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Catholic Church ST. PATRICK

282 Suffolk St., Lowell, MA 01854 Phone: 978-459-0561

Fax: 978-446-0266 www.stpatricklowell.org

[email protected]

June 28, 2020

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BAPTISM Last Sunday of each month

Último domingo de cada mes

RECONCILIATION Thirty (30) minutes prior to Mass,

or by appointment

(Confesión) (30) minutos antes de misa del fin de

semana o por citas

MARRIAGE Call 978-459-0561 to schedule

your initial interview with a priest six (6) months in advance.

Matrimonio Hacer cita con el Sacerdote seis (6) meses

antes de la Boda

ANOITING OF THE SICK Call the parish office to schedule an


Unción de los Enfermos Llame a la oficina parroquial para cita


DAILY MASSES – CHAPEL Misas Diarias – Capilla


Monday to Friday

6:30 PM ESPAÑOL Lunes, Miércoles & Viernes



Saturday / Sábado:

4:00 PM English - Chapel

6:00 PM Español - Capilla

7:30 PM Neo-Catechumenal Sunday / Domingo:

8:30 AM Español - Iglesia

10:00 AM English - Church

10:00 AM Vietnamese - Chapel

11:30 AM Español - Iglesia


Secretary: Monday to Friday Lunes a Viernes 8:00 am. - 4:00 pm.

Accounting Monday to Thursday Lunes a Jueves 10:30am - 2:30pm


Tuesday & Thursday 5 to 7 PM

CLASS ES Every Sunday 11:30 to 12:30

Oficina de Formación de Fe

Martes & Jueves 5 a 7 PM

Clases Domingo de 11:30 a 12:30

Adoration to the Blessed Sacra-ment

Tuesday 8 am -7 pm - Chapel

Martes 8 am -7 pm — Capilla

St. Patrick Catholic Church Lowell, MA

Priests/ Sacerdotes

Fr. Enrique Martinez, Administrator Fr. William Acevedo, Vicar

Lina Arenas, Admin, Assist. Norma Diaz, Secretary Frank Lopez, Maintenance

Sheila Guevara, Faith Formation Maria Cuesta, Music Coordinator



Atardecer— Grupo de la Tercera Edad Todos los Lunes de 4 a 6:00pm

Responsable: Fátima Flórez

Camino Neocatecumenal Responsable: Michael Duran


Responsable: Oscar Pino

Renovación Carismática Todos los Miércoles de 7 a 8:30pm Responsable: Mercedes De Peña


Primer viernes de cada mes de 7 a 9:00pm Responsables: Ruth & Marco Leonardo

If you are free and can come down to help, please do! When you can.

Do your part to help prepare God’s House and Yard!

Si tienes tiempo libre y puedes venir a ayudar, ¡Hazlo! Cuando puedas.

¡Haz tu parte para ayudar a preparar la casa y el patio de Dios! PPlease call Fr. Bill 978-459-0561

We need your help / Necesitamos de Tu Ayuda

Skip the line and sign up online

Evita la fila y regístrate en línea

St. Patrick Parish Lowell

Public admission only for weekend Masses Admisión de público solo para las misas de fin de semana

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13th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 28, 2020

From June 27 to July 3, 2020

6:00PM - MISA en Español ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS POR Cumpleaños # 20 de Christina Florez Pp. Sus padres

10:00AM - English MASS IN MEMORY OF

Teresa Lan Pham & Augustino Chau Pham Req by Family

All Souls in Purgatory Req. by Anonymous

11:30AM - MISA en Español EN MEMORIA DE:

José Gilberto Pino & las almas del purgatorio Pp. Familiares Amada Espinal Pp. Familiares Maria Cruz Pp. Iris Colon & Fam.

Acción de Gracias Aniversario de Bodas de Sandra & Jorge Sánchez

Todos los que fallecidos por el Coronavirus

For the spiritual health of Saint Patrick parishioners.

EN MEMORIA DE: Wenceslao Burgos Pp.Manuel Burgos


John McKenzie and Wisniewski families

EN MEMORIA DE: Miguel A. Rosario Pp. Venecia Rosario Por las almas del purgatorio Pp. Margarita Arango

Food Assistance / Asistencia de Comida Lowell Residents only

St. Vincent De Paul 978-327-9615 Catholic Charities 978-452-1421

St. Patrick Parish Stewardship

Collections of June 17 to 21 Online $ 214.40

Donation 200.00 Weekend Mass 2,664.00 $ 3,078.40

Thank You for Your Continuous Financial Support. May God Reward Your Generosity!

THURSDAY 6:30 Rosary —7:00PM Mass

MIÉRCOLES 6:30 Rosario — 7:00PM Misa

VIERNES 6:30 Rosario — 7:00PM Misa

TUESDAY 6:30 Rosary —7:00PM Mass

LUNES 6:30 Rosario — 7:00PM Misa



Mass Registration Please make online reservations early in the week before attending mass. We have a system online that will make the reservation for you. Go to our Facebook page Saint Patrick Lowell and click the link Sign up weekend mass. Thank you for your cooperation!

Reservación para las Misas del Fin de Semana

Tenemos un sistema electrónico que puedes reservar tu espacio para asistir a misa el fin de semana. Solo tienes que entrar desde tu computador o teléfono a nuestra pagina de Facebook dale click en el enlace de Sign Up weekend mass : ¡Gracias por su cooperación !

saintpatrick lowell Mass Registration for

St. Patrick Parish Lowell

Page 4: 4588 patrick lowell english 06282020-Final · Si tienes tiempo libre y puedes venir a ayudar, ¡Hazlo! Cuando puedas. ¡Haz tu parte para ayudar a preparar Please call Fr. Bill 978-459-0561


The Liturgy this week continues to instruct us in the elements of discipleship. We’re told that even the most humble among us have a share in the mission Christ gives to His Church. We’re not all called to the minis-try of the Apostles, or to be prophets like Elisha in to-day’s First Reading. But each of us is called to a holy life (see 2 Timothy 1:9; 1 Thessalonians 4:3). At Baptism our lives were joined forever to the cross of Christ, as Paul tells us in today’s Epistle. Baptized into His death, we’re to renounce sin and live for God in Christ Jesus. We are to follow Him, each of us tak-ing up our personal cross, as Jesus says in today’s Gos-pel. That doesn’t mean we will all be asked to suffer a martyr’s death. But each of us is called to self-denial, to the offering of our lives in service of God’s plan. Jesus must be elevated to first place in our lives—above even our closest bonds of kinship and love. By Baptism, we’ve been made part of a new family—the kingdom of God, the Church. We are to proclaim that kingdom with our lives, bringing our fathers and moth-ers, and all men and women to live as “little ones” un-der the fatherhood of God and the kingship of the Holy One. We do this by opening our hearts and homes to the service of the Lord, following the Shunnamite woman’s example in today’s First Reading. As Jesus tells us, we’re to receive others—not only prophets, but also little children, the poor and the imprisoned—as we receive Christ himself (see Matthew 18:5; 25:31–46). As we sing in today’s Psalm, we are to testify to His favors and kindness in our lives. We’re to hold fast to the promise—that if we have died with Christ, we shall also live, that if we lose our lives for His sake, we shall find our reward, and walk forev-er in His countenance. www.SalvationHistory.comBy Dr. Scott Hahn

Gospel for next Sunday July 5, 2020

MT 11:25-30 At that time Jesus exclaimed: “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to little ones. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.” “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.”

It is summertime so normally this is a time to rest and take things easy. But serving the Lord doesn´t take a vacation. We, as Catholic are called to be good disciples of Jesus every

day for the rest of our lives. We can always do small things. What small things can I do to help my family, my community, and St. Patrick Parish.?

R ec i Q es i

To Find Our Lives 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Mt 10:37–42

WWe need Volunteers!! Ushers

Eucharistic ministers Lectors

Church Cleaning Garden maintenance

Page 5: 4588 patrick lowell english 06282020-Final · Si tienes tiempo libre y puedes venir a ayudar, ¡Hazlo! Cuando puedas. ¡Haz tu parte para ayudar a preparar Please call Fr. Bill 978-459-0561


El Evangelio de Jesús no es sólo acerca de un estilo de vida fundamentado en el amor y la mi-sericordia, sino sobre todo acerca de la persona del mismo Jesús. Hoy Él pide un espacio espe-cial en nuestras vidas, más importante que el de nuestros seres queridos. Ser un discípulo/a no es un aspecto marginal en mi vida, es el central. Pido la gracia de ser un verdadero discípulo de Jesús, capaz de tomar mi cruz y seguirlo. Al mismo tiempo, Jesús nos asegura que inclu-so el más pequeño gesto de misericordia para con los necesitados, no será ignorado. Déjame reflexionar sobre tantos gestos como esos que llenan mi vida.

Fuente: h ps://www.espaciosagrado.com

Evangelio para el próximo Domingo 5 de Julio Mt 11, 25-30 En aquel tiempo, Jesús exclamó: “¡Te doy gracias, Pa-dre, Señor del cielo y de la tierra, porque has escondido estas cosas a los sabios y entendidos, y las has revelado a la gente sencilla! Gracias, Padre, porque así te ha pa-recido bien. El Padre ha puesto todas las cosas en mis manos. Nadie conoce al Hijo sino el Padre; nadie conoce al Padre sino el Hijo y aquel a quien el Hijo se lo quiera revelar. Vengan a mí, todos los que están fatigados y agobiados por la carga y yo les daré alivio. Tomen mi yugo sobre ustedes y aprendan de mí, que soy manso y humilde de corazón, y encontrarán descanso, porque mi yugo es suave y mi carga, ligera’’.

Es verano, por lo normal es un momento para descansar y to-mar las cosas con calma. Pero servir al Señor no se toma vaca-ciones. Nosotros, como católi-cos, estamos llamados a ser bue-

nos discípulos de Jesús todos los días por el resto de nuestras vidas. Siempre podemos hacer cosas peque-ñas. ¿Qué pequeñas cosas puedo hacer para ayudar a mi familia, mi comunidad y la parroquia de San Patricio?

P e nt p r R i n

XIII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Reflexión del Evangelio


10, 37-42

SSe Buscan Voluntarios

Ujieres Ministros de la Eucaristía

Lectores Limpieza de Iglesia

Mantenimiento del Jardín

Page 6: 4588 patrick lowell english 06282020-Final · Si tienes tiempo libre y puedes venir a ayudar, ¡Hazlo! Cuando puedas. ¡Haz tu parte para ayudar a preparar Please call Fr. Bill 978-459-0561

Chúa Nhật 13 Thường Niên June 28th, 2020

BÀI ĐỌC 1: 2 V 4:8-11, 14-16a Lời Chúa trong sách các Vua quyển thứ hai.

Mot hom, ong E-li-sa đi qua Su-nem. Ơ đo co mot phu nư giau sang. Ba ta khan khoan mơi ong tơi dung bưa tai nha ba. Tư đo, moi lan đi qua, ong lai ghe vao dung bưa. Ba ay noi vơi chong: "Nay ong! Toi biet ngươi thương ghe vao nha chung ta la mot ngươi cua Thien Chua, la mot vi thanh. Mınh phai lam cho ong mot can phong nho tren san thương, roi ke ơ đo mot cai giương, đat ban ghe va đe mot cai đen cho ong dung. Như the, khi nao đen nha mı nh, ong se len ơ đo." Mot hom, ong đen nơi ay va len tren lau nam nghı. Ong noi vơi tieu đong: "Nen lam gı cho ba ay?" Gie-kha-di đap: "Toi nghiep, ba ay khong co con trai, ma chong thı đa gia." Ong E-li-sa bao: "Đi goi ba ay." No đi goi ba, va ba ay đen đưng ngoai cưa. Ong E-li-sa noi: "Vao thơi ky nay, vao đo nay sang nam, ba se co chau trai bong.” Đó là Lời Chúa. CĐ: Tạ ơn Chúa

ĐÁP CA: Tv 88:2-3, 16-17, 18-19

Đáp: Lạy Chúa, nh thương Chúa, đời đời con ca tụng.

1. Tı nh thương Chua, đơi đơi con ca tung, qua muon ngan the he mieng con rao giang long thanh tı n cua Ngai. Vang con noi: "Tı nh thương ay đươc xay dưng tơi thien thu, long thanh tı n Chua đươc thiet lap tren trơi. Đáp

2. Hanh phuc thay dan nao biet ca ngơi tung ho; nhơ Thanh Nhan soi to, ho tien len, lay Chua. Nhơ đươc nghe danh Ngai, ho suot ngay hơn hơ;

bơi vı Ngai cong chı nh, nen ho đươc hien ngang. Đáp

3. Sưc hung cương hien hach cua dan chı nh la Ngai, hong an Ngai lam noi bat uy the chung con. Đang bao ve chung con la ngươi cua Đưc Chua, vua chung con thuoc quyen Đưc Thanh cua It-ra-en. Đáp

BÀI ĐỌC 2: Rm 6:13-4, 8-11

Lời Chúa trong thư thứ nhất của thánh Phao-lô tông đồ gửi tín hữu Rô-ma.

Thưa anh em, khi chung ta đươc dı m vao nươc thanh tay, đe thuoc ve Đưc Ki-to Gie-su, la chung ta đươc dı m vao trong cai chet cua Ngươi. Vı đươc dım vao trong cai chet cua Ngươi, chung ta đa cung đươc mai tang vơi Ngươi. Bơi the, cung như Ngươi đa đươc song lai tư coi chet nhơ quyen nang vinh hien cua Chua Cha, thı chung ta cung đươc song mot đơi song mơi.

Neu chung ta đa cung chet vơi Đưc Ki-to, chung ta cung se cung song vơi Ngươi: đo la niem tin cua chung ta. That vay, chung ta biet rang: mot khi Đưc Ki-to đa song lai tư coi chet, thı khong bao giơ Ngươi chet nưa, cai chet chang con quyen chi đoi vơi Ngươi. Ngươi đa chet, la chet đoi vơi toi loi, va mot lan la đu. Nay Ngươi song, la song cho Thien Chua. Anh em cung vay, hay coi mı nh như đa chet đoi vơi toi loi, nhưng nay lai song cho Thien Chua, trong Đưc Ki-to Gie-su.

Đó là Lời Chúa. CĐ: Tạ ơn Chúa

TUNG HÔ TIN MỪNG: Ha-le-lui-a. Ha-le-lui-a.

Anh em la giong noi đươc tuyen chon, la hang tư te vương gia, la dan thanh, đe loan truyen nhưng ky cong cua Thien Chua, Đang đa goi anh em ra khoi mien u toi, vao nơi đay anh sang dieu huyen. Ha-le-lui-a.

PHÚC ÂM: Mt 10:37-42 Tin Mừng Chúa Giêsu Kitô theo thánh Mát-thêu.

Hom ay, Đưc Gie-su noi vơi cac mon đe rang: "Ai yeu cha yeu me hơn Thay, thı khong xưng vơi Thay. Ai yeu con trai con gai hơn Thay, thı khong xưng vơi Thay. Ai khong vac thap gia mı nh ma theo Thay, thı khong xưng vơi Thay. Ai tım giư mang song mı nh, thı se mat; con ai lieu mat mang song mı nh vı Thay, thı se tım thay đươc. Ai đon tiep anh em la đon tiep Thay, va ai đon tiep Thay la đon tiep Đang đa sai Thay.

"Ai đon tiep mot ngon sư, vı ngươi ay la ngon sư, thı se đươc lanh phan thương danh cho bac ngon sư; ai đon tiep mot ngươi cong chınh, vı ngươi ay la ngươi cong chı nh, thı se đươc lanh phan thương danh cho bac cong chı nh.

"Va ai cho mot trong nhưng ke be nho nay uong, du chı mot chen nươc la thoi, vı ke ay la mon đe cua Thay, thı Thay bao that anh em, ngươi đo se khong mat phan thương đau.”

Đó là Lời Chúa. CĐ: Lạy Chúa Kitô, ngợi khen Chúa.

Chầu Thánh Thể (tiếng Mỹ)

Thứ Năm từ 1g - 5g chiều

Xin ghi tên với

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For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Patrick, Lowell, MA 4588

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For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Patrick, Lowell, MA 4588

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