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Tesi Doctoral


Ricard A. Rodríguez Mias

Departament de Química Orgànica

Facultat de Química

Universitat de Barcelona

Barcelona, Juliol 2006

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Memòria presentada per:

Ricard A. Rodríguez Mias

Per optar al títol de Doctor per la Universitat de Barcelona

Revisada per:

Dr. Ernest Giralt Lledó

Universitat de Barcelona


Programa de Química Fonamental-Química Orgànica

Bienni 2000-2002

Departament de Química Orgànica

Facultat de Química

Universitat de Barcelona

Barcelona, Juliol 2006

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Als meus pares

i a la meva germana.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it.

That's what being a scientist is all about.

Prof. Hubert Farnsworth

No, that's what being a magical elf is all about.

Cubert J. Farnsworth

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Bueno, acabeu de presenciar una de les últimes contraccions d'aquest part, per tant suposo que ha arribat el momentdels agraïments; de fet ja que hi som m'agradaria presentar una queixa per que l'epidural que m'han posat no haacabat de fer efecte.

En primer lloc m’agradaria agrair a l’Ernest el fet d’haver compartit la paternitat d'aquesta criatura amb mi, gràcies pelteu suport en aquests anys així com per la llibertat que m’has donat per portar a terme totes les idees boges,submarinos i col·laboracions. Al Fernando, tot i que no figura com a un dels pares d'aquesta tesi, m'agradaria agrair-teel fantàstic paper de comadrona durant aquests últims mesos, però també els consells, els ànims i els cafès de lestardes de cap de setmana al laboratori.

I'm also very grateful to Dr Pellecchia and Dr. Wagner for their kindness and hospitality during my visits to theirrespective laboratories. Both stays were scientifically very enriching, but also very fun and are probably the reason ofmy Peter Pan syndrome and my post doc vocation. For this I should also thank the people in both laboratories: MariLisa, Sina and Jamie in San Diego and Tom, Hari, Federico, Mallika, Monica, Alison and Michael… in Boston.

Si fem una mica de memòria històrica, ara que es porta tant … . Tot va començar fa uns anys a Girona, jo era unxavalin pueblerino -ho continuo sent- recent sortit de la Facultat de Ciències dela UdG. En aquell temps ja era unindecís i no tenia clar cap on fer anar la meva carrera i l'Eduard Bardaji amb va acollir durant un temps i introduir almón dels pèptids -gràcies-. El cas es que volia deixar de ser pueblerino i marxar, però com a bon cagat que sóc, novaig anar gaire lluny: Barcelona. I així es com vaig anar a parar a una comuna Hippy que es feia dir Grup 10. L'Ernestem va seure al costat dels HPLCs entre la gent amb mes classe del grup: els RMNeros. Gràcies al Pau, a l’Anna i alXavier vaig aprendre a concentrarme entre el soroll de shimatzus infernals, a barallar-me amb la RMN de pèptids, aexpressar proteïnes i a gestionar les necessitats d'ordinador i d'impressora d'una marabunta de gent.

En aquella comuna hippy la distracció era constant, i es dividia per igual entre el grup d’oligos: la Berta, el Joan, la CrisAusin, el Toni, el Dani …, la gent del servei de síntesi de pèptids: Mari Luz, Alberto Adeba, Mele …, el caos del Lab 1,el Lab 5 de la incomparable Lore i l'únic reducte de serenitat, el Lab3 amb la Lia com a gran mama; i com no la MartaMolina intentant posar ordre al caos. Gràcies a tots pels bons moments a la facultat … mai he entès com amb tan pocespai hi podia haver tan bon rollo.

Finalment l'esperada mudança al Parc Científic va arribar, allà encara érem més bons, teníem més classe, més equipsi més espai; tot i això la diversió va continuar. El trasllat al Lab300 va ser una aventura interessant, i amb en Xaviervaig aprendre a disfrutar dels virus, les impressores rebels i de l'ajuda inestimable dels amics del SIC. El laboratoriencara conservava cert hippisme del Grup10 i gent com la Montse-Montse, la Jimena, la Laia Solé i el seu PIMCO, laGloria Sancli contagiosament hiperactivitat, el llegendari Kalamar amb qui tant he rigut … tots ells em van ajudar a ferla vida molt fàcil.

I si abans de la mudança els HPLCs formaven part de la meva vida; el destí, com si volgués recordar-me els meusorígens, em va tornar a posar en un altre passadís amb vistes, aquest cop però les vistes eren Waters™. Com aguerrillers en aquest creuament de civilitzacions tenen menció d'honor: el Nacho, un crack en les seves facetes de DrJekill i Mr Hide, un acha de l’evolució, del duro i el millor adminsitrador del caos informàtic que hem tingut des d'enXavier. La Pilarin, pianista, madridista i del PSC, però malgrat tot la millor companya de penes en el càlculd'estructures de pèptids. El Marcelo, señor del caos, de los mil proyectos y colaboradores, que grande eres. I como noles incorporacions mes recents: el Nessim i la Steph.

I tot i no haver viscut al passadís cal que recordi algunes de les velles glories del grup: el piratilla Pastor, la senyora deles fibres Lolita, la S. Frutos, hazote de doctorandos novatos, companya de batalles contra la seguretat del Parc i font

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inesgotable de galetes; la Txell, Ia jefecilla de latigo mes llarg, el Marc Martinell amb qui vaig compartir l’Honda Accorda San Diego … tots ells han sigut en gran part responsables que em costés tant marxar del laboratori.

Tot seguit es van anar afegint a la festa nous fitxatges, i tot i no estar curtits per les vivències de la facultat, l'Ester,Silvia P, Susana, Eduard, Muriel, Laia, Giovana, Birgit, Roger, Mortezaa han aconseguit que se segueixi respirant unun ambient de laboratori fantàstic. Com no, també m’agradaria recordar la Natalia i el Sergio, la gent del despatxet (lacookie room) per la seva paciència amb els meus saquejos a la cerca de xocolata i sucre. A la Tere, per deixar-serobar l'assortit de plantes xineses, així com pels seus consells de biologia molecular; a la Eva per evitar que ellaboratori sigui un caos, i que la paperassa ens inundi. También me gustaría mencionar al digno heredero del proyectoVEGF: Peter, darte las gracias por tu vitalidad, por tu punto de locura y por intentar que mis esfuerzos en el laboratoriosirvan de algo.

Com a conseqüéncia de la situació estratègica del passadís RMNero he pogut disfrutar igualment de de la fantàsticafauna dels dominis del Fernando: l'incomparable humor del Jan, la quasi exasperant curiositat del Tommaso, lesganes de festa d'en Javi payopony, el Jesús “alias sexus¨, i la sempre somrient Martina. La llista es quasi interminable,sobretot si considerem l'area d’influència que inclou el Lab100 amb l’accent andalús del Dani, Pharmamar(anteriorment conegut com el harén de Luis Javier) i Lylliput; gràcies a tots. Com no, també la gent del laboratori deUQSex que ha sigut una gran font de diversió i colaboracions; gràcies Miriam pels teus consells i els ànims. Gràciestambé al Paquito, tot i que de vegades m’intenti colar el mateix compost dos cops i al Marc V per la seva paciència iconvicció en les meves idees de bombero.

Gran part de la feina d’aquesta tesi però no ha passat a cap d’aquests laboratoris, mes aviat als domins del Servei deRMN. Ells també han patit el meu caos, i han sigut víctimes de moltes de les meves idees boges. A tota la gent delservei els hi vull donar les gràcies per la seva ajuda amb els aparells, per perdonar el desordre que sovint quedadarrera meu als espectròmetres i per deixar que m’apropiés dels vostres dominis en les “hora dels manolos”. Enespecial gràcies a la Marga per estar sempre disponible i per escoltar les meves idees, encara que siguinimpracticables. També he okupat el laboratori del Dr. Pons, i la seva gent m’ha acollit sempre amb hospitalitat en lesexcursions a la vitrina de flux laminar, a la cambra freda i a la sala d’incubadors. Gràcies a tots: Jesús, Eric, David,Jascha, Tiago, Pau, Oscar.

Als companys de dinars, Jose P, Albert, Unai, Jesús … els hi vull agrair els bons moments passats mentretravessàvem el desert, les discussions sobre política internacional i els cafès amb les millors vistes de la UB.

I com que en aquests anys hi ha hagut temps per tot, m'agradaria recordar a tots els que m'heu acompanyat en lesactivitats extraescolars nocturnes, gràcies per les festes dels divendres. Gràcies a les “germanes” Fayna i Mireia –l’esperit més jove del lab - per compartir el vostre capital social i acompanyar-me en la meva època de “Rodriguez”; alJavi payopo per compartir el seu fetge i fer-nos d’amfitrio als San Fermines. Gràcies també a la Luengo, l'Ari, laNatalia, l’Ester, al Javi ra ra ra, … a tots ells per ajudarme a conéixer Barcelona, almenys de nit.

També hi ha hagut temps de participar en activitats esportives; algunes de les quals també passaven de nit. Com araels partidets de futbol 7 a la Brafa, amb el Marc V, Ruben, David, Jesus, Marc Martinell y Farris he pogut reviure lesmeves èpoques dorades de futbolista, quasi sempre com a pitxitxi, es clar. També he compartit bons moments fentfooting amb el Javi ra ra ra, i el Marc V pel parc Cervantes, malgrat que l'edat de l'un i el genoll de l'altre sovint hoconvertien en un passeig.

Es mereixen una menció especial també aquells que amb el seu ajut i suport moral m'han permès superar els últimsesculls burocràtics per tal que la tesi arribés a port. Gràcies Farris pels ànims, em sap greu haver-te deixat plantat aljuliol; gràcies Ernesto Nicolas per convertir el “vuelva usted mañana” del departament en una pertita en dulce, isobretot a la Nuria Bayó per haver anat davant meu en tots els tràmits i donar-me consell de primera mà, sense tu nose que hagués fet.

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I com que no tenia llit al laboratori, la resta de vida durant aquests anys l’he passada al carrer Camèlies, un gran¨hostal” amb millors inquilins. Gràcies Esteve per fer-m'hi lloc i guiar-me en el camí de la pseudo-emancipació, gràciesJulito per arrosegar-me al costat fosc de la xarxa i de la societat de la informació, al Kalamar per una visita curta peròintensa, i al Paquito-flope-ewok per compartir l'estress final de la tesi, per fotre'm les bronques quan em quedo dormital sofà, i per deixar-me ser la carabina tants divendres (gràcies Anna). Gràcies també al Miquel alias nailman, que tot iser una mica ploramiques, ha sigut un gran company de penes, viatges i batallites; confesor, confident, corrector peròsobretot amic.

També m’agradaria recordar als amics del poble que han suportat sempre estoicament els llargs períodes senseveure'ns, gràcies: Joan, Esteve, Anna, Genís, Albert, Enric, Lluís ….

A la Judit tot i que sempre em roba les idees, li voldria agrair el temps que hem passat junts -i no tant junts-, els ànimsconstants, les crítiques benèvoles d’aquest manuscrit, que aguanti tant bé els meus mals humors, les mevesparanoies i que em continuï enlluernant amb la seva lucidesa. Ets una de les les millors coses que m'han passat enaquests anys

Per acabar m'agradaria donar les gràcies a la meva família pel seu suport incondicional. A la gent de Can Mias perser-hi sempre que els necessites i per haver-me aguantat i alimentat durant tans anys. Als meus pares, perquè senseells no seria on sóc, i a la meva germaneta per ser capaç de portar-nos a tots de vòlit.

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Table of Contents 13

0 INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................... 19

0.1 NMR EXPERIMENTS IN DRUG DISCOVERY ............................................................................... 230.1.1 Receptor based experiments ...................................................................................................... 230.1.2 Ligand based experiments .......................................................................................................... 250.1.3 Enhanced Drug Discovery employing NMR ............................................................................... 28

0.2 PEPTIDE NMR ................................................................................................................................. 300.3 OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................... 340.4 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................... 35

1 NMR METHODS IN DRUG DISCOVERY: A HANDS ON EXPERIENCE............................................... 37

1.1 SELECTIVE LABELING SCHEMES: BIR3-XIAP DOMAIN A CASE STUDY ................................ 401.1.1 BIR3-XIAP domain and its biological relevance ......................................................................... 401.1.2 XIAP-BIR3 production and system validation............................................................................. 431.1.3 W relevance and hot spot composition ....................................................................................... 451.1.4 Tryptophan selective labeling...................................................................................................... 471.1.5 Selective 13C-Trp labeling and its uses ....................................................................................... 541.1.6 Selective labeling with 19F-TRP................................................................................................... 58

1.2 NMR SCREENING STRATEGIES APPLIED TO BCL-XL .............................................................. 641.2.1 Bcl-XL biological role and inhibition relevance ........................................................................... 641.2.2 Bcl-XL........................................................................................................................................... 671.2.3 Fragment lead discovery and library composition ...................................................................... 681.2.4 Screening..................................................................................................................................... 701.2.5 Screening follow up ..................................................................................................................... 711.2.6 Biligand design and future prospects.......................................................................................... 75

1.3 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................... 76

2 VEGF ANTAGONIST DESIGN.................................................................................................................. 81

2.1 LIGAND DESIGN AND LIBRARY SET UP...................................................................................... 862.1.1 Fragment based library: Peptide ligands .................................................................................... 862.1.2 Conventional HTS library: Traditional Chinese medicinal plants ............................................... 89

2.2 PROTEIN PRODUCTION AND SYSTEM SET UP......................................................................... 922.2.1 Selective labeling......................................................................................................................... 94

2.3 NMR SCREENING ........................................................................................................................... 982.3.1 Peptide libraries ........................................................................................................................... 982.3.2 Organic solvents ........................................................................................................................ 1002.3.3 Traditional Chinese Medicine plant extracts ............................................................................. 1052.3.4 Future ligands and prospects .................................................................................................... 118

2.4 CROSS-SATURATION TROSY HSQC......................................................................................... 1212.4.1 Protein: 2H-15N-VEGF ................................................................................................................ 1212.4.2 Experiment................................................................................................................................. 1242.4.3 Ligands: Organic solvents and Flavonoids ............................................................................... 127

2.5 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................. 128

3 KAHALALIDE F STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION...................................................................... 131

3.1.1 Kahalalide F ............................................................................................................................... 1343.2 PRELIMINARY STUDIES IN DMSO AND H20 ............................................................................. 136

3.2.1 Dimethylsulfoxide....................................................................................................................... 1363.2.2 Water.......................................................................................................................................... 137

3.3 STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION IN SDS MICELLS ........................................................... 140

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14 Table of Contents

3.3.1 NMR studies of lipid/peptide systems ....................................................................................... 1403.3.2 Kahalalide F solubitily in SDS micells ....................................................................................... 1423.3.3 NMR assignment ....................................................................................................................... 1443.3.4 Temperature coefficients........................................................................................................... 1463.3.5 Amide exchange rates............................................................................................................... 1483.3.6 Paramagnetic Reagents ............................................................................................................ 1523.3.7 2D-NOESY and structural calculation....................................................................................... 1563.3.8 Structural model for KF membrane interaction......................................................................... 163

3.4 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................. 166

4 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 171

4.1.1 Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................... 1734.1.2 Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................... 1734.1.3 Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................... 174

5 MATERIALS AND METHODS................................................................................................................. 177

5.1 NMR METHODS IN DRUG DISCOVERY: A HANDS ON EXPERIENCE ................................... 1795.1.1 Protein production...................................................................................................................... 1795.1.2 Chemical libraries ...................................................................................................................... 1805.1.3 NMR spectroscopy .................................................................................................................... 180

5.2 VEGF ANTAGONIST DESIGN ...................................................................................................... 1825.2.1 Protein production...................................................................................................................... 1825.2.2 Chemical libraries ...................................................................................................................... 1835.2.3 Sample preparation ................................................................................................................... 1835.2.4 NMR spectroscopy .................................................................................................................... 184

5.3 KAHALALIDE F STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION .............................................................. 1855.3.1 NMR spectroscopy .................................................................................................................... 1855.3.2 Xplor Simulated Annealing ........................................................................................................ 185

6 RESUMEN ................................................................................................................................................ 193

6.1 INTRODUCCIÓN Y OBJETIVOS................................................................................................... 1956.1.2 Objetivos .................................................................................................................................... 196

6.2 CAPÍTULO 1: RMN EN EL DESCUBRIMIENTO DE FÁRMACOS .............................................. 1986.2.1 Marcaje selectivo de triptófano en el dominio BIR3 de XIAP................................................... 1986.2.2 Estrategias de cribado mediante RMN aplicadas a Bcl-XL...................................................... 200

6.3 CAPÍTULO 2: DISEÑO DE ANTAGONISTAS DE VEGF.............................................................. 2026.3.1 Quimiotecas ............................................................................................................................... 2026.3.2 Ensayo y resultados .................................................................................................................. 203

6.4 CAPÍTULO 3: CARACTERIZACIÓN ESTRUCTURAL DE KAHALALIDO F................................ 2056.4.1 Estudios preliminares en H2O y DMSO .................................................................................... 2066.4.2 Análisis conformacional en medios miméticos de membranas lipídicas ................................. 206

6.5 CONCLUSIONES........................................................................................................................... 2086.5.1 Capítulo 1................................................................................................................................... 2086.5.2 Capítulo 2................................................................................................................................... 2086.5.3 Capítulo 3................................................................................................................................... 210

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Annexes and Abbreviations 15


aa amino acidAIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndromeAIF apoptosis inducing factorATP adenosine triphosphateBIR baculovirus inhibitor of apoptosis protein repeatCOSY correlation spectroscopyCPMG Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–GillCS chemical shiftc.m.c. critical micellar concentrationCNS central nervous systemCSA chemical shift anisotropyCSP chemical shift perturbationDHPC dihexanoyl phosphatidylcholineDIABLO direct IAP binding protein with low pIDMF dimethyl formamideDMPC dimyristoylphosphatidylcholineDMSO dimethyl sulfoxideDNA deoxyribonucleic acidDPC dodecyl phosphatidyl cholineDSA doxyl stearic acidDTT dithiothreitolEGC epigallocatechinEGCG epigallocatechin gallateEGF endothelial growth factorEGFR endothelial growth factor receptorEPL expressed protein ligationEPR electron paramagnetic resonanceESI-MS electron spray ionization mass spectrometryFADD FAS-associating death domainFDA food and drug administrationFGF fibroblast growth factorFTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopyGPCR G-protein coupled receptorHIV1 human immunodeficiency virus protein 1HMBC heteronuclear multiple bond correlationHMQC heteronuclear multiple quantum correlationHPLC high performance liquid chromatographyHSQC heteronuclear single quantum correlationHTS high throughput screeningIAA indoleacrylic acidIAP inhibitor of apoptosis protein

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16 Annexes and Abbreviations

IGP indole-3-glycerol phosphateILOE inter ligand nuclear Overhauser effectiPrOH isopropanolIPTG isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranosideKF kahalalide FLDH lactate dehydrogenaseMALDI-TOF MS matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometryMMP matrix metallo proteaseMOA mode of actionMOM mitochondrial outer membraneMRI magnetic resonance imagingMS mass spectrometryMW molecular weightNAD+ nicotinamide adenine dinucleotideNMR nuclear magnetic ressonanceNOE nuclear Overhauser effectNOESY nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopyPDFG platelet-derived growth factorPF protection factorPOP prolyl oligo peptidasePRPP 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphateRDC residual dipolar couplingRMSD root mean square deviationRNA ribonucleic acidROESY rotating frame nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopySDS sodium dodecyl sulfateSEA-TROSY solvent exposed amides TROSYSMAC second mitochondria-derived activator of caspaseSTD saturation transfer differenceTCM traditional Chinese medicineTEM transmission electron microscopyTFA trifluoroacetic acidTFE trifluoro ethanolTOCSY total correlation spectroscopyTOAC 2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxylic acid, free radicalTROSY transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopyVEGF vascular endothelial growth factorVEGFR vascular endothelial growth factor receptorWaterLOGSY water-ligand observed via gradient spectroscopyXIAP x-inhibitor of apoptosis protein

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Annexes and Abbreviations 17


Name Structure Name Structure

Ala A Alanine OH



HGly G Glycine OH



Arg R Arginine







His H Histidine






Asn N Asparagine






Ile I Isoleucine





Asp D Asparticacid






Leu L Leucine





Cys C CysteineOH




SHLys K Lysine





Gln Q Glutamine





NH2OMet M Methionine






Glu E Glutamicacid





OHOPhe F Phenylalanine





1 Amino-acid abbreviations used follow the rules of the Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature of theIUPAC-IUB as specified in Eur J Biochem 1984; 138: 9-37 and Eur J Biochem 1993; 213: 2.

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18 Annexes and Abbreviations

Pro P Proline




HTrp W Tryptophan






Ser S Serine





OH Tyr Y Tyrosine






Thr T ThreonineOH




OHVal V Valine





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Introduction and Objectives 21

The years where NMR spectroscopy played a mere analytical role in drug discovery and medicinalchemistry programs are long gone. The advent of modern recombinant DNA and protein expressiontechnologies, together with spectrometer hardware evolution have pushed NMR towards the development ofan extended list of experiments to characterize large biomacromolecular systems. This arsenal oftechniques has seeped into all stages of drug discovery pipelines (Figure 1) triggering a silent revolution; as

a result in the following years we should witness a notable boost in the productivity and efficiency of drugdevelopment endeavors. [1]

Thus, NMR enjoys healthy adulthood and its collection of experiments supplies a wealth of structuralinformation but also for a wide variety of transient and dynamic processes. Often, it is in this structural sensethat NMR contributes to the characterization of therapeutic targets during the very early stages of drugdevelopment. Several massive structural genomics projects demonstrate such role in the determination ofprotein structures; also, and as opposed to X-RAY, NMR provides insight into folding and dynamicphenomena. [2] But even more interesting at this early stages, is the use of NMR experiments to determineprotein druggablility; [3, 4] this is to a priori assess whether the activity of a given protein could be

modulated by organic molecules; such target quality assessment will inevitably increase success rates forthe drug development process.

Figure 1 Flowchart outlining the drug discovery process; steps where NMR techniques have foundapplication are shaded.

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22 Introduction and Objectives

As we will see in the first part of this introduction, a large portion of these newly developed experiments isdevoted to the detection and characterization of molecular recognition events,[5-7] which allow theharvesting of structural, thermodynamic and kinetic information for many intermolecular complexes –eitherprotein-protein or protein-ligand. This wide information range has produced a large impact on drugdiscovery, providing remarkable improvements to the hit identification process, but also their optimization

process, which in the end provides high quality leads and eventually drug candidates.

Other remarkable NMR applications include experiments to assess the overall quality of produced leads andhits. For instance the ALARM NMR approach, developed Hajduk and collaborators, is very useful during hitvalidation stage to detect false positives associated to reactive molecules.[8] With regard to lead quality,NMR also allows us to anticipate pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of leads and drugsparticularly by determining their propensity to bind BSA these factors should be taken into account prior toclinical trials.[9]

On a second part of the introduction we will deal with a much more “classic” use of NMR. Structuralcharacterization of bioactive conformations in flexible molecules is another important contribution to the

NMR field. Very often medicinal chemists approach the problem of improving flexible bioactive molecules bydesigning analogs with restricted conformational freedom. When properly designed, these molecules shouldhave a lower entropic penalty towards binding and consequently their affinity and activity should increase.Some relatively new methodologies such as trNOE [10] allow the determination of bioactive conformationsfor fast exchanging ligands; for stronger binders however, such information is far more difficult to obtain andgenerally involves determination of the whole complex structure. In the latter case, characterization of themolecular conformational preferences may be very informative, especially when such exercise is performedunder different media. Short to medium peptides are usually flexible and they seldom have a stableconformation, thus these molecules serve as valuable test bench to show what NMR has to offer to the

conformational analysis of flexible molecules.

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Introduction and Objectives 23


There are a variety of parameters sensitive to the intermolecular complex formation event. These includechemical shift, coupling constants, relaxation and translational diffusion properties. In any case, NMR

experiments to characterize protein-ligand complexes are typically divided according to which part of thecomplex is observed: those that detect the interaction by observing the macromolecule and those thatmeasure NMR parameters for the small binding partner.


Among the experiments that focus on protein observation to characterize recognition events, probably thesimplest (conceptually) is Chemical Shift Perturbation (CSP). This involves monitoring protein resonancesupon ligand addition; and is commonly performed with heteronuclear 2D NMR experiments (15N-1H or 13C-1H) on an appropriately labeled protein sample. Chemical Shift is extremely sensitive to environmentchanges, whether they come from denaturation, pH, temperature or changes associated to ligand binding.

Thus perturbations on δHN can be used to assess whether the binding event does occur and its

dissociation constant. But the real power of the technique is unleashed when the protein structure and

assignment is available. δHN perturbations will occur primarily on resonances nearby the binding site

consequently, by plotting the affected set of spins on the structure, one can delineate the protein-ligandinterface.

CSP is however not devoid of difficulty; the first limitation is intrinsic to the method and consists on thelabeled protein requirement: HSQC protein observation requires stable isotope enrichment most oftenachieved by means of over expression in E. coli. Nonetheless, these systems do not always succeed whenproducing eukaryotic proteins that may require posttranslational modifications or even chaperones, and onehas to turn to eukaryotic host to obtain active proteins; a solution that is not always practical given the highcost of eukaryotic hosts labeled medium.

But even when E. coli production is possible, cost per sample is still a concern; and although isotope prices

have been largely reduced in the last years, the amount of protein required for CSP studies are

considerable (~500 µg/sample), especially if one wants to start an HTS program. Fortunately hardware

improvements (i.e cryoprobes…) are expected to increase spectrometer sensitivity and consequentlyreduce protein requirements in the near future.

Another weakness is related to molecular weight range amenable NMR and has a direct incidence on thebiological targets that can be tackled with receptor based experiments. Observation of macromolecules orcomplexes beyond 40 kDa is often hampered by severe relaxation and important signal overlapping. Theformer effects are characterized by size enhanced signal decays and have important consequences toexperiment sensitivities. Recent development of TROSY type experiments combined with protein

perdeuteration alleviate the deleterious relaxation effects by compensating CSA and dipole-dipole relaxationmechanisms.[11] This scheme has been a major breakthrough in the field and has expanded the MW rangeup to 900 kDa in the most favorable conditions. [12]

Another interesting property of TROSY type experiments is they also minimize signal overlapping due tosharper cross-peaks delivered by such schemes; however signal overlapping is still important for very large

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24 Introduction and Objectives

systems for which several strategies have been suggested to simplify spectrum complexity while retainingrelevant information. SEA-TROSY experiment is one of such examples. [13] It is a modified HSQC-TROSYsequence containing a “SEA” module that selects solvent exposed amides. Protein core amides are filteredout and only the interesting –from an interaction point of view- surface amides are observable in thespectrum. Other strategies achieve simplicity at a protein rather than at a sequence level by carefully

placing the desired stable isotopes in a limited number of protein positions. This type of control can beachieved through chemical or semi-synthetic approaches as in Expressed Protein Ligation (EPL)approaches [14] but also by interfering in host’s protein biosynthesis through culture media modulation. [15]This second alternative is usually superior in terms of simplicity and yield, and only requires minor changesto protein production protocol thanks to the wide knowledge on bacterial amino acid biosynthesis.

Another major stumbling block for quantitative or semi-quantitative CSP information is protein floppiness,often manifested as large conformational rearrangements occurring in response to a recognition event

making it difficult to differentiate between δ perturbations directly caused by the ligand and those induced by

distal effects. This limitation is particularly worrisome considering the increasingly important biological role of

protein flexibility, which lies at the core of inter-domain cross-talk in proteins, and thus plays and essentialrole in signaling cascades, protein promiscuity –the ability to interact with multiple ligands– and ultimatelydetermines how protein-protein interaction networks have been constructed in cells. It would seem that thesimple key and lock model is obsolete; as a matter of fact some authors suggest flexibility is a generalproperty of protein hot spots. [16, 17]

Several authors have addressed such supple proteins and developed methods to extract structuralinformation. Differential Chemical Shift Perturbation for instance, utilizes closely related small MW ligands,to perform standard CSP titration experiments on the target protein. The assumption here is that similarcompounds should bind similarly to protein surface, thus differential changes in the ligand perturbation

profiles can be structurally interpreted. This strategy was first used by Fesik [18] and later Wagner et alcombined this approach with in silico docking to determine the binding site for a family of small Bcl-XLinhibitors.[19]

Cross-Saturation TROSY is a technique originally developed to determine large protein-protein bindinginterfaces, for which accurate delineation is difficult due to large size and extensive “induced fit” effectsinvolved in protein complex formation. It was first described by Takahashi and collaborators to study FB-Fc(50 kDa) complex.[20] For this purpose they produced 2H, 15N-labeled FB protein –2H for all non-exchangeable protons-, and Fc partner without any specific labeling, the only restriction being it shouldcontain protons. Sample consisted on FB and Fc (2:1) in 10:90 H2O/D2O buffer at pH=6 and the experiment

proceeded in two steps: two consecutive 15N-1H TROSY-HSQC type experiments. The first TROSY-HSQCis mainly for control purposes; the second however includes a saturation period on Fc aliphatic resonances.During this period, much as it happens in STD sequences (see below), saturation is spread throughout Fcresonances and complexed FB nearby amides, for which we will observe a signal reduction compared to thecontrol experiment. This saturation transfer phenomenon relies on 1H-1H cross-relaxation, which is solelydependant on inter-proton distance; thus one can interpret a decrease in amide intensity as evidence forinvolvement in protein-protein interface without fear from conformational artifacts. Of course behind thisanalysis we assume there is no saturation happening within FB that could account for amide intensity

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decrease, for this reason efficient FB perdeuteration is capital to guarantee that Fc partner mediates amidesaturation.


Ligand based experiments are more numerous and diverse than receptor based NMR experiments, mainlydue to dramatic changes on several small molecule properties when this undergoes binding with a largemolecule. Most of these properties are related to the ligand’s apparent MW, which in contrast to the freeform in the presence of the receptor will be closer to the complex MW; thus size-dependent properties such

as longitudinal and transverse relaxation, diffusion coefficients and intra/intermolecular magnetizationtransfer will report this molecular weight change for the ligand upon complex formation.

Their main advantage over receptor-based experiments is that they don’t require the usage of labeled

protein; also, they’re far less protein demanding and most of the experiments can be performed at 50 µM

concentration or below, about one order of magnitude less than receptor-based counterparts. The former isinherent to measuring ligand resonances, the latter however is related to the fact that large ligand/proteinratios are used in these experiments and that the binding effects on the small molecule resonances will beobserved throughout the free ligand. Unfortunately binding effects on the free ligand population are onlyvisible when the binding falls in the fast exchange regime, tighter binders like those in slow or intermediateexchange will likely appear as non-binders to the eyes of ligand based experiments, consequently relegating

these techniques to weak binder detection. This limitation has been somehow circumvented by the recentdevelopment of competition experiments; there, a weak binder is used as a reporter and the presence oftighter binders in the sample is detected by the disappearance of the binding effects on the probe.

Also due to ligand resonances observation, these techniques have no upper molecular weight limit on theproteins they can deal with, in fact the higher the molecular weight the more important will the effects on theligand be, and the easier to the detect; in these sense Meyer and col. [21, 22] reported solid supportimmobilization of receptors as a method to boost their experiments performance and allowing the authors toreutilize the receptor, and the same authors even provide examples where the assay has been performedon membrane proteins using whole cells.[23] It would seem that ligand based experiments have been

released from most protein limitations imposed to Chemical Shift Perturbation; but this is not free and theprice paid is structural information, since little or no information regarding the binding mode can be obtained.For these reasons, and as we’ll see later most of these experiments are often found at early stages of drugdiscovery programs: i.e. high throughput primary screenings. RELAXATION MEASUREMENTS

Relaxation properties for the free and bound forms of a ligand are quite different, as a consequence, themeasured R1 and R2 values for a ligand undergoing binding are a weighted average accounting for the freeand bound relative populations; thus the relaxation enhancement suffered by a binding molecule uponcomplexation can be used to detect such event.

On the one hand T1 relaxation rates to detect binding can only be used when such measurements areperformed on individual resonances, this is due to the relaxation mechanisms involved with multiple

resonances; this has disastrous implications when dealing with compound mixtures and consequently limitsthe scope of the experiment for screening purposes.

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26 Introduction and Objectives

Conversely the use of T2 relaxation for screening purposes has been much more successful. Relaxationtimes for small molecules or rapidly tumbling are usually long, while for resonances in large molecules orprotein-bound ligands are usually much shorter. This difference is usually translated into apparentdifferences in their resonance linewidth, which has a direct dependence on the transversal relaxation rate

(R2/π). Thus, in the presence of the protein a ligand will see its resonances immediately broadened; and

such effect can be used to pin down binding within a mixture of molecules. Alternatively, this effect can bemagnified by using T2-filters (CPMG) that will allow ready identification of compounds with shorter relaxationtimes. [24] Similarly, Jahnke and collaborators have reported increased experiment sensitivity by covalentlyattaching a paramagnetic probe to the protein surface; the presence of unpaired electrons on the surfacefurther enhances transversal relaxation for binding compounds and makes it easier to distinguish betweenligands and non-ligands.[25] 19F EXPERIMENTS

19F nucleus has lately attracted much attention in the screening field for various reasons. First and most

important is its high sensitivity; this is due to 19F’s high gyromagnetic constant (γF ~ 0.94 γH) but also to its

100% natural abundance. Moreover, fluorine displays a wide chemical shift range, which makes it unlikelyfor overlapping to occur. Other useful properties include its high sensitivity to binding events; this ofteninduces important changes to fluorine chemical shift and linewidth due to fluorine’s large CSA. Given the

remarkable relaxation properties above, binding detection can often be performed simply by acquiring 1Dspectra in absence and in the presence of protein target. Nonetheless, a much more general approach todiscriminate between fluorine containing ligands among non-binders consists on the determination ontransversal relaxation rates (T2) –either by direct measurement of linewidth or by using T2 filters- much in thesame way as in [26, 27]

Obviously such experiments are limited to some extent, as they require the presence of fluorine atoms in theassayed compounds. This atom however, is rather common in commercial drugs and often medicinalchemists enhance metabolic stability or modulate compound lipophilicity by incorporating such atoms. Onthe other hand, fluorine is seldom found in natural sources or solvents; for these reasons it has been

proposed as an alternative to avoid background resonances arising from the protein or the annoying solventsignals, which often have deleterious consequences for the performance of ligand based experiments. MAGNETIZATION TRANSFER

Probably the most successful and remarkable experiments in this class are STD [22, 28] and WaterLOGSY[29]. Both take advantage of the strong negative intermolecular nOe that is characteristic of large receptor-ligand complexes. In both cases non-equilibrium magnetization or saturation is created on the complex and,thanks to the strong negative nOe, transferred to the ligand that ultimately suffers perturbations on theresonance intensities of its free form.

In the case of STD experiment, non-equilibrium magnetization is achieved by selective excitation (on-resonance) of target resonances; spin diffusion eventually transfers magnetization to the bound ligand.When the ligand dissociates from the target into solution, the magnetization change transferred in the bound

state is retained in the free ligand. The difference spectrum between the on-resonance experiment and a

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reference spectrum, acquired with off-resonance irradiation, yields a spectrum containing only those ligandsignals that have been perturbed by binding to the target. (Figure 2)

As for WaterLOGSY, the experiment is very similar, only that irradiation is performed on water instead.Eventually magnetization is transferred from this large reservoir to the protein surface through differentmechanisms, including chemical exchange and hydration water. Later spin diffusion relays magnetization to

the ligand providing similar effects as STD for binding molecules. Non-binders however, will suffer anegative cross-saturation effect that in some instances can induce to errors.

Figure 2 Illustration for STD experiment. The resulting non-equilibrium magnetization from on-resonance irradiation spreads out across the target molecule and is transferred to the ligand,especially to close-by protons. The resulting on and off-resonance experiments are depicted, andthe difference experiment both asserts binding and allows us to identify ligand protons in closercontact with the protein. The magnetization of the bound ligand decays rapidly with a rate of R1,BL,which is of the same order as the rate for the target molecule R1,R. On dissociation into solution, therelaxation properties of the ligand change and the acquired non-equilibrium magnetization nowdecays with a rate of R1,FL for the free ligand. COMPETITION EXPERIMENTS

As already mentioned, one of the major drawbacks associated with ligand based experiments is their limited

affinity detection range, which usually confines detectable binders within the µM range The reason being

long residence times for strong binders in the binding pocket; this translates into slow exchange in the NMRtimescale and as a consequence information on the bound state is easily lost due to the adverse relaxationproperties for the complex.

In order to circumvent such limitations several competition-based screening approaches have beenproposed.[30-32] In general, such strategies require knowledge of a weak binder that can be detected withthe given ligand based experiment; this compound functions as a reporter. The presence of a tightermolecule in the sample, targeting the same binding site, will prevent observation of binding effect on the

reporter molecule. Such indirect detection relies solely on the reporter resonances and involves the need fordeconvolution when working with compound mixtures. Nonetheless, this limitation is clearly outweighedwhen we consider the wealth of information provided by competition experiments, since KD and binding sitecharacterization for the reporter molecule will provide a means to estimate both affinity and binding mode forthe competing molecule.

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In principle, all ligand-based techniques can be extended to a competition type of experiment. However,experiments using simple 1D spectra are especially worth considering: WaterLOGSY, STD, and 19F-screening. Probably the most attractive is the competition-based fluorine screening, for it combines the highsensitivity of its relaxation parameters with 19F clean spectra devoid of solvent and target signals.


The various technologies presented in the previous section allow NMR to participate nearly on every stageof the drug discovery process: Ligand based experiments contribute to lead identification thanks to their

throughput and low cost, and although during early design stages receptor based techniques only providelimited structural information, complete structure is available for the macromolecular complexes with tightligands, as it is routinely done for proteins. Despite each particular experiment’s limitations it is undeniablethat NMR as a technique is very useful in the drug discovery field. It is not surprising to see almost everypharmaceutical company trying to muster its power into their drug design pipelines; some even developingcompletely NMR-guided drug design strategies. In this sense a very attractive combination consists on theuse of NMR and fragment-based lead discovery strategies.

As opposed to traditional HTS, which rely on massively assaying complex chemical libraries in order toidentify potent leads, a more efficient approach has been lately gaining interest. Instead, screening is

performed on libraries of so called fragments or shapes; these are low MW molecules with few chemical

functions and thus expectedly less affinity towards the protein target (mM-µM) than a typical lead. Positive

compounds resulting from the screening can be regarded as simple binding epitopes and will be laterevolved into more conventional lead molecules through various stages.

Bottom-up lead building offers several advantages over traditional HTS schemes. First the number ofmolecules to be tested is small, in the order of hundreds compared to the thousands for massive screeningassays, due to low complexity for the tested fragments. Also in terms of efficiency, fragment screening issuperior to other massive strategies; although the resulting positive fragments may present weak affinitiestowards the protein target, their binding is usually very efficient when affinity per mass unit is considered andcompared to HTS hits these fragments have a large fraction of their atoms interacting with the receptor.

Fragment screening can be performed using various methods, however X-RAY and NMR [6, 33] are

especially suitable to detect interactions in the µM to mM range; but more importantly once positive

fragments have been identified both techniques provide binding structural validation.

On the grounds of such X-RAY or NMR information, hypotheses can be performed as to which chemicalmodifications on the initial hit will provide affinity increases; examples of this kind of fragment evolution arerather common in the literature leading to very potent molecules after several cycles of structure guidedevolution.

Fragment linking is another attractive way to evolve positive shapes provided by screening. This approachcan only be performed when two fragments have been identified to be sitting on adjacent protein binding

sites, and it consists on designing a favorable chemical linkage between the two fragments to produce a bi-ligand with increased potency. Its enhanced affinity does not only stem from additive fragment interactionsbut more importantly from an entropic component since the freedom-loss penalty associated with bi-ligandbinding will be less than the sum of the penalties for all individual fragments. (see Equation 1)

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Equation 1

This approach is also very design intensive and relies heavily on the structural information obtained forinteracting fragments, thus in such strategy X-RAY or NMR play a capital role in guiding the linker design.For the latter, ILOE or CSP experiments are in this regard very helpful. [6, 34, 35]

Once a fragment-based strategy has been chosen over a traditional HTS approach, another important issuehas to be addressed: building a fragment chemical library. HTS libraries usually follow a series of guidelinesin their compound composition so as to maximize their “drug-likeness” and in this way increase theprobability for the resulting leads to survive the development process and become orally bioavailable drugs.Probably the most typical guidelines used to build chemical libraries are the “Lipinski rule of five” [36], which

basically establish a range of recommended values for various properties (molecular weight, octanol/waterpartition coefficient, hydrogen bond acceptors/donors, number of rotatable bonds…) for a molecule to besuitable for oral administration. Observation of several successful and failed stories has produced a similarset of rules to define fragment-like compounds, and parallel to the Lipinski recommendations these havebeen called the “rule of three”. In general, such guidelines are based on the fact that a typical leadoptimization procedure significantly increases lipophilicity and molecular weight; consequently Lipinskithresholds for lead-like and fragment-like molecules should be reduced to account for fragment-to-lead andlead-to-drug development.

According to this, the attributes for a fragment-like molecule would be: MW<300 (usually above 100 uma), a

logP below 3, less than 3 hydrogen bond acceptors and 3 hydrogen bond donors, and less than 3 rotatablebonds. All in all, the motto behind quality fragment libraries is “simple is beautiful”, simple fragments willproduce quality leads with room for improvement in their lipophilicity, MW, etc.

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Compared to the relatively compact nature of most proteins, small peptides still represent a major challengein structural characterization due to coexistence of many conformations. With varying degrees of success,

often depending on the size of the molecule, well-folded proteins can have their structure determined eitherby X-Ray or NMR. Here, densely packed folds keep atoms in relatively fixed positions, which in turn yieldreliable experimental constraints to guide structure calculations.

However the scenario changes when one studies partially folded proteins or small peptides. In the former,X-Ray is outperformed, due to difficult crystallizations or artifacts in the resulting structures; but alsobecause NMR relaxation measurements offer dynamic information to build more “realistic” models. Thelatter though is more complicated given the cost of labeled peptide production, especially when thesemolecules include non-proteinogenic modifications. In such instances very limited structural informationbuilds fuzzy models able only to describe conformational preferences.

Structural information for small peptides has traditionally been obtained from circular dicroism,Fluorescence, FTIR, Raman, and also NMR; which in general are more or less complementary. Although alltechniques are able to time-resolve conformational exchange phenomena, they all have limitations.Fluorescence requires the introduction of probes to the system, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy lack enoughfrequency dispersion for residue specific information; and circular dicroism is also positionally averaged dueto its dependence on cooperative amide transitions. As a result, NMR is probably the most powerfultechnique in the list, due to its large number of parameters sensitive to conformational changes, and also itsfrequency dispersion that allows us to get the information at residue or atomic resolution.

But prior to the structural information, one must go through the resonance assignment process, which for

non-labeled peptides proceeds through acquisition of complementary 2D homo-nuclear experiments, asdescribed by Wütrich and co-workers [37]. The first experiments (2D-TOCSY or 2D-COSY) allow theidentification of resonances connected through 1H-1H J couplings; particularly for peptides this means withina residue. Once these spin systems –or sets of J connected protons- have been identified and evenassociated to a particular amino acid type, 2D-NOESY or 2D-ROESY complementary experiment is used todetermine inter-residue connectivity given their ability to correlate spatially close protons.

But beyond its use in peptide assignment, nuclear Overhauser effect and NOESY experiments are probablythe most widely used NMR parameter for biomolecule structural, and conformational analysis. And beforethe recent development of Residual Dipolar Coupling techniques, protein and peptide structure calculation

was limited to the nOe effect as the only source of long-range structural information. NOE

The nOe is a phenomenon that arises from the cross-relaxation between two nuclei; there are a number of

mono and multi-dimensional NMR experiments to observe this effect. In any case, the intensity of the nOe isa function of the distance (proportional to r-6) between the cross-relaxing nuclei. In proteins though, highlycrowded proton environments often trigger non-linear nOe behaviors due to the presence of other cross-relaxation pathways and care must be taken to avoid artifacts in the structure calculation.

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Conversely, in peptides, the major problem is flexibility. Intermolecular rearrangements average out long-range effects and leads to the prevalence of short and medium-range nOes, which may merely berepresentative of a small population of peptide conformations. Thus, conformational averaging tends to biasnOe values, which frequently translates in over-emphasized structural tendencies.

Yet other limitations to the use of nOes, especially with small peptides, are its sign and intensity. Since as a

result of their size and correlation time peptide resonances tend to display weak negative nOes; or evenunder some instances different protons within the same peptide may experience positive and negative nOesrespectively, depending on the conformational averaging taking place and the resulting correlation time ofeach inter-proton vector responsible for the nOe. SPIN-SPIN COUPLINGS

Another parameter traditionally used in conformational analysis by NMR are vicinal coupling constants [38]whose dependence on dihedral angle values is expressed by the Karplus relationship.(Equation 2)

Particularly for peptides and proteins there are various useful coupling constants with potential information

on φ, ψ and χ dihedral angles: 3J13C’-NCα-1H, 3J1H-NCα-13Cβ,etc. For non-labeled peptides however, the

easiest measurable constants are 3JαN and 3Jαβ , either through 1D 1H or 2D 1H homo-correlation E-

COSY. Once measured, they can be correlated to φ and χ1 angles respectively in the peptide; yet due to

Karplus curve intrinsic ambiguity it is difficult to extract a unique result, without the evaluation of additional

coupling constants.

3JHαN = 6.7cos2(φ − 60) −1.3cos(φ − 60) +1.53Jαβ = 9.4cos2 χ1 −1.4cosχ1 +1.6

Equation 2: Karplus expressions correlating φ an χ1 angles in peptides to 3JHαN and 3Jαβ

coupling constants respectively.

Added to the intrinsic ambiguity in Karplus relationship, conformational averaging also has deleterious

effects as those described for the nOe effect. For both dihedral angles (φ and χ 1) energy minima

correspond to extreme values of 3JαN and 3Jαβ coupling constants. This means that when an exchange

event occurs between conformations situated in these minima the measured coupling constant will be anaverage value, void of significant structural information. CHEMICAL SHIFT DIFFERENCE

Chemical shifts are the most readily accessible quantities in NMR and, because its particular value for agiven nuclei depends on a variety of structural factors, they have traditionally been regarded as very richsource of information.

Several practical issues have traditionally threatened however the quality of this information, in thebeginning this was related to the relative sparseness of NMR data, and later to the lack of standardization incalibrating methods throughout the scientific community. But beyond these limitations chemical shiftinformation has been used to evaluate and characterize the secondary structure content in peptides,analyze conformationally flexible peptides, and even refine protein tertiary structures.

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The large body of assignments and theoretical works around these have shed some light to the effectsresponsible for chemical dispersion in peptides and proteins. For peptides it is recognized that the magneticanisotropy of the peptide group is an important contributor to chemical shifts in proteins, which explains to a

large extent the sensitivity of Hα protons to local secondary structure. Other effects include the ring current

present in the vicinity of aromatic amino acids or shifts induced by electrostatic or dipole effects.

Typically the procedure behind chemical shift analysis is as follows. We first need a reference chemicalshift; in this regard, what is known as Random coil chemical shifts, or those expected for a non-structuredpeptides have been proposed by various authors [38]. These values for the different nuclei in each amino

acid (Hα , 13Cα, Hβ, HN, 15N, 13CO…) have in general been determined using short oligo-peptides. The

analysis proceeds by comparing the actual chemical shift for a given resonance in the peptide or protein toits corresponding tabulated random coil value. The differences are often analyzed in terms of secondary

structure participation, for instance if a particular amino-acid displays a Hα biased towards higher fields it is

attributed to be involved in α-helical structures, on the contrary if Hα shifts fall to lower fields the residue

would participate in a β-strand.

For the particular case of non-labeled amino acids, Hα is usually the most useful resonance to study,

several authors however suggest the usage of δNH to characterize helical secondary structures, especially

to detect hydrogen bond pattern distortions in amphipathic helices [38, 39]. Conformational exchange is also

an issue, and as for spin-spin couplings extreme chemical shifts observed in α-helices or β-strands are

often averaged into values close to the random coil, which again are difficult to interpret structurally.

In our case, the presence of D-amino acids, along with other non-proteinogenic modifications in the peptide

will hamper the structural interpretation of chemical shifts. Since, as mentioned before, Hα chemical shift is

predominantly dominated by peptide group anisotropy, which will expectedly vary between D and L aminoacids, and for this reason tabulated random coil values will likely not be applicable in our case. HYDROGEN BONDS

Another parameter routinely used for structure calculation is hydrogen bond formation by protein or peptideamides. Slow water exchange rates for these protons are evidence for hydrogen bond formation, and canbe introduced as restriction in late stages of structure calculation.

In peptides however, direct exchange rate measurements are seldom performed. Exchange rates are oftentoo fast to be measured in water or methanol, conversely in organic solvents such as DMSO exchange doesnot occur. Instead measurement of NH chemical shift dependence with temperature has been used as anindication of hydrogen bond formation. This is especially true for hydrogen bonding solvents such as DMSO,H2O and methanol.[40] In DMSO, temperature induced amide shifts below the 4 ppb/K threshold have beenconsidered to be hydrogen bond indication.

These effects can be interpreted in terms of amide exposure to the solvent, since intermolecular hydrogenbonds are readily cleaved with temperature, especially those involving solvent molecules. According toseveral authors hydrogen bond involvement can also be diagnosed to some extent by the amide chemical

shift, although this alternative is not free from artifacts.

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All these parameters are also sensitive to conformational exchange, and as in the previous cases caution isadvised especially since exchange phenomena involving conformations with different amide solventexposure could lead to underestimation of hydrogen bonding amides.

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Given the increasing interest raised by NMR in the drug discovery field as well as the structural challengestill posed by medium and small flexible peptides the objectives for the present PhD thesis will be the


- In a first stage we intend to get acquainted with several of its most outstandingmethodologies for the detection and characterization of binding events, including both ligand andreceptor based experiments and using several cancer related protein targets. It will also beinteresting to see how these methods are integrated in holistic drug discovery approaches.

- In a second stage the previous NMR technologies will be applied to the development of protein-protein interaction inhibitors in particular of the pro-angiogenic protein VEGF. Severalmilestones will have to be covered prior to the application of the various NMR screening anddesign methods, mainly protein production, ligand design and synthesis.

- Structural characterization of medium sized flexible oligopeptides by NMR. Exploration oftheir conformational propensities in different media and structural modelizing using NMR restraints.In particular we will focus our efforts in the characterization of Kahalalide F a marine origindepsipeptide with very promising anticancer activity.

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