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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010



PERFIL DE MERCADO PRODUCTO: Preparaciones lubricantes (incluidos los aceites de corte, las preparaciones para aflojar tuercas, las preparaciones antiherrumbre o anticorrosion y las preparaciones para el desmoldeo, a base de lubricantes) y preparaciones del tipo de las utilizadas para el encimado .... Las demas. Posición Arancelaria: 3403.19 Octubre 2010 EMBAJADA ARGENTINA EN SUDÁFRICA P.O. BOX 11125 SECCION ECONOMICA Y COMERCIAL HATFIELD,0028 TEL.: (2712) 342-1056 SUDAFRICA FAX: (2712) 430 3521 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010



FECHA DE ELABORACIÓN: Octubre 2010 PRODUCTO: Preparaciones lubricantes (incluidos los aceites de corte, las preparaciones para aflojar tuercas, las preparaciones antiherrumbre o anticorrosion y las preparaciones para el desmoldeo, a base de lubricantes) y preparaciones del tipo de las utilizadas para el encimado .... Las demas. Posición Arancelaria: 3403.19

INFORMACION GENERAL Capital Superficie Población Crecimiento

Demográfico Tierra cultivable

Expectativa de vida

Pretoria (PE) Cape Town (PL) Bloenfontein (PJ)

1.219.912 km2– 2798 km de costas

49 mill (est al 2009)

Casi 1 % Aprox. 16-17 % del total

48,9 Hombres 49 Mujeres 48

Los primeros europeso en instalarse en lo que hoy es Sudáfrica fueron los holandeses de la Compañia de Indias en 1652. Del holandes deriva la lengua actual afrikaans. Hacia finales del 1700 los ingleses toman Cape Town y poco despues se instalan en Natal. Ello llevó a que los afrikaaners iniciaran, hacia 1830, lo que se conoce como el Voortrekker o “La Gran Travesía”, especie de conquista del oeste hacia la zona central, y fundaran dos repúblicas: la de Transvaal y el Orange Free State. Sudáfrica nace formalmente en 1910, siete años después que finalizara la segunda Guerra Anglo-Boer, de la unión de la Gobernación (británica) de Cape Town, las ex repúblicas de Transvaal y Free Orange State y la gobernación (británica) de Natal. En 1947, el Partido Nacionalista ganá pro primera vez el Gobierno e impulsa el establecimiento (formal –ya que en la practica era anterior) del apartheid. En 1961, el Gobierno del apartheid declara su independencia del Commonwealth. Solo en 1994 se producen las primeras elecciones democráticas, sin distinciones de color o etnia. 79% de la población es negra, 7% son blancos, 10% son “colored” (mestizos de la unión de blancos con nativos San y Khoi) y el resto son de origen indio y asiático. El HIV es un problema muy serio, con una tasa de prevalencia del orden del 23% (en Argentina ronda el 0,6% y a nivel mundial ronda el 0,4%) Sudáfrica es una república federal, con un poder ejecutivo unipersonal y un poder legislativo unicameral; el territorio se compone de 9 provincias. El voto es secreto y universal a partir de los 18 años. Moneda Tipo de

cambio Idiomas Religión Electricidad

Rand (Zar) 1 R= 100 cents En monedas: 5c; 10c; 20c;

1 U$= 6,85 R (ver anexo I)

11 idiomas oficiales: Ingles, Afrikaans, IsiNdebele, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu, Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, siSwati,

68% Cristianos, 2% Musulmanes, 1,5% Hindu, 28,5% cultos

220/240 volts - 50Hz

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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010


R1; R2 y R5 Tshivenda, Xitsonga Indigenas

CODIGOS TELEFONICOS Sudafrica: 27 Bloemfontein: 051 Pretoria: 012 Port Elizabeth: 041 Johannesburgo: 011 Ciudad del Cabo: 021 Durban: 031 East London: 043 HORARIO: GMT + 2 (5 horas + que Argentina) FERIADOS SUDAFRICANOS: Sudáfrica cuenta con 12 Feriados Nacioneles: Año Nuevo 1 Enero Día de los Derechos Humanos 21 Marzo Viernes Santo (Viernes anterior a Pascuas) Día de la Familia (Lunes despues de Pascuas) Día de la Libertad 27 Abril Día del Trabajador 1 Mayo Día de la Juventud 16 Junio Día Nacional de la Mujer 9 Agosto Día de la Tradición 24 Septiembre Día de la Reconciliación 16 de Diciembre Navidad 25 de Diciembre Día de la “Buena Voluntad” 26 de Diciembre. (Si cualquiera de estos días feriados cae en domingo, se traspasa al lunes inmediato) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 (est) PBI en miles mill de US 270,5 282,11 276,5 285,8 348,7 PBI 5,4 4,9 3,7 -1,8 2,8 PBI per capita (US ppp) --- 9926 10421 10301 10721 Inflacion 4,6 7,1 13 7,2 4,9 Expo (FOB – mill US) 58,2 76,2 86,1 66,5 72,8 Impo (FOB - mill US) 67,7 81,9 90,6 66 73,4 Balanza de Cta Cte --- --- -20,1 -11,3 -17,5 Deuda Externa (miles de mill.US)

35,549 37,755 41,943 40,238 44,131

Desempleo Oficial: 25,6% Subocupación aprox 40%

Oficial: 24,5% Subocupación aprox 40%

Oficial: 24% Subocupación aprox 40%

Oficial: 24,5% Subocupación aprox 40%


Producción eléctrica 29 Gw 30 Gw 31 Gw 32 Gw 32 Gw Tipo de cambio US/Rand (prom anual)

6,77 7,05 8,26 8 7,6

Telefonos de linea Aprox 4,9 mill Aprox 4,9 --- --- --- Telefonos celulares Aprox 34 mill Aprox 42 mill Aprox 43 mill

(est) --- ---

Usuarios de internet 4,5 mill. 4,7 mill. 5 mill. --- --- Fuente: propia

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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010


RELACIÓN BILATERAL La relación de Argentina con Sudáfrica data del siglo XIX –incluso, durante la segunda guerra Anglo Boer, Argentina vendía caballos al Ejército británico y recibia al primer grupo de inmigrantes afrikaaners. En 1947 se establecen relaciones diplomáticas formales, pero en 1986 y como forma de presionar para la eliminación del odioso régimen del apartheid, nuestro país rompe relaciones con SA. Las mismas se restablecen en 1991, tras la liberación de Nelson Mandela. La Embajada cubre desde SA otros nueve países (Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi, Mauricio, Lesotho y Swazilandia) Año

Exportaciones Argentinas

Importaciones desde Sudáfrica

Saldo Total En US

1994 180.460.000 99.190.000 81.270.000 279.650.000 1995 337.730.000 124.470.000 213.260.000 462.210.000 1996 246.990.000 105.030.000 141.960.000 350.020.000 1997 303.590.000 109.450.000 194.140.000 413.040.000 1998 252.680.000 110.660.000 142.020.000 363.340.000 1999 308.440.000 93.460.000 214.990.000 401.900.000 2000 241.310.000 85.140.000 156.170.000 326.450.000 2001 315.220.000 123.490.000 191.730.000 438.710.000 2002 291.790.000 32.890.000 258.900.000 324.680.000 2003 333.370.000 53.550.000 279.820.000 386.920.000 2004 301.410.000 90.730.000 510.680.000 692.140.000 2005 491.440.000 108.940.000 382.500.000 600.380.000 2006 924.250.000 118.600.000 805.640.000 1.042.850.000 2007 1.007.540.000 54.080.000 953.460.000 1.061.320.000 2008 950.350.000 23.060.000 737.290.000 1.163.410.000 2009 665.782.166 89.554.415 576.227.751 755.336.581 2010 (prim sem) 448.478.968 52.943.694 435.535.274 541.422.662 Fuente: Argexim/Indec La relación comercial ha sido ampliamente favorable a nuestro país a lo largo de la útlima década. Sin embargo, nuestras principales exportaciones, en términos de ingreso de divisas, siguen siendo fundamentalmente productos de origen agropecuario y sus manufacturas. PRINCIPALES CENTROS DE CONSUMO Aproximadamente el 90% de la población sudafricana se localiza en las areas que rodea a las ciudades de Johannesburgo, Pretoria, Ciudad del Cabo, Durban y Port Elizabeth que representan las mayores zonas de actividad económica del país y los mayores centros de consumo. La población sudafricana se estima en 48,7 millones de habitantes. En la actualidad la Repúbica de Sudáfrica esta dividida en 9 Provincias, a saber: PROVINCIA CAPITAL AREA

(km2) % TOTAL AREA



Eastern Cape Bisho 169.580 13,9 % 7,1 millones 8,1% Free State Bloemfontein 129.480 10,6 % 3,0 millones 5,5 %

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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010


Gauteng Johannesburg 17.010 1,4 % 9,0 millones 33,3 % KwaZulu Natal Pietermaritzburg y

Ulundi 92.100 7,6 % 9,9 millones 16,7 %

Limpopo Polokwane 123.910 10,2 % 5,6 millones 3,8 % Mpumalanga Nelspruit 79.490 6,5 % 3,2 millones 6,8 % Northen Cape, Kimberly 361.830 29,7 % 1,0 millones 2,2 % North West Mafikeng 116.320 9,5 % 3,8 millones 6,3 % Western Cape Cape Town 129.386 10,6 % 4,7 millones 14,4 % Población Urbana y Rural por Provincia: PROVINCIA POBLACION URBANA POBLACION RURAL

Eastern Cape 36,6% 63,4% Free State 68,6% 31,4% Gauteng 97,0% 3,0% Kwazulu Natal 43,1% 56,9% Mpumalanga 39,1% 60,9% Northern Cape 70,1% 29,9% Limpopo 11,0% 89,0% North West 34,9% 65,1% Western Cape 88,9% 11,1% South Africa Total 53,7% 46,3% Statistics South Africa – Stats in brief

Situación Convencional de carácter económico La relación con Sudáfrica en materia de acuerdos es rica y amplia. Existe un acuerdo de protección de inversiones así como se encuentra en negociación un acuerdo para evitar la doble imposición. Ambos instrumentos son la base para una mayor actividad económica entre los dos países.

Tratados con Sudáfrica Entre otros acuerdos firmados que pueden ser de interes se encuentran:


Firma: Ciudad del Cabo, 09 de Septiembre de 1994 Vigor: 09 de Septiembre de 1994


Firma: Buenos Aires, 23 de Julio de 1998 Vigor: 01 de Enero de 2001 Norma Aprobatoria: Ley n° 25.352


Firma: Pretoria, 27 de Noviembre de 2007

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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010


PRINCIPALES ACCESOS A MERCADO PUERTOS: Puerto de Durban, Ciudad del Cabo y Port Elizabeth, carga general y contenedores. Depósitos para carga general y refrigerada. AEROPUERTOS: Johanesburgo y Ciudad del Cabo con depósitos para carga general y refrigerada. Sudáfrica cuenta con una excelente infraestructura vial y portuaria como asimismo aeropuertos internacionales con todo tipo de facilidades para la conservación alimenticia. Existe una distribución mayorista con mercados de concentración en las principales ciudades y una muy eficiente red de supermercados en todo el país, con una calidad de packaging de exportación en cada uno de sus productos, tanto frescos, refrigerados o congelados. Tambien existen carnicerias independientes que abaratan sus costos evitando el empaquetado.

COSTO DE NACIONALIZACION Se han utilizado las Posiciones Arancelarias correspondientes a la descripción del producto de la

Nomenclatura Sudafricana P.A. 3403.19. LUBRICATING PREPARATIONS (INCLUDING CUTTING- OIL PREPARATIONS, BOLT OR NUT RELEASE PREPARATIONS, ANTI-RUST OR ANTI-CORROSION PREPARATIONS AND MOULD RELEASE PREPARATIONS, BASED ON LUBRICANTS) AND PREPARATIONS OF A KIND USED FOR THE OIL OR GREASE TREATMENT OF TEXTILE MATERIALS, LEATHER, FURSKINS OR OTHER MATERIALS, BUT EXCLUDING PREPARATIONS CONTAINING, AS BASIC CONSTITUENTS, 70 % OR MORE BY MASS OF PETROLEUM OILS OR OF OILS OBTAINED FROM BITUMINOUS MINERALS Containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals : - Other Unidad: Kg IVA : 14 % (sobre precio CIF) Arancel general: aplicable a la Republica Argentina: Libre U.E. Union Europea: Libre EFTA: European Free Trade Agreement: Libre SADC (*) Southern Africa Development Countries es libre. Fuente: Arancel de Importacion: extraído del libro Jacobsen Publishers (Pty) Ltd. (*)Sudáfrica es miembro de la Comunidad de Desarrollo del Africa Austral (SADC) junto con Angola, Botswana, República Democrática del Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauricio, Mozambique, Namibia, Swazilanda, Seychelles, Tanzania, Zambia y Zimbabwe.

LEYES, REGULACIONES Y SISTEMAS QUE RIGEN EL PRODUCTO IMPORTADO Rigen leyes y regulaciones establecidas por el South African Bureau of Standard (SABS). Se sugiere consultar las especificaciones en: SOUTH AFRICAN BUREAU OF STANDARDS (SABS) PRIVATE BAG X191 TEL: (2712) 428-6666 / 7911 / 428-6561 / 6925 PRETORIA, 0001 FAX: (2712) 344-1568 / 6928 SUDAFRICA E-MAIL: [email protected] Web: www.sabs.co.za

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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010


NATIONAL REGULATOR OF COMPULSORY STANDARDS NRCS Head Office Telephone: +27 12 428 5000 Fax: +27 12 428 5199 www.nrcs.org.za INTERNATIONAL TRADE ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR OF IMPORT & EXPORT CONTROL Private Bag X192 Pretoria 0001 Tel: 27 12 428 7000 Fax: 27 12 428 7799 E-mail: [email protected]

ASOCIACIONES RELACIONADAS National Association of Automotive Component & Allied Manufacturers (NAACAM) Contact: Mr. P O Box 1398. Bedfordview. 2008 Tel: (011) 454-0250 Fax: (011) 454-0320/21 E-mail: [email protected] www.naacam.co.za National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa NAAMSA P.O Box 40611 Arcadia 0007 Telephones:-(012) 323-2980/1 – 323-2003 Telefax:-(012) 326-3232 Pagina Web:-www.naamsa.co.za E-mail:[email protected] Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI) P O Box 2940 Randburg. 2125 Tel: (011) 886-6300 Fax: (011) 885-6700 E-mail: [email protected] Pagina web: www.rmionline.co.za

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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010


IMPORTACIONES Y EXPORTACIONES PRINCIPALES ESTADISTICAS DE IMPORTACION CON PAISES DE ORIGEN AÑO 2008 - PARA LA POSICION P.A. 3403.19. Importaciones Pais origen Cantidad Kg Valor Rand Valor U$S Australia 25.789 805.012 97.577 Bélgica 127.034 4.806.789 582.641 Brasil 2.693 225.818 27.372 Canada 5.136 255.354 30.952 Suiza 13.916 1.006.746 122.030 China 16.735 320.646 38.866 Alemania 905.463 40.776.462 4.942.601 Egipto 52.788 2.104.178 255.052 España 7.192 342.526 41.518 Finlandia 4.198 85.874 10.409 Francia 992.910 34.001.421 4.121.384 Reino Unido 203.133 5.934.506 719.334 Italia 40.467 1.623.914 196.838 Japón 15.012 1.806.724 218.997 Paises Bajos 241.436 6.140.674 744.324 Suecia 1.433 316.375 38.348 Singapur 4.039 406.669 49.293 Tailandia 9.814 230.479 27.937 Estados Unidos 1.190.311 41.693.338 5.053.738 Resto 7.601 404.865 49.075 Total 3.867.100 143.288.370 17.368.287 PRINCIPALES ESTADISTICAS DE EXPORTACION CON PAISES DE DESTINO AÑO 2008 - PARA LA POSICION P.A. 3403.19. Exportaciones Pais destino Cantidad Kg Valor Rand Valor U$S Angola 60.342 1.547.558 187.583 Australia 17.000 192.531 23.337 Bélgica 90.005 1.285.587 155.829 Rep.Dem.Congo 162.585 3.440.049 416.976 Congo 41.705 1.182.419 143.324 Alemania 20.136 478.897 58.048 Guinea Ecuatorial 23.100 376.366 45.620 Hong Kong 11.480 336.558 40.795 Japón 176 117.317 14.220 Kenia 2.657 279.316 33.856 Rep.Corea 3.051 135.716 16.450 Mali 17.811 377.458 45.752 Mozambique 51.748 1.004.961 121.813 Paises Bajos 84.544 829.939 100.599

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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010


Tanzania 28.002 1.426.703 172.934 Zambia 167.172 5.037.735 610.635 Zimbabwe 35.921 688.864 83.499 Resto 58.947 1.560.640 189.168 Total 876.382 20.298.614 2.460.438 Fuente: Customs & Excise South Africa Valor calculado con tasa de cambio promedio anual PRINCIPALES ESTADISTICAS DE IMPORTACION CON PAISES DE ORIGEN AÑO 2009 - PARA LA POSICION P.A. 3403.19. Importaciones Pais origen Cantidad Kg Valor Rand Valor U$S Australia 16.851 741.345 92.668 Bélgica 148.143 4.287.923 535.990 Brasil 13.045 516.581 64.573 Canada 8.424 459.696 57.462 Suiza 6.399 738.474 92.309 Alemania 870.559 40.765.610 5.095.701 Egipto 7.916 305.469 38.184 Francia 465.965 21.439.158 2.679.895 Reino Unido 180.689 5.279.502 659.938 Italia 52.136 1.310.746 163.843 Japón 7.739 1.387.910 173.489 Paises Bajos 153.557 3.254.114 406.764 Oman 15.806 407.754 50.969 Suecia 980 332.559 41.570 Tailandia 9.551 305.840 38.230 Estados Unidos 893.293 35.980.136 4.497.517 Resto 15.840 803.412 100.427 Total 2.866.893 118.316.229 14.789.529 PRINCIPALES ESTADISTICAS DE EXPORTACION CON PAISES DE DESTINO AÑO 2009 - PARA LA POSICION P.A. 3403.19. Exportaciones Pais destino Cantidad Kg Valor Rand Valor U$S Emiratos Arabes 134 225.100 28.138 Angola 9.971 421.942 52.743 Argentina 300 23.352 2.919 Rep.Dem. Congo 74.872 1.578.712 197.339 Rep.Centroafricana 400 159.312 19.914 Congo 315.553 7.797.664 974.708 Camerún 32.844 1.237.253 154.657 Francia 21.150 461.670 57.709 Hong Kong 9.404 368.119 46.015 Malawi 40.802 273.082 34.135 Mozambique 33.825 1.015.696 126.962

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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010


Paises Bajos 4.318 277.176 34.647 Oman 31.452 218.832 27.354 Filipinas 4.296 247.749 30.969 Turquia 7.044 164.935 20.617 Tanzania 1.914 187.990 23.499 Zambia 261.275 10.301.975 1.287.747 Zimbabwe 26.233 911.021 113.878 Resto 154.791 3.198.803 399.850 Total 1.030.578 29.070.383 3.633.798 Fuente: Customs & Excise South Africa Valor calculado con tasa de cambio promedio anual PRINCIPALES ESTADISTICAS DE IMPORTACION CON PAISES DE ORIGEN Enero-Junio 2010 - PARA LA POSICION P.A. 3403.19. Importaciones Pais origen Cantidad Kg Valor Rand Valor U$S Argentina 1.760 16.066 2.142

Bélgica 52.812 1.484.485 197.931

Brasil 1.757 121.801 16.240

Canada 4.046 127.220 16.963

Suiza 1.692 166.425 22.190

China 2.280 153.148 20.420

Alemania 641.949 22.933.472 3.057.796

Egipto 9.068 322.120 42.949

Francia 469.876 18.367.099 2.448.947

Reino Unido 113.790 3.357.841 447.712

Italia 68.842 1.530.838 204.112

Japón 5.272 715.534 95.405

Paises Bajos 133.666 1.957.730 261.031

Suecia 1.331 185.245 24.699

Singapur 6.994 158.094 21.079

Estados Unidos 607.436 20.522.176 2.736.290 Resto 5.988 350.437 46.725 Total 2.128.559 72.469.731 9.662.631 PRINCIPALES ESTADISTICAS DE EXPORTACION CON PAISES DE DESTINO Enero-Junio 2010 - PARA LA POSICION P.A. 3403.19. Exportaciones Pais destino Cantidad Kg Valor Rand Valor U$S Bangladesh 15.874 705.000 94.000 Rep.Dem.Congo 27.783 757.777 101.037

Congo 111.672 2.806.766 374.235

China 3.350 107.723 14.363

Ghana 13.061 407.230 54.297

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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010


Hong Kong 1.882 86.484 11.531

Kenia 1.487 271.235 36.165

Mauricio 5.446 141.539 18.872

Malawi 24.838 171.135 22.818

Mozambique 28.687 634.139 84.552

Singapur 35.200 1.230.000 164.000

Tanzania 1.712 175.366 23.382

Zambia 112.684 3.533.754 471.167

Zimbabwe 23.121 555.874 74.117 Resto 13.649 534.168 71.222 Total 420.446 12.118.190 1.615.759 Fuente: Customs & Excise South Africa Valor calculado con tasa de cambio promedio anual

La aduana sudafricana. en concordancia con la ley local que considera delito el uso de moneda extranjera en territorio sudafricano. publica sus estadísticas en Rand. que es la moneda local. Con el objeto de facilitar la interpretación de las estadísticas. esta Embajada realiza la conversión de Rand a U$. El Rand. por diferentes razones. ha tenido a lo largo del año un alta volatilidad. con un 30% de apreciación de enero a agosto. En este ultimo mes se estabilizó en alrededor de 1U$ = 7.3 Rands. En este sentido. hemos realizado la conversión de las estadísticas asignando un valor al Rand un poco más bajo que el promedio anual (7.5 por unidad) ya que entendemos esto refleja mejor el movimiento comercial y las posibilidades a futuro.

DESPACHANTES DE ADUANA Renfreight P.O. Box 4281 Tel: (2711) 407-3500 Johannesburg. 2000 Fax: (2711) 339-6889 Sudafrica E-mail: [email protected] Safcor Freight P.O.Box 707 Tel: (2711) 922 9600 Johannesburg. 2000 Fax: (2711) 922 9655 Sudafrica E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Agility Fairs & Events Logistics Mr. Mike Weeks Tel: (2711) 396-1325/6 P.O. Box 1168 Fax: (2711) 396-3221 / 2111 Kempton Park. 1620 E-mail: [email protected] Sudafrica Pagina Web: http://www.translink.co.za Inelda Freight 342 Vom Hagen Str Tel: (2712) 327 3690 / 1 / 2 Pretoria West Fax: (2712) 327 2487 Sudafrica E-mail: [email protected]

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Embajada Argentina en Sudafrica Octubre 2010


Scargo P.O.Box 40135 Tel: (2712) 808 1866 Faerie Glen. 0043 Fax: (2712) 808 2436 Sudafrica E-mail: [email protected] SD Trans Freight Group PostNet 17 Bag X06 Tel: (2712) 377 3448/ 3450 Quagga. 0058 Fax: (2712) 379 1594 Sudafrica E-mail: [email protected]


LUBRICANT ADDITIVES CORROSION INHIBITORS ORAPI AFRICA (PTY) LTD Year Established: 2004 Description: Distribution of high tech lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)11 454-5138 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 454-5141 Physical Address: 234 Albert Amon Road Millennium Bus, Meadowdale, Edenvale Postal Address: PO Box 6142, Birchleigh, 1621 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.orapi.com Mr HP Steenkamp Director

CUTTING LUBRICANTS AIR CON-NECTED CC Year Established: 1998 Description: Supply & distribute oils, lubricants & greases. Telephone: +27 (0)11 794-9677 Facsimile: +27 (0)86 503-4534 / +27 (0)83 703-2273 / +27 (0)11 794-9677 Physical Address: Unit 116 Laserdowns Factory Park, Johan Street Honeydew, Randburg Postal Address: PO Box 127, Ruimsig, 1732 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.airconnected.co.za Mr J Grobler Member E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] B&O SEALING SYSTEMS CC Year Established: 2004 Description: Supply degreasers, lubricants, greases, packing & oil seals. Telephone: +27 (0)31 579-4443 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 579-4446 / +27 (0)31 467-0316 Physical Address: 1 Beechfield Crescent, Springfield Park, Durban Postal Address: PO Box 74359, Rochdale Park, 4034 Email: [email protected]

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Miss P Davis Member E-mail: [email protected] CARL BECHEM AFRICA (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1834 Description: Sales of lubrication equipment, products & environmental products. Telephone: +27 (0)16 981-1016 Facsimile: +27 (0)16 981-1024 / +27 (0)16 981-1017 / +27 (0)86 660-6589 Physical Address: 8 Chrome Street, Vanderbijlpark Postal Address: PO Box 5953, Vanderbijlpark, 1900 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.bechem.com Mr AJ Vorster Chief Executive Officer E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] CB LUBRICANTS Year Established: 1997 Description: Supply & distribute lubricating oils. Telephone: +27 (0)31 766-0429 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 766-0215 Physical Address: Unit 3 Brakenhill Park, Waterfall, Durban Postal Address: PO BOX 1196, Link Hills, 3652 Email: [email protected] Mr A Beltran Managing Member E-mail: [email protected] CEMLUBE LUBRICANTS Year Established: 1998 Description: Supply hydraulic oils & cleaning chemicals. Telephone: +27 (0)11 868-2697 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 868-2697 Physical Address: Unit 4 8 Bolschenk Street, Alrode South, Alberton Postal Address: PO Box 146507, Bracken Gardens, 1452 Email: [email protected] Mr EC Irwing Sole Proprietor DURBAN LUBRICANTS CC Year Established: 1998 Description: Suppliers of automotive & industrial lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)31 579-3462 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 579-3718 Physical Address: 2 Stanhope Place, Briardene, Durban Postal Address: PO Box 70765, Overport, 4067 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.durbanlubricants.co.za Mr UR Singh Managing Member CUTTING LUBRICANTS Year Established: 1987

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Description: Suppliers for engineering consumables, tools, fasteners, abrasives, cutting tools, power tools, hand tools, general hardware & welding equipment. Telephone: +27 (0)31 451-7700 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 468-8943 Physical Address: 50/54 Balfour Road, Jacobs, Durban Postal Address: PO Box 12652, Jacobs, 4026 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.eis.co.za Mr CJ da Silva Joint Managing Member E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] ELCARBO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES (CAPE) (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1998 Description: Distributors of engineering consumables. Telephone: +27 (0)21 556-2170 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 556-2178 / +27 (0)21 556-1568 Physical Address: Unit 41B Mansell Road, Killarney Gardens, Cape Town Postal Address: PO Box 36932, Chempet, 7442 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.elcarbo.co.za Miss W Turton Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] ENGINEERING SILICONE & BEARING SUPPLIES CC Year Established: 1992 Description: Suppliers of engineering tools, industrial fasteners, bearings & tool accessories, silicones & lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)21 949-6840 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 949-6842 / +27 (0)21 949-6841 Physical Address: Unit 1A Corner Willow Road & Kariga, Kaymore Industrial Stikland, Bellville Postal Address: PO Box 838, Eikefontein, 7571 Email: [email protected] Mr DN Rhode Managing Member HENDERSONS HARDWARE & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES CC Year Established: 1994 Description: Industrial & hardware supplies. Telephone: +27 (0)11 817-3562 Facsimile: +27 (0)86 611-1177 / +27 (0)11 817-2177 Physical Address: Unit 14 Wilry Industrial Park, Platina Crescent New Era, Springs Postal Address: PO Box 16084, Strybenvale, 1570 Email: [email protected] Mr A Stolp Managing Member JML DISTRIBUTORS Year Established: 1991 Description: Distributors of industrial lubricants, oils & high performance lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)11 958-0695 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 958-0696 Physical Address: 4 Boophane Lodges 45 Ann Road, Poortview, Roodepoort

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Postal Address: PO Box 390, Ruimsig, 1732 Email: [email protected] Mr JMP Leroy Managing Member LOCKSEAL Year Established: 2001 Description: Distributors of mechanical seals, lubricants, degreasers & gland packings. Telephone: +27 (0)41 585-4218 Facsimile: +27 (0)41 585-4218 Physical Address: Karmin Drive, Port Elizabeth Postal Address: PO Box 63673, Greenacres, 6057 Email: [email protected] Ms W Postepska Sole Proprietor NU STAR LUBRICANTS Year Established: 1997 Description: Distributor of lubricants, vehicle lubrication equipment & coolants. Telephone: +27 (0)21-691-4959 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 691-0826 Physical Address: Corner Landsdowne & Becker Roads, Philippi, Cape Town Postal Address: PO Box 32156, Ottery, 7808 Email: [email protected] Mr MJ Joseph Managing Member E-mail: [email protected] PORTA VERSPREIDERS Year Established: 1996 Description: Distribute petroleum & lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)13 246-1252 Facsimile: +27 (0)13 246-1336 / +27 (0)13 246-1137 / +27 (0)13 246-2420 Physical Address: 72 Zuid Street, Middelburg (Mpum) Postal Address: PO Box 303, Middelburg, 1050 Email: [email protected] Mr AE Verwey Managing Member PRIME CHEMICALS Year Established: 1990 Description: Distributors & suppliers of industrial cleaning chemicals. Telephone: +27 (0)31 764-2442 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 764-2442 / +27 (0)31 764-1844 Physical Address: 90 Abelia Road, Kloof, Durban Postal Address: PO Box 376, Gillitts, 3603 Email: [email protected] Mrs J Black Managing Member RONDEBULT COLLIERY (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1995 Description: Importing, selling & rentals of earth moving equipment. Telephone: +27 (0)13 933-3643

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Facsimile: +27 (0)13 933-3644 / +27 (0)13 933-3369 Physical Address: 14 Galena Street, Ekandustria, Bronkhorstspruit Postal Address: PO Box 8, Ekandustria, 1028 Email: [email protected] Mr JH Duvenage Chief Executive Officer E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] SBB MACHINE TOOLS (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1967 Description: Importers & distributors of drilling machines & engineering tools. Telephone: +27 (0)21 939-9170 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 939-9630 / +27 (0)21 939-9171 / +27 (0)21 557-7925 Physical Address: 13 Duminy Street, Parow East, Parow Postal Address: PO Box 156, Sanlamhof, 7532 Email: [email protected] Mr B Normington Director SEALING SOLUTIONS Year Established: 2000 Description: Distributors of sealing products, gasketing materials, bolts & nuts & lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)53 833-5303 Facsimile: +27 (0)53 832-3422 / +27 (0)53 832-3402 Physical Address: 4 Cohen Street, Labram, Kimberley Postal Address: PO Box 840, Kimberley, 8300 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.sealingsolutions.co.za Mr D Dobson Managing Member TEMBULAND GAS CC Year Established: 1991 Description: Retailers & distributors of LPG, welding consumables, trailer hire & repairers of electrical appliances. Telephone: +27 (0)47 531-2498 Facsimile: +27 (0)47 531-2498 / +27 (0)47 531-0894 / +27 (0)47 531-0894 Physical Address: 11 Timber Street, Vulindlela Heights, Mthatha Postal Address: Private Bag X5125, Mthatha, 5099 Email: [email protected] Mr RJ Signorile Managing Director WURTH SA (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1970 Description: Suppliers of bolts, nuts, fasteners, safety equipment, chemicals, tools, power tools & pneumatic tools. Telephone: +27 (0)11 281-1000 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 974-8908 / +27 (0)11 974-1284 Physical Address: Unit G1 Gewel Street, Isando Industrial Busisness Park, Kempton Park Postal Address: PO Box 616, Isando, 1600 Email: [email protected]

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Web Site: www.wurth.co.za Mr JW Anderson Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

LUBRICATING GREASE BEARING ARROW BEARINGS (WITBANK) Year Established: 1984 Description: Distributors of bearings, belting, chains, adhesives & transmissions. Telephone: +27 (0)13 697-1081 Facsimile: +27 (0)13 692-5106 / +27 (0)13 697-1082 / +27 (0)86 524-5666 Physical Address: 71 Watermeyer Road, Klipfontein, Witbank Postal Address: Private Bag X9, Elandsfontein, 1406 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.bearings.co.za Mrs N Naidoo Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] BEARINGS INTERNATIONAL Year Established: 1965 Description: Distributor of branded bearings, power transmission products. A complete range of bearings, seals, chain, belting, couplings & pulleys sold to manufacture, automotive, agricultural & mining markets through a branch distribution network in South Africa. Telephone: +27 (0)11 345-8000 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 974-7200 Physical Address: Hudaco Park 190 Barbara Road, Elandsfontein, Germiston Postal Address: Private Bag 9, Elandsfontein, 1406 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.bearings.co.za Mr G Gardiner Chief Executive Officer E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] BMG - BEARING MAN GROUP Year Established: 1974 Description: Africa's number 1 distributor of bearings, seals, power transmission components, geared motors, belting, fasteners, filtration & hydraulics. Telephone: +27 (0)31 576-6200 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 576-6583 Physical Address: 6 Tetford Circle Millenium Bridge, La Lucia Ridge, Durban Postal Address: PO Box 25192, Gateway, 4321 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.bmgworld.net Mr C Walters Chief Executive Officer E-mail: [email protected] BMG TRADE (MAITLAND) Year Established: 1971 Description: Bearings wholesaler.

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Telephone: +27 (0)21 593-8745 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 593-4626 Physical Address: Unit 5F Maitland Industrial Park, Voortrekker Road Maitland, Cape Town Postal Address: PO Box 276, Maitland, 7404 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.bmgworld.net Mr R Best Manager CASEN PUMPS CC Year Established: 2006 Description: Supply, service, overhaul & manufacture of high pressure pumps & allied equipment including vacuum & cleaning equipment. Telephone: +27 (0)11 813-3002 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 813-3004 / +27 (0)11 811-3375 Physical Address: Factory 3 Platina Crescent, New Era, Springs Postal Address: PO Box 1385, Springs, 1560 Email: [email protected] Mr F Carrazon-Escolar Member E-mail: [email protected] ECODEN Year Established: 1999 Description: Distributors & retailers of lubrication systems, pumps, filters, lubricants, hydraulics & degreasers. Telephone: +27 (0)28 713-2358 Facsimile: +27 (0)28 713-1616 Physical Address: Ladysmith Avenue, Riversdale Postal Address: PO Box 265, Riversdale, 6670 Email: [email protected] Mr H le Roux Member FLOSOLVE (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1986 Description: Lubrication systems, filtration systems & fluid transfer systems. Telephone: +27 (0)86 135-6758 Facsimile: +27 (0)86 135-6329 Physical Address: 16 Borax Street, Alrode Extension 7, Alberton Postal Address: PO Box 1976, Alberton, 1450 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.flosolve.co.za Mr T Greyling Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] GASMAN & IMG SUPPLIES Year Established: 1981 Description: Distributors & suppliers of protective wear, gas appliances, industrial cleaning materials, engineering plastics & vehicle lubrication equipment. Telephone: +27 (0)18 462-3494 Facsimile: +27 (0)18 462-5515

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Physical Address: 55 Enoch Sontonga Street, Klerksdorp Postal Address: PO Box 2251, Klerksdorp, 2570 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.gasman.co.za Mr IF van Rooyen Sole Proprietor HADIDA DISTRIBUTORS Year Established: 1998 Description: Distributors & importers of hydraulic & pneumatic equipment. Telephone: +27 (0)14 594-1749 Facsimile: +27 (0)14 594-1749 Physical Address: 215 Pendoring Avenue, Rustenburg Postal Address: PO Box 8478, Rustenburg, 0300 Email: [email protected] Mr KV West Member INSTALEK SA (PTY) LTD Year Established: 2000 Description: They specialise in the sourcing of all types & brands of machine spares & equipment required to keep your production facility functioning at full capacity. Telephone: +27 (0)41 581-0818 Facsimile: +27 (0)41 581-8571 Physical Address: 10 Third Avenue, Walmer, Port Elizabeth Postal Address: PO Box 40194, Walmer, 6065 Email: [email protected] Mr RD Zieseniss Chief Executive Officer E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] INVICTA BEARINGS & TRANSMISSION Year Established: 2005 Description: Importer & distributor of NTN bearings & leading distributors of Tsubaki chain & Fenner Power. Transmission products. Telephone: +27 (0)31 576-6200 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 576-6583 / +27 (0)11 620-1500 Physical Address: 6 Tetford Circle, Millennium Bridge Business Park La, Durban Postal Address: PO Box 25192, Gateway, 4321 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.invictabearings.co.za Mr C Walters Chief Executive Officer E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] LINCOLN LUBRICATION SA (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1992 Description: Lincoln SA is the agent & distributor of lincoln lubrication equipment & systems, in Sub-Saharan Africa. We also offer Fast Fill fluid handling systems, a complete range of hose reels & fire suppression systems. Telephone: +27 (0)11 907-1192 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 869-9293 / +27 (0)21 552-0878 / +27 (0)21 552-7943 Physical Address: 66 Fifth Avenue, Alberton North, Alberton

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Postal Address: PO Box 136532, Alberton North, 1456 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.lincolnsa.com Mr G Bates Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] METER SYSTEMS IMEX (A DIVISION OF SET POINT INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY (PTY) LTD) Year Established: 1986 Description: Importers & distributors of lubrication equipment & fluid handling equipment to Republic of South Africa & neighbouring states. Telephone: +27 (0)11 451-7000 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 451-7015 / +27 (0)11 452-2041 Physical Address: 4 Mopedi Road, Sebenza, Edenvale Postal Address: PO Box 8761, Edenglen, 1613 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.imexip.co.za Mr G Horsfield Chief Executive Officer / Setpoint E-mail: [email protected] Mr M Louw Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] MICA MINING WAREHOUSE Year Established: 1997 Description: Mining & industrial supplies. Telephone: +27 (0)15 781-1856 Facsimile: +27 (0)15 781-1181 Physical Address: 5B Kiaat Street, Phalaborwa Postal Address: PO Box 1186, Phalaborwa, 1390 Email: [email protected] Mr AJ van Rooyen Joint Managing Member E-mail: [email protected] MONITOR SPRAY NOZZLES & SPRAYING SYSTEMS Year Established: 1949 Description: Nozzles, spraying systems, chopper pumps, industrial pumps & self priming centrifugal pumps. Telephone: +27 (0)11 618-3860 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 614-0021 / +27 (0)86 655-3927 Physical Address: 132 Main Reef Road, Benrose, Johannesburg Postal Address: PO Box 7844, Johannesburg, 2000 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.monitorpumps.co.za Mr G Orsmond Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] MOSMOR (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1995 Description: Suppliers of automatic lubricators.

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Telephone: +27 (0)31 765-1585 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 765-1606 Physical Address: Suite 4 4 Delamore Road. Hillcrest Postal Address: PO Box 2079, Hillcrest, 3650 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.electro-lube.com Mr A Mostert Managing Director OIL CENTRE THE Year Established: 1999 Description: Distributors of lubricating oils & greases. Telephone: +27 (0)21 511-1961 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 511-5686 Physical Address: 48 Milner Road, Metro Industria Paarden Eiland, Cape Town Postal Address: PO Box 506, Paarden Eiland, 7420 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.capepetroleum.co.za Mr I Drummond-Hay Member E-mail: [email protected] PRECISE LUBRICATION (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1985 Description: Distributors of lubrication systems & pumps. Telephone: +27 (0)11 678-7753 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 678-7753 Physical Address: 90 Johannes Street, Fairland, Johannesburg Postal Address: PO Box 73768, Fairland, 2030 Email: [email protected] Mr HL Hasse Managing Director R&V BEARINGS SUPPLIES CC Year Established: 1989 Description: Importers & distributors of bearings & associated products of iso standard. Telephone: +27 (0)21 930-5200 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 930-6222 / +27 (0)21 930-5201 / +27 (0)21 930-6521 Physical Address: 80 Voortrekker Road, Parow Postal Address: PO Box 316, Gatesville, 7766 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.rvbearings.co.za Mr F Willie Member ROLLER CHAIN OPTI Year Established: 1970 Description: Supply bearings & chains. Telephone: +27 (0)11 345-8090 Facsimile: +27 (0)86 524-4200 Physical Address: Hudaco Park 190 Barbara Road, Elandsfontein, Germiston Postal Address: Private Bag 9, Elandsfontein, 1406 Email: [email protected]

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Web Site: www.bearings.co.za Mr A Vorster Director E-mail: [email protected] SCHAEFFLER SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1953 Description: Retailers of bearings & related services. Telephone: +27 (0)11 225-3000 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 334-4343 / +27 (0)11 334-1755 Physical Address: 1 End Street Extension, Heidelberg Road City & Suburban, Johannesburg Postal Address: PO Box 10597, Johannesburg, 2000 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.fag.com Mr P Boxall Managing Director / Industrial E-mail: [email protected] SILVERTON BOLT & NUT Year Established: 1998 Description: Retail of bolts, nuts, bearings, hardware, paints, tools, safety equipment etc. Telephone: +27 (0)12 804-1974 Facsimile: +27 (0)12 804-5357 Physical Address: 485 Pretoria Road, Silverton, Pretoria Postal Address: PO Box 662, Silverton, 0127 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.silvertonbolt.co.za Mr JR Fourie Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] TRIBO TECHNICAL SERVICES CC Year Established: 1987 Description: Retail, distribute, export & import lubrication equipment. Telephone: +27 (0)11 792-4381 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 792-9715 Physical Address: 33 River Road (off Cooper Road), Fontainebleau, Randburg Postal Address: PO Box 1240, Randpark Ridge, 2156 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.tribo.co.za Mr TP Tuck Managing Member TRUTRADE Year Established: 2000 Description: Suppliers of textile machinery, spares & accessories & trumeter measuring machines. Telephone: +27 (0)31 701-0355 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 701-7830 Physical Address: 37 Wareing Park, Hagart Road, Pinetown Postal Address: PO Box 10424, Ashwood, 3605 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.trutrade.co.za


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ADNOC LUBES SA CC Year Established: 1995 Description: Importers of motor oils & lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)11 854-6163 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 852-7134 / +27 (0)11 854-2331 Physical Address: 97 Albatross Street Extension 1, Lenasia, Johannesburg Postal Address: PO Box 1893, Lenasia, 1820 Email: [email protected] Mr H Moolla Joint Managing Member AIR CON-NECTED CC Year Established: 1998 Description: Supply & distribute oils, lubricants & greases. Telephone: +27 (0)11 794-9677 Facsimile: +27 (0)86 503-4534 / +27 (0)83 703-2273 / +27 (0)11 794-9677 Physical Address: Unit 116 Laserdowns Factory Park, Johan Street Honeydew, Randburg Postal Address: PO Box 127, Ruimsig, 1732 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.airconnected.co.za Mr J Grobler Member E-mail: [email protected] AIR SYSTEMS CC Year Established: 1989 Description: Suppliers of gas equipment, respirators, control instruments, gauges, flowmeters, regulators, lubrication systems, compressors, actuators & pneumatics. Telephone: +27 (0)12 804-5058 Facsimile: +27 (0)12 804-1961 / +27 (0)86 662-9611 Physical Address: 258 Dykor Street, Silverton, Pretoria Postal Address: PO Box 1845, Silverton, 1845 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.airsystems.co.za Mr JH Schuiling Managing Member E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] ATLAS OIL & CHEMICAL CC Year Established: 1968 Description: Supplier of metal working fluids, industrial & automotive lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)11 917-4220 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 917-2100 Physical Address: Corner Turf Road & Paul Smit Street, Muswelldale, Boksburg Postal Address: PO Box 6098, Dunswart, 1508 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.atlasoil.co.za Mr R Blignaut E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] B&O SEALING SYSTEMS CC Year Established: 2004

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Description: Supply degreasers, lubricants, greases, packing & oil seals. Telephone: +27 (0)31 579-4443 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 579-4446 / +27 (0)31 467-0316 Physical Address: 1 Beechfield Crescent, Springfield Park, Durban Postal Address: PO Box 74359, Rochdale Park, 4034 Email: [email protected] Miss P Davis Member E-mail: [email protected] BEARING & ACCESSORIES CC Year Established: 1990 Description: Suppliers of bearings, v belts, pulleys, rings & sprockets. Telephone: +27 (0)31 332-1700 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 332-1869 / +27 (0)31 337-6592 Physical Address: 5 Brewer Mansions, Corner Mazeppa & Fisher Streets, Durban Postal Address: PO Box 380, Durban, 4000 Email: [email protected] Mr L Pillay Managing Member BMG TRADE (MAITLAND) Year Established: 1971 Description: Bearings wholesaler. Telephone: +27 (0)21 593-8745 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 593-4626 Physical Address: Unit 5F Maitland Industrial Park, Voortrekker Road Maitland, Cape Town Postal Address: PO Box 276, Maitland, 7404 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.bmgworld.net Mr R Best Manager BONANZA DISTRIBUTORS Year Established: 1996 Description: Wholesales distribution of lubricants, welding rods, waste rags & product sourcing services. Telephone: +27 (0)11 764-5150 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 764-1448 Physical Address: 604 Bonanza Avenue, Helderkruin, Roodepoort Postal Address: PO Box 21606, Helderkruin, 1733 Email: [email protected] Mr NH Gildenhuys Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] BP MPUMALANGA Year Established: 2000 Description: Suppliers of oils & lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)17 647-6443 Facsimile: +27 (0)17 647-4207 / +27 (0)17 647-6468 Physical Address: Passenger Street, Bethal Postal Address: PO Box 115, Bethal, 2310 Email: [email protected]

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Mrs P Soko Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] BP PORT SHEPSTONE Year Established: 2004 Description: Gas & fuel distributors. Telephone: +27 (0)39 685-5030 Facsimile: +27 (0)39 685-5114 Physical Address: Corner Izotsha & Harding Roads, Marburg, Port Shepstone Postal Address: PO Box 54323, Marburg, 4252 Email: [email protected] Mr M Amegee Manager ELCARBO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES (CAPE) (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1998 Description: Distributors of engineering consumables. Telephone: +27 (0)21 556-2170 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 556-2178 / +27 (0)21 556-1568 Physical Address: Unit 41B Mansell Road, Killarney Gardens, Cape Town Postal Address: PO Box 36932, Chempet, 7442 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.elcarbo.co.za Miss W Turton Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] ENGEN PETROLEUM LTD Year Established: 1897 Description: The refining of crude oil, marketing of oil, primarily refined petroleum products in Sub Saharan Africa & provision of convenience services through our retail network. Telephone: +27 (0)21 403-4911 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 403-4067 / +27 (0)21 403-4646 Physical Address: Engen Court Thibault Square, Corner Long & Riebeeck Streets, Cape Town Postal Address: PO Box 35, Cape Town, 8000 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.engen.co.za Mr R Yusof Chief Executive Officer E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] ENGINEERING SILICONE & BEARING SUPPLIES CC Year Established: 1992 Description: Suppliers of engineering tools, industrial fasteners, bearings & tool accessories, silicones & lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)21 949-6840 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 949-6842 / +27 (0)21 949-6841 Physical Address: Unit 1A Corner Willow Road & Kariga, Kaymore Industrial Stikland, Bellville Postal Address: PO Box 838, Eikefontein, 7571 Email: [email protected] Mr DN Rhode Managing Member

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EQUIPEX CAPE CC Year Established: 1991 Description: Distribution of industrial lubricants, maintenance products & piping systems. Telephone: +27 (0)21 556-8422 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 556-8831 / +27 (0)86 695-6339 Physical Address: Unit A-B 92 Kyalami Drive, Killarney Gardens, Milnerton Postal Address: PO Box 37166, Chempet, 7442 Email: [email protected] Mr MT Seward Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] GTL RESOURCES MARKETING Year Established: 2005 Description: Supplier of petroleum products. Telephone: +27 (0)11 268-6355 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 268-6372 Physical Address: 25 Rudd Road, Illovo, Johannesburg Postal Address: PO Box 2791, Illovo, 2196 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.gtlresources.co.za Mrs B Pillay Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] HABOT MARKETING SA (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1983 Description: Manufactures & market synthetic lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)11 953-1030 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 953-1015 Physical Address: 11 Anvil Road, Boltonia, Krugersdorp Postal Address: PO Box 1772, Krugersdorp, 1740 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.habot.co.za Mr S O'Donnell Chief Executive Officer E-mail: [email protected] INVICTA BEARINGS & TRANSMISSION Year Established: 2005 Description: Importer & distributor of NTN bearings & leading distributors of Tsubaki chain & Fenner Power Transmission products. Telephone: +27 (0)31 576-6200 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 576-6583 / +27 (0)11 620-1500 Physical Address: 6 Tetford Circle, Millennium Bridge Business Park La, Durban Postal Address: PO Box 25192, Gateway, 4321 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.invictabearings.co.za Mr C Walters Chief Executive Officer E-mail: [email protected] KLUBER LUBRICATION (PTY) LTD

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Year Established: 1983 Description: Importers & suppliers of lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)11 908-2457 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 864-7373 / +27 (0)11 908-2458 Physical Address: 12C Barium Street, Alrode, Alberton Postal Address: PO Box 11461, Randhart, 1457 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.klueber.com Mr HC Aucamp Managing Director LOCKSEAL Year Established: 2001 Description: Distributors of mechanical seals, lubricants, degreasers & gland packings. Telephone: +27 (0)41 585-4218 Facsimile: +27 (0)41 585-4218 Physical Address: Karmin Drive, Port Elizabeth Postal Address: PO Box 63673, Greenacres, 6057 Email: [email protected] Ms W Postepska Sole Proprietor LUBE TECH SA Year Established: 2000 Description: Distributors of lubricants & grease. Telephone: +27 (0)33 347-2487 Physical Address: 25 Marshal Road, Athlone, Pietermaritzburg Postal Address: PO Box 13168, Cascades, 3202 Email: [email protected] Mr C McCabe Member l MPOWER BEARINGS Year Established: 2004 Description: Supply & distribute bearings, lubrication, seals & condition monitoring services. Telephone: +27 (0)11 334-2690 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 334-3925 Physical Address: 46 Heidelberg Road, City & Suburban, Johannesburg Postal Address: PO Box 260292, Excom, 2023 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.mpowerbearings.co.za Mr D Moodley Director E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] NU STAR LUBRICANTS Year Established: 1997 Description: Distributor of lubricants, vehicle lubrication equipment & coolants. Telephone: +27 (0)21-691-4959 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 691-0826 Physical Address: Corner Landsdowne & Becker Roads, Philippi, Cape Town Postal Address: PO Box 32156, Ottery, 7808

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Email: [email protected] Mr MJ Joseph Managing Member E-mail: [email protected] OIL CENTRE THE Year Established: 1999 Description: Distributors of lubricating oils & greases. Telephone: +27 (0)21 511-1961 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 511-5686 Physical Address: 48 Milner Road, Metro Industria Paarden Eiland, Cape Town Postal Address: PO Box 506, Paarden Eiland, 7420 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.capepetroleum.co.za Mr I Drummond-Hay Member E-mail: [email protected] PENTAX TRADING CC Year Established: 1978 Description: Suppliers of engineering & industrial supplies. Telephone: +27 (0)11 640-5111 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 640-3028 / +27 (0)11 640-4615 / +27 (0)11 786-7665 Physical Address: 430 Louis Botha Avenue, Rouxville, Johannesburg Postal Address: PO Box 46344, Orange Grove, 2119 Email: [email protected] Mr J Tobias Managing Director SASOL OIL (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1981 Description: Marketing of petroleum products & manufacture of fuels & lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)11 889-7600 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 889-7967 / +27 (0)11 889-7720 / +27 (0)11 889-7699 Physical Address: 32 Hill Street, Ferndale, Randburg Postal Address: PO Box 4211, Randburg, 2125 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.sasol.com Mr A Zwiegelaar Acting Managing Director / Sasol Oil E-mail: [email protected] SBB MACHINE TOOLS (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1967 Description: Importers & distributors of drilling machines & engineering tools. Telephone: +27 (0)21 939-9170 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 939-9630 / +27 (0)21 939-9171 / +27 (0)21 557-7925 Physical Address: 13 Duminy Street, Parow East, Parow Postal Address: PO Box 156, Sanlamhof, 7532 Email: [email protected] Mr B Normington Director

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SCHAEFFLER SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1953 Description: Retailers of bearings & related services. Telephone: +27 (0)11 225-3000 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 334-4343 / +27 (0)11 334-1755 Physical Address: 1 End Street Extension, Heidelberg Road City & Suburban, Johannesburg Postal Address: PO Box 10597, Johannesburg, 2000 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.fag.com Mr P Boxall Managing Director / Industrial E-mail: [email protected] SNR SOUTH AFRICA Year Established: 2004 Description: Distributors of bearing, lubricators & greases. Telephone: +27 (0)11 974-3117 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 974-5366 / +27 (0)11 974-1377 Physical Address: 5 Skietlood Road, Isando, Kempton Park Postal Address: PO Box 16512, Atlasville, 1465 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.snr-bearings.com Mr R Pinnard Director E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] WESKUS OLIE DEPOT Year Established: 1992 Description: Retailers of Shell oil & lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)22 713-1442 Facsimile: +27 (0)22 713-1442 Physical Address: 23 Proses Street, Vredenburg Postal Address: PO Box 90, Vredenburg, 7380 Email: [email protected] Mrs A Anker Managing Member WESTERN CAPE LUBRICANTS (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1994 Description: Retail industrial oils, automotive lubricants & oils. Telephone: +27 (0)21 854-4808 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 853-2366 / +27 (0)21 853-2363 Physical Address: Gerber Boulevard, Gants Park, Strand Postal Address: Gerber Boulevard, Gants Park, 7140 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.fuchsoil.co.za Mr ZB Loots Managing Director

LUBRICATING OILS AIRFLIT (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1971 Description: Retail & service of vacuum pumps, blowers & retailers of special lubricants.

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Telephone: +27 (0)11 873-5555 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 873-1355 Physical Address: 21 Orion Street, Germiston Postal Address: PO Box 979, Germiston, 1400 Email: [email protected] Mr B Fluchs Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] INDUSTRIAL CENTRE CC Year Established: 1994 Description: Supply hand tools, power tools & industrial safety wear. Telephone: +27 (0)11 902-4997 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 902-7758 / +27 (0)11 902-5079 Physical Address: Corner Crocker & Peddie Roads, Wadeville, Germiston Postal Address: PO Box 7225, Albemarle, 1410 Email: [email protected] Mr D Worman Joint Managing Member KZN OILS (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1997 Description: Suppliers of petroleum, automotive oils, lubricants & spill control products. Telephone: +27 (0)31 570-0550 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 570-0522 / +27 (0)31 570-0500 / +27 (0)31 570-0542 Physical Address: 45 North Coast Road, Briardene, Durban Postal Address: PO Box 74134, Rochdale Park, 4034 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.kznoils.co.za Mr R Reddy Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] LUBRICATION ENGINEERS SA (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1994 Description: Suppliers of automotive, industrial lubricants, oil, fuel filtration systems & specialized lubrication. Telephone: +27 (0)11 464-1735 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 464-1050 / +27 (0)11 464-1736 Physical Address: Plot 110 Scorpion Trail, River Sands, Johannesburg Postal Address: PO Box 70438, Bryanston, 2021 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.le-inc.com Mr FS Blackbeard Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] LUBRICATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1989 Description: Supply & distribute lubricants & lubricants oils. Telephone: +27 (0)11 740-0066 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 740-0089 / +27 (0)86 077-7333 / +27 (0)86 685-7765 Physical Address: 373 Corner George & Wenden Avenues, Brakpan

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Postal Address: PO Box 486, Brakpan, 1540 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.castrol.co.za Mr SJ Kuncl Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] LUBRITE DISTRIBUTORS CC Year Established: 1982 Description: Distribution of lubricants. Telephone: +27 (0)11 680-8607 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 680-2493 / +27 (0)11 680-2492 / +27 (0)86 512-0058 Physical Address: 5 Booysens Place Booysens Road, Booysens, Johannesburg Postal Address: PO Box 38918, Booysens, 2016 Email: [email protected] Mr A Dodds Member UNI-TRADING (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1995 Description: Supply & retail mechanical seals, packings, degreasers, electric & vibrator motors Telephone: +27 (0)13 755-3188 Facsimile: +27 (0)13 755-3195 / +27 (0)13 755-3189 Physical Address: Suikerriet Street, Nebo Park, Nelspruit Postal Address: PO Box 1577, Nelspruit, 1200 Email: [email protected] Mr S Benett Managing Director

ANTI RUST COATINGS BURMEISTERS Year Established: 1895 Description: Hardware retailers & wholesalers of building materials. Telephone: +27 (0)43 703-8200 Facsimile: +27 (0)43 743-7974 Physical Address: Corner Signal & Fleet Streets, East London Postal Address: PO Box 668, East London, 5200 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.burmeist.com CHEMICAL CONTACTS Description: Supply & distribute industrial chemicals. Telephone: +27 (0)11 972-7223 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 391-5075 Physical Address: 21 Ossewa Street, Chloorkop Extension 2, Kempton Park Postal Address: PO Box 8941, Eden Glen, 1613 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.chemicalcontacts.co.za Mr P Hanney Member CORROCOAT SA (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1983 Description: Corrosion Company, anti corrosion technology.

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Telephone: +27 (0)31 465-2024 Facsimile: +27 (0)31 465-2199 Physical Address: 42-46 Harden Avenue, Sea View, Durban Postal Address: PO Box 41754, Rossburgh, 4072 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.corrocoat.com Mr L Pretorius Managing Director E-mail: [email protected] LIQUID RUBBER SA Year Established: 2003 Description: Waterproofing & corrosion protection of most building construction substrates. Telephone: +27 (0)86 111-5540 Facsimile: +27 (0)86 681-8789 / +27 (0)12 364-2480 Physical Address: 323 Lynwood Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria Postal Address: PO Box 1533, Derdepoortpark, 0035 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.liquidrubber.ca Mrs HM Fourie Member E-mail: [email protected] TRANSMOTION (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1990 Description: Buying of surplus & redundant bearings importing of wraptech & exporting of ball & roller bearings. Telephone: +27 (0)11 822-5290 Facsimile: +27 (0)11 822-5736 Physical Address: Unit 9 Rustivia Industrial Park Ala, Elandsfontein, Germiston Postal Address: PO Box 2072, Primrose, 1416 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.transmotion.co.za Mr DF Barnwell Managing Director E-mail: [email protected]

ANTI CORROSION TREATMENTS BLYGOLD SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD Year Established: 2000 Description: Specialists in corrosion & anti corrosion control services. Telephone: +27 (0)21 555-3381 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 555-3896 / +27 (0)41 487-2073 / +27 (0)41 484-5685 Physical Address: Unit 5 8 Track Crescent, Montague Gardens, Cape Town Postal Address: PO Box 37151, Chempet, 7442 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.blygold.com Mr JA Wagenaar Director E-mail: [email protected]

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CHESTERTON INDUSTRIES (PTY) LTD Year Established: 1884 Description: Distributors of packing, mechanical seals, protective coatings, pipe linings, lubricants, cleaners & pipeline protection services. Telephone: +27 (0)21 862-2503 Facsimile: +27 (0)21 862-0405 / +27 (0)21 552-7901 Physical Address: Waterkloof Farm, Kleindrakenstein Road, Paarl Postal Address: PO Box 853, Huguenot, 7645 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.chesterton.com Mr J Pfaff Senior Manager NATIONAL FLUID CONTROL Year Established: 1991 Description: Suppliers & distributors of valves, flanges, cleaners, gaskets & engineering supplies, Chesterton mechanical packings, mechanical seals, technical & Opticool products & ARC coatings. Telephone: +27 (0)17 647-5941 Facsimile: +27 (0)17 647-5330 / +27 (0)17 647-5942 Physical Address: Third Avenue, Extension 14, Bethal Postal Address: PO Box 926, Bethal, 2310 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.chesterton.com Mr RCC Shepherd Managing Director / Sales E-mail: [email protected]

CAMARAS DE COMERCIO SUDAFRICANAS SOUTH AFRICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY Ms. Palesa Shuping P.O. Box 213 TEL: (2711) 446 3800 Saxonwold. 2132 FAX: (2772) 86 527 2037 Sudáfrica E-MAIL: [email protected] DURBAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr Malusi Mpanza P.O. Box 1506 TEL: (2731) 335-1000 // 1030 Durban. 4000 FAX: (2731) 322-1288 Sudáfrica E-MAIL:[email protected]

E-mail: [email protected] JOHANNESBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Ms. Nadia Reyneke Private Bag 34 TEL: (2711) 726-5300 Auckland Park. 2006 FAX: (2711) 482-2000 Sudáfrica E-MAIL: [email protected] CAPE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Ms. Jeannie Taljard P.O. Box 204 TEL: (2721) 418-4300 Cape Town. 8000 FAX: (2721) 418-1800 Sudáfrica E-MAIL: [email protected]

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TSHWANE CHAMBER OF BUSINESS Mr. Kotopi Sekhudu P.O. Box 40653 TEL: (2712) 342-3236 Arcadia. 0007 FAX: (2712) 342-1486 Sudáfrica [email protected] PORT ELIZABETH REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Ms. Samantha Barnes P.O. Box 1137 TEL: (2741) 484-4430 North End. 6056 FAX: (2741) 487-1851 Sudáfrica E-mail: [email protected]

EXHIBICIONES AUTOMECHANIKA 2011 9 – 12 March 2011 Johannesburg Expo Centre Roger Houghton Tel: 011 476 7400 Fax: 086 505 8957 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.automechanikasa.co.za Contacto para empresas internacionales Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH Ms. Sarah Lindsey Tel: +49 69 7575-6035 Fax: +49 69 7575 5908 Email: [email protected] Web: www.automechanika.messefrankfurt.com Contacto para empresas Sudafricanas: Dogan Trading (Pty) Ltd Mr Philip Otto Tel: +27 11 494 4287 / 5003 / 5002 Fax: +27 11 494 5004 Email: [email protected] Web: www.automechanikasa.co.za SAITEX 2011 24 al 26Julio 2011 Gallagher Convention Centre. 19 Richards Drive Kagiso Exhibitions (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 00 27 11 661 4000 Fax: 00 27 11 496 3880 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] INTERBUILD AFRICA 2011 17 al 19 Octubre. 2011

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Specialised Exhibitions Roz Nash Exhibition Manager Tel: 00 27 11 835 1565 Fax: 00 27 11 496 1161 E-mail: [email protected] Cell: 00 27 83 399 5374 Website: www.interbuildafrica.co.za BOTSWANA CONSUMER FAIR 2011 August 2011 – To be Confirmed Fairground Holdings Tel: +267 397 5555 Fax: +267 395 6760 / +267 390 4263 Ms. Frieda Bamu E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.botswanaconsumerfair.co.bw / www.fairgroundholdings.com 18TH EDITION OF INFOTECH 2011 – Mauricio To be Confirmed Swami Vivekananda International Convention Centre. Pailles. Mauricio Mr. Sanjay Bhunjun Ms. Madhavi Ramdin Tel: 00 230 210 5520 Fax: 00 230 212 4240 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.infotech.mu FACIM MAPUTO - INTERNATIONAL FAIR FOR INVESTMENT AND CONSUMER GOODS 2011 Feira Internacional de Maputo August / September 2011 – To be Confirmed SOGEX Tel.: +258 1 427 151 Fax: +258 1 427 129 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.sogex.com AUTO AFRICA 2011 (Vehiculos. autopartes. accesorios. Industria automotriz) Johannesburg 6 al 9 Octubre 2011 (fecha a confirmar) Nasrec Exhibition Centre- Johannesburg Kagiso Exhibitions Contact Person: Ms. Pula Dippenaar Tel: 00 27 11 661 4001 / 2 / 3 Fax: 00 27 11 496 3907 / 8 E-mail: [email protected] Pagina web: www.autoafrica.com / [email protected]

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AÑO 1USD = RAND 1991 2.76 1992 2.85 1993 3.27 1994 3.55 1995 3.63 1996 4.30 1997 4.61 1998 5.53 1999 6.11 2000 6.94 2001 8.61 2002 10.52 2003 7.56 2004 6.45 2005 6.36 2006 6.77 2007 7.05 2008 8.25 2009 8.44 2010 Enero 7.45 2010 Febrero 7.66 2010 Marzo 7.43 2010 Abril 7.34 2010 Mayo 7.63 2010 Junio 7.65 2010 Julio 7.55 2010 Agosto 7.30 2010 Septiembre 7.14

Fuente: Banco de la Reserva de Sudáfrica

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