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Page 1: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance

Company Introduction

飛 羚 電 機 工 程 股 份 有 限 公 司

飛 領 電 機 顧 問 股 份 有 限 公 司台 中 市 南 屯 區 春 社 里 忠 勇 路 1 9 之 6 8 號F e i - L i n g E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g C o m p a n y , L t d .

F e i - L i n g E l e c t r i c a l C o n s u l t a n t C o m p a n y , L t d .

N o . 1 9 - 6 8 , Z h o n g y o n g R o a d , N a n t u n D i s t r i c t ,T a i c h u n g C i t y 4 0 8 5 9 , T a i w a n ( R . O . C . )T E L : ( 0 4 ) 3 6 0 0 - 9 8 8 8 F A X : ( 0 4 ) 3 6 0 0 - 1 8 8 8h t t p : / / w w w . f e i - l i n g . c o m . t w e - m a i l : f l i n g @ m s 6 6 . h i n e t . n e t

Page 2: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



目 錄

Table of Contents

1. 公司沿革 History ................................................................ 1~3

2. 服務項目 Service Items ......................................................... 4~5

3. 人事組織結構 Personnel Structure ......................................... 6~7

4. 公司專業證照 Professional Certificates .................................... 8~10

5. 重要設備與儀器 Engineering Equipment & Testing Instrument ...... 11~13

6. 工程實績表 Engineering Accomplishments .............................. 14~21

7. 電檢實績表 Electrical Testing Accomplishments ................................... 22~27

8. 公司儀器 Testing Instrument Pictures ..................................... 28~32

9. 施工安裝照片 Field Engineering & Testing Pictures .................. 33~39

Page 3: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



1. 公司沿革







民國八十四年完成數所台電公司 69kV 變電工程。

民國八十六年工程部完成台電公司 345kV 變電工程。


民國八十八年三月通過 ISO 9001 評鑑合格。




民國九十四年完成潭南 D/S 等六所台電機電統包工程。

民國九十七年完成埔里等 4 所 D/S 機電統包工程及中科 E/S、霧峰

E/S 安裝工作。同年十二月遷址至忠勇路公司新購辦公室,繼續為台電







Page 4: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



1. History

Established in May 1987 on Wuchuan South Road, Taichung, Taiwan,

Fei-Ling Electric limited company started its business with a capital of 3

millions NT dollars. Primarily, the major business of Fei-Ling was to

precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs).

In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul,

and maintenance for High Voltage Equipment. Then in March, 1990,

Fei-Ling Electrical Consultant Co., Ltd. was established, and Fei-Ling

Electric Co., Ltd. changed its name to Fei-Ling Electrical Engineering Co.,

Ltd. In addition, the total amount of capital increased to 12 million NT


In 1995, Fei-Ling completed electrical engineering work for several

secondary substations (S/S, 69kV/11.4-22.8kV) of Taiwan Power Company


In 1997, Fei-Ling accomplished electrical engineering for Extra High

Voltage Substations (E/S, 345kV/161kV) of TaiPower.

Also, in March 1997, the company increased the capital to 27 million

NT dollars.

In March 1999, Fei-Ling obtained ISO9001 certificate.

In 2002, to enter integrated-contact market (turn-key project), the

capital of Fei-Ling was increased to 50 million NT dollars.

In 2003, Fei-Ling obtained an integrated contract from Toshiba Pronter

Engineering Company to install mechanical and electrical engineering

equipment of 8 power substations of Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR), and

then satisfactorily on schedule accomplished with great engineering quality.

Page 5: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



In 2005, Fei-Ling completed 6 mechanical and electrical engineering

integrated contracts from Taipower, including Tan-Nan Distribution

Substation (D/S, 161kV/11.4kV-22.8kV).

In 2008, Fei-Ling finished mechanical and electrical engineering

integrated contracts of 4 D/Ss (including Pu-Li D/S), and the installation

work of 345kV GIS of ChungKo E/S (for Taichung Science-Based Industrial

Park) and Wu-Fong E/S. Also in Dec. 2008, Fei-Ling bought and moved to

a new business premises on Zhongyong Road of Taichung, providing better

services to Taipower and old customers and new acquaintanceships.

In 2010, with original and broader future business, especially for abroad

business, the company increased the capital to 75 million NT dollars.

In May 2013, Fei-Ling’s Engineering Department with major

engineering working tools, professional equipment, and testing instrument,

moved to a newly self-built working area. Fei-Ling will be sustainable

development through the four management philosophies: “qualified

personnel”, “advanced equipment”, “professional technology”, “continuous

improvement”, to provide best services for domestic and overseas

mechanical and electrical engineering business.

Page 6: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



2. 服務項目

(1).345kV、161kV、69kV 等氣體絕緣開關控制盤面等變電工程安裝。

(2).345kV、161kV、69kV 變壓器組裝,變壓器真空濾油、換油工程。

(3).161kV、69kV 高壓電力電纜之延放,接續與終端頭安裝工程。

(4).變電場所遙控、監視等 RTU 端末設備監控工程施工。

(5).IED 智慧型電驛安裝、測試。






Page 7: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



2. Service Items

(1) Substation Installation Engineering of 345kV, 161kV, 69kV GIS Systems,

and Control Panels.

(2) Installation Engineering of 345kV, 161kV, 69kV Transformers, and Oil

Purification and Oil Replacement.

(3) Placing, Connection, and Termination Engineering for 161kV and 69kV

Power Cables.

(4) Substation Installation Engineering of SCADA Systems, including RTU.

(5) Installation Engineering of Power System and Measurement System for

Generation Stations.

(6) Planning, Design, Construction, Electrical Testing, Completing, and

Commission for Special High Voltage (161kV, 69kV), Medium High

Voltage (22.8kV, 11.4kV), and Low Voltage Electrical Facility


(7) Electrical Facility Examination and Testing, and as Customer

Representatives for Electrical Responsibility.

(8) Breakdown Emergency Repairing, Improvement, Diagnosis, and

Consulting for Power System Facilities.

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3. 人事組織結構






工務部 / 電務部












Page 9: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



3. Organization Chart

Board Chairman


Vice President

Accounting Dept.

Business Dept.

Engineering / Electrical Dept.

Overseas Dept.

Financial Accountant

Senior Specialist(Manger)

Specialist (Deputy Manger)

Sales Assistants

Administration Assistants

Senior Specialist(Manger)

Specialist (Deputy Manger)

Senior Engineers(Chief)

Engineer / Chief Assistant


Page 10: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



4. 公司專業證照 Professional Certificates

證照名稱 (Professional Certificate)

取 得 人 員 (Personnel)

161kV 交連 PE 電纜接續施工執照 (161kV XLPE Power Cable Connection




配電電纜裝修 (Underground Distribution Cable

Installation and Maintenance) 林福全、馬新野

輸電地下電纜裝修技術士(乙級) (Underground Transmission Cable Installation and Maintenance - B)



一般手工銲技術士(丙級) (General Hand-Solder Technician - C)


電機技師 (Electrical Professional Engineer)


缺氧作業主管 (Oxygen Deficiency Operation Chief)



保護電驛測試維護 (Protection Relay Test and Maintenance)


施工架作業 (Construction Stand Operation

Technician) 梁裕昌、黃錦鍾、蔡志文

品管工程師 (Quality Control Engineer)



甲種電匠 (Electrical Engineering Technician - A)



工業配線技術士(乙級) (Industrial Wiring Technician - B)


Page 11: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



4. 公司專業證照 Professional Certificates (cont.)

證照名稱 (Professional Certificate)

取 得 人 員 (Personnel)

用電設備檢驗技術士(乙級) (Electricity Facility Examination

Technician - B) 李芳誌、林育聖

用電設備檢驗技術士(丙級) (Electricity Facility Examination

Technician - C) 林育聖、林錦喜、謝千文、羅宏德

起重機具從事吊掛作業 (Crane Machines Operation Technician)




(Greater Than 3 Tons Fixed Type Crane Machines Operation Technician)




未滿三公噸固定式起重機操作人員 (Less Than 3 Tons Fixed Type Crane

Machines Operation Technician) 黃錦鍾、林長安、紀朝智、蔡志文

未滿五公噸固定式起重機操作人員 (Less Than 5 Tons Fixed Type Crane

Machines Operation Technician) 黃世昌、梁裕昌

急救人員 (First-Aid Personnel)





勞工安全衛生管理技術士(乙級) (Labor Safety and Health Management

Technician - B)




Page 12: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



4. 公司專業證照 Professional Certificates (cont.)

證照名稱 (Professional Certificate)

取 得 人 員 (Personnel)

勞工安全衛生管理員 (Labor Safety and Health Management








變電設備裝修技術士(乙級) (Substation facility Installation and

Maintenance Technician - B)






變電設備裝修技術士(丙級) (Substation facility Installation and

Maintenance Technician - C)








Page 13: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



5. 重要設備與儀器 Engineering Equipment & Testing Instrument

(1) 工務用 Engineering Equipment

項次 Item No.

設 備 名 稱 Engineering Equipment

數量 Quantity

1 真空濾油機 12,000L/H 及 6,000L/H Vacuum Oil Filter 12,000L/H Vacuum Oil Filter 6,000L/H

各一台 1 1

2 絕緣油槽 30,000L 及 20,000L Insulation Oil Tank 30,000L Insulation Oil Tank 20,000L

各二只 2 2

3 SF6 氣體回收機 SF6 Gas Recovery Machine

三台 3

4 真空 pump 及 SF6 灌裝設備 Vacuum Pump & SF6 Filling Machine

十四組 14

5 真空計及記錄器 Vacuum Meter & Recorder

八台 8

6 200T 及 100T 及 60T 端子壓接器 200T & 100T Terminal Compression Machine 60T Terminal Compression Machine

各一台 二台

1 / 1 / 2

7 345/161kV 電力電纜延線設備 345/161kV Power Cable Lining Equipment

一組 1

8 345/161kV 電力電纜接續設備 345/161kV Power Cable Connection Equipment

二組 2

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(2) 電務用 Testing Instrument

項次 Item No.

設 備 名 稱 Testing Instrument

數量 Quantity


300kV / 120kV / 30kV / 10kV / 1kV DC 絕緣耐壓測試器 300kV / 120kV / 30kV / 10kV / 1kV DC Dielectric Withstand Voltage Booster


一台/二台 1 / 2 / 1 /

1 / 2

2 2.5kV AC 電力因數測試器 2.5kV AC Dielectric Power Factor Tester

一台 1

3 三相電驛測試器 Three-phase Relay Tester

二台 2

4 單相電驛測試器 Single-phase Relay Tester

二台 2

5 三相週波計時測試器 Three-phase Cycle Counter Tester

三台 3

6 接觸電阻測試器(200A/100A / 10A) Contact Resistance Tester (200A) (100A) (10A)


1 / 1 / 1

7 接地電阻測試器 Earth Resistance Tester

二台 2

8 絕緣油耐壓測試器(75kV) Insulation Oil Withstand Voltage Tester (75kV)

一台 1

9 SF6 含水量測試器 SF6 Gas Moisture & Density Tester

一台 1

10 線圈電阻測試器 Coil Resistance Tester

一台 1

11 三相匝比測試器 Three-Phase Turns Ratio Tester

一台 1

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(2) 電務用 Testing Instrument

項次 Item No.

設 備 名 稱 Testing Instrument

數量 Quantity

12 相角計 Phase Angle Meter

一台 1

13 高壓極低頻測試系統 High Voltage Extremely Low Frequency Test System

一台 1

14 對相測試器 Phase Detecter

一台 1

15 紅外線熱影像顯示器 Infrared & Thermal Imaging Camera

二台 2

16 SF6 探漏槍 SF6 Leakage Detector

四支 4

17 落塵量測試器 Particle Counter

四台 4

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6. 工程實績表 Engineering Accomplishments

工 程 名 稱 Engineering Project

工 程 內 容 Engineering Contents

業 主 Owner

全興 E/S NO.2&3 ATR 搬運

與安裝工程 NO.2&3 Auto-Transformer

Transportation and Installation of Chuan-Sin E/S

345kV/161kV ATR 安裝

345kV/161kV Auto-Transformer Transportation and Installation


中區施工處 Central Region

Construction Office, Taiwan Power

Company (TPC)

中寮 E/S 中火線全興線氣體

絕緣輸電線(GIL)安裝工程 SF6 Gas Insulated

Transmission Line (GIL) Installations of Jhong-Liao E/S to Taichung Generation

Station and to Chuan-Sin E/S

345kV GIL 安裝

345kV SF6 Gas Insulated Transmission Line (GIL)



中區施工處 Central Region

Construction Office, TPC

冬山 E/S 345kV 機電工程 345kV Mechanical and

Electrical Engineering of Dong-Shan E/S

345kV TR GCS 與盤面安裝 345kV Transformer SF6 Gas

Insulated Combined Switchgear (GCS) and Panel Installations


北區施工處 Northern Region

Construction Office, TPC

嘉民 E/S NO.6 ATR 擴建與 安裝工程

Chia-Min E/S No.6 ATR Extension & Installation


345kV/161kV ATR 安裝

345kV/161kV Auto-Transformer Transportation and Installation


南區施工處 Southern Region

Construction Office, TPC

天輪 E/S 345kV GIS 工程 Tien-Lun E/S 345kV SF6 Gas

Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Engineering

345kV GIS 安裝 345 kV SF6 Gas Insulated

Switchgear (GIS) Installation

台電綜合施工處 General Engineering Construction Office,



制室配電工程 Distribution Engineering of

TaiChung Generation Station Gas-Turbine Control Room


Piping, Wiring, Tuning & Testing

台電台中施工處 Taichung

Construction Office, TPC

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6. 工程實績表 Engineering Accomplishments (cont.)

工 程 名 稱 Engineering Project

工 程 內 容 Engineering Contents

業 主 Owner

明潭 G/S 345kV ATR 安裝工程

MingTan Generation Station 345kV ATR Installation


345kV/161kV ATR 安裝

345kV/161kV Auto-Transformer Transportation and Installation

台電綜合施工處 General Engineering Construction Office,


台中發電廠修配廠配電工程 Distribution Engineering of

TaiChung Generation Station Maintenance and Repair Plant

配電控制設備組立檢驗及測試 Distribution Control Facility

Installation, Examination, and Testing

台電台中施工處 Taichung

Construction Office, TPC

中市 P/S NO.3 DTR及機電設

備搬運與安裝工程 Jhong-Shih P/S No.3

Distribution Transformer and Mechanical and Electrical

Facilities Transportation, and Installation Engineering

161kV/22.8kV-11.4kV DTR、MCSG 及控制盤面組裝 161kV/22.8kV-11.4kV

Distribution Transformer, Metal-Clad Switchgear (MCSG),

and Control Penal Installation Engineering


中區施工處 Central Region

Construction Office, TPC

斗工 D/S 161kV 機電工程 Dou-Gong D/S 161kV

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

161kV DTR GIS 電纜頭安裝 161kV DTR SF6 Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Power Cable

Head Installation


中區施工處 Central Region

Construction Office, TPC



Instrumentation and Control Facility Engineering of

TaiChung Generation Station No.5&6 Units


Instrumentation and Control Facility Engineering

台電台中施工處 Taichung

Construction Office, TPC

工甲 D/S 新建機電設備搬運

與安裝工程 Gong-Jia D/S Mechanical and

Electrical Facilities Transportation, and

Installation Engineering

161kV DTR 及 GIS 安裝工程 161kV DTR and SF6 Gas

Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Installation Engineering


中區施工處 Central Region

Construction Office, TPC

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6. 工程實績表 Engineering Accomplishments (cont.)

工 程 名 稱 Engineering Project

工 程 內 容 Engineering Contents

業 主 Owner



煉油廠儀錶工程 Instrumentation and Control

Facility Engineering of a Petroleum Refinery

中鼎工程 股份有限公司

CTCI Corporation

南科 E/S 69kV 161kV XLPE電纜敷設與安裝工程

Nan-Ko E/S 69kV XLPE Cable Laying & Installation


161kV 與 69kV 處理頭

161kV & 69kV Cable Handlers


南區施工處 Southern Region

Construction Office, TPC

工乙 D/S、黎明 D/S、中港

E/S、明秀 D/S、文心 D/S 161kV GIS 安裝工程

161kV GIS Installation Engineering at Gong-Yi D/S,

Li-Ming D/S, Jhong-Gang E/S, Ming-Siou D/S, and

Wen-Xin D/S

161kV GIS 安裝 161kV SF6 Gas Insulated

Switchgear (GIS) Installation Engineering

中興電工機械 股份有限公司

Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery

Manufacturing Corp. Ltd. (CHEM)

中華映管龍潭廠變電站 Lung-Tan Factory Substation of Chunghwa Picture Tubes,


161kV 控制盤、電驛、 終端處理頭安裝測試

161kV Control Penal, Relay, and Terminator Handlers Installation

& Testing


Tatung, Ltd.

友達光電 161kV GIS 安裝工程

AU Optronics (AUO) 161kV GIS Installation Engineering

161kV GIS 安裝、 保護電驛安裝接線工程 161kV SF6 Gas Insulated

Switchgear (GIS) Installation, Protection Relay Installation &

Wiring Engineering

艾波比股份 有限公司 ABB, Ltd.

安南~南濱一、二路 161kV 2000SQMM XLPE 電纜線路

機電附屬設備工程 AnNan ~ NanBin 1st & 2nd Circuits 161kV 2000SQMM

XLPE Cable Accessory Equipment Engineering


風、冷卻、通訊、消防機電工程 High Voltage & Low Voltage Power, Pumping, Lighting,

Ventilating, Cooling, Communication, and Fire

Control Engineering


南區施工處 Southern Region

Construction Office, TPC

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6. 工程實績表 Engineering Accomplishments (cont.)

工 程 名 稱 Engineering Project

工 程 內 容 Engineering Contents

業 主 Owner

中市 P/S~中清 P/S FCB 裝設 Jhong-Shih P/S~ Zhong-Qing

P/S FCB Installation Engineering

副線電驛及 FCB 裝設 Pilot Relaying System and

Feeder Circuit Breaker (FCB) Installation Engineering

艾波比股份 有限公司 ABB, Ltd.

南投 E/S、中港 E/S、全興

E/S、彰濱 E/S 161kV 增設

BF、RY 工程 Nan-Tou, Jhong-Gang,

Chuan-Sin, & Zhang-Bin E/Ss 161kV Bus Failure Protection Relay Installation Engineering

161kV BF、RY 盤配線安裝 161 kV Bus Failure Protection Relay Installation Engineering

台電台中 供電區營運處

Taichung Power Supply Branch, TPC

彰濱、中寮、全興、中港、 南投 E/S SCADA 設計、施工

Zhang-Bin, Jhong-Liao, Chuan-Sin, Jhong-Gang, and

Nan-Tou E/Ss SCADA Design and Installation Engineering

5 所 E/S SCADA 設計、施工

5 E/S-SCADA Design and Installation Engineering

台電台中 供電區營運處

Taichung Power Supply Branch, TPC

線西 D/S、隘口 D/S、六家

D/S、潭寶 D/S、霧峰 E/S 機電統包工程

Hsien-Hsi D/S, Ai-Kou D/S, Liou-Jia D/S, Hun-Bou D/S,

and Wu-Feng E/S Mechanical & Electrical Turn-Key Project


4 所 D/S、1 所 E/S 機電統包、


Turn-Key Project Engineering, Including Construction, Installation, Testing, and

Commissioning for 4 D/Ss and 1 E/S

中興電工機械 股份有限公司

Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery

Manufacturing Corp. Ltd. (CHEM)

北回 D/S、鹿西 D/S 機電統包 Bei-Huei D/S and Lu-Xi D/S

Mechanical & Electrical Turn-Key Project Engineering

2 所 D/S 機電統包、施工、測試、

送電 Turn-Key Project Engineering,

Including Construction, Installation, Testing, and

Commissioning for 2 D/Ss


Star Energy Corp.

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6. 工程實績表 Engineering Accomplishments (cont.)

工 程 名 稱 Engineering Project

工 程 內 容 Engineering Contents

業 主 Owner

潭南 D/S、航太 D/S、埔里

D/S 機電統包 Tan-Nan D/S, Hang-Tai, and

Pu-Li D/S Mechanical & Electrical Turn-Key Project


3 所 D/S 機電統包、施工、 測試、送電

Turn-Key Project Engineering, Including Construction, Installation, Testing, and

Commissioning for 3 D/Ss

長興電機 股份有限公司

Chang Shing Electric Co., Ltd.

虎菁 D/S、道爺 D/S 機電統包 Hu-Jing D/S and Dao-Ye D/S

Mechanical & Electrical Turn-Key Project Engineering

2 所 D/S 機電統包、施工、 測試、送電

Turn-Key Project Engineering, Including Construction, Installation, Testing, and

Commissioning for 2 D/Ss

亞力電機 股份有限公司

Allis Electric Co., Ltd.

DOP Miaoli Plant 160MT/D Instrumentation Work

儀控工程 Instrumentation and Control

Facility Engineering

經一機械工程 股份有限公司

Ching-I Engineering Co., Ltd.

台灣高鐵 161kV 變電站設備

安裝 Installation Engineering for

161kV Substations of Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR)

台灣高鐵 10 站電力變電所 GIS安裝、變壓器安裝、電力電纜、

控制電纜佈放安裝 GIS and Transformer Installation Engineering, and Power Cable, and Control Cable Laying and Installation Engineering for 10 161kV-Substations of Taiwan

High Speed Rail (THSR)



事務所 Japan-Toshiba

Pronter Engineering Company for Taiwan

High Speed Rail (THSR)

群創 T1 光電廠 (竹科竹南基地)

T1 Factory, Innolux Display Corp. (Zhunan Science Park)

OB 棟電氣安裝工作 OB Building Electrical Facility

Installation Engineering

同開科技工程 股份有限公司

Tung-Kai Technology Engineering Co., Ltd.

Page 21: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



6. 工程實績表 Engineering Accomplishments (cont.)

工 程 名 稱 Engineering Project

工 程 內 容 Engineering Contents

業 主 Owner

台積南科 14 廠監控系統、 管線安裝工作

SCADA System Installation of Taiwan Semiconductor

Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSMC) 14th Plant at Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park

廠務監控系統設備及 管線安裝工作

SCADA System Installation and

Piping Engineering

漢唐光電科技 股份有限公司

Global Opto Technology Corporation

L11 ASU Plant Electric & Instrumentation Work

儀控工程 Instrumentation and Control

Facility Engineering

亞東工業氣體 股份有限公司

Air Liquide Far Eastern

貴陽 D/S 變電設備統包,採

購、細部設計、供應及安裝 Gui-Yang D/S Electrical Facility Turn-Key Project

Engineering, Including Purchasing, Detailed Design,

Supply, and Installation

機電儀統包、施工、測試、送電 Turn-Key Project Engineering,

Including Construction, Installation, Testing, and


亞力電機 股份有限公司

Allis Electric Co., Ltd.

大潭發電廠#1&#2 生水池 太陽光電新建工程

Solar Photovoltaic Generation Project at Da -Tan Power Plant

#1&#2 Raw Water Pool Rooftops

太陽光電、機電新建工程 Newly-Built Construction of

Solar Photovoltaic Generation Project with Mechanical and

Electrical Engineering

亞力電機 股份有限公司

Allis Electric Co., Ltd.

100 年度智慧型電子裝置

(IED)安裝工程 Intelligent Electronic Device

(IED) Installation Engineering for 2011

智慧型電子裝置(IED)安裝工程 Intelligent Electronic Device

(IED) Installation Engineering

亞力電機 股份有限公司

Allis Electric Co., Ltd.

Page 22: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



6. 工程實績表 Engineering Accomplishments (cont.)

工 程 名 稱 Engineering Project

工 程 內 容 Engineering Contents

業 主 Owner

竹園 E/S 345kV/161kV GIS/GIL/LA 設備安裝工程 Zhu-Yuan E/S 345kV/161kV

GIS/GIL/LA Facilities Installation Engineering

345kV 及 161kV GIS 安裝工程 345kV/161kV SF6 Gas Insulated

Switchgear (GIS), SF6 Gas Insulated Transmission Line

(GIL), and Lightning Arrester (LA) Facilities Installation


中興電工機械 股份有限公司

Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery

Manufacturing Corp. Ltd. (CHEM)


變壓器回路 345/161kV 氣體

絕緣開關及附屬設備工程 Tai-Chung Generation Station

#1~#2 Tie Transformer 345/161kV GIS and Accessory

Facility Engineering

345/161kV 氣體絕緣開關 及附屬設備安裝工程

345/161kV SF6 Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) and Accessory Facility Installation Engineering

中興電工機械 股份有限公司

Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery

Manufacturing Corp. Ltd. (CHEM)

彰林超高壓變電所 345kV GIL 及 69kV GIS 採購含細部

設計供應及安裝 Chang-Lin E/S 345kV GIL and 69kV GIS Purchasing,

Detailed Design, Supply, and Installation Engineering

345kV 及 69kV GIS 安裝工程

345kV and 69kV SF6 Gas Insulated Switchgears (GISs)

Installation Engineering

中興電工機械 股份有限公司

Chung Hsin Electric & Machinery

Manufacturing Corp. Ltd. (CHEM)

水里 S/S 640、750、760GCB、#2裝甲開關箱及仁化S/S 760

GCB 汰換工程 Shui-Li S/S #640, #750 and #760 GCBs, #2 MCSG, and

Ren-Hua S/S #760 GCB Replacement Engineering

4 套 GCB 汰換工程 4 SF6 Gas Circuit Breakers

(GCBs) Replacement Engineering

台電南投區 營業處

Nantou Branch, TPC

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6. 工程實績表 Engineering Accomplishments (cont.)

工 程 名 稱 Engineering Project

工 程 內 容 Engineering Contents

業 主 Owner


S/S(#1#3)等 4 所 5 套 MCSG汰換為中壓 GIS 工程

Wang-Tian S/S, Li-Lin S/S, Chung-Tung S/S, and

Long-Quan S/S (#1&#3) 5 MCSG Replacement to Medium Voltage GIS


5 套 MCSG 汰換為 GIS 工程 5 Metal-Clad Switchgears (MCSGs) Replacement to Medium Voltage SF6 Gas

Insulated Switchgears (GISs) Engineering


Taichung Branch, TPC


及梧棲 S/S #3 C-GIS 電驛盤

汰換工程 5 including Ling-Tung S/S

Protection Relays and Wu-Qi S/S #3 C-GIS Relay Penal Replacement Engineering

電驛盤汰換工程工程 Relay Penal Replacement


亞力電機 股份有限公司

Allis Electric Co., Ltd.

澎湖馬公 S/S 既有 GIS 及

MCSG 設備更換移裝工程暨

相關改善工程 Penghu Ma-Gong S/S GIS and

MCSG Replacement and Movement, and Related

Improvement Engineering

GIS 及 MCSG 更換移裝工程 SF6 Gas Insulated Switchgears

(GISs) and Metal-Clad Switchgears (MCSGs)

Replacement and Movement, and Related Improvement


亞欣實業 股份有限公司

AIR KING Industrial Co., Ltd.

Page 24: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



7. 電檢實績表 Electrical Testing Accomplishments

業 主 名 稱 Owner

服 務 內 容 Service Contents

服 務 地 點 Remarks/Places

台電 南投 E/S Nan-Tou E/S,


345kV 及 161kV 變電設備電力檢驗 345kV & 161kV Power Facility Examination

and Testing

南投市 Nantou City, Nantou


台電 中寮 E/S Jhong-Liao E/S,


345kV 及 161kV 變電設備電力檢驗 345kV & 161kV Power Facility Examination

and Testing

南投縣中寮鄉 Jhongliao Township,

Nantou County

台電 中港 E/S Jhong-Gang E/S,


345kV 及 161kV 變電設備電力檢驗 345kV & 161kV Power Facility Examination

and Testing

台中市龍井區 Longjing District,

Taichung City

台電 英才 D/S Ying-Cai D/S,


161kV 及 22.8kV 變電設備電力檢驗 161kV & 22.8kV Power Facility

Examination and Testing

台中市西區 West District, Taichung


台電 中華 D/S Chung-Hwa D/S,


161kV 及 22.8kV 變電設備電力檢驗 161kV & 22.8kV Power Facility

Examination and Testing

台中市西區 West District, Taichung


台電 彰化 P/S Chang-Hua P/S,


161kV 變電設備電力檢驗 161kV Power Facility Examination and


彰化市 Changhua City

台電 霧峰 P/S Wu-Fong P/S,


161kV 變電設備電力檢驗 161kV Power Facility Examination and


台中市霧峰區 Wufong District,

Taichung City

台電 翁子 P/S Weng-Zi P/S,


161kV 變電設備電力檢驗 161kV Power Facility Examination and


台中市豐原區 Fengyuan District,

Taichung City

台電 埔里 P/S Pu-Li P/S, Taipower

161kV 變電設備電力檢驗 161kV Power Facility Examination and


南投縣埔里鎮 Puli Township, Nantou


Page 25: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



7. 電檢實績表 Electrical Testing Accomplishments (cont.)

業 主 名 稱 Owner

服 務 內 容 Service Contents

服 務 地 點 Remarks/Places

月眉育樂(股)公司 Yamay Recreation

World, Ltd.

161kV 及 23kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 161kV and 23kV Power Facility

Examination, Testing, and Maintenance

台中市后里區 Howli District, Taichung City


161kV 電力設備竣工檢驗 161kV Power Facility Commissioning

Examination and Testing

桃園縣新屋鄉 Xinwu Township, Taoyuan County


龍潭廠 Longtan Factory,

Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd.

161kV 保護電驛竣工測試

161kV Protection Relay Commissioning Examination and Testing

桃園縣龍潭鄉 Longtan Township,

Taoyuan County

台灣玻璃(股)公司 鹿港廠

Lukang Factory, Taiwan Glass Industry Corp.

161kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護

161kV and 11.4kV Power Facility

Examination, Testing, and Maintenance

彰化縣鹿港鎮 Lukang Township, Changhua County



威、豐德等 Windfarm

Substations, InfraVest GmbH


161kV 及 69kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備


161kV, 69kV, and 11.4kV Power Facility Examination, Testing, and Maintenance

台中市、彰化縣 Taichung City &

Changhua County


China General Plastics Corp.

69kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護

69kV and 11.4kV Power Facility Examination, Testing, and Maintenance

苗栗縣頭份鎮 Toufen Township,

Miaoli County


八德廠 Bade Factory,

Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd.

69kV 電力設備竣工測試

69kV Power Facility Commissioning Examination and Testing

桃園縣八德市 Bade City,

Taoyuan County

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7. 電檢實績表 Electrical Testing Accomplishments (cont.)

業 主 名 稱 Owner

服 務 內 容 Service Contents

服 務 地 點 Remarks/Places

正隆紙業(股)公司 Cheng Long Corp.

69kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 69kV and 11.4kV Power Facility

Examination, Testing, and Maintenance

台中市后里區 Howli District, Taichung City

力麗紡織企業 彰化一廠

Changhua 1st Factory, LeaLea

Enterprise Co., Ltd.

69kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 69kV and 11.4kV Power Facility

Examination, Testing, and Maintenance


Fangyuan Township, Changhua County



鹿港廠、彰濱廠 Taichung,

Xiangshan, Lukang, and Zhangbin

Factories, Taiwan Glass Industry


69kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 69kV and 11.4kV Power Facility

Examination, Testing, and Maintenance

台中市梧棲區 新竹市香山區 彰化縣鹿港鎮 Wuqi District, Taichung City;

Xiangshan Disttrict, Hsinchu City;

Lukang Township, Changhua County


Air Liquide Far Eastern

69kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護

69kV and 11.4kV Power Facility

Examination, Testing, and Maintenance


Wuqi District, Taichung City


Sanyi Factory, Yulon Motors

69kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護

69kV and 11.4kV Power Facility Examination, Testing, and Maintenance


Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

裕盛工業(股)公司 Yue Sheng

Industrial Co., Ltd.

69kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 69kV and 11.4kV Power Facility

Examination, Testing, and Maintenance

苗栗縣三義鄉 Sanyi Township, Miaoli County

中正大學 Chung Cheng


69kV 及 11.4kV 電力設備竣工測試 69kV and 11.4kV Power Facility

Commissioning Examination and Testing

嘉義縣大林鎮 Dalin Township, Chiayi County

Page 27: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



7. 電檢實績表 Electrical Testing Accomplishments (cont.)

業 主 名 稱 Owner

服 務 內 容 Service Contents

服 務 地 點 Remarks/Places

榮成紙業二林廠、 清水廠、神岡廠

Erlin, Qingshui, and Shengang Factories,

Long Chen Paper Co., Ltd.

69kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗 69kV and 11.4kV Power Facility

Examination, and Testing

彰化縣二林鎮 台中市清水區 台中市神岡區

Chunghua County & Taichung County

力麗紡織企業 化纖總廠

Chang-Hwa Polyester Fibers

Manufactory, LeaLea Enterprise

Co., Ltd.

69kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗 69kV and 11.4kV Power Facility

Examination, and Testing

彰化縣芳苑鄉 Fangyuan Township,

Changhua County


水資源回收中心 Sewage Treatment Plant, Construction Bureau, Taichung City Government

69kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗 69kV and 11.4kV Power Facility

Examination, and Testing

台中市南區 South District Taichung City

野美國際(股)公司 老虎城

Tiger City Shopping Center, Yemei International

Development Corp.

22.8kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 22.8kV Power Facility Examination, Testing,

and Maintenance

台中市西屯區 Xitun District Taichung City

新光三越百貨(股) 公司中港分公司

Taichung Zhonggang

Department Store, Shin Kong

Mitsukoshi Corp.

22.8kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 22.8kV Power Facility Examination, Testing,

and Maintenance

台中市西屯區 Xitun District Taichung City

亞東氣體(友達廠) Taichung/EMCT, Air Liquide Far


22.8kV 各項電力設備檢驗 22.8kV Power Facility Examination, and


台中科學園區 Taichung

Science-Based Industrial Park

Page 28: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



7. 電檢實績表 Electrical Testing Accomplishments (cont.)

業 主 名 稱 Owner

服 務 內 容 Service Contents

服 務 地 點 Remarks/Places

台灣康寧顯示玻璃 (股)公司

Corning Taiwan Incorporated

22.8kV 各項電力設備檢驗 22.8kV Power Facility Examination, and


台中科學園區 Taichung

Science-Based Industrial Park

友達光電(股)公司 AU Optronics Corp.

22.8kV 各項電力設備檢驗 22.8kV Power Facility Examination, and


台中科學園區 Taichung

Science-Based Industrial Park


TAIWAN NITTO Optical Co., Ltd.

22.8kV 各項電力設備竣工檢驗 22.8kV Power Facility Commissioning

Examination and Testing

台中科學園區 Taichung

Science-Based Industrial Park


MOSA Industrial Corp.

22.8kV 各項電力設備檢驗

22.8kV Power Facility Examination, and Testing

雲林科學園區 Yunlin Science-Based

Industrial Park

彰化基督教醫院 Changhua Christian


22.8kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護

22.8kV and 11.4kV Power Facility Examination, Testing, and Maintenance

彰化市 Changhua City

台中榮民總醫院 Taichung Veterans General Hospital

22.8kV 及 11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護

22.8kV and 11.4kV Power Facility Examination, Testing, and Maintenance

台中市西屯區 Xitun District Taichung City

達豐鐵材行(股) 公司全興廠

Chuansin Factory, Tung Feng Steel Fabrication Co.,


22.8kV 各項電力設備檢驗 22.8kV Power Facility Examination, and


彰化縣伸港鄉 Shengang Township,

Changhua County


管理處中港分處 污水處理廠

Sewage Treatment Plant of Chungkang Export Processing Zone, Ministry of Economic Affairs

22.8kV 各項電力設備檢驗 22.8kV Power Facility Examination, and


台中市梧棲區 Wuqi District, Taichung City

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7. 電檢實績表 Electrical Testing Accomplishments (cont.)

業 主 名 稱 Owner

服 務 內 容 Service Contents

服 務 地 點 Remarks/Places


理局臺中運務段 Taichung-Transport

ation, Taiwan Railways

Administration, Ministry of

Transportation and Communications

11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 11.4kV Power Facility Examination, Testing,

and Maintenance

台中市 Taichung City


理局彰化運務段 Changhua-Transport

ation, Taiwan Railways

Administration, Ministry of

Transportation and Communications

11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 11.4kV Power Facility Examination, Testing,

and Maintenance

彰化縣市 Changhua City & Changhua County

興農(股)公司 王田廠

Wangtian Factory, Sinon Corp.

11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 11.4kV Power Facility Examination, Testing,

and Maintenance

台中市大肚區 Dadu District, Taichung City


Evergreen International

Storage & Transport Corp.

11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 11.4kV Power Facility Examination, Testing,

and Maintenance

台中市梧棲區 Wuqi District, Taichung City


台中穀倉 Taichung Granary,

Eastern Media International Corp.

11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 11.4kV Power Facility Examination, Testing,

and Maintenance

台中市梧棲區 Wuqi District, Taichung City

維他露食品(股) 公司

Vitalon Food Company

11.4kV 各項電力設備檢驗維護 11.4kV Power Facility Examination, Testing,

and Maintenance

台中市西屯區 Xitun District Taichung City

Page 30: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



8. 公司儀器 Testing Instrument Pictures

DC 絕緣耐壓試驗器(300kV) Dielectric Withstand Voltage Booster (300kV)

DC 絕緣耐壓試驗器(120kV) Dielectric Withstand Voltage Booster (120kV)

DC 絕緣耐壓試驗器(120kV) Dielectric Withstand Voltage Booster (120kV)

DC 絕緣耐壓試驗器(30kV) Dielectric Withstand Voltage Booster (30kV)

DC 絕緣耐壓試驗器(10kV) Dielectric Withstand Voltage Booster (10kV)

1kV DC 絕緣耐壓試驗器 Dielectric Withstand Voltage Booster (1kV)

Page 31: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



8. 公司儀器 Testing Instrument Pictures

1kV DC 絕緣耐壓試驗器 Dielectric Withstand Voltage Booster (1kV)

電力因數測試器(2.5kV) Dielectric Power Factor Tester (2.5kV)

電驛測試器(三相) Relay Tester (Three-phase)

電驛測試器(三相) Relay Tester (Three-phase)

電驛測試器(單相) Relay Tester (Single-Phase Unit)

電驛測試器(單相) Relay Tester (Single-Phase Unit)

Page 32: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



8. 公司儀器 Testing Instrument Pictures (cont.)

三相週波計時測試器 Three-phase Cycle Counter Tester

三相週波計時測試器 Three-phase Cycle Counter Tester

三相週波計時測試器 Three-phase Cycle Counter Tester

接觸電阻測試器(200A) Contact Resistance Tester (200A)

接觸電阻測試器(100A) Contact Resistance Test Set (100A)

接觸電阻測試器(10A) Contact Resistance Tester (10A)

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8. 公司儀器 Testing Instrument Pictures (cont.)

接地電阻測試器 Earth Resistance Tester

接地電阻測試器 Earth Resistance Tester

絕緣油耐壓測試器(75kV) Insulation Oil Withstand Voltage Tester

SF6 含水量與密度測試器 SF6 Gas Moisture & Density Tester

線圈電阻測試器 Coil Resistance Tester

三相匝比測試器 Three-Phase Turns Ratio Tester

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8. 公司儀器 Testing Instrument Pictures (cont.)

相角計 Phase Angle Meter

高壓極低頻測試系統 High Voltage Extremely Low Frequency Test System

對相測試器 Phase Detecter

紅外線熱影像顯示器 Infrared & Thermal Imaging Camera

SF6 探漏槍 SF6 Leakage Detector

落塵量測試器 Particle Counter

Page 35: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



9. 施工安裝照片 Field Engineering & Testing Pictures

台電新設變電所安裝前高層量測 TPC Newly-Built Substation Pre-Measurement

台電 345kV 開關廠維護施工 TPC 345kV Switchgear Maintenance

台電變電所電驛儀錶汰換 TPC Substation Relay Meters Replacement

民間電廠(IPP)設備加入台電系統施工 IPP Facilities in service to TPC Engineering

台電 69kV 開關設備汰換工作 TPC 69kV Switchgear Facility Replacement

民間電廠(IPP)電力設備安裝 IPP Power Facility Installation Engineering

Page 36: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



9. 施工安裝照片 Field Engineering & Testing Pictures (cont.)

345kV 變壓器安裝 345kV Transformer Installation Engineering

345kV 變壓器安裝 345kV Transformer Installation Engineering

161kV 變壓器安裝 161kV Transformer Installation Engineering

161kV 變壓器安裝 161kV Transformer Installation Engineering

161kV 變壓器安裝 161kV Transformer Installation Engineering

161kV 變壓器安裝 161kV Transformer Installation Engineering

Page 37: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



9. 施工安裝照片 Field Engineering & Testing Pictures (cont.)

161kV 變壓器安裝 161kV Transformer Installation Engineering

69kV 變壓器安裝 69kV Transformer Installation Engineering

電力變壓器真空處理 Vacuum Treatment for Power Transformer

電力變壓器內部接線作業 Internal Wiring for Power Transformer

69kV 電力電纜油浸型終端匣(EBO)安裝

69kV Power Cable End-Bushing Oil Type (EBO) Installation

69kV 電力電纜屋外型終端匣(EBA)安裝

69kV Power Cable End-Bushing Air Type (EBA) Installation

Page 38: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



9. 施工安裝照片 Field Engineering & Testing Pictures (cont.)

345kV GIS 安裝 345kV GIS Installation Engineering

345kV GIS 安裝 345kV GIS Installation Engineering

161kV GIS 安裝 161kV GIS Installation Engineering

161kV GIS 安裝 161kV GIS Installation Engineering

69kV GIS 安裝 69kV GIS Installation Engineering

69kV GIS 安裝 69kV GIS Installation Engineering

Page 39: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



9. 施工安裝照片 Field Engineering & Testing Pictures (cont.)

161kV GIT 安裝 161kV SF6 Gas Insulated Transformer

(GIT) Installation Engineering

161kV GIT 安裝 161kV SF6 Gas Insulated Transformer

(GIT) Installation Engineering

161kV GIT 安裝 161kV GIT Installation Engineering

161kV GIT 安裝 161kV GIT Installation Engineering

設備 SF6 液化回收處理 Power Facility SF6 Liquefying & Recovery

設備 SF6 液化回收處理 Power Facility SF6 Liquefying & Recovery

Page 40: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



9. 施工安裝照片 Field Engineering & Testing Pictures (cont.)

電力電容器安裝作業 Power Condenser Installation Engineering

161kV 氣體絕緣開關安裝 161 Gas Insulated Switch Installation

台電變電所 23kV GIS 安裝 TPC Substation 23kV GIS Engineering

台電變電所 23kV GIS 安裝 TPC Substation 23kV GIS Installation

民間電廠(IPP)電氣設備安裝 IPP Power Facility Installation Engineering

工具管制措施 Instrument Management

Page 41: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance



9. 施工安裝照片 Field Engineering & Testing Pictures (cont.)

施工中自主檢查測試(導體接觸電阻) Inspection & Testing During Engineering

(Conductor Contact Resistance Measurement)

施工中自主檢查測試(油耐壓) Inspection & Testing During Engineering (Insulation Oil Withstand Voltage Test)

施工中自主檢查測試(線圈電阻) (Coil Resistance Measurement)

施工中自主檢查測試(三相匝比) (Three-Phase Turn Ratio Test)

施工中自主檢查測試(DTR 電力因數) (DTR Dielectric Power Factor Test)

施工中自主檢查測試(IED) (Intelligent Electronic Device, IED)

Page 42: Company Introduction · 2017. 3. 3. · precisely repair all types of Circuit Breakers (CBs). In August 1988, Fei-Ling began the business of inspecting, overhaul, and maintenance

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