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Page 1: 6 March El Clarín

Beloved Soldados de Israel (missionaries of El Faro) I sit down to write this message

having just learned that our Heavenly Father blessed us with another incredible week.

This week we were blessed as a mission to have---13 BAPTISMS!!!. That makes 2 weeks

in a row that we have been blessed to reach our mission goal of 12 baptisms per

week. I am so grateful to the Lord for this special blessing and I feel an overwhelming

sense of appreciation to all of you for the extraordinary effort I see from you. You are

wonderful missionaries and emissaries of the Master. How he loves all of you as you

work hard, obey the mission rules and thus qualify for the presence of the Spirit. Most

importantly, this means that 13 more of our spirit brothers and sisters have entered the

gate that leads to eternal life. I am proud of you and love you.

I was musing over the nature of this work as I spoke to some of you last week.

Missionary work is truly a joy but it is also very hard. We work so hard to see our friends

enter the waters of baptism and begin their path back to their Father in Heaven. You

as missionaries see rejection, insult, lies, disappointment, deception, falsehood, bad

weather, sore feet and legs, various viruses and illnesses, heart ache, threats, pain,

and cold miserable weather or blazing hot sunshine. Well, guess what, that is the way

that missionary work has always been as Christ’s true commissioned emissaries serve

him and take His gospel to the world. In Alma 14:15-24, we read, “….the chief judge

of the land came and stood before Alma and Amulek, as they were bound; and he

smote them with his hand upon their cheeks……and the judge smote them again

upon their cheeks…..and delivered them to the officers to be cast into prison. When

they had been cast into prison three days, there came many lawyers, and judges,

and priests, and teachers ….and they questioned them. And many such things did

they say unto them, gnashing their teeth upon them and spitting upon them …..And

thus they did mock them for many days. And they did withhold food from them that

they might hunger, and water that they might thirst; and they also did take from them

their clothes…and thus they were bound with strong cords.”

Message From Presidente Dayton

The Nature of Missionary Work Hasn’t Changed Much Since Paul

06 de Marzo de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

Page 2: 6 March El Clarín

The Apostle Paul suffered terribly as a missionary and emissary of Christ. In 2

Corinthians 11:24-28 Paul states that, "Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes

save one. Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered

shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep……in perils of waters, in perils

of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the

city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren…….in

weariness and painfulness….in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and

nakedness.” You see, the nature of this work hasn’t changed much in over 2,000

years. The Lord has placed us in a fallen world and does not make the work easy for

us and Satan makes it even harder as he tries in vain to derail the great Plan of

Salvation. Take solace in the words of Peter as you contemplate the trials and

challenges you face as you sacrifice and do hard things for your Savior: “Beloved,

think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some

strange thing happened unto you. But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of

Christ’s sufferings……..if ye be reproached for the names of Christ, happy are

ye…..Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify

God on this behalf.” It is indeed a privilege to suffer even a little for our Savior.

Perhaps in some small way we can experience what he went through. Yes, missionary

work is hard—and it always will be. As we accept that and cheerfully get on with our

Father’s business, nothing can stop the work of the Lord. God bless you great latter

day missionaries with His indomitable spirit as you go forth to preach his everlasting


Con entendimiento de pruebas y tribulaciones,

Presidente Merril T Dayton

Message From Presidente Dayton

06 de Marzo de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

Page 3: 6 March El Clarín

Self Control vs. Self-Indulgence

Message From Hermana Dayton

6 de Marzo de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

Self control is the inward power to reject wrong desires and then do what is

right. The Biblical term for self control is temperance. It is the virtue of one who masters

his desires and passions. It is the inward strength to bring all physical appetites under the

control of the spirit.

In Mosiah 3:19 we are told that, "the natural man is an enemy to God...and

will be forever unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy spirit and becometh a saint

through the atonement of Christ."

There are many examples in the scriptures of people who exercised self

control. Joseph exercised self control when Potiphar's wife came after him. It states

that HE FLED. Daniel also exercised self control when he determined he would not eat the food the king commanded.

In the scriptures we learn how to access the power that produces self

control. In 1Peter 1:4-6 we read, "Having escaped the corruption that is in the world

through lust....giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge,: And

to knowledge temperance." When a person exercises faith and believes in the Savior he

is filled with the Holy Ghost. Self Control comes by instant obedience to the guidance of

the Holy Ghost. When we have the Holy Ghost, we are filled with love, compassion,

strength, and the ability to make good decisions. As we make decisions that are for our

best good we exercise self control.

Page 4: 6 March El Clarín

Message From Hermana Dayton

6 de Marzo de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

The daily practicing of positive habits and discipline gives a person freedom

from bad habits and addictions. As we give more time to spiritual pursuits than to worldly pursuits we are exercising self control.

We can apply Self Control to missionary work by:

--living with the spirit in order to make good decisions

--resolving conflicts peaceably--never giving in to anger

--speaking words of kindness and encouragement, never tearing another person down,

even when we are irritated.

--taking good care of our bodies by eating nutritiously, exercising vigorously, and

following our missionary daily schedule

--turning our heads when there are improper pictures in store windows, on billboards,magazine stands, etc.

--Resisting the temptation to retaliate when someone offends us.

President Dayton and I are so grateful for the way you exercise self

control. We see you working hard to live with the spirit, following the missionary schedule

and being obedient. We feel grateful and inspired by your examples of goodness and

feel blessed by all you do . We love you, pray for you daily and feel thankful to serve

with you in bringing others to Christ.

Much love and admiration--

Hermana Dayton

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability, Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alertness, Character, Decisiveness, Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity, Punctuality, Joyfulness, Gentleness, Self Control

Page 5: 6 March El Clarín


6 de Marzo de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

“Now I say unto you that ye mustrepent, and be born again…”

-Alma 7:14

Francisco Martínez Fuentes Barcelona 1B Élderes Ganowsky y Weight

Gloria Elena Arango Gomez Badalona 1A Élderes Carballo y Sedgwick

Christian David Galiano Arango Badalona 1A Élderes Carballo y Sedgwick

Andres Imanolo Negreiros Rodriguez Vic B Hermanas Rathfon y Arauco

Angel Oswaldo Uchuari Sarango Vitoria Hermanas Burkett y Roggiero

Wilber Roland Quiñonez Trejo Badalona 2B Hermanas Leija y Larsen

Lydia Dominguez Tuno Las Arenas A Élderes Rogers y Hemeyer

Melanie Katherine Ponce Morfn Gerona B Hermanas Rica e Iregui

Ellan Valoy Navas Almendares Gerona B Hermanas Rica e Iregui

Alex Moller Chambi Bilbao CHermanas Steinfeldt y


Gladys Inés Maluquis Melgarejo Castellón B Hermanas Ratliff y Fernández

Luis Ricardo Bustamante Maluquis Castellón B Hermanas Ratliff y Fernández

Luis Alberto Bustamante Vásquez Castellón B Hermanas Ratliff y Fernández

Page 6: 6 March El Clarín


6 de Marzo de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

“Eran contados … y se

inscribían sus nombres”



























Bautismos 5 8 12 7 7 3 5 10 3 6 6 19 12

Confirmaciones 5 7 10 10 7 3 5 10 3 5 6 19 13

Fechas bautismales 87 92 72 91 88 115 102 87 94 110 125 97 104

Inv reunion sacramental 215 162 173 170 192 204 197 191 190 213 199 192 185

Lecciones con un

miembro645 729 572 635 598 683 675 690 633 657 687 709 693

Lecciones con un m. p. 44% 45% 50% 47% 43% 42% 40% 46% 41% 41% 44% 45% 43%

Nuevos Investigadores 525 507 340 539 529 659 588 466 518 556 534 567 544

Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta semana 13

Bautismos/Confirmaciones este mes 13

Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la fecha

este año81

Page 7: 6 March El Clarín

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14


CUATRO: Hermanas Rica e Iregui

Élderes Jones e Ipsen

Élderes Johnson y Jacobson

TRES: Élderes Batis y Brog

Élderes Prat y Jensen

Élderes Gonzalez y Mallette

Élderes Greenwood y Stuart

Élderes Skousen y Murley

Élderes Lake y Thompson

Hermanas Steinfeldty Fernandez

Élderes Rogers y Hemeyer

Hermanas Mayes y Romero

Élderes McArthur y Carter

Élderes Montalbo y Martin

Hermanas Wiseman y Cragun

Élderes Knadler y Blake

Facundo, Alex Barcelona 2C

Alejandro Gerona A

Fernando, Janet Zaragoza 1A

Delmis, Ana San Sebastian A

Victor Hospitalet 2B

Eddy Cornellá A

Alfonso Cornellá C

Vered Valencia 3B

Seferino Catarroja A

6 de Marzo de 2016

Compañerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

El Clarín de El Faro

The Zone

Badalona is in the Zone!-With 9.33 nuevos per copanionship this week!

Hospitalet is in the Zone!-With 5 Baptisms!

Page 8: 6 March El Clarín

What a great week we had! I was so glad to see Ali getting baptized and confirmed. The bishop's son was confirming him and afterwards he said that he could feel so strongly the love that Heavenly Father has for him. I'm more than honored to be a representative of Jesus Christ and help other people to come closer to him.

Bueno la verdad es que esta última semana ha sido una semana fantástica, sobre todo por qué hemos tenido la gran bendición de poder tener un bautismo! Y la verdad es que estoy muy emocionado y agradecido al Señor por este bautismo, por qué la verdad Presidente hacía mucho tiempo que no conseguí bautizar, Amadouha sido mi primer bautismo desde que entró usted en la misión, y por supuesto no va a ser el ultimo por qué estamos trabajando arduamente para bautizar a una familia que está progresando poco a poco pero progresan y vinieron al bautismo y a la confirmación de Amadou y dijeron que les encanto.

Baptism!!! We did it president!! Cielo was baptized!!! I was so hard to meet with her this past week though. It really seemed that Satan was throwing everything he had at her and at us. But she came, saw Fernandos baptism, and then was baptized! It was so great!

Este sábado tuvimos un

bautismo, de Víctor!!!! El servicio fue precioso, mi compañera y yo estuvimos desde la mañana preparando todo, vinieron muchos miembros, y se pudo sentir el espíritu. Especialmente cuando Víctor compartió su testimonio de la iglesia, de la restauración, de todo! Después, repartimos brownies con helado, y él se fue con los JAS del barrio a la noche de hogar de un miembro.

This week was just filled to the TEE! We had some incredible baptisms! Raquel, Ainoa, Claudia, Andres, Angelica and Gabi entered the waters and it was just so incredible. Patricia, the mother of the four young kids was crying while they were being baptized and during the musical number one of Raquel's daughter sang with us and I've honestly never felt the spirit so strongly at a baptism before! Towards the end, Ainoa, who is 16 came up to us and said: all the girls are baptized, so now we need to make dad be baptized so we can be a family for eternity.

I am so happy

President!! Three baptisms!!

White week! ….Aveces no sé

cómo es posible tener tanto

amor en mi corazón por estas

personas, Brayan fue

bautizado!!!! Un joven que

llegará a ser un gran

13 de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

6 de Marzo de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

instrumento en las manos delseñor. Cuando le conocimos,él no tenía fe, no creía enDios ni en Jesucristo perotenía un deseo de sentir en sucorazón y planto esa semillade fe y con ese sencillo pasoahora tiene la oportunidadde tener la vida eterna!Óscar y su familia ahora seestán preparando parasellarse por la eternidad y serfamilia para siempre!! Y Juanva a ser un gran ejemplopara todos a su alrededor,ahora va a crecer en elevangelio y mejorar su vida.

Esta semana que paso fue increible...Roxana se bautizo! Y fue algo tan maravilloso y sobre todo tan espiritual...ella estaba nerviosa pero al verla entrar en el agua...sabia que su vida iba a cambiar completamente y que ella estaria mas lista aun para poder seguir...ella dio su testimonio al final y deciaque estaba tan agradecida al Padre Celestial por haberla ayudado a encontrar su camino! Y en su corazonsentia algo tanto lindo que no podia describirlo....fue un momento unico y especial que nunca voy a olvidar! Ella estaba muy feliz y se que nuestro Padre Celestial lo estaba aun mas!

Page 9: 6 March El Clarín

The Miracle of Baptism

6 de Marzo de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

This weekend we had three

baptisms for all three ramas

out here in _______. So

amazing! On Friday, Hermana

_______ and I had the baptism

of Melanie, a sweet 12-year-

old girl. It was a miracle

because she was the only

one out of her family to get

baptized. She is setting the

example for her parents and

her sister, and she is and will

be incredibly blessed

because of it. Her mom,

Sandra, would get baptized

RIGHT NOW if she could, but

she lives with the father of her

daughters and they´ve been

living together for 25 years

and he refuses to marry her.

She loves him, but she is

seriously considering moving

out because she has had to

wait 15 years to be baptized.

We hope his heart softens.

Esta fue una muy buena

semana.... Trabajamos para

ver el milagro y el milagro

llegó. Un hombre llamado

Fernando que lo habíamos

casi dejado , no lo veíamos

hace 1 semana o mas .....

poco a poco mejoro mucho

pero no tenía el deseo de

bautizarse todavía ,entonces

no le pusimos fechas ni nada

ni lo presionamos y por su

cuenta ,solo, el nos llamó el

martes diciéndonos, " que

tengo que hacer para ser

bautizado"? Después de

trabajar tan duramente por

tanto tiempo vimos el


Hola Presidente!! Edgar after

almost 25 years of

investigating the church, he

got BAPTIZED!!! I hope every

missionary that has served

here in __________understands

this miracle that just finally

happened! It was amazing to

see him, fighting through all of

the struggles in his life, work,

cancer, and finally taking this

step after waiting years to get

married! The ordinance was

the most quiet and reverent I

have ever seen this chapel

be, and after the baptism he

bore his testimony, and it was

sooo powerful to hear him

speak of how his relation with

God has grown over the

years!!! The chapel was

packed with all of the

members supporting him!

Well this week as well was a

fantastic week. We were

able to have the baptisms

of Jorge Maurico and his

son Jorge Luis. They were

truly prepared people.

When they got out of the

water all they could say

was wow that was a feeling

I have never felt before

and it was indescribable!

Page 10: 6 March El Clarín

6 de Marzo de 2016El Clarín de El FaroMission News

El Faro Welcomes 20 New Missionaries

Hermana Allen

Staffordshire, England

Hermana Batten

Youngsville, NC

Élder Cvijanovich

Oxnard, CA

Hermana Aguilar

Rio Bueno, Chile

Élder Bromley

Tooele, UT

Hermana Dupré

Aliso Viejo, CA

Hermana Francisco

Mapleton, UT

Hermana Howell

Salt Lake City, UT

Élder Kreutz

Highlands Ranch, CO

Élder Leavitt

Wheat Ridge, CO

Élder Moon

Henderson, NV

Hermana Lasson

Teyran, France

Élder Mendoza

Orem, UT

Élder Morley

South Jordan, UT

Page 11: 6 March El Clarín

6 de Marzo de 2016El Clarín de El FaroMission News

El Faro Welcomes 20 New Missionaries

Hermana Pratt

Nixa, MO

Hermana C. Spencer

Mesa, AZ

Hermana Stanley

Farmington, UT

Hermana Reidhead

Oakley, UT

Hermana K. Spencer

Riverton, UT

Élder Tietjen

Layton, UT

Page 12: 6 March El Clarín

6 de Marzo de 2016El Clarín de El FaroMission News

Area Coordination Council with President Dayton, Area Seventy Elder Reina, and Stake Presidents from the Barcelona Mission.

Recent baptism of Cielo, the first baptism in the Marratxí area!

The Ayudantes taking a well deserved break after numerous Specialized Trainings.

Waiting in the train station

after a Specialized

Training in Lleida.

Page 13: 6 March El Clarín

Mission News

El Clarín de El Faro

Baptism of Jaime in Palma 2

21 de Enero de 2016

Baptism of Silvia in Barri Gótic

Baptisms from this month.

Page 14: 6 March El Clarín

29 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El FaroMission News

El Faro Gives Thanks for the Serivce of 11 Wonderful Missionaries

Elder Winsor


Hermana Laine

Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

Elder Saunders

Mill Creek, WA

Page 15: 6 March El Clarín

Message From Presidente Dayton Cont.

13 de Diciembre de 2015

In Daniel 12:10, we read, ”Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried.” Revelation 3:4 declares, “and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.” Alma tells us that if we are diligent and faithful, we will harvest the fruit which is most precious, which is “whiteabove all that is white, yea and pure above all that is pure:” The term “white” referring to that which is honorable, pure, innocent and virtuous is found in 175 scriptures in the standard works.

I often reflect on the winter time on the ranch in Wyoming where I grew up. Our

family lived on a ranch 2 miles north of the small town of Cokeville, Wyoming. Wyoming winters were long and often very cold. But, some of the most beautiful images of whiteness occurred in southwest Wyoming after a large snowfall with some wind. When you stepped out of the house, the spectacular whiteness literally took your breath away. When the sun came out, everything glistened and it was so bright you had to close your eyes to walk in it. I often wondered as a small boy if this was what it looked like in Heaven because it was indescribably beautiful and incredibly clean and pure. I suspect that I’m not too far off of the mark.

Our dear missionaries, it is my fondest hope that as we prepare for this very special holiday season with our unique calling as emissaries of our King, we may try to honor him by exerting the special effort that will result in our having the best kind of White Christmas—a baptizing white Christmas. We love all of you and ask the Lord’s choicest blessings to be over all of you.

Con la esperanza de una Navidad Blanca,

Presidente Dayton

El Clarín de El Faro

Page 16: 6 March El Clarín

Mission News

20 de Septiembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

A warm welcome to the newestmissionaries in el Faro. John David and Sherrie Lee Maxfield

Baptism of César and Carolina in Santander

Los Dayton and other missionpresidents and their wives at theVienna Mission President Conference.

Baptism of Juliana in Burgos.

Page 17: 6 March El Clarín

Mission NewsOn August 18 El Faro Welcomed 11 New Missionaries

20 de Septiembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Elder Ball

Palo Alto, CA

Elder Barton

Richfield, UT

Elder Bronson

North Salt Lake, UT

Elder Parker

Buckinghamshire, UK

Elder Reddish

Murrieta, CA

Elder Tyson

Eagle Mountain, UT

Elder Busath

Aurora, OH

Elder Cushing

South Jordan, UT

Elder Hamren

Cottonwood Heights, UT

Elder Wardle

South Jordan, UT

Hermana Plant

Salem, OR

Page 18: 6 March El Clarín

“Eran contados … y se


sus nombres”




























Bautismos 8 6 7 10 14 17 4 7 10 11 10 14 7

Confirmaciones 8 5 8 11 13 15 6 6 11 11 10 14 7

Fechas bautismales 90 90 87 97 117 99 90 97 120 123 118 90 105

Inv reunion

sacramental195 184 204 202 184 192 182 193 187 202 221 222 211

Lecciones con un

miembro710 720 713 738 688 719 706 774 799 789 735 742 698

Lecciones con un m.

p.50% 52% 52% 53% 49% 55% 49% 52% 52% 51% 50% 52% 50%

Nuevos Investigadores 417 431 404 407 407 340 385 480 477 554 532 480 440

We are now thenumber twobaptizing mission in Europe. Africa, Cape Verde just ahead of us. We recentlyovertook Portugual in baptisms.

¨The Zone¨ is back! Many of you will remember

seeing ¨The Zone¨ in past

Noticias. Every week we will be

recognizing an outstanding

accomplishment by at least

one zone.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

adipiscing elit. Aeneancommodo ligula egetdolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque

penatibus et magnis dis parturient.

Meta del Mes

¡La meta bautismal 2

de cada


Page 19: 6 March El Clarín

Mission NewsOn August 18 El Faro Welcomed 11 New Missionaries

27 de Septiembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Elder Dailey

Hermana Dorgia

Elder Richins

Elder Dixon

Elder Lower

Elder Roberts

Elder Webber Elder Wheat

El Faro honors our veteran missionaries, who are returning to their homes. May the Lord bless you, and may you always remember the wonderful spirit of El Faro. Thank you for all that you have done to bless the lives in the Barcelona Spain Mission.

Page 20: 6 March El Clarín

Vision of the Spain Barcelona Mission


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