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Page 1: OPORTUNIDAD DE ALQUILER: THE FOOD BUILDING · de Bush Terminal y para los visitantes de Bush Terminal Piers Park; • Incluir en las instalaciones una planta de fabricación de alimentos;



27 de abril de 2017


5 de junio de 2017; 7 de septiembre de 2017; 17 de octubre de 2017


28 de noviembre de 2017







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Oportunidad de alquiler (Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés)

(Imagen 1) Fachada del Food Building sobre 43rd Street

New York City Economic Development Corporation (“NYCEDC”) invita a presentar respuestas a esta Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés (Request For Expressions of Interest, “RFEI”) para el alquiler y la operación del Food Building, conforme se define en este documento. El objetivo de este proceso de Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés es que NYCEDC seleccione un postulante (“Locatario”) para alquilar un edificio de aproximadamente 7.500 pies cuadrados en total (el “Food Building”), que tiene una ubicación destacada en 43rd Street dentro del campus de Bush Terminal en Sunset Park, Brooklyn. El edificio ofrece una oportunidad interesante para que un operador provea alimentos a través de venta minorista a los trabajadores del campus y a los visitantes de Piers Park de Bush Terminal, y elabore alimentos en estas instalaciones.

El Food Building será un punto central de servicio de venta minorista de alimentos para todo el distrito de puestos de trabajo de la zona ribereña, que incluyen el nuevo campus de Made in New York en Bush Terminal (donde se prevé que habrá 1.500 trabajadores), Industry City (que, en la actualidad, tienen más de 4.000 trabajadores y se prevé que cuente con 20.000 trabajadores para el año 20251) y la comunidad industrial y residencial más amplia de Sunset Park (con 54.000 habitantes en el vecindario de Sunset Park, al oeste de 5th Avenue2). En un radio de ¼ de milla, existen aproximadamente 1.750 puestos de trabajo3.

El Food Building se encuentra ubicado sobre la vía principal para peatones del campus de Made In NY en Bush Terminal, que recibirá USD 136 millones en mejoras. Estas mejoras incluyen la restauración de las calles adoquinadas, la instalación de luces suspendidas, mejoras en la plaza pública, modernizaciones sustanciales de los edificios y construcciones

1 Fuente: Industry City 2 Fuente: NYC Fact Finder 3 Fuente: Censo de EE. UU. 2014, Center for Economic Studies

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nuevas. Se encuentra a una distancia de 5 minutos a pie desde Industry City. Contará con espacios internos de estacionamiento disponibles para los clientes.

(Imagen 2) Futuro campo de Made in New York en Bush Terminal

En la actualidad, en el campus de 36 acres de Bush Terminal hay 500 trabajadores, y se espera que se incorporen 1.500 trabajadores nuevos a partir de 2020, como parte de los USD 136 millones que invertirá la Ciudad en el nuevo campus de Made in New York en Bush Terminal. El Food Building será la principal operación de servicios de venta minorista de alimentos en este campus en desarrollo, que se enfocará en la fabricación de indumentaria, producción cinematográfica/televisiva y otras áreas de la industria de fabricación ligera.

El Food Building será también el principal punto de venta minorista de alimentos para quienes visiten el Bush Terminal Piers Park, construido sobre una superficie adyacente de 10 acres, un destino popular que incluye una explanada sobre la ribera y campos de fútbol y béisbol, como así también una reserva natural. Además de visitantes provenientes del vecindario, el parque recibe periódicamente a numerosas ligas deportivas escolares.

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(Imagen 3) Futuro campo de Made in New York en Bush Terminal (Imagen 4) Bush Terminal Piers Park

El postulante más competitivo para el Food Building deberá alcanzar las siguientes metas con la más alta calidad:

• Brindar opciones accesibles de alimentos y bebidas para los inquilinos actuales y futuros de Bush Terminal y para los visitantes de Bush Terminal Piers Park;

• Incluir en las instalaciones una planta de fabricación de alimentos; • Brindar espacios de alta calidad para los clientes, como áreas para sentarse en espacios

cerrados y abiertos; • Conectar el campo de Bush Terminal con el resto de la comunidad de Sunset Park

ofreciendo un nuevo destino y servicios para la comunidad; • Participar en HireNYC (según corresponda), un programa amplio de contratación que

brinda apoyo a la comunidad, contribuye a crear puestos de trabajo a nivel local y genera oportunidades de empleo para personas de bajos ingresos, permitiéndole así participar en el crecimiento económico de la Ciudad de Nueva York; y

• Mantener una operación viable desde el punto de vista financiero que garantice que las metas del proyecto enunciadas precedentemente se logren de manera sostenible.

Los programas propuestos deberían servir alimentos y bebidas a través de una operación que satisfaga las necesidades del campus y del parque, brinde un servicio para el vecindario y enriquezca la experiencia para los peatones. Los miembros de la comunidad han solicitado que se impulse una mayor diversidad en la oferta de los puntos de venta minorista, que incluyan cafés, bares y opciones de alimentos saludables. Los postulantes deberían tener en cuenta la composición demográfica del vecindario, el tipo y la naturaleza de los negocios locales, las personas que visitan el parque y otras características de la comunidad en la cual se encuentra emplazado el Food Building. Las propuestas deberían describir específicamente el tipo de servicio de alimentos que se ofrecerá y los horarios de funcionamiento. A los Inquilinos también se le exigirá que optimice el uso del Food Building a fin de incluir un programa de fabricación, además del programa de venta minorista. Algunos ejemplos de posibles usos para los Inquilinos son, entre otros:

• Fabricante de alimentos comerciales con operación accesoria de café u operación con escaparate de servicio de venta minorista de alimentos;

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• Negocio de restorán o café establecido con unidad accesoria de elaboración o cocina de cafetería;

• Servicio de comidas comercial con operación accesoria con escaparate de servicio de venta minorista de alimentos;

• Cafetería en food truck (instalación comercial con cocina fuera de la vista y espacios para almacenamiento y limpieza) con operación accesoria con escaparate de servicio de venta minorista de alimentos; y/o

• Escuela de cocina u otro centro educativo vinculado con la elaboración de alimentos que tenga un componente de venta minorista de alimentos.

El Food Building es un edificio de un solo piso, con una superficie total de 7.500 pies cuadrados, que en la actualidad se encuentra desocupado. Después de la consulta con el Inquilino seleccionado, NYCEDC realizará una renovación estructural mediante sistema llave en mano, que incluye:

• Cambio del techo existente; • Mejoras estructurales; • Nuevo servicio eléctrico; • Nuevo sistema de agua y de alcantarillado sanitario doméstico; • Nuevas ventanas; • Nuevos baños; • Nuevo sistema de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado; • Renovación de los pisos; • Actualización del sistema de alarma contra incendios y rociadores; • Modificación de entradas exteriores para entregas y accesibilidad conforme a la Ley de

Estadounidenses con Discapacidad (Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA); • Rehabilitación de paredes interiores y cielorrasos; y • Elementos exigidos conforme al código (extintores de incendios, pasamanos, etc.).

El edificio será entregado en condiciones y con terminaciones de “caja blanca”. El Inquilino será responsable de las mejoras adicionales, que incluirán muebles, accesorios y equipos. Es posible que NYCEDC brinde asistencia al Inquilino para identificar el financiamiento requerido

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para las mejoras adicionales a cargo del Locatario. Se prevé que el Inquilino podrá mudarse a las instalaciones para fines de 2018.

(Imagen 5) Plano de planta preliminar




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~7.500 pies cuadrados

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(Imagen 6) Plano conceptual del emplazamiento con futuras mejoras del paisaje urbano

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El Food Building se encuentra ubicado a menos de ½ milla de la estación de metro R en 45th Street y aproximadamente a ¾ de milla desde la estación de metro Express D, N, R en 36th Street. También se puede acceder al Food Building por las rutas de los autobuses B11, B35 y B70. El Food Building también se encuentra ubicado en las inmediaciones de Gowanus Expressway y la salida de 39th Street, que es el principal punto de entrada para vehículos que se dirigen al distrito de la ribera desde fuera del área. Los vehículos y los peatones pueden acceder al predio desde 43rd Street, que es la entrada principal a Bush Terminal Campus y Bush Terminal Piers Park. Los postulantes deben suponer que los clientes no habrán reservado espacios de estacionamiento internos; no obstante, existen estacionamientos internos que pueden ser utilizados por los clientes en función de la disponibilidad. Se reservará una cantidad determinada de espacios de estacionamiento, como así también lugares de carga designados para las operaciones comerciales.

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Requisitos para las propuestas (ver instrucciones en el Apéndice 2: consultas y presentaciones)

• Descripción del proyecto: Descripción de los usos propuestos para el Food Building (que cumplan con las metas y los usos explicados anteriormente), incluida una descripción narrativa de las operaciones y el plan de negocios.

• Descripción de los postulantes: Descripción del operador, incluida la experiencia pertinente en espacios similares de elaboración/venta minorista de alimentos que demuestre la capacidad para completar el proyecto propuesto. Se pueden usar

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materiales de promoción comercial existentes en la actualidad para describir al postulante.

• Términos de la locación: Términos propuestos para la locación (utilizando el Apéndice 1: Modelo de Términos como plantilla), que incluyan la renta propuesta y la inversión que se estima deberá realizar el operador en mejoras a cargo del inquilino.

• Plano del emplazamiento: Representaciones conceptuales de cómo el operador utilizaría el espacio, en función de la Imagen 5: Plano preliminar del emplazamiento, que aparece arriba.

• Cronograma: Cronograma ilustrativo (en meses) que indique la línea de tiempo de la construcción de mejoras a cargo del inquilino, la fecha de inicio de las operaciones y la organización en etapas de las operaciones de venta minorista para ajustar el crecimiento del campus entre el inicio de las operaciones y la finalización de todas las obras del campus de Made in New York en 2020.

• Programa de contratación y plantilla: Confirmación de la intención de participar en los programas de M/W/DBE y HireNYC, según corresponda, y adecuación a las reglamentaciones y los requisitos salariales (conforme se describe en el Apéndice 3: Programas de contratación y plantilla).

Cronograma de la Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés

Publicación de la Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés ………………. 27 de abril de 2017 Recorrido del emplazamiento y sesión informativa..………………….. 5 de junio de 2017 Fecha límite para el envío de consultas.………………………………19 de junio de 2017 Publicación de respuestas……………………………………. 11 de julio de 2017 Fecha límite para la presentación de respuestas a la Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés…………… 25 de julio de 2017

Si resultara elegido, a criterio de NYCEDC: Segundo recorrido del emplazamiento y sesión informativa...…7 de septiembre de 2017 Segunda fecha límite para el envío de consultas.………………14 de septiembre de 2017 Segunda instancia de publicación de respuestas………………28 de septiembre de 2017 Fecha límite para la segunda presentación de respuestas a la Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés……………..10 de octubre de 2017

Si resultara elegido, a criterio de NYCEDC: Tercer recorrido del emplazamiento y sesión informativa...............17 de octubre de 2017 Última fecha límite para el envío de consultas.………………… 14 de noviembre de 2017 Última instancia de publicación de respuestas………………….21 de noviembre de 2017 Última fecha límite para la presentación de respuestas a la Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés………………… 28 de noviembre de 2017

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Condiciones generales

La presente Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés no tiene como objetivo principal ser un ofrecimiento formal para una transacción negociada futura. Si bien es posible que se mantengan conversaciones con los postulantes que presenten propuestas aceptables para esta Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés, NYCEDC se reserva el derecho de seleccionar un postulante y firmar un acuerdo sobre la base de las propuestas iniciales recibidas de conformidad con esta Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés, sin conversaciones adicionales. Por lo tanto, la propuesta inicial de cada postulante debe contener sus mejores términos técnicos y relativos al programa.

Alternativamente, NYCEDC se reserva el derecho de emitir una futura Solicitud de Propuestas y de restringir la participación solo a los Postulantes de esta Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés. NYCEDC alienta enfáticamente a todas las partes interesadas a presentar propuestas en respuesta a esta Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés.

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Appendix 1: Sample Term Sheet

This non-binding term sheet (the “Term Sheet”) is intended solely to demonstrate sample lease terms to potential respondents as part of that certain request for expressions of interest (“RFEI”) issued by New York City Economic Development Corporation (“NYCEDC”) on April 27, 2017, for the lease and operation of certain real property located at Bush Terminal. This Term Sheet is not intended to be, nor does it constitute a legally binding obligation on the part of the City of New York, NYCEDC, , Tenant, or their related entities, elected officials, officers, employees, contractors, agents or staff.

1. Tenant: TBD

2. Landlord: New York City Economic Development Corporation (“NYCEDC”)

3. Premises: Food Building as defined in the RFEI

Approximately 7,500 gross square feet

4. Use: Tenant shall use the premises in connection with food service operation or food manufacturing. Proposed use to be approved by Landlord.

5. Base Rent: Triple net lease. Base rent to be paid on a monthly basis.

6. Real Estate Taxes: Currently there are no real estate taxes levied against the Premises. Hereinafter, if that changes, then Tenant will become responsible for its pro-rata share.

7. Term: 10 years or negotiable

8. Renewal Option: Negotiable

9. Lease Commencement: Upon completion of renovation by Landlord or otherwise mutually agreed in writing by Tenant and Landlord

10. Security: Two months Base Rent.

11. Landlord Work: Landlord to finish renovation and deliver the Premises in white- box condition.

12. Tenant Work: Tenant shall comply with all building codes, zoning, laws, and regulations, and file required plans for all work. All Tenant Work to be approved by Landlord.

13. Utilities / Impositions: Tenant will be responsible for all utilities.

14. Subletting/Assigning: Subletting shall be allowed at the sole discretion of the Landlord.

15. Brokerage: None

Please note that all terms and conditions are subject to the review and approval of the Landlord and its counsel and nothing stated herein is a promise to convey a lease for space in the referenced unit, which may only be accomplished through a fully executed lease document.

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Appendix 2: Inquiries & Submission

Response Submission

Proposals can be submitted in a sealed envelope identified by “Bush Terminal Food Building Food Manufacturing And Retail Leasing Opportunity” by hand delivery, express mail, or courier service to NYCEDC at the following address:

New York City Economic Development Corporation 110 William Street, 4th Floor Mail Room New York, New York 10038 Attn: Maryann Catalano, Chief Procurement Officer

This is an open RFEI, which allows respondents, over the course of approximately nine months, to submit proposals at the following periodic submission deadlines (“Submission Deadlines”).

4:00pm, July 25, 2017

4:00pm, October 10, 2017

4:00 pm, November 28, 2017

The open RFEI process will be conducted as follows:

• Respondents may submit a proposal on or before each Submission Deadline and may revise and submit their proposal prior to subsequent Submission Deadlines.

• After any Submission Deadline, NYCEDC may, at its sole and absolute discretion, elect to close the RFEI (“RFEI Closing Date”). In the event that the RFEI Closing Date occurs prior to the final Submission Deadline, respondents and all parties that have expressed interest in the Site, will be notified via email and a notification will be posted on the website.

• Should the RFEI close, no further proposals will be accepted, and only those proposals received on or before the Closing Date will be reviewed by NYCEDC. Accordingly, respondents preparing proposals should bear in mind that the likelihood of NYCEDC exercising its right to close the RFEI, increases with each passing Submission Deadline.

NYCEDC may, at its sole and absolute discretion, elect to commence negotiations with one or more respondents at any time as part of the proposal review process.

NYCEDC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to withdraw or modify this RFEI and to reject any proposal as being non-responsive, if it is in the best interest of the City or NYCEDC to do so (please also see Appendix 5 - Conditions, Terms and Limitations).

Proposals that are incomplete or not in conformance with the requirements of this RFEI may be eliminated from further consideration. Respondents should note carefully the proposal content requirements listed below.

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All inquiries regarding this RFEI should be directed to: [email protected].

Questions emailed to [email protected] will be accepted until 5:00 pm on November 14, 2017. Answers will be posted on a rolling basis at www.edc.nyc/RFP. Answers to questions submitted will be posted no later than November 21, 2017.

RFEI Information Session & Site Tour

An information session and site tour will be held on the following dates at Bush Terminal:

First Information Session: June 5, 2017 at 9:00 am

Second Information Session: September 7, 2017 at 9:00 am

Third Information Session: October 17, 2017 at 9:00 am

The specific location and direction to the information session will be emailed to people who RSVP for the session.

NYCEDC strongly recommends that interested respondents attend the information session, as this will be the only opportunity to ask questions and receive answers in-person regarding the RFEI. Please RSVP to [email protected] by May 30, 2017 at 5:00pm for the first information session; by August 29, 2017 at 5:00 pm for the second information session; and by October 16, 2017 at 5:00 pm for the third information session.

People with disabilities requiring special accommodations to pick up the RFEI or to attend the information session should contact [email protected].

RFEI Addenda

In order to be considered, proposals must conform to any addenda that may be issued to this RFEI. NYCEDC will advise all respondents who have requested a copy of this RFEI, by email, of any clarifications or revisions.

If, in NYCEDC’s judgment, additional time is required for respondents to prepare their proposals, NYCEDC reserves the right to grant an extension of the deadline for submission of the proposals.

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Appendix 3: Hiring and Workforce Programs

NYCEDC is committed to a program of economic development that supports communities, helps create job opportunities, and strengthens employment opportunities for low-income persons, enabling them to participate in New York City’s economic growth. In furtherance of these goals, Respondents should submit a proposal that contemplates compliance with and participation in the following programs, as applicable.

• Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises Program Plan

Section 6-129 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York (hereinafter “Section 6-129”) establishes a program for participation in City procurement by minority-owned business enterprises (“MBEs”) and women-owned business enterprises (“WBEs”, together with “MBEs” collectively referred to as “M/WBEs”), certified in accordance with Section 1304 of the City Charter by the New York City Department of Small Business Services (“DSBS”). NYCEDC has adopted an M/WBE program to further participation by MBEs and WBEs in NYCEDC related projects.

Respondents must submit a plan to address M/WBE participation in the project during the design and construction components of work related to the proposal (“M/WBE Participation Proposal”).

• HireNYC

NYCEDC recognizes the importance of creating employment opportunities for low-income persons, enabling them to participate in the City’s economic growth.

The HireNYC Permanent Program applies to all projects producing ten (10) or more permanent jobs over the life of the project. Participation in this program requires the Tenant to use good faith efforts to achieve the hiring and workforce development goals and to comply with program requirements, which are described in additional detail in Participation in NYCEDC’s HireNYC Permanent Program applies only to projects producing ten (10) or more permanent jobs. Respondents for projects producing ten (10) or more permanent jobs over the life of the project must submit a proposal that includes a HireNYC Permanent program plan addressing how respondent will seek to achieve the goals and perform the requirements of NYCEDC’s HireNYC Permanent Program.

• Wage Regulations and Requirements:

Living Wage and Prevailing Wage

The Living Wage Act, as expanded by Executive Order No. 7 (collectively, the “Living Wage Requirements”), as well as the Prevailing Wage Law (collectively, the “Prevailing Wage Law”), all as hereinafter defined in Appendix 4 – Living Wage and Prevailing Wage Requirements, apply to certain companies that receive at least $1 million of financial assistance from the City and/or NYCEDC. The respondent will be subject to the Living Wage Requirements, and the Prevailing Wage Law, as applicable.

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In addition, NYCEDC is committed to ensuring its projects meet wage goals set forth in the Living Wage Requirements and the Prevailing Wage Law, regardless of applicability. NYCEDC will give preference to proposals in which respondents demonstrate wages and benefits paid to all employees of the respondent will meet or exceed the living wage and wages and benefits paid to building service employees at the Building will meet the prevailing wage.

Respondent’s proposal should include the proposed wages to be paid and supplemental benefits to be provided to employees of the respondent who are expected to be employed at the Building.

Please be sure that you review and understand all of the Living Wage Requirements and the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Law to understand how these requirements will affect the project. Additional details are provided in Appendix 4 – Living Wage and Prevailing Wage Requirements.

Contractual provisions implementing the Living Wage Requirements and the requirements of the Prevailing Wage Law will be incorporated into the Lease.

Local Law 34

All entities doing or seeking to do business with the City, as well as their principal officers, owners and senior managers must follow the procedures established in Local Law 34, as amended, of the Administrative Code of the City of New York. In order to avoid the actual link or appearance of a link between governmental decisions and large campaign contributions, lower municipal campaign contribution limits apply to any person listed in the Doing Business Database.

Respondents must complete a Standard Doing Business Data Form along with its proposal in a separate sealed envelope labeled “Doing Business Data Form.

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Appendix 4 – Living Wage and Prevailing Wage Requirements

The living wage and prevailing wage laws and regulations described below help guarantee that City development efforts encourage the creation of jobs that provide economic opportunity and benefit for all New Yorkers while serving as models to employers across the City. Local Law No. 37 of 2012 added the Fair Wages for New Yorkers Act as Section 6-134 of the New York City Administrative Code (the “Living Wage Act”), which was broadened when the Mayor issued Executive Order No. 7 (the “Executive Order,” the obligations imposed on a successful respondent pursuant to the Living Wage Act and the Executive Order are collectively referred to as the “Living Wage Requirements”). The Living Wage Requirements require companies that receive at least $1 million of “financial assistance” (as such term is defined in the Living Wage Act) from the City or NYCEDC to pay their employees at the project site no less than a “living wage,” unless the company qualifies for an exemption under the Living Wage Requirements. As of April 1, 2016, the “living wage” is equal to the sum of $11.70 per hour (in cash) plus $1.70 per hour (in cash and/or health benefits), subject to annual inflation based adjustments (the Commissioner of the Department of Consumer Affairs will announce the new rates each January 1, which will go into effect on April 1 of each such year). Additionally, other “additional covered employers” (as such term is defined in the Executive Order) at the project site are required to pay their employees at the project site no less than a living wage, unless those employers qualify for an exemption under the Living Wage Requirements. Copies of the Living Wage Act and the Executive Order are available for download at http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/home/downloads/pdf/executive-orders/2014/eo_7.pdf.

Local Law No. 27 of 2012 added Section 6-130 of the New York City Administrative Code (the “Prevailing Wage Law”). Like the Living Wage Requirements, the Prevailing Wage Law applies to certain companies that receive at least $1 million of “financial assistance” (as such term is defined in the Prevailing Wage Law) from the City or NYCEDC for projects that are expected to be larger than 100,000 square feet or to include more than 100 residential units, unless the company and/or project qualifies for an exemption under the Prevailing Wage Law (a nonexempt company is referred to as a “covered developer”). A covered developer must ensure that all “building service employees” performing “building service work” (as such terms are defined in the Prevailing Wage Law) at the project location are paid no less than the “prevailing wage.” The “prevailing wage” means the rate of wage and supplemental benefits paid to workers in the same trade or occupation in the New York City locality, as determined annually by the City Comptroller. The current prevailing wage schedule is available for download at http://comptroller.nyc.gov/general-information/prevailing-wage/.

A copy of the Prevailing Wage Law is available for download at http://legistar.council.nyc.gov/View.ashx?M=F&ID=1951352&GUID=2FA06042-5204-4767-B9CA-710367C39270.

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Appendix 5 – Conditions, Terms and Limitations

In addition to those stated elsewhere, this RFEI and any transaction resulting from this RFEI are subject to the conditions, terms and limitations stated below:

1. The Building is to be disposed of in “as is” condition and is to be conveyed subject to all applicable title matters.

2. The City and NYCEDC, and their respective officers, employees, and agents, make no representation or warranty and assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the information set forth in this RFEI, the physical condition of the Building, the status of title thereto, its suitability for any specific use, the absence of hazardous waste or materials, or any other matter. All due diligence is the responsibility of the respondent and respondents are urged to satisfy themselves with respect to the condition of the Building, the information contained herein, and all limitations or other arrangements affecting the Site. NYCEDC and the City will not be responsible for any injury or damage arising out of or occurring during any visit to the Building.

3. The proposed development shall conform to, and be subject to, the provisions of the New York City Zoning Resolution, all other applicable laws, regulations, executive orders (including recently-announced Executive Order No. 19), and ordinances of all Federal, State and City authorities having jurisdiction, and any applicable Urban Renewal Plan, design guidelines or similar development limitations, as all of the foregoing may be amended from time to time. Without limiting the foregoing, closing on a proposed transaction shall be subject to the City’s Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (“ULURP”), completion of the City Environmental Quality Review (“CEQR”), approval by the applicable Community Board, compliance with Section 384(b)(4) of the New York City Charter, and approval by NYCEDC’s Board of Directors. ULURP and CEQR compliance shall be solely at the expense of the Tenant(s). NYCEDC will cooperate with the Tenant (s) in obtaining necessary approvals.

4. A respondent submitting a proposal in response to this RFEI may be rejected if it or, if the respondent is a business entity, any of its shareholders, officers, directors, partners or members (“Principals”) is determined, in the City’s or NYCEDC’s sole discretion, to be within a category of persons or entities with whom or which the City or NYCEDC will not generally do business. Respondent and all officers and Principals thereof will be required to complete a background questionnaire and shall be subject to investigation by NYCEDC and the City’s Department of Investigation. Any designation may be revoked in the City’s or NYCEDC’s sole discretion in the event any derogatory information is revealed by such investigation.

5. NYCEDC and the City are not obligated to pay and shall not pay any costs incurred by any respondent at any time unless NYCEDC or the City has expressly agreed to do so in writing.

6. NYCEDC invites the participation of real estate brokers acting on behalf of respondents and with the authorization of identified Principals, provided that the broker arranges for the payment of its commission or other compensation exclusively by the respondent. The submission of a proposal will constitute the respondent’s undertaking to pay any commission or other compensation due to any broker acting on behalf of respondent in connection with the respondent’s proposal to operate the Building, or a portion thereof,

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and to indemnify and hold harmless NYCEDC and the City, and their respective officers, employees and agents from any obligation, commission or compensation brought by any broker by reason of the proposal, project or the development of the Building, or portion thereof, and any liability, cost and/or expense incurred by NYCEDC and/or the City as a result of any claim of commission or compensation brought by any broker by reason of the proposal, project or the development of the Building.

7. Only proposals from Principals will be considered responsive. Individuals in representative, agency or consultant status may submit proposals only under the direction of identified Principals, where the Principals are solely responsible for paying for such services.

8. This is an RFEI, not a Request for Bids. NYCEDC shall be the sole judge of each proposal’s conformance with the requirements of this RFEI and of the merits of the individual proposals. NYCEDC reserves the right to waive, modify or amend any terms, conditions or provisions of this RFEI, with or without notice, with respect to one or more respondents, to negotiate with one or more of the respondents with respect to the Building or any portion of the Building, to negotiate and dispose of the Building on terms other than those set forth herein (including to parties other than those responding to this RFEI), to require supplemental statements and information from any respondents, to establish additional terms and conditions, to require a respondent to modify and cure its proposal if it is non-responsive to the RFEI or if it does not otherwise comply with one or more requirements of the RFEI, to request a respondent make changes to a proposal, to entertain modifications or additions to selected proposals, to withdraw the Building or portions of the Building from or add individual parcels to this RFEI, to encourage respondents to work together, or to reject any or all proposals, if in its judgment it is in the best interest of NYCEDC and the City to do so. If all proposals are rejected, this RFEI may be withdrawn and the Building may be retained, and re-offered under the same or different terms and conditions, or disposed of by another method, such as auction or negotiated disposition. In all cases, NYCEDC, conferring with other agencies, authorities and organizations, shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of the proposals. NYCEDC will enforce the submission deadline stated in the RFEI at its sole discretion. The timing of the selection may differ depending upon the degree to which further information on individual proposals must be obtained or due to other factors that NYCEDC may consider pertinent. All proposals shall become the property of NYCEDC upon submission.

9. NYCEDC and/or the City are not obligated to pay, nor shall in fact pay, any costs or losses incurred by any respondent at any time, including the cost of responding to the RFEI or negotiating legal agreements.

10. All terms in this RFEI related to the permitted use and bulk of the Building shall be as defined in the New York City Zoning Resolution and any applicable Urban Renewal Plan, design guidelines, or similar development limitations and controls. Where any conflict arises in such terms, the most restrictive shall prevail.

11. Except as specifically provided herein, the Tenant(s) will pay all taxes payable with respect to the project, including transfer and mortgage recording taxes. Tenant(s) will be required to pay the New York City Real Property Transfer Tax and New York State Real Estate Transfer Tax, notwithstanding any exemption on account of the City’s or NYCEDC’s involvement in the transaction.

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12. This transaction will be structured as a “net” deal to NYCEDC, with the Tenant (s) being responsible for all fees relating to the project and all costs incurred by NYCEDC including, but not limited to, costs for outside legal counsel, if any, studies, and outside consultants.

13. All proposals and other materials submitted to NYCEDC in response to this RFEI may be disclosed in accordance with the standards specified in the Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law (“FOIL”). The entity submitting a proposal may provide in writing, at the time of submission a detailed description of the specific information contained in its submission, which it has determined is a trade secret and which, if disclosed, would substantially harm such entity’s competitive position. This characterization shall not be determinative, but will be considered by NYCEDC when evaluating the applicability of any exemptions in response to a FOIL request.

14. In furtherance of NYCEDC’s mission of economic development, NYCEDC-led dispositions will be subject to NYCEDC’s standard provisions for similar transactions. The Lease, or contract of sale agreement, if applicable, conveying the Building, or portion thereof, to the Tenant(s) shall contain redevelopment obligations as well as restrictions on use and transfer of the Building. Failure to comply with these restrictions will result in a right by NYCEDC or the City to terminate the Lease (and/or to re-enter and re-acquire the Building, or portion thereof, for no consideration, as the case may be).

15. The Tenant(s) will be required to deliver evidence to NYCEDC of the creation of employment opportunities at the Buildingfor the first eight (8) years after the closing of the project. The Tenant(s) must also agree in good faith to consider any proposals made by the City or City-related entities with regard to jobs Tenant(s) is seeking to fill and to provide the City with the opportunity to make job referrals and create a training program for City residents. Tenant(s) will be required to cause its subtenants, if applicable, to agree to these provisions at the time it enters into leases with such subtenants.

16. Upon review of the information provided by NYCEDC or the City in connection with this RFEI (the “Confidential Information”), respondents, and their representatives and agents and consultants, shall treat their proposals and the Confidential Information confidentially, and shall not discuss, publish, divulge, disclose or allow to be disclosed the Confidential Information to the press or other media, without NYCEDC’s prior written approval. In addition, upon submission of a proposal to this RFEI, respondents, and their representatives and agents and consultants shall not discuss, publish, divulge, disclose or allow to be disclosed the Confidential Information to any other respondents or any other person, firm or entity, including press or other media, without NYCEDC’s prior written approval. If either provision is breached by a respondent, NYCEDC may disqualify that respondent from the RFEI as non-compliant and seek any other remedy available at law or in equity, including but not limited to injunctive relief and/or damages.

17. All determinations as to the completeness or compliance of any proposals, or as to the eligibility or qualification of any respondent, will be within the sole discretion of NYCEDC and the City.

18. The Tenant(s) may choose to apply to or seek the cooperation or involvement of other City or State programs and Agencies. In the event that other information, City documentation, or State documentation is required for the proposal, the Tenant (s) and/or respondent(s) agrees to provide NYCEDC with all information and documentation required by the City or State.

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19. The City and NYCEDC may, at their discretion, contribute funds to development projects and/or permit the Tenant(s) to apply for discretionary tax abatements in order to further the project goals or effectuate policy goals regardless of the Proposal Requirements.

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