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Ascociacion Diexman Uruguay - Pagina 1

Ascociacion Diexman Uruguay - Pagina 2

INDICE Pagina 3 Migdiel Cruz Conflicto político y social que vive Ucrania Glenn Hauser Logs March 19, 2014 Pagina 4 Migdiel Cruz Escanergalaxias Pagina 5 Fabio Nobilis Homologação Anatel Antonio Avelino Fin de Semana de Escuchas en OC Horacio Nigro La noche en Moscú Horacio Nigro Lista de paises que abandonaron la Onda Media Glenn Hauser Logs March 20, 2014 Pagina 8 Miguel Angel Rocha Anteproyecto de ley secundaria en telecomunicaciones Radio Heritage Foundation Visit My Radio Memories 24/7 Pagina 9 Radio Heritage Foundation New Retro Radio series is popular Michael Bethge News Dx Magazine 3/2014 - Worldwide Dx Club Pagina 27 Dino Bloise Frecuencia al Dia Ulysses Galletti Falando de Rádio Glenn Hauser Logs March 20-21, 2014 Pagina 28 Enrique A. Wembagher Nueva transmisión de radiogramas de La Voz de América Pagina 29 Mauricio Pimenta Venta Yimber Gaviria DX Logs Abril 2014 Pagina 30 Yimber Gaviria Regresa La… “Cadena DX” Pagina 31 PY2FG FRG 7700 ajuda Wilson Siqueira VOA The Voice of America's Music Time in Africa Enrique A. Wembagher Lanzamiento de Globo Betty IV de Amsat Argentina Cesar Perez Dioses INKA Dx Report Desde Chimbote – PERU Pagina 32 Zacharias Liangas Escuchas

Samuel Cássio Martins Escuchas Pagina 33 Nick Rumple Escuchas Pagina 34 Allan Stern Escuchas

Alokesh Gupta Escuchas Pagina 35 Roberto Pavanello Escuchas

Roland - PY4ZBZ Escuchas Anderson José Torquato Escuchas Alokesh Gupta Escuchas Jose A. Kucher Escuchas

Ascociacion Diexman Uruguay - Pagina 3


Migdiel Cruz Conflicto político y social que vive Ucrania

Aún con todo el conflicto político y social que vive Ucrania, la radioafición está activa. Aquí la recepción de la estación UY2VM haciendo CQ Calling, desde la región central de Ucrania, recibido en los 40 metros. Minutos antes y después estuvo intercambiando QSO con colegas de USA. http://youtu.be/KbOoXjR88qw

Glenn Hauser Logs March 19, 2014

** AUSTRALIA. 12365-USB, poor signal March 19 at 1333, marine weather mentioning Gulf of Carpinteria, i.e. VMC, Charleville, Queensland; on the FRG-7`s bandwidth, also scratchy ACI from much weaker signal on 12362-USB with more marine weather, i.e. sibling station VMW in Wiluna, Western Australia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BANGLADESH. 15505, March 19 at 1359, no signal from Bangladesh Betar: with BFO I soon hear the carrier cut on and off, but not back on until 1400.3 or so, missing any mistimesignal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BURMA [non]. 13735, March 19 at 1336, RFA certainly in Burmese, fair signal and no ACI yet from CRI/Cuba; via TINIAN. At 1400, 13735 switches to RFA Vietnamese via Saipan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 11635, March 19 at 1245, Firedrake music mixing with CCCCCCI, vs VOA Chinese via Thailand at 12-14; but at 1311 no Firedrake, just CNR1 vs VOA. 15375, March 19 at 1338, Firedrake and CNR1 jamming mixed, poor-fair, vs RFA Tibetan via Tajikistan until 1400 16100, March 19 at 1339, CNR1 jammer vs Sound of Hope, fair with flutter; no others way-out-of-band from 12 to 19 MHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EAST TURKISTAN. 15445, March 19 at 0517, Russian, fair with flutter and // 15615. 15445 is listed as CRI via Kashgar, but nothing ever listed on 15615. [Except EiBi with VMW fax, but not during this hour]. Also Russian on 15665, yet noted as not // the others, altho this too is Kashgar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 3325, very poor March 19 at 1253, YL talk in presumed Indonesian, from RRI Palangkaraya; by 1257 no modulation audible past 1300 tho seems still enough carrier, so dead air? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA SOUTH. 15575, March 19 at 1343, KBS World Radio starting Wednesday feature `Sound of Korea`. Poor signal with heavy flutter, and can`t really enjoy it or copy all the commentary, but the folk music is interesting; this week`s theme: songs about farming. Maybe it`ll be better in 72 hours for Saturday`s `Listeners Lounge` including DX news (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 1700 new station: re my unID heard with Mexican anthem at 1245 UT, Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla in the DF writes: ``Hola Glenn, estoy nuevamente escuchando música mexicana [KKLF] en los 1700 kHz por detrás de la texana en inglés [KVNS]. Me informa mi amigo Héctor García Bojorge que, de acuerdo a la página del Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones de México hay el registro de una radiodifusora permisionada con el indicativo nominal XEFCSM ubicada en Mérida, Yucatán con autorización para emitir con 50 kW en el día y 1 kW en la noche. La fecha del permiso es a partir de abril del 2013 [sic] y está a cargo de la Fundación Cultural para la Sociedad Mexicana, A.C. Quizá sea esta emisora que esté realizando pruebas. El permiso para XEFCSM es en los 1700 kHz. Enviado desde mi iPad. Saludos, Julián``. Mérida sunrise/sunset currently: 1203/0009 UT. I asked our correspondent in Yucatán about this, and he promptly replies March 19: ``Estimado Sr. Hauser: Posiblemente se trate de pruebas de una emisora católica (ver http://www.thestationofthecross.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Travel_Guide_111513.pdf aunque recordemos que el gobierno mexicano ha sido muy restrictivo por lo que es probable que esté a nombre de una asociación civil (A.C.) y no asociación religiosa (A.R.); algunas organizaciones religiosas en el pasado se investieron de agrupaciones culturales a fin de operar sin acoso gubernamental en el pasado. En el cuadrante (dial) en Mérida la mayoría de las estaciones están en la onda media en frecuencias bajas y medianas y la mayoría de los receptores solo llegan a 1600 o 1650 a lo mucho (me parece que tengo por ahí uno que llega a los 1700 tal vez; es algo viejo y voy a verificarlo). Hace algún tiempo estuve conversando con la locutora Alma Estrada de Radio María y nos comentó que su estación dejó de rentar una frecuencia de 930 kHz XEUL debido a que pretendía migrar en Cadena Rasa Yucatán a la FM (cosa que al parecer no han completado y han tenido problemas con algunas frecuencias de AM y FM en su transmisión según le pregunté a una de sus locutoras) y luego rentaron 760 kHz XEYW al Grupo Rivas, aunque recientemente al parecer dejaron de hacerlo pues ya no se escucha. De todas maneras me he puesto en contacto con la locutora a ver lo que me contesta; apenas me diga le respondo. Atte.: Ing. Civ. Israel González Ahumada, M.I.`` That Catholic Radio Update Travel Guide dated November 15, 2013, does include this: ``Mérida, Yucatán XEFCSM † 1700`` the dagger meaning

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``not on air yet, but may soon be`` and another symbol, an `m` with a tail, signifying Radio María (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET [non]. 15520, March 19 from 1403 I am waiting for V. of Tibet via MADAGASCAR to jump frequency, which is usually around 1407-1408; but it keeps going on 15520, until finally 1412.5 jump to 15515, leaving the CNR1 jammer behind, which was really too weak to detect under VOT. At 1413 brief English clip, sounds like Dalai Lama himself (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1712 monitoring: confirmed Wednesday March 19 at 1400 on WRMI 9955, NW antenna with VG signal. Next: 0330 UT Thursday on 9955, SSE antenna, when I probably will not have 1713 ready yet, but surely by 1230 Thursday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9930, March 19 at 1408, WTWW-2 is off again, while 9475 and 12105 are on. Must still be repairing it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 17775, March 19 at 1340, music on VP signal, but increasing to P as I listen, KVOH starting to propagate here. Ray Robinson points out that listeners in Cuba are hearing it well earlier than I am, as the MUF is already up at the midpoint over TX, but takes a bit longer to build up at the midpoint to here, near Gallup NM. Habana is almost exactly twice as far from Rancho Simi than Enid is (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1330, March 19 at 1303 UT, C&W music atop KNSS Wichita making fast SAH (~15 Hz), which was dominant before 1300 UT; 1315 UT timecheck and more music; 1318 UT KNSS atop; 1321 UT KCKM Monahans TX regains dominance at SRS, with adstring including Quality Cleaners in Kermit & Robo Cleaners in Monahans; truckers needed in Pecos (pronounced PAY-kuss); 8:22 TC, plug Bob Martin news later [is that the ex? TV anchor in Albuquerque?]; headlines include mercury spill at a school, radiation in Carlsbad NM. Singing ID at 1324, back to music, by B J Thomas. I can hear KCKM just about any morning as its 12 kW daytime ND gets out very well despite much closer and daytime groundwaver KNSS Wichita KS. Official SR/SS in March are 1300/0100 UT, as it`s way west of the meridian and should be in the MST zone UT -7 instead of CDT UT -5. I`m checking it out today as prélude to the big DX test scheduled with same day facilities, UT Saturday March 22 at 0500-0530 UT including code IDs, sweep tones, SFX and IDs. This test is a direct outgrowth of an unsolicited verie I got from KCKM last year, and reported as in http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1316.txt as well as in my weekly MW log reports: 1330, KCKM: received an unsolicited e-mail verie April 12: ``Glenn, I noticed in your DX log that you received KCKM in early April, just minutes before we dropped power. Our recent upgrade to 12,000 watts non-directional day combined with our 1/2 wave tower has made KCKM a great catch in the final minutes of daytime power. Congratulations! Attached is our coverage map. [Axually it was am, not pm]. And one more thing, we will be switching to C-QUAM AM Stereo on 1330 kHz by the end of the year. A lot of my contemporaries think I'm insane and that's OK. It's about time other AM broadcasters revisit AM Stereo. I bought this place 6 years ago. It was licensed for 5000 watts but was running 2200 watts. It was off-the-air and about to surrender the license to the FCC. What a mess! But, I could see the potential. Two years ago, I discovered KOYL in Odessa was gone for good. They were at 1310 kHz. That allowed me to upgrade to 12,000 watts. Sadly, a lot of stand-alone AM's in smaller communities are gone. It cost a lot to rebuild this facility. It was a labor of love as I'm not sure I'll be able to recover this investment. If you belong to any DX clubs, I'd be happy to run 12,000 watts after midnight if they're interested. Bob Souza, Managing Partner`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1700, March 19 at 0531 UT, break in Mexican music, for ID in unaccented English, ``Reaching the Metroplex with a totally Tejano sound, Kick-1700``, right back to música which is by definition tejana, dominant at the moment. Still haven`t caught a legal ID at hourtop for presumed KKLF Richardson TX, ex-comedy, ex-sports, ex-KLIF simulcaster (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 11830, March 19 at 0513, open carrier, fair with flutter; next check at 0520, it`s off. Nothing at all is scheduled here, but possibly Sirjan, Iran, which is on 11830 at 1720 in Swahili, 2220 in Indonesian. Similar signal on 13680 at 0515 with JBM talk, Russian? Yes, that`s Sirjan until 0520 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Migdiel Cruz Escanergalaxias

Un comunicado lamentable de parte del fundador del foro ESCANERGALAXIAS: Hola amigos RADIOAFICIONADOS: ESCANERGALAXIAS, os informa de que estamos intentando mantener abierto este foro para uso y disfrute gratuito de todos los RADIOAFICIONADOS, asi que desde hace meses teniamos ya proyectos y nuevas ideas para relanzar el foro y conservar y mantener nuestra afición comun, la RADIOAFICION. El problema principal, precisamente han sido los - RADIOAFICIONADOS - y su nula respuesta, colaboracion y participacion en el foro y el segundo es que dejamos el antiguo patrocinador oficial del foro por desidia, dejadez y falta de respeto hacia el y en Diciembre y tras evaluar a tres nuevos sponsosrs que se ofrecieron se firmo un acuerdo de patrocinio mediante un contrato con una conocida tienda del sector, bien hasta ahora no han cumplido su parte del contrato, de hay que no hay banner ni hay nada del mismo, Obviamente, tengo que estar pagando yo el alojamiento y gastos del mismo por culpa de esto, si no fuera asi ya estaria cerrado.Asi que. solo existen dos opciones, una es cerrar el foro y otra intentar recuperar alguno de los otros patrocinadores que se ofrecieron en un principio a sustentar economicamente este foro, cosa ya bastante dificil a estas alturas.El mundo de la Radio, esta dando un pésimo ejemplo de seriedad, honradez, honor y caballerosidad, todo lo opuesto a la autentica e inicial filosofia de la RADIOAFICION. En los proximos dias decidiremos el futuro de este foro, yo ya por mi parte, hasta aqui he llegado y he cumplido hasta el final, si os he informado a todos es porque creo que como miembros estais en todo vuestro derecho de saber las cuestiones y

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temas concernientes a este foro y su desarrollo, asi no habra malos entendidos y se da una nota oficial fidedigna y real, ahora todos sabeis lo que pasa. Por mi parte, lamento no poder seguir manteniendo este foro, pero la economia y mi trabajo altruista en pro de la radio, no llega a mas, no podia ya invertir mas horas de mi tiempo libre ni dinero, lo habre hecho peor o mejor, pero al menos trabaje para intentar conservar esta aficion, aficion que los mismos RADIOAFICIONADOS estan destruyendo y contra esto no puedo luchar. "LA RADIOAFICION SE MUERE".... Gracias a todos y les envio un cordial saludo. - FOXSTAR - (Fundador y propietariO de ESCANERGALAXIAS)

Fabio Nobilis Homologação Anatel

A anatel promete fechar o cerco aos celulares e tablets xing-ling ou importados irregularmente: http://tinyurl.com/q3clj47 Vamos ver se essa lei pega. Em todo caso, parece não ser uma boa hora para adquirir smartphones top e iPhones lá fora, dos importadores informais ou sites que vendem bugigangas direto da China.... Fabio - http://br.groups.yahoo.com/group/Receptores_Experimentais/ http://br.groups.yahoo.com/group/auto_radios/

Antonio Avelino Fin de Semana de Escuchas en OC

Estimados amigos y amigas, Sigue adjunto los archivos y informaciones del concurso de OC y abajo el link para suscripción. Links para suscripciones en el concurso del DX Clube Sem Fronteiras Escuchas en Onda Corta, días 22 y 23 de marzo de 2014 http://www.dxclubesemfronteiras.com/concurso_dxcsf_regulamento.html Forte 73' e boas escutas/ Fuerte 73' y buenas escuchas Antonio Avelino - Diretor/Director - Tel.: 55 (81) 9741-3846 - E-mail: [email protected] - [email protected] Site: www.dxclubesemfronteiras.com Blog: www.antonioadx.blogspot.com DX Clube Sem Fronteiras - Caixa Postal 77 - CEP- 55002-970 - Caruaru - Pernambuco - Brasil

Horacio Nigro La noche en Moscú

Ahora sí se vino la noche en Moscú... "po Moskovskoie bechera" La Voz de Rusia cierra las trasmsiones en Onda Corta el 1º de abril, 2014 Cita: "This is just a short message to thank you for your letter and let you know that the Voice of Russia is closing shortwave broadcasts as of April 1st. Our programs will be available online at http://voiceofrussia.com/play/ We hope you will stay with the Voice of Russia and hope to hear from you soon again. Sincerely yours, Elena Osipova - Letters Department - World Service - Voice of Russia (via Alokesh Gupta, India, en Cumbre DX YG, mar 20, editado, traducido via Horacio Nigro, Uruguay)

Horacio Nigro Lista de paises que abandonaron la Onda Media

No sólo la Onda Corta deja de tener interés para ciertas entidades.... Bruce Conti, DXer de EE.UU. ha publicado una página con una compilación de países que han abandonado la Onda Media. Vean el enlace: http://www.bamlog.com/darkcountries.htm Working on a new project to list MW radio countries no longer active on the AM broadcast band, primarily listing the last known station(s) to broadcast from each country including date(s) and details of closure. It's now available online at http://www.bamlog.com/darkcountries.htm (Conti, USA, en DX'ing - Sponsored by the National Radio Club, Facebook, via Nigro, Uruguay, mar 20). Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky – Montevideo - Uruguay

Glenn Hauser Logs March 20, 2014

** AUSTRALIA. 12065 VG // much weaker 12085, Thursday March 20 at 1407, R. Australia is repeating the author interview exposing Sarah Palin I heard a few days ago, to the chagrin of her acolytes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BANGLADESH. 15505, March 20 at 1357, Bangladesh Betar carrier is on, 1359 IS, very poor but easy to copy the 5+1 timesignal ending today at 1359:46.5, opening Urdu (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 9350, March 20 at 1135, Firedrake jamming music, poor with flutter, and some CCI. Aoki shows at 11-14 it`s RFA Tibetan via TAJIKISTAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 7410, March 20 at 1130, CRI opening Filipino service with strange mixture of Spanish and English words as required in Tagalog: station is called ``Radio Internacional de China``, day is jueves, year is ``fourteen``, Malaysian flight is in English, ``M-H three seven zero``, in the

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``Indian Ocean``. [BTW: why are air disasters always referred to by flight number??? Several different aircraft may serve on a certain flight, but only one plane crashes with its unique ID = wing and radio callsign, in this case: 9M-MRO, according to the Malaysian Amateur Radio Emergency Service Society (MARES, not MARESS), which per a press release via Jose Jacob, was participating with a ``daily reporting and check-in session`` on 14250 & 21250, more or less, at 13-15 UT] Filipino semihour is aimed south from Jinhua, but from 1200 we hear the CRI Russian service with a much solider signal, since 7410 is then USward from Shijiazhuang. 9460, March 20 at 1135, YL speaking Esperanto slowly with clear enunciation, as if she`s not a native speaker. Espo is easy to spot with lots of words ending in -ay or -oy, spelt -aj and -oj making them plurals of adjectives and nouns. Seems to be talking about a `drono`. This is CRI at 1102[sic]-1157, southward from Kunming per Aoki, also on 7210 & 9450 via Urumqi, East Turkistan at 1100-1157 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. 5910, March 20 at 1107, sermon in Spanish with consecutive translation to English! From Alcaraván Radio. What happened to the nice music? Presumably off-frequency as usual, but nothing to het it and no attempt to pinpoint it now. A few minutes earlier I think I heard the last notes of the Colombian NA on the other HJDH, 6010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 6000, March 20 at 1105 RHC ending NA and sign on with outdated frequency list in typical Soviet-style disorder: 12-16 on 17580, 17730, 15230, 11760, 11860, 12010, 9540; 12-14 on 9550, 9850, 6000; 14-16 on 15340, 13780, 11750. Since March 9, sign-on and sign-off are an hour earlier; I think everything here should be one hour earlier than announced. Will this go on for another 6+ months? This early at 1117, RHC is VP on 11860, JBA on 11760 and inaudible on 12010, band just not open yet from Cuba; by 1140, 9850 & 9550 are very good (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [and non]. 6050, March 20 at 1102, national anthem; must be a 6 am thing, as sign-on is circa 0830. Right into `A través de la Biblia` show, fair with some CCI, which would be Asyik FM, Malaysia and/or PBS Xizang, Lhasa, Tibet, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUAM. 15190, March 20 at 1403, gospel huxter in English, fair with flutter. For a brief moment I envisioned R. Africa reactivated from Equatorial Guinea, till I remembered that KTWR is really here from 1400; per EiBi, duration varies as I unravel it: 23 minutes on Monday, Thursday and Friday; 30 minutes on Tuesday and Saturday; 35 minutes on Wednesday and Sunday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUATEMALA. 4055, March 20 at 1123, R. Verdad is still playing its cute banjo-theme around this time, variations on ``I`ve Been Workin` on the Railroad``, along with SFX, bells, other instruments, 1125 segué to a hymn, presumably in Dr. Madrid`s signature show ``El Tren del Evangelio``. Compared frequency to 6055 Nikkei, and found Truth to be very, very slightly on the lo side, certainly closer to 4055.00 than to 4054.90 as some have reported (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 3325-, March 20 at 1236, fair signal, but open carrier, no modulation audible, nor in further chex before 1300. Presumed RRI Palangkaraya. (CHU 3330 already faded out by 1236.) Compared to 7325 CRI Jinhua, 3325 is slightly on the lo side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN. 11620, March 20 at 1408, S Asian song on very poor signal, seems same as on stronger 13710 but not in synch and with CCI, so AIR? No, 1409 announcement not in English, so instead it`s the double-whammy CCI from VIRI`s Dari service via Kamalabad and Ahwaz respectively, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO [and non]. 1700, March 20 at 1240-1250 UT, I am closely monitoring for signs of XEFCSM, after hearing the Mexican national anthem yesterday at 1245 under KVNS and KKLF --- but no sign of it today. At this hour, on this day, conditions from north are more favorable, with KBGG Iowa and KKLF mixing more than KVNS. Explaining my [sic] about a 2013 licensing date for XEFCSM, Julián Santiago Díez de Bonilla says, ``Glenn, efectivamente el permiso para esta emisora es a partir del 30 de abril del 2013 al 29 de abril del 2025, es decir lleva casi un año de haber obtenido el permiso, saludos, Julián``. So it`s been almost a year since then. I also summarize what he said earlier: Authorized for 50 kW day, 1 kW night. Licensee is the Cultural Foundation for Mexican Society (whose initials in Spanish match the callsign XEFCSM). However, Catholic Radio Update claims it as one of their own, in the Radio María group, which is why I assumed on WORLD OF RADIO that the `SM` refers to ``Santa María``. The CRU Catholic Travel Guide station listing previously linked shows several others in Mexico with obviously related calls, all on FM: MEXICO (In Spanish) Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua XEWR 1110 Cuernavaca, México XHFCSM † . 94.1 Culiacán, Sinaloa XHFCS . 90.3 Guadalajara, Jalisco XELT . 920

Mérida, Yucatán XEFCSM † . 1700 Puebla, Puebla XHPBP † . 106.7 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco XHFSM . 100.7 San Luís Potosí, SLP XHCSM † . 107.9

Villahermosa, Tabasco XEVA . 790 Villahermosa, Tabasco XHVA . 91.7

The daggers indicate ``† Station is not on the air but may soon be`` and another symbol which won`t copy means all except XEWR are with Radio Maria. Overt religious, including Catholic broadcasting is supposedly prohibited in México, which makes their radio and TV dials a breath of fresh air compared to the USA, but gospel huxters are working around this obstacle. If there were no restrixions, you can bet that there would be dozens/hundreds of such stations, not just the dizaine above.

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Israel González Ahumada`s comments said: remember that the Mexican government has been very restrictive, so it is probable that this station is registered as a civic association, not a religious association. Several religious organizations in the past invested in cultural groups in order to operate without governmental harassment. Anyhow, further monitoring of 1700 is essential! I`ve yet to see any other logs of XEFCSM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MICRONESIA. 4755, March 20 at 1155, I am monitoring with BFO to catch the autocutoff of PMA The Cross, but I am hearing two very weak carriers on slightly different frequencies. One goes off at 1156:44* and the other at 1157:33*. A few weeks ago, Dave Valko was also reporting a second unID station on 4755; did anything come of that? Could PMA possibly be running two equally weak transmitters, each with a separate timer? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN. 9734.86, March 20 at 1116, good signal on the USward beam toward Japan, ``Taiwan Hoso`` measured off-frequency, 3.5 x 40 Hz clix on the DX-398 below 9735.00; nothing to het it but on 5-kHz steps also obviously low compared to neighbors. I did not check this exactly on my previous log March 12; Ron Howard says RTI was on 9734.84 March 16 and 17 and also today 20 at 1204, so I will concede 20 Hz to him; but March 18 he and Wolfgang Büschel found it on exactly 9735.0 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. 17755, March 20 at 1226, VOT IS on fair signal, prior to German service, also aimed USward, and far better than we can hear English in our mornings at 1330 which is way down on 12035. In A-14 as usual, English will shift to 1230 and to 15450, which will be slightly better for us than 12035 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. 17780, March 20 at 1220, French report on Russie, fair signal, from BBCWS via Woofferton at 1200-1230. See also UNID 17745 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1713 monitoring: confirmed first broadcast on WRMI 9955, Thursday March 20 at 1230:03 following WRMI ID by gh, which followed R. Prague fill music. Atop lite pulse jamming. Recheck at 1250-1259, I don`t hear any overlap between WRMI-10 and WRMI-11, which may have switched earlier today. 1259 `Scoreboard` is back to including scores. Further WOR airings: Thursday 2101 on WTWW-1, 9475 UT Friday 0326v on WWRB, 3195 [we hope: missing last two weeks] Saturday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB Saturday 2330 on WTWW-2, 9930 [we hope: off the air last week] UT Sunday 0030 on WRMI-14, 9495 UT Monday 0300v on Area 51 via WBCQ, 5110v-CUSB Tuesday 1100 on WRMI-10, 9955 Wednesday 1300 on WRMI-11, 9955 UT Thursday 0330 on WRMI-10, 9955 [or maybe new 1714] Full schedule including many webcasts, AM, FM, satellite: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9955, Thursday March 20 at 1142, WRMI atop pulse jamming as `Viva Miami` this week is ending in Spanish, Thaïs & Jeff in mailbag segment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 750, March 20 at 1210 UT, YL in Ukrainian with news about – Ukraine and Krim, what else; occasional music liners. Has the frequency to itself for the moment, no KMMJ (or KSEO, ha2). Of course it`s WNDZ, Portage IN (Chicago market). Its ratings must be way up lately, but probably not so much in Oklahoma (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGESET) ** U S A. 1700, March 20 at 1158 UT, I am paying close attention to this frequency following yesterday`s discovery of a new Mexican presumably in Mérida. At this time, KVNS is dominant with Hidalgo County items from ``Channel 5 News`` atop KKLF Tejano music. 1200 UT ``KVNS, Brownsville and the Rio Grande Valley, 1700``, into Fox sports (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1700, March 20 at 1158 UT, Tejano music from KKLF Richardson TX mixing with KVNS Brownsville news/sports; music plays right thru houtop, 1205 UT non-ID, ``By popular demand, Tejano returns to Dallas on Kick-1700``, right back to music. And at 1240 UT, ``Rockin` the Metroplex with a totally Tejano sound, Kick-1700``. Seems they run an English non-ID between every two or three songs which are always in Spanish. How bi-cultural! Does not believe in legal IDs? At 1241 UT beating against KBGG to the tune of 1.7 Hz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1700, March 20 at 1241 UT, traffic report ``on the 35``, i.e. KBGG Des Moines IA, since the other station on I-35, KKLF, is mixing with Mexican --- oops, Tejano if not Tejana music, at a SAH of 102 per minute = 1.7 Hz. 1243 UT, CBS Sports promo, which is the current net on KBGG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 3230, March 20 at 1237 and earlier, very poor signal with AM carrier, only one on 90m besides 3325 Indonesia and 3185 WWRB; but NO broadcasters are listed anywhen, anywhere on 3230; ute? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 17745: report I sent to the address mentioned:

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``As requested in announcement, I am reporting the test transmission I heard today on 17745 kHz. I had just tuned in at 1221 UT March 20 for some music, with a good signal, one of the best on the band, little fading and no interference about 10 minutes before sunrise here, when the music stopped and ``You are listening to a test. Please e-mail your report to [email protected]`` --- then a few notes of the standard Babcock music loop before cut off the air abruptly at 1221:40. Since you ask for reports, I wonder if you would also verify by QSL card or letter. I am also very curious about such tests, as I have heard several before, showing up on unexpected frequencies. What is the purpose? Was this one from Woofferton, and are other sites ever tested in this way? I and other listeners really like the ``Babcock music``. Could you tell us something about it? Was it specially composed for this purpose, or from some previously existing piece of music? What are the instruments? Does it have a name? I was listening on my old FRG-7 receiver, with long-wire antenna of about 100 feet running east-west. Looking forward to your e-mail response, and if you wish to send me a QSL by postal mail, the address is: Glenn Hauser - P O Box 1684 - Enid OK 73702-1684 - USA`` I got an *immediate* autoreply, even before the cc to myself appeared: ``Hello and thank you for taking the time to email us your transmission test report. We will send you a QSL shortly`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Miguel Angel Rocha Anteproyecto de ley secundaria en telecomunicaciones

Organización Editorial Mexicana - 19 de marzo de 2014 Bertha Becerra / El Sol de México Ciudad de México.- Severas sanciones contempla el anteproyecto de legislación secundaria en materia de telecomunicaciones que el Gobierno del presidente Enrique Peña puso a disposición de los dirigentes del PRI, PAN y PRD. Se establece un capítulo de sanciones con multas de hasta más de 11 mil millones de pesos y la revocación de concesiones a televisoras, estaciones de radio y empresas de telefonía que incumplan con las nuevas disposiciones. En el documento que circula entre senadores y dirigencias de los partidos PRI, PAN y PRD, en lo que se refiere a sanciones, se establecen multas desde 0.5 por ciento hasta el 5% del total de los ingresos del concesionario a utilizado de acuerdo con la información fiscal en poder de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público. Pero en el caso de que los concesionarios infractores no declaren o no se les haya determinado ingresos acumulables para efectos del impuesto sobre la renta se establecen cantidades fijas. Y para aquellos concesionarios que contravengan las disposiciones sobre homologación de equipos y cableado, rebasen los topes máximos de publicidad y no cumplan con las condiciones establecidas en la conexión deberán cubrir una multa hasta por el equivalente de 41 millones de veces el salario mínimo , que equivalen a 4 mil 441 millones 140 mil pesos. Y a quienes realicen modificaciones de la red sin autorización del Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFE), presten servicios de telecomunicaciones o radiodifusión sin contar con conexión autorización deberá pagar una multa de hasta por el 4 mil por ciento de sus ingresos u 82 millones de veces el salario mínimo, es decir, 5 mil 517 millones 780 mil pesos. Y en caso de reincidencia, la sanción se duplica por lo que podrían llegar hasta mas de 11 mil millones de pesos. En el anteproyecto de legislación secundaria en materia de telecomunicaciones destaca entre las nuevas disposiciones, la revocación de concesiones por negarse a interconectar a otros concesionarios u obstaculizar el tráfico de interconexión; no cumplir las condiciones establecidas en la concesión; ofrecer servicios que no estén incluidos en la misma e incumplir resoluciones del IFT. Por lo que toca a la revocación de concesiones se establecen 20 causales y se autoriza al IFT a proceder de inmediato. El titular de la concesión revocada estará inhabilitado para obtener por sí o a través de otra persona, nuevas autorizaciones en un plazo de cinco años. Se detallan cuatro tipos de concesiones: comercial, públicas, privadas y sociales, que podrían ser hasta por 30 años y se incluye un capítulo sobre el trato a los agentes preponderantes, es decir, aquellos que tienen más del 50 por ciento del sector de telecomunicaciones o radiodifusión. - See more at: http://www.oem.com.mx/laprensa/notas/n3328163.htm#sthash.hL5nj6Yz.dpuf

Radio Heritage Foundation Visit My Radio Memories 24/7

www.radioheritage.net - March 21 2014 Free for Radio Fans Worldwide You're always welcome to visit us for.............. * MW/FM radio guides to Australia & New Zealand * MW/SW radio guides to Asia-Pacific [the famous PAL Radio Guide] * hundreds of radio history features, thousands of exclusive images * European MW history and audio features * American AFRS radio history series * Island Radio Pacific Style features * Long lost Australian Radio Stars features * Pacific USA features * Asian Radio features * Kiwi [New Zealand] Radio features * Art of Radio features * Retro Radio Dial features [see our new 1953 series!]

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* WRTH country editors for New Zealand, Hawaii, Papua New Guinea, Pacific * Radio Heritage documentary producers for Radio NZ International Mailbox * and more...always something new..........always free......open 24/7 * share your own memories and DX memorabilia * protect your radio memorabilia * join the volunteer teams * look for your country and city in our top 20 visitor charts Visit us today at www.radioheritage.net - Join us today at Facebook 73's - Radio Heritage Foundation - Global Radio Memories Project - www.radioheritage.net, a registered non-profit organization Email DX to be removed from this mailing list. Please allow 15 working days for a volunteer to remove your details. Please let your radio friends and associates know so they too can enjoy the free services we offer.

Radio Heritage Foundation New Retro Radio series is popular

Radio Heritage Foundation - www.radioheritage.net - March 21 2014 Retro Radio Series Popular You know, 1953 was a really big year. Baby boomers bounced into the world, the Korean War ended and the Cold War started....and it's proving a popular year for our new series Retro Radio. Instead of looking way way back into the 1920's and 1930's, this series features a time familiar to many people today, and already the #1 feature at www.radioheritage.net so far in 2014 is Retro Radio Japan 1953, followed within the Top 10 features by Retro Radio Australia, New Zealand Pacific 1953....so come and have a look at the radio stations that ruled the airwaves just over 60 years ago. You'll find Brazil, Iron Curtain Europe, Nordic Europe, Canada, Caribbean, Africa, Middle East/Central Asia and many others..............and for some even more recent memories, Retro Radio Hawaii 1961, Idaho 1963 and Texas 1963. Enjoy them all today, and see the top books, music and movies of 1953 as well, so you can get a good feel for what life was like listening to the radio in those exciting times. Radio Heritage Foundation - Global Radio Memories Project - www.radioheritage.net Email DX to be removed from this mailing list and allow 15 working days for a volunteer to locate and remove your address.

Michael Bethge News Dx Magazine 3/2014 - Worldwide Dx Club

Dear OM, Below please find our DX MAGAZINE News for the month of March. Best wishes and good DX until April, Michael Bethge WORLDWIDE DX CLUB - Postfach 1214 - D-61282 Bad Homburg - GERMANY Fax: +49 6172 123117 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: http://www.wwdxc.de NEWS ABOUT BROADCASTING (+other) STATIONS - Walter Eibl - Postfach 15 45 - D-91005 Erlangen – GERMANY ANGOLA - 4950, R Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 1925 27 Feb, px local in Portuguese, better modulation [than usual], 33333, 73 Girolla (Mauro Giroletti, playdx yg via DXLD) Rádio Nacional Angola 1, Mulenvos, 4950, 0428 UT Feb 28 Tune - in to YL in Portuguese, followed by station ID by OM, and very nice music. Time pips at TOH, and into what sounds like a news broadcast. Good signal with static. S-8. (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, North Carolina U.S.A., Yaesu FRG-100, Drake R8, 220 ft. Inverted L Longwire, Homebrew 1 Meter MagLoop, Feb 28, cumbredx yg via DXLD) ARMENIA - British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Yerevan-Gavar 7505 kHz. 0203 UT March 4, World News in progress with story about Palestinian - Israeli peace talks. "BBC World Service" Station ID at 0207. Fair to Good signal. S-7 (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, North Carolina U.S.A., Receiver: Yaesu FRG - 100, Drake R8, Antenna: 220 ft. Inverted L Longwire, Homebrew 1 Meter MagLoop, cumbredx yg via DXLD) Audiblized only tnx to the absence of WRNO from 7506.6v! (gh, DXLD) Updated B-13 schedule of Voice of Armenia with new GREEK program: 1315-1345 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Kurdish, cancelled 1345-1400 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Azeri, cancelled 1400-1415 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Azeri Mon-Fri, cancelled 1400-1415 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Turkish Sat/Sun, cancelled 1415-1430 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Turkish, cancelled 1415-1430 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Armenian HS, irregular 1430-1500 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Farsi 1500-1530 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Yezidi 1530-1545 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Assyrian 1545-1615 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Kurdish, ex 1315-1345 1615-1630 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Greek, confirmed March 5-7 1900-1930 on 4810 ERV 050 kW / non-dir to N/ME Arabic (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 8) AUSTRALIA - Changes to Radio Australia operational schedule for A14 (draft version): times = UTC 1, Shepparton, Line B, 1700-2030 has changed from 9500 kHz to 9820 kHz. Target area: West Pacific

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2, Shepparton, Line C, 2030-2200 has changed from 9500 kHz J9/355 to 15415 kHz J15/355. Target area: West Pacific 3, Shepparton, Line D, 0300-0600 has changed from 15515 kHz to 15300 kHz. Target area: Central South Pacific 4, Shepparton, Line E, 2100-0100 has changed from 21740 kHz to 17860 kHz. Target area: Central South Pacific 5, Shepparton, Line E, 0100-0300 has changed from 19000 kHz to 17840 kHz. Target area: Central South Pacific 6, Shepparton, Line E, 0300-0500 has changed from 21725 kHz J21/355 to 17840 kHz J17/355. Target area: West Pacific 7, Shepparton, Line F, 1500-1700 has changed from 7240 kHz to 9850 kHz. Target area: Central South Pacific 8, Brandon, Line G, 1200-1400 has changed from DRM to Analogue AM. Target area: West Pacific (5995 kHz) 9, Offshore, 0400-0500, HBN/270 has changed from 17840 kHz to 17800 kHz. Target area: Asia [PALAU] 10, Offshore, 1600-1630, SNG/340 has changed from 9580 kHz to 9540 kHz. Target area: Asia [SINGAPORE] 11, Offshore, 2200-2300, DHA/105 has changed from 9890 kHz to 9610 kHz. Target area: Asia [UAE] The changes are required to avoid interference from other broadcasters and to optimise the propagation of transmissions to target areas (via Nigel Holmes, March Australian DX News via DXLD) AUSTRIA - Relays via ORS Moosbrunn shortwave tx site in A-14 Northern summer season: 7355 0100-0130 40E,41NW 300 95 211 1234567 Pashto BBC BAB 9690 0200-0230 40E,41NW 300 90 211 1234567 Urdu AWR AWR 9690 0230-0300 40E,41NW 300 90 211 1234567 Panjabi AWR AWR 7310 0300-0315 39S 250 120 211 1234567 Multi MBR MBR 9505 0330-0400 40 300 100 211 1234567 Farsi AWR AWR 9455 0400-0430 29S,39N,40W 300 115 218 1234567 Turkish AWR AWR 6155 0430-0500 37,38W 300 220 211 1234567 French AWR AWR 11955 0500-0530 46SE,47W 300 190 217 1234567 Hausa AWR AWR 6155 0500-0615 18,27-29,37-39 300 n-d 926 1234567 Deutsch ORF ORS 5910 0544-0559 28 100 30 800 .23456. Polish TWR TWR 7320 0544-0559 28 100 300 211 .23456. Polish TWR TWR 11880 0600-0700 38 300 190 217 1234567 Arabic AWR AWR 7400 0700-0750 27 100 300 800 1234567 English TWR TWR 15260 0800-0830 39NE Feba/IBRA 100 115 218 1234567 Arabic IBR BAB 17780 1200-1230 37 300 225 218 1234567 French BBC BAB 9800 1400-1428 28,29,30 100 55 218 1234567 BelaRus TWR TWR 15440 1400-1430 40E,41NW 300 90 217 1234567 Urdu AWR AWR 9655 1400-1600 18,27,28 100 285 805 1.....7 Multi TOM MBR 17605 1430-1500 48 300 145 217 1234567 Afar AWR AWR 11935 1500-1530 29S,39N,40W 300 120 217 1234567 Turkish AWR AWR 15290 1530-1600 40E,41NW 300 90 217 1234567 Panjabi AWR AWR 13650 1530-1630 29S 100 95 218 ......7 Russ? HCJ MBR 13800 1530-1630 29S 100 95 218 ......7 Russ? HCJ MBR 15260 1600-1630 40E,41NW 300 90 217 1234567 Urdu AWR AWR 13590 1615-1900 39 100 115 218 1234567 Farsi? MBR MBR 15215 1630-1645 41S 125 95 218 .....6. Multi MBR MBR 15215 1630-1645 41S 125 115 218 1...... Farsi? MBR MBR 15150 1630-1700 40 300 100 217 1234567 Farsi AWR AWR 9625 1700-1730 27N 100 300 800 1234567 English VOV BAB 13590 1700-1800 37,38,46,47,52 300 175 217 1234567 English TOM MBR 15215 1700-1900 39 100 115 218 1234567 Multi MBR MBR 9625 1730-1830 27 100 300 800 1234567 Vietnam.VOV BAB 9430 1800-1830 39,40 300 n-d 926 .234567 Multi MBR MBR 12055 1800-1900 38 300 190 217 1234567 Arabic AWR AWR 9625 1830-1900 27SE 100 300 800 1234567 French VOV BAB 11955 1900-1930 46SE,47W 300 190 217 1234567 Hausa AWR AWR 15220 1930-2000 47,48W,52,53W 300 170 217 1234567 French AWR AWR 11955 2000-2030 46 300 210 217 1234567 Dyula AWR AWR 15155 2030-2100 46 300 210 217 1234567 French AWR AWR 11955 2100-2130 46 300 210 217 1234567 English AWR AWR comment: DRM7325 0600-0800 UT English BBC BAB DRMmix has been ceased now. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 15) BANGLADESH - Frequency changes of Bangladesh Betar, confirmed on March 12: 1315-1345 NF 9455 DKA 250 kW / 320 deg to SAs Nepali, ex 7250 1745-1900 NF 13860 DKA 250 kW / 320 deg to WEu English,ex 13580,re-ex 7250 1915-2000 NF 13860 DKA 250 kW / 320 deg to WEu Bangla, ex 13580,re-ex 7250 (DX MIX NEWS # 842)

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BELARUS - Radio Belarus, Minsk-Kalodzicy, 11730, 2145 UT Feb 28, Tuned - in to music program, with symphony style music and YL in English making comments about the music between songs. Station ID as "Radio Belarus International" at 2154 by OM in English. Change to Russian at 2200. Weak signal with severe fading. S-5. Radio Belarus, Minsk-Kalodzicy, 11730, 2014 UT Musical program in progress, with station ID by OM in English at 2019. QRM from unknown digimode traffic at 2027. Fair signal. S-6, March 5. (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, North Carolina U.S.A., Yaesu FRG - 100, Drake R8, 220 ft. Inverted L Longwire, Homebrew 1 Meter MagLoop, cumbredx yg via DXLD) BELGIUM [non] - Alyx & Yeyi Program and frequency Schedule B13: PROGRAM UTC kHz DAYS LANGUAGE TARGET AREA Radio Miraya 0300-0600 9940 mtwtfss Arab/Engl Africa Denge Kurdistan 0400-1600 11510 mtwtfss Kurdish Middle East Denge Kurdistan 1600-2000 7390 mtwtfss Kurdish Middle East Suab Xaa Moo Zoo 1130-1200 11570 mtwtfss Hmong Asia Que Me 1200-1230 9930 ....f.. Vietnamese Asia The Khmer Post Radio 1200-1300 9960 mtwtfss Khmer Asia Radio Xoriyo 1600-1630 17870 m...f.. Somali Africa Oromo Voice 1600-1630 17850 m.w..s. Oromo Africa Radio Inyabutatu 1600-1700 17870 .....s. Kinyarwanda Africa Radio Hilaac 1700-1730 15180 mtwt.ss Somali Africa ESAT Radio 1700-1800 15370 mtwtfss Amharic Africa Radio Assenna 1700-1800 11720 mt...s. Tigrinya Africa Eritrean Forum 1700-1800 11720 .t..f.s Tigrinya Africa Eritrean Forum 1700-1800 11720 ..w.... Arabic Africa Eritrean Forum 1800-1900 11720 .....s. Arabic Africa BBN Radio 1900-1930 15150 ....fss Amharic Africa Suab Xaa Moo Zoo 2230-2300 7530 mtwtfss Hmong Asia (via bclnews.it March 11) BOLIVIA - Radio Yura, Yura, 4717 kHz. 0131 UT Talk by OM at BOH, possible station ID, followed by Andes style music at 0132. Another possible ID oradvertisement at 0140. Slowly fading out. Very weak; USB only. S<2 (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, North Carolina U.S.A., Receiver: Yaesu FRG - 100, Drake R8, Antenna: 220 ft. Inverted L Longwire, Homebrew 1 Meter MagLoop, cumbredx yg via DXLD) 6134.82, R. Santa Cruz. S/on at spot-on 0900 with IDs, announcements and then into music around 0905. Caused a het with Brazil 6136.60 but easily separated using SSB. Quite a respectable signal and similar strength to the Brazilian. Feb 20. Hmmm: I wonder what else is around! … Will try 60 mb shortly. (Rob VK3BVW Wagner, Vic., ARDXC mailing list via DXLD) 6134.819, R. Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, 24-02-14 2300, ID as Santa Cruz, phone number and web address, 33222. (Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) BRAZIL - 4885, Feb 23 at 0643, music in Portuguese, fair signal and better than usual, no doubt from the 24h station, R. Clube do Pará, Belém, and not Acreana. Only other detectable ZY 60m signals are making low audible heterodyne on 4915 from Macapá and Goiânia (gh, DXLD) DSWCI DBS domestic bcast list show. 6000 R Guaiba, Porto Alegre, RS [Oct-Feb] 0700-0400 Port. 9665.014 R Voz Missionaria, Camboriu, SC [Oct-Feb] 24 h Port // 5940 S=7 at 0630 UT March 12. "Hallelujah" at 0636 UT, // 5939.853 hit heavily by WWCR En next channel adjacent 5935 kHz. 5964.940 Tiny signal at 0700 UT, R Transmundial (RTM), Santa Maria. 5970.008 R Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, MG, Radio Itatiaia", 0705 UT. "A Radio das Minas", nice light Brazilian song program. 5999.603 Announced Radio Nacional, S=9+15dB, same program like // 6180.006 and 11780.003 kHz. So its not "R Guaiba, Porto Alegre, RS [Oct-Feb] 0700-0400 UT." 6010.048 CLM and 6010.183 BRA kHz, which is which, even lsb/usb switch doesn't help. Both R Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, MG, Port or/and Spanish stn from La Voz de tu Conciencia, desde Colombia, Lomalinda, Puerto Lleras, Meta. Both equal S=7 at 0726 UT. 6059.788 SRDA Super R Deus e Amor, Curitiba PR, sermon, both male and female, 0735 UT, S=5-6 strength. 6069.996 SRDA Radio Capital, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Hit by 6069.952 CFRX Toronto S=8, CFRB? program phone in, on milk shake recipe matter. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 12) CANADA [NEWFOUNDLAND] - 6159.980, CKZN St. John`s, Canada, 25-02-14 0430 News from Canada by female, poor, 32222. (Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) CANADA / CUBA / GERMANY - 6069.954 CFRX Toronto noted with fine S=6 signal in CA-US remote unit at 0715 UT Febr 14. Phone-in program. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 14) 6069.992 Despite instead in Europe noted German pop mx station 'of the sixties' from Rohrbach Waal with poor tiny S=4 signal on 6069.992 kHz, i.e. Radio Channel 292 from Rohrbach Waal site. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 14)

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CANARY ISLANDS [non] - 5780.01, 2150-2225, CNR [sic], 16.02, Atlantis FM, Tenerife, English ann, pop songs for tourists, 2200 ID, news, ad, 2203 pop songs, 35243 // live streaming on <http://www.atlantis.fm> Best 73, (Anker Petersen, Denmark, back home to my AOR AR7030PLUS and 28 metres longwire) 5780 kHz, Horizon FM again heard with good signal here in Germany now at 2020 UT (21 Feb 2014). English pop songs; SW transmission some seconds ahead of otherwise // stream <http://www.horizon.fm> 2024 UT, IDs and ads, back to pop songs. Location of the SW tx really Isla de Tenerife? Shortwave transmission here is around 40 seconds ahead of the webstream. 2100 UT Sky News. (Harald Kuhl, Germany, BDXC-UK yg via WOR 1710, DXLD) Seems to be active only weekends / irregularly and originating not from the Canary Islands, obviously from Ireland (we) CHINA - Several unregistered frequencies of CRI were active again Febr 14: 0700-0757 17875 KUN 500 kW 175 deg to SEAs Cantonese 0830-0927 15115#KUN 100 kW 175 deg to SEAs Indonesian 0830-0927 17705 KUN 500 kW 177 deg to SEAs Indonesian 1700-1757 7375 KUN 500 kW 283 deg to CEAF Hindi #QRM Voice of Nigeria in English 15120 *QRM China Radio Int in German 7380 & Radio Romania Int in French 7370 (DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 14) COLOMBIA - 5910.067 Alcaravan Radio, Lomalinda, Puerto Lleras, Meta, S=8 at 0656 UT, nice smooth Latin AM mx. SW ID at 0658 UT. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 12) CUBA - Mit den 60 mb Sendeanlagen hat man in Kuba schon seit November technische Probleme. 5025 kHz R Rebelde kam die vergangenen Tage auch aus Quivican statt aus dem üblichen Bauta Standort, aber in // 5040 kHz RHC und zwei Intermodulationen auf 5010 und 5055 kHz, die sich am gleichen Senderstandort mischten. Und jetzt kommt auch noch QRM von aussen dazu. Uncle Sam in Gestalt von RMI Jeff White hat bei der HFCC den Nachbarkanal 5030 kHz 24hrs ab dem 9. März registriert. Hierbei könnte es sich um ein Radio Republica Oppositionsprogramm handeln. Es gibt doch genügend andere Kanäle zur Nutzung. Jedenfalls mal wieder ein bizarrer unfreundlicher Akt gegenüber Kuba. (wb) CUBA [and non] - Confusion reigns at RHC, but that's nothing new; only exacerbated by the imposition of daylight-shifting by Yanqui Imperialism (ha ha, the Cubans certainly didn't have to go along with it on exact same schedule as USA; in fact, it's rather pointless in the tropix with less variation in sunrise/sunset times). In last report I found that on first day of DST, March 9, RHC had moved its Spanish morning schedule one UT hour earlier to end at 1500 UT (and presumably start at 1100). Based on behavior in previous DST seasons, I was also expecting the 20-21 UT first English broadcast of the day on 11760 kHz to shift to 19-20 UT but nothing there at 1905 UT. Not rechecked until 1937 UT, and *now* it's on with mailbag, so off to a late start clueless RadioCuba operator may have needed reminding to turn the transmitter on an hour earlier by UT even tho it's same local clock time as before. Got with it on March 10 recheck, 11760 kHz already going at 1902 UT, but more daytime absorption. Off the air after 2000 UT since there's no French now until 2200 instead of 2100 UT which used to follow English, // 11880 kHz. Further chex on March 9: European service is still on 13680 kHz, at 1940 UT in French; carrier was on way early circa 1910 UT. After 2000 UT in Portuguese too as before. Presumably 2030 UT Arabic, unchecked. Did not check around 2100 UT, but assumed 13680 kHz and other frequencies would be on an hour earlier instead of from 2200. This did cause 'En Contacto', the DX program to show up at its summer timing of 2244.5 instead of 2340v, as heard best on 13680 kHz, also on 11840 kHz VG level but undermodulated; 9810 kHz poor, 9710 kHz fair. So despite missing its Sunday morning airing which should have been at 1335 UT, show still exists, with this edition being #10 for 2014y: only two birthdays to celebrate, then clip of R. Mil XEOY/XEOI; rerun of perennial Ruben Guillermo Margenet 'Efemerides' this week in radio history, starting with PCJ being heard in Saba on 11-12 March 1927. Tuning in 13680 kHz a bit earlier, at 2240 UT the Filatelia show was running another quiz; 2243 UT RHC self-promotion with a clip of Fidel about the inauguration of SWBC back on 1961y, and then multi-lingual IDs, including two incomprehensible ones, ergo *still* not only Quechua, but also Guarani which was deleted years ago. Next day March 10 checked at 2102 UT, and confirmed 13680, 11840 undermodulated, 9810 very poor, 9710 kHz poor, all on the air by this hour now; 5040 kHz could also be on this early but inaudible. It is audible by 2212, poor in high noise level, Spanish. 13780 on March 10 at 2217 UT, RHC VG in Spanish, but not // 13680 kHz; then found 13780 // weak 6000 kHz, so those are the separate 'Mesa Redonda' TV simulcast, starting as early as 2200 UT now. The African service during standard-time season had been on 11880 kHz at 2100 French, 2130 Portuguese, 2200-2300 UT English. You might assume any change for summer would be one UT hour earlier, but like last summer, these have moved an hour *later*: March 9 at 2230 UT confirmed opening Portuguese, noting that the music is not distorted but the speech is, and it's running about 6 seconds behind another PP playout on 15230 kHz (which as heard March 10 at 2215 UT has additional Portuguese in the previous semihour, also undermodulated; prepeat?). First talking about Amerigo Vespucci, presumably another day-in-history item. And English confirmed now from 2300 UT and // 5040 kHz which is just becoming audible. However, next day March 10 at 2214 UT, 11880 kHz is missing, and no replacement found anywhere on 11 thru 17 MHz bands. Meant to check whether it was on by 2300 UT for English, but missed it. March 9 being Sunday, I also check 15370 kHz at 2235 UT, and find Esperanto is still running then, but undermodulated, crackled and distorted, and with some understation, per Aoki KSDA in Chinese during this hour to its northwest. Not surprising, as at this time, KSDA is a regular with 'Wavescan' on clear 15320 kHz, at 2236 UT check. 5040 kHz on March 10 at 0552 UTHC English service with music // 6000, 6060, 6100, 6165 kHz, but 5040 goes to dead air by 0600 UT, and off by 0602 UT, while the 4 x 6 MHz overkills resume another hour of English with IS.

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9850 kHz on March 10 at 1247 UT, RHC Spanish modulation is cutting out; wiggle that patchcord. This frequency about to go off, but at 1304 check of 19m, the new frequency first heard yesterday, 15370 kHz is gone again, and instead back on 13780 kHz, as well as 15340 kHz mixing with HCJB. So was 15370 kHz a mistake (on their roster for tarde services), or an experiment by self-styled propagation expert Arnie Coro? +Que sera? +Quien sabe? 17730 on March 10 at 1403 UT and later, today's AWOL frequency, while 17580 kHz is on; not sure whether I was hearing 17730 an hour earlier. At 1405 UT on 15230 kHz has fair signal but JBM. (gh USA, dxld March 11) RHC Sunday only Esperanto service at 0700-0730 UT March 2nd, logged on two channels, like 6000 kHz S=9+20dB in NY-USA, and much stronger on 6100 kHz at S=9+40dB level (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 2) DJIBOUTI - Radio Djibouti, 4780 kHz. 0250 UT Carrier up and 1000 Hz tone signal. Program starts with music and station ID by YL in Arabic at 0300 UT, then into Horn of Africa style music. Fair signal S4 March 5. (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, North Carolina U.S.A., Yaesu FRG - 100, Drake R8, 220 ft. Inverted L Longwire, Homebrew 1 Meter MagLoop, cumbredx yg via DXLD) ECUADOR - Voz Andes Media wird seine deutsche Sendung für Südamerika (2300-2330 auf 9835 kHz aus Nauen) Ende Juni aufgeben. Wie mitgeteilt wurde, sind die Kosten zu hoch und ist der Empfang zu schlecht. Überlegt wird, die eigene Kurzwelle Quito-Pichincha 6050 kHz einzusetzen; aus der Kurzwellenhörerschaft wurde WRMI Okeechobee ins Gespräch gebracht. (Harald Kuhl 13.3.2014) ETHIOPIA - 5950, March 1 at 0259, apparent IS, repetitive fiddle tune, more melodic than your usual Horn of Africa music, poor signal, presumed V. of Tigray Revolution at sign-on time. Enjoy this while you can, as WRMI has registered 5950 for 24-hour usage in A-14; while unlikely to use all of it, most likely will be on in our evenings like WYFR/RTI were. 6110, March 1 at 0257, chime IS, poor signal, 0259 heard English words ``Broadcasting Corporation`` amid sign-on in other language, surely R. Fana, in Oromo or Amharic. In fact, WRTH shows its full name is Fana Broadcasting Corporation (private). Lhasa and New Delhi are also scheduled, but well into daytime there. (gh, WOR 1711, DXLD) These two and 6030 R. Oromiya as well in the past months seemed to be much weaker in average than in previous years. 6090 Amhara and 7210 Fana inactive and 7237v the only frequency left for Radio Ethiopia, with very low modulation. So it seems there are only four transmitters active, while about three to five years ago, at least a dozen were used at certain times. And probably the remaining ones are on much lower power? (Thorsten Hallmann, Germany, March 2, DXLD) ETHIOPIA [BULGARIA] - ESAT Radio, Kostinbrod (Sofia) 15360 kHz. 1742 UT Feb 23. Horn of Africa music with talk and possible station ID by OM in Amharic at 1745 UT. Station ID by OM and s/off At 1800 UT. Good signal. S7. (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, North Carolina, Receiver : Yaesu FRG - 100, Drake R8, Antenna: 220 ft. Inverted L Longwire, Homebrew 1 Meter MagLoop, Cumbre_dx via DXLD) FRANCE - Frequency change of Radio TV Algerienne via Issoudun: 0600-0605 NF7295 F 500 kW 194 deg to NWAf French news, ex5865 0605-0658 NF7295 F 500 kW 194 deg to NWAf Arabic Holy Quran, ex5865 (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 4) GERMANY - DW-RADIO - Schedule A14 - Subject to change (March 13th, 2014) Short Wave Frequencies - valid from March 30, 2014 to Oct 25, 2014: Language Time/UTC Freq TX Target Area AMHARIC 1600-1657 9720 KIGALI Ethiopia AMHARIC 1600-1657 12070 KIGALI Ethiopia AMHARIC 1600-1700 15275 KIGALI Ethiopia AMHARIC 1600-1700 17800 DHABAYYA Ethiopia DARI 0830-0900 15640 DHABAYYA Afghanistan DARI 0830-0900 17800 KIGALI Afghanistan DARI 1330-1400 15595 KIGALI Afghanistan DARI 1330-1400 15640 DHABAYYA Afghanistan DARI 1330-1400 17860 KIGALI Afghanistan ENGLISH 0400-0457 7425 KIGALI Africa ENGLISH 0400-0457 9470 KIGALI Africa ENGLISH 0400-0500 9800 KIGALI Africa ENGLISH 0500-0527 7425 KIGALI Africa (south) ENGLISH 0500-0530 9800 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) ENGLISH 0500-0530 11800 KIGALI Africa (west) ENGLISH 0500-0530 12070 KIGALI Africa (south) ENGLISH 0530-0600 9800 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) ENGLISH 0600-0630 9800 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) ENGLISH 0600-0630 15275 KIGALI Africa (west) ENGLISH 0600-0630 15700 KIGALI Africa (west) ENGLISH 0600-0630 17800 KIGALI Africa (west)

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ENGLISH 0630-0700 9800 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) ENGLISH 0630-0700 15700 KIGALI Africa (west) ENGLISH 1900-1930 11800 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) ENGLISH 1900-1930 11865 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) ENGLISH 1900-1927 15275 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) ENGLISH 1930-2000 11865 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) ENGLISH 2000-2100 9655 KIGALI Africa (west) ENGLISH 2000-2100 11800 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) ENGLISH 2000-2100 11865 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) ENGLISH 2100-2200 9655 KIGALI Africa (west) ENGLISH 2100-2200 11800 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) ENGLISH 2100-2200 11865 KIGALI Africa (central, east, south) FRENCH 1200-1257 9810 KIGALI Africa FRENCH 1200-1257 15275 KIGALI Africa FRENCH 1200-1300 17800 KIGALI Africa FRENCH 1200-1300 21780 KIGALI Africa FRENCH 1700-1757 9810 KIGALI Africa FRENCH 1700-1757 12070 KIGALI Africa FRENCH 1700-1757 15275 KIGALI Africa HAUSA 0630-0700 15275 KIGALI Africa (west) HAUSA 0630-0700 17800 KIGALI Africa (west) HAUSA 0630-0700 21780 DHABAYYA Africa (west) HAUSA 1300-1400 15275 KIGALI Africa (west) HAUSA 1300-1356 17800 KIGALI Africa (west) HAUSA 1300-1400 21780 DHABAYYA Africa (west) HAUSA 1800-1857 12045 KIGALI Africa (west) HAUSA 1800-1857 15275 KIGALI Africa (west) HAUSA 1800-1857 17860 MADAGASCAR Africa (west) HAUSA 1800-1857 21780 KIGALI Africa (west) PASHTO 0800-0830 15640 DHABAYYA Afghanistan PASHTO 0800-0830 17800 KIGALI Afghanistan PASHTO 1400-1427 15595 KIGALI Afghanistan PASHTO 1400-1430 15640 DHABAYYA Afghanistan PASHTO 1400-1430 17860 KIGALI Afghanistan PORTUGUESE 0530-0557 11800 KIGALI Africa (south) PORTUGUESE 0530-0557 11955 KIGALI Africa (south) PORTUGUESE 0530-0557 12070 KIGALI Africa (south) PORTUGUESE 1930-2000 11800 KIGALI Africa (south) PORTUGUESE 1930-1957 11955 KIGALI Africa (south) PORTUGUESE 1930-1957 12025 KIGALI Africa (south) SWAHILI 0300-0357 5905 KIGALI Africa SWAHILI 0300-0400 5925 MEYERTON Africa (east) SWAHILI 0300-0400 7425 KIGALI Africa SWAHILI 1000-1100 9800 KIGALI Africa SWAHILI 1000-1100 15275 KIGALI Africa SWAHILI 1000-1100 17710 MEYERTON Africa SWAHILI 1500-1557 9810 KIGALI Africa SWAHILI 1500-1600 15275 KIGALI Africa SWAHILI 1500-1557 15700 KIGALI Africa SWAHILI 1500-1600 17710 DHABAYYA Africa URDU 1430-1457 15275 KIGALI Pakistan/India URDU 1430-1500 15640 DHABAYYA Pakistan/India URDU 1430-1500 17860 KIGALI Pakistan/India For further information please turn directly to: DEUTSCHE WELLE, Customer Service, D-53110 Bonn, Germany, e-mail: <info @ dw-world.de> (DWL xls file, transformed by MB wwdxc, BC-DX TopNews March 13, 2014) 6005.097 R Belarus relay in German noted at 0705 UT Febr 14. Via R 700 center at Kall Eifel Germany. NX about pesticidal matter, read by female, S=8 signal here in Germany. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 14) Frequency change of Radio Liberty in Russian from Febr 15 1900-2000 NF5905 LAM 100 kW 055 deg EEu, ex6170* // 7255/LAM, 7460/CLN-IRA * to avoid Voice of Korea in Russian (DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 14)

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Die Ausstrahlungen von Radio Vatikan, Radio Prag, RUI Kiew und Polskie Radio ueber Radio360 auf 3985 und 6005 kHz enden am 16. Maerz 2014, da sich nicht genuegend Sponsoren oder Spender fuer die Finanzierung finden liessen. Die Ausstrahlungkosten belaufen sich zwar auf einen Bruchteil im Vergleich zu den grossen Sendezentren, doch ist es auch aus organisatorischen Gruenden nicht leicht, Sponsoren und Unterstuetzer fuer dieses Projekt zu akquirieren. Weiter auf Sendung auf Kurzwelle bleiben die Ausstrahlungen von RSI Bratislava und Radio Belarus. Ausserdem bleiben die Podcasts auf www.radio360.eu http://www.radio360.eu erhalten. Ueberdies gibt es fuer die Kurzwellenfrequenzen nun neue Livestreams, alle Infos unter www.shortwaveservice.com http://www.shortwaveservice.com. (Bernd Seiser-D 28.2.2014; via ntt Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, March 1) Frequency change on Hamburger Lokaradio and other programs from March 2 0900-1400 NF9485 GOH 001 kW 230 deg to CEu CUSB, ex9480 as scheduled: 1000-1100 1st Su MV Baltic Radio English/German 0900-1000 2nd Su Atlantic 2000 International French 0900-1000 3rd Su European Music Radio English 1000-1200 3rd Su Radio Geronimo English 0900-1100 4th Su Radio Gloria International English/German 1200-1400 Sunday Hamburger Lokalradio German (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 27) GERMANY / KUWAIT / PHILIPPINES / THAILAND - Frequency changes of IBB: Deewa Radio 0100-0400 NF 9765 KWT 250 kW 070 deg to WAs Pashto, ex9370 from Feb.10 Voice of America 1400-1500 NF17740 Lam 100 kW 075 deg to CAs Tibetan, ex9670 from Feb.24 1600-1700 NF11850 PH 250 kW 283 deg to SAs Bangla, ex9490 from Feb.23 Radio Ashna, this is the 3rd change from 17580 to 11595/fr 11595 to 17580 1500-1530 NF11595 BIB 100 kW 085 deg to WAs Dari, ex17580, re-ex11595 Radio Liberty from March 1 1700-1800 NF 9790 LAM 100 kW 055 deg to EEu Russian, ex9435 1800-1900 NF 9790 LAM 100 kW 055 deg to CAs Russian, ex9590 2000-2100 NF 9490 TH 250 kW 022 deg to FERUS Russian, ex5885 (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 26) INDIA - 4820/7210 AIR Kolkata SW gets lifeline. Some good (or bad?) news on AIR Kolkata SW: The summery of info from Joseph Martin about AIR Kolkata flashed in in facebook is as follows: The SW transmitter at Kolkata was scheduled to close down on 22 Feb 2014 as per orders from AIR HQ dated 11 Feb 2014. However due to protest from AIR technical employees union (Association of Radio & TV Engineering Employees), the same has been differed. So AIR Kolkata SW operating with 50 kW on 4820 & 7210 kHz has got a life line for the time being. The correspondence is available in their website (including report received from Australian listener!) <http://www.arteeindia.org/ http://www.arteeindia.org/> Maybe the same case with other AIR SW Regional transmitters. (Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, DXindia Febr 21) INDONESIA - Winter B-13 schedule of Voice of Indonesia: 1000-1100 9526vJAK 250 kW 135 deg to AUS English 1100-1200 9526vJAK 250 kW 010 deg to EAs Chinese 1200-1300 9526vJAK 250 kW 010 deg to EAs Japanese 1300-1400 9526vJAK 250 kW 010 deg to EAs English 1400-1500 9526vJAK 250 kW 010 deg to EAs Indonesian 1500-1600 9526vJAK 250 kW 010 deg to EAs Chinese 1600-1700 9526vJAK 250 kW 290 deg to NE/ME Arabic 1700-1800 9526vJAK 250 kW 290 deg to WEu Spanish 1800-1900 9526vJAK 250 kW 290 deg to WEu German 1900-2000 9526vJAK 250 kW 290 deg to WEu English 2000-2100 9526vJAK 250 kW 290 deg to WEu French 9526v=9525.9 (DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 22) 4749.95 RRI Makassar. For about ten months now they have not carried the Kang Guru Indonesia (KGI) programs in English, until today (Feb 11). Heard at 1240 UT with bits and pieces of English, sounded like the KGI program, but that still needs to be confirmed. Mostly in English with some Bahasa Indonesia; played a pop song (as usual); signal slowly improving against the QRM of China and Bangladesh; program ended 1255 UT, so probably still close to a 1230 to 1300 UT schedule. Certainly believe in the coming Tuesday's that Atsunori Ishida and I will be able to confirm KGI as a regular program. KGI website - <http://www.kangguru.org/ http://www.kangguru.org/> [later] re: Tuesday - RRI Makassar in English. Feb 18 (Tue.) again at 1240 UT, certainly sounded like the start of the KGI program, but cannot say that I heard a program ID; again with bits and pieces of English; not doing well against Bangladesh and possibly two Chinese stations. Rather a mess and

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certainly tough to dig out the English. Seemed to be a half hour show till about 1313 UT. Still needs more work. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Febr 11/18) ISRAEL - Ein Relais der FM Station GalGalatz von Galei Tzahal ist seit wenigen Tagen abends auf 3291 kHz im 90 Meter Tropenband zu hören. Sehr guter Empfang gegen 1735 UT. Danke an Karel Honzik für den Hinweis! (a-dx) JAPAN - Frequency changes of Shiokaze Sea Breeze: 1330-1430 NF6135 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex5910 Japanese Mo/Wed/Thu 1330-1430 NF6135 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex5910 Chinese/Korean Tue 1330-1430 NF6135 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex5910 English Fr 1330-1430 NF6135 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex5910 Korean/Japanese Sa 1330-1430 NF6135 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex5910 Japanese/Korean Su 1600-1700 NF5910 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex5975 Japanese Mo/Wed/Thu 1600-1700 NF5910 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex5975 Chinese/Korean Tue 1600-1700 NF5910 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex5975 English Fr 1600-1700 NF5910 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex5975 Korean/Japanese Sa 1600-1700 NF5910 YAM 100 kW 280 deg to KRE, ex5975 Japanese/Korean Su (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 22) JAPAN [ASCENSION ISL / FRANCE / GERMANY / LITHUANIA / MADAGASCAR / PALAU / RUSSIA / SINGAPORE / SOUTH AFRICA / TAJIKISTAN / UAE / U.K. / USA / UZBEKISTAN] - NHK World - Radio Japan Tokyo – Tentative A-14 summer season file,further developed acc. previous A-13 of 2013 year. Arabic 0600-0630 ME/NAf 11975/F Bengali 1300-1345 SoWeAS 11685/SNG Burmese 1030-1100 SEAs 11740/SNG 1430-1500 SEAs 11740/SNG Chinese 0900-0930 As 6090 1200-1230 As 6090 1300-1330 As 6190 1400-1430 As 6190 1530-1600 As 9540 2230-2250 As 9560 English 0500-0530 Eu/Af 5975/Wof 11970/F 1000-1030 OC/Hawaii 9625 1100-1130 Eu 9760/Wof, Fr only DRM mode 1200-1230 SEAs 11740/SNG 1400-1430 SEAs 11705/Palau 1400-1430 SWAs 15735/UZB 1800-1830 CAf 9755/RSA French 0530-0600 W/CAf 11730/F 13840/MDG 2030-2100 WAf 11950/MDG Hindi 0100 0130 SWAs 11590/UZB 1430-1515 SWAs 15745/MDG Indonesian 1115-1200 SEAs 9625/Palau 1315-1400 SEAs 11705/Palau 2130-2200 SEAs 9560 Japanese 0000-0100 As 11855 0000-0100 As 11910 0000-0100 SEAs 13680 0000-0100 As 15640 0000-0200 As 15415 0100-0200 As 15195 0100-0200 SEAs 17810 0100-0500 SWAs 17560 0200-0500 SWAs 15325

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0200-0500 SEAs 17810 0300-0500 CAm 5910/F 0300-0500 SEEu/NE/ME/CAs 11680/N 0500-0700 As 15195 0500-0800 SEAs 17585 0500-0800 As 17700 0500-1000 SoWeAs 15325 0700-0800 As 9750 0700-0800 EaAs 11710 0800-0900 SEAs 13650 0800-1000 So/CeAM 12015/ASC 0800-1000 WeAF 15290/F 0800-1200 As 17895 0800-1400 As 9750 0900-1500 SEAs 11815 1000-1200 SoWeAs 15590 1200-1400 SoWeAs 15460 1200-1500 As 17520 1200-1500 As 17715 1400-1500 SoWeAs 17670 1400-1700 As 9750 1500-1700 SEAs 11815 1500-1700 AF/SoWeAs/SoAs 12045 1500-1700 SoWeAs 17585 1700-1900 As 6035 1700-1900 SEAs 7225 1700-1900 SoEU/AF 11945/F 1700-1900 SoWeAs 13850 1700-1900 NoEaAF/NE/ME/CAs 15445/N 1700-2000 AF/SWAs/SAs 13710 1900-2100 SEAs 9560 1900-2100 CAs/ME/NE 11965 1900-2100 SWAs 11910 1900-2100 CAF 15130/F 2000-2100 OC/Hawaii 9625 2000-2330 As 11725 2100-2400 As 15640 2100-2200 As 11965 2100-2300 SEAs 13680 2100-2400 SWAs 11910 2200-2400 As 11855 2255-2400 SEAs 13650 2300-2400 SEAs 13680 2330-2400 As 15415 Korean 0200-0500 As 15195 0915-0945 As 5950 1130-1200 As 6090 1230-1300 As 6190 1330-1400 As 6190 1430-1500 As 6190 2200-2230 As 9560 Persian 0400-0430 ME 15140/UZB 1430-1500 ME 13680/F 1630-1700 ME MW927/TJK Portuguese 0900-0930 SAm 6195/WHRI 2130-2200 SAm 17540/WHRI MW1370/SPA MW1520 Mogi das Cruzes, MW1370 Campinas A partir de 31 de março, a transmissão das 06h00 (hora de Brasília) passará a ser feita na frequência de 6.195 kHz. A transmissão das 18h30 por sua vez, vai ser feita na frequência de 17.540 kHz.

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Russian 0330-0400 EU MW738/Mk MW1386/Sitkunai 0430-0500 EU 6165/Sitkunai 0530-0600 EAs 11710 1100-1130 EAs 6090 1130-1200 EU 9760/Wof, Fr only DRM mode 1600-1630 EU MW738/M MW927/TJK Spanish 0400-0430 CAm 5985/WRMI 0400-0430 S/CAm 12015/WHRI 0930-1000 CSAm 6195/WHRI Swahili 0315-0400 EAf 7395/MDG 1729-1800 EAf 13730/MDG Thai 1130-1200 SEAs 11740/SNG 1230-1300 SEAs 11740/SNG Urdu 1515-1600 SWAs 13870/UAE 1700-1745 SWAs MW927/TJK Vietnamese 1100-1130 SEAs 11740/SNG 1300-1330 SEAs 11740/SNG Relays: ASC Ascension Island, UAE Al Dhabayya, UAE; WHRI Furman, SC, South Carolina, USA; F Issoudun, France, MDG Madagascar; RSA Meyerton, South Africa; M Moscow, Russia; N Nauen, Germany; Palau KHBN Palau; WRMI Okeechobee, Florida USA; SIT Sitkunai, Lithuania; SNG Kranji, Singapore; SPA Sao Paulo, Brazil; UZB Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Du Dushanbe, Tajikistan; Wof Woofferton U.K. Web information Bengali: <http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/bengali/radio/frequency.html> Web information Indonesian: <http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/indonesian/aboutus/radio.html> Web information Portuguese: <http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/portuguese/top/index.html> Web information Swahili: <http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/swahili/radio/frequency.html> FM relays in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burundi, Congo DR, Indonesia, Palestine West Bank, and Tanzania. (NHK Radio Japan, transformed by wb wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 15) KUWAIT - Inactive frequencies of Radio Kuwait on Febr 17: 1600-1800 15540 KBD 300 kW 100 deg to SAs Urdu 1600-2100 6050 KBD 300 kW non-dir to NE/ME Arabic General Service 1800-2100 15540 KBD 500 kW 310 deg to WEu English (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 2) Observations of R.Kuwait Febr 19-21 after several days of absence 0200-0900 5960 KBD 250 kW non-dir to NE/ME Arabic Gen.Sce, comfirmed 0500-0900 15515 KBD 250 kW 059 deg to EAs Arabic Gen.Sce, comfirmed 0800-1000 7250 KBD 500 kW non-dir to WAs Persian, uncomfirmed 0930-1600 11630 KBD 500 kW 230 deg to CAf Arabic Holy Quran, comfirmed 1000-1200 21580 KBD 500 kW 084 deg to EAs Tagalog, back air 1100-1600 9750 KBD 300 kW 286 deg to NEAf Arabic Gen.Sce, back air 1200-1600 21540 KBD 500 kW 310 deg to WEu Arabic Gen.Sce, x 0940-1800 1600-1800 15540 KBD 300 kW 100 deg to SAs Urdu, back air 1600-2100 6050 KBD 300 kW non-dir to NE/ME Arabic Gen.Sce, back air 1700-2000 13650 KBD 500 kW 350 deg to NAm Arabic Gen.Sce, comfirmed 1800-2100 15540 KBD 500 kW 310 deg to WEu English, back air 2000-2400 17550 KBD 500 kW 350 deg to NAm Arabic Gen.Sce, no signal Probably 1x500 kW transmitter is damaged at present and programs are reduced. Start and end of each broadcasts vary 5-15 minutes. (DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 22) LIBERIA - Radio ELWA, Monrovia, 4760, 2258 UT Tuned-in to English Easy Listening music just before the TOH, then station ID by YL in English at 2300, followed by more music. Surprisingly strong signal today. Very Good Signal. S-8/9 March 3 (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, North Carolina U.S.A., Yaesu FRG - 100, Drake R8, 220 ft. Inverted L Longwire, Homebrew 1 Meter MagLoop, cumbredx yg via DXLD) MADAGASCAR - 5011.46, R. Madagasikara, Ambohidrano. Pleasant and lively East African dance music a and announcements in Malagasy at 1820. Still exhibiting tenancies of frequency agility. In recent months I've heard it operating anywhere between 5010.25 and 5015.37! The carrier is quite strong but it could afford to give us a little more audio level, as noted on 12/2.

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(Rob Wagner, VK3BVW, Mount Evelyn, VIC (Kenwood TS2000, Yaesu FRG100, Double Bazooka antennas for 80 and 40 metres, Par EF-SWL End Fed antenna, BHI NEIM1031 Digital Noise Eliminating Module, MFJ-1026 Noise Cancelling Module, ATU, March Australian DX News via DXLD) 17540 Radio Impala - Talata Volonondry, at 1730-1755* UT on Mar 8, program of local musical selections with periodicIDs in three languages (Kinyarwanda, English and a local language). Program closed at 1755 UT after song. Still none of the usual talk you would expectfrom an opposition radio station. Fair. (Rich d'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer March 9) MALAYSIA - 7295, Traxx FM via RTM, 1350, Feb 22. In English with DJ giving ID per brief attached audio; slight audio distortion; fair- good, but periods of ACI. (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, near Monterey, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DXLD) MONGOLIA - Winter B-13 schedule for Voice of Mongolia: 0900-0930 on 12085 U-B 250 kW / 178 deg to SAs English 0930-1000 on 12085 U-B 250 kW / 178 deg to SAs Mongolian 1000-1030 on 12085 U-B 250 kW / 116 deg to EAs Chinese 1030-1100 on 12085 U-B 250 kW / 116 deg to EAs Japanese 1400-1430 on 12015*U-B 250 kW / 178 deg to SAs Mongolian 1430-1500 on 12015*U-B 250 kW / 178 deg to SAs Chinese 1500-1530 on 12015*U-B 250 kW / 116 deg to EAs Japanese 1530-1600 on 12015*U-B 250 kW / 116 deg to EAs English * co-channel Voice of Korea in French and English (DX MIX NEWS #840, March 1, 2014) 12084.89, V of Mongolia - Khonhor. This station has returned after an absence of some weeks. First noted here on Feb 26 with IS at 0859, then full ID at the start of the English transmission, followed by the news. The signal was at a fair level and the audio was of a reasonable quality. But there was considerable splash from the very strong RA-Brandon (12080 kHz) which also s/on at 0900. Good to see it back in business! (Rob Wagner VK3BVW <http://www.medr.blogspot.com> ARDXC via DXLD) MYANMAR - 5985.00, Myanmar Radio, 1250 through random subsequent checking till 1517. Slightly better reception with the newer transmitter than the older off frequency tx. (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DXLD) Feb 24 or 25 PHILIPPINES - 9465, R. Teos via Philippines, Feb 25 1501-1511, 45444, Russian, Theme music and ID at 1501, Talk. 9465, R. Teos via Philippines, Mar 04 *1500-1510, 43443, Russian, 1500 sign on with ID, Opening announce, Talk (Kouji Hashimoto, JAPAN, RX, IC-R75, NRD-525+RD-9830, NRD-515, NRD-345, Satellite 750, DE-1121; ANT, 70m Sloper Wire, DXLD) i.e. FEBC Bocaue site, daily except Sundays at 1500-1600, Aoki (gh) ROMANIA - A-14 schedule of Radio Romania International: ARABIC 0630-0656 9770GAL 11650TIG 11790GAL 15400TIG 1400-1456 9830TIG 11945GAL 13860TIG 15130GAL AROMANIAN 1430-1456 ^5910SAF, not Macedonian 1630-1656 ^5910SAF, not Macedonian 1830-1856 ^5910SAF, not Macedonian CHINESE 0400-0426 *15220TIG 17780TIG 1300-1326 15435TIG 17860TIG ENGLISH 0000-0056 9700TIG 11955TIG 0300-0356 7350TIG 9645TIG 11825GAL *15220GAL 0530-0556 *7330TIG 9700GAL 17760GAL 21500TIG 1100-1156 15130TIG 15400GAL 17670GAL 17680TIG 1700-1756 9540TIG *11810TIG 2030-2056 *9800GAL 11975GAL 15170TIG 17510TIG 2200-2256 7430GAL 9765GAL 9790TIG 11940TIG FRENCH 0100-0156 9700TIG 11955TIG 0500-0526 *7330GAL 9700GAL 15340TIG 17780TIG 1000-1056 11650GAL 15380TIG 15400GAL 17680TIG 1600-1656 9500TIG 11950TIG 2000-2026 *9800GAL 11975GAL GERMAN 0600-0626 *7435TIG 9700TIG 1200-1256 9675GAL 11875GAL 1800-1856 *7300TIG 9540TIG ITALIAN 1400-1426 ^9520SAF 1600-1626 ^5910SAF 1800-1826 *^5910SAF ROMANIAN 0000-0156 7335GAL 9520GAL 0400-0456 5920GAL 7350GAL

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0700-0756 13750TIG 15400GAL 15700TIG 17750GAL "Curierul romanesc" Sun only 0800-0856 13750TIG 15400GAL 15700TIG 17750GAL "Curierul romanesc" Sun only 0900-0956 11650GAL 15400GAL 15700TIG 17680GAL "Curierul romanesc" Sun only 1200-1256 ^9520SAF-100kW 11700TIG 15130TIG 1300-1356 11700GAL 15130GAL 1500-1556 11950GAL 15130GAL 1600-1656 7315TIG 9810GAL to Israel 1700-1756 9500GAL 11975GAL 1800-1856 9500GAL 11975GAL 1900-1956 9500GAL 11975GAL RUSSIAN 0430-0456 6180TIG *7390TIG 1330-1356 13640TIG 15160TIG 1500-1556 9500TIG *11870TIG SERBIAN 1530-1556 ^5910SAF 1730-1756 ^5910SAF 1930-1956 ^5910SAF SPANISH 0200-0256 9520GAL 9645TIG 11945GAL 11955TIG 1900-1956 9540TIG 11625TIG 2100-2156 15300TIG 17745TIG 2300-2356 9740TIG 9765GAL 11795GAL 11955TIG UKRAINIAN 1500-1526 ^5910SAF 1700-1726 ^5910SAF 1900-1926 ^5910SAF ^ Saftica 100 kW, all other Galbeni and Tiganesti 300 kW. * DRM via Saftica 100 kW; Galbeni or Tiganesti 300 kW. (RRI-RRO schedule; via Radiocom.facilities at Saftica, Galbeni and Tiganesti; via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 11) The following two transmissions of NEXUS-IBA IRRS Shortwave via Radiocom Romania already are jammed with white noise like broadband DRM: Radio Xoriyo 1500-1530 15515 TIG 150 kW 175 deg to EAf Somali Fri Radio Warra Wangeelaa-ti 1500-1530 15515 TIG 150 kW 165 deg to EAf Oromo Sat UNIDentified broadcast of NEXUS-IBA IRRS Shortwave after Radio Xoriyo 1500-1530 1530-1600 15515 TIG 150 kW 175 deg to EAf Arabic Fri, Febr 21. This broadcast is not jammed with white noise like broadband DRM. (DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 22) RUSSIA - 25900 kHz, Radio MTUCI at 1215 UT puts a splendid S9-Signal into Germany today (Friday, 21 Feb 2014). Russian program with studio talking. Every now and then ID as Radiostation Moscow Technical University (in Russian) playing some beautiful Motorhead songs :-) The band is wide open with countless Russian AM / FM pirate communications channels heard from 25 MHz up to 28 MHz and above. (Harald Kuhl, Germany, Feb 21, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD) Good afternoon, Excellent signal from MTUCI from tune in at 1220 UT, chat between two YLs plus music; at 1240 heard Ace of Spades by Motorhead from 1980 and chat by OM. SIO 544. (John Hoadd, Faversham UK, NRD-515 + ALA1530LF, 1252 UT Feb 21) E-mail: <[email protected]> WEB: <http://www.radiostation.ru> and <http://www.cqf.su> Plant manager Sergey Komarov said: "The station is in the Air: On Fridays from 1200 to 1500 UT. Frequency 25900 kHz AM - until the end of March. Then there will be a change of frequency - we are running out temporary permit for her". (Anatoly Klepov, Editor, RusDX Feb 23 via DXLD) RWANDA - 6055, Radio Rwanda, 1501, Feb 25. Listening to hear if they re-instated the multi-language news headlines, but they have not. Just news in detail (assume Kinyarwanda) from 1501 to 1508, followed by series of ads and into pop African songs. Via long path. (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DXLD) SOLOMON ISLANDS - 9545.000 SIBC Honiara, at 0605 UT on March 12. Half hour show of C&W songs in English with DJ in Solomon Pijin; 0700 UT news in English (story about "giant African snails," etc.); shipping schedule; weather ("heavy rain warning number seven," etc.). Honiara sunset at 0736 UT. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld March 12) SOUTH AFRICA - 15255, Channel Africa, Mar 05 0645-0659*, 35333, English, News and Music, Theme music at 0645 and 0655, 0659 sign off. 17770, Channel Africa, Feb 27 *1458-1511, 25322, Swahili, 1458 sign on with IS, IS and ID, Drums at 1459, Opening music, Opening announce, News (Kouji Hashimoto, JAPAN, RX, IC-R75, NRD-525+RD-9830, NRD-515, NRD-345, Satellite 750, DE-1121; ANT, 70m Sloper Wire, DXLD) SRI LANKA - Winter B-13 SW schedule of Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation: 0115-0130 11905*TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Bengali-Christian program 0130-0230 11905*TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Hindi 0230-0300 11905*TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs English-Christian program 0300-0330 11905*TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Hindi co-ch CNR-6 in Amoy

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1115-1130 9720 TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Hindi 1130-1145 9720 TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Malayalam-Christian program 1145-1200 9720 TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Hindi 1200-1215 9720#TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Tamil-Christian program # co-ch CRI in Tagalog This program is the air in different days different weeks of the month 1630-1830 11750 TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Sinhala Mo/Tue/Fr/Sat 1st 1630-1830 11750 TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Sinhala Mo/Tue/Thu/Sa 2nd 1630-1830 11750 TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Sinhala Mo/Tue/Wed/Sa 3rd 1630-1830 11750 TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Sinhala Tue/Wed/Thu/Sa 4th 1630-1830 11750 TRM 125 kW 345 deg to SAs Sinhala Mo/Wed/Fr/Sa 5th (DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 14) FEBA English transmission heard on 9720 ending at 0200 UT today. Very good reception noted. While I contacted the announced telephone number, I got info that it is a test transmission from Sri Lanka and to look out tomorrow also. -- Thanking you, Yours sincerely, (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad, India, <http://www.niar.org> 0352 UT March 5, DXLD) Reply from FEBA Bangalore on today's broadcast on 9720 that I monitored ending at 0200 UT: "The transmission you heard was a test transmission which was intended for broadcast this evening and tomorrow evening. The transmission station accidentally broadcast this morning. The 2 days test broadcast details were as follows... 1. March 5th 1330-1400 UTC 31 MB 9720 Khz Azimuth 345 2. March 6th 1330-1400 UTC 31 MB 9720 Khz Azimuth 345" (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad, India, http://www.niar.org , dxldyg via DX LD) 15545 New frequency of Voice of America in Uzbek from March 6: 1500-1530 NF15545 IRA 250kW 334deg to CeAS, ex11695 // 9570 9715 11780 (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 7) TAJIKISTAN - Frequency changes of Voice of Tibet from March 2 1215-1230 NF15538 Du 100 kW 095 deg to EaAS Chinese, ex15537 1300-1315 NF15553 Du 100 kW 131 deg to CAs Tibetan, ex15573 1315-1330 NF15552 Du 100 kW 131 deg to CAs Tibetan, ex15553 1330-1345 NF15582 Du 100 kW 131 deg to CAs Tibetan, ex11527 1345-1400 NF 9332 Du 100 kW 095 deg to EaAS Chinese, ex 9343 1345-1400 NF15587 Du 100 kW 131 deg to CAs Tibetan, ex11538 1400-1430 NF15593 Du 100 kW 131 deg to CAs Tibetan, ex11543 All frequencies are jammed by CNR-1 x0 or x5 Changes between frequencies vary from 3 to 5 minutes. (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 4) TANZANIA [Zanzibar] - 6015 ZBC Radio, at *0256 UT on Feb 26. No IS today, as heard the last two days; instead back to Spice FM pop African music intro till 0300 UT time pips; 0301 UT reciting from the Qur'an; almost fair. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 26) Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporatio, Dole, 11735 kHz. 2024 March 4. Tuned-in to Indian style music in progress, Talk in English by YL with station ID at 2045 UT. Fair Signal. S-6. (Nick Rumple, Kannapolis, North Carolina U.S.A., Receiver: Yaesu FRG - 100, Drake R8, Antenna: 220 ft. Inverted L Longwire, Homebrew 1 Meter MagLoop, cumbredx yg via DXLD) UAE / VATICAN STATE - Frequency changes of Radio Tamazuj & Radio Dabanga in Sudanese Arabic: Radio Tamazuj 0400-0430 NF15530 DHA 250 kW 240 deg to EAf, ex13800//11940/MDG,7315/SMG 1500-1530 NF15530 SMG 250 kW 150 deg to EAf, ex15535//13800/MDG Radio Dabanga 0430-0600 NF15530 DHA 250 kW 240 deg to EAf, ex13800//11940/MDG,7315/SMG 1530-1630 NF15530 SMG 250 kW 150 deg to EAf, ex15535//13800/MDG (DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 22) UKRAINE - 11980.089, the dubious rather amateur radio station of the transmitter engineering in 25mb listed 0800-1000 UT as UKR Radio Dniprovska Hvylya Ukr Zaporizhia is now on air, heard at 0825 UT on 1st March, with S=7 here in western Europe, in eastern Europe and Russia a bit stronger like S=8 on air. But sounds more like a preserve program of religiosity, ideology, literature, tradition, - But I don't understand anything anyway; now at 0826 UT a piece UKR Pop music. (wb) 01.03.2014 took station "Dniprovskaya volna" from Zaporozhye 0800 UT (start of transmission) to 0930 UT (end of transmission) at a frequency of 11980 kHz. SINPO: 35333. Ukrainian radio broadcast transmission. Receiver: Tecsun PL-660. Antenna: telescopic. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx", Rus DX March 2 via WOR 1711, DXLD) UNITED KINGDOM - BBC WORLD SERVICE TO CUT BACK SHORTWAVE TRANSMISSIONS: According to a report in The Guardian newspaper, the BBC World Service will further reduce its shortwave profile next year, diverting a projected

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saving of more than $25 million to fund television and digital services. As of April 1, the BBC World Service and BBC Monitoring will be funded directly from the TV license fee instead of through the Foreign Office. In cutbacks 3 years ago, the BBC eliminated more than 500 jobs, closed five language services, ended radio broadcasts in seven languages, and reduced short and medium-wave transmissions <http://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/feb/19/bbc-world-service-reduce-shortwave-peter-horrocks> (via W0WOI, Feb 27, WOR 1711, DXLD) U.S.A. - KVOH noted testing around 0215 UTC this evening with Cuban-style music then IDs and requests for reception reports in both English and Spanish. I am in their skip zone so reception was the usual weak and fluttery. (Bob LaRose-San Diego-USA, dxld March 3) KVOH Voice of Hope: 0200-0400 on 9975 VOH 050 kW / 100 deg to CAm English Su/Mo, ex 0300-0500 1300-1900 on 17775 VOH 050 kW / 100 deg to CAm Spanish Mo-Fr, ex 1400-2000 (DX MIX NEWS # 842) … I know the pre-recorded test audio did ask for reports, but we don't actually need reports for that test this afternoon (although we will of course verify any that are received). The purpose of the test (which continued for several hours after our regular sign-off at 2000 UTC Monday) was for our engineering staff to be able to work on some of the technical issues we have been experiencing. We take Glenn's and others' comments seriously, and have implemented filtering to better restrict the bandwidth of our signals (on both 17775 and 9975 kHz). We were also working on the unintentional 'reverb' sound Glenn commented on a week or two ago, and have at least identified next steps needed to address that. It requires more equipment, so can't be fixed instantly, but hopefully very soon. Ray Robinson, Operations Manager KVOH - Voice of Hope / Voz de Esperanza - P.O.Box 102, Los Angeles, CA 90078, USA. <http://www.kvoh.net http://www.kvoh.net> (dxld March 4) Unscheduled broadcasts of WTWW-3 were observed Febr 15/18/22. Probably this unscheduled broadcasts are temporarily aired Sa/Tue?? 0500-0600 12105 TWW 100 kW 040 deg to ENAm Portuguese 0600-0900 12105 TWW 100 kW 040 deg to ENAm Yoruba 0900-1200 12105*TWW 100 kW 040 deg to ENAm Chinese 1200-1400 12105#TWW 100 kW 040 deg to ENAm Russian * co-ch KTWR Guam in Chinese 1115-1145 Mo-Fr, 1145-1200 Sat # co-ch Radio Free Asia in Burmese from 1230 Here is the current winter B-13 schedule of WTWW-3 1400-0500, non daily: 1400-1500 12105!TWW 100 kW 040 deg to ENAm Russian 1500-2100 12105^TWW 100 kW 040 deg to ENAm Arabic 2100-2400 12105 TWW 100 kW 040 deg to ENAm French 0000-0300 12105 TWW 100 kW 040 deg to ENAm Spanish 0300-0500 12105 TWW 100 kW 040 deg to ENAm Portuguese ! co-ch Radio Free Asia in Burmese till 1430 ^ co-ch Radio Dialogue in English/Shona/Ndebele 1600-1700 Changes between languages vary from 4 to 7 minutes (DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 22) WRNO New Orleans: 0100-0400 on 7506vRNO 050 kW / 020 deg to NAm English, ex 0200-0500 7506v=7506.6 (DX MIX NEWS # 842) Winter B-13 schedule of WINB from March 1: 0000-0330 9265 INB 050 kW 242 deg to CAm English Daily 1230-1300 9265 INB 050 kW 242 deg to CAm English Su 1300-1500 NF9265 INB 050 kW 242 deg to CAm English Su, ex13570 1500-1715 NF9265 INB 050 kW 242 deg to CAm English Sa/Su, ex13570 1715-2145 NF9265 INB 050 kW 242 deg to CAm English Daily, ex13570 2145-2200 NF9265 INB 050 kW 242 deg to CAm Eng/Spa Mo-Fr, ex13570 2145-2200 NF9265 INB 050 kW 242 deg to CAm English Sa/Su, ex13570 2200-2330 9265 INB 050 kW 242 deg to CAm English Daily 2330-2400 9265 INB 050 kW 242 deg to CAm English Tue-Su 2330-2400 9265 INB 050 kW 242 deg to CAm Spanish Mo (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 1) WRMI, Brother Stair, R Africa, Family Radio, PCJ R, R Taiwan Int: 0000-0100 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music 0000-0100 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English TruNews+Music 0000-0100 on 9495 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg to CARR Various WRMI programs 0000-0100 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs 0000-0100 on 11565 YFR 100 kW / 140 deg to BRAS English Brother Stair 0000-0100 on 13695 YFR 100 kW / 151 deg to NSAm English Brother Stair

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0100-0300 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music 0100-0300 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English TruNews+Music 0100-0300 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 0100-0300 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs 0100-0300 on 11565 YFR 100 kW / 140 deg to BRAS English Brother Stair 0100-0300 on 13695 YFR 100 kW / 151 deg to NSAm English Brother Stair 0300-0400 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music 0300-0400 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English TruNews+Music 0300-0400 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 0300-0400 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 222 deg to MEX Spanish R.Taiwan Int, new 0300-0400 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs 0300-0400 on 11565 YFR 100 kW / 140 deg to BRAS English Brother Stair 0400-0500 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music 0400-0500 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEXI English TruNews+Music 0400-0500 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 0400-0500 on 9840 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Brother Stair 0400-0500 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs 0400-0500 on 11565 YFR 100 kW / 140 deg to BRAS English Brother Stair 0500-0600 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music 0500-0600 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English TruNews+Music 0500-0600 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 0500-0600 on 9840 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Brother Stair 0500-0600 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm English Brother Stair 0500-0600 on 11565 YFR 100 kW / 140 deg to BRAS English Brother Stair 0600-0800 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music 0600-0800 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English TruNews+Music 0600-0800 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 0600-0800 on 9840 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Brother Stair 0600-0800 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm English Brother Stair 0800-1000 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music 0800-1000 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEXI English TruNews+Music 0800-1000 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 0800-1000 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm English Brother Stair 1000-1100 on 7570 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 1000-1100 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm English WRMI programs 1100-1300 on 9495 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg to CARR English Brother Stair 1100-1300 on 9690 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English Brother Stair 1100-1300 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAm Various WRMI programs 1300-1400 on 9690 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English Brother Stair 1300-1400 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm Various WRMI programs 1330-1430 on 11880 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to NEAm English PCJ Radio Int Sun(test) 1400-1500 on 9690 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English Brother Stair 1400-1500 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 1400-1500 on 17790 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa 1500-1800 on 9690 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English Brother Stair 1500-1800 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 1500-1800 on 17790 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa 1800-1900 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu English Brother Stair 1800-1900 on 9690 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English Brother Stair 1800-1900 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 1800-1900 on 17790 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa 1900-2000 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu English Brother Stair 1900-2000 on 9690 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English Brother Stair 1900-2000 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 1900-2000 on 17790 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa 2000-2100 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WeEu English Brother Stair 2000-2100 on 9690 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English Brother Stair 2000-2100 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 315 deg to WNAm English Brother Stair 2000-2100 on 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa 2100-2200 on 7730 YFR 100 kW / 044 deg to WEu English WRMI programs 2100-2200 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm English Brother Stair Mo-Fr 2100-2200 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs Sa/Su 2100-2200 on 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa 2200-2300 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music

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2200-2300 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English TruNews+Music 2200-2300 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAm English Brother Stair Mo-Fr 2200-2300 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAm Various WRMI programs Sa/Su 2200-2300 on 15190 YFR 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Radio Africa 2300-2400 on 5850 YFR 100 kW / 355 deg to ENAm English TruNews+Music 2300-2400 on 7455 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg to MEX English TruNews+Music 2300-2400 on 9495 YFR 100 kW / 181 deg to CARR Spanish Family Radio 2300-2400 on 9955 YFR 100 kW / 160 deg to CAm Various WRMI programs 2300-2400 on 13695 YFR 100 kW / 151 deg to NSAm Spanish Family Radio (DX MIX NEWS # 842) New broadcast of Radio Japan NHK World via Okeechobee FL: 0400-0500 5985 YFR 100 kW 222 degr to CAm Japanese (probably) (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 12) A-14 summer season entry: 5985kHz 0400-0430UT 11,12 YFR 100kW 222degr 805LPH ant, Spanish USA NHK (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 12) ENTIRE VOA Station at Delano is UP FOR SALE. Radio World have just published an article on the Delano situation: <http://www.radioworld.com/article/voa-delano-station-goes-on-the-block/269252> (Mike Barraclough-UK, BrDXC-UK / dxld March 12) Updated winter B-13 schedule of WBCQ The Planet: 0000-2400 9330 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English CUSB 0000-0500 5110vBCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English CUSB Su/Mo -orDaily? 0000-0100 7490 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English Mon-Sat 0000-0200 7490 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English Sun 0100-0400 7490 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English Mon-Sat Brother Stair 0400-0500 7490 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English Mon-Sat 1500-1800 15420 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English CUSB Sa Brother Stair 1800-2200 15420 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English CUSB 2000-2100 7490 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English Tue 2100-2200 7490 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English Mo-Fr 2200-2230 7490 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English Su/Mo/Fr 2200-2230 7490 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm Spanish Tue-Thu 2230-2400 7490 BCQ 050 kW 245 deg ENAm English Su-Fr 5110v=5109.75 Winter B-13 schedule of WWCR World Wide Christian Radio from Mar 9: WWCR-1 0000-0100 6115 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu English 0100-0900 3215 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu English 0900-1100 15825 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu English 1100-1115 15825 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu Russian Sa 1100-1115 15825 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu English Su-Fr 1115-1215 15825 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu English 1215-1245 15825 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu Arab/Rus Mo-Fr 1215-1245 15825 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu English Sa/Su 1245-1300 15825 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu English 1300-2200 15825 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu English 2200-2200 6115 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu English 2200-2300 6115 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu Spanish Mo-Fr 2200-2300 6115 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu English Sa/Su 2300-2400 6115 WCR 100 kW 046 deg to WEu English WWCR-2 0000-1200 5935 WCR 100 kW 085 deg to CAf English 1200-1500 7490 WCR 100 kW 085 deg to CAf English 1500-2100 12160 WCR 100 kW 085 deg to CAf English 2100-2400 9350 WCR 100 kW 085 deg to CAf English WWCR-3 0000-1200 4840 WCR 100 kW 040 deg to NAm English 1200-2400 13845 WCR 100 kW 040 deg to NAm English

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WWCR-4 0000-0200 7520 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to CAm English Tue-Sa 0200-0400 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to CAm English Tue-Sa 0400-0500 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to CAm English Tue-Sa Brother Stair 0400-0500 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to CAm English Su/Mo 0500-1200 5890 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to CAm English Brother Stair 1200-1500 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to CAm English Mo-Fr Brother Stair 1500-2300 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to CAm English Brother Stair 2300-2400 9980 WCR 100 kW 090 deg to CAm English Mo-Fr Brother Stair (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 3) U.S.A. [non] - Frequency changes of IBB: Deewa Radio 0100-0400 9765 KWT 250 kW / 070 deg WeAs Pashto, ex 9370 from Feb 10 Voice of America 1400-1500 17740 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg CAs Tibetan, ex 9670 from Feb 24 1600-1700 11850 PHT 250 kW / 283 deg SAs Bangla, ex 9490 from Feb 23 Radio Ashna, the 3rd change from 17580 to 11595/from 11595 to 17580: 1500-1530 11595 BIB 100 kW / 085 deg WAs Dari, ex 17580, re-ex 11595 Radio Liberty 1700-1800 9790 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to EEu Russian, ex 9435 1800-1900 9790 LAM 100 kW / 055 deg to CAs Russian, ex 9590 2000-2100 9490 UDO 250 kW / 022 deg to FERus Russian, ex 5885 (DX MIX NEWS #840 March 1, 2014) MEDIUM WAVE NEWS: ALBANIA - Help - Mediumwave Monitoring Log Fllake Albania looked for. Technical engineering of Radio Tirana look out for reception logs of mediumwave monitoring of relay Fllake 500 kW on 1215, 1395, and 1458 kHz, like especially CRI China Radio International, Radio Tirana, and TWR Trans World Radio on the mediumwave Fllake 500 kW of Dec. 2013, as well as Jan. and Febr. 2014. Logs/Reports please direct to: Mrs. Drita Cico - RTSH Monitoring Tirana, Albania - [email protected] (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 21) CRI China Radio International Beijing on MW Fllake, Albania relay, 500 kW: 0700-0857 English 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir 1600-1657 Albanian 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir 1700-1757 Bulgarian 1458 kHz TX2 F-05 antenna, non-dir 1700-1757 Esperanto 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir 1800-1857 Italian 1458 kHz TX2 F-05 antenna, non-dir 1800-1857 Romanian 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir 2001-2059 Hungarian 1458 kHz TX2 F-05 antenna, non-dir 2130-2227 Polish 1458 kHz TX2 F-04 004 degrees 2201-2301 Serbian 1215 kHz TX1 F-03 antenna, non-dir 2230-2330 Czech 1458 kHz TX2 F-04 338 degrees TWR Europe daily at 1922-2130 UT, Fllake relay TX1 F-02 antenna at 330 deg to to North, East and West Europe: Trans World Radio - Fllake, Albania relay UTC days program kHz kW degr ciraf zone 1922-1925 1234567 TWR ID signal 1395 500 330 28 1925-2000 1234567 Hungarian 1395 500 330 28 2000-2015 .....6. Polish 1395 500 330 28 2000-2030 12345.7 Polish 1395 500 330 28 2015-2030 .....6. Arabic 1395 500 330 28 new language 2030-2130 .....6. Croatian 1395 500 330 28 2030-2045 ......7 Croatian 1395 500 330 28 2030-2100 12345.. Croatian 1395 500 330 28 2045-2130 ......7 Bosnian 1395 500 330 28 2100-2130 12345.. Serbian 1395 500 330 28 Winter B-13 schedule of Radio Tirana via Fllake relay site: ALBANIAN Daily 0901-1000 1395 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-01 antenna at 033 deg to Ce-East-EUR 1500-1630 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-05 antenna non-dir to EUR GREEK Mon-Sat 1645-1700 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-05 antenna non-dir to Greece

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SERBIAN Mon-Sat 2115-2130 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-04 antenna at 004 deg to CeEUR-Serbia TURKISH Mon-Sat 1930-2000 1458 FLA 500 kW TX2 F-05 ant non-dir to Turkey-Greece Fllake, Albania location http://goo.gl/maps/AtcSm http://goo.gl/maps/AtcSm G.C. 41 21 52.04 N 19 30 35.46 E (CRI, RT, TWR via Drita Cico-ALB, Oct 22, 2013; wwdxc BC-DX TopNews) TUNISIA - 963 kHz now carrying Radio Tunis Chaine Internationale. According to the Winter 2013 programme guide Radio Tunis Chaine Internationale RTCI broadcast on 963 kHz in the following languages (times UT), French, except at: 1300-1400 UT English, 1403-1500 UT German, 1503-1600 UT Italian, 1900-2000 UT Spanish. Available in podcast at the RTCI website; the Spanish service at 1900 UT is regular in Barcelona with strong signal, mainly Spanish pops along short news and features. Italian also confirmed in starting at 1503 UT (Rafael Martinez, Barcelona, 25-27 Jan). Also confirmed here during the evening with French identifying as Radio Tunis Chaine Internationale. Until recently 963 kHz had been carrying Radio Tunis cultural channel in Arabic but has now reverted to carrying Chaine Internationale in French & other languages - as was the case until a few years ago. (via Dave Kenny-UK, in BrDXC Communication magazine QSL report 02-2014) Editor's info desk was closed for this edition on March 15th, 2014, at 17:00 UTC. Please also see our website for lists of broadcasts in German and English, updated regularly. Sources & Contributors: A-DX - e-mail exchange - Austria. Alokesh Gupta - New Delhi - India. BCDX - News Bulletin by Wolfgang W. Bueschel (wb) - Stuttgart - Germany. CONEXION - CONEXION Digital - Buenos Aires - Argentina.

DXLD - Glenn Hauser's DX LISTENING DIGEST - USA. Dr. Hans-Jörg Biener (hjb) - Nuremberg, Germany. DX MIX NEWS = DX RE MIX NEWS - from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria. Others as stated in contribution.

Any items from Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST, and/or World of Radio may be reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages, from the original source through DXLD, and publications quoting are made available to gh in exchange. Items from this file may be reproduced or re-reproduced only if full credit is maintained at all stages. Abbreviations:Abbreviations:Abbreviations:Abbreviations: with name of station: BC / bc = Broadcaster, Int. = International, R = Radio, tx = Transmitter, Vo = Voice of, QRG = frequency Location of transmitters with frequency: Location of transmitters with frequency: Location of transmitters with frequency: Location of transmitters with frequency: Al = Aligarh/India, ALB = Albania, Arm = Armavir/RUS, Ban = Bangalore, Be = Beijing/China, Bib = Biblis/DL, BIH = Bosnia-Herzegowina, BLR = Byelorus, BOT = Botswana, Br = Brandon/Aus, CHN = China, CLN-Ira = Sri Lanka Iranawila, CLN-Trm = Sri Lanka Trincomalee, CTR = Costa Rica, Du = Dushanbe/TJK, Dw = Darwin/Aus, ERV = Erivan/Armenia, F = Issoudun/France, Fl =Okeechobee Florida/USA, GAB = Gabun, GUF = French Guyana, HAB = Habana/Cuba, Ho = Hohhot/CHN, HRI= WHRI Cypress Creek/USA, IK = (IRK) Irkutsk/Siberia, Jin = Jinhua, Kash = Kashgar/CHN, Ka = Kingsway (Delhi), Kh = Khampur (Delhi), KOR = (South) Korea, Ku = Kununurra/Aus, Kun = Kunming/CHN, KWT = Kuwait, Lam = Lampertheim/DL, M =Moscow (Taldom), MCO = Monaco, MDA = Moldavia, MDG = Madagascar, MNG = Mongolia, MRA = Northern Marianas, N = Nauen/DL, Nn = Nanning/CHN, Pan = Panaji/India, RRW = Ruanda, RSA = Meyerton/South Africa, RUS = Russia incl. Sibiria, SAI = Saipan (MRA), SEY = Seychelles, Sh = Shepparton/Aus, SNG = Singapur, STP = Sao Tomé, SWZ = Swaziland, TH = (NAK) Nakhon Sawan/Thailand, TIN = Tinian (MRA), TJK = Tajikistan, TWN = Taiwan, UAE = Al Dubbaya/United Arab Emirates, Ur = Urumchi/CHN, Vla = Vladivostok, Wof = Woofferton/GB, Xi = Xian/CHN, Ya = Yamata/Japan. Mostly within round brackets target areas as known:Mostly within round brackets target areas as known:Mostly within round brackets target areas as known:Mostly within round brackets target areas as known: Af = Africa, Am -= America, As = Asien, Aus = Australien; Eu = Europe, ME = Middle East, Pac = Pacific Region; C = Central, E = East, N = North, S = South, W = West Languages:Languages:Languages:Languages: Ar Arabic - Ch Chinese - Du Dutch - E, En English - F French - G, Ge German - Gr Greek - I Italian - J Japanese - K Korean - P Portuguese - R Russian - Sp Spanish - Turk Turkish Technical hint with frequency (QRG): Technical hint with frequency (QRG): Technical hint with frequency (QRG): Technical hint with frequency (QRG): (*) = Digital Radio broadcast (DRM) v = variable irr = irregular /USB = upper sideband, /LSB = lower sideband, alt.: (QRG) = alternative frequency Editor: Walter Eibl (we), P.O. Box 1545, 91005 Erlangen, Germany. EMail: <[email protected]> or <[email protected]> Used equipment: Receiver: Communications receiver ICOM IC-R70 (no modification) Antenna: Hamtronic HT504 selective active antenna, in roof window ca. 15 m above ground Location: Herzogenaurach / Germany; 49.567/10.917; 310 m NN

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Dino Bloise Frecuencia al Dia

No. 370, Marzo 21, 2014 - En esta emisión: Tecnología | ¿El uso de las redes sociales nos hace menos inteligentes? Estar conectados a nuestros perfiles de Twitter y Facebook a cada momento nos hace parecer más inteligentes, pero en realidad merma nuestras capacidades intelectuales, según afirma un nuevo estudio publicado por la Royal Society. Lectura de un articulo extraído del sitio Lapatilla.com -Escúchanos 24/7, 365 días desde: www.programasdx.com/frecuencialdia.htm Ademas los siguientes temas: Gustavo Luna: Indotel diseña plan para mejorar calidad de servicios telecomunicaciones*** Luís Valderas: Chile. Menos llamadas y más uso de mensajes*** Miguel Ángel Reyes: Televisa demandó a la empresa Dish*** Daniel Silva: Eutelsat anunció la compra de Satmex*** Diego Ramírez: Guatemala. El cambio a T.V. digital no tiene marcha atrás*** Francisco Páez: Boletín DX del Mundo de la Radioafición*** Frecuencia Análisis: Las noticias más importantes sobre telecomunicaciones y tecnología. -Escúchanos cualquier día, a cualquier hora haciendo click en nuestra página web de Programas DX: www.programasdx.com/frecuencialdia.htm -Síguenos en Facebook: http://on.fb.me/10CW1N4 -Twitter: @FrecuenciaAlDia -Nuestro correo electrónico: [email protected] Dino Bloise - Productor: Frecuencia Al Día. www.programasdx.com/frecuencialdia.htm Copyright 2014 Frecuencia Al Día / Dino Bloise. Viernes, Marzo 21, 2014 @ 00:05 UTC Este mensaje es enviado por DINO BLOISE. Con respeto a las leyes nacionales e internaciones las cuales nos rigen y siendo respetuosos con la privacidad de su persona, este correo puede ser removido enviando un mensaje "Cancelar Suscripción" al correo frecuenciaaldia[a]hotmail.com. Este envío no es considerado Spam, mientras se incluya la forma de ser removido.

----Frecuencia Al Día, El más internacionalFrecuencia Al Día, El más internacionalFrecuencia Al Día, El más internacionalFrecuencia Al Día, El más internacional----

Ulysses Galletti Falando de Rádio

Caros amigos. Estamos apresentando o programa Falando de Radio, uma colaboração do DX Clube do Brasil, todos os domingos as 19:45 hs. Inicialmente estamos dando uma noção detalhada da propagação das ondas de rádio, depois daremos informações importantes para a pratica da radioescuta e do dexismo, compartilharemos nossa experiência com os ouvintes. Me escrevam apresentando suas duvidas, dando sugestões e enviando gravações de emissoras internacionais atuais e antigas para que possamos compartilhar, anotem meu e-mail [email protected]. Lembro que estamos transmitindo este programa de forma que possa ser ouvido como se fosse sintonizando uma emissora em Ondas Curtas, a recepção poderá ser ajustada utilizando um equalizador e o balanço dos canais direito e esquerdo, escrevam dizendo o que estão achando desta experiência pioneira. Contamos com sua escuta e divulgação desta nossa iniciativa de divulgação da prática da radioescuta. Falando de Rádio. Todos os domingos às 19:45 hs. Com Ulysses Galletti Link: //www.radiolegalaovivo.org/

Glenn Hauser Logs March 20-21, 2014

** BANGLADESH. 15505, March 21 at 1357, Bangladesh Betar with tone, 1358 IS, mistimesignal ending 2 seconds earlier than 1400:00; very poor with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL [and non]. 5999.6, March 21 at 0520, RHC again has het to 6000, presumed 4 kW Brasília transmitter of RNB; meanwhile, ``Ed Newman`` was for the umpteenth time misrepresenting RHC`s streaming as ``Real Audio``, maybe treating it as a generic name for any format (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 15545, March 21 at 1508, CNR1 jammer, good with flutter, slight ACI from presumed target during this semihour only, VOA Uzbek via Sri Lanka, as the ChiCom interfere in the internal affairs of Uzbekistan; strong enough to bother 15550-USB WJHR. No search for other CNR1/FD jammers this morning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. 5910, March 21 at 0522, Alcaraván Radio back to nice music, rendition of `El Condor Pasa`, fair signal, no QRM. Altho Puerto Lleras is in the lowlands, beyond the Andes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 5025 & 5040, March 21 at 0103, both R. Rebelde and RHC tropical frequencies are back on simultaneously, so the resumed share-time arrangement Ivo Ivanov reported March 18 and I mentioned on WOR 1713 did not last long. Now Rebelde sounds like a SBG; both still on at next check 0520 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see BRAZIL ** INDIA [and non]. 11985, March 21 at 0116.5, AIR Delhi/Khampur is still on the air post-Sinhala service until 0115: big humwhine atop JBM music. I suppose the rest of the transmission from 0045 also sounded like this. // 11740 Goa is properly off the air. There was another report of 11985 running overtime, until 0129* March 6, by Jim Evans, TN, NASWA Flashsheet. More slipshod operation by AIR, not ready for prime time. (And 11905 SLBC just started at 0115, good with flutter) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 650, March 21 at 1314 UT, XETNT Los Mochis is still propagating during `Fórmula Noticias`, 6:15 TC as still on UT -7 in Sinaloa until

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April 6; 1316 promos for Fórmula Noticias with Radio 65 ID (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 6185-, March 21 at 0524, XEPPM is mostly dead air, bits of distorted audio bursts, scratching noises, obviously problem with program feed, as modulation is supposed to last until 0600. Also at 1513 March 21 in full daytime, carrier still on the lo side of 6185, but cannot make out any audio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN. 15140, March 21 at 0109 Qur`an, still fair signal registering 32-47 dB on the PL-880, as RSO has missed *two* frequency changes this time: 15140 to 15355 at 2200, 15355 to 9500 at 0000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU [and non]. 5980, March 21 at 0103, R. Chaski, Urubamba, with hymn; not much CCI this time from BBC/UAE. The hymn is cut off the air at 0105:58* which is 17 seconds later than last log a trinite ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. 25900, March 21 at 1407, it`s another Friday morning, so another try for the 400-watt student station in Moscow, Radio Magic Eye. On the FRG-7 I am getting a JBA carrier slightly on the lo side compared to weak signals on 11900, 9900 and 900 (none of which are exactly the same offset either). Signal no better by 1446, so I move to the porch with PL-880 and DX-398. Now I am axually hearing some music on a very weak, choppy signal. PL-880 is better with short reel-out wire than DX-398 with longer wire around eaves which gets higher line noise level. BUT, the PL-880 is much more subject to overloading/images with any external antenna, and tuning around the 11m band, I hear various broadcast ghosts from no telling where lower on the bands. Also lots of freebanders and CODAR-like noises. I have to switch attenuation down a notch to help, even tho the MTUCI signal is very weak: averages 21 dB, while with no ATT it`s about 23 dB. No recognizable music, except at 1458 sounds like steel drums: could be WWCR transition music overloading from 7490 to 12160! 1500 announcement, 1501 mentions ``dot com`` so could be in English; 1503 still on. I suspect by now I am really hearing some image. Dave ``glimmer twin`` Hughes had reported Magic Eye was making it to North America today per several logs on: http://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,16064.0.html Apparently the schedule is now 13-16 UT instead of 12-15. At least there was propagation from Europe, with a German DF2- ham on 24971 at 1506; one of few signals on 15m earlier was someone in German; Spain & Kuwait broadcasts in well on 13m. BTW, the latest issue of SW Bulletin illustrates QSL on page 10: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1793.pdf (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1713 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW-1, 9475, from 2100:55 Thursday March 20. Also confirmed on WWRB, 3195, UT Friday March 21 from 0328, following the preacher who sounds like he is having some kind of attack every few seconds. Resumed after missing the past two weeks. Monitoring also on the WWRB webcast, which was very low-level, but modulation OK on 3195. Next: Saturday 0730 & 1530 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB Saturday 2330v on WTWW-2, 9930 (we hope; has been off air a lot including last week) UT Sunday 0030 on WRMI-14, 9495 UT Sunday 0401 on WTWW-1, 5830 UT Monday 0300v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB; etc. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Confusion reigns about the DX test from WWXL 1450 Manchester KY. It was a no-show at original time, UT Sunday March 16 at 0300, because the engineer`s car broke down on the way to the station. He then said it would run one week later, UT Sunday March 23 at 0300. But early UT Friday March 21, we got word from arranger J. D. Stephens that on very short notice the test would run ``tonight`` at midnight which should equal 0400-0500 UT. So I tried it then for the first half-hour, but nothing definite heard, monitoring part of the time on 1450, and partly on 1452-USB for sweep tones or code IDs. Huge jumble in this graveyard, with the only thing recognized somestation playing ``Jump`` at 0411. A couple times there could have been code IDs at imaginary level. DXers closer to KY also report a no-show again, so perhaps it will still be appearing March 23 at 0300. There was also confusion about time and day, due to incorrect conversions between EDT and UT, which are now 4! Hours apart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 7615+ SSB, March 21 at 1415 as I tune in, paramilitary net mentioning ``caps`` (Civil Air Patrol?) in several states including LA, KY, FL, and then ``the net is moving to NRD``, fonetikally. Geez, gotta keep the frequencies secret even tho the contacts are in the open once you find them. May have been more like 7615.5, as I didn`t have time to pinpoint it. No, 7615.0 USB was logged with Louisiana CAP et al. by Jack Metcalfe, KY, in UDXF yg, Jan 27, 2014 at 2007 UT when they were also about to QSY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Enrique A. Wembagher Nueva transmisión de radiogramas de La Voz de América


Ascociacion Diexman Uruguay - Pagina 29

Mauricio Pimenta - PY4ID Venta

SOM DE CARRO SUNFIRE- YF6 - AM /FM COM USB E CARTAO DE MEMORIA , ZERO ,NOVINHO , APENAS 80,00 Conheça-o clicando neste link : http://www.sunfire.com.br/produtos_show.php?produto=20&prod_nome=Sunfire%20YF6 Contato : Mauricio (33)8873-2525 / 9173-2525 / [email protected] Cordialmente , Mauricio Pimenta Cunha - PY4ID Site : www.logicamax.com.br Facebook : facebook.com/logicamaxtecnologia

Yimber Gaviria DX Logs Abril 2014

Hola, Con las escuchas de Onda media.. en el orde de Frecuencias, fecha (dia)(mes), hora UTC, emisora, señal, y detalles de lo escuchado. Esquema en español de Radio Rumania Internacional. -Regresa la Cadena DX -Baul del Recuerdo. -Resultado da Pesquisa, “Qual o melhor programa de atender cartas das emissoras Nacionais e Internacionais?” 540 5.3 0413 Radio Corporación, Managua, Nicaragua, fair, TC "10 con 13..Noticiero Diez en Punto de Radio Corporación". 600 28.2 0345 La Nueva Radio Ya, Managua, Nicaragua, fair, muchos anuncios comerciales, con "Ya de Noche" (News pgm), slogan "La Super líder del Dial". 620 8.3 0220 Radio Fe y Alegria, Guasdualito, Venezuela, good, ID "Somos la Red de Radio Fe y Alegria". 660 23.2 0302 Radio Auténtica, Cali, Colombia, poor, ID por un niño..."te invito a que escuches Auténtica 660 AM Cali". 720 5.3 0319 Radio Católica de Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaragua, poor, YL con ID "Radio Católica de Nicaragua". 720 8.3 0218 Transmisora Quindio, Armenia, Colombia, fair, Slogan "Transmisora Quindio, la más popular". 740 28.2 0308 La Sandino, Managua, Nicaragua, fair, ID "Al Día (News) con la Sandino" TC "9 de la noche con 8 minutos" 740 8.3 0208 Radio Guatapuri, Valledupar, Colombia, good, con Noticiero Nueve en Punto de Radio Guatapuri". 750 5.3 0420 RCR 750 AM, Caracas, Venezuela, good, ID "Radio Caracas Radio 750 AM", también "RCR 750 AM". Sked. 0930-0430 UTC. 780 5.3. 0431 AM Radio Coro 780 AM, Coro, Venezuela, good, con "Ruta Musical 780...por la AM Radio Coro 780". Teléfono 251 2009. 800 28.2 1150 RCN Bucaramanga. Colombia, poor, con Publicidad de Politica, ID como RCN Bucaramanga". 800 5.3 0428 TWR Bonaire, good, ID "Transmite Radio Trans Mundial desde Bonaire, Antillas Holandesas" seguido con programa "Integración Familiar". También 9.3 0820 terminando con Cristianismo Hoje, ID como "Esta é a Transmundial" Site: transmundial.com.br. " 830 2.3 0320 Radio Península, Macaracas, Panamá, poor, YL con ID "Estas en sintonía de Radio Península". 840 2.3 0318 Radio Nacional, Panamá, Panamá, poor, ID cantado "Nacional FM". 870 10.3 0228 Unión Radio, Barquisimeto, Venezuela, good, Slogan "Unión Radio 90.3, todo el tiempo en todas partes". 900 1 0.3 0220 Fiesta 900 AM, Cúcuta, Colombia, fair, Slogan "Fiesta Cúcuta 900 AM, alegra tu vida...RCN, la radio". New Stn Name! 940 9.3 0743 Frecuencia U, Medellín, Colombia, fair, ID por OM "Frecuencia U 940 AM….. Escuchas la Emisora Universitaria de Medellín- Frecuencia-U" 1040 1.3 1144 Radio Tropical, Barranquilla, Colombia, good, Slogan "En R Tropical trabajamos para nuestros oyentes". 1060 10.3 0305 RCN Caldas, Manizales, Colombia, fair, slogan "RCN, la radio, nuestra radio". 1070 10.3 0255 Emisora Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia, fair, Slogan "Emisora Atlántico, espectacular, emisora grande de Barranquilla". 1070 10.3 Q´hubo Radio de Radio Santafé, Bogotá, Colombia, poor, NOTA: se ha visto el cambio desde cuando lo reporte por primea vez (((Radio Santafe Qhubo Radio))) ahora como Q´hubo Radio de Radio Santafé, perteneciente a Caracol Radio. 1080 10.3 0217 La Voz de la Nostalgia, Medellín, Colombia, gd, Slogan "la radio de Hoy, con la música de siempre, 1 080 AM, La Voz de la Nostalgia, simplemente, la voz de los éxitos". 1090 28.2 1154 Caracol Radio, Cúcuta, Colombia, poor, ID como Caracol Radio en Cucuta, slogan "Caracol Radio, más compañía". 1110 12.3 0245 RCN, Villavicencio, Colombia, poor, mencion de "Antena 2" 1120 9.3 0800 Oxigeno 1 1 20, Bucaramanga, Colombia, good, Slogan "Estas escuchando Oxigeno 1120, la emisora de la cumbia". 1120 12.3 0320 Besame Tunja 1120 AM, Tunja, Colombia, weak, sung ID "Besame, toda la noche.." 1130 12.3 0742 Radio Popular, Barquisimeto, Venezuela, poor, con el Himno Nacional y TC "La Hora Popular, 3-13 minutos". 1150 12.3 0745 (Ondas del) Caribe 1150 AM, Punto Fijo, Venezuela, poor, TC "La hora de Venezuela, 3-18 minutos", slogan "Donde vayas, te acompaña Caribe 1150 AM". 1220 13.3 Em 1220, Barranquilla, Colombia, fair, Slogan "1220 una emisora como usted la queria". 1290 12.3 0314 LV de la Estrella, Medellín, Colombia, poor, slogan "Las mejores baladas estan aqui en 1290 La Voz de la Estrella". 1360 9.3 081 8 Oxigeno 1360 AM, Cartagena, Colombia, good, ID Cantado "En el taxi, en la buseta...siempre escucho OXIGENO". 1450 9.3 0803 La Cariñosa, Manizales, Colombia, fair, Slogan "La emisora del pueblo, la Cariñosa Manizales, número Uno". 1470 9.3 0302 Radio Popular, Medellín, Colombia, poor, ID "Radio Popular de Todelar", slogan "Cuando hablamos de Guasca, somos Radio Popular". 1470 9.3 0303 La Primerisima, Panamá, poor,....la programación de la Primerisima". 1490 28.2 0400 Emisora Punto Cinco, Bogotá, Colombia, poor, full ID, Emisora Punto Cinco, HJBS, 1490 AM", luego con programa Integrantes De la Casa Guadalupe" . 1490 2.3 0358 La Dinámica, Caracas. Venezuela, poor, OM con TC y URL de la emisora..."1 1 -28 ...www.ladinamica.com.ve". 1490 5.3 0347 Radio Mérida, Mérida, Venezuela, weak, Slogan "La emisora diferente...Radio Mérida" 1510 9.3 0237 La Voz de la Unión, La Unión, Colombia, weak, con programa Clásicos de la Parranda...ID por OM como "La Voz de la Unión 1510". 1520 4.3 1159 Radio Minuto, Barranquilla, Colombia, good, ID "Radio Minuto, la radio de principe de Paz"...La siembra de la semilla de oro.. 1530 5.3 0145 La Voz de Jesucristo, Medellín, Colombia, fair, ID "Yesua, La Voz de Jesuscristo 1530 AM desde Medellin para el Mundo".

Ascociacion Diexman Uruguay - Pagina 30

1540 27.2 0350 ZNS-1 , Nassau, Bahamas, fair, IDing as "Broadcasting Corporation of Bahamas". También 02.03 a las 0332 UTC ,Phone-in, OM dijo "15-40 Hello!", y "15-40 National Voice of Bahamas". 1550 8.3 1200 Radio El Sol, Barranquilla,Colombia, good, Slogan "RCN R El Sol - La Cariñosa 1550 AM, RCN,la radio". otra "Radio El Sol, esta en todas partes". 1560 11.3 0259 Emisora Santa Maria de la Paz, Medellín, Colombia, poor,Full ID, luego con programa "Evangelicemos". EDICIONES ANTERIORES...EDICIONES ANTERIORES...EDICIONES ANTERIORES...EDICIONES ANTERIORES... Abril: http://yimber.blogspot.com/2014/03/dx-logs-abril-2014.html Marzo: http://yimber.blogspot.com/2014/02/dx-logs-marzo-2014.html Febrero: http://yimber.blogspot.com/2014/02/dx-logs-febrero-2014.html Enero : http://yimber.blogspot.com/2014/01 /dx-logs-de-enero-2014-parte-2.html Enero : http://yimber.blogspot.com/2014/01 /dx-logs-enero-2014.html Diciembre 2013: http://yimber.blogspot.com/2013/12/dx-logs-por-yimber-gaviria-colombia.html DX Logs por Yimber Gaviria - Santa Marta, Colombia - Rx. Sony SRF M37(MW)

Yimber Gaviria Regresa La… “Cadena DX”

“Un Servicio Informativo Para Radioescuchas, Diexistas Y Radioaficionados” Estacion De Radioaficionados: Hj-2-Apl En 7.1 40 Khz (Lsb) De 1 3:00 A 1 4:00 Horas Utc Cada Domingo - Inicio: Domingo 9-Marzo-201 4 Bienvenidos!!! Breve Resena Historica: El Club Diexistas De Laamistad, Fue Fundado El 1 De Diciembre De 1.976, En La Sede Del Liceo José Antonio Páez, En Acarigua, Estado Portuguesa. En Ese Entonces Éramos Jóvenes Adolescentes Que Estudiabamos Educación Secundaria Y Decidimos Formar Un Club Paraagrupar A Todos Aquellos Colegas – A Nivel Nacional E Internacional - Amantes De Escuchar Las Transmisiones Radiales En Las Ondas Cortas . En Laactualidad, Nuestro Club Funciona En La Ciudad De Barinas, Estado Barinas; Donde Seguimos En Ese Empeño De Dar A Conocer A Las Nuevas Generaciones El Hobby O Laaficiön - Ciencia Del “Diexismo”, Es Decir, La Practica De Sintonizar Y Reportar Estaciones Radiales De Cualquier Rincón Del Mundo Y Poder Confirmar Con Tarjeta Qsl´S O Carta De Verificación, Los Informes De Recepcion Enviados A La Estación Captada. Un 1 0 De Noviembre De 1 .989, Algunos De Sus Socios Activos -Para Cumplir Un Formalismo Que Nos Exigia El Organismo Rector De Las Telecomunicaciones En Nuestro País, Decidimos Formalmente Legalizar - Ante El Registro Público Nacional- , Una Nueva Denominación, La Cual Sería : “ C.Dx.A – Internacional” – Es Decir, Un Acronimo O Abreviación Mas Cortaal Nombre Del Club -. Pero Además Decidimos Ir Mas Allá: Fundando “La Cadena Diexista De Laamistad Internacional” Cuyos Objetivos Son: “Suministrar E Intercambiar Informacion Relacionada Con El Diexismo , Dar A Conocer Las Nuevas Tecnologías Disponibles A Las Nuevas Generaciones Y Finalmente Poder Operar Una Estacion De Radioaficionados Para Cumplir Los Objetivos Planteados. A Tal Efecto Se Solicitó El 24 De Noviembre De 1 .989, Un Prefijo Especial Para Operar Legalmente Una Estacion De Radioaficionados - Al Ministerio De Transporte Y Comunicaciones, En Aquel Entonces – La Cual Fue Aprobada El 1 7 De Enero De 1 .995, Con El Prefijo “Yv-2-Fsw” (Yankee Victor Dos Francia Sierrawhisky). Desde Ese Entonces Y Durante 1 0 Años, Cada Domingo De 1 1 :00 A 1 2:30 Hora Universal Coordinada Utc, Nos Hacíamos Presentes Con Nuestra Estación Representativa - La Yv-2-Fsw- En La Frecuencia De Los 7.113 Khz, En La Modalidad De Banda Lateral Inferior (Lsb), En La Banda De Radioaficionados De Los 40 Metros. Fue Así Como Comenzamos A Operar Con Un Transmisor -Kenwood Ts-440s- Con 1 00 Vatios De Potencia Y Una Antena Dipolo Exterior Onmidireccional Para Cubrir: Colombia, Venezuela, Centroamérica Y Área Del Caribe. Con El Tiempo Se Hizo Muy Popular Éste Servicio Informativo Diexista, Solo Que Con Una Denominación Mucho Mas Corta: “La Cadena Dx”. Tuvo Como Operadores Principales A Los Colegas: Jorge García Rangel, William Gómez Neira , Freddy Gamboa Rivas, Jose Francisco Ocaña Y Quien Suscribe Este Editorial. . Pero Además Contó Con Estaciones Relevo Como La Yv-5- Fua Con Miguel Peiró Guillén Desde Caracas, La Yv-6-Dgn Con José Elías Díaz Gómez Desde Barcelona Y Muchos Más Que Se Sumaron A Colaborar En Las Transmisiones Hasta El Año 2.005 Cuando Dejamos De Emitir. Desde Ese Entonces Fueron Muchos Los Colegas Que Lamentaban El Cese De Transmisiones Pues Apareció La Magia Del Internet Y Decidimos Explorar Esa Nueva Tecnología Para Difundir Nuestras Informaciones, Donde Aún Estamos Cumpliendo Con Nuestra Labor Pedagógica De Difundir -En Ésta Parte Delmundo- Laafición Del Diexismo.

ANO 2014: REGRESA LA “CADENA DX”:ANO 2014: REGRESA LA “CADENA DX”:ANO 2014: REGRESA LA “CADENA DX”:ANO 2014: REGRESA LA “CADENA DX”: Toda Ésta Reseña Histórica Viene Al Caso, Pues El Jóven Colega Diexista Y Radioaficionado Miguel Alejandro Pacheco Ropero, Desde La Ciudad Histórica De Ocaña En Norte De Santander, Colombia; Desea Reiniciar “La Cadena Dx” Y Rescatar El Trabajo Que Durante Una Década Realizamos En Las Bandas De Radioaficionados. Miguel Alejandro, Es, No Solo Un Gran Entusiasta, Sino Un Gran Conocedor De Las Telecomunicaciones Y Nosotros Desde El C.Dx.A – Internacional En Venezuela, Agradecemos El Relevo Y La Oportunidad Que Nos Brinda Para Reiniciar Este Servicio Informativo. La Cita Es Para Mañana Domingo 9 De Marzo De 201 4 En La Banda De Radioaficionados De 40 Metros, Frecuencia De 7.1 40 Khz Operando En Banda Lateral Inferior – Lsb-, Desde Las 1 3:00 A 1 4:00 Utc – Hora Universal Coordinada – Cuando A Través De Su Estación La Hj-2-Apl, Con Un Transmisor Kenwood Ts-450s De 1 50 Vátios Y Unaantena Dipolo Onmidireccional , Reactive … La “Cadena Dx”. Esperamos Que Los Colegas Radioescuchas, Radioaficionados Y Diexistas Colaboren Reportando Sus Transmisiones Y Enviando Informacion Diexista De Sus Cacerías Dx´S; Pues La Idea, Es La De Intercambiar Conocimientos Y Sobretodo Estrechar Lazos De Amistad, Por Una Pasíon En Común…La Encantadora Magia De La Radio, Que Hoy Mas Que Nunca Sigue Teniendo Vigencia !!! Suerte Miguel Alejandro!, Que Dios Te Bendiga, Y Sobretodo Gracias Por Ese Empeño En Darle Vidaa Nuestra Iniciativa. Cuentas Con Nuestro Apoyo Y Respeto. Sigamos Con La “Cadena Dx”…Escuchando Al Mundo…!!! - Adelante, Hj-2-Apl, Como Estación Control!!! Ing. Santiago Jesús San Gil González YV–2–FAP - Coordinación General - Club Diexistas De Laamistad - “C.Dx.A – Internacional” Http://Diexismoenvenezuela.Blogspot.Com/ Barinas, Estado Barinas - Venezuela

Ascociacion Diexman Uruguay - Pagina 31

PY2FG FRG 7700 ajuda

Algum amigo teria estes componentes: Compro para meu FRG 7700 Yaesu. bobina é : Yaesu FRG7700 part number L 0020858 tranformer. O código do integrado do display é :Yaesu FRG7700 part number IC MSM5524RS. Por gentileza entrar em contato ! Att - PY2FG - [email protected] - nextel 111*83907 - 11 9 7646-9108

Wilson Siqueira VOA The Voice of America's Music Time in Africa

Pessoal, Para quem gosta de música folclórica da Africa, o programa Music time in Africa da Voz da América é único! Transmitido pela The Voice of America desde 1965, inicialmente pelas ondas curtas, e agora também pela web. A alguns anos atrás eu tive o prazer de visitar a The Voice of America em Washington DC, USA e, entre vários estúdios que estive me foi possível conhecer o estúdio de programas em inglês para Africa e, nele estava o estúdio do criador do programa Music Time in Africa, Mr. Leo Sarkisian. Fui por ele muito bem recebido e pudemos conversar sobre o programa, foi uma experiencia única. Tenho até hoje alguns rolos de fita com musica Africana que ele me presenteou! Music time em Africa pelas ondas curtas vai ao ar aos sábados e domingos, via serviço em ingles da VOA para Africa e também se pode ouvir direto pela internet. Programação em ondas curtas para Africa da VOA http://www.voanews.com/info/frequencies_and_schedules/2218.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-IIjyWhg4k https://www.facebook.com/MusicTimeInAfrica WEB SITE DO PROGRAMA MUSIC TIME IN AFRICA - COM OS PROGRAMAS GRAVADOS PARA SE OUVIR http://www.voanews.com/archive/music-time-in-africa/latest/672/1456.html http://tunein.com/radio/Music-Time-in-Africa-p51788/ ENTREVISTA COM LÉO SARKISIAN http://www.pri.org/stories/2012-12-27/music-time-africa-founder-leo-sarkisian-retires http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw_hPAtbJkY Abração, 73's! - Wilson Siqueira - Jacareí, SP

Enrique A. Wembagher Lanzamiento de Globo Betty IV de Amsat Argentina

Lanzamiento de Globo Betty IV de Amsat Argentina desde La Pampa y la participacion del RC QRM Belgrano LU4AAO Se trata del vuelo de un globo estratosférico hasta una altura estimada de 25000 y 28000 metros, que porta las siguientes cargas útiles: Un repetidor de UHF a VHF desarrollado por Amsat Argentina. Un receptor GPS integrado al sistema de telemetría para transmitir temperatura, otros datos internos, posición, altura, velocidad y rumbo. Un Transmisor de señales de telemetría en CW y posicionamiento en APRS desarrollado por Amsat Argentina. Una cámara de SSTV en tiempo real desarrollada por Amsat Camaras de video GoPro de alta resolución para ver imágenes a posteriori del vuelo. Una radiosonda meteorológica Vaisala, igual a las utilizadas por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. El programa CQC de Canal trece aprovecho este lanzamiento y organizo una movida benefica, este es el adelanto: http://www.eltrecetv.com.ar/cqc/muy-pronto-en-cqc-cadena-de-favores-mision-al-espacio_067568 Mas detalles del lanzamiento Betty 4 en: http://www.amsat.org.ar/lu4aao/experimento_globo_marzo_2014.htm 73 - Enrique LU8EFF

Cesar Perez Dioses INKA Dx Report Desde Chimbote – PERU

Fecha :31 de marzoFecha :31 de marzoFecha :31 de marzoFecha :31 de marzo BoliviaBoliviaBoliviaBolivia Radio Yura: 4717 khz a las 00.17 UTC : charla religiosa por OM , hablan de la oración, de orar a Dios todos los días. Radio Pio XII: 5950 khz a las 00.46 UTC: comunicados dan teléfonos por búsqueda de un paquete extraviado, adv sobre cooperativas de ahorro. Radio Santa Cruz: 6135 khz a las 00.35 UTC: canciones, baladas ide “Radio Santa Cruz” jingle. BrasilBrasilBrasilBrasil Radio Aparecida: 5035 khz, a las 00.37 UTC : lectura religiosa en portugués por OM Radio ?: 4925 khz a las 00.25 UTC canciónes religiosas, senhor a luz do mundo, oración. Radio Roraima: 4875 khz. A las 00.26 UTC :música, baladas Radio Difusora Acreana: 4885 khz a las 00.26 khz , futbol, “noiteesportiva”, hablan de los jugadores. Radio Difusora Amazonas: 4805 khz. A las 00.30 UTC: música pop y adv en portugués. ColombiaColombiaColombiaColombia Radio La voz de tu Conciencia: 6010 khz a las 00.48 UTC, charla religiosa, hablan de la bendición de Dios y la tierra prometida. Ecuador:Ecuador:Ecuador:Ecuador: Radio HCJB :5050 khz a las 00.53 UTC : charla religiosa en idioma Quechua por OM Guatemala:Guatemala:Guatemala:Guatemala: Radio Verdad: 4055 khz a las 00.30 UTC: charla religiosa por OM e himnos religiosos

Ascociacion Diexman Uruguay - Pagina 32

Cuba:Cuba:Cuba:Cuba: Radio Habana Cuba: 5040 khz a las 00.38 UTC: noticias en Francés sobre la visita del Primer ministro de Vietnam a Cuba. Perú:Perú:Perú:Perú: Radio Huanta 2000: Ayacucho: 4745 khz a las 00.19 UTC: música vernácular huaynos, avisos de financiera de ahorros, saludos a oyentes. Radio Visión- Lambayeque: 4790 khz. A las 00.20 UTC: charla religiosa por OM sobre los pecados y el creer en Dios. Radio Logos – Chazuta - San Martín: 4810 khz a las 00.21 UTC: charla religiosa por OM sobre el significado de la semana santa. Radio Cultural Amauta - Ayacucho: 4955 khz a las 00.22 UTC música tecno ide por YL Radio Manantial – Huancayo : 4985 khz a las 00.23 UTC: música religiosa local, anuncios sobre Huancayo representaciones. Radio Quillabamba – Cuzco: 5025 khz a las 00.24 UTC: lectura del santo rosario, oración a la virgen María. Radio La Voz de Bolívar- La Libertad: 5460 khz a las 00.39: Música Huaynos, saludos a los oyentes por OM, ide por OM. Radio Chasqui – Urubamba – Cuzco: 5980 khz a las 00.47 UTC: charla religiosa por OM sobre libro de los Hechos, hablan de Esteban, vio la gloria de Dios. Radio Tawantinsuyo – Cuzco : 6175 khz a las 00.51 UTC : Música huaynos , avisos por OM USAUSAUSAUSA WWCR : 4840 khz a las 00.27 UTC: charla religiosa en ingles sobre Jesús, la salvación, programa 85, dan teléfonos 1-800 ……. ide WWCR Nashville Tennessee . University Network: 5830 khz a las 00.40 UTC : charla religiosa en ingles sobre las escrituras, ideUniversity Network dan teléfono 1- 800 -…….. WEWN: 5810 khz a las 00.45 UTC : charla religiosa en español sobre los laicos, el matrimonio y las parejas. Receptores: SONY YCF 7600 GR - GRUNDIG YB 400 PE Antena: Dipole a 10 mts de altura. CESAR PEREZ DIOSES - CHIMBOTE – PERÚ

Zacharias Liangas Escuchas

Please reply to [email protected] Logs 17Logs 17Logs 17Logs 17----3333 9420 while looking to ERA I found IRIB with transmission in Albanian and ‘philmography’ discussing the new movie of 300 mentioning Xerxes Schneider etc . Sudden s off on 1920 without mentioning any ID As for ERA GRC there was no transmission that time! 11645 VoK 1924 with English program . S10 6245 posibly LHH ? there was ID AS Rising Fm . At 1928 with signal S2 and talks in American English Ard 2130 with songs and better signal as S3-4 6205 unIDed , possibly Cairo 1937 signal S9 with garbled transmission nearly FM sh type with spurs up to +10 in Italian ID ‘La voce de la republica’ 6305 pirate 1941 with rock songs and S1 POsobly also on 2130 with S2 6815 pirate 1942 with German ompah ompah songs ‘hasta la ma&#241;ana’ with signal S7 on the 16 h antenna no program for 2-3 mins on 1951 then back to german sog then a disco ! 7365 HCJB ? 1957 with German song 2000 ID with classical music 34333 S7 max 7450 S2 // 4820 CNR Lhasa 2004with nice soft melodies of 60-70s S2 still same on 2144 9745 Bahrain 2123 with signal S7 in USB only with Arabic songs . On LSB side Kuanghua was heard with poor audio 9265 WINB 2210 with song ‘bolare’ and program in Spanish then adverts . ON 2247 man referring to ‘il sentano del satano’ 25232 15230 RHC *2229 wit prg in Portuguese IS ID S8 11665.02 Wai FM 2233 with talks in Kadazan or possibly Iban (not same as Malay ) then with a joget song S3 (quite good signal !!) 15034 Trenton mil Aviation 2240 with weather reports S1 My radio shack: http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/album/282394 http://delicious.com/gr_greek1/zak (all my pages )

Samuel Cássio Martins Escuchas

AUSTRÁLIAAUSTRÁLIAAUSTRÁLIAAUSTRÁLIA 12085 19/03 11:03 Rádio Australia, Shepparton, notícias em inglês, 25322 HAWAIIHAWAIIHAWAIIHAWAII 10000 19/03 09:14 WWVH, time-signal, 34433 ILHAS SALOMÃOILHAS SALOMÃOILHAS SALOMÃOILHAS SALOMÃO 9545 19/03 09:18, SIBC, Honiara, OM talks em inglês, 24432 MALAYSIA MALAYSIA MALAYSIA MALAYSIA 9835 19/03 1049 RTM ,Sarawak FM, OM, mx estilo islâmico, 34333 11665 19/03 10:54 RTM , WAI FM, OM, pop mx, 24332 MONGÓLIAMONGÓLIAMONGÓLIAMONGÓLIA 12085 19/03 10:57 Vóz da Mongólia, espaço musical, S/OFF 10:58 44444 MYANMARMYANMARMYANMARMYANMAR

Ascociacion Diexman Uruguay - Pagina 33

9730 19/03 10:43 Myanma Radio,Yangon, OM e YL talks idioma local, entre espaços musicais, 34433 PALAU PALAU PALAU PALAU 9930 19/03 09:23 WHRI, EE, Religioso, 25432 73 - Samuel Cássio Martins - São Carlos SP - Degen 1003, longwire, 15 metros

Nick Rumple Escuchas

BAHRAINBAHRAINBAHRAINBAHRAIN 9745 Radio Bahrain, Abu Hayan 20/03 02:10 UTC Middle Eastern style music w/ OM singing/chanting. Talk by OM in Arabic at 02:19, then non - stop music until after 03:00 UTC...No TOH or BOH IDs. Fair signal w/noise. S - 5 BRAZILBRAZILBRAZILBRAZIL 3365 Radio Cultura, Araraquara SP 19/03 23:46 UTC Extended talk by OM in Portuguese, followed by internet address and station ID at 23:58 UTC. Scheds show this one off at 00:00, but it continues on afterward. Fair signal. S – 5 4875 Radio Difusora Roraima, Boa Vista RR 23/03 02:09 UTC Tuned - in to Latin style Pop music, w/short talk by OM in Portuguese at 02:10 UTC. Station ID "Roraima" at 02:18 by OM in Portuguese. Very Good signal. S - 8 5970 Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG 19/03 23:23 UTC Very animated talk between 2 OM in Portuguese, followed by station ID and Mentions of Brazil at 23:27. Musical jingle or advertisement at the BOH. Fair signal w/QRM from PBS on same freq. S – 7 15190 Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG 23/03 01:25 UTC Very excited talk by OM in Portuguese. Station ID and "Brazil" heard at 01:30. I'm starting to think that this mat be a sporting event. Very Weak and noisy signal. S - 3 BOLIVIABOLIVIABOLIVIABOLIVIA 3310 Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba 23/03 09:22 UTC Long talk by OM in Spanish(?), then short interlude of music followed by station ID by OM at the BOH. Fair but noisy signal. S - 4/5 4716.72 Radio Yura, Yura 20/03 (Off from 4717 kHz.) 01:30 UTC Latin Pop music w/numerous breaks between songs with talk by OM in Spanish. Finally caught an ID just before the 02:00 UTC s/off. Very weak signal. S < 3 CHINACHINACHINACHINA 9500 China National Radio 1, Shijiazhuang 723 23/03 11:00 UTC TOH Station ID by OM in Chinese, followed by what seems to be a newscast. Strong but fluttery signal. S - 8 COLOMBIACOLOMBIACOLOMBIACOLOMBIA 4955 Radio Nacional, Bogota 20/03 00:52 UTC Tuned - in to Latin style music by YL vocalist, followed by station ID at 00:54. Full station ID and supposed information at 01:00 UTC. Good music on this one. Fair signal. S – 5 5910 Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras 20/03 03:19 UTC Long talk by OM in Spanish w/a couple of mentions of Colombia. Station ID by OM in Spanish at 03:32 UTC. Strong signal w/noise. S – 8 5910 Alcaravan Radio, Puerto Lleras 23/03 09:41 UTC Talk by 2 OM in Spanish, w/mentions of Colombia, followed by advertisement or PSA ans station ID at 09:50 UTC. Good signal. S - 9 JAPANJAPANJAPANJAPAN 9595 Radio Nikkei 1, Chiba-Nagara 20/03 10:13 UTC Talk by OM and YL in Japanese, followed by Japanese song by OM w/Japanese stringed instrument. Musical station ID at 10:23 UTC. Fair to Good signal. S – 6 INDIAINDIAINDIAINDIA 15030 All India Radio (AIR), Panaji 23/03 10:09 UTC Newscast by YL in English in progress. Station ID by YL at 10:14, followed by talk about Osama Bin Laden. Modulation went off aruptly at 10:23, but carrier stayed on. Good signal. S - 8 NIGERIANIGERIANIGERIANIGERIA 7255 Voice Of Nigeria, Ikorodu 19/03 21:42 UTC African style music w/ station ID by YL in Fulfulde at 21:47 UTC, then more music. More talk by YL at 21:52. Strong signal. S – 9 NORTH KOREANORTH KOREANORTH KOREANORTH KOREA 7220 Voice Of Korea, Kujang 20/03 09:45 UTC Very Easy Listening music followed by talk and mentions of Korea by YL in Korean, then National Anthem(?). Off the air at 09:50 UTC. Fair signal. S - 5 15180 Voice Of Korea, Kujang 19/03 04:07 UTC Tuned - in to the usual opening march style music, Station ID and North Korean news broadcast by OM in English at 04:10. Weak and Noisy. Best in LSB. S - 3 MYANMARMYANMARMYANMARMYANMAR 9730 Myanmar Radio, Yangon 20/03 11:13 UTC Long talk by OM in Burmese(?) with music in background, several mentions of Myanmar. Music at 11:15. Station ID and frequency information by YL at 11:29, then s/off at the BOH. Good signal. S - 7 MOLDOVAMOLDOVAMOLDOVAMOLDOVA 9940 Radio Miraya FM, Kishinev-Grigoriopol 19/03 04:30 UTC Tuned - in to Reggae version of American song "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You". Musical jingle station ID "Miraya" at 04:35 UTC. Strong but noisy signal. S - 8 PERUPERUPERUPERU 4747 Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta 23/03 10:41 UTC Talk by YL in Spanish w/music in background. 2 station IDs by YL at 10:45 UTC. Skeds don't have this one signing on until 11:00. Fair signal. S - 5 4810 Radio Logos, Chazuta 19/03 10:50 UTC Started out with Andes style music, followed by full station ID at 10:51, short pop style music

interlude, then another Station ID and long talk by OM in Spanish. Good signal w/severe CODAR QRM. S - 7/8 PHILIPPINESPHILIPPINESPHILIPPINESPHILIPPINES 15560 Voice Of America (VOA), Tinang. 19/03 03:36 UTC Two YLs in Chinese, one on remote possibly a news broadcast. Time pips and station ID by OM and YL at 04:00 UTC. Very weak signal but clear. S - 3

Ascociacion Diexman Uruguay - Pagina 34

Pirate(?)Pirate(?)Pirate(?)Pirate(?) 6255 HORIZON FM: USB 23/03 0438 UTC Tuned in to American Pop music like "Relax" by Duran, Duran, and others. Very strange that they ID as "America's Best Music" , but all of the announcers have Brittish accents. Found it listed as being in Tenerife. Good signal. S 7/8 RWANDARWANDARWANDARWANDA 12035 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Kigali 23/03 03:01 UTC BBC World Service News read by OM in English. Extensive coverage of Malaysia Flight MH370, and the Russia/Crimea crisis situation. Good signal. S - 9 SOLOMON ISLANDSSOLOMON ISLANDSSOLOMON ISLANDSSOLOMON ISLANDS 9545 Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation., Honiara 08:49 UTC Island music w/talk by YL in English. Sports news w/2 OM in English at 05:00 UTC. Fair to Good signal. S - 5/6 SINGAPORESINGAPORESINGAPORESINGAPORE 15285 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Kranji 19/03 11:29 UTC Heard Station ID by OM in English, followed by news headlines at the BOH. Another ID and a preview of the upcoming programs by OM at 11:33 UTC. Fair signal. S - 4/5 SRI LANKASRI LANKASRI LANKASRI LANKA 17880 MASHAAL RADIO, Iranawila 19/03 11:48 UTC Long interview or news type talk by OM and YL, followed by Station ID Pashto at 12:00 UTC. Newscast by OM at the TOH. Fair to Good signal. S - 5/6 TANZANIATANZANIATANZANIATANZANIA 11735 Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole 19/03 19:43 UTC Long talk by OM in Swahili, followed by African style music. More talk in Swahili by OM w/several mentions of "Zanzibar" at 19:53 UTC. Fair signal. S - 4/5 THAILANDTHAILANDTHAILANDTHAILAND 9535 Radio Thailand, Udon Thani 19/03 20:39 UTC Newscast by OM and YL in English in progress Station ID and several commercial advertisements at 20:44 UTC. Changed to Thai at 20:47 UTC. Fair signal w/static. S – 5 Nick Rumple - Kannapolis, North Carolina U.S.A. - Receiver : Yaesu FRG - 100, Drake R8 - Antenna : Homebrew 1 Meter MagLoop

Allan Stern Escuchas

6577 USB 0440z: New York Oceanic wkg "LCO 1741 Heavy" for Selcal check on LPBD. (20/March/2014) (Al Stern, Florida). "LCO" was a new callsign prefix for me. It turns out to be LAN Cargo. This is a B-777 flying from Miami to Amsterdam. http://flightaware.com/live/flight/LCO1741/history/20140320/0410Z/KMIA/EHAM 6577 USB 0348z: New York Oceanic wkg "Air Mexico 001" for position report at SUMRS, and Selcal check on FSAL. (20/March/2014) 6577 USB 0351z: New York Oceanic wkg "JetBlue 829" for position report at BOREX; LAMER next. (20/March/2014) (AL Stern, Florida). 6577 USB 0410z: New York Oceanic wkg "N700GX" for clearance, routing. (20/March/2014) (AL Stern, Florida). 6577 USB 0420z: New York Oceanic wkg "United 845" for position report: estimates JAINS at 0422z; aircraft registration N797UA. (20/March/2014) (AL Stern, Florida). 6577 USB 0440z: New York Oceanic wkg "LCO 1741 Heavy" for Selcal check on LPBD. (20/March/2014) (Al Stern, Florida). 6577 USB 0506z: New York Oceanic wkg "United 142" for position report: BALOO next. (20/March/2014) (Al Stern, Florida). 6577 USB 0526z: New York Oceanic wkg "Cactus 802." (20/March/2014) (Al Stern, Florida). 6640 USB 0120z: New York Oceanic wkg "Delta 222" for Selcal check; they QSY to freq 11348 kHz. (22/Mar/2014) (Al Stern, Florida) 6640 USB 0224z: New York Oceanic wkg airliner for Selcal check on BGJK. (22/Mar/2014) (Al Stern, Florida) 11348 USB 0121z: New York Oceanic wkg "Delta 222" for Selcal check on EPDL. (22/Mar/2014) (Al Stern, Florida) 13927 USB 1600z: USAF MARS operator AFA5QW (Greenwood IN) wkg "Reach 570" for radio check. (20/Mar/2014) (Al Stern, Florida) 13927 USB 1601z: USAF MARS operator AFA5QW (Greenwood IN) wkg Reach flight over Wisconsin for radio check. (20/Mar/2014) AL STERN Satellite Beach FL - [email protected] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MilRadioComms http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CivilAirlineComms http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HFmonitors http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FloridaMilcom

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FloridaComms http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FloridaPlaneSpotting http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SpaceCoastComms http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ScanMarine

Alokesh Gupta Escuchas

Voice of Russia to close down shortwave broadcasts by 1st April, 2014. After several online stories & predictions about closure of shortwave services by Voice of Russia received this official response today.... Quote.... Dear Mr Gupta, This is just a short message to thank you for your letter and let you know that the Voice of Russia is closing shortwave broadcasts as of April 1st. Our programs will be available online at http://voiceofrussia.com/play/ We hope you will stay with the Voice of Russia and hope to hear from you soon again. Sincerely yours, Elena Osipova - Letters Department - World Service - Voice of Russia

Ascociacion Diexman Uruguay - Pagina 35

Roberto Pavanello Escuchas

SDXF 7265 KHz - P.O. Box 1097 - 405 23 Göteborg con QSL in 32 giorni. Si 1 IRC. R. Goundenster 6285 KHz - [email protected] con QSL elettronica allegata in 1 giorno. R. Sluwe Vos 6220 KHz - [email protected] con QSL elettronica allegata in 3 giorni.

Roland - PY4ZBZ Escuchas

Recebido o QSL do 50$SAT por ter copiado duas formas muito inusitadas de transmissão, usando o o FCD + SDR# + FLDIGI: - telegrafia a 120 palavras por minuto ! De ouvido IMPOSSÍVEL! - telemetria RTTY FSK a 100 bauds com 630 Hz de shift ! Vejam aqui: http://www.qsl.net/py4zbz/satelite/qsl50ds.jpg http://www.qsl.net/py4zbz/eagle.htm

Anderson José Torquato Escuchas

Fortaleza em FM chegando. 4 emissoras foram ouvidas aqui na minha cidade. Para quem não sabe resido na bela cidade de Garopaba, litoral de SC, e graças a uma abertura esporadica, consegui sintonizar as seguintes emissoras: 88.9- Jangadeiro FM 89.9- Liderança FM 92.9- Radio Beach Park 94.7- Joven Pan Dessas 4 emissoras, as duas primeiras eu já tinha escutados a alguns anos atras. Os audios serão colocados em breve no meu blog Minha gravações de emissoras escutadas aqui em Garopaba http://andersontorquato.wordpress.com/ Meu outro site de gravações http://www.ipernity.com/doc/124523/home?with=14364471 Anderson José Torquato Garopaba-SC

Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Escuchas

VOR closed their Sw transmission from 01.04.2014. Somany rumour come to end. From 01.01.2014 VOR closed their Somany frequency which is alloted in B13 schedule. From 01.01.2014 VOR Hindi broadcast only MW. VOR English service closed their valuable program "Mailbeg' since August 13. It's a tragedy.

Alokesh Gupta Escuchas

Voice Of Tibet Dushanbe Yangiyul 2 x 15.568. As received in Scotland on the 19/3/2014 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU9MSr7eM6k cheers David .... Ayrshire Scotland. RTL Dongle & sdr# - Uniden Bearcat UBC 9000 XLT - Maas DX 5000 Powerline v6 - Indoor 28 MHz off center fed dipole - 33 MHz 1/2 Wave Vertical @ 10 Meters - 37 - 108 MHz home made Log Periodic @ 12 Meters - Via ICDX list

Jose A. Kucher Escuchas

Radios escuchadas en Maquinchao Rio Negro, Argentina el día 9/3/14 Hora 18UT 15Hs Local 550 La primera, Neuquen Capital 600 LU5 Radio Neuquén 620 LV4 Radio San Rafael, Mendoza 640 LU18 Radio el Valle General Roca Rio Negro 670 LRA52 Radio Nacional Chos Malal, Neuquen 690 LU19 RAdio la Voz del Comahue, Cipolletti Rio Negro 710 LRA17 Radio Nacional Zapala, Neuquen 740 Radio la carretera, Allen, Rio Negro 780 LRF 210, Radio 3 Patagonia, Trelew, Chubut 840 LU2 Radio Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires 850 Radio CARVE Montevideo, Uruguay

Ascociacion Diexman Uruguay - Pagina 36

900 Radio La voz de la costa, Osotrno, Chile 930 Radio Reloncaví Puerto Montt, Chile 970 Radio Austral, Valdivia, Chile 1000 Radio Rio Negro, Villa Regina, Rio Negro 1010 Radio Rio Cuarto, Cordoba 1050 UNID (chilena) 1110 Radio la Frontera, Temuco, Chile 1230 UNID aparentemente retransmite una LRA 1320 Radio Piedra del Aguila, Neuquen 1370 LRA54 radio nacional Jacobacci Rio Negro 1400 Radio Cumbre Neuquen Capital 1440 LRA53 Radio Nacional San Martin de los Andes 1580 Radio Sierra Colorada Icom R75 Long wire Random 150 mts

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