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Polymeric peptide pigments withsequence-encoded propertiesAyala Lampel,1 Scott A. McPhee,1 Hang-Ah Park,2 Gary G. Scott,3 Sunita Humagain,4,5

Doeke R. Hekstra,6 Barney Yoo,7 Pim W. J. M. Frederix,8 Tai-De Li,1

Rinat R. Abzalimov,1 Steven G. Greenbaum,4,5 Tell Tuttle,3 Chunhua Hu,9

Christopher J. Bettinger,2,10,11 Rein V. Ulijn1,5,7*

Melanins are a family of heterogeneous polymeric pigments that provide ultraviolet (UV)light protection, structural support, coloration, and free radical scavenging. Formed byoxidative oligomerization of catecholic small molecules, the physical properties ofmelanins are influenced by covalent and noncovalent disorder. We report the use oftyrosine-containing tripeptides as tunable precursors for polymeric pigments. In thesestructures, phenols are presented in a (supra-)molecular context dictated by the positionsof the amino acids in the peptide sequence. Oxidative polymerization can be tuned in asequence-dependent manner, resulting in peptide sequence–encoded properties such asUV absorbance, morphology, coloration, and electrochemical properties over aconsiderable range. Short peptides have low barriers to application and can be easilyscaled, suggesting near-term applications in cosmetics and biomedicine.

Melanin pigments are found in most lifeforms, including plants, bacteria, fungi,and animals, and they have cardinal rolesin organisms’ coloration and protectionfromvarious (mainlyphoto- or free radical–

induced) cell damage–causing stresses (1). In addi-tion to their protective roles, melanin pigmentsexhibit dynamic colorationandoptoelectronicprop-erties, inspiring efforts to design energy storagedevices (2), environmental sensors (3), surface-adherent coatings (4, 5), and colored films (6). Theself-assembly and polymerization of natural mel-anin is regulated through complex pathways thatinclude catalysis, templating, assembly, andoxida-tion under confinement, in a process that is notfully understood (1). Laboratory-based strategiesto synthesizemelanin-based analogs are challeng-ing to apply anddifficult to control.Heterogeneous

products typically consist of insoluble polymerswithpoorly defined chemical and structural composi-tions (7), thereby limiting the technological util-ity of this class of materials.We reasoned that supramolecular materials

(8, 9) formed by peptide building blocks (10–12)may offer promise for the formation of syntheticmelanin-likematerials (or polymeric pigments) be-cause of the ability to precisely control the presen-tation of chemical functionality, and consequentlyreactivity, through noncovalent interactions. Evenvery short peptides, consisting of only two or threeaminoacids (13–16),havebeenshowntoself-assembleto formdiscrete nanoscalematerials (17). Further-more, combining supramolecular self-assemblywithcatalytic [enzymatic (18, 19) or chemical (20, 21)]transformations provides spatiotemporal control(22) over the assembly process, giving rise to ma-terials with kinetically tunable properties. Thus,combining catalysis and self-assembly offers anattractive approach for aqueous materials pro-cessing (22, 23).Our first objective was to identify a small sub-

set of peptides that self-assemble into supramo-lecular nanostructures with sequence-dependentproperties. We focused on tripeptides containingtyrosine (Y) combinedwith the aggregation-pronearomatic amino acid phenylalanine (F) (14, 15) anda charged amino acid, aspartic acid (D) (Fig. 1A).To increase self-assembly propensity at neutralpH conditions, C-terminal amides were used. Allsix possible tripeptide combinationswere studied,with those that contain paired aromatics expectedto favor assembly (14, 15). After annealingby tempo-rary heating (to 75°C) and subsequent cooling toroom temperature, the six peptides exhibited dis-tinctive macroscopic appearances (Fig. 1B, upperpanel). The peptides with paired aromatics gaverise to self-assembly, whereas FDY and YDF re-mained clear solutions. YFD formed an opaquegel, FYD formed a suspension composed of amor-

phous aggregates, DFY formed a translucentgel, and DYF formed macroscopically observedneedle-like crystalline fibers, eventually givingrise to a self-supporting gel (fig. S1 and moviesS1 and S2).We sought to leverage the variable peptide

assemblies to control formation of polymeric pig-ments initiated by enzymatic oxidation of tyro-sine residues. We used tyrosinase from Agaricusbisporus, which typically oxidizes tyrosine into3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) and furtheroxidation products, including DOPA-quinone,DOPAchrome, and dihydroxyindole, eventuallyforming polymers from these reactive species (fig.S2). Tyrosinase, which was previously shown toact on self-assembled peptides (24), was addeddirectly to the tripeptide assemblies (after an-nealing). A readily observable, variable color changeemerged for all tripeptides after 4 hours of incuba-tion,with colors intensifying further over 24hours,resulting in light brown coloration of the trans-parent solutions of FDYandYDF, beige colorationof the milky FYD suspension, and brown-blackcolors for YFD,DYF, andDFY, suggesting that theoxidized peptides polymerized to different extents(Fig. 1B, lower panel). As a control, we used tyro-sine, which rapidly oxidized and polymerized, asobserved by the black color of the sample and thepolymeric precipitate.Nanoscale morphologies were determined by

transmission electronmicroscopy (TEM) (Fig. 2A)and atomic forcemicroscopy, which showed thatthe nanostructures’ stiffness depended on peptidesequence (fig. S3). YFD and DFY assembled into adense network of nanofibrils, whereas needle-likecrystalline fibers were seen in DYF (fig. S4), withamorphous aggregates observed for the others. Toassess supramolecular order, the crystallization ofDYF provided a convenient starting point. Single-crystal x-ray diffraction (XRD) (table S1) revealedfive main interfaces that stabilize the crystal lat-tice (Fig. 2B). Along the x axis, the peptides formedparallel b-sheets that extended laterally by twointerfaces along theydirection: (i) hydrogenbond-ing between the amide groups (Fig. 2B, “1”) and(ii) salt bridges of the aspartate carboxylate groupsand terminal amines (“2”). Along the z axis, theb-sheets were packed through hydrogen bondingof the tyrosine hydroxyl groups (“3”) and aromaticstacking (“4”) into a three-dimensional (3D) lat-tice. Single crystals could also be obtained by slowcooling of the YFD solution. XRD showed similarinteractions to those in DYF, but with different con-sequences: For YFD, a single backbone-backbonehydrogen bond was observed betweenmolecules(Fig. 2C, “2”). The columns interacted laterally byaromatic stacking (“1”), yielding 2D planes ofaromatically stacked groups, and by alternatinghydrogen-bondingnetworks coupling the aspartate-amine salt bridges (“3”), C-terminal amides, andtyrosine hydroxyl groups through well-orderedwater molecules (“4”). The consequence of theobserved packing was a substantially differentorientation of the paired aromatics (figs. S5 toS8)—in opposite (anti) or same (syn) orienta-tions for DYF and YFD with respect to the pep-tide backbone.


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1Advanced Science Research Center at the Graduate Centerof the City University of New York, 85 Saint NicholasTerrace, New York, NY 10031, USA. 2Department of MaterialsScience and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. 3WestCHEM andDepartment of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University ofStrathclyde, 295 Cathedral Street, Glasgow G1 1XL, UK.4Department of Physics and Astronomy, Hunter College, CityUniversity of New York, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY10065, USA. 5Ph.D. programs in Biochemistry, Chemistryand Physics, The Graduate Center of the City University ofNew York, NY 10016, USA. 6Department of Molecular andCellular Biology, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,FAS Center for Systems Biology, Harvard University,Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 7Department of Chemistry,Hunter College, City University of New York, 695 ParkAvenue, New York, NY 10065, USA. 8Groningen BiomolecularSciences and Biotechnology Institute, RijksuniversiteitGroningen, Groningen, Netherlands. 9Department ofChemistry, Silver Center for Arts and Science, 100Washington Square East, New York University, New York, NY10003, USA. 10Department of Biomedical Engineering,Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh,PA 15213, USA. 11McGowan Institute of RegenerativeMedicine, 450 Technology Drive, Suite 300, Pittsburgh, PA15219, USA.*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

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To shed more light on the organization of thetripeptides, including those for which crystalstructures could not be obtained under the as-sembly conditions, we used Fourier transforminfrared spectroscopy (FTIR) (Fig. 2D). FDY, YDF,and FYD did not show evidence of periodicallyorganized intermolecular interactions, as indicatedby broad bands at 1652 cm−1 (internal amide) and1672 cm−1 (terminal amide) in the FTIR spectrum,which is in agreement with disorder observed byTEM. For the assembled DFY and DYF peptides,these bands redshifted to 1620 to 1640 cm−1 and1658 cm−1, respectively, which suggests a b-sheet–like organization. The YFD spectrum implies adifferent packing geometry, with additional nar-row, redshifted bands in the amide region, but anadditional shift of the aspartate carboxylate bandfrom 1580 cm−1 to 1560 cm−1; this suggests intra-molecular salt bridge formation with the aminegroup of the N terminus, in agreement with thecrystal structure (Fig. 2C), which helps to stabilizepaired aromatics in the syn configuration.The six peptides showed variable crystallinity

(figs. S9 to S14). FYD, YFD, and DYF formedhighly crystalline materials, and DFY exhibitedlower crystallinity, evidenced by the peak inten-sity and broadness. In contrast, FDY and YDFformed amorphous materials. However, all thepeptides shared some common features in termsof molecular stacking, reflected by the peaks inthe ranges of 4.4 to 4.8 Å and 2.9 to 3.2 Å. In ad-dition, the diffraction patterns of DFY and DYFwere similar, indicating the structural resem-blance of these two peptides.

To examine the relative stability of the dif-ferent conformations of the monomers, molecu-lar dynamics simulations were carried out (25, 26)(Fig. 2, E and F). The results demonstrate that thesix peptides have different preferential conforma-tions,which is reflectedboth in the assembled stateand in solution, depending in a pairwise manneron the position of the aspartic acid. The followingrelationships exist: Tyrosine and phenylalanineresidues are presented in anti (DXX) or syn (XXD)configuration, which is in agreementwith the crys-tal structures obtained. When the aspartic acid isin the central position (XDX), the preferred confor-mations have dihedral angles of ~90°, which limitsthe potential for extended stacking.We subsequently investigated whether the

pairwise sequence-dependent supramolecularorder of the peptides influences enzymatic oxi-dation and further polymerization pathways.Wide-angle x-ray scattering (WAXS) and solid-phase FTIR data showed loss of order, withthe strongest effect observed for oxidized DXX(DXXox) and less for oxidizedXXD(XXDox),whereasoxidized XDX (XDXox) remained disordered(Fig. 3, A to C). The peptides lost supramolec-ular order (Fig. 3, A and B, and figs. S9 to S14),retaining few structural features correspond-ing to the molecular packing, according to thepeaks at about 4.5 and 2.9 Å. The FTIR spectra(Fig. 3C) showed narrow, redshifted absorptionsof the amide group in FYD, YFD, DFY, and DYFthat disappeared following oxidation in favorof broad absorptions at 1650 to 1675 cm−1. Addi-tionally, tyrosine-specific ring modes were lost

(e.g., 1516 cm−1), and a new band absorption as-signed to quinonewas observed around 1680 cm−1,confirming catechol oxidation.High-performance liquidchromatography(HPLC)

analysis showed (near-)complete conversionsof peptides to oxidation products for both thedisordered (XDXox) and highly ordered (DXXox)peptides, with lower conversions observed forXXDox (FYDox giving lower conversion thanYFDox)(table S2).Under the conditions examined, peptideassembly had amore pronounced effect on oxida-tion and polymerization than did the position ofthe tyrosine within the tripeptides. Early-stageconversionswere higher for XDXox peptides thanfor the assembling counterparts (fig. S15). How-ever, early-stage kinetics were similar for the non-assembling FDYox and YDFox. We conclude thatthe overall polymerization process is dictatedmoreby the supramolecular order of the precursors andless by enzyme affinity.Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry

(LC-MS) data obtained after 24 hours of oxida-tion revealed the expected catechol and quinone,as well as a wide range of dimeric and trimericspecies with different connections (Fig. 3, D to F,and table S3). A pairwise relationship is againclear from these data, withXDXox peptides givingrise to complete conversion of the precursors tooligomers and polymers, XXDox giving mediumconversion with intermediate polymerization,and DXXox peptides giving rise to formationof extensive oligomeric and polymeric species(table S3 and Fig. 3D). In each case, the ultra-violet (UV) absorbance of the polymeric specieswas substantially redshifted from precursors, aswould be expected for an extensive catechol-quinone network.The polymers had distinct morphologies as ob-

served by optical microscopy (Fig. 4A). AlthoughYFDox maintained a 1D morphology, it formedmuch larger fibers, suggesting a degree of lateralaggregation that may be facilitated by the posi-tioning of 2D sheets of reactive aromatic speciesat interfaces, as seen in the crystal structure (Fig.2C). DFYox polymerized into extended 2D sheets,whereas DYFox formed spheres. These morphol-ogies, and the amorphous structures of the otheroxidized peptides, were also observed by TEM(fig. S16). Whereas the DFYox sheets and YFDox

fibers were in the solid phase, the DYFox spheresremained dispersed in the aqueous buffer.The greatest contrast among structures was

evident inDXXox tripeptides, which, starting fromsimilarmolecular packing of theprecursors, showedhigh levels of polymerization accompanied by lossof order. For these peptides, a subtle difference insequence dictated the initial (crystalline fibersversus supramolecular fibers) andoxidized (spheresversus sheets) morphologies. For DFYox, we pro-pose that the anti conformation of aromatic sidechains is favorable for polymerization along thelength of the b-sheet but also laterally betweenneighboring fibrils, eventually resulting in lossof supramolecular structures (fibrils) and forma-tion of extended, micron-scale 2D sheets. Time-course TEManalysis of DFY (fig. S17) supports thismechanism for the fiber-to-sheet transition,

Lampel et al., Science 356, 1064–1068 (2017) 9 June 2017 2 of 5

Fig. 1. Sequence-dependent polymeric peptide pigments. (A) Schematic representation of theselected tripeptide sequences and the controlled formation of polymeric peptide pigments byenzymatic oxidation and further polymerization of preorganized tripeptides. (B) Macroscopic imagesof the materials formed by the self-assembly of the tripeptides (20 mM in phosphate bufferat pH 8), before (top) and after (bottom) 24 hours of enzymatic oxidation (0.2 mg/ml), includingoxidation of tyrosine as a control.


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revealing the formation of dark layers on thefibrils’ surface (4 hours); these layers furtherassembled and polymerized into 2D sheets thatextended from the fiber surface (1 week). ForDYF, a different orientation of tyrosine gaverise to an additional stabilizing interaction(Y-Y) within the crystal lattice (27) (Fig. 2B).Oxidation of tyrosine eliminated hydrogen bondingin these residues, thereby disrupting the crystal-line fiber and reconfiguring the peptides intospherical assemblies. These data are in agree-ment with the loss of the original packing and

subsequent polymerization observed for bothDFYox and DYFox by FTIR, WAXS, and LC-MS(Fig. 3).The results show that supramolecular order in

peptide precursors can be systematically con-verted into disorderedpolymeric pigments, result-ing in variable characteristics that relate to theirfunctionality (Fig. 4). UV-visible (UV-Vis) mea-surements showed different broadband spectra,with DFYox showing absorption throughout thevisible region (420 to 650 nm) and high absorp-tion observed for FYDox, possibly contributed by

highly scattering aggregates (Fig. 4B). The ob-served maximum around 340 nm for YFDox,together with the LC-MS (Fig. 3, D and E) andHPLC analyses (fig. S15D), suggest that the N-terminal positioning of the catechol results in alower degree of connectivity and cross-linking.Oxidized peptides were configured into cath-

odes in aqueoushalf-cell configurations. The chargestorage capacity can provide an estimate of theconcentration of redox-active components, andthe shape of the discharge curve can provideinsight into the distribution of morphological

Lampel et al., Science 356, 1064–1068 (2017) 9 June 2017 3 of 5










100 nm


Fig. 2. Differential organization in tripeptide assemblies. (A) TEM micrographs of structures formed by self-assembly of tripeptides. Scale bars,100 nm. (B and C) DYF (B) and YFD (C) crystal structures, showing different interfaces forming the lattice. (D) FTIR absorption spectra of the tripeptides(20 mM in D2O phosphate buffer at pH 8). a.u., arbitrary units. (E) Distribution of the CZ(Y)-CA(Y)-CA(F)-CZ(F) dihedral angle for each peptide overthe course of 50 ns. (F) Preferred conformations for each peptide.


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phases. For this purpose, electrodes were fabricatedby compacting peptide melanin powders into astainless steel support mesh (Fig. 4C) (28). Forall systems tested, the potentials became monoton-ically more negative during discharge, which con-firms that these materials are largely disordered.DFYox 2D sheets exhibited the highest specificcharge storage capacity, followed by DYFox (Fig. 4,D and E), which is attributed to an increase in the

concentrationof redox-active tyrosine-basedderiv-atives (2, 29) and is confirmed by cyclic voltam-metry (CV) (fig. S18). Capacitive storage is thelikely source of differential capacities in cathodescomposed of YFDox versus FYDox, which are oth-erwise largely devoid of redox behavior as as-sessed by CV. The specific capacity of DFYox iscomparable to that measured in natural eu-melanin cathodes and less than that of the syn-

thetic melanin-based cathodes (fig. S19). CV ofDFYox-based cathodes showed multiple redoxpeaks that are not commonly observed in othertypes of natural and syntheticmelanin-based pig-ments (30), which are attributed to the presenceof multiple types of polyphenols with a variety ofredox behaviors. Electron paramagnetic resonance(EPR) suggests that DFYox sheets exhibit the high-est gravimetric concentration of radical content

Lampel et al., Science 356, 1064–1068 (2017) 9 June 2017 4 of 5

Fig. 3. From order to disorder in polymeric peptide pigments. (A andB) WAXS analysis including 1D (A) and 2D (B) patterns of tripeptidesbefore [black in (A)] or after [red in (A)] 24 hours of enzymatic oxidation.q, angle. (C) FTIR absorption spectra of tripeptides before (solid lines) orafter (dashed lines) 24 hours of enzymatic oxidation. (D) LC-MSchromatograms at 280 nm (black) and 350 nm (red) of the solublefraction of tripeptides oxidized for 24 hours. Numbers refer to (F).

(E) Summed mass/charge (m/z) intensities of soluble higher-molecular-weight polymers composed of heterogeneously connected monomers[“4” in (F)] eluted between 8 and 10 min. (F) Chemical structures ofthe nonoxidized peptides (“1”) and the oxidation products 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (“2”) and 3,4-quinone (“3”) in the contextof tripeptides. “4,” connectivity of potential aryl cross-linked andMichael addition products (supplementary materials).


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among the polymeric peptide pigments (fig. S20and table S4). We propose that relatively highersemiquinone concentrations correspond to notonly higher overall concentrations of catechols,but alsomolecular configurations that permit com-proportionation reactions. The attenuated EPRsignal observed in the polymeric peptide pig-ments is consistent with this model, owing tothe smaller overall catechol concentrations andreduced catechol-catechol interactions comparedwith natural eumelanins.We demonstrate the ability to leverage differ-

ential assembly and reactivity to achieve tunablepolymeric pigments and find that supramolecularorder in precursors is inversely correlated to dis-order in resulting polymers. This gives rise tocontrol and tunability over the properties of thematerials. The possibility of marrying the diversestructures that can be accessed in short-peptide

assemblieswithmelanin-like properties facilitatesfundamental studies related to how tunable func-tions are dictated by order, as well as by disorder.Moreover, because short peptides have low bar-riers to application and can be easily scaled, theymay have near-term applications in cosmeticsand biomedicine.


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The research leading to these results has received funding fromthe U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (grant FA9550-15-1-0192). A.L. is funded by the Planning and BudgetCommittee of the Israeli Council for Higher Education. P.W.J.M.F.is funded by the Netherlands Organization for ScientificResearch (Veni program, grant number 722.015.005). Theauthors are grateful for support from the Materials ResearchScience and Engineering Center program of the NationalScience Foundation (NSF) under award numbers DMR-0820341and DMR-1420073 and for the assistance of C.-H. (J.) Chenat the University of Indiana and Y.-S. Chen at theChemMatCARS Sector 15 of the Advanced Photon Source(APS), which is principally supported by the NSF (grant numberCHE-1346572). Use of the APS, an Office of Science UserFacility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory, wassupported by the U.S. DOE under contract no. DE-AC02-06CH11357. We thank A. Bykov (Department of Physics, CityCollege of New York) for help with WAXS analysis and J. Gu andV. M. Menon (Department of Physics, City College of New York)for help with UV-Vis analysis. Hunter Mass Spectrometry issupported by the City University of New York, the NSF, and theNational Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities(NIMHD) of the NIH. Results were obtained using theEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council–fundedARCHIE-WeSt High Performance Computer (www.archie-west.ac.uk;grant number EP/K000586/1). The City University of New Yorkhas filed a provisional patent application (serial number 62/385,544)for technology related to this work.


www.sciencemag.org/content/356/6342/1064/suppl/DC1Materials and MethodsFigs. S1 to S20Tables S1 to S4References (31, 32)Movies S1 and S2Data S1

29 November 2016; accepted 8 May 201710.1126/science.aal5005

Lampel et al., Science 356, 1064–1068 (2017) 9 June 2017 5 of 5

Fig. 4. Morphology, UV-Vis absorption, and electrochemical properties of polymeric peptidepigments. (A) Structures formed by the polymeric peptide pigments at the micron scale, observedusing optical microscopy. Scale bars for FYDox, YFDox, and DFYox, 20 mm; for DYFox, 10 mm. (B) UV-Visabsorption spectra of solution fractions of polymeric peptide pigments and oxidized tyrosine.(C) Macroscopic image of polymeric peptide pigment electrode and schematic illustration of theelectrochemical cell used for discharge measurements. (D) Electrochemical potential profilesand (E) average specific capacity of polymeric peptide pigments. Error bars, standard errors (n = 3).MSE, mercury/mercurous sulfate electrode; Ah, ampere hour.


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Polymeric peptide pigments with sequence-encoded properties

V. UlijnM. Frederix, Tai-De Li, Rinat R. Abzalimov, Steven G. Greenbaum, Tell Tuttle, Chunhua Hu, Christopher J. Bettinger and Rein Ayala Lampel, Scott A. McPhee, Hang-Ah Park, Gary G. Scott, Sunita Humagain, Doeke R. Hekstra, Barney Yoo, Pim W. J.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aal5005 (6342), 1064-1068.356Science 

, this issue p. 1064Scienceallowed tuning of the optical and electrical properties of the resulting polymers.

peptidesoxidation, with the position of the tyrosine residue playing a dominant role. Thus, simply juggling the order of the found that the supramolecular organization of the tripeptide assembly is the most important factor for the enzymaticfamily of melanin-inspired materials based on tripeptides containing tyrosine as precursors for polymeric pigments. They

examined aet al.Melanins are a group of natural pigments that are the primary factor affecting skin color. Lampel Designing molecular disorder

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