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Carta de apoyo al profesor Darío A. Euraque: Ilegalmente despedido por el gobierno golpista en Honduras Los abajo firmantes investigadores, miembros de facultades, administradores y estudiantes de diversas universidades e instituciones condenamos el despido ilegal del Profesor Darío A. Euraque por el gobierno golpista en Honduras. Pedimos a la comunidad internacional y, en particular a los Estados Unidos, que utilice su influencia para volver a reestablecer el orden constitucional en Honduras. El profesor Darío A. Euraque es un reconocido e influyente historiador que trabaja en Trinity College (Hartford, Connecticut) y, hasta hace unos días, era el Gerente General del Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia (IHAH). El primer libro de Euraque, "Reinterpreting the Banana Republic: Region and State in Honduras, 1870-1972" tuvo un gran impacto en la historiografía centroamericana en general, y hondureña en particular, ya que transformó la interpretación histórica sobre la construcción del estado hondureño. En su producción historiográfica, Euraque ha demostrado ser uno de los historiadores más dinámicos, trabajadores y originales que se dedican a la región centroamericana. Sus estudios sobre nacionalismo, identidad, etnias, economía, política, mestizaje, sexualidad y caudillismo en Honduras han abierto nuevas sendas investigativas para los historiadores centroamericanos tanto los ya establecidos como los más jóvenes. Desde su designación como Gerente General del IHAH en junio del 2006, el profesor Euraque ha producido un avance constante y continuado de esa institución encargada del patrimonio cultural hondureño, incluyendo los Archivos Nacionales, sitios arqueológicos y museos públicos de ese país. Bajo su dirección, el IHAH se ha renovado y ha ofrecido múltiples talleres de investigación para historiadores locales de todas partes del país, incrementando de esa manera la cantidad, calidad y pluralidad de sus publicaciones. Al mismo tiempo, ha aumentado también el número de sitios histórico-arqueológicos protegidos por el gobierno nacional hondureño. El 20 de agosto del 2009, la señora Myrna Castro, recién designada como Ministra de Cultura, Artes y Deportes por el gobierno golpista hondureño, agregó una nueva afrenta a la lista de ofensas cometidas por ese régimen ilegal en contra de la democracia, la libertad y la autonomía institucional. Castro envío una carta al profesor Euraque informándole que su cargo como Gerente General del IHAH había sido "cancelado" [sic] mediante un absurdo e ilegal decreto ejecutivo, sin dar ninguna razón al respecto. Esta decisión viola las leyes institucionales hondureñas que determinan la manera en que se eligen o despiden funcionarios. La destitución ilegal del profesor Euraque coincide con las intenciones de las Fuerzas Reservistas del Ejército Hondureño de ocupar el edificio histórico del Archivo Nacional en Tegucigalpa. Cuando el profesor Euraque recibió una carta de las Fuerzas Reservistas, el IHAH emitió una extensa clarificación explicando las razones por las cuales el edificio del Archivo es patrimonio cultural hondureño y está protegido por la Ley de Protección del Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación (decreto 220-97). Incluso en el caso de una situación de emergencia nacional o de un Estado de Guerra que hubiera sido declarado

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legalmente, este Monumento Nacional, y cualquier otro Monumento Nacional inventoriado como Patrimonio Cultural de Honduras, se encuentra bajo la protección de la Convención de la Haya de 1954, la cual protege propiedades culturales en caso de conflicto armado. Por esta razón este edificio no puede ser utilizado para fines militares. Como comunidad de investigadores, ofrecemos nuestra solidaridad al Profesor Euraque y a los miles de hondureños que se encuentran valientemente resistiendo y arriesgando sus vidas para restaurar la democracia en su país. Condenamos enérgicamente el golpe de estado y las continuas violaciones a los derechos humanos que se han dado tras el mismo. Solicitamos al Gobierno de Estados Unidos que aumente la presión, quizás por medio del congelamiento de las cuentas bancarias personales de los líderes del golpe de estado o de los fondos asignados a Honduras a través del "Millennium Challenge Corporation" hasta que el orden constitucional sea reestablecido en Honduras. Kevin Coleman Doctoral Candidate in Latin American History Indiana University, Bloomington Aviva Chomsky Professor of History Salem State College Beatriz Cortez Associate Professor and Program Coordinator Central American Studies California State University, Northridge John Womack, Jr. Professor of History, Emeritus Harvard University John H. Coatsworth Dean, School of International and Public Affairs Professor of International and Public Affairs and of History Columbia University Dana Frank Professor of History University of California, Santa Cruz Robert A. Schneider Editor, American Historical Review Professor of History Indiana University, Bloomington

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Greg Grandin Professor of History New York University Lessie Jo Frazier Assistant Professor of Gender Studies Indiana University Steve Striffler Doris Zemurray Stone Chair in Latin American Studies Professor of Anthropology University of New Orleans Latin American Studies and Anthropology Susan Fitzpatrick Behrens Associate Professor of History Affiliate of the Central American Studies Program California State University, Northridge Dr. Dante Liano Professore Ordinario di Lingua e Letterature Ispanoamericane Dipartimento di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Largo Gemelli Milano, Italy David Carey Jr. Associate Professor of History University of Southern Maine Professor Peter McLaren University of California, Los Angeles Peter Hallward Professor of Modern European Philosophy Middlesex University, UK. Peter Guardino Professor of History Indiana University, Bloomington Mark Healey Assistant Professor, History University of California, Berkeley

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Sinclair Thomson History Department New York University Arturo Escobar Kenan Distinguished Professor of Anthropology University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Richard Grossman, Ph.D. Department of History Northeastern Illinois University Jocelyn S. Viterna Assistant Professor Departments of Sociology and Social Studies Harvard University Emilio del Valle Escalante University of North Carolina Jeff Boyer Professor of Anthropology Appalachian State University Dr Sonja Wolf Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Dr. James D. Cockcroft SUNY Honorary Editor Latin American Perspectives Bret Gustafson Department of Anthropology Washington University in St. Louis Dr. Pablo A. Pozzi Profesor Titular Departamento de Historia Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Buenos Aires Puan 480 Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Margaret Power Associate Professor Department of Humanities Illinois Institute of Technology Gil Joseph Farnam Professsor of History and International Studies Yale University Cynthia Roberts-Hall Independent Researcher Bloomington, Indiana Lena Mortensen Assistant Professor, Anthropology University of Toronto Scarborough Dr.Arturo Taracena Arriola Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Carol L. Coakley Metrowest Peace Action, MA Indiana University, Bloomington Kent Norsworthy University of Texas at Austin Chuck Walker Director, Hemispheric Institute on the Americas Professor of History University of California, Davis Mike Moeller Atlantic Regional Vice President Union of Postal Communications Employees Marc Edelman Professor of Anthropology Hunter College and the Graduate Center City University of New York Julie A. Charlip Professor Department of History Whitman College

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Sara Koopman PhD Candidate, Geography University of British Columbia Adrienne Pine Assistant Professor of Anthropology American University Steven S. Volk Professor of History Oberlin College Laura A. Lewis Professor of Anthropology James Madison University Kevin A. Gould Concordia University Assistant Professor Montreal Quebec Heidy Lorena Avila Murillo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Florencia E. Mallon Julieta Kirkwood Professor of History University of Wisconsin, Madison Francisco J. Barbosa, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of History University of Colorado, Boulder Jessica Kirstein Doctoral Candidate in Latin American History University of Wisconsin-Madison Steve J. Stern Alberto Flores Galindo Professor of History University of Wisconsin-Madison Pamela Neumann University of Texas, Austin MA Candidate, Latin American Studies

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Dominic Corva Politics Department Sarah Lawrence College Gustavo A. Garcia Lopez Ph.D. Candidate Public Policy and Political Science Indiana University- Bloomington David Díaz Arias Ph.D. Candidate Indiana University, Bloomington and Professor of History Universidad de Costa Rica John L. Hammond Professor of Sociology Hunter College and Graduate Center, CUNY Ellen Schrecker Professor of History Yeshiva University Katherine Borland Comparative Studies in the Humanities The Ohio State University Iván Molina Professor of History University of Costa Rica Dr. Kathleen McAfee Department of International Relations San Francisco State University Mtro. Guillermo Fernandez Ampié Investigador Archivo Gregorio Marta Selser Universidad Autónoma Posgrado en Estudios Latinoamericanos UNAM (México) Jean E. Jackson Professor of Anthropology M.I.T.

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Nora Hamilton, Professor Political Science University of Southern California Forrest Hylton Assistant Professor Political Science /International Relations Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá Harold Hodes Associate Professor of Philosophy Cornell University Amy Chazkel City University of New York Sean Purdy Professor, Departamento de História Universidade de São Paulo Rachel Brahinsky Department of Geography University of California, Berkeley Charles D. Brockett Professor of Political Science Sewanee, The University of the South Electa Arenal Professor Emerita Hispanic & Luso-Brazilian Literatures CUNY/Graduate Center Ana María Botey Sobrado Escuela de Historia Universidad de Costa Rica Ronald Eduardo Díaz Bolaños Universidad de Costa Rica Dr. Werner Mackenbach Institut für Romanistik Universität Potsdam

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Sandy Brown Department of Geography University of California, Berkeley Patricia Fumero, Ph.D. Profesora e investigadora Universidad de Costa Rica Howard Pflanzer John Jay College/CUNY Carlos Fallas Santamaría Historiador Universidad de Costa Rica Erik Ching History Department Furman University, Greenville, SC Charles H. Blake Professor of Political Science James Madison University Marion Werner Ph.D. Candidate, MacArthur Scholar University of Minnesota Department of Geography Ralph Lee Woodward, Jr., Ph.D. Emeritus Professor of History Tulane University George Yúdice Department of Modern Languages & Literatures University of Miami James Krippner, Associate Professor and Chair Department of History Haverford College Stephen Webre Professor of History Louisiana Tech University Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera Freie Universitaet Berlin

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Luis Martin-Cabrera Assistant Professor, Literature University of California, San Diego Héctor Lindo-Fuentes Professor of History Fordham University Sheila R. Tully Department of Anthropology San Francisco State University Professor Arturo Arias Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese University of Texas at Austin Cristina Rojas Professor Carleton University Andrew Klatt Department of Romance Languages Tufts University William S. Stewart Professor Emritus of Political Science California State University, Chico Almerindo E. Ojeda University of California, Davis Valeria Grinberg Pla Assistant Professor Bowling Green State University Barry Carr Visiting Professor History Department University of California, Berkeley Margaret Chowning Professor of History University of California, Berkeley

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Daniel Noemi Voionmaa Department of Romance Languages and Literatures University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Aaron Pollack Coordinador Académico Maestría en Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora Yansi Pérez Assistant Professor Carleton College Lowell Gudmundson Professor of History Mount Holyoke College Karl Offen Associate Professor of Geography University of Oklahoma Daniel Graham, Ph.D. Honduranist Geographer University of California at Berkeley Dra. Lourdes de Ita Profesora Investigadora Titular Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo Morelia, Michoacán, México Brandt Peterson Assistant Professor of Anthropology Michigan State University Norma Stoltz Chinchilla Professor of Sociology California State University, Long Beach Justin Wolfe William Arceneaux Associate Professor of Latin American History Tulane University Suyapa G. Portillo Villeda Ph.D. Candidate, Cornell University CFD Fellow, Pomona College

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Breny Mendoza, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Gender & Women's Studies California State University, Northridge Cynthia E. Milton Canada Research Chair in Latin American History Associate Professor Département d'histoire Université de Montréal Jordana Dym Associate Professor, Department of History Director, Latin American Studies Skidmore College Rosaura Sanchez University of California at San Diego Paul Lokken Professor of Latin American History Bryant University Dr. Juan Carlos Ruiz Guadalajara Programa de Historia El Colegio de San Luis, A.C. Mark Morris Independent Scholar Bloomington, Indiana Jennifer Boles Ph.D. Student in History Indiana University Leo J. Garofalo Associate Professor of History History Department Connecticut College Karen Racine Associate Prof of History University of Guelph, Canada

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Dra. María Elisa Velázquez Coordinadora Seminario Poblaciones y culturas de origen africano en México Instituto Nacional de Antropologìa e Historia, México Vice-presidenta del Proyecto Internacional La Ruta del Esclavo, UNESCO Co-responsable del Proyecto Internacional AFRODESC Gerardo Renique Associate Professor Department of History City College of the City University of New York Peter Ranis Professor emeritus CUNY Graduate Ctr. M.Sc. Anthony Goebel Mc Dermott Escuela de Historia Universidad de Costa Rica Uriel Quesada Loyola University, New Orleans Víctor Hugo Acuña Ortega Profesor Catedrático Pensionado Universidad de Costa Rica Jennifer Alvey Lecturer cum Assistant Professor WGS and Anthropology University of Michigan – Flint Miguel Tinker Salas Professor of History Pomona College Catherine LeGrand Associate Professor Department of History McGill University Montreal, Quebec Dr. José Antonio Fernández Catedrático Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

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Ananth Aiyer Associate Professor of Anthropology University of Michigan Flint, MI 48502 Marc Rosenblum Associate Professor of Political Science University of New Orleans Mayo Toruño Professor of Economics California State University, San Bernardino Marybeth Stocking Salem State College Student Salem, MA, USA Claudia Carretta Candidata a doctora en Historia (de América Latina) Universidad de Texas en Austin José Luis Benavides Department of Journalism California State University, Northridge. Jeffrey L. Gould Rudy Professor of History Indiana University, Bloomington Aaron Schneider Assistant Professor Political Science Tulane University Simon Rios Committee in Solidarity with the Honduran Resistance Renate Bridenthal Professor of History, Emerita Brooklyn College, CUNY Wilson Picado U. Escuela de Historia Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

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Martha K. Huggins Ph.D. Sociology Tulane University Freya Rojo Adjunct Professor California State University Northridge Leisy Abrego President's Postdoctoral Fellow University of California, Irvine Contacto Ancestral Collective Los Angeles, CA Felipe Perez Gustavo Guerra Giovanni Batz Alicia Ivonne Estrada, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Central American Studies Program California State University, Northridge Ann Jefferson History Department University of Tennessee, Knoxville Samuel Frazier Doctoral Candidate University of Texas, Austin Laura Enriquez Associate Professor Department of Sociology University of California, Berkeley Vijay Prashad George and Martha Kellner Chair in South Asian History and Professor of International Studies Trinity College Bruce J. Calder Department of History University of Illinois at Chicago

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Susanne Jonas University of California, Santa Cruz Antonio Golán Ph.D. Student Associate Instructor Department of Communication and Culture Indiana University-Bloomington Dr. Jorge Rovira-Mas Programa Centroamericano de Maestría en Sociología Universidad de Costa Rica, San José Anthony Gronowicz City University of New York Lois Martin Professor Emerita Salem State College Salem, Massachusetts Nicole Caso Assistant Professor of Spanish Bard College Michel Gobat University of Iowa Rose Spalding DePaul University Dr. Alexandra Ortiz Wallner University of Potsdam Germany Catherine Komisaruk Assistant Professor Department of History University of Iowa Joaquin Chavez Doctoral Candidate Department of History New York University

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Miguel Gonzalez PhD Contract Faculty International Development Studies York University, Toronto Professor Deborah Levenson History Department Boston College Ernesto Godoy Dárdano Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Coralia Gitiérrez Álvarez Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Yajaira M. Padilla The University of Kansas Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor BlackCommentator.com Derrick Hindery Assistant Professor of International Studies and Geography University of Oregon Lara Putnam Associate Professor of History University of Pittsburgh Dominic Procopio M.A, Latin American Studies University of Texas at Austin Juliet Hooker University of Texas at Austin Doris J. Maldonado Ph.D. Candidate Department of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley

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Robin Maria DeLugan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Anthropology School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts University of California-Merced Martha Few Associate Professor Department of History University of Arizona Dan Beeton Center for Economic and Policy Research Washington, DC Douglass Sullivan-González Associate Professor of History University of Mississippi Carolyn Porter Director of External Relations Department of Art and Art History University of Texas at Austin Soili Buska Professor of History University of Costa Rica, San José Dr. Dorothy E. Mosby Associate Professor Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies Mount Holyoke College Marshall Feldman Director of Research and Academic Affairs Center for Urban Studies and Research The University of Rhode Island Charles T. Schmidt Jr. Labor Research Center The University of Rhode Island Cindy Forster History and Latin American Studies Scripps College Claremont, California

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Stephen McFarland Phd Student CUNY Graduate Center Lisa Kowalchuk Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of Guelph Ontario, Canada Arturo Lopez-Levy Ph.D. Candidate (ABD) Josef Korbel School of International Studies University of Denver Carlos Benjamín Lara Martínez Antropólogo Universidad de El Salvador Jon Aske Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages Salem State College Joe Bryan, Assistant Professor Department of Geography University of Colorado, Boulder Dr. Alan McPherson Associate Professor of International and Area Studies ConocoPhillips Petroleum Chair in Latin American Studies University of Oklahoma Gavin Fridell, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Politics Trent University Ontario, Canada Anthony Pereira Professor and Chair Political Science Department Tulane University Hope Benne Salem State College

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Marisol de la Cadena Anthropology University of Colorado, Davis Héctor Perla Jr. Assistant Professor Latin American & Latino Studies University of California, Santa Cruz Diana Guillén Instituto Mora Mexico Catherine Guimond Graduate Student University of California, Berkeley Ellen Moodie Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology University of Illinois Julie Gibbings Ph.D. Candidate University of Wisconsin-Madison Klaus Kleinschmidt, PE Consulting Engineer in Acoustics and Noise Control Concord, MA Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geography University of California, Berkeley Misha Kokotovic Associate Professor Department of Literature University of California, San Diego Claudia Leal Universidad de los Andes Bogotá

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Lynn Stephen Director, Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies (CLLAS) Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Ethnic Studies Department of Anthropology University of Oregon John Soluri Associate Professor, History Department Carnegie Mellon University Nicola Foote Assistant Professor of Latin American and Caribbean History Florida Gulf Coast University Nancy Romer, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology Brooklyn College City University of New York Dennis R. Hidalgo Professor of Atlantic History Virginia Tech Gregory S. Crider Professor and Chair of History Winthrop University Joshua M. Rosenthal Department of History and Non-Western Cultures Western Connecticut State University E. Gabrielle Kuenzli University of South Carolina Marc Adam Hertzman, Ph.D. Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow Wesleyan University Susan Kellogg Professor of History University of Houston Jordan Lauhon Ph.D. Candidate, Latin American History University of California, Davis

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Rosemary A. Joyce Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor of Social Sciences Professor and Chair of Anthropology University of California, Berkeley Christopher R. Boyer Associate professor of History and Latin American and Latino Studies University of Illinois at Chicago Richard Stahler-Sholk Professor Department of Political Science Eastern Michigan University Leslie S. Offutt Department of History Vassar College Raymond B. Craib Associate Professor Department of History John D. Blanco, Ph.D. Department of Literature University of California, San Diego Pablo Palomino University of California, Berkeley Brent Metz Asst Professor of Anthropology University of Kansas Kenneth Kincaid, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of History Purdue University North Central Marlene Medrano, Ph.D. Southern Methodist University Linda J. Craft Professor, Foreign Languages North Park University

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Aldo V. García Guevara, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of History and Political Science Coordinator Center for the Study of Human Rights Worcester State College William Mangold, PhD Candidate CUNY Graduate Center Dennis Arias Mora Escuela de Historia, Universidad de Costa Rica Doctorando, Universidad Libre de Berlín Sirena Pellarolo California State University, Northridge Glenna Anton Doctoral Student University of California, Berkeley Ivonne del Valle Assistant Professor University of California, Berkeley Dr. Catherine Nolin Associate Professor of Geography University of Northern British Columbia Florencia Quesada Ph.D, History Costa Rica Professor Peter Wade Director of Postgraduate Programmes Social Anthropology University of Manchester Dr. Benedikt Behrens Historian - Latin American Studies Hamburg, Germany Quesada Vargas Ph.D. Candidate Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Paris, France

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Andrew J. Schlewitz Assistant Professor of Latin American Studies College of Interdisciplinary Studies Grand Valley State University Rachel Pooley Ph.D. Student George Mason University Department of History Carlos Aguirre Associate Professor of History University of Oregon Karen Kampwirth Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Latin American Studies program Knox College Dr. Pamela Selwyn Freelance historian and translator Berlin Patricia Cooper Gender and Women's Studies Department University of Kentucky Henry Maar Graduate Student Modern US History University of California, Santa Barbara Jocelyn Olcott Department of History Duke University Christopher Dunn Tulane University Susan L. Tananbaum Department of History Bowdoin College

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Stan Nadel Professor of History University of Portland Salzburg Austria Center William E. Burns Independent historian Bruce Levine J. G. Randall Distinguished Professor of History Department of History University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne Timothy J. Henderson, Ph.D. Professor of History Auburn University Montgomery Bruce Brunton Department of Economics James Madison University Andrae M. Marak California University of PA Shari Orisich Ph.D. Candidate in History University of Maryland-College Park Professor Thomas Dublin Department of History State University of New York at Binghamton Julie Leininger Pycior Professor of History Manhattan College Jeffrey P. Kimball Prof. Emeritus Miami University Oxford, Ohio John Foran Professor of Sociology University of California, Santa Barbara

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Laura Barbas Rhoden Associate Professor, Spanish Foreign Language Department Wofford College Daniel R. Miller Department of History Calvin College Grand Rapids, MI Jaymie Patricia Heilman Assistant Professor of Latin American History Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia Emma Kreyche Ph.D. Student American Studies, Department of Social and Cultural Analysis New York University Dan La Botz, Adjunct Prof. of History University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio Patricia Acerbi Ph.D. Candidate Latin American History University of Maryland Fraser Ottanelli Professor and Chair History Department University of South Florida Richard Krushnic Colombia Vive MLK Bolivarian Circle of Boston Newton Mass.-San Juan del Sur Nicaragua Sister City Project David Romine Masters Candidate New York University

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Jack Spence Political Science Department University of Massachusetts Boston Prof. Bridgett Williams-Searle Associate Professor of History Department of History and Political Science College of Saint Rose Albany, NY Raul Necochea Dept. of History McGill University Giovanna Benadusi Associate Professor Department of History University of South Florida Linda Gordon Florence Kelley Professor of History New York University Susan Davis Professor Department of Communication University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Scott Newton Reader in Modern British and International History Cardiff University, UK Dr. Susan M. Deeds Professor of History Northern Arizona University Professor Elizabeth Pleck Department of History University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana Claude Morin Retired Professor Department of History Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada

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Scott H. Bennett Department of History Georgian Court University Isaac Curtis Ph.D. Candidate University of Pittsburgh Kim Clark Associate Professor Department of Anthropology University of Western Ontario Canada M. Francis Feeley Professor of American Studies University of Grenoble 3 France Geraldine Forbes Distinguished Teaching Professor Department of History State University of New York Oswego Patrick E. Daly Graduate Student University of Connecticut Samuel J. Martland Associate Professor of History and Latin American Studies Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Terre Haute, Indiana, EEUU Andrew Grant Wood Associate Professor of History University of Tulsa Daniel Albert Assistant Professor of History Salem State College Robert Shaffer, Ph.D. Associate Professor of History Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

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Murdo J. MacLeod, Graduate Research Professor, Emeritus University of Florida Craig Koslofsky Associate Professor Department of History University of Illinois Margaret Rapp Teacher New York City C. G. Estabrook Visiting Professor (retired) University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Keith A. Haynes Professor of History The College of Saint Rose Albany, NY Dr. Doug Tompson Associate Professor of History Columbus State University Columbus, Georgia Evelyn P. Jennings Associate Professor and Margaret Vilas Chair of Latin American History St. Lawrence University Canton, NY Joel Horowitz History Department St. Bonaventure University Dr. Carlos E. Coronel Full Professor Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Argentina Ruth L. Fairbanks Independent Scholar Terre Haute, Indiana

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Laurent Corbeil Ph.D. Candidate McGill University Montréal, Canada Ann Blum Associate Professor Hispanic Studies Department/Latin American Studies Program University of Massachusetts Boston Sabina Longhitano Piazza Associate professor Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Marc Becker Truman State University Kirksville, MO James Wadsworth Associate Professor of History Stonehill College Aldo Lauria Santiago Associate Professor and Chair Department of Latino and Hispanic Caribbean Studies Department of History Rutgers University Hugo Ceron-Anaya Northampton Community College Professor Francis Shor History Wayne State University Jeffrey S. Ravel Associate Professor of History Massachusetts Institute of Technology Robert Wilcox Associate Professor Northern Kentucky University Eileen Findlay Associate Professor of History American University

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Tanalís Padilla Associate Professor of History Dartmouth College Silvia Palomeque CIC CONICET y FFyH-UN Córdoba, Argentina Ronald Nibbe California State University, Northridge Mary Kay Vaughan Professor of History Univ of Maryland College Park Kristin Ruggiero Professor of History University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Dr. Kathleen McAfee Department of International Relations San Francisco State University Karen Robert Department of History St. Thomas University, Canada Jennifer Casolo Ph.D. Candidate Department of Geography University of California at Berkeley Jonathan D. Ablard Assistant Professor Department of History Ithaca College Dr. Efraim Davidi Tel-Aviv University Israel

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Dra. Gardenia Vidal Profesora Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Argentina Katherine Borland Comparative Studies in the Humanities The Ohio State University José M. Cerdas Albertazzi Catedrático Escuela de Historia Universidad Nacional Heredia, Costa Rica Michael Stone Ph.D., Executive Director Program in Latin American Studies Princeton University Scott Laderman University of Minnesota, Duluth Berenice A. Carroll Professor Purdue University West Lafayette, IN Francine Cronshaw Latin American and Iberian Institute University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico Arnold Simmel, Ph.D. Adjunct Assistant Professor of Community Medicine (retired) Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York, New York Deborah Poole Professor of Anthropology Johns Hopkins University Armando Gonzalez-Caban Latin American Perspectives University of California Riverside

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Hester Eisenstein Sociology, Queens College and the Graduate Center The City University of New York Marcus Rediker Aglaia Venters Grad student Tulane University Robert Entenmann Professor of History St. Olaf College Northfield, Minnesota Lewis Siegelbaum Michigan State University Robin Adele Greeley Associate Professor of Art History and Latin American Studies Department of Art & Art History Jesse Lemisch Professor of History Emeritus John Jay Coll of Criminal Justice, CUNY Anne Rubenstein Associate Professor of History York University Toronto, Ontario Canada Catherine Nolan-Ferrell, Ph.D. Department of History University of Texas at San Antonio Prof Jussi Pakkasvirta University of Helsinki, Finland G. Antonio Espinoza Virginia Commonwealth University

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Isabel Gamboa Barboza Profesora e Investigadora Programa Atención Integral de Salud Universidad de Costa Rica Richard Chilton Independent Scholar Rosalie, Nebraska Luis Alberto Herran Avila Ph.D. Student in Politics and History The New School for Social Research Bridget Hayden, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Anthropology and Sociology University of Southern Mississippi Carmen E. Hernandez Humanities Instructor Northeast Iowa Community College Profesor Asociado Departamento de Antropología Universidad de los Andes Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz Professor Emeritus California State University Tina Braxton Ph.D. Candidate in History Georgetown University Philip J. Williams Director and Professor Center for Latin American Studies University of Florida Omar Valerio-Jiménez Assistant Professor Department of History University of Iowa Howard Winant Professor of Sociology University of California, Santa Barbara

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Dennis Laumann Department of History The University of Memphis Rosalyn Baxandall Distinguished Teaching Professor Chair American Studies/Media and Communications SUNY Old Westbury Dr. Danilo Pérez Zumbado. Coordinador Comisión Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales Universidad Nacional. C.R. Prof. Sarah Cline Department of History University of California Santa Barbara, CA Julia C. O'Hara Associate Professor of Latin American History Xavier University Cincinnati, Ohio Consuelo Hernández Associate Professor Spanish and Latin American Studies Program American University Washington, DC Irene Gendzier Professor Boston University Cyrus Bina Economic Historian and Distinguished Research Professor of Economics University of Minnesota (Morris Campus) Luis Alberto Herran Avila Ph.D. Student in Politics and History The New School for Social Research Raul Fernandez Professor University of California, Irvine

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Leslie Lomas Graduate student History Department University of Colorado, Boulder Jorge Ramon Gonzalez Ponciano, Ph.D. Centro de Estudios Mayas Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Bonnie Fors Emeritus Heidelberg University David C. Carlson Assistant Professor Department of History and Philosophy The University of Texas-Pan American Dennis Kortheuer California State University, Long Beach Sherry Vatter Department of History California State University, Long Beach Denise Stanley, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Economics California State University-Fullerton Enrique C. Ochoa Director of Latin American Studies Professor of History California State University, Los Angeles María Beatriz Burgos Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (CIFFyH) Universidad Nacional de Córdoba – Argentina Marina Kaplan Associate Professor Emerita Spanish and Portuguese Smith College Northampton, MA

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Dr. Ana Inés Punta Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina

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