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CONG ROA xA RQI CHiT NGHlA ~T NAMDc}cl~p - TlJ do - Hl;lnh phuc

Ha N9i, ngay 20 thang 1ndm 2021

THONG BAa so 1vi~c tA clnrc HQi thao khoa hoc quBc t~ "DAi mo'i sang tao trong day hoc

va dao tl;lolb6i dU'Ong giao vien" l~n thir hai'.~ ~ HQC tAli TR AD T.QUA

CONGVAN DENSo~ ..dA%.,'.).1....

~~ay)k.than~.~~,.nam20ll.Ti~p n6i thanh cong cua HQi thao khoa hoc qu6c t~ D6i moi sang tao trong dayhoc va dao tao giao vien l~n thir nh§.t (the I" International Conference: Innovation inLearning Instruction and Teacher Education - !LITE) duoc t6 chirc van thing 12-2019,Truong Dai hoc Su pham Ha NQi thong bao k~ hoach t6 chirc HQi thao l~n thir hai voiChu d~ cua nam 2021 la "D8i moi sang tao vi Sl}' phdt triJn bJn viing cua gido duetrong b6i cdnb biin t19ng" (Innovation for sustainable education in the changingcontext).

1. Muc dich

HQi thao diroc t6 clnrc nham tao di€n dan quoc t~ chia se cac nghien CUu ly luanva thuc ti€n v~ S\Iphat trien b~n vtrng cua giao due; d6i moi sang tao trong mo hinh vaquan tri nha tnrong cling nhir nQi dung, phuong phap giang day va phuong phap danhgia cac man hoc (a t§.tca cac c§.phoc); d6i moi cong tac dao tao, b6i duong dQingfi giaovien dap irng voi nhtmg bien d6i cua tinh hinh quoc t~ va trong mroc, d~c biet la b6icanh dai dich toan c~u va cuoc Cach mang Cong nghe 4.0. Tren co sa nay, HQi thao d~xuat MUng giai phap kip thai phuc vu thirc ti~n hoach dinh chinh sach cling nhir heatdQng day hoc, dao tao, b6i duong giao vien huang toi S\Iphat trien b~n virng va 6n dinhcua nen giao due; gop phan thuc hien rnuc tieu cua Chuang trinh nghi S\I 2030 v~ dambao nen giao due co chat hrong, cong bang, toan dien va thuc d~y cac ca hoi hoc t?Psuet doi cho t§.tca moi nguoi.

2. Nc}idungCac bai vi~t giri tham gia hoi thao t?p trung thao luan mot s6 viTId~ dir kien nhu sau:

- Chi~n hroc giao due trong b6i canh toan du hoa: xu huang, each ti~p can vakinh nghiern qudc t~

- S\I phat trien b~n vtrng coo giao due trong b6i canh dai dich: ca hoi, thach tlnrc vatim kiem cac giai phap cho cong tac day hoc va dao tao giao vien (a t§.tca cac c§.phoc);

- Xu huang, ca hoi, thach thirc va giai phap cho d6i moi giao due trong ki nguyens6: noi dung, phuong phap va ley thuat day hoc hien dai; nang lire cua hoc sinh va giaovien; ley nang chuyen d6i va nang hrc s6; giao due thong minh, twang hoc thong minh,sir pham thong minh.

- Nha twang hien dai va muc tieu dao tao Cong dan toan du: xay dung chuangtrinh nha twang nham phat trien nang luc hoc sinh; S\Iphoi hQ'Pgiao due gitra gia dinh,nha twang va xa hoi; tinh quoc t~, lien van hoa va lien nganh trong giang day; xay dungtwang hoc vi S\Iphat trien ben virng (Education for Sustainable development)


- Giao due STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics)

- Giao due hoa nhap va giao due cho ngiroi khuyet t~t

- Quan ly giao due va chinh sach phat trien dQi ngii giao vien

3. Thoi gian, dja di~m:- Thoi gian: 11 va 12/1212021 (du kien)- Dia di~m: Truong Dai h9C Sir pham Hi NQi; 136 Xuan Thuy, C~u Gi~y, Ha NQi

4. Ngon ngfr sir dung: ti~ng Anh

5. Cac don vi ph6i hop t& clnrc: Dai h9C Bayreuth (CHIB Dire), Dai h9C Sirpham quoc gia Dai Loan, Dai h9C Kansesart (Thai Lan), UNESCO Chair in ReorientingTeacher Education towards Sustainability (Canada)

6. Th~ l~ va thoi gian gUi bao cao6.1. Thi l~bdo cdo- Bai vi~t tham gia hQi thao phai la k~t qua nghien CUumoi, chua nrng duoc cong

b6 tren cac sach, tap chi, hQi thao trong va ngoai nu6c.

- Bai vi~t tom t~t va toan van phai duoc viet bang tieng Anh. Tac gia chiu trachnhiem toan bQphan chinh sua v~ mat ngon ngir (neu nhu phan bien yeu cau).

- Tac gia giri tom t~t bai viet d~ xet duyet truce khi giri bai vi~t toan van. Tom t~tkhong qua 300 ill; ck neu diroc muc dich, phuong phap, kit qua nghien cuu chinh, ynghia va diroc giri kern gioi thieu tom t~t v~ tac gia (khong qua 100 ill). Khong gioi hans6 hrong tom t~t cua m6i tac gia,

- Ban toan van cua bai viet g6m 4000 d~n 7000 ill; va tuan thu nghiern ng~t cacdinh dang trong van ban m~u kern theo Thong bao nay. NQi dung bai vi~t dn co: tomtk mo d~u, noi dung, k~t luan, loi earn on (neu co), tai lieu tham khao, gioi thieu tomt~t v~ tac gia/nhom tac gia.

- Bai viet su dung font chtr Time New Roman, co chtr 12, gian each dong Single

- Bai vi~t co th~ dung footnote d~ giai thich noi dung (neu can)

- Tai lieu tham khao x~p theo thir nr A,B, C theo ho (theo dinh dang cua AP A 1hedition). D6i voi cac tai lieu phong v~n, d~ nghi chu thich a footnote ghi r6 dia di~m vathai gian thirc hien.

- Bai vi~t toan van se duoc cac nha khoa hoc quoc t~ va trong nu6c co uy tinphan bien.

6.2. Cong b8 cua Hri tluio

- Cac bai vi~t co ch~t luong t6t se duoc chon bao cao trinh bay tai HQi thao; vaduoc xem xet dang tren tap chi trong danh muc ScopusliSI hoac Ky y~u hQi thao qudct~ co phan bien (c6 chi s6 ISBN, va duoc tinh trong di~u kien huang d~ nghien CUusinh theo Di~u 11, Khoan 1, Thong tu s6 OS/2017ITT-BGDDT ngay 4/412017 v~ Quyche tuyen sinh va dao tao trinh dQ tien si).

6.3. Thai gian gUi baa cdo


- Giri bao cao t6m t~t: truce ngay 20/0412021- Thong bao kSt qua xet duyet bao cao t6m t~t: truce ngay 20/ OS/2021

- Gui bao cao toan van: tnroc ngay 30/08/2021

- Thong bao ket qua chon dang bao cao toan van trong Ky yeu/tap chi thuoc danhmuc SCOPUS: 1511012021

- Giri ban bao cao toan van da chinh sua theo g6p y phan bien: truoc ngay1/11/2021

6.4. Eja chi gil'i hili viitBai viSt t6m t~t va toan van xin giri v~ dia chi email: [email protected].

hoac nQP true tuyen tren website hoi thao.

7. Kinh phi hQi thao7.1. D6i voi cac khach tham du hoi thao, khong c6 bao cao, kinh phi tham du chi

tra cho cac khoan: tui tai lieu, Ky ySu, an trua (ngay 11112) va tiec tra. Kinh phi naykhong duoc hoan tra neu khach da dang ky nhung khong tham dir.

7.2. D6i voi cac bao cao t6m t~t duoc chon gui roan van, l~ phi g6m cac khoanphi phan bien, bien t~p bai viet, tai lieu, Ky ySu, an trua (ngay 11112) va tiec tra. Baiviet (toan van) khong duoc chon dang trong Ky ySu hay tap chi se khong duoc hoan trakhoan phi nay.

Cac mice phi duoc ap dung tuy theo thai didm acing kY nhu sau:

D6i tueng Dang ky tham dl! va dong Dang ky tham du va dong l~l~ phi trurrc 10/8/2021 phi tir 11/8 d~n 20/1112021

,l. ,l.

Quoc te

Khach tham du 700.000 VNf)/ nguoi 1.200.000 VNf)/ nguoi (nrong(nrong duong 30 USD) duong 50 USD)

Tac gia chinh cua 2.400.000 VNf)/ bai (tuong 5.000.000 VNf)/ bai (nrongbao cao toan van duong 100 USD) duong 220 USD)

Vi~t Nam

Khach tham du 600.000 VND/ nguoi 800.000 VNDI nguoi

Tac gia chinh cua 2.000.000 VNDI bai 3.000.000 VNDI baibao cao toan van

* Khi tham du HQi thao, kinh phi nay ap dung cho 1 tac gia chinh cua bao cao.Cac d6ng tac gia khac vui long nQP l~ phi Khach tham dir nSu xac nhan tham gia (chinQP 1 l~n trong tnrong hQ'Pla d6ng tac gia cua 2 bai viet tro len duoc chap nhan dang).

* Kinh phi (tien VNf)) hQi thao duoc chuyen khoan tnrc tiSp cho Ban t6 clnrctheo s6 tai khoan sau:

- Dan vi thu huang: Truong Dai hoc Su pham Ha NQi

- Dia chi: 136 Xuan Thuy, C~u Giay, Ha NQi


- S6 TK: 21510000437126 (tien VND); 21510370033005 (tien USD)

- Swiftcode: BIDVVNVX tai Ngan hang thuang mai c6 phan D~u nr va PhMtrien Vi~t Nam BIDV, chi nhanh C~u Giay, Ha NQi

Nri dung chuyen khoiin ghi ro: HQ ten, Khach tham dt,r ILITE2021, ho~c Tacgia chinh ILITE2021

8. Thong tin lien h~Thong tin hoi thao, m~u dinh dang bai viet va dang ky tham du duoc c~p nhat tai

website: ilite.hnue.edu.vn (hol,lt dong ill cuoi thang 1 nam 2021).

MOi thong tin chi tiet, xin lien h~ theo dia chi email cua Ban t6 clnrc hoacPGS.TS. Hoang Hai Ha - Ph6 Truong phong Khoa hoc Cong nghe, Truong DHSP HaN9i, DT: 0903985115.

Truong Dai hoc Sir pham Ha N9i tran trong kinh moi cac nha khoa hoc trong vangoai mroc, quy t~~y co, hoc vien cao hoc, nghien ciru sinh va cac ca nhan quan tam vi~tbai va tham gia HQi thao.

Trsn trong.z. r,pY

NO'i nhiin:- Cac don vi trong va ngoai Truong;- Luu: VT, KHCN.

_.L-'dl"O. s. Nguy~n Van Trao


Phu luc 1

eACH TmYC TRiNH BAy BAo cAo TOM TAT/ ABSTRACT TEMPLATETitle (Times New Roman, 14, Bold, Center)

Author 1-J, Author 22 va Author 33 (Full name, Bold, Times New Roman, 12, Center)J University Affiliation (Times New Roman, I Z, Italic, Center)2 University Affiliation (Times New Roman, 12, Italic, Center)3 University Affiliation (Times New Roman, l Z, Italic, Center)

Abstract. Present main research purpose, methods, findings and significance. Max300 words. (Times New Roman, Normal, 12).Keywords: Kh6ng qua 5 tir/ Approximate 3 - 5 keywords (Times New Roman,N0l111al, 12).

- Text in bouS, Times New Roman, Normal, 12, single space. Word limit: 4000 to 7000words

- Paragraph ~ Line spacing: ~ Single, first line: O.75c~, spacing: 1J'fore 2pt, after 2pt- Page Setup ~Margins ~ Top: 3.3cm, Bottom: 2.3 em, Left: 3.84 em, Right: 1.84 em,- Page Setup ~ Layout ~ Header: 2.3 cm, Footer: 3.6cm, Select "Different odd and even,

Diferent first page".

Short Bio (For all authors)- Introduction to the scientific accomplishment and work.

ExampleProfessor Maria Pilar Jimenez-Aleixandre is Ad Honorem Professor of Science

Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Santiago de Compostela,Spain. She is a national leader in science education in Spain, and throughout Europe andLatin America. Her research focuses on students' engagement in argumentation andepistemic practices, through classroom studies and longitudinal designs, and she hasauthored or co-authored over 50 papers in WOS indexed journals, and another 50 booksor book chapters with high impact publishers. The impact of her work is evidenced byher high h-index of 32, with her pioneering argumentation paper receiving more than1000 citations, as well as by being recipient in 2019 of the prestigious NARSTDistinguished Contribution to Research Award. Her recent research explores the use ofevidence by kindergarteners and the interface between critical thinking andargumentation on socio-scientific issues, such as food choices. Outside scienceeducation Marilar is an award-winning author of poetry, fiction and children's fictionand she has been recently elected for the Royal Galician Academy (RAG).

- Corresponding Author: . E-mail Address:


Pb1}.I1}.C 2


Title (Times New Roman, 14, Bold, Center)

Author T'(Full name, Bold, Times New Roman, 12, Center)University Affiliation (limes New Roman, J 2, Italic, Center)

Author 222 University Affiliation (Times New Roman, J 2, Italic, Center)

Abstract. Present main research purpose, methods, findings and significance. Max300 words. (Times New Roman, Normal, 12).Keywords: Approximate 3 - 5 keywords (Times New Roman, Normal, 12).

- Text in body, Times New Roman, Normal, 12, single space. Word limit: 4000 to 7000words

- Paragraph -7 Line spacing: -7 Single, first line: 0.75cm, spacing: before 2pt, after 2pt.- Page Setup -7Margins -7 Top: 3.3cm, Bottom: 2.3 em, Left: 3.84 cm, Right: 1.84 cm.- Page Setup -7 Layout -7 Header: 2.3 em, Footer: 3.6cm, Select "Different odd and even,

Diferent first page".

M& dfiul Introduction (Times ew Roman, 14, spacing: before 12 pt, after6pt)

- Introduction to the research problem, research questions or research hypothesis, researchmethods

1. (Times New Roman, Normal, 14, spacing: before 6 pt, after 2pt)1.1. (Times New Roman, Normal, 14, spacing: before 2 pt, after 2pt)

• Corresponding Author: . E-mail Address:


2. (Times New Roman, Normal, 14, spacing: before 2 pt, after 2pt)

2.1. (Times New Roman, Normal, 14, spacing: before 6 pt, after 2pt)

2.2. (Times New Roman, Normal, 12, spacing: before 6 pt, after 2pt)

* Cdc quy i/jnh v~ Layout requirements:- Trich dftn trong bai viet/In-text citations: AP A 7th edition style(Anderson, 1999; Saggers & Gray, 1999)(Smith, 2016, p. 315-16)(Do, 2011, p. 23)- D6i voi bang bieu:

+) Ten hinh va bieu d6 o ben dum, kern nguon trich dfuVFigure caption's outside and underthe figure, source .

Vi dl,llEg:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, Find out the problem

Real-world problem '-------~"I, , 'L , Describe the difficulty

Propose solOther real-

worldproblems in

lifeI Group solutions I

Test a solu

Result evaluationLook for a good solution I Result Iand complete the task I



Figure 1. Modeling cycle (d~m, Bold)(Source: .... )

- Ten bang 0' ben duoi, kern nguon trich dfuVTable caption's outside and above the tableVi dl,llEg:

Table 1. Describe process steps (d~m, Bold)Step Description

Find out theproblemDescribe thedifficulty

(Source: ..... )


K~t luan/Conclusion (Times New Roman, 14, spacing: before 12 pt, after 6pt)

Loi earn an/Acknowledgement (Times New Roman, 14, spacing: before 12pt, after 6pt)

TAl LI~U THAM KIIAOIREFERENCES (Times New Roman, Normal, 12,center; AP A 7th edition style)S~p x~p thu tu theo A, B, C; kh6ng danh s& thir tu / REFERENCES (in alphabeticalorder, do not number them

* Sach/Books:- Dang Phong. (20Fl). Lich su Kinh te Viet Nam 1945-2000. Khoa hoc xa hoi. Hanoi- Lumby, J. (2001). Who cares? The changing health care system. Sydney, Australia: Allen& Unwin.

- Smith, Zadie. 2016. Swing Time. New York: Penguin Press

* Chuang sach/Book chapter

McKenzie, H., Boughton, M., Hayes, L., & Forsyth, S. (2008). Explaining the complexitiesand value of nursing practice and knowledge. In 1.Morley & M. Crouch (Eds.), Knowledge as

value: Illumination through critical prisms (pp. 209-224). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi.* Bai t(IP chi h9C thudt va tren website/ Articles, News or magazine articles:

- Boughton, M., & Halliday, L. (2008). A challenge to the menopause stereotype: Young

Australian women's reflections of 'being diagnosed' as menopausal. Health & Social Care in

the Community, 16(6), 565-572.- Welch, N. (2000, February 21). Toward an understanding of the determinants of ruralhealth. Retrieved from http://www.ruralhealth.org.aulweJch.htm (ngay truy cap)

- Vietnamnet (September 11, 2018) "Tong Bi thu ket thuc tot dep chuyen tham chinh thucNga va Hungary", Vietnamnet,. Truy cap tai: Duong link bai bao (ngay truy cap)

* Ludn an, ludn van! Thesis

Rutz, Cynthia Lillian (2013). King Lear and Its Folktale Analogues. PhD diss., University ofChicago.




Chu d~: Dai mai sang tao vi SI! pluit triin bin viing cua gido due trong b6i ciinh

biin tlrng

- HQ va ten/Full name>: .- Dan vi cong tac/ Institution>: .- Email>: .- SDT/Cell phone>: .- Ngh~ nghiep/Occupation: .

- C~n h6 tro phi en dich/Interpreting": 0 C6 0 Khong.- Thai gian thamgia': 02 ngay 0 Ngay 11112 0 Ngay 12112

- C6 gu; bao cao toan van tham du hoi thao: 0 C6 0 Khong

(Luu y: D€ cong tac t6 chuc Hoi thao thudn loi, cac muc co ddu * cdn duac aiin ady authong tin).

Nguiri dang ky

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