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  • 8/14/2019 Un Futuro Con Disel Limpio


    Diesel Systems

    A future withClean Diesel

  • 8/14/2019 Un Futuro Con Disel Limpio


    2| Diesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel


    Dear Reader

    In Western Europe, diesels have long been a success story. More than

    50 percent of all new passenger cars sold here are now diesels, and in

    many countries that proportion is over 70 percent.

    And for good reasons: diesel engines offer considerable savings in fuel

    consumption and their high torque provides a noticeably enhanced per-

    formance. This delights the driver as much as it benefits the environment.

    Reducing CO emissions by a quarter lightens the load for all of us.

    You profit from the benefits of diesel even if you do not drive one your-

    self. Think about all the diesel vans, trucks, construction and agricultural

    vehicles around you. Everywhere, diesels are doing their jobs reliably

    and economically.

    At Bosch Diesel Systems, we are continuously improving diesels, making

    them more economical, more powerful and environmentally friendly.

    A diesel hybrid, for example, combines the benefits of the diesels reduced

    fuel consumption and CO emissions with the advantages of electric drive.

    Modern exhaust-gas treatment reduces emissions to a minimum and

    makes diesels clean.

    On the following pages, you will find some interesting facts about diesel.

    As you will see, you are more involved with todays diesel and our future

    with Clean Diesel than you might think.

    Dr. Markus Heyn,

    President of Diesel Systems,

    Robert Bosch GmbH

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    4| Diesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel

    Will dieselsave the world?

    Answering this question with yes might perhaps be an overstate-

    ment; yet, diesel does offer solutions to problems which plague

    politicians, societies and economies the world over. The important

    questions of our day and age such as climate protection, the finite

    nature of fossil fuels or globalization and its co nsequences each

    raise countless challenges. Challenges which at first sight seem

    unconnected with diesel. But it is well worth taking a second look,

    as you will now see for yourself.

    A futu


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    6| Diesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel

    A futu

    CleanThe big bangcreatedby modern compressionignition

    The Common Rail System, put into serial production by Bosch

    in 1997, marks the moment that the modern diesel powertrain

    came to be as we know it today. Imagine the weight of a 2,000-kilo

    rhinoceros standing on your fingernail. This ought to give you a

    clear impression, in the truest sense of the word, of the pressure

    to which the system compresses the fuel before injecting it at

    a supersonic speed into the combustion chamber as a finely dis-

    tributed spray, thus ensuring particularly clean and economical

    combustion combined with a maximum amount of driving fun.

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    8| Diesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel


    with C

    Tomorrows solutionswill not prevent the COemissions of today

    Electromobility is the way of the future. But when exactly will that

    future begin? The internal combustion engine will dominate for the

    next 20 years at least. Therefore, anyone who wants to improve our

    carbon footprint today can only achieve this with combustion engines,

    which is where diesel vehicles come into play because they emit

    around 25 percent less CO than a comparable gasoline model.

    Thus, the CO emissions of a diesel today are already at the same

    level as those of gasoline hybrids. The technology needed to achieve

    this is also comparatively less complex.

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    10| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel


    with CDiesel 2020Good toknow that things are gettingbetter all the time

    That which is good can always be better. This means that the diesel

    vehicles of 2020 will co nsume around a third less fuel and emit a

    third less CO than today. This will depend on measures such as

    start/stop systems and downsizing just as much as it will on low-

    friction tires, lightweight construction and the reduced atmospheric

    resistance of the vehicles. All in all, this means that diesels will

    certainly be able to fall below the future limit of 100 grams of CO

    emissions per kilometer. This corresponds to fuel consumption of

    less than four liters per 100 kilometers.

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    with C

    Its not a trick.Its a hybrid

    Efficient hybrid vehicles represent a decisive step forward on the

    path to electromobility. So what would make more sense than to

    pair an economical diesel engine with an electric motor? 2011 saw

    one such completely new concept from Bosch going into large-scale

    series production: the Axle Split Hybrid System. Here, the diesel

    drive to the front axle is supplemented by an electric drive to the rear

    axle. The particularly clever feature is that existing vehicle concepts

    can be adapted with ease, thus, avoiding the expense of integrating

    a completely new powertrain.

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    14| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel


    with C

    Just how emission-free areelectric vehicles?

    Driving an electric vehicle produces no CO. But, to ensure a fair com-

    parison between the various types of powertrain, it is important to know

    how the electricity driving the vehicle is generated because the more fossil

    fuel used, the heavier the total carbon footprint becomes. The table on

    this page shows the amount of CO released during fuel refinement and

    electricity generation (well-to-tank) while driving (tank-to-wheel) and the

    overall carbon footprints of the individual types of powertrain (well-to-

    wheel) in comparison. So, with todays electricity mix, diesels are, in fact,

    on the same carbon-footprint level as electric vehicles.

    Grams per km 0 50 100 150 200

    Diesel hybrid**

    Electric vehicle D

    Electric vehicleCN


    Gasoline car*

    Gasoline hybrid**

    Electric vehicleUS

    Tank-to-wheel Well-to-tank

    * Vehicle weight: 1,400 kg; displacement: 2 liters; engine performance: 100 kW

    ** Further-developed and hybridized vehicles comingonto the market in the next few years

    D Electricity mix in Germany 2011

    USElectricity mix in the USA 2011

    CNElectricity mix in China 2011

    Overall carbon footprint well-to-wheel

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    with C

    Be honest now...Do you still believe, as many people do, in those fairy tales of diesels

    being smelly, soot-spewing monsters? We can assure you that those

    days are long gone. Modern diesel engines of today emit only a tiny

    fraction of the particulate they used to. Thanks to intelligent engine-

    design measures and highly efficient exhaust-gas treatment, even those

    noxious nitrogen oxides have been reduced to a minimum. Since the

    introduction of exhaust-gas legislation in Europe in 1990, emissions of

    nitrogen oxides and particulate have dropped by an impressive 96 and

    98 percent respectively.

    Reductions in emissions from

    diesel vehicles since 1990










    0%1990 19902012 2012





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    18| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel


    with C

    When its gone, its goneConserving our natural resources is not just a topic for the future. It is,

    rather, a concern of the here and now. Fossil fuels produced over millions

    of years can neither be regenerated nor used again. No one can seriously

    predict today precisely when the oil age will come to an end, nor can

    anyone predict if and when any new natural resources will be discovered

    that will allow us to postpone the inevitable. What seems certain from

    todays point of view is that there will be a gradual increase in the demand

    for fuel in the years and decades to come; however, the available amounts

    will fall. Every liter of mineral oil that can be saved today should definitely

    be saved.

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    20| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel


    with CMore diesels meansfewer oil imports

    In Germany, every percentage point by which the relative number of

    diesel vehicles can be increased could save around 90 million liters of fuel.

    The position in the USA is even more drastic: if every third vehicle were a

    modern diesel, the country would be able to cancel its entire crude-oil

    imports from Saudi Arabia 1.4 million barrels every day! Taking an

    average market price of 80 US dollars in 2010, this would have generated

    economic savings of around 40.8 billion dollars, a great deal of money

    which could have been invested in the modernization of electricity networks

    particularly in the USA Driving a diesel today supports the electromobility

    of tomorrow.

    Sources: VDA (Automobile Industry Association), EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

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    22| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel


    with C

    Think ahead.Drive farther

    A diesel car is generally more expensive to buy than a comparable

    gasoline model. All things considered, a diesel is generally more eco-

    nomical. No wonder, since a diesel burns about 30 percent less fuel,

    which gives an improved range of up to 40 percent. So those who think

    ahead not only drive farther, but also drive more economically.

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    with C

    From algae todieselScientists the world over are doing intensive research into sustainable

    raw materials for fuel production: raw materials which are neither food-

    stuffs nor require precious arable land on which to be grown. Algae may

    provide a promising solution here. Diesel fuel processed from this source

    can power existing diesel engines without the need for adaptation.

    The existing logistics and filling-station infrastructure can also be retained.

    Furthermore, there is potential for transforming used cooking oils and

    fats into diesel fuel in an environmentally compatible way.

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    26| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel

    Get p


    A speedy way to saveIn 2006, most motor-racing fans were surprised when the

    Audi team not only entered a diesel into the legendary Le Mans

    24-hour race, but actually won it as well! After six more diesel

    victories in succession one of which featured a Peugeot

    spectators and competitors have meanwhile become used to

    seeing the energy of the diesel powertrain virtually sweep the

    board. Even the ParisDakar Rally has seen nothing but diesels

    in the lead over the past few years.

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    28| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel

    Daddy, when I grow up,I want to drive an


    Huge, powerful machines such as the diesel engines used for mining,

    immense dump trucks and excavators used for highway construction,

    to name but a few, continue to fascinate every generation, often in-

    spiring our children to dream about their futures. Diesel passenger cars

    possess similar power to that enjoyed by their big brothers but on a

    smaller scale. Depending on the class of vehicle, a diesel has more torque

    than a comparable gasoline model. Take your kids on a test drive.

    Afterwards maybe they will also say, Daddy, when I grow up, I onlywant to drive a diesel.

    Get p


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    30| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel

    Breaking the iceThere is hardly anything that seamen fear more than pack ice, which

    can be a serious threat to supertankers if they fail to stop in time. How

    comforting to know that diesel-powered icebreakers can clear paths for

    passenger and cargo vessels. And while on the subject of clearing the

    way, mining vehicles do a remarkable job clearing out Australias ore

    mines. They can remove an incredible 400 tonnes of rock at a time. This

    is around 26 times the payload of a normal big truck. And these are but

    a couple of examples of the many special fields of application for whichdiesels due to their enormous power and strength are designed.

    Get p


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    32| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel

    Theres no stopping us

    What would worldwide shipping be without diesel? There is a simple

    answer to this question: it would be quite difficult. Every day, diesel

    engines in ships, locomotives, and commercial vehicles of every sizemove billions of tons of goods of all kinds. American computers,

    Chinese textiles, Japanese televisions, German machinery, Brazilian

    coffee or Indian pepper diesels are busy keeping our world on the

    move wherever you look.

    Dr. Markus Heyn, President of Diesel Systems, Robert Bosch GmbH

    Get a


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    34| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel

    No dinnerwithout diesel

    Admittedly, this statement may seem a bit of an exaggeration to all

    those who grow fruit and vegetables in their own gardens, but for

    everyone else, its pretty close to reality. All over the world it is mainlydiesel engines which drive the combine harvesters, the root-crop

    and potato diggers and the cucumber gatherers (there really are such

    things!) that help to bring the harvest home. And there is no need

    to remind you that it is diesel commercial vehicles that transport

    our food safely and efficiently to local supermarkets.

    Get a


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    36| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel

    Fine time for apower cut...

    Our electricity networks do not always match up to what we require of

    them. And while our reactions to such blackouts in the private sphere

    can vary from annoyance to romanticism, critical situations may arisein circumstances where human lives are in acute danger. But before

    the lights in operating rooms go out, or the monitors in traffic-control

    towers and computer centers cut out, ultra-modern, diesel-powered

    emergency generators spring into action within fractions of a second

    to avoid catastrophes and where necessary provide the source of

    electric power in isolated areas.

    Get a


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    38| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel

    Your first diesel

    We all know what it feels like to hold our breath, or to get butter-

    flies in our stomach or when the hair rises on the back of our neck.

    Those very same feelings are experienced by many people whenthey put their foot on the accelerator of a modern diesel vehicle for

    the first time. Maximum torque is always there even at low engine

    speeds, guaranteeing dynamic and superior forward movement.

    And, without breaking any taboos, we can safely say that this is

    just good, clean fun. Fun that may be enjoyed with a totally clear

    conscience, thanks to the clean and economical diesel engine.Get a


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    40| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel

    The world needs diesel.Diesel needs you!

    A futu


    There are still places in the world that are suspicious of diesel.

    Fed by the false assumption that the electrically mobile future is

    just around the corner, a distorted view of reality has been created.Todays modern, economical, clean and powerful diesels can

    actually do much more than many people think. There is a world-

    wide network of diesel technology. The relevant infrastructure is

    available virtually everywhere. In short, the diesel powertrain brings

    us all just that much closer to solving the worldwide challenges

    that we face today. Our future with Clean Diesel.

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    42| D iesel Systems | A future with Clean Diesel

    At www.future-with-diesel.com, under the heading Specials,

    you will find plenty of interesting facts about Clean Diesel.

    These include an impressive list of diesel records as well asour exciting Diesel Quiz. In addition, there are links which will

    guide you to information about the systems and components

    offered by Bosch Diesel Systems. The QR code on the right will

    also take you straight there via your smartphone.

    And if you stillhavent had enough ...

    A futu


  • 8/14/2019 Un Futuro Con Disel Limpio


    Robert Bosch GmbH

    Diesel Systems

    Postfach 30 02 20

    70442 Stuttgart



    [email protected]

    Printed in Germany


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