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Page 1: Saúl Herrera Aguilar Lic. Luís Raúl González Pérez saulh ... · Lic. Luís Raúl González Pérez Abogado General FACULTAD DE ECONOMÍA Roberto Escalante Semerena Director José



Dr. José Narro Robles

Rector Dr. Sergio M. Alcocer Martínez de Castro

Secretario General

Mtro. Juan José Pérez Castañeda Secretario Administrativo

M.C. Ramiro Jesús Sandoval

Secretario de Servicios a la Comunidad

Rosaura Ruiz Gutiérrez Secretaria de Desarrollo Institucional

Lic. Luís Raúl González Pérez

Abogado General


Roberto Escalante Semerena Director

José Antonio Ibarra Romero

Secretario General

Hortensia Lobato Reyes Coordinadora de Bibliotecas

Responsables del Boletín: Saúl Herrera Aguilar

[email protected]. Tel. 5622-2187


El presente Boletín es un número especial que contiene publicaciones editadas por el Banco y se encuentran disponibles en la Biblioteca “Enrique González Aparicio” y, en el

caso que se indique, pueden ser consultadas en versión digital (vía Internet)

Page 2: Saúl Herrera Aguilar Lic. Luís Raúl González Pérez saulh ... · Lic. Luís Raúl González Pérez Abogado General FACULTAD DE ECONOMÍA Roberto Escalante Semerena Director José


TÍTULO PAG. Environmental priorities and poverty reduction : a country environmental analysis for Colombia


Female genital cutting, women’s health and development: the role of the World Bank


Growth and poverty reduction: case studies from West Africa 2 México: revisión del gasto público para infraestructura 2 Poverty and regional development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia 3 From envisioning to designing e-development : the experience of Sri Lanka


Korea as a knowledge economy : evolutionary process and lessons learned


Setting standards for communication and governance: the example of infrastructure projects


Building knowledge economies: advanced strategies for development 5 Challenges of African growth : opportunities, constraints, and strategic directions


World development report 2008: agriculture and development 6 Investor protection and corporate governance : firm-level evidence across Latin America


Doing business 2008 7 Doing business 2007 : cómo reformar 8 Concesiones en infraestructura : cómo hacerlo bien 8 Minimum wages and social policy: lessons from developing countries 9 Internal labor mobility in Central Europe and the Baltic Region 9 Migration and remittances: Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union 10 Cómo capitalizar el potencial económico de Chile ampliando las opciones laborales de la mujer : diagnóstico de género-Chile


Structured finance in Latin America : channeling pension funds to housing, infrastructure, and small businesses


Communicating the impact of communication for development : recent trends in empirical research


Communication-based assessment for bank operations 12 World Congress on Communication for Development: lessons, challenges, and the way forward


Development and faith: where mind, heart, and soul work together 13 Little data book on private sector development 13 Energy policies and multitopic household surveys : guidelines for questionnaire design in living standards measurement Studies


Sustainable energy in China: the closing window of opportunity 14 Fiscal systems for hydrocarbons : design issues 15 Angola : oil, broad-based growth, and equity 15 Services trade and development : the experience of Zambia 16 World Bank Independent Evaluation Group A decade of action in transport: an evaluation of World Bank assistance to the transport sector, 1995-2005


Globalization for development: trade, finance, aid, migration, and policy. 17 Reforming payments and securities settlement systems in Latin America and the Caribbean


Page 3: Saúl Herrera Aguilar Lic. Luís Raúl González Pérez saulh ... · Lic. Luís Raúl González Pérez Abogado General FACULTAD DE ECONOMÍA Roberto Escalante Semerena Director José


TÍTULO PAG. Development results in middle-income countries : an evaluation of the World Bank’s support


The development potential of regional programs : an evaluation of World Bank support of multicountry operations


The development potential of regional programs : an evaluation of World Bank support of multicountry operations


South-south migration and remittances 19 The UK-Nigeria remittance corridor: challenges of embracing formal transfer systems in a dual financial environment


An assessment of the investment climate in South Africa 21 Social health insurance for developing nations 21 Private voluntary health insurance in development : friend or foe? 22 Intergovernmental fiscal relations in the new EU member states : consolidating reforms


Public-private partnerships in the new EU member states: managing fiscal risks


Intergovernmental fiscal transfers: principles and practice 23 Budgeting and budgetary institutions 24 Developing the domestic government debt market: from diagnostics to reform implementation


Local public financial Management 25 Local budgeting 25 Social resilience and state fragility in Haiti 25 Gender and economic growth in Kenya: unleashing the power of women 26 Social assistance in the new EU member states: strengthening performance and labor market incentives


How to build M&E systems to support better government 27 Performance accountability and combating corruption 27 Administrative capacity in the new EU member states : the limits of innovation?


International migration, economic development & policy 28 Higher education quality assurance in Sub-Saharan Africa: status, challenges, opportunities and promising practices


Toward high-quality education in Peru: standards, accountability, and capacity building


Raising student learning in Latin America : the challenge for the 21st Century


Language, literacy and learning in primary schools : implications for teacher development programs in Nigeria


Vocational education in the new EU member states : enhancing labor market outcomes and fiscal efficiency


How universities promote economic growth 32 Mobilizing the private sector for public education : a view from the trenches


Page 4: Saúl Herrera Aguilar Lic. Luís Raúl González Pérez saulh ... · Lic. Luís Raúl González Pérez Abogado General FACULTAD DE ECONOMÍA Roberto Escalante Semerena Director José


TÍTULO PAG. The Link between health, social issues, and secondary education : life skills, health, and civic education


Enhancing China’s competitiveness through lifelong learning 33 Higher education financing in the new EU member states : leveling the playing field


Public ends, private means: strategic purchasing of health services 34 Healthy development : the World Bank strategy for health, nutrition, & population results


Insuficiencia nutricional en el Ecuador : causas, consecuencias y soluciones


Quality systems and standards for a competitive edge 36

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GE160.C7 E5813 Environmental priorities and poverty reduction : a country environmental analysis for Colombia. Washington, D.C. : Banco Mundial : 2007. 504 p. Materia: Salud ambiental; Pobreza; Industrias; Contaminación; Contaminación atmosférica interior; Combustibles; Sanitarios. ISBN 9780821368886 Environmental Priorities and Poverty Reduction: A Country Environmental Analysis for Colombia proposes cost-effective policy and technical interventions aimed at abating the cost of environmental degradation and supporting more equitable and sustainable economic growth. Environmental degradation is associated with increased morbidity and mortality and decreased productivity. Urban and indoor air pollution; inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene; natural disasters (mainly floods and landslides); and land degradation are the environmental problems associated with the highest social and economic costs, falling most heavily on vulnerable people, especially poor children under five years old.

GN645 R64 Rogo, Khama O. Female genital cutting, women’s health and development: the role of the World Bank Washington, D.C.: World Bank, Africa Region Human Development Departament, c2007. 30 p. Materia: Circuncisión femenina; Salud e higiene; Desarrollo económico. ISBN 9780821371831 Female Genital Cutting, Women's Health, and Development provides a comprehensive understanding of the issue of femal genital mutilation/cutting - scope, challenges, opportunities, best practices, and how communities, development agencies, and national governments can work together to eliminate the practices on the ground. The World Bank is committed to assisting governments in ending the practice of female genital cutting, as the practice has direct, negative impact on the health and well-being of women around the world. The recommendations set forth in this paper take advantage of the World Bank's comparative advantage in dealing with governments. Continued silence perpetuates the practice, thereby undermining women's productivity.

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HC1000.Z9 P624 Growth and poverty reduction: case studies from West Africa Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 135 p. Materia: Pobreza. ISBN 9780821366295 This volume provides a set of six case studies from West Africa. These assess the benefits of growth (or the costs of a lack of growth) in terms of poverty reduction in those countries. The first part of this book describes the experience of two countries (Ghana and Senegal) that achieved high levels of growth in the 1990s, and that also experienced important reductions in poverty, even though growth was not strictly pro-poor. The second part describes the experience of two other countries (Burkina Faso and Cape Verde) that also achieved high levels of growth in the 1990s, but where there was an initial perception that growth did not lead to much poverty reduction. The more detailed analysis of poverty presented here suggests however that these two countries did witness a sharp reduction in their population share in poverty, as would have been expected given their growth record. Finally, in the third part, the authors argue that a lack of growth in the 1990s in Guinea-Bissau and Nigeria has been a key reason for their persistently high levels of poverty.

HC140.C3 M4818 México: revisión del gasto público para infraestructura Washington, D.C.: Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento: Banco Mundial, Departamento de México y Colombia, Región América y El Caribe, 2006. 35 p. Materia: Infraestructura; Cooperación de los sectores público y privado. La Alianza Estratégica con el País de México y el Banco Mundial identifica al sector agua como un área prioritaria de colaboración. En dicha alianza, el Banco, como agente de desarrollo, fue invitado a proveer asistencia técnica, experiencia internacional y apoyo financiero para la preparación e implementación de programas que mejoren la calidad de vida de los directamente afectados por la falta de este recurso. Durante las últimas décadas, la menor disponibilidad de agua y la contaminación en México han atraído la atención del Gobierno y la Sociedad Civil. Por ello, el país ha puesto en marcha una serie de acciones para mitigar las consecuencias de una potencial merma del recurso, consiguiendo logros importantes como la identificación de un marco legal e institucional para su manejo integrado, o la expansión en el acceso a servicios de agua y saneamiento hasta cubrir el 90% de la población del país.

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HC244.Z9 D55 Dillinger, William R., 1951- Poverty and regional development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Washington, D. C. World Bank, c2007. 62 p. Materia: Pobreza; Pobreza. ISBN 0821371614 Regional economic development is an interest of policymakers throughout the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region. On eo fits principal aims is to reduce poverty in lagging regions by stimulating local economic growth. However, problems exist with this approach. First, it may miss the target. Although geographical concentrations of poverty exist, poor people also live in regions that are - on average - rich. Second, the sourves of the problem may be misdiagnosed. Poverty is not only related to where people are, but to who people are. In ECA, poverty is associated with low levels of education and people who are too young or too old to participate in the labor force. Under these circumstances, efforts to bring higher wage employment opportunities to poor regions may have little immediate benefit for the people who live there. Third, relying on regional economic development to address poverty in lagging regions ignores the potential role of migration. The emigration of labor, rather than the immigration of capital, may be a more effective means of reducing the poverty of individuals in lagging regions, though this is unlikely to eliminate pockets of poverty quickly. Development opportunities may exist in poor regions that markets have overlooked. Interventions must be assessed carefully. Some of the traditional instruments used to stimulate regional economic growth have mixed track records. Comprehensive custom-tailored approaches appear to be a promising alternative. However, governments should be modest in using regional development as a tool of poverty reduction. Policies aimed at stimulating growth in poor regions should be complemented by more direct anti-poverty measures, including targeted transfers and investments in education, and efforts to remove barriers to emigration.

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HC424.Z9 I554 Hanna, Nagy. From envisioning to designing e-development: the experience of Sri Lanka. Washington, D.C. Banco Mundial, c2007. 222 p. Materia: Tecnología de la información; Comunicación en el desarrollo económico; Telecomunicaciones. ISBN 9780821368664 Presents a case in bridging the gap between vision and actionable programs. This book captures how Sri Lankans worked with local stakeholders and aid agency counterparts in moving from developing a shared vision of comprehensive e-development to designing a multiyear investment program. Full description. This book presents a concrete case in bridging the gap between vision and actionable programs. It captures how Sri Lankans worked with local stakeholders and aid agency counterparts in moving from developing a shared vision of comprehensive e-development to designing a multiyear investment program, creating a national ICT agency, and piloting, implementing, and adapting the strategy.

HC470.H53 K67 Korea as a knowledge economy: evolutionary process and lessons learned. Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007.: 187 p. mapas col. Materia: Industrias de alta tecnología; Administración del conocimiento. ISBN 9780821372012 (rústica) Korea's development process offers valuable lessons for other developing and less developed economies. In particular, the way Korea uses outside technologies, by accumulating indigenous capabilities, is still valid in the era of the knowledge economy. This volume examines the Korean model and Korea's march toward a knowledge economy from a poverty-ridden economy before the launch of full-scale industrialization in the early 1960s. It also emphasizes Korea's achievements, as well as remaining tasks within the four pillars of the knowledge economy, with a common theme throughout -- how Korea has narrowed the gaps in its knowledge and institutions in global competition with world leaders.

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HC79.C3 H37 Haas, Lawrence J. M. Setting standards for communication and governance: the example of infrastructure projects Washington, D. C.: World Bank, c2007. 47 p. Materia: Infraestructura (Economía); Desarrollo económico ISBN 082137169X This title outlines a number of practical initiatives to strengthen the role of development communication in infrastructure projects. The authors aim to facilitate better quality projects and to build consensus on the type of governance reforms needed to fight corruption, drawing on the experience of development agencies like the World Bank and Transparency International. It starts by characterizing corruption vulnerabilities in infrastructure and proceeds to illustrate where communication has added value on a number of recent projects, both in regard to making the projects more sustainable and by incorporating anti-corruption measures into the project preparation and implementation. It draws on examples of mainly World Bank-supported projects from the road, transport, power, and water sectors in different governance contexts. Five standard-setting initiatives are then outlined, which focus on promoting best practice to better integrate development communication into the project cycles of World Bank-supported infrastructure projects.

HC79.I55 B85 Building knowledge economies: advanced strategies for development Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 191 p. Materia: Tecnología de la información; Innovaciones tecnológicas; Administración del conocimiento. ISBN 9780821369579 (rústica) In many parts of the world, knowledge is being put to work to accelerate and deepen the development process, promoting innovation and helping to generate wealth and jobs. This book discusses advanced development strategies that take into account education, information and communication technology, infrastructure, innovation, and the prerequisite economic and institutional regimes

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HC800 N38 Ndulu, B. J.. Challenges of African growth : opportunities, constraints, and strategic directions. Washington D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 252 p. Materia: Geografía; África; Política y gobierno. ISBN 0821368826 Poverty in Africa is largely the outcome of slow growth. With the region hosting 10 percent of the world’s population but a staggering 30 percent of the world’s poor, the challenges facing the region are enormous, but not insurmountable. The message of this report is clear—poverty — eradicating development in Africa is possible. In fact, there are clear indications that Africa is at a turning point and there is growing momentum among front runner economies in the region towards higher and sustained growth. This study challenges African countries, with their development partners, to consolidate and continue this momentum, to exploit the advantages of the continent as a late starter, particularly in innovation and in drawing lessons from successful export-led growth experience in Asia and Latin America.

HD1415 W67 World development report 2008: agriculture and development Washington, D.C. Banco Mundial, 2007. 365 p. Materia: Agricultura; Población. ISBN 9780821368084 (empastado) World Development Report 2008 seeks to assess where, when, and how agriculture can be an effective instrument for economic development, especially development that favors the poor. It examines several broad questions: How has agriculture changed in developing countries in the past 20 years? What are the important new challenges and opportunities for agriculture? Which new sources of agricultural growth can be captured cost effectively in particular in poor countries with large agricultural sectors as in Africa? How can agricultural growth be made more effective for poverty reduction? How can governments facilitate the transition of large populations out of agriculture, without simply transferring the burden of rural poverty to urban areas? How can the natural resource endowment for agriculture be protected? How can agriculture's negative environmental effects be contained? This year's report marks the 30th year the World Bank has been publishing the World Development Report.

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HD2741 I58 Investor protection and corporate governance : firm-level evidence across Latin America Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 2007. 557 p. Materia: Gobierno corporativo; Inversiones. ISBN 9780821369135 Latin America has been surprisingly spared from a generalized wave of corporate governance scandals. One possible explanation is that the region’s level of investor protection is adequate. The evidence from the papers in this book says otherwise. The still relatively low level of protection and transparency has created an environment where problems cannot be easily detected or are not worth pursuing. These circumstances have started to push firms thirsty for capital to unilaterally opt for better corporate governance and alleviate this disadvantage. The papers in this book constitute the largest firm-level corporate governance analysis undertaken across Latin American countries. The new datasets in the book allow the researchers to conclude that companies with better self-imposed firm-level governance practices or with listing in U.S. markets are given higher valuations and can raise capital at a lower cost. Although these results are encouraging, they point to a rocky path for the future growth of local Latin American capital markets.

HD3611 D65 2008 Doing business 2008 : comparing regulation in 178 economies Washington, D. C.: Banco Mundial, c2007.: 200 p. Materia: Regulación del comercio; Derecho mercantil; Regulación del comercio; Administración industrial; Empresas comerciales; Legislación delegada. ISBN 0821372319 El reporte estudia las regulaciones que afectan a diez fases de la vida empresarial: apertura de una empresa, manejo de licencias, empleo de trabajadores, registro de propiedades, obtención de crédito, protección de inversores, pago de impuestos, comercio transfronterizo, cumplimiento de contratos y cierre de una empresa. Los datos de Doing Business están actualizados a fecha 1 de junio de 2007. Los indicadores se emplean para analizar resultados económicos e identifican lo que han conseguido las reformas, así como el dónde y el porqué de esos logros.

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HD3611 D6518 2007 Doing business 2007 : cómo reformar Washington, D. C.: Banco Mundial: Corporación Financiera Internacional, c2006.:195 p. Materia: Regulación del comercio; Derecho mercantil; Regulación del comercio; Administración industrial; Empresas comerciales; Legislación delegada. Este es un reporte del Banco Mundial y del International Finance Corporation (IFC) que compara cuatro aspectos esenciales que forman parte de la vida de una empresa: Apertura de una empresa; cumplimiento de los contratos; registro de la propiedad; y registro de garantías para la obtención de crédito. Este año el Banco Mundial aceptó la propuesta del Gobierno Federal para ampliar el proyecto en México de 12 a 31 ciudades del país ubicadas en igual número de entidades federativas, además del Distrito Federal, a fin de identificar la forma en que el marco regulatorio fomenta o restringe la inversión, la productividad y el crecimiento de los negocios en México. Este reporte presentará 19 casos nuevos de estudio y las actualizaciones de 12 casos estudiados en 2005 y el Distrito Federal: Estudio Doing Business en México.

HD4420.8 G8318 Guasch, J. Luis. Concesiones en infraestructura : cómo hacerlo bien Barcelona: A. Bosch; Washington, D. C. Banco Mundial, c2005. 231 p. Materia: Contratos públicos: Obras públicas; Infraestructura; Privatización ISBN 84-95348-15-2 Este libro es una contribución fundamental para superar los errores cometidos y conseguir los beneficios potenciales de la participación privada en la construcción y gestión de las infraestructuras. Analiza más de 1.000 concesiones de infraestructuras, descubriendo una serie de hechos sorprendentes. Propone una nueva explicación de los hechos observados y concluye con una serie de propuestas innovadoras. Este libro interesará no sólo a todos aquellos que intervienen en la privatización de las infraestructuras, sino que fascinará a economistas y políticos interesados en las aplicaciones de la nueva economía de la regulación y las finanzas públicas.

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HD4920.L37 C85 SBN 9780821370117 Cunningham, Wendy V. Minimum wages and social policy: lessons from developing countries Washington, DC: Banco Mundial, c2007. 132 p. Materia: Salario mínimo. ISBN 9780821370117 Offering evidence from both detailed individual country studies and homogenized statistics across the Latin American and Caribbean region, this book examines the impact of the minimum wage on wages, employment, poverty, income distribution and government budgets in the context of a large informal sector and predominantly unskilled workforces.

HD5764.7A6 I57 Internal labor mobility in Central Europe and the Baltic Region Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 2007. 79 p. Materia: Movilidad en el trabajo; Movilidad en el trabajo; Migración interna; Migración interna. ISBN 9780821370902 Internal Labor Mobility in Central Europe and the Baltic Region is part of the World Bank Working Paper series. These papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank’s on going research and to stimulate public discussion. Large regional disparities in labor market indicators exist in Central Europe and the Baltic region. Such disparities appear to be persistent over time indicating, in part, a lack of flexibility in the prevailing adjustment mechanisms. Internal labor mobility is often seen as an important instrument to reduce adjustment costs when other mechanisms fail. Drawing from a variety of data sources and utilizing a common empirical framework and estimation strategy, this study identifies patterns and statistical profiles of geographical mobility. It finds internal migration to be generally low and highly concentrated among better-educated, young, and single workers. This suggests that migration is more likely to reinforce existing inequalities than to act as an equalizing phenomenon. By way of contrast, commuting flows have grown over time and are more responsive to regional economic differentials. The findings suggest the need for appropriate and country-tailored policy measures designed to increase the responsiveness of labor

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HD5856.E852 M35 Mansoor, Ali M. Migration and remittances: Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, Región de Europa y Asia Central, 2006. 213 p. Materia general: Trabajadores migratorios; Trabajadores migratorios; Remesas de migrantes; Remesas de migrantes. ISBN 082136233X (papel alcalino) Migration in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is unique and significant: ECA accounts for one-third of all developing country emigration, and Russia is the second largest immigration country worldwide. Migrants’ remittances, as a portion of gross domestic product, are also large by world standards in many of the net emigration countries of the region. Economic motivations and expectations regarding improvements in the quality of life at home currently drive short-term, long-term, and circular migration flows within ECA and between ECA and Western Europe. This report traces the trends of international migration and remittances in the region since the transition and their determinants. The report also looks at international migration policy in the region and how current bilateral migration schemes can be improved.

HD6126 C65 Cómo capitalizar el potencial económico de Chile ampliando las opciones laborales de la mujer : diagnóstico de género-Chile Chile: Banco Mundial, 2007:144 p. Materia Mujeres; Discriminación sexual en el trabajo; Mujeres en el desarrollo; Mujeres; Mujeres. Esta publicación fue preparada en forma conjunta por el Banco Mundial, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y el Servicio Nacional de la Mujer (SERNAM). Los resultados, interpretaciones y conclusiones en esta publicación son de exclusiva responsabilidad de su autor o autores y de ninguna manera pueden ser atribuidos al Banco Mundial, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo o el SERNAM, a sus organizaciones afiliadas o miembros de su Directorio Ejecutivo, o a los países que ellos representan. El Banco Mundial, el BID y el SERNAM no se hace responsable en ningún aspecto de las consecuencias que resulten de la utilización de sus datos. Los límites, colores, denominaciones y demás información que aparece en algún mapa de este volumen no implican juicio alguno de parte del Grupo del Banco Mundial, el BID o el SERNAM acerca de la condición jurídica de algún territorio ni de la ratificación o aceptación de los límites.

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HD7105.45L29 S77 Structured finance in Latin America : channeling pension funds to housing, infrastructure, and small businesses. Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007.:149 p. Materia: Fondo de pensión; Infraestructura (Economía); Negocios en pequeño; Finanzas. ISBN 9780821371398 Structured Finance in Latin America explores how structured finance mechanisms can channel pension savings to support projects in underserved sectors, deepen capital markets, and contribute to investment and economic growth. Private pension funds have been accumulating assets rapidly in the wake of pension system reforms in many Latin American countries. Strict investment regulations to protect workers’ savings have limited their investment in highly creditworthy domestic securities, yet pension fund demand for new securities has outstripped issuance of eligible traditional corporate debt instruments. This has contributed to a high concentration of pension fund assets in public debt. Innovative structured finance mechanisms can help bring to the market a new set of creditworthy securities backed by pools of loans to small borrowers, mortgage loans, or the expected proceeds of large infrastructure projects. These mechanisms create new investment opportunities for pension funds while establishing additional sources of funding for underserved market segments. Policy makers and regulatory authorities have a catalytic role to play in the development of structured finance securities by establishing a conducive legal, regulatory, and tax framework.

HD76 I53 Inagaki, Nobuya. Communicating the impact of communication for development : recent trends in empirical research Washington, D. C.: World Bank, c2007. 51 p. Materia: Comunicación en el desarrollo económico. ISBN 0821371673 This study, part of a process of providing background research in support of the First World Congress on Communication for Development, is a survey of empirical research on communication for development based on a sample of peer-reviewed English-language articles from academic journals published between 2000 - 2005. The purpose of the analysis is to collect evidence from academic research to highlight the impacts of communication on development initiatives and to present current trends in theoretical underpinnings and communication approaches.

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HD76 M57 Mitchell, Paul. Communication-based assessment for bank operations Washington, D. C. : World Bank, c2007.:47 p. Materia: Comunicación en el desarrollo económico: Bancos de fomento – Administración ISBN 0821371657 (rústica) Communication-Based Assessment for Bank Operations is part of the World Bank Working Paper series. These papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank’s ongoing research and to stimulate public discussion. This publication is the fifth in a series of Working Papers sponsored by the Development Communication Division (DevComm) of the World Bank’s External Affairs Vice-Presidency. This series is designed to share innovations and lessons learned in the application of strategic communication in development projects. Together with other donors, NGOs, and private sector partners, DevComm seeks to mainstream the discipline of development communication in development practice. All development is ultimately about change, and this requires communication interventions. Communication must be framed in an integral “two-way” process that involves stakeholders, accounts for their perspectives, and understands their socio-political context. This two-way process constitutes a new communication approach, providing a better understanding of the development context, tailoring development initiatives during design and implementation, and contributing to more sustainable results.

HD76 W67 2006 World Congress on Communication for Development: lessons, challenges, and the way forward Washington, DC: World Bank, c2007. 307 p. ISBN 9780821371374 The first World Congress on Communication for Development was held between October 25 and 27, 2006 at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy. It was organized by the World Bank, FAO, and The Communication Initiative. In the run-up to the Congress, a series of regional meetings with a specific focus on sustainable development fed into the discussions and debates. In addition to about 200 journalists and representatives of media outlets, the Congress attracted more than 900 participants from all over the world. They attended workshops and special events on three broad themes: communication for health, governance, and sustainable development, as well as an additional cross-cutting theme labeled “Communication Labs.” The participants brought a wealth of knowledge and experience, which they shared in a series of plenaries and two debates televised by Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI) and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

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HD82 M337 Marshall, Katherine Development and faith: where mind, heart, and soul work together. Washington D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 329 p. Materia: Desarrollo económico; Religión y problemas sociales; Pobreza. ISBN 9780821371732 The faith and development nexus is both a promising new focus for secular development agencies and a historic reality: for centuries, world faiths and individuals inspired by their faith have played many roles in social change and social welfare. Secular development agencies have largely operated in parallel to the world of faith-motivated development. The World Bank began in the late 1990s to explore ways in which faith and development are connected. The issue was not and is not about religion, but about the recognition that some of the best experts on development are faith leaders living and working in poor communities, where strong ties and moral authority give them unique experience and insight. The World Bank's goal is to act as a catalyst and convenor, bringing together development practitioners to find common ground, understand one another's efforts, and explore differences.

HD85 L57 Little data book on private sector development. Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 2007. 236 p. Materia; Desarrollo económico; Indicadores económicos. ISBN 0821370766 The Little Data Book on Private Sector Development 2007 is one of a series of pocket-sized books intended to provide a quick reference to development data on different topics. The Little Data Book on Private Sector Development 2007 provides data for more than 20 key indicators on business environment and private sector development in a single page for each of the World Bank member countries and other economies with populations of more than 30,000. These more than 200 country pages are supplemented by aggregate data for regional and income groupings. The data topics include: economic and social context; business environment; private sector investment; finance and banking; and infrastructure. It is intended as a quick reference for users of World Development Indicators, WDI Online, and the Atlas of Global Development. The book also includes data from the World Bank's Doing Business project and Enterprise Surveys.

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HD9502.A2 O78 O’Sullivan, Kyran, 1954-. Energy policies and multitopic household surveys : guidelines for questionnaire design in living standards measurement Studies. Washington, D.C. Banco Mundial, c2007. 52 p. Materia: Hogares; Encuestas familiares; Costo y nivel de vida ISBN 9780821368787 Accurate data on household energy use, combined with other data on household well-being (including consumption, income, health, and education), is essential to monitor progress in the household energy transition from traditional biomass fuels to modern fuels and electricity and to evaluate the effect of government energy policies on living conditions. Multi-topic socioeconomic household surveys, such as the World Bank's Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS), can provide data with which to make these measurements. Designers of LSMS and other multi-topic household surveys can use these guidelines to help ensure that their surveys provide more extensive and reliable data on household energy use than they do at present. The guidelines highlight weaknesses in current LSMS surveys with respect to energy questions and discuss how such questions can be better formulated to yield more useful data for energy policy analysis. Household energy surveys implemented over the years offer lessons on which formulations of questions work best and provide the most consistent results. This experience has been drawn on to develop the prototype fuel and electricity modules contained in these guidelines.

HD9502.C62 S87 Sustainable energy in China: the closing window of opportunity Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 273 p. Materia: Industrias energéticas; China; Energía, Desarrollo de aspectos ambientales. ISBN 9780821367537 This timely new book uses historical data from 1980 and alternative scenarios through 2020 to assess China's future energy requirements and the resources available to meet them. Current trends are putting China on an unsustainable and insecure energy growth path, characterized by the use of enormous quantities of "dirty" coal and an alarming oil import dependence. The authors find that what is urgently needed is a high-level commitment to an integrated, coordinated, and comprehensive policy that is set in the framework of the energy law currently being prepared.

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HD9560.6 T67 Tordo, Silvana. Fiscal systems for hydrocarbons : design issues Washington, D. C.: World Bank, c2007. 73 p. Materia: Industria del petróleo. ISBN 9780821372661 Fiscal Systems for Hydrocarbons is part of the World Bank Working Paper series. These papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank’s ongoing research and to stimulate public discussion. Although host governments and investors may share one common objective—the desire for projects to generate high levels of revenue—their other goals are not entirely aligned. Host governments aim to maximize rent for their country over time, while achieving other development and socioeconomic objectives. Investors’ aim is to ensure that the return on investment is consistent with the risk associated with the project, and with their corporations’ strategic objectives. To reconcile these often conflicting objectives, more and more countries rely on transparent institutional arrangements and flexible, neutral fiscal regimes. This paper examines the key elements of the legal and fiscal frameworks utilized in the petroleum sector and aims to outline desirable features that should be considered in the design of fiscal policy with the objective of optimizing the host government’s benefits, taking into account the effect this would have on the private sector’s investment. World Bank Working Papers are available individually or on standing order.

HD9577.A52 A54 Angola : oil, broad-based growth, and equity Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 156 p. Materia: Industria del petróleo; Industria y comercio. ISBN 0821371029 Products in our Hong Kong warehouse are delivered within 2 business days. Click here to list items in stock, or consider sending a gift certficate if you're looking for last minute gifts. Items in stock in our US warehouses will be delivered around the displayed dates. Items on order will be delivered as soon as they arrive in one of our warehouses. This can take 2-8 weeks or longer for unpublished titles. Please contact us if you need more information.

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HD9988.Z33 S47 Services trade and development : the experience of Zambia Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan; Washington, D.C: Banco Mundial, c2007.:291 p. Materia: Industrias de servicios; Industrias de servicios; Libre comercio; Comercio internacional. ISBN 9780821368497 (rústica) Some see trade in services as irrelevant to the development agenda for least developed countries (LDCs). Others see few benefits from past market openings by LDCs. This book debunks both views. It finds that serious imperfections in Zambia's reform of services trade deprived the country of significant benefits and diminished faith in liberalization. What is to be done? Move aggressively and consistently to eliminate barriers to entry and competition. Develop and enforce regulations to deal with market failures. And implement proactive policies to widen the access of firms, farms, and consumers to services of all kinds. These lessons from Zambia are applicable to all LDCs. In all this, international agreements can help. But to succeed, LDCs must commit to open markets and their trading partners must provide assistance for complementary reforms. Zambia, which leads the LDC group at the World Trade Organization, can show the way.

HE148.5 B35 World Bank Independent Evaluation Group A decade of action in transport: an evaluation of World Bank assistance to the transport sector, 1995-2005 Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 2007, 176 p., mapa Materia: Transporte, Asistencia económica ISBN 0821370030 Throughout the past decade transport projects have played a pivotal role in economic development and poverty alleviation. The World Bank's strategy has been well managed and effective, showing strong support for intercity highway construction and rehabilitation, an approach that contributed to private sector development, steadily improving project outcome ratings, and key elements of the strategy-sustainability, private sector involvement, and urban strategy- still relevant today.

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HF1359 G649 2007 Goldin, Ian, 1955-. Globalization for development: trade, finance, aid, migration, and policy. Washington, DC: Banco Mundial; Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. 308 p. Materia: Relaciones económicas internacionales; Globalización; Comercio internacional; Capital; Asistencia económica; Emigración e inmigración; Política económica; Desarrollo económico; Pobreza; Globalización; Países en desarrollo. ISBN 0821369296 Globalization and its relation to poverty reduction and development is not well understood. The book identifies the ways in which globalization can overcome poverty or make it worse. The book defines the big historical trends, identifies main global flows - trade, finance, aid, migration, and ideas - and examines how each can contribute to undermine economic development. By considering what helps and what does not, the book presents policy recommendations to make globalization more effective as a vehicle for shared growth and prosperity.

HG1692 R44 Reforming payments and securities settlement systems in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007.: 277 p. Materia Pagos -- América Latina Liquidación de valores -- América Latina ISBN 0821366351 Payments and securities settlement systems are considered critical for the safe and effective functioning of a financial system. In Latin America and the Caribbean, efforts to raise the awareness of the importance of modernizing modernizing national payments systems were formalized through the 1999 Western Hemisphere Payments and Securities Clearance and Settlement Initiative (WHI). Reforming Payments and Securities Settlement Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean extracts the main lessons and experiences of the WHI, describing trends in payments and securities settlement systems worldwide and assessing Latin American and Caribbean systems in relation to international standards and best practices. Assessments cover legal and regulatory frameworks, interbank exchange and settlement circuits, retail settlement systems, government payments, foreign exchange and cross-border settlement, the interbank money market, securities settlement systems, and the oversight role of the central bank and its coordination with other authorities and the private sector.

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HG3881.5W57 D48 Development results in middle-income countries : an evaluation of the World Bank’s support. Washington, D. C. : World Bank, 2007.: 125 p. Materia Ent. Corp. Banco Mundial -- Evaluación Materia Desarrollo económico, Proyectos de -- Evaluación Ayuda económica -- Países en desarrollo – Evaluación ISBN 9780821372876 The World Bank's support in fostering growth and reducing poverty has contributed to the considerable economic success of MIC countries. But to produce greater development benefits, it has to become more agile and draw upon MICs' own capacity much more systematically, connecting such capabilities to help low-income countries and to tackle global challenges. The Bank's work has to more clearly demonstrate best practice to deliver impact beyond its limited direct role.

HG3881.5W57 W665 The development potential of regional programs : an evaluation of World Bank support of multicountry operations. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2007.: 116 p. Materia Ent. Corp. Banco Mundial -- Evaluación Materia Desarrollo económico, Proyectos de – Evaluación ISBN 0821369040 (papel alcalino) The need to promote increased trade, prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, and ensure adequate water resources are some of the development challenges generating interest in increased regional and sub-regional cooperation. This evaluation seeks to provide guidance on when it is desirable for the Bank to support activities on a regional level, and assesses the effectiveness of both regional programs and the Bank's role in supporting them. It comes at a time of increasing interest in regional development programs, supported by recent theoretical work on regional public goods and regional trading arrangements, and calls from groups in the international development community for the Bank to provide more support for multi-country programs (both global and regional).

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HG3881.5W57 W665 The development potential of regional programs : an evaluation of World Bank support of multicountry operations. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2007.: 116 p. Materia Ent. Corp. Banco Mundial -- Evaluación Materia Desarrollo económico, Proyectos de – Evaluación ISBN 0821369040 (papel alcalino) The need to promote increased trade, prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, and ensure adequate water resources are some of the development challenges generating interest in increased regional and sub-regional cooperation. This evaluation seeks to provide guidance on when it is desirable for the Bank to support activities on a regional level, and assesses the effectiveness of both regional programs and the Bank's role in supporting them. It comes at a time of increasing interest in regional development programs, supported by recent theoretical work on regional public goods and regional trading arrangements, and calls from groups in the international development community for the Bank to provide more support for multi-country programs (both global and regional).

HG3891 R37 Ratha, Dilip. South-south migration and remittances Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 55 p. Materia Emigración, Balanza de pagos ISBN 9780821370728 Este documento en idioma inglés, presenta datos importantes sobre la migración Sur-Sur. Uno de esos datos son las implicaciones socioeconómicas tanto de los países de origen como de destino. Si bien es cierto no es una actividad comparativamente alta como la migración Sur -Norte, si provee ingresos en los migrantes y sus familias para aliviar la pobreza. Toca también el tema del costo de envío de remesas, el cual es más alto que la migración Sur-Norte y recomienda atender los desafíos en cuanto a las políticas en este campo.

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HG3987.7 H47 Hernández-Coss, Raúl. The UK-Nigeria remittance corridor: challenges of embracing formal transfer systems in a dual financial environment Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 80 p. Materia: Emigración; Balanza de pagos; Emigración; Sector informal. ISBN 0821370235 The UK-Nigeria Remittance Corridor is part of the World Bank Working Paper series. These papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank’s ongoing research and to stimulate public discussion. This study is the first research work on remittances conducted in Nigeria and reveals the actual state of its remittance market. The report describes how United Kingdom residents of Nigerian origin transfer remittances home and how the funds are distributed to their beneficiaries in Nigeria. The review presents the remittance industry conditions existing in the UK-Nigeria remittance corridor at the origination and distribution stages of the transactions, and the intermediaries who facilitate the transfers. The report makes conclusions and compares these main findings with lessons from other corridors. The UK-Nigeria remittance corridor has an equal dominance of formal and informal remittance intermediaries. Although several formal financial institutions for transferring money exist in the UK, many people choose to send money informally. More collaboration between the UK and Nigeria is necessary to develop the remittance market, to encourage the use of formal channels, and to enhance the development potential. Among its benefits, the remittance country partnership (RCP) between UK and Nigeria aims to reduce the cost of remittance transfers. The Nigerian government is engaging its diaspora to help spur economic growth. This report recommends that each government focus on improving data collection at its end of the corridor and do more research to provide its policymakers and its private sector with accurate information.

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HG5851.A3 A77 An assessment of the investment climate in South Africa. Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 128 p. Materia: Inversiones; África del Sur. ISBN 9780821368985 Most aspects of South Africa's investment climate - the location-specific factors that shape opportunities and incentives for firms to invest productively, create jobs, and grow - are favorable. The majority of large, registered firms believe that the legal system is able to protect their property rights. Infrastructure is reliable. Tax rates are relatively low. The burden of regulation is comparable to other middle-income countrries. Few firms pay bribes. And most firms have adequate access to credit. In many dimensions, South Africa has a good investment climate. Consistent with this, large South African firms are very productive. Labor productivity is far higher than in the most productive low-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and compares favorably with other middle-income countries such as Brazil, Lithuania, Malaysia, and Poland. And although labor productivity in South Africa is slightly lower than in the most productive cities in China, it is over three times higher than in China as a whole.

HG9399.D442 H75 Hsiao, William C. Social health insurance for developing nations Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 172 p. Materia: Seguros de salud; Seguridad social. ISBN 9780821369494 (rústica) Specialist groups have often advised health ministers and other decision makers in developing countries on the use of social health insurance (SHI) as a way of mobilizing revenue for health, reforming health sector performance, and providing universal coverage. This book reviews the specific design and implementation challenges facing SHI in low- and middle-income countries and presents case studies on Ghana, Kenya, Philippines, Colombia, and Thailand.

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HG9399.D442 P75 Private voluntary health insurance in development : friend or foe?. Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 424 p. Materia: Seguros de salud. ISBN 082136619X Private voluntary health insurance already plays an important role in the health sector of many low and middle income countries. The book reviews the context under which private insurance could contribute to an improvement in the financial sustainability of the health sector, financial protection against the costs of illness, household income smoothing, access to care, and market productivity. This volume is the third in a series of in-depth reviews of the role of health care financing in providing access for low-income populations to needed healthcare, protecting them from the impoverishing effects of illness, and addressing the important issues of social exclusion in government financed programs.

HJ1000 D55 Dillinger, William. Intergovernmental fiscal relations in the new EU member states : consolidating reforms Washington, D. C.: World Bank, c2007. 40 p. Materia: Relaciones fiscales intergubernamentales; Política fiscal; Finanzas publicas. ISBN 9780821371473 (rústica: papel alcalino) This title evaluates reforms in the structure of intergovernmental relations in Eastern Europe since the breakup of the Soviet Union, focusing on eight recent EU accession countries: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. It reviews each country's response to the economic and political upheavals of the immediate post-Soviet era and their gradual convergence on a common "eastern European model" of intergovernmental relations.

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HJ1000.7 B83 Budina, Nina Public-private partnerships in the new EU member states: managing fiscal risks Washington, D. C.: World Bank, c2007. 35 p. Materia: Finanzas públicas; Cooperación de los sectores público y privado; Finanzas publicas. ISBN 9780821371534 Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are popular around the world, in part because they allow governments to secure much-needed investment in public services without immediately having to raise taxes or borrow. Yet, PPPs pose a fiscal danger because a governments desire to avoid reporting immediate liabilities may blind it to future fiscal cost and risks. Although PPPs may not blemish governments reported fiscal statements in the short term, they do create fiscal obligations. This increases fiscal vulnerability and can result in poorly-designed PPPs. The extent of the danger depends on the fiscal institutions that shape and constrain government decisions toward PPPs. Such fiscal institutions affect decisionmaking incentives.

HJ197 I57 Intergovernmental fiscal transfers: principles and practice. Washington, D. C. World Bank, c2007. 572 p. Materia: Relaciones fiscales intergubernamentales; Relaciones de impuestos intergubernamentales; Participación en los ingresos fiscales; Subsidios. ISBN 0821364928 Intergovernmental fiscal transfers are a dominant feature of subnational finance in most countries. They are used to ensure that revenues roughly match the expenditure needs of various levels of subnational governments. They are also used to advance national, regional, and local objectives, such as fairness and equity, and to create a common economic union. The structure of these transfers creates incentives for national, regional, and local governments that affect fiscal management, macroeconomic stability, distributional equity, allocational efficiency, and public service delivery. This book reviews the conceptual and empirical literature to distill lessons for policy makers looking to design fiscal transfers in a manner that creates incentives for prudent fiscal management and effective service delivery. It covers new ground by providing practical guidance on designing output-based transfers that emphasize bottom-up, client-focused, and results-based government accountability and equalization transfers to ensure regional fiscal equity as well as the institutional arrangements for implementing such transfers.

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HJ2216 B83 Budgeting and budgetary institutions Washington, D.C. : Banco Mundial, c2007: 552 p. Materia: Presupuesto; Países en desarrollo; Países en desarrollo. ISBN 9780821369395 Budgeting and budgetary institutions play a critical role in resource allocation, government accountability, and improved fiscal and social outcomes. This volume distills lessons from practices in designing better fiscal institutions, citizen friendly budgets, and open and transparent processes of budget preparation and execution. It also highlights newer concepts of performance budgeting, accrual accounting, activity based costing, and the use of information and communication technology in budgeting. These tools of analysis are supplemented by a review of budgeting in post-conflict countries and two country case studies on the reform of budgeting systems.

HJ8899 D488 World Bank Developing the domestic government debt market: from diagnostics to reform implementation Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007, 103 p. Materia: Deuda pública, Valores, Bonos ISBN 9780821368749 Recurso electrónico: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip074/2006036975.html Domestic government debt markets play a critical role in managing public debt effectively and reducing the vulnerability of developing countries to financial crises. Many aspects of debt markets interact in complex ways and are affected by previous policies and developments. Developing the Domestic Government Debt Market: From Diagnostics to Reform Implementation draws insights from a joint pilot program set up by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to design relevant reform and capacity-building programs in twelve countries. The experiences of these geographically and economically diverse countries illustrate the challenges, obstacles, and progress in applying principles of market development. Developing the Domestic Government Debt Market will serve government officials contemplating or in the process of reforming their practices, providers of technical assistance, and practitioners working on building capacity in debt market development. Because effective development of debt markets is one key piece in sound public debt management, readers will also be interested in the companion volume, Managing Public Debt, published by The World Bank in February 2007, based on the same joint pilot program.

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HJ9105 L64 Local public financial Management. Washington, D.C. Banco Mundial, c2007. 263 p. Materia: Finanzas locales; Finanzas públicas. ISBN 9780821369371 The authors have made another important contribution to the public sector accounting and auditing revolution, this time in the area of local government. Collectively, they present useful ideas and concepts for the significant aspects of local government financial management, offering modern and practical guidance to stakeholders.

HJ9111 L63 Local budgeting. Washington, D.C. World Bank c2007. 381 p. Materia: Presupuestos locales; Finanzas locales. ISBN 9780821369456 This book provides a comprehensive treatment of all aspects of local budgeting needed to develop sound fiscal administration such as setting priorities, planning, financial control over inputs, management of operations and accountability to citizens. Topics covered include fiscal administration, forecasting, fiscal discipline, fiscal transparency, integrity of revenue administration, budget formats, and processes including performance budgeting, and capital budgeting.

HN212.5 S63 Social resilience and state fragility in Haiti Washington, D. C.: World Bank, c2007. 120 p. Materia: Geografía; Haití; Política y gobierno; Condiciones económicas. ISBN 9780821371879 Haiti is a resilient society whose rural communities in particular have developed coping mechanisms in response to a long history of underdevelopment and political instability. The country's religious, cultural, and artistic life is highly diverse and vibrant. Like other fragile states, however, Haiti is also beset by widespread poverty, inequality, economic decline, unemployment, poor governance, and violence. This Country Study examines Haiti's conflict-poverty trap from the perspective of the triangle of factors that have been identified as its main components: (a) demographic and socioeconomic factors at the individual and household levels; (b) the state's institutional capacity to provide public goods and manage social risks; and (c) the agendas and strategies of political actors. The report's three main chapters explore the nature of these components. The closing chapter considers the linkages among them.

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HQ1381 G453 Gender and economic growth in Kenya: unleashing the power of women Washington, D.C. : Banco Mundial, c2007.:120 p. Materia: Mujeres; Condiciones económicas; Kenia. ISBN 9780821369197 Kenyan women are making a large - although frequently unseen - contribution to the country's economy, particularly in the agricultural and informal business sectors. But women face more severe legal, regulatory, and administrative barriers to starting and running businesses than do their male counterparts. Gender and Economic Growth in Kenya examines the barriers that are preventing women from contributing fully to the Kenyan economy and makes recommendations for addressing these barriers. Addressing these constraints will not only help women make a full economic contribution, but will also improve their livelihoods and those of their families and will help create a more enabling environment for all Kenyan businesses, regardless of the gender of their founders.

HV240.7 R55 Ringold, Dena, 1970- Social assistance in the new EU member states: strengthening performance and labor market incentives Washington, D. C.: World Bank, c2007. 68 p. Materia: Asistencia pública; Asistencia publica. ISBN 9780821371596. This study analyzes the performance of social assistance and family benefit programs in eight new member states of the European Union from the perspective of fiscal impact and effectiveness. It is based on household survey data for six countries, as well as budget data and information on program design collected at the national level. It finds that, although social assistance programs in the new member states are small in terms of coverage and expenditure levels (reaching 2 to 5 percent of the population), the programs are an important safety net for the poor. Programs are relatively well targeted, with between 30 and 60 percent of resources going to the poorest quintile of the population. For those who receive them, benefits can make up as much as 37 percent of average consumption of the poor.

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JF1351 M29 Mackay, Keith Robin, 1951- How to build M&E systems to support better government Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 2007. 157 p. Materia: Administración pública; Evaluación; Aspectos económicos; Estudio de casos. ISBN 9780821371916 (rústica) Governments in a number of developing countries are devoting considerable efforts to strengthen their monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and capacities. They are doing this to improve their performance ― by establishing evidence-based policy-making and budget decision-making, evidence-based management, and evidence-based accountability. The World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) has accumulated considerable experience in this topic via a program of research and technical assistance which has analyzed the experience of governments in a wide range of countries and public sector environments. IEG’s publications on this topic document good-practice and promising-practice country systems for M&E. They also include diagnostic guides, country diagnoses, examples of highly influential evaluations, and didactic material on monitoring and evaluation tools and on impact evaluation, among others. The purpose of the present volume is to synthesize and digest for readers this body of knowledge. This volume highlights the experience of several countries which have succeeded in building a well-functioning government M&E system, including Chile, Colombia and Australia.

JF1525.T67 P46 Performance accountability and combating corruption. Washington, D.C. : Banco Mundial, c2007.: 418 p. Materia Administración de calidad total en el gobierno Corrupción political -- Prevención ISBN 9780821369418 Performance based oversight and accountability can serve as an important antidote to government corruption, inefficiency, and waste. This volume provides an analytical framework and operational approaches needed for the implementation of results-based accountability. The volume makes a major contribution to the literature on public management and evaluation. Major subject areas covered in this book include: performance based accountability, e-government, network solutions to performance measurement and improvement; institutions of accountability in governance; legal and institutional framework to hold government to account; fighting corruption; external accountability; ensuring integrity of revenue administration; the role of supreme audit institutions on detecting fraud and corruption; and the role of parliamentary budget offices and public accounts committees.

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JN96.A58 V47 Verheijen, Tony, 1967 Administrative capacity in the new EU member states : the limits of innovation? Washington, D. C.: World Bank, c2007. 48 p. Materia: Administración pública; Historia. ISBN 9780821371558 Administrative Capacity in the New EU Member States reviews progress made in the development of public management systems capable of meeting European standards in the new member states of the European Union (EU), looking into the people, systems, and service delivery aspects of public management systems. The new member states face considerable challenges - improving fiscal management, building absorption capacity of rapidly increasing levels of EU structural funds, and enhancing economic competitiveness - making essential the building of high-quality public management systems. The study applies existing tools for comparative analysis and bench-marking of public management quality used in the context of the EU. It draws conclusions on why progress has been slow on introducing competitive public management systems and practices in the new member states. This report proposes an agenda for reform as well as alternatives to traditional approaches to strengthening public management systems

JV6035 I535 International migration, economic development & policy Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial; Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, c2007. 299 p. Materia: Emigración e inmigración; Balanza de pagos; Aspectos económicos ISBN 9780821369357 International migration has become a central element of international relations and global integration due to its rapidly increasing economic, social, and cultural impact in both source and destination countries. This book provides new evidence on the impact of migration and remittances on several development indicators, including innovative thinking about the nexus between migration and birth rates. In addition, the book identifies the effect of host country policies on migration flows, examines the determinants of return and repeat migration, and explores the degree of success of return migrants upon return to their country of origin.

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LA1503 M37 Materu, Peter Nicolas. Higher education quality assurance in Sub-Saharan Africa: status, challenges, opportunities and promising practices Washington, DC: World Bank, 2007. 80 p. Materia: Educación superior. ISBN 9780821372722 Concern about the quality of higher education is on the rise in Africa. It comes at a time of growing recognition of the potentially powerful role of tertiary education for growth, and it is a natural response to public perception that educational quality is being compromised in the effort to expand enrollment in recent years; growing complaints by employers that graduates are poorly prepared for the workplace; and increasing competition in the higher education market place as numerous private and transnational providers enter the scene. Little is available in the literature on what African countries are doing to regulate and improve higher education quality, what it takes to implement these initiatives, what has been the impact, and what are the priorities for capacity building. This report maps and assesses the status and practice of higher education quality assurance (QA) in Sub-Saharan Africa. It centers on quality assurance in degree-granting tertiary institutions, but also incorporates, where available, information on other types of tertiary education. A main finding is that structured national-level quality assurance processes in African higher education are a very recent phenomenon and that most countries face major capacity constraints. Only about a third of them have established structured national quality assurance mechanisms, often only as recently as during the last ten years. Activities differ in their scope and rigor, ranging from simple licensing of institutions by the minister responsible for higher education, to comprehensive system-wide program accreditation and ranking of institutions. Within institutions of higher learning, self assessment and academic audits are gradually being adopted to supplement traditional quality assurance methods (for example, use of external examiners). However, knowledge about and experience with self-assessments is limited.

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LA596 T68 Toward high-quality education in Peru: standards, accountability, and capacity building. Washington, D.C.: World Bank, c2007. 147 p. Materia: Educación. ISBN 9780821370179 A team of World Bank officers and Peruvian consultants examine education in the South American country and make recommendations for improving it. They suggest generating basic standards, goals, and measurements; implementing a clear system of accountability; and making investments to strengthen the institutional capacity of education providers. There is no index.

LB1062.6 V44 Vegas, Emiliana. Raising student learning in Latin America : the challenge for the 21st Century. Washington, DC. The World Bank, c2008. 238 p. Materia: Rendimiento académico; Educación básica; Evaluación. ISBN 9780821370827 (rústica) The effort to meet enrollment targets for compulsory education in Latin America seems to have left educational quality behind. In the face of meager student performance, understanding what and how students are learning have emerged as salient issues facing policy makers in a region that has already achieved considerable success in access to basic education. This book sheds valuable light on recent advances in our understanding of the policies and programs that affect student learning in order to provide policy makers in Latin America and other developing regions with tools for effective education policy making.

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LB1727.N5 A34 Adekola, Olatunde A. Language, literacy and learning in primary schools : implications for teacher development programs in Nigeria Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 58 p. Materia: Maestros de escuelas primarias; Educación elemental; Currícula; Nigeria. ISBN 9780821370483 Language, Literacy, and Learning in Primary Schools is a synthesis of the findings arising from four years of policy research and development in Nigeria's primary schools that focused on the gap between what teachers should know and be able to do, and the realities of teaching and learning in classrooms. It begins by critically examining the outcomes of primary schooling as measured by learning achievement results from national assessments, and by identifying some core learning problems for Nigerian primary school children. It reviews the findings from recent research reports that studied teaching and learning processes in primary school classrooms, and it identifies the pedagogical issues in primary classrooms that contribute to poor learning achievements. This report describes a research and development program that set out to improve teaching and learning in core learning skill areas of the curriculum. This study identifies priority areas for teachers' professional development. It suggests a policy framework for the continuing professional development of primary school teachers, including the initial preparation of teachers and their induction into teaching. It proposes medium and long-term strategies to bring about the desired changes in teaching and learning through school-based approaches to teacher development.

LC1047.E85 C35 Canning, Mary, 1944-. Vocational education in the new EU member states : enhancing labor market outcomes and fiscal efficiency Washington, D. C.: World Bank, c2007. 47 p. Materia: Educación vocacional. ISBN 9780821371572 Vocational education is often ignored during discussions of secondary education reform even though it accounts for between 25 percent and 79 percent of upper secondary enrollment in the former centrally-planned countries of the European Union. Based on information, data, and feedback from most of these countries, this paper develops a set of propositions about vocational education reform, not with a view to prescribing a detailed "one-size-fits-all" strategy, but rather it derives some principles that continued reform of vocational education could take into account, to the benefit of fiscal efficiency.

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LC1085 H68 Yusuf, Shahid (ed) How universities promote economic growth Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 286 p. Materia general: Colaboración académico-industrial; Negocios y educación; Universidades; Educación superior. ISBN 082136751X With the competitiveness of firms in an open and integrated world environment increasingly reliant on technological capability, universities are being asked to take on a growing role in stimulating economic growth. Beyond imparting education, they are now viewed as sources of industrially valuable technical skills, innovations, and entrepreneurship. Developed and developing countries alike have made it a priority to realize this potential of universities to spur growth, a strategy that calls for coordinated policy actions. The distinguished contributors to How Universities Promote Economic Growth examine the wealth of international experience on efforts to multiply links between universities and businesses.

LC1085 M63 Mobilizing the private sector for public education : a view from the trenches. Washington, DC: World Bank, c2007. 88 p. Materia: Negocios y educación; Cooperación de los sectores público y privado. ISBN 9780821371992 Historically, ensuring access to primary education has been seen as a predominantly public responsibility. However, governments are increasingly sharing this responsibility through a variety of subsidiary arrangements. Some governments are contracting services out to the private sector, to non-governmental organizations, and even to other public agencies. Some societies are transferring responsibility for financing, providing, and regulating primary education to lower levels of government, and in some cases, to communities. In education policy, public-private partnerships play an important role in enhancing the supply and the quality of human capital. Mobilizing the Private Sector for Public Education explores the burgeoning number of public-private partnerships in public education in different parts of the world. The partnerships differ in form and structure, in the extent of public and private participation, and in the forms of their engagement. The essays in this book are written mainly from the provider's perspective and offer valuable insights into the purpose, trend, and impact of public-private partnerships, and an understanding of the barriers they face.

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LC191.8A42 L55 The Link between health, social issues, and secondary education : life skills, health, and civic education Washington, D.C. : World Bank, c2007.:72 p. Materia: Educación secundaria; Juventud; África Subsahariana; Juventud; Habilidades naturales. ISBN 9780821370681 The Link between Health, Social Issues and Secondary Education is based on country studies in six Sub-Saharan African countries - Eritrea, Mali, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania, and a literature review. It looks at the role of secondary education and training in promoting health, civics and life skills among the African youth. Specifically, this study focuses on examining which schooling programs are effective in equipping young people with life skills, which programs reduce drop-out and increase participation and how schools can become agents in tackling health and social issues.

LC5225.E25 D34 Dahlman, Carl J., 1950-. Enhancing China’s competitiveness through lifelong learning. Washington, DC : Banco Mundial, c2007.: 238 p. Materia Educación continuo; China; Educación y Estado -- China ISBN 9780821369432 Following on the World Bank’s 2001 publication, China and the Knowledge Economy: Seizing the 21st Century, this book is another exceptional product I would like to recommend to the Chinese audience. It represents three years of hard work by the authors in collaboration with Chinese experts, and the analysis and recommendations are extremely relevant for China. Today, many high-income countries are reshaping their human resource development strategies. In the face of increasingly fierce international competition, these countries are setting up lifelong learning systems as an essential national policy for maintaining their global competitive advantage. Although China has a vast population, it still lacks sufficient human talent. One of the country’s main strategies is therefore to develop such talent by turning the ostensible burden of its large population into a strategic advantage by changing its economic growth model from a resource-intensive one to a knowledge-intensive one.

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LC67.68E85 C35 Canning, Mary, 1944- Higher education financing in the new EU member states : leveling the playing field Washington, D. C. : World Bank, c2007. 32 p. Materia Educación superior; Unión de Países Europeos; Unión de Países Europeos. ISBN 9780821371497 (rústica: papel alcalino) Higher Education Financing in the New EU Member States summarizes the experiences to date of the new EU countries (the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia - the EU8) in the reform of higher education systems in a period of growing demand; changing patters of access; rapid expansion and increased participation rates; and an apparent dilution of average quality. The study discusses the growing experience with a variety of financing mechanisms in EU8 countries, drawing on detailed country case studies, and seeks to develop some useful lessons from experience, mindful that each country will continue to develop its own solution based on national priorities.

RA410.5 P83 Public ends, private means: strategic purchasing of health services Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. 414 p. Materia: Economía médica; Política médica. ISBN 9780821365472 (rústica) Great progress has been made in recent years in securing better access and financial protection against the cost of illness through collective financing of health care. Managing scarce resources effectively and efficiently is an important part of this story. Experience has shown that, without strategic policies and focused spending, the poor are likely to get left out. The use of purchasing to enhance public sector performance is well-documented in other sectors. Extension to the health sector of lessons from this experience is now successfully implemented in many developing countries. Public Ends, Private Means: Strategic Purchasing of Value for Money in Health Services is part of a series of World Bank publications on ways to make public spending on health care more efficient and equitable in developing countries. It reviews the underlying economics in terms of agency theory, behavioral science, contract theory, transaction costs, and public choice theory. It provides a synthesis of the institutional environment needed for countries to shift to strategic purchasing, organizational incentives that need to be in place, and management capacity that needs to be strengthened. The volume is supplemented with a CD that presents six regional reviews of current resource allocation and purchasing (RAP) arrangements.

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RA410.55D48 H43 Healthy development : the World Bank strategy for health, nutrition, & population results. Washington, DC World Bank, c2007. 220 p. Materia: Salud pública; Finanzas. ISBN 9780821371930 (rústica : papel alcalino) Healthy Development: The World Bank Strategy for Health, Nutrition, & Population Results updates the Bank's contribution to improving health outcomes. Including the 2015 Millennium Development Goals, at a time when new and existing multilateral organizations, bilateral partners, and foundations are increasing their commitment to global health. After an extensive consultative process with governments and global partners, including civil society organizations and bilateral and multilateral organizations, the World Bank's new health, nutrition, and population strategy aims to help developing countries strengthen their healthy systems and improve the health and well-being of millions of the world's poorest people, boost economic growth, reduce poverty caused by catastrophic illness, and provide the structural "glue" that supports multiple health-related programs within countries.

RA645.N87 N87818 Insuficiencia nutricional en el Ecuador : causas, consecuencias y soluciones Washington D.C.: Banco Mundial, c2007. Descr. 138 p. Materia: Desnutrición; Política nutricional. ISBN 9780821370421 El enfrentar la malnutrición - especialmente, la baja talla-por-edad para niños menores de cinco años - es indiscutiblemente el reto de desarollo más grande del Ecuador. Así como otros países Andinos, Ecuador tiene una tasa persistentemente alta de niños con baja talla-por-edad (desnutrición crónica), muy arriba de lo que debería esperarse, teniendo en cuenta su estatus de "país de ingreso medio." Peor aún, durante la última década, la histórica tendencia a la baja de la tasa de desnutrición crónica, prácticamente se ha detenido. Este estudio plantea que el problema está enraizado en una combinación de fallas de política, una inadecuada distribución de recursos, y la persistencia de patrones de discriminación y prejuicio. Se presenta un análisis de la evidencia de las causas de baja talla-por-edad en ecuador, incluyendo un análisis a fondo de los datos provenientes de la encuesta ENDEMAIN del 2004 y de la evidencia cualitativa disponible sobre el comportamiento de los grupos vulnerables y de los obstáculos para su acceso a los programas para el mejoramiento de los resultados nutricionales.

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TS156 Q838 Quality systems and standards for a competitive edge Washington, D.C. : Banco Mundial, c2007.: 289 p.: Materia: Control de calidad; Competencia económica internacional. ISBN 9780821368947 (rústica) Quality systems and standards have a significant impact on market access, export growth, productivity, industrial upgrading, diffusion of innovation, and other central ingredients for reducing poverty and enhancing country competitiveness. This book provides a comprehensive evaluation and blueprint for implementing quality systems for private sector development and trade and competition initiatives. By thoroughly analyzing the diversity of institutions, linkages, and arrangements involved in quality systems and by identifying success factors in country quality strategies, this book provides a clear methodology on how to implement effective demand-driven national quality systems. It describes the necessary institutions and jurisdictions, the structure of required services and appropriate programs, the procedures and processes to be followed, the financing requirements and responsibilities, the incentive structure, and the relative roles of the public and private sector.

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