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Page 1: Fondation ReBin Presentation

Fondation ReBin for Sustainable Development

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ReBin - The Genesis

Mark Giannelli

President & Founder

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Waste - A Reality

• The problems posed by waste are multiple and increase the vulnerability of the population.

• They create real risks for humanity with hundreds of thousands of deaths per year caused solely by their effect on water.

• Damage to human life and the environment is permanent.

• The amount of waste increases globally. The threat posed by society to its environment is immense.

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Waste - A Reality

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Waste - Another Reality

• The basis of a "Zero Waste" economy exists and we have seen it!

• Waste should no longer be seen as an inevitable cost, but as a resource to be exploited by industry, agriculture and households.

• "There is no waste on this planet, only misplaced resources" (Dr. Somthai)

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Waste - Another Reality

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ReBin - The Meaning

Reduce Reuse Recycle

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“Consider the cherry tree: thousands of blossoms create fruit for birds, humans, and other animals, in order that one pit might eventually fall onto the ground, take root, and grow. The tree makes copious blossoms and fruit without depleting its environment. Once they fall on the ground, their materials decompose and break down into nutrients that nourish microorganisms, insects, plants, animals, and soil. Although the tree actually makes more of its product than it needs for its own success in an ecosystem, this abundance has evolved, to serve rich and varied purposes. In fact, the tree’s fecundity nourishes just about everything around it. What might the human built world look like if the cherry tree had produced?”

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ReBin – The Impact

Sylvain Massot

Vice- President & Treasurer

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ReBin - The Impact Why?

On September 25, 2015, 193 world leaders committed to achieving 17 global goals to achieve three major accomplishments over the next 15 years.

Ending extreme poverty.Fight against inequality and injustice.Addressing climate change.

A cost of 4'000 bn / year> US budget in 2016

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ReBin - Contribution to SDGs

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ReBin - The Impact How?


financial performance

Social Impact + Financial


Donations & subventions

Types of investment Traditional Impact Philanthropy

Our Target

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ReBin – The Reason

Claude Boko

Secretary General & Director of Operations

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ReBin - The Selection

• In 2015, 5 countries in the selection process including Benin and Ghana

• Selection criteria:

• Risk factors (economic, political, commercial, other)

• Corruption Index

• Opportunities for development (weak presence of international actors)

• Strategic partnerships

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ReBin - Benin• A stable democratic republic

• Peaceful country

• An area equivalent to 3 times that of Switzerland

• A population more or less equal to that of Switzerland

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Benin - The Sustainable Action

• A regulatory framework that promotes sustainability

• International Symposium on Sustainable Management and Waste Recovery in Developing Countries

• The Government’s Program of Actions 2016-2021 that splits in 7 strategic axes

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• Promotion of sustainable development (Strategic axis n ° 7)

• Mobilize at the level of public and private partners new funding for the implementation of SDGs

Benin - The Sustainable Action

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ReBin - The choice of the commune

• Availability of Resources

• Population density

• Proximity of actors

• Major Road Axis

• Adhesion of local partners

• Women Leadership

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ReBin - The Commune of Toffo

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ReBin - The pilot project• Organic waste

• Main market, farmers and households

• Waste comes to us

• Valorisation & transformation

• Biogas for domestic use and organic fertilizer

• Sale of processed products

• Support to local entrepreneurship

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The Pilot Project – The Process FlowPilot Project “Toffo”

Fruits & vegetables


Biogas energy



liquid fertilizer

solid fertilizerReception



Transformer Electricity


Agricultural producers, breeders




Organic waste

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ReBin - The Pilot Project Site

Valorisation site in the commune of


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The Pilot - The Financial Needs

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The Pilot - The Planning2019+20182017 S2 2017 S1

• Financial research

• Feasibility study with local actors

• Registration in Benin

• Land Purchase


In collaboration with renowned local actors (Songhaï)

Pilot• Adherence of

local actors• Transform

behaviors• Purchase of

products• Financial


Expansion• Expansion au

Bénin• Other centres• Other industries

(plastc, cardboards...)

• Other developing countries

• Education

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A Word from the Ambassador

H.Exc.Mr. Eloi LAOUROU Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

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ReBin - Our Engagements

The Foundation will not deviate from its objectives

The money raised will go to the realization of this project

Beyond the pilot project, Toffo's activities will not only be maintained but extended

We will communicate on a regular basis

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The ReBin Team

Ravi Pariah

Sarah-Jane Barrier

Alexandre Zupka

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