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Typograma - Catálogo 2009

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Catálogo tipográfico de Tipograma, fundición tipográfica digital de César Puertas
typograma.com catálogo 2009 | 1 Diseño de & con tipografía catálogo 2009 | www.typograma.com
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Diseño de & con tipografía

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Letras nuevas, de Colombia

typograma es una de las primeras fundiciones tipográficas de Colombia y tiene como objetivo pro-ducir y comercializar tipografías (para texto y titula-res) de primera calidad para diseñadores gráficos y publicistas dentro y fuera de Colombia.

La fundición Typograma es parte del estudio de dise-ño del mismo nombre en el cual se realizan encargos donde la tipografía es el insumo y componente es-tético principal en las áreas de ilustración, identidad visual y diseño editorial.

Con su trabajo, Typograma busca involucrar a sus clientes para que reconozcan el valor de la tipografía en el contexto de la comunicación contemporánea a través de charlas, promoción de eventos y venta de libros cuyo tema principal sean las letras, entre otras actividades.

Este catálogo, posiblemente el primero de su clase producido en Colombia, es la presentación oficial de algunas tipografías que andan rondando las editoria-les desde 2007, cuando se lanzaron las primeras ver-siones de prueba de Obliqua, Urbana y Bolívar. Tipos de letra nuevos como Buendía y Legítima ahora hacen parte de él también y buscan aumentar el repertorio de posibilidades expresivas de los diseñadores gráfi-cos en Colombia. ¡Desde Typograma, le hacemos una invitación especial para que las disfrute todas!

César [email protected]

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19 pts .

27 pts .

46 pts .

50 pts .

73 pts .

137 pts .

220 pts .


Tipografía para titulares y logotipos inspirada en la escritura de Simón Bolívar. Realizada en cooperación con Carlos Fabián Camargo, diseñador tipográ-fico colombo-venezolano.

Bolívar tiene una fuerte inclina-ción hacia la derecha (alrededor de 50º) y ascendentes y descendentes considerables, ambas caracteríticas que aportan belleza y energía a las palabras compuestas en ella.

Los trazos de Bolívar intentan simular el efecto de la tinta fresca en el papel, lo cual aumenta aun más su expresividad y brío. Un conjunto de caracteres misceláneos con motivos republicanos com-plementa la familia, haciendo aún más rica su aplicación en diversos trabajos de diseño gráfico. Publicada en Myfonts.com en el año 2007.

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caracteres misceláneos (dingbats) de bolívar

boLivar dingbats

Este ejemplo de carátula sobre la vida de Napoleón se ve muy bien porque se utilizó Bolívar. Un manchón de tinta sacado de Bolívar Dingbats sirvió como fondo para la palabra Napoleón. Hasta el identificador de la editorial se puede diseñar echando mano de esta familia. Cuente con Bolívar cuando necesite expresividad y energía y utilice los caracteres misceláneos que la complementan para conseguir diseños aún más expresivos.

Vincent Cronin

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Sweetnesscinco variedades en nuestras lineas de café seleccionado molido

Amiabilityo en grano, bien tostado, como debe ser! Pocos lugares del país

Kindnesso en grano, bien tostado, como debe ser! Pocos lugares del país

AntioxidantsCoffee percolators and automatic coffeemakers brew coffee by gravity. In an automatic coffeemaker hot water drips onto coffee grounds held in a coffee filter made of paper, plastic, or perforated metal, allowing the water to seep through the ground coffee while extracting its oils and essences. The liquid drips through the coffee and the filter into a carafe or pot, and


Buendía fue desarrollada por el autor como trabajo de grado para optar por el título de Master of Design in Type and Media en la Real Academia de Artes en La Haya (KABK), Países Bajos. Es una familia tipográfica inspirada en la escasa variedad de personalidades de las fuentes de texto contempo-ráneas, las cuales se caracterizan por constituir familias enteras de tipografías a partir de variaciones más o menos automáticas en ancho y calibre de un solo peso original.

Buendía plantea un dibujo y un estilo diferente para cada peso, así como un uso específico que va desde el Medium, adecuado para textos muy pequeños, pasando por el Book para textos de 10 a 12 puntos, hasta el Thin y Black para titula-res y encabezados que deban ser llamativos por su gran tamaño. Sus terminaciones dulces le confieren una personalidad alegre y cálida.

107 pts .

14 pts .

76 pts .

200 pts .

12 / 15 pts .

200 pts .

200 pts .

200 pts .

14 pts .

85 pts .

85 pts .

14 pts .

Desserts in Latin America are genera-

lly very sweet in taste. They include

dulce de leche, alfajor, arroz con leche,

tres leches cake, Teja and flan. Latin

American Cuisine is a phrase that

refers to typical foods, beverages, and

Desserts in Latin America are generally very sweet in taste. They include dulce de leche, alfajor, arroz con leche, tres leches cake, Teja and flan. Latin American Cuisine is a phrase that refers to typical foods, beverages, and coo-king styles common to many of the countries and cultures

in Latin America. It should be noted that Latin America is a very diverse area of land that holds various cuisines that vary from nation to nation. Some items typical of Latin American cuisi-ne include maize-based dishes tortillas, tamales, pupusas and various salsas and other condiments guacamole, pico de gallo,

cooking styles common to many of the

countries and cultures in Latin America.

It should be noted that Latin America is a

very diverse area of land that holds various

cuisines that vary from nation to nation.

Some items typical of Latin American

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buendia boLd

La variable negrita de Buen-día es una egipcia de remates dulces y contraste muy bajo que funciona muy bien como com-plemento para la regular o sola como tipografía de display.

Buendía Bold recuerda las letras monoespaciadas de las máquinas de escribir pero con un toque amable, cálido y muy contemporáneo.

sugaroptimaltastinessencouragingten sweet typewriters

let us go to the cantine right

latte, capuccino, espresso, machiatto

cinco variedades en nuestras lineas de cafe seleccionado y

son los buenos amigos que vienen de lejos a comer, a tomar aguardiente y a pasarla bien10 pts .

14 pts .

24 pts .

32 pts .

40 pts .

71 pts .

100 pts .

114 pts .

160 pts .

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sweetbuenasdeliciousreassuringCandies are sweet

cafeterias or coffee places

capuccino, espresso and machiatto

cinco variedades en nuestras lineas de cafe seleccionado y

son buenos amigos que vienen de lejos a comer, a tomar aguardiente y a pasarla bien

160 pts .

110 pts .

58 pts .

65 pts .

45 pts .

32 pts .

24 pts .

13 pts .

10 pts .

buendia extraboLd

Una sans muy gruesa y negra traduce la amabilidad conceptual de Buendía en remates suaves, acolchados y muy, muy dulces. Los detalles presentes en esta variable son ideales para tamaños grandes, titulares, logotipos y textos no muy largos en los cuales convenga llamar la atención con un estilo amable. Gorda y repuestica, esta extrabold es bonachona, habla recio y todos la quieren porque sabe ser amable con todos sus lectores.

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rejuvenatingRestaurant menus

this is world-class cuisine

A hundred years of solitude by Ga

Un parentesco que se fundamenta no en cambios de peso sino

200 pts .

138 pts .

70 pts .

82 pts .

55 pts .

39 pts .

30 pts .

16 pts .

buendia thin

La némesis de Buendía Extra-bold es un tipo de letra anoréxico y femenino, pero muy elegante. Buendía Thin está pensada también para uso en titulares y logotipos donde pueda lucir todos sus detalles, pero evoca un estilo de vida mucho más light que cualquier miembro de la familia Buendía. Este tipo de letra va al gimnasio todos los días, toma bebidas dietéticas y cuenta cada caloría. Perfecta para hablar de moda, belleza y maquillaje.

buendia medium

Una sans robusta para textos muy pequeños completa la familia Buendía. De ella sólo puede decirse que tiene el calibre y el espacio entre letras adecuado para leerse muy pequeña, algo que es muy útil en notas de pie de página y textos al pie de las imágenes en libros y revistas de casi cualquier tema.

buendia medium, 10 / 11 pts .

Desserts in Latin America are generally very sweet in taste. They include dulce de leche, alfajor, arroz con leche, tres leches cake, Teja and flan. Latin American

buendia medium, 8 / 9 pts .

Latin American Cuisine is a phrase

that refers to typical foods, bevera-

ges, and cooking styles common

to many of the countries and

cultures in Latin America. It should

be noted that Latin America is a

very diverse area of land that holds

various cuisines that vary from

nation to nation.

buendia medium, 7 / 9 pts .

Some items typical of Latin American

cuisine include maize-based dishes

tortillas, tamales, pupusas and various

salsas and other condiments guacamole,

pico de gallo, mole, chimichurri, and

pebre. These spices are generally what

give the Latin American cuisines a

distinct flavor; yet, each country of Latin

America tends to use a different spice

and those that share spices tend to use

them at different quantities. Thus, this

leads for a variety across the land. Latin

American beverages are just as distinct

as their foods. Some of the beverages

can even date back to the times of

the Native Americans. Some popular

beverages include mate, pisco, horchata,

chicha, atole, cacao and aguas frescas.

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servicios de salud

semanaAmabilidad psicorrígida

objetividadUna tipografía colombiana para textos

amorosano más retórica macondiana



Obliqua es una familia tipográ-fica humanística de paloseco, de usos múltiples, diseñada con el fin último de aprender los fundamen-tos del diseño de tipografías.

Está influenciada por la sans de Edward Johnston y sus formas son una racionalización del ductus de la escritura fundacional, traducido en una letra sin serifas y utilizable en textos corridos. Obliqua es probable-mente la primera familia tipográfica para texto producida en Colombia.

Las formas sencillas y claras de Obliqua connotan seriedad y objeti-vidad con un toque de calor humano. Es igualmente adecuada para hablar de salud y arte, ambos temas en los cuales la sensibilidad humana debe verse, pero sin exagerar.

At the time of the creation of the World Health Orga-nization (who), in 1948, Health was defined as being “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infir-mity”. This definition invited nations to expand the conceptual framework of their health systems beyond issues related to the physical condition of individuals and their diseases, and it motivated us to focus our

At the time of the creation of the World Health Organization (who), in 1948, Health was defined as being “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This definition invited nations to expand the concep-tual framework of their health systems beyond issues related to the physical condition of individuals and their disea-ses, and it motivated us to focus our attention on what we now call social

small caps, 39 pts .

117 pts .

40 pts .

80 pts .

24 pts .

110 pts .

32 pts .

60 pts .

11 / 15 pts . 7 / 10 pts .

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servicios de salud

semanaAmabilidad psicorrígida

objetividadUna tipografía colombiana para textos

amorosano más retórica macondiana


obLiqua boLd

At the time of the creation of the World Health Organization (who), in 1948, Health was defined as being “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This definition invited na-tions to expand the conceptual framework of their health systems beyond issues related to the phy-sical condition of individuals and their diseases,

At the time of the creation of the World Health Organization (who), in 1948, Health was defined as being “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. This definition invited nations to expand the conceptual framework of their health systems beyond issues related to the physical condition of individuals and their diseases, and it motivated us to focus our attention

small caps, 39 pts .

117 pts .

40 pts .

80 pts .

24 pts .

110 pts .

32 pts .

60 pts .

11 / 15 pts . 7 / 10 pts .

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Urbana es una familia tipo-gráfica de paloseco, naturalmen-te condensada, diseñada para economizar espacio a lo ancho y a lo alto en titulares, textos cortos y señalización. La forma de sus trazos es una racionalización de la huella del pincel, que deja vestigios de esta fuente de inspiración en los remates. Su ductus está influido por la famosa “teoría M” de W. A. Dwiggins, que plantea contraformas internas quebradas y contornos externos suaves cuya disparidad desaparece con la distancia y produ-ce un ritmo y un brillo distintivos.

HeadlinesLegibility & ReadingLo que vos te merecés: cantado por Roberto Goyeneche


TypographySphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Thief, give back my pri-zed wax jonquils. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag. Ja-ded zombies acted quaintly but kept driving their oxen forward.

In a formula deus, qualem paulus creavit, dei negatio. Such a religion as Christianity, which does not touch reality at a single point and which goes to pieces the moment reality asserts its rights at any point must be inevitably the deadly enemy of the wisdom of this world which is to say of science and it will give the name of good to wha-tever means serve to poison, calumniate and cry down all interested man or woman. Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Thief, give back my prized wax jonquils. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Sixty zippers were quic-kly picked from the woven jute bag. Jaded zombies acted

In a formula deus, qualem paulus creavit, dei negatio. Such a religion as Christianity, which does not touch reality at a single point and which goes to pieces the moment reality asserts its rights at any point must be inevitably the deadly enemy of the wisdom of this world which is to say of science and it will give the name of good to whatever means serve to poison, calumniate and cry down all interested man or woman. Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Thief, give back my prized wax jonquils. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Sixty zippers were

109 pts .

54 pts .

20 pts .

67 pts .

24 pts .

93 pts .

17 pts .

12 / 15 pts . 9 / 10 pts .

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urbanaboLd Headlines

Legibility & ReadingLo que vos te merecés: cantado por Roberto Goyeneche


TypographySphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Thief, give back my prized wax jonquils. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag. Jaded zombies acted quaintly but kept driving their oxen

In a formula deus, qualem paulus creavit, dei negatio. Such a religion as Christianity, which does not touch reality at a single point and which goes to pieces the moment reality asserts its rights at any point must be inevitably the deadly enemy of the wisdom of this world which is to say of science and it will give the name of good to whatever means serve to poison, calumniate and cry down all interested man or woman. Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Thief, give back my prized wax jonquils. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute

In a formula deus, qualem paulus creavit, dei negatio. Such a religion as Christianity, which does not touch reality at a single point and which goes to pieces the moment reality asserts its rights at any point must be inevitably the deadly enemy of the wisdom of this world which is to say of science and it will give the name of good to whatever means serve to poison, calumniate and cry down all in-terested man or woman. Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Thief, give back my prized wax jonquils. The quick brown fox jumps over the

109 pts .

54 pts .

20 pts .

67 pts .

24 pts .

92 pts .

17 pts .

12 / 15 pts . 9 / 10 pts .

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urbanaextra boLd

HeadlinesLegibility & ReadingLo que vos te merecés: cantado por Roberto Goyeneche


TypographySphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Thief, give back my prized wax jonquils. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag. Jaded zombies acted quaintly but kept driving

In a formula deus, qualem paulus creavit, dei negatio. Such a religion as Christianity, which does not touch reality at a single point and which goes to pieces the moment reality asserts its rights at any point must be inevitably the deadly enemy of the wisdom of this world which is to say of science and it will give the name of good to whatever means serve to poison, calumniate and cry down all interested man or woman. Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Thief, give back my prized wax jonquils. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Sixty zippers were quickly picked

In a formula deus, qualem paulus creavit, dei negatio. Such a religion as Christianity, which does not touch reality at a single point and which goes to pieces the moment reality asserts its rights at any point must be inevitably the deadly enemy of the wisdom of this world which is to say of science and it will give the name of good to whatever means serve to poison, calumniate and cry down all interested man or woman. Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Thief, give back my prized wax jonquils. The quick

109 pts .

54 pts .

20 pts .

67 pts .

24 pts .

93 pts .

17 pts .

12 / 15 pts . 9 / 10 pts .

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Esta letra es un revival tipográfi-co de los caracteres encontrados en La Cicceide Legitima, un libro italiano impreso en Venecia en 1694. Por estar dibujada a partir de un original de cuerpo 10 puntos, funciona mejor al ser usada en este mismo tamaño.

En ella se preserva una cierta rareza o imperfección que se hallaba presente en el impreso original; ésta se manifiesta en el énfasis allí donde los trazos cambian de dirección. Entre otros detalles se encuentran la relativa pesadez de las mayúsculas y el sabor metálico que se materia-liza en la manera como se dibujan los contornos, como si estuvieran tallados usando la lima y el buril.

Todas estas características, además de sus trazos ligeramente cóncavos (más gruesos hacia los extremos), contribuyen a hacer de Legitima un tipo de letra muy legible basado en la tradición europea pero con un gran potencial expresivo para nuestra época.

anthropologistoriginalis the study of prehistoric life, including organisms, evolution and inter-actions with each other and their envi-ronments. As a historical science it tries to explain causes rather than conduct experiments to observe any given effect.

Although 5th century bc and medieval thinkers made what would now be called paleontological observations, the science became established in the 18th century as a result of Georges Cuvier�s work on comparative anatomy, and developed rapidly in the 19th century. Fossils found in China since the 1990s have provided new information about the earliest evolution of ani-mals, early fish, dinosaurs and the evolution of birds and mam-mals. Paleontology lies on the border between biology and geol-ogy, and also shares with archeology a border that is difficult to define. It now uses techniques drawn from a wide range ofin the 19th century. Fossils found in China since the 1990s have provided new information about the earliest evolution of ani-

Body fossils and trace fossils are the principal types of evidence about ancient life, and geochemical evidence has helped to decipher the evolution of life before there were organisms large enough to leave fossils. Estimating the dates of these remains is essential but difficult: sometimes adjacent rock layers allow radiomet-ric dating, which provide absolute dates that are accurate to within 0.5%, but more often paleontologists have to rely on relative dating by solving the jigsaw puzzles of biostratigraphy. Classifying ancient organisms is also difficult, as many do not fit well into the Linnean taxonomy that is commonly used for classifying living organisms, and paleontologists more often use cladistics to draw up evolutionary family trees. The final quarter of the 20th century saw the development of molec-ular phylogenetics, which investigates how closely organisms are related by

Molecular phylogenetics has also been used to es-timate the dates when species diverged, but there is controversy about the reliability of the molecular clock on which such estimates depend. Use of all these techniques has enabled paleontologists to discover much of the evolutionary history of life, almost all the way back to when Earth became capable of supporting life, about 3,800 million years ago. For about half of that time the only life was single-celled micro-organisms, mostly in microbial mats that formed ecosystems only a few millimeters thick. Earth�s atmosphere originally contained virtually no oxygen, and its oxygenation began about 2,400 million years ago. This may have caused an accelerating increase in the diver-sity and complexity of life, and early multicellular plants and fungi have been found in rocks dated from 1,700 to 1,200 million years ago. The earliest multicellular animal fossils are much later, from about 580 million years ago, but animals diversi-fied very rapidly and there is a lively debate about whether most of this happened in a relatively short Cambrian explosion or started earlier but has been hidden by lack of fossils. All of these organisms lived in water, but plants and invertebrates started colonizing land from about 490 million years ago and vertebrates followed them about 370 million years ago. The first dinosaurs appeared about 230 million years ago and birds evolved from one dino-saur group about 150 million years ago. During the time of the dinosaurs, mammals' ancestors sur-vived only as small, mainly nocturnal insectivores, but after the non-avian dinosaurs became extinct in the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event 65 mil-lion years ago mammals diversified rapidly. Flower-

134 pts .

81 pts .

24 pts .

10 / 12 pts .

8 / 10 pts . 6 / 8 pts .

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Diseño de & con tipografía

[email protected] 15a 1b 31, oficina 302Bogotá, d.c. (Colombia)

una sola licencia lic. adicional

Bolívar (2 fuentes) $ 160.000 $ 40.000 Regular, Dingbats

Buendía (7 fuentes) $ 650.000 $ 162.500 Thin, Book, Italic, Medium, Bold, Extra Bold

Obliqua (4 fuentes) $ 400.000 $ 100.000 Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic (con versalitas)

Urbana (6 fuentes) $ 288.000 $ 72.000 Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Black, Black Italic

Legítima (2 fuentes) $ 180.000 $ 45.000 Regular, Italic (con versalitas)

Librería typograma $ 1.440.000 $ 360.000 Nuestras 21 fuentes hasta septiembre de 2009
