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Page 1: 3 April El Clarín

In response to some of His chosen emissaries that were being sent out to preach the everlasting gospel, the Lord made a most impressive promise. In D & C 68:3-5, He states, ".....they shall speak as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost. And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be SCRIPTURE, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord and the power of God unto salvation. Behold, this is the promise of the Lord unto you...". Isn't that an amazing promise! We are approaching another glorious General Conference in the Church--the 186th in the series extending back to 1830. General Conference has been a part of my life for as long as I remember.

Most of my young life was spent on a cattle ranch in Cokeville, Wyoming. Because our home was a few miles north of town, we didn't have TV for a long time. In fact, we finally got TV when I was a sophomore in high school – 1964. Thus, my earliest General Conference experiences were huddling around the radio in the living room of our old ranch house. I probably didn't appreciate it then the way I appreciate it now. Through the years, my entire family has gathered around the TV and watched the sessions of Conference. How I love the chance to listen to Conference now. Especially now, as a full-time missionary in the service of the Savior, Conference has a special meaning doesn't it. In the mission field we have to be in tune and close to the Spirit to do this exalting work. Thus Conference talks often seem like they are directed right at us. At least that is the way I feel.

If one accepts the premise in the scripture quoted above, the talks that the apostles and prophets of the Church give at Conference ARE scripture. God has always revealed his words to his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). They have written them down and they have become the scriptures we read today. Is 2016 any different! God, again speaks to his apostles and prophets, it is written down, and it becomes scripture. But, you may say, Conference talks are not formally canonized as part of our accepted scriptures. I do not believe they need to be. The apostles and prophets of old gave talks, wrote letters, gave sermons in conferences, they were written down and are now part of our canonized scriptures. The words of the modern apostles and prophets are now immediately available at the push of a button, the flip of a switch, the purchase of a book. They are recorded and we as a people use them extensively. We quote the brethren in talks, lessons, testimonies, and other communications. We govern our lives and pattern them after what they teach and admonish. The talks they give in Conference under the influence of the Holy Ghost ARE scripture, they are the words of God given to His modern day prophets and are the will, the mind, the word and the voice of the Lord unto salvation. The key now for all of us is to treat them like scriptures and study them, ponder them and reflect on them and use them to make our lives more like the Savior. Of this I testify,

Con enthusiamo por la Conferencia General,

Presidente Merril T Dayton

Message From Presidente Dayton

Conference Talks – Modern Scripture?

03 de Abril de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

Page 2: 3 April El Clarín

Meekness vs Anger

Message From Hermana Dayton

03 de Abril de 2016 El Clarín de El Faro

Meekness is yielding our personal rights and expectations with a desire to serve. It is yielding our rights to our Heavenly Father so He can demonstrate His peace and power through us.

The Savior said, "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30). If we desire to become like the Savior, we should do all we can to learn about meekness and develop meekness because that is the word the Savior used to describe himself. The more we understand and develop meekness, the more we will take on the nature of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Greek word for meek is praus, which means humble. A major part of meekness is humility. One of the ways we become meek is by acknowledging our weaknesses. In January, I enjoyed visiting with each of you learning what your favorite scripture in the Book of Mormon is. Elders Dunn, Ipsen, Sedgwick, Jacobson, Stuart, Muncy and Hermanas O Neill and Tamayo all shared this scripture found in Ether 12:27, "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

The Savior said, "Blessed are the MEEK: for they shall inherit the earth."Matthew 5:5 and in Psalms 37:9-11 we read, "For evil doers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth....But the MEEK shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." I have found that meek people are very humble, loving, peaceful people. When you speak with them you very often feel of the sweet spirit they possess. They

Page 3: 3 April El Clarín

Message From Hermana Dayton

03 de Abril de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

are eager to hear what you speak, they listen more than they talk, and they are slow to get angry

which requires much strength of character. They are never concerned with having the first word or the last

word. I've also found that they yield their right to credit for an accomplishment and deflect the honor to

others. When they are praised for something they have done, they give the credit to others who worked

with them, even if they were the one in charge of the project.

We are taught in the scriptures that the Gospel will eventually be available to all . However, it is only the

meek who will feel the spirit when they hear it and respond to it. In Isaiah 61:1 we read, "The spirit of the

Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the MEEK." As

missionaries, we are called to go forth and serve, finding those who will accept the Gospel and then the

Lord will "save all the MEEK of the earth" Psalm 76:9.

We can apply meekness in missionary work by:

--Determining that we will become more like the Savior in learning how to become meek

--Dedicating ourselves to finding the meek and preaching the Gospel to them.

--Giving the credit to those who serve with us on a job well done

--Being slow to anger or getting upset at others who offend us or reject our message

--Putting our companion, investigators, and ward members ahead of our self

--Controlling our reactions when faced with difficult circumstances

--Listening and seeking to understand our investigators, companions and others points of view

President Dayton and I love each one of you and pray for you each day. We admire your spiritual

strength, the way you deal with others in sharing the Gospel and bringing them hope. We will continue to

pray for you as you search to find the meek and lowly of heart here in Spain in bringing them the hope of

the Gospel.

Much love, gratitude and admiration for all you do--

Hermana Dayton

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability, Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alertness, Character, Decisiveness, Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity, Punctuality, Joyfulness, Gentleness, Self Control, Initiative, Cautiousness, Loyalty, Meekness

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03 de Abril de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

Catalina Rossello Gelabert Manacor Élderes Tyson y Cook

Matta Osaretin Pamplona Élderes Phillips y Castro

Alcides Vargas Diaz Santander Élderes Smith y Cushing

“Eran contados … y se

inscribían sus nombres”



























Bautismos 7 3 5 10 3 6 6 19 12 6 8 6 3

Confirmaciones 7 3 5 10 3 5 6 19 13 6 8 6 3

Fechas bautismales 88 115 102 87 94 110 125 97 104 99 107 115 141

Inv reunion sacramental 192 204 197 191 190 213 199 192 185 185 185 164 165

Lecciones con un

miembro598 683 675 690 633 657 687 709 693 681 682 728 589

Lecciones con un m. p. 43% 42% 40% 46% 41% 41% 44% 45% 43% 36% 37% 36% 36%

Nuevos Investigadores 529 659 588 466 518 556 534 567 544 685 681 907 613

Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta semana 3

Bautismos/Confirmaciones este mes 3

Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la fecha

este año104

Page 5: 3 April El Clarín

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14


CUATRO: Hermanas Villeta y Sebastiá

TRES: Élderes Simon y Cutrer

Hermanas Romero e Iregui

Élderes Gonzalez y Bromley

Hermanas Hollenbaugh y Gutoff

Élderes Lake y Thompson

Hermanas Vilariño y Johnson

Élderes Carballo y Carter

Élderes Hernandéz y Lightfoot

Hermanas Plant y Spencer

Élderes Montalbo y Leavitt

Nuria Barcelona 3A

Michael Sabadell 1B

Ruth Sabadell 2A

Adrian Sabadell 2B

Hugo Terrassa B

José Badalona 1A

Jose Manuel Badalona 2A

Abel Vic A

Kamal Vic B

Pedro Zaragoza 2A

Maunel, Baba Lleida C

Meri San Sebastian B

Carlos, Diana Hospitalet 1B

Maria, Milton Valencia 3A

Alejandra, Janet Valencia 3C

Grober, Guillermo Valencia 1A

Edit Gandía B

Angela Catarroja B

Ana Vitoria C

Ben Palma 2A

03 de Abril de 2016

Compañerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

El Clarín de El Faro

The Zone

Hospitalet is in the Zone!-With an average of 2.2 fechas per companionship this week!

Valencia is in the Zone!-With an average of 8.67 new investigators per

companionship this week!

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Good morning president! So

this week was all about baptism!

At the beginning of the week it

didn't look like we would have

two baptisms but as we kept

praying and held that faith

everything fell into place and it

felt so amazing so see Bianca

and Jesus be baptized! The spirit

is always the strongest at

baptism, so it's a goal to baptize

more as we all need to feel the

spirit as much as we can! I'm so

glad the Lord prepared them for

me and my companion and it

was great to help two of our

brothers and sisters onto the

straight and narrow path.

I feel like I don't have much to

tell you that you don't already

know. Marlon got baptized! It

was very special that you were

there. I was feeling stressed

about every part of preparing

for that day, but as soon as he

entered the water, it didn't

matter anymore if the programs

got printed upside down and

the bishop was late and the

ward mission leader announced

the whole program in the first

minute. None of those things

really matter. What matters is

that Marlon entered the gate,

and is now on the path that

leads to eternal life. I'm so proud

of him. He really has incredible

faith and it's been amazing to

watch him grow.

This week has been amazing!

We have been blessed greatly

with the baptism of Rudy and a

host of other things. Elder _____

and I are doing great. We have

two miracles this week. We

started teaching a man named

Walter. He accepted a fecha

the first visit, about 5 minutes into

the lesson. It was good. He

might have an operation that

day. So we're hoping that it

works out.

Rudy got baptized! It was an

amazing baptism. He felt the

spirit so strong. Rudy scared us

half to death because he

showed up late to church. But

it all worked out. He was

officially confirmed a member

this Sunday!

This week went great!! We

had the huge blessing of

seeing the baptism of Bianca.

She was found in such a

miraculous way. The first night I

got here to Hospitalet and I

went out with Elder _______, to

the area that I didn't know at

all then. We were contacting

around the parade, which

actually was out of our area, I

had no idea, I thought it was

then. And we found this

wonderful lady and she didn't

understand very well what we

were saying but we were able

to visit her another day. So,

Elder _______ and I went to visit

her and we met Bianka, and

we later in that visit invited her

to be baptized. And she said

that she had felt the need to

be baptized for a long time! It

was a miracle, she progressed

so quickly. She also came to us

the week before her baptism

and told us she felt she wasn't

ready. We met with her,

explained her about faith and

fear and how the adversary

always attacks those that

prepare to be baptized. We re

invited to be baptized for the

twenty sixth, she accepted

and now she is a member of

the church of Jesus Christ of

Latter-Day Saints. And I love

this work, it is the work of the

Lord and a work of miracles.

13 de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

03 de Abril de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

BAUTISMO! Jackeline got

baptized this week. My

companion did a great job

baptizing. And the presentation

was great-- you should have

been there. She was super

nervous to be baptized in front

of so much people but luckily

we have such great members

here that her friends helped her

out with it. This next couple of

weeks Jose Manuel should be

on his way to baptism also. He

knows much of the doctrine

already from talking to his future

wife and past missionaries. He

are trying to focus hard on

testimony seeing as he already

knows many of the charlas.

Also this week we found a

part member family! One of our

members named Julio is really

good friends with pretty much

everyone and one day found

this menos activo lady that isn’t

even on the church list but

brought her to church cause

she has had some rough times

lately. But then we went

yesterday to meet with her and

Julio and we found out that her

9 year old daughter and 16

year old son are not baptized!

Golden!! so we have set up

another appointment with them

this Wednesday and are super

excited to help them enter into

the waters of baptism!

Page 7: 3 April El Clarín

Esta semana fue increíble

para nosotros! Encontramos a

26 investigadores, de las cuales

hay varias familias. Mi

compañero es muy bueno,

saludamos literalmente a todas

las personas que cruzan nuestro

camino. Contactamos entre

citas y estamos encontrando

mediante los investigadores

(amigos y familiares), mediante

el libro de área, hacemos

servicio (limpiamos un piso esta

semana y la lección después

fue increíble). Esta mujer se

llama Carmen, española de dos

hijos y era católica pero ahora

es musulmana. Le dimos una

súper buena lección sobre la

restauración y dijo que tenía

sentido. Le hicimos saber que

era el Espíritu Santo

confirmándole las cosas y ella

estaba muy emocionada al

What a miraculous week of

GOOD NEWS! Here in _______

we found 10 miraculous news.

We spent the week really

focusing on the basics:

contacting without fear,

working with members, varying

our door approach, striving to

be strictly obedient, working

out of the area book to re-find

antiguos, etc. I was surprised

and honestly humbled at how

much difference it makes to

go the extra mile in a few basic

ways: contacting a few

people between visits, talking

with people I normally wouldn't

talk with, etc. I believe the 8

news a week pauta is inspired

and that the "week of good

news" was just the boost I

needed to be a better


13 de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

03 de Abril de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

final de conversar que nos lo dijo así. Vamos avanzando con los investigadores y estamos buscando y preparando a la gente que ya tenemos.

Everything is amazing here in

______. Our miracle this week I

would say was reaching our

mission goal of 8 new

investigators. The Lord has truly

blessed us these past few weeks

with a great number of new

people who are willing to listen

to the restored gospel of Jesus

Christ. We have met some

incredible people, and I´m not

sure exactly what it is here in

______but the people here are

so nice and friendly. (It has to

be the paradaisical ambience)

“Yea, and even all they who wrought miracles wrought them by faith…”

-Ether 12:16

Page 8: 3 April El Clarín

Mission News: Zone Conferences

03 de Abril de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

At the beginning of this month, we celebrate our

brothers and sisters entering into the covenant of

baptism in these past weeks!

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