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¿Quien es?Roberto Clemente es un jugador de béisbol. Su primer equipo fue los Dodgers pero nunca jugó porque el quería ser un secreto. Después de pasó a jugar para los Piratas de Pittsburgh

¿Que articulos deportivos usa?

Usa zapatos de béisbol y un bate.

¿De donde es?

Desde San Anton in Carolina, Puerto Rico.

You know everything looks better when you are missing a title. I’m just letting you know this! You don’t always need it because titles are stupid. Especially when the titles not good enough. I’m going to teach you how to spell one day. Doesn’t this slide look pretty? You should make this pretty. Even if you finished it without saving it again on my account…..

Because it’s on my stuff and it looks really sad because it’s only a few slides with little words on it, and if this thing could’ve been in English then I could’ve finished it for you. However, that is not the case -.- You should do better! It amazes me that I’m the only person who can complete a PowerPoint and make it so long that no one wants to read it. That includes my teachers too, but yea… you need to finish this ^-^ Love you

This Chick Says Yes :3

© ~NikkiPreciousKiTTy~

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