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UTV Presentation

Date post: 19-Jan-2017
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Welcome to UTVonline A common man revolution to beat inflation UNITED TEAM VALUE

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Welcome to UTVonline A common man revolution to beat inflationUNITED TEAM VALUE

The Most SuccessfulSocial Financial Aided ProjectBe unite, lets make the difference..!!

Today You help someone...Tomorrow You will be helped out!

Current World Economic Scenario :

Huge InflationRecession Inflation + Recession = StagflationGreece and Zimbabwe gone bankruptBankers lying, Auditors lying, Government too lyingWhat Guarantee is this with just fiat currency in our hands.The day is not far when the condition of So called Worlds most precious currency will be like this.

YearExchange rate(INR per USD)1947119667.5019758.3919807.86198512.38199017.01199532.427200043.502005 (Jan)43.472006 (Jan)45.192007 (Jan)39.422008 (October)48.882009 (October)46.372010 (January 22)46.212011 (April)44.172011 (Sept 21)48.242011 (Nov17)55.39502012 (June 22)57.152013 (May 15)54.732013 (Aug 30, 12:00 IST)67

The Indian Rupee was pegged to the British Sterling from 1926 to 1966 at INR 13.33 to 1 Pound. The peg was changed to the US Dollar in 1966 at Rs 7.5 to 1 USD.

Source : wikipedia

In Future there will be only :


There will be No Middle Class !!!I repeat !!! There will be No Middle Class!!!

Capitalism like this will end soon with no people to afford the goods produced by rich capitalists.

The Future :

Banks , Insurance Companies..What are these Actually ? ?

They are the enterprise supporting only the Capitalists while paying you the lowest interest in return for your deposit as compared to the inflation.

They only exist as long as people trust them and deposit their money.

Banks just act as mediator between the Depositor and the Borrower.

What if all the people start asking for all their deposits ????

Currently there are biggest credit defaults happening world-wide due to the Hyperinflation. Governments too are in huge debts. So the Balance is getting disturbed between the Depositors and the Borrowers.

Will the bank will be able to pay ? So! What is the Guarantee then? Yes of course bank will pay after sometime but with just fiat (extra printed) currency.

Insurance Companies will also be not able to pay the claims if the New Insurance policies stop coming. The Risk pool to pay claims will dry up very soon with just claims and No new Insurance Policies.

What is this then ? ? ?PYRAMID, PYRAMID & PURE PYRAMID !!!

Money is being paid by new deposits to the other ones.

Bank, Insurance dont produce any money by themselves Bank makes Money by lending theloans.

As soon as the new deposits cease and the number of Borrowing default increases alongwith number of withdrawals.

This system is going to collapse. None will be paid. If will be paid, then that money will be fiat currency money with no value at all.

What GUARANTEE is this ??

We have Government bankruptcy recently in Greece, Zimbabwe and Spain also is heading towards that.

Join The Revolution !!!www.utvonline.inBe unite, lets make the difference..!!

Open your Virtual Account Make commitment with INR 2,500/- to Maximum 50,000/-After 15 days withdraw @ 20% higher than the committed amount.orAfter 30 days withdraw @ 50% higher than the committed amount.UTVonline:

Suppose You deposited 10,000 for 1 month on 1st Sep 2013

You Can withdraw your committed amount on 16th Sep 2013 totaling a sum of 12,000OrYou can withdraw your committed amount on 01st Oct 2013 totaling a sum of 15,000

Note:- Involve Only Your Free Money ! System doesnt give any Guarantees as if the system gets collapsed or crashed. Keep this in your mind. Although we make sure that every one gets paid.

The Winning money is paid to old participants by the new participants up-to the 50% higher rate.

Example :

Financial Revolution :As a participant you can recommend your family, Friends and other people about UTV concept.

You get 10% of the deposit of the person recommended by you.

You also Earn Level Income of :5% > 3% > 2% > 1% > 0.5% > 0.25% till unlimited depth.

You Ever Wished to Install this type of Tap in Your Premises:

Be unite, lets make the difference!!!Be on the path of financial freedom with UTVonline Be a Participant with us with any commitmentbetween 2.5k to 50k.

Just relax and see your Money growing daily.No Job work, No hassles

Are You Still thinking ?95% of people read History&5% create it !!Come On !! Join The Revolution !!!&Lets Create A History

Happy Earnings With UTVonline

www.utvonline.inBe unite, lets make the difference..!!

Thanks A lot For Your Precious Time

Visit :www.utvonline.in
