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Page 1: MAY • JUN 2010servicios2.britanico.edu.pe/admin/archivos/BN may-jun CORREGIDA-f… · Hoy veo mi sueño cumplido, mañana estoy seguro de que podrá ser el tuyo. • María Alejandra


Número 05MAYO / JUNIO 2010



EN ESTA EDICIÓN: 2. Viaje al Reino Unido.

4. Últimas funciones de “Jarana”.

8. Actividades Extracurriculares.


PROGRESS TESTDiario y Superintensivo 15 de junioSabatino 5 de junio

FINAL EXAMDiario 24 de junioSuperintensivo 25 de junioSabatino 3 de julio EXÁMENES ORALESEstas fechas son comunicadas a los alumnos con anticipación por sus profesores.


• Sandra ReañoWinner of the Scholarship for Excellence 2009-I

Sometimes when you hear too much about a place and you finally get to see it with your own eyes it’s not interesting enough because you feel like you know it already. Well, this definitely is NOT what happened with London. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve heard about it or how much you’ve seen on pictures, films, books… London is nothing like you expect, it is a thousand times better. And here’s why.

Before travelling, I was a little afraid of not getting used to the lifestyle there, of getting constantly lost or forgetting all the English I had learnt when someone asked me something. So, this wise city took care of making me realise I had nothing to be afraid of.

If I didn’t have a clue where I was (or where the street I was looking for was on my map, for that matter) I only had to ask the nearest stranger for directions and they would help. What is more, they didn’t seemed to find my accent funny.

Viaje a Londres

Knowing London

Sandra Reaño at London Bridge

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The lifestyle was a bit different but I got used to it. I even liked the rainy, snowy, cloudy weather. My host family (John and Claire) made everything easier, from the moment I arrived they were really nice and helpful. John seemed to enjoy tuning in to TV shows with people from Manchester or Wales to show me how confusing the different accents in Britain were. Claire would always ask me “How was your day?” and give me good advice about any doubt I had. And the other amazing thing is, you don’t only get to learn about British culture, you get to meet people from so many different countries you never thought possible (especially at International House).

Among the places I’ll never forget are Leicester Square and the theatres near there, Piccadilly Circus, Covent Garden Market and St. James Street, Camden Town, Notting Hill and Portobello Road, Victoria Station, Foyles bookshop, Westminster Square, the Thames and its bridges and walks, Oxford Street… I also remember simple pleasures like taking the Tube, reading the newspaper (and realising you actually understand what’s going on in Britain) or walking near Tower Bridge.

For this experience I thank the BRITÁNICO, and my teachers (especially Pilar Morillo from Advanced) for making it possible for me to earn the scholarship. I enjoyed every second I spent there. The only unpleasant moment I had was

when I had to leave London. I thought I knew a couple of things about London but when I was there I understood that you’ll never know this city unless you are there and you fall in love with it.

El BRITÁNICO te da poder Y hoy, ¿a quién te enfrentarás?

Ingresa a www.elbritanicotedapoder.com, enfrenta y vence a Dark CEO, The Bits, Jack The Hunter o al Dr. Albert Brainstein, y podrás ganar:

• 2 Play Station 3• 2 Nintendo Wii• 2 Ipod Touch • 50 USB de 2GB• 50 cámaras web

Si superas más retos y recomiendas el juego a tus amigos, mayores son tus posibilidades de ganar.

¡Demuestra tu poder!

Duración de la promoción: del 29 de abril al 28 de junio de 2010. Resolución Ministerial N° 2422-2010-IN-1501

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Ganadores de la Beca a la Excelencia 2010-ITestimoniosEn el mes de marzo, siete alumnos ganaron la Beca a la Excelencia. En esta oportunidad, cuatro de ellos nos brindan su testimonio:

Living a dream• Melisa Gutiérrez

When I started studying at the BRITÁNICO, almost 10 years ago, I started what has been one of the nicest stages of my life. Saturday after Saturday I couldn’t wait to go and learn a little more, to have fun, to make new friends. The day I found out about the United Kingdom scholarship was also a Saturday. I was too little to participate but I didn’t care. From that day I decided I wanted to win it. I arrived home very excited and happy, dreaming about what it would be like to walk around London although I had to wait ten years to actually take the exam.

Years passed, and my love for English grew even more. I love communicating through this language and from the first words I learned at the BRITÁNICO, I tried to use it whenever I could. The BRITÁNICO became a part of my life, a part of me, which is the reason that when I finally finished the advanced level, I felt a little sad. However, I knew that was the next step to that dream

I’d had all those years. When I took the FCE I was very nervous, I felt everything I had worked for depended on that day. And it was true. Thank God it all went perfectly and some weeks later, the invitation for the certificates ceremony arrived. The happiness I felt when they told me I had won is beyond words. Knowing that your dreams are coming true is amazing. Now that I’m preparing for the trip, I feel like I’m walking on a cloud, or inside a dream. But it’s a dream I don’t want to wake up from.

Finally, I would like to thank God, who made all of this happen, my family, who have supported me every step of the way, and the BRITÁNICO which has given me this amazing opportunity I’ll always be thankful for. Good luck to all of you who want to apply for this scholarship, never lose hope, never stop dreaming. Dreams do come true.

More than just an English InstituteLondres, ¡aquí voy!• César Ulloa

Desde que empecé a estudiar inglés, soñé que escribiría la historia de mi vida en inglés, y quién iba a decir que en el BRITÁNICO se encontraría la puerta que me abriría paso a la realización de mi sueño.

Hay quienes dicen que los sueños son solo eso: sueños, y que la realización de ellos es como la suerte que te da tirar una moneda al aire. Pero hoy aprendí que eso no es verdad y que el hecho de cumplirlos es producto de esfuerzo, perseverancia, fe en ti y —añadido a eso— estar en el lugar y momento adecuados, con quienes también apuestan por ti.

Hoy veo mi sueño cumplido, mañana estoy seguro de que podrá ser el tuyo.

• María Alejandra Chávez

The BRITÁNICO for me is much more than an English institute, it was a place that I liked from the first day, a place that I felt comfortable in, and the feeling has not changed. I learned to love English and became an English addict. Studying there was one of the best decisions I’ve made.

Being one of the winners of the scholarship has been a wonderful experience. I remember the day

of the ceremony I was really nervous, I think nobody realized I was shaking all evening. When they called the candidates to take the stage and said that we were all going to England, I was speechless. Maybe you are one of those people who think that good things can’t happen to you, I know I was. But now I know that there is only one thing that can beat the impossible: faith.

I thank God, my parents, my family, my teachers (a special thanks to my advanced level teacher, Pedro Villalobos), friends, and of course the BRITÁNICO for giving me this amazing opportunity!

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¡No te pierdas las últimas funciones de “Jarana”!

No te pierdas las últimas funciones para contagiarte del espíritu de “Jarana” y celebrar esta fiesta memorable a través del teatro, la música y los bailes.

Producción: BRITÁNICO.Temporada: De jueves a lunes a las 8:00 p. m. hasta el 14 de junio.Lugar: Teatro Británico (Jr. Bellavista 527 / Malecón Balta 740, Miraflores).

Venta de entradas en Teleticket y en la boletería del Teatro Británico.Informes: 615-3610

Recuerda que como estudiante del BRITÁNICO cuentas con una promoción especial para asistir a las obras que presentamos en el Teatro Británico. Tú y un acompañante pagan, cada uno, sólo S/.10. Acércate a la boletería del Teatro o a cualquier Teleticket con tu documento de matrícula.

VIII Concurso de Fotografía 2010Capta las mejores imágenes y participa en el VIII Concurso Foto BRITÁNICO 2010 “Calle siente”. Sólo necesitas estar matriculado y siguiendo el curso de adultos del BRITÁNICO al momento de la inscripción.

“Calle siente” busca que los participantes den a conocer, con imágenes, los sentimientos de los seres humanos en el escenario de la calle, aquellos seres humanos que les dan vida y personalidad propias a las calles del Perú.

Premios:• Primer puesto: Una moderna cámara digital y una beca para estudiar un taller en el Centro de la Imagen.• Segundo puesto: S/.500 y una beca para estudiar un taller en el Centro de la Imagen.• Tercer puesto: S/.200 y un set de material promocional del BRITÁNICO.• Cinco menciones honrosas: Un set de material promocional del BRITÁNICO.

La entrega de los trabajos será del lunes 14 al viernes 25 de junio del 2010, en la recepción de tu centro de enseñanza.

Puedes obtener las bases en la recepción de tu centro de enseñanza o ingresando a www.britanico.edu.pe/Alumnos/Concursos/ConcursoFoto-Británico.

Don’t stop believing… really… don’t! • Yassmin Lavado

When I had my first day of classes at the BRITÁNICO, I was totally overwhelmed by excitement, I couldn’t believe that finally my dad was sending me to study English! Every single day was amazing, the teachers, my classmates, the library (which is one of my favourite places in the whole world) made me feel as if I were at home. One day, a teacher commented about the scholarship. All I could think of was if I would be capable of making it. It was astonishing to see how many people started to believe in the fact that I had some possibility of winning.

Now, every time I recall the day I thought “ Yassmin, you do have a chance!”, I feel like it was a younger sister who believed so firmly in that, because I have to admit that the day of the ceremony I couldn’t stop shaking and when we were announced as winners of the scholarship, my knees were about to betray me.I couldn’t feel happier or prouder and I all want to say is thank you…to each person who believed in me and of course I’m very grateful to the BRITÁNICO, from all the teachers I had the chance to meet to the guards who stand by the door. Thank you very much to all of you for being part of one of the most beautiful experiences in my whole life.

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Ganadores dela Matrícula OnlineRecuerda que en el BRITÁNICO te ofrecemos la posibilidad de matricularte desde la comodidad de tu casa, oficina o donde te encuentres, a través de nuestra página web www.britanico.edu.pe. En ella también puedes comprar los textos.

Además, te damos nuevas opciones de matrícula online por medio del Banco de Crédito (BCP). Entérate dándole clic al banner del BCP, ubicado en nuestra página web, zona Centros de Enseñanza. Todos los meses sorteamos becas entre los alumnos que realizan su matrícula online. Los ganadores de este mes son Stephany Ann De la Cuba Jiménez, del centro de Surco y Luis Ángel Guzmán Capcha, del centro de Camacho. ¡Felicitaciones!

Ceremonies• Pilar FerreyrosTeacher Training Manager

CPE ceremony for BRITÁNICO Teachers

In the picture, a group of enthusiastic BRITÁNICO teachers who were awarded the highest Cambridge certification in English language- Certificate of Proficiency in English- which will undoubtedly contribute to enhancing their professional development.

Cambridge ICELT ceremony

BRITÁNICO is really proud to have a new group of teachers who successfully completed Cambridge ICELT: a six-month in-service English language teaching course.

In the picture: Gustavo Albarracín, Martin Begazo, David Castillo, Miguel Durán, Gina García, Carmen Mackay, Christhian Monsalve, Franco Paredes, María Cristina Tello, Martín Temoche, Paola Toro, Leslie Villalba, Enrique Zevallos and course tutors: Dorothy Abanto, Irina Castro, Ivy Diez and Pilar Ferreyros.

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Celebración del día de la MadreEl viernes 7 de mayo festejamos con todas las madres del BRITÁNICO.


Celebración por el día del TrabajoEl viernes 30 de abril celebramos el Día del Trabajo en la sede Administrativa y en los once centros de enseñanza.

Madres del centro de San Miguel

San Isidro Teacher

We know English is becoming more and more important today so…

Is an English Class important to you?• English matters, particularly if you are planning to study or work in a field in which English must be used. Surely, the most important reason to take an English class is its relevance to all fields and careers.

Why do you need vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation & video?• Your vocabulary and grammar will improve if you take English classes seriously. • Studying English vocabulary and grammar regularly will often make learning the language easier. Get a good English-English dictionary as well!!!• Pronunciation is definitely one of the biggest aspects that people notice when you are speaking English. Good pronunciation and intonation could be improved by the use of videos, films, music and so on. • Videos help you improve your pronunciation, not only grammar and vocabulary. If you listen to Americans or Britons speaking English in a real context, you can learn to imitate and speak like them. Besides, you will improve your ability to understand and recognise different sounds, stress and intonation.

Madres de la sede Administrativa

Colaboradores del centro de San Miguel

Relevant or Irrevelant?• Lourdes Villacorta

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CumpleañosFelicitamos a todo el personal que cumple años en el mes de junio del 2010:

La Zona Maldita

Estamos de vuelta por el barrio, gente del BRITÁNICO. Esta vez los Mañana maldita les dateamos a todos los muchachos un top 3 con las actrices británicas más “fuertes” del momento…

• Emily Blunt: La acabamos de ver compartiendo pantalla con Benicio del Toro en “The Wolfman”. Esta londinense de 27 años pronto se meterá en el papel de la princesa de Liliput en la película “The Adventures of Gulliver” junto a Jack Black. Sorry, lads, ya fueron... está comprometida con John Krasinski de la popular serie “The Office”.

• Siena Miller: Aunque nacida en New York, Miller llegó a Londres con apenas un año y medio de edad. Actriz, modelo, fotógrafa y diseñadora de modas, seguro la recordarán como la peligrosa The Baroness en “GIJOE” del 2009. Chékala en “Alfie” junto a su ex, Jude Law.

• Anna Walton: La princesa Nuala de “Hellboy 2: The Golden Army”. Si puedes, consíguete “The Mutant Chronicles” o “The Vampire Diary”, ambas pelas bastante recomendables.

Ya lo saben, chicocos y chicocas, no se olviden de sintonizar Mañana maldita de lunes a viernes de 6 a 9 a. m. por Planeta 107.7 Tu música en inglés, conducido por Daniel Marquina Herrera y Gonzalo Torres Del Pino. See ya next time.

Camacho (Ca.) Lima (Li.), Los Jardines (L.J.), Miraflores (Mi.), Monterrico (Mo.), San Borja (S.B.), San Isidro (S.I.), San Juan de Lurigancho (S.J.L.), San Miguel (S.M.), Surco (Su), Administración (Adm.), Centro Cultural (C.C.) y Clientes Externos (C.Ext.)

DomingoLunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30

Giuliana Jaramillo (S.B.), Martha Castillo (Su.)

Selma Sotomayor (Mo.)

Cory Florez (C.Ext.), Yenifer Olivas (Mo.), Celia Aguirre (S.B.), Aldo Zubiate (S.M.)

Francisco Leandro (Adm.), José Luis Angulo (L.J.)

Belinda Cajas (Adm.)

Roberto Alvarado (P.L.), Jakelinne Blas (S.J.L.)

Jesús Ramos (Mi.), Guadalupe Chusho (P.L.), María Arias (Su.)

María Medina (L.J.), Fiorella Verano (Adm.), Clidy Chávez (S.J.L.)

Gleni Carrera (S.B.)

Claudia Campos (S.B.), Jessica Balbín (S.J.L.)

Víctor Sánchez (L.J.), Yahaira López (S.B.)

Gardenia Del Carpio (Mi.), Ernesto Falcón (S.B.), Nancy Isa (Su.)

Linda Martínez (Adm.)

Rubén Cárdenas (L.J.), Ricardo Castellano (Adm.)

Victor Gonzalez (S.B.), Nancy Flores (S.J.L.)

Liliana Pederzoli (C.C.), Verónica Martínez (P.L.), Terry Kent (S.I.), Maribel Flores (S.J.L.)

Luis Pereda (Su.)

Jennifer Angulo (S.B.), Sergio Diaz (S.I.)

Diana Malasquez (Adm.), María Tejada (Mo.)

Sandra Ñañez (Su.)

Carmen Pacheco (Su.)

Juana Brousset (Mi.), Martha Miranda (Mo.), Arminda Balboa (S.B.)

Ana Lucia Lozano (Mo.), Natalia O’Brien (Mo.), Allison Lagos (P.L.), Patricia Palao (P.L.), Ana María Huillca (S.J.L.), Libia Fernández (S.M.)

Gladys Villegas (Li.), Nathali Zubiate (Mi.), Alicia Medrano (P.L.)

Angie Herrera (L.J.), Rosina Dávila (S.I.), Emma Rojas (S.I.), Narda Noel (S.J.L.), Ana Chamochumbi (S.B.)

Pedro Florez (S.I.), David Castillo (S.M.)

Fabiola Pardo (C.Ext.)

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Tiempo Libre• Elvira GuzmánEncargada de Actividades Extracurriculares

Es muy grato y estimulante contar con la asistencia de nuestros alumnos al programa Tiempo libre, atraídos por la propuesta de manualidades que les ofrecemos mes a mes. En una atmósfera dinámica y divertida, cada taller no sólo se convierte en un reto sino en un espacio creativo que los participantes asumen con mucho placer.

Empezamos nuestro recorrido en el centro de Surco, donde tuvimos un taller de bisutería y los asistentes trabajaron un delicado juego de collar y aretes a base de semillas y pitas tan de moda en nuestro medio.

En los centros Los Jardines y San Borja se pintaron utilitarios en trupán: un joyero y dispensador de té con la técnica del craquelado, que asombró a los estudiantes por los diferentes efectos que se obtenían, además del decorado que cada uno aplicaba.

En San Isidro elaboramos un portalápices al que puede dársele múltiples usos; así los alumnos pintaron una caja de trupán que se complementó con una graciosa muñeca que terminaron de confeccionar y realzó esta simpática obra.

En el centro Lima, se creó mucha expectativa por el taller de repostería que teníamos programado; los alumnos intervinieron en la preparación de la torta tres leches que hizo las delicias de su paladar.

Sólo nos queda invitarlos a participar en nuestros siempre novedosos talleres.

San Isidro

San Borja

Los Jardines


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Mejora tu inglés a través de la lectura • Angelica MoralesMiraflores teacher

¿Cómo aprender más inglés fuera del aula? ¿Cómo aprender más palabras en un contexto? ¿Cómo mejorar mi gramática? La respuesta para estas preguntas es: a través de la lectura. Este mes, mis alumnos de los diferentes ciclos que enseñé leyeron un libro de lectura graduada del SAC y realizaron una presentación. Felicito a todos ellos por su esfuerzo y dedicación.

Prince William • Patricia Cotrina Alumna del centro de Miraflores

Leí una breve biografía sobre el príncipe William porque tenía curiosidad de saber cómo es la vida de un príncipe y me pareció interesante. Al leer su biografía, me interesó e investigué más en la Web para estar más actualizada.

Cuando leía el libro, había palabras que sí entendía y otras que no, por lo que usé el diccionario. Pude hacer mi resumen con facilidad para mi exposición e hice un póster con imágenes para ilustrar la vida del príncipe.

Recomiendo a todos leer en inglés para familiarizarnos con el idioma y poder hablar y escribir perfectamente.

Música en el Reino Unido • Jenny CarrilloSubjefa del centro de Pueblo Libre

El solo pensar en este título nos trae a la mente la inmensa variedad de música creada por las diferentes bandas británicas… desde los Beatles y su “All you Need is Love”, pasando por el inigualable David Bowie, hasta los más

recientes Cold Play. Y es que la cantidad de música creada en el Reino Unido es tan grande que nuestro centro decidió dedicarle una hora ofreciendo un workshop sobre este tema a cargo del profesor Chris

Barratt. En dicha oportunidad nuestros alumnos, entre los cuales hubo varios expertos, probaron su conocimiento musical y pasaron un agradable momento haciendo un recorrido por la historia de la música británica. Gracias a todos los asistentes por su entusiasmo y participación en las actividades que realizamos en el centro.

You must be choking! ‘Let’s save the planet’• Celia Vásquez, Kely Lozano and Estrella Ríos Surco students

What would you do as the president of an island which is almost beneath the water? As a toucan that lives in a bare Brazilian forest? As a peasant who lives in a flooded town of the highlands in Peru? We proposed ideas to sort out these problems during an interesting presentation called: ‘Let’s save the planet’ by Eileen Murphy, a Surco centre teacher.

This presentation was about the environmental problems which have been damaging our planet. We did interactive activities such as speculating about different pictures, watching a moving video made by the top model Helena Christensen who visited the highlands and saw the poverty close up. We played a game to match useful words with their meanings, debated possible solutions and exchanged ideas with students from different levels.

This presentation helped us to become aware of the big problems, and at the same time we increased our range of vocabulary with words like carbon footprint, chemical dumping, environmentally friendly, greenhouse effect and so on.

We really had a good time, so we suggest you attend the next presentation.


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More than just words: CAE at Los Jardines

• Rosalía VargasLos Jardines Teacher

What better way to start the year than with a fresh and stimulating challenge? Well, I took up a big one last January as I was entrusted with the responsibility of preparing a group of students to sit the CAE exam in June, a task all the more exciting since it was the first time this course had been offered in our branch. It has been almost five months of hard work indeed, and it is certainly most rewarding to have seen this first Los Jardines CAE class blossom, not only in terms of their language competence or exam skills, but also as individuals who have become increasingly appreciative of different aspects of British and American cultures. Thus, while enjoying the caustic humour of a Jennifer Saunders’ sitcom, or living the misfortunes of a couple of Steinbeck characters as if they were our own, my group and I rediscovered something that we, teachers and students, sometimes lose

sight of as we daily fight our way through a jungle of gerunds, prepositional phrases and participle clauses: the beauty of the English language in action. Here are some of my students’ thoughts on the course: • “After getting the FCE, I wanted to perfect my English even further, but it was really difficult due to the fact that I live and work in Los Olivos. When I learnt about the CAE course in Los Jardines, I thought: “This is my chance!” So here I am, working hard to pass the CAE exam”. (Denisse Blanco)

• “This course has helped me to continue to improve my English, while at the same time preparing for an examination that will open doors for my career. I’d like to thank the BRITÁNICO for helping me to learn English in a fun and enjoyable way”. (Daniela Higa)

• “I would say that the CAE course has been a great experience, not only because of the fact that we have developed our language skills, but also because our teacher and classmates created a nice environment to study in”. (Karina Valencia).

• “I never imagined how much this course would help me to acquire further language abilities. Our teacher’s support is an important factor to consider as well, since her enthusiasm encouraged us to carry on”. (Claudia Loayza)

• “I wish to thank the BRITÁNICO for giving us the opportunity to deepen our knowledge of English. Most especially, I would like to express my gratitude to our teacher, whose kindness and readiness to help me and my classmates gave us enough confidence to keep on learning”. (Noemí Barzola)

• “Being part of the CAE preparatory course has been a highly enriching experience. Not only have I been able to reinforce all my English skills, but I have also met interesting people who I can speak proper advanced English with. Thank you, BRITÁNICO, for being part of my English language development once more”. (María del Rosario Sánchez).

So, if you already hold the FCE, why not take the plunge and rise to the challenge?

What was on?• Lourdes LópezCamacho Teacher

Cinema and Films are always eye-catching topics for students of all ages. So, highly motivated, as expected, the students of BASIC-4 were ready to apply the recently taught Simple Past Tense on Film Reviews. And they did it... spectacularly! They produced reviews of a great variety of films, such as “Pride and Prejudice”, “Sex and The City”, “Alice in Wonderland”, “Charlie and The Chocolate Factory” and even “Happy Feet”! So next time you want to see a film, why don’t you ask them for a little bit of advice?!

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• Iván RivarolaSubjefe del centro de San Juan de Lurigancho

El viernes 7 de mayo, el BRITÁNICO homenajeó a todas las mamás que forman parte de esta gran familia. La profesora Fátima Chumbes realizó una actividad con sus alumnos de B02, I06 y B05, llamada What Mum Means To Me, en la que ellos —de acuerdo con su nivel— demostraron su habilidad en el idioma.

Los pequeños del Pre-kids 2 de la profesora Gisella Calderón también quisieron hacer sentir a su mamá el amor que sienten por ella, y es por eso que prepararon una tarjeta con la frase I Love You.

Para esta fecha tan especial, el BRITÁNICO de San Juan de Lurigancho preparó un breve pero significativo compartir para todas las mamás, como muestra de gratitud y admiración por la labor que todas y cada una de ellas realizan dentro de sus funciones en la institución y, claro está, por la más resaltante y noble de todas: la labor de ser madre. ¡Feliz día mamá!

Amazing teachers, wonderful friends, the best English and great fun: to sum up, the BRITÁNICO • Luis Abdón Chávez LunaSurco student

I studied in the BRITÁNICO for two years. In the middle of the first, I heard about the scholarship they were offering, and about the FCE. From that moment, that was the only thing I thought about. My goals made a U turn and aimed at getting an A in that FCE exam, and therefore winning the scholarship for studying in London for one month. All my goals faded when I got B in my results.

It was complicated at first, but then I got over it and I felt better. I had not won the scholarship but I had gained a lot of things. For example, I had met the best teachers I have ever had here, their teaching method was so different from the one I was used to and they really helped me a lot in my learning process. I must say thanks to my dear teacher, the only one who was there telling me “you can make it!” Of course I am talking about Lizbeth Nieves; she is a really good teacher and if you have the luck of being taught by her, well you must be proud. Any difficulty you have, she will help you to overcome; she is a really nice teacher. I also met the best of my friends here, Zandra Legua; she is an amazing girl who is always by my side. Alexandra, Emilio and Leshlie are also friends I won’t forget. In a short time we were sharing different experiences - happy moments, sad moments, funny experiences – and even though we don’t study together any more we are still in touch.

After all the moments I have lived at the BRITÁNICO, I have learnt a lot. My knowledge of English has improved greatly even though I did not win the scholarship. But I made a lot of good friends, I met the best teacher ever and I gained the best knowledge of English I could learn. I know I still have a lot of things to learn, the learning process never ends. You are always learning new things every day, even from the people you never expected. The BRITÁNICO is a great place to study, but even if you have finished the advanced level, there is a long way to go. Never look back or stop, always keep on moving.

Thanks, BRITÁNICO, for teaching me that. Now I tell all of your readers, you have a great advantage by being at the BRITÁNICO, do not waste it.

Día de la Madre en el BRITÁNICOde San Juan de Lurigancho

Page 12: MAY • JUN 2010servicios2.britanico.edu.pe/admin/archivos/BN may-jun CORREGIDA-f… · Hoy veo mi sueño cumplido, mañana estoy seguro de que podrá ser el tuyo. • María Alejandra

BRITÁNICO NEWS. Es una publicación de la Asociación Cultural Peruano Británica. Editado por el Área de Marketing Dirección Av. Arequipa 3445, San Isidro. Teléfono 615 3434. Hecho el depósito legal Registro No. 98 -3437.

inicio de ciclo diario y sabatino fin de ciclo feriados

(F) Superintensivo (D) Diario (A/B) Interdiarios (S) Sabatinos

Inicio de ClasesFechas de matrícula y precios de los cursos




















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Pequeños, pero aguerridos defensores de nuestra pachamama se desplazaron por Los Jardines • Frida FernándezProfesora del centro de Los Jardines

“Help, save the planet”, “Help, save the planet”, coreaban al unísono y enérgicamente mientras caminaban por los diferentes ambientes de nuestro centro de Los Jardines. No, no eran manifestantes, mucho menos activistas de los famosos green parties… se trataba de los alumnos de Kids 9 del turno sabatino de las 11:30 a. m., quienes caracterizados como abejas, flores, árboles, plátanos, naranjas, mariposas y gotas de agua alzaron su voz para abogar por el cuidado y la conservación de todo aquello que nos regala nuestra Madre Tierra o pachamama. Así, y a pesar de su corta edad, se unieron a las celebraciones por el Día Mundial de la Tierra, al tiempo que usaron las estructuras gramaticales aprendidas en clase. Como bien señala el maestro Jeremy Harmer: “three features need to be present in order for children to acquire a language: exposure to it, motivation to communicate with it and opportunities to use it”.

Britain’s most popular ‘fast food’ has got to be fish and chips. Fish and chips shops first made an appearance at the end of the 19th century and since then have been a firm favourite up and down the country. The dish is simplicity itself: fish (usually cod, haddock or plaice) is dipped in a batter made from flour, eggs and water and then deep fried in hot fat. Chips are made from thick batons of potato and deep fried.

Fish and chips are served over the counter wrapped in paper; and traditionalists prefer to eat them straight out of the paper because they taste better that way! The best-known British dish eaten at home has been roast beef, traditionally eaten on Sunday. The dish used to be so popular in England that the French still refer to the British as ‘les rosbifs’! Roast beef is served with roast potatoes, vegetables and gravy – a sauce made from meat juices and stock, thickened with flour. Yorkshire pudding – batter baked in hot fat in the oven – is a favourite accompaniment to roast beef. Source: The United Kingdom 100 Questions Answered (Published by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London).

What is the most popular food in Britain?


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