra céntrase en aportar solucións integrales ao mantemento de estruturas e compoñentes metálicos sometidos aos efectos da corrosión orixinada por axentes mecánicos, quimicos ou biolóxicos. Os servizos que ofrece aparecen recollidos pinchando no apartado ServiciosDirección: Muelle de Reparaciones de Bouzas. Nave 8 VigoTel:986 29 94 14Fax: 986 20 71 50Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.vigra.es/


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Oferta de empresas na web

IbergalDescrición: Esta empresa, na súa páxina ofréce máquinas de granallado e chorreado e demáis equipo como guantes, boquillas. Teñen un amplo catálogo no presentan a súa gama de artigos.URL: http://www.ibergal.com/

International PaintDescrición: Empresa mundial dedicada a pinturas anitfouling e antiincrustantes tanto a nivel individual como a industrial. Teñen unha ampla gama de productos para evitar o fouling e para coidado e restauración de embarcacións.URL: http://www.yachtpaint.com/

Nautic Expo: El salón naútico virtualDescrición: Páxina web moi importante no relativo ó naval. Contén un importante catálogo con pinturas mariñas, antifouling e demáis. Hai que pinchar na categoría Astillero Naval: Materiales de Construcción e unha vez dentro pinchar en antifoulingURL: http://www.nauticexpo.es/

Nautica EscaladaDescrición: Nautica Escalada ofrece productos de distintas marcas. Unha de elas é Schori que ten unha liña totalmente especializada en pinturas antifouling. Na páxina de inicio se pinchamos en ferretería atopmaos unha lista das marcas das que distribuen. Pinchando en fichas técnicas atópase outra lista coas marcas e os seus productos. Entre eles está Shori Línea Naútica cunha ampla gama de pinturas antifouling que se presenta en formato pdf do que se adxunta a URLURL inicio: http://www.nauticaescalada.com/ URL fichas: http://www.nauticaescalada.com/fichates.html/ URL pinturas Schori:http://www.nauticaescalada.com/Fichas%20Schori/SCHORI%20NAUTICO.pdf


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ASTANDER: Astilleros de santanderConstrucción e reparcións en todo tipo de buquesFernández Hontoria, 2439610. Santander Tel: 942 209 100Fax: 942 209 101Commercial DepartmentAlfonso Campos – Pedro Oslé – Ignacio ChamizoEmail: [email protected] URL: http://www.astander.es/

ASTICAN: Astilleros CanariosReparación e mantemento de buques e material flotante. Pertence o grupo privado Italmar.Avda. Petrolíferas, s/nLas Palmas de Gran CanariaTel: 928 47 98 00Fax: 928 47 98 45Email: [email protected]: http://www.astican.es/

Astillero BarrerasDedícase fundamentalmente á construcción de grandes buques. É un referente na construcción naval en Europa.Avda Beiramar, 2Aptdo 35VigoTel: 986 21 32 97Fax: 986 23 14 00Email: [email protected]: http://www.hjbarreras.es/

Astilleros ArmónEstá formado por catro compañías: dúas en Asturias, outra en Burela e a cuarta en Vigo. Efectúa reparacións de buques, modernización de interiores e equipos e pintado de buques.Av. Beiramar, 6VigoSede VigoTel: 986 20 55 11Fax: 986 21 43 83Email: [email protected]: http://www.grupoarmon.com/

Astilleros CardamaDedícanse á construcción, trasformación e reparación de buques de aceiro. Entre os seus servizos atópase o chorreado con granalla seguindo a norma ISO 8501-1:1.988 Avd. Beiramar, 12Vigo Tel: 986 23 16 62


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Fax: 986 23 40 51 Email: [email protected]: http://www.astilleroscardama.com/

Astilleros Cernaval, S.L Este estaleiro está constituído sobre as instalacións dos Estaleiros Crinavis na Bahía de Algeciras, Cádiz que no seu día foron os maiores estaleiros de Europa para a construcción de buques crioxénicos de alta tecnoloxía. Realizánse reparacións en dique flotante: no que se refire a casco toda clase de traballos de aceiro, chorreado de area e pintura.Reciento Portuario de CampamentoSan Roque CádizTel: 956 69 93 14Fax: 956 69 82 95Email: [email protected]: http://www.astilleroscernaval.com/

Astilleros de MallorcaReparación de buques con modernos métodos de traballo e ferramentas. Pinchando no apartado Services ofrécese a técnica de Hydroblasting para a limpeza de superficies.Contramuelle-Mollet, 11Palma de MallorcaTel: 971 71 06 45Fax: 971 72 13 68Email: [email protected]: http://www.astillerosdemallorca.com/

Astilleros GondánEmpresa privada dedicada principalmente á reparación de barcos con casco de aceiroPuerto de FigueirasCastropol (Asturias)Tel: 985 63 62 50Fax: 985 63 62 98Email: [email protected]: http://www.gondan.com/

Astilleros LagoEmpresa viguesa que se dedica principalmente á restauración de embarcacións clásicas de madeira. No apartado de Nuestra actividad-reparación de yates aparecen a lista de servizos que ofrecen como son tratamentos antiósmosis, pintura e demáis.Avda. Eduardo Cabello 236208, VigoTel: 986 23 62 36Fax: 986 29 18 33Email: [email protected]: http://www.astilleroslagos.com/


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Astilleros ZamakonaServicio de asistencia, reparación ó aprovisionamento para buques. Cubre a zona cantábrica e a zona suratlantica dende as Illas Canarias. Dentro do grupo Zamakona atópanse talleres de reparación coma Asinaval e Napesca.Tel: 94 493 70 30Fax: 94 461 25 80Email:[email protected] URL: http://www.astilleroszamakona.com/

Construcciones Navales Paulino FreireDedícanse tanto á construcción coma á reparación de buquesBeiramar, 18VigoTel: 986 23 30 00Fax: 986 23 72 84Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.freireshipyard.com/espanol/actividad-reparaciones.html

Factoría Naval MarínServizo de contrucción e reparación de barcosAvenida de Orense 31BMarín.PontevedraTel: 986 88 02 56Fax: 986 88 4 21Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.fnmarin.com/

Factorías Vulcano S.AComposta por Factorías Vulcano en Vigo e Factorías Juliana en Gijón é unha empresa punteira na construcción naval española.Santa Tecla, 69VigoTel: 986 26 61 61Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.factoriasvulcano.com/

MetalShips and Docks S.A.UEmpresa privada dedicada á división do aceiro do grupo Rodman Poliships, un estaleiro de gran tradición ubicado en Vigo. Leva a cabo actividades de transformación e reparación de buques desde 1896Rois-Teis, s/nVigo Tel: 986 81 18 00Fax: 986 45 29 61Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.metalships.com/


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Montajes NovarueA actividade principal desta empresa é a construcción e reparación naval realizando traballos nas súas propias instalacións ou desplazando operarios a outras empresas como apoio as súas plantllas.Muelle de Reparaciones, Dpto. Taller 17 Marín. Pontevedra Tel: 986 89 15 00 | 986 89 16 59 Fax: 986 89 16 59URL: http://www.novarue.com/

Naval GijónEstaleiro de gran tradición. Constrúen atuneiros, cargueiros, remocaldores e demáis.URL: http://www.navalgijon.es/

NavantiaEmpresa española líder no sector da construcción naval militar. A sua actividade organízase en catro liñas: construcción naval, motores diesel, reparacións e tranformacións e sistemas de control e combate. Ten centros de reparacións en Cartagena, Cádiz, Fene/Ferrol e San Fernando.C/ Velázquez 13228006 MadridTel: 91 335 84 00Fax: 91 335 86 52Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.navantia.es/


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Talleres de reparación

AsinavalTaller de serrvicio e asistencia a buques en porto e en navegación. Pertence ó grupo ZamakonaCalle Cuzco, 6. Urbanización El SebadalC.P.35008Las Palmas de Gran CanariaTel: 928 46 75 21Fax: 928 46 24 05Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.asinaval.com/

NapescaTaller de serrvicio e asistencia a buques en porto e en navegación. Pertence ó grupo ZamakonaCalle Cuzco, 4 y 6 Urbanización el SebadalC.P.35008Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Tel: 928 46 75 21Fax: 928 46 12 33Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.napesca.com/

NodosaEmpresa dedicada á construcción e reparación de buques.Avda de Orense, s/nMarín. Pontevedra.Tel: 986 88 06 02http://www.nodosa.com/

REMESA: Reparaciones Marítimas Españolas, S.A Muelle del Navio, s/nAlgeciras(Cádiz)URL: http://www.remesa-shiprepair.com/

REPNAVAL: Reparación Navales CanariasEstaleiro de reparación privado dedicado ó mantemento, reparación e transformación de buques durante a varadaCIA. Trasatlántica Española, S/N. Dársena Exterior. Puerto de Las PalmasC.P.35008Las Palmas de Gran CanariaTel: 928 46 61 68Fax: 928 46 61 77Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.repnaval.com/es/index.php


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TANAVAL: Talleres Navales ValenciaA sua actividade céntrase na reparación xeral de buques a flote e en seco e na construcción de embarcacións con casco de aluminio. Tel: 963 674 216 Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.tanaval.es/

Vicalsa: Viguesa de Caldeirería S.AA actividade principal está orientada á reparación e transformación de buques pero tamén dedica parte do seu labor á construcción de embarcacións tanto en aceiro como en aluminio.Camiño do Caramuxo, 64 – 36213 VigoEmail: [email protected] http://www.vicalsa.es/

Vicente Belliure ConstruccionesEmpresa familiar dedicada á construcción de yates, así como a reparación e transformación de todo tipo de embarcacións. No apartado servicios ofertan pintura de casco de barcos, tratamentos de prevención anti-osmosis, pintado anti-foling e demáis.Oficinas Altea:Puerto Dpvo. Luis Campomanes03599 Altea (Alicante) Tel: 96 584 10 69Fax: 96 584 39 44Email: [email protected] http://www.belliure.com/


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Anexo III

Documentación adxuntaAdxúntase documentos en formato pdf que completan a información

● Boletín nº2 de Inteligencia Tecnológica do Centro Innovamar “Pinturas y recubrimientos antifouling” de decembro de 2007URL: http://www.innovamar.org/descargas/N2%20Antifouling.pdf

● Artigo publicado na Revista Iberoamericana de Informática de Automática e Informática industrial Vol. 4, Núm. 2, Abril 2008 titulado “ Desarrollo orientado a componentes de unidades de control de robots: aplicación a robots de limpieza de cascos de buquesURL:http://riai.isa.upv.es/CGI-BIN/articulos%20revisados%202008/versiones%20impresas/vol5_num2/articulo9_vol5_num2.pdf

● Catálogo de pinturas Schori coas utilidades e forma de aplicaciónURL: http://www.nauticaescalada.com/Fichas%20Schori/SCHORI%20NAUTICO.pdf

● International Convention on the control of harmul antifouling system on ships, London on 18 october 2001 Acta 2006URL:http://0-www.comlaw.gov.au.prospero.murdoch.edu.au/ComLaw/Legislation/Act1.nsf/0/68200AB986D9477FCA2573F2007F8AB3/$file/1072006.pdf

