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3DS.COM/SOLIDWORKS Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_20141SOLIDWORKS PCB, kas tai?2Esminiai privalumai3Nauda vartotojui4DemonstracijaTurinysImage courtesy of: BPG, Inc4Klausimai

3DS.COM/SOLIDWORKS Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_2012Slide Message : Tell the audience what you will cover and refer back to it in closing your presentation

Speaker Notes :Today we will cover four things :1. Who we are a little about the company2. What we do our products and what we bring to the table3. We will talk a little about some of our customers and their successes 4. But MOST importantly, we will talk about how we can help YOU meet your business goals. After all, thats why we are here!


3DS.COM/SOLIDWORKS Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_2012ECAD ir MCAD Bendradarbiavimo IkiaiVienas skyrius vadovauja kitamProjektavimo ranki lankstumo trkumaiDingstantys duomenysBendros projekto visumos ilaikymasDabartiniai rankiai ios problemos i esms nesprendia !Rinkai reikia imani produkt !

3DS.COM/SOLIDWORKS Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_2012Slide Message : SolidWorks CAD tools are the result of 20 years of development and the feedback of over two million users. Our rock-solid software helps you get your job done faster and easier, no matter what industry you work in.

Main Points: Using SolidWorks is the fastest and easiest way to create production-ready designs Industrial designers can use SolidWorks to create stunning product concepts using freeform surfacing and reverse engineering Design engineers use SolidWorks to add function to the form Manufacturing engineers use SolidWorks to create molds, dies, jigs and fixtures that reference the product geometry

Speaker Notes:SolidWorks Mechanical CAD, our core product, has proven itselfthrough its intuitive user experienceto be up to the challenge of any industry. We know that many of you currently employ a 2D-based design approach, and we have a rich set of tools to re-use that data, and a full suite of capabilities for you to create the production documentation that you need. SolidWorks provides the tools you need to be more productive and get your products to market faster.In addition to a host of modelling and assembly design tools for sheet metal, surfaces and solids, we have additional tools to help communicate your designs, including eDrawings, which you will see in a few moments in the product demonstration.

The new costing tool helps designers make faster and more repeatable decisions based on manufacturing costs and helps manufacturers automate their quoting processes.These tools allow you to share your designs with your partners, subcontractors and colleagues in smart new ways, all so you can improve knowledge transfer and shorten the design cycle.


Naujos projektavimo galimybsSOLIDWORKS PCB, Kas Tai?

Nauja, savarankika PCB projektavimo sistema

3DS.COM/SOLIDWORKS Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_2014



#3DS.COM Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_2016


Projektavimo Sistema SOLIDWORKS PCB`Bendradarbiavimo Priedas SOLIDWORKS PCB CONNNECTOR

Geriausias produktas imaniam projektavimui ir produktamsAmbicinga sistema apjungianti esamus SOLIDWORKS sprendimusSsaja su SOLDWORKS ElectricalSsaja su SOLIDWORKS ECO SYSTEM Simuliacijos galimybs elektronikos ir mechanikos erdvsePripaintas stambiausi SOLIDWORKS vartotoj




Naudojama gerai inoma Altium technologijaNeprilygstama ECAD-MCAD integracijaPatogi vartotojo ssajaSsaja su tiekj informacija esamu laikuNepertraukiama ssaja su principine schema, plokte, jos 3D atvaizduSOLIDWORKS fail perklimas elektronikos aplink



Esminiai Privalumai



Automatizuota klaid patikraSsaja su tiekjais esamu laiku

Esminiai Privalumai

#To ensure the design is done right the first time Solidworks PCB incorporates a wide-ranging and customizable deign rule checks that keep your schematic and PCB layout error free through out the design process

Making informed decisions when selecting new components is vital to ensure cost and to minimize supply chain interruptions

Solidworks PCB incorporates Real time supplier data, making it incredibly simple and stress-free to locate and select new components that are not part of your existing component library


Ssaja tarp principins schemos ir ploktsSOLIDWORKS modeli integracija elektronikos aplinkojeVartotojo ssaja perteikia SOLIDWORKS patogum

Esminiai Privalumai

#Solidworks PCB has the all the power to meet todays electronic design demands.

As you can see Solidworks PCB has a Solidworks inspired Interface, making simple and easy to learn

Lets watch the interactive routing capabilities Manual push and shove , workaround, push obstacle Modes as well as an Interactive AutoRoute mode that intelligently select the best routing technology based you design.

And for More complex designs multi-track and Differential pair routing modes are also available.

One of the most innovative feature that SOLIDWORKS PCB is the ability to incorporate SOLIDWORKS models with in the PCB Design environment,design intent without the need to change tools.

a powerful 3d collision engine with real time highlight capabilities makes simple and easy to find interference and fit problems. This powerful 3D technology ensures that the design are done right the first time.

The exclusive capability to produce SOLIDWORKS models which can include design feature such as vias, traces and planes, make it easy to work with other SOLIDDWORKS products such as ELECTRONICS Cooling and flow Simulation.


3D atvaizdavimo galimybsPrincipins schemosEfektyvus 2D plokts atvaizdavimaskolaboracija su SOLIDWORKSSOLIDWORKS Electrical integracijaSOLIDWORKS Ecosystem Galimybs

Esminiai Privalumai


SCHMATIC capture toolFor Electrical Design

Traditional PCB layout toolFor PCB design

3D visualized layout For 3d product visualization and review

Solidworks Mechanical \ PCB Collaboration

Add in for Solidworks that makes the magic happen

Solidworks electrical integrationDirect interface providing a End to End Electrical Solution, electronic, electrical and mechanical 3D true 3D electrical Technology deployment

SOLIDWORKS PCB PRODUTS ARE Solidworks Ecosystem Ready


Lyderiaujanios rinkos sistemosGeriausias bendradarbiavimas tarp ECAD ir MCAD aplink visoje rinkoje

Esminiai Privalumai

#Lets face it Being comfortable with the design tools and processes you already use is the best way to get job done

This is why in SOLIDWORKS PCB we employ on demand collaboration, allowing the mechanical and Electrical designers work in parallel

Changes are stress free and through easy to use collaborative interface.

Lets watch as the mechanical designer .


Eliminating the need for manual file and data exchange and ensuring that the design are synchronized !



Dvipusis bendradarbiavimas ir sinchronizavimas

#Intro: as they say back in Boston it is wicked awesome to be here today to present this incredible innovative technology Solidworks PCB

Built on over 50 year of combined experience in delivering best in class solutions to their customers SOLIDWORKS PCB combines the ELECTRONICS design expertise of Altium with Solidworks technologies to create the tightest integrated Electro-mechanical solution in the industry.

Seamlessly synchronize between electronic design and mechanical design on demand without compromising on technology or product design works flow.

The SOLIDWORKS inspired interface of SOLIDWORKS PCB provides a unified interface between schematic design and PCB layout simplifying the electronics design process.

This innovative technology extends into the SOLIDWORKS ECO-SYSTEM providing an end to end design solutions that include Electrical, Mechanical, simulation and data management.

I would also like to introduce SOLIDWORKS PCB Connector. This revolutionary product allows current and future uses of ALTIUM design products to preserve and enhance their investments with the innovative capabilities found in SOLDWORKS PCB.


SOLIDWORKS PCBSOLIDWORKS Electrical SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3DSOLIDWORKSNeprilygstama Integracija su SOLIDWORKS Electrical ir 3DNauda Vartotojui



Klaid taisymas ankstyvosiose projekto stadijose Nauda VartotojuiAnkstyvos klaidos- mai pakeitim kataiVlyvos klaidos- dideli pakeitim katai

Klaid taisymas

3DS.COM/SOLIDWORKS Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_2014Patogiausia sistema su vietiniu palaikymuNauda Vartotojui

Paprasta naudotiKolaboracijos galimybsVietinis palaikymas

Kiti panas produktai

3DS.COM/SOLIDWORKS Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_2014Nauda VartotojuiPriimti geresnius sprendimus anksiau, vystyti projektus lygiagreiai

Projekto / gaminio duomen valdymas

GamybaGaminio simuliacijaGalutines dokumentacijos derinimas, paruoimas

Informacijos suderinimas,IntegracijaTipinis procesas3D mechaninis3D dalies projektavimasGalutins dokumentacijos derinimas, paruoimasGamyba

Principins schemos ir plokts projektavimasSOLIDWORKS siloSutaupyti pinigai, resursai

Priimti geresnius sprendimus anksiau3D mechaninis3D dalies projektavimasPasiruoimas gamybai

Informacijos suderinimas,Integracija, klaid taisymas

Pasiruoimas gamybai

Principins schemos ir plokts projektavimas

3DS.COM/SOLIDWORKS Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_2012Solve new problems

What is our approach from process perspective?Change the engineering and design process to work in parallel instead of serial

Why:?Make better business decisions, earlierCreate better designs


ECAD ir MCAD Bendradarbiavimo SprendimaiLygiagretus atskir skyri darbasLankstus projektavimo rankisPerkeliami duomenysVientisa SOLIDWORKS aplinkaLaiku ir efektyviai pateikiami sprendimai!

3DS.COM/SOLIDWORKS Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_2014Slide Message : SolidWorks CAD tools are the result of 20 years of development and the feedback of over two million users. Our rock-solid software helps you get your job done faster and easier, no matter what industry you work in.

Main Points: Using SolidWorks is the fastest and easiest way to create production-ready designs Industrial designers can use SolidWorks to create stunning product concepts using freeform surfacing and reverse engineering Design engineers use SolidWorks to add function to the form Manufacturing engineers use SolidWorks to create molds, dies, jigs and fixtures that reference the product geometry

Speaker Notes:SolidWorks Mechanical CAD, our core product, has proven itselfthrough its intuitive user experienceto be up to the challenge of any industry. We know that many of you currently employ a 2D-based design approach, and we have a rich set of tools to re-use that data, and a full suite of capabilities for you to create the production documentation that you need. SolidWorks provides the tools you need to be more productive and get your products to market faster.In addition to a host of modelling and assembly design tools for sheet metal, surfaces and solids, we have additional tools to help communicate your designs, including eDrawings, which you will see in a few moments in the product demonstration.

The new costing tool helps designers make faster and more repeatable decisions based on manufacturing costs and helps manufacturers automate their quoting processes.These tools allow you to share your designs with your partners, subcontractors and colleagues in smart new ways, all so you can improve knowledge transfer and shorten the design cycle.



#3DS.COM Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_2016

3DS.COM/SOLIDWORKS Dassault Systmes | Confidential Information | 8/3/2016 | ref.: 3DS_Document_2014

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