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Page 1: 7 February El Clarín

One of the great joys of my calling as Mission President is the privilege I have to interview

all 174 missionaries in this wonderful mission—El Faro. These one-on-one visits help me understand where

the missionary is emotionally, physically, spiritually, and linguistically. Every interview cycle I have left

feeling inspired, lifted, motivated and thrilled by the strength, capacity, dedication and determination

of our missionaries—you! I have a kneeling prayer in Spanish with every missionary to invite the Spirit

and can ascertain quite a bit about his/her progress in our mission language. I also have the

opportunity to teach missionary discussions in Spanish and I have to say, in general, that the Castellano

I hear is quite good. However, I believe it can be even better. D&C 90:11 states that ,”Every man shall

hear the fullness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those who are

ordained unto this power.” PMG encourages us to strengthen our personal testimony to bring

converting power to our words by 1) learning the gospel thoroughly and 2) then learn to express our

testimony powerfully in the language of Castellano. Learning high quality Spanish does not come

easily or casually. It comes with the help of the Lord and a lot of hard work.

The first thing we should all seek is the gift of tongues by which our capacity to speak

Spanish is augmented by the power of the Holy Ghost. Part of seeking the gift of tongues is to labor

and struggle and to do all we can to learn the language. PMG invites us to study, practice and use the

mission language each day. My favorite quote on language by Elder Holland states that, “We would

hope that every missionary learning a new proselyting language would master it in every way

possible… And as you do so, your proselyting and testifying skills will improve. You will be better

received by and more spiritually impressive to your investigators. Don’t be satisfied with what we call a

missionary vocabulary only. Stretch yourself in the language, and you will gain greater access to the

hearts of the people.”

The principles of learning a new language include being dedicated and diligent. PMG

encourages us to take personal responsibility for pushing ourselves to learn as much as we can—never

be satisfied with where we are. Our study must be meaningful. Study the parts of the language which

will help you say what you want and need to say. Studying new words and new verbs is not enough.

We need to study grammar to understand word placement. After learning a new concept, it must be

practiced over and over before it will be retained. I would admonish you not to be casual and

haphazard about your language study. Be diligent about using that hour the way it should be used.

Create the language plan suggested by PMG. Set goals, decide on which learning tools help you the

most and stick to them. You should all have a quality Spanish grammar book, an English/Spanish

dictionary, and a pocket notebook to write new words as you hear them. In addition take advantage

of reading regularly and consistently from the Book of Mormon and Preach My Gospel. Especially the

lessons you teach must be mastered and delivered without stumbling or searching for the right word.

Memorize vocabulary and commonly-used phrases.

Message From Presidente Dayton

Mastering Our Mission Language in Every Way Possible

7 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

Page 2: 7 February El Clarín

Listening carefully to natives speak and trying to reproduce exactly the way they

pronounce words will help a lot. Avoid the tendency to “Americanize” the common cognates

(oportunidad) or other Spanish words which are used commonly. Don’t hesitate to ask some to “hable

más despacio, por favor” (speak more slowly, please). Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. Be bold in

trying out your new words and phrases. Learn the common idioms (e.g. antemano=beforehand,

mientras tanto=in the mean time) and ways in which phrases are spoken differently in Spanish (e.g. for

“make a decision” in Spanish you don’t say “hacer una decision” you say “tomar una decision”). Ask

your companion or a native how something is said (Como se dice _______?). All of the lesson practicas

should, of course be done in Spanish, with the senior companion helping out with pronunciation. Set a

personal goal to learn a certain number of new words each week (for example, learning 30 new words

a week will increase your vocabulary by over 3,000 words in 2 years). Push yourself to learn new verbs

and their conjugations. Whenever you try to say something and can’t say it smoothly in Spanish, do

something about it so it never happens again.

My dear fellow missionaries, I love this beautiful language of Castellano! I have made

some progress in learning how to speak it, but I want to do much better. I believe the Lord will bless us

with more success as we strive to speak our mission language correctly. May the Lord bless you that

you will try to master the mission language in every way possible.

Con deseos de hablar como nativo,

Presidente Merril T Dayton

Message From Presidente Dayton

7 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

Page 3: 7 February El Clarín

Sincerity vs. Hypocrisy

Message From Hermana Dayton

7 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

Sincerity is being as genuine on the inside as we appear on the outside. It is eagerly doing what is right with transparent motives. I once saw a demonstration illustrating sincerity that I will always remember. The person showed a pitcher of water and asked us to look at it and try to see through to the other side. Of course, we could do this. The lesson was then taught... if someone could see right through us, would they see what we speak and what we do in harmony with our thoughts and feelings? We were encouraged to always check our motives for why we did what we did by asking "why am I doing this?" We were warned to be aware of selfish motives, such as getting attention, winning approval, gaining power, or controlling others. We were taught that relationships were not opportunities to get what we want... it is always important to invest in others and serve others and meet their needs. We were also taught that we should only communicate what we really think and feel. That we should not try to manage perceptions by telling half truths, giving false impressions or exaggerating.

One of my favorite stories is of a nine years old boy named Bob who was in many foster homes growing up. He tells of a new social worker who sat him down, looked him directly in the eyes, and said, “Bobby, I want you to always remember these words: YOU ARE WORTHWHILE!” Each time they

met, she repeated those words. They became an affirmation of appreciation that he heard over and over again in his head. At age 16 he took a job at the Albany New York Times as a copy boy, and his

very first boss was a woman named Margaret. After he had worked there about six months, Margaret called him into her office one day and asked him to sit down. She looked him right in the eyes and said to him, “I have been the office manager for 15 years—I have been observing you—and I believe YOU ARE FULL OF PROMISE.” Those words, on that day, gave him permission to aspire. Those two positive SINCERE messages of appreciation played over and over again in his head and ultimately gave him the courage to be the very best he could be. Sixteen years later he became the Publisher of the Albany New York Times, and seven years after that, he became CEO of Hearst Newspapers, one of the largest newspaper companies in the world—and he credits it all to those simple SINCERE words of appreciation and love. What a wonderful example of how little WORDS OF SINCERE appreciation can make such a difference in a life!

Page 4: 7 February El Clarín

Message From Hermana Dayton

7 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

In Helaman 3:27 we read, "the Lord is merciful unto all who will, in the SINCERITY of their hearts, call upon His holy name." and in Moroni 10:4 it says, "if ye shall ask with a SINCERE heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you." The Lord desires for each of us to be sincere.

We can apply sincerity to missionary work by:

--Being sincere as we bear our testimonies

--Being sincere and genuine as we compliment our companions, investigators, ward members and others

--Being sincere as we pray to Heavenly Father expressing our deepest thoughts and desires

--Being sincere in honoring and obeying mission rules

--Being sincere as we express our love for investigators, even when they do not join the church

President Dayton and I sincerely love each one of you. We are grateful for the opportunity to know you and serve with you in this special mission. We feel such gratitude to the Lord for giving us this unique opportunity to serve, grow closer to you and to the Savior. We love you and we pray sincerely each day that you will be watched over and feel happiness as you faithfully serve the Lord.

Much love--

Hermana Dayton

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability, Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alerness, Character, Decisiveness, Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity

Page 5: 7 February El Clarín

Percentage of Missionaries with Baptism

7 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

























Up to this point of the year, 28% of

all companionships have been

blessed with baptism!!!

Page 6: 7 February El Clarín


7 de Febrero de 2016

“Eran contados … y se

inscribían sus nombres”



























Bautismos 6 8 9 12 5 8 12 7 7 3 5 10 3

Confirmaciones 6 9 9 12 5 7 10 10 7 3 5 10 3

Fechas bautismales 113 121 95 103 87 92 72 91 88 115 102 87 94

Inv reunion sacramental 222 164 211 166 215 162 173 170 192 204 197 191 190

Lecciones con un

miembro653 696 734 692 645 729 572 635 598 683 675 690 633

Lecciones con un m. p. 42% 45% 45% 46% 44% 45% 50% 47% 43% 42% 40% 46% 41%

Nuevos Investigadores 533 567 620 469 525 507 340 539 529 659 588 466 518

Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta semana 3

Bautismos/Confirmaciones este mes 3

Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la fecha

este año38

El Clarín de El Faro

Beatriz Mochon Avalos Mataró B Élderes Ross y Lightfoot

Ioan Feldrichan Logroño B Hermanas Lieberum y Martinez

Ulrich Anton Nussli Ibiza A Élderes Tonks y Saunders

Page 7: 7 February El Clarín

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14


CUATRO: Hermanas Stilson y Jones

TRES: Hermanas Rathfon y Arauco

Élderes Jones e Ipsen

Élderes Gonzalez y Mallette

Élderes Alder y Christensen

Élderes McArthur y Carter

Juan Barcelona 3B

Roxana Barcelona 3C

Rocio, Miguel Angel Badalona 1B

Aurora Badalona 2B

Rocio Mataró A

Manuel Zaragoza 2C

Antoni Bilbao A

Andres Santander A

Mario Las Arenas A

Ferran Tarragona A

Andrea, Oscar, Maria Valencia 3A

Vitoria, Salvador

Phillip Valencia 1A

Luis Gandía A

Eduardo Gandía B

Oliver Palma 2A

Gonzalo Inca

7 de Febrero de 2016

Compañerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

El Clarín de El Faro

The Zone

Hospitalet is in the Zone!-With an average of 7.2 new investigators per


Page 8: 7 February El Clarín

This week we saw the

baptism of Camela!! It was so

special her dad and uncle and

aunt came down from

Barcelona to see it! It was so

special. Afterwards, she bore

her testimony on eternal

families and how that is her

biggest desire. It was incredibly

powerful. There was not a dry

eye in the room. And she's only

ten years old! She's amazing.

She is going to contribute to

her family and siblings in an

incredible way.

Trina's baptism was

amazing!!!!!! She did it. She

took the step of faith and she

did it. It was stressful, and there

were so many things leaning

against it happening, but she

fought the devil and she

trusted in how she felt, and she

did it. She was so scared. We

helped her get all dressed up

in her whites, and then she saw

the font and Hermano Cesar

waiting for her. And she turned

to me and looked at me with

absolute fear in her eyes, and I

took her hand and told her it

would be okay, and then she

stepped into the font. She was

shaking so much and sweating

a little from her fear, but then

she got into the water. Right

before she went down, while

Cesar was saying the prayer,

she locked her eyes on mine,

and I smiled at her and

nodded my head. She

wouldn't take her eyes off

mine. And then she was

BAPTIZED!!!!!! It was amazing!

She did it! And afterwards we

could see a big difference in


Well this week was great,

you remember how we

brought Glenda to church this

past Sunday? Well we

stopped by on Tuesday to try

to get her parents to let her get

baptized. They said, no but it

wasn't like a NO type of no! So

on Wednesday we passed by

and asked them all to pray

about it. So on Thursday we

stopped by again, after a

rough one hour visit we were

almost ready to give up when

we just decided to do practice

baptism were Elder ________

baptized me in their house,

Glenda wanted to try so we

did it to her too, she then

asked her parents to let her get

baptized this Saturday and

well it happened!!! Glenda

was baptized on Saturday and

confirmed on Sunday. That is

like not even one fourth of the

story but it was just incredible

that it happened.

This week was amazing

because we saw lots of

miracles and we also had 4

baptisms! I so glad to be a

missionary. All the bitter and

bad parts of missionary life can

be changed with a miracle of

a baptism. Ramón is a huge

miracle because he was

brought to church by a friend,

felt the spirit and had the

desires to change his life and

start anew. We set a fecha

with him and was progressing

for his date really well. The

family of three was a family

who have been taught by

missionaries for a long time. I

learned from them that

everyone has their moment

and for some it is fast and

others long. They were truly

prepared by the Lord.

13 de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

7 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

First off, Martha was

baptized!! What a great

weekend it was to celebrate

it with her. We sang a special

musical hymn called "Te

Hallaré mi amigo" and

Martha was in tears a

quarter through the song.

Our stake president Ferran

Sylvestre performed the

baptismal ordinance and it

ran very smoothly. It was a

sureal moment for Martha.

She was overwhelmed with

the spirit the whole service

and she looked like she was

just floating in heaven. She

decided to fast the day

before her baptism believing

that her faith in Christ would

help cure her nephew who

was very sick in ecuador. She

received a call from her

daughter the day of her

baptism letting her know

that her nephew was

recovering. She testified that

her experience with her fast,

baptism and receiving of the

gift of the holy ghost showed

her again that this is the true

church of Christ and that

God loves each one of us.

She´s going to be a stellar

member and we are excited

to continue to work with her

and watch her testimony

grow. This was a weekend I

will always remember.

Page 9: 7 February El Clarín

The Miracle of Baptism

7 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El Faro

the miracle of this week

was the BAPTISM OF ERIKA!!!!!

president my heart is so full! I

am just so happy about it!!

Erika had been meeting for

the missionaries on and off for

the past year. We, meaning

my companion and I, had

personally been meeting with

her for the past three months.

It was a long process, but little

by little we watched as she

grew, and saw how the spirit

and the power of the Book of

Mormon truly did strengthen

her testimony and help her

be truly converted. She was

baptized Saturday and there

were so many people that

came to support her. The spirit

was so strong, and she just

radiated happiness. Honestly

one of the best moments of

my life. Even better is that she

has the goal to be sealed to

her fiance in the temple in a

year. And you can bet I will

come back in a year for her

temple sealing! :)

Drum roll please..


made it!!! We had the biggest

miracle baptism. I'm still in

shock. So this man is so

prepared to be baptized but

always had some fear or

something holding him back.

He had fechas but rejected

them. But Friday night we

brought Elder______ with us to

say goodbye to him cause he

loved him. And Elder ____ just

gave him a surprise baptismal

interview and he passed! But

didn't want to get baptized.

So we were like ok well at

least just come to the baptism

that we are having tomorrow

to see it. So me and Hermana

_____ head over to the

baptism and boom he is

sitting there with a cute little

backpack and is like

hermanas! I'm getting

baptized today! So we

dropped everything and

planned a baptism in less

than an hour. It was so good

president! The spirit was so

strong and he loved every

second of it! He kept saying

he just wants the light that

everyone at church has. It

was so amazing! It was also so

great to see how me and

Hermana ______ didn't do

anything for this baptism. How

it was all Heavenly Father and

we just were a little part in

getting him there. Suuuch a


Page 10: 7 February El Clarín

7 de Febrero de 2016El Clarín de El FaroMission News

El Faro Welcomes New Missionaries

Elder Clifford

North Pole, AK

Hermana Humbert

Frankfurt, Germany

Elder Keen

Westoning, UK

Elder Cutrer

Herriman, UT

Elder Jensen

Idaho Falls, ID

Hermana Larson

Highland, UT

Hermana Lofgran

Orem, UT

Elder Thompson

Clearfield, UT

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