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Nivel MedioCiclo Básico: Primer Grado

Área de Comunicación y Lenguaje l3 Inglés

Orientaciones para el Desarrollo Curricular

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2 ODEC Área de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés


Doctor Bienvenido Argueta HernándezMinistro de Educación

Licenciado Francisco Ricardo Cabrera Romero Viceministro de Diseño y Verificación de la Calidad Educativa

Viceministro Técnico de Educación

Licenciado Dennis Alonzo MazariegosViceministro Administrativo de Educación

M.A. Jorge Manuel Raymundo VelásquezViceministro Bilingüe e Intercultural

Director General de Currículo - DIGECUR -

Licenciado Enrique Cortez SicDirector de la Dirección General de Gestión de la Calidad -DIGECADE-

Licenciado Pedro Us SocDirector General de Educación Bilingüe Intercultural -DIGEBI-

Lic. Gerardo Aguirre OestmanDirección General de Educación Física, DIGEF

Lic. José Fernando Pineda OcañaSubdirector de Diseño y Desarrollo Curricular

Licda. Mariela Ruedas de GarcíaSubdirectora de Evaluación Curricular

Lic. Carlos Alfonso López AlonzoJefe de Departamento – Nivel de Educación Media – Ciclo Básico, DIGECUR

Proceso de elaboración de Orientación para el Desarrollo Curricular Área Comunicación y Lenguaje L3

Licda. Vila Morales Hernández de CardonaEspecialista Idioma Inglés

DIGECUR Dirección General de CurrículoMinisterio de Educación6ª. Calle 1-87 Zona 10, 01010Teléfono: (502) 24119595www.mineduc.gob.gt / www.mineduc.edu.gt

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Nivel Medio Ciclo Básico: Primer Grado 3


El Ministerio de Educación, a través de la Dirección General de Currículo presenta a la comunidad educativa del Nivel Medio Ciclo Básico: Primer grado, las Orientaciones para el Desarrollo Curricular, como herramienta para apoyar a los y las docentes para orientar el proceso de obtención de aprendizaje por parte de los y las alumnas, al mismo tiempo tiene como función principal dar respuesta a los acuerdos y compromisos establecidos en el marco de la Reforma Educativa.

Las ODEC, contienen diversas actividades que van dirigidas al y la docente para orientar el desarrollo del proceso de obtención de aprendizajes por parte de las y los jóvenes. Las actividades que en este documento se sugieren están estrechamente vinculadas con las competencias, indicadores de logro y el desarrollo de los contenidos procedimentales, declarativos y actitudinales que se registran el Currículo Nacional Base del Ciclo Básico Primer Grado. Las actividades que se contemplan en este documento no son absolutas y únicas, son ejemplos y sugerencias que se le presentan al o a la agente educativo para que de esta manera se continúe utilizando la creatividad de introducir actividades contextualizadas en los diferentes ámbitos educativos, tomando en cuenta las características, las necesidades y los intereses de los y las jóvenes en la actualidad, de manera que el aprendizaje sea significativo para los y las estudiantes.

Las Orientaciones para el Desarrollo Curricular que se presenta a continuación está destinada para ser utilizada en el desarrollo del Área de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés con los y las estudiantes del Nivel Medio Ciclo Básico: Primer grado específicamente, se encuentra estructurada en el siguiente orden: las competencias de grado con sus respectivos contenidos procedimentales, declarativos y actitudinales, indicadores de logro de las competencias establecidas, y las actividades que se sugieren.

Después del desarrollo de las actividades, se considera pertinente aplicar una evaluación, por lo que se sugieren algunos instrumentos que pueden utilizarse para la aplicación de la autoevaluación, coevaluación y la heteroevaluación, estos instrumentos también son sugerencias que pueden ser complementadas o readecuadas con base en las necesidades y características de las y los estudiantes, para poder apreciar el logro de las competencias por medio de los indicadores de logro.

Estimadas y estimados docentes hacemos entrega de este documento para que ustedes lo tomen como una herramienta con procedimientos metodológicos que los conduzca en la realización de sus tareas docentes, por lo que se espera que sea un elemento útil y que les pueda servir de base para el desarrollo de su creatividad.

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Carta del Señor Ministro de Educación

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Nivel Medio Ciclo Básico: Primer Grado 5

Tabla de contenidos

No. de página

Créditos 01

Presentación 02

Carta del Señor Ministro de Educación 04

Áreas del Currículo 06

Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Idioma Extranjero Inglés 09

Competencia Número 1 09

Contenidos 09

Indicadores de logro 09

Actividades sugeridas para la competencia Número 1 10

Evaluación 15

Competencia Número 2 15

Contenidos 16

Indicadores de logro 16

Actividades sugeridas para las competencias 2 16

Evaluación 23

Bibliografía 24

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6 ODEC Área de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés

Áreas del currículoEl Currículum para el Ciclo Básico del Nivel Medio se ha estructurado en siete Áreas, que están articuladas con las del Nivel Primario. La siguiente tabla muestra la organización de áreas y subáreas de primer grado del Ciclo Básico.

Áreas y subáreas curriculares para el Ciclo Básico del Nivel Medio


Ciencias Naturales

Ciencias Sociales y Formación Ciudadana

Comunicación y Lenguaje

Expresión Artística

Productividad y Desarrollo I

Educación Física

Matemáticas 1

Ciencias Naturales 1

Ciencias Sociales y Formación Ciudadana 1

Comunicación y LenguajeL1 Idioma Español 1

Comunicación y LenguajeL1 Idiomas Mayas 1 ( u otro)

Comunicación y LenguajeL2 Idioma Español 1

Comunicación y LenguajeL2 Idiomas Mayas 1 (u otro)

L3 Idioma Extranjero Inglés( u otro) 1

Tecnología de Información y Comunicación 1

Formación Musical 1

Artes Plásticas 1

Danza y Expresión Corporal 1

Teatro 1

Productividad y Desarrollo 1

Educación Física 1

Áreas Subáreas

Todas las áreas curriculares han sido actualizadas en términos del nuevo paradigma curricular, avances científicos, tecnológicos y humanísticos, y demandas sociales. Las áreas de Matemáticas y Ciencias Naturales han sido fortalecidas para que el estudiantado obtenga una formación matemática y científica más sólida que contribuya a su formación básica.

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Nivel Medio Ciclo Básico: Primer Grado 7

Atendiendo a la diversidad lingüística y sociolingüística del país y a la necesidad de fortalecer la comunicación entre los diferentes Pueblos y con el mundo, el área de Comunicación y Lenguaje contempla L1 Idioma Materno, L2 o Segundo Idioma y L3 o Idioma Extranjero. Para el estudiantado maya, L1 puede ser Idioma Maya, o Español, si en su comunidad se hubiera dado una situación de desplazamiento lingüístico, como se ha observado en algunos casos en el área kaqchikel. En el caso de estudiantado ladino que vive en áreas indígenas, L1 corresponde a Idioma Español y L2 puede ser el Idioma Maya de la comunidad lingüística donde reside. Para los y las estudiantes garífunas, la situación es similar a la de los y las mayas. Para el alumnado xinka, L1 es Idioma Español y L2 puede ser Xinka con una metodología de recuperación del idioma. Para 2008 se ha previsto el diseño de L1 Garífuna, L2 Idioma Español, L2 Idiomas Mayas y L2 Xinka con metodología de recuperación.

El idioma extranjero que más demanda ha tenido para su incorporación en el Currículum Nacional Base es el inglés. Su diseño curricular no debe confundirse con inglés como segundo idioma, ya que en ambos casos se persiguen competencias comunicativas distintas. En el futuro podrán diseñarse las mallas curriculares para otros idiomas extranjeros.

Tecnología de Información y Comunicación es una subárea de Comunicación y Lenguaje. Sin embargo, se concibe como una subárea que también constituye una herramienta de apoyo para el aprendizaje de otras áreas curriculares.

Ciencias Sociales y Formación Ciudadana constituye una sola área curricular. Dada la incorporación de la Formación Ciudadana en diferentes niveles del sistema educativo. El Ministerio de Educación ha diseñado manuales de apoyo para trabajarla con la comunidad educativa. Los manuales se encuentran citados en la bibliografía específica.

El área de Expresión Artística incluye Formación Musical, Artes Plásticas, Danza y Expresión Corporal y Teatro. La recomendación técnica es que el estudiantado, durante los tres años del Ciclo Básico, pueda familiarizarse con las cuatro. Sin embargo, su implementación en cada establecimiento educativo dependerá de condiciones y factores tales como: (a) disponibilidad de catedráticos o catedráticas especializadas; (b) disponibilidad de instrumentos, laboratorios o equipos especializados requeridos para impartir la subárea; (c) organización del tiempo en el horario y jornada diaria y semanal de trabajo; (d) disponibilidad de materiales educativos ad-hoc para las funciones de enseñanza y de aprendizaje; y (e) otros criterios y decisiones derivados de las condiciones de trabajo del centro.

El área de Productividad y Desarrollo comprende componentes relacionados con manejo de información, calidad y tecnología, trabajo en comunidad para el desarrollo sostenible y emprendimiento para el desarrollo. Sus contenidos incluyen contenidos seleccionados de asignaturas de planes de estudio anteriores: Artes Industriales, Educación para el Hogar y Contabilidad. Su metodología incorpora proyectos de diferentes tipos. Por tratarse de un área nueva en el Ciclo Básico, se impulsarán varias estrategias para su implementación tales como formación en servicio para docentes con formación inicial en Artes Industriales,

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8 ODEC Área de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés

Educación para el Hogar y Contabilidad, trabajo en equipo de docentes con diferentes especialidades, articulación con las Universidades para la creación de Profesorados para ésta área.

El área de Educación Física ha sido diseñada para trabajar dos componentes: condicionamiento físico/aptitud física y coordinación de la habilidad técnico -deportiva. La Dirección General de Educación Física (DIGEF) tiene a su cargo la formación en servicio de los y las docentes de esta área.

Uno de los factores que contribuye a la calidad educativa es el tiempo efectivo de aprendizaje. En la siguiente tabla , se presenta una distribución ilustrativa de carga horaria semanal por área. En la primera columna, está el nombre de cada una de las siete áreas; en la segunda columna, el número de periodos semanales por área distribuidos entre las siete áreas y subárea. En la primera columna, está el nombre de cada una de ellas; en la segunda columna el número de períodos semanales. La distribución en la segunda columna se hizo considerando una jornada de 5 horas y períodos de 40 minutos.

Distribución ilustrativa de carga horaria semanal por área en establecimientos educativos que trabajen una jornada con modalidad de entrega que incluya docente por área y subárea

Áreas Períodos semanales por Subárea

Comunicación y Lenguaje L1 Español

Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación

Idioma Extranjero (Inglés)


Ciencias Naturales

Ciencias Sociales y Formación Ciudadana

Expresión Artística

Productividad y Desarrollo

Educación Física










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Nivel Medio Ciclo Básico: Primer Grado 9

Competency No. 1

Responds to basic oral instructions in his/her school and social environments

ContentProcedure Cognitive Attitude

Performance indicators

Subárea de Comunicación y Lenguaje l3 Inglés

Body language use. Identifying message, signs, and symbols.

Discrimination of English proper sounds. Discrimination of different meanings of words with similar sounds.

Interpretation of messages, signs, symbols and other resources supporting the graphic or written text.

Association of gestures with linguistic expressions.

Commands through total physical response (TPR).Greetings and farewells. Personal introductions. Commands; conjunctions, prepositions, prepositions of time.

Contractions. Countable, uncountable nouns (some, any, how much, how many).Can / Can’t for ability.Positive, negative questions.

Organization of work environment.

Word and content recognition. Similar and different sounds in the phonetic inventory of English as an Anglo-Saxon language.

Verbal and non-verbal communication.Elocution, fluency, intonation, and loudness, appropriate to each verbal interaction situation as skills for listening and speaking in another language.

Maintaining respect while listening and communicating.

Acting in response to given instructions

Expressing willingness to interact.

Responds appropriately to instructions

Recognizes the meaning of different homophonous words using context keys

Responds with own oral expressions to texts supported by graphs, music, colors or other educational resources.

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Suggested activities for competence No. 1

It is expected that with these activities the students start developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Name of activity: Dialog

Bring a kite to the class to set up the situation

• Read the dialog for the students to listen• Practice choral repetition • Have the students practice the conversation in pairs. Ask them to act it out• Finally ask the students to write a similar dialog and perform it in class.

Carlos: what are you doing José?Jose: I am using my new camera. Carlos: Is it complicated?Jose: I don’t think so. I just need to follow the instructions.Carlos: Cool. Can you go outside now?Jose: Sure, what do you want to do?Carlos: I want to go to the park and climb a tall tree to fly a kite.Jose: that’s a good idea, but we don’t have a kite.Carlos: Let’s make one. Jose: ok. We need paper, glue, scissors…..Carlos: ok. let’s go!


Name of activity: how to use Total Physical Response (TPR)There are seven steps for the TPR instructional process:

1. Introduction: The teacher introduces a situation in which students follow a set of commands using actions. Usually props such as pictures or real objects accompany the actions. Some actions may be real while others are pretend.

2. Demonstration: The teacher demonstrates or asks a student to demonstrate this series of actions. The other students are expected to pay careful attention. At first, students are not expected to talk or repeat the commands. But soon they will want to join in because the commands are easy to follow and the language is clear and comprehensible. For example, the teacher gives a command such as “Take out a piece of bread” and the students say the sentence and do

2 periods of class

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Nivel Medio Ciclo Básico: Primer Grado 11

the action. “Now, spread peanut butter on it”, and so on until a make-believe sandwich is made and eaten.

3. Group actionNext, the class acts out the series while the teacher gives the commands. Usually, this step is repeated several times so that students internalize the series thoroughly before they will be asked to produce it.

4. Written copyWrite the series on the chalkboard or chart paper so that students can make connections between oral and written words while they read and copy (or even substitute ingredients of their choice).

5. Oral repetitions and questions: After students have made a written copy, they repeat each line after the teacher, taking care with difficult words. They ask questions for clarification, and the teacher points out grammatical features such as “Yesterday we ate half a sandwich. Today we will eat a whole sandwich. Did you notice the difference between ate and eat? Yesterday we spread grape jelly, today we will spread orange jelly. Did you notice that the verb spread didn’t change? Let’s say the words soap and soup. Let’s say the words cheap and sheep.”

6. Student demonstrationStudents can also take turns playing the roles of the reader of the series and the performer of the actions. Meanwhile, the teacher can check on individual students for comprehension and oral production.

7. Partner activitiesFinally, students work in pairs or teams of four to tell or read the series. In teams of four, two students give commands and two respond physically. Meanwhile, the teacher monitors each team and suggests ways to elaborate on the vocabulary by adding new words.

2 periods of class

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Here is one example of the process:1. Let’s go to the zoo. Open the door and get in your car. 2. Turn on the engine in your car. 3. Drive to the zoo. 4. Park the car. 5. Get out of the car. 6. Buy your ticket with a $5.00 dollar bill. 7. Hold out your hand for your change. 8. Walk to the entrance. 9. Give your ticket to the person at the gate. 10. Open the gate and go in. 11. Wave at the giraffes. 12. Walk like a giraffe. 13. Wave at the monkeys. 14. Laugh like a monkey. 15. Wave at the elephants.

Name of activity: Countable, uncountable nouns (some, any, how much, how many).What are Uncountable nouns?

Uncountable nouns are nouns that can not be represented in the plural form, such as milk, cheese, butter. They cannot be represented by a number. It’s not possible to say “ I need four milk, or six cheese”.

Uncountable nouns are nouns that can not be counted. Examples of uncountable nouns are: water, air, grass, paint, oil etc.

Rules for Using Uncountable Nouns:• Uncountable nouns are only used in the singular tense. • A or an can not be used with uncountable nouns. • Certain quantifiers can be used with uncountable nouns, such as some, any, much, a

lot, are some examples of the quantifiers that can be used with uncountable nouns. Also the question word How much is used with uncountable nouns.

• Quantity of uncountable nouns is expressed by the expression “a. ....of......”. (Examples: a bar of butter, a pound of cheese, a bottle of milk)

Cheese Milk Butter

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Oranges Plums Apples

Countable nounsWhat are countable nouns:

A countable noun is a type of noun that can be presented in both the singular form and the plural form represented by a number, such as two cats, five books Rules For Using Countable Nouns

The articles “a” or “an” can’t be used. Any number bigger than two can be used to state an amount Quantifiers can be used, such as some, any, many, a lot etc. The question word How many is used with countable nouns.

2 periods of class

Name of activity: homophones

Homophones are words that have the same sound and a different combination of letters. Examples:1. ad, add 2. all, awl3. bare, bear 4. bean, been 5. cheap, chip6. chord, cord7. die, dye 8. dear, deer 9. flea, flee10. hear here

Game to practice homophones or any vocabulary: hangman

Hangman is a game to practice vocabulary. In pairs, one student thinks of a word and the other one tries to guess it by suggesting letters. The word to guess is represented by a row of dashes, giving the number of letters. If the guessing player suggests a letter which

2 periods of class

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occurs in the word, the other player writes it in all its correct positions. If the suggested letter does not occur in the word, the other player draws one element of the hangman diagram as a tally mark. The game is over when the guessing player completes the word, or guesses the whole word correctly or the other player completes the diagram.

Name of activity: picture description

Picture description can serve for both young and adult learners to enhance vocabulary and also speaking. This activity can be used in pairs as role playing or with the whole class. The teacher will begin this activity by showing a picture The students will generate a list of phrases describing the picture, and the teacher will write the phrases on the board. The students will be asked the following questions as they generate the descriptive phrases about the picture: What do you see? Where are they?What’s the weather like?

Once a list has been generated, the students will be asked to work individually to write a short description for the picture using as many of the phrases generated to make their description clear and concise, containing the specific details to identify this picture.

2 periods of class

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Se debe llevar a cabo una evaluación constante, para comprobar si los y las estudiantes han alcanzado la competencia, en función de los indicadores de logro. Es necesario recordar que el aprendizaje de un segundo idioma requiere que el alumno tenga una participación activa, que las formas de aprendizaje sean variadas y que el proceso de aprendizaje sea tanto a nivel individual como grupal. Entre las técnicas de evaluación más comunes están las siguientes:

Rúbrica o portafolioListas de cotejoCuestionariosEntrevistas estructuradasPresentaciones oralesNarración de historias cortasComposicionesDictadosEjercicios o pruebas estandarizadas

Bibliography / @ reference

1. http://www.colorincolorado.org/educators/content/oral2. http://www.english-the-easy-way.com/Nouns/Uncountable_Nouns.htm3. http://www.morewords.com/word/homophonous/4. http://www.bifroest.demon.co.uk/misc/homophones-list.html5. http://www.idmyo.bilkent.edu.tr/SpeakingC409/FinalELMSPEAKWEBDOC_June09.pdf

Competency No. 2

Writes sentences and paragraphs related to personal and family life using adequate grammatical structure based on written texts and graphics.

ContentProcedure Cognitive Attitude

Use of idea organization and word order in writing sentences and simple paragraphs about personal and family life.

Purposes of writing. Parts of speech: Nouns (proper, common)Sentence completeness.Relationship

Expressing enthusiasm for writing

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ContentProcedure Cognitive Attitude

Use of details that adequately explain the topic.

Acquainting with the grammatical structure of English as a foreign language.

Writing questions in present, past, and present continuous tense.

Writing sentences with demonstrative pronouns.

Identifying main idea, main character and cause-effect relationships in short paragraphs.

Differentiating types of adjectives.

Between ideas in a sentence. Paragraph.Topic sentence.Paragraph development.Description elements:Comparisons with adjectives, adverbs.

Simple present tense positive, negative, Questions, Statements /-es and/-ies endings. Verbs: to be, to have, can.Pronouns. Personal, Demonstrative (this, these, that, those), Possessive. Countable, uncountable nouns (some, any, how many), can/Can’t for ability present continuous, positive, negative questions.Simple past tense.

Paragraphs, short stories, and articles suitable to students’ and levels.

Syntax: word order. Adjective+ noun. Types of adjectives.Comparative and superlative. Adverbs of frequency.

Respecting other people’s ideas, points of view and life styles.

Performance indicators2.1 Writes sentences and short paragraphs in logical sequence.

2.2 Reads and understands short readings based on written texts and graphics.

Suggested activities for competence No. 2

It is expected that with these activities the students start developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

1 period of classes.Flashcards are suggested.

Teaching vocabulary

Practice pronunciation of each word and definition. Students listen and repeat. (If the words are recorded is better).

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I’m thinking of” … give the students a description of the word you’re thinking of. The students guess the word.

The teacher spells the word backwards and the students try and recognize the word

Bingo using the words. The teacher calls out the definitions and the students mark de word. The students who have all the words marked are the winners.

Group the words where they belong: living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, hall, and backyard, and garage, garden.

Students can create their own picture dictionary.

House related words

1 Period of classes.

1 Period of classes.

2 periodsOf classes

1 Period of classes.

ArmchairAn armchair is a chair with arms.

dresserA dresser is a piece of furniture where you can keep clothes, jewelry, etc

BenchA few people can sit on a bench

BookcaseBooks are stored in bookcases.

BroomYou can sweep the floor with a broom.

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chairA chair is a piece of furniture that people sit on.

curtainsCurtains arecloth hung on and around a window.

CupboardThings are stored in cupboards

doorYou can go in and out through a door

bathtubYou take a bath in a bathtub

in the kitchen

in the bedroom

in the dining room

Grammar structure Affirmative sentences

Singular form: there is Contracted form: there’s







a stove

a bed

a table 1 Period of classes.

1 Period of classes.

Negative sentences







a radio

a chair

a picture

in the bathroom

in the garden

in the hall








a telephone

a refrigerator

a television

in the living room?

in the dining room?

in the bedroom

AnswerYes, there is.No, there isn´t.

Yes, there is.No, there isn´t.

Yes, there is.No, there isn´t.

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Affirmative sentences

Plural form: there are

in the kitchen

in the bedroom

in the dining room

in the kitchen

in the bedroom

in the dining room




























1 Period of classes.

Negative sentences


in the living room?

in the bedroom

in the bathroom?


Yes, there areNo, there aren´tYes, there areNo, there aren’tYes, there areNo, there aren’t

Name of the activity: Cloze Procedure

Cloze procedure is a technique in which words are deleted from a passage according to a word-count formula or various other criteria. The passage is presented to students, who insert words as they read to complete and construct meaning from the text. This procedure can be used to introduce writing in beginners. It is used to encourage students to think critically and analytically about text and content.

To prepare materials for cloze exercises, any of the following techniques may be used:Delete content words which carry meaning, such as nouns, main verbs, adjectives,

1 Period of classes.

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adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliary words and general vocabulary which have been previously practiced in class.

Have the students read the entire passage before they fill in the blanks.Encourage the students to fill each blank if possible. Although there should be no time limit for this exercise, the time necessary for completion should be noted.

Examples of cloze exercises Myself

My name is ______________. I was born on ____________ _____________ ____________. I am ____________years old. I´m from _______________ I have _______________sisters and _______________brothers. I live with my _______________ My house is __________________. I have ___________cousins. I like to play _______________and _____________. My favorite color is___________ and my favorite food is __________. I’m _________________.

Months and Seasons

In our country there are two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season.The dry season is on _________, __________,____________,__________ __________,,___________,____________ and _____________.The rainy season is on __________, ___________,__________, _________, __________ and __________. Guatemala is the Land of____________ Spring. In other countries there are four seasons:The spring months are ____________, ____________ and_______________.The summer months are __________, ___________, and________________. The fall months are _______________, ____________, and______________.The winter months are _______________, ___________,and ____________.

2 Periods of classes.

Days of the Week

There are __________days in a week. The________ day of the week is ___________. The last day of the week is ____________. The other days of the week are _________________, __________________, ___________________, ___________________ and___________________. My favorite day is ______________________.

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Nivel Medio Ciclo Básico: Primer Grado 21

Name of the activity: Reading

Like listening, reading is a receptive skill. It would normally occur after listening and speaking in the sequence of learning a language. Reading helps to reinforce and fix in the memory what has already been heard and practiced orally. There are many strategies to practice reading, here are some of them:• Set up the situation

Before presenting a conversation or text for the first time, it should be placed in some kind of setting, rather than just presented “cold”. Illustrations are usually used as a pre-reading strategy and help to engage students in thought and discussion about ideas concepts, expressions and vocabulary that they will encounter in the text. • Retelling Technique Retelling is a technique where a student makes a mental representation of the text and uses this to orally retell the text in his/her own words. When the retelling is complete, the teacher can ask direct questions about important information omitted Application/pair work

Students read in pairs and ask questions to each other

Sample of lesson presenting a reading:a) Introduce the following expressions and vocabulary.b) Practice pronunciationc) Demonstrate some actions with the students.

ExpressionsThat’s right Listen to me that’s great fantastic be careful turn off turn on Come back open the door close the window go out take your jacket off put your shoes on

VocabularyGo walk right soldier help find left stop save fast vacuum cleaner

d) Tell the students to work with a partner. Your partner is a robot. Give her/him instructions. 1 Period of


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22 ODEC Área de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés

Example of a short reading

Robbie the RobotGood. Listen to me, Robbie. Turn the vacuum cleaner off. That´s right. Now, turn the TV on…That´s great. Now turn the TV off. Go to the door. Open it. Fantastic! Come here. Give me the newspaper. Thank you… Go to the window. Close it. Now go to the door. Go out. Walk to the from door. Open it. Go out and… Robbie! Robbie! Come back here! Robbie! Where are you! Robbie….!

e) Now students practice real situations giving instructions to each other using the vocabulary and expressions above.

Name of the activity: writingThe skill of writing in a beginning level is developed through controlled exercises, so that the structures and vocabulary are carefully chosen. Students work from a model, but they are encouraged to relate to their own situation.

a) Writing a postcardb) Present the model of a postcard to the students. Read it out

loudc) Have students ask each other questions about the postcardd) Ask them to bring a blank postcard from different tourist

places of Guatemalae) Students will write a postcard and send it to a relative or

friend who lives out of the country.

2 Periods of classes.

2 Periods of classes.

Hello from Guatemala.I´m in Antigua. It´s a small colonial town, 40 kms from the capital city. The weather is nice. I´m having a good time with my classmates and teachers. This is a picture of the Colonial Museum. During the colonial time this was the building of the University of San Carlos, built in 1676. Love,


Jose Campos2345 Main AvenueOakwood Blvd.California, 10240

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Nivel Medio Ciclo Básico: Primer Grado 23

Name of the activity: description (writing exercise)

Describe what you see in this photo. Describe what you don’t see—the interior.Describe the person who comes out of the place. What does the person do? Name of the activity: controlled writing (Coat of Arms)

Who are you? On each square of the coat of arms draw a picture or a symbol that represents the important people and events in your life. (family, friends, hobbies, animals, goals, sports) Choose one of them and write a paragraph about it. Show your pictures to your classmates and share your composition.


Se debe llevar a cabo una evaluación constante, para comprobar si los y las estudiantes han alcanzado la competencia, en función de los indicadores de logro. Es necesario recordar que el aprendizaje de un segundo idioma requiere que el alumno tenga una participación activa, que las formas de aprendizaje sean variadas y que el proceso de aprendizaje sea tanto a nivel individual como grupal. Entre las técnicas de evaluación más comunes están las siguientes:

Rúbrica o portafolioListas de cotejoCuestionariosEntrevistas estructuradasPresentaciones orales

2 Periods of classes.

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24 ODEC Área de Comunicación y Lenguaje L3 Inglés

Narración de historias cortasComposicionesDictadosEjercicios o pruebas estandarizadas



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