+ All Categories
  • Recursos de Teora da Literatura, Crtica literaria, Historia da Literatura e Literatura Comparada na rede A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology, (14/07/06, 12: 15). Aula de Letras, (14/07/06, 12:15). BCLA: Comparative Literature Website, http://www.swan.ac.uk/german/bcla/clww.htm (20/10/03, 22: 25). Carnegie-Mellon University On-line Books. (19/10/03, 00: 25)

    Critical Theory. Ohio State University. (19/10/03, 00:20) Criticism and Theory. (19/10/03, 00:25)

    WWW Literary Theory Resources. (14/07/06, 12: 15). CLAT: The essential Comparative Literature and Theory Site. (14/07/06, 12:15) Glosario de trminos literarios. (20/10/03, 18:20). Goldfarb, David A. New Reference Works in Literary Theory. (20/10/03, 18:35). Index of theorists. (19/10/03, 00: 45) Internet Resources in Literature, (19/10/03, 11:50) Klages, Mary. Modern Critical Thought. Theory before Theory or What Do We Do With Literature?. U. of Colorado at Boulder, 1997. (14/07/06, 12:15). Laga, B. What Is Literature? A Refusal to Define or Limit, Mesa State College, 1999. (20/10/03, 18:45).

    Laga, B. On Intentionality. A Proposal About the Role of the Author, Mesa State College, 1999. (20/10/03, 18: 45). Laga, B. On Interpretation. A Proposal About Reading, Mesa State College, 1999. (20/10/03, 18:50). Laga, Barry. Critical Reading. An Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism. Mesa State College. (20/10/03, 18:50). Literary Resources Theory. (19/10/03, 00:40)

    Literary theory. Database of literary theory and criticism incorporating a collection of works including landmark essays, articles and extracts, dating from the fifth century BC to the present day. (19/10/03, 00:15)

  • Lye, John. The difference between Literary Criticism, Literary Theory, and theory itself. Brock University, 1998. (20/10/03, 18:50). Lye, John Some Factors Affecting/Effecting the Reading of Texts Brock University, 1996. (20/10/03, 18:45). Lye, John. The Problem of Meaning in Literature. Brock University, 1996. (20/10/03, 18:45).

    Lye, John. Critical Reading: A Guide Designed for His Year 1 Students. Brock University, 1997. (20/10/03, 18:45).

    Lye, John. On the Uses of Studying Literature. Brock University, 1996. (20/10/03, 18:45). Lye, John. Theory Checklist 1999: a working document. Brock University, 1999. (20/10/03, 18:45).

    Myers, D.G. The Bogey of the Canon. Publicado originalmente in la Sewanee Review 97 (1989): 611-21. (20/10/03, 18:50).

    Myers, D. G. Invitation to an Argument. Gerald Graffs "Conflict Model" of Education. Publicado originalmente en Teaching the Conflicts: Gerald Graff, Curricular Reform, and the Culture Wars. Wellesley Studies in Critical Theory, Literary History, and Culture 2. ed. William E. Cain. Nueva York: Garland, 1994: 179-91. (20/10/03, 18:50). Pxina do Departamento de Ingls da Universidad de Delaware, (19/10/03, 12:05) Prince, Gerald. Literary Theory and the Undergraduate Curriculum. Publicado originalmente en ADFL Bulletin 15, no. 2 (Noviembre de 1983): 1-4. (20/10/03, 18:55). Rethinking Literary History Comparatevly (19/10/03, 11:55) Scherer Hertz, Judith. Cultural Precipitate and Willed Object: Literary Theory in the Site Between. Publicado originalmente en ADFL Bulletin 104 (primavera de 1993): 18-21. (20/10/03, 18:55). Teora e Crtica literarias: Online Literary Criticism Collection, (19/10/03, 11:50) Teora literaria, (19/10/03, 12:05)

    The John Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory Online, (29/10/03, 00:55). Voice of the Shuttle, (19/10/03, 11:55) Correntes actuais de Teora e Crtica literarias Arnason, David. Formalist and Structuralist Ideas. University of Manitoba. (20/10/03, 18:30). Crtica literaria feminista: (19/10/03, 12:00)

    Estudios poscoloniais, (19/10/03, 12:10)

  • Gender Studies, Feminist Theory, Queer Theory: Genders: (19/10/03, 12:10)

    Hedges, Warren. Timeline of Major Critical Theories in US, Southern Oregon University, 10/97. (20/10/03, 18:40). Ishikawa, Akihito. Literary and Cultural Theory Resources. Nagasaki College of Foreign Languages. (20/10/03, 18:40).

    Lang, Chris. A Brief History of Literary Theory. (20/10/03, 18:45). Lye, John. Some Characteristics of Contemporary Theory. Brock University,1997. (20/10/03, 18:50).

    Literary and Cultural Theory. University of California, Santa Barbara. (19/10/03, 00:20) Materiais diversos sobre tericos e escolas, (19/10/03, 12:15) Popcultures.com. Sara Zupkos Cultural Studies Center Page. (19/10/03, 00: 40)

    Postcolonial Web, de George P. Landow, (19/10/03, 00:45) Semitica cultural e visual, (19/10/03, 12:15) Siegel, Kristie. Correntes de Teora da Literatura contemporneas, (19/10/03, 00:55)

    Teora crtica e a Escola de Frankfurt, (19/10/03, 12:15) Filosofa e literatura: Kiosque. Art@Science. Nmeros especiales de revistas. (20/10/03, 18:50). (19/10/03, 11:50) Proxecto ensaio hispnico, (19/10/03, 12:15) Sistema Literario e novas tecnoloxas: Center of Electronic Texts in the Humanities, Cludia Correia e Helosa Andrade, Noes bsicas de hipertexto, (20/10/03, 22: 15) Computing in the Humanities. 1999. (19/10/03, 00:45) Directorio de Hiperficcin en espaol,

    EastGate, Electronic Literature Organization, Electronic Poetry Center, Cyberspace, hypertext, & critical theory at Brown University. George Landow.

  • : (; (19/10/03, 00:45) Hyperizons. Hypertext Fiction, Hyperliterature/hypertheory. (19/10/03, 00: 40) Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. University of Virginia. (19/10/03, 00:45) Lynch, Jack On-line Literary Research Tools on the Net. (20/10/03, 18:50). Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image (19/10/03, 00: 30) Retrica: A glossary of rhetorical terms with examples. (19/10/03, 00:50) Glossary of Literary and Rhetorical Terms. J. Lynch. (20/10/03, 18:25). Rhetoric and Composition, (20/10/03, 22: 25). Silva Rhetoricae. The Forest of Rhetoric, (20/10/03, 22: 20). Film Studies Universidade de Berkeley, http://filmstudies.berkeley.edu/ (14/07/2006, 13:00) Teatro Didaskalia. Ancient Theatre Today. (20/10/03, 22:15). Ibsens Skuespill i bilder, (21/10/03, 1:00). Diccionarios Diccionario de termos literarios do Equipo Glifo (20/10/03, 22: 25). Revistas

    Applied Semiotics, (20/10/03, 22:30)

    Applied Theatre Researcher, (29/10/03, 1:50).

    Arcadia: Zeifschriften Literaturwissenschaft,

  • Asymetria. Revista de cultura, critica si imaginatie, Comparative Criticism,

    Comparative Literature, (29/10/03, 00:55).

    Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal, (20/10/03, 22:30)

    Comparative Literature Studies, (20/10/03, 22:30)

    Computers and the Humanities (20/10/03, 23:15)

    Critical Inquiry, (20/10/03, 22: 55)

    Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction,

    Cuadernos de tica,

    Cultural Critique, (21/10/03, 1: 15).

    Diacritics, (21/10/03, 1: 15). Espculo, (20/10/03, 23:00) Enculturation. A Journal of Rehetoric , Writing and Culture,

    Estigma. Revista de investigacin y de creacin, (20/10/03, 22: 55).

    Forum for Modern Language Studies, (20/10/03, 23: 20)

    Genders, (29/10/03, 1: 35).

  • Gestos, (21/10/03, 1:05) Gittcus, (20/10/03, 22:30) Hermeneia. Estudis literaris i tecnologies digitals, (20/10/03, 23: 05)>

    ICLA/AILC, (20/10/03, 22: 55)

    Images. A Journal of Film and Popular Culture,

    Interletras. Revista de Crtica y Literatura en Lengua Espaola, (20/10/03, 23:00)

    Isegora. Revista de filosofa moral y poltica,

    Istmo, Revista virtuaal de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos, (29/10/03, 1:35).

    Journal of Medieval and Early Language Studies, (21/10/03, 1: 15)

    Journal of Pragmatics, (20/10/03, 23: 20)

    Jouvert: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies, (29/10/03, 1:40) Leonardo, (29/10/03, 2: 25)

    Literary Research/Recherche littraire (29/10/03, 2: 25)

    Literaturas.com. Revista Literaria Independiente de los nuevos tiempos, Modern Language Notes, (20/10/03, 23: 20)

    Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, (29/10/03, 2: 25).

  • Neohelicon, (20/10/03, 23: 30)

    New Comparaison: A Journal of Comparative and General Literary Studies, , (29/10/03, 2:25)

    Objeto visual,

    Orbis Litterarum. International Reviw of Literary Studies, (29/10/03, 2: 25)

    Other Voices. The (e) journal of cultural criticism, (29/10/03, 1:25). Otrocampo. Estudios sobre cine, (20/10/03, 23: 25)

    Philosophy and Literature, (20/10/03, 22:30)

    Razn y palabra,

    Revista Comunicacin, (20/10/03, 23:20)

    Revista chilena de Semitica, (20/10/03, 22:30). Revista de Libros, (20/10/03, 23: 30) Revista Olhar, (20/10/03, 23: 15) Safundi. The Journal of South African and American Comparative Studies, (29/10/03, 2: 25)

    Semiotica. Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, (20/10/03, 22: 55)

    Signa, (20/10/03, 22:30)

    Stanford Electronic Humanities Review, (29/10/03, 2:30)

  • Surfaces, (29/10/03, 1:50)

    Symposium, (20/10/03, 22:30). The British Journal of Aesthetics, < http://www3.oup.co.uk/aesthj/> (20/10/03, 22:30) Tonos Digital, (20/10/03, 22:30) Translation Journal, (20/10/03, 22:30)

    Tympanum. A Journal of Comparative Literary Studies, (20/10/03, 22: 45).

    World Literature Today, (20/10/03, 22: 45).

    Proxectos en rede e bibliotecas virtuais

    Biblioteca virtual do estudante brasileiro, (21/10/03, 1:00). Bibliotheca Augustana, < http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/hispanica/Cronologia/s_crono.html>

    Proyecto Gutenberg,

    Proyecto Ensayo Hispnico, < http://www.ensayo.rom.uga.edu/> International Society for the History of Rhetoric,

    Pxinas persoais de autores

    Pxina de Stephen Bronner. Illuminations - Of Critical Theory and Its Theorists: Introduction. (20/10/03, 18:30).

    Pxina principal de Carlos Cia con enlaces s principais pxinas de Teora da Literatura: (19/10/03, 12:00)

    Pxina de Robert Kendall, Pxina principal de Itamar Even Zohar, (14/07/06, 11:55)

    Pxina principal de George P. Landow, http://www.landow.com (15/07/2006, 19:15)

  • Outros Departamentos de Teora da Literatura en Espaa Vxase a pxina da ASETEL (ASOCIACIN ESPAOLA DE TEORA DE LA LITERATURA),

    Objeto visual,

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