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summercourses 2021


Page 2: AF Summer School Courses 10 - ESNE

summercourses 2021

Estilismo y Comunicaciónde ModaModalidad Presencial / OnlineIdioma Español

Zero waste: Fashion TextileTechnology and the New ToolsModalidad Onsite / OnlineIdioma English / Spanish

Smart Accessories DesignModalidad Onsite / OnlineIdioma English / Spanish

Packaging SostenibleModalidad Presencial / OnlineIdioma Español

Creación de un Libro IlustradoModalidad Presencial / OnlineIdioma Español









ESNE Cursos de VeranoESNE Summer Courses

Sobre ESNEAbout ESNE

Introducción Cursos / Summer Courses

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ESNE Summer School da la bienvenida a estudiantes universitarios de cualquier ámbito, y a profesionales relacionados con el diseño y la creatividad. Estamos deseando veros a todos en ESNE, y mostraros lo mejor de Madrid, ¡bienvenidos a ESNE!

Nuestra ubicación en Madrid como capital de España permite a los estudiantes de otros países viajar en pocas horas a ciudades emblemáticas como Valencia, Sevilla o Barcelona, así como otras capitales mundiales que se encuentran a dos horas desde nuestro aeropuerto internacional, apenas a 15 minutos de la universidad.

La riqueza cultural y social de Madrid es inigualable, es una ciudad activa de día y de noche, con múltiples posibilidades de ocio y cultura que la convierten en destino atractivo para todo tipo de visitantes, y en particular para los estudiantes.

ESNE Cursos de Verano

ESNE Summer School welcomes undergraduate and graduate students from any field of knowledge and professionals related to design and creative industries. We are looking forward to seeing you at ESNE, and showing you the best of Madrid. Welcome to ESNE!

Our central location in Madrid, as the capital of Spain, provides our national and international students the possibility to travel easily and in a short time to the main cities of the country, such as Valencia, Seville and Barcelona; as well as other capital cities of european countries they can visit in a flight time of a few hours, even worldwide.

The vast cultural and social diversity of possibilities in Madrid is incomparable. The city is active day and night, it offers multiple options for leisure and culture, and overall it’s considered as a very attractive destination for all kinds of visitors, and students in particular.

ESNE Summer Courses

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Talleres de DiseñoDesign WorkshopsJunio - Julio / June - July 20219.00 - 14.00 h.Algunas clases o visitas podrían programarse por las tardes, después de las 14.00 h.

Some classes or visits may take place after 14.00 h.

Modalidad y detalles sujetos a posibles restricciones a la movilidad debido a la COVID-19.

Modality and details may experiment modifications based on potential restrictions of mobility due to COVID-19.


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ESNE, University School of Design, Innovation and Technology, a higher education institution based in Madrid, Spain, with over 1,600 students enrolled in the different Bachelor and Master degrees: Graphic and Multimedia Design, Audiovisual and Illustration Design, Fashion Design, Fashion Business and Communication, Interior Design, Product Design, 2D and 3D Animation, Games Design and Development, Web and App Development, and User Experience.

As a highly specialized campus, all the students share the facilities and spend time together, in such a way that interdisciplinarity is much more invigorated.

ESNE fosters the education of the designers of the futureby promoting international activities and programs. The students get prepared to belong to a global environment. The idea of a multicultural classroom is a key value to offer the students who find in us their main option to have the best possible learning experience.

ESNE, Escuela Universitaria de Diseño, Innovación y Tecnología, es un centro universitario ubicado en Madrid, España, con más de 1.600 alumnos inscritos en los programas académicos de Grado y Máster: Multimedia y Gráfico, Diseño Audiovisual e Ilustración, Diseño de Moda, Gestión y Comunicación de Moda, Diseño de Producto, Diseño de Interiores, Animación, Diseño de Videojuegos, Animaciones 3D, Diseño de Aplicaciones Multiplataforma o Diseño de Experiencia de Usuario.

Como campus especializado, todos los estudiantes conviven y comparten instalaciones, y con ello se produce una mayor interdisciplinariedad.

ESNE apuesta por preparar a los diseñadores del futuro para su pertenencia a un entorno global promoviendo actividades de carácter internacional, y por ello la multiculturalidad en las aulas es un valor fundamental para ofrecer la mejor experiencia a quienes eligen ESNE como destino formativo.

Sobre ESNE About ESNE


ContactoContactAvenida Alfonso XIII, 97-99 28016 Madrid

(+34) 915 552 [email protected]

summercourses 2021

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El estudiante adquirirá conocimientos específicos, de forma teórico-práctica, sobre canales, procesos y estrategias de comunicación del sector de la moda, incluyendo visitas y talleres profesionales del sector. Enfocado a los nuevos formatos como las redes sociales, performance o fashion films y a los tradicionales como desfiles o campañas publicitarias.

El curso será impartido por profesorado especializado, con amplia experiencia en el ámbito académico y profesional.

Enfocado a los nuevos formatos como redes sociales, performances o fashion films y a los tradicionales, como desfiles o campañas publicitarias.

Estilismo y Comunicaciónde Moda


Presencial / online

Idioma Español

Duración2 semanas, 40 horasDel 14 al 25 de junio

Precio850€800€ en inscripción temprana


Temprana: 250€hasta 30 de abril

Tardía: 300€límite 31 de mayo

Confirmación de plaza:Segundo pago: 550€,hasta 31 de mayo

Link de inscripción

[email protected]

summercourses 2021

El Summer Course de Estilismo y Comunicación de Moda de ESNE aporta conocimientos para la especialización en el ámbito de la creación de imagen, identidad de marca y generación de estilismo para editoriales.

Esta formación intensiva que aúna múltiples perspectivas supone una oportunidad para entender la moda desde una dimensión particular, principalmente comunicativa, y sin embargo esencial para dar a conocer y explicar la misión y valores de las marcas, así como los mensajes que transmiten colecciones y producciones en el ámbito de la moda.

**No reembolsable

*Modalidad y detalles sujetos a autorizaciones a la movilidad

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The Summer Course Zero Waste: Fashion Textile Technology and the New Tools provides the students with the knowledge to specialize in the development of new visualization processes and prototyping with zero waste.

In order to do so, the student will approach the most advanced technology used in Fashion Design, with a special emphasis on new tools and techniques such as knitting technology Shima Seiki or CLO 3D software among others, and will be introduced intoa contextual and theoretical framework of current and future systems.

ESNE vast experience in this speciality will guarantee the students an intensive training experience in this current trend in the fashion industry.

They will get to create the patterns and the visualization of their designs over an avatar, serving as an improvement of their design portfolio.

The course will be delivered by our faculty specialized in these technologies, with wide expertise both in the academic and the professional fields.

summercourses 2021

Zero waste: Fashion Textile Technology and the New Tools


Onsite / Online

Language of instructionEnglish / Spanish

Duration2 weeks, 40 hoursJune 14th - 25th

Fee850€ 800€ if early registration


Early Registration: 250€, until April 30th

Regular Registration: 300€, until May 31st

ConfirmationSecond Payment:550€, until May 31st

**Non refundable

*The methodologies will be adapted according to the modality

Link for registration

[email protected]

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Online / Onsite

Language of instructionEnglish / Spanish

Duration2 weeks, 40 hoursJune 14th - 25th

Fee850€ 800€ if early registration


Early Registration: 250€, until April 30th

Regular Registration: 300€, until May 31st

ConfirmationSecond Payment:550€, until May 31st

summercourses 2021

Smart AccessoriesDesign

***Headphones design made of carbon fiber and leather, by the student August Carbonell.

The participants will get to know new specialization areas related to the industry 4.0, also thanks to their professors, who are experienced professionals in the industry. The theoretical and hands-on lessons will be combined with visits and workshops with partner companies with whom ESNE regularly collaborates. As a result of these alliances even some students results have become actual goods ready for commercialization.

The Summer Course Smart Accessories Designbelongs to a transdisciplinary sector, between Product and Fashion design with a huge potential in jewelry, glasses, bags or shoes design among other possibilities. The program aims to initiate students into the future of accessories, understood as devices, and their new technological functionalities.

In addition to the basic design strategies, namely Design Thinking based methodologies, the participants will use digital and physical 3D modelling tools, and they will learn basic notions on electronics, programming and robotics for the design and development of smart accessories, devices created to provide an innovative and more efficient user experience.

The course embraces groundbreaking and innovative trends in lifestyle and technology. As an outcome, a final prototype of the interactive and functional accessory will be created.


**Non refundable

* The methodologies will be adapted according to the modality

Link for registration

[email protected]

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Este curso propone un acercamiento estratégico y práctico al futuro del packaging, una de las áreas con más proyección donde se encuentran el Diseño Gráfico y el Diseño de Producto.

El packaging es, para los diseñadores, una de las especialidades offline con más futuro. Aunque se producirá una fuerte transformación de los puntos de venta por la digitalización, los productos adquiridos online siempre necesitarán una presentación y un embalaje más sofisticados, que no solo los haga deseables y transmita sus valores, o los identifique y diferencie, sino que también los preserve, y facilite su traslado en las mejores condiciones para ellos y el planeta.

**No reembolsable

*Modalidad y detalles sujetos a autorizaciones a la movilidad

El objetivo de este curso es abordar estos factores de cambio desde un marco teórico y contextual, desarrollando ideas y un proyecto. Se visitarán además centros de diseño, fabricación, punto de venta y/o reciclaje, que complementarán la experiencia académica*. Los alumnos contarán con la tutorización de profesores expertos en packaging y profesionales estratégicos de los sectores clave (Diseño Gráfico y de Producto, Sostenibilidad, Branding o Marketing).

Se desarrollará un proyecto de packaging completo con un enfoque sostenible para crear soluciones eficientes, teniendo en cuenta dinámicas vinculadas, como los principios de la Economía Triple Balance o la Economía Circular.


Presencial / online

Idioma Español

Duración2 semanas, 40 horasDel 14 al 25 de junio

Precio850€800€ en inscripción temprana


Temprana: 250€hasta 30 de abril

Tardía: 300€límite 31 de mayo

Confirmación de plaza:Segundo pago: 550€,hasta 31 de mayo

Conocimientos previos requeridos: Adobe Illustrator y recomendable manejo de Adobe Photoshop, Autocad o aplicaciones de diseño 3D.Link de inscripción

[email protected]

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Creación de unLibro Ilustrado

Este curso, Creación de un Libro Ilustrado, aporta los conocimientos necesarios para el desarrollo de una obra compleja como es la ilustración aplicada a una pieza editorial, un libro infantil o para adultos. Esta formación intensiva se estructura en 3 bloques:1. Fundamentos básicos para la creación de unproyecto editorial tales como concepto, diseño ymaquetación.2. La creación de un proyecto editorial ilustrado que incluye análisis, inspiración, moodboard, técnicas y ejecución de las piezas.3. Por último, la creación de los arte finales para elenvío a la imprenta.

**No reembolsable

*Modalidad y detalles sujetos a autorizaciones a la movilidad

El objetivo es una aproximación a la ilustración a través de una aplicación práctica, con capacidad de contar historias con identidad propia. El estudiante hará uso de herramientas analógicas y digitales en el desarrollo del proyecto. Por ello, se recomienda tener conocimientos previos –nivel usuario– de Adobe Illustrator y Adobe Photoshop. Cada proyecto será tutorizado, lo que permitirá al alumno sacar el máximo partido a sus ideas y habilidades. El curso será impartido por profesorado especializado, con amplia experiencia en el ámbito académico y profesional.

Un curso enfocado a una tendencia en la demanda decreación de librosilustrados, tanto para el público infantil como para el adulto, quienes aprecian el valor expresivo de la ilustración como arte gráfica.


Presencial / online

Idioma Español

Duración2 semanas, 40 horasDel 14 al 25 de junio

Precio850€800€ en inscripción temprana


Temprana: 250€hasta 30 de abril

Tardía: 300€límite 31 de mayo

Confirmación de plaza:Segundo pago: 550€,hasta 31 de mayo

Trabajo de la diseñora e ilustradora Silvia Ferpal, Premio Nacional de Diseño 2020, para el libro infantil Don Elías de Sebastian Amorim.

Link de inscripción

[email protected]

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FAQs Who can attend/book a course? Anyone aged 18 or over can attend, preferably candidates currently enrolled in higher education programs.

What previous skills or knowledge is required?None in general, but some courses may require previous expertise. Please read carefully every syllabus.

How many students are in each class? Most courses typically don’t have more than 15 students.

Is there a minimum number of students to celebrate the course? Yes, there is a minimum of 7 students to make sure that the experience is also enriching in terms of cultural exchange, and group-based teaching activities and methodologies.

Can ESNE provide information about accommodation services? ESNE keeps updated a list of accommodation services where our students typically stay. https://www.esne.es/pdf/Alojamiento

Do I need a VISA? European citizens don’t need it. Students from other territories generally won’t need it due to the short duration of the courses, nevertheless we recommend that the candidates verify this information with the authorities of their countries.

Do I need to have an insurance policy in place?It is the responsibility of the student to have a valid insurance coverage in place during the stay in Madrid. Generally, European citizens can make an extension or temporary arrangement in their countries, or use the European Health Insurance card. Students will decide if they wish to include any additional coverage.

Generic questions

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FAQs Are the summer courses valid for credit recognition at my home university? Courses are expressed in hours, and the certificate will specify the duration after its completion. Including autonomous work, the summer courses offered are equivalent to 2 ECTS, however it is your home institution who must approve its recognition.

What will I receive when I complete the course?ESNE will issue a “Certificate of Attendance” with the name of our institution, the title of the program, dates and the number of hours. This will be proof of the successful completion of the program.

Type of course, credits and certificates

Will classes be delivered onsite or online? Courses may have its own modality. Read carefully the description of the specific course you are interested in. There are several cases.

What modality will take place in the case of “presencial/online” (onsite/online)? Initially all these courses are predefined to be delivered onsite. However, if the majority of the students interested show proof of the impossibility to travel due to the restrictions caused by the COVID-19, ESNE will deliver the course online and the module will be adapted to the virtual modality. The teaching methodologies will be optimized for the online teaching and the learning outcomes will be equivalent.

How is the online teaching organized? ESNE works with several online-teaching technologies, mainly Zoom and Moodle, where virtual classrooms, videoconferences, chats and working groups are displayed. Students will be informed of the schedule, and their professors will provide the necessary instructions. Initially, it is expected that the online teaching will be synchronous, not recorded.

Course details

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FAQs What happens if the course is onsite but I am one a the few students who cannot travel? ESNE will be happy to study alternative solutions, but we cannot assure at this moment that your participation can take place.

If the course I’m interested in is defined for onsite teaching only, but I cannot travel, can I take it online? Initially that won’t be possible. Yet, we encourage you to explain your situation to our team and we will study potential solutions for you.

Are the courses taught in Spanish? Most of the professors of these courses can teach either in English or Spanish. Specifically: 1. If the specification says “Español/English” the professor will adapt the language of instruction to the characteristics of the group to just one of them, or hybrid.2. If the specification just says “Español”, then the course will be delivered just in Spanish.

What equipment / software will I need? For onsite courses you don’t need to bring anything, although it is recommended that students have their own laptop or tablet in order to facilitate the search of references, or the exchange of information. It is also recommended that at least one device has a camera and a microphone. Prior to the beginning of the course students will be informed of specific material needs, if any.

For online courses, you will need:1. A laptop or computer with Adobe license, particularly Photoshop and Illustrator2. A webcam, microphone and headphones 3. A good connection to be able to attend the classes4. An up-to-date browser, preferably Chrome5. Additional material for hands-on work will be indicated before the start of the program

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FAQs What is the fee of the course? The fee is 850€, but if you make an early registration the course fee is 800€. The payment is divided in two parts, one as registration and the second one as a confirmation payment.

Payment1. Early registration: 250€ before April 30th

Late registration: 300€ until May 31st

2. Confirmation payment: 550€ until May 31st

Can I enrol a course after May 31st 2021? That will

depend on the places available. We advise all the candidates to confirm their participation within the indicated deadlines, since we cannot assure at this moment if this possibility will be feasible after them.

What should I do to register and make the payment? First you need to make the transfer of the first payment, and send confirmation of the bank transfer to the email address [email protected]. Once the administration department confirms the payment, you will receive a formal confirmation.

Payment information To: ESNE - Estudios Superiores InternacionalesAddress: C/ Hermanos Pinzón,3 - 28036 MadridBank account no: ES84 0049 5117 28 2116137308Swift: BSCHESMMXXX

Concept Payment #1“Summer 2021 – NAME LASTNAME registration”Payment #2“Summer 2021 – NAME LASTNAME confirmation”

Fees and payments

Is the registration fee refundable? No, this fee is not refundable. However, if ESNE would be forced to cancel the course, or if the minimum number of students is not achieved, we will fully refund the registration fee.

Can I pay the total amount of the course? Yes, you can do that, but in the concept, you should mention clearly that both the registration and the confirmation payments are included.

Is the confirmation fee refundable? No, because it is expected that the second payment is made when the candidates are sure about their participation. Nevertheless, as with the first payment, in the event that ESNE would be forced to cancel the course the payment would be fully refunded.

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FAQsWhat is the fee of the course? The fee is 850€, but if you make an early registration the course fee is 800€. The payment is divided in two parts, one as registration and the second one as a confirmation payment.

Payment1. Early registration: 250€ before April 30th

Late registration: 300€ until May 31st

2. Confirmation payment: 550€ until May 31st

Can I enrol a course after May 31st 2021? That will

depend on the places available. We advise all the candidates to confirm their participation within the indicated deadlines, since we cannot assure at this moment if this possibility will be feasible after them.

What should I do to register and make the payment? First you need to make the transfer of the first payment, and send confirmation of the bank transfer to the email address [email protected]. Once the administration department confirms the payment, you will receive a formal confirmation.

Payment information To: ESNE - Estudios Superiores InternacionalesAddress: C/ Hermanos Pinzón,3 - 28036 MadridBank account no: ES84 0049 5117 28 2116137308Swift: BSCHESMMXXX

Concept Payment #1“Summer 2021 – NAME LASTNAME registration”Payment #2“Summer 2021 – NAME LASTNAME confirmation”

Link for registration

Email [email protected]

Useful information

Is the registration fee refundable? No, this fee is not refundable. However, if ESNE would be forced to cancel the course, or if the minimum number of students is not achieved, we will fully refund the registration fee.

Can I pay the total amount of the course? Yes, you can do that, but in the concept, you should mention clearly that both the registration and the confirmation payments are included.

Is the confirmation fee refundable? No, because it is expected that the second payment is made when the candidates are sure about their participation. Nevertheless, as with the first payment, in the event that ESNE would be forced to cancel the course the payment would be fully refunded.

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Av. Alfonso XIII, 9728016 Madrid(Spain)

91 555 25 [email protected]





summercourses 2021

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