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Page 1: Uin sunan-kalijaga-tes-bahasa-islamiyah-2014

iltn: l.r-





Page 2: Uin sunan-kalijaga-tes-bahasa-islamiyah-2014


READING lz (Question l-4)

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and a time whenMuslims across the world will fast during the hours of daylight. It is the fourth ofthe five pillars of Islam. The Qur'an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammadduring this month. The actual night that the Qur'an was revealed is a night knownas Iailat ul-Qadr ('The Night of Power').

Almost all Muslims try to give up bad habits during Ramadan, and somewill try to become better Muslims by praying more or reading the Qur'an. ManyMuslims will attempt to read the whole of the Qur'an at least once during theRamadan period. Many will also attend special services in Mosques durtngwhich the Qur'an is read.

Fasting is intended to help teach Muslims self-discipline, self-restraintand generosity. It also reminds them of the suffering of the poor, who may rarelyget to eat well. It is common to have one meal just before sunrise (known as thesuhoor) and another (known as the iftar), direetly after sunset. Beoause Ramadanis a time to spend with friends and family, the fast will often be broken bydifferent Muslirn families coming together to share in an evening meal.

The end of Ramadan is marked by a big celebration oalled Eid-ul-Fitr',the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast. Muslims are not only celebniting the endoffasting, but thanking Allah for the help and strength that He gave themthroughout the previous month to help them practise self-control. The festivalbegins when the first sight of the new moon is seen in the sky. Eid is also a timeof forgiveness, and making amends. During Eid-ul-Fitr Muslims dress in theirfinest clothes, give gifts to children and spend time with their friends and family.

Adaptedfrom http://www.bbc.co.uVscltools/relision/islant/ramadan.shtml

1. A meal directly after sunset is called ,......

(A) Breakfast of Ramadan

(B) Breaking the iftar


Lailat ul-Qadr


2. According to the text, what do Muslims stop doing during Ramadan?

(B) Eating

(D) Special services in Mosques ' l

(E) The whole of the Qur'an at least once




Hal: I dari 15

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3. When is Ramadan according to Islamic calendar?

(A) After the Syawwal month

(B) At I,ailat ul-Qadr based on Islamic calendar

(C) The ninth month of the Islamic calendar

(D) When Muslims across the world will fast during the hours of daylight

(E) When Qur'an was first revealed


(A) The advantages of Ramadan

(B) The factors of fasting

(C) The practices during Ramadan

(D) The purposes of fasting

(E) The reading of Quran

READING 2t (Question 5-8)

Kelantan Culture

A state rich in culture and history, Kelantan sees a strong influence fromneighboring Thailand and the predominantly ivluslim population along its border.

Kelantan is renowned for its wonderful handicrafts, especially the skill of itssilversmiths, songket weavers and kite makers.

Don't forget to pick up some cottage industry products and sample true

traditional cuisine such as keropok or budu.In Kelantan, you can expect a richfusion of traditional Malay and Thai food, as well as a number of historical sites

and architectural wonders worth visiting.The local economy is primarily agricultural, with the production of rice,

rubber and tobacco contributing significantly. Often, in between paddy planting

seasons, you can see a mass of black smoke on the horizon as farmers clear outwhat's left behind after the harvest with flame and scythe.

5. The wordpredominanrly shows that the Muslim population is...

(A) Large

(B) Small

(C) Growing

(D) Well-known

(E) Minority

Hal:2 dari l5

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6. Kelantan culture is mainly influenced by...

(A) Onlythe Thais

(B) Only the Muslims

(C) Its neighboring states

(D) The Thais and the Muslims

(E) Its border.

7. The word renowned as used in the passage means...

(A) Called

(B) Known

(C) Located

(D) Attracted:

(E) Renewable

8 Keropok and budu ate examples of Kelantanese...

(A) Architecture

(B) Handicraft

(D) Food

(E) Clothes :

READING 3z (Question 9-12)


Butterflies are some of the most interesting insects on the planet Earth.There are more than seventeen thousand different kinds of butterflies! Butterfliescome in all shapes and sizes

Butterflies go through four main stages of life. The first stage is the egg

stage followed by the larva stage. As a larvq or caterpillar, the future butterflyeats as much as possible. As it grows, it sheds it outer skin, or exoskeleton. Thismay happen.four or five times. After a few weeks, the caterpillar enters the nextrtui. oiits life, the chrysalis stage. In the chrysalis, the caterpillar will liqueffinto a soup of living ce1ls. Then, it will reorganize into a bufierfly and the

Hal:3 dari 15

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metamorphosis is complete. In later parts of the chrysalis stage, you can see theforming butterfly through the chrysalis.

When the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis, it pumps its wings to sendblood through therri so that it can fly. Most butterflies only live a couple ofweeks, just enough time to drink flower nectar and to mate. Some, like theMonarch Butterfly, however, may live many months.

9. What is the second stage of life for a butterfly?

(A) Eee

(B) Larva

(C) Chrysalis

(D) Butterfly

(E) Exoskeleton

10. How many stages of life does a butterfly go through?

(A) Two stages

(B) Three main stages

(C) Fourth

(D) One life

(E) Four

11. Why does the caterpillar shed its skin?

(A) It is growing

(B) The butterfly is coming

(C) To defend itself against predators

(D) It is hungry

(E) To show its beauty

Hal:4 dari 15

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12, In what stage does the metamorphosis happen?

(A) Chrysalis

(c) Eee

(D) Caterpillar

(E) Larva

Choose a sentence which is similar to the gtatement.

13. Today, a library is much more than just a place where books are stored. '

(A) Nowadays, a library is only a place to store books.

(B) Nowadays, more librarios are used as a place to store books.

(C) Nowadays, a library store more books.

(D) A library is always used as a place to store books.

(E) Nowadays, libraries are used for more functions than only a place to keep


14. A calculator can help a student solve a problem quickly.

(A) A calculator helps a student solve and understand a problem quickly.

(B) With a calculator, a student can answer a problem quickly, but first she/ he

(C) A student can solve a problem quickly, and then thE student can understand

the problem with a calculator.

(D) To solve a problem, a student needs a calculator.

(E) Without a calculator, no student can solve the problem

15. Konwledge is very important for all human beings.

(A) Every body has knowledge

(B) No one has knowldege.

(C) Every body needs knowledge.

(E) Without knowledge, we can do nothing

Hal:5 dari 15

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Choose one ungrommatical sentenee from the following options.

16. (A) About 60 percent of new college students in the US this days prefer the

sensing style.

(B) This means that they are very practical.

(C) They prefer a practice-to-theory method of learning----experience first and

ideas after that.

(D) They often have difficulty with reading and writing and are unsure of


(E) Most of these students are attending college because they want to have a

good job and make a lot of money.

17. (A) Insects do not feed on the sarrre kinds of plants.

(B) These are only one kind of butterflies.

(C) Its appearance on the willow tree protects it.

(D) Its resemblance to the larva helps it stay alive.

(E) Its resemblance to thg monarch gives it protection.

Choose the best expression to complete the following sentences.

18. Psychologists worry about the behavior of young people who watch a lot of TV

during their ....:. ..

(A) childbirth

(B) childish

(C) Children: '

(D) childless

(E) Childhood

19. Linda refused Tom's invitation to have dinner with his family, ... .... he insisted.

(A) although

(B) but

(C) however

Hal: 6 dari 15

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(D) or

(E) for

20. Many TV critics and viewers criticize the amount of ... in the media.

(A) violate

(C) violator

(D) violence

(E) violent

21. Twomentiedto .....thehousewhentheywereaway.

(A) break into

(B) break up

(c) bling ui9*(D) bring in

(E) buy into ,.


22. ThescalesbrokewhenI......... .myselfthismorning.

(A) has weighed

(B) had weighed

(C) Weigh

(D) had been weighing

(E) was weighing

23. The children ....... away after they had broken the window.

(A) ran

(B) were running

(C) had run

(D) had been nrnning

(E) ruq

Hal: 7 dari 15

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24, Wlren I got there, I ...... ... ..... .. the man dead.

(A) was finding

(B) founded

(C) folnd

(D) had found

(E) am finding "

25. Fortune tellers always tell the truth because they ....... in general terms.

(A) are speaking

(B) will speak

(C) spoke

(D) speak

(E) were speaking



Hal: 8 dari 15

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Bacalatr teks berikut dengan seksama !

uJSt+ Jli_A_r

ar-b,, L$Cl foK q,r crjr. .ra . 4.-e J.ill .p phi ol,'ail J#ll ,Fi ./trrUl-l*+ Y|SU L"a .r-;i-,;re *,1 C+-l -r"e a-*.,1 +l 3 clj.,s. k-"'t i+-l-l4l .l+*rtlJ$!

&lg p3 r*lri* J.ir d;6 E-Fl...Sr+ d pL4.Fi OtS-r , UtslYtLJr,$Jl qrr

.ra J.s 4lt"ll o.A J! c.i+ C; ei-,.r:6Jl €i 6JjiSJl .sl, d3,-=ll l;-,1o J! ai-,|-!

'o-'li f-l t"cJJ C rlaPr al$g1

-lJ"ill r;c d+s tlJ61+ ,ni r.J.-l Oi c+ ,.,1L3 !i:tr ,,r+ iJ^..il rlYl rJ tJJ g,E

*#i e*+ fJi- d$ f+itlta q '-'l' 'rl, iJflJ^If+ yJl o;e- .4,- +l,ll ,.!i ,o.:Ei, ,*iJill"ll dr-fLi .ri3 . hJd ,L* i*,,otrllA-clJl ,*s U-St+.j,.-L: iJill"ll q.rSJL

L.io-l i.r'r.-,1,"3 i;[.;, 1LJJI d.riLS . l-r,-c 4'+ljl ,/ fi-Fl+S3'i+ Ai,iJ*,J.ri -,;tJ.

dis 6JiUl dr,',1.l,r t.$o . ti$,.,Jr,itll UtS e .,is y;lS-r -le d BJittll ,',1 ia

crj-.;s e lilJl J! LSlf ,e#rq E3*o cr,-o^,,,;t s, trft .tf e .,=i o$.U+,r.J^ JSii

.ufji.tYt{ dr}..,i p4;r.,J+ Or.r! lJils .cjl+ii-,Yl i.lt - i O-pL:+ a:lltcr r;i

Pilihlahlah satu jawaban yang benar di antara jawaban-jawaban

berikut ini !

f.;.p- r,,L( rtjll ,fi d ' 26as-ll t'i J6J (A)

dl-d Jd (B)

e+* _x-- (C)

.+-r,r4 (D)gL":'o_;_16." (E)

Hal: 9 dari 15

f J#Sll ,pi .:l;6i r.l* f 27

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ot]:t (A)ajx (B)

.+-,i (c)4,"^i (D)

aj_ (E)

...,EjSl+; ,"'l' , Lrjc, 28rj-;,*l 4^.,,,rI,Gj-; i k#.ri:i ,rii.i-;c (A)

,n:l+il-J C *ll.J k$,/i ,=+i *iy+ C (B)

,jl+il-i C dr k+ di ei .i* (C)I .. .l d, I 'lr;iL,o:l+l-,J i q# q+l r+l ,--if (D)

t6# di ei -iy+ C (E)

r*,il c .r-,rJ.',flil-,--'.,.o *[l 2s

U_,,St+.rJl+:-l;r c!.-l3g i t."r-F (B)

t."ij J!+t*l-,;.: cj.-l+ i trjt+s_n (C)

U_Ft+,r.ljas-l_;.r &t+ i E,SbS_r (D)

E_.FI+S_9;'.rJlail1r &l* i U-St* (E)

Bacalah teks berikut dengan seksama !

iJrlJl 61+.*

'""1i, J# 4-o-,1 ti ol, 6r+JJ k -,1 riJ gl-il a-*.,1 c.i ol +y a--,1 &r- JdgJBl, i.-ll .rl. l} t,+.l.o . a-,-,,*a-iro-rS=. iLra o+'. gi ..ria ka-l

.cll rS $}-yl lr.Jitill i-,Jr"ll d d:Yl . i. Il t l. tt a:iir 4iJ-,yl q-r$l a-,Jr.ll

+.i, i-;t.ryt J! .++ oalg!- cJS . 4+^JS*!l 4+.\yl :,--LJl qr! ,J. tJ.i o:ii t^i

{rl-l dJr..- Ul . r,.l+.ll J! .++ o-ni: rt6iri3 k;1l k# pLi; oill a*,Jr^Jl J! r+S

.i*,Jr^ll C C!o+

Pilihlah satu jawaban yang benar di antara jawaban-jawaban

berikut ini !

:Cl+ Ud 30a-,Jr.ll JJ $ E^ +;F !,rA+ (A).-

a*,,Jr^ll C OLil.++ (B)"

Hal: l0 dari 15

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ar-bll JJ OljI i-. Jj.JaJii--,;.rll! ,"{ sa e. *J t+l{

a*,J-ll ,"I plt.rrlS

...# d-$ +Jiylu-l.i"iieix (A)

u,-li.,iii,*+JI (B)

qpti&la""^i (C)

gr.lililj- (D)

U,eB.!la3+- (E)

: C t- eEiLl ti.( rJ i.iil*Jl 6cl;Pl g..

.*Slt qy Fl rsi (A)

triJr q-,f -ni Ct-il (B)

6-,rrrJl qJiJj srii ria (C)

;,$;ll $a Fi r$ (D)

+j ri .y' $a (E)

:s& L 6gt r,J'" e+-.-ll I u 33Li- 4*ii cx ;5i rr; (A)

Li- qjil .J. .;i"pi lr-y (B)

Li- 4;il 0. Jl.-i qJ,i (C)

u- 4*i'i dr JSi +3s c,ii (D)

c,il 3i Ci t"yl,rJ (E)

Bacalatr teks berikut dengan seksama !

q$Ji {U-l j ellr +J.i 3h.al -$ -r- .A*,lJJl a,e i.iSlc aiil-9 -'oc l=#ii

Itrr.a35 4fi.1 'r lil,'tl ofri . 15 tr*li-r a5-ll> i,p.-;.l dr163 . OU-!l ' ,'Jlt C.LJr.ll .rI -,pc, r-rre5 tJd &+ .elJJl cJ-lLii-l i-fif+

sJ! bJlJ Cf e$5i , S?l- Qr cs.ii-,11.1t -ll S eh.-+ dUF.5 a.:,itc

dIUr gSIJ r& r.rLtl f+ k+U . J"i..bll cr."E3 taJ'' -l l++l! cr.-ri . ': 'lill aJnt




Hal: ll dori 15

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drtis-l cr!_.gll ctJi l+#tlt txj.o ,-,.Jr . OjJt ;r!_1 clJi c;;-J . *_S_,lf d ttijtl.Lfjq l(i-. iJ crl3:"-a:llr 4SlCl

Pilihlahlah satu

berikut ini !

jawaban yangbenar di antara jawaban-jawaban

t d,'l-Jl ,J-tI+ 4+-UJlAl^-lt 0;e 34i.,lill ey,,,,,..,,, i4l;.ll Or r-i,:Lc,rjlrj (A)

.- l 1

I OjJl !JLr_,; ,,,.,..,., i;lJJl Or i.i,it" ,-,J+ii (C)

+\ill glr. ll ,,,j."ji*,|_;rJl .p l,iitc r-,,,Jii (D)gfull gA-2" ,.,.,..,.r f4l;Jl Cp a.frb ,.,rrii (E)

:d;e ui lri< ol iiiJ*,Jl "orl;!ll grq.liJl cf-ro .:,1.":, f l.l*a tut.oi J& d (A)4iLi-i.,!Ci .:,j.qglr. +rt.-i po! (B)

ai;l> 4+-,;r tti3:l .: ,j."i Lh.- +rl--i -,"e Oj (C)

clsJl d3tji..,*...,31.u-a arl.,.-i p d (D)

Ct+- cJS gl.u ye .it ..i (E)

I &1,*,ll g,a:ll+ iJ-,tj^ll 4L+ll 0;e

ft+i di).i i*,1!l L1c J,oc ,..,+i (A)

C.^:lj J*i a*,lJJl iic, turij,,'J.,, (B)

f3.L--," 4ji a*,lJJl 1)e 4.uii ,, ,+u (C)4l""ll C ,.+l Cia*,t_,,rlt 1)c +r:ii r,,1.,, (D)

6t+ +iV a-,llll gc _;ce ,,rJr.i (E)

I dJJl u,ailL A+*l-t"olt 4L+lt dlpgti,,U +#I Jji-ijLe crrri (A)

tals.3.,,lilf -tu#t J!i,.tiLc c+al (B)

OjJl 6JLrj . . '.,.

,,., .1r,i gl ,' , ,' i,i,ilc drJ*,S (C)

eJ+ll t. r,,..,=, rr5i tl ', I A.frti gJtui, (D)g;JS*Jlttrtl ,,'j,9 *$ tl.t-+ i,inLe 6J".-,i (E)



Hal:12 dari l5

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,f,Xf,,fr-f,.H.f.*,ffr 38

t &,s +il cl+* r*l L (B)

ti.r; al3 r,irt - f*l ,.r (E)

6E**'i-l- (B)

Cetr * (c)

or+Q, rr. (D)

C o.nu+ (E)

fi*,,_pll C oLip (=lA+ C htJ 4ALJ&.tlJt Ot& +.rC,f*.r (A)

els-rlt+ ur. 1,.... fuY (B)

td+.a A*,JJ^ll ,r.lt Ut:o ,.,JAq (C)

OhJ.llJl .-,A+ & ,Y (E)

!4#)l dl..+ll cJ# a+*^-lf il^+ll Cllc, 41,

Ol{;.Il d e$l sj rlJt+ ral"fu r)3!t (A)

Olr#ll d eSl iJSII 6lJt+" O-r.raLi,J rY3Yl (C)

Ol|rlld e$l 6j il-rb O_patfo .:Y3!l (D)

Olr+"lld e$|65 tslJl+^ 6,u1,,,&i.rY-eYl (E)

, ...,(tl6elJI ... grlr(ri ll crt;lull iJn-f 42

.P (A)rc (B)(5

? (c)

u. (D)

Hal: 13 dari 15

Page 15: Uin sunan-kalijaga-tes-bahasa-islamiyah-2014


"# (E)

.aili.r,"-l .....6" \FEll |'}ajx (A)&)rj (B)-,e.Jr (c)4+tr (D)a$j (E)

..i-*_!t oJel_2os, (A)

-r^-i (B)

eL;rrt (C)

elj.- (D)

,r3J (E)

l$l Ll^+ll uJ+ i.f..-ll aL.ll ictst+^- issill ut4+.-11 "JJS (A)laq..a t-r$l 6lii.:ll +-,14 (B)

IJa.a ijgilt 6ti9ll Ot+_A (C)

gt+-. erill 6Li9ll +;& (D)

.LJ+.-;3sill uti*Jt Ot+;S: (E)

.. fr)-,}J r;i+ O:"l.".lt elcUtS-,;i ,;*"i (A)

6tsJia..,*ti (B)

r.l6ti u,.*ti (C)

6SJ 4.".i (D)

ctEtli* i (E)

... UJ,"L*ll .,L+Y 47g-rrotJ.p;)l (A)

iJk LIt ,,r (B)

o#l.t * I (c)6.1t6-Lll .rq (D)

Hal: 14 dari 15

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.$-6.Jlit$t 'yl 1Sl...;ll5 #r* i,.t+ CU Ui ,f*i

f4*"JSrtl l+.}-yl lSt-rt" lS +-9- A+"L'--,1. tt rrii .1o (A)f{;e-gsrJl$)*yl tsl+$ts #-r i*l+ +lLt ui dA. (B)

fl#-1trll 1*")t-yl tSLJ. "

tS Cr.p {*t+ ,-Jlt .r.rr" qla (C)

tlruS&ll {i}l-yl t5l^,!. "

lS +.p ir.l+ qJU dtj6 liU (D)f4FJSill id-yl lSLHllS #r- i,-I,,r +ltJo cij6, ,"J< (E)

{.J," ,1'll q.lJf rr; {=Uiull *L-it,J,^.t'll $# .r*r r-r-rill .J..fi dta (A)

f.,r-rill sl"-j lilJ (B)f r=, n-ll sJ"-i,I (C)

f .-r;il| .J.43,s& (D)

f,".j*.^ill -. -ue d$ &il lr l^ (E)

.8JHK ,!i3S til 50fclt L.ris es (A)f cu r+6 F (B)

fs '+K

F (c)f Lil r+6 F (D)

f s l+Esf (E)

clj}ill e

Hal: 15 dari 15

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