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Page 1: República Bolivariana de Venezuela Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

República Bolivariana de VenezuelaUniversidad Pedagógica Experimental

LibertadorInstituto Pedagógico “Prof. Antonio José

Lira Alcalá” de Maturín

Professor: Students:Rosa Ponce Jesús Marcano

Edgar Benavides

12 – 03 - 2013

Lesson Planning

Page 2: República Bolivariana de Venezuela Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

1. What is an emergency? An emergency is an unexpected

situation that hurts or could hurt peopleor someone in specific, can be a dangerous situation produced by men or any object, or caused by natural factors.

For example:• House fire.• Car accident.• People injured.• Bomb threat.• A robbery in the house or in the street. • Structures in present perfect tense

11st content

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Have you had any experience with emergencies?

Learning estrategiesBeginning

Professor asks students their experience with any Emergency case

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DevelopmentWhat is an Emergency?

An emergency is a serious situation or occurrence that happens unexpectedly and demands immediate action. Is a condition of urgent need for action or assistance

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Injured People

RobberyBomb threat

Car accident House fire

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Dialogue• John: Dad, Please come here. My sister have injured the baby’s head with the ball by accident. We need to call an ambulance now.• Fred: Ow! That’s too bad. Do you know the emergency number? • John: Yes, It is 171. Please dial quickly.• Thanks. I have forgotten it. I’m on that son. Keep calm.

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Simple presentDefinition

The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the Present tense and the perfect aspect, used to express a past event that has present consequences.




• She has gone to the park recently

• I have eaten some food

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Present Perfect Timeline

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1. After lunch yo go to see a friend. She says: Would you like to eat? You say: No, thanks. I (have eat)2. He (have work) all day long.


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2. Basic questions to be prepared in case of emergency.

• Where do you live?• Have you taken any medication? • How do you feel now?• Are you alergic to any medication?• How old are you?• Do you have any health problem?

2nd content

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BeginningWord search

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After a car accident…

• Mr. Penn: Aw! It hurts me. My leg, my leg.• Operator: Oh I know. Please, keep calm. Ambulance is on the way. •Where do you live?• Mr. Penn: I live in New York 5th avenue. Please, call my family. I’m Mr. Penn.• Operator: Ok, do you remember any phone number of your family?• Mr. Penn: Yes, My sister. I think it’s 0291-7665434• Operator: Ok, Do you have any health problem? Mr. Penn: Well, I suffer of hypertension.Me: That’s too bad.How old are you?Mr. Penn: I’m 50 Years old.

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Explanation ofEmergency phrases

• Where do you live?• I live in ____• Have you taken any medication? • No, I haven’t taken any medication• How do you feel now?• Are you alergic to any medication?• Yes, I am• No, I’m not.• How old are you?• I’m __ years old• Do you have any health problem?• No, I don’t

Las garzas

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